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version 02.28.



Prospective Grants: All grant proposals must include a proposed budget. If your request is for conference support, skip to the applicable section below. 1) Read the sections 'General Guidelines' and 'Worksheet Instructions' below. 2) Click the yellow 'Basic Info' tab and provide the requested information. 3) Click the orange 'Personnel' tab and provide the requested information. 4) If you are subgranting, please complete the 'Total Subgrants' worksheet in this workbook. 5) Click the orange 'Direct Costs Detail' tab and provide the requested information. 6) Review the orange 'Budget Proposal Summary' tab. It will be completed automatically based on information entered on other worksheets. If applicable, manually enter information on Other Funders, Unfunded Costs, and Number of Subgrantee Schools and Students. Sign the non-lobbying certification, if applicable. 7) Save the workbook and submit it to the Foundation with your Grant Proposal. Prospective Grants for Conference Support: 1) Use the separate Excel file 'Short Form Budget & Actuals' and provide the requested information. 2) Save the workbook and submit it to the Foundation with your Grant Proposal. Existing Grants: Your required progress report must include a report on actual expenses and any budget revisions for additional grant years. 1) Review the budget you had submitted with your approved grant proposal. 2) If you submitted your budget on the Short Form, use that form again to report actual. 3) All other grantees, please use the dark orange 'Actuals Results' and 'Recast Budget tabs (as applicable). 4) Review the variances in the 'Budget Variance' worksheet and the 'Recast Variance' worksheet. These should be explained in the narrative of your progress report.

II. General Guidelines

Budget for Project Costs: Complete the Direct Personnel and Direct Cost budget templates for the expenses for which you are requesting funding from the Gates Foundation. The Proposal Summary template has a separate section for listing other committed funding and any unfunded costs. Indirect Cost Policy: The indirect rate entered in the 'Basic Info' tab should not exceed 10% for higher education institutions, and 15% for NGOs (501(c)3 non-profits). The indirect rate entered for government agencies should be zero. Computer and equipment costs are excluded from the Indirect Cost calculation. Budget Template Formatting: This Excel workbook includes formulas and is formatted to help you use the different worksheets. Please note the following:

INPUT Orange Text Expand/Collapse +/-

These are INPUT cells. Most of your time will be spent entering data in these cells. When you click on one of these cells, you'll see a message box with guiding instructions. Click on the "+" or "-" signs located on the left side or top of the screen to expand ("+") or collapse ("") rows or columns. You may need to expand some areas to have sufficient room to enter your budgeted or actual expenses

Direct Cost Categories: When entering detail on direct costs, please adhere to the following categories shown on the 'Direct Costs Detail' tab: Personnel: compensation to officers, directors, trustees and employees for work on this project Benefits: cost of ordinary employee benefits (stated as a % of salary) Consulting & Professional Fees: amounts paid to non-employees retained to complete work for this project Materials & Supplies: cost of office supplies and services (photocopying, shipping, etc.) specifically related to this project (not general indirect costs) Computers & Equipment: cost of computers, peripherals, and other office equipment purchased and used for this project (not general indirect costs) Printing & Publications: cost of producing or purchasing printed materials (books, newsletters, etc) or electronic media (videos, DVD's etc.) used or produced as a part of this project Travel & Accommodations: all travel related expenses incurred as a result of this project Conferences, Conventions, Meetings: registration fees for employees or consultants working on this project; facility costs for meetings or conferences held in conjunction with this project Facilities: Facility-related costs are typically covered by indirect costs and are not included within the direct cost detail. However, in rare cases, facility-related expenses can be included as a direct cost when a grantee requires additional building expenses in order to execute the grant (for example a start-up organization or the creation of a new regional office). Note: Facilities costs for schools are not funded by the foundation. Other Costs: Other costs are direct program expenses which do not fit into one of the above cost categories. These costs should be clearly labeled with a description of the expense so that foundation staff can understand the type of expense.

version 02.28.07

Alliance for Education (AFE) Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan
Prepared by: Karen Demorest & Mark Taylor (AFE);
Carol Rava Treat (SPS)


1) Enter Project Information
Organization Name Alliance for Education (AFE) Project Title Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan

2) Enter Budget Periods: You may enter one or as many budget periods as needed for the project. Budget periods may span any # of months, including a year (12 months).
Budget Period 1 Budget Period 2 Budget Period 3 Budget Period 4 Budget Period 5 Start Date 11/01/2008 09/01/2009 09/01/2010 09/01/2011 09/01/2012 End Date 08/31/2009 08/31/2010 08/31/2011 08/31/2012 08/31/2013 # of months 10 12 12 12 12

4) Specify Other Budget Factors

Inflation Factor Indirect Cost Rate* 15.0% See NOTE Line 49

NOTE: Indirect costs (IDC) should not exceed the percentages reflected in this table Government agencies No IDC authorized Higher education agencies 10% IDC maximum 501(c)(3) charitable organizations (see exceptions below) 15% IDC maximum
1. excludes Private Foundations and Private Operating Foundations 2. excludes 501(c)(4); 501(c)(6); and 501(c)(7) organizations No IDC authorized No IDC authorized

Basic Info

version 02.28.07

Alliance for Education (AFE) Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan
Direct Personnel Input:
1) Complete the table below for each position in the proposed budget. If there are more than 30 positions budgeted, please contact your foundation officer for a customized workbook. 2) The information you enter will automatically populate the Personnel and Benefits section of the Direct Costs Detail worksheet. Please review that information. 3) If/when making corrections to the Direct Personnel Detail below, please do not delete rows as they are linked to the Direct Costs Detail worksheet.


Title 1 Community Engagement Manager (1 FTE) 2 Partial Time for Alliance President CEO in Community Engagement Work 3 Staff Time for School Board Leadership Development planning Starting Salary $ 65,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Benefit Percent 20% 0% 20% Salary Inflation 5% 0% 0%


Budget Period 1 100% 100% 100% Budget Period 2 100% 50% 90% Budget Period 3 100% 40% 80% Budget Period 4 Budget Period 5

Direct Personnel

version 02.28.07

Alliance for Education (AFE) Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan Budget Proposal Direct Cost Detail
1 PERSONNEL & BENEFITS Personnel Title 1 Community Engagement Manager (1 FTE) 2 Partial Time for Alliance President CEO in Community Engagement Work 3 Staff Time for School Board Leadership Development planning Total Personnel Total Benefits Total Personnel and Benefits 2 3 Budget Period 4 5 Total Notes Amounts will be input automatically from personnel sheet. 65,000 10,000 10,000 85,000 15,000 100,000 68,250 5,000 9,000 82,250 15,450 97,700 71,663 4,000 8,000 83,663 15,933 99,595 204,913 19,000 27,000 250,913 46,383 297,295

$ $ $

$ $ $

$ $ $

$ $ $

$ $ $

$ $ $

CONSULTING & PROFESSIONAL FEES If less than $50,000 annually, enter total (detail not required): If $50,000 or more annually, enter detail by line item, below. Enter the total per line item under the applicable budget period: Items Facilitators and Consultants - Community Engagement 4,800 4,800 4,800 Data Gathering and Summary - Community Engagement 6,000 8,000 10,000 Interpreters for Community Engagement Meetings 6,000 6,500 7,000 Facilitators and Consultants - School Board Leadership Development 20,000 22,500 25,000 Total CONSULTING & PROFESSIONAL FEES $ 36,800 $ 41,800 $ 46,800 $ MATERIALS & SUPPLIES If less than $10,000 annually, enter total (detail not required): If $10,000 or more annually, enter detail by line item, below. Enter the total per line item under the applicable budget period: Items Materials for Community Engagement Outreach Efforts 1,500 1,500 1,500 Inflation on above expenses Total MATERIALS & SUPPLIES $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ COMPUTERS & EQUIPMENT If less than $10,000 annually, enter total (detail not required): If $10,000 or more annually, enter detail by line item, below. Enter the total per line item under the applicable budget period: Items Total COMPUTERS & EQUIPMENT $ $ $ $

