Volume I Issue 2

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Binocular Newspaper

INNOVATED NAME 2. Being present most times within the school, contrary to other different headmasters for the boarding schools. 3. Giving much forgiveness to anyone. 4. Decision making skills. 5. Providing anybody freedom within the school organization and abroad. 6. Promptness, which means quickly replying to anybodys trouble or problems. We wish for him to continue behaving excellently as it seems. Researched and written by H. Bradley SHEMA BYE BYE BLACK CHAMBER FIGHT FOR ICYUYI (PORRIDGE) OR DIE Normally, we know that every student is allowed to drink porridge as his/ her breakfast. But some of the students are often ashamed of drinking porridge, especially boys because they think that the girls whom they date can hate or laugh at them. But is it a sin to drink porridge? No, it is not a sin. But there is a big change in drinking porridge today because those who used to call themselves superstars decided to drink porridge after they have been in practice of games which they play. Those superstars are football players, handball players, basketball players and traditional dancers. Some students are missing porridge to drink because of those player and dancers. Imagine how sad it is! If students who are not players and dancers take their school basin of porridge and their schoolmates beat them by saying that they are not allowed to drink because they dont play or dance! Please dont be greedy but be content with what you have by sharing it with others. Researched and written by the Jackson TEN NICKNAMES OF SOME STUDENTS IN APPEGA 1. MANENO, S5D 2. BARAYAVUGA, S4A



We know that dormitory Stock is for

S6 and S5 students today, but a newcomer who studies in S4 came to stay and live with his friends who study in S6 in that dormitory. Unfortunately, Headmaster found him there and began to beat him, but I think he was deceived by his friends who did not show him where he should dwell. But I wonder why he never joined his classmates who are in S4 while he was the only one from S4 in Stock dormitory, which means he wanted to express himself as if he differs from other abaruru (newcomers) here. I think that Headmaster did not make any mistake in beating him. Attention: this boy is as tall as a giraffe and he is also brown. Written by the JACKSON TEN SUPERSTARS IN APPEGA

For many years, from the beginning

of G.S. APPEGA, students studying in Senior 6 Accountancy and Literature stayed in the same dormitory called Titanic. But in the first term 2013, the G.S. APPEGA staff decided to change history by changing the Senior 6 students dormitory from Titanic (A) to Stock (B) in order to control students more easily. Those students have said that changing the dormitory is not a better way to control them more easily and that they could have let the students stay where their older brothers stayed. Researched by H. Bradly SHEMA


has several nicknames after a long period of time. But now he has a new nick name called UMUBYEYI. He is none other than APPEGAs headmaster. After doing some expert research, Binocular Newspaper discovered that he received UMUBYEYI as his new name because of the listed reasons below: 1. High capacity for listening and understanding different issues for his students.


VOLUME I: Issue 2

1. Mubera Joshua a.k.a. JAY KEYS: this boy is known as an R&B singer and he deserves it. 2. KAMBARI JAY a.k.a. KRG THE VIRUS: this boy sings hip hop style. 3. NIYIGENA EMMANUEL a.k.a. SEND B: this boy is known as an afro beat singer. 4. RUGABA ISAAC: this boy is the best dancer in APPEGA. 5. MUSABIREMA PARACIDE: is known as the best basketball player. 6. SHUMBUSHO JACKSON: this boy is known as the best English speaker in APPEGA. 7. CYIZA (S4): this boy is a striker of APPEGA football team and he is the one who is scoring nowadays. 8. BINAMA DIEU AIME: this boy is the one who started talent show and boom in APPEGA. 9. KABANGO BRUNO: this young boy is known as the best gospel preacher in APPEGA. 10. NIYONKURO OSCAR: this boy is known as the most intelligent boy and he always becomes the top student in APPEGA. TEN ANCIENT SUPERSTARS A.K.A. IMIKEKE 1. KARIMIJABO JANVIER a.k.a. MITOMA (S6D) 2. NSENGIMANA TITE (S6B) 3. BASHYIRAKERA EMMANUEL (S6) 4. KIRUHURA MAXIME (S6A) 5. NTAGANDA JMV (S6C) 6. KAMANZI ABDARA (S6B) 7. UMUTONI NADEJE (S5)


Rwandas government leaders. After succeeding O level exams he was admitted in APPEGA to continue his A level studies in accountancy. The Jackson, having arrived in APPEGA, began to be loved by everybody because of the way he speaks English. He also started to help his schoolmates improve their English speaking skills when he joined his friends who studied in language option and requested them to start Club SPEAK. The Jackson became assistant coordinator of Club SPEAK, and then he began to conduct debates as a chairperson. Nowadays he is still a coordinator of Club SPEAK. written by BACT NATIZOO TEN JARGON TERMS USED BY APPEGA STUDENTS 1. Kuyimena This word is spoken when a boy talks to a girl with the intention to have sex with her. 2. Gucabirete This saying is used when boys date girls who are at a lower level in their education skills/studies. 3. Kurasa Imbogo Students call this to go out of the topic, which means that someone digresses when he/she speaks, something not relating to a given topic. 4. Gufata Ikiroso This word is spoken after boy has been given a bucket (hated) and insulted by a girl.



