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Chapter: 01

Introductory Part
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Scope of the Study 1.3 Objectives of the Study 1.4 Methodology of the Study 1.5 Limitations of the Study

A Study of Financial Policies and Procedures of Suvastu Development ltd (A Study on Gulshan Branch) by Md. Jahid Hasan

Architecture is generally considered an art so the art of space is the heart of architecture. Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, with its long history of political ups & down, economical uncertainty and growing population destroyed the beauty of Architecture for living with space. The gap between the growth of population and expansion of city area is making the crisis of housing thats the fundamental rights of human being. Suvastu Development Ltd. started with that moral binding to create high quality living for healthy, comfortable & green residential building with technique. Suvastu Development Ltd. is creating spaces for your dream, for your future and for your generations. SDL call it HOME; it's not a blend of stone, bricks or concrete but care, responsibilities and sense of balance. Suvastu Development Limited is a private sector real estate company sponsored by the enthusiastic architects. The company started its very modest journey in 1994 with the objective to provide realistic and affordable solutions for housing. During its 17 years' operation, it has completed a good number of projects and handed over a huge number of apartments to its clients, making a considerable contribution during meeting the housing need of city dwellers. Suvastu Development Limited is selects the employee on their intelligence, creativity and innovation. Administration and Logistic - SDL has more than three hundred security guards working to ensure the security of the residents of each apartment building and shopping mall. Logistical services include repair maintenance facilities such as plumbing, electrical and civil. Permanent maintenance personnel ensure that the apartments are in good condition. Accounts and Finance - SDL has an experienced team in this department whom are cost and management accounting professionals. Engineering & Design Suvastu has developed

design team for architectural, structural, planning & electrical design. SDL has one hundred engineers in construction and development team in addition to its Quality Control, Monitoring & Evaluation and Construction management personnel with many senior level professionals, engineers, architects, planners trained at home.

Marketing and Customer Service - One of SDL's strongest points is its efficient Customer Service Department. This department gives personal attention to each client and effective action. A warm, friendly atmosphere is created for the client who can make purchase decisions at his/her rate without feeling hassled. By the involvement of very skilled group of people, including architects, structural designers, supervising engineers, financial experts marketing and management professionals, the company has developed or built a number of projects to its acknowledgment that have drawn wide attention of city people for their specialized features. The list of such project includes Suvastu Nazar Valley, city's biggest housing cum shopping complex at Progoti Sharoni, having a cluster of seven identical towers with state-of-the-art architectural and engineering features. The apartments of the project will be an ideal choice for the numerous people who work in and around Baridhara but have to travel there distant area of the city. Suvastu Nazar Valley will be really affordable for all categories of people. Suvastu Development Limited is committed to ensure comfortable living with affordable range. Various extra interior designing works and additional fittings and fixtures as per choice of allotted may be done at cost basis after approval of the company. As a member of Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB), Suvastu Development Ltd. has earned the confidence of home seekers by ensuring timely hand over of its apartments to the buyers. It has become a popular name in every section of housing customers from middle class to affluent class through undertaking customer-oriented projects. The company always strives for excellence through applying its acquired knowledge, experience, expertise and professionalism carefully and meticulously. SDL is not only catering to the housing need of the city dwellers but also contributing to employment generation.