14,400 24,000 19,500 67,500 125,400

4,500 4,500

PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS If less than $10,000 annually, enter total (detail not required): If $10,000 or more annually, enter detail by line item, below. Enter the total per line item under the applicable budget period: Items Web Development Costs - Design for Community Engagement 5,000 1,500 1,500 Media and Public Relations Materials 5,000 5,000 5,000 Inflation on above expenses 6,500 $ Total PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS $ 10,000 $ 6,500 $ TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATIONS If less than $10,000 annually, enter total (detail not required): If $10,000 or more annually, enter detail by line item, below. Enter the total per line item under the applicable budget period: Items Transportation for School Board members 250 250 250 Inflation on above expenses Total TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATIONS $ 250 $ 250 $ 250 $ CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS, MEETINGS If less than $10,000 annually, enter total (detail not required): If $10,000 or more annually, enter detail by line item, below. Enter the total per line item under the applicable budget period: Items Annual Support for Conference Attendance - School Board - 4 at $5000/ea 20,000 20,000 20,000 Facilities rentals for Community Engagement events 3,500 3,500 3,500 Facilities Rentals for School Board Leadership Development 1,500 1,750 2,000 Meals and Catering for Community Engagement Task Force meetings 400 400 400 Meals and Catering for Community Engagement Task Community meetings $2,800 $2,800 $2,800 Miscellaneous Costs for Community Engagement efforts 1,500 1,500 1,500 Meals and Catering for School Board Development 1,700 1,800 1,900 Inflation on above expenses Total CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS, MEETINGS $ 31,400 $ 31,750 $ 32,100 $ OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES For Other Expenses, enter detail by line item, below. Enter the total per line item under the applicable budget period: Item Miscellaneous Costs for School Board Development 2,000 2,500 3,000 Inflation on above expenses Total OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES $ 2,000 $ 2,500 $ 3,000

8,000 15,000 23,000

750 750

60,000 10,500 5,250

5,400 95,250

7,500 7,500

Total Direct Costs





version 02.28.07

Alliance for Education (AFE) Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan Total Subgrants
Subgrants to Organizations & Schools 1) Complete the table below for each organization or school receiving a subgrant. If there are more than 10 organizations expected to receive subgrants, please contact your foundation officer for a customized workbook. Budget Period
This is the original 3 year subgrant budget approved in late 2008. The next 4 tabs reflect the supplements, budget amendments and no cost extensions approved between 2009 and 2012.

Project Budget Period Subgrants to Schools Seattle Public Schools Total Subgrants to Schools Primary Cost Category See rows 46 to 58 below. $

1 2,393,318 2,393,318 $

Total 6,247,680 $ 6,247,680


2,409,873 1,444,489 2,409,873 $ 1,444,489


Personnel and Benefits Consulting & Professional Fees Materials & Supplies Computers & Equipment Printing & Publications Travel & Accommodations Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Facilities Other TOTAL SUBGRANT DIRECT Indirect* (15% of first $100K per BMGF policy)
*Enables AFE (grantee) to recover costs of project oversight and processing subgrantee's monthly invoices requesting reimbursement of allowable project expenses.

$812,613 $906,600 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $15,000 $0 $129,105 $2,393,318 $15,000

$1,069,407 $834,300 $200,000 $0 $0 $30,000 $15,000 $0 $261,165 $2,409,873 $15,000

$716,563 $581,600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $146,326 $1,444,489 $15,000

$2,598,584 $2,322,500 $200,000 $0 $0 $60,000 $30,000 $0 $536,596 $6,247,680 $45,000

Total Subgrants

version 02.28.07

Alliance for Education (AFE) Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan Budget Summary
BUDGET PERIOD Rows 8 to 18 reflect the supplements and budget amendments approved during the 3 periods. 1 2 3 70,980 125,400 127,995 19,683 71,500 57,000 2,000 2,000 17,500 13,000 28 3,500 4,000 4,176 27,380 30,133 20 2,087 1,400 2,393,318 2,409,873 1,444,489

BUDGET SUMMARY BY COST CATEGORY Personnel and Benefits Consulting & Professional Fees Materials & Supplies Computers & Equipment Printing & Publications Travel & Accommodations Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Facilities Other Subgrants

Total 324,375 148,183 4,000 30,500 7,528 61,689 3,507 6,247,680

% of BMGF 4.7% 2.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.4% 0.1% 0.9% 0.0% 0.1% 89.8%


