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TEST - 1 mark per correct answer.

1. “Her hair was like straw” is an example of a __________________.

2. “Her hair is straw” is an example of a _______________________.

3. “The clouds cried tears of rain” is an example of __________________________


4. “It felt as if a million bees had stung me” is an example of

____________________ .

5. It was a “bitter-sweet victory” or “it was a love-hate” relationship are

examples of _________________ .

6. “The snake silently slid across the sand” is an example of

_____________________ .

7. “And stepping softly with her air of blooded ruin about the glade in a frail agony of grace
she trailed her rags through dust and ashes, circling the dead fire, the charred billets and
chalk bones, the little calcined ribcage” is an example of _______________________ .

8. “I was once twice the age of my girlfriend, now she is twenty and I am
twenty-one” is an example of a ______________________________.

9. HOMER SIMPSON: “Books are useless! I only ever read one book, To Kill A
Mockingbird, and it gave me absolutely no insight on how to kill mockingbirds! Sure it
taught me not to judge a man by the colour of his skin . . . but what good does that do
me?” Homer uses a _____________________________ to make his point more forceful.

10.“On My First Sonne” is written by ________________________ and is about the

death of _____________________________.

11.The poemuses words that are no longer used such as _____________ and
_________ and unconventional spelling such as ________, _______________,
and ________________.

12.In “Before you were Mine ” the speaker recalls her mother _________ as a
young girl growing up in Scotland. She makes comparisons with the
famous actress ________________. The poet __________________________ has
just been appointed _________________________.

13.“Hitcher” is written by _________________________. This poet worked in

Greater Manchester as a _____________________ .
14.In the poems “The Little Boy Lost” and “The Little Boy Found” the little
boy is lost by following a ______________________. However he is rescued by

15.Sonnet 130 has _____________ lines. It can be described as an

unconventional __________________.
16.When I write a review of a film, book or poem I always write in the
__________________ tense.

17.“You” and “your” are examples of words written in the

________________________ person.

18.An example of the first person is the word “___” . This is the most
________________ way of writing and is found in a genre of book called

19.The PEES formula stands for ________________________________________.

20.The SPIDER approach to analysing a text , especially a poem stands for


21.“Bone-orchard” and “whale-road” are examples of


22.“My Last Duchess ” and “The Laboratory” can be described as


23.“My Last Duchess”, “The Laboratory, “Education for Leisure” and “Hitcher”
all share the theme of _____________________________.

24.Hotel, beach, passport, pool, sun-lounger, relaxation are all words from the
____________field of _____________________.

25.Words that create a strong feeling or emotional response like love or

friendship are known as _________________ words.

26.Terror, blood, pain, horror and torture areall _______, _________ words.

27.Love, friendship, peace, relaxation and bravery are all

_________________________ .

28.Manchester is located in the north-west of England is an example of a


29.Manchester is the best city in the world is an example of an

30.Manchester is the capital city of England is an example of a
_______________. (2 words)

31.When John Hinckley attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, all

of his shots initially missed the President; however a bullet ricocheted off
the bullet-proof windows of the Presidential limousine and struck Reagan
in the chest. Thus, the windows made to protect the President from gunfire
were partially responsible for his being shot

The events written about could be said to be full of ____________ or


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