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Binocular Newspaper

BORN TO FRIDAY BATTLE SUPERSTARS Isaac was given an award as the best dancer at APPEGA. Isaac: What made me win is that I have many dance styles and I could use one at a time by changing but my competitors knew one style only. The Jackson: How many styles do you know how to dance? Isaac: They are about eight, including: robot dance, arm move, crump dance, bill boy, duggy, break dance and so many others! The Jackson: When did you begin to dance and who inspired you to like dancing? Isaac: I began to dance when I was still young. I think I was eleven years old and the superstar artist who inspired me to like dancing is Jason Derulo. Whenever I could see him on the stage it made me feel motivated and now I am in the group of dancers called Lil Saints. The Jackson: Do your parents help you in your dancing? Isaac: They help me and they promised me to help in dancing and singing, but after I have completed my secondary school studies. The Jackson: What style of music would you like to sing? Isaac: I would like to sing techno and pop. The Jackson: Do you plan to attend Born to Friday Season 2? Isaac: No! No! No! No! I cant, because they didnt fulfill the agreements that I had made with them and I didnt get my prize. But if they correct their mistakes I can do it again. But now I cant promise. The Jackson: Isaac, what do you like in your life and what do you dislike? Isaac: In my life, what I like is entertainment and basketball. And what I dislike is somebody who bothers and hurts other people. The Jackson: Thank you for having this good conversation with us. Isaac: You are welcome!

made me get an award, and then I felt alright. The Jackson: Can you tell us those who were your good competitors? JAX: I was with JC and SPG. The Jackson: Its said that SPG did not attend the final. Was she afraid of you? JAX: Maybe, I think so, because she knew the time of the final but that time she did not come. The Jackson: Which artist do you like in Rda? JAX: I like Fireman, but I would like to sing like P-fly because I like his voice. The Jackson: JAX, what do you like in life and what do you dislike? JAX: I like to sing and make my fans happy. I dislike somebody who underestimates his challenges. The Jackson: What can you tell your fans now? JAX: Yeah! I encourage them in their fanism and I promise to bring a record to them next year. The Jackson: Thank you for talking to Binocular Newspaper. JAX: Thank you, too. Stay cool! FACEBOOK ABUSE IN APPEGA days APPEGA students are using Facebook where they are able to chat and talk to their friends, especially when they are in school holidays. This shows how they practice ICT and do research on the


JAX was given an award as best singer.

The Jackson: Whats up, Isaac? Isaac: Cool, man! The Jackson: We have heard that you became the first dancer in Born to Friday Battle. Can you tell us how you felt when you won that competition? Isaac: Hahaha! First of all I thank my lord cause he strengthened me and my fans. The Jackson: We know that you had competitors. What made you win against them?

The Jackson: Hi, the JAX! JAX: Hi! The Jackson: The JAX, it is said you are the one who won the first place in Born to Friday Battle. Can you tell us how you felt when you won? JAX: First of all I wanna thank my fans because they are the ones who


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Internet, but the problem is that some of them use this technology in a wrong way because they do it by insulting, disgracing and speaking ill of their colleagues and schoolmates. Truly, this is antagonizing some people and students, for they do all this without having standard information or evidence. Some of the accounts which are used by students of APPEGA are: Ukuri muri APPEGA Iziri umusozi muri APPEGA GS APPEGA Itonde mu ibyo uvuga Some of the creators of these accounts are blamed for these insults by everyone in this school, including our leaders, like the headmaster, discipline master and former students who returned for the Facebook party. THE RUMORS ABOUT THEIR FRIENDSHIP ARE UNBELIEVABLE Pino Park: Elysee, whats up? Elysee: Im so cool! Pino Park: Elysee, we wish to know if youre one of APPEGAs students who use Facebook? Elysee: Of course I use that web for trying to chat with my friends and to know different kinds of news. Pino Park: We know well that in APPEGA there are many students who have group accounts. Can you tell us if there is one you are joining? Elysee: Its understandable as I use Facebook, I have groups where I am joining. Pino Park: Do you believe that all news that is posted on these group

accounts has reality or standard proof? Elysee: No! I dont confirm or say no because I havent any evidence, but if they are posting information about me I should know if they are wrong.

