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Veritas Christo Et Ecclesiae (Part 3 of 3) Important Tech Stuff

I appreciate more than I can ex-

press some of the advances in
However, among his writings, one
will find the following quote. It
Have you been to our website
lately? Keith LeSuer has done Lebanon Road
quite a lot of work updating the

Church of Christ
medicine, technology, would serve all of us well
website, and he continues to keep
travel, communications, to at least keep it in mind.
it up-to-date.
etc. with which we are
blessed. At the same time, “Those who cannot re- If you have pictures of special
I appreciate more than I member the past are con- events, please send them to the 2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918
can adequately express demned to repeat it.” church office via email or on disk.
“…the faith that was once —Jim Faughn We can use these for our 2009
for all delivered to the Year in Review video, but we also Volume 57, No.19 May 10, 2009 would like to add some to our
saints” (Jude 3, ESV).
George Santayana was a philoso- A Most Deserved Day Adam Faughn
Finally, a reminder for those who Johny Baker
pher, poet, essayist, and novelist
[Editor’s note: For the complete lead in our worship services. As flowers are blooming questions about the fam- to the bathroom!” 758-7654
who died in 1952. He described
article in one post, visit jim- Please use the microphones, and and gardens start to grow, ily: “Who is the cutest?”
himself as an “aesthetic Catholic” Moms love stories like The article please be close to them. Those it’s only fitting that we take “Who is the weirdest.” Wayne Davidson
His writings would indicate that who “run” the sound system can those, because they know
his concerns, if any, about the his- was posted on February 24, 2009] a day to remember and 758-2705
only raise the volume so far. Finally, he asked, “Who that that same innocence
tory of Harvard or present discus- honor our mothers. In the
Please be directly in front of the is the smartest?” The can be molded into a fu-
sions among churches of Christ same way that life is spring- Earl Flynn
microphone, and please speak up eight-year-old son ture leader. Moms need
would not at all be the same as ing up all around 889-1659
and clearly. It will greatly help yelled from the to understand the level of
mine. us, it is mothers
each worshiper hear as we seek to backseat, “Mom!” influence they have, for
who bring life Ted Fox
glorify God in our worship. good or bad, on a child.
and vitality to a The dad, seem- 754-7607
home. ingly disap- So, today, if your mom
pointed, pro- influenced you for good,
Whether you are Charles Myers
LEBANON ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST ceeded to agree thank her. Be grateful
a young mother, 883-6837
2307 Lebanon Road Non-Profit Org that mom was that she molded you on
Nashville, TN 37214 US Postal Paid
or one whose
smart, but then the straight and narrow
Nashville, TN children are Jim Schroeder
reminded his son path.
Permit 2464 grown, you, as a mother, 754-8990
that he had an advanced
are making a great differ- If she didn’t, be thankful
degree and did all kinds
ence in the life of some- that God still cares and Cliff Wilson
of other things.
one. Your influence will that you can influence 889-6477
carry on through the life of Finally, the dad asked, others for good.
your child. “Why do you think Pulpit Minister
Current Resident or mom’s the smartest.”
Thanks, moms, for all
I recently heard a lady talk- you do for good! Adam Faughn
ing about some of her In pure, eight-year-old 973-4483
memories of motherhood. wisdom, the little boy
She said that, as her family responded, “Because Outreach Minister
was traveling on a long mom’s the only one who Harry Middleton
journey, dad started asking knows when I have to go 292-3164

