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113 − September 2003

VLT image and spectra of the R CrA cluster (see van Dishoeck et al., page 49)
Telescopes and Instrumentation


“ACTIVE OPTICS” mirrors, normally made as thick and stiff the errors in a star image, although Fou-

is normally, and I believe as possible to avoid flexure. The idea of cault's invention of the knife-edge test
correctly, associated with the segmenting goes back to Lord Rosse in enabled a very sensitive qualitative as-
ESO system developed for 1828, but was first realised in practice by sessment. The detector available, the eye,
telescopes with monolithic Horn d’Arturo in the 1950s using a fixed was sensitive but highly non-linear; pho-
primaries and applied in the ESO NTT primary. Keck I, finished in 1992, was the tography was terribly slow and insensi-
and VLT telescopes. Technical systems first such telescope with a normal 2-axis tive, and also non-linear. Third order
based on the same principles, also with mounting. So it was logical that earlier aberration theory, due to Seidel, was only
thin meniscus primaries, are used in the ideas of active optics should have been published in 1856 and existed only for
other very large telescopes (8 m) of limited to monoliths. The history of the spherical surfaces, not for a Newton par-
GEMINI (2x) and SUBARU (1x). Other development of mirror support systems abolic primary. The complete theory for
important telescopes with monolithic pri- and of active optics for monoliths is given telescopes was only published in 1905 by
maries, but using stiffer lightweighted in relatively complete form in my second Karl Schwarzschild. Lack of theory was
blanks, are also actively controlled, the book, Reflecting Telescope Optics II also the reason Foucault could not have
most notable being the WIYN (3.5 m) tel- (Wilson 1999; W99 in the following). The invented the aplanatic (RC) telescope.
escope, the three 6.5 m telescopes of the present article is a simplified and much Both Schwarzschild (1905) and Chrétien
MMT upgrade and the two Magellan tel- abbreviated version, with more emphasis (1910) used the Abbe “sine condition”
escopes, and the two 8.4 m telescopes of on the personalities involved. (Wilson, 1996) as the basis for setting up
the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). A friend of mine at ESO, who comes aplanatic (i.e free not only of spherical
The other major branch of modern opti- from the rich French tradition in tele- aberration, but also of field coma) tele-
cal telescope development, that using seg- scope optics, recently suggested to me scope forms, unknown to Foucault. No,
mented mirrors, was pioneered and ex- that active optics (and the Ritchey-Chré- realistically Foucault, a scientific and
emplified by the two Keck 10 m tele- tien (RC) aplanatic telescope) might have technical genius, conceived and adjusted
scopes. This has its own system of active been invented by one of my great French his mirror supports to get the best image
control of the segmented primary. heroes in optics: Jean Bernard Léon Fou- he could. But this was not active optics: it
Although the aim is the same, the tech- cault. Reference is made in this connec- was a procedure which had been used
nologies involved in the control systems tion to his largest − 80 cm− Newton tele- throughout the history of the reflecting
of monoliths and segmented mirrors are scope completed in 1862 (Wilson 1996). telescope. It had been used empirically by
essentially different. This is the case be- With all respect to the great genius Fou- James Short, William Herschel, Lord
cause the flexure function of a monolith cault, I believe that neither of these in- Rosse and others before the invention of
has no discontinuities, which are funda- ventions would have been possible at that modern support forms by Lassell in 1842
mental to the nature of segmented mir- time. For active optics, no technology ex- (astatic lever) and T. Grubb, also about
rors. The ESO active optics system is isted for measuring in a systematic way 1842 (whiffle tree) (see W99).
“closed loop” in the sense that correction
is made by measurements in real time of
the quality of a star image. This is not the
case with the Keck telescopes which cor-
rect the primary with an internal active
system. “Closed loop” in the ESO sense is
also not necessarily used in the other ac-
tive systems for monolithic primaries:
I should like to dedicate this article to G ERHARD
some of them rely on “precalibration” of
SCHWESINGER (b. 08.01.1913 in Krappitz, Upper Silesia, d.
the flexure effects (see page 9).
03.11.2001 in Heidenheim, Württemberg: see photo), who
In this article, I shall confine myself to developed the first complete Fourier theory for the support
active optics with monoliths. When was of primary mirrors of telescopes and thereby also stimulat-
the idea of active optics for monoliths ed my thinking on active optics; and to LO WOLTJER whose
first conceived? We must remember that vision and support led to the NTT and VLT based on my ac-
all “classical” telescopes had monolithic tive optics concept.

2 The Messenger 113

We must conclude that active optics plete system of correction, which later be- wesinger, Zeiss showed no interest in pur-
was anyway a concept of the 20th century. came the ESO active optics system. In the suing it. I think an industrial concern,
I believe the first ideas of a systematic course of further discussions with Dr however brilliant and engaged in the mat-
process came from the great French opti- Gerhard Schwesinger, a brilliant engineer ter, would anyway have been too far re-
cian Couder in 1931 and (probably inde- and mathematician who also had excel- moved from practical telescope use. In
pendently) from the great Russian opti- lent knowledge of optical aberration the- other words, an observatory concerned
cian Maksutov in 1948* (W99). Couder ory, I became aware of his general Fouri- with practical telescope development for
recognised the high sensitivity to the er theory of the flexure aberrations intro- a functioning observing site was essential.
aberration astigmatism of mirrors which duced by support errors in primary mir- Of course, I had this in mind when I
were inadequately supported and sug- rors. I realised that the circular nature of joined ESO. However, I soon learned that
gested that such “regular” errors might be the mirror led to polynomial functions ESO had other problems far more urgent:
corrected by “a system of forces suitably which were completely equivalent to the successful realisation of the 3.6 m tel-
applied”. He concluded that astigmatism those defining optical aberrations, al- escope, on which its reputation and, in-
left over from manufacture could be thus though the mathematical boundary con- deed, its future existence depended. This
corrected. But as with Foucault, Couder ditions are not the same. A light went on was a conventional telescope following
had no means of measuring astigmatism in my head! It would be perfectly possible the line of the “Bowen-class telescopes”
in a star image. It could only be done to interpret all the flexure effects in terms (Wilson, 1996) and had no significant in-
qualitatively, off-line, in a slow process of the classical optical polynomials of novative features. Nevertheless, at its
(effectively dc in modern terms of active Hamilton or Zernike. Again, if one could completion, the 3.6 m telescope gave me
optics). A rapid, repetitive, quantitative measure their amount and direction, one the opportunity, during its optical set-up,
correction process was technically out of could correct all such flexure terms by ap- alignment and test in 1976, to simulate the
the question. Similarly, Maksutov pro- propriate force changes of the supports, whole theoretical basis of an active optics
posed the adjustment of Lassell type asta- calibrated from the Schwesinger theory. system. The test system used was “classi-
tic support levers to correct such errors Above all, this would apply to the lowest cal Hartmann”. This was a painfully slow
observed with an ocular or a Foucault order term, by far the most important as and exhausting process, measuring photo-
knife-edge, recognising too that the result Couder had recognised, astigmatism. This graphic Hartmann plates in a semi-auto-
was only valid for one zenith angle of the was particularly interesting, as Sch- matic mode. But it enabled our team (es-
telescope. Since he had no mathematical wesinger’s calculations showed that sentially Francis Franza, Maurice Le Luy-
algorithm for applying the correction, he maintenance of the absolute tolerances er and myself) to do a rigorous aberration
suggested trial-and-error. Again, as with for the astigmatism specification was just analysis of the finished telescope. This led
Couder, such a procedure was so cumber- as impossible in practice as the mainte- to my definition of the “Intrinsic Quality”
some that its application could normally nance of an absolute decentering toler- (IQ) (see Fig. 1) of a telescope as that op-
only be a once-off process at initial set-up ance. tical quality which would be achieved in
(i.e trial-and-error, qualitative, dc active It followed that, when I formally joined principle if all the correctable terms
optics). Understandably, although these ESO in September 1972, I had had the measured could also be corrected in prac-
suggestions were highly perceptive, they whole theoretical basis of active optics in tice. In the 3.6 m telescope, there was no
never led to any practical results or to se- my head for several years. However, not means of doing this: the primary mirror
rious further thinking. The time was still only the central problem of image meas- was too thick and rigid to allow it, even if
technically not ripe! urement and analysis remained to be a suitable support system had been avail-
In 1968 I was already working, at Carl solved, it was also necessary to convince able. Furthermore, a far simpler, rapid and
Zeiss in Oberkochen, indirectly for ESO, other colleagues and astronomers of the on-line image analysis system than that
on a study for the optics of the ESO 3.6 m immense possibilities. In spite of the in- used would be essential.
telescope. This made me aware of the cen- terest and vital information given by Sch- The essential elements of my active op-
tering problem of such Cassegrain tele-
scopes. A lateral decentering tolerance of
the axis of the secondary mirror to that of
the primary, in order to maintain the op-
tical specification of this telescope, would
have to be set at well under 1 mm. In dis-
cussions with my colleagues in mechanics,
it was clear that this was virtually impos-
sible in practice, bearing in mind ex-
change operations of the top-end units. It
became clear to me why the aberration
produced (decentering coma, a particu-
larly unpleasant, asymmetrical degrada-
tion of the star images) was the main
curse of the Cassegrain telescope in prac-
tice: I called it “Cassegrainitis”. It struck
me then that, if one could measure its
amount and direction, its correction on-
line would be a relatively simple mechan-
ical operation requiring only a small lat- Figure 1: Results of classical Hartmann tests of the conventional ESO 3.6 m telescope in 1976,
eral shift of the secondary to correct the illustrating the theoretical improvement after successive removal of polynomial terms. The mean
error. This was the mental start of a com- right-hand point of the functions gives the Intrinsic Quality (IQ) of the telescope. (W99)

*In W99, I expressed my gratitude to D. Enard and

K. Bahner for drawing my attention to these pro-
posals by Couder and Maksutov, respectively.
© ESO - September 2003 3
tics system were first published formally telescope community at the time and not successful completion of the 3.6 m – in-
in Wilson (1977). At that time I called the suitable for practical application, these dubitably essential for the future exis-
concept a “feedback” telescope. The term studies had some valuable theoretical fea- tence of the organisation. Immediately
“active optics” was used in a more explic- tures, notably modal control with so- following the conference, Woltjer asked
it publication in Wilson (1982), which es- called “natural modes”. The measurement Richter, Chief Engineer in charge of the
sentially gave the whole system of the system proposed was not “closed-loop” in 3.6 m, to coordinate a study of three op-
NTT except for the practical details of the the ESO system sense, using a natural star tions: 1 x 16 m, 4 x 8 m, 16 x 4 m. Although
image detection and analysis. At the pre- image in real time, but an experimental Richter favoured the 1 x 16 m option,
vious verbal presentation in 1981 at an precalibration of deformations of the pri- there was general agreement at ESO in
optical conference in Graz, an American mary for given forces and determined by favour of 4 x 8 m. I myself was strongly in
in the audience asked me at the end: interferograms. In any event, the astro- favour of this option. A 16 m telescope
“Have I understood you correctly, that nomical community in the United States, was technologically too big a step in size,
you propose a telescope in which the op- with a few exceptions such as Aden while 16 x 4 m represented no step in size
tical system continuously checks itself Meinel, showed little awareness or inter- and was politically too banal not to suffer
and optimizes itself fully automatically?” est in the potential of active optics until reduction in the number of telescopes to
I replied: “Yes, I congratulate you, you the late 1980s when the ESO NTT pro- save money. However, at that time, there
have understood it perfectly”. He replied: duced its first results. Before the NTT de- was no clear idea what optical solution
“Well, my feeling is that such a system will velopment at ESO, the same was true in would be available for 8 m unit tele-
never be realisable in practice”. I hope he Europe. In the early 1970s, a very cheap scopes, let alone a 16 m. The concept of
has since followed developments and reg- low quality 4 m IR spectroscopic tele- the 10 m Keck was just published, but de-
istered what has emerged with the NTT scope was built in France by Connes, sign studies were only just starting. The
and VLT. Chevillard et al. (1989). This used a pri- Angel technology of lightweighted blanks
As is always the case with radically new mary with 36 square segments, similar in (a further development of Palomar) had
developments, parallel thinking had been principle to the later Keck 10 m project. not then taken off, and the Multi-Mirror-
going on independently by other groups. However, unlike the Keck, it used a Telescope (MMT) was only completed in
In 1970, a paper was published by Cree- closed-loop feedback control system 1979 and comprised only small tele-
don and Lindgren in the American jour- based on measurements of a natural star scopes. Already in these discussions on an
nal “Automatica”, a journal hardly known image, in principle like the ESO system ESO VLT, I had my active optics solution
in the astronomical or optical communi- for monoliths. The detector was a circular in mind. But a trial on a smaller-size tele-
ties.This work had been commissioned by aperture passing flux to a photo-multipli- scope seemed to me essential. Shortly af-
NASA in connection with the 2.4 m Hub- er for each segment. Image analysis in the ter these discussions, the extension of
ble Space Telescope (HST) and was re- ESO system sense would hardly have ESO by the membership applications of
ported in detail in secret NASA reports been possible with this detection system. Italy and Switzerland provided a marvel-
(W99). I only became aware of this work The image quality aimed for was very low, lous new perspective at just the right
about 1985 through Oberto Citterio. The 10 arcsec, but the segments were so poor time: the entrance fees could perhaps
authors, who were brilliant control engi- that the image was more like 10 – 20 arc- fund a new test telescope to try out new
neers but not versed in optical aberration secs.The project was apparently known to technolgy. Woltjer asked Richter to make
theory, proposed a very complex mathe- some ESO astronomers, but was not com- a cost estimate for such a 3.5 m New Tech-
matical scheme for the active control of municated to the engineers: apparently it nology Telescope (NTT). At that stage,
the HST. In a (secret) NASA study of generated no interest. Finally, it was aban- the only “new technology feature” envis-
1973, Howell and Creedon developed this doned in 1975 because of total lack of in- aged was an alt-az mounting, which had
approach further, improving it fundamen- terest and support in the French astro- been pioneered by the Russian 6 m tele-
tally by proposing a modal approach, also nomical community. scope completed in 1976, but no western
a fundamental feature of my own concept project had had the courage to take this
as thought out at Zeiss in 1968 with Sch- THE ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT fundamental step. This cost estimate en-
wesinger, from his own modal theory. OF THE ESO NTT AND VLT abled political support for the NTT to be
However, Howell and Creedon's algo- The ESO Technical report No. 8 in 1977, marshalled.
rithm was extremely complex and re- concerned with the image analysis of the At this time, I was spending a most in-
quired the optimization of the support newly set up 3.6 m telescope, gave the structive year on La Silla, learning about
geometry according to the errors meas- first account of the theoretical basis of an the practical (maintenance) problems of
ured. In contrast, the ESO system algo- actively controlled telescope with a the many (and varied) telescopes at our
rithm can be applied directly to any nor- monolithic mirror with the ESO system. ESO observatory. Everything I saw con-
mal passive support, whatever its geome- It was followed in the same year by the vinced me further that active optics was
try. Since the Howell and Creedon pro- formal paper (Wilson, 1977) at the ESO the only answer to the problem of main-
posal was completely impractical, it was Conference on “Optical Telescopes of the taining optimum optical quality with tele-
rejected by NASA. Because the HST pri- Future”. At this conference, Prof. Woltjer scopes in practice. Back in Europe in the
mary has a very stiff, lightweighted pri- also gave a paper assessing the great mer- summer of 1980, the big event for ESO
mary, the forces required for active optics its, above all for spectroscopy, of larger was the move from Geneva to Garching
correction of the initial spherical aberra- ground-based telescopes and thereby jus- in Germany. Since Richter left ESO at
tion error, discovered after launch in 1990, tifying astronomically the construction of this point, the position in charge of the Te-
would have been unrealisable in practice. a 16 m telescope. He left it open whether lescope Group was free and Woltjer
With a thin, relatively flexible primary this should be a single 16 m telescope, or asked me to fill it. I was happy to do this,
similar to the NTT, the ESO active optics an array of smaller telescopes. Such for- for my central interest had always been
system could have corrected it immedi- ward thinking was legitimate and neces- the telescope optics side, although my fi-
ately. Although unknown to the general sary for ESO at that time following the nal position in Geneva had been in charge

4 The Messenger 113

of the Instrumentation Group. For the Te- ed much work and was finally successful led by Daniel Enard. He decided to fol-
lescope Group in Garching, although oth- in demonstrating the practicability of the low completely the active optics, thin
er tasks were not negligible (e.g. the ESO active optics system. This was also monolithic primary concept of the NTT.
building for the 2.2 m telescope of the our first trial of the image analyser based However, the VLT would require a much
MPIA or the achromatic plate for the on the Shack-Hartmann principle. I had bolder approach than the (correctly) cau-
Schmidt telescope), the NTT was the cen- learned of this invention of Roland Shack tious approach of the NTT regarding the
tral project and was exactly the project I (whom I had met at the Imperial College flexibility of the primary. The basic tech-
had longed for. I think I can truly claim of London University in the early 1960s) nical decisions on the VLT had therefore
that I determined every major character- about 1979, when he was a professor at to be taken before the completion of the
istic of this telescope (the alt-az mount the Optical Sciences Center in Tucson. I NTT First Light in March 1989. Essential-
was taken over from Richter and was self- visited him with Francis and he was de- ly, the 1 m-experiment enabled those de-
evident for a New Technology Telescope) lighted at last to find someone who was cisions to be taken with confidence.
– not always to the pleasure of all the as- deeply interested in his system of optical Before the “Astronomical First Light”
tronomers. For example, I rejected not quality measurement and who wished to of the NTT we had what I called the
only a prime focus but also a Cassegrain apply it immediately. The astronomical “Technical First Light”. This was the first
focus, equipping the telescope only with community in Tucson had shown no in- time I saw a star image in the newly erect-
two symmetrical Nasmyth foci. This terest at all. Shack gave me an “S-H ed telescope. No adjustments had then
meant that complex changes of foci been made: this phase of the op-
as in the 3.6 m were totally avoided. eration was now starting and in-
With an act of great courage and ex- cluded the so-called “dc phase” of
pression of confidence in my active optics, i.e. the fixed , once-
knowledge of optics, Woltjer ac- off corrections – see pages 6-8.
cepted my active optics concept, but The star image I saw in a hand-
imposed one entirely reasonable held eyepiece did not please me. I
and prudent condition: that the looked at the defocused image in-
NTT should work in the passive side and outside focus, a classical
mode (i.e. without active optics) to test procedure I had used for
the same specification as the classi- decades on many telescopes. The
cal (passive) 3.6 m telescope. This appearance indicated strong
condition forced me to increase the spherical aberration, a defect
thickness of the NTT primary from which became world famous two
the 1:18 ratio I had envisaged to years later, when this aberration,
1:15. This reduction in flexibility re- indicating a ”matching error” in
duced the dynamic range of the ac- the forms of the primary and sec-
tive correction – see below concern- ondary mirrors, was revealed in
ing “First Light”. With the proven the Hubble Space Telescope. I
success of the active optics, 1:18 hoped for the best, thinking per-
would have been better, but I still haps there was a strong thermal
accept Woltjer’s imposed condition effect in the local air of the build-
as correct at the time. The optics ing at that time. However, with
team was minimal in 1980 and con- The NTT Active Optics Supports the tests of the image that fol-
sisted essentially of Francis Franza with Francis Franza at work lowed, my fears were confirmed:
and myself with valuable assistance there was indeed a strong spheri-
from Bernard Delabre on the optical de- screen”, a raster of lenslets, which he had cal aberration present. We were able to
sign side. Quite early on I decided that it made mechanically on a lathe. This had a prove it was an error in the form of the
was too risky to go ahead with the final serious phase defect, but was usable and primary. Exhaustive investigation, also
active optics system without a smaller enabled us to operate our image analyser. with the manufacturer Carl Zeiss, showed
scale experiment. This led to the 1 m-mir- Initially, the detection was with photo- that a spacer error had been made, as with
ror experiment in the optics lab, in which graphic plates and, to get rapid results, I the HST, in one of the so-called ”null-
Paul Giordano played a fundamental favoured doing the whole 1 m-experi- test” systems. In fact, this error had been
part. However, there was a serious lack in ment with plates. But Lothar Noethe detected by a careful check of the system
our optics group: a physicist to deal with wished to initiate CCD technology and at Zeiss. However, owing to a misunder-
the image analysis side and the necessary worked also with a CCD which had just standing of the sign of the spacer error,
software development. This gap was filled become available. The final results were the error was corrected in the wrong di-
by the engagement of Lothar Noethe, only published in 1988 (Noethe et al. rection, thereby doubling the resulting
who came from Siemens. His application 1988, W99), but already earlier they had spherical aberration instead of eliminat-
for the ESO job was one of the greatest given us full confidence to complete the ing it! The amount of spherical aberration
pieces of good fortune in our whole active NTT active optics system. The CCD as was about the same as that found later in
optics development. The presence of detector was fundamental: there was no the HST. Our active optics system was
Francis Franza was the other essential pil- serious alternative for our closed-loop able to correct it completely, although it
lar in the NTT development. Francis was system working rapidly in real time. The used up about 80% of the dynamic range
engaged in 1973 in Geneva and from that 1 m-experiment was also fundamental for of correction available – see pages 8-9.
time on we developed a perfect working the VLT study, initiated by Woltjer in the This correction, saving a very costly re-
symbiosis. 1980s after the financial approval of the working of the primary, was a marvellous
The 1 m-mirror experiment represent- VLT as an ESO project and technically demonstration of the power of active op-

Wilson R., History of Active Optics © ESO - September 2003 5

Figure 2: CCD a world record at that time for a ground-
pictures obtained at based telescope. Richard West identified
“First Light” with the the field (only 12 x 12 arcsec because of
ESO 3.5 m NTT in
March 1989, the small size of the CCD used directly at
compared with previ- the Cassegrain focus) and set up a beau-
ous records of the tiful comparison (West 1989, W99) which
same field (globular is reproduced here (Fig. 2). Upper left
cluster ω Centauri).
Upper left, ESO 1 m
shows the field, suitably magnified, taken
Schmidt; upper right, from a plate by the ESO 1 m Schmidt tel-
ESO 3.6 m telescope; escope in 1984 under modest seeing con-
lower left, ESO NTT ditions (ca. 2 arcsec). Upper right is from
raw image; lower a plate, considered excellent by normal
right, NTT processed
image. See text for standards, by the passive 3.6 m telescope
details. with seeing about 1 arcsec. Already with
From West, R. (1989). this improvement, the “clumps of cotton
wool” representing star images in the Sch-
midt plate have vastly improved. At the
bottom left is the “First Light” frame with
the NTT. The five separate images of the
Schmidt became about 15 with the 3.6 m
and number almost 100 with the NTT.
(The bottom right frame shows further
improvement by off-line processing; but
this cannot be compared with the other
three which are “raw images”). The enor-
mous gain in resolution is striking and
tics to extend vastly the manufacturing telescope optics.The finite expansion co- well-illustrated by the triple star right of
tolerances of correctable aberrations. efficient of aluminium is largely compen- centre. The Schmidt shows no resolution,
The “Astronomical First Light” results sated by its excellent thermal conductivi- with the 3.6 m the triple nature can be in-
of the NTT were so fantastic that they es- ty and active optics can easily handle ferred without resolution, while the NTT
tablished it as optically the best telescope residual expansion effects. Although in- resolves the three components complete-
in the world at that time (1989). As is well terest in aluminium has since been ly. But at least as significant as the gain in
documented (W99), the conditions were shown, above all in France, no telescope resolution is the gain in light concentra-
extraordinarily good both for external of significant size has been equipped with tion per star image, giving a huge increase
seeing and dome seeing: we were remark- an aluminium primary since the brilliant in depth penetration for the same expo-
ably fortunate. This was also due to an- pioneer work of Mottoni for the Merate sure time.
other new technology feature of the NTT, 1.37 m telescope (1969) in Italy (W99). Figure 3 reproduces the frontispiece of
taken over and improved, from the MMT. This is unfortunate and demonstrates my second book (W99) and shows the UT
This was the building concept, whereby once again the inherent technical conser- No. 2 (Kueyen) of the VLT together with
the building rotates with the azimuth vatism of the astronomical community: two beautiful photographs. The photo at
movement of the telescope. We improved the refusal to abandon glass corresponds the top right, a three-colour composite of
the MMT building concept by removing exactly to the inverse refusal to abandon the Spiral Galaxy NGC 2997, was taken
the back wall, thereby allowing ventila- metal (speculum) in the 1860s and to in- with UT No. 1 (Antu) and the FORS 1 in-
tion to pass laminarly through the whole troduce chemically silvered glass! This led strument on 5 March, 1999. In the near IR
building “slit” for the telescope. This fea- to the disaster of the Melbourne reflector, band, the FWHM of the best star images
ture has been very important for the ex- set up in 1869 (Wilson, 1996). was 0.25 arcsec, a record at that time.
cellent optical quality and, in somewhat It follows from the above account that
modified form, has been taken over for three very important aspects of the NTT SOME BASIC PROPERTIES OF THE
the VLT. technology came from the USA: the CCD ESO ACTIVE OPTICS SYSTEM
Only one new technology feature detector, the Shack-Hartmann image (a) Automatic optical Maintenance
which I envisaged was not realised. This analyser and the building concept. But As indicated in the first section, the ESO
was a second primary with an aluminium the active optics concept for thin menis- active optics system was conceived to
blank. This was finally abandoned for cost cus monoliths was a purely European de- remedy what seemed to me the most in-
and time-scale reasons, but I believe that velopment, which, apart from Roland tractable problem of the “passive” tele-
this decision was an error. The NTT Shack and Aden Meinel, was ignored or scopes built up till about 1980: the prob-
would have been a perfect telescope to actively rejected in the USA until the lem of optical maintenance of the fin-
test the viability of aluminium as a blank “First Light” success in 1989. ished telescope. The optical specifications
option. Excellent and reasonable offers The success of the ESO active optics of such telescopes (e.g. the ESO 3.6 m)
existed both for the manufacture of the concept has been wonderfully demon- were much inferior to those which have
blank and its “Canegen” coating and for strated by the best Full-Width-Half-Max- become normal for “active” telescopes,
the optical figuring. The existing blank in imum (FWHM) star images recorded for but they were still good. Furthermore,
Zerodur is, of course, excellent: but the the NTT and VLT. With “First Light” in they were largely met by the manufactur-
extreme zero expansion property of March 1989, the NTT revealed a best star ers. The problem was that they could
Zerodur (or ULE fused quartz) is no image for a CCD frame in the globular rarely be maintained in practical observa-
longer necessary for actively controlled cluster Centauri of 0.33 arcsec FWHM – tories. Often, they could be re-established

6 The Messenger 113

Figure 3: ESO VLT Unit Telescope No. 2
photographed in March 2000 by Hans-
Hermann Heyer. The photo upper left shows
the Crab Nebula taken with UT No. 2 and the
FORS2 instrument on 10 November 1999.
The photo upper right was taken with UT No.
1 and the FORS1 instrument on 5 March
1999 and shows the Spiral Galaxy NGC 2997.
The best star image quality (in the near IR
band) had a FWHM of 0.25 arcsec.

by careful adjustment in a complex off-

line operation, but most frequently they
declined again long before the next such
operation. The aim of active optics was
therefore to automate the whole optical
maintenance procedure. In the NTT, the
design aim was to re-optimize the quality
automatically with a cycle time of about
10 min. This automation was never re-
alised in my time (it was still initiated by
hand). The NTT is very robust in its de-
sign (see previous section), and this man-
ually initiated procedure could also en-
sure good quality. However, it depended
on procedures being followed and, in the
real world, this does not always happen.
The VLT telescopes are not at all robust
in this sense, because the primaries are
about 50 times more flexible than that of
the NTT. Without its active optics, the
VLT cannot produce a usable image. Ful-
ly automatic operation is thus essential,
and optimization is performed every 40 s.
Therefore, the period over which the op-
tical performance can decline is reduced
from what used normally to be weeks for
a passive telescope to 40 s. Furthermore,
the optimization is always complete, re-
covering fully the maximum potential of
the telescope, whereas the old-fashioned,
off-line procedures were rarely fully ef-
fective simply because the telescope was
inevitably out of commission and there
was always great time pressure. Also, the
telescope designs were rarely “mainte-
nance friendly” for the optics. The opti-
mization cycle of the VLT means essen-
tially that the optical quality must main-
tain itself for the change of zenith dis-
tances involved in tracking for 40 s.
Originally, the NTT software had no
provision for automation of the active op-
tics correction because we knew we had
to learn from experience how this could
best be realised. The initial huge success
after First Light was therefore achieved
by purely manual operation. By the end
of 1990, we had sufficient practical expe- This included, of course, the fully auto- ness and colour are less critical. This was
rience to make an attempt at automation mated active optics correction cycle. Re- from the start a problem with the NTT,
possible, but organisational changes pre- cently, the VLT software for the active op- for which the availability of sufficiently
vented any further advance in practice. tics has been further improved to elimi- bright stars was uncertain. This problem
Finally, the wise decision was taken to use nate aberration effects of the air and to was exacerbated by the raster of the
the NTT as a test bench for the new VLT make the choice of reference star more Shack-Hartmann detector, which was laid
software, which was installed about 1996. flexible (i.e. easier) because the bright- out cautiously with 40  40 sub-aper-

Wilson R., History of Active Optics © ESO - September 2003 7

tures. With more experience, this was re-
duced to 20  20 sub-apertures for the
VLT, which anyway gives more light be-
cause of the larger aperture. Although the
S.-H. raster is unchanged, it has been pos-
sible (according to current information
from Olivier Hainaut) to operate a partial
automation of the NTT active optics for
astronomical exposure times longer than Figure 4: The bandpasses for active and adaptive optics correction. From original publication
by Wilson and Noethe 1989 and W99.
ca. 2 − 3 minutes and under stable condi-
tions for the residual aberrations. Typical-
ly, about 5 – 7 image analyses are aver- quality, the classical definition of “seeing”. quency component can only be actively
aged out, giving then a correction every (If the integration time is inadequate, the corrected within the limits of the isopla-
5 – 10 minutes. This procedure is there- image analyser will give completely errat- natic angle. For the external seeing in
fore close in cycle time to my original pro- ic and wrong results since random aberra- general, unlimited correction will only be
posal. tions of the external seeing are included). possible using artificial, laser-generated
For a frequency higher than 1/30 Hz (for reference stars.
(b) Frequency bandpasses of inferior seeing at somewhat lower fre-
active and adaptive optics quencies), we enter into the adaptive op- (c) Modal control
Table 1, taken from W99, shows the basis tics bandpass C, going to beyond 103 Hz, A modal concept (i.e. successive terms of
of all this thinking in terms of the “Band- for the external seeing. In this bandpass, some polynomial with increasing powers
pass” or frequency of all the sources of we are confronted with the phenomenon of the parameters involved) has always
image degradation. The most important of the isoplanatic angle Θ (W99), that an- been normal practice in optical design
conclusion from this Table is that all the gle over which the phase of the error in- based on the theory of optical aberra-
error sources are dc or of bandpass <10−2 troduced by atmospheric seeing is essen- tions. As explained in the first section, I
Hz except (8), (9) and (10) and partly (7). tially constant. Θ is a function of seeing realised from discussions with Dr Sch-
This is of central importance, because it is quality, wavelength and the frequency. For wesinger at Carl Zeiss in 1968 that the
roughly the frequency limit of normal ac- visible light and an extended frequency flexure terms in his theory of elastic flex-
tive optics correction in closed-loop and band, the value of Θ is only a few arcsec ure of circular mirrors could be interpret-
implies that two thirds of all the errors and even at the lowest frequencies of ed in a similar way. The whole theoretical
listed are amenable to it. The definition of bandpass C amounts to only one or two basis of active optics was already clear to
the correction bandpass is an essential arcmin at most. For closed-loop opera- me. A modal basis was thus clear from the
feature of any control system. The situa- tion, for which a reference star within the start. It is a fundamental property of phy-
tion with my definition is shown in Fig. 4. isoplanatic angle is required, this is a very ics, linked to thermodynamics, that so-
The normal active optics bandpass A, serious limitation compared with band- called “higher order terms”, involving
as defined for the NTT, goes from dc to pass A for active optics, for which there is higher powers of the polynomial parame-
1/30 Hz. The limit of 1/30 Hz simply cor- no isoplanatic angle limitation at all and a ters (essentially the radius, the thickness
responds to the well-known fact that, in reference star at any convenient point in and the azimuthal orientation in cylindri-
the presence of good astronomical exter- the field can be used. The bandpass B, cal mirrors) require more energy for their
nal seeing, an integration time of 30 s is which I call the extended active optics generation and are more stable than
sufficient to “integrate out” the external bandpass, goes from 1/30 Hz to about 10 “lower order terms”. This is embodied in
seeing completely, giving a round image Hz. This is particularly important for Er- the principle of St Venant, fundamental to
corresponding to the external seeing ror 7 of Table 1, of which the higher fre- this application of elasticity theory. The
conclusion is of great impor-
Table 1: The ten sources of error giving degradation of image quality in ground-based telescopes, and tance for active optics: low or-
their corresponding bandpasses. Diffraction, which is inevitable and continuous, is excluded since (for der terms such as defocus and
a given signal wavelength) it cannot be influenced. In space, the three errors dependent on air vanish astigmatism can occur in tele-
(W99). scopes readily and vary rapidly
and require relatively low
forces to generate them, such as
(1) Optical design dc (fixed) the gravity effects due to tele-
(2) Optical manufacture dc (fixed) scope movement. Beyond a cer-
(3) Theoretical errors of: tain (high) order, conversely,
- Mirror supports dc → 10 3 − (fixed → minutes)
- Structure (focus, centering) 10−3 (minutes) gravity effects produce effects
(4) Maintenance errors of the structure which are optically negligible.
and mirror supports 10−6 → 10−5 (weeks → days) The corollary is a very simple
(5) Thermal distortions basic axiom of active optics: if
- Mirrors 10−5 → 10−4 (days → hours)
- Structure 10 − 3 (minutes)
forces of the order of the gravi-
(6) Mechanical distortion of mirrors (warping) 10−7 (years) ty forces on the supports can
(7) Thermal effects of ambient air produce an optical error of sig-
(telescope, dome and site “seeing”) 10−4 → 102 (hours → 0.01 s) nificance, then correcting forces
(8) Mirror deformation from wind gusts 10−2 → 101 (minutes → 0.1 s) of the same order of magnitude
(9) Atmospheric turbulence (external “seeing”) − 2
210 → 10 + 3 −
(50 s → < 10 s)3

(10) Tracking errors 5 → 102 (0.2 s → 10−2 s) can correct it, if we can deter-
mine how and where to apply
them! Conversely, a higher or-

8 The Messenger 113

der error which cannot be corrected by Figure 5: The first 25
forces of this magnitude will also not be natural vibration modes
generated, i.e. it will not be present. In of the VLT primary. The
first 16 of these are cor-
other words, any error present which is rected by the active op-
due to elasticity and gravity can be cor- tics system. The modes
rected. Later, I realised that this modal shown were calculated
approach is also mathematically essential for a thickness of 200
mm, whereas the final
for finding a practical solution. Mathe- thickness of the mirror is
matically, it would seem simple and ele- 175 mm (W99).
gant to measure the total aberration error
at many points of a rectangular raster
over the pupil. If calibrations exist for the
aberrations produced by known force dis-
tributions, then a so-called matrix inver-
sion would give a solution reducing the
optical error at all the raster points to
zero. However, this procedure would in-
clude all the aberration orders, including
higher order effects which are negligible
in practice, but not zero. These terms
would only be correctable by impossibly
high forces.The result would be a solution
matrix with an inaccessible solution:
mathematically a solution matrix with
enormous eigenvalue ratios. The modal
approach avoids all such problems, pro-
vided the modes are reasonably deter-
mined. In the NTT, because the primary
was relatively stiff, seven modes were suf-
ficient. In the VLT, with a primary about but can never rival the repeated direct active optics technologies, both for their
50 times more flexible, 16 modes are cor- measurement of the actual aberration in optical function and for their cost. Finally,
rected. Fig. 5 shows the nature of the de- the telescope image. Since there is no iso- for the reader interested in a full account
formations produced by these modes. The planatic angle problem and there is no of the current status of active optics, the
use of these so-called “natural vibration unsolved practical problem of applying best reference is a recent review article by
modes” is one of the great contributions image analysis using CCDs in big tele- Lothar Noethe (2002).
of Lothar Noethe (Noethe 1991, W99). scopes, my view is that the closed-loop
The obvious optical alternative of system with image analysis is the opti- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Zernike polynomial modes, orthogonal mum way of performing active optics. I am most grateful to Prof. Woltjer for dis-
modes commonly used in optical design, This was my intention from the start of cussions and clarification regarding the
is quite feasible. But the dynamic range of my complete theoretical concept of active early years of the NTT and VLT develop-
correction for a given range of forces is an optics in 1968, although I knew of no tech- ments, and to Lothar Noethe for techni-
optimum for the natural modes, a very nical solution for real-time image analysis cal discussions. Thanks are also due to
important advantage. at that time. Olivier Hainaut for information on the
current status of the NTT. The editor of
(d) Closed-loop operation CONCLUSION The Messenger, Peter Shaver, has also
Reference has been made several times As with all technical developments de- been most helpful regarding the content.
above to the fact that the ESO active op- parting radically from accepted technolo- My gratitude is due to him for suggesting
tics system is a closed-loop system per- gy, it took a long time, 21 years, between the article in the first place.
forming corrections at frequent time in- my first theoretical basis of active optics
tervals by measuring the errors in a star in 1968 to its final practical confirmation REFERENCES
image in real time. The development of with the NTT in 1989. Without the confi- Connes, P., 1989, SPIE Conf. Active Telescope
this image measurement system, based on dence and support of Prof. Woltjer for the Systems, F. Roddier ed SPIE vol. 1114, 238
NTT and VLT, who knows whether it Dierickx, P. et al., 2003, SPIE vol. 4840, 151
the Shack-Hartmann detection principle, Noethe, L. et al., 1988, J.Mod.Optics, 35, 1427
was not trivial, but has long been standard would have been tried in practice to this Noethe, L., 1991, J.Mod.Optics, 38, 1043
technology at ESO through the NTT and day? The significance of active optics Noethe, L., 2002, Active optics in modern large
VLT. In a VLT unit telescope, up to 1000 seems to me, in hindsight, greater today optical telescopes, Progr.Optics 43, E.Wolf
image analyses might be made in a single than in those early years. Together with ed, 1
West, R., 1989, The ESO Messenger, 56, 3
winter night! In the first section, it was in- the segmented technology of the Keck Wilson, R.N., 1977, Procs ESO Conf. Optical Te-
dicated that an alternative approach is by telescopes, it enabled the breakthrough of lescopes of the Future, ESO, Geneva, 99
precalibration of aberrations as a func- both the technological quality barrier and Wilson, R.N., 1982, Optica Acta, 29, 985
tion of zenith distance in an alt-az mount- the cost barrier presented roughly by the Wilson, R.N., 1996, Reflecting Telescope Optics
5 m Palomar telescope. Future huge tele- I, Springer-Verl. Berlin & Heidelberg, 2nd
ed telescope, and that this approach is corr. repr. 2002
used in some other projects. The ESO scope concepts, such as the 100 m OWL Wilson, R.N., 1999, Reflecting Telescope Optics
viewpoint is that precalibration can be a of ESO (Dierickx et al. 2003), would be II, Springer-Verl. Berlin & Heidelberg, corr.
reasonable approximation in many cases, inconceivable without these modern repr. 2001(W99)

