RITES Consent v2

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The University of Rhode Island

School of Education
711 Chafee Building
Kingston, RI 02879

Rhode Island Technology Enhanced Science (RITES)


You have been asked to take part in a research project described below. The researcher will
explain the project to you in detail. You should feel free to ask questions. If you have more
questions later, the person mainly responsible for this study, Jay Fogleman (401-874-4161), will
discuss them with you.

Description of the project:

The Rhode Island Technology Enhanced Science (RITES) program is an NSF sponsored project
designed to improve secondary science learning statewide. RITES will use a flexible, school-
based approach to assess the needs of students and teachers and provide resources for developing
learning activities that facilitate guided inquiry and provide students opportunities to use
technology to engage in science.

Though RITES will eventually be statewide, phase I of the program will involve a small number
of school partners. In this phase, pairs of middle and high schools will develop unified science
improvement plans that identify students' needs using performance measures such as the NECAP
and utilize RITES resources to address these needs.

As a participating teacher in Phase I, you will

• attend monthly meetings to work in a school-based team to analyze student assessment
data, identify your students' needs, and develop a plan to enhance students' learning
• participate in two twenty minute interviews to provide feedback on the needs assessment
• complete a survey summarizing your professional background and instructional practices.

You may also have the optional opportunity to:

• work more intensively with external partners to develop and conduct short courses for
teachers. This work could require up to two hours / week for several weeks.
• adapt technology-rich activities to address the needs of students at your school.
• implement these materials, study their impact on students in their classrooms, customize
the materials accordingly, and share your observations and adaptations with other RITES

What will be done:

Our research in Phase I of the project will focus on how the RITES partners collaborate to assess
students' needs and plan programs that address those needs by supporting teachers. Each school-
base team will meet monthly. These meetings will be recorded either through audio recording or
fieldnotes. As a participating teacher, you will need to complete a survey describing your
educational and professional background as well as your preferred instructional practices. You
may be interviewed during the year to solicit your feedback on the project.
RITES Consent Form (2)
Risks or discomfort:
There are no risks associated this study.

Benefits of this study:

Participating teachers receive several benefits. Each school's team of teachers will receive
external assistance in analyzing student performance data and designing a school-specific plan
for addressing these needs. Teachers choosing to participate in the design of the RITES short
courses have the opportunity to act as teacher leaders in the statewide program and will receive a
stipend for this work based on a time commitment that will be agreed upon in advance. Teachers
that participate in the RITES shortcourses will receive access to technology-rich activities their
students can use. Whatever their level of participation, RITES teachers will have access to a
statewide professional community focused on improving science teaching.

Your part in this study is confidential within legal limits. None of the information collected,
including surveys, interviews, and meeting fieldnotes, will identify you by name. All records will
encrypted and be maintained on a computer located in the URI School of Education. The
researchers and the University of Rhode Island will protect your privacy, unless they are required
by law to report information to city, state or federal authorities, or to give information to a court
of law.

Decision to quit at any time:

The decision to take part in the RITES partnership as well as this study is strictly voluntary. You
do not have to participate. If you decide to take part in the study, you may quit at any time.
Whatever you decide will in no way affect your professional status as a teacher in your school.
If you wish to quit, simply inform Jay Fogleman of your decision.

Rights and Complaints:

If you are not satisfied with the way this study is performed, you may discuss your complaints
with the Principal Investigator, Daniel Murray (401-874-2197) or with the Research Coordinator,
Jay Fogleman (401-874-4161, anonymously, if you choose. In addition, you may contact the
office of the Vice President for Research, 70 Lower College Road, Suite 2, University of Rhode
Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, telephone: (401) 874-4328.

You have read the Consent Form. Your questions have been answered. Your signature on this
form means that you understand the information and you agree to participate in this study.

________________________ ________________________
Signature of Participant Signature of Researcher
_________________________ ________________________
Typed/printed Name Typed/printed name
__________________________ _______________________
Date Date
Please sign both consent forms, keeping one for yourself

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