In 1994 Suvastu Development Ltd. was started there business so, there was no completed project of Suvastu in 1994,1995.First completed project of Suvastu is Suvastu Villa finished by 2002.In 2003 Four completed project, in which three are residential and one is commercial purpose. In 2004-2008 this company growing first with there effective project engineers and with there huge capital. In this period Suvastu development Ltd. finished twelve projects. Most of the projects are residential and established in Dhanmondi area. In 2009 Suvastu Development Ltd. handover six residential project at Dhanmondi,Uttra and Gulshan.In 2010 the most high raise building of Suvastu Development Ltd. was established at progati sharini, Shahjadpur, Gulshan, Its apartment Cum Shopping complex Other five projects were handover to the different owner. In 2011 there are three complted projects and six ongoing projects under SDL. There have many agreements with land owners are on processing. Since the Suvastu Development Ltd. is a real estate company so, there current activities involved with land purchase, agreement with land owner for finished the project. The total activities are divided into two parts- internal and external. Under external activities basically included activities is purchase of land sales of finished project and rent of commercial space or on the basis of the contract any kind of sales agreement or rent agreement. Under internal activities basically included activities is decisional on the basis of the different department like Accounts &Finance, Sales & Marketing, Recovery, Purchase, Budget & Budgetary Control, Human Resource dept. Customer Management or Customer Service dept, those activities certified by ISO. Basically the Suvastu Development Ltd.perform or finished there activities focus on there customer and market demand the latest activities involved in SDL, and thats the technology of sunlight for saving the power or energy since the crisis of electricity of our country. The total activities of SDL are finished by the direction of board of directors especially managing director.


This report is a part of the academic program. As a part of this program, I have prepared a report based on the internship period or practical observation. This report is concentrated on Financial Policies and Procedures of Suvastu Development Ltd. As the internship was conducted at Suvastu Development Ltd. Gulshan Branch, the scope of the study is only restricted to the service for both the internal and external on the basis of this company.


The study has been embarking on with the following objectives: Broad Objective: To have an overall idea about the financial polices and procedures of Suvastu Development Ltd (SDL). Specific Objective: To discuss the financial policies and procedures of SDL. To evaluate the financial policies and procedures of SDL. To find out the problems relating to financial policies and procedures. To recommend some suggestions to solve the problems.


Type of the study:

The study has been done based on the Exploratory Research. Sources of Data: The data used to prepare this report have been collected from both the secondary sources and primary sources. Among primary and secondary sources, most of the data have been collected from the primary sources for this Study. 1. Secondary Sources: Some written document on financial policies and procedures of that company Published specifications of different products in websites

2. Primary Sources: Officers of the SDL

Methods of Primary Data Collection :

The Survey (personal interview) Method has been used for the purpose of data collection. A good number of officers of Suvastu Development Ltd., Gulshan Branch were helped me provide the data. Target Population: All the officers of Suvastu Development Ltd. at

Gulshan Branch Sample Size: The data was collected from 10 officers of Suvastu Development Ltd., Gulshan Branch Data Collection Method: Direct interview (Personal Interview) method

followed for the data collection process.

Sampling Technique : Non-probability sampling (Judgmental Sampling) method was used to collect data from the 10 officers of Suvastu Development Ltd. Gulshan Branch Data Analysis: A qualitative research was carried out to identify the

Financial Policies and Procedures of Suvastu Development Ltd. . This research is mainly based on primary data that was collected from the officers of First Suvastu Development Ltd., Gulshan Branch.


Some complications were faced at the time of preparing this report. Those are as follows: Sufficient records, publications or website regarding financial policies and procedures were not available at SDL. There were some restrictions to have access to the information confidential by concern authority. Clients were very busy with their own works in the organization. So, it was very tough to manage them for the interview purpose. Lack of interest of the respondent was one of the major problems. It is very difficult to collect all information regarding financial policies and procedures of SDL and understand it within 3 months of internship period.

Chapter: 02

Analysis of the Study

A Study of Financial Policies and Procedures of Suvastu Development ltd (A Study on Gulshan Branch) 8

by Md. Jahid Hasan

2.1 Discussions on financial policies and procedures of SDL:

Suvastu Development Limited, a renowned real estate company in Bangladesh, has some financial policies and procedures. Those are given below:

2.1.1 Resource Allocation Policy & procedure:

The respective departments of Suvastu Development Ltd. assign the available resources on the basis of their own way. It is a part of resource management. Basically, resource allocation is used on the basis of scheduling of all activities like civil works (bricks, tiles, grill), masonry works, electrical works etc. Departments of Suvastu Development Ltd. always try to make sure the availability of resources and in charge dept. tries to make smooth allocation. SDL emphasizes on the handover projects to the customer in a short time so that they can allocate the all required resources within right time. All over with SDL always emphasizes smooth allocation of resources for hand over the products to the valuable customer in committed time.

