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Three Members of the Flanders

Chamber of the Council

English Alliance HUN Brittany

Rhenish League

Baltic Crusades

Baltic Crusades

Papal Protector

English Vassal



Kalmar Union




BYZ Guelders

AZT Denmark

CEL Scotland

Technology barracks Freeman militia Town Militia ri-man-at-arms Footman ri-long-swordsman upgrade of longswordsman ri-halberdier Billman upgrade 606 spearman ri-pikeman 566 drill pikemen drill pikemen drill pikemen Militia Lancer Town lancer 573 568 eagle-warrior ri-elite-eagle-warrior ri-tracking ri-squires flemish infantry 759 Ministerialis,Trooper 38 Husbandry 552 Ordonance Companies 565 stable scout-cavalry ri-light-cavalry Hobelar, Berroviere (zero ri-hussar cost upgrade) Szlachcic 282 Bajoras 556 Trooper, Ministerialis, knight Teulu Lancer camel Ducal Lancer ri-heavy-camel ri-bloodlines Bloodlines (Bohemia) 584 ri-husbandry Rhenish Knights (req Mercenaries) ordonance companies 473 archery range Javelineer skirmisher Skirmisher ri-elite-skirmisher archer ri-crossbow ri-arbalest Arbalest 575 Arbalest 574

GOT Flanders


FRA France




French Fief


Mounted Crossbowman Mounted Cranequiner

cavalry-archer ri-heavy-cavalry-archer hand-cannoneer Genoese Crossbowman (req ri-hand-cannon Mercenaries) (req Mercenaries) English Mercenary (req Mercenaries) ri-thumb-ring Plackart ri-parthian-tactics Crossbow Companies 587 Gascon Crossbowman (req 5 Mercenaries) siege workshop scorpion ri-heavy-scorpion battering-ram ri-capped-ram ri-siege-ram mangonel ri-onager ri-siege-onager tarasnice 542 houfnice, Flemish Gunner, bombard-cannon Culverin handgunner unit 870, req alchemy trebuchet blacksmith ri-fletching Bracer (Bohemia) 582 ri-forging ri-padded-archer-armor ri-scale-barding ri-scale-mail ri-bodkin-arrow ri-chain-barding ri-chain-mail ri-iron-casting Iron Casting (Bohemia) 585 ri-leather-archer-armor ri-blast-furnace ri-bracer ri-plate-barding ri-plate-mail ri-ring-archer-armor Pavises 581 castle Man-at-arms 473 Foot Knight ri-champion Foot Knight (Savoy) 569 Foot Knight (Bohemia) 586 Knight ri-cavalier Royal Knight ri-paladin Indenture ri-conscription ri-hoardings ri-sappers my-unique-unit-upgrade Scots Guard (rezuires 232 Auld Alliance) Swiss Pikeman (requires 765 Eteral Peace) Ruiter cataphract Ridder ri-elite-cataphract Cuman Auxiliary chu-ko-nu Mongol Auxiliary ri-elite-chu-ko-nu habsburger knight mangudai Imperial Knight Ri-elite-mangudai

Rhenish Knight Coustilier Ecuyer Norse Axeman Livgarde Ribald Ribaudequin War Wagon Hussite war wagon Routier Ecorcheur Herwr Herwr Mawr Halbbruder Ritterbruder Armour (TO) Attack (TO)

40 Teutonic-knight ri-elite-teutonic-knight throwing-axeman ri-elite-throwing-axeman War-elephant Ri-elite-war-elephant war-wagon ri-elite-war-wagon conquistador ri-elite-conquistador tarkan ri-elite-tarkan unit id 560 unit id 561 366 368 my-unique-research Dannebrog Garland Wars Claidheamh Biorah 469 Warhorse Logistica Flemish Imports Furor Celtica Landesaufgebot Rocketry Auld Alliance 559 Nationalism Perfusion Scorched Earch Atheism Counterpoise Trebuchet Kataraputo Eidgenossenschaft El Dorado Drill Cannon Foundries Mahouts Longbow 3 Folktales Supremacy Crenellations Artillery Plundertocht Berserkergang Longbowmen 460 Auld Alliance 470 Rorder of the Fleur de 471 Lys Eternal Peace 83 Frisian Liberty 461 Ragazzini 553 Ius Teutonicum 445 Cuirass 9 dock Privateer, Carrack ri-cannon-galleon Caravel (Likedelers) 576 upgrade of Carrack (Privateer) ri-careening ri-dry-dock Galley fire-ship Galeass ri-fast-fire-ship ri-demolition-ship ri-shipwright Longship longship Kogge 250 Boeyer 533 lumber camp ri-double-bit-axe ri-bow-saw ri-two-man-saw market

ri-banking ri-caravan ri-cartography ri-coinage Mercenaries 554 Bills of exchange ri-guilds mill ri-horse-collar ri-heavy-plow ri-crop-rotation mining camp ri-gold-mining ri-gold-shaft-mining ri-stone-mining ri-stone-shaft-mining monastery monk missionary ri-heresy Heresy (Bohemia) 583 Papal approval ri-atonement Celibacy ri-sanctity Mendicant Orders ri-fervour Localised Interdict ri-redemption ri-herbal-medicine ri-faith Manuscript Uniformity ri-illumination ri-block-printing Girdle Book ri-theocracy town center ri-hand-cart ri-loom ri-town-patrol ri-town-watch ri-wheel-barrow Riga Militia unit id 25 Hausmacht 532 Romzug 534 Hausmacht 533 Romzug 535 Luxembourg Dynasty 529 Hussite Beliefs 537 Utraquist Sect 580 Taborite Sect 579 English Alliance 523 French Fief 518 Flemish Relations 524 English Alliance 517 Baltic Crusades 536 Kalmar Union 539 Nobility 541 Combined arms 542 Communes 544 Papal Protector 543 Vetkopers 475 Schieringers 474 Guelfi 526 Ghibellini 528 Rhenish League 540 Baltic Crusades 538

Noble Rule 477 Communal Democracy 476 Imperial Principality 522 French Fief 519 Kurfurst 531 Teutonic Order 590 Hanseatic League 530 Chamber of the Council 525 Three Members of Flanders 527 Gaelicisation 548 Normanisation 547 Independence 546 English Vassal 545 Ostsiedlung 520 Union of Krewo 521 university ri-architecture ri-ballistics ri-bombard-tower Alchemy ri-chemistry ri-fortified-wall ri-guard-tower ri-heated-shot ri-keep ri-masonry ri-murder-holes ri-siege-engineers treadmill crane 54 Border Forts 462 689 HPYR Princely Court 464 Chivalric Order 465 Close Order Drill 466 Swordsmanship 467 Bow Practise 468 Court Clergy 110 TDWS Guild Hall Stadswacht Liebaert Genoese Arbalester Genoese Guard Lett Auxiliary Liv Auxiliary Handguner Militia Guilds Close Order Drill Bow Practice Militia Guilds Close Order Drill Bow Practice Militia Guilds Close Order Drill Bow Practice Militia Guilds Bow Practice Swordsmanship (TO) Chivalric Order (TO) Alchemy (TO) Fortified Wall (TO) Murder Holes (TO) Treadmill Crane (TO) huskarl ri-elite-huskarl janissary ri-elite-janissary unit id 5 unit id 282 Requires alchemy 506 501 491 504 499 489 502 497 487 503 488 604 603 593 597 592 594

110 TDWS spearman javelineer Skirmisher Pikeman Halberdier Helwr Saethwr Swordsmanship Bow Practice Minor Nobility javelineer elite skirmisher spearman Pikeman Minor Nobility Swordsmanship Bow Practise Pike Drill Swiss Halberdier Swiss Pikeman Skirmisher Pikeman Champion Overvaller Kriichsman Minor Nobility Swordsmanship Bow Practise

asembly hall

514 511 510 longbowman Ri-elite-longbowman 494 486 507 516 513 509 496 493 567 plumed-archer ri-elite-plumed-archer 515 512 570 692 694 508 495 492

Same ID as Archery range Highland Barracks Archer Ceitheirne 572 Ceatharnach 551 Tracking Clithaire Arras Pathfinder Light Cavalry Hobiguir Pike Drill Husbandry 232 370 Scout Cavalry 549 Light Cavalry 550 Hobelar 566 552

Bloodlines (Scotland) 607

Communal Democracy

Luxembourg Dynasty

Imperial Principality

TEU Burgundy English Alliance

Flemish Relations

Hanseatic League

Combined arms

Union of Krewo

Hussite Beliefs

Teutonic Order

KOR Bohemia

SPA England

MAY Helvetia

JAP Saxony

MON Austria

SAR Poland

TUR Genoa

PER Savoy


Friesland Vetkopers

Schieringers AGE 1 1 1 3 4 4 1 2 4



French Fief

Noble Rule








60F,20G 100F,40G 200F,65G 300F,600G 300F, 600G 34F,25W 215F,90G 700F,400G

2 3 2 3 3

20F,50G 800F,500G

1 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 4 1 1 3 3 4 1 1 2 1 2 3

80F 150F,50G 500F,600G

60F,75G 55F,60G 325F,360G


25F,35W 250W,160G 25W,45G 125F,75G 350F,300G

22 50

3 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 3 4 2 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 3/4 3 4 3 4 3 4 2 3

40W,70G 720F,400G 45F,50G


75W,75G 1000F,1100W 160W,75G 300F,250G 1000F,800G 160W,135G 800F,500G 1450F,1000G 225W,225G 200W,200G

40F,30G,1.5pop 750F,350G

70F,95G, 2pop 1300F,750G 150F,150G 400W,400S

75G 80G 70F,75G 1600F,800G 70G 760F,760G 60W,65G 1100F,675G

3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3/4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 3 4 4 4

90G 85F,40G 1200F,600G 55G,25G 1000F,850G 75W,100G,2pop 1600F,1200G 80W,60G 1000W,800G 60F,70G 1200F,600G 60F,60G 1000F,500G 70f, 50g 90f, 90g 800f, 900g 800f, 900g 450F, 750G 300F, 200G 1000F, 600G 750F, 450G 600W, 600G 600F, 550G 400W, 600G 500F, 500G 750W, 400G 750F, 450G 500W, 450G 300F, 300G 750W, 450G 400F, 250G 600F, 400S 450S, 500G 500F, 850G 1000F, 800G 800F,600G 1200F,800G 600F,800G 750F,700G 800F,500G

80W,40G 700W,500G 2 2 3 4 2

3 3 2 2 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 1 3 1 2 60f, 25g

100G 100G 200G 325G 120G 140G 475G 350G 750F,1000G 120G 200G 400F,800G

3 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4

1000F, 600G 800F,300G 800F,600G 600F, 500G 500F, 200G 80f, 35g 80f, 35g 60f, 55g 60f, 55g 60g 80f, 10g 75f, 50g 640F,400W 640F,240W 480W,400G

4 3 3 Same as normal variant Same as normal variant Same as normal variant Same as normal variant

1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4

35f, 25w 25f, 35w 25f, 35w 35f, 25w 65F,40G 45W,40G 850W,850G 800F,600G 600F,500G 800F,500G

50F,50G 500F,1000W

65F,40G 1300F,550G

1 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 4

1000F, 800G


Attack bonus buildings Attack bonus buildings Attack bonus vs infantry, small vs cavalry Upgrade of footman to billman Attack bonus cavalry and medium infantry Attack bonus cavalry and medium infantry Pikes +2 attack,+20hp

Attack bonus monks, siege weapons Attack bonus monks, siege weapons

flemish pikeman cavalryman

Basic Unit

Basic Unit Basic Unit, anticavalry horseman, 120,5,0/0 upgrade of lancer, cavalry killer Increase hit points of all mounted units. For Luxembourg Dynasty and Utraquist Sect Knights that regenerate, require mercenaries Troopers, Teulu, Ministeriales, Rhenish Knights +2 attack +20hp Attack bonus archers Attack bonus archers

Attack bonus infantry low accuracy xbow, powerful longbowman Increase rate of fire and accuracy of archers. Increase normal and piercing armor of mounted archers. Crossbow units cheaper (Genoa gets this free)

cannon shooting spear with flat trajectory - actually the heavy scorpion, no research required apart from Hussite Beliefs Attack bonus infantry Basic Unit

Requires Taborite Sect

Archers have +5 pierce armour, -10% speed, cost +10 wood Attack bonus buildings, 70,11,3/2 Attack bonus buildings,80,13,3/2