Wilson R., History of Active Optics © ESO - September 2003 9



FORUM WAS HELD AT tion instrument projects and their ESO Team, which unfortunately could not at-

ESO-Garching over three counterparts, the potential PIs of second tend the Forum but sent comments in ad-
consecutive half-day ses- generation instruments, the STC/UC/ vance.
sions on 8−9 April. To ensure Council representatives, the panel mem- Membership for the Panels was as
maximum feedback from the bers and a number of ALMA representa- follows:
ESO user community, the event was sand- tives. Attendance was high with more -Panel #1 (Procedures): S. D’Odorico,
wiched between the regular User's Com- than sixty non-ESO staff participants. All ESO (moderator); A. Blécha, Observa-
mittee (UC) and Scientific and Technical external Consortia were duly represent- toire de Genève; W. Boland, NOVA-Lei-
Committee (STC) spring meetings. The ed, except for the Australian Oz-Poz den; F. Casoli, INSU; J. G. Cuby, ESO;
purpose was to review with the external
Consortia how the first generation instru-
mentation has been developed and the
lessons of its successes and failures. The Forum Agenda
main objectives were: i) to produce a bet- Instrument Procurement History & Evolution C. Cesarsky ESO
ter common understanding among the in-
Lessons learned: FORS 1 & 2 I. Appenzeller LSW-Heidelberg
strument builders both from the Commu-
nity and from ESO and the members of Lessons learned: CONICA R. Lenzen MPIA-Heidelberg
the ESO Committees (UC, STC, Coun-
cil); and ii) to get the necessary input to Lessons learned: NAOS G. Rousset ONERA
improve ESO’s procedures and policies, Lessons learned: VIMOS & NIRMOS O. LeFèvre LAM-Marseille
in particular for second Generation
VLT/I instrumentation development and Lessons learned: Giraffe F. Hammer Obs. Paris
ALMA. Lessons learned: SPIFFI F. Eisenhauer MPE-Garching
The Forum embraced both analytic
and synthetic approaches. The analytic Lessons learned: VISIR P.O. Lagage CEA-Saclay
approach featured individual presenta- Lessons learned: OmegaCAM K. Kuijken Leiden SW
tions by the external PIs on the instru-
ments developed in the last decade for Lessons learned: HARPS M. Mayor Obs. Genève
Paranal and La Silla, supplemented by
Lessons learned: MIDI U. Graser MPIA-Heidelberg
two presentations by ESO on its experi-
ence. The synthetic approach included Lessons learned: AMBER R. Petrov Nice University
two panel discussions, one on “Proce-
What went right and What went wrong? G. Monnet ESO
dures” (Contracts, Design Reviews,
Progress Meetings, Reporting, PAE, Panel #1: Instrument development Procedures Panel #1
Commissioning, GTO, ESO roles) and
one on “Science Operations” (Observing Perspective from the Users H. van Winckel UC
modes, Templates, Quality Control, Panel #2: Science Operations Panel #2
Pipelines, Data Access), followed by con-
cluding presentations on behalf of the What Shall We Change? ESO Perspective G. Monnet ESO
UC, STC and ESO executive. What Shall We Change? STC Perspective R. Bacon STC
Invitations were extended to the Con-
sortia that were involved in first genera- General Discussion & Conclusions All

10 The Messenger 113

F. Eisenhauer, MPE-Garching; A. Russell, approach, used with varying degrees of the end of the day, ESO bears the ulti-
ATC-Edinburgh; P. Vettolani, INAF. success in recent years for numerous ESO mate responsibility for operating these
-Panel #2 (Science Operations): P. projects (NAOS, VIMOS, FLAMES, scientifically competitive new facilities
Quinn, ESO (moderator); M. Bremer SPIFFI, HARPS). In retrospect, however, for its community. The relationship with
(Bristol University); C. Cacciari, it appears to have been a useful tool, es- Consortia has thus evolved quite natural-
(Bologna); B. Garilli, (IASF-Milano); D. pecially for faster contracting, early pur- ly towards a partnership with a common
Minniti, Chile; D. Silva, ESO. chases and relatively quick design. On the single goal, rather than the previous client
other hand, time pressure generated dur- to customer model. This remains a some-
FORUM AGENDA ing the crucial Assembly, Integration and what entangled scheme as, at the same
The Forum Agenda is given in the Table Testing phases has been sometimes detri- time, ESO is responsible to its own com-
on the previous page. All Presentations mental, e.g. for NACO and especially munity for the guaranteed time granted
are accessible from the Web at http:// VIMOS. However, as counterexamples, to external Consortia in exchange for (user- the complex FLAMES facility was “only” manpower and, possibly, cash (e.g.
name: llforum; password: UR32Cthem!). a year late on an extremely challenging OmegaCAM, MIDI, AMBER), assuming
original schedule. The technically com- the instruments are delivered on time,
LESSONS LEARNED AND APPLIED plex, if operationally simpler, SPIFFI within budget, and according to perform-
We received considerable feedback both spectrometer was even closer to meeting ance specifications. This aspect necessari-
from the Principal Investigators of some its original schedule. The HARPS Planet ly retains a contractual nature.
twelve instrumental projects led by exter- Searcher project for the La Silla 3.6 m tel- The Gemini Observatory is engaged in
nal groups and from ESO project man- escope even succeeded in making its orig- similar soul-searching. However, in its
agers from Garching, La Silla and inal 3-year schedule to the day. Based on case, there is much less technical contri-
Paranal. As expected, no complete con- our experience, developing a full-fledged bution to the projects on the part of the
sensus could be reached from such a VLT facility would “normally” take about Observatory and, in particular, little stan-
diverse set of individual experiences, but 5 years. This can be significantly acceler- dardization. Moreover, in contrast to
a number of common threads clearly ated, but with a special concerted effort ESO, it bears the full cost (hardware plus
appeared during the Meeting. All steps of and then only if in addition all eventual manpower) of the instruments. One year
instrument development were addressed, R&D issues have been solved upfront, a ago, their “lessons-learned” solution was
from the initial evaluation and decision lesson certainly learned a contrario on to adopt from now on a full partnership
process through instrument design, fabri- some first generation instruments, e.g. model until Critical Design Review (rela-
cation and integration and finally reinte- VISIR and NIRMOS. tively close to ESO Preliminary Design
gration and commissioning in Chile. Most Review), followed by the usual client role
of these points were related to contractu- Consortium-ESO relationship until full delivery of the instrument. In the
al and management aspects, but there Almost fifteen years ago, when the VLT case of ESO, we should distinguish be-
were also some important technical is- first generation instruments effort was tween instrument building, which is in-
sues. All require a closer look on how in- launched, a simple and neat model was herently done in partnership, and the con-
strument projects are handled at ESO adopted with, basically, a customer (ESO) tractual aspect, whose raison d’e^tre is to
and how we can improve. to industrial-like supplier (Consortium) cover the guaranteed time allocation in
relationship. A more complex situation exchange for the Consortia contributions.
Management evolved in the following years as the need Above all, both the ESO and the com-
and Contractual Aspects to apply rigorous hardware and software munity instrument builders recognize the
Schedule, Performance & Cost: standards was recognized – at first rather need to continue applying proper project
revisiting the “fast-track” approach reluctantly on both sides, and, ultimately, management tools, in particular, Instru-
“Schedule, performance, cost: pick any fully embraced by both sides. The quid ment Specifications and Statements of
two”. The extensive instrument programs pro quo, however, was that the correspon- Work, Progress Reports and Reviews, as
for the present generation of Very Large ding systems, in particular instrument well as maintaining a living Management
Telescopes certainly offer a good oppor- control and detector assemblies, were de- Plan for every project. This view, which
tunity to check the validity of this Dil- livered, documented and maintained by started at a very early phase of the VLT
bert-like saying. In ESO’s case, experi- ESO for the vast majority of the instru- project, is now shared by virtually all in-
ence so far shows that: i) hardware costs ments. This played a large role in the evo- strument teams at every large telescope.
are as a rule accurately predicted; ii) man- lution towards the present, sometimes
power predictions are less accurate, with confusing, situation in which ESO in- Analysis and Decision Phase
systematic underestimation factors rang- creasingly plays the dual role of a “sub- First generation instrument definitions
ing from slightly larger than 1 to 1.5; contractor” to the Consortium – required and procurement schemes ranged over
iii) performance specifications are mostly to deliver goods within time, cost & per- the whole gamut, from competing pro-
met, with the painful exception of (me- formance – and of the “client”, monitoring posals (e.g. the two FORS, CONICA and
chanical) reliability for many projects and the instrument contract. In some cases, VIMOS) to single source procurements
iv) schedules consistently tend not to be the ESO contributions have been seen as (e.g. ISAAC and UVES for internal ESO
met, with typical 1 to 2 year delays. Over- outsiders compared to the “real” Consor- instruments, VISIR after an extensive,
all, both Gemini and Keck found similar tia. This too has led to problems in under- competitively selected Phase A study and
patterns in spite of large differences in standing the implications of resource lim- FLAMES for external procurements).
their respective procurement policies. itations within ESO and in evaluating the With the present second generation start,
Thus, schedule is the main “free” pa- rate of progress in some areas. there is a clear demand for a more unified
rameter in the equation. This would ap- Perhaps even more importantly, with scheme. We are thus instituting systemat-
pear therefore to put into question the the delivery so far of the first seven VLT ic Phase A studies to establish the instru-
usefulness of the so-called “fast-track” instruments, it has become clear that, at ments’ top level scientific goals, their

© ESO - September 2003 11

technical feasibility and the aptitude of orders issued by ESO, at least below a conducted in a professional way, but at
the teams – including the possible ESO certain financial cap. the same time within a fully cooperative
contributions. These studies are conduct- atmosphere.
ed in partnership and, ideally, we are al- Development phase: Design; Many of the instrument delays oc-
ready able to build at this early phase a Fabrication; Assembly, curred between FDR and Preliminary
full ESO project team covering all instru- Integration & Testing Acceptance in Europe (PAE), and closer
mentation and operational aspects, in- Both Gemini and ESO have expended involvement of ESO staff and improved
cluding a Paranal contribution. huge efforts to establish proper contracts communication would be of great benefit
The Phase A studies will lead to Re- with external Consortia in order to start in this phase. The instrument develop-
views by ESO, with the help of external the development phase. There is relative- ment phase ends with the PAE, another
reviewers, in which the project concepts, ly little we can do about the efforts re- crucial event, which requires stepping up
performance and feasibility are covered, quired, given the usually large number of Paranal involvement, ideally months be-
as well as results of critical R&D and pro- actors involved, but we could save time by fore the actual acceptance tests. In the
visional contributors, to conduct the proj- starting actual design (and when appro- last two years, we have experienced some
ects within acceptable schedules, cost and priate, initiating some time-critical pro- rather painful PAE, where an instrument
management plans, costs and schedules. curements) right after selection while, in finally got a go-ahead to Paranal (partly)
This phase is also crucial to recognize any parallel, negotiating the contract for guar- out of desperation from all actors in-
further R&D effort, which should be anteed time allocation, which requires ap- volved. This, however, did not appear to
completed before any project enters into proval by the ESO Council. We would ob- be directly connected to a major manage-
an “irreversible” state. It is worth noting viously then run a (small) risk on both ment or procedure failure, but to sheer
that there are currently two cases, viz., sides by investing in a project that could technical complexity instead (see below).
KMOS and the Planet Finder, with two eventually be cancelled some 6 to 9
teams in direct competition with each months later. This is however more than Commissioning and
other during this phase, and ESO will counter-balanced by the certainty other- Start of Operations
make every effort to treat them on an wise of losing momentum, including, at Even with due allowance for the finite ca-
equal footing. the very least, a full semester delay in pability of Paranal compared to the pres-
These Phase A Reviews will be the ba- every schedule, as was experienced on ent avalanche of instrument and tele-
sis for ESO evaluations transmitted to the first generation projects with some dam- scope systems installations, the current
Consortia for comments. These elements, aging impact on ESO competitiveness. commissioning scheme appears sub-opti-
together with the Review documents, will During all this development phase, the mal, both practically and psychologically,
be communicated to the STC for recom- key management tools are the progress due to the complex and sometimes con-
mendations on the individual projects, for meetings, which involve the whole Con- fusing responsibility sharing between the
resolving cases of competing projects, and sortium, including of course the relevant Consortium P.I., the ESO-Garching proj-
on the relative scientific priorities of the ESO team. Building this combined team ect manager and instrument scientist, and
different instrumental avenues explored. approach, involving not only ESO “hard- the Paranal responsible. Granted, partly
This scheme should make the decision ware” divisions but also operational ones because some instruments were not fully
making process more transparent to our (Paranal & DMD), is crucial to the suc- completed before moving to Paranal, we
community. cess of the partnership model. sometimes went through protracted com-
Recently, steps have been taken to As originally put into place for the missioning extending over 3-4 periods in-
strengthen the final decision phase for the VIRMOS contract, all instrument con- stead of the canonical two phases: Com-
launch of instrument projects. In parallel tracts should be framed in two successive missioning I, devoted to instrument tech-
with the Forum, we have established steps: First, instrument design up to the nical evaluation, and Commissioning II
within ESO a “Project Definition & Ap- project Final Design Review (FDR) and for integration in the VLT operation flow.
proval” (PDA) Committee, composed of second, fabrication up to the instrument This is an experience that neither the
representatives of Instrumentation & reintegration and Commissioning in Consortia nor ESO would like to repeat.
Systems Development and Paranal & Chile. The FDR is a crucial event whose We need to move to a clearer scheme,
Garching Operations, which endorses purpose is to firmly establish the techni- strictly linked to the absolute first priori-
proposals to the Executive for all new cal, financial and human capacity to actu- ty goal to characterize the instruments
projects, including instrument upgrades. ally develop the facility within schedule, and finalize the deployment of their ob-
This integrated approach is essential to performance and cost or, barring that, to serving modes. The intent is to retain an
ensure that all project aspects are ad- terminate the project in an efficient and overall Paranal-led commissioning under
dressed in a coordinated way and to de- amicable way (with some contractual plans drafted by the combined Consor-
velop full project “ownership” inside guaranteed time attached to the Consor- tium-ESO team, with the goal of sticking
ESO. tium efforts up to FDR). There has been to the two-phase model. Early involve-
It should be noted that so far the sec- some lively discussion on the Review ment of Paranal staff in the program def-
ond generation Phase A studies have process carried out by ESO on more than inition should help reduce the sense of
been handled through formal Contracts 20 instrumental projects. Some Consortia “Them” and “Us” that has developed. In
with the Consortia. This is a slow and have found the ESO approach too formal addition, for the subsidiary but neverthe-
time-consuming process, somewhat dis- and occasionally inefficient. There has less important goal of early scientific
proportionate to the relatively small sums been a rather large consensus that the evaluation of the instrument capabilities,
involved in each of the cases (50 to 150 fundamental approach looks right, but a separate short observing program
k ), and even more so with respect to also that we must revisit the issue, in par- should be carried out jointly by the In-
their short timescales (1 to 2 years). We ticular, to give clearer definitions of the strument PI and the Instrument Scien-
are looking to implement a much simpler objectives of the various reviews and that tist(s) under the supervision of the VLT
procedure, e.g. through direct purchase we must ensure that these reviews remain Program Scientist. The observational data

12 The Messenger 113

will immediately become public. At the notoriously difficult to maintain and es- CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES
same time, we will continue with the re- pecially to upgrade in a fully backward The deluge of self-criticism above should
cent practice of allowing Consortia to compatible way, and they usually carry not obscure the bright silver lining. ESO
make use of some of their Guaranteed significant penalties in volume, weight, and its community, through dedicated and
Time very early in the deployment of the heat dissipation and production cost, al- competent Consortia, have produced a
instrument. beit with big savings in spares and main- challenging instrumentation complement
tenance costs. On the Consortia side, in roughly one decade, at an affordable
Technical Aspects there is also a clear risk of loss of compe- cost, with state of the art performance at
Instrument Complexity tence in strategic instrumental domains the cutting edge of present technology
In the fully integrated “operation flow” for the Laboratories across Europe. and offering a staggering variety of ob-
concept of the Paranal Observatory, oper- However, all this pales in comparison to serving modes. This instrumentation has
ational complexity has been a limiting the sheer chaos we would be in if we were been integrated end-to-end into the pow-
factor in our capacity to put a given facil- to operate and maintain dozens of in- erful VLT -and VLTI- Machine. In paral-
ity on the air. In this respect, the multi- compatible systems in the Chile Observa- lel, La Silla instrumentation and tele-
mode first generation instrumentation, tories. scopes have been modernized and their
with many different “internal states” (in operation increasingly brought under the
other words, a very high instrumental en- Instrument Pipelines VLT paradigm. Global success can be
tropy) to be integrated, commissioned, During the first generation phase, ESO measured objectively: technically, from
evaluated, documented and calibrated, has built a common data flow infrastruc- the low rate of downtime and the high
has presented an enormous burden. In ture that addresses basic end-to-end shutter open efficiency, and scientifically,
retrospect, we all have largely underesti- needs for data acquisition and archiving. from the high publication rate and cita-
mated this kind of complexity and at the Observatory pipelines have so far been tion index of the ESO Observatories. As
same time overestimated the capabilities mainly restricted to the operational needs a result of this whole effort, and for the
of the Consortia and of ESO. In parallel, of quick-look and quality control, which first time in a century, the observational
this operational complexity is linked to an are vital to the VLT operational model. capabilities of European ground-based
equally large technical complexity, with Evolution of this infrastructure has some- astronomy have overtaken the other side
many moving functions and all too often times been painful for external Consortia of the Atlantic.
serious reliability problems that are exac- but this should be largely avoided in the At first sight, our common challenge
erbated by the particularly demanding near future with the ongoing develop- ahead with second generation instrumen-
Paranal observation scheme, especially in ment of a Common Pipeline Library. tation may appear somewhat less formi-
service mode. There is an urgent need to move now in dable than it has been for the first instru-
For second generation instruments, the the direction of pipelines that provide ment complement. In a couple of years,
crucial time window to avoid repeating more science-ready products to the users; the VLT/I Infrastructure should be large-
this mistake is right now, when projects i.e., with the astronomical objects auto- ly complete, from the Telescopes them-
are still at the conceptual level. The fine matically extracted and the instrumental selves to the instrument standard HW &
point is to balance the scientific useful- signature removed from the data. In that SW sub-systems, to data handling and
ness of adding another sub-mode or an- sense, the UVES pipeline is a precursor analysis pipelines. This will ease the in-
other function to a given instrument to that has largely contributed to the scien- strument builders’ work, whether at ESO
the additional burden it would create. tific success of the instrument. We plan to or in external Consortia. We certainly
Such a pruning is essential to avoid revis- move steadily in that direction. The first should not repeat the painful stories of
iting the Via Crucis, viz. the painful phase step will be to cover multi-slit spectrome- the early VLT instruments, e.g. the two
from PAE to Commissioning in Chile that try, with the even bigger challenge ahead FORS for which the Consortium had to
has been walked through too often in the of integral field spectroscopy. In this en- go repeatedly through vastly different
recent past. deavour, external Consortia have much to versions of the Instrument Control Sys-
provide in terms of algorithms, as does tem! This, hopefully, will also translate
The VLT standards Paranal (and La Silla) Observatory in into somewhat easier instrument han-
Once (almost) a dirty 12 letter expletive, terms of observing procedures. These dovers to the Operation Divisions. How-
the concept of “VLT standards”, which contributions will have to be integrated, ever, the burden of the remaining infra-
has applied across the board, and in par- under the control of the corresponding structure tasks – in particular VISTA and
ticular to all instrument control HW/SW instrument scientists, and within the ESO PRIMA – as well as putting the VLTI fa-
and detector systems, has now gained re- common infrastructure, in order to main- cility into full operation, should not be
spectability as these standards have ma- tain reliability, scalability and predictabil- underestimated. We are now largely free
tured and are now systematically provid- ity – admittedly, at the expense of flexibil- from the panic mode in which some first
ed by ESO to the Consortia. While there ity and responsiveness. generation instruments were installed in
were growing pains in that process, ESO There is a much larger issue on the order to provide a long-needed, sorely-
is now able to deliver a number of build- horizon, viz., eventually going beyond sci- lacking capability (e.g. Adaptive Optics
ing blocks that speed up and simplify the ence-ready products to scientifically led, with NACO) and/or to be able to fully
development efforts of the Consortia. We full data analysis pipelines. It is presently use a Unit Telescope (again the case of
are considering possible extensions e.g., unclear if and how the numerous efforts NACO for bright time periods at UT4).
providing a common Real-Time Comput- in the ESO community, in particular from Finally, there is now an extensive knowl-
er platform for the Adaptive Optics sys- the various national data centres, could edge base in Europe on how to build –
tems as well as providing all Observing –or even should – be coordinated with the and how not to build – instruments for 8-
Software (OS) top layers. goal to increase our scientific productivi- 10 m class telescopes.
We should not be blind to the short- ty. This needs to be addressed in the near This does not mean, however, too much
comings of this approach. Standards are future. of a free lunch ahead. In this era of fully

Monnet G. & Bacon R., VLT/I Instrumention lessons learned forum © ESO - September 2003 13
This cartoon illustrates the race between present
builders of large telescopes and their instrumenta-
tion, put in order of first light on the sky. It may
also help to remind us of the point made by the
red Queen to Alice: 'HERE, you see, it takes all the
running YOU can do, to keep in the same place. If
you want to get somewhere else, you must run at
least twice as fast as that.' (Lewis Carroll; Through
the Looking Glass)

international competition, delivering fa- As for ALMA, many of the lessons agement by ESO. In all these contractual
cilities tuned to urgent new scientific driv- learned with the first generation VLT/I aspects, the ALMA project is in fact much
ers in a timely way through brand-new in- instruments apply. Institutions or Consor- closer to the Gemini Observatory ap-
struments or upgrades of existing ones, or tia of institutions in the community are proach than the ESO one; it may be in-
using a “friendly” visitor focus in order to responsible for major ALMA work pack- teresting to note that Gemini has howev-
keep at the frontier of astrophysical re- ages in the areas of front-end and back- er recently introduced a relatively small
search, remains crucial. Also, while the end electronics. While these are integral amount of guaranteed time observing to
second generation projects so far tend to components of the overall facility, rather better motivate the instrument Consortia.
feature “almost” single mode instruments than instruments in the VLT/I sense, the Extensive “ALMA standards” are applied
with fewer mechanisms, they nonetheless relationship between ESO and the insti- across the project, especially in software.
present some formidable technical chal- tutions is very similar, and the approach Integration and Commissioning is an
lenges such as the KMOS multiple cryo- to ALMA largely derived from this in- overall project responsibility with support
mechanisms, the MUSE 24 (!) spectrom- strumental experience. Two distinct dif- to be provided by the sub-systems suppli-
eters cum image slicers, and the extreme ferences are that ALMA will bear the full ers. Hence, any confusion due to shared
Adaptive Optics system required for the costs including labour, and that no guar- responsibilities should be avoided.
Planet Finder. Some of the suggestions anteed time will be granted to the con- Finally, we would like to extend warm
above in our global approach for instru- tributing institutions. The relationship be- thanks to the speakers, the panel mem-
ment procuring have already been trans- tween ESO and the participating Euro- bers, and all participants from ESO and
formed into policy. We will be working on pean institutions during design and devel- its Community. Such an event is not an
more in the coming months to improve opment (the so-called ALMA Phase I) easy one to tackle and could have easily
the overall process. It is clear that every was essentially the full partnership mod- degraded into a blame storming session.
attention should be given to ultimately el. As we move now into construction and Au contraire, the maturity of all actors
make the second generation develop- series production to equip the 64 anten- was impressive and reflects the increasing
ments an unqualified scientific success. In nae, it is shifting to the customer–supplier professionalism that is key to successfully
that respect, the Forum has been both model with correspondingly more formal developing ever more powerful scientific
timely and useful. contracts and active monitoring and man- facilities.

been operating successfully from there characterise the instrument due to lack
ever since. Congratulations to all those of time, we were extremely happy with
involved in the move, all of the careful how the instrument performed, with P-
preparation and planning paid off with modes from a pulsating star clearly ob-
no time lost at all! 3.6 m observers can served. More tests will be conducted
now enjoy the community atmosphere before the instrument is offered to the
of the RITZ along with observers at the community at the start of Period 72.
2.2 m and NTT.
We welcome Ivo Saviane as the new IR
Finally, those who dwelt at the very top This was scheduled for between the 5th staff astronomer on La Silla. Ivo has
of La Silla have come to join the rest of and 21st of June but was unfortunately been a La Silla fellow for the past two
us in the common control room of the severely hampered by bad weather years working within the 2p2 team and
RITZ. On June 19, the 3.6 m control (eleven nights lost out of sixteen). assumed his new role for the observa-
room was moved into the RITZ and has Although we were not able to fully tory on July 1st.

14 The Messenger 113



1ESO Paranal, Chile; 2ESO Garching, Germany

tra on the detector. With respect to other which has a resolving power of R=47,000

of the current and future integral field units existing or planned at and a wavelength coverage of 638−663
instruments of the VLT the VLT, ARGUS has the unique capabil- nm). The dispersion is along the horizon-
are equipped with Inte- ity of coupling spatial resolution with a tal axis, with the wavelength increasing
gral Field Units (IFUs). fairly high spectral resolving power of from left to right; the 300 single fibre
FLAMES, the multi-fibre facility at the about 11,000 and 33,000 with the low and spectra are displaced along the vertical
VLT (Pasquini et al. 2002), is no excep- high resolution gratings of GIRAFFE, axis. The three nebular emission lines of
tion and provides two different types of respectively. [NII]6548, Hα, and [NII]6583 are clearly
IFUs. Each of the two plates of the Fibre visible.
Positioner OzPOz hosts 15 deployable THE FIRST SPECTRA This raw frame already contains quite a
mini-IFUs of 23 arcsec2 aperture, while Figure 1 shows a portion of a spectacular lot of information: in particular the ellip-
a larger, stationary IFU named ARGUS is ARGUS spectrum of one equatorial re- tical and cross-shaped outlines of the
mounted at the centre of Plate 2. gion of the η Carinae Homunculus nebu- three emission lines on the CCD are strik-
All FLAMES IFUs have been devel- la, taken using the GIRAFFE high-reso- ing. The particular shapes are caused by
oped in collaboration with the Observa- lution setting around the Hα line (HR14, two effects: first we can clearly see for the
toire de Paris-Meudon (Jocou et al. 2000).
For technical reasons, the commissioning
of ARGUS was postponed from Period
70 to Period 71 and the facility will be of-
fered to the community starting on Octo-
ber 2003. While all potential users are in-
vited to read the public Commissioning
Report1 which includes a detailed techni-
cal description of ARGUS, in this Mes-
senger article we would like to share some
of the spectacular test images of the Ho-
munculus nebula around the Luminous
Blue Variable η Carinae, obtained during
the ARGUS commissioning nights in
July 2003.

With ARGUS in the focal plane of the
VLT, the light of the astronomical target
is collected by a rectangular array of
2214 square microlenses, each of
0.520.52 arcsec2 in size. The light from
the microlenses is re-arranged along the
GIRAFFE spectrograph slit through op-
tical fibres, so that on the GIRAFFE de-
tector, 300 separate fibre spectra are
formed, grouped into 15 subslits of 20 fi-
bres each. The microlens output has been
organised on the GIRAFFE slit in such a
way so that two adjacent microlenses on Figure 1: Section of one raw ARGUS spectrum
the sky correspond to adjacent fibre spec- of the η Carinae Homunculus nebula taken in
the HR14 setting of GIRAFFE around the Hα
1 and the [NII] nebular emission lines.

© ESO - September 2003 15

Figure 2: Position of the five ARGUS pointings on structure of this part of the Homunculus
the η Carinae Homunculus nebula superim- nebula. At the same time, the simultane-
posed on a HST WFPC-2 image (from HST press ous observation of three different nebular
release STSCI-1994-09).
emission lines will allow the study of the
physical conditions in great detail.
From our first experience with the
ARGUS integral field mode of FLAMES
at the VLT, we conclude that the compar-
atively large field of view and the spatial
such a data cube is given in Figure 3, sampling of the ARGUS-IFU, paired with
where all five η Carinae frames have been the high resolution of the GIRAFFE
assembled to form one data cube. The spectrograph, indeed provides the ESO
data cube is organised in such a way that community with a unique facility that will
the axis at the base of the cube is in wave- lead to many new exciting observing op-
length, while the second is along the X di- portunities.
rection as indicated in Figure 2 (i.e., the
long side of the mosaic). The height of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
cube is along the Y-axis. Therefore, look- We would like to thank the OzPoz team
ing at each wavelength X-plane is equiv- at the Anglo Australian Observatory and
alent to a longslit spectrum of 40 arcsec Gerardo Avila at ESO-Garching for their
length with a spatial resolution of 0.52 active support during the ARGUS com-
arcsecs. A total of 14 of these planes exist missioning. We further thank all those at
same spatial point one gas component re- along the Y axis, each corresponding to ESO and at the different consortia who
ceding and one approaching: in fact, for a one microlens row along the short side of contributed to the development of
given fibre spectrum, two emission lines ARGUS. Out of the 14 slices, only four FLAMES.
per ionisation stage are present, one red are shown in Figure 3. The discontinuity
and one blue shifted with respect to the in the middle of each plane is caused by REFERENCES
unshifted position of the line; this obser- the fact that the central part is created Pasquini, L., et al., 2002, Installation and
from the shorter 1 second exposure. The Commissioning of Flames, the VLT Multifi-
vation indicates that we are looking at an bre Facility, ESO Messenger 110, 1
expanding thin shell of the nebula. The four slices presented cover a small spatial Jocou, L., Guinouard, I., Hammer, F. , Lenoir,
second effect, which causes the roundish area of 6 arcsec in the Y direction and re- H., 2000, Development of four multifiber
shape, is that within one subslit, adjacent veal the complex spatial and dynamical links for the Flames project, SPIE 4008, 475
fibre spectra also correspond to adjacent
spatial regions. Their continuity on the
sky and on the detector results in a
smooth transition from one spectrum to
the next. However, this continuity is not
provided from subslit to subslit because
some subslits have been mounted with
the fibres in reverse order on the
Spectra from five overlapping point-
ings were acquired along the equatorial
axis of the η Carinae Homunculus nebu-
la. A superposition of the ARGUS aper-
tures and their orientations onto an HST
image of the Homunculus is shown in Fig-
ure 2. All spectra were taken in the HR14
setup with an exposure time of 300 sec-
onds each, except for the pointing on the
central (brightest) region of the nebula
where the exposure time had to be re-
duced to 1 second to avoid saturation of
the Hα line. Like all FLAMES commis-
sioning data, these first ARGUS observa-
tions will be made publicly available to
the ESO community through the ESO
Each of the ARGUS frames contains
both spectral and spatial information
which is best stored in a data cube with
one spectral and two spatial dimensions.
Two-dimensional slices can easily be ex-
Figure 3: Four out of 14 slices from the η Carinae ARGUS data cube around the Hα and the
tracted from such a data cube for presen- [NII] lines. The horizontal lines at the back indicate the positions of the 10 slices which could
tation and data analyses. An example of not be shown.

16 The Messenger 113


F. E ISENHA UER 1 , M. T ECZA 1 , PIFFI (SPECTROMETER FOR in addition minimizing slit losses. The de-

N. T HATTE 1,2 , R. G ENZEL 1,3 ,

R. A BU TER 1 , C. I SERLOHE 1 ,
C. R ÖHRLE 1,4 , M. H ORROBIN 1 ,
S Infrared Faint Field Imaging)
is the new near-infrared field
spectrometer for the VLT, de-
veloped at the Max-Planck-In-
stitute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE,
Eisenhauer et al. 2000). Here we report
on the results of its first observing runs as
velopment of such an adaptive optics as-
sisted integral field spectrometer was
subsequently recommended by the ESO
Scientific and Technical Committee
(STC) in 1997, and finally formalized in
2001 with a contract between ESO and
MPE. Because the research and develop-
a ‘guest instrument’ at the VLT in the Fe- ment program for SPIFFI had been
R.B ENDER 1,5 , R.D AVIES 1 , bruary to April 2003 period. As of 2004 launched long before the official start of
M.L EHNER T 1 , D.L U TZ 1 , on, SPIFFI will be coupled to an adaptive the full project, we took advantage of this
optics module developed at ESO (Bon- head start and brought SPIFFI to the
N.N ES VADBA 1 , T.OTT 1 , net et al. 2003) to provide the SINFONI VLT as a guest instrument for seeing lim-
S.S EITZ 1,5 , R.S CHÖDEL 1 , (SINgle Faint Object Near-IR Investiga- ited observations, while integration of the
tion) facility. SPIFFI offers imaging spec- adaptive optics module was starting at
L.J.TA CCONI 1 , H.B ONNET 4 , troscopy of a contiguous, two-dimension- ESO-Garching.
R.C AS TILLO 4 , R.C ONZELMANN 4 , al field of 32  32 spatial pixels in the 1.1
R.D ONALDSON 4 , G.F INGER 4 , – 2.45 µm wavelength range and a resolv- THE INSTRUMENT: EVERY
ing power of 1300-3500. As a result, the PHOTON, EVERY PIXEL
G.G ILLET 4 , N.H UBIN 4 , instrument delivers a simultaneous, The primary goal of SPIFFI was to get a
M.K ISSLER -PATIG 4 , three-dimensional data-cube with two maximum number of spectra of a two-di-
spatial dimensions and one spectral di- mensional field in a single exposure, each
J.-L.L IZON 4 , G.M ONNET 4 , mension. SPIFFI is the successor to the spectrum covering a full near-infrared at-
S.S TRÖBELE 4 MPE integral field spectrometer 3D, the mospheric wavelength band, J (1.1 – 1.4
world’s first infrared integral field spec- µm), H (1.45 – 1.85 µm) or K (1.95 – 2.45
1Max-Planck-Institut trometer developed in the early 1990s. µm), with sufficiently high spectral reso-
When the new generation of 10242 pix- lution (~3000) to observe between the
extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, els, near-infrared detectors became avail- night sky emission lines. However, the
Germany, able in the mid-1990’s, we started the de- format of infrared detectors is still rather
2Department of Astrophysics,
velopment of SPIFFI, for an order of limited when compared to optical CCDs,
University of Oxford, U.K., magnitude increase in the number of spa- and the largest detector available at the
3Department of Physics, University of tial and spectral elements over 3D. Even start of the SPIFFI project had only 1024
California, Berkeley, USA, more importantly, because of its fully  1024 pixels. We thus decided to use
4European Southern Observatory, cryogenic image slicer and high through- every single detector pixel, simultaneous-
put optics, along with OH airglow sup- ly observing 32  32 (1024) spectra with
Garching, Germany,
5Universitätssternwarte München,
pression and smaller pixels, SPIFFI at the 1024 spectral channels each. The second
VLT delivers a factor of 20 to 50 im- design criterion for SPIFFI was to pro-
Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, provement in point source sensitivity vide small pixel scales (~25 mas) for dif-
Germany over 3D. This development attracted the fraction limited observations, and in addi-
attention of ESO, specifically because of tion to allow seeing limited observations
its major advantages over long slit spec- with as large as possible a field of view. In
troscopy when operated together with practice, the pixel size on the sky is limit-
adaptive optics. Simultaneous observa- ed by the minimum feasible f-number of
tion of a two-dimensional field is the best the spectrometer camera. We finally
way to reach the full diffraction limited pushed the camera design to a f-number
resolution in imaging spectroscopy, while of 1.45, so that SPIFFI can deliver a pixel

© ESO - September 2003 17

size of 0.25, corresponding to a total field
of view of 8 x 8. To make optimal use of
the excellent seeing conditions in Paranal,
and for partial correction of atmospheric
turbulence with faint reference stars,
SPIFFI also provides an intermediate im-
age scale of 0.1/pixel. In addition to spec-
troscopy of the J, H, and K-bands individ-
ually, the combined H and K bands (1.45
– 2.45 µm) can be observed at a lower
spectral resolution.
Figure 1 shows the opto-mechanical
components of SPIFFI. The entire instru-
ment is cooled in a bath cryostat to the
temperature of liquid nitrogen. Light en-
ters SPIFFI from the top, and first passes
the sky-spider. This device contains three
motorized pairs of mirrors, which reflect
the light from an off axis sky field up to
45 away from the object onto the image
slicer field of view for simultaneous meas-
urement of the sky background. Below
the sky-spider, a motorized pre-optics
provides three different image scales, the
filters, and a cold stop for the suppression
of the thermal background. The focus of
the pre-optics is located at the ‘small
slicer’ (Figure 2). This part of the image
slicer consists of a stack of 32 plane mir-
rors, which slices the image into slitlets
sent in different directions. A second set
of 32 mirrors, the ‘big slicer’, collects the
Figure 1: An inside view of SPIFFI: The light enters from the top, and passes the sky-spider. The light and forms a pseudo-long-slit (Fig.2).
pre-optics with a filter-wheel and interchangeable lenses provides three different image scales. To avoid differential thermal contraction,
The image slicer rearranges the two-dimensional field into a pseudo-long slit, which is perpen-
dicular to the base plate. Three diamond turned mirrors collimate the light on one of the four the unit is made completely from zero ex-
gratings. A multiple-lens system then focuses the spectra on a Rockwell HAWAII array. The di- pansion glass. All parts (approximately 70
ameter of the instrument is 1.3 m. in number) are optically contacted.
After the image has been sliced and re-
arranged to the pseudo slit, three dia-
mond turned mirrors collimate the light
onto the gratings. The gratings are direct-
ly ruled in gold on an aluminium sub-
strate and blazed to the centre of their
bandpass for optimum efficiency. The
spectrometer camera is a six-lens system
with an aperture of 160 mm. When oper-
ated at adaptive optics pixel scales, the
demands on the instrument flexure are
very stringent.We have thus implemented
an inductive metrology system, which
measures the relative motion of the cold
structure with respect to the cryostat lid,
and provides the input for the secondary


After its final tests at the VLT Cassegrain
focus simulator in Garching in December
2002, the instrument arrived on Paranal
on 9 January, 2003. After one week of in-
Figure 2: SPIFFI image slicer: The light enters through the hole in the big slicer. A stack of 32 tegration, the SPIFFI team (Fig.3) cooled
small mirrors ‘the’ small’ slicer – slices the image and redirects the light towards the 32 mirrors down the instrument successfully. On 6
of the ‘big’ slicer, which rearranges the slitlets to a 31 cm long pseudo-long-slit. The small inset February 2003, SPIFFI was transported
shows an enlargement of the small slicer.
to the VLT observatory platform.