Pino Park: It was said that your relationship is special, which caused more to say that you are the boyfriend of Bonne. We dont know what you can say about that. Elysee: Bonne is simply a friend as you are. What I have to inform you is that we live together like a brother and sister, so those who have said that cant surprise me because people say what they want, even you because you take that as you want but my truth I think I have told before. Pino Park: What can you say to Binocular fans about the confusions they have for which we have spoken to you? Elysee: Ahhh! Ahhh! Let confusion reach to an end because what I told you before, its enough. I no longer challenge anyone and I hope that the chains that hold you are now broken. Pino Park: So, Elysee, we thank you for your attending. Elysee: Thank you, too! FACEBOOK PARTY IN APPEGA Last month, APPEGA hosted a performance of local artists called the Facebook Party. It is said that this party was the worst party compared to other parties that took place at APPEGA because the party was disorganized and unplanned. Some superstar artists who were supposed to come did not come. This is because the initiator of this party dodged and ran away to Kigali when the party was about to start and he is suspected of stopping those artists from coming because he had less money for paying them.

What we can say is that planners of the party did not have organization. Their party started late and it did not end as it was planned because it started at 5:00 while they were supposed to start at 2:00. Then, the performance lasted only one hour because the discipline master came to stop it. Therefore, we request them to plan their things well and choose someone to conduct them well before performance time. APPEGA COMPUTER LABS WERE OPENED OFFICIALLY


Pino Park: During the holidays of the first term, there was some news that was posted on the Ukuri muri APPEGA account where they have shown the lists of different couples that you can find in APPEGA. They linked you with a young girl called Bonne. Is it true? Elysee: No! I think that I have told you that all the posts you can find there are not true. So, I confirm without doubting that there is no truth.

/ KOREA international cooperation agency ,offered to APPEGA 50 computers and two projectors last year while APPEGA had very few computers and there was never any projector in the history of tat school .two computer rooms were opened officially by manager of KOICA in RWANDA and district leaders .what wonderfully ceremony ! truly this is something to be delighted in because KOICA come as an answer and solution of problem of APPEGA STUDENTS .in the history of our school one computer could be used by more than 5 students at the same time but today each student uses his /her computer without being bothered by anyone .today computer science teachers no long waste time

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by showing one student at a time how to use a computer but he/she sits and clicks as students follow him /her on projector .what wonderful technology ! In the speech of our head master, he tried to thank KOICA with all his heart by expressing the way how content he was with KOICA funds. After our head master speech two APPEGA students SHUMBUSHO Jackson and NIYITEGEKA Yayeli,stood up to thank KOICA representing for their schoolmates and therefore they requested KOICA to keep on having good relationship with RWANDA and APPEGA school in general .in addition to that they requested KOIDA to find out how they can give scholarships to children of RWANDA so that they should go to study in their country Korea but manager of KOICA did not answer this question .my dear friends let us wait for while maybe he is still thinking about it. AFTER SNATCHING MONEY HE WAS SENT AT HOME It was almost at 9:0 0 a young boy known as KAREBU and another is CHRISTIAN fought with each other. While others were praying and confessing their sins those boys were fighting, it is said that it was not the first time for him trying to snatch. In the following morning I found CHRISTIAN who was snatched outside, beside the dormitory where he tried to explain more to his friends about how the game started, CHRISTIAN said that last time in first term I had lent him my trouser