+ 33% unit creation speed - Archery Range, Barracks, Castle, Stable

Each civs unique unit upgrade Infantry 80,9,2/2 Same as Swiss Pikeman Basic Unit, requires Verkopers for Friesland, anti inf cavalry, 100,9,2/1 150,14,2/1 fast firing horseman, 40,5,0/1,r4 60,7,0/3,5 Basic Unit, upgrades to Imperial Knight, 160,10,1/2 For Luxembourgs and Bavarian Romzug available for free in 3. age. 180,12,2/3 anticavalry knight

Cavalry which regenerates Basic Unit, heavy inf, 40,11,5/2 65,15,10/2 Throwing Axeman, but melee, 50,10,1/0 75,12,2/0 Mounted cannon, 200, 20,1/8,7 250,25,1/8,7 War wagon with weak ranged attack but high HP and armour,can garrison 4 units, 400,5,4/8,range6; 100W,80G; 600hp ,7att,6/9,range7 Basic Unit, horsearcher, inaccurate, 35,9,2/2,7 50,1,2/2,7 Basic Unit, torch throving cav, 50,9,1/0,r2 70,12,1/0,2 Heavy infantry, requires no additional research Heavy cavalry, requires no additional research Upgrades armour of Halbbruder and Ritterbruder Upgrades attack of Halbbruder and Ritterbruder Each civs unique research +3 infantry attack +1 Cliathaires +1 attack Ritters cause trample damage +50% HP Siege Workshop units, Flemish Gunner enabled Reduces militia infantry cost with 40%, Rhenish Knights with 10% Knightly +20 hp Barracks units created 50% faster +100 years Wonder/Relic victory time; -50% Spies/Treason research cost Trebuchets fire and pack/un-pack faster. Town Lancer +40 HP Siege Workshop units move 50% faster +10% Ribald speed Archers +1 range, towers +2 range Increase combat skills of villagers. +3 Castle range; garrisoned infantry fire arrows +2 range Bombard Towers, Bombard Cannons, Cannon Galleons Overvallers regenerate faster Archers +20 hp, +4 Attack, +2 range Enables Scots Guard -Heavy infantry Upgrades Scots Guards Enables Swiss Pikemen upgrades Overvaller Spearmen +5 attack Enables lancers

Transport ship with attack capabilities Upgrade of Kogge

Increase speed of Trade Carts and Trade Cogs

Basic Unit Basic Unit Units die instead of being converted by enemy monk or missionary. Taborites get this for free Convert other monks / missionaries +50% monk HP's +15% monk speed Convert buildings & siege units - not Walls, TC's, Monastery, Castle, Wonder Garrisoned units heal 4X faster. + 50% conversion resistance +50% monk rejuvenation speed +3 conversion range Only one Monk in group loses faith converting.

Order militia infantry Castles +1500hp, Lancers +30hp Ministeriales +1 attack, spearmen +20hp Castles +1500hp, Lancers +30hp Ministeriales +1 attack, spearmen +20hp Enables Royal knight, Imperial Knight Enables Hussite Waggons, Halberdiers, Heresy, Arbalests minor policy decision for Hussites, strenghtens knightly cavalry minor policy decision for Hussites, disables knightly cavalry (keeps troopers) but strenghtens light infantry Enables English mercenary Longbowmen Enables Genoese xbow Enables Flemish pikes Enables English mercenary Longbowmen 50% conversion resistance, Knightly infantry +2 attack +15%G gathering, castles +2000hp Enables Royal Knight, Knightly cavalry +2 attack Militia +1 attack, enables Longbowmen tech Militia +30 Hp Enables Eternal Reace, walls +500 hp, conversion resistance +50% Militia infantry -10hp, Knightly infantry +3 attacka, enables Ruiters Militia +2 attack, 10hp, disables knightly cavalry, enables Frisian Liberty Spearmen +15 hp Disables knights, Light Cavalry +10 hp +speed Gold gathering rate +15%, Castles +2000 hp 50% conversion resistance, Knightly infantry +2 attack

Knightly infantry +2 attack, Troopers +20 hp Skirmisher no minimum range, Town Lancers +3 Attack Lancers +3 attack, +2/1 armour Spearmen +1 attack +5 hp, reduces comodity trading fee to 10% Knightly cavalry and infantry +3 attack, militia infantry -10 hp Reconfigures all unit, building and technology options for the country militia infantry +10hp +2 attack, trading units faster, knightly cavalry disabled, required for Likederers Militia infantry -10hp, Knightly infantry +3 attack Disables knights, spearmen +2 attack +10 hp Hobiguirs +1 Armour, highland barracks units cheaper, enables Claidheamh Biorah, Disables chivalric order Knightly cavalry +2 attack +20 hp, Cliathaires more expensive, enables Auld Alliance and Pikemen Drill Teulu +30 hp, Saetwr cheaper Stone Walls Enabled, Knightly cavalry +40 hp Enable Pikeman, Footman without requiring further research; enables Mounted Crossbowman, enables Mounted Cranequinier research in 15th century Enables Bajoras

Pallisades +500 hp, stone gates enabled Cavalry +3 attack Pikemen +2 attack +10 Hp Swordsmen +4 attack Archers +1 attack +1 range Monk +20 hp, monks cost 75G Basic unit, anticav, infantry with polearm, 80,10,1/1 upgrade of Stadswacht, 90,12,3/1 Basic unit,xbowman, 25,8,1/1,4 30,15,2/2,5 Order crossbowman Order light cavalry with bonus against other cavalry Militia +2/1 armour, +2 attack Pikemen +2 attack +10 Hp Archers +1 attack +1 range

Same as normal variant Same as normal variant Same as normal variant Same as normal variant

Longbowman, 40,6,0/0,7 Upgrades Helwr, 50,7,0/1,8 Swordsmen +4 attack Archers +1 attack +1 range Troopers, Ministeriales or Teulu +5 attack

Troopers, Ministeriales or Teulu +5 attack Swordsmen +4 attack Archers +1 attack +1 range Infantry with halberd, 60,7,0/1 upgrade of Swiss Halberdier to pikeman, 80,8,1/1,1

Anticav infantry, regenerates, 48,9,0/5 60,14,1/6

Javelinman Skirmisher Fast sword infantry Upgrades Clithaire Scout Cavalry Hobelar/Hussar

Increase hit points of all mounted units.

Mounted Cranequinier research in 15th century

Fact true false and nand nor not or xnor xor attack-soldier-count <rel-op> <value>

Std AI uses y

In Par In ser AoK y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y

attack-warboat-count <rel-op> <value>

building-available <building>

building-count <rel-op> <value> building-count-total <rel-op> <value> building-type-count <building> <rel-op> <value> y

y y y

y y y

building-type-count-total <building> <rel-op> <value>

can-afford-building <building>

can-afford-complete-wall <perimeter> <wall>

can-afford-research <research-item>

can-afford-unit <unit>

can-build <building>

can-build-gate <perimeter>

can-build-gate-with-escrow <perimeter>

can-build-wall <perimeter> <wall-type>

can-build-wall-with-escrow <perimeter> <wall>

can-build-with-escrow <building>

can-buy-commodity <commodity>

can-research <research-item>

can-research-with-escrow <research-item>

can-sell-commodity <commodity>


can-spy-with-escrow can-train <unit> y

y y

y y

can-train-with-escrow <unit>

cc-players-building-count <player-number> <rel-op> <value>

cc-players-building-type-count <player-number> <building> <rel-op> <value>

cc-players-unit-count <player-number> <rel-op> <value>

cc-players-unit-type-count <player-number> <unit> <rel-op> <value>

cheats-enabled civilian-population <rel-op> <value>

y y

y y

civ-selected <civ> commodity-buying-price <commodity> <rel-op> <value> commodity-selling-price <commodity> <rel-op> <value> current-age <rel-op> <age> current-age-time <rel-op> <value> current-score <rel-op> <value> death-match-game defend-soldier-count <rel-op> <value>

y y y y y

y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y

defend-warboat-count <rel-op> <value>

difficulty <rel-op> <difficulty> doctrine <value> dropsite-min-distance <resource-type> <rel-op> <value>

y y

y y y

y y y



escrow-amount <resource-type> <rel-op> <value> event-detected <event-type> <event-id>

y y

y y

food-amount <rel-op> <value> game-time <rel-op> <value>

y y

y y

y y

game-type <game-type> gate-count <wall-perimeter> <rel-op> <value>) goal <goal-id> <value> gold-amount <rel-op> <value> hold-relics hold-koh-ruin housing-headroom <rel-op> <value> y y y y y

y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y

idle-farm-count <rel-op> <value>

map-size <map-size> map-type <map-type> military-population <rel-op> <value> player-computer <player-number>

y y y

y y y y

y y y y

player-human <player-number>

player-in-game <player-number>

player-number <player-number>

player-resigned <player-number>

player-valid <player-number>

players-achievements ?? players-building-count <player-number> <rel-op> <value>

y y

players-building-type-count <player-number> <building> <rel-op> <value>

players-civ <player-number> <civ>

players-civilian-population <player-number> <rel-op> <value>

players-current-age <player-number> <rel-op> <age>

players-current-age-time <player-number> <rel-op> <value>

players-military-population <player-number> <rel-op> <value>

players-population <player-number> <rel-op> <value>

players-score <player-number> <rel-op> <score>

players-stance <player-number> <diplomatic-stance>

players-tribute <player-number> <resource-type> <rel-op> <value>

players-tribute-memory <player-number> <resource-type> <rel-op> <value>

players-unit-count <player-number> <rel-op> <value>

players-unit-type-count <player-number> <unit> <rel-op> <value>

population <rel-op> <value> population-cap <rel-op> <value> population-headroom <rel-op> <value>

y y

y y y

y y y

random-number <rel-op> <value> regicide-game research-available <research-item>

y y

y y y

y y y

research-completed <research-item> resource-found <resource-type>

y y

y y

y y

shared-goal <shared-goal-id> <value>


soldier-count <rel-op> <value> stance-toward <player-number> <diplomatic-stance>

y y

y y

y y

starting-age <rel-op> <age>

starting-resources <rel-op> <starting-resources> stone-amount <rel-op> <value> strategic-number <strategic-number> <rel-op> <value> taunt-detected <player-number> <taunt-id>

y y y y

y y y y

y y y y

timer-triggered <timer-id>


unit-available <unit>

unit-count <rel-op> <value> unit-count-total <rel-op> <value> unit-type-count <unit> <rel-op> <value> y

y y y

y y y

unit-type-count-total <unit> <rel-op> <value>

victory-condition <victory-condition> wall-completed-percentage <perimeter> <rel-op> <value>

y y

y y

wall-invisible-percentage <perimeter> <rel-op> <value>

warboat-count <rel-op> <value> wood-amount <rel-op> <value>

y y

y y

y y

Description This fact is always true. This fact is always false. (?) May be a "not" of all the following facts ? Conditional "and". Conditional "not and". Conditional "not or" Conditional "not" Conditional "or". Conditional "exclusive not or". Conditional "exclusive or". Checks the computer players attack soldier count. An attack soldier is a land-based military unit currently assigned to attack groups. Checks the computer players attack warboat count. An attack warboat is a boat capable of attacking and currently assigned to attack groups. Checks that the building is available to the computer player's civ, and that the tech tree prerequisites are met. It does not check that there are enough resources to build the building. It allows the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. Checks the computer player's building count. Only existing buildings are included. Checks the computer player's total building count. The total includes existing and queued buildings. Checks the computer player's building count. Only existing buildings of the given type are included. It allows the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. Checks the computer player's total building count. The total includes existing and queued buildings of the given type. It allows the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. Checks whether the computer player has enough resources to build the given building. It does not take into account escrowed resources. It allows the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. Checks whether the computer player has enough resources to finish the given wall at the given perimeter. It does not take into account

needed for completing a wall line are available, not counting escrow amounts. Checks whether the computer player has enough resources to perform the given research. The fact does not take into account escrowed resources. Checks whether the computer player has enough resources to train given unit. The fact does not take into account escrowed resources. The fact allows the use of unit line wildcard parameters for the <unit>. This fact checks whether the computer player can build the given

are available, not counting escrow amounts. The fact allows the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>.