2.1.2 Financial Delegations Policy and procedure:

In Suvastu Development Ltd. the head of finance & accounts prepares annual finance & accounts Plan on the basis of annual work Plan, annual budget and products in hand as well as getting necessary information from all the related departments. This annual plans approved by Chairman & Managing Director. When a new product is added, finance & accounts department will modify yearly plan after getting approval from Chairman & Managing Director.

2.1.3Accounting Policy and procedure:

a. Basis of Accounting: The elements of financial statements have been measured on Historical Cost basis, which is the one of the most commonly adopted bases as provided in the frame for the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Suvastu Development Ltd. shows requisition prices of resources for preparing financial statement.

b. Business Entity: Under the business entity concept, business is conceived to be and is treated as a same entity, because Suvastu Development Ltd. is a partnership business organization.

c. Cost Principle: In SDL, all goods and services purchases are recorded at cost and appear on the statements at cost. In applying the cost principle, costs are measured at the cash or cash equivalent basis, if considered by the board of directors cost is measured at the entire cash outlays made to secure the asset or service. d. Periodicity principle: Under this principle, financial statements must be prepared for yearly basis and as its a partnership business organization it never discloses financial statement publicly. e. Money measurement Principle: Under this principle, transactions must be measured, recorded and reported in the terms of taka which has been treated as a stable unit of measurement.

2.1.4 Plant, Machinery & Equipment:

Suvastu development Ltd. recognizes plant, machinery and equipment (blend machine, brick chips making machine, generator in a particular project and many others) as assets when it is possible that: a. The future economic benefits related with the asset will run to the enterprise; and b. The cost of the asset can be measured reliably. This policy is applied to all property, plant, and equipment costs at the time its are incurred. Each part of an item of property, plant, and equipment with a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of the item. So Suvastu Development Limited depreciates the value of all property, plant, and equipment separately. Parts of some items of property, plant, and equipment may require replacement at regular intervals by the direction of SDL authority. The carrying amount of an item of property, plant, and equipment includes with the cost of replacing the part of such an item when that


cost is incurred if the recognition criteria (future benefits and measurement reliability) are meet. If payment for an item of property, plant, and equipment is deferred, interest at a market rate is recognized or charged.

2.1.5 Presentation of Financial Statements:

General purpose of financial statements is to ensure comparability both with the entitys financial statements of previous periods and with the financial statements of other entitles. To meet that objective, financial statements provide information about SDL for internal uses as well as for owner of the organization. a. Assets b. Liabilities. c. Equity. d. Income and expenses, including gains and losses. e. Other changes in equity. f. Cash flows.

2.1.6 Inventory:
Suvastu Development Limited inventories include Rod, Brick, Tiles, Stone chips, Sand, Pipe, Cement and other related supplies. Cost of inventory includes three: a. cost of purchase (including taxes, transport, and handling) net of trade discounts received b. cost of conversion (including fixed and variable manufacturing overheads) and c. other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location Inventory cost should not include: (SDL practice) a. Abnormal waste b. Storage cost c. Administrative overheads unrelated to production d. Selling cost e. Foreign exchange differences arising directly on the recent acquisition of inventories invoiced in a foreign currency f. Interest cost when inventories are purchased with deferred settlement terms. 11

Currently, Suvastu Development Limited is using FIFO costing method during issue of inventory. 1. Materials are easily identified as belonging to a particular purchased lot 2. Not more than two or three different receipts of the materials are on a materials card at on time. 3. In periods of rising prices, FIFO costing will result in materials being charged out of lowest cost. 4. Efficient materials control, particularly for materials subject to deterioration, decay, quality or style changes.