Indirect Costs (incl Subgrant Oversight by AFE)

$ $


$ $


$ $


$ $








% of Project

OTHER COMMITTED FUNDING (List source and amount of other funding that has been committed to this project). Stuart Foundation 254,000 Seattle Public Schools direct resources 3,458,710 The Broad & Dell Foundations (grant pending) 2,788,595 1,610,454 1,644,084 The Boeing Company 280,000 OSPI grants (toward math & science improvements) 1,000,000

Total Other Funders




254,000 3,458,710 6,043,133 280,000 1,000,000 11,035,843

1.3% 18.1% 31.6% 1.5% 5.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 57.7%

UNFUNDED PROJECT COSTS (Enter any unfunded project costs) Total Unfunded Project Costs $ 438,373







Funding per School 96

Funding per Student 49,800 125 140 384


SUMMARY OF SCHOOL SUBGRANTEES Total Number of Subgrantee Schools at End of Grant Period Total Number of Students at End of Grant Period Subgrant per School/Student Gates Funding per School/Student Project Funding per School/Student

$ $ $

65,080 72,494 199,171

$ $ $

Non-Lobbying Certification: Required for Prospective Advocacy Grantees

Grantee certifies that the funds received from the Gates Foundation for this project (from this grant and any other Gates Foundation grant for this project received to date this year)are less than or equal to the non-lobbying portion of the project budget and that there is no agreement, oral or written, directing the grant funds to be used for lobbying activities. Grantee agrees to assume sole responsibility for ensuring compliance with U.S. federal laws, rules, and regulations as they pertain to lobbying and the use of private foundation funds.

Total project budget Percentage of Lobbying activity Percentage of Non-Lobbying activity

Certified by:


Signature Name Title Date Signed

TOTAL Budget Summary

version 02.28.07

Alliance for Education (AFE) Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan Actual Results
1) Enter the actual expenditures in the applicable budget period below. 2) If necessary, complete the Recast worksheet for the upcoming budget period.
Budget Period Carryover from Previous Budget Period SOURCES OF FUNDS (GATES FUNDING ONLY) Grant (Gates Funding) Interest Income Subtotal - Current Period Funding Nov08-Aug09 1 N/A 2,617,561 $ 2,617,561 $ Sept09-Aug10 2 1,087,807 2,634,173 2,634,173 $ Sept10-Aug11 3 611,864 1,707,696 1,707,696 $ Sept11-Aug12 4 683,052 $ $ Sept12-Aug13 5 141,582 Total % of BMGF

6,959,430 6,959,430

Total Sources of Cash -- Gates Grant

Direct Costs Personnel and Benefits Consulting & Professional Fees Materials & Supplies Computers & Equipment Printing & Publications Travel & Accommodations Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Facilities Other Total Direct Costs SUBGRANTS Subgrants to Schools Seattle Public Schools

70,980 19,683 -

103,142 27,176 2,976 3,400 5,278 18,429 449 160,850

110,484 72,462 876 381 3,556 7,005 200 194,964

55,799 42,395 1,313 191 5,117 12,028 44 116,887


340,405 161,716 5,165 3,971 13,979 41,638 713 567,588

28 4,176 20 94,887



Total Indirect Costs (incl Subgrant Oversight by AFE)

1,405,634 1,405,634

$2,910,138 2,910,138 $

$1,397,300 1,397,300 $

$392,050 392,050 $

6,105,122 6,105,122





















OTHER COMMITTED FUNDING (List source and amount of other funding that has been committed to this project)
Broad Foundation (Academic Data Warehouse) Stuart Foundation (HR sytm; Leadership Dev) Boeing (AP/PSAT; STEM)

<------- These 3 investments are closely related to this project

1,250,000 1,049,000 290,448 $ $ $ 2,589,448 27.5% 0.0%

Total Other Funders UNFUNDED PROJECT COSTS Total Unfunded Project Costs

TOTAL PROJECT COST Subgrant Expenses by Category

Personnel and Benefits Consulting & Professional Fees Materials & Supplies Computers & Equipment Printing & Publications Travel & Accommodations Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Facilities Other TOTAL SUBGRANT