as usual in society, it was good and very expensive and I liked it so much. When I asked KAREBU to bring me my trouser, he said that trouser was stolen. I tell you the truth was difficult to accept that situation but CHRISTIAN was trying to solve that hard problem by asking KAREBU to pay few as friend, he told CHRISTIAN that no matter and he said time for payment but when time was come KAREBU did not bring to CHRISTIAN his money, so it continued in that way until nd beginning of 2 term, where CHRISTIAN again tried to lend KAREBU his short of mark of (Duckies) as the first time he did not bring that short to Christian, he said again it was stolen. As you are in his place, what you could do? CHRISTIAN was weird! He began to force him to pay, KAREBU tried to change date but no change appeared. The last date date CHRISTIAN thought it was that previous Friday where he tried to remind KAREBU to pay, he began quarreling together with insulting CHRISTIAN to his parents (MOTHERF***ER), this immediately open his angry after fighting was begin. It is said that when displine master have arrived, he took them to take punishment throught sticking them and after they were received WEEK-END but CHRISTIAN said that even he went at home but he will return back, so he will pay me.


not given forgiveness because head master had already made up his mind .now ,their friends are very sad because they ve lost their beloved ones but we request them to comfort themselves and may GOD keep on helping them in their lives. SHE WAS CHOKED BY SWEET POTATOES BECAUSE OF HER STOMACH This girl is beautiful and more attractive than you think and she studies in s6c but I dont her name. Last day when they cooked potatoes for supper q\one girl, who is known as the best later among other girls entered the refectory to take her meal, when he took her potatoes to hat them, she began to eat greedily and then potatoes straggled her in her threat. What sad story! She began to cry a suing for help but other student did t hear her because she was using features but fortunately she saw a bottle of water and ran to take it ,she after having drunk water, she began to breathe again and every one was surprised in refectory but the problem is that this was not her first time because she normally eat more food than boys greedily hence we advise her to eat what she can and if there are other girls like, her ,they must take an example from her in order to correct their mistakes.


boys who study in S5 (BORIS and CONGORE) and one boy who studies in S4B (GAKIRE Benony) were caught drinking beer in the pub while their schoolmates were in the school revising their notes, it is said that these three guys drank AGASEMBUYE until they lost control and then one of villagers of GAHENGERI called a person in charge of displine in APPEGA informing him of what had happened to those boys ,prefe of displine having heard that ,took his camera and ran as quick as possible to wards the pub in which they were taking AGASEMBUYE r ,when prefe of displine reached there ,he began to take those boys pictures so as to have an evidence to show their parents . The following morning on Monday, there was a staff meeting conducted by head master of APPEGA in order to decide what they could do on such matters. The result of that meeting was to dismiss those boys in accordance with the rules regarding the drunkard in the school .what time of tears! on that day ,their parents came to apologize for their children s mistakes but they were

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boy MBARUSHIMANA Charles known as SHABAN was born on 18/7/1990 in Ramayana district Kigabiro sector and Bwiza cell, the place called RUTONDE. His father is Habyarimana and his mother is Mukakimonyo Chantal .he told us that his sadness is that both his parents are dead ,his father died in1998 whereas his mother died on 24 November 2003 ,after his parents death he went to live with his grandmother who begot his mother called NYIRARUDODO Euphrasie .this young boy told us that he experienced through bad life ,when he was 13 years old he began to collect fire and fetch water for his neighbors in order to get some money to buy shoes and clother ,he continued to live in that life as he grew up . when he was 14 years old .he started to learn how to repair