2.1.7Investment Policy for property:

Investment property is (land or a building or part of a building or both) held (by the owner or by the lessee under a finance lease) to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both. Suvastu Development ltd purchases land on a contract basis (sharing the flat) before that evaluate the best alternative for taking investment decision. Examples of investment property: a. Land held for long-term capital appreciation b. Land held for undecided future use c. Building leased out under an operating lease

2.1.8 Relationships with Customers:

Since the Suvastu Development Limited is a real estate company so it follows the customer oriented polices like relationship. On the basis of the customer this company provides flat, business space, even though SDL finished the tiles, marble, granite, wall color, ceiling color and many others work.

2.1.9Travel and Travel Related Costs Policy:

SDL follows travel and travel related costs policy as a motivational factor of the both permanent and master roll played employee where as the cost figure prepared by the meeting of all the department head in which the places are selected on the basis of the budget. All


staff and owners of the company are present with their family members. Its occurs annually but on the basis of the situation Suvastu Development Limited offers travel as a motivational factors. These costs incur under the miscellaneous expenses since the costs is not high, because the place is selected inside Dhaka city or around the Dhaka city.

2.1.10 Sources of Fund:

Suvastu Development Limited Collects there fund basically from their owners. Three owners are equally ratio provide and profit will distributed equally but the owners remain some portion as a retain earnings for the spread out the running business. The capital structure of Suvastu Development ltd. is the combination of equity and debt capital. But 1994 SDL started their business by their own fund but now they are taking loan from MTB and PUBALI as well. Finally Suvastu Development Limited runs their business smoothly.

2.1.11 Internal Audit:

Each Year the Head of Internal Control will set out an audit plan for the year. This would be a high level plan which will be approved by the Managing Director and should have agreement of the Audit Committee. This will be a risk based plan where sensitive areas will be provided with priority like financial policies and procedures. During the audits the information should be notified to the appropriate level and significant audit findings should be reported to the Managing Director level. At the end of the year there should be a summary report on the audit findings and corrective actions taken which is forwarded to the Audit Committee of the board and the Managing Director. Based on the review of monitoring reports the audit team should also conduct surprise check on the branches where regular gaps are identified.

2.1.12Capital Planning and Evaluations Policy:

Capital Expenditure Project - any project which requires the investment of resources in the creation of future service potential. (NB. this definition is wide enough to capture not only buildings, plant and equipment, but also new technological investments, new courses, investment in research and development etc.)


Capital Expenditure Plan (CEP) - A plan incorporating capital expenditure projects that have been evaluated and satisfy the criteria encompassed by the capital evaluation guidelines. Capital Expenditure Budget - Annual budget derived from the Capital Expenditure Plan including all capital expenditure projects that are to be undertaken during the financial year to which the budget relates. Policy Content 1. Linkages All capital expenditure projects must be clearly linked to the strategic objectives of the company as stated in companys strategic planning documents. 2. Planning Capital expenditure projects are to be planned over a five-year horizon accounting for the renewal of current assets and the investment of resources into new services and markets. The SDLs CEP will be used as a guide for long term financial planning and scheduling of capital expenditures. 3. Plan Approval The companys CEP will be presented to board of director annually for approval as part of the annual budgeting process. Approval of the CEP does not indicate approval of the individual projects that comprise the CEP but reflects agreement with the broad direction of the plan. 4. Capital Expenditure Budget The annual capital expenditure budget is derived from the board of director CEP within budgetary and funding constraints determined by the strategic and financial planning processes. The companys CEP is intended to contain all projects worthy of development. Projects will be selected from that plan for inclusion in the annual capital budget. In selecting projects for incorporation in the annual budget due regard will be given to following criteria: Commercially justifiable projects meeting required rates of return will be funded subject to financing arrangements being satisfactory. Strategically justifiable projects will be ranked and approved subject to the agreed annual capital budget for strategic projects.


