Constitution of The UMBC American Sign Language Club

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Constitution of the American Sign Language Club

Article I: Name & Purpose

1. The American Sign Language Club has been established for the purpose of:
• Increasing the awareness of American Sign Language and deaf culture.
• Enabling those who speak American Sign Language to socialize and network.
• Enabling those who wish to learn more about American Sign Language to meet
one another and share their knowledge.
2. The American Sign Language club is not intended to be a class for learning sign
Article II: Scope
1. This organization is subject to the jurisdiction of the Student Government Association of
the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, as well as the President of the University
and their designee.
Article III: Membership & Nondiscrimination
1. A University of Maryland, Baltimore County student can become a member of this
organization by attending meetings and events.
2. Sign language fluency is not a criterion for joining although some knowledge of
American Sign Language is helpful.
3. Membership in this organization may not be denied because race, color, age, sex, sexual
orientation, gender, language fluency, physical or mental disability, disabled veteran or
veteran status, national origin, or religion.
Article IV: Officers & Elections
1. The officers of the American Sign Language Club shall be the President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer.
a. The duties of the President (who may also call themselves Chair) shall include
serving as the American Sign Language Club’s official representative for all purposes
relating to communication with the Student Government Association and UMBC
b. The duties of the Vice President shall include supporting the President and fulfilling
the President’s duties when the President is unable.
c. The duties of the Secretary shall include supporting the Vice President and fulfilling
the Vice President’s duties when the Vice President is unable to. The Secretary will
also be responsible for taking minutes at each meeting.
d. The duties of the Treasurer shall include managing the American Sign Language
Club’s funds and ensuring compliance with all financial rules and guidelines.
2. All officers shall be elected to a term of one year starting and ending on February 25th.
3. Election of officers shall be between February 14th and February 24th, or whenever
vacancies occur. At least two weeks’ notice shall be given before the election meeting.
Nomination shall be initiated from the floor and elections done by ballot. The person
receiving the majority of the votes from members present at the election meeting shall be
4. Officers may be removed throughout the year by a majority vote.
Article V: Amendments
1. This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of members present during an
organization meeting provided that two weeks’ notice is given. All amendments must be
approved in accordance with the Student Government Association policy before
becoming legally binding.

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