18 The Messenger 113

Figure 3: SPIFFI at the telescope: The picture
shows members of the SPIFFI team after the suc-
cessful installation of the instrument at the
Cassegrain focus of Kueyen: From left to right: C.
Iserlohe, N. Thatte, J. Schreiber, R. Abuter, F. Eisen-
hauer, S. Huber, M. Tecza. Not shown but present
during commissioning or observing: R. Genzel, M.
Horrobin, C. Röhrle, D. Lutz, A. Schegerer.

– our own Galactic Centre, a z=0.024 in-

frared luminous merger and a z=2.5 sub-
millimeter galaxy - rather than making a
broad sweep of all the observations that
were carried out during the 15 observing
nights. These results are also discussed in
greater detail in several papers that are
submitted/in press (e.g. Genzel et al.
2003b, Eisenhauer et al. 2003).

During the nights from February 8 the source spectrum is subtracted from a STELLAR POPULATIONS
through 13, SPIFFI was commissioned. measurement within the instrument field AND DYNAMICS OF THE
Thanks to careful definition and verifica- of view. For a small object, which fills only GALACTIC CENTRE STAR CLUSTER
tion of the telescope-instrument inter- part of the SPIFFI field of view, the night- The Centre of the Milky Way is a unique
face, the first target HD23561 immediate- sky spectrum can be extracted directly laboratory for studying physical process-
ly appeared within a few arcseconds of from its surroundings. Larger objects, es that are thought to occur generally in
the SPIFFI field centre. The best images which fill the whole SPIFFI field of view, galactic nuclei (see Ott et al. 2003). High
taken with the 0.1/pixel scale during sci- are observed with the sky-spider. While resolution, near-IR integral field spec-
ence operation in March and April had a this stare-mode doubles the on-source troscopy offers a unique opportunity for
FWHM of approximately 0.25 in K- observing time, the quality of the sky-sub- exploring in detail the properties, dynam-
band. More than 30% of all photons in H- traction is limited by the accuracy of the ics and evolution of the nuclear star clus-
and K-Band arriving at the telescope are instrument calibration, specifically the ter in the immediate vicinity of a super-
eventually detected. The total efficiency flat field, and detector instabilities. In massive black hole. We observed the cen-
in J-Band is approximately 20%. The av- practice, the noise in the stare-mode ob- tral parsec region with SPIFFI during two
erage optical transmission of SPIFFI in- servations is presently a factor of a few nights (for about an hour each) and cre-
cluding pre-optics, filter, image-slicer, above the photon noise. We are currently ated two mosaics of the central region,
spectrometer-optics, and grating is ap- investigating improved data-reduction one covering the central parsec with 0.25
proximately 37%, 47%, and 42%, for the techniques based on a Bezier-Spline rep- pixel resolution (FWHM~0.75) at
J-, H-, and K-band, respectively. With this resentation of the night-sky emission to R~1300 in the combined H&K mode, and
overall transmission, SPIFFI significantly optimally recover the sky-free spectrum one of the central ~6 with 0.1 pixels at
outperforms competing integral field of the object of interest. R~3500 in K (Fig. 4). In the latter case, the
spectrometers. The spectral resolving Because of the various peculiarities of effective spatial resolution was a remark-
power as measured on night-sky emis- the raw data from integral field spec- able 0.27 FWHM, providing us with the
sion-lines is approximately 3500 in K- troscopy SPIFFI has its own data reduc- by far deepest (K~15-16) and highest res-
Band, 2500 in H-Band, 2000 in J-Band tion software. This package provides all olution imaging spectroscopy data set ob-
and 1300 in the combined H&K band. tools for the calibration and reduction of tained up to this time.
SPIFFI’s operation is straightforward, SPIFFI data, including wavelength cali- With this new data set, it is possible to
and requires no in-depth knowledge of bration and image reconstruction. The fi- probe in more detail the stellar composi-
integral field spectroscopy. A quick-look nal data format is a three-dimensional tion of the central parsec. We found about
image reconstruction allows the instanta- data cube with 32  32 spatial pixels, and 40 massive early type stars in the region
neous display of the reconstructed image up to 2560 spectral elements. mapped, mostly from stellar emission
during acquisition and observing. The lines, thereby almost doubling the num-
normal mode of observing is nodding be- FIRST RESULTS ber of spectroscopically identified early
tween the science field and blank sky, In the following we will discuss some of type stars (mostly of type WN9-10, Ofpe
which allows accurate subtraction of the the scientific results obtained during the or luminous blue variables LBVs). Our
night sky emission and the thermal emis- guest instrument runs in March and April new data also clearly detect, for the first
sion of the telescope. Alternatively, 2003. To give the readers a feel for the time, an early, hot WN star (WN5/6:
SPIFFI was operated in a ‘stare’-mode, in kind of science that can be obtained with Teff~40−45 kK, Figure 5), as well as a large
which no separate sky-field is observed, an integral field instrument we present number of WC stars (Fig. 4, 5). The ratio
but in which the night-sky contribution to here three highlights in different areas of WC to WN stars is about 1, and the ra-

Eisenhauer F. et al., The Universe in 3D © ESO - September 2003 19

Figure 4: SPIFFI continuum and line images of the Galactic Centre. The light blue asterisk marks the position of the supermassive black hole/SgrA*.
Left: K-band image constructed from an outer mosaic of 0.25 pixel data cubes (~0.75 resolution), as well as an inner mosaic of the central ~10
at a pixel scale of 0.1 and FWHM 0.27. Middle: continuum subtracted line image near HeI 2.113mm, marking the positions of the Wolf-Rayet
(WN, WC) stars. Right: continuum subtracted CO 0-2 absorption line flux, marking the positions of late type stars.

Figure 5: Selected SPIFFI spectra superposed on a NACO H/K/L’ colour composite image of the central region. The spectra display the wide
range of stellar types found in the cluster, ranging from late type main sequence O stars (the star S2 near SgrA*, oval in image), to luminous
blue variables (IRS16SW, lower right), early WN (middle left) and WC (top right) Wolf-Rayet stars, to red supergiants (the brightest star IRS7 at
the top/middle of the image), bright asymptotic giant branch stars (IRS9, lower left) and normal red giants (top left). Note that in the case of
the dusty WC5/6 star IRS 3 (top right) we first subtracted a strong featureless power-law to emphasize the characteristic carbon-features.

tio of (narrow-line) LBVs, such as about 20. Several of the mid-IR excess strongly heat the dust in the HII region
IRS16C, NW and SW, to WN stars is stars in the central region (very red color (Genzel et al. 2003b).
about 0.5. Despite the much superior high in Fig. 5), including the brightest 10 µm The unique simultaneous H&K capa-
resolution, inner cube (much less suscep- source in the central parsec, IRS 3, are bility allows to unambiguously distin-
tible to veiling of stellar Brγ absorption WC stars. As a WCE (WC5/6) star IRS3 guish moderately late type (K2-5) super-
by the diffuse Brγ emission from the SgrA may be a prime candidate for exploding giants from AGB stars. Both types have
West HII region), there is (still) no evi- as a supernova in the next few 104 years. equivalent near-IR flux densities. The
dence for main sequence O-stars, with the Other such dusty sources can now be much later type (M4-9 III) AGB stars,
exception of the innermost arcsecond. shown from their spatial distribution and however, exhibit deep water vapour,
The WR/O star ratio in the nuclear star proper motions to be luminous early type steam troughs between the H and K-
cluster thus appears to be greater than stars that happen to move into and bands that can be easily recognized in our

20 The Messenger 113

lapse extremely difficult, if not impossi-
ble, and mass segregation of the massive
stars from further out is excluded because
of their short lifetimes. The presence of
two, coeval stellar discs suggests that a
highly dissipative and sudden event was
at play in the formation of the massive
stars. One possibility is the collision of
two infalling clouds, followed by the set-
tling of the remaining debris into two sep-
arate discs orbiting the central black hole,
and subsequent star formation.

Figure 6: Dynamical properties of early type stars in the Galactic Centre. Left: projection of 3D GALACTIC CENTRE
space velocities of clockwise (on the sky) rotating stars, perpendicular to the best fitting plane, The distance between the Sun and the
at inclination 120 with respect to the sky, and –60 of the line of nodes, east of north. 14 of the Galactic Centre (Ro) is a fundamental pa-
15 stars with three space velocities adhere to rotation in a fairly thin plane in this orientation.
Likewise most of the counter-clockwise stars largely also follow a disc rotation pattern. Right: rameter for determining the structure of
Orientation of the two young star discs. East-west on the sky is left-right, and the line of sight the Milky Way. Through its impact on the
direction is up-down (the observer sits at z=-). The two discs counter-rotate with respect to calibration of the basic parameters of
each other, but both exhibit rotation that is counter to Galactic rotation. standard candles, such as RR Lyrae stars,
Cepheids and giants the Galactic Centre
distance also holds an important role in
establishing the extragalactic distance
scale. Ten years ago Reid (1993) summa-
data (source IRS9 in the lower left inset ical properties. The surprising result rized the state of our knowledge on Ro.
of Fig. 5). This finally settles a long debate (Genzel et al. 2003b) is that essentially all At that time the only primary (geometric)
about the properties of the brightest late young stars in the central 10 belong to distance indicator to the Galactic Centre
type stars in the central parsec: of the one of two well defined, rotating stellar came from the “expanding cluster paral-
dozen or so K<10.5 late type stars rings/discs. The two young star discs are at lax’ ' method” applied to two H2O masers
(M(K)<−7.2), a maximum of two are su- fairly large angles with respect to each in SgrB2, resulting in values of 7.1 and 6.5
pergiants, the rest are clearly AGB stars. other but share a common, counter- kpc for the distances, with a combined
The large ratio of Wolf-Rayet stars to Galactic rotation (Fig. 6). Combined with statistical and systematic (1σ) uncertainty
O-stars, the large WC/WN ratio, and the the fact (see above) that both discs have of ±1.5 kpc. In addition there was a num-
large blue to red supergiant ratio, in com- essentially the same stellar content these ber of secondary (standard candle) deter-
parison with recent star cluster models, data offer valuable constraints on one of minations, based on RR-Lyrae stars,
indicate that the young stars in the Galac- the most perplexing current riddles in Cepheids, globular clusters and giants, as
tic Centre originated in a high metallicity Galactic Centre research: how can the well some tertiary indicators, derived
starburst about 5 Myr ago. The unusually central 0.1-10 host so many young, mas- from theoretical constraints (e.g. Edding-
large number of luminous LBV stars, sive stars? The environment and the pres- ton luminosity of X-ray sources, Galaxy
most of them in the central IRS16 cluster, ence of strong tidal forces from the black structure models). Since then Hipparcos
suggests that this burst had a duration of hole make star formation from cloud col- data have improved the uncertainties of
several Myr and that the massive stars
may be fast rotators, thereby allowing the
presence of very massive (≥100 M) stars
near the Humphreys-Davidson limit of
The combination of proper motions
and radial velocities of the massive stars
allows a detailed analysis of their dynam-

Figure 7: Geometric determination of the Sun-Galac-

tic Centre distance Ro from a precision measurement
of the orbital parameters of the star S2 that is orbiting
the central supermassive black hole. The star's line-of-
sight motion is measured via the Doppler shift of the Brγ
line in terms of an absolute velocity (SPIFFI data as well
as spectroscopic data from NIRSPEC (Keck, Ghez et
al. (2003) and from NACO), whereas its proper motion
is measured in terms of an angular velocity (data from
SHARP/NTT and NACO). The orbital solution ties the an-
gular and absolute velocities, thereby yielding the dis-
tance to the S2/SgrA* binary system.

Eisenhauer F. et al., The Universe in 3D © ESO - September 2003 21

the secondary determinations. The best the positional and line-of-sight velocity nosity function of IRAS galaxies. The
present value of Ro is ~ 8 kpc, with a com- data to a Kepler orbit, including the NGC6240 system has two rapidly rotat-
bined statistical and systematic uncertain- Galactic Centre distance as an additional ing, massive bulges/nuclei at a projected
ty of ±0.5 to ±1 kpc. fit parameter. Taking the first two radial separation of 1.6 (750 pc, upper left inset
The SPIFFI observations allowed us to velocity data of S2 obtained by Ghez et in Fig.8), each of which contains a power-
derive a primary distance measurement al. (2003), the SPIFFI data, the two ful starburst and a luminous, highly ab-
to the Galactic Centre with an uncertain- NACO spectroscopy points, and the 19 sorbed, X-ray active AGN (Tecza et al.
ty of only 5%. This determination has be- positions from SHARP and NACO, our 2000, Komossa et al. 2003, Lutz et al.
come possible through the advent of pre- measurements deliver 43 data points to 2003). As such, NGC6240 is probably a
cision measurements of proper motions robustly fit 9 parameters of the S2 orbit as local template for the population of dust
and line-of-sight velocities of the star S2. well as the Galactic Centre distance, re- and gas rich, merger/AGN systems at
This star is orbiting the massive black sulting in Ro=7.94 ± 0.42 kpc (Eisenhauer high redshift that likely contribute about
hole and compact radio source SgrA*, et al. 2003). This result confirms and sig- half of the energy density at z~2.5 (see
and the classical ‘orbiting binary’ tech- nificantly improves the earlier primary the section on SMMJ14011+0252). About
nique can then be applied to obtain an ac- distance measurements and gives confi- 2109 L, or 0.3% of the infrared luminos-
curate determination of Ro that is essen- dence in the quality and robustness of the ity emerges in H2 infrared line emission,
tially free of systematic uncertainties in standard candle methods that are at the and the origin and excitation of this spec-
the astrophysical modelling. The essence key of the second rung of the extragalac- tacular line emission has been subject of
of the method is that the star's line-of- tic distance ladder. many studies. The K-band spectrum is full
sight motion is measured via the Doppler of vibrationally excited H2 lines with ex-
shift of its spectral features in terms of an A GALACTIC SHOCK citation potentials up to about 20,000 K
absolute velocity, whereas its proper mo- IN THE MERGER NGC6240 above the ground state (right inset, Fig.9).
tion is measured in terms of an angular The infrared luminous galaxy NGC6240 We observed NGC6240 with SPIFFI in
velocity. The orbital solution ties the an- (D=97 Mpc, LIR= 6  1011L) is in many K-band in excellent seeing (0.27
gular and absolute velocities, thereby ways a prototype for the class of gas rich, FWHM) with the 0.1/pixel scale. Figure 8
yielding the distance to the binary. For the infrared (ultra-) luminous mergers that compares the distribution of the stellar
analysis of our measurements, we fitted dominate the upper end of the local lumi- light with that of the ionized gas (bottom

Figure 8: SPIFFI images, stellar and H2 kinematics of the infrared luminous merger NGC6240. Stellar light (upper left, from CO 0-2 absorption
flux), Brγ flux (bottom left), H2 v=1-0 S(1) and v=2-1 S(1) flux distributions (middle insets). In all images the position of the two nuclei and their out-
er contours and of an extra-nuclear Brγ source are marked. Top right: stellar velocity field (contours) superposed on K-band image. The contour
lines are in steps of 50 km/s, red and blue of the systemic velocity at 7300 km/s (white line). Bottom right: H2 v=1-0 S(1) velocity contours (same
units as for stars) on H2 image.

22 The Messenger 113

Figure 9: K-band spectrum (right, 0.5 aper- The gas bridging the two nuclei is red- has occurred in the dense molecular gas
ture near southern nucleus) and level diagram shifted relative to the northern and south- bridge between the two nuclei. The cool-
(left) of H2 rotationally excited and ro-vibrationally
excited states (blue: SPIFFI, red: ISO SWS, Lutz
ern nucleus and exhibits a very steep ve- ing time of that gas is ≤107 years, compa-
et al. 2003). A constant temperature distribu- locity gradient of 500 km/s over 0.7 as it rable to the time to the second peri-ap-
tion is a straight line in this diagram, with a slope curves around toward the southern nucle- proach of the two nuclei. At this point
inversely proportional to temperature. The us. There it appears to ‘crash’ into the nu- NGC6240 will probably experience an
NGC6240 data indicate the presence of a wide clear regions approximately at right an- even stronger star formation episode that
range of excitation temperatures up to about
3300K (dotted black line fitting the v=2 and v=3 gles relative to the stellar rotation pattern will turn the system into a true ‘ultra’-
data). The offset between v=0 and v>0 data may and with a velocity of 150 to 200 km/s rel- luminous galaxy.
either be due to extinction, or due to an addi- ative to the stars. From the bright H2 peak
tional component of somewhat cooler mate- just NE of the southern nucleus two gas PORTRAIT OF A Z=2.5
rial. The distribution can be fit by a combina-
tion of J- and C-shock models, or by a bow-
streamers emerge and envelop the south- SUBMILLIMETER GALAXY
shock model. ern galaxy. This kinematic pattern resem- The strength of the extragalactic mid- and
bles the gas bridges found in simulations far-IR/submillimeter background indi-
of gas rich mergers after the first peri-ap- cates that about half of the cosmic energy
proach. We may be observing the two density (excluding the microwave back-
left) and vibrationally excited molecular galaxies after the first ‘hang out’ phase in ground) comes from distant, dusty star-
hydrogen (middle insets). Most of the the process of falling back in for the sec- bursts and AGN. Surveys with ISOCAM
starburst activity (as traced by Brγ) oc- ond peri-approach. In the process, they at 15 µm, SCUBA at 850 µm, and
curs in the two nuclei on scales of 200 pc, are strongly interacting with and shock MAMBO at 1200 µm suggest that this
although there appears to be one extra- exciting the tidally swept out gas bridge background is dominated by luminous
nuclear Brγ source in the gas bridge be- between the nuclei. and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies
tween the two nuclei, suggestive of star Figure 9 shows an excitation diagram (LIRGs/ULIRGs: LIR~1011.5..13 L) at z≥1
formation there. The vibrationally excited of the H2 emission, where we have com- (e.g. Genzel & Cesarsky 2000). Little is
H2 is very different and follows a complex bined the SPIFFI data with ISO SWS known yet about the physical properties
spatial and dynamical pattern (lower measurements of the rotational line emis- of this important ‘submillimeter’ galaxy
right inset of Fig. 8) with several extend- sion (Lutz et al. 2003). The H2 level pop- population since they are very faint in the
ed streamers. The high-resolution SPIFFI ulations follow a smooth distribution with rest wavelength UV/visible range. Half a
data now permit us to follow the H2 dis- local excitation temperature steadily in- dozen SCUBA sources presently have
tribution, excitation and kinematics on creasing with level energy (the slope of mm-confirmed spectroscopic redshifts
≤102 pc scales. The two middle insets the local level distribution is inversely near z~2.5 (e.g. Genzel et al. 2003b,
show that v=2−1 and v=1−0 emission lines proportional to excitation temperature). Downes & Solomon 2003), close to the
exhibit very similar large-scale distribu- The highest excitation lines we observe redshift of the peak of cosmic star forma-
tions. The only difference occurs in the require an excitation temperature of tion and QSO activity. The submillimeter
most prominent H2 peak, where the high- about 3300 K. With the possible excep- population may trace the formation of
er excitation v=2−1 S(1) line is located tion of the region very near the southern massive/luminous AGN/starburst systems
closer to but still off the southern nucle- nucleus, the H2 spatial distribution, kine- that may evolve into massive local early
us. The H2 kinematics is extremely com- matics and level populations thus strong- type and bulge galaxies.
plex (lower right inset in Fig. 8) and very ly favor a ‘galactic shock’ model as the One of the brightest SCUBA galaxies
different from the relatively simple origin of the spectacular H2 emission. The is the source SMMJ14011+0252 at
counter-rotation pattern of the stars (top high temperature and turbulence also ex- z=2.565, which is gravitationally lensed by
right, Fig. 8). plains why little star formation as of yet the foreground z=0.25 cluster Abell 1835

Eisenhauer F. et al., The Universe in 3D © ESO - September 2003 23

Figure 10: The SCUBA galaxy
SMMJ14011+0252 (z=2.565). Top left: R-band
HST WFPC2 image of the z=0.25 cluster Abell
1835, which gravitationally lenses the back-
ground submm galaxy SMMJ14011+0252 by
about a factor of 4 to 6. Top right: HST R-band
image of the central few arcseconds of the
source with a log-scale color stretch (white
square in left inset, from Ivison, priv. comm.).
Bottom right: Line free K-band continuum
image obtained with SPIFFI. The red cross is
the position of the 1.4GHz radio emission
(Ivison et al. 2001), and the blue asterisk marks
the position of the CO mm line and continuum
emission (Downes & Solomon 2003). Bottom
left: Continuum subtracted SPIFFI Hα map. At
the bottom right of the lower insets we show
the morphologies of the Hα and K-band maps
when correcting for a lensing magnification of
5 along p.a. 10.

dicular to it spatial elongation. J2 also

shows Hα emission, which is about 170
km/s offset from the systemic velocity of
We can place the optical starburst fea-
tures on the classical diagnostic diagrams.
All diagnostic ratios ([OIII]/Hβ vs
[NII]/Hα, or [OI]/Hα or [SII]/Hα) put the
system firmly in the region of low excita-
tion, low extinction (E(B-V)~0.4) but
high Hα equivalent width, local star-
bursts. The density sensitive [SII] line ra-
tio also indicates a very typical electron
density of about 102 cm−3. Perhaps most
(Fig. 8, Ivison et al. 2001). HST imaging tical/UV emission line spectrum is domi- importantly we deduce a super-solar oxy-
shows that the system consists of several nated by a starburst (HII region) spec- gen abundance (12+log(O/H)~9) from
sub-components (J1 (c, se, n), J2) spread trum without much evidence for AGN ac- the classical (I([OIII]) +I([OII]))/I(Hβ)
over about 3 (Fig.10, 24 kpc without cor- tivity. The Ha and [NII] line profiles ex- ratio. In addition, and somewhat surpris-
rection for lensing). We observed hibit blue wings with velocities of several ingly, the relatively strong [NII] emission
SMMJ14011 with SPIFFI in J, H and K- hundred km/s and a [NII]/Ha line ratio of relative to [OII] indicates that SMM
bands at the 0.25 pixel scale for a total of about 1 (indicated by the yellow line in 14011+0252 has relatively large nitrogen
15 hours on-source integration. The effec- the lower spectrum of Fig. 11). enrichment. These results are very signif-
tive resolution in the different data sets is These values are characteristic of icant since they pertain, in contrast to
between 0.5 and 0.75. The lower right in- shock-heated superwinds seen at low red- high-redshift QSO emission line regions,
set of Fig. 10 shows the line free K-band shift. The J/H/K spectral energy distribu- to large regions in the galaxy and imply
continuum distribution. In comparison to tion exhibits a break between the J and H that star formation has been proceeding
the HST image (Ivison et al. 2001, appro- bands that can be well fit by an A-star in this system for a considerable period of
priately smoothed to the same resolution continuum model at redshift z~2.5 (thick time.
as the SPIFFI data), the rest-frame opti- yellow line, age a few 102 Myrs). We in- The morphology of the Hα emission,
cal (~R-band) distribution is dominated terpret this emission as coming mainly its kinematics, the likely identification of
by the extended J1 complex (white oval from J1c and its extended surroundings J1c with a post-starburst component at
in Fig. 8), with a significant extension to (oval in Fig. 10), and conclude that J1c is the same redshift and the similar but not
the NNE. The blue knots J2 and J1se are a post-starburst stellar component at the identical redshifts of J1 and J2 all can be
not as prominent in the K-band data. The same redshift as the young starburst and explained in a simple lensing model
continuum subtracted Hα distribution possibly part of the central bulge/disc of where J1 and J2 are two physically asso-
(bottom left inset) is very different from the submm source. The position of the ciated background galaxies located be-
either of the continuum maps. The Hα powerful submm starburst, as marked by hind the central cD of Abell 1835 that are
emission comes from an elongated fea- the mm CO line and continuum emission magnified by about a factor of 4 to 6. The
ture (41.6) along p.a. 10-15, approxi- (Downes & Solomon 2003) is ~0.5 corresponding de-magnified images J1
mately centreed on J1c but peaking on ei- (±0.4) NW of J1, somewhat offset from (Fig.10 bottom insets) are fairly circular
ther side of the continuum peak. but still consistent with the location of the and point to a central dusty starburst (the
Figure 11 shows the near-IR spectra K-band peak. The Hα line emission has a submm source) surrounded by a low in-
obtained with SPIFFI and integrated over remarkably narrow profile (~130 km/s) clination and low extinction star forming
the central J1 complex. As already found and exhibits a systematic velocity gradi- disc (Ha and optical continuum) of diam-
by Ivison et al. (2001), the rest-frame op- ent mainly in east-west direction, perpen- eter about 8 kpc. The intrinsic luminosity

24 The Messenger 113

Figure 11: SPIFFI spectra of the central 2.5 centred on J1c. The top right J/H/K spectrum shows a typical starburst emission line spectrum, plus
a continuum with a spectral break between J and H that can be well fit by a few 102 Myr starburst (A-star spectrum) at redshift 2.5 (thick yellow
curve). The bottom right zoom into the region around Hα emission shows the narrow line widths, with a blueshifted residual wing that is probably
due to a superwind (yellow curve).

of SMMJ14011+0252 then is about This is in contrast to the Lyman break ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

4 1012 L, corresponding to a current star population whose evolutionary endpoint The authors would like to thank H. Weisz,
formation rate of ~300 to 700 M/yr, de- seems less clear. A. Goldbrunner, W.E. Zaglauer, and the
pending on the IMF chosen. Assuming MPE workshops and mechanical con-
that this burst has been proceeding for OUTLOOK FOR SINFONI struction and electronics divisions, whose
the last 100 Myr – the minimum age de- SPIFFI is presently back in Europe for fi- excellent work made the success of
rived from the continuum break – the in- nal tests and upgrades before mating with SPIFFI possible. We are also grateful to
ferred stellar mass formed in this burst is the ESO-delivered adaptive optics mod- the ESO Garching and Paranal staff for
about 3−71010 M. For comparison the ule for the full SINFONI instrument, their support, help and advice. We thank
present (molecular) gas mass is about which is based on MACAO, the Multiple R. Ivison for giving us access to his R-
21010 M and the virial mass of the J1/J2 Application Curvature Adaptive Optics band HST image of SMMJ14011+0252.
system is about 61010 M. While these toolbox (Bonnet et al. 2002). The present
numbers are obviously quite uncertain, schedule foresees the acceptance tests of
they imply that SMMJ14011+0252 is a SINFONI early 2004. After shipment to D. Bonaccini et al., 2003, Proc. SPIE, 4839, 381
massive (~m*) system forming in a major Paranal, we expect first light at the tele- H. Bonnet et al., 2003, Proc. SPIE, 4839, 329
starburst event at z~2.5, possibly trig- scope in April 2004. In addition to its see- D. Downes & P. M. Solomon, 2003, ApJ, 582, 37
gered by the interaction of the J1/J2 com- ing limited modes presented here, F. Eisenhauer et al., 2000, Proc. SPIE, 4008, 289
F. Eisenhauer et al., 2003, ApJ Letters submit-
ponents. Its luminosity is similar to those SINFONI will then be the world’s first ted (astro-ph/0306220)
of very luminous local starbursts, such as adaptive optics assisted near-IR integral R. Genzel & C. J. Cesarsky, 2000, ARAA, 38,
the ULIRG mergers. Our conclusion is field spectrometer. We hope that the in- 761
very much strengthened by the high strument will be available to the general R. Genzel et al., 2003a, ApJ in press (astro-ph/
metallicity of SMMJ14011+0252. The user community starting in fall 2004. In 0305423)
R. Genzel et al., 2003b, ApJ, 584, 633
only low-z systems with such high a 2004, SPIFFI will also be retrofitted with A. Ghez et al., 2003, ApJ, 586, L127
metallicity are massive (≥m*) early type a next generation 2K2 detector including R. I. Ivison et al., 2001, ApJ, 561, L45
galaxies. As our knowledge about the its camera, presently under development S. Komossa et al., 2003, ApJ, 582, L15
high-z submillimeter population increas- by NOVA, ESO and MPE. Mating of D. Lutz et al., 2003, A&A, in press (astro-
es, the evidence becomes firmer that SINFONI with the laser guide star facili- T. Ott et al., 2003, ESO Messenger, 111, 1
these systems indeed must be precursors ty (Bonaccini et al. 2003) is planned for M. J. Reid, 1993, ARAA, 31, 345
of massive local bulges and ellipticals. spring 2005. M. Tecza et al., 2000, ApJ, 537, 178

Eisenhauer F. et al., The Universe in 3D © ESO - September 2003 25


S ANDRO D ’O DORICO 1 , IMOS IS THE LARGE FIELD the Nasmyth unvignetted field, the arm


V (4 times 6.7  7.7, approx-
imately) imager and multi-
object spectrograph built
for the Nasmyth focus of
the VLT MELIPAL. Its field size (diago-
nal ~24) matches the full unvignetted
field of a Nasmyth focus of the VLT. The
used to pick up the guide star do mask in
most cases a small part of one quadrant.
The observers are requested to choose
the guide star using a special tool,
GuideCam, made available by ESO for
the preparation of the observations.
Although the VIMOS Nasmyth loca-
G ABRIEL C UBY 2 , H ANS combination of the large field, good tion implies the additional M3 reflection,
D EKKER 1 , N ICOL AS image quality, high slit multiplexing
(masks with up to 1000 short slits can be
the VIMOS efficiency of a single channel
is higher than that of the two FORS at
H ADD AD 2 , C ARLO I ZZO 3 , inserted in the focal plane for low-resolu- UV and blue wavelengths, comparable in
R EINHARD H ANUSCHIK 3 , tion spectroscopy) makes the instrument V, and lower than FORS2 in the Red and
the most powerful MOS spectrograph I band (by factors 1.5 and 1.9 respectively)
M ARKUS K ISSLER - available at telescopes of the 8-10 m class. mainly due to differences in the CCD QE
PATIG 1 , J EAN -L OUIS A detailed description of the instrument curves. The different efficiencies have
can be found at been well estimated from the zero points
L IZON 1 , M ASSIMILIANO ments/ vimos. measurements for the three instruments
M ARCHESI 2 , G IANNI The instrument (and the associated reported in the ESO Quality Control
Mask Manufacturing machine) was built pages*. One has however to keep in mind
M ARCONI 2 , PALLE by a Consortium of French and Italian in- that VIMOS uses non-standard broad-
M Ø LLER 3 , R ALF PALS A 3 , stitutes (http://www.astrsp-mrs/virmos) band filters and the color corrections
with Olivier Le Fèvre of LAM, France have not yet been introduced.
PASC AL R OBER T 2 , and Paolo Vettolani of IRA-CNR, Italy, The image quality (FWHM of the stel-
M AR TINO R OMANIELLO 3 , as P.I. and co-P.I. respectively. ESO pro- lar images) in the VIMOS quadrants re-
PA OL A S AR TORETTI 3 vided the detector systems and support in
other areas of the project.
ported in the same web pages is fairly
good lying in the range 0.5 – 1.0 arcsec
VIMOS had its first commissioning on FWHM during the first four months of
1ESO, Instrumentation the sky in its full configuration in Septem- observations (Fig. 1 and 2). The difference
Division, 2ESO, Paranal ber 2002, only ~5 years after the signature between quadrants is below 20%. We es-
of the contract between ESO and the timate that there is still room to improve
Observatory, 3ESO, Data Consortium. Results from the commis- the quality in some of the quadrants by
Management Division sioning and from a first allocation of guar- optical realignement. Clearly VIMOS im-
anteed nights received by the Consortium age quality cannot reach the unique per-
have been presented by Le Fèvre et al. formance of the FORS when used in the
(2002 and 2003, respectively). The instru- high resolution mode in very good seeing
ment has been offered to the ESO users condition because of the larger field and
in service mode as of the start of Period coarser sampling but it is on the other
71, on April 1st 2003. hand fully adequate for deep photometry
of compact sources much fainter than the
ON THE PREPARATION OF THE OBS One VIMOS limitation is a significant
Imaging variation of the Point Spread Function
VIMOS offers a number of advantages (PSF) across the four quadrants, mainly
but also draw-backs with respect to the due to the difficult optimization of the op-
other two optical imagers at the VLT, tics over the large field. Furthermore, the
FORS1 and FORS2. Among the advan- field being so large, the telescope guide
tages, clearly the wide field ( ~4 times the probe (used for the active optics correc-
FORS field) ranks top and makes it an tion in the telescope optics) is often
unique instrument for imaging surveys at forced to pick a star in a region where the
*The ESO Quality Control pages can be any very large telescope. Since the field of telescope pupil is slightly vignetted and
found on view of the instrument takes almost all of the resulting active optics correction not

26 The Messenger 113

depends on the density and overall distri-
bution of the program targets. If the
sources are numerous and uniformly dis-
tributed in the VIMOS field, the number
of targets acquired in one exposure can
be between 4 and 10 times larger than
with FORS2.
Absolute depth limits in MOS spec-
troscopy are not easily pinpointed as they
depend on many factors: the accuracy in
matching the masks to the targets, the
strategy of the observations, the flexures
of the instrument during exposures and
the accuracy with which fringing (more
than 30% peak to valley past 850 nm) in
the spectra are corrected.The preliminary
results from the first GTO allocation (Le
Fèvre et al., 2003) suggest that the limit-
ing magnitudes in V and R are close to the
ones with FORS1 or FORS2.
There is an additional effect to be tak-
en into account in MOS observations.
When multiple spectra in the dispersion
direction are taken (mostly in low-resolu-
tion spectroscopy) each 1st order spectra
is contaminated at a few percent by the
0th, −1st, or 2nd order spectra of the aligned
slitlets (see also Fig. 4).
VIMOS is installed at the Nasmyth fo-
cus of UT3 and rotates around a horizon-
tal axis during observations. There are no
Figure 1 : The NGC 5128 (Cen A) field in a V exposure (30s) with the four channel of flexures or thermal effects in the focal
VIMOS taken in Feb. 2003. North is to the top, East to right. Each of four channels cov- plane (in particular due to masks made of
ers 6.7  7.7 approximately, the gaps in the X- and Y-directions ~ 2. The average Invar). This, together with a good mecha-
FWHMs of the stellar images in the four quadrants in this exposure vary between 0.69 nical positioning of the masks, ensures a
and 0.77. stable positioning in the focal plane.
However, there are significant flexures
between the detector plane and the tele-
scope focal plane through rotation of the
instrument, smaller than  1 pixel (0.2
optimal. The image deformations highly goal. Bright stars (< 8th mag) in/around arcsec) in quadrant 2 (Q2) and less than
depend on the location of the guiding the middle of the field can cause reflec-  1.5 pixel in Q1, Q3 and Q4. These mo-
star. tions at a few percent of the typical back- tions are reproducible, and low enough
Programmes heavily relying on excel- ground light at specific orientations of the that they guarantee an effect below 0.5
lent and consistent image quality (e.g. to instrument. We are investigating system- pixel at maximum through a typical expo-
measure accurate object shapes) are atically the effect to identify the best ori- sure even at maximum field rotation close
probably best performed with FORS. If entation to be used as default for imaging. to zenith. However, flexures are annoying
the large field is needed and VIMOS is for mask preparation.The positions of the
the choice, in the selection of the guide Multi-Object Spectroscopy slits are determined from pre-images and
star it is better to accept some obscura- There are two spectroscopic modes of from a mask to CCD transformation ma-
tion of one quadrant by the guide probe VIMOS: MOS (Multi-Object Spec- trix. If the matrix and the pre-images are
rather than to use a guide star in the vi- troscopy with four field-specific, laser-cut obtained at different rotation angles of
gnetted telescope field of view or to have masks remotely inserted in the focal the instrument, there will be a systematic
to change the guiding star during the ob- planes) and IFU (area spectroscopy of a error in the derived slit positions. The fi-
servations because this will modify the field covered by a fibre head). The nal differential effect between the flex-
PSF. absolute performance of MOS is consis- ures of the 4 quadrants will typically
Two other points must be taken into tent with the efficiencies observed in im- amount to ~ 1−2 pixels positioning errors
account in the planning of the observa- aging with respect to the two FORS. The in 1−2 quadrants. The component of rela-
tions. Sky emission lines do cause rela- two low resolution and the intermediate tive motion across the slits will imply
tively strong fringing (at the 10% back- VIMOS grisms have transmissions which some light losses: their amplitude depend
ground level) in the I and Z bands, and are comparable to the best FORS grisms, on slit width and object size, and/ or see-
thus dithered exposures to build a night while the high resolution grisms have sig- ing conditions.
flat field are strongly recommended when nificantly lower efficiencies. Of course, As it is the case for imaging, users are
deep photometry is the main scientific the actual gain in spectroscopic survey required to use the GuideCam tool to

© ESO - September 2003 27

lowing that recipe will typically lead to a
1−2 pointing accuracy.