2.2 Evaluations on financial policies and procedures of SDL:

Resource Allocation Policy & procedure of Suvastu Development ltd. is comparatively first-rated then others real estate company because the board of directors is always prioritizing the commitment. Resources allocation is used on the basis of scheduling of all activities like civil works (bricks, tiles, grill), masonry works, electrical works etc. because of smooth operation of business activities. Although this policy is first-rated but sometimes its create some problem because of centralize decision making system. In Suvastu Development Ltd. the head of finance & accounts prepares annual finance & accounts Plan on the basis of annual work Plan, annual budget and products in hand as well as getting necessary information from all the related departments. All over with we can state the financial delegation policy of SDL is good. The basis of accounting of Suvastu development ltd is historical cost basis, which is the one of the most commonly adopted bases as provided in the frame for the preparation and presentation of financial statements which one fastidious. As it is a partnership business the business entity is not separate from the owner as well as only one taxation system exist which one is also pleasant. In SDL, all goods and services purchases are recorded at cost and appear on the statements at cost. In applying the cost principle, costs are measured at the cash or cash equivalent basis, if considered by the board of directors cost is measured at the entire cash outlays made to secure the asset or service.

Suvastu development Ltd. recognizes plant, machinery and equipment (blend machine, brick chips making machine, generator in a particular project and many others) as assets when it is possible to get future benefits. But we know sometimes machinery and equipments fail to provide future benefits if it is misused. According to the policy of SDL we cant includes those as asset if we never get future benefits


which unrealistic. But Suvastu Development Limited depreciates the value of all property, plant, and equipment separately which is excellent. General purpose of financial statements is to ensure comparability both with the entitys financial statements of previous periods and with the financial statements of other entitles. To meet that objective, financial statements provide information about SDL for internal uses as well as for owner of the organization. In one sense its fine but considering other issue (expansion the business as public ltd. company) its not that much good. Suvastu Development Limited inventories include Rod, Brick, Tiles, Stone chips, Sand, Pipe, Cement and other related supplies. Inventory management policy of SDL is good compare with others. Investment Policy of SDL is good considering current position of the company because before investment it does evaluate the best alternative for taking investment decision. But considering potential competition in real estate industry need to evaluate investment decision more specifically by the expert (by financial analyst) also develop R&D department. Since the Suvastu Development Limited is a real estate company so it follows the customer oriented polices like relationship. According to the goal of the company its emphasizes on customer relationship. For this reason its work on it which is in satisfactory level. Suvastu Development Limited Collects there fund basically from their owners. The capital structure of Suvastu Development ltd. is the combination of equity and debt capital. Its capital amount is not that much enormous because its a partnership business. If it is a public ltd company or listed in capital market may possible to raise more capital from issuing share to the public. On the other hand, Eastern Housing already listed and raised capital form capital market.


Chapter: 03


A Study of Financial Policies and Procedures of Suvastu Development ltd (A Study on Gulshan Branch) by Md. Jahid Hasan 17

After discussions and evaluations of the outcome of the study, on the basis of the financial policies and procedures of Suvastu Development Limited, has some major problems which are as follows:

Resources allocation is on the basis needy activities of SDL. But for allocating resources need to permission from the higher authority and it may create a problem for smooth running the operations.

Suvastu Development ltd is not a listed company in the capital market for this reason there capital is limited where as Eastern Housing raise its capital from capital market.

The communication materials such as booklets or statements are not appealing to attract the customers.

SDL cant include those as asset if its never get future benefits from those asset

which unrealistic. Its a problem of management because they fail to ensure the prefect uses of those assets.

Electricity is one of the major problem in our country, but as a leading real estate

company they not take any initiative (like solar system)

SDL never shows its financial statement to the external users.

Under the financial policy SDL has no effective planed for the advertisement. No sufficient newspaper flashing, television add, bill board etc.

