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Longton Primary School – Medium Term Planning – Art

Subject: Art
Teacher: Mr Orritt Class: Otters / Giraffes Term: Summer 1st half
Topic: Drawing / colour – David Hockney

Resources and
Session(s) Objective + NC / QCA Planned Learning Experience Outcome / Impact
Begin by telling the children we are going to be studying
an Artist, some of his work and produce some pieces of Children will have
To know a little about work of our own using some of his ideas as a starting formed an opinion Powerpoint about David
David Hockney’s life point. about an artists Hockney
and the work he Begin with a brief history of David Hockey, the kind of work vocalising their Pieces of his work for IW
produced medium he worked in and spend sometime looking at preferences. Printed copies of his work
Form basic opinions one or two of his paintings together. Discuss the Children will have for the children to look at
and preferences paintings and enable children to give their preferences some idea of who (alternatively look at
towards art. with the starter ‘I like this because…/ do not like David Hockney is
(5d, 4c.) because.’ and some of the on the laptops.)
Children look at different pieces of work and discuss in things he did.
small groups.
Referring to last session write a list of words collectively
to describe David Hockney and his work. Tell children
that one of the things he was very interested in was
photography and show come of the work he has
Understand how produced in this medium.
mirrors and lenses work Tell children about one of the discoveries Hockney felt he
Children will have
(Shorter made about artists in the past and how they produced
some idea of how
session, Understand how artists certain paintings. Begin this by showing children several
mirrors and lenses
40-45mins) in the past used famous paintings from different artists and point out the David Hockney video clip
may have been
technology to create remarkable accuracy by which they paint (almost
used by earlier
2 realism photographic.) Show children the video clip of David
Hockney explaining his theory of the use of mirrors (as
(4b, c) early as 1400-1500) and later lenses. Show the artists
use of ‘points of relevance’ to create accuracy. Point out
earlier uses of this technology would have causes
subjects to be backwards! Show the children the OHP in
school and explain how this works by using a mirror.
(Longer Trace accurately using Moving on from last lesson give children an image to Children will have David Hockney video clip
trace, (perhaps a photograph of the school?) encourage
them to use ‘points of relevance’ also. Point out the ease produced a piece of
points of relevance at which shadows and variation can be shown on 2D work accurate
afternoon 2of2
photographic / or any flat image and how much easier it tracing techniques
session) 11:10-15:00
Make colours lighter is to identify. Have children try and replicate the variation and have shown
and darker changes (using a choice of colour pencil or paint) and some evidence of
3&4 Colour pencils
(2b, 4a, 5a.) show them how to make colours lighter / darker identifying variation
accordingly. This may be done by splitting the classes in colour shades.
Otters / Giraffes over the course of an afternoon.
Show children an example of David Hockey using ICT
and a stylus based paint program to mix colours on a
Use ICT to produce art palette and create a picture. Children use paint program Children will have
5 in line form to create a simple landscape entitled ‘winding river’ focus produced a piece of
(5c) on the use of the outline and refer to points of relevance art using ICT
again showing children how things get smaller as they
get further away (Geography link, rivers.)

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