checks whether construction of a gate as part of the given perimeter wall can start.The fact does not take into account escrow resources.In particular it checks:That the gate is available to the computer players civilization.That the tech tree prerequisites for building a gate are met.That the resources needed for building a gate are available, not counting escrow amounts.That there is a location to build a gate. checks whether construction of a gate as part of the given perimeter wall can start.The fact takes into account escrow resources.In particular it checks:That the gate is available to the computer players civilization.That the tech tree prerequisites for building a gate are met.That the resources needed for building a gate are available when using escrow amounts.That there is a location to build a gate. checks whether a wall line of the given wall type can be built at the given perimeter.The fact does not take into account escrow resources.In particular it checks:That the wall type is available to the computer players civilization.That the tech tree prerequisites for using that wall type are met.That the resources needed for building a wall line are available, not counting escrow amounts.That there is a location to build a wall line.The fact allows the use of wall line wildcard parameters for the <wall-type>. checks whether a wall line of the given wall type can be built at the given perimeter.The fact takes into account escrow resources.In particular it checks:That the wall type is available to the computer players civilization.That the tech tree prerequisites for using that wall type are met.That the resources needed for building a wall line are available when using escrow amounts.That there is a location to build a wall line.The fact allows the use of wall line wildcard parameters for the <wall-type>. checks whether the computer player can build the given building. In particular it checks:That the building is available to the computer players civilization.That the tech tree prerequisites for building are met.That the resources needed for building are available when using escrow amounts.The fact allows the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. checks whether the computer player can buy one lot of the given commodity.The fact does not take into account escrowed resources. checks if the given research can start. In particular it checks:That the research item is available to the computer player's civilization.That the tech tree prerequisites for research are met.That resources needed for research are available, not counting escrow amounts.That there is a building that is not busy and is ready to start research. checks if the given research can start. In particular it checks:That the research item is available to the computer player's civilization.That the tech tree prerequisites for research are met.That resources needed for research are available when using escrow amounts.That there is a building that is not busy and is ready to start research. checks whether the computer player can sell one lot of the given commodity.The fact does not take into account escrowed resources. fact checks if the spy command can be executed.The fact takes into account escrowed resources.

fact checks if spy command can be executed.The fact does not take into account escrowed resources. checks if the training of the given unit can start. In particular it checks:That the unit is available to the computer player's civilization.That the tech tree prerequisites for training the unit are met.That resources needed for training the unit are available, not counting escrow amounts.That there is enough housing headroom for the unit.That there is a building that is not busy and is ready to start training the unit.The fact allows the use of unit line wildcard parameters for the <unit>. checks if the training of the given unit can start. In particular it checks:That the unit is available to the computer player's civilization.That the tech tree prerequisites for training the unit are met.That resources needed for training the unit are available when using escrow amounts.That there is enough housing headroom for the unit.That there is a building that is not busy and is ready to start training the unit.The fact allows the use of unit line wildcard parameters for the <unit>. A cheating version of players-building-count. For use in scenarios only.The fact checks the given player's building count. Both existing buildings and buildings under construction are included regardless of whether they have been seen fog is ignored.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number> and the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. A cheating version of players-building-type-count. For use in scenarios only.This fact checks the given player's building count. Both existing buildings and buildings under construction of the given type are included regardless of whether they have been seen fog is ignored.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number> and the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. A cheating version of players-unit-count. For use in scenarios only.This fact checks the given player's unit count. Only trained units are included and fog is ignored.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. A cheating version of players-unit-type-count. For use in scenarios only.This fact checks the given player's unit count. Only trained units of the given type are included and fog is ignored.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. fact checks whether the cheats have been enabled. checks the computer players civilian population. The civilian population is villagers, trade vehicles, fishing boats, etc. checks the computer players civ. fact checks the current buying price for the given commodity. checks the current selling price for the given commodity. fact checks computer players current age. checks the computer players current age time -- time spent in the current age. checks the computer players current score. checks if the game is a Death Match game. Checks the computer player's defend soldier count.A defend soldier is a land-based military unit not assigned to attack groups. checks the computer player's defend warboat count.A defend warboat is a boat capable of attacking and not assigned to attack groups.

checks difficulty setting. checks what the current doctrine is. checks computer players minimum dropsite walking distance for a given resource type. Long walking distances indicate a need for a new dropsite.It is not recommended to use this fact for building of first dropsites necessary for age advancement. If, at the beginning, the resources happen to be close enough to the Town Center, building of the first dropsites will be delayed, resulting in slower age progression checks for enemy buildings in a computer player's town. This fact will return true if an enemy building is sighted within sn-maximumtown-size tiles of the AI's main town center. checks if the enemy has captured all relics. When this happens, tactical AI automatically starts targeting monasteries and monks Use this fact to intensify attacks and combine it with the attack-now action to force attacks. fact checks a computer players escrow amount for a given resource type. fact checks if the given event has been detected. The fact stays true until the event is explicitly disabled by the acknowledge-event action checks a computer players food amount. checks the game time. The game time is given in seconds. The fact can be used to make rules time-specific. For example, the computer can become more aggressive after 15 minutes of game time. undocumented command that checks the game type. allows the script to check for the number of gates that are either being built or are completed. checks what the given goal is. checks a computer players gold amount. tells the script whether or not it (or its team) has all of the relics. tells the script whether or not it (or its team)currently holds the monument in monument games. fact checks computer players housing headroom. Housing headroom is the difference between current housing capacity and trained unit capacity. For example, a computer player has a Town Center (capacity 5), a House (capacity 5) and 6 villagers. In this case, housing headroom is 4. fact checks a computer players idle farm count the number of farms with no farmers. It should be used before a new farm is built to make sure it is needed. checks map size. checks map type. checks computer players military population. checks if the given player is a computer player.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks if the given player is a human.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. fact checks if the given player is a valid player and still playing.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <playernumber>. fact checks computer players player number.

fact checks if the given player has lost by resigning. Note that a player can lose without resigning, so this fact should not be used to check whether a player has lost a game. To check whether a player has lost a game use (not (player-in-game <player-number)).The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>.

checks if the given player is a valid player. In games with more than 2 players, players that lost before the game is over are considered to be valid players. This is because although the player is not in the game, their units/buildings can still be in the game. To check whether the given player is still in the game use the player-in-game fact.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. undocumented. does not appear to work ? checks the given player's building count. Both existing buildings and buildings under construction are included. The computer player relies only on what it has seen no cheating.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number> and the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. checks the given player's building count. Both existing buildings and buildings under construction of the given type are included. The computer player relies only on what it has seen no cheating.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number> and the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. checks the given players civ.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. fact checks a given players civilian population.This is equivalent to a human player checking the timeline.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks the given players current age.This is equivalent to a human player checking the timeline.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks the given players current age time -- time spent in the current age.This is equivalent to a human player checking the timeline.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. fact checks the given players military population.This is equivalent to a human player checking the timeline.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks the given players population.This is equivalent to a human player checking the timeline.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. fact checks the given players current score.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks the given players diplomatic stance.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks the player's tribute given throughout the game. Only tribute for the given resource type is checked.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>.

checks a player's tribute given since the player's tribute memory was cleared. Only tribute memory for the given resource type is checked.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks the given player's unit count. The computer player relies only on what it has seen no cheating. For allies and self only trained units are included.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks the given player's unit count. The computer player relies only on what it has seen no cheating. For allies and self only trained units of the given type are included.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks the computer players population. checks population cap setting. checks the computer players population headroom. Population headroom is the difference between the games population cap and current housing capacity. For example, in a game with a population cap of 75, the computer player has a town center (capacity 5) and a house (capacity 5). In this case population headroom is 65.

checks random number value. checks if the game is a regicide game. checks that the given research is available to the computer player's civ, and that the research is available at this time (tech tree prerequisites are met). The fact does not check that there are enough resources to start researching. fact checks that the given research is completed. checks whether the computer player has found the given resource.The facts should be used at the beginning of the game. Once it becomes true for a certain resource it stays true for that resource. In this context, food refers to a forage site. checks a given shared goal -- a goal that is shared among computer players. It is to be used only when all computer players are on the same team. checks whether the computer player has any forage site(s) and/or sheep within 8 tiles of the drop-off location (Mill or Town Center). fact checks the computer players soldier count. An attack soldier is a land-based military unit. checks the computer players stance toward a given player.The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks the game's starting age. In addition to the regular age parameters, POST-IMPERIAL-AGE-START can be used. checks starting resources (low, medium, or high). checks a computer players stone amount. checks a strategic numbers value. detects a given taunt. The check can be performed any number of times until the taunt is explicitly acknowledged. The fact allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. checks whether a given timer has triggered. For disabled timers this fact is always false. The check can be performed any number of times until the timer is explicitly disabled. set to true when a computer players town is under attack. The town size is defined by sn-maximum-town-size

checks that the unit is available to the computer player's civ, and that the tech tree prerequisites for training the unit are met.The fact does not check whether the unit training can start. This depends on resource availability, housing headroom, and whether the building needed for training is currently used for research/training of another unit.The fact allows the use of unit line wildcard parameters for the <unit>. checks the computer player's unit count. Only trained units are included. fact checks the computer player's total unit count. The total includes trained and queued units. fact checks the computer player's unit count. Only trained units of the given type are included.The fact allows the use of unit line wildcard parameters for the <unit>. fact checks the computer player's total unit count. The total includes trained and queued units of the given type.The fact allows the use of unit line wildcard parameters for the <unit>. checks the game victory condition. checks the completion percentage for a given perimeter wall. Trees and other destructible natural barriers are included and count as completed. fact checks what percentage of the potential wall placement is covered with fog. If the invisible percentage is not equal to 0 we do not know if there is a hole or not. This is because the hidden tile(s) might have a tree(s). fact checks the computer players warboat count. A warboat is a boat capable of attacking. checks the computer players wood amount.


Std AI uses

In Par ser y y

In AoK

do-nothing acknowledge-event <event-type> <event-id> acknowledge-taunt <player-number> <taunt-id> y

y y y


build <building> build-forward <building> build-gate <perimeter> build-wall <perimeter> <wall-type>

y y y y

y y y y

y y y y

buy-commodity <commodity> cc-add-resource <resource-type> <amount>

y y

y y

y y

chat-local <string> chat-local-using-id <string-id> chat-local-using-range <string-id-start> <string-id-range>

y y y

y y y

chat-local-to-self <string>

chat-to-all <string> chat-to-all-using-id <string-id> chat-to-all-using-range <string-id-start> <string-id-range>

y y

y y y

y y y

chat-to-allies <string> chat-to-allies-using-id <string-id> chat-to-allies-using-range <string-id-start> <string-id-range>

y y y

y y y

chat-to-enemies <string> chat-to-enemies-using-id <string-id> chat-to-enemies-using-range <string-id-start> <string-id-range>

y y y

y y y

chat-to-player <player-number> <string>

chat-to-player-using-id <player-number> <string-id>

chat-to-player-using-range <player-number> <string-id-start> <string-id-range>

chat-trace <value> clear-tribute-memory <player-number> <resource-type> y

y y

y y

delete-building <building> delete-unit <unit> disable-rule disable-self

y y y

y y y y

y y y y

disable-timer <timer-id> enable-rule enable-timer <timer-id> enable-wall-placement <perimeter>

y y y

y y y y

y y y y

generate-random-number <value>

log <string> log-trace <value>

y y

y y

release-escrow <resource-type> research <research-item>

y y

y y

y y

research <age> resign sell-commodity <commodity> set-author-email <string> set-author-name <string>

y y y

y y y y y

y y y y y

set-author-version <string> set-difficulty-parameter <difficulty-parameter> <value> set-doctrine <value> set-escrow-percentage <resource-type> <value> set-goal <goal-id> <value> set-shared-goal <shared-goal-id> <value> y y y

y y y y y y

y y y y y y

set-signal <signal-id> set-stance <player-number> <diplomatic-stance> y

y y

y y

set-strategic-number <strategic-number> <value> spy taunt <value> taunt-using-range <taunt-start> <taunt-range>

y y

y y y y

y y y y

trace-fact train <unit> y

y y y

tribute-to-player <player-number> <resource-type> <value>

Description does nothing at all. It is primarily used as a stub for testing purposes. Note that every rule needs at least one action. acknowledges a received event by resetting the associated flag. acknowledges the taunt (resets the flag). Like other event systems in the AI, taunt detection requests explicit acknowledgement. The action allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <playernumber>. It also allows the use of rule variables for the <playernumber>. action forces attack with currently available attack units. Units are designated as attack units by using sn-percent-attack-soldiers or snpercent-attack-boats. action builds the given building. The action allows the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. builds given building close to enemy. The action allows the use of building line wildcard parameters for the <building>. builds a gate as part of the given perimeter wall. builds a wall line of the given wall type at the given perimeter. The action allows the use of wall line wildcard parameters for the <walltype>. buys one lot of the given commodity. a cheating action that adds the given resource amount to the computer player. It is to be used in scenarios to avoid late game oddities such as computer player villagers going all over the map while looking for the last pile of gold. displays the given string as a local chat message. displays a string, defined by a string id, as a local chat message. Ensemble Studios use only. displays a random string as a local chat message. The random string is defined by a string id randomly picked out of a given string id range. Ensemble Studios use only. displays a given string as local chat message. The message is displayed only if the user is the same player as the computer player sending the message. For debugging purposes only. sends a given string as a chat message to all players action sends a string, defined by a string id, as a chat message to all players. Ensemble Studios use only. sends a random string as chat message to all players. The random string is defined by a string id randomly picked out of a given string id range. Ensemble Studios use only. Example: (chat-to-all-usingrange 5020 5) will send a random localized message with a string id between 5020 and 5024. action sends a given string as a chat message to allies. sends a string, defined by a string id, as a chat message to allied players. Ensemble Studios use only. action sends a random string as a chat message to allied players. The random string is defined by a string id randomly picked out of a given string id range. Ensemble Studios use only. sends a given string as a chat message to enemies and neutral players. sends a string, defined by a string id, as a chat message to enemies and neutral players. Ensemble Studios use only. sends a random string as a chat message to enemies and neutral players. The random string is defined by a string id randomly picked out of a given string id range. Ensemble Studios use only.