1,529,754 Nov08-Aug09
80,778 1,188,993

3,110,116 Sept09-Aug10
668,765 1,997,694 6,575

1,636,509 Sept10-Aug11
649,401 612,566 2,148

541,470 Sept11-Aug12
85,382 189,698




4,879 97,051 $1,405,634

15,868 5,218 216,018 $2,910,138

9,386 1,200 122,599 $1,397,300 116,970 $392,050

version 02.28.07

Alliance for Education (AFE) Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan Actual to Budget Variance
ACTUALS Carryover from Previous Budget Period SOURCES OF CASH (GATES FUNDING ONLY) Grant Interest on Gates Funding N/A 2,617,561 Budget Period 1 Budget N/A 2,517,438 N/A Var $$ N/A (100,123) N/A Var % N/A -4% N/A ACTUALS 1,087,807 2,634,173 Budget Period 2 Budget 2,711,645 N/A Var $$ (1,087,807) 77,472 N/A Var % N/A 3% N/A ACTUALS 611,864 1,707,696 Budget Period 3 Budget 1,730,346 N/A Var $$ (611,864) 22,650 N/A Var % N/A 1% N/A ACTUALS 683,052 Budget Period 4 Budget N/A N/A Var $$ (683,052) Var % N/A 0% N/A FORECAST 141,582 N/A N/A Budget Period 5 Budget N/A Var $$ (141,582) Var % N/A 0% N/A 6,959,430 6,959,430 N/A (0) N/A Actuals TOTAL PROJECT Orig Budget Var $$ Var % N/A 0% N/A

Total Sources of Cash Direct Costs

Personnel and Benefits Consulting & Professional Fees Materials & Supplies Computers & Equipment Printing & Publications Travel & Accommodations Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Facilities Other

70,980 19,683 28 4,176 20

70,980 19,683 28 4,176 20

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

103,142 27,176 2,976 3,400 5,278 18,429 449

125,400 71,500 2,000 17,500 3,500 27,380 2,087

22,258 44,324 (976) 14,100 (1,778) 8,951 1,638 18% 62% -49% 0% 81% -51% 33% 0% 78%

110,484 72,462 876 381 3,556 7,005 200

127,995 57,000 2,000 13,000 4,000 30,133 1,400

17,511 (15,462) 1,124 12,619 444 23,128 1,200 14% -27% 56% 0% 97% 11% 77% 0% 86%

55,799 42,395 1,313 191 5,117 12,028 44

(55,799) (42,395) (1,313) (191) (5,117) (12,028) (44) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

340,405 161,716 5,165 3,971 13,979 41,638 713

324,375 148,183 4,000 30,500 7,528 61,689 3,507

(16,030) (13,533) (1,165) 26,529 (6,451) 20,051 2,794 -5% -9% -29% 0% 87% -86% 33% 0% 80%

Total Direct Costs Subgrants

Subgrants to Organizations Subgrants to Schools Seattle Public Schools























0% 41%




0% -21%




0% 3%



0% 0%

0% 0%




0% 2%

Total Subgrants


2,393,318 2,488,205 29,233 2,517,438

987,684 987,684 987,684

41% 2,910,138 40% 3,070,988 0% 39,128

2,409,873 2,659,240 52,405 2,711,645

(500,265) (411,748) 13,278 (398,471)

-21% 1,397,300 -15% 1,592,264 25% 44,245

1,444,489 1,680,017 50,329 1,730,346

47,189 87,753 6,085 93,838

3% 5% 12% 5%

392,050 508,937 32,533 541,470

(392,050) (508,937) (32,533) (541,470)

0% 0% 0% 0%

0% 0% 0% 0%

6,105,122 6,672,710 145,138 6,817,848

6,247,680 6,827,462 131,967 6,959,430

142,558 154,752 (13,171) 141,581

2% 2% -10% 2%

TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FUNDED BY BMGF 1,500,521 Total Indirect Costs TOTAL COSTS FUNDED BY BMGF 29,233 1,529,754

