Q.1) A. B. C. D.: (Your Answer)

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Q.1) 1)Pheochromocytoma predominently secretes? A. B. C. D.

Correct Epinephrine Norepinephrine (your answer) Dopamine DOPA 57% answered this correctly. 43% answered wrong


2)Neonatal jaundice persisting 2 weeks after birth is seen in A. B. C. D.

Rh incompatibility Hypothyroidism Galactossemia Breast milk joundice (your answer) 66% answered this correctly. 34% answered wrong


Q.3) 3)The following grading of intelligence quotient has been given by WHO for mild mental retardation A. B. C. D.
Incorrect I.Q 20-34 I.Q 35-49 (your answer) I.Q 50-70 (correct answer) I.Q 60-80 47% answered this correctly. 53% answered wrong


4)Most common cause of emphysema is A. B. C. D.

Bronchopleural fistula (your answer) Tubercular pneumonia Bacterial pneumonia (correct answer) Pleurisy 90% answered this correctly. 10% answered wrong


Q.5) 5)commonest presentation of WILMs tumor is? A. B. C. D.

Correct Hematuria Abdomianl lump (correct answer) Hydronephrosis (your answer) Pain in abdomen 76% answered this correctly. 24% answered wrong


6)Hurthle cells are seen in A. B. C. D.

Agranulomatous thyroiditis Hashimoto's thyroiditis (your answer) Papillary carcinoma of thyroid Thyroglossal cyst 47% answered this correctly. 53% answered wrong


Q.7) 7)The commonest site of carcinoma esophagus in INDIA A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Upper 1/3 Middle 1/3 (correct answer) Lower 1/3 (your answer) GE junction 42% answered this correctly. 58% answered wrong


8)Commonest complication of Zenkers diverticulum is? A. B. C. D.

Dysphonia Gastro esophageal reflux Lung abscess (correct answer) Perforation (your answer) 27% answered this correctly. 73% answered wrong


Q.9) 9)Which of the following is a minor criteria for diagnosis of Rheumatic fever according to jones criteria? A. B. C. D.
Incorrect ASO titre (your answer) past history of rheumatic fever Fever Subcutaneous nodules (correct answer) 58% answered this correctly. 42% answered wrong

Q.10) 10)Bisfeiens pulse is seen in all except A. B. C. D.

Incorrect AS+AR (your answer) AR Hypertropic cardiomyopathy TOF (correct answer) 48% answered this correctly. 52% answered wrong

Q.11 11)Thrombocytopenia is not seen in ) A. B. C. D.

Correct H.S purpura (correct answer) DIC Leukemia Metastasis (your answer) 76% answered this correctly. 24% answered wrong

Q.12) 12)Subdural hematoma most commonly results from A. B. C. D.

Correct Rupture of intracranial aneurysms Rupture of cerebral AVM Injury to cortical bridging veins (your answer) Hemophilia 72% answered this correctly. 28% answered wrong

Q.13 13)which of the following is autosomal dominant ) A. B. C. D.

Correct Achondroplasia (your answer) Hemochromatism Wilsons disease Cystic fibrosis 90% answered this correctly. 10% answered wrong

Q.14) 14)which of the following is not a macrophage A. B. C. D.

Correct monocyte microglia kupffer cells Lymphocytes (your answer) 82% answered this correctly. 18% answered wrong

Q.15 15)Intake of exogenous steroids causes ) A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Addisons disease Cushing syndrome (your answer) Pheochromocytoma Conns syndrome 73% answered this correctly. 27% answered wrong

Q.16) 16)A 60yr old man with diabetes milletus presents with painless,swollen right ankle joint.Radiographs of the ankle show destroyed joint with large number of loose bodies.The most probable diagnosis is? A. B. C. D.
Correct Charcots joint (correct answer) Cluttons joint (your answer) Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis 45% answered this correctly. 55% answered wrong


the above ecg is diagnostic of? A. Left bundle branch block (your answer) B. right bundle branch block C. normal D. atrial fibrillation Explanation
LBBB is recognized by 1) QRS duration >0.12s; 2) monophasic R waves in I and V6; and 3) terminal QRS forces oriented leftwards and posterior. The ST-T waves should be oriented opposite to the terminal QRS forces. Incorrect 14% answered this correctly. 86% answered wrong


18) A. B. C. D.
Correct congestive heart failure (your answer) pulmonary edema (missed) broncheictasis solid tumor of lt lung

the above x-ray shows?

78% answered this correctly. 22% answered wrong

Q.19 19)Drug contraindicated in pregnancy? ) A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Methyl dopa Hydralazine Captopril (your answer) all of the above 75% answered this correctly. 25% answered wrong

Q.20) 20) A woman at 8months of pregnancy complains of abdominal pain and slight vaginal bleed.On examination the uterus size is above the expected date with absent fetal heart sounds. the diagnosis is? A. B. C. D.
Incorrect Hydramnois (your answer) Concealed hemorrhage (correct answer) Active labour Uterine rupture 60% answered this correctly. 40% answered wrong

Q.21 21)Sunflower cataract is seen in ) A. Galactosemia (your answer) B. Injuries

C. Laurence-moon beidle syndrome D. wilsons disease (correct answer)

Incorrect 66% answered this correctly. 34% answered wrong

Q.22) 22)True regarding color blindness A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Age related (your answer) Hereditary (correct answer) Males only Females only 40% answered this correctly. 60% answered wrong

Q.23 23)Most common orbital tumour in children? ) A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Rhabdomyosarcoma (correct answer) Retinoblastoma (your answer) melanoma Chloroma 42% answered this correctly. 58% answered wrong