sends a given string as a chat message to a given player. The action allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. It also allows the use of rule variables for the <player-number>. sends a string, defined by a string id, as a chat message to a given player. The action allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. It also allows the use of rule variables for the <player-number>. Ensemble Studios use only. action sends a random string as a chat message to enemies and neutral players. The random string is defined by a string id randomly picked out of a given string id range. The action allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. It also allows the use of rule variables for the <player-number>. Ensemble Studios use only. displays the given value as a chat message. Used purely for testing to check when a rule gets executed. action clears the given player's tribute memory. Only tribute memory for the given resource type is cleared. The action allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. It also allows the use of rule variables for the <player-number>. action deletes exactly one building of a given type. deletes exactly one unit of a given type. I doubt this works - I could never get it to work in aok. disables the rule that it is part of. Since disabling takes effect in the next execution pass, other actions in the same rule are still executed once. disables the given timer. I doubt this works - I could never get it to work in aok. enables the given timer and sets it to the given time interval.

action enables wall placement for the given perimeter. Enabled wall placement causes the rest of the placement code to do some planning and place all structures at least one tile away from the future wall lines. If you are planning to build a wall, you have to explicitly define which perimeter wall you plan to use when the game starts. This is a one-time action and should be used during the initial setup. action generates a player-specific integer random number within given range (1 to <value>). The number is stored and its value can be tested. Subsequent executions of this action generate new random numbers that replace existing ones. writes the given string to a log file. Used purely for testing purposes. Works only if logging is enabled. writes the given value to a log file. Used purely for testing to check when a rule gets executed. Works only if logging is enabled. action releases the computer player's escrow for a given resource type. researches the given item. To prevent cheating, this action uses the same criteria as the can-research fact to make sure the item can be researched. researches the next age. causes the computer player to resign. action sells one lot of a given commodity. Only purpose appears to be documentation. The game does not use it for anything. Only purpose appears to be documentation. The game does not use it for anything.

Only purpose appears to be documentation. The game does not use it for anything. sets a given difficulty parameter to a given value. action sets the doctrine to the given value. sets the computer player's escrow percentage for a given resource type. Given values have to be in the range 0-100. action sets a given goal to a given value. sets a given shared goal (a goal that is shared among computer players) to a given value. To be used only when all computer players are on the same team. action sets a given signal that can be checked by the trigger system. action sets the stance toward a given player. The action allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. It also allows the use of rule variables for the <player-number>. sets a given strategic number to a given value. See separate table for information on strategic numbers. executes a spy command. triggers the taunt associated with the given value. triggers a random taunt that is picked from a given taunt range. Example: (taunt-using-range 50 10) will use a random taunt between 50 and 59. Never found a way to get this to work. Probably only for debugging purposes originally. trains the given unit. To prevent cheating, this action uses the same criteria as the can-train fact to make sure the unit can be trained. The fact allows the use of unit line wildcard parameters for the <unit>.

action tributes the given amount of the given resource type to the player defined by the player-number parameter. Implementation specifics: If the computer player does not have a Market no tribute is given. In the case when the value parameter specifies an amount larger than available, only the available resources of the given type are tributed. If, for example, there is only 60 food and the tribute action specifies 100 food, only 60 food will be tributed. The tribute action is ignored when there are no resources of the given type. Tribute fees are paid and deducted from the tribute amount (if applicable). The action allows any/every wildcard parameters for the <player-number>. It also allows the use of rule variables for the <player-number>.

SN ID no. 138 139 140 141 215

SN Parameter

par TC ser AI has has

cpsb smry has

cpsb dets has

Values ?

can be chg ? y y y y y

act def val 0 0 0 0 1

cpsb Defau lt

CC add starting resource - food CC add starting resource - gold CC add starting resource - stone CC add starting resource - wood SNAllowDiplomacyChangeOnAllyAttack

217 SNAllowDiplomacyChangeOnTribute 47 SNAttackCoordination

y y

0 -1

37 SNAttackGroupMakeup 48 SNAttackResponseSeparationTime 46 SNAttackSeparationTime 208 SNAutoBuildDocks 205 SNAutoBuildDropsites 206 SNAutoBuildFarms 209 SNAutoBuildFishingBoats 180 SNAutoBuildHouses 207 SNAutoBuildTowers 210 SNAutoBuildTransports 223 SNAutoBuildWarships 155 SNBuildPlanDivisions 53 SNChokePointDefendPriority 186 SNCoopDemandTributeInterval 187 SNCoopDemandTributeMaximum 39 SNDefendGroupMakeup 121 SNDefendImportantGroupLeaders 212 65 213 64 66 214 224 45 40 SNDesiredNumberDocks SNDesiredNumberFishEscorts SNDesiredNumberFishingBoats SNDesiredNumberTradeEscorts SNDesiredNumberTransportEscorts SNDesiredNumberTransports SNDesiredNumberWarships SNExploreGroupMakeup SNGroupFillMethod

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1

152 SNHouseOverage


71 SNLockAttackAndAttackResponse 220 SNMaxFarms 151 SNMaxGranaries 190 SNMaximumFood 193 SNMaximumGold 174 SNMaximumHousesBeforeDropsites 192 SNMaximumStone 191 SNMaximumWood 150 SNMaxStoragePits 222 SNMaxTowers 170 173 172 171 147 SNMinimumFood SNMinimumGold SNMinimumStone SNMinimumWood SNMostNeededResourceLookAhead

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

-1 -1 -1 3000 3000 -1 1500 2000 -1 10 200 200 150 250 10 -1 -1 -1 -1 75 -1

84 SNNumberWallGates 31 SNPercentDeathRetreat 30 SNPercentHealthRetreat 91 SNPercentUnitHealthRetreat 24 SNPercentVictoryClamp 161 SNRequiredFirstBuilding

49 SNRetreatAfterTargetDestroyed


54 SNRuinsDefendPriority 96 SNScalePercentDeathRetreat 95 SNScalePercentHealthRetreat 97 SNScalePercentUnitHealthRetreat 85 SNSizeWallGates 110 SNSpecialAttackInfluence2

y y y y y y

0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0

111 SNSpecialAttackInfluence3

176 SNSpecificBuildItemTime 175 SNSpecificBuildItemToBuild 88 SNTacticalUpdateFrequency

y y y

-1 -1 -1

124 SNTributeAmount

125 SNTributeChatFrequency 126 SNTributeChatRandomness 130 SNTributeFailureOutcome

y y y

0 0 0

132 SNTributePersistence

128 SNTributePlayer


133 SNTributeRevokeOnAttack

129 SNTributeSuccessOutcome

127 SNTributeTimeout 177 SNUnskippableItemType 182 SNUpgradeToBronzeAgeASAP 183 SNUpgradeToIronAgeASAP 181 SNUpgradeToToolAgeASAP 225 sn-allow-civilian-defense 178 sn-attack-diplomacy-impact 41 sn-attack-group-gather-spacing 98 sn-attack-group-size-randomness y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y

0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 10 4 1 1 10 4 1

y y y

>= 0 and <= 100. >= 1.

103 sn-attack-intelligence

102 sn-attack-separation-time-randomness 188 sn-attack-winning-player 195 sn-attack-winning-player-factor 135 sn-blot-exploration-map 136 sn-blot-size 101 sn-build-frequency 86 sn-camp-max-distance 4 sn-cap-civilian-builders

y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y > 0 and < the map size. >= 0. >= 0. >= -1. 0 or 1. >= 0 and <= 100.

y y y y y y y y

15 1 25 1 15 1 25 2

15 1 25 1 15 1 25 2

3 sn-cap-civilian-explorers 5 sn-cap-civilian-gatherers 76 sn-consecutive-idle-unit-limit 196 sn-coop-share-attacking 197 sn-coop-share-attacking-interval 194 sn-coop-share-information 92 sn-defend-overlap-distance 57 sn-defense-distance 70 sn-dock-defend-priority 229 sn-do-not-scale-for-difficulty-level 241 sn-do-not-transport-from-same-zone 219 sn-easier-reaction-percentage

y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y

y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y

>= -1. >= -1. >= 0. 0 or 1. >= 0. 0 or 1. >= 0. >= 0. 0 or 1. 0 or 1.

y y y y y y y y y y y n

2 -1 15 1 120 1 5 3 0 0 0 100

2 -1 15 1 120 1 5 3 0 0

y y

y y y



218 sn-easiest-reaction-percentage




20 sn-enemy-sighted-response-distance 163 sn-food-dropsite-distance 117 sn-food-gatherer-percentage 52 sn-forage-defend-priority 240 sn-garrison-rams 232 sn-gather-defense-units 239 sn-gather-idle-soldiers-at-center

y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y

y y y y y

>= 0 and <= 144. >= 3. >= 0 and <= 100. >= 0 and <= 7.

y y y y y y y

25 3 0

50 7 0

y y y y y

0 0 1 0,1 ? 0 -1 0 0

50 sn-gold-defend-priority 166 sn-gold-dropsite-distance 118 sn-gold-gatherer-percentage 75 sn-group-commander-selection-method

y y y y

y y y

y y y y

y y y y

>= 0 and <= 7. >= 3. >= 0 and <= 100. >= 0 and <= 2

y y y y

0 3 0 3

0 7 0 3

230 sn-group-form-distance 131 sn-group-leader-defense-distance 221 sn-hits-before-alliance-change 231 sn-ignore-attack-group-under-attack 104 sn-initial-attack-delay 134 sn-initial-attack-delay-type

y y y y y y

y y y y y y

y y y >= 1. >= 0.

y y y y y y

20 3 3 0 0 0

20 3 3 0 0 0

y y

y y

>= 0.

167 sn-initial-exploration-required 142 sn-intelligent-gathering 160 sn-max-build-plan-gatherer-percentage 26 sn-maximum-attack-group-size

y y y y

y y y y

>= 0 and <= 100.

y y y y

2 0 50 10

2 0 50 10

y y

>= 0 and <= 100. >= 0 and >= snminimum-attack-groupsize.

60 sn-maximum-boat-attack-group-size

69 sn-maximum-boat-defend-group-size

63 sn-maximum-boat-explore-group-size

28 sn-maximum-defend-group-size

44 sn-maximum-explore-group-size

>= 0 and >= snminimum-boat-attackgroup-size. >= 0 and >= snminimum-boat-defendgroup-size. >= 0 and >= snminimum-boat-exploregroup-size. >= 0 and >= snminimum-defend-groupsize. >= 0 and >= snminimum-exploregroup-size.

236 sn-maximum-fish-boat-drop-distance 234 sn-maximum-food-drop-distance 100 sn-maximum-gaia-attack-response 237 sn-maximum-gold-drop-distance 235 sn-maximum-hunt-drop-distance 238 sn-maximum-stone-drop-distance

y y y y y y

y y y y y y

y y y y y y

y y y y y y >= 0.

y y y y y y

-1 -1 3 -1 -1 -1

-1 -1 3 -1 -1 -1

74 sn-maximum-town-size

>= 0 and >= snminimum-town-size.



