Design Cycle - Blog

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Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish

Technology Project

What….How…. When….Should We?

Introduction: The school's technology department needs to make a presentation for
their educational board to encourage the utilization of Web 2.0 within our classrooms.
There are many who are enthusiastic about this and many who are tensed as they feel a
threat to the educational process.

Challenge: We have to research and obtain background for our view point on Web 2.0
and provide the information in our presentation to the board. We should include a
synopsis of Web2, the tools available (at least 4), the software/hardware developments
that led to the web2 and how it can be harnessed educationally, and then we should use at
least two different communication mediums in your blog

Personal Group Questions:

 What is Web 2.0?
 Is Web 2.0 good or bad?
 What kind of blog would we use?
 How can we portray Web 2.0 information in a very interesting manner?
 How would we organize our blog system?

Essential Questions:

In What Way Technology Influenced The Knowledge?

“Acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general

erudition:” ( This definition is of knowledge. Knowledge is one of the
most common words. We hear the word knowledge when we are at school, we hear the
word knowledge when we start working, we hear the word ‘knowledge’ when we have
children and we hear the word ‘knowledge’ in our religion scriptures. Even though
knowledge is used in so many that it is quite common, it is one of the words that has one
of the deepest meaning. Knowledge is something that we learn throughout our lifetime, it
is said that “no one knows the true meaning of knowledge until they are buried”. This
means that we humans keep on learning throughout our lifetime.
In 21st century World Wide Web is being used for informing/teaching people. “The
Internet facilitates, classifies and enables the exchange of information, knowledge and
news.” (Seifkashani) .There are online news papers, blogs, encyclopedia, and articles etc
which are being used for enlightening people about various topics. “The Internet could be
the major media to promote the reading level in the world.” (Seifkashani) . Because of
internet, it has become very easy for people to access learning. As internet is widely
diverse, not only do people get to know about different interpretations of various topics
but also get to share their views.

Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

Distribution of Internet Users, survey taken in March 31st 2009.

Internet has rapidly been growing throughout the world. Many people go n internet for
many reasons and one of the reason is education. Internet is one of the biggest sources for
education. As internet especially Web 2.0 gives people the power to publish posts on
shared group websites, exchange of knowledge is therefore available.
Multi lingual web sites have improved the standards of internet quite a lot. Websites such
as Wikipedia are multi lingual, meaning that people can read the posts in their language
(if the language is available).

When everyone throughout the world can access internet, it is guaranteed that people will
receive knowledge. People can not only understand the information on internet by
reading text in their own knowledge but also seeing educational videos for visual
learners. This sum up to one thing that yes Technology Has Influenced The Knowledge,
but in a good way, instead, I believe that technology should be encouraged more in
schools for educational purpose. At OSC, we use technology for most of the subjects and
while doing that, we learn relate our theory knowledge with a technological medium to
describe our point of views. We use PowerPoint to show slides, we use Word to write
down essays, we use Moviemaker to make videos for our project, we use websites for
researching and last but not least, we use technology to relate ourselves with a wider
based community; sharing our knowledge.


What is Web 2.0?

It's a new generation (second generation) of web development communication and
sharing information. (p.s. Web 1.0 is regarded as the First Generation.) It is the evolution
of Web-based communities; it opens more chances for the users by allowing them to post
or generate the content which was limited to only a few people before.
-Young jun
Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

Figure 1 - key difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 (the image is on the blog)

According to the definition on the web, Web 1.0 is 'a retronym which refers to the state of
the World Wide Web, and any website design style used before the advent of the Web 2.0'

According to the web cite called 'Cormode,' Web 2.0 is 'a term that is used to denote
several different concepts: Web sites based on a particular set of technologies such as
AJAX; Web sites which incorporate a strong social component, involving user profiles,
friend links; Web sites which encourage user–generated content in the form of text, video,
and photo postings along with comments, tags, and ratings'.

So basically, the major big difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is that Web 2.0 is the
both-side way of communication on the internet and Web 1.0 is the one-side
communication way.

For easy explanation, a person published something on Web 1.0 then the uses only could
have a look at it and they generated only few content or comment. As you see the figure 1
given above, Web 1.0 is ‘the most likely read-only Web’. However, as the population of
the internet users has been increased, people realized that it is much valuable to share
people’s idea or opinion and they made it possible to make a comment or generate the
own content for the users also. Now it is more likely ‘widely read-write Web’.

-Posted by Haneul Choi

Works cited

Cormode, Graham, and Balachander Krishnamurthy. "Key Differences between Web 1.0
and Web 2.0a." Welcome to UIC. 15 Feb. 2008. 02 Apr. 2009 .

Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

Figure 2 - Elements of the Web's Next Generation

Best (or most interesting) Web 2.0 Definitions and Explanations

In many internet sites like Skype, Wikipedia, and blogs, they show many different
definitions and explanations of WEB 2.0 and how it used in our life. We use Web 2.0 in
our lives quite often by filtering, sharing some contents and files, social searching,
collaboration, and social bookmarking (in library). Lots of information and files are
lined-up that easy to find and looks simple by using the Web 2.0. And there is the biggest
advantage in Web 2.0 than Web 1.0, as the research I've done before show, in web 1.0 the
people and users interact only one way (uploader->reader) with `http://` internet sites
which are HTLM, Ajax, Flash… etc. But in Web 2.0 which is new generation, the people
and users interact two ways (uploader <-> reader) with internet sites and themselves.
They can control and tagging to those services and faces which is RSS, REST, SOAP,
HTML, Ajax, Flash… etc. In addition, more people and users can use the software, web
2.0, or internet sites in better condition.


Do you know Web 2.0?

35 people answered this question. Out of 35 people, 60% know what web 2.0 is and 40%
don’t know what it is. This tells us that not many people have the knowledge about Web
2.0. We sent this survey to the entire secondary school and only 35 people answered the
Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

survey. As many didn’t answer the survey, then there is a chance that there maybe more
students who know what it is and there maybe be some students who don’t.

If your answer 'Yes' for Question 1, how well do you know about Web 2.0?

Out of the 21 people who know what Web 2.0 is, 7 people have said that they know Web
2.0 very well that they can explain what Web 2.0 is. Though, as we sent our survey to the
entire secondary school, some grade 10's must have answered it as well, hence their is a
chance that those 7 people who know Web 2.0 very well can be grade 10's or maybe not.
Other 14 people don’t have too much knowledge about it but do understand the concept.
The 14 people have a brief idea about Web 2.0. To be honest this isn’t impressive, out of
35 people 21 know Web 2.0 and 14 don’t know and out of 21 people, only 7 know very
well and 14 just have a brief idea.

If you answered 'Yes' for question 1, please answer the question. What is/are
the example(s) of Web 2.0?

We gave people the options to choose that which websites they think are Web 2.0 (the
people who said that they know Web 2.0 are only supposed to answer this question). As
only 21 people in the previous questions said that they knew what Web 2.0 was, we
expected to get only 21 responses, but instead we got 25. Meaning that 4 people who
don’t know what Web 2.0 is answered this question.

Most of the people voted for Face book; about 20 people did and it is completely correct.
Facebook is Web 2.0 as people can share and write their ideas. Then YouTube got the
second highest votes. 19 people voted for YouTube which is also a Web 2.0 as people can
comment on the videos and have public forums on it for discussions. Then Myspace and

Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

Wikispaces got 17 votes (separately). Yes, those two community based sites are web 2.0.
We have then gotten 16 people who have voted for Blogger (which is totally web 2.0 as
we are using someone else's websites to publish our ). Whereas 6 people voted for

Do you think that Web 2.0 should be incorporated into the school

Out of 35 people, 24 people said yes, Web 2.0 should be incorporated into the school and
11 people said no that it shouldn’t. As there were only 21 people who said that they know
about Web 2.0 and here we get to see that 24 people want Web 2.0 to be incorporated.
This means that there are some students who don’t know about Web 2.0 want it to be
incorporated into the school environment. That is good which means that people think
that it will help them. Though some people don’t want Web 2.0 to be used. The reasons
may be using YouTube, Facebook and such sites in school would interrupt in their
studies. Though we can still use other Web 2.0 sites which would help the students in
their studies.

-Posted by Kashish Sharma


 Movie Maker (for creating videos)
 Power Point (presentations)
 Internet (research)
 Camera (for videoing)

Design Brief:
As response to the challenge, we will create a blog which will contain our design cycle.
Through the blog we would post information as well have a electronic design cycle
online. That way we will be promoting more of Web 2.0 as it will make process journal

Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

entered easier for us. Our group is with Web 2.0 and we will create a video and
PowerPoint presentation which would help us convey to the community that there is no
harm in using Web 2.0 but there is only profit.

Design Specification:
After discussing, we came unto this conclusion that we will create a video and a power
point as our two mediums to inform people that Web 2.0 is beneficial. The requirements
that we have for our designs are:

For video:
 Upto 10 minutes of the movie, not more.
 Will be interesting, not too serious so that people don’t get bored but learn at the same
 Will have photos as well as video.
 A sound track would be interesting as well.
 Will be describing difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.
 Will contain all three partners- Ha Neul, Kashish and Young Jun.
 Will have a plot/story which will demonstrate the importance of Web 2.0
 MUST include that how Web 2.0 will benefit OSC!