39% 3,110,116

-15% 1,636,509

Budget Variance

version 02.28.07

Recast - Period 4

Alliance for Education (AFE) Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan Revised Budget Forecast - Period Four
1) Review the Budget Proposal Summary (on separate tab), Actuals to date (carried forward below), and any Carryover (below). If needed, revise the expenditures for current and future budget periods in the section at the bottom of this worksheet. 2) Check your Budget Proposal Summary for the scheduled payout of grant funds. Discuss with your foundation officer whether that schedule should change based on revisions to expenditures or carryover from the prior year. If so, enter the new amounts under Sources of Cash, Grant line item. 3) Submit your recast budget with your progress report. Describe in the progress report any material differences(> 10%)
BUDGET PERIOD STATUS Carryover from Previous Budget Period SOURCES OF FUNDS (GATES FUNDING ONLY) Grant (Gates Funding) Interest Income Subtotal - Current Period Funding Total Sources of Cash -- Gates Grant Direct Costs Personnel and Benefits Consulting & Professional Fees Materials & Supplies Computers & Equipment Printing & Publications Travel & Accommodations Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Facilities Other Total Direct Costs SUBGRANTS Subgrants to Schools Seattle Public Schools Total Subgrants TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FUNDED BY BMGF Total Indirect Costs (incl Subgrant Oversight by AFE) TOTAL COSTS FUNDED BY BMGF $ $ $ $ 1 ACTUALS N/A 2,617,561 2,617,561 2,617,561 2 ACTUALS 1,087,807 2,634,173 2,634,173 3,721,980 3 ACTUALS 611,864 1,707,696 1,707,696 2,319,560 4 FORECAST 683,052 $ $ 683,052 $ $ 6,959,430 6,959,430 6,959,430 6,959,430 6,959,430 6,959,430 (0) (0) (0) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Total Budget Variance Var %

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

70,980 19,683 28 4,176 20 94,887

103,142 27,176 2,976 3,400 5,278 18,429 449 160,850

110,484 72,462 876 381 3,556 7,005 200 194,964

36,840 41,000 1,300 9,000 9,500 5,800 1,467 104,907

321,446 160,321 5,152 12,781 18,362 35,410 2,136 555,608

324,375 148,183 4,000 30,500 7,528 61,689 3,507 579,782

2,929 (12,138) (1,152) 17,719 (10,834) 26,279 1,371 24,174

0.9% -8.2% -28.8% 58.1% -143.9% 42.6% 39.1% 4.2%

1,405,634 1,405,634 1,500,521 29,233 1,529,754 $ $ $ $

2,910,138 2,910,138 3,070,988 39,128 3,110,116 $ $ $ $

1,397,300 1,397,300 1,592,264 44,245 1,636,509 $ $ $ $

590,310 590,310 695,217 30,736 725,953 $ $ $ $

6,303,382 6,303,382 6,858,990 143,341 7,002,331 $ $ $ $

6,247,680 6,247,680 6,827,462 131,967 6,959,430 $ $ $ $

(55,702) (55,702) (31,528) (11,374) (42,902)

-0.9% -0.9% -0.5% -8.6% -0.6%

ORIGINAL BUDGET - Funded by BMGF Variance From Budget Variance %

$ $

2,517,438 987,684 39.2%

$ $


1,730,346 93,838 5.4%

$ $

6,959,430 (42,902) -0.6%

(398,471) $ -14.7%

(725,953) $

Non-Lobbying Certification: Required for Advocacy Grantees Only Grantee certifies that the funds received from the Gates Foundation for this project (from this grant and any other Gates Foundation grant for this project received to date this year)are less than or equal to the non-lobbying portion of the project budget and that there is no agreement, oral or written, directing the grant funds to be used for lobbying activities. Grantee agrees to assume sole responsibility for ensuring compliance with U.S. federal laws, rules, and regulations as they pertain to lobbying and the use of private foundation funds. Total project budget Percentage of Lobbying activity Percentage of Non-Lobbying activity Certified by: $ 7,002,331

Signature Name Title Date Signed

version 02.28.07

Recast - Period 5

Alliance for Education (AFE) Support for Seattle Public Schools' Strategic Plan Revised Budget Forecast - Period Five
1) Review the Budget Proposal Summary (on separate tab), Actuals to date (carried forward below), and any Carryover (below). If needed, revise the expenditures for current and future budget periods in the section at the bottom of this worksheet. 2) Check your Budget Proposal Summary for the scheduled payout of grant funds. Discuss with your foundation officer whether that schedule should change based on revisions to expenditures or carryover from the prior year. If so, enter the new amounts under Sources of Cash, Grant line item. 3) Submit your recast budget with your progress report. Describe in the progress report any material differences(> 10%) (compare the totals by Cost Category below with that amount from the original budget.)