233 sn-maximum-wood-drop-distance 149 sn-max-retask-gather-amount 115 sn-max-skips-per-attempt 87 sn-mill-max-distance 216 sn-minimum-amount-for-trading 16 sn-minimum-attack-group-size 204 sn-minimum-boar-hunt-group-size 59 sn-minimum-boat-attack-group-size 68 62 35 25 sn-minimum-boat-defend-group-size sn-minimum-boat-explore-group-size sn-minimum-civilian-explorers sn-minimum-defend-group-size

y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y >= 0. >= 1. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 1. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. 0 or 1.

y y y y y y y y y y y y y

-1 40 10 100 50 4 5 1 0 1 0 1 25

-1 40 10 100 50 4 5 1 0 1 0 1 25

y y y

y y y y y y y

202 sn-minimum-dropsite-buffer

43 sn-minimum-explore-group-size

>= 0.

29 sn-minimum-peace-like-level 73 sn-minimum-town-size 112 sn-minimum-water-body-size-for-dock

y y y

y y y

y y y

>= 0 and <= 100. >= 0. >= 10.

y y y

85 12 300

85 12 300

36 sn-number-attack-groups 58 sn-number-boat-attack-groups 67 sn-number-boat-defend-groups 61 sn-number-boat-explore-groups 114 sn-number-build-attempts-before-skip 38 sn-number-defend-groups 145 sn-number-enemy-objects-required 42 sn-number-explore-groups 226 sn-number-forward-builders

y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y

>= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 1. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >=0.

y y y y y y y y y

0 0 0 0 25 0 10 0 0

3 2 0 1 25 0 10 0 0

146 sn-number-max-skip-cycles 198 sn-percentage-explore-exterminators 228 sn-percent-attack-boats

y y y y

y y y

y y

>= 0 and <= 100. >= 0 and <= 100.

y y y

50 50 75

50 50 0

227 sn-percent-attack-soldiers

>= 0 and <= 100.


1 0 2 19 32

sn-percent-civilian-builders sn-percent-civilian-explorers sn-percent-civilian-gatherers sn-percent-enemy-sighted-response sn-percent-exploration-required

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y

y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

>= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0 and <= 100. >= 0 and <= 100. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0 and <= 7. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0.

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

0 34 66 50 100 30 50 0 10 10 20 0 0 1 10 12 2 0

0 34 66 50 100 30 50 0 10 10 20 0 0 1 10 12 2 0

179 sn-percent-half-exploration 168 sn-random-placement-factor 55 sn-relic-defend-priority 23 sn-relic-return-distance 169 sn-required-forest-tiles 148 sn-retask-gather-amount 105 sn-save-scenario-information 94 sn-scale-maximum-attack-group-size 93 sn-scale-minimum-attack-group-size 99 22 72 109 sn-scaling-frequency sn-sentry-distance sn-sentry-distance-variation sn-special-attack-influence1

y y y

y y y y y y y y

>= 0. >= 0. >= 0.

y y y y

106 sn-special-attack-type1

Valid master object ID or 1



107 sn-special-attack-type2 108 sn-special-attack-type3

y y y

y y

-1 -1

51 sn-stone-defend-priority 165 sn-stone-dropsite-distance 119 sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 81 sn-target-evaluation-ally-proximity 89 sn-target-evaluation-attack-attempts 144 sn-target-evaluation-boat

y y y y y y

y y y

y y y y y y

y y y y y y

>= 0 and <= 7. >= 3. >= 0 and <= 100. >= 0. >= 0.

y y y y y y

0 3 0 0 -25 0

0 25 0 0 -25 0

122 sn-target-evaluation-continent



79 sn-target-evaluation-damage-capability 77 78 185 80 83 90 82 123 sn-target-evaluation-distance sn-target-evaluation-hitpoints sn-target-evaluation-in-progress sn-target-evaluation-kills sn-target-evaluation-randomness sn-target-evaluation-range sn-target-evaluation-rof sn-target-evaluation-siege-weapon

y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y

>= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0. >= 0.

y y y y y y y y y

0 50 0 50 0 0 0 0 0

0 50 0 50 0 0 0 0 0

184 sn-target-evaluation-time-kill-ratio 143 sn-task-ungrouped-soldiers

y y

y y

y y

>= 0. 0 or 1.

y n

20 1

20 1

18 sn-total-number-explorers

56 sn-town-defend-priority 201 sn-track-player-history 203 sn-use-by-type-max-gathering 164 sn-wood-dropsite-distance 120 sn-wood-gatherer-percentage 34 sn-zero-priority-distance 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 21 27 33 113 116

y y y y y y

y y y y y y

y y y y y y

>= 0 and <= 7. 0 or 1. 0 or 1. >= 3. >= 0 and <= 100. >= 0 and <= 144.

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

7 0 0 3 0 50 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10

7 0 1 10 0 50

y y

137 153 154 156 157 158 159 162 189 199 200 211 Legend : = either : or :

y y y y y y y y y y y y

-1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 50 25 50 -1

undocumented, exists in game engine from previous AoE series games. Have resolvd what most are / were. Unresolved sn id no's are all shown with a blank name undesirable command or very different behaviour to what is expected


Cheat - adds to starting resources Cheat - adds to starting resources Cheat - adds to starting resources Cheat - adds to starting resources Controls whether or not the computer player can change his alliance when attacked by an ally. Must be 0 or 1 Controls whether or not the computer player will allow his diplomacy to change when he receives tribute from a player. Must be 0 or 1 Selects the type of coordination between computer player attacks. 0 means no coordination. 1 means that one group may attack at a time. 2 means that multiple groups may attack at the same time. Must be >= 0 and <= 2 Sets the amount of time that must pass before units respond to a subsequent enemy attack distress call. Must be >= 0 Sets the amount of time that must pass between computer player attacks. Must be >= 0 Controls whether or not the computer player decides how and when to build Docks. Must be 0 or 1 Controls whether or not the computer player decides how and when to build storage pits and granaries. Must be 0 or 1 Controls whether or not the computer player can use extra wood to build Farms once all of the build list buildings are constructed. Must be 0 or 1 Controls whether or not the computer player decides how and when to build fishing boats. Must be 0 or 1 Controls whether the computer player can decide to build its houses by itself. Must be 0 or 1 Controls whether or not the computer player can use extra stone to build towers. Must be 0 or 1 Controls whether or not the computer player decides how and when to build transports. Must be 0 or 1 Determines if the computer player is allowed to decide how and when to build warships. Must be 0 or 1 The number of divisions a computer player will place in its build list (used to calculate gathering percentages). Must be >= 1 Controls how often the computer player may demand tribute from his computer player allies (in seconds). Must be >= 0 Controls the maximum amount a computer player may demand from his computer player allies at any one time. Must be >= 1 Controls whether or not important attack group leaders are defended by the other group units. A value of 1 has the members defend the leader. A value of 0 does not How many Docks the computer player wants in a given game. Must be >= 0 Sets the desired number of warboat escorts for fishing boats. Must be >= 0 How many fishing boats the computer player wants in a given game. Must be >= 0 Sets the desired number of warboat escorts for tradeboats. Must be >= 0 Sets the desired number of warboat escorts for transports. Must be >= 0 How many transports the computer player wants in a given game. Must be >= 0 How many warships the computer player wants in a given game. Must be >= 0 Sets the method by which a computer player fills a group of units. There are two concepts here: single group fill and level group fill. In single group fill, all available units are put into the first non-minimally full group. Once that group is full, the next group is entirely filled before the third group is considered.In level group fill, all groups are filled at the same time (one unit is placed in the first group, the next in the second, etc.). The single group fill fills up to the minimum in each group, then goes to the level group fill. Both methods respect the maximum group sizes. 0 keys the single group fill, and 1 keys the level group fill. Must be 0 or 1. The number of Houses that a computer player will autobuild over the amount needed to support 50 units. Must be >= 0

This treats the SNAttackSeparationTime and SNAttackResponseSeparationTime as the same numbers. Must be either 0 or 1 Caps the number of Farms a computer player will build. Must be >= 0 The maximum number of granaries a computer player can build in one game. Must be >= 0 Controls the maximum amount of food the computer player likes to have on hand. Must be >= 0 Controls the maximum amount of gold the computer player likes to have on hand. Must be >= 0 The maximum number of Houses that can be built before a dropsite is built. Must be >= 0 Controls the maximum amount of stone the computer player likes to have on hand. Must be >= 0 Controls the maximum amount of wood the computer player likes to have on hand. Must be >= 0 The maximum number of storage pits a computer player can build in one game. Must be >= 0 Caps the number of towers a computer player will build. Must be >= 0. Starts at 0, changed to 10 after start - ie a bit later !! Count of trees ? Game time ? Time in age ? The minimum amount of food a computer player likes to keep on hand. Must be >= 0 The minimum amount of gold a computer player likes to keep on hand. Must be >= 0 The minimum amount of stone a computer player likes to keep on hand. Must be >= 0 The minimum amount of wood a computer player likes to keep on hand. Must be >= 0 The number of build list objects the computer player will use to look ahead to tabulate the resources required. Only used for the dynamic gathering percentages. Must be >= 0. Sets the number of gates that must be left in the wall around a computer players town. Must be >= 0 Sets the percentage of units that a group can let die (relative to what it started the attack with) before retreating. Must be >= 1 and <= 100 Sets the percentage of hit points that a group can lose (relative to what it started the attack with) before retreating. Must be >= 1 and <= 100. Sets the percentage of hit points that a unit can lose (relative to what it started the attack with) before retreating. Must be >= 1 and <= 100 Controls what building a computer player must place first.0: No restriction.1: Either a Storage Pit or a granary.2: A Storage Pit.3: A Granary.4: Both a Storage Pit and a Granary.Exceptions consist of a Town Center and SNMaximumHousesBeforeDropsites Selects what happens when a target is destroyed during an attack. 0 means that the attack group will never retreat and will recenter upon their current position. 1 means that the group will retreat if no other target is reachable. 2 means that the group will always retreat when the target is destroyed. 3 means that the group will go into extermination mode; they will explore unexplored territory and attack any enemies units they uncover. Must be >= 0 and <= 3 Sets the priority of defending Ruins. Must be >= 0 and <= 7. The scaling factor for the percent health retreat. Added to SNPercentDeathRetreat when the tactical AI does its scaling. Must be >= -100 and <= 100 The scaling factor for the percent health retreat. Added to SNPercentHealthRetreat when the tactical AI does its scaling. Must be >= -100 and <= 100 The scaling factor for the percent health retreat. Added to SNPercentUnitHealthRetreat when the tactical AI does its scaling. Must be >= -100 and <= 100 Sets the size (in tiles) of the gates in the wall around a computer players town. Must be >= 0 Sets the multiplier used for the special attack type 2 rating in computer player target evaluation. Must be > 0 to influence the computer player toward attacking the special type 2, < 0 to influence the computer player away from attacking the special type 2 Sets the multiplier used for the special attack type 3 rating in computer player target evaluation. Must be > 0 to influence the computer player toward attacking the special type 3, < 0 to influence the computer player away from attacking the special type 3 The time (in minutes) that the SNSpecificBuildItemToBuild should be inserted into. Must be >= 0 A specific build item that should be inserted into the computer players list. Must be a valid build ID Sets the number of seconds that pass between each tactical AI update. Must be >= 0

