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f%fbZF b (Usage) - I1

3-1) The coastal waters o f Antarctica are rich in animal life. R-1)

~ * ~ m * - i m - - i m a i ~ ~ ~ ~ l

d-2) A

shot up in his arm.

E-2) m + t f m ~ w ~ m d k p l

Whatever work you assign him, he will d o it with great pains.

E-3) & * * m ~ , ~ P f t * a * l
Ti QT pain (M) d k pains (FiWPf) T f;T m:F R 8 I 3 ~ ~ r n + n d r ? i m f ; r & 3 T ~ * m 3 ~ ~ ~ m ~ , ~ f $ ; ~
~ ; r % 3 ~ 1


T o coordinate and maintain standards of distance education in the country a Distance Education Council has been west up with IGNOU as the apex body.



Bangladesh has sought the help of Sri Lanka in ending the ongoing dispute regarding the sharing of w a t a with India.


S a k o f plavlng cards go up before Diwali.


T h e s e s are the creative efforts of thousands of literacy workers, writers, poets and artists who have toiled for the cause of literacy.


In our times there was no need to appeal to the courts for settlement of such issues.


The time

is not suitable for commencing the work.


The cinema has been a part of

for almost 100 years.


1 Iooked for the horrible young man and could see s -

of him.


Former Prime Minister Morarji Desai who died in Bom,bay on 10 April 1995 was cremated with state honours on the W s of the river Sabarmati.

Q 10) - T

of Socialist leader Madhu Limaye were today cofined to flames at the electric crematorium nearyijaya Ghat in Delhi.

4-4) ff-43T)

Our history

. .

such as this.


* m M 2 1

f f - 4 3 I T ) ~ ' ~ ~ ~ t i T *?RTFPTf%T*l l T *
N f & T 'the + i%?W/%&hW


mw*'mMm~e~;r*f;t**d81*: 4-5) The more you work, the more you learn. ff-5)

~3 d the .... the .EFT rrbm gr9 ddrjm; * W7



The longer the night, the shorter the day.


The more we know about the rocks, the better we can determine their age.


The more speakers of English he meets, the more different kind of English he hears, the more easily will he understand them all.


The finer (are) the grains, generally the better are the physical properties of the steel.


In order to comprehend this argument we have to go back to the initial statement made by the speaker.


If you go straight, you can save time.


The more the Government spends for military purposes, the less is available for improvements in living standards of people.


Some blame it on television, or the weather, or bad films, or slimmer purses.

( * ~ r n * d ~ W 6 r 4 d & ~ f l ) ~ 8 P T & ~ ~ ~ f ; v M f f g m w m m 8 * v m m * M $ * *

m r n w - ; f ~ ~ q * ~ s . ; f ~ s o m e ~ f ; r ~ 3 ~ ~ 3 +

~wf;r.rrdm&mmfmrTrnrfMa~&qfg3rn-m~* WRTT~IWFFKWTWWJ=T m~ *w ;~ 2; ~%TM f$ T R f 3 T F F l $ television, weather, films, purses FP#T T G 3 I &?IT %, m m $ * - S t m * m M M f f d+WF9qm begged, bribed, threatened others 3FPT-3lTT -drif d?T6l W & WXil f &Fm-@mh++rn3d%: q-7) Everyone was afraid to go. So he went to the waterfront and boldly seized some

sailors and forced them to go. He begged and bribed and threatened others.

@-7) R ~ & ~ R ~ W V I ~ T ~ - X W ~ *
* ~ m f i ~ * * p m h , ~ i t f s l i a * , ~ ~ y d


Millions of men and women turned to Hoover because they thought that Smith would make the White House a branch office of the Vatican, or turned to Smith because they wished to

strike at religious intolerance, or opposed Hoover because they though: he would prove to be a stubborn doctrinaire, or were activated chiefly by dislike of Smith's hats or Mrs, Smith's jewellry.


When &entered

the room, ~e teacher saw the students waiting for her

+-9) f$-9)

Because of h h i g h abundance h is often found as an impurity in other metal compounds.

~ ~ ~ t i ~ + m ~ m m q M * m m + m % m m

d r n m f ? M ~ ~ ~ m w i m M ~ m w 3 m f ~ m % ~



Before he turned his creative genius to psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud wrote a short monograph on aphasia.


Though he had never noticed any ill effects when he was younger, Nobutoshi now felt completely exhausted the morning after drinking heavily.


As soon as they niet, Dennie and Humboldt would at once talk about old movies and new pills.


Every afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to go and play in the Giant's garden.


The part it plays in our life is such that it is difficult to realise that fifty years ago this metal was a rarity.


Because of the fundamental structural relationships between them, we discuss the oxides of iron together, rather separately under the different oxidation states.


Being the custodians of our heritage u can not ignore these issues.


. r d f r n ~ ~ e * m M ~ w & $ W ~ ~ + ~ . r ; f p ? 1 ~ f i T . 4 ~ *Mmmql**3hT*;Tffm8,m~;f*h orhmmb*rn37ef***rn,*:

3?-10) To obtain required information on the subject pnelwg must use another method.

@-lo) w f k W m s ~ ~ c r m 4 i m m ~ * ~ * 3 m ~ 3 m ; n i f M l

e m M m i f & 21 ~ t ? d ~ ~ ~ ~ $ r S k fi h k& r rPTI n i f~ ~ m - M * k - b 3 1 Em W-e if you, we & one

+ T

e ~ TI ~ f l


+ m if Tirm f
~ ~ w




W e r ~ + 3mmfkmm1

One does not, indeed, see electric current. nor can one hear it, taste it, or smell it.


Of course, you get differences in an organization.




It is awful when you can't remember someone's nanle.


1 was more influenced by the fact, strongly urged by Marx himself, that before you can have comprehensive socialism, you must have capitalism.


Sometimes, one/you/we may come across an unrspected problem.


That imperiaisim has come to an end we cannot doubt

f $ f % i W m ? m r v 7)

We cannot take total satisfaction from this great change.


Strangely, we don't have a generally accepted definition of what Arctic is.


We may use acids or bases as catalysts for this reaction.


Earned leave does not affect your entitlement to medical leave.

*-II )

He was the first to speak.

VStThW % f-

3FT ?iW ;f

VFl'kT first to speak d, 3 wP-f 8 FiT?T


@ - 1 1 ~ ) m+r*Jit

m-i?*&rnfml (f=nTd) mh e l ~ l(gta3mi 32f)

*-12) E-123~)

At midnight, no replv having been received. the two countries entered upon a formal state of war.




Me went to the ~ n i t e ' d States

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