BUDGET PERIOD STATUS Carryover from Previous Budget Period SOURCES OF FUNDS (GATES FUNDING ONLY) Grant (Gates Funding) Interest Income Subtotal - Current Period Funding Total Sources of Cash -- Gates Grant Direct Costs Personnel and Benefits Consulting & Professional Fees Materials & Supplies Computers & Equipment Printing & Publications Travel & Accommodations Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Facilities Other Total Direct Costs SUBGRANTS Subgrants to Organizations Subgrants to Schools Seattle Public Schools Total Subgrants TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FUNDED BY BMGF Total Indirect Costs (AFE for Subgrant Oversight) TOTAL COSTS FUNDED BY BMGF $ $ $ $

1 ACTUALS N/A 2,617,561 2,617,561 2,617,561 70,980 19,683 28 4,176 20 94,887

2 ACTUALS 1,087,807 2,634,173 2,634,173 3,721,980 103,142 27,176 2,976 3,400 5,278 18,429 449 160,850

3 ACTUALS 611,864 1,707,696 1,707,696 2,319,560 110,484 72,462 876 381 3,556 7,005 200 194,964

4 ACTUALS 683,052 683,052 55,799 42,395 1,313 191 5,117 12,028 44 116,887

5 FORECAST 141,582

6 FORECAST 72,582




Var %

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $


$ $


6,959,430 $ 6,959,430 $ 6,959,430 340,405 161,716 5,165 3,971 13,979 41,638 713 567,588

6,959,430 $ 6,959,430 $ 6,959,430 324,375 148,183 4,000 30,500 7,528 61,689 3,507 579,782

$ $

(0) (0) (0)

0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

(16,030) -4.9% (13,533) -9.1% (1,165) -29.1% 26,529 87.0% (6,451) -85.7% 20,051 32.5% 2,794 79.7% $ 12,194 2.1%

1,405,634 1,405,634 1,500,521 29,233 1,529,754 $ $ $ $

2,910,138 2,910,138 3,070,988 39,128 3,110,116 $ $ $ $

1,397,300 1,397,300 1,592,264 44,245 1,636,509 $ $ $ $

392,050 392,050 508,937 32,533 541,470 $ $ $ $

60,000 60,000 60,000 9,000 69,000 $ $ $ $ -

6,165,122 $ 6,165,122 $ 6,732,710 $ 154,138

6,247,680 $ 6,247,680 $ 6,827,462 $ 131,967

82,558 $ 82,558 $ 94,752 $ (22,171) $ 72,581

1.3% 1.3% 1.4% -16.8% 1.0%

$ 6,886,848

$ 6,959,430

ORIGINAL BUDGET - Funded by BMGF Variance From Budget Variance %

$ $

2,517,438 987,684 39.2%

$ $


1,730,346 93,838 5.4%

$ $

$ 6,959,430 $ 72,581 1.0%

(398,471) $ -14.7%

(541,470) $

(69,000) $

Non-Lobbying Certification: Required for Advocacy Grantees Only Grantee certifies that the funds received from the Gates Foundation for this project (from this grant and any other Gates Foundation grant for this project received to date this year)are less than or equal to the non-lobbying portion of the project budget and that there is no agreement, oral or written, directing the grant funds to be used for lobbying activities. Grantee agrees to assume sole responsibility for ensuring compliance with U.S. federal laws, rules, and regulations as they pertain to lobbying and the use of private foundation funds. Total project budget Percentage of Lobbying activity Percentage of Non-Lobbying activity Certified by: $ 6,886,848 0% 100%

Signature Name Mark A. Taylor Title Grants Director, Alliance for Education Date Signed 11/8/2012

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