Sets the required amount of gold that must be tributed to the computer player. If this is 0, no computer player tributing is monitored for the special system (thus, the normal tribute system is in effect). When this value is > 0, the computer player will expect some gold in tribute Sets the frequency (in seconds) of the computer players chat messages asking for tribute. Must be >= 0 Sets the randomness (in seconds) of the computer players chat messages asking for tribute. Must be >= 0 and < SNTributeChatFrequency Controls what happens when the tribute request is not fulfilled within the allotted time. If set to 0, nothing happens. If set to 1, the computer player will go to war when the tribute amount is not paid Controls whether or not the interactive tribute system operates once or forever. A value of 1 makes it last the entire game (i.e. the computer player will continue to demand SNTributeAmount of gold for the entire game, at intervals roughly equivalent to SNTributeChatFrequency from the outcome evaluation). A value of 0 makes the interactive tribute occur one time Sets the player ID# of the player the computer player will target for the tribute request. Must be a valid player number for the game. (monks tend to ignore relics for returning beyond this distance. -1 means any distance ??) Controls whether or not the computer player rescinds the favorable tribute outcome when the SNTributePlayer attacks the computer player. A value of 1 has the computer player rescind, a value of 0 does not Controls what happens when the tribute request is fulfilled within the allotted time. If set to 0, nothing happens. If set to 1, the computer player will ally when the tribute amount is paid Sets the amount of time (in seconds) within which the tribute must take place. Must be >= 0 Allows the computer player to not skip a particular item type during building. Must be a valid build ID Controls whether or not the computer player will abandon all to upgrade to the Bronze Age as soon as it becomes available for research. Must be 0 or 1 Controls whether or not the computer player will abandon all to upgrade to the Iron Age as soon as it becomes available for research. Must be 0 or 1 Controls whether or not the computer player will abandon all to upgrade to the Tool Age as soon as it becomes available for research. Must be 0 or 1 The impact (positive or negative) that a computer player injects into his diplomacy system when attacked. Controls the relative proximity (to the group gather point) that grouped units must be in before the group is considered gathered. The randomness factor in the attack group size. This sets a cap on the amount of randomness in the minimum attack group size. The randomness factor is set once (when the group is created) and will be between 0 and this number. Specifies whether the intelligent attack system is used. The intelligent attack system tries to avoid enemy units when attacking and tries to attack from different sides. When used with the SNAttackCoordination set to 2, this can create multifront attacks. Must be 0 (to turn off) and 1 (to turn on The amount of randomness incorporated into the attack separation time. Must be >= 0 and < SNAttackSeparationTime Controls whether or not the computer player will attack the winning player (if there is more than one to choose from). The influence the SNAttackWinningPlayer will have on deciding who to attack if its set to 1. This controls whether or not the computer player re-explores previously explored regions. A value of 1 has the computer player re-explore, a value of 0 does not. This controls the size of the area that a computer player marks for re-exploration. Sets the number of tactical AI updates that pass between each training or research attempt. Sets the maximum distance that lumber camp and mining camp may be placed from a Town Center. Caps the number of builders allocated. Factored in after the percentage is calculated. Ignored when set to 1. -1 prevents any building !!!

Caps the number of civilian explorers allocated. Factored in after the percentage is calculated. Ignored when set to 1. Caps the number of gatherers allocated. Factored in after the percentage is calculated. Ignored when set to 1. Sets the number of consecutive seconds that pass before a group is set to idle if all of its units are idle. This is only used during attack and retreat phases. Controls whether allied computer players can attack to defend each other. Controls how often this computer player can ask another for help (in seconds). Controls whether or not allied computer players share information about what they uncover (this is not like Cartography; instead, its analogous to two humans chatting). Sets the amount of influence that a defend group has. Defend groups will be assigned so that their circles of influence do not overlap. Sets the distance at which items (town excluded) are defended. Sets the priority of defending a Dock. 0 does not protect Docks, 1 does. Disables the automatic difficulty-scaling. See Level of Difficulty - Random Map Game. Default = 0.

Sets the effective reaction percentage (of normal LOS) a computer player unit will use in single-player easier scenario or campaign games. You can stand on your head - it will always be 100 when used in a fact!! Sets the effective reaction percentage (of normal LOS) a computer player unit will use in single-player Easiest level scenario or campaign games. You can stand on your head - it will always be 100 when used in a fact!! Sets the distance inside of which units will be candidates for response to an enemy attack. The maximum number of tiles a computer player likes to walk to drop off its food. The required percentage of food gatherers. This is applied before the normal calculation formula takes effect. Sets the priority of defending forage sites. Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to turn off. When on, the CP AI tries (but doesn't always succeed) to put infantry units into rams before the attack group departs. Defaults to 0. When set to 1, it will "move" the town defense gather point to the "center" (randomized +6 tiles) of the map. No provision is made if the center is in an unreachable spot. When it's set, all idle and retreating units will try to go to the center. Useful for King of the Hill and similar variants to get the CP to group near the middle. Sets the priority of defending gold. A priority of 0 means that gold will not be defended. A priority of 1 means that gold has the highest defend priority. The maximum number of tiles a computer player likes to walk to drop off its gold. The required percentage of gold gatherers. This is applied before the normal calculation formula takes effect. Sets the method by which group commanders are selected. 0 selects the unit with the most hit points. 1 selects the unit with the fewest hit points. 2 selects the unit with the most range. The commander is set once during a groups creation and is only reset when the commander dies.. Sets the distance over which attack soldiers will group. Set this value high if buildings that train military units are far apart. Sets the defense distance for defenders of an important attack group leader. Sets the number of times a computer player will allow his units to be hit by an ally before allowing his diplomacy to be changed. The forced, initial delay before any computer player attacks (in seconds). The type of initial attack delay. A value of 1 denotes a delay ended by the build list. A value of 2 uses the sn-initial-attack-delay timeout. A value of 3 allows the computer player to attack after he has been attacked by a non-Gaia player. A value of 0 allows any of the three occurrences to enable attacks. The percentage of the map that must be explored by a computer player before any building is allowed.

The maximum percentage of gatherers that a computer player will task based on the pregame requirements of the build plan. Sets the maximum size of land-based attack groups.

Sets the maximum size of boat attack groups.

Sets the maximum size of boat defend groups.

Sets the maximum size of boat exploration groups.

Sets the maximum size of land-based defend groups.

Sets the maximum size of land-based soldier exploration groups. You can stand on your head - it will always be 1 when used in a fact!! The parameters control how far from a dropsite a given resource type can be before the CP ignores it. 1 indicates a "don't care" -- i.e. it can be any distance (as it used to be). The parameters control how far from a dropsite a given resource type can be before the CP ignores it. 1 indicates a "don't care" -- i.e. it can be any distance (as it used to be). The maximum number of civilians that respond to another civilian getting attacked by a Gaia animal. The parameters control how far from a dropsite a given resource type can be before the CP ignores it. 1 indicates a "don't care" -- i.e. it can be any distance (as it used to be). The parameters control how far from a dropsite a given resource type can be before the CP ignores it. 1 indicates a "don't care" -- i.e. it can be any distance (as it used to be). The parameters control how far from a dropsite a given resource type can be before the CP ignores it. 1 indicates a "don't care" -- i.e. it can be any distance (as it used to be). By setting the parameters to the appropriate value it is possible to avoid having villagers walk all over the map to gather resources. Sets the maximum size of a computer player town.

The parameters control how far from a dropsite a given resource type can be before the CP ignores it. 1 indicates a "don't care" -- i.e. it can be any distance (as it used to be). The maximum amount that a gatherer can be told to gather before being allowed to be retasked. Some code may override this. The maximum number of unbuilt items that can be skipped during any build plan processing before giving up (for being too far ahead of the current position in the plan). Sets the maximum distance that mills may be placed from a Town Center. Controls how much of a resource a computer player must have before using it for trading. Sets the minimum size of land-based attack groups. A group must meet its minimum size as one of the tasking prerequisites. The game can change this itself during the game. The number of civilians a computer player must collect before allowing boars to be hunted for food. Sets the minimum size of boat attack groups. A group must meet its minimum size as one of the tasking prerequisites. Sets the minimum size of boat defend groups. Sets the minimum size of boat exploration groups. Sets a minimum number of civilian explorers. Sets the minimum size of land-based defend groups. A group must meet its minimum size as one of the tasking prerequisites. Controls how far away a computer player will keep dropsites in relation to enemy Town Centers. (Controls how far away a computer player will keep dropsites in relation to enemy Town Centers. Must be 0 or 1. ??) Sets the minimum size of land-based soldier exploration groups. A group must meet its minimum size as one of the tasking prerequisites. You can stand on your head - it will always be 1 when used in a fact!! Sets the level at which computer players must like another player before allying with that player. Sets the minimum size of a computer player town. The minimum number of tiles (in surface area) that a body of water must be for a Dock to be placed on it.

Sets the desired number of land-based attack groups. Sn-percent-attack-soldiers generally works better. Sets the desired number of boat attack groups. Setting sn-percent-attack-boat usually works better. Sets the desired number of boat defend groups. Sets the desired number of boat exploration groups. The maximum number of build attempts a build plan can go through before being put into skip mode. Sets the desired number of land-based defend groups. The count of the number of enemy objects the computer player must see before dropping the number of civilian explorers down to the minimum level. Sets the desired number of land-based soldier exploration groups. The number of civilians a computer player uses to build outside of an enemy town. Forward builders refer specifically to those villagers that must board a Transport to cross over water that cannot otherwise be pathed, either because players are on islands, or because other forms of access have been walled-off. It is not necessary to specify forward builders, unless the villagers need to board a Transport. Determines how many of the computer players soldier explore groups are set as extermination groups. Must be >= 0 and <= 100 Sets the percentage of defense boats that will be sent into battle (modified for difficulty level) the next time attack-now is issued. All newly created boats are defense boats by default, and will remain defense boats until attack-now is issued. Both attack soldiers and attack boats will attack when attack-now is issued. This SN only needs to be set once, but it can be changed as needed. Sets the percentage of defense soldiers that will be sent into battle (modified for difficulty level) the next time attack-now is issued. All newly created soldiers are defense soldiers by default, and will remain defense soldiers until attack-now is issued. For example, if 10 soldiers were defending a town, and sn-percent-attack-soldiers was set to 50, then 5 soldiers will form an attack group and attack. This SN only needs to be set once, but it can be changed as needed. sn-percent-attack-soldiers works best when not using sn-number-defend-groups. Controls the normal, formula-based percentage of builders allocated. Controls the normal, formula-based percentage of civilian explorers allocated. Controls the normal, formula-based percentage of gatherers allocated. Sets the percentage of idle troops that will respond to another unit being attacked. Sets the minimum amount of exploration that a computer player must have accomplished before being allowed to retask civilian explorers. The percentage of map exploration that allows the computer player to task down to half the number of explorers. A number that gets added into the placement of the computer player to randomize building placement (off of the calculated ideal). Sets the priority of defending relics. Sets the distance that relics must be within to be considered returned to the Town Center. The minimum number of forest tiles that a computer player must uncover before placing its first lumber camp. The minimum amount that a gatherer must gather before the computer player allows him to be retasked to another resource type. Some code may override this. Controls whether the learning information is saved at the end of the scenario for a given computer player. Must be 0 (to turn off) or 1 (to turn on). The scaling factor for the maximum attack group size. Added to SNMinimumAttackGroupSize when the tactical AI does its scaling. The scaling factor for the minimum attack group size. Added to SNMinimumAttackGroupSize when the tactical AI does its scaling. Sets the number of minutes that pass between each scaling inside the tactical AI. Sets the distance at which the town is defended. Sets the amount of allowable variation in the defense distances. Sets the multiplier used for the special attack type 1 rating in computer player target evaluation. Must be > 0 to influence the computer player toward attacking the special type 1, < 0 to influence the computer player away from attacking the special type 1. Sets the type of object (first slot) that the computer player particularly wants to attack.Must be a valid master object ID or 1 if no special attack type is desired. Set to 1 to attack monastery.