The first months of operation have been
marred by reliability problems, most of
them of mechanical nature. Problems
were particularly encountered with the
Mask Exchange Units (MEU) and the
Grism Exchange Units (GEU). Admit-
tedly, these units are complex: the MEUs
select the masks in the 15-slot cabinets,
grip, translate and clamp them into the fo-
cal plane with high accuracy ; the GEUs
select from a 6-position carousel the
grisms (up to 15 kg a piece for the high
resolution grisms) and insert them in the
pupil plane. All these motions are to work
under any orientation of the instrument.
Because each function exists in the four
units, the probability of a failure to hap-
Figure 2: Image quality of the four VIMOS quadrants from I-band observations pen is multiplied accordingly. In total
taken during four months of service operations. Monitoring of these parame- there are 64 functions in VIMOS, each of
ters is a task of the DFO group of the Data Management Division. them associated with its set of sensors.
The overall instrument design appears
sound and most of the reliability prob-
prepare their pre-imaging observations*. Given the tight space between spectra, lems have originated from insufficient
The telescope guide star is carried along the instrument flexures of 1−2 pixels (plus workmanship, e.g. inappropriate quality
in the header and later in the aperture an additional, comparable contribution of many components: screws, linear
definition file, so that the same guide star from the IFU slit masks itself) amplify the guides, clamps around axes, sensors, etc.
is eventually used during the spectroscop- problem. To be able to cope with these From January to April, the instrumen-
ic observations. Here also, allowing some shifts in the data reduction, we are current- tation group on Paranal had to spend
vignetting of the field by the Guide Probe ly adding a night time calibration to each alone 200 hrs of technical work to keep
might be better than picking a guide star OB taken at the same rotator position of the instrument into operation. The next
outside the unvignetted telescope field of the science exposure, but clearly this re- months were followed by alternate peri-
view. duces the overall time efficiency of the in- ods of satisfactory reliability followed by
strument for collecting scientific data. intensive periods of troubleshooting, of-
IFU Finally, we can currently only verify the ten requiring interventions at night from
IFU is one of the most used mode in right pointing after the first exposure technical staff and support astronomers.
VIMOS in the first period. In low resolu- (and only when at least two bright objects Special operation procedures were imple-
tion it is the largest IFU currently offered lie in the field). The astronomers are re- mented to e.g. setup the instrument at
at any observatory (54  54), in medium quired to use the GuideCam tool in particular rotator positions known to gen-
to high spectral resolution it still offers a preparing Phase 2 of the observations and erate less problems, change programmes
fantastic 27  27 field. Its throughput is to select a guide star taking care to speci- when one mode was not available, etc. In
below the original expectations and lies fy accurate pointing coordinates in the parallel, and as part of the so-called
on average at 50−60% of the MOS trans- coordinate system of that guide star. Fol- “Paranalisation”, extensive efforts were
mission value.
Among the known caveats figures the
image quality. The current PSF is elongat-
ed and shows chromatic effects. These can Table 1: Status of approved programs in Period 71 as of July 28, 2003
be observed when spectra from single
spatial resolution elements (along the Type of observing run Number of completed Number of ongoing and
runs pending runs
CCDs Y-direction) are compared: only
(degree of completion, in
when all spectra forming a PSF are com-
% of the allocated hours)
bined (typically from 3-4 fibres in 0.8
seeing) the energy distribution is proper-
ly reconstructed. Preimaging
7 3 (0%)
The individual fibres coming from the (for MOS preparation)
IFU head are packed at their output such
that spectra from contiguous fibres on the Imaging 6 5 (38%)
detector are spaced by 5 pixels, compara-
ble to their FWHM. A significant over- IFU 15 12 (33%)
lap/crosstalk is thus present.
MOS 3 7 ( 10%)

*see the instructions at

28 The Messenger 113

also devoted to improve the software op- tions are bias subtracted, flat field correct- tion of sky lines. The dispersion solution
eration of the instrument, in particular for ed and photometrically calibrated. Op- is applied re-sampling the spectra to a
mask operation and configuration control tionally the images may be dark subtract- constant wavelength step, and the spectra
of the instrument calibrations which are ed and corrected for bad pixels and cos- are sky subtracted. If the observation was
operation critical, e.g. the mask to CCD mic ray hits. In case of a jitter observation in jitter mode, the images can be co-added
calibrations etc. the individual observations can also be co- using offsets computed from the positions
In view of the shaky status of the in- added. With the current algorithm used of the brighter objects detected on the in-
strument prior to beginning of opera- for the image combination residual offset dividual images. Objects are detected and
tions, the decision was made to transfer are sometimes present in the combined extracted using either a simple sum, or a
all P71 runs, and subsequently also those image, depending on the step size. An al- Horne extraction (Horne K., 1986, PASP
of P72, to service mode, so as to ensure as gorithm with improved accuracy will be 98, 609).
high a completion rate as possible for the available in the course of Period 72. The MOS pipeline relies on the pres-
highest ranked programmes. For the photometric calibration stan- ence of models in the FITS header de-
The technical downtime attributable to dard star fields are regularly observed scribing the spectral curvature, the optical
VIMOS was limited to approximately and processed and serve to monitor the distortions and the inverse dispersion so-
15% during the period April-July 2003. zero point trends of the instrument. lution. These models are used in two
Although already high on its own Software routines are used by the ways. For the pipeline on Paranal, which
(Paranal standards for technical down- Observatory staff to create bad pixel runs unattended, these models are used to
time are, all included, at the level of 3− maps and to compute the coordinate process science data because the full set
4%), this performance could only be transformations from CCD to mask plane of required calibrations for the mask used
achieved due to the hard work by the and a model of residual geometrical dis- is typically not available when the data is
technicians, engineers and astronomers tortions which is used to compute an im- processed. When the scientific data is
who concentrated their efforts on this in- proved world coordinate system. The processed in Garching, DFO uses the cal-
strument during this period and by the CCD to mask transformation is crucial to ibrations specifically created for the sci-
flexibility offered by service observations. the preparation of masks used for MOS ence mask. In this case the model is just
Part of the negative impact of the techni- observations. The RMS of the residuals of used as a “first guess”. In particular the
cal downtime on the completion of scien- this transformation typically is about inverse dispersion solution is then com-
tific programmes was absorbed by per- 5 10−3 mm in the focal plane where the puted for each individual slit of a mask.
forming additional VIMOS observations masks are inserted, while the RMS of the Table 2 shows the RMS of the wave-
outside the formal time allocation. inverse transformation is about 0.04 length calibration for the different grisms
Table 1 summarizes the status of ad- pixels at the detector. averaged over the four quadrants using a
vancement. A total of 374 hrs of observa- global dispersion solution and a solution
tions have been successfully completed, MOS Pipeline computed locally on the CCD. The two
320 remain to be executed. The existing MOS pipeline provides approaches give very similar results
An unfortunate side effect of these recipes to create a normalized flat field The large RMS value for the low res-
operational difficulties is that the charac- from a set of individual flat fields, to com- olution grisms (especially LR_blue, with
terization of the instrument, in particular pute the inverse dispersion solution and RMS values up to 2 pixels in worse cases)
of the IFU mode, could not be carried out to process scientific observations taken in is probably due to the −1 and 0 order con-
as desired because the resources were stare or jitter mode. Science observations tamination of neighboring spectra along
mainly directed towards maintaining the are bias and, optionally, dark subtracted the same CCD columns, an adverse effect
instrument operational. and flat field corrected. The spectra are of the multiplexing. This contamination
corrected for curvature and optical dis- can be removed from the calibration
STATUS OF DATA tortion effects. Residual shifts of the slit spectra by using the built-in instrument
REDUCTION PIPELINES positions (due e.g. to instrument flexure mask shutters, whose implementation in
The VIMOS Pipeline is operational on between the scientific and the calibration the calibration procedure is expected in
Paranal since April 1st 2003 and is used to exposures) are corrected using the posi- the last quarter of 2003.
process VIMOS service mode data. The
pipeline recipes are based on the data re-
duction software ESO obtained from the
VIRMOS consortium, which have been
upgraded during the commissioning
phase to fulfill the requirements set by
Table 2: RMS of Inverse Dispersion Solutions (pixels-Å)
Paranal Science Operation group and the
Data Flow Operation (DFO) in terms of Single slit
operations and data quality. procedure
The current version of the pipeline LR blue 1.4 – 7.4 1.4 – 7.4
supports the imaging and multi-object
spectroscopy modes of VIMOS . LR red 0.9 – 6.4 0.8 – 5.7

MR 0.5 – 1.3 0.4 – 1

Imaging Pipeline
The VIMOS imaging pipeline provides HR blue 0.6 – 0.36 0.4 – 0.24
recipes to create a complete set of master
calibrations needed for the processing of HR orange 0.4 – 0.38 0.4 – 0.38
scientific observations. Scientific observa-
HR red 0.4 – 0.26 0.4 – 0.26

D’Odorico S. et al., VIMOS in operation © ESO - September 2003 29

IFU Pipeline As for all other VLT instruments, all ter calibration frames used to process the
The complete set of software modules VIMOS data obtained for Service Mode science data (e.g. bias, flat-field, and arc-
needed for the IFU data reduction was programmes are processed and distrib- lamps).
received just recently from the VIRMOS uted to the appropriate Principal Investi- These spectra have been corrected to a
Consortium and it has been tested on the gators (PIs). Basic processing consists of linear dispersion and aligned in wave-
low resolution data only. It is currently be- organising all incoming raw science data length. They have not been divided by the
ing checked and validated at ESO and by observing run and associated them flat-field. Division by the master FF does
will be available in one of the next with appropriate raw calibration data. All not yet provide good results and the pro-
pipeline releases (for availability dates PIs receive these basic data plus a variety cedure is being refined and tested. The
please have a look at: of file listings when their observing run is use of the uncorrected data has little ef-
qc/pipeline-status.html). completed. fect below ~8000 Å because the cosmetics
At the Paranal Observatory there is so In addition to these basic data, imaging of the CCDs is excellent but it is more se-
far just a quick-look IFU image recon- and MOS mode users receive both cali- rious above that wavelength because of
struction tool developed by ESO to allow bration and science data products created the CCD fringing. The problem is partly
the quick verification of the telescope by the VIMOS pipeline. Detailed infor- resolved by the combination of jittered
pointing. mation about production and nature of spectra as discussed in Le Fèvre et al.
these science and calibration products is (2002).
QUALITY CONTROL, PROCESSING provided to the users and is available The distributed data do not yet include
AND DELIVERY OF VIMOS DATA from the DFO QC Web pages mentioned the spectrophotometric correction.
The VIMOS data will go eventually above. As mentioned above, the IFU pipeline
through a Garching-based full quality The data from all four VIMOS quad- is still under development. Only a basic
control process as it is customary for VLT rants are organized and processed sepa- re-constructed image of the central 27 
instruments (Hanuschik & Silva 2002). rately. Imaging mode users receive bias- 27 arcsec and a IFU sky-slit comparison
Given the large number of subsystems of corrected, flat-fielded science frames as table are provided to help the user corre-
the instrument such a QC process is criti- well as the master bias and master flat- lating the fibre spectra with the fibre po-
cal for ensuring that useful data with a field frames used to process the science sition in the IFU head.
consistent quality are being delivered to frames. Whenever appropriate, they also Per standard ESO procedure, the goal
VIMOS users. receive processed standard star frames is to deliver VIMOS data packages to the
At this time, most QC parameters and zero-point tables. For normal imag- users within one month after the comple-
which are extracted from the observa- ing, the most recent calibration data is tion of the final OB for an observing run.
tions of the first four months of service used to process the science data. Pre-im- By the end of Period 72, this goal should
observing are related to detector and/or aging data, however, are processed using be met on a regular basis. In the special
imaging performance. For each detector, archival calibration data to facilitate case of MOS pre-imaging, processed im-
fundamental properties such as bias level, rapid delivery. ages are already being made available to
read noise, gain, flat-field stability, image MOS users receive the following sci- users within 2 − 3 working days of pre-
quality (Fig. 2) and photometric zero- ence products: an image containing all the image acquisition using an ESO Science
points are measured and compared to 1D extracted spectra, an image contain- Archive based process.
nominal values on a regular basis. In time, ing the two-dimensional (2D) extracted
parameters related to MOS and IFU spectra (Fig. 3), and an image containing INSTRUMENT REPAIR
observations will also be regularly moni- the 2D extracted sky spectra (Fig.4). AND UPGRADING PLANS
tored. Various QC reports and trending Tables containing identification informa- As reported above, the operational expe-
diagrams for VIMOS are available from tion for each extracted spectrum as well rience with VIMOS has consistently
the ESO Data Flow Operations Quality as their individual dispersion solutions shown relatively high failure rates for
Control Web pages: are also provided together with the mas- some key functions, during commission-

Figure 3: A portion of a 2D pipeline-extracted MOS frame, as presently deliv-

ered to the service mode users. It results from the combination of 3 jittered
spectra of 840s. They were obtained with the low resolution B grism. Eight
wavelength calibrated and aligned spectra slits are shown in the 2D image.
Continuum and emission lines of the target objects are visible together with
the residual of sky subtraction and ,for slits 2 and 6 from the top, residual con-
tamination from the saturated zero orders from multiplexed slits. The 1D
extracted spectrum of the object in slit 5 from the top is shown to the side.

30 The Messenger 113

taking place in August-September of this
year. We are in particular going through
extensive verification and refurbishing of
the instrument focal plane assembly (in-
cluding the Mask Exchange Units and the
IFU) to improve its reliability and possi-
bly reduce the IFU flexures. The time will
also be used to investigate the changes re-
quired by the Grism Exchange Units. The
instrument is expected to come back into
regular operation in the second half of
The second intervention is planned for
the spring of 2004. The main objective
will then be the full refurbishing of the
complex GEUs. We now plan also to use
Figure 4: A portion of the sky spectrum for the 8 slits shown in Figure 3. The spectra have been this occasion to replace eight high-resolu-
calibrated and aligned in wavelength. The strong sky emission line close to the centre is the tion classical grisms (four blue and four
5577.4 Å [O I] line, followed at longer wavelength by the blended doublet of Na I at 5893 Å and red) with Volume Phase Holographic
the 6300 and 6364 Å lines of [OI]. Some other features of the VIMOS low-resolution spectral
ones, which are now available in the large
data format are also visible. In the slit #2 and #6 from the top the strongest line is the zero or-
der from contiguous multiplexed spectra. In slit #2 from the above, the contamination from the size (160 mm) required for VIMOS. The
slit in the lower part of the mask is visible on the left. In the slit #7 from above, the −1 order new sets have been just ordered. Besides
contamination is visible, overlapping the right part of the spectrum. a substantial reduction in weight, hope-
fully beneficial to the reliability of the ex-
change mechanism, they will boost the
ing time last year, test runs between plan, based on two extended interven- VIMOS efficiency in these sub-modes by
November 2002 and March 2003 and the tions by the Instrumentation Division almost a factor 2. The start of P 73, 1st
first four months of regular operation in and the Paranal Observatory within the April 2004, should find VIMOS in a much
service mode since April 2003. Periods of next 12 months. more robust state and able to deliver effi-
acceptable reliability following a major Although the time when the instru- ciently the unique science for which this
tuning of the instrument by the Consor- ment is off the telescope is concentrated complex machine has been developed.
tium technical team did not prove to last around full moon, the interventions will
long. If left unchecked, we fear that the still result in some loss of useful observing
instrument could progressively degrade time and they imply some additional cost REFERENCES
to a level where its regular operation and manpower to the project. It is how- Le Fèvre O. et al., 2002, ESO Messenger,
would become impossible. ever a good investment considering the 109, 21
Le Fèvre O. et al., 2003, ESO Messenger,
With the instrument taken over by total value of the project and its scientific
111, 18
ESO from June of this year, we have de- capability. Hanuschik H. & Silva D., 2002, ESO
cided to launch a major repair/upgrade This first, 6 week-long, intervention is Messenger, 108, 4


Seventeen years after the last passage of Comet Halley, the ESO
VLT has captured a unique image of this famous object as it
cruises through the outer solar system. It is completely inactive
in this cold environment. No other comet has ever been ob-
served this far (28.06 AU heliocentric distance) or that faint (V =
28.2). The image of Halley was obtained by combining a series
of exposures obtained simultaneously with three of the 8.2-m
telescopes during 3 consecutive nights with the main goal to
count the number of small icy bodies orbiting the Sun beyond
Neptune, known as Transneptunian Objects (TNOs). The combi-
nation of the images from three 8.2-m telescopes obtained dur-
ing three consecutive nights is not straightforward. The individ-
ual characteristics of the imaging instruments (FORS1 on ANTU,
VIMOS on MELIPAL and FORS2 on YEPUN) must be taken into
account and corrected. Moreover, the motion of the very faint
moving objects has to be compensated for, even though they are
Sky field in which Comet Halley was observed with the ESO Very Large too faint to be seen on individual exposures; they only reveal
Telescope (VLT) at the Paranal Observatory on March 6-8, 2003. 81 indi- themselves when many frames are combined during the final
vidual exposures with a total exposure time of 32284 sec (almost 9 hours) steps of the process. It is for this reason that the presence of a
from three of the four 8.2-m telescopes were cleaned and added while known, faint object like Comet Halley in the field-of-view pro-
shifting their positions according to the motion of the comet. The faint, vides a powerful control of the data processing. If Halley is visi-
star-like image of Comet Halley is visible (in circle, at centre); all other ob- ble at the end, it has been done properly. The extensive data pro-
jects (stars, galaxies) in the field are "trailed". A satellite trail is visible at
the very top. The field measures 60 x 40 arcsec2; North is up and East is
cessing is now under way and the intensive search for new
left. ESO Press Photo 27c/03 Transneptunian objects has started. (see ESO PR Photo 27/03)

D’Odorico S. et al., VIMOS in operation © ESO - September 2003 31





MODE (SM) OBSERVING HAS BEEN tor Mode (VM) demand ratio over the first two years of VLT

perceived by ESO since the early days of VLT oper- operations, the pressure has now stabilized at a ratio of about
ations planning as a key component in optimizing 15.5 hours requested in SM for each night in VM, or a ratio of
the scientific return and the operational efficiency of 1.7:1 if we take an average duration of 9 hours per night.
the VLT. It is a concept deeply embedded in the VLT Although this would directly translate into a community de-
end-to-end science operations model (Quinn et al. 1998, 2002; mand of approximately 63% in SM vs. 37% in VM, constraints
Mathys et al. 2002). Experience with SM was already gained in and limitations resulting from the current Garching-based staff
February 1997 at the NTT, as soon as that telescope entered available for support of the front and back ends of the opera-
into operations again after the “Big Bang” (Wallander and Spy- tions has forced ESO to move towards a 50%-50% share, which
romilio 1997) that provided a field testing both for the VLT is mostly achieved by moving selected SM programs to VM.
control system and for much of the VLT end-to-end system. Such a share also ensures that Paranal staff astronomers and
The current effort invested in SM operations at the VLT can fellows keep in direct contact with the astronomical communi-
be illustrated by some recent operational statistics. A total of ty, that ESO receives external feedback based on first-hand ex-
2909 SM Observation Blocks (OBs), corresponding to 200 ob- perience of visiting astronomers about the Paranal instrumen-
serving runs submitted for execution by the five instruments in tation and operations, and that a certain level of know-how
operation during Period 70 (1st October 2002 - 31st March about the actual observation process and about observatory
2003), were completed within or nearly within the user-speci- operations is maintained in the community.
fied constraints, amounting to 1685 hours of execution time,
without counting the time spent in calibration observations
provided by the observatory or the time used in the execution HOW SERVICE MODE WORKS:
of OBs that turned out to be outside specifications. In the on- LONG-, MEDIUM-, AND SHORT-TERM SCHEDULES
going Period 71, with VIMOS and FLAMES now also in oper- The Long-Term Schedule combines the VM observing runs and
ations, 2043 OBs for 1559 hours of execution time have already the SM periods in the best possible way for every observing se-
been completed under or near user-specified conditions at the mester. The main goal of SM planning at the VLT is to make
time of this writing (mid July 2003). possible the realization of the rationale behind flexible sched-
SM is the most requested observing mode at the VLT, as uling: to adjust to the prevailing external conditions by execut-
Figure 1 illustrates. After a steady increase in the SM vs. Visi- ing those programmes that can make the best use of them, and

32 The Messenger 113

to ensure that each programme is carried charts, must also be submitted at this Under special circumstances, it is also
out under the conditions that best suit it time. Detailed information on the Phase 2 possible for Principal Investigators to re-
following a priority scheme that gives Preparation Process can be found at trieve raw data from the archive while the
precedence to those programmes that re- observing run is still being carried out if
ceived the highest scientific rating by the ServiceMode.html. The Phase 2 packages strong scientific reasons require it.
Observing Programmes Committee are reviewed by the User Support Group
(OPC). This leads to the separation of SM for compliance with SM policies, techni- SOME RECENT RUN
runs into the three priority classes A, B, cal correctness, and consistency with the COMPLETION STATISTICS
and C, the last one corresponding to low Phase 1 information as approved by the All the time in principle available for Ser-
priority runs that can be executed under OPC. Once certified, the runs are includ- vice Mode observations during a given se-
relatively poor conditions. The allocation ed in the Medium Term Schedule queues mester is distributed among the priority
of the priority classes is made by the Visit- that are provided daily to Paranal Science A and B runs. This time would be really
ing Astronomers Section in strict accor- Operations, and which form the basis for available for scientific observations only
dance with the OPC scientific ratings, tak- the Short Term Schedule (STS). The STS under ideal conditions, including no tech-
ing also into account technical feasibility, is the actual sequence of observations nical and weather downtime. The un-
target distribution on the sky, and user- carried out on a given night, and is pre- avoidable deviations between such ideal
specified constraints on the execution pared by the astronomer in charge of SM conditions and the reality, which we de-
conditions, as has been described in detail observing based on target visibility, exter- scribe in more detail below, naturally lead
by Silva (2001). nal conditions, run priority, and possibly to a certain level of oversubscription of
The outcome of this process is the SM other factors such as instrument mode the actually available time. The goal of
Long Term Schedule (hereafter LTS). availability or timing constraints. ESO at the time of executing the priority
Once it is ready and the list of scheduled Once an observing run is completed, A and B runs is thus that all the runs in
runs is finalized, the Visiting Astronomers the Data Flow Operations group prepares class A, and a large fraction of those in
Section notifies the Principal Investiga- a data package containing all the science class B, are completed at the end of an ob-
tors via e-mail, giving them access to pass- data obtained for the run, the correspon- serving semester. Indeed, as far as class A
word-protected webpages where detailed ding calibration data and, for most instru- runs are concerned the completion frac-
information on the time allocated to each ment modes, also pipeline-reduced data tion is virtually 100%, both due to their
of their runs, as well as possible OPC useful for a quality assessment of the sci- higher scheduling priority and to the fact
comments, are given. This marks the be- ence data and, to a limited extent, for that non-completed priority A runs are
ginning of the Phase 2 process. Users their scientific analysis. The Science eligible to be carried over to the next pe-
have to provide at Phase 2 the set of OBs Archive Facility produces the media (nor- riod unless they can be considered as es-
fully defining their observations, pre- mally, CD-ROMs or DVDs) containing sentially completed. In the recently com-
pared with the Phase 2 Preparation Pro- the data package and sends it to the Prin- pleted Period 70, 17 runs out of 71 ob-
gram (P2PP) produced by the Data Flow cipal Investigator. Data packages are also tained carryover status. While this is 24%
Systems group of the Data Management produced for non-completed runs at the in number of runs, it is actually less than
Division, and with instrument-specific end of the period. Fast-track procedures 5% of the time initially allocated to them,
preparation software maintained by for the early delivery of data have been since a large fraction of the observations
Paranal Observatory. Ancillary informa- set up to deal with Target of Opportunity for the runs to be carried over had been
tion, such as specific execution instruc- runs and for pre-imaging runs to be fol- already completed by the end of the
tions, internal priorities, and finding lowed by multi-object spectroscopy. Period.
The lower scheduling priority of class B
runs, designed to make them absorb the
impact of the deviations between the ide-
al assumptions used in preparing the LTS
and the reality encountered during the
observing semester, implies that a certain
Figure 1: User demand of number of runs in this class cannot be
Visitor Mode (in nights, red completed the end of that period, as we
bars) and Service Mode (in have said above. On the other hand, the
hours, blue bars) since the occurrence of less-than-ideal observing
beginning of VLT opera-
conditions, or the occasional completion
tions. The periods have
been binned in couples to of all class A and B runs with targets at a
remove seasonal differ- given right ascension interval, gives a
ences in the hours/nights chance for the execution of observations
equivalence. The right and of priority C runs.
left vertical scales are
directly comparable if we The statistics on the completion of class
assume a night length of B and C runs for the most recently com-
nine hours averaged over pleted Period, given in Figure 2, show that
the year. After a steady the goal of completing a substantial frac-
increase of the SM/VM
tion of priority B runs is being met. An in-
ratio over the first four
periods, the ratio has kept teresting feature visible in Figure 2 is the
roughly constant at 15.5 large fraction of completed class B runs
hours in SM requested for followed by a tail of incomplete runs,
each night in VM since whose number actually increases towards
Period 67.
the lowest completion fractions. The rea-

© ESO - September 2003 33

Figure 2: Degree of comple- not known when preparing the LTS, as
tion of class B and C runs at this happens long before the current peri-
the end of Period 70. The pri- od concludes.
ority given in the STS to com-
E) The completion of highly rated runs
pleting entire runs as op-
posed to uniformly distributing with very demanding observing condi-
time over all runs results in a tions constraints is usually very expensive
large number of completed in terms of excellent weather conditions,
runs at the expense of a fairly
and involves a “hidden” overhead that
large number of runs with
completion fractions below can greatly increase the actual time need-
50%. Such priority cannot be ed to complete a highly rated run within
applied to the “filler” runs of constraints. Observations started within
class C constraints are sometimes finished out-
side, for example because the seeing or
the transparency worsened during the ex-
ecution. According to the current ESO
policy of considering an OB as completed
only if the user-specified constraints were
fulfilled, such OBs need to be repeated,
but the time that was spent on them (gen-
erally still in reasonably good conditions)
is lost to other runs. The difficulty in sat-
isfying demanding constraints over a long
period of time is one of the main motiva-
tions for imposing a maximum duration
of SM OBs to one hour, a limitation that
son lies in the practical application of the and 15% of the available time, and is often increases the execution overheads
principle that the scientific objectives of largely dominated by weather losses. for individual programmes but that great-
an observing run are most likely to be B) The actual pressure on each right as- ly increases the overall efficiency of VLT
achieved only if all its observations are cension interval is known only at the end science operations.
completed. Therefore, at the time of of Phase 2, i.e., after the LTS has been F) Finally, and related to the previous
building up the STS, priority is given to prepared. Deviations from the right as- item, extremely good observing condi-
completing as many class B runs as possi- cension distribution assumed at the time tions occur rather rarely, and therefore
ble, rather than to obtaining observations of preparing the LTS can be due to a va- the relative fluctuations on the amount of
for runs likely to be left incomplete, thus riety of reasons: time in which they occur are large. When
explaining the existence of class B runs  The time allocated is sometimes re- we enter the range of conditions that oc-
that were either not started or obtained duced at the time of reviewing the propos- curs in only a very small number of nights
less than 25% of their observations in Pe- al, leaving to the user the choice of a sub- on a given semester, small number statis-
riod 70 (such priority is harder to apply to set of the proposed targets to observe out tics come into play and the risk that a
class C runs given their “filler” character, of those listed in the Phase 1 proposal. large fraction of the allocated time under
explaining why such a trend is not visible The actual time that users planned those conditions may actually be unavail-
in the lower panel of Figure 2). In terms to spend on each target is often not able becomes very real.
of the time devoted to priority B runs, 642 known in detail at Phase 1 time. Further-
hours were allocated in priority B; 421 more, users occasionally underestimate
hours (66%) were actually spent on pri- overheads or overestimate instrument USER FEEDBACK
ority B OBs executed within constraints; performance at Phase 1, and thus have to As we have noted above, the preferential
251 h (39%) corresponded to runs that drop targets at Phase 2 to keep within the choice of SM over VM at the VLT can be
were completed at the end of the Period allocated time and intended S/N. taken as a direct indicator of user satis-
(since short runs are easier to complete,
Target change requests at Phase 2 faction with current ESO Service Mode
the fraction of completed B runs is 57%). may be approved, as long as they are execution. Feedback from SM users over
Let us recall that the LTS is a forecast based on convincing scientific arguments, these last years, either by direct commu-
on the scheduling of the observing semes- are consistent with the goals of the proj- nication with ESO or via the Users Com-
ter based on the Phase 1 information giv- ect, no conflicts with other runs exist, and mittee, has been essential to prioritize im-
en in the proposals, coupled with a model the impact on the schedule is small or provements in the system, such as the ma-
of the observing conditions during the se- moderate. jor reengineering of the P2PP software or
mester. In practice, a variety of factors C) Director’s Discretionary Time (DDT) the constant upgrading of the user sup-
contribute to create differences between and Target of Opportunity (ToO) runs are port tools. In addition, the extensive VLT
the LTS and the actual outcome at the needed to give the VLT the capacity to re- SM web-based questionnaire made avail-
end of the period. Most of these factors act to sudden or unpredictable astronom- able to the community in September 2002
tend to decrease the time actually avail- ical events or to very recent scientific de- provides a way to collect comprehensive
able for the execution of scientifically velopments, and have a random impact feedback on the rating that the communi-
valuable SM observations: on the schedule. ty makes of the whole SM mode process,
A) Weather and technical downtime are D) The amount of time that will need to covering the proposal preparation, the
not factored into the LTS preparation be devoted to carryover of runs into the Phase 2 preparation, the programme exe-
process. On Paranal, the total amount of upcoming semester, and the distribution cution, the evaluation of the data ob-
downtime ranges typically between 10 on the sky of the targets of these runs, are tained, and the fulfilment of the science

34 The Messenger 113

Figure 3: Summary of the evalua-
tion of Service Mode performance
based on the 117 answers received
to the Service Mode questionnaire
released in September 2002 corre-
sponding to runs that obtained time
in Periods 63 through 68.

goals. Feedback via this questionnaire tion with ESO is qualified as good or ex- been mostly addressed now. The Phase 2
was directly requested from the Principal cellent. Concerning data quality, the most instruction webpages, both general and
Investigators of runs having obtained SM frequent rating of the data is “excellent” instrument-specific, and the instrument
time in Periods 63 to 68, i.e., covering the (40% of the runs), with a rating of “good” manuals, receive similar approval rates
entire first three years of VLT operations. in another 35% of the runs, although with 86%−90% of responses giving rat-
The questionnaire can be found at room for improvement is demonstrated ings of good to excellent. However, the by the 20% of runs for which data were still relatively low percentage (8%−12%)
sm_questionnaire.htm, and all SM users deemed to be of poor or fair quality. of the responses giving a rating of “excel-
are encouraged to fill it in. In particular, It is interesting to review also the re- lent” are a good reason to continue the
the note sent to the PIs of SM runs near sponses given on specific areas of the SM sustained effort to improve the documen-
the end of their proprietary data period process: tation.
reminds them to fill in the questionnaire, A) Phase 1 receives a very positive glob- C) P2PP, one of the most visible software
as this is the time when a complete scien- al consideration. The Call for Proposals products currently provided by ESO to its
tific evaluation of the data obtained is was found to be good or excellent by all user community, is now rated as good or
most likely to have taken place, and when the users who replied with one single ex- excellent in between 75% and 78% of the
feedback is most valuable to ESO. ception, and the Proposal submission cases regarding its installation, user man-
A complete report on the results col- process was considered as good or excel- ual, usability, and functionality. Its instal-
lected from users who had approved SM lent in 86% of the responses. The web- lation receives the highest marks, being
runs in Periods 63-68 and completed the based documentation provided at Phase 1 considered “excellent” by 22% of the re-
questionnaire can be downloaded from on the call for proposals, on the sponse. Improvements in both functional- ESOFORM package preparation, and on ity and documentation introduced over
smquest_report.doc. Here we summarize the instruments (by means of the instru- the last year will hopefully increase these
the main points of interests of those re- ment User Manual) receives over 85% of marks in the near future.
sults, based on the responses that have good-to-excellent marks. At the time of Among other tools used for Phase 2
been received from 74 unique users on preparing their proposals, 72% of the preparation, Skycat receives a very posi-
117 runs, out of the 371 users to which users find it clear how to compute the tive consideration: 58% of the users con-
time was awarded in 886 runs between overheads on the basis of the documenta- sider its functionality as good, and 35% as
Periods 63 through 68. Most of the re- tion provided, and 80% consider the Ex- excellent. Over half of users (55%) use it
sponses received (55%) concern runs that posure Time Calculators to be good or ex- to produce their finding charts.
obtained time in Periods 67 and 68 (April cellent. At the time when the survey was re-
2001 to March 2002), and only 14% refer B) On Phase 2 preparation, 30% of the leased, the FORS Instrumental Mask
to runs corresponding to the first year of users found the time between the notifi- Simulator (FIMS) was the only auxiliary,
VLT operations. Thus, the results present- cation of the time allocation and the instrument-specific tool that had been re-
ed here mostly represent a recent evalua- Phase 2 package submission deadline too leased for use in the preparation of Phase
tion of VLT SM. short. Although this time has generally 2. Its usability and functionality were con-
The results providing an overall rating been four to five weeks, it has been possi- sidered as good or excellent by 55% and
of the process (Figure 3) yield a percent- ble to extend it to six weeks in Period 72, 58% of the FORS users, respectively.
age of 92% of runs in which the interac- and we thus believe that this point has Several other auxiliary preparation tools

Comeron F. et al., Four Years of Service Mode at the VLT © ESO - September 2003 35
(NAOS PS for NACO, VMMPS and formation to be useful (94%) and up-to- Mode observing has emerged, and many
Guidecam for VIMOS, and FPOSS for date (79%). Also in this area, the Data lessons have been learned, both obvious
FLAMES) have been released in the last Flow Operations group has made a con- and subtle. On the users community side,
year. siderable effort in making data reduction the principles underlying Service Mode
D) The assistance of the User Support and quality control documentation observing have become better appreciat-
Group astronomers in preparing the available through its Web pages ed and increasingly used to the advantage
Phase 2 package has been considered (; see also Hanu- of the scientific goals of the projects,
good in 42% of the cases and excellent in schik and Silva, 2002, and Hanuschik et while new projects with new demands
another 37%. The Phase 2 review process, al., 2002) in order to increase the useful- keep pushing the boundaries of its possi-
also carried out by the User Support ness of processed data products to the bilities. The high standards expected by
Group, is rated as excellent in 36% of the end users. the community, its sustained high demand
responses and good in another 53%. H) Finally, most of the answers received for Service Mode, and the valuable feed-
Overall, the phase 2 process is considered to the questionnaire (53%) corresponded back received from it, together with the
as good or excellent in 89% of the an- to runs for which the data analysis was challenges set by new and more complex
swers. completed, while it was still in progress in instruments recently entered into opera-
E) Most of the users (88%) check the another 38% of the cases. A major con- tions or soon to do it, drive Service Mode
progress of their SM observations during cern in this respect is that only for 10% of as an evolving process at the VLT and as
the period through the webpages, and a the runs are the calibration plan data con- an essential ingredient in maintaining its
similar percentage find the information sidered as good: by far the dominant rat- high scientific productivity, at the same
clear, up-to-date, and complete. However, ing is fair, with 78% of the answers. Also, time that it explores operations para-
almost half (46%) of the users who an- the information on the calibration plan is digms that will be essential to the success
swered the survey complained that the rated as only fair by 91% of the answers, of ALMA and OWL in the coming
run progress information was not easy to and none of them gives the rating “good” decades.
find. This is one of the cases in which the or “excellent”. Nevertheless, the data
questionnaire allowed us to identify a quality was rated as excellent regarding
shortcoming perceived by many users the fulfilment of the scientific goals in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
that had passed unnoticed to us! We have 49% of the cases, and good in another The success of Service Mode operations
tried to make this information more visi- 28% (note that these percentages include at the VLT owes much to many individu-
ble now by including links to it from more runs that were only partially completed, als who are or have been involved in mul-
ESO webpages. thus preventing the full achievement of tiple aspects on both sides of the Ocean:
F) The SM data package, prepared once their scientific goals). the software engineers who develop
a run has been completed or terminated, tools; the staff astronomers and fellows
is globally considered as good in a wide CONCLUDING REMARKS who carry out the observations and some-
majority (81%) of the cases, with an addi- In summary, although there is still room times provide lessons learned the hard
tional 11% that rate it as excellent. The for improvement in a number of areas, way; the telescope and instrument opera-
amount of data seems adequate to 92% the users’ satisfaction with the large ma- tors; the user support astronomers; the
of users, and the data volume is unani- jority of the services that ESO provides in scientists in charge of scheduling, mainte-
mously considered to be manageable. Service Mode observing is high. Needless nance of reporting tools, quality control
The typical delay of four weeks between to say, a fair measurement of the per- and data distribution; the people who
the completion and the delivery of the formance of Service Mode and its per- have developed and refined its underly-
data is found to be acceptable for 88% of ception among the users community re- ing concepts with time; and, last but not
users, although ESO is studying ways to lies on a continued and abundant feed- least, the broad community of Service
speed up the process for users who need back to ESO; we thus encourage SM Mode users.
earlier access to the data. users to continue providing ESO with
G) The quick-look science data are most- such feedback through the Service Mode REFERENCES
ly found to be of good (55%) or excellent questionnaire at Hanuschik, R., Silva, D., 2002, ESO Messenger,
(8%) quality. The pipeline products are usg/survey/ sm_questionnaire.htm. 108, 4.
Hanuschik, R. W., Hummel, W., Sartoretti, P.,
generally considered as useful (71% of re- On ESO’s side, much has changed and Silva, D.R., Proc. SPIE, 4844, 139.
sponses), but were directly used for sci- improved since Service Mode observa- Mathys, G., Gilmozzi, R., Hurtado, N., Kaufer,
ence in only 18% of cases. Shortcomings tions were started in 1997 at the NTT and A., Lidman, C., Parra, J., 2002, Proc. SPIE,
identified in this area thanks to the SM in 1999 at the VLT: new and better tools 4844, 25.
Quinn, P.J., Albrecht, M.A., Ballester, P., Banse,
questionnaire are a perceived insufficien- are available, more experienced and K., Chavan,A.M., GrosbŅl, P., Péron, M., Sil-
cy of information on the reduction skilled staff are in charge of planning and va, D.R., 1998, Proc. SPIE, 3349, 2.
process (72% of responses) and the limit- executing the observations, policies and Quinn, P.J., Comerón, F., Gilmozzi, R., Mathys,
ed usability of the quality control param- procedures leading to an efficient use of G., Péron, M., Pirenne, B., Silva, D.R., 2002,
eters. Slightly more than half of the users the Service Mode time have been defined Proc. SPIE, 4844, 1.
Silva, D., 2001, ESO Messenger, 105, 18.
(53%) visited the Quality Control web- and evolved over time, a clearer picture of Wallander, A., Spyromilio, J., 1997, Proc. SPIE,
pages, where they generally found the in- the advantages and limitations of Service 3112, 9.

36 The Messenger 113


the French-Italian Con-
sortium responsible for
one of the two ALMA
Antenna prototypes is
completing the assembly phase of the an-
tenna at the ALMA test facility (ATF) lo-
cated at the site of the Very Large Array
(VLA) in New Mexico.