Jackson is known as SHUMBUSHO Jackson. This boy studies in S6AccC today. The Jackson was born on 29/8/1991 in Kicukiro District. He completed his primary studies at GATENGA Primary School, but when the Jackson was still in primary school he began to become famous in English even though he was in a French school and he ended up with a victory and a prize. In 2008, the Jackson continued his studies of O level at GSK, the school located at Gikondo Sector, where he continued to be known as the best English speaker in his school. When the Jackson passed the ordinary level leaving examination, he became the first one in English in Rwanda and he was given a prize by one of

Kwiyapoda This means having dates with a girl. 6. Kwahira/Kurisha This word is spoken when someone is suspected of smoking. 7. Gupfuka This saying is used when somebody wants somebody else to buy something for him/her. 8. Kujya Muri Road Show These words are spoken when someone falls in love with more than one girl in different places. 9. Kujya Kwa Zizou When somebody want to drink beer, they say that they want kujya kwa Zizou, which means going to drink beer. 10. Imitwe and Ijisho Imitwe means the beignet of 200 Rwf and ijisho means a small beignet of 100 Rwf. HE CELEBRATED FOR HIS GIRLFRIEND It has been a long time that he has not had a girlfriend. He wished to say Im in love but after getting a girlfriend he celebrated with more confidence. After talking to our newspaper man, he said that he loves her as much as a fish loves water because the girl makes him happy. Written by Peace


VOLUME I: Issue 2

WHY FESPAD IS BEING HELD IN 2013 FESPAD which, happens in Rwanda every two years, should have happened in 2012, but it was postponed to 2013 because of some different reasons of tourism. Rica RWIGAMBA, who is responsible for tourism in RDB (Rwanda Development Board), said that the previous FESPAD happened in Rwanda in 2010. Rwandans and other people who have attended before know that it always happens in the middle of the year or at the end of the year. But there is a change which has caused the delay. Rica said that in the middle of the year or at the end of the year the tourists are in Rwanda because of holidays and vacation and they attend FESPAD because they are in Rwanda. But they postponed it until the beginning of the year in order to be sure that there are some people coming to Rwanda because of FESPAD only. rd On 23 February 2013, FESPAD will th happen for the 8 time and it will end nd on 2 March 2013. This last week of FESPAD contains different actions, including competitions of traditional dance among the countries attending, visiting all provinces of Rwanda, and so on. Internet website www.rdb.rw says that Festival Pan African of Dance happens every two years and is held in Rwanda in order to develop Africa through the mixture of different cultures. It has been established by OUA (African Union Organization). Researched and written by NEPO

SHORT WOMEN IN THE WORLD 1 POULIN MUSTER: The woman, who is German, lived from 1876 to 1895. nd 2 Bridgette Jordan, who is a 22 year old American from the state of Illinois, was first on August 9, 2011. rd 3 this is a woman called JYOTI ANJE who is Indian. She was born on 16 December 1993. She was the shortest woman in 2012 and she has 62 centimeters of height with 5.25 kg of weight. She received an award as the woman who has the shortest height in the world after being written in the Guinness Book of World Records. JYOTI has finished her lessons in university in the country of India. Written by ELIJAH

Leonard: What can you ask from the leaders in this school? BEM: I ask them for increasing of motivation to players every day instead of being when there is a match. As you know, the stretch (tize) is done every day. Leonard: Thank you for your interview. BEM: Thank you, too. RWANDA National Peace Cup has started last weekend. APRFC defeated Sunrise 4-0. Police FC lost to Mukanya FC in penalties. Kiyovu Sport lost to Musanze FC in penalties. Rayon Sport defeated Rwamagana City 7-0. Ndayishimiye Jean Luc (Bakame), goalkeeper for APRFC, has been injured. He will be out of play for three months. He will return to play at the end of June. AFRICA African Orange Champions League has begun. Until now, Rwandan teams remain underdogs. APRFC was defeated by Vitaro FC from Burundi 2-1 at Amahoro National Stadium. Police FC played away in Bujumbura and lost 1-0. The next matches will take place this weekend. EUROPE In the European Champions League, Real Madrid and Barcelona FC are at risk of falling out of the championship because of their last

APPEGA Inter school matches have begun in different games. In football, G.S. APPEGA defeated Rwamashyongoshyo Secondary School 2-0. The first goal was scored by Christian from S5 and the second goal was scored by Cyiza, who is a newcomer in S4. In handball, G.S. APPEGA defeated Rwamashyongoshyo 17-8. In volleyball and basketball, Rwamashyongoshyo did not bring a team, so those matches were forfeited to APPEGA. Rwamashyongoshyo also did not bring any teams for girls.