shoes and then he dropped down a burden of firewood and jerry cans of his neighours.he was doing all this as he was studying when he was in primary six he started to wonder where he could get school fees even if it wasnt too much, because of the life of his brother, grandmother and him. when he passed primary leaving examination he succeeded with good marks and become the fourth in twenty nine pupils from his school ,a women teacher who was teaching him heard that he had succeed and then she started to search for supporters to help SHABAN because she knew that Shaban was an orphan child .after getting an admission letter to go in secondary school ,he started to to hopeless because nowhere he could get school fees and material to him in in his studies ,his teacher and he did not sit down for his teacher kept search for supporters and he was trying to change the school in which he had been admitted , thereafter he was admitted in ESR (Ecole secondary de Rwamagana ) the school located in RUTONDE . in the beginning of second term he got a project to help him called CARITAS when he succeeded ordinary level leaving organization he was admitted in APPEGA to study accountancy ,today Shaban is in S6B ,and he needs people to advise him .this boy is technician, here are some of things that he does : I. repairing shoes ,bags ,register notebooks II. farming III. building

carpentry electrical wiring making bracelets repairing radio ,calculator ,telephone That was the brief /summary of the history of SHABAN. Whoever wants to help or advise him, he/she can find him in Senior six B (S6B) THREE RWANDA ARTIST GIRLS WHO LIKE TO BE NAKED (ABAHANZIKAZI NYARWANDA BAKUNDA KWAMBARA UBUSA)


The second girl who likes to show the parts of her body is FEARLESS who sings HIP HOP style this girl wear the clothes that show her breast as you see in this picture.


first girl who likes to put on clothes that show the parts of her body is SACHA who sing RNB style This girl is beautiful and attractive but I we do not know reason why she likes to be naked by showing her hips.

The third girl who likes to wear clothes which attract boys and men to see her is SANDRA MIRAJI; this girl shows her thigh and breasts, here she was with POETA a wife of P.FLA

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multiple cuts on one of her wrists because she had drunk much beer. THE US SPY PROGRAM REVEALED



Red pepper newspaper from UGANDA announced that good life was not given a visa to go to U.S.A but WIZZLE AND RADIO said that they were given a visa to attend BET AWARDS IN U.S.A. Last month these two guys were selected to attend completion of BET AWARDS that would take place in LOS ANGELS in the house known as NOKIA THEATRE but there are some people who spread rumors saying that USA EMBASSY refused to give them a visa to go in AMERICA because they could use drugs like IRYN NAMUBIRO who had been suspected of taking drugs in U.S.A previous years PARIS JACKSON A DAUGHTER OF MICHOEL JACKSON ATTEMPTED SUICIDE PARIS JACKSON a daughter of the late king of pop MICHOEL JACKSON tried to kill herself and was quickly taken hospital where she is recovering , according to TMZ PARIS 15 rushed to the hospital. It was alleged that 911call were made around 1:47 reported as a suspected overdose but there are claims that she had

This month, the US government has

charged EDWARD SNOWDEN with theft of government property unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified intelligence with an unauthorized person. SNOWDEN revealed a US government surveillance program called the PRISM. SNOWDEN went to Hong Kong in order to reveal this news and then went to Russia. Now he is trying go to ECUADOR to avoid being put in prison. NELSON MANDELA IS VERY SICK

to LOS ANGELS TIMES the first black president of SOUTH AFRICA NELSON MANDELA remains in critical condition in PRETORIO hospital, President JACOB told a packed briefing Monday. President ZUMA and his spokesperson MAHALAJI called on journalists to respect the privacy of the former president and his family and to stop trespassing on rules of patient client confidentiality, doctors are doing well everything possible to ensure his wellbeing and comfort. When the journalists asked present ZUMA the kind of sickness of MANDELA, president ZUMA said I said I am not a doctor i think what I understand is that when a person is critical, the person is critical, I can not describe the condition that is the business of a doctor , so I will stop there but president ZUMA kept to request all people all over the world to pray for MANDELA but he did not announce his sickness therefore pray for the hero of AFRICA. PIUS HAS EARNED HIS MASTERS DEGREE SHEMA (the Young) has approached Pius for an interview in order to know more about his Masters degree graduation. SHEMA (the Young): Who is Pius after graduation (identification)? Master Pius: I am a teacher at GS APPEGA Gahengeri since 2006 teaching business courses, including business communication and other related subjects of the accountancy

option. Im hard working, I listen to students problems and I usually use English fluently while teaching. I studied in Uganda from 1986 in primary school at Gacucu P/S P1-P7 (1992), 1993-1996 at St. Andrew Seminary (Uganda), got O level certificate (1997-1998), got A level certificate from St. Paul Secondary School. After, I joined KIST 20032005, and after that joined SFB (School of Finance and Banking) in Rwanda doing a BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration) in 2009. After, I joined Kabare University in Kabare, Uganda in 2010 where I did Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) for two years and completed, passed well and graduated on 23 March, 2013.