Sets the type of object (second slot) that the computer player particularly wants to attack. Must be a valid master object id or 1 if no special attack type is desired Sets the type of object (third slot) that the computer player particularly wants to attack. Must be a valid master object ID or 1 if no special attack type is desired. Set to 1 to attack wonder. Sets the priority of defending stone. The maximum number of tiles a computer player likes to walk to drop off its stone. The required percentage of stone gatherers. This is applied before the normal calculation formula takes effect. Sets the multiplier used for the ally proximity (number of allies in range) rating in computer player target evaluation. Sets the multiplier used for the attack attempts rating in computer player target evaluation. Sets the additive value used for influencing land units to attack or not attack boats. Must be > 0 to influence land units to attack boats, 0 for no special influence, and less than 0 for aversion. Sets the additive value used for the targets on the same continent as the attack group commander. Must be > 0 to influence the computer player toward attacking the units on the same continent or 0 for no special influence. Sets the multiplier used for the damage capability rating in computer player target evaluation. Sets the multiplier used for the distance rating in computer player target evaluation. Sets the multiplier used for the hit point rating in computer player target evaluation. The amount of influence of continuing to attack a target already under attack. Sets the multiplier used for the kill rating in computer player target evaluation. Sets the multiplier used for the randomness factor in computer player target evaluation. Sets the multiplier used for the range rating in computer player target evaluation. Sets the multiplier used for the rate of fire rating in computer player target evaluation. Sets the additive value used for influencing siege weapons to attack stationary targets (and influencing non-siege weapons not to attack those stationary targets). Must be > 0 to influence the computer player to use siege weapons to attack stationary targets or 0 for no special influence. The amount of influence the time to kill a target has in deciding what to attack. Controls whether or not ungrouped computer player soldiers get tasked to spread out and guard the computer players general town area. You can stand on your head - it will always be 1 when used in a fact !! Caps the total number of explorers/explorer groups allocated. Factored in after the percentage of civilian explorers is calculated and the soldier groups are set up. Ignored when set to 1. Sets the priority of defending the computer players town. Decides whether or not a human players tendencies are tracked or not. Controls whether or not logical, type-specific gatherer requirements are placed on the quantity of resources gatherers must collect before being allowed to be retasked. The maximum number of tiles a computer player likes to walk to drop off its wood. The required percentage of wood gatherers. This is applied before the normal calculation formula takes effect. Sets the distance at which a computer players order for a unit is set to a priority of 0. TC AI uses 250 !!

ame engine from previous AoE series games. Have resolvd what ed sn id no's are all shown with a blank name very different behaviour to what is expected

AI Name

RMS Name

Class Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object

AI Grou p ID 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 901 902 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 903 904 904 904 904 904 904 904

Group AI Descrip Line tion ID Ranged Units -299 Ranged Units -299 Ranged Units -299 Ranged Units -295 Ranged Units -295 Ranged Units -280 Ranged Units -280 Ranged Units -277 Ranged Units -277 Ranged Units -266 Ranged Units -266 Ranged Units Ranged Units Ranged Units Monument Trade Cog Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Villagers 83 Villagers 83 Villagers 83 Villagers 83 Villagers 83 Villagers 83 Villagers 83

Std AI Line Std AI Line Descripti Unit Unit Name on ID Name RMS Unit Name Unit Description ARCHER Archer archer-lineArcher Line 4 archer CROSSBOWMAN Crossbowman archer-lineArcher Line 24 crossbowman Arbalest archer-lineArcher Line 492 arbalest ARBALEST Skirmisher Line ELITE_SKIRMISHERElite Skirmisher spearman-line 6 elite-skirmisher Skirmisher Line SKIRMISHER Skirmisher spearman-line 7 skirmisher Chu Ko Nu Line Chu Ko Nu chu-ko-nu-line 73 chu-ko-nuCHU_KO_NU Chu Ko Nu Line ELITE_CHU_KO_NUElite Chu Ko Nu chu-ko-nu-line 559 elite-chu-ko-nu Longbowman8 Line LONGBOWMAN Longbowman longbowman-line longbowman Longbowman Line ELITE_LONGBOWMAN Elite Longbowman longbowman-line 530 elite-longbowman Plumed Archer PLUMED_ARCHER Plumed Archer plumed-archer-line 763Line plumed-archer Plumed Archer ELITE_PLUMED_ARCHER Elite Plumed Archer plumed-archer-line 765Line elite-plumed-archer ROBIN_HOOD Robin Hood 200 LORD_DE_GRAVILLE Lord de Graville 642 ARCHERS_OF_THE_EYES Archers of the Eyes 686 MONUMENT Monument 826 Trade Cog 17 trade-cog TRADE_COG Barracks 12 barracks BARRACKS DOCK Dock 45 dock SIEGE_WORKSHOPSiege Workshop 49 siege-workshop MILL Mill 68 mill HOUSE House 70 house CASTLE Castle 82 castle Market 84 market MARKET ARCHERY_RANGE Archery Range 87 archery-range STABLE Stable 101 stable BLACKSMITH Blacksmith 103 blacksmith MONASTERY Monastery 104 monastery TOWN_CENTER Town Center 109 town-center TRADE_WORKSHOP Trade Workshop 110 University 209 universityUNIVERSITY Wonder 276 wonder WONDER LUMBER_CAMP Lumber Camp 562 lumber-camp MINING_CAMP Mining Camp 584 mining-camp Outpost 598 outpost OUTPOST CATHEDRAL Cathedral 599 TOWN_CENTER_HALF Town Center 618 TOWN_CENTER_HALF_2 Town Center 619 TOWN_CENTER_HALF_3 Town Center 620 PAVILION Pavilion 624 PAVILION3 Pavilion 625 PAVILION2 Pavilion 626 MOSQUE Mosque 655 PYRAMID Pyramid 689 DOME_OF_THE_ROCK Dome of the Rock 690 GREAT_PYRAMID Great Pyramid 696 YURT Yurt 712 YURT2 Yurt 713 YURT3 Yurt 714 YURT4 Yurt 715 YURT5 Yurt 716 YURT6 Yurt 717 YURT7 Yurt 718 YURT8 Yurt 719 Villager VILLAGER Male Fisherman villager 56 Villager VILLAGER Female Fisherman villager 57 Villager VILLAGER Male Builder villager 118 Villager VILLAGER Male Forager villager 120 Villager VILLAGER Male Hunter villager 122 Villager VILLAGER Male Lumberjack villager 123 Villager VILLAGER Male Stone Miner villager 124

RMS std defn y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

AI RM us S e use y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

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904 904 904 904 904 904 904 904 904 904 904 904 904 904 905 905 905 905 905 905 905 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906

Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Male Repairer villager 156 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Builder villager 212 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Male Farmer villager 214 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Hunter villager 216 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Lumberjack villager 218 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Stone Miner villager 220 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Repairer villager 222 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Farmer villager 259 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Idle Villager villager 293 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Forager villager 354 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Male Gold Miner villager 579 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Gold Miner villager 581 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Female Shepherd villager 590 Villagers 83 Villager VILLAGER Male Shepherd villager 592 Fishing Grounds Fish FISH Fish(Perch) 53 Fishing Grounds Fish MARLIN1 Great Fish(Marlin) 450 Fishing Grounds Fish MARLIN2 Great Fish(Marlin) 451 Fishing Grounds Fish DORADO Fish(Dorado) 455 Fishing Grounds Fish SALMON Fish(Salmon) 456 Fishing Grounds Fish TUNA Fish(Tuna) 457 Fishing Grounds Fish SNAPPER Fish(Snapper) 458 Infantry Units Militia Line 74 militiaman MILITIA Militia -296 militiaman-line Infantry Units Militia Line 75 man-at-arms MAN_AT_ARMS Man-at-arms -296 militiaman-line Infantry Units Militia Line 77 long-swordsman LONG_SWORDSMAN Long Swordman -296 militiaman-line Infantry Units Militia Line 473 two-handed-swordsman TWO_HANDED_SWORDSMAN Two-Handed Swordman -296 militiaman-line Infantry Units Militia Line 567 championCHAMPION Champion -296 militiaman-line Infantry Units Spearman Line Spearman -295 spearman-line 93 spearmanSPEARMAN Infantry Units Spearman Line Pikeman -295 spearman-line 358 pikeman PIKEMAN Infantry Units Spearman Line Halberdier -295 spearman-line 359 halberdierHALBERDIER Infantry Units Berserk Line Berserk -282 berserk-line 692 berserk BERSERK Infantry Units Berserk Line ELITE_BERSERK Elite Berserk -282 berserk-line 694 elite-berserk Infantry Units (Castle)Huskarl Huskarl (Castle) -279 huskarl-line 41 Line huskarl HUSKARL Infantry Units (Castle)Huskarl ELITE_HUSKARL Elite Huskarl (Castle) -279 huskarl-line 555 Line elite-huskarl Infantry Units Samurai Line Samurai -274 samurai-line 291 samurai SAMURAI Infantry Units Samurai Line ELITE_SAMURAI Elite Samurai -274 samurai-line 560 elite-samurai Infantry Units Teutonic Knight TEUTONIC_KNIGHTTeutonic Knight -273 teutonic-knight-line 25 Line teutonic-knight Infantry Units Teutonic Knight ELITE_TEUTONIC_KNIGHT Elite Teutonic Knight -273 teutonic-knight-line 554 Line elite-teutonic-knight Infantry Units Throwing Axeman Line THROWING_AXEMAN Throwing Axeman -272 throwing-axeman-line 281 throwing-axeman Infantry Units Throwing Axeman Line ELITE_THROWING_AXEMAN Elite Throwing Axeman -272 throwing-axeman-line 531 elite-throwing-axeman Infantry Units Woad Raider Linewoad-raider WOAD_RAIDER Woad Raider -269 woad-raider-line 232 Infantry Units Woad Raider Lineelite-woad-raider ELITE_WOAD_RAIDER Elite Woad Raider -269 woad-raider-line 534 Infantry Units Jaguar Warrior JAGUAR_WARRIORJaguar Warrior -268 jaguar-man-line 725Line jaguar-man Infantry Units Jaguar Warrior ELITE_JAGUAR_WARRIOR Elite Jaguar Warrior -268 jaguar-man-line 726Line elite-jaguar-man Infantry Units Eagle Warrior Line EAGLE_WARRIOR Eagle Warrior -267 eagle-warrior-line 751 eagle-warrior Infantry Units Eagle Warrior Line ELITE_EAGLE_WARRIOR Elite Eagle Warrior -267 eagle-warrior-line 752 elite-eagle-warrior Infantry Units SHERIFF_OF_NOTTINGHAM Sheriff of Nottingham 164 Infantry Units CHARLEMAGNE Charlemagne 165 Infantry Units THEODORIC_THE_GOTH Theodoric the Goth 168 Infantry Units AETHELFIRTH Aethelfirth 169 Infantry Units SIEGFRIED Siegfried 170 Infantry Units ERIK_THE_RED Erik the Red 171 Infantry Units KING_ARTHUR King Arthur 173 Infantry Units KITABATAKE Kitabatake 195 Infantry Units MINAMOTO Minamoto 196 Infantry Units EL_CID El Cid 198 Infantry Units CHARLES_MARTEL Charles Martel 424 Infantry Units HARALD_HARDRAADE Harald Hardraade 426 Infantry Units HROLF_THE_GANGER Hrolf the Ganger 428 Infantry Units JOAN_THE_MAID Joan the Maid 430 Infantry Units WILLIAM_WALLACEWilliam Wallace 432 Infantry Units LA_HIRE La Hire 640 Infantry Units HUSKARL Huskarl (Barracks) 759 Infantry Units ELITE HUSKARL Elite Huskarl (Barracks) 761 Infantry Units SCYTHIAN_WILD_WOMAN Scythian Wild Woman 783

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

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Infantry Units Forage Stone Tame Animals Tame Animals Wild Animals Wild Animals Wild Animals Wild Animals Wild Animals Invalid Wild Animals Wild Animals Wild Animals Wild Animals Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects

845 59 102 65 835 48 89 126 202 700 707 810 812 822 860 3 16 23 26 27 28 34 43 54 58 60 62 96 98 100 107 111 113 115 121 134 135 136 139 140 149 151 152 154 157 178 180 181 194 205 211 213 215 217 219 221 224 225 226 227 228 229 233 237