The assembly activities are performed

by a team led by ALCATEL Space of
France, including engineers of European
Industrial Engineering (EIE) of Italy, the
other member of the Consortium, and re-
sponsible for the antenna design.
ALCATEL Space Industries joined
the original Italian Consortium, formed
by EIE and Costamasnaga in December
2001, when an amendment to the original
Contract was signed by ESO allowing the
enlargement of the Consortium. With the
amendment ALCATEL Space became
the Consortium leader.
In the months following the signature
of the Contract amendment, the existing
antenna design was brought to the manu-
facturing stage. This process was the occa-
sion for further optimising a design that
had been considered to be very promising
since the beginning of the project. Direct
drives (similar to those used on the VLT
main structure) are used on both eleva- The ALCATEL/EIE antenna in the final phase of assembly at the ATF.
tion and azimuth axes. The receiver cabin
is entirely manufactured of Carbon Fiber
Reinforced Plastic (CFRP). This allows
considerable mass saving compared to a
steel cabin. Together with the primary re- under a Contract from the European studies and tests. One major test has
flector backup structure (BUS), also Space Agency (ESA) and ESO. The repli- made use of a setup constituted by one
made of CFRP, it provides a thermally ca technique has allowed a fast produc- panel, mounted by its adjusters on a
stable elevation structure. Both the direct tion process and may prove to be advan- CFRP slice of the BUS in a climatic
drives and the CFRP cabin are expected tageous for the serial production of the 64 chamber to prove some elements of the
to be advantageous for the dynamical ALMA antennas. surface stability budget of the reflecting
performance demanded of the ALMA The replicated panels are Rhodium surface.
antennas. coated for protection against the harsh In the tradition of ESO all new design
Another new design feature was the Chajnantor environment. The perform- characteristics were subjected to a formal
use for the reflector surface of replicated ance of these panels for the ALMA an- review process by the team in charge of
Nickel panels developed by Media Lario tenna has been the object of extensive the follow-up of the Contract1. This re-

1The “core” team is composed of J. Baars, F. Biancat Marchet, C. Dichirico, B. Gustafsson,

F. Koch, M. Kraus, J. Strasser, A. van Kesteren and the author.

© ESO - September 2003 37

view process was also applied to the new
design of the internal metrology system
of the antenna. Such a system will be
used to guarantee the very demanding
pointing and stability performances in
the open conditions of the Chajnantor
site, characterized by strong winds, signif-
icant temperature gradients, and strong
solar radiation.
The pre-erection activities in Europe
were limited by the short time available
to the Consortium and by the default, in
May 2002, of one of the Consortium
members (Costamasnaga), whose origi-
nal scope of work within the Consortium
had been the mechanical manufacturing
and pre-assembly. A replacement me-
chanical shop (Galbiati) was found for
those activities, and EIE took over the
The machining of the CFRP cabin interfaces at the Galbiati factory. The machining tasks linked to the antenna mount manu-
head is working on the elevation motor attachment point. facturing (antenna base, yoke, motors,
electrical subsystems etc.). At the Gal-
biati assembly hall the major parts of the
antenna mount were installed and
checked in November 2002, to be finally
shipped to the ATF in January 2003.
The assembly of the CFRP cabin and
BUS, performed in parallel, and extend-
ing up to spring 2003, proved to be a del-
icate task, given the dimensions of the
parts to be joined together and the strict
dimensional tolerances on the final as-
semblies. The cabin and BUS were man-
ufactured by two specialized Italian
CFRP manufacturers (Plyform and
ATR) based on the EIE design, under
contract from ALCATEL. The various
sub-assemblies had to be glued and bolt-
ed together under dimensional control by
means of a laser tracker. For this task
The BUS being assembled at the Galbiati factory. ALCATEL made use of a French sub-
contractor (SETAT) specialized in the
measurement of large structures2. A set-
back was encountered when two of the
sixteen sectors of the BUS structure were
damaged in a road accident while being
transported from ATR to the Galbiati in-
tegration hall. Nevertheless in April 2003
the cabin and BUS were finished, paint-
ed, specially packed and shipped by air
cargo to the testing site. (See ESO Mes-
senger No. 112. p. 2) .
In the meantime, in order to be able to
work in the difficult conditions of the
ATF (strong winds in late spring, burning
sun and thunderstorms in summer) the
Consortium had erected a temporary
shelter for the assembly of the antenna.
This shelter has proven valuable for the
View of the replicated Nickel Panel at the Media Lario factory. The panels at the left
have been coated with Rhodium and have a brighter appearance than those on the
right (bare Nickel).
2The company is known to ESO for having per-

formed the dimensional measurement of the

primary mirror cells of the VLT.

38 The Messenger 113

delicate task of mounting and aligning
the antenna. All major mounting opera-
tions were performed under control of
the laser tracker. In June the cabin was
positioned and aligned onto the antenna
mount, and on 11 July the important op-
eration of mounting the BUS on the an-
tenna was performed without major dif-
ficulties. All major interfaces, although
not tested at the factory, mated correctly.
In the following weeks the 600 panels
adjusters and the 120 replicated panels
were mounted and aligned on the BUS.
A verification of the surface accuracy
with the laser tracker has resulted in a
panel map with the excellent accuracy of
40 micrometers. (It will be a later task of
the joint ESO-NRAO Antenna Evalua-
tion Group (AEG) to obtain the final
specified accuracy of 25 micrometers.)
On 18 August the roof of the shelter
was removed and the quadrupod with
the sub-reflector and its mechanism were
installed. A branch of a tree (later re- The mounting of the BUS onto the antenna at the ATF site.
moved) had been put on top of the an-
tenna to respect an old French building
tradition. The long-awaited dismounting
of the shelter walls revealed for the first
time the antenna in its entirety and final
In the entire manufacturing and as-
sembly process the close collaboration
between the ALCATEL integration
team, and the EIE engineering team, au-
thor of the ALMA antenna design, has
been fundamental for solving the unex-
pected problems and various glitches typ-
ical of a prototype. At the ATF site even
minor problems can impact the schedule
due to the transport and import time.
Close communication between the site
team and the design office is essential.
At the time of writing the technical
commissioning of the antenna has start-
ed, in parallel with the finishing activities.
The team on site is working round the
clock to give the final touches to the an-
tenna and to start the verification phase
with ESO. Part of the verification activi-
ties is linked to the commissioning of the
metrology system, involving a set of deli-
cate performance measurements, some
of which will be performed on the sky.
Following acceptance of the antenna by
ESO, the final evaluation of the antenna
characteristics will be done by the An-
tenna Evaluation Group of the ALMA
project after equipping the antenna with View of the top of the antenna, after completion of the reflecting surface and installation of quadri-
a receiver. pod and subreflector.

Stanghellini S., ALMA Prototype near completion © ESO - September 2003 39


G. C HINC ARINI 1,2 , F. Z ERBI 2 , N THE LATE NINETEEN SIXTIES, ergs/cm2), that is the total flux received
L. N IC AS TRO 6 , G. TOS TI 7 ,
I the Vela satellites, designed and
flown to monitor the outer
space in agreement with the
“Outer Space Treaty” that for-
bade nuclear explosion in space, de-
tected quite accidentally the presence
of bursts of high energy photons. Their
during the burst, indicated that the
emitted energy had to be extremely
high and of the order of 1051–1052 ergs/s
under the model of a beamed source.
We are thus witnessing one of the most
spectacular emission of energy in the
Universe. Such energy corresponds to
energy was in the range of 100 KeV – 1 the annihilation of a very significant
G. S CIU TO 7 , M. S TEFANON 2 ,
MeV and they would last for a few tens fraction of a solar mass in a few seconds
B. J ORD AN 8 , L. B URDERI 3 , of seconds. Klebesadel, Strong and Ol- and corresponds to the luminosity we
S. C AMPANA 2 , J. D ANZIGER 9 , son announced the discovery in 1973 have when summing up the light of all
A. D I PAOL A 3 , A. F ERNANDEZ – and since then the attention of the as- the galaxies in the nearby universe.
S OTO 10 , F. F IORE 3 , G. G HISELLINI 2 , tronomical community became focused While the phenomenon is rather
P. G OLDONI 11 , G.L. I SR AEL 3 , on these highly energetic and com- rare assuming an isotropic emission,
D. L ORENZETTI 3 , B. M C B REEN 12 , pletely unknown wonders of the sky. roughly one event per year per million
N. M ASETTI 13 , S. M ESSINA 4 , A Gamma-Ray telescope does not galaxies, the frequency considerably in-
E. M EURS 8 , A. M ONFARDINI 14 , allow the estimate of the position of a creases if we consider we are seeing
E. PAL AZZI 13 , J. PA UL 11 , source on the Celestial Sphere with only those bursts for which the line of
E. P IAN 9.13 , M. R ODON Ò 4 , good accuracy. At the same time the sight is within the emission cone of the
scarcity of the events detected by the relativistic beaming jet and we miss all
satellites launched before the nineties the rest.
V. T ES TA 3 , S.D. V ERG ANI 2 did not allow astronomers to know The generic model we have at pres-
their distribution on the sky. These un- ent is simple and fascinating. A fireball
certainties led to two different schools of very hot radiation, possibly contam-
1Universita degli Studi di Milano Bic- of thought. Many astronomers were de- inated by some baryonic matter, at
occa,Dipartimento di Fisica, Italy; fending the galactic origin of these some point appears and expands at ul-
2INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di sources while others were sustaining tra-relativistic velocity. That the veloci-
Brera, Merate,Italy; 3INAF Osservato- their extragalactic origin. The launch of ty is extremely close to the velocity of
rio Astronomico di Roma, the Compton Gamma Ray Observato- light is demonstrated by the fact that
Roma,Italy; 4INAF Osservatorio ry (GRO) in 1991 with the BATSE de- the spectrum we observe is not thermal
Astronomico di Catania,Italy; 5CSIC- tector aboard revolutionized our un- that is, we do not observe the equiva-
derstanding not only by providing de- lent of an opaque expanding photos-
IAA Camino bajo de Huetor s/n
tailed temporal and spectral informa- phere. The optical depth for radiation is
Granata Spain;, 6IASF CNR Palermo, tion but also by showing that these smaller than one. On the other hand
Italy; 7Universita di Perugia, sources are uniformly distributed on the rapid variations that have been ob-
Dipartimento di Fisica, Italy; 8DIAS- the Sky. This made a convincing case served at high energies would call for a
Dunsink Observatory, Dublin, Repub- for their extragalactic origin. But it is very small volume of the source with
lic of Ireland; 9INAF Osservatorio thanks to the Italian Dutch satellite the production of copious electron
Astronomico di Trieste, Italy; Beppo SAX that the extragalactic ori- positron pairs. That is we should have
10Observatorio Astronomico - Univer- gin was confirmed beyond any doubt. high opacity, and therefore optical
sitat de Valencia, Spain; 11Service The scientists of this mission were able depth larger than one, and expanding
d’Astrophysique, CEA-Saclay, to discover the X-ray counterparts and near blackbody photosphere. However
France; 12University College of consequently achieve accurate astrom- if the ball is moving at high relativistic
etry, which finally led to the identifica- speed, with a Lorentz factor of about
Dublin, Republic of Ireland; 13IASF
tion of the host galaxy and redshift 100, the volume of the source at its rest
CNR Bologna, Italy; 14CARSO- measurements. frame becomes larger, the photon ener-
Universita di Trieste, Italy Since the GRBs are at cosmological gy involved much smaller and, as a con-
distances, the observed fluence (~10-7 sequence, the number of electron pairs

40 The Messenger 113

produced highly reduced causing a much the burst, the position of the source is tion and close to our observing capabili-
smaller optical depth. The expanding communicated to Earth so that the ties as demonstrated by the observations
shells are transparent to radiation. Ground Based Telescopes can point in of the quasar detected by the Sloan Digi-
A beautiful confirmation of this super that direction and get the complementary tal Sky Survey at z ~ 6.43. But light and
relativistic velocity came from the radio observations. re-ionisation are only part of the story.
observations of GRB970508 by Frail et Fast and quick is the mandatory prior- Assuming population III stars and nu-
al. About a week after the detection of ity since the phenomenon evolves very clear reactions create light, it is during
the burst (both BATSE and Beppo-SAX quickly and the emission due to the phys- this epoch that we start forming heavy
detected it in gamma-rays and Beppo- ical events occurring at the very outset elements in the Universe and spread
SAX localized it with the X-ray camera) may be the most revealing about the them around. It is the beginning of the
the radio emission was optically thick and physics at work. The multi-wavelength chemical evolution. It would be a differ-
showed intensive oscillations that disap- coverage is crucial since the complex phe- ent story if at the very beginning the cre-
peared after about three weeks. Inter- nomenon, and its interaction with the en- ation of light was related to accretion of
preting the oscillations as due to scintilla- vironment, radiates at all wavelengths. matter into massive black holes. This non
tion it became feasible to estimate the For instance, it will be essential to esti- nuclear mechanism is highly efficient in
size of the fireball at this phase to be mate the time lag between the emission producing light, however the lack of
about 1017 cm and in agreement with the peaks at different frequencies. significant star formation would imply a
theoretical considerations described The Swift instrumentation does not delay in the chemical evolution of the
above. provide any coverage in the red and in- Universe. The high-z very bright GRBs
The ultra relativistic beamed shells frared bands, which is instead critical, giv- could be the objects giving us the funda-
moving outward slow down and are hit by en that 50 to 60% of the bursts have no mental information about this epoch and
the following shells causing internal detected optical afterglow, let alone the using them as beacons they will tell us the
shocks with the emission of high energy importance of monitoring the temporal details of the intergalactic medium
photons while the impact of the shells decay in the infrared. We must find out (IGM) and therefore the history of the
with the interstellar medium of the host whether this fact is due to dust (from the Universe. But to do that we have to detect
galaxy causes what are known as the ex- centre of the Galaxy we easily receive γ- them fast, measure accurately their posi-
ternal shocks and produce the X-ray and radiation and we observe in the X-ray but tion and quickly point the very large tele-
optical emissions, the afterglow phase of we suffer about 30 magnitudes extinction scopes in order to get the information we
the burst. The observed flux decays as a in the optical) or a percentage of bursts need before they fade away. These con-
power law with exponent which in gener- are missed in the optical simply because siderations guided the conceptual design
al is between –2 and –1. But while all of of their very high redshift. This second of the REM telescope.
the bursts detected in the γ-rays have possibility, the detection of very high red- With an estimated frequency of bursts
been also detected at X-ray frequencies, a shift sources with z > 6, is an extremely detected by Swift of about 150 per year on
large percentage of these, about 50 to exciting challenge and fundamental to the average from any ground based facil-
60%, are not detectable at optical wave- cosmology. ity, due to the location and to the day and
lengths. night alternation, we will be able to ob-
The success of the Beppo-SAX satel- « FIAT LUX ET LUX FUIT » serve about 40 bursts a year. REM is lo-
lite and the knowledge gained on the The end of the “Dark Age” in the cosmic cated in the Southern hemisphere . While
GRBs both observationally and theoreti- history of the Universe occurs with the soon after alert the telescope will be ob-
cally, clearly pointed to the information generation of the first light and the sub- serving the burst for as long as possible
needed if we wanted to make any sequent re-ionisation of the hydrogen uninterruptedly, after a while the main
progress in this field of endeavour. The that had been formed at recombination. players will be the large telescopes and
opportunity to make a satellite capable of This epoch, that according to theoretical REM will only make a few observations
procuring the needed data was caught by consideration and numerical simulation is on each given burst. That is REM will be
US scientists who proposed, in collabora- located in the range 6 < z < 20, is at pres- free to observe other targets, and to per-
tion with Italy and the United Kingdom, ent under intense theoretical investiga- form a secondary science program, for
a NASA MIDEX Mission, Swift, to carry
out the research. As spelled out in the in-
ternational logo, with Swift we are ready
for “catching the bursts on the fly”. The
Mission is scheduled for launch in Spring
The planned satellite had to be able to
detect GRBs over a large fraction of the
sky with a good sensitivity, measuring the
afterglow at the X-ray and optical wave-
lengths. Indeed Swift after detecting the
Bursts with the BAT (Burst Alert Tele-
scope) instrument points the spacecraft in
about 10 – 70 s so that the Narrow Field
Instruments, XRT (X-Ray Telescope) and
UVOT (Ultraviolet Optical Telescope)
follow the event. UVOT is sensitive in the Figure 1: “Notre
Dome de La Silla”.
range 170 – 600 nm. Soon after each in- The Dome hosting
strument onboard the spacecraft detects the REM telescope.

© ESO - September 2003 41

stations (Figure 2). The telescope has
been manufactured by Teleskoptechnik
Halfmann Gmbh in Augsburg (Germany)
and the optics by Carl Zeiss AG (Ger-
many). To optimise the response in the
near infrared the telescope optics were
coated with silver and protected by a spe-
cial overcoating. Accurate pointing, fast
slewing and precise tracking are achieved
using azimuth and elevation motors made
by ETEL which allow a maximum speed
of 12 deg/s and Heidenain encoders with
237 steps per arcsec.
The instrumentation has been at-
tached, together with the field de-rotator,
in one of the Nasmyth foci (Figure 3). A
beam splitter (dichroic) manufactured by
ZAOT (Italy) according to our design
leaves the Infrared beam (950 – 2300 nm)
to continue along the optical axis where
Figure 2: The telescope with its instrumentation. the IR Camera (REM-IR) is installed
while it deflects the optical beam (450 –
more than 40% of the time.To this end we the instrumentation during slew. Our in- 950 nm) to an orthogonal axis where the
already planned a set of observational terest in using the VLT Unit Telescopes optical instrument (ROSS) is installed
programs and later on REM will also be suggested either Cerro Paranal or Cerro (Figure 4).
open to observing proposals. La Silla as suitable sites. When such idea
was illustrated and documented to the THE INFRARED CAMERA
THE RAPID EYE MOUNT Director General Catherine Cesarsky, At present the camera is working with 4
TELESCOPE (REM) even before approval of our proposal for filters (Z, J, H and K’). However the filter
The specifications for REM were very funds in Italy, we were extremely pleased wheel, located in the parallel beam, hosts
simple even if very demanding on both to see interest and excitement toward the 8 positions so that provision has been
the hardware and software. The science proposal and to be encouraged to pro- made for further filters and grisms. The
drive demanded an instrumentation that ceed. Later on, and after many interac- camera optics convert the telescope f/8
had to be sensitive also to the near in- tions with the ESO staff, Cerro La Silla beam into a f/5.3 beam allowing a scale on
frared and that had to be sensitive to all (Figure 1) was selected as the most con- the focal plane of 64.4 arcsec/mm. This al-
wavelengths up to 2300 nm, the K’ band. venient location for REM. lows us to have a 9.9  9.9 field of view
The science needs dictated the telescope The telescope uses a Ritchey – Chre- on a 512512 (1800 nm pitch) HgCdTe
had to go immediately, and without hu- tien configuration with a 60 cm f/2.2 pri- array produced by Rockwell. We are us-
man interference, on target after Swift, or mary mirror and two Nasmyth f/8 focal ing 1 quadrant of a Rockwell Hawaii II
any other satellite, sent a burst
trigger deciding automatically,
and, according to a priority tree
designed in the software (Figure
of Merit – FOM) and regularly
updated, what to do. The quick
look automatic software had to
be capable of identifying right
away, and measuring accurately,
the position of the burst and its
magnitude as to immediately
alert the community and all the
major telescopes, the ESO VLT
in particular. Furthermore the
combination of the two instru-
ments described below, and the
related software, had to allow
the estimate of the redshift of
the cosmic events via the Ly-
man-α line and the drop out
The specifications as dictated
by the science drive suggested
immediately the choice of an
alt-azimuth mounting in order
to minimize the momentum of Figure 3: The telescope during operations and pointing the sky, Courtesy of P. Aniol.

42 The Messenger 113

Figure 4: The computer design of ROSS Internet to all the relevant parties, as-
and REM-IR, see text for details. tronomers and observatories. At all time
we will have a person remotely supervis-
ing the performance of the facility.

In June 2003 everything started to move
quickly. After a long journey over the At-
lantic Ocean and Panama and a trip
through the Chilean land, the telescope
arrived at Cerro La Silla. Here the very
efficient and competent staff at ESO Ob-
servatory had already constructed a sim-
ple, but very neat and complete with all
the needed connection, dome: “Notre-
Dome de La Silla”.
The Telescope was mounted in about a
week and soon after we mounted the in-
strument on the Nasmyth focus. For the
first time we had on the mountain a
bunch of young – and not so young - Ital-
ians, trying to get things working. Indeed
some were busy with the hardware, some
with the instrument software and others
in making the whole network connection
active. At the same time Mr. Aniol from
Halfmann was busy in setting up the tele-
scope and, in collaboration with the soft-
ware subcontractors, was working on the
10241024 chip so that in case of deteri- Apogee AP47 camera hosting a Marconi telescope pointing software, pointing
oration of the quadrant we are now oper- 47-10 1K1K 13 µm pitch CCD. model and de-rotator software. Indeed
ating we can switch to another 512512 the space inside this small dome was
quadrant. The IR array uses a Leach Con- SOFTWARE AND OPERATION packed with persons working on different
troller with a read-out speed of 1.64 mi- CONCEPTUAL DESIGN tasks without interfering with each other
crosecond per pixel. When the telescope was conceived, the and each one with a very high capability
The collimator and the camera (Silica – idea was that it had to go on target ac- of understanding the relevant informa-
CaF2 and CaF2 – Silica) focus the image cording to built-in decisional software tion from the cross talking in different
on the CCD after passing through the and according to a trigger given directly languages: Italian, German, English and
Cryostat window. The whole camera is by the Swift satellite or any other satellite Spanish.
mounted in a dewar manufactured by the for that matter. Conversely, the telescope Soon after the equipment had been
Infrared Laboratories in Tucson (Ari- and related science software had to be ca- turned on we were able to point the tele-
zona) so as to operate in a cold environ- pable of immediately evaluating the ob- scope, even if not very accurately yet, and
ment and is kept at a working tempera- servations and be capable of communi- get the first images. By Tuesday June 24th
ture of about 77 K. The working temper- cating them immediately and eventually we had the first fairly good images (Fig-
ature of the IR array is 77 K as well. The trigger large ground based telescopes like ure 5) and standard stars both with the in-
cryogenics are supported by a Stirling – the VLT or any Space Borne Observato- frared camera (REM-IR) and the ROSS
Cycle cryo-pump made by Leybold AG ry. This has been accomplished. instrument.
(Germany). The REM Observing Software Preliminary data reduction of the stan-
(REMOS) after receiving the alert mes- dard stars without correcting for flat
THE ROSS SPECTROGRAPH sage via a socket connection from the fielding in the NIR, gives the following
The optics of ROSS, also designed by us, GCN ( will limiting magnitudes for 1 second integra-
consist of separated doublets made of also check the status of the telescope, the tion and S/N=5: V=17.2, R=17.2, I=16.0,
ZKN7 – FPL53. The filter wheel accom- on-going observations and any other ac- J=14.5, H=13.5, K’=13.0. These observa-
modates the V-, R-, and I-filters and an tivity including its meteorological envi- tions show that the sensitivity of the in-
Amici prism 66 mm long. The prism is ronment. If the priority tree built into the strument already matches (or is even bet-
made of Silica, BAF2 and CAF2 and the software commands the telescope to ter in K’) the sensitivity we expected as
spectral range from 450 to 950 nm is dis- move to the new alert, the telescope is on estimated in the original proposal. That
played over 60 pixels. In order to match target in less than 60 seconds and starts also means that by a proper reduction of
the optical thickness of the Amici prism the observation with both instruments ac- the data and after fine-tuning of the ob-
and to avoid refocusing while passing cording to the instructions that are listed serving, and data analysis software, the
from the imaging mode to the spec- in the Figure of Merit. At this point the system will exceed the expectations.
troscopy mode, the filters were glued on astrometry and photometry of the Tran- As it is very clear to all astronomers, as
properly designed cylinders of optical sient is done immediately by an automat- for the roof of an house, the first light is a
glass. The detector head is a commercial ic routine and the information passed via milestone in the making of a telescope

Chincarini G. et al., The Rapid Eye Mount © ESO - September 2003 43

Figure 5: First images, showing the open star cluster M6, taken with the ROSS in the V-band (left) and with
the REM in the K’-band (right). Note the striking difference between the images, showing the strong role
played by the dust absorption along the galactic plane.

and the related instrumentation but, at This endeavour we undertook is very la comfortable and pleasant and for the
the same time, it is only the very begin- important for the research we plan to car- building of “Notre-Dome”. Needless to
ning of the commissioning period, during ry out in the GRBs and also for the sec- say we could not operate without the help
which time the telescope will be adjusted, ondary science program. It is also the first of the La Silla staff, the vice Director G.
the instrument tuned up and the whole fully automatic infrared telescope ever Andreoni in particular, to which we are
software assembled to work properly. We built and while its aperture is very small very grateful and without the expertise of
are in this phase with all the small prob- but suited to the science goal, its control G. Crimi (OAB) who helped in the oper-
lems that need to be solved and with the and various automatisms in the observing ation of mounting the telescope and of
software to be fine-tuned. The issues that procedures and data analysis make REM Giuseppe Malaspina whose expertise al-
need to be very carefully fine-tuned are: a very advanced astronomical tool. lowed us to communicate among our
the alignment of the optical axis of the But even more important we feel is the computers and with the rest of the world.
telescope with the axis of the de-rotator, fact that it will not only further strength- Fundamental has been the collaboration
the synchronization of the de-rotator with en the collaboration with the ESO staff, of: M. Bagaglia, C. Campeggi, R. Cunnife,
the telescope tracking and the pointing and in particular with the staff in La Silla, D. Fugazza, G. Gentile, E. Martinetti, A.
(we need a very accurate model) of the but above all it will be an open gate for Melandri, G. Nucciarelli, S. Sardone. The
telescope. We will have a few months to the youngest scientists and graduate stu- financial support came from the Italian
do all of this together with the science dents who will interact both remotely and Ministry of the University and Research
verification program that, to some extent, in loco, youngsters will like to travel to (MIUR) through the COFIN organiza-
already started. All of the above, mount- Chile, during maintenance or other pro- tion. The ROSS instrument has been fi-
ing of the telescope, instruments and first grammed activities. We hope it is the be- nanced by an ASI grant and the CNAA
tests took about 10 days. At the time of ginning of something very interesting. helped us with “Notre-Dome at La Silla”.
writing (June 26) we were already able to Finally we would like to thank AMD for
send to the telescopes commands from a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS providing part of the computer hardware.
remote computer. The Swift mission triggered the idea of
On June 25th, and thanks to the Direc- REM and many of its members, especial- REFERENCES
tor of La Silla, we celebrated the first light ly Prof. Alan Wells, encouraged enthusias- Gehrels, N., Chincarini, G., Giommi, P. et al.,
with the staff of the Observatory. For us it tically the REM project. Naturally we are 2003, Ap.J. in preparation.
has been an emotional moment and we very grateful to Catherine Cesarsky for Piran, T., 1999, Physics Reports, 314, 575
Zerbi, F., Chincarini, G., Conconi, P. et al. A&A,
are very grateful to the staff for the the encouragement she gave since the in preparation.
warmth of that evening. Indeed REM is very beginning when we proposed to lo-
the first telescope an Italian group of its cate the telescope at ESO in Chile and for SEE ALSO:
own put on ESO ground. It was about her openness toward the GRBs research. Kaper, L., et al., 2002. Gamma-ray bursts: the
time. The only regret is that we could not Alvio Renzini acted as our reference most powerful cosmic explosions, ESO
Messenger, 109, 37
build an even fancier Dome. We will do point for ESO and Jorge Melnick, to Pedersen, H., et al., 2000, Gamma-ray Bursts –
better next time when we will get more whom we are deeply indebted, did every- Pushing limits with the VLT, ESO
support in Italy. thing possible to make our work at La Sil- Messenger, 100, 32

44 The Messenger 113


M. B O Ë R 1 , A. K LOTZ 1 , ince the late seventies, ESO Sarcofago will soon reopen every night
P. G OLDONI 5 , P. J EAN 1 ,
M. L OPEZ 3 , R. M ALINA 6 ,
S has pioneered the study of
Gamma-Ray Burst (here-
after GRB) sources. Deep
searches of GRB error boxes
have been performed at the 3.6 m and
many other telescopes at La Silla. At
that time, they were localized by the first
to resume its former activity as a GRB
optical counterpart spotter: a duplica-
tion of TAROT (Télescope à Action
Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires –
Rapid Action Telescope for Transient
Objects; figure 2), already in operation
at the Calern Observatory in France,
interplanetary network (IPN), and get- will be installed by the next Chilean
ting a position could take months. How- summer. Able to start an observation
J.B. M ARQUETTE 4 , A. M AYET 7 , ever, European groups were among the within a second, TAROT-South will ob-
F. M IR ABEL 5 , first involved in the GRB optical and in- serve GRB sources in the optical range,
frared counterpart hunts. One of the while the event may be still active in
R. M OCHKOVITCH 4 , J. first systematic surveys of GRB error Gamma-Rays. TAROT-S will be a wide
PA CHECO 8 , L. PARES 2 , boxes was aimed at searching for events field, very fast companion of the Rapid
J. PA UL 5 , H. P EDERSEN 9 , recurring in four error boxes. The GRB Eye Mount (REM – Chincharini et al.,
Monitoring System (GMS) was ap- this issue), more specialized in the study
H. P INNA 7 , J.-P. S IVAN 10 proved in 1982, and installed in a small of the infrared range and broad-band
building lying down the hill from the spectroscopy. Both experiments form
3.6 m. Now time has passed over the the Fast Robotic Observatory System
GMS, some of these telescopes have for Transients (FROST).
1Centre d’Etude Spatiale des Rayon- been reused by ESO for education and
nements (CNRS/OMP), Toulouse, public outreach purposes, and, at La Sil- ADVANCES AND QUESTIONS
France; 2Laboratoire d’Astrophysique la, the building is known as the “Sar- Since the results of the BATSE experi-
de Toulouse (CNRS/ UPS/OMP), cofago” (figure 1). ment onboard the Compton-GRO
While no mummy has awakened, the spacecraft and of the Beppo-SAX satel-
France; 3INSU/CNRS Division
Technique, Meudon, France; 4Institut
d’Astrophysique de Paris
(CNRS/UPMC), France; 5CEA, Service
d’Astrophysique, France; 6Laboratoire
d’Astronomie de Marseille
(CNRS/UAMI/OAMP), France; 7Centre
d’Elaboration des Matériaux et
d’Etudes Structurales, Toulouse,
France; 8Observatoire de la Côte
d’Azur, Nice, France; 9Copenhagen
University Observatory, Denmark;
10Observatoire de Haute Provence
Figure 1: The GMS building, alias the “Sarcofago”, located down the hill of the 3.6m telescope, in front
(OAMP/CNRS), France. of the new La Silla control room. It will host the TAROT-S experiment (photography M. Lopez / CNRS).

© ESO - September 2003 45

have not been seen at long wavelengths. point still lacks confirmation. The con-
Another problem is why half of the junction of the data from TAROT-S and
GRBs are not displaying an afterglow REM will allow optimising the choice of
(the so-called “dark GRBs”)? Are dark the instrument configuration on large tel-
GRBs only “optically dark”? While the escopes.
data from the REM experiment will give We note also that the data on GRB af-
hints at IR wavelengths within a minute terglows have been acquired by a number
after the GRB alert, it is important to get of telescopes with various accuracy and
the full picture in order to determine, calibration procedures. Since these
from the first seconds of every event, the sources are highly variable, and that vari-
reason of the absence of long wavelength ability contains information on the source
emission: is it due to the redshift of the physics, on its environment, on the host
source? to its location inside a high densi- galaxy, and eventually on the line of sight,
ty environment? Is it connected to the it is of paramount importance to have a
way the GRB machinery works or how it consistent set of data well calibrated with
is seen by the observer? Does dark GRBs standard procedures. For the first hours
emit at all, or does the afterglow decays of the GRB, TAROT will give a precise
so fast that it quickly becomes invisible to relative photometry. Since it is expected
any telescope? On that last point, data ac- that larger telescopes at ESO will take
Figure 2: The TAROT telescope at the quired by the existing TAROT system over to relay from TAROT and REM af-
Calern Observatory (France) has already giv- (Calern – France), give a tight constraint ter that time, a set of combined measures
en results from the observation of sources on the light curve of several afterglows will be available, giving for the first time
detected by the BATSE, HETE and
INTEGRAL experiments. TAROT-S is a dupli-
(figure 3). an accurate picture of a GRB light curve
cation of this robotic observatory (photogra- One important milestone is the transi- from the first seconds to several tens of
phy M. Boër / CNRS). tion between the prompt emission and hours at least.
the afterglow. It is a direct measure of the
beginning of the external shock, and of THE TAROT-SOUTH
the medium surrounding the GRB source ROBOTIC OBSERVATORY
lite, many advances have been made in itself. These observations, not only re- The “first” TAROT (figure 2) is in opera-
the field of cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst quires a telescope able to react quickly to tion at the Calern observatory (Observa-
sources (see companion paper in this is- an alert, but also a fast sampling of the toire de la Côte d’Azur) since 1999, and
sue, Chincharini et al.). It is now known signal, i.e. a rapid image acquisition rate. has observed GRB source locations from
that they lie at cosmological distances and With a dead time of only one second, BATSE, HETE and INTEGRAL. We de-
that they reach a tremendous luminosity, TAROT is able to acquire a seventeenth cided to keep for TAROT-S the same
about 1051 − 1052 ergs per event. This hap- magnitude, four million pixels image characteristics, i.e. a very fast moving
pens in two steps: first a powerful burst of every ten seconds. After the SWIFT (80°/s), wide-field (2° - figure 4) tele-
hard radiation, the prompt GRB, is emit- launch TAROT and REM will observe a scope: not only this eases the duplication,
ted, and may last from tenths to hundreds GRB source location every ten days: this
of seconds; at some point, a much fainter will allow a precise light curve to be ob-
decaying emission takes over from the tained from the prompt event to the af-
prompt emission, and is called the after- terglow, and the determination of the pre-
glow. Finally, in several cases, a supernova cise point when the decaying emission
has appeared, confirming the association starts.
of a large part of the bursters with the fi- One of the major roles of TAROT-S
nal stages of massive star evolution. will be to quickly detect the source (with-
Because of opacity problems, what we in one second after the alert), and to de-
see is not the initial release of energy, but rive a precise position. At present, with
most probably the result of the shocks TAROT-Calern, we reach routinely accu-
produced by the ultrarelativistic (Γ ≥ 100) racy better than one arc-second after a
fireball. We are in a position to observe standard processing time of one minute.
the result of the blast wave produced by This position will be transmitted in real
the explosion of the bomb, but the initial time via the net, and will be available to
event is not directly accessible to us. other instruments at ESO. This means
Though the “standard fireball model” has that within about a quarter of an hour,
been a powerful tool to understand the while the source is still bright, high or
physics of GRBs and their panchromatic medium resolution spectroscopy may be
emission both prompt and delayed (the performed on, deriving not only an accu-
afterglow), many questions still remain to rate redshift, but also physical quantities. Figure 3: Dotted line: upper limit on the light
be answered, and a full picture of GRBs Equally important is the acquisition of curve of the GRB 020531 afterglow. The arrows
as a whole remains to be drawn. As an ex- polarimetric data, providing an insight in are the upper limits from individual measure-
ample little is known about the so-called ments with the GCN Circular number (1408 for
the geometry and emission processes of
TAROT). For comparison, the continuous green
short-hard class of bursts: they last about the fireball. It should be noted that evi- lines are the light curves of other events: the
a second or less, have a spectrum harder, dence has been seen for strong evolution GRB 020531 light curve has the tightest lim-
on average, than the longer GRBs, and of the source polarisation, though this it for a “dark” GRB.