For PowerPoint:
 Presentation shouldn’t be more than 5-8 minutes.
 Having not more than 10 slides
 Containing pictures.
 Information relevant, short and precise.
 Must contain hyperlinks to different websites which will provide info on the topic as
 Must have videos in it as well (optional, might not)
 MUST include that how Web 2.0 will benefit OSC!

I think that it is relevant to have at least these points in our video and presentation in
order for it to be precise, interesting and effective. If we manage to make our create like
the points above we might succeed in our aim as the points above lead to a short
presentation which would contain information but will be interesting as well and
hopefully wont make the audience sleep during the presentation. Keeping the audience
into the presentation and providing them with information about Web 2.0 and how it
could be beneficial in the OSC environment.

Relation's to AOI's (Areas of Interaction).

Human Ingenuity: This project is mostly related to Human Ingenuity. “Why and how do
we create?” is one of the questions I have started with. We create whenever we need
something. Hence we are creating a video and presentation in order to help on OSC
community to understand the importance of Web 2.0. By creating the video and
presentation, we will be telling them about Web 2.0. “What are the consequences?” the

Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

consequence of our project will be that people would actually come to know the benefits
of Web 2.0 and soon our teachers would start using web 2.0 in-class.

Community and Service: This project is also related to community and service. We will
be creating video and presentation for OSC community who do not know about Web 2.0.
This way we will be helping a lot of people basically the school community. I myself
know quite a lot of students who use Blogs and some teachers who encourage students to
use blogs for maintaining online journals and if we manage to make other teachers use
other types of Web 2.0 then that would be fantastic and the community will be benefited
from this.

Environments: "In what ways can environments influence technology choices?" This
question is quite big and deep as well. Our OSC environment encourages students to
learn and develop themselves as a whole person. There are some types of technology
which can either have good and bad effects on the environment. Like nuclear energy, it
was made for the betterment of the society but later on nuclear energy was also used for
making nuclear bombs. Technology can be used both good way and bad, it depends on
the user. If OSC makes the right use of Web 2.0 we will encourage the usage of
technology and people will learn to use things in different ways and may also make good
and proper use of it.

How do I test my product?

As the purpose is to create a presentation which will convince the educational board
(teachers) to use Web 2.0. We will ask teachers. We will show teachers our videos and
power point and ask them what they think about. We will get a feedback from them and
hence we shall write that down in our evaluation if we were successful or not.


Here we will work on our planning and write down the steps we will be taking to get out
task done in time. The purpose of the plan is that the students keep on track throughout
the time while they are working. Plan also is useful to give you an understanding of the
amount of time which would take to complete the task in time.

Our Brief Plan:

1) Starting off with a blog which isn’t complete (2 Days)
2) Writing an introduction of the blog (2 Days)
3) Making the layout of the blog (2 Days)
4) Working on the starting posts (2 Days)

Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

5) Starting of the Research :

Research on Web 2.0 (2 Days)
Research on different types of Web 2.0 (3 Days)
Survey; asking people about their views on Web 2.0 (4 Days)
Analyze the result from the Survey (2 Days)
Discuss on this with the other partners (1 Day)

6) Conclusion: Writing our view on using Web 2.0 and defining whether Web 2.0 is good
or bad (10 Days)

7) Publishing our Blog and letting people know about it (5 Days)

8) Evaluating our Blog and updating it so our readers are into it (8 Days)

Date Description
March 18 Today we created the blog.
March 19 Today we wrote down brief introduction about our blog
March 20 Will create an online journal system on blog which will help
us to keep updated.
March 25 Will write the blog introduction on the front page.
March 26 Would finish with introductions and focus on the blog layout.
Adding different sections.
March 27 Would be finished with simple layout, will focus on
publishing our blog and having a proper title as well as a url.
April 3 Will divide the work and sections in between Ha Neul, YJ and
me (Kashish),
April 8 Will write down an introductory post for each section so that
we don’t get confused in between the process. As this is not
such a big process we will start our research from now on.
April 10-19 VACATIONS. Unlikely for anyone of us to work on the
project during the vacations as people would be gone. But in
between people may research.
April 21 Young Jun and Ha Neul will be researching about Web 2.0
whereas Kashish will be writing the essential question and its
April 22 Kashish will continue answering Essential Question but will
call a small meeting today so that the group could also
contribute its ideas. Last day for researching on the meaning
of Web 2.0.
April 27 Kashish will end working on essential question. Young Jun
will send out survey and Ha Neul will work on different types
of Web 2.0. Kashish will then work on guiding questions for
the group.
April 28 Young Jun will collect survey and Kashish will analyze them.
Young Jun will be helping Ha Neul in the last part of the
research which is left.

Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

April 29 Kashish will end working on surveys today and Young Jun
and Ha Neul will be done with research today.
April 30 Kashish will start Design Brief and finish it today and
afterschool will work on Design Spec and hopefully finish it.
As soon as the Design Spec is done, Ha Neul and Young Jun
will then start working on the script for the play. Kashish will
work on Relations to AOI’s meanwhile.
May 1 Kashish will finish working on Investigation; hence the
biggest section would now be done. Young Jun and Ha Neul
will almost be done with the script. Young Jun would start
working on the PowerPoint design. Ha Neul will continue
working on the script.
May 2 We will film the video in Ha Neul’s house today and will get
rid of our one create. Today Young Jun will be done with
editing the video and start on the PowerPoint whereas Kashish
and Ha Neul will be working on evaluation the create section.
May 4 We will ask teachers to give feedbacks on our video and will
then write our evaluation on the bases of the feedbacks.



During the entire process

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Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project


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Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project


As we mentioned earlier in design brief and specification, we chose to make a video and
a presentation for two different mediums to explain about Web 2.0 after a long
discussion. We had three different designs at first, word document, presentation using MS
Power point and short video using Windows Movie Maker, and we chose two of them,
presentation and video for several reasons.

Design 1. Word Document

Word Document has quite a lot of advantages and disadvantages at the same time. First of
all, it would be the most original and we can give more information to explain Web 2.0
on the word document. However, we thought it would be a bit boring and long which
would not fascinate people to read this. Besides, to write in a Document, we should be
really formal and using a proper technology word which is really strange to the normal
We decided that the final product is for everyone who both well knows about computer
and doesn’t know about it at all, and we thought that it would be too difficult for them to
understand what Web 2.0 is.
For these reasons, we decided not to make it in a Word Document.

Design 2. Presentation (Power Point)

Next, we thought about the presentation. We can explain about Web 2.0 easily with less
word than the document. In addition, this could have lots of visuals such as pictures and
videos to make people easy to understand the concept of Web 2.0 which is the ultimate
purpose of this product. Images say more than what the words can say and it’s easier to
understand the concept; images don’t need people to know about all the new professional
vocabulary for explaining Web 2.0.
Like we said in Design Specification, this should be about 5 minutes long using the easy
words so that we can hold the audience’s attention all the time and make them easy to
understand. The information given in this presentation should be really precise and
written in easy words as well. This also should contain pictures and hyperlinks to the
good websites where more explanation is. However, we decided not to put the video in
this unlike what we said in Design Specification. We thought it’ll be too long if we put
the video in it; we believed that we better give them the links where they can learn more
about Web 2.0 if they want.

Design 3. Video
We thought it’ll be the best way to explain what Web 2.0 is if we can actually explain it in
our own words in front of the students and teachers like the IT class. However, we can’t
do that all the time, and then we thought we could film it and show it to the people
anytime and anywhere. Video also has quite a lot of advantages: it’ll be easy for people to
understand what Web 2.0 is since we would explain it in our own words, it’ll be the more
interesting than the presentation or the word documents so that it’ll always hold the
audiences’ attention and it’ll be impressing visually and aurally. Besides, as we are
filming this, we ourselves can also understand better about Web 2.0.
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Young Jun, Ha Neul and Kashish
Technology Project

Ha Neul, Kashish and Young jun, all three of us, will be on the video for sure. This will
be also less than 10 minutes long, otherwise it’ll be a bit boring and distracting. Like we
said in Design Specification, it will have some serious parts, but interesting, not being
serious, most of the time. We’ll be explaining the differences between Web 1.0 and Web
2.0 to make the audience easy to understand the main idea. We decided not to put the
pictures in it unlike what we decided in Design Specification, because it’ll be too much to
edit them since we have changed the time plan for Create due to the running our of time
and it’s quite limited to edit the video with the Movie Maker.

So as we mentioned earlier we decided to make a video and a presentation for our final
two different products. I think it’s really good to reckon the advantages and disadvantages
of each designs to choose what to make. By the so, we could complete it better and think
reasonably. It was also really nice to be detail how we are going to do it; we can plan how
we are going to make them as we are designing which means that we saved some times
as well.

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