Acknowled Gements: We Are Grateful To Many People For Assistance

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Boiler Operator's Exam Preparation Guide


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Acknowled gements
We are grateful to many people for assistance

with the preparation of this work:rstly, t o the Instituti on of Engine ering and Tec

hnology for much helpful advice, and for permission to publish extracts from the Wiring

Regulations. TheRegulatio ns are published as a British Standard, BS 7671, and we

are equallyindebt ed to the British Standards Institution for their

permission to publishextrac ts. This book is not a replacement for the IEE Regulations,

and copies of these and the guidance notes which accompany them may be obtained from

theInstitution at Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1

2AY.Many companies and individuals in the eld of electrical design and

installation work h ave been inst rumental in a ssisting and giving advice whichhas hel

ped in the pre paration of th is edition. W e would parti cularly like t oacknowledge contributions

from Amtech Power Software, the British StandardsInsti tution, the Ch artered Institu

tion of Buildi ng Services E ngineers, Coo perLighting a nd Safety, M W Cripwell L td, the Institut

ion of Engine ering andTec hnology, Invir on, W.T. Parker L td, Relux Info rmatik AG., a

nd Wrexham Mineral Cables. Our numerous questions have been answered

fully and courte-ously and this help has enabled me to present a practical and up-to-date

volume.Many of the on-site photographs have been possible thanks to the agreement

of individual electricians and designers, to whom we are most grateful.In addition to

the above we would like to thank a number of electricalequi pment suppliers and

individuals who have kindly supplied illustrations andphotograp hs. These are

individually credited.To one and all, we extend our appreciation

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