Youth Minister
JD Buckner
Worship With Us Sunday Sermon Preview (731) 336-4768
Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM AM: Motherly Advice Fit For A King
Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM
PM: Harry Middleton
The Sick Worship Leaders by Harry Middleton JD’s Column
Linda Brewer had shoulder surgery on Thursday. Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) Hello and happy Mother’s Day!
Opening Prayer: Mike Windsor
Mary Ann McClarin is at Summit in room 629 with
First, I am happy to transcribe a card from my in-laws
pneumonia. Closing Prayer: Bob Butler
Before I point out what prayer is, let’s notice what to you.
Peggy Stewart is recovering at home following back Read Scripture: Tim Hill
prayer is not. Prayer is not a substitute for obeying Randy and I wanted to send a note to say special
surgery. Sermon: Adam Faughn the gospel of Christ. If you will recall, Paul (Saul thanks for all your kindness, prayer and beautiful
Song Leader: Scotty Studer of Tarsus) was praying when Ananias said to him: cards. It is so amazing the love that has been sent our
Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) “And now why tarriest thou? Arise, and be bap- way since we have found that the breast cancer has
Sympathy Keith LeSuer 1 tized, and wash away thy sins” (Acts 22:16). spread to my liver and spleen. May God bless each
We express our sympathy to Roberta Peach on the Shea Cofer 2 Prayer is not something that takes the place of and everyone. –Randy and Tina Kersey
passing of her mother, Lucille Bullington. Her fu- Wes Carnahan 3 diligent study of God’s Word. God has told us to:
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a We had such a wonderful day last Sunday! After eat-
neral was Wednesday at Mt. Olivet. David Cook 4
workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly ing lunch, some of the youth went to Sycamores Ter-
We also express our sympathy to the Nichols family Gene Duke 5 race to participate in a worship service. Austin Nich-
Tim Ledbetter 6 dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).
and the Beech Island congregation. Glenn Nichols, Prayer is not a bell we ring to get us out of trouble. ols preached a good lesson and David Smith did a
the minister at our Beech Island, SC mission point Mike Purkey 7 great job leading singing.
God is not a glorified bell-hop.
died in a car accident last Wednesday. Mike Williams 8
Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391) Our work, however, was not finished after Sycamores
Prayer is the sincere expression to God of the in- Terrace. We went over to the youth house at about 3
A Note From The Elders... Opening Prayer: Wayne Davidson tense desire of the heart. (Romans 10:1). PM and cleaned it up to get ready for Chris LaFever.
Those with oversight of the Lord’s table are having a Closing Prayer: Lee Powers Prayer is something that is mentioned often in the Chris will be joining us on May 24 for spend the
difficult time seating the proper number needed to Read Scripture: Blake Biggs Scriptures, yet there are many of us who do not summer as our youth intern.
serve prior to the announcements. If you are asked Sermon: Harry Middleton understand prayer, who really do not know what it
to serve and are unable please notify those in charge. Song Leader: Adam Faughn is. We are like the apostles; we need to be taught After evening worship Sunday, we had a devotional
If you plan to serve, please check with Al Cravens or Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) concerning prayer (Luke 11:1). We don’t need to at the Raines home. I thank the Raines family for
Nelson Cluck in the foyer to let them know your Paul Smith 1 learn merely how to say the words, but everything hosting our devo. I am really proud of the young
about prayer. people and their hard day’s work. They did a great
presence. In the future, if you are not seated prior to Steve Ledbetter 2
the announcements, you will be replaced.
Wednesday, May 13th (Contact: Tim 883-4343) Way to go, LYRG! Thank you very much for being
Time Saver Supper Read Scripture: John Thomas Baker VISITATION TEAM #2 AND LETTER you!
Wednesday, May 13th Opening Prayer: Johny Baker WRITERS WILL MEET AFTER WORSHIP --JD :)

Speaker: JD Buckner SUNDAY
Song Leader: Lynn Wright
Marinated Pork Loin
Announcements: Mark Your Calendar...
Green Beans, Macaroni & Cheese
Harry Middleton - Charles Myers May 10: VBS meeting at 4:45—All coordinators, teachers and staff working on VBS are requested to attend.
Rolls, Dessert and Drinks
May 13: Time Saver Supper
$4 Per Person $15 Family Max
May17: Potluck following Bible class
RSVP on your attendance card Sunday.
May 17: Camp meeting at 4:30 for ALL camp staff
Also note if you are able to bring a dessert. The Record
May 31: Graduation Banquet
Sunday Morning Worship: 333
Spring Golf Scramble Sunday Evening Worship: 233
June 14-17: VBS 2009
Saturday, May 23rd at noon July 1: Special Prayer Service—More details to follow
Sunday Bible Study: 272
Ravenwood Country Club
July 5-10: Summer Camp at Valley View
Sign up in the foyer Wednesday Night: —-
Contribution: $11,625.00 July 20-26: Mission Trip to Beech Island, SC—See JD for more details

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