Bibiliography 63

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First Performed at the Gaiety Theatre, London, under the Management of Mr.

John Hollingshead, on Tuesday, January the 24, 1871.... New York: Robert M. De Witt [n.d.]. 10 p. Diagram. 20 cm. Light yellowish brown wrappers. On outside front wrapper: De Witts Acting Plays. (Number 166.) Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers. De Witts Acting Plays, [2] p. at back. 403.The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.... With fifty-two Illustrations by Thomas Nast. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1873. 332 p. Front., illus. 25.5 cm. Dark yellowish green sand cloth, front cover blocked in black, with four Dickens characters blocked in gold, back cover blocked in black, spine blocked in gold. On front cover: The Works of Charles Dickens. Household Edition. Valuable Standard Works, 4 p. at back. 404.The Boy Joe and Samuel Weller from the Pickwick Papers of Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Darley. New York: Clark & Maynard [n.d.]. 186 p. Front. 17 cm. Series halftitle and added series halftitle, en graved: Dickens Little Folks. [vii.] Bound with Oliver and the Jew Fagin from the Oliver Twist of Charles Dickens, New York [n.d.] (See No. 365). Vivid purplish blue diagonal fine rib cloth, front cover blocked in black, back cover in blind, spine blocked in gold. 405.Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.... Introduction by Percy Fitzgerald.... With an Original Frontispiece by Harry Furniss. New York & London: George D. Sproul, 190203. 3 vols. in 6. Mounted fronts., plates (1 folding). 24.5 cm. Added t.p.: The Complete Works of Charles Dickens.... Edited with Annotations, Bibliography and Topography by Frederic G. Kitton. Bookset halftitles with certificate of issue in each section except Vol. ii, Section ii.

Vol. i, Section i: Autograph Edition: Two hundred and fifty copies on white hand-made paper in fifty-six volumes, of which this is No. [in manuscript:] 16. Vol. i, Section ii: Autograph Edition: Two hundred and fifty copies on white hand-made paper, issued both in fiftysix volumes and in an extended form in one hundred and twelve volumes, of which this is an extended copy and is No. [unnumbered]. Vol. ii, Section i, has same statement as Vol. i, Section i, but is numbered 17. Vol. ii, Section ii, has no certificate of issue. Vol. iii, Sections i and i, have same statement as Vol. i, Section ii. Vol. iii, Section i, is not numbered. Vol. iii, Section ii, is numbered 17. It is guaranteed that no reprint of any of these editions will ever be made. Signed in manuscript in Vol. i, Section i: Geo D Sproul. T.p. and frontispiece appear only at beginning of each of the three vols. Added bookset t.p. appears in each of the six sections. Mounted frontispiece in each vol. is a proof Impression and has been signed by the Artist. Signed in pencil: Harry Furniss. Introduction, signed in manuscript: Percy Fitzgerald, Vol. i, Section i, p. xxiii[xxxiii]. Bibliographical Note, signed in manuscript: F. G. Kitton, Vol. i, Section i, p. xxxv[xlii]. Dark olive green morocco, by The Trautz-Bau zonnet Bindery. T.e.g.; fore and bottom edges deckled. Doublures of dark olive green morocco, inlaid with red, yellow, blue, and purple morocco; the whole blocked in gold. Free endpapers lined with yellowish white moir vertical rib cloth. Inlaid in a blank leaf between halftitle and bookset t.p. of Vol. i, Section i, is an envelope from Dickens to Mr. Holsworth, 9 April 1864, with an autograph note by Dickens on the inside flap of the envelope. 406.Pickwickian Wit and Humour. Selected by Percy Fitzgerald.... London: Gay and Bird, 1903.

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