46 The Messenger 113

Table 1: Summary of the main technical features of TAROT. vation parameters (coordinates, exposure
time, filters, repetition factor, eventually
Optical configuration Newton hyperbolic time constraint…), and an efficient algo-
Telescope aperture 25 cm rithm produces the telescope time line: a
priori, the user does not know when the
Speed ratio f/3.5 observation will be performed, but the
Pointing speed Up to 80°/s MAJORDOME schedules it in a way that
most observations are performed in the
Acceleration Up to 120°/s2
best astronomical conditions (e.g. at min-
Pointing time 1 – 1.5s imal airmass), and the whole telescope ef-
ficiency is maximised.
Filter wheel Clear, B, V, R, I, custom
As soon an image is taken, the process-
CCD device Thomson THX 7899 MCRH ing software (the GRENOUILLE) pro-
CCD size 2048 x 2048 pixels, 29 x 29 mm ceeds with calibration, removal of cosmic-
ray hits, normalization, searches for
Pixel size 14 µm, i.e. 3.5 sources, computes the astrometry, and
Field of view 2°x2° ends-up with a complete catalogue of the
sources in the image. This frame and the
CCD operating temperature -45°C products are archived on a disk, and sent
Limiting magnitude in 10s R = 17 later to Europe. Both the image (in com-
pressed FITS and/or jpeg) and its cata-
Limiting magnitude reached R = 20 (Calern)
logue are available on the web interac-
Readout speed 2 – 0.5s (full frame) tively. The page allows the superposition
of the USNO-A2.0 catalogue extract on
Readout noise Prototype 14e-, expected final 10e-
the displayed image, retrieving source co-
Actual image processing time 1 minute average ordinates via the mouse, requesting an ex-
tract of the Digital Sky Survey around
any position, or getting a chart of the as-
but also TAROT-S will still be able to care of the housekeeping, of the observa- teroids found in the field. Additionally
work with SWIFT, INTEGRAL and tory status and health (telescope, build- the catalogue gives all unidentified
HETE, as well as with the forthcoming ing, temperatures, coolers, roof, weath- sources in the field, and an algorithm able
GLAST, AGILE and many satellites er…), sends orders to move the telescope to derive the possible optical transient
which may be launched during its opera- and drives the camera through a socket candidates among a set of images accord-
tional life. Apart from the precision in co- connection with the CAMERA software. ing to various criteria will be implement-
ordinates, the requirements on an auto- This later software plays an identical role ed. All these features have proven to be
matic observatory aimed at the study of for the camera, but can be operated alone very useful for the GRB counterpart
GRBs have not much evolved: it should via a remote interface.The MAJORDOME searches at Calern, as well as for other
react as quickly as possible, and give deep makes the interface with the outside programs. All the software components
images of the sky at the fastest possible world, first with the GCN, and other satel- are independent from each other, and the
rate. This is still challenging, and the com- lite alert systems, but also with the re- dialog is performed through standard
promise made for TAROT was to have a quest system through a web interface. In socket connections. This way, the actual
compact, fast telescope. The telescope is routine mode, i.e. between alerts (about location of a module has no relevance,
usually on target within one second, 80% of the time), the MAJORDOME provided that the INTERNET connection
whatever its position actually is, probably schedules observations in an optimal way. is reliable. As an example, the
the shortest time for a telescope dedicat- In other words, apart from specific con- MAJORDOME has been developed in
ed to the observation of GRBs, and quite straints, the user chooses only the obser- Toulouse, and has for months scheduled
important for the study of the early be- TAROT from the CESR. Each module
haviour of these sources. Table 1 displays has also its own interface, accessible ei-
the main technical features of TAROT. ther on site or remotely.The whole system
The overall software architecture will can be maintained and monitored re-
be the same at Calern and ESO. The ad- motely, and the failure of one component
vantage is that the cost and development does not lock the access to the TAROT
times are drastically reduced, while the observatory.
instrument which will arrive at La Silla The telescope, together with its imme-
will be fully operational. Additionally, any diate hardware will be installed in the
change may be tested at Calern, where we “Sarcofago” GMS building (figure 1). In
have easy access before implementation order to ease both the installation and op-
at ESO, reducing the risk and the load on erations, all the computers and auxiliary
the teams, both in Europe and at ESO. hardware are currently being implement-
Any software change may be remotely ed in a specialized, climate controlled,
implemented at no risk, and with no op- container. The telescope hardware is un-
erational interruption. der construction, and will be assembled
The software chain is detailed in figure Figure 4: The M 31 Andromeda galaxy, as by the fall of 2003. At that time we will
5: a first software, the AUTOMATE takes seen by TAROT (image TAROT/CNRS). have a fully operational telescope which

Boër M. et al., The TAROT-S Telescope © ESO - September 2003 47

of observations is optimally performed
without any human intervention, TAROT
features a mode in which it can be re-
motely controlled. Our experience (with
TAROT-Calern) with users around the
world shows that TAROT is also a very
powerful tool for education and public
TAROT-Calern has proven its reliabil-
ity and efficiency for its scientific objec-
tive. Building upon our experience,
TAROT-South will enhance the prompt
optical coverage of Gamma-Ray Burst
sources and will gain from a darker sky
and better weather. With the dramatic in-
crease in GRB alerts expected next year
with SWIFT, TAROT-S, together with its
companion REM, will contribute to
Figure 5: Software configuration of the TAROT observatory. maintaining the leading role in GRB ob-
servation and science that ESO and
European astronomy have gained since
the afterglows have been discovered.
will be thoroughly tested before shipping escopes. Moreover, the combination of
at La Silla. Hence installation time will be data actually gives the tightest limits on ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
reduced to a minimum, and the telescope the “dark” afterglows. The rapid analysis TAROT, and TAROT-S have been sup-
will be quickly fully operational. of the image and the immediate dissemi- ported by the Centre National de la
nation of the sub-arc second position may Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the In-
A MULTI-PURPOSE, MULTI- be rapidly exploited by large telescopes, stitut National des Sciences de l’Univers
SATELLITE OBSERVATORY such as the VLT. With this accuracy, a (INSU), and the Carlsberg Foundation
With TAROT and REM united together spectrometer slit can be almost blind-po- (TAROT). We thank G. Vedrenne, D. Le
within the FROST consortium (Fast sitioned, giving data within the first ten Quéau and G.F. Bignami for their contin-
Robotic Observatory System for Tran- minutes of the event, e.g. with the VLT, ued support. Thanks are also due to G.
sients), ESO will be equipped with a fully and why not later ALMA. Able to work Skinner for corrections on the manu-
automated, scientifically consistent set of with the accuracy provided by any space- script. ESO support, both scientific and
instrument spanning the IR and optical craft, HETE, INTEGRAL, SWIFT, and technical, is also precious for the support
range, able to detect and analyse quickly later GLAST and AGILE, TAROT will of GRB studies in general, and of the in-
the data from GRB counterparts. One of provide unique data during the very first stallation of TAROT more specifically.
the major challenges which may be ad- seconds of the event at visible wave-
dressed by FROST is the measure and lengths, giving hints on the central engine
understanding of the relative emission in release of energy, on the forward and re-
IR and visible band, and, moreover, why verse shocks, and on the transition be- Boër, M., Hurley, K., Gottardi, M., 1989, A&A,
this emission may be suppressed in the tween the prompt phase and the after- 214, 148
visible, and/or infrared. glow. Systematic investigations will be Boër, M., Motch, C., Pedersen, H. et al., “Look-
The data obtained with small tele- performed with REM, providing a deep ing for Optical Emission from gamma-ray
bursters”, 1991, ESO Messenger, 66, 61
scopes have proven to be extremely use- insight in the broad band early afterglow.
Boër, M., Atteia, J.L., Bringer, M. et al., 2001,
ful: though small, these telescopes are With its wide field of view, combined with A&A, 378, 76.
able to “see” sources at cosmological dis- a good sensitivity, TAROT-S is also able Bringer, M. Boër, M., Peignot, C. et al., 2002,
tances, and to probe the extragalactic line to start a systematic search for orphan af- Exper. Astron., 12, 33
of sight, as well as to get information on terglows, and to provide hints toward di- Kaper, L., Castro-Tirado, A., Fruchter, A.,
“Gamma-Ray Bursts – the most powerful
the host galaxy. The detection of the su- rect evidence of the focussing of the fire- cosmic explosions”, 2002, ESO Messenger,
pernova rise and the systematic monitor- ball. 109, 37
ing of the light curve by small telescopes More generally, the secondary program Katz, J., “The biggest bangs : the mystery of
are also an aid to understanding the fate of TAROT-S will be mainly devoted to gamma-ray bursts, the most violent explo-
sions in the universe,” 2002, Oxford Univer-
of massive stars, the making of black the study of variable sources, such as ac-
sity Press, ISBN 0195145704
holes, and the last stages of stellar evolu- tive galactic nuclei, or a census of variable Klotz, A., Boër, M., Atteia, J.L., 2003, A&A,
tion across the universe at its various stars. Thanks to its ability to sample a 404, 815
epochs. As shown above, the upper limits wide fraction of the sky with a good sen- Pedersen, H. Atteia, J.L., Boër, et al., “Gamma-
obtained, within seconds, by TAROT al- sitivity, given by its field-of-view / duty cy- Ray Bursts – Pushing Limits with the VLT”,
ESO Messenger, 100, 32
ready compete with the data from large cle combination,TAROT will be also able Piran, T., 1999, Phys. Rep., 314,575
telescopes, thanks to its very quick re- to detect extrasolar planets using the oc- van Paradijs, J., Kouveliotou, C., Wijers,
sponse (1s), much quicker than other tel- cultation method. Though the scheduling R.A.M.J., 2000, ARAA, 38, 379

48 The Messenger 113

Reports from Observers

of their spectral energy distribution at far-


inside dense molecular infrared wavelengths. The spectra of the
E. D AR TOIS 2 , clouds, the surrounding coldest protostellar objects (ages of ~104
gas and dust become yr since collapse began) peak around 100
K. M.P ONTOPPID AN 1 , part of the infalling en- µm and such sources are best studied with
W. F. T HI 1,3 , velope feeding the central object. In the
earliest stages, the nascent protostars are
submillimeter telescopes. Once the dense
envelopes start to dissipate due to the ef-
L. D ’ HENDECOUR T 2 , extinguished by hundreds to thousands of fects of outflows, the objects become de-
magnitudes, so that only the circumstellar tectable at infrared wavelengths, around
A. C. A. B OOGER T 4 , gas and dust can give a glimpse of what is ages of ~105 yr. Both regions have their
H. J.F R ASER 5 , happening inside. A study of their evolu-
tion is therefore key to understanding so-
advantages for studying circumstellar ma-
terial. In the submillimeter, thermal con-
W. A. S CHU TTE 5 , lar origins. Part of this gas and dust ends tinuum emission from cold (Tdust ≈ 10 −
up in the rotating discs surrounding the 50 K) dust is seen, as well as spectral lines
A. G. G. M. T IELENS 6 young stars, and forms the basic material from a plethora of gas-phase molecules.
from which icy planetesimals, and ulti- Owing to the heterodyne technique, the
1Leiden mately planets, are formed. A spectro- spectral resolving power of these data is
Observatory, scopic survey of a set of embedded young intrinsically extremely high, R=λ/∆λ>106
The Netherlands; low-mass stars, such as that performed by or ∆V < 0.1 km/s, so that the detailed kine-
2IAS, Paris, France; our team with VLT-ISAAC, thus also pro- matics of the region can be studied. Until
vides quantitative information on the the advent of large millimeter interferom-
3Sterrenkundig Instituut,
chemical building blocks available during eters such as ALMA, however, the spatial
Amsterdam, The planet formation. resolution of these data remains poor.
Due to the high dust obscuration, star Mid-infrared spectroscopy has the ad-
Netherlands; 4Caltech, birth is best studied at long wavelengths. vantage that the composition of both the
Pasadena, USA; 5Sackler Most young stellar objects (YSO’s) have gas and the dust can be studied. Solid-
Laboratory, Leiden been found through IRAS and ground- state material has characteristic broad vi-
based infrared surveys, and have the peak brational transitions in the infrared, but
Observatory, The no strong bands at millimeter wave-
Netherlands; 6Kapteyn lengths. In this case, the features are often
Observatory/SRON, seen in absorption against the hot (Tdust >
300 K) dust in the immediate surround-
Groningen, The Netherlands ings of the young star (Fig. 1). At R >
2000, the gas-phase lines – which are in-
trinsically much narrower – also become
visible, albeit only for the most abundant
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of infrared molecules.
absorption line observations of gas and dust
toward embedded or background sources. The earliest mid-infrared spectra of
The infrared continuum (red color) is provid- YSO’s were obtained in the 1970’s and
ed by the hot dust at 300–1000 K very close 1980’s, mostly with the Kuiper Airborne
to the YSO (region not drawn to scale) against Observatory and UKIRT (see van
which cooler material (blue color) along the
line-of-sight is seen in absorption. Dishoeck & Tielens 2001 for a historical

© ESO - September 2003 49

(< 103 L) and some circumstellar discs,
and study evolutionary and environmen-
tal effects by comparison with high-mass
sources and comets; (ii) use gaseous and
solid-state features to probe the physical
conditions and thermal history of the pro-
tostellar environment; and (iii) constrain
the basic ice structure through compari-
son with experimental data obtained in
our laboratories in Leiden and Paris.

In mid-1999, we were alloted 14 nights to
survey 30−50 southern YSO’s, but due to
a long string of technical difficulties, our
first observing run did not take place un-
til January 2001. At that time, ISAAC had
been upgraded with a 1024×1024 Aladdin
array improving the efficiency of our ob-
servations, so that the programme could
be finished in May 2002. Because our
Figure 2: ISO–SWS spectrum of the deeply embedded massive YSO W 33A (Gibb et al. 2000, team was the first to use the long-wave-
ApJ 536, 347). Various absorption features due to silicate grain cores and icy mantles are indi- length spectroscopic mode of ISAAC, we
cated. Regions which cannot be observed from the ground are shaded. Our large programme had to build up much of the experience
covered the 2.85–4.1 µm (L-band) and 4.5–5.1 µm (M-band) windows.
on how to use the instrument ourselves.
Also, there was no pipeline data reduc-
review). At the low spectral resolution of of our Sun. Although hampered by the at- tion at the time, so we had to develop
those data, only solid-state bands were mosphere, the sensitivity of these facili- codes for quick-look at the telescope and
detected, but the spectra of some massive ties is such that a large sample of objects more detailed off-line data reduction.
protostars already revealed a surprising can be surveyed in a relatively short time. Several observing runs in visitor mode
wealth of features. These included not Accordingly, we proposed in 1999 a large were crucial to gain familiarity with the
only the anticipated bands of the silicate VLT-ISAAC programme to perform a instrument and devise an optimal observ-
grain cores at 9.7 and 18 µm due to the Si- spectroscopic 3–5 µm survey of YSO’s in ing strategy.
O stretching and bending modes, but also the southern hemisphere. The main goals The L-band window from 2.85–4.1 µm
other broad features. Thanks to detailed were to: (i) obtain an inventory of the ma- was surveyed in the low spectral resolu-
interaction with laboratory astrophysi- jor and minor ice components in a large tion mode (1 spectral setting), whereas
cists (including some of the authors at set of low- and intermediate-mass YSO’s the M-band window from 4.5−5.1 µm was
that time!), these could soon be ascribed
to ice mantles, in particular H2O ice and
CO ice.
The big step forward came in 1995 with
the launch of the Infrared Space Obser-
vatory (ISO). The Short Wavelength
Spectrometer (SWS) on ISO provided
the first opportunity to obtain mid-in-
frared spectra over the entire 2.5–20 µm
range unhindered by the Earth’s atmos-
phere. High quality data were obtained
for about a dozen YSO’s, revealing sever-
al new features and allowing a much more
reliable identification of other species
(Fig. 2). Several important ingredients of
ices, such as CO2, CH4 and CH3OH, were
firmly established with abundances rang-
ing from < 1% up to 30% of that of H2O
ice. However, the ISO-SWS only had the
sensitivity to observe sources forming
massive O or B stars with luminosities
>104 L.
The advent of 8–10 m class telescopes
equipped with infrared spectrometers
with large-format arrays has opened up
Figure 3: Raw spectrum of the source Elias 32 (top) and a standard star (middle), illustrating
the forest of telluric features at M-band. The bottom spectrum shows the source spectrum with
the possibility to study low-mass proto- the atmospheric lines divided out. These features are best removed by observing at the high-
stars with luminosities comparable to that est spectral resolution.

50 The Messenger 113

Figure 4: VLT- from Chile, the agreement between the
ISAAC K’ image two spectra is excellent and the shape of
of the R CrA the solid CO band is well reproduced,
cluster, with
confirming Paranal as a good mid-in-
several of our
targets indicat- frared site in spite of its lower altitude
ed. The spectra than Mauna Kea. As expected, the gas-
of the 5A and phase CO absorptions are deeper in the
5B binary (few higher resolution R≈25,000 Keck spectra.
hundred AU
separation) are As Fig. 2 shows, the L- and M-band
shown, illustrat- windows include only a limited number of
ing similarities features and are dominated by the H2O
and differences ice at 3 µm and CO gas and ice bands at
on small scales.
4.67 µm, respectively (see also Fig. 6). At
R > 2000, CO ice can be readily distin-
guished from CO gas as it consists of a sin-
gle broad vibrational band: because the
molecule is trapped in the ice matrix, it
cannot freely rotate. In contrast, CO gas
shows a number of narrow lines due to
the simultaneous vibration and rotation
of the molecule. H2O and CO ice were de-
tected in more than 90% of our sources.
The abundances of H2O ice are typically
10−5−10−4 with respect to H2, making it the
third most abundant molecule after
gaseous H2 and CO.
observed in medium resolution mode (2 longest integration being 2 hr. This gave Other weaker features at L-band in-
spectral settings required to cover the en- S/N > 30 on sources with L~9 mag (0.07 clude the 3.54 µm CH3OH ice band, the
tire band; often only a single setting from Jy) and M~8 mag (0.1 Jy). 3.47 µm feature likely due to ammonia-
4.55–4.75 µm was taken). After the first Since the detailed line shapes are cru- water hydrates, the 3.3 µm PAH feature,
observing run, it became clear that the cial for our analysis, extensive checks and potentially the 4.1 µm HDO band. In
S/N was dominated by our ability to re- were done to explore the reproduceabili- the M-band, a weak feature around 4.62
move atmospheric features (Fig. 3) and ty. Spectra obtained on different nights µm assigned to OCN− within the ice is
that the best strategy was to observe at and with different standard stars were sometimes seen. In the remainder of this
the highest spectral resolution, i.e., small- compared, as were low- versus medium- article, we discuss a few of the scientific
est slit width. Accordingly, all subsequent resolution spectra. More revealing is the highlights of our programme. More de-
spectra were obtained with the 0.3 slit, comparison with spectra obtained at oth- tails can be found in the papers by the au-
resulting in R≈1200 at L-band and er facilities, in particular ISO, UKIRT and thors: several of them have been pub-
R≈10,000 at M-band. Slit losses due to Keck. Figure 5 shows the spectra of a lished, whereas others are still in prepara-
seeing were found to be minimal, even northern YSO, L1489 in Taurus, obtained tion. The reduced spectra will be made
when the optical seeing was close to 1. with both VLT-ISAAC and Keck- available in due course through the Web
Standard spectra of bright unreddened NIRSPEC. In spite of the large airmass site
early-type stars were obtained immedi-
ately before or after each source, as close
as possible in airmass (< 0.1 difference).
The sources were chosen from infrared
surveys of southern star-forming clouds,
including Ophiuchus, Chamaeleon,
Corona Australis, Vela, Orion, and Ser-
pens. Although 2.5 of the 14 nights were
lost due to bad weather, 60 sources at L-
band and 45 at M-band were observed.
We were able to survey more objects than
envisaged in the original proposal be-
cause several new sources were picked up
in the acquisition images at 2−15 distance
from the main target. By rotating the slit,
the spectrum of the weaker, second com-
ponent could be obtained simultaneously
and was often of good enough quality for
analysis. This also gives interesting infor-
mation on the small-scale structure of the
clouds, on scales down to a few hunderd Figure 5: Comparison of the VLT-ISAAC (red) and Keck-NIRSPEC (black, Boogert et al. 2002)
spectra of L1489 in Taurus. Note the excellent agreement in the shape of the solid CO feature.
AU (Fig. 4). Typical integration times The gas-phase absorptions are deeper in the Keck spectrum due to its higher resolving
were 20 minutes on source, with the power (R≈25,000 vs 10,000), which also aids in removing the telluric features.

van Dishoeck E. et al., Ices in Star-Forming Regions © ESO - September 2003 51

Figure 6: VLT-ISAAC is correct, the shape of the CO profiles
L- and M-band can be used as a temperature indicator.
spectra toward the
In some sources, the 12CO ice feature is
intermediate mass
YSO IRAS 08448- so strong that its isotopic counterparts
4343 in Vela. The can be searched for. In our sample, 13CO
spectra are on an ice has been seen toward IRS 51 in Ophi-
optical depth scale uchus, the first detection toward a low-
and are superposed
on a NTT-SOFI H- mass YSO. Since 13CO is only a minor
Ks band image pro- component of the ice, its line shape does
vided by L. Testi. not depend on the grain shape and allows
further constraints to be placed on the
CO ice environment. Its profile is indeed
consistent with pure CO ice. Finally, a new
weak feature at 2175 cm−1 (4.61 µm) is
found in several sources, distinctly offset
from the OCN− band at 2165 cm−1 (4.62
µm). Since its strength correlates with
that of one of the CO components, it is
natural to ascribe it to solid CO as well. A
feasible match with CO directly bound to
the silicate surface has been found in lab-
oratory experiments.


A few of our targets are edge-on discs, for
which near-infrared images show nebu-
CO ICE STRUCTURE nificant consequences for our under- losities separated by a dark lane. For in-
One of the major advantages of our sam- standing of the formation and structure of clinations of ~10-20°, the young star is not
ple is the unprecedented combination of interstellar ice mantles: either the segre- completely obscured and the line of sight
high S/N, high spectral resolution, and the gation of the CO and other species has intercepts a significant fraction of the disc
large number of sources studied. Indeed, occurred prior or during freeze-out, or (Fig. 8). One such object is CRBR 2422.8-
these data show that the solid CO profile subsequent processing of the ice and se- 3423, discovered with VLT imaging. This
is intrinsically very narrow (~3 cm−1 or lective desorption and recondensation spectrum shows the deepest solid CO ab-
0.007 µm) and was often not fully re- have resulted in separation of the compo- sorption observed to date (Fig. 9) (Thi et
solved in previous observations. Thus, nents. Figure 7 includes one possible sce- al. 2002).Absorption by foreground cloud
similarities and differences in the profiles nario based on recent laboratory experi- material likely accounts for only a small
for different lines-of-sight can be system- ments where CO is deposited on top of a fraction of the total solid CO. Gas-phase
atically studied for the first time (Pontop- porous H2O ice and gradually diffuses ro-vibrational CO absorption lines are
pidan et al. 2003a). In earlier analyses, of- into the pores upon heating. If this picture also detected with a mean temperature of
ten a ‘mix-and-match’ procedure was fol-
lowed to fit profiles for individual sources
with a variety of laboratory ice mixtures,
often leading to degenerate results. Sur-
prisingly, it is found that excellent fits to
all our spectra can be obtained using a
phenomenological decomposition into
just three components (Fig. 7). The rela-
tive strengths of these components vary
from source to source, but their positions
and widths are fixed. Only three linear
parameters are thus required to fit all CO
ice bands ever observed.
This leads to the important conclusion
that the CO ice has the same fundamen-
tal structure along all lines of sight and
that there are at most three different en-
vironments for CO on, or in, the ice. Pre-
viously, the number of sites was thought
to be much larger depending on whether
the CO molecule is surrounded by H2O, Figure 7: Right: VLT-ISAAC M-band spectra of three sources, showing the decomposition of
CO2, CH3OH, O2, CO itself, or any other the solid CO profile into three basic components (blue, purple and orange curves). The green
molecule. Using a simple physical model, curves indicate the sum of the three components. Left: Sketch of the adsorption, diffusion and
it can be shown that for the majority of desorption behaviour of CO (black) on a porous amorphous H2O ice (green) as a function of
temperature derived from laboratory simulations under pseudo interstellar conditions (Collings
the lines of sight, 60–90% of the CO ice is et al. 2003, ApJ 583, 1058). A one-to-one correspondence of each of these situations with the
in a nearly pure form. This result has sig- astronomical spectra can be made.

52 The Messenger 113

ganic molecules. Gas-phase species like
Figure 8: Sketch
of a flaring disc, dimethyl-ether (CH3OCH3) and methyl-
with different formate (CH3OCHO) have been known
temperature and in massive YSO’s for decades, but their
density zones in- high abundances have been a puzzle to
dicated. The line
of sight for the astrochemists, since traditional low-tem-
case of CRBR perature ion-molecule chemistry falls
2422.8 -3423 is short by orders of magnitude. The cur-
indicated. CO ice rently favored explanation is that evapo-
can exist in wa-
ration of methanol-rich ices can trigger a
ter-rich (‘polar’)
and water-poor high-temperature gas-phase chemistry
(‘apolar’) which can produce complex organic
environments species with abundances close to those
depending on observed.
One of the easiest transitions of solid
CH3OH to observe from the ground is at
3.54 µm, superposed on the wing of the
water ice band (Fig. 11). Up to now, this
feature has only been seen along lines of
sight toward high-mass YSO’s, but our
50 ±10 K and an average gas/solid CO ra- have a double-peak structure characteris- large programme, together with some fol-
tio of ~1 along the line of sight. Such tem- tic of rotation in a disc. A spectacular ex- low-up observations, shows detection in
peratures and ratios are consistent with ample is provided by the embedded at least five low-mass objects, four of
the flaring disc model sketched in Fig.8. source GSS30 IRS1 in Ophiuchus, where them in a small cluster in Serpens (Pon-
Another example is L1489 (Fig. 4), even emission from 13CO and from high- toppidan et al. 2003b). The inferred abun-
which has a much larger 2000 AU radius er excited 12CO levels is detected (Fig. 10) dances are as high as 25% of H2O ice,
disc and is in a transitional state to the T (Pontoppidan et al. 2002). Analysis of the comparable to the highest solid CH3OH
Tauri phase. The high resolution Keck lines shows that the emission originates in abundances found toward high-mass
spectra show red-shifted wings on the a reservoir with 10-100 MEarth of thermal- YSO’s. For other sources, the CH3OH
gaseous CO absorption lines, indicative of ized gas at a well-determined single tem- limits are less than a few % of H2O ice,
infalling motions down to the 0.1 AU scale perature of ~515 K. Although not conclu- consistent with previous limits. This large
(Boogert et al. 2002). This illustrates the sive, evidence suggests that the gas is as- variation in the solid CH3OH abundance
power of high spectral resolution data to sociated with an accretion shock in the is not yet understood.
obtain additional kinematic information. disc at 10–100 AU distance, rather than
with an outflow. THE ELUSIVE AMMONIA ICE
STRONG GASEOUS CO EMISSION: Another key molecule to identify in the
PROBING THE ACCRETION SHOCK? ABUNDANT CH3OH: KEY ice is ammonia, NH3, which is thought to
Many M-band spectra reveal gas-phase INGREDIENT FOR BUILDING be one of the main nitrogen carriers. Its
CO absorptions in addition to CO ice. A COMPLEX MOLECULES presence has important consequences,
few sources, however, unexpectedly show Another highlight of our program is the since NH3 is a strong base and can pro-
CO lines in emission (see Fig. 3 and 4). In first detection of solid methanol towards duce ions through acid-base chemistry,
some cases, these lines are narrow, in oth- solar-mass YSO’s, thought to be a neces- potentially explaining the presence of
er cases they are broad, fully resolved and sary ingredient for making even larger or- OCN−. Also, experiments in our laborato-

Figure 9: Detection of strong solid CO absorption in the edge-on protoplanetary disk around the solar-mass young star CRBR 2422.8–3423,
providing direct evidence for significant freeze-out of CO in the cold layers of the disk. The amount of solid CO is comparable to that of gaseous
CO. The VLT-ISAAC Ks archival image of the source shows the dark lane due to the disk crossing the nebulosity.

van Dishoeck E. et al., Ices in Star-Forming Regions © ESO - September 2003 53

Figure 10: Strong gas-phase CO emission lines found toward the embedded YSO GSS30 originating in ~500 K gas within 100 AU from the
source. Scattering in the surrounding reflection nebula boosts the strength of the lines. A NAOS-CONICA K-band image, taken in one of our fol-
low-up programmes, is shown as well.

Figure 11: Right: VLT-ISAAC L-band spectra of SVS 4-9 in Serpens, showing the detection of solid CH3OH in the wing of the solid H2O band.
The 3.47 µm feature is also seen. The red and green lines indicate laboratory spectra of solid CH3OH, either in pure form or mixed with H2O.
Left: 2MASS infrared image of the Serpens core (color), with the VLT acquisition image of the small cluster indicated. Note the excellent VLT
image quality (0.25 seeing) resolving the cluster.

54 The Messenger 113

access to laboratory work and associated
theory, however, these beautiful spectra
would constitute an impressive techno-
logical accomplishment, but would shed
little light on our basic understanding of
the physical and chemical processes dur-
ing star- and planet formation.
Our data base of 3–5 µm spectra will
form a valuable reference for future ob-
servations of southern YSO’s. Many of
our sources are part of the SIRTF Legacy
‘Cores to Disks’ programme (Evans et al.
2003), for which complementary IRS
10–38 µm spectra will be obtained in the
coming year. VISIR will be well suited to
look for various weak ice bands at longer
wavelengths in the same sample, e.g. CH4
at 7.7 µm and CH3OH at 9.7 µm. For the
gas-phase molecules, the highest spectral
resolution modes of VISIR and CRIRES
will allow searches for molecules other
Figure 12: L-band spectrum of IRAS 05380-0728 in Orion, showing the absence of any HDO than CO, both in absorption and emission,
ice feature at 4.07 µm.
opening up new regimes of chemical stud-
ies. CRIRES also has the necessary spec-
ries and at NASA-Ames have shown that (ii) gas-grain interactions. Detection of tral resolution to trace the kinematics.
energetic processing of ices containing deuterated molecules in ice mantles could As emphasized in the introduction, in-
NH3 gives rise to complex organic mole- distinguish between these two scenarios. frared and submillimeter data go hand-in-
cules, some of which could be of pre-bio- Heavy water, HDO ice, is the obvious hand in unravelling the structure of the
logical significance, e.g. amino acids. Un- candidate to observe because most of the envelopes and discs around low-mass
fortunately, all of the strong bands of NH3 ice consists of water. It has a feature at YSO’s. We can hardly wait for ALMA to
overlap with very deep absorptions by 4.07 µm, just at the edge of the atmos- come on-line and start mapping the mil-
H2O, silicate and other species. A weak pheric L-band. As Fig. 12 shows, the fea- limeter molecular lines in these objects at
NH3 signature can be obtained from a ture is not detected, giving typical upper subarcsec resolution!
feature at 3.47 µm, ascribed on the basis limits HDO/H2O ice < 0.002−0.01 in var-
of laboratory experiments to a NH3-H2O ious sources (Dartois et al. 2003). These
hydrate. This 3.47 µm band is detected in limits are lower than those of gas-phase ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a large fraction of our sources (see Fig. 11 molecules such as DCN/HCN or We are grateful to the builders of ISAAC
for example) and indicates an amount of HDCO/H2CO, but are consistent with the for providing such a fine instrument, and
NH3 ice equal to or less than 7% of H2O HDO/H2O ratios of ~3  10−4 found in to the ESO staff in Garching and at
ice (Dartois et al. 2002). comets. This favors a scenario in which Paranal, in particular F. Comerón, C. Lid-
Another weak, overtone band of NH3 water is indeed formed on grains and is man and O. Marco, for their expert sup-
occurs at 2.21 µm. Although our heavily directly incorporated into (proto-)plan- port of our programme. We also thank S.
obscured sources have very low fluxes in etesimals, without participating in the Bisschop, I. Taban and W. Alsindi for im-
the K-band, we attempted one deep spec- low-temperature gas-phase chemistry. portant contributions.
trum on the massive YSO W 33A. Earlier
analyses of the 9 µm band had inferred a OUTLOOK
NH3 abundance of 15% for this source, Our large programme summarized here REFERENCES
but our K-band spectrum gives an upper illustrates the power of the VLT and oth- Boogert, A. C. A., Hogerheijde, M. R., & Blake,
limit of only 5%. This shows the impor- er 8-10 m class telescopes in two areas. G. A. 2002, ApJ 568, 761
Dartois, E., Thi, W.-F., Geballe, T. R., et al. 2003,
tance of observing more than one band to First, it has enabled us to obtain high A&A 399, 1099
firmly identify minor species in ices. spectral resolution, high quality data on a Dartois, E., d’Hendecourt, L., Thi, W.-F. et al.
much larger sample of objects than previ- 2002, A&A 394, 1057
HEAVY WATER ICE: ously accessible. Second, deeper integra- Evans, N. J.,Allen, L. E., Blake, G.A. et al. 2003,
PASP 115, 965
LINK WITH COMETS? tions on selected objects and specific set-
Spoon, H. W. W., Moorwood, A. F. M., Pontopp-
Deuterated molecules have long fascinat- tings have been used to search for minor idan, K. M., et al. 2003, A&A 402, 499
ed astrochemists because of the enor- species or to observe weaker sources. In- Pontoppidan, K. M., Fraser, H. J., Dartois, E., et
mous fractionation observed in cold deed, weak extragalactic sources are now al. 2003a, A&A, in press
clouds, where the D/H ratios in molecules also within reach and recent VLT-ISAAC Pontoppidan, K. M., Dartois, E., van Dishoeck,
E. F., et al. 2003b, A&A 404, L17
can be as large as 0.1, more than four or- M-band spectra of NGC 4945 by Spoon et Pontoppidan, K. M., Schöier, F. L., van
ders of magnitude above the overall al. (2003) show very similar features as Dishoeck, E. F., & Dartois, E. 2002, A&A
[D]/[H] abundance ratio of ~1.6 × 10-5. those found in our sources. Together with 393, 585
Two main explanations have been put for- the modern surface science, solid-state Thi, W. F., Pontoppidan, K. M., van Dishoeck, E.
F., et al. 2002, A&A 394, L27
ward for these large enhancements: (i) and gas-phase techniques studied in our
van Dishoeck, E. F. & Tielens, A. G. G. M. 2001,
low-temperature gas-phase chemistry, laboratories, we have begun to address in The Century of Space Science, eds. J.
aided by significant CO freeze-out; and several puzzles in astrochemistry. Without Bleeker et al. (Kluwer: Dordrecht), p. 607

van Dishoeck E. et al., Ices in Star-Forming Regions © ESO - September 2003 55


(the Cosmic IR Background, CIRB) at-


for observational cosmol- tributed to the integrated emissions by
S. B ER TA 1 , ogy is the study of the primeval galaxies and Active Galactic
build up with cosmic time Nuclei (Puget et al. 1996; Hauser et al.
G. R ODIGHIERO 1 , of stellar populations and 1998).
D. E LBAZ 2 , the progressive assembly of galaxies, a
fundamental process from the primordial
Unfortunately, the IR and sub-millime-
ter domain is very difficult to access by
D. R IGOPOULOU 3 , diffuse plasma to the highly structured astronomical observations, possible from
present-day universe. These investiga- ground only in a few narrow spectral win-
H. A USSEL 4 , tions are usually performed through ob- dows, between 2.5 and 30 µm (the VISIR
C.J. C ES ARSKY 5 , servations in the UV/optical/near-IR with instrument on VLT will soon exploit
large ground-based optical telescopes. In some of these windows) and at λ>300 µm
D. FADD A 6 , H. F LORES 7 , the last couple of decades, however, it has (accessible by large millimetric tele-
become more and more evident that a lot scopes). Observations from space plat-
M. R OWAN -R OBINSON 8 , of further independent information may forms are then mostly required. The com-
M. VA CC ARI 1 be obtained from selecting faint galaxies bined use of deep observations from
at longer infrared wavelengths. By these space by the ESA Infrared Space Obser-
means not only are the effects of dust ex- vatory (ISO) for selecting high-z active
tinction minimized (dust absorption is a galaxies (both starbursts and AGNs) and
1Dipartimento di Astronomia, strongly decreasing function of wave- the VLT for high-resolution optical stud-
length), but also the dust re-radiation in ies to physically characterize them turned
Padova, Italy; 2Service the mid- and far-infrared and the sub-mil- out to be particularly powerful.
d’Astrophysique/CEA, Saclay, limeter (between λ~10 and 1000 µm) can Another important step is being
be detected. achieved with the infrared observatory
France; 3Max Planck Institute While only ~30% of the light from nor- SIRTF successfully launched by NASA
fuer Extraterrestrische Physik, mal galaxies is absorbed by dust, this frac- on August 25. ESO is currently involved
Garching bei Muenchen, Ger- tion becomes much higher when we con- in systematic campaigns (mentioned later
sider the most active star-forming regions in this paper) of complementary optical
many; 4Institute for in galaxies and phases of enhanced gen- imaging and spectroscopic observations
Astronomy, Hawaii, USA; erations of stars which are episodically for a best exploitation of the data from
5European Southern triggered in galaxies. space. We summarize in this paper results
There is also evidence that these active of some exploratory long-wavelength
Observatory, Garching, phases in galactic evolution were quite surveys and optical follow-up studies that
Germany; 6Caltech, SIRTF more frequent in the past, not strange if have involved the use of ESO telescopes.
we consider the much larger fractions of
Science Center, USA; 7GEPI,
diffuse gas and dust in galaxies during the THE MAIN INFRARED SURVEYS
Observatoire de Paris early evolutionary phases, hence the The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO,
Meudon, France; 8ICSTM, more abundant fuel available to form Kessler et al 1996), operative from 1995 to
stars. A spectacular achievement for cos- 1998, included two focal-plane instru-
Astrophysics Group, London,
mology during the 1990s was the discov- ments of cosmological interest: a mid-IR
U. K. ery by the COBE mission of a diffuse air- array camera (ISOCAM), and a far-IR
glow with peak emission at λ 200 µm imaging photometer from 60 to 200 µm

56 The Messenger 113

Figure 1: Left panel: ISOPHOT 90 µm map in the Lockman Hole region (Rodighiero et al. 2003). This is likely the deepest far-IR image ever ob-
tained and contains sources with fluxes down to ~20 mJy. The area within the green box is expanded in the right panel, as seen by ISOCAM at
15 µm (Fadda et al., 2003, in preparation).

Figure 2: Optical R-band images of IR sources in the Lockman Hole (taken from Rodighiero et al. 2003 and Fadda et al. 2003 in preparation).
Yellow contours are the 15 µm detections, red contours are from the 90 µm map.

Figure 3: An ISO 30 10 region at 15 µm of the ELAIS N2 field (Vaccari et al., 2003, in preparation).

© ESO - September 2003 57

(ISOPHOT). The main extragalactic re-
sults from the 30-month ISO mission
have been summarized by Genzel & Ce-
sarsky (2000). The most important ISO
surveys have been performed with a
wide-band filter at 12-18 µm and two far-
IR (λ=90 and 170 µm) channels. Due to
the different diffraction-limited spatial
resolution, ~4.6 arcsec FWHM at 15 µm
and ~50 arcsec at 100 µm, ISO sensitivity
limits in the mid-IR are three orders of
magnitude deeper in flux than at the long
wavelengths (0.1 mJy versus 100 mJy). Il-
lustrative examples of deep images at 15
and 90 µm are reported in Figs. 1 to 4.


Faint IR-selected sources show extremely
high rates of evolution with redshift, ex-
ceeding those measured for galaxies at
other wavelengths and comparable to, or
larger than, those of quasars (Elbaz et al.
2002, Franceschini et al. 2001). This is
shown by the differential counts of extra-
galactic sources at 15 µm based on seven
independent datasets, displaying a strong
departure from an Euclidean law charac-
teristic of a local non-evolving population
(see Fig. 5).
An attempt to reproduce these source
counts through modelling (but also in-
volving data on the z-distributions, lumi-
nosity functions, and data at other IR and
sub-mm wavelengths) was described in
Figure 4: ISO 15 µm contours (yellow) overlayed on the WFPC2 HST image of the HDF North
(Aussel et al., 1999).
Franceschini et al. (2001). The model as-
sumes the existence of two basic source
populations with different physical and
evolutionary properties: quiescent spirals
(long dashed line in Fig. 5) and a popula-
tion of fast evolving sources (dotted line,
including starburst galaxies and type-II
AGNs). The local fraction of the evolving
starburst population is ~10% of the total.
In this scenario, the active starbursts and
the quiescent galaxies belong to the same
population. Each galaxy is expected to
spend most of its lifetime in the quiescent
state, but occasionally interactions or
merger events with other galaxies trigger
a short-lived (few to several 107 years) ac-
tive starbursting phase. The inferred cos-
mological evolution for the latter may be
interpreted as an increased chance to de-
tect a galaxy during the active phase back
in the past, following the higher probabil-
ity of interactions during the past denser
epochs, and the larger gas masses avail-
able to form stars at higher z increasing
the rate of star formation (SFR) and the
starburst’s luminosity. By exploiting the
observed correlations of mid-IR, far-IR
Figure 5: Differential counts at λeff=15 µm normalized to the Euclidean
and radio luminosities, Elbaz et al. (2002) law (N[S] S−2.5). The dotted line are the expected counts for a pop-
have found that the galaxies detected in ulation of non-evolving spirals. The short dashed line comes from our
the ISOCAM deepest 15 µm surveys are model population of strongly evolving starburst galaxies. See Frances-
responsible for about two-thirds of the in- chini et al. (2001) for more details.