Q.24) 24)Treatment of choice for other eye inopen angle glaucoma is? A. B. C. D.
Incorrect Trabeculotomy Laser iridoplasty (your answer) Laser trabeculoplasty Pheripheral iredectomy (correct answer) 38% answered this correctly. 62% answered wrong

Q.25 25)The earliest manifestation of renal tuberculosis is? ) A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Hematuria High spiking fever (your answer) Loin pain increased frequency (correct answer) 42% answered this correctly. 58% answered wrong

Q.26) 26)Hour glass stomach is seen in? A. Gastric carcinoma B. Chronic gastric ulcer (correct answer) C. gastric lymphoma

D. corrosive stricture (your answer)

Incorrect 36% answered this correctly. 64% answered wrong

Q.27 27)The most common vein to get thrombosed is ) A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Long saphenous (your answer) Short saphenous Both Posterir tibial (correct answer) 61% answered this correctly. 39% answered wrong

Q.28) 28)Triad of jaundice,chills,and fever occur inA. B. C. D.

Incorrect Cholangitis (correct answer) Cholecystitis (your answer) Acute hepatitis Pancreatitis 69% answered this correctly. 31% answered wrong

Q.29 29)Shock is clinically best interpreted by ) A. B. C. D.

Incorrect urine output (correct answer) CVP BP Hydration (your answer) 91% answered this correctly. 9% answered wrong

Q.30) 30)Sebaceous cyst does not occur in? A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Scalp (your answer) Scrotum Back Sole (correct answer) 59% answered this correctly. 41% answered wrong

Q.31 31)Anterior frontanelle closes ) A. Just after birth (your answer) B. At 2months

C. By 8 months D. By 18 months (correct answer)

Incorrect 60% answered this correctly. 40% answered wrong

Q.32) 32)The cephalic index of indian population is? A. B. C. D.

Correct 70-75 75-80 (correct answer) 80-85 (your answer) 85-90 23% answered this correctly. 77% answered wrong

Q.33 t33)The age of criminal liability is ) A. B. C. D.

Correct 12years 14 years 16 years 17 years (your answer) 59% answered this correctly. 41% answered wrong

Q.34) 34) A person who may be impotent with one particular woman is called A. B. C. D.
Correct Quoad (your answer) Frigidity Atavism None of the above 72% answered this correctly. 28% answered wrong

Q.35) 35)Treatment of displaced transverse fracture of patella A. B. C. D.

Incorrect POP Tension band wiring (your answer) Srew Patellectomy 57% answered this correctly. 43% answered wrong

Q.36) 36)Tinel's sign indicates A. Neurofibroma B. Injury to peripheral nerves C. Atrophy of nerves (your answer)

D. Regeneration of nerves (correct answer)

Incorrect 41% answered this correctly. 59% answered wrong

Q.37 37)Most common complication of colles # ) A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Malunion (your answer) Avascular necrosis Finger stiffness (correct answer) Rupture of EPL tendon 42% answered this correctly. 58% answered wrong

Q.38) 38)Meyers procedure is a method for treatment of A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Recurrent shoulder dislocation Habitual dislocation of patella Congenital dislocation of hip (your answer) Fracture neck of femur (correct answer) 53% answered this correctly. 47% answered wrong

Q.39 39)Bohlers angle decreased in fracture of ) A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Calcaneum (correct answer) Talus (your answer) Navicular Cuboid 55% answered this correctly. 45% answered wrong

Q.40) 40)Cotton's fracture is A. B. C. D.

Correct Avulsion fracture of c7 Trimaleolar (correct answer) Bimalleolar Burst fracture of atlas (your answer) 66% answered this correctly. 34% answered wrong

Q.41 41)Schizophrenia is a disorder of ) A. Thought (your answer) B. Belief

C. Memory D. Perception
Correct 60% answered this correctly. 40% answered wrong

Q.42) 42)Drug used to perform stress ECHO A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Thallium Dobutamine (your answer) Adrenaline Adenosine 12% answered this correctly. 88% answered wrong

Q.43 43)Late effects of radiation therapy ) A. B. C. D. E.

Incorrect Mucositis (missed) Enteritis (missed) Nausea and vomiting Pneumonia (missed) Somatic mutations (your answer) 62% answered this correctly. 38% answered wrong

Q.44) 44) Infantile myocarditis and pericarditis is due to A. B. C. D.

Incorrect Coxsackie A virus Coxsackie B virus (correct answer) Mumps virus (your answer) Pox virus 42% answered this correctly. 58% answered wrong

Q.45) 45)Common cause of non-communicating hydrocephalus A. B. C. D.

Correct Birth asphyxia Brain tumours (your answer) Congenital anamolies (correct answer) Post inflammatory obstruction 40% answered this correctly. 60% answered wrong

Q.46) 46)Most common cause of neonatal sepsis in hospitals in INDIA A. E.Coli B. Klebsiella (your answer)

C. Staphylococcus D. Streptococcus
Correct 65% answered this correctly. 35% answered wrong

Q.47 47)Kartageners syndrome includes all except ) A. B. C. D.

Correct Situs inversus Chronic sinusitis Cystic fibrosis (your answer) Bronchiectasis 42% answered this correctly. 58% answered wrong

Q.48) 48)Spasmodic dysmenorrhea is seen in A. B. C. D.

Correct DUB Ovarian cyst Submucous fibroid (your answer) Endometriosis 87% answered this correctly. 13% answered wrong

Q.49 49)Pearl's index indicates ) A. B. C. D. E.

Incorrect Malnutrition population Contraceptive failure (your answer) LBW IUGR 31% answered this correctly. 69% answered wrong

Q.50) 50)PEG cells are seen in A. B. C. D.

Vagina Vulva (your answer) Ovary Tubes (correct answer)

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