When you analyze the teams this year, G.S. APPEGA has a good football team compared to previous years. This year there are many experienced players, such as: Captain J. Paul from S6D; ADELION, who is a newcomer in S6B; MAKENZE, a newcomer in S5; and Cyiza, a newcomer in S4. So, we expect this team to go far. We approached the second goalkeeper, BEM, and asked him some questions. Leonard: When you see this team, how do you see it? BEM: It is a good team, but there are some missed elements, such as #11 and #7. If we have these players, a team can be completed. Leonard: What can you ask from your coach? BEM: I ask for Coach to increase physical of players and to select carefully. Leonard: What message to players? BEM: I encourage them to have a team spirit relationship and work together.

VOLUME I: Issue 2

matches. Real Madrid tied Manchester United 1-1, while FC Barcelona lost to AC Milan 2-0. Bayern M defeated Arsenal 3-1.

IS SEND B THE CORRECTOR? The Jackson, a journalist at Binocular, sat down to talk to one of APPEGAs artists, Send B, King of Afrobeat in APPEGA. The Jackson: Whats up, Send B? Send B: Not bad. The Jackson: Send B, its been a long time since your fans have seen you on the stage. They want to know why you dont perform anymore. Send B: The reason why I still dont perform is not because I stopped my music but because of my group partner who stopped singing with me.

The Jackson: You are saying that your partner is no longer with you in

the group. So how will you sing the songs without him while the songs are for both of you? Sind B: The first songs are not mine only but they are also for my group partner, but after making disagreements between ourselves we decided that everyone would perform personally. The Jackson: Send B, we know that some parents never like to hear that their children want to sing because they think that they can learn bad behaviors. So, do your parents allow and support you with your music? Send B: Yes, my mother supports me somehow and she is the one who gives me money to have recordings of my songs from the studio because she always likes the way I sing. Even when I was still a child I used to sing which means I dont force myself to sing, but this is my talent. The Jackson: Send B, we know that your songs are on the radio and the presenters sometimes play your songs. Has this not been too difficult for you to do? Send B: Yes, it has been too difficult for me because when I first took my songs to the radio presenter he told me that radio presenters survive because of artists and the artists survive because of radio presenters, which means that I would give a bribe (corruption) to play my songs. Okay, I gave him some money in order that he could play my songs, but the problem is that he played them for a short time. The Jackson: Send B, when were you born? Send B: I was born on 5 August 1994.

The Jackson: Send B, its said that you changed your name. Could you tell us your new name, please? Send B: I didnt change my name. Im still called Send B, but I added the Corrector to my name. Therefore, Im called Send B the Corrector today. The Jackson: Why have you called yourself Send B the Corrector? Send B: As you know, artists sometimes misbehave by smoking and drinking alcohol. But I want to correct all of those mistakes by being different from them. Thats why Im Send B the Corrector. The Jackson: What can you tell your fans, Send B? Send B: We artists survive because of our fans and they are the ones who support us. For this reason, I want to request my fans to stay in touch because this coming Saturday I will be performing for them. The Jackson: Send B, what makes you happy in your life? Send B: What makes me happy in my life is that my mother supports me in everything. The Jackson: What has ever made you unhappy in your life? Send B: What made me unhappy in my life is that I never knew my father because I was born after my father had passed away. Another thing is that I once fought with another artist called KRG the Virus because one time we were planning to go sing at Agahozo and then he started to insult me by saying that Im not good at singing and I dont deserve music, therefore I became angry with him and fought with him. But after a few

days we tried to reconcile and apologize among ourselves. The Jackson: What can you tell other artists who study at APPEGA? Send B: I would request them to have friendship among themselves instead of speaking ill of each other and I also want to tell them that it will be better if they sing a song about APPEGA because our school has got a good history. The Jackson: Send B the Corrector, thank you for talking to Binocular Newspaper, man! Send B: Thank you.

VOLUME I: Issue 2

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