58 The Messenger 113

Figure 6: Combined VLT FORS+ISAAC spec-
tra of eight distant LIRGs (z~0.7) detected in
the CFRS 03hr field. A zoom of the spectra
revealing metallic and Balmer absorption
lines combined with intense emission lines is
shown in the central panel (the main absorp-
tion lines are indicated, Flores et al., 2003 in

 Figure 7: Observed optical spectra:

panels (a) to (c) show 15 µm sources ob-
served with NTT/EMMI. Panel (d) repre-
sents the QSO s19 from a FORS1/VLT
spectrum. The spectra are taken from
Franceschini et al. (2003)

Franceschini A. et al., Deep Infrared Surveys © ESO - September 2003 59

Figure 8: HDFS source
S40. Left panel: the ob-
served spectral energy
distribution (square
dots) compared with
the best fit spectropho-
tometric model (dot-
dash blue line) and the
template SEDs of M82
(thick solid red line).
Right panel: the WFPC-
2 F814W image of S40
reveals a very complex
and disturbed structure,
possibly characterized
by different regions of
ongoing star formation
or multiple nuclei
(Franceschini et al.

tegrated intensity of the CIRB at the

peak wavelength of 140 µm.

The faint ISO-selected sources display
various distinct features compared with
other optically selected galaxy popula-
tions. They are very luminous on average
(Lbol  1011 L), with the bulk of their
emission coming out in the far-IR, in a
similar way as the IRAS-selected galaxies
include the most luminous systems in the
local universe. Their areal density (a few
sources/square arcmin at the faintest lim-
Figure 9: The timescale of star formation tSF=M/SFR [in units of 109 yrs] of faint 15 µm ISO its detectable by ISO) is much lower than
sources as a function of redshift (panel a) and star formation rate SFR (panel b). An Ωm=0.3,
ΩΛ=0.7 cosmology is assumed.
found for faint galaxies in the optical. We
have investigated the characters of IR
emission in galaxies between z~0.2 and
1.5 detected by ISO in the Hubble Deep
Fields North and South (HDFN and
HDFS) and in the CFRS 03hr fields. We
have in particular exploited the mid-IR
flux as a most reliable tracer of star-for-
mation. This study made use in particular
of the near-infrared ISAAC and optical
FORS spectrographs on VLT for a repre-
sentative and unbiased subsample of 21
objects selected in HDFS (Franceschini
Figure 10: Evolution
of the comoving SFR et al. 2003).
density for the IR- Fairly intense redshifted Hα+[NII]
selected population emission is detected by ISAAC in virtual-
based on our model ly all the observed sources. The compari-
of IR evolution, com-
son with the Hβ, Hγ and [OII] line emis-
pared with data com-
ing from optical ob- sions observed with FORS2 (see Figs. 6
servations. Dotted and 7), as well as the analysis of the spec-
line: quiescent non- tral energy distributions of these sources,
evolving population. indicate typically high extinction values
Short-dash line:
evolving starbursts. between 1.5 and almost 3 magnitudes in V,
Long dashes: type-I much larger than found for local normal
AGNs. The shaded spirals. The intrinsic (de-reddened) Hα
horizontal region is an flux then comes out to be strong in these
evaluation of the
objects. The SFR values estimated from
average SFR in
spheroidal galaxies to the Hα measurements are fairly consis-
reproduce the ob- tent with those based on the IR bolomet-
served metal abun- ric flux, if care is taken to appropriately
dance in clusters. correct the former for the large dust ex-

60 The Messenger 113

tinction. However, the latter is very diffi-
cult to assess based on slit spectroscopy: Figure 11: The Cosmic
sensitive Integral Field IR spectrographs, Infrared Background
like SPIFFI and SINFONI on VLT, will be spectrum compared
needed to measure it more reliably. Typi- with estimates of the
integrated optical light
cal values of SFR turn out to be ~10 − 300 of faint galaxies in the
M/yr for the IR-selected galaxies. HDF. The star marks the
The analysis of VLT spectra show that expected contribution
distant LIRGs detected by ISO have so- of faint ISOCAM
lar or higher metallicities, revealing sources by Elbaz et al.
(2002). The two mid-IR
metallic and Balmer absorption lines points are the resolved
combined with intense emission lines fraction of the CIRB by
(Fig. 7), indicating a particularly complex the deep ISO surveys
star formation history. IGTES (see Franceschi-
ni et al. 2001 for more
Figure 8 shows the spectral energy dis- details).
tribution of the ISO-selected HDFS
source S40 and its HST WFPC-2 I-band
image. This object has been identified as a
ULIRG at z=1.27, showing very strong
Hα emission and mid-IR excess. Its opti-
cal SED has been fitted through a spec-
trophotometric synthesis code (dot-
dashed line), while the mid-IR flux has
been reproduced with an M82 template
(thick red line).
Details on another ISO galaxy in the presence of Active Galactic Nuclei, as in 2 objects out of 21, while for two other
HDFS, source S27, can be found in an possibly responsible for the enhanced IR objects the presence of AGN contribu-
ESO 2000 Press Release by Rigopoulou luminosities, by looking at the broadness tions is suspected. This AGN fraction is
et al.; observed with the ISAAC mid-res- of the Balmer lines, the low- to high-ion- consistent with that estimated by Fadda
olution spectrograph, it turned out to be ization line ratios, the HST morphologies, et al. (2002) by combining deep mid-IR
one of the most massive galaxies known, the slopes of the mid-IR spectra, and the ISOCAM and Chandra and XMM-New-
with a mass of M 1012 M. ratio of the radio to IR fluxes. Clear evi- ton X-ray observations in HDFN and the
We have looked for the evidence of the dence for nuclear activity has been found Lockman Hole: (17  7)% of the mid-IR

Figure 12: Combined BVR image of a 85 arcmin region in the ELAIS S1 region from the ESIS survey (Berta et al. 2003, in preparation). In the
spirit of “Legacy Projects”, all these data will have short proprietary periods and will become available to the community soon after the data re-
duction is completed.

Franceschini A. et al., Deep Infrared Surveys © ESO - September 2003 61

Figure 13: IR luminosity (left axis)
and star formation rate (right axis)
as a function of redshift corre-
sponding to the 5-σ sensitivity (S)
limits at different wavelengths:
ISOCAM (λ = 15 µm, S = 0.1
mJy), VLA (λ = 21 cm, S = 40
µJy), ISOPHOT (λ = 170 µm,
confusion limit S = 120 mJy),
SCUBA (λ = 850 µm, confusion
limit S = 2 mJy), the MIPS cam-
era on board SIRTF (λ= 24 µm,
S = 22 µJy) and HERSCHEL-
PACS (λ = 110 µm, S = 5.1 mJy).
[Figure taken from Elbaz and
Cesarsky 2003]

sources are found to be AGNs. We esti- strong dynamical interactions and merg- er mass spheroids and spheroidal compo-
mate that the contribution of AGNs to ers, bringing to the formation of massive nents in spirals.
the total extragalactic mid-IR back- current-day galaxies. The currently available data suggest an
ground is of this same order. evolutionary scheme where star forma-
To complement the dynamical mass es- THE FAINT 15 µm SELECTED tion in galaxies has proceeded in two
timates for faint IR galaxies based on GALAXIES IN CONTEXT phases: a quiescent one taking place dur-
ISAAC spectroscopy, we have estimated While ISO surveys do not allow sampling ing most of the Hubble time, slowly build-
the stellar mass M by fitting the the optically-hidden SF at z>1.3 (emis- ing stars with standard IMF from the reg-
optical/near-IR photometric data with a sions by small dust grains and PAH mol- ular flow of gas in rotationally supported
detailed spectrophotometric model com- ecules are redshifted outside the ISO fil- disks, and a transient actively starbursting
bining stellar populations with different ters), constraints on higher-z sources phase, recurrently triggered by galaxy
ages and extinction (dot-dash line in Fig. come from ground-based sub-millimeter mergers and interactions. During the
8). This analysis shows that the faint IR surveys with SCUBA and MAMBO on merger, violent relaxation likely redistrib-
sources with fluxes S15 > 100 µJy are host- the JCMT and IRAM telescopes. Figure utes old stars, producing de Vaucouleur
ed by massive galaxies (M 1011 M).We 10 shows an evolutionary model for the profiles typical of galaxy spheroids. Dur-
have then estimated the timescale for the SFR density as a function of redshift ing this active phase, Franceschini et al.
formation of stars in these galaxies as the based on ISO and SCUBA surveys. The (2001) argue that young stars may be gen-
ratio tSF between the stellar mass M and contribution of IR-selected sources to the erated with a top-heavy IMF to allow
the observed rate of SF. By these means SFR significantly exceeds those based on consistency between the energy in the
tSF has been found to span a very wide optically selected sources. However the CIRB and optical backgrounds and the
range of values between 0.1 and 10 Gyrs fast evolution inferred from the IR obser- local stellar mass density in galaxies.
or more (see Fig. 9). When compared vations should level off at z>1, to allow
with the typical starburst duration (~108 consistency with the observed z-distribu- THE SIRTF LEGACY SURVEYS AND
yrs), this implies that the ongoing event of tions for faint ISOCAM sources and with THE ESO LARGE PROGRAM ESIS
star formation can typically generate only the observed CIRB spectrum (see Fig. Relevant developments in this field are
a fraction of the stellar content in these 11). soon expected by the NASA Great Ob-
galaxies, many of such repeated episodes As suggested by several authors (e.g. servatory SIRTF, with a primary mirror
during a protracted SF history being re- Lilly et al. 1999; see also Franceschini et larger than ISO (85 vs. 60 cm) and superi-
quired for the whole galactic build-up. A al. 1994), the similar properties (bolo- or detector assemblies. As part of its pol-
trend towards a reduced level of star-for- metric luminosities, SEDs) between the icy for the exploitation of the mission,
mation activity in galaxies at decreasing SCUBA high-z population and local ul- NASA has promoted a set of six observ-
redshifts is also apparent in the data (Fig. tra-luminous IR galaxies argues in favour ing campaigns, the so-called SIRTF Lega-
9a). In summary, the 15 µm selection ap- of the idea that these represent the long- cy Program. Two of these are dedicated to
pears to emphasize sites of enhanced star sought “primeval galaxies”, those in par- deep cosmological surveys, the Great Ob-
formation inside massive galaxies, which ticular leading to the local massive ellipti- servatory Origins Deep Survey
are typically the brightest members of cal and S0 galaxies. The less extreme star- (GOODS, a survey of 300 sq.arcmin in
galaxy groups. These sources probably bursts discovered by ISO at lower z may the HFD-North and Chandra Deep Field
trace evolutionary phases, involving instead be related to the assembly of low- South) and the SIRTF Wide-Area In-

62 The Messenger 113

will cover ~5.5 sq.deg. in BVR with WFI (SIRTF Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic
and in I with VIMOS, while a smaller Survey), will quantify the level of cluster-
overlapping area is being observed in Z. ing of these galaxies up to z~ 1. Later on,
SIRTF SWIRE will observe this field in Herschel will allow for the first time the
four mid-IR channels at 3.6, 4.5, 5.6, 8 µm direct detection of the FIR luminosity of
and three far-IR channels at 24, 70 and the distant dusty starbursts responsible
160 µm. Particularly the 24 µm channel for the CIRB (see Fig. 14), while SIRTF
promises to break the z~1.3 limit imposed will be limited by confusion in this wave-
on the ISO surveys. length range. Large surveys with Herschel
will also permit us to study the connec-
PROSPECTS FOR THE LONG-TERM tion between the build up of large-scale
Deep IR and sub-millimeter surveys have structures and galaxy formation and evo-
already demonstrated that a large frac- lution (see Elbaz and Cesarsky 2003). Fi-
tion of present-day stars must have nally, the James Webb Space Telescope
formed during one, and more probably (JWST) and the Atacama Large Millime-
several, dusty starburst events. As we ter Array (ALMA) will allow us for the
have illustrated, the physics ruling IR first time to study the morphology of
emission of galaxies is extremely com- these galaxies directly in the infrared
plex, and based on current observations regime where they emit the bulk of their
we can just claim to have identified a new light.
important area for cosmology. New in- Given the spatial complexity and opti-
strumentation, both in space and on cal faintness of these cosmic sources, an
ground, will be needed to characterize essential complement to the long-wave-
these astrophysical and cosmogonical length observations will be offered by the
processes. Particularly the direct detec- high-sensitivity integral-field spectro-
tion of the FIR emission is still missing graphs on VLT in the optical (GIRAFFE,
and a detailed description of the evolu- VIMOS) and near-IR (SPIFFI,
tion at z > 1 is missing. Also the origin of SINFONI). During the next decade our
the infrared emission of these strong star- understanding of galaxy formation and
bursts remains an issue: are they triggered evolution will see a decisive improve-
by galaxy interactions? Are these interac- ment.
tions major mergers, minor mergers or
simply tidal effets?
The challenge for future long wave- REFERENCES
length surveys will be: Aussel, H., Cesarsky, C., Elbaz, D., Starck, J.L.,
1. to increase the redshift range in 1999, A&A, 342, 313
Dickinson, M., Giavalisco, M., ESO/UCM
Figure 14: The fraction of the extragalactic back- which dusty starbursts can be detected in
Meeting on the Mass of Galaxies at Low and
ground light resolved into individual galaxies at order to determine whether the cosmic High Redshift, Springer-Verlag, ESO Astro-
15, 24 and 110 µm by ISOCAM, SIRTF and density of star formation in the universe physics Symposia, R. Bender & A. Renzini,
HERSCHEL respectively down to the corre- flattens, increases or decreases above red- Eds, 2001, p. 324
sponding confusion limits. In the middle pan- Elbaz, D., Cesarsky, C., 2003, Science, 300-5617,
el the two cosmological Legacy Programmes of shift one;
2. to quantify the level of clustering of 270
SIRTF, GOODS and SWIRE, are indicated. Elbaz, D., Cesarsky, C., Chanial, P., Aussel, H.,
dusty starbursts; Franceschini, A., Fadda, D. & Chary, R.,
3. to detect directly the far infrared 2002, A&A, 384, 848
emission of distant galaxies; Fadda, D., Flores, H., Hasinger, G., Franceschi-
4. to study their morphology not only ni, A., Altieri, B., Cesarsky, C. J., Elbaz, D.,
Ferrando, Ph., 2002, A&A, 383, 838
in the optical but also in the dust emission Franceschini, A., Mazzei, P., De Zotti, G.,
frared Extragalactic (SWIRE) survey. regime, thereby precisely quantifying the Danese, L., 1994, ApJ, 427, 140
The latter will observe a sky region of 67 role of interactions in triggering these Franceschini, A., Aussel, H., Cesarsky, C., El-
sq.degrees split into 7 contiguous areas, 4 starbursts. baz, D., Fadda, D., 2001, A&A, 378, 1
All these issues will be addressed in a Franceschini, A., Berta, S., Rigopoulou, D., et
in the Northern and 3 in the Southern sky.
al., 2003, A&A, 403, 501
In a formal letter issued by the Director complementary way by forthcoming in- Genzel, R., & Cesarsky, C.J.: 2000, ARAA 38,
General in 2001, ESO has committed it- frared instrumentation, i.e. SIRTF, Her- 761
self to systematic optical/near-IR observ- schel, ALMA and the JWST. SIRTF, and Hauser, M.G., Arendt, R.G., Kelsall, T., et al.,
ing campaigns to complement the SIRTF in particular the Legacy Program 1998, ApJ, 508, 25
Kessler, M.F., Steinz, J.A., Anderegg M.E.,
observations, one of which (the Large GOODS (Great Observatories Origins Clavel J., Drechsel G., et al., 1996, A&A, 315,
Program ESO/SIRTF Imaging Survey, Deep Survey, Dickinson and Giavalisco 27
ESIS, P. I. A. Franceschini) has already 2001) will detect luminous IR galaxies up Lilly, S.J., Eales, S.A., Gear, W., et al., 1999, ApJ,
started. The combined BVR image in Fig. to z ~ 3 by pushing the IRAC and MIPS 518, 641.
24 µm instruments to their limits (see Fig. Puget, J.-L., Abergel, A., Bernard, J.-P.,
12 illustrates the imaging quality that we
Boulanger, F., Burton, W. B., Desert, F.-X.,
achieved with the ESO/MPG 2.2 m WFI 13). Hartmann, D., 1996, A&A 308, L5
in the area ELAIS-S1 (Berta et al. 2003, With its large field of view of 70 square Rodighiero G., Lari C., Franceschini A., Greg-
in preparation). The final ESIS survey degrees, the Legacy Program SWIRE nanin A., Fadda D., 2003, MNRAS, 343, 1155

Franceschini A. et al., Deep Infrared Surveys © ESO - September 2003 63


S AR A L. E LLISON 1,2 , HE EXISTENCE OF MICRO- affected by dust. That is, if the internal ex-

T scopic dust grains in interstel-
lar space represents a peren-
nial problem in many fields of
astrophysics. Solid grains of
dust in a galaxy’s interstellar medium
(ISM) can mop up certain chemical ele-
ments from the gas phase, complicating at-
tinction of absorption galaxies is suffi-
ciently large, then optical searches will
miss quasars located behind them; this
would seriously bias our surveys and skew
our view of how galaxies evolve. Indeed,
theoretical calculations have estimated
that between 30 and 70% of QSOs (and,
tempts to measure ISM abundances. In ad- consequently, the absorption galaxies
S AMANTHA A. R IX 3 , dition, the presence of dust acts as an ob- aligned in front of them) could be missed
P ETER S HAVER 1 , suring veil that dims and reddens back- in present surveys due to this very effect.
ground objects, hiding them from the view
J ASPER V. WALL 7 , of optical telescopes. However, dust is very SEEING BEYOND
much a necessary evil since it regulates the THE SMOKE SCREEN
L IN YAN 8 temperature of the ISM, as well as acting The Complete Optical Radio Absorption
as a shield against harsh UV radiation and Line System (CORALS) survey was de-
1European providing nucleation sites for the forma- signed to provide a quantitative answer to
Southern tion of molecular hydrogen. Despite its concerns about absorption line survey dust
Observatory; ubiquitous astrophysical impacts, the for- bias. The aim, simply put, was to compile a
2P. Universidad Catolica de mation of dust, and even its composition, sample of QSOs selected at radio wave-
remain poorly understood. Nonetheless, lengths (where dust does not have an ef-
Chile, Santiago, Chile; the widespread evidence for significant fect) with no optical magnitude limit from
3Institute of Astronomy, amounts of dust, even in the very early uni- which absorption line statistics could be
Cambridge, UK; verse, means that it is hard to escape the determined. The parent sample for this
possible consequences of depletion and survey is the Parkes quarter-Jansky (PQJ)
4Penn. State University,
extinction effects on astronomical obser- sample (Jackson et al. 2002) which con-
State College, USA; vations. tains 878 flat spectrum radio sources ob-
5Gemini Observatory, The study of quasar (or QSO) absorp- served at 2.7 and 5.0 GHz. An important
tion line systems is a field in which dust feature of the PQJ sample is the extensive
Oxford, UK; continually plagues our interpretation of follow-up imaging campaigns that have re-
6Universidad de Chile, San- the data. This technique uses relatively sulted in optical identifications and classi-
bright, yet distant, quasars as background fications for essentially all of the sources.
tiago, Chile; sources to study intervening gas clouds Although a large spectroscopic campaign
7Dept. of Astrophysics, (like galaxies), which imprint their signa- was undertaken for much of the PQJ sam-
University of Oxford, UK; tures on the quasar spectrum. Echelle ple, these data were obtained at low spec-
spectrographs such as UVES on the VLT tral resolution for the purpose of object
8SIRTF Science Center,
are now, almost routinely, providing exqui- classification and redshift determination
Pasadena, California, USA site data that permit accurate measure- and are not suitable for absorption system
ments of gas phase abundances in galaxies studies. Therefore, over the last five years,
and the intergalactic medium out to very we have been pursuing an active observing
high redshifts. Identifying galaxies at high campaign that has so far logged some 30
redshifts through their absorption signa- nights on telescopes over four continents
tures has provided astronomers with a to address issues associated with obscura-
powerful probe of galaxy evolution by tion bias.
tracing objects that are generally too faint
to study with more direct methods. De- THE FIRST CORALS SURVEY
spite the high quality data, however, there The initial goal of the CORALS survey
has been concern for many years that sur- was to assess the possible bias in samples
veys for absorption line galaxies may be of high redshift damped Lyman α systems

64 The Messenger 113

CORALS II, a complete survey for Mg
II absorbers with 0.5 < z < 1.5, is current-
ly nearing completion; out of 75 QSOs,
we have so far observed some 60 targets,
the rest pending observation (mostly with
FORS on the VLT) in Period 71.The QSO
sample is again based on the PQJ flat
spectrum quasar sample, although we
have now preferentially selected zem< 2.5
targets so that Mg II will fall redwards of
the Lyα forest. In the majority of cases,
we also cover Fe II λ2600 and usually also
Mg I λ2853. Our aim is to be complete
down to an observed 3σ equivalent width
threshold of 0.5 Å for Mg II, although in
most cases we achieve limits significantly
beyond this. Up to this point, we have a
redshift path coverage ∆z ~50 for a rest
frame equivalent width limit of 0.5 Å,
which will increase to approximately 60
Figure 1: The mass density of neutral gas, ΩDLA, in DLAs. Open circles by the end of the survey. We have so far
and squares are measurements from the latest compilations by Péroux detected 28 Mg II absorbers with EW(Mg
et al. (2001) and Rao & Turnshek (2000) respectively. The solid red circle II λ2796) ≥0.5 Å and a further 10 with
is the value from the CORALS I survey presented here for the redshift
interval 1.8 < zabs < 3.5. These results show that, for z > 2, dust bias can EW(Mg II λ2796) ≥0.3 Å. We can com-
only cause an under-estimate of ΩDLA by at most a factor of two. pare these statistics with the landmark
survey of Steidel & Sargent (1992, here-
(DLAs), the highest column density ab- bars will be much less dominated by red- after SS92) performed with the Palomar
sorbers associated with galaxy scale sys- shift coverage, so that observational bias- 5-m telescope on a sample of QSOs with
tems. The sample for this survey consisted es, even subtle ones, will be important. 15 < V < 18. We determine a number den-
of the 66 zem > 2.2 QSOs from the PQJ sity of absorbers that is, considering the
survey which had magnitudes as faint as CORALS II: EXTENSION error bars, marginally lower than SS92:
B=23.5. In order to determine whether TO LOWER REDSHIFT for an equivalant width threshold of
dust had played a significant role in pre- The preliminary results from CORALS I EW>0.6 Å (the limit used by SS92) we de-
vious DLA surveys, we quantified both indicate that at 2 < z < 3, dust does not termine n(z)=0.46±0.10 (at 〈zabs〉 = 1.08)
the number of absorption systems (n(z)), seem to play a significant role in hiding compared with 0.65±0.07 at a similar
and the amount of neutral gas (ΩDLA), DLAs from previous surveys, at least mean redshift for SS92. This is the oppo-
that they contained. The main result of when QSOs with magnitudes V~20 can site to what we would expect if a dust bias
the first CORALS survey (whose results be reached. However, it might be expect- is at work! Therefore, the preliminary re-
have been published in full by Ellison et ed that biasing becomes more severe to- sults of this lower redshift survey paint
al. 2001) is that these quantities (n(z) and wards lower redshifts, since the bulk of the same picture as at high redshift: dust
ΩDLA) have only been slightly under-esti- star formation takes place by z ~1. With is not responsible for hiding a large num-
mated in the past, i.e. that dust obscura- most of the star formation completed, we ber of absorption systems.
tion does not play a major role in hiding may expect the ISM of galaxies to exhib- In Figure 2 we show the distribution of
absorption galaxies. For example, in Fig- it pronounced chemical (and therefore, optical magnitudes for the SS92 survey
ure 1 it can be seen that the amount of gas plausibly, dust) evolution at low z. compared with CORALS II as it current-
measured in the CORALS survey is at Observationally, it is challenging to ex- ly stands, as well as the complete sample
most a factor of about two more than pre- tend CORALS to z < 1.5, due to the on- which is still pending completion.
vious magnitude limited samples. set of the atmospheric cut-off which ren- Although these magnitudes have error
Nonetheless, fewer DLAs are found to- ders detection of low redshift Lyα at bars which may exceed 0.3 mags (and the
wards brighter QSOs than fainter subsets, λ=1216 Å impossible from the ground. CORALS radio-loud QSOs are expected
and the total gas content is also somewhat Although large DLA surveys have been to be highly variable), the basic picture is
lower, although the error bars remain conducted with the Hubble Space Tele- that the Steidel & Sargent (1992) sample
large. Such a trend is supported by the scope (HST), these are very expensive in occupy a locus of brighter magnitudes
DLA survey conducted using the Ham- terms of resources. Moreover, current than CORALS. In the context of dust
burg-ESO (HE) sample of bright QSOs, HST instrumentation restricts surveys to bias, the possible surfeit of absorbers to-
in which ΩDLA is an order of magnitude bright magnitudes, but it is the faintest wards bright QSO samples at intermedi-
lower than for CORALS (Smette et al., in QSOs that may be most affected by dust. ate redshift seems puzzling. One way to
preparation). The precise dependence of Therefore, we have designed CORALS II explain this is with a lensing bias, where-
DLA statistics on survey magnitude limit to select absorption galaxies via Mg II by intrinsically fainter QSOs are boosted
not only has an important application in and Fe II lines – strong metal features as- by intervening galaxies and are included
the design of future surveys, but also has sociated with galaxy halos that have tran- in brighter flux limited samples (e.g.
implications for the large datasets being sitions observable in the optical regime Smette et al 1997). If we split the
reaped from surveys such as 2dF and the down to z ~ 0.3. By selecting systems with CORALS sample in half by emission red-
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). These strong Mg II and Fe II absorption, we can shift, the number density for zem> 2.1 is
surveys are sufficiently large that error efficiently pre-select likely DLAs. n(z)=0.52±0.17 and 0.41±0.13 for lower

© ESO - September 2003 65

Figure 2: Comparison of the QSO ed DLAs within ~3000 km/s of the QSO
magnitudes for the Steidel & due to proximity effects and the possibil-
Sargent (1992) Mg II survey and ity that the absorber may be associated
CORALS II. The bottom panel with the QSO itself. However, it has been
shows the final targets that are
still pending observation. The
argued that, at least in some cases, proxi-
SS92 survey is effectively a mate DLAs (PDLAs) are likely to be the
‘bright’ QSO sample, whereas same beast as intervening absorbers,
CORALS II is optically complete based on their typical metallicities and
and includes QSOs up to 250 lack of high ionization lines. If correct, we
times fainter than the SS92 limit.
can use PDLAs as a probe of galaxies that
are clustered around QSOs at high red-
shift. By calculating the n(z) for PDLAs
in the radio-loud quasar CORALS sam-
ple, Ellison et al. (2002) found four times
as many systems in CORALS I than in
the radio-quiet sample of Peroux et al
(2001). Although this result is only signif-
icant at the 2σ level, it supports the sug-
gestion that galaxies cluster preferential-
ly near radio-loud QSOs.
A second spin-off to have been born of
CORALS is the study of multiple DLAs
(MDLAs). Lopez & Ellison (2003) define
redshifts (for 〈zabs〉 ~ 1.1 in both cases). Confirming the N(HI) of our complete an MDLA as two or more absorbers with
Although these values are consistent Mg II sample, and thereby determining log N(HI) > 20.0 with velocity separations
within the large error bars, the marginal- ΩDLA, will be an important test of whether 500 < ∆v < 10000 km/s. One of the DLAs
ly higher n(z) towards higher redshift a bright magnitude cut-off induces a bias discovered during the CORALS I cam-
QSOs is again suggestive of lensing. This in the determination of the neutral gas paign, Q2314-409, conforms to this defini-
is because the lensing efficiency (by inter- density in DLAs at low z. Such a bias is tion and was the first to be studied at high
mediate redshift galaxies) is higher for predicted to overestimate ΩDLA (Smette resolution (Ellison & Lopez 2001). The
more distant QSOs. Larger samples, such et al. 1997) because the line of sight pref- abundances determined from a UVES
as the SDSS and 2dF surveys will be able erentially passes through the inner part of spectrum show a propensity towards low
to confirm this trend of n(z) versus emis- the lensing galaxy. α/Fe (where α elements include such met-
sion redshift, even though they are con- als as Ca, Si, S and O) for MDLAs com-
fined to brighter samples. We note that ALONG THE WAY... pared with single absorbers, a result more
this is probably not an issue for high red- Sizeable surveys of any kind often pro- recently backed up by Lopez & Ellison
shift (zabs > 2) DLA surveys because of duce spin-off projects which either focus (2003), see Figure 3. Having ruled out sys-
the low lensing probability in this config- on a few unusual objects, or can exploit tematic effects such as ionisation or atyp-
uration. Indeed, Smette et al. (in prepara- large datasets to study the properties of ically low dust depletion, we have sug-
tion) find less neutral gas in DLAs to- subsets of the data. We briefly review two gested that this abundance pattern could
wards the bright HE quasars, compared such spin-offs from the CORALS survey. be due to low star formation efficiencies,
to CORALS. Traditional DLA surveys have exclud- possibly linked with environment (assum-
ing that MDLAs are not just chance
alignments, as indicated by the low statis-
tical probability of such an event). To con-
firm this hypothesis will require a larger
abundance study of MDLAs, as well as
imaging campaigns to determine whether
Figure 3: α/Fe ratios for galaxy excesses exist in these fields.
MDLAs (solid red cir-
cles), DLAs in fields
with known galaxy REFERENCES
neighbours (solid red Ellison, S. L., & Lopez, S., 2001, A&A, 380, 117
triangles) and single Ellison, S. L., Yan, L., Hook, I., et al., 2001,
DLAs taken from the A&A, 379, 393
literature (open blue Ellison, S. L., Yan, L., Hook, I.,et al., 2002,
stars). DLAs with nearby A&A, 383, 91
galaxies both in the Jackson, C. A., Wall, J. V., Shaver, P. A., et al.,
field, and seen in ab- 2002, A&A, 386, 97
sorption (MDLAs) have Lopez, S., & Ellison, S. , 2003, A&A, 403, 573
systematically lower Peroux, C., Storrie-Lombardi, L. J., McMahon,
α/Fe, a trend particular- R. G., Irwin, M., Hook, I. M., 2001, AJ, 121,
ly obvious in the [S/Fe] 1799
ratio. See Lopez & Smette, A., Claeskens, J.-F., Surdej, J., 1997, New
Ellison (2003) for further Astronomy 2, 53
discussion. Steidel, C. C., & Sargent, W. L, W., 1992, ApJS,
80, 1

66 The Messenger 113


R. M ORG ANTI 1 , T. O OS TERLOO 1 , J. H OLT 2,3 ,

1ASTRON, Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy, NL;
2Dep. of Physics and Astronomy, Sheffield University, UK;
3Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, NL

A number of mechanisms can be con- the Seyfert galaxy IC 5063. Using the

are produced through the sidered for the origin of such outflows. In Australia Telescope Compact Array, we
accretion of material onto radio-loud objects, they could be driven detected HI absorption up to 700 km/s
the super-massive black by the interaction of the radio plasma blueshifted with respect to the nucleus in
hole situated in the centre with the (rich) gaseous medium in the di- this galaxy, indicating an outflow of neu-
of an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). rect vicinity of the active nucleus. This ef- tral hydrogen with at least these velocities
This energy is released into the surround- fect is, for example, particularly evident (see below). More recently, using the
ing medium in a number of different in young radio sources where the newly Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope,
ways, ranging from collimated radio-plas- born radio jet is making its way out of the we have found even faster outflows of HI
ma jets to UV and X-ray emission.The re- galaxy. In high-z radio galaxies, such jet- (up to 2000 km/s) in the radio galaxies
gions around the AGN are, therefore, cloud interactions are believed to be a 3C293 and 4C12.50. These observations
highly complex and host a wealth of phys- mechanism for triggering star formation raise the interesting question of which
ical processes. Gas in different phases and indirectly explaining, e.g., the align- mechanism can drive these fast neutral
(atomic, molecular and ionised) is ob- ment between the rest frame optical con- outflows. Large amounts of energy are
served in this very hostile environment tinuum and their associated radio sources needed to push the gas out at these high
and the highly energetic processes related (van Breugel 2000). velocities, but despite these high energies,
to the presence of the AGN are likely to However, a complication is that fast some fraction of the outflowing gas re-
have a profound influence on the physical gas outflows have also been found in ra- mains, or becomes, neutral.
and kinematical properties of this gas. dio quiet AGNs. This has led some inves- The study of the ionised gas can pro-
Thus, the study of the gas provides ideal tigators to suggest that other mechanisms vide a key complement to the neutral hy-
diagnostics to trace the relative impor- are at work and that some of these out- drogen and help in solving this puzzle.
tance of the various processes and the ef- flows are more likely driven by radiation- For this reason we have made a detailed
fect that the AGN has on the surrounding or wind pressure from the regions near optical follow-up study of the Seyfert
medium. the active super-massive black hole (i.e. a galaxy IC 5063 using EMMI on the NTT.
The energy released from the nucleus quasar wind). In general, Seyfert galaxies are particu-
can produce gas outflows at very high ve- A very interesting and surprising as- larly interesting objects for investigating
locities (thousands of km/s) as seen in pect of these outflows is that, despite the the effects described above. They have
many AGN, ranging from Seyfert galaxies high energies involved, they are not only strong emission lines coming from the
to quasars. Gas outflows are detected as seen in ionised gas but also in neutral gas. ionised gas. Their narrow-line regions
blueshifted absorption or emission line A few examples of this phenomenon are (NLRs, regions of highly ionised gas im-
wings in optical, UV and X-ray spectra, now known. The first case where such a mediately surrounding the active nucle-
(see e.g. Crenshaw 2001 and refs therein). fast outflow of neutral gas was detected is us) can be extremely complicated kine-

© ESO - September 2003 67

Figure 1: HST image
with superimposed
the radio continuum
(from ATCA at 8
GHz). The radio
shows three compo-
nents, of which the
middle one is the
core. On the right is
the position-velocity
diagram of the HI
showing the broad,
blueshifted absorp-
tion (dashed). The
location in the con-
tinuum image where
the broad HI ab-
sorption occurs is

matically. Some of them are believed to AGN by the large-scale warped gas disc emission, and the absorption is unam-
represent the best examples of regions that is visible as the system of dust lanes. biguously blueshifted. Follow-up VLBI
where interactions between the local in- The most intriguing characteristic of observations showed that the broad
terstellar medium (ISM) and radio plas- this object is seen in the radio (see Mor- blueshifted absorption occurs against the
ma occur (Wilson 1997, Capetti et al. ganti et al. 1998 and Oosterloo et al. 2000 western and brighter radio lobe and not
1999). However, recent results based on for details). IC 5063 is among the most ra- against the core (Oosterloo et al. 2000).
HST observations (e.g. NGC 4151 and dio-loud Seyfert galaxies known. In the The obvious question is: what mecha-
NGC 1068) have indicated that instead radio continuum, it shows triple structure nism can produce such a fast outflow of
quasar winds may play a major role. They (Figure 1) of about 4 arcsec in size (about gas, allowing it to remain, or become
therefore represent ideal objects to study 1.3 kpc). Two very asymmetric lobes are again, (partly) neutral? As mentioned
the importance of the impact of the AGN situated at each side of the radio core. De- above to better understand what is going
on its surrounding ISM. IC 5063 is, given spite being an early-type, the host galaxy on, the radio study needs to be comple-
its proximity and its characteristics, a per- is very rich in neutral hydrogen (almost mented by a detailed study of the ionised
fect candidate for such a study. Apart 1010 M). A large, regularly rotating HI gas. In particular, the kinematics and the
from being an interesting case by itself, disc (of about 30 kpc in radius) is ob- ionisation level of the gas can shed light
the results from this galaxy can shed light served (Figure 2). Because of the strong on whether a strong jet/cloud interaction
on what is going on in AGNs that are radio continuum source, we were able to is responsible for the outflow, or whether
more distant, i.e. objects that cannot be detect HI gas in absorption at very low other processes must be invoked.This was
studied in the same detail, such as radio optical depth. This absorption is indicated the goal of our NTT observations.
galaxies and quasars. by the dashed contours in Figure 1, while
the solid contours indicate the emission THE COMPLEX
THE INTRIGUING from the large HI disc. The absorption is OPTICAL SPECTRUM
SEYFERT GALAXY IC 5063 highly blueshifted with respect to the cen- IC 5063 was observed (in service mode)
The southern Seyfert galaxy IC 5063 (z = tre of the galaxy. The systemic velocity with EMMI on the NTT in the medium
0.0110) is classified as a Seyfert 2. can be accurately derived from the HI resolution spectral mode. The 0.8 arcsec-
According to the unified schemes for
AGNs, this means that the broad-line re-
gions (lines coming from ionised gas in
close proximity to the AGN) are ob-
scured from our direct view by the nu-
clear torus, but that it can be seen indi-
rectly in scattered/polarized light. Strong
and broad polarized Hα emission has in-
deed been observed in IC 5063.
IC 5063 is an early-type galaxy − not
very common among Seyfert galaxies −
that shows a complicated system of dust
lanes. This is clearly seen from the HST
image in Figure 1. The extended (about 15
kpc in radius) ionised gas has a very pe-
culiar X-shaped morphology shown in
Figure 2. This gas is ionised by photons Figure 2: Left: the HI disk (contours) superimposed onto the image of the ionised gas ([OIII] 5007Å).
from the AGN and the interesting shape Right: ionised gas (contours) superimposed onto the radio continuum (grey scale). In the central
is probably due to the obscuration of the regions, there is an evident correspondence between the two.