SHEMA (the Young): Will you still be at APPEGA after your graduation? Master Pius: Yes, of course. Since GS APPEGA is a secondary school and

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has got all courses which I specialized in, strong teaching staff, good students, is located in a good place and with cooperative leaders, I have no reason to leave the place in which I have spent almost seven years. SHEMA (the Young): How do you see APPEGA school during this time? Master Pius: APPEGA is performing well in all aspects, especially in academics, discipline, football and in other traditional dances and students too. Teachers are very cooperative and this has been done mainly since 2006 under the leadership of SEMA Ruboneka from its history where many students started joining universities where before there were none. SHEMA (the Young): If it is possible, could you advise students who are studying nowadays at APPEGA? Master Pius: For students studying in this school, I encourage them to be patient, courageous, eager to learn new things, to be able to listen to their leaders, help parents, be Godfearing students, to study with objectives, have good personal decisions, listen to educative advice, especially from teachers, elders and parents. SHEMA (the Young): Thank you so much for interviewing with Binocular Newspaper and I wish for you to get a blessed chance and good times caused by your strong personality. Enjoy your Masters Degree!


The Jackson: Who is Mike? Give us

detailed information. Mike: I am a 26 year-old American. I work as a volunteer for Peace Corps, which is an organization that promotes development through training people to be self-sufficient. I like to play basketball and to read books.

The Jackson: Mike, we know that you are a volunteer teacher from America. Therefore, I want to ask you the way how you have seen our country and the way how your students perform here at APPEGA? Mike: Rwanda is a good country. It is very beautiful and its people are beautiful. I see that the education system here is changing rapidly, which brings some challenges. For example, the transition from French to English has been very difficult for students who previously studied in French. But I am seeing a steady increase in the ability of students to

speak English well. Some of the younger students are very good. Even with the difficulties we face in Rwandan education, I am continually impressed with the amount of intelligence my students exhibit. The Jackson: Mr. Mike, what barriers have you faced in your job of teaching? Mike: There is a definite lack of resources for teachers. Few textbooks are available and teachers spend a lot of time researching their lessons. It was good when KOICA donated so many computers to our school because it allowed us to put a computer in the teachers room. I installed some programs there to help teachers do research without needing a modem to connect to the Internet. Unfortunately, that computer was stolen, so now we have fewer resources again. The Jackson: What has made you happy ever since you came in Rwanda? Mike: I am happy when I am spending time with my friends. I also like to move around and see different parts of the country. It really is a beautiful place to live. The Jackson: What has antagonized you in Rwanda or in APPEGA? Mike: One difficulty I have had is being touched by strangers. Americans do not like to be touched, especially by people who we dont know. The Jackson: Its said you are going back to America by the end of this year. What do you plan to do for your students before you go back to America?

Mike: I plan to finish teaching them and make sure that they are prepared to continue their studies next year. The Jackson: Will you ever plan to come back in Rwanda after you have gone back home or are you going to live there forever? Mike: I will try to return to visit Rwanda, but if I do it wont be for many years because the plane ticket to reach here is very expensive. The Jackson: What can you tell your friends here in APPEGA (students)? Mike: I wish you the best of luck with your studies and your careers. Dont ever stop trying to make yourself a better person. The Jackson: Thank you, Mr. Mike. Mike: My pleasure!

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