Some employees are confused about the performance of the service of SDL right at

the first time. That means, it can be said, SDL has lacking to perform the service right at the first time.
Considering potential competition in real estate industry need to evaluate investment

decision more specifically by the expert (by financial analyst) also develop R&D department but which is absent.


Chapter: 04

Recommendatio ns & Conclusion

A Study of Financial Policies and Procedures of Suvastu Development ltd (A Study on Gulshan Branch) by Md. Jahid Hasan


To become the best service provider in the Real Estate sector, Suvastu Development Ltd. should do the following things:

Decentralize Authority:
The respective departments of Suvastu Development Ltd. assign the available resources on the basis of their own way. Resources allocation is on the basis needy activities of SDL. But for allocating resources need to permission from the higher authority but it create problem in needy time. So for this reason need to decentralize the authority also practice the accountability. By this way, SDL can control the employees who are authorized.

To be listed in capital market for expanding Business:

Suvastu Development ltd is not listed company in the capital market for this reason there capital is limited where as Eastern Housing raise its capital from capital market. Listing gives the opportunity to raise capital to fund acquisitions or organic growth. As real estate sector is a growing sectors on the basis of the present situation need to spread out it business activities.

Promote through Advertisement:

As we know, Advertising is the name given to the process of commercial promotion of goods and services in order to increase its sales. SDL advertising policy is not that much up to date. So they can use a number of mediums like television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards, magazines, Internet, by the word-of-mouth and in many other ways. Advertising informs the buyers about the availability of a certain product or service in the market and encourages them to buy it.

Increase management Efficiency:

SDL cant include those as asset if they never get future benefits which totally unrealistic. Its a problem of management because they fail to ensure the prefect uses of those assets. So Suvastu Development Limited ensures the management efficiency for proper uses of any sort of asset.


Introduce solar syatem

Electricity is one of the major problems in our country, but as a leading real estate company they not take any initiative (like solar system). So to remove the scarcity of electricity SDL should introduce solar system for better customer satisfaction as well as become the leading position in the real estate sector.

Ensure Availability of Information

SDL never shows its financial statement to the external users. As a result, financial information is vague to the customer by which create some bad impression. So Suvastu Development Limited should disclose their available information to the external.

Policy for increase the employee satisfaction

Some employees are confused about the performance of the service of SDL right at the first time. So SDL should try to follow some financial motivational factors like provide some extra facilities on the basis of the performance.

Introduce R&D Department

Considering potential competition in real estate industry need to evaluate investment decision more specifically by the expert (by financial analyst) also develop R&D department but which is absent. So need to introduce R&D department for better service.



Financial policies and procedures, in addition other service quality related to financial policies are the dominant element for the spread out of business. Financial policies and procedures applied based on the board of directors perceptions of the housing outcome provided and the spread out of business. It is the process by which that outcome was delivered, and the company provides the better physical environment for living. For that reason, Suvastu Development Ltd. has to analyze the perception and expectation of the customers to meet the demand of todays business environment. This report is prepared to study of financial policies and procedures of SDL (Gulshan Branch). In the report, some suggestions are also given to Suvastu Development Limited as the growing intuitions. Recommendations will help the Suvastu Development Limited to improve the financial policies and others service in upcoming days. As a new upgraded real estate company, Suvastu Development Limited has a huge scope for development. In spite of everything, SDL holds good position in the market as because of demand of housing sectors increasing day by day. If the SDL focuses more and improve the financial policies and procedures, they can meet up the customers expectation, as well as, customers perception and follow the current market competitors.



Malhotra, k., Naresh, Marketing research, 5th edition, 2009-2010, Sampling: Design and Procedures (pg: 333-353),

Financial documents of Suvastu Development Limited Official Website:

SDL - Suvastu Development Limited REHAB - Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh CEP - Capital Expenditure Plan MTB Mutual Trust Bank


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