68 The Messenger 113

wide slit was positioned along the radio
axis. Spectra were taken in the blue and
the red arm simultaneously. Gratings 12
and 7 were used, giving a spectral resolu-
tion of 0.92 and 0.66 Å/pix in the blue and
in the red respectively. Therefore, we
cover the wavelength range from [OII]
3727Å to [SII].
The spectrum shows a wealth of infor-
mation with many emission lines, up to
very high ionisation − in particular high
ionisation Fe lines (as found by Colina et
al. 1991). Most of the lines are spatially
extended and because of the sub-arcsec-
ond seeing of the observations, we can
clearly separate the ionised gas at the lo-
cation of the radio core from the location
of the lobes, as illustrated in Figure 3. This
is crucial for the success of the study. In
fact, it allows us to investigate how the
kinematics of the ionised gas relates with
the radio structure. The extremely com-
plex kinematics can clearly be seen in Fig-
ure 3. Different components are evident, Figure 3: (Top) The spectral region from [OI] 6300Å to [SII], including the Hα+[NII] lines.
With the contrast used, the different intensity of the lines allows to see different features:
with emission both from the disturbed gas from the regular galaxy rotation at larger distance from the centre to the complex kinemat-
as well as from the quieter and regularly ics clearly seen especially from the [OI] lines. (Bottom) A zoom-in of the [OIII] lines. The ra-
rotating gas (i.e. the gas that follows the dio image on similar scale is also shown. This allows a direct comparison between the struc-
galaxy rotation as shown by the large tures observed in the radio and the kinematics of the ionised gas.
scale HI emission). The region of highly
disturbed kinematics extends almost 6
arcsec (almost 2 kpc), mostly in coinci- ern (stronger) radio lobe. This very broad amplitudes of the various components
dence with the region where the radio component of ionised gas, however, does were allowed to change. These restricted
emission is also present. Indeed, Figure 3 not appear to have a counterpart in the fits gave good results in almost all cases.
already shows an important result of this neutral gas. This may represent a compo- Using the components found from the
study, namely that the most extreme kine- nent of highly shocked gas that is only Gaussian fits, one can study the ionisation
matics are detected in the region between seen as ionised. of the gas by, for example, looking at the
the radio core and the bright radio lobe, Taken all together, these properties clear- ratio (for each component) of the [OIII]
and that, as for the neutral gas, a large ly indicate that the interaction between the 5007Å and the Hβ emission lines.
blueshifted wing is clearly present near radio plasma with the ISM is responsible Although the extreme kinematics near
the western radio lobe. The first order for the extreme kinematics observed both the western lobe appear to be due to a
similarity between the kinematics of the in the ionised and in the neutral gas. jet/cloud interaction, that does not neces-
blueshifted wing of ionised gas and that Apart from the complex kinematics sarily mean that all the gas is ionised
of the HI is illustrated in Figure 4, where detected in the western region, the through this mechanism. The ratio
a direct comparison of the two can be ionised gas in the eastern side also shows [OIII]/Hβ is found to be very high (> 10)
made. complex kinematics, in particular line for the narrow components close to the
One interesting point to note is that splitting. Interestingly, this seems to ex- centre (up to a few hundred parsec from
the most extreme blueshifted velocities tend beyond the radio emission (see be- the nucleus). This component, being
are displaced compared to the peak of the low). It is clear that the gas kinematics on narrow, is likely not to be influenced at all
radio lobe and they appear to be located the two sides of the radio core are com- by the interaction with the radio plasma
closer to the nucleus. The velocities be- pletely different, possibly reflecting some and therefore the high ionisation is likely
come progressively less blueshifted as major differences in the properties of the to be due to the UV radiation from the
one approaches the peak of the radio ISM and/or that there are two different nucleus. In the remaining regions/compo-
lobe, producing a sort of “comma”-like mechanisms acting. nents, the [OIII]/Hβ ratio is between
shape. This can naively be interpreted as Although it is obvious from Figure 3 5 and 10, without any clear difference
an indication of a decelerated flow: the that the kinematics are very complex, a between the regions with extreme kine-
flow gets slower as it approaches the po- quantitative analysis is required to fully matics or the broad components.This sug-
sition of the radio lobe where perhaps identify the various kinematical compo- gests that the shocks, produced in the
some “obstructing” material is present. nents and to study their characteristics. interaction between the radio plasma and
This is, in fact, consistent with the detec- As a starting point, we have used the the ISM, are not the dominant ionisation
tion of molecular gas (H2) from NICMOS strong [OIII] 4959, 5007Å doublet. A mechanism (even in the NW region).
observations (Kulkarni et al. 1998) in the good description of each line typically re- This confirms what was derived from
western region near the radio lobe. quires between two and four Gaussian the energy budget argument (Morganti et
In addition to the blueshifted wing, a components. The same components were al. 1998) and also what has been found
very broad component is observed only in used to fit other emission lines (e.g. Hβ, from similar studies of radio galaxies, e.g.
the region between the core and the west- [SII], Hα+[NII]) where only the relative Cygnus A.

Morganti R. et al., IC 5063 © ESO - September 2003 69

(Mellema, Kurk & Röttgering 2002). This strongly affect the evolution of the radio
model predicts that, as the shock runs plasma and its effect on the environment.
over a cloud, a compression phase starts The detailed study of the nearby
(as the cloud gets embedded in an over- Seyfert IC5063 has a number of implica-
pressured cocoon) and the shock waves tions for other objects that cannot be
start travelling into the cloud and the studied with the same detail as IC 5063. In
cloud fragments. By taking cooling into particular, we are now also finding broad
account, they derived that the excess of blueshifted HI absorption in more distant
energy is radiated away on a time scale powerful radio galaxies (the best exam-
much shorter (a few hundred years) than ples so far are 3C293 and 4C12.50, Mor-
the typical lifetime of a radio source ganti et al. 2003). Moreover, in the high
(106−7 yr). This process results in the for- redshift universe, radio galaxies appear to
mation of dense, cool and fragmented live in very gas rich environments. Strong
structures at high velocities. These clouds interaction between the radio plasma and
can contain neutral gas that can be seen in this medium is likely to be even more
absorption, if located in front of the radio common.What we learn from the study of
source. Whatever the details of the nearby objects can therefore be of great
Figure 4: Comparison between the width of the
HI absorption (white profile) and that of the ionised processes involved, the observations of help in interpreting what happens in their
gas (from the [OIII]5007Å). The first order similar- IC 5063 show that neutral and ionised gas faraway cousins.
ity between the amplitude of the blueshifted com- outflows co-exist and that the interaction
ponent is clearly seen. between the radio plasma and the ISM is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
likely to produce both. This puts strong JH acknowledges a PPARC PhD stu-
dentship and a NOVA-Marie Curie Fel-
Finally, the density can be measured us- constraints on the physical processes in
lowship. She also wishes to thank the
ing the ratio of the [SII] 6717/6731Å lines. the centre of this galaxy. Kapteyn Institute, Groningen, for its hos-
The narrow component traces a decrease What is the situation on the other side pitality where most of this work was done.
in the density going from almost 1000 (i.e. the SE side) of the nucleus? Apart
particles cm−3 close to the nucleus to the from the emission associated with the Capetti A., et al. 1999, ApJ 516, 187
low-density limit (<100 particles cm−3) in regularly rotating large-scale gas disc, a Colina L., Sparks W.B., Macchetto F. 1991, ApJ
the outer regions. Part of the reason for second component is seen, blueshifted 370, 102
compared to the quiescent gas and ex- Crenshaw D.M. 2001, Science, 292, 1500
the decline of the [OIII]5007Å /Hβ can be
tending beyond the radio emission. It is Kulkarni et al. 1998, ApJ, 492, L121
the result of this density decrease. Morganti R., Oosterloo T., Tsvetanov Z. 1998,
hard to explain this component only by a AJ 115, 915
A POSSIBLE SCENARIO jet-cloud interaction and the line split is Morganti R., Oosterloo T. Emonts B., van der
The kinematics of the ionised gas and the perhaps more reminiscent of an expand- Hulst J., Tadhunter C., 2003 ApJ Letters, in
ing cocoon. It is worth noting that in oth- press
similarities compared to that of the neu- Oosterloo T., Morganti R., Tzioumis A.,
tral hydrogen, support the idea that we er Seyfert galaxies radiation pressure Reynolds J., King E., McCullogh P., Tsve-
are observing a gas outflow in the region from the nuclear emission has been pro- tanov Z. 2000, AJ 119, 2085
of the stronger radio lobe due to interac- posed as the dominant acceleration Van Breugel W. 2000, Proc. SPIE Vol 4005, p.
mechanism. In addition to this, the clear 83-94, in Discoveries and Research
tion between the radio jet and the ISM.
asymmetry between the two sides of the Prospects from 8 – to 10-Meter-Class tele-
This situation is conceivable because in scopes, J. Bergeron eds. (astro-ph/0006238)
IC 5063, the radio jet appears to be ex- radio source suggests that the conditions Wilson A. 1997, in ASP Conf. Ser. 113, Emission
panding in the galactic disc, therefore of the medium around the AGN are actu- Lines in Active Galaxies, ed. B. Peterson,
moving through a rich medium, as evi- ally very inhomogeneous. This is likely to F.Z. Cheng & A. Wilson, p. 264
denced e.g. by the large-scale HI disc seen
in emission, as well as by the presence of
molecular gas from NICMOS observa-
tions (Kulkarni et al. 1998) detected in the
western region near the radio lobe.
However, the question remains: why, in
such a hostile environment, is some frac-
tion of the gas neutral?
A possible scenario, illustrated in Fig-
ure 5, is that the radio plasma jet is inter-
Figure 5:
acting strongly with a molecular cloud in A schematic
the ISM. Part of the gas is kinematically diagram
disturbed by the shock that is produced illustrating
by the interaction. Once the shock has the proposed
passed, some fraction of this gas may have scenario (as
described in
the chance to recombine and become the text) and
neutral, showing up as neutral gas at high a possible
velocities. To understand whether such a geometric
scenario is feasible, it is worth considering arrangement
of the various
the model proposed for the evolution of emitting
clouds in radio galaxy cocoons when they components
are overtaken by a strong shockwave in IC 5063.

70 The Messenger 113

Other Astronomical News
THE 25TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE the 1980s, it now constitutes a spectacular weekend edition of the Australian, one of
International Astronomical Union was example of contemporary urban renova- the main broadsheet newspapers, fea-
held in Sydney, Australia, from 13-24 July tion, with shopping malls, hotels, restau- tured a full-page article about OWL and
2003. For two weeks the world of profes- rants, museums and other leisure faci- ELTs.The ESO stand also served as back-
sional astronomy descended on Darling lities, as well as the magnificent Sydney drop for several TV interviews and, as has
Harbour. In the early days it was used for Convention and Exhibition Centre become tradition, also functioned as
receiving fresh produce and timber from (SCEC). meeting point both for ESO astronomers
Parramatta and the north coast, but with With more than 2000 participants, six and for many visitors.
time had become a somewhat derelict symposia, three invited discourses, 21 On separate stands, projects with ESO
dock area. Following massive redevelop- joint discussions, four special sessions and participation were shown: the ALMA
ment of the old wharves in the course of numerous working group, division and project, the stand of which was situated
commission meetings, participating vis-à-vis the ESO stand, and the Astro-
IAU members seemed to agree physical Virtual Observatory. ESO staff
that the meeting was highly suc- took turns at all three stands, talking to
cessful. But also the public was well astronomers, amateurs and to media rep-
looked after, with a large public as- resentatives.
tronomy exhibition with an ‘indus- Through the many talks given by ESO
try day’ and a ‘school day’ as well as astronomers, articles in the Magellanic
numerous public lectures and ac- Times (the conference newspaper), press
tivities organised by Sydney’s com- releases and the information stands, ESO
munity of amateur astronomers as maintained a high visibility, as justified by
part of the Australian Festival of the exciting programmes and activities
Astronomy, in itself a month-long that keep this organisation busy during
activity. these years.
The exhibition was organised in CLAUS MADSEN
Hall 5 of the SCEC. As at the pre-
vious IAU General Assemblies,
ESO was represented with an in-
formation stand. Not surprisingly,
the main features were the ALMA
and OWL projects, but other ESO
activities were shown as well. A
model of the OWL telescope drew
the attention of many visitors, with
comments revealing almost all as-
pects of human reactions, from awe
to excitement and enthusiasm. The
enthusiasm was not confined to the Esteban Illanes from ESO Chile explaining the ALMA
professional audience. Thus the project during the school day.

ESO Director General appointed President-Elect of the International Astronomical Union

The General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), meeting in
Sydney (Australia) in July, has appointed the ESO Director General, Dr. Catherine
Cesarsky, as President-Elect for the three-year period 2003-2006. The IAU is the
world's foremost organisation for astronomy, uniting almost 9000 professional
scientists on all continents.
The IAU General Assembly also elected Prof. Ron Ekers (Australia) as President
(2003 - 2006). Dr. Cesarsky will become President of the IAU in 2006, when the
General Assembly next meets in Prague (The Czech Republic). Dr. Cesarsky is the
first woman scientist to receive this high distinction.
“The election of Catherine Cesarsky as President-Elect of the IAU is an important
recognition for a scientist who has made impressive contributions to various areas
of modern astrophysics, from cosmic rays to the interstellar medium and cosmo-
logy”, commented the outgoing IAU President, Prof. Franco Pacini. “It is also an
Dr. Catherine Cesarsky, the new President-Elect of the honour and an important accolade for the European astronomical community in
IAU, and Prof. Ron Ekers, the new President, in front of general and ESO in particular.”
the ESO stand at the General Assembly of the (see ESO Press Release 21/03 for more information)
International Astronomical Union in Sydney.

© ESO - September 2003 71

THE EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER FOR and European research institutes. Ex-
Research, Mr. Philippe Busquin, who planations were given by ESO as-
was visiting the Republic of Chile, ar- tronomers and engineers and the Com-
rived at the ESO Paranal Observatory on missioner gained a good impression of
July 29, 2003. the wide range of exciting research pro-
The Commissioner was accompanied, grammes that are carried out with the
among others, by the EU Ambassador VLT.
to Chile, Mr. Wolfgang Plasa, and Ms. Having enjoyed the spectacular sunset
Christina Lazo, Executive Director of the over the Pacific Ocean from the
Chilean Science and Technology Agency KUEYEN telescope, one of the four
(CONICYT). 8.2 m telescopes that form the VLT array,
The distinguished visitors were able to the Commissioner visited the VLT Con-
acquaint themselves with one of the trol Room from where the four 8.2 m
foremost European research facilities, Unit Telescopes and the VLT Interferom- ESO astronomers demonstrate an observation
the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT), dur- eter (VLTI) are operated. Here, the Com- sequence to Commissioner Busquin.
ing an overnight stay at this remote site. missioner was invited to follow an ob-
Arriving after the long flight from Europe serving sequence at the console of the
in Antofagasta, capital of the II Chilean KUEYEN telescope.
region, the Commissioner continued “This is a tribute to the human genius”,
along the desert road to Paranal, some commented the Commissioner. “ It is an
130 km south of Antofasta and site of extraordinary contribution to the devel-
the world's largest and most efficient opment of knowledge, and as Commis-
optical/infrared astronomical telescope sioner for Research, I am proud that this
facility. is a European achievement.”
The guests were welcomed by the ESO “It is a great pleasure to receive Com-
Director General, Dr. Catherine Ce- missioner Busquin, whose actions to-
sarsky, and the ESO Representative in wards European research we admire,
Chile, Mr. Daniel Hofstadt, as well as and to share with him the excitement
ESO staff members. about the wonders of the Universe and
The visitors were shown the various the advanced technology that allows us
high-tech installations at the observato- to probe them”, said the Director Gen-
ry, including many of the large, front-line eral of ESO.
VLT astronomical instruments that have The Commissioner visits the VLT Interferomet-
been built in collaboration between ESO ESO Press Release 22/03 ric Laboratory with the VINCI instrument.

Fello ws at ESO
MALVINA BILLERES lot of responsibilities, freedom and inter- to the CFHT several times, and spent
esting challenges. weeks at the Mount Bigelow station in
WHEN I HAD MY I think that the most exciting thing at la Arizona (amazing to see that observato-
interview for an Silla is that I can touch everything: be part ries are always localized at such beautiful
ESO fellowship in of the difficult task of opening SOFI, pilot places).
Chile, the commit- the New Technology Telescope with its ac- Today, although my science is still cen-
tee asked me where tive optics, do a turn as a Telescope and In- tred on the study of variable evolved stars
I would like to strument Operator (TiO), make tests with (EC14026 and ZZ Ceti), I have broadened
work: Paranal or La the instruments to do my science etc... my scientific interests: the search for LPs-
Silla. I have to con- With all these possibilities, I feel really dBV (a new class of pulsating sdB discov-
fess that I had nev- lucky to be at la Silla! ered last year) in the southern skies, the
er been to either of Before coming to Chile, I spent almost search for luminosity variations in young
the ESO observatories before, and I 6 years in Montreal (Canada) where I did brown dwarfs, determining the influence
thought that my tiny amount of experi- part of my thesis. I had the chance to work of magnetic cycles on measured radial-ve-
ence wouldn't be enough to work at in a really good team at the University de locity with HARPS. ESO is a perfect place
Paranal, so I answered la Silla. Montreal, on pulsating stars: white dwarfs to start new projects thanks to the inter-
After two and a half years of the la Sil- and mainly subdwarf B stars. During my action with all the visiting astronomers.
la routine, I know that my argument was thesis, I did a lot of fast photometry ob- In addition, the mountains in Chile are
completely wrong! The fellows at la Silla servations with the Montreal 3-channel almost as beautiful as the mountains in
do exactly the same job as the staff, with a portable photometer, LAPOUNE. I went the French alps where I came from.

72 The Messenger 113

VALENTIN D. IVANOV I started as an ESO Fellow in May timal procedure for building cluster sam-
2002 with duties at Paranal Observatory. ples with minimum bias and maximum
I STARTED WORKING It has been an amazing experience to statistical completeness. Working with
for ESO in April work on Paranal – having contact with the colleagues in several fruitful collabora-
2001, after spending new instruments, talking to and assisting tions, we have discovered hundreds of
seven years in the US visitor astronomers, performing opera- clusters largely based on ROSAT data,
where I got my PhD. tions, etc. Of course, the real world is cer- and we are following these up with dedi-
This was a new begin- tainly more stressful than what you imag- cated observations with XMM and Chan-
ning as the ESO fel- ined in your dreams. In spite of this, I am dra.
lowships are different than most other ac- glad to be able to find in Paranal that We probe different redshift, luminosi-
ademic positions. Besides the research, magic that I experienced in La Silla dur- ty/mass, and spatial regimes using several
we are engaged in duties, and mine are ing my first run in the Swiss Telescope. independent surveys. For example, in an
with the Paranal Science Operations. It is Another key change in contrast to my on-going observing campaign at La Silla
a challenge and a blessing. The work re- thesis years where I spent most of my and Mauna Kea, we are completing the
quires attention, quick understanding of time working alone, it is the need for team first comprehensive X-ray survey for
problems in a broad range of astronomy work. Learning how to work as a team on galaxy clusters behind the Milky Way
topics, good knowledge of the instrumen- Paranal with people from many different (nearly 200 systems located so far of
tation and observing techniques, interac- countries and backgrounds has been a which ~75% are new discoveries). This
tion with visitors in various situations. But hard, but doubtless, an enriching process sample is crucial for making an unbiased
the work also gives back a lot - the very that I'm glad to be undertaking. census of the mass distribution of materi-
same things, and they do enrich the great From the scientific point of view I'm al in the nearby universe. On a different
experience of being an astronomer. also very happy with the ESO fellowship front, we are using deep, multi-color
When people ask me what I do, I an- since we still have plenty of time for our VLT+VIMOS imaging for a sample of
swer - I am a craftsman and a general pur- research. Currently, I'm still interested on high-redshift, high-X-ray luminosity clus-
pose infrared astronomer. After spending the evolution of angular momentum in ters (z~0.6) to investigate the transforma-
the last two years and a half at ESO, it is both young stars in the pre-main se- tion of galaxies as they are accreted along
even more so. Still, my science interest is quence phase and more evolved stars in filamentary conduits from the field to the
concentrated mostly on: (i) Stellar popu- clusters. In the same direction, myself to- cluster environment.
lations in star burst and active galaxies. gether with a few collaborators in differ- The exceptional quality of the science
Since these object often boast 10 or more ent places have been working on the con- community at ESO and the supporting
magnitudes of visual extinction, I have as- nection between the angular momentum technical resources (hardware, software,
sembled a stellar library and a population evolution and the light element abun- and most importantly, people) is very
model for the near-infrared. The absorp- dances. I'm also participating in a com- beneficial to my research. Thus I'm very
tion features in the H-band turned out to mon project along with the star-forming happy to contribute to the observatory's
be an excellent metallicity indicator. (ii) I people in Vitacura (led by Michael mission through my functional duties.
lead a collaboration to search for hidden Sterzik) aimed to understand how spec- During my first year at ESO, I had the op-
globular and massive clusters in the Milky troscopic binaries form. portunity to work in the Paranal Science
Way. We are currently engaged on de- One thing that I missed during my Operations group. After spending many
tailed follow up observations from vari- years in Geneva and that I still do miss quiet nights observing at Keck with only
ous telescopes around the world. here in Santiago is the Sea. Being from a the telescope operator's company, I was
Ending on a more personal note: back coastal city of Natal (Brazil) makes the initially overwhelmed by the magnitude
in my home country, Bulgaria, I am more Ocean not only a place where you go to of the VLT operation.
(in)famous as a science fiction writer. I have some beers or to get tanned, but also However, I soon learned this large
have published some stories, and they makes it your friend. I'm patiently wait- footprint is necessary to keep ESO's fan-
have even brought me some literary ing for the day I'll be able to spend more tastic array of cutting-edge telescopes and
awards. time at the sea again, either watching it or instrumentation running smoothly and
in my sailing boat (for the greatest happi- continuing to grow. The Paranal experi-
ness of my inner Popeye!). ence broadened my technical knowledge
CLAUDIO MELO and continues to help maximize the effec-
MY INTEREST IN tiveness of my observing programs.
Astronomy started Now completing my second year at
at the end of my ESO, my functional duties are much clos-
CHRIS MULLIS er to home (and to a much happier wife)
years when I had I HAD THE PLEAS- with the Astrophysical Virtual Observa-
to choose a topic URE to join ESO tory group at Garching. I am developing
for my masters de- Garching in Septem- a system that will allow astronomers to
gree. Among the ber 2001 directly af- pursue innovative research made possible
options I had, ter completing my by efficiently leveraging the ESO Science
Astronomy was by far the most exciting. PhD at the Universi- Archive with processed X-ray data from
After that, I went to Geneva where I had ty of Hawaii. This the XMM and Chandra archives. In ad-
the privilege to do my Ph.D. thesis with global shift meant dition to these responsibilities, I have also
Prof. Mayor on some aspects of pre-main distinct changes in served on various committees, organized
sequence spectroscopic binaries such as, scientific and living weekly science discussions, and adminis-
binary frequency, orbital evolution and environments, but I have found both to be tered computers to our fellows and stu-
angular momentum evolution. This long- very stimulating and very enjoyable. dents.
term study (4 years) took me many times Galaxy clusters lie at the heart of my With all the exciting work to be done,
to the Swiss Telescope at La Silla Obser- research interests. More specifically, I use it's a supreme challenge to marshal free
vatory where I (like Linda in the last Mes- X-ray selected groups and clusters of time. On the rare occasions that I suc-
senger) fell in love with the place, making galaxies to study the distribution and evo- ceed, my wife and I enjoy hiking and
my application to ESO quite a natural lution of large-scale structure in the uni- climbing in the Alps and exploring
step after my Ph.D. verse. X-ray selection is currently the op- Europe.

© ESO - September 2003 73

First Advanced Chilean School on PERSONNEL MOVEMENTS
Santiago, Chile, 15-19 December 2003 (1 June 2003 - 31 August 2003)

The Advanced School on "Extrasolar Planets and Brown Dwarfs" is organized EUROPE
by: Catolica/Princeton, European Southern Observatory, and FONDAP Center ANWUNAH, Judith (GB), Associate
for Astrophysics. CASTRO, Sandra (BR), Astronomical Data Analysis Specialist
Local and Scientific Organizing Committee members are: DOBRZYCKA, Danuta (PL), Astronomical Data Quality Control
Dante Minniti (Universidad Catolica)
Danielle Alloin (European Southern Observatory)
Maria Teresa Ruiz (Universidad de Chile) DOBRZYCKI, Adam (PL), Data Interface Control Scientist
Grzegorz Pietrzynski (Universidad de Concepcion) HEIN, Priya (GB/MS), Administrative Support/Assistant DG
Sponsors are: KORKIAKOSKI, Visa (SF), Student
ESO, UChile, PU/PUC, Fundacion Andes, McKAY, Derek (AUS) on 04.12.2002, Associate
FONDAP, NRAO, and SOCHIAS. MIGNANO, Arturo (I), Associate EIS
MUÑOZ, Samuel (RCH), Student
The main lecturers will be: OLIVIER, Nathalie (F), Associate
France Allard (ENS Lyon)
Gillian Knapp (Princeton University)
PETR-GOTZENS, Monika (D), User Support Astronomer
Michel Mayor (Geneva Observatory) WEIDINGER, Michael (DK), Student
Scott Tremaine (Princeton University) CHILE
GALLIANO, Emmanuel (F), Fellow
The lectures will cover the following themes: HARTUNG, Markus (A), Fellow
Models of brown dwarfs and giant planet atmospheres, predictions. HUMMEL, Christian (D), VLTI Astronomer
Observations of brown dwarfs, searches, classification, main properties. ROEHRLE, Claudia (D), Student
Search for extrasolar planets, main discoveries, future prospects. SAVIANE, Ivo (I), Staff Astronomer
Theory of extrasolar planetary systems, formation, dynamical models. VANNIER, Martin (F), Fellow
In addition, a number of short invited talks are planned on the topic of the School,
and participants are welcome to present posters. EUROPE
The Advanced School lectures will be aimed at graduate students of Astronomy. BOXHORN, Andreas (D), Associate
Interested participants will find information on the School webpage, HOMEIER, Nicole (USA), Student and should fill in an expression of interest form to NORMAN, Colin (AUS), Associate
be emailed back to before September 30, 2003. Financial aid SIKKEMA, Geert (NL), Associate EIS
is available upon request. A Second announcement will be sent shortly thereafter. ZOCCALI, Manuela (I), Fellow
ANDERSSON, Andreas (S), Associate SEST
BROOKS, Kate (AUS), Fellow
International Workshop jointly organized by CABANAC, Rémi (F/CDN), Fellow
ESO/Chile, FONDAP-Chile COUTURES, Christian (F), Associate Eros II
and Universidad de Chile ELLISON, Sara (GB), Fellow
HAIKALA, Lauri (SF), Operations Staff Astronomer
at ESO/Santiago Headquarters, Chile MAURY, Alain (F), Associate Eros II
December 3 to 6, 2003 NIELBOCK, Markus (D), Fellow
WILLIS, Jon (GB), Fellow
Invited speakers: Omar Almaini (tbc), Roger Blandford (tbc), Niel Brandt, Bob
Fosbury, Jack Gallimore, Shardha Jogee, Hagai Netzer, Brad Peterson
Organizing committee: Danielle Alloin (ESO), Poshak Gandhi (ESO), Rachel Local Staff
Johnson (ESO), Paulina Lira (UChile), Sebastian Lopez (UChile), Jose Maza (1 June 2003 – 31 August 2003)
Aim & scope: FONDAP-Chile, ESO-Chile and Universidad de Chile jointly ARRIVALS
announce an international workshop on the study of physical processes in AGN AGUILAR URREA, Luis, Safety Engineer
environments. One of the goals of the workshop is to train young researchers in BENDEK SELMAN, Eduardo, Instrumentation Engineer
the field. CARCAMO URIBE, Ruben, Maintenance Mechanical Technician
International experts will review a wide range of topics and attendees are invited
CARRASCO PEREZ, Oscar, Safety Engineer
to present individual contributions. A wealth of new observational constraints on
AGN are available thanks to recent key space missions and large ground-based CORREA GUTIERREZ, Alex, Data Handling Administrator
telescopes. Therefore, it is exciting and timely to see how these fit in with model JIMENEZ ROJAS, Jorge, Instrumentation Maintenance
predictions and to explore the new perspectives they bring to the field. A general Technician
overview of all related issues, in the form of a tutorial, will introduce the MADRAZO ROSALES, Maria, Accounting Clerk
workshop. Then, starting with the theory of BHs and accretion disks, the discus- PEREZ BEAUPUITS, Juan Pablo, Electronic Engineer ALMA
sion will focus on the physics of the material in the vicinity of the central source ROA FIGUEROA, Mauricio, Software Engineer
and related radiative processes. Moving to larger scales, interactions with the SANHUEZA SLATER, Roberto, Data Handling Administrator
surrounding stellar environment will be considered before concentrating on the SICLARI BORDONES, Waldo, Maintenance Mechanical
inferred evolution of luminosity functions with redshift and AGN-galaxy formation
scenarios. While the emphasis will be on providing a solid theoretical base,appro-
priate results from recent observations across the electromagnetic spectrum will DEPARTURES
be discussed. HERRERA MOLINOS, Gabriel, Maintenance Mechanical
Chile is a particularly apt venue for this workshop. Its current and planned world- Technician
class observational facilities, with their increase in sensitivity (Magellan, Gemini, MCKINSTRY, Christopher, Telescope Instrument Operator
VLT) and high angular resolution (adaptive optics, VLTI, ALMA), are crucial for MORNHINWEG KROHMER, Manfred, Electronician
AGN research. PEÑAFIEL BARRERA, Juan, Safety Engineer
VARAS CUBILLOS, Humberto, Safety Engineer

74 The Messenger 113

Applications are invited for a Staff Astronomer position at APEX (the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment) located on Chajnantor near San Pedro
de Atacama, Chile.

Staff A str onomer (CSO111)


Assignment: APEX is a sub-mm telescope presently being erected at the ALMA site of Chajnantor in Chile through a collaboration between
the MPIfR, ESO and Sweden. The site is excellent for sub-mm observations, and the telescope will be equipped with bolometer arrays and
heterodyne receivers for observations at sub-mm wavelengths as well as in the THz band. We seek two staff astronomers for APEX. They
will join a team of scientists, engineers, and technicians, in total 20 people, responsible for the operation and maintenance of the antenna
and its instrumentation. Astronomers will be part of the science operations group responsible to support observations, both in visitor mode
and service mode, to develop calibration and quality control procedures for the instruments, to control the configuration of the system, and
to develop operational procedures for the telescope including pointing models. The Science Operations team will consist of staff astronomers,
fellows and telescope operators.
As an astronomer and member of the ESO Science Faculty, the successful candidate will be expected and encouraged to actively conduct
astronomical research up to 50% of the time using APEX and other facilities. The APEX astronomers spend 105 nights per year carrying out
functional duties in the APEX base in San Pedro de Atacama and at the telescope, which is located on Chajnantor at an altitude of 5000
m, usually in a shift of 8 days in San Pedro with trips to Chajnantor, followed by 6 days off. The rest of their time is spent in the Santiago
office. Scientific trips and stays at other institutions, also in Europe are foreseen.

Education: Ph.D. in Astronomy, Physics or equivalent

Experience and knowledge: APEX is seeking active staff astronomers with a solid publication record in observational astronomy. Observa-
tional experience with (sub)mm telescopes will be an asset. At least three years of post-doctoral experience as well as excellent commu-
nication skills and a good command of the English language (spoken and written) will be required.
Duty station: San Pedro de Atacama, La Silla and Santiago, Chile
Starting date: As soon as possible
Contract: The initial contract is for a period of three years with the possibility of a fixed-term extension. Promotions will be based on scien-
tific as well as functional achievements. It is necessary to take a high altitude medical examination before taking up the post.
Remuneration: We offer an attractive remuneration package including a competitive salary (tax-free) and comprehensive social benefits. Fur-
thermore, an expatriation allowance as well as some other allowances may be added. Either the title or the grade may be subject to change
according to education and the number of years of experience.

Applications consisting of your CV (in English language) and the ESO Application Form (to be obtained from the ESO Home Page at and four letters of reference should be submitted by 15 October 2003.
For further information, please consult the ESO Home Page or contact Mrs. Nathalie Kastelyn

ESO Fello wship P r ogramme 20 03/20 04

to enhance their research programmes. Its goal is to bring them into close contact with the instruments, activities, and people at one of the
world's foremost observatories. For more information about ESO's astronomical research activities please consult
Fellows have ample opportunities for scientific collaborations, a list of the ESO staff and fellows, and their research interest can be found at and The ESO Headquarters in Munich, Ger-
many host the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility and are situated in the immediate neighbourhood of the Max-Planck-Insti-
tutes for Astrophysics and for Extraterrestrial Physics and are only a few kilometres away from the Observatory of the Ludwig-Maximilian
University. In Chile, fellows have the opportunity to collaborate with the rapidly expanding Chilean astronomical community in a growing part-
nership between ESO and the host country's academic community.

In Garching, fellows spend beside their personal research up to 25% of their time on support or development activities of their choice in the
area of e.g. instrumentation, user support, archive, VLTI, ALMA, public relations or science operations at the Paranal Observatory. Fellow-
ships in Garching start with an initial contract of one year followed by a two-year extension.

In Chile, the fellowships are granted for one year initially with an extension of three additional years. During the first three years, the fellows
are assigned to either the Paranal or La Silla operations groups. They support the astronomers in charge of operational tasks at a level of
50% of their time (split into 80 nights per year up on the mountain and 35 days per year at the Santiago Office). During the fourth year there
is no functional work and several options are provided. The fellow may be hosted by a Chilean institution and will thus be eligible to apply
for Chilean observing time on all telescopes in Chile. The other options are to spend the fourth year either at ESO's Astronomy Centres in
Santiago, Chile, or the ESO Headquarters in Garching, or any institute of astronomy/astrophysics in an ESO member state.

Starting in 2004 three APEX Fellow positions are becoming available within the ESO Fellowship programme in Chile. Applications
for these positions are especially encouraged.

We offer an attractive remuneration package including a competitive salary (tax-free), comprehensive social benefits, and provide financial
support in relocating families. Furthermore, an expatriation allowance as well as some other allowances may be added. The Outline of the
Terms of Service for Fellows at provides some more details on employment condi-
Candidates will be notified of the results of the selection process in December 2003/January 2004. Fellowships begin between April and Oc-
tober of the year in which they are awarded. Selected fellows can join ESO only after having completed their doctorate.

The closing date for applications is October 15, 2003.

Information on how to apply can be found at

© ESO - September 2003 75

ESO, the European Southern Observa-
tory, was created in 1962 to “... establish Venus Rendezv ous with the Sun
and operate an astronomical observatory An invitation to planetariums, public observatories, amateur astronomy associ-
in the southern hemisphere, equipped
with powerful instruments, with the aim of
ations, etc. to participate in a unique public educational programme
furthering and organising collaboration On June 8, 2004, Venus passes in front of the Sun. This is a very
in astronomy...” It is supported by ten rare event: the last one occurred in 1882! The founding members of
countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, the “VT-2004 consortium”, the European Southern Observatory, the
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, European Association for Astronomy Education, the Observatoire
Sweden, Switzerland and the United de Paris, and the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences
Kingdom. ESO operates at three sites in of the Czech Republic, have decided to take advantage of this
the Atacama desert region of Chile. The unique opportunity to launch an ambitious educational programme
Very Large Telescope (VLT), is located on aimed at stimulating and activating the broad public and introducing
Paranal, a 2,600 m high mountain ap- into Europe’s schools the subject of the Venus 2004 transit with its
proximately 130 km south of Antofagasta. multiple historical, cultural, scientific and technological aspects. A
The VLT consists of four 8.2 metre diame- provisional overview of the main goals and means of this pro-
ter telescopes. These telescopes can be gramme is given at the VT-2004 website, now in the process of be-
used separately, or in combination as a ing set up.
giant interferometer (VLTI). At La Silla, 600 We cordially invite your planetarium, public observatory or as-
km north of Santiago de Chile at sociation to join this exceptional programme by becoming an insti-
2,400 m altitude, ESO operates several tutional member of this international network! You may do so by
optical telescopes with diameters up to sending an email to Please state in this email which
3.6 m. The third site is the 5,000 m high (kind of) activities (if any) you are planning in connection with the
Llano de Chajnantor, near San Pedro de Venus Transit 2004.
Atacama. Here a new submillimetre tele-
scope (APEX) is being completed, and a
large submillimetre-wave array of 64 an-
tennas (ALMA) is under development.
Over 1300 proposals are made each year
for the use of the ESO telescopes. The TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION
ESO headquarters are located in Garch-
ing, near Munich, Germany. This is the sci- R. WILSON The History and Development of the ESO Active Optics System . . 2
entific, technical and administrative cen- G. MONNET & R. BACON VLT/I Instrumentation: Lessons Learned Forum . . . .10
tre of ESO where technical development
programmes are carried out to provide
L. GERMANY News From La Silla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
the Paranal and La Silla observatories A. KAUFER ET AL. First Images with the ARGUS Mode of FLAMES . . . . . . . . .15
with the most advanced instruments. F. EISENHAUER ET AL. The Universe in 3D: First Observations with SPIFFI,
ESO employs about 320 international
staff members, Fellows and Associates in
the Infrared Integral Field Spectrometer for the VLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Europe and Chile, and about 160 local S. D’ODORICO ET AL. VIMOS in Operation at the VLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
staff members in Chile. ESO PR PHOTO 27/03 VLT Observes Comet Halley at Record Distance . . . . .31
The ESO MESSENGER is published four
F. COMERON ET AL. Fours Years of Service Mode Observing at the VLT:
times a year: normally in March, June, Performance and User Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
September and December. ESO also S. STANGHELLINI The Alcatel/EIE ALMA Antenna Prototype Approaches
publishes Conference Proceedings, Pre-
prints, Technical Notes and other material
Completion in New Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
connected to its activities. Press Releas- G. CHINCARINI ET AL. The Last Born at La Silla: REM, the Rapid Eye Mount . .40
es inform the media about particular M. BOER ET AL. The Gamma-Ray Burst Hunt at La Silla: the TAROT-S
events. For further information, contact
the ESO Education and Public Relations
Very Fast Moving Telescope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Department at the following address:
EUROPEAN E. VAN DISHOECK ET AL. Origin and Evolution of Ices in Star-Forming
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
Regions: a VLT-Isaac 3-5 µm Spectroscopic Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
D-85748 Garching bei München A. FRANCESCHINI ET AL. Deep Infrared Surveys and their Cosmological
Germany Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Tel. (089) 320 06-0
Telefax (089) 3202362
S. ELLISON ET AL. The CORALS Survey: a Review and Progress Report
Email: on the Search for Dust Obscured Quasar Absorption Line Systems . . . . .64
URL: R. MORGANTI ET AL. IC 5063: AGN Driven Outflow of Warm and Cold Gas . . .67


Editor: Peter Shaver C. MADSEN ESO at the IAU General Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Technical editor: Henri Boffin
ESO Director General Appointed President-elect of the IAU . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
ESO PRESS RELEASE Philippe Busquin Visits Paranal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Printed by Fellows at ESO: Malvina Billeres, Valentin Ivanov, Claudio Melo, Chris Mullis .73
Heidemannstr. 166
D-80939 München Future ESO meeting: Extrasolar Planets and Brown Dwarfs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Germany Future ESO school: Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei at All Scales . . . . . . . . .74
ISSN 0722-6691 Personnel movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
ESO Vacancy (Staff Astronomer) and ESO Fellowship 2003/2004 . . . . . . . . . .75
Venus Rendezvous with the Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

76 The Messenger 113

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