NOBUNAGA Nobunaga y y y FORAGE Forage Bush y y y STONE Stone Mine y y y DEER Deer y y y WILD_HORSE Wild Horse y y y BOAR Wild Boar y y y DIRE_WOLF Dire Wolf y y y WOLF Wolf y y y RABID_WOLF Rabid Wolf y y y HUNTING_WOLF Hunting Wolf y y y ORNLU_THE_WOLFOrnlu the Wolf y y IRON_BOAR Iron Boar y y y JAGUAR Jaguar y y y JAVELINA Javelina y y y FURIOUS THE MONKEY Furious BOY the Monkey Boy y y DEAD_ARCHER Dead Archer y y DEAD BOMBARD CANON Dead Bombard Cannon,Jean Bureau,Jean y y de Lorrain DEAD BATTERING_RAMS Dead Battering Ram y y DEAD CROSSBOWMAN Dead Crossbowman y y DEAD CATAPHRACT Dead Cataphract Line,Attila the Hun,Belisarius y y DEAD CROSSBOWMAN Dead Chu Ko Nu Line y y DEAD CAVALRY ARCHER Dead Cavalry Archer y y DEAD DEER Dead Deer y y ARROWS Arrow(Town Center) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Male Fisherman y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Female Fisherman y y DEAD (ELITE) HUSKARL Dead Huskarl Line,Theodoric the yGoth y HAWK Hawk y y y DEAD PEOPLE Dead Hand Cannoneer y y DEAD SPEARMAN Dead Elite Skirmisher y y DEAD SPEARMAN Dead Janissary Line y y DEAD KNIGHT Dead Knight,Roland,Sieur Bertrand,Sieur y y de Metz DEAD HEAVY CAMEL Dead Camel) y y DEAD CROSSBOWMAN Dead Longbowman Line) Dead Robin y y Hood) DEAD ONAGER Dead Mangonel) y y DEAD MONK Dead Monk) Dead Archbishop) Dead y Friar y Tuck) Dead Imam) Dead P DEAD PEOPLE ON HORSE Dead Mangudai Line) Dead Bleda y they Hun) Dead Genghis Khan) De DEAD WAR_ELEPHANT Dead War Elephant Line) y y DEAD CAVALIERS(?) Dead Cavalier) Dead Alesander Nevski) y y Dead Gawain) Dead Kushlu DEAD SPEARMAN Dead Spearman) y y DEAD SCORPION Dead Scorpion) y y DEAD CHAMPION Dead Samurai Line) Dead Kitabatake) y yDead Minamoto) Dead Nobun DEAD MILITIA Dead Militia) Dead Genitour Line) y y DEAD ELITE THROWING Dead AXEMAN Man-at-arms) y y DEAD MAN AT ARMS Dead (?) Throwing Axeman Line) Dead y Charlemagne) y Dead Charles Ma DEAD TRADE_CART Dead Trade Cart(Load Empty)) y y DEAD LONG_SWORDSMAN Dead Long Swordman) Dead Joan y the y Maid) DEAD TEUTONIC KNIGHT Dead Teutonic Knight Line) y y DEAD TREBUCHET Dead Trebuchet(Unpacked)) Dead y Bad y Neighbor(Unpacked)) Dead G DEAD TRADE_CART Dead Trade Cart(Load Full)) Dead y Emperor y in a Barrel) DEAD VILLAGER Dead Female Villager) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Female Builder) Dead Female y Repairer) y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Female Farmer) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Female Hunter) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Female Lumberjack) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Female Gold Miner) Dead y Female y Stone Miner) DEAD VILLAGER Dead Male Villager) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Male Builder) Dead Male Repairer) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Male Farmer) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Male Hunter) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Male Lumberjack) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Male Gold Miner) Dead Male y Stone y Miner) DEAD WOAD_RAIDER Dead Woad Raider Line) Dead Aethelfirth) y y DEAD WOLF Dead Wolf) Dead Rabid Wolf) y y

Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object

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Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects

238 244 274 278 328 353 355 356 357 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 380 423 431 433 435 449 466 468 469 470 471 475 476 477 478 480 495 496 500 501 502 504 505 506 507 509 510 511 512 515 517 518 519 521 522 523 524 540 541 543

DEAD SKIRMISHER Dead Skirmisher) y y FLAMING_BALL Dead Mameluke Line) y y ??? Flare EXPIRED_FISHTRAP Expired Fish Trap y y FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Town Center) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Male Forager) y y DEAD VILLAGER Dead Female Forager) y y DEAD BOAR Dead Wild Boar) Dead Iron Boar) y y WARNING : Crashes Rough Game ! Farm :-( y ARROWS3 Arrow(Archer) y y ARROWS3 Arrow(Crossbowman) y SPEAR Spear(Skirmisher) y y SPEAR Spear(Elite Skirmisher) Spear(Genitour y y Line) SCORPION ARROWArrow(Scorpion) y y SMALL ROCK WITH Bullet(Bombard SHADOW Cannon) Bullet(Jean y de y Lorrain) Bullet(Jean Bureau) TINY WHITE ROCK(?) Stone(Mangonel Line) y y SMALL WHITE ROCK Stone(Trebuchet) Stone(Bad Neighbor) y y Stone(God's own Sling) SCORPION ARROWArrow(War Galley) y y Arrow(Galleon) Arrow(War Wagon y Line) SMALL ROCK WITH Bullet(Cannon SHADOW Galleon Line) y y FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Crossbowman) y y FLAMING SPEARS Flaming Spear(Skirmisher) y y FLAMING SPEARS Flaming Spear(Elite Skirmisher) Flaming y y Spear(Genitour Line) FLAMING SCORPION Flaming ARROW Arrow(Scorpion) y y BULLET OF JANISSARY Bullet(Hand Cannoneer) Bullet(Janissary y y Line) Bullet(Conquistador L DEAD CAPPED_RAM Dead Capped Ram) y y DEAD JOAN_THE_MAID Dead Joan the Maid) Dead Saythan y Wild y Woman) Dead William Wallace) y DEAD ERIK_THE_RED Dead (?) King) Dead King Alfonso) Dead y y King Sancho) Dead Shah) DEAD SCYTIAN_SCOUT Dead(?) Scout Cavalry) y y FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Archer) y y SMALL FLAMING ROCK Flaming Stone(Mangonel Line) y y SMALL FLAMING ROCK Flaming Stone(Trebuchet) Flaming y Stone(Bad y Neighbor) Flaming Sto FLAMING SCORPION Flaming ARROW Arrow(War Galley) y y FLAMING SCORPION Flaming ARROW Arrow(Galleon) Flaming y Arrow(War y Wagon Line) FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Cavalry Archer) Flaming y y Arrow(Mangudai Line) Flamin FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Heavy Cavalry Archer) y y Flaming Arrow(Subotai) ARROWS3 Arrow(Cavalry Archer) Arrow(Mangudai y y Line) Arrow(Genghis Khan) A ARROWS3 Arrow(Heavy Cavalry Archer) Arrow(Subotai) y y DEAD TARKAN Dead Hussar) y y DEAD MAMELUKE Dead Heavy Camel) y y DEAD CROSSBOWMAN Dead Arbalest) Dead Lord de Graville) y y Dead Two-Handed Swordman) y DEAD PIKEMAN Dead Pikeman) y y DEAD PIKEMAN Dead Halberdier) y y ARROWS3 Arrow(Watch Tower Line) y y ARROWS3 Arrow(Watch Tower Line) Arrow(The y Accursed y Tower) Arrow(The To SMALL ROCK WITH Bullet(Bombard SHADOW Tower) y y ARROWS3 Arrow(Arbalest) Arrow(Archers of ythe Eyes) y Arrow(Lord de Graville) ARROWS3 Arrow(Male Hunter) Arrow(Female Hunter) y ARROWS3 Arrow(Chu Ko Nu Line) y y ARROWS3 Arrow(Longbowman Line) Arrow(Plumed y y Archer Line) Arrow(Robin H ARROWS3 Arrow(Longboat Line) y y FLYING AXES Axe(Throwing Axeman Line) Axe(Charles y y Martel) Axe(Charlemagne) FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Watch Tower Line) y y FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Watch Tower Line) y Flaming y Arrow(The Accursed Tow FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Archers of the Eyes) y Flaming y Arrow(Lord de Graville) FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Male Hunter) Flaming Arrow(Female y Hunter) FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Chu Ko Nu Line) y y FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Longbowman Line) y Flaming y Arrow(Plumed Archer Lin FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Longboat Line) y y ARROWS3 Arrow(Galley) y y FLAMING ARROW Flaming Arrow(Galley) y y DEAD SCORPION Dead Heavy Scorpion) y y

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Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Unit Effects Cavalry Units -288 Cavalry Units -288 Cavalry Units -287 Cavalry Units -287 Cavalry Units -287 Cavalry Units -286 Cavalry Units -286 Cavalry Units -281 Cavalry Units -281 Cavalry Units -276 Cavalry Units -276 Cavalry Units -271 Cavalry Units -271 Cavalry Units -265 Cavalry Units -265 Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units

DEAD LIGHT CAVALRY Dead Light Cavalry) Dead Scythian y Scout) y 547 DEAD SIEGE_RAM Dead Siege Ram) y y 549 DEAD TWO_HANDED_SWORDSMAN Dead Champion) Dead El Cid) Dead y La y Hire) Dead Siegfried) 568 DEAD PALADIN Dead Paladin) Dead Guy Josselyne) y Dead y Henry V) Dead Lancelot) D 570 DEAD SIEGE_ONAGER Dead Siege Onager) y y 589 DEAD VILLAGER Dead Female Shepherd) y y 591 DEAD VILLAGER Dead Male Shepherd) y y 593 DEAD SHEEP Dead Sheep) y y 595 SCORPION ARROWArrow(Heavy Scorpion) y y 627 FLAMING SCORPION Flaming ARROW Arrow(Heavy Scorpion) y y 628 DEAD JOAN_OF_ARC Dead Joan of Arc) y y 630 DEAD SUBOTAI Dead Heavy Cavalry Archer) Dead y Subotai) y 631 DEAD FRANKISH_PALADIN Dead Constable Richemont) Dead y Duke y D'Alen_on) Dead El Cid Cam 633 BULLET OF JANNISARY Stone(Mangonel Line) y y 656 SMALL FLAMING BALL Flaming Stone(Mangonel Line) y y 658 DEAD MANGONEL Dead Onager) y y 675 ORANGE BALLS Fire(Fire ship Line) y y 676 DEAD ARCHERS_OF_THE_EYES Dead Archers of the Eyes) y y 687 DEAD BERSERK Dead Berserk) Dead Erik the Red) y Dead y Harald Hardraade) 693 DEAD ELITE_BERSERK Dead Elite Berserk) Dead Hrolf the y Ganger) y 695 DEAD TREBUCHET Dead Trebuchet(Packed)) Dead y Bad Neighbor(Packed)) y Dead God's 735 SWORD THAT ROTATES Axe(Mameluke Line) y y 736 ARROWS3 Arrow(Castle) y y 746 FLAMING_ARROW Flaming Arrow(Castle) y y 747 DEAD PEOPLE_2 Dead Jaguar Warrior Line) y y 750 DEAD EAGLE_WARRIOR Dead Eagle Warrior Line) y y 754 DEAD ELITE_TARKAN Dead Tarkan Line) y y 756 DEAD PLUMED_ARCHER Dead Plumed Archer Line) y y 764 SMALL ROCK WITH Bullet(Turtle SHADOW Ship Line) Bullet(Admiral y y Yi Sun-shin) 767 DEAD CONQUISTADOR Dead Conquistador Line) y y 772 DEAD MISSIONARY Dead Missionary) y y 776 DEAD JAGUAR Dead Jaguar) y y 813 Dead Horse) Dead Wild Horse) y DEAD HORSE y 815 MACAW Macaw y y y 816 DEAD WAR_WAGON Dead War Wagon Line) y y 828 ??? Dead Turkey) y 834 PIECE_OF_FURIOUS(?) Dead Furious the Monkey Boy) y y 861 STORMY_DOG Stormy Dog y y 862 CAMEL Camel y y y camel-line Camel Line 329 camel HEAVY_CAMEL Heavy Camel y y y camel-line Camel Line 330 heavy-camel KNIGHT Knight y y knight-line Knight Line 38 knight Cavalier y y y knight-line Knight Line 283 cavalier CAVALIER Paladin y y y knight-line Knight Line 569 paladin PALADIN Scout Cavalry Line Hussar y y y scout-cavalry-line 441 hussar HUSSAR Scout Cavalry Line LIGHT_CAVALRY Light Cavalry y y y scout-cavalry-line 546 light-cavalry Cataphract Line CATAPHRACT Cataphract y y y cataphract-line 40 cataphract Cataphract Line ELITE_CATAPHRACT Elite Cataphract y y y cataphract-line 553 elite-cataphract Mameluke Line Mameluke y y y mameluke-line 282 mamelukeMAMELUKE Mameluke Line ELITE_MAMELUKE Elite Mameluke y y y mameluke-line 556 elite-mameluke War Elephant Line WAR_ELEPHANT War Elephant y y y war-elephant-line 239 war-elephant War Elephant Line ELITE_WAR_ELEPHANT Elite War Elephant y y y war-elephant-line 558 elite-war-elephant TARKAN Tarkan y y y tarkan-line Tarkan Line 755 tarkan ELITE_TARKAN Elite Tarkan y y y tarkan-line Tarkan Line 757 elite-tarkan RICHARD_THE_LIONHEARTED Richard the Lionhearted y y y 160 THE_BLACK_PRINCE The Black Prince y y y 161 ROLAND Roland y y y 166 BELISARIUS Belisarius y y y 167 LANCELOT Lancelot y y y 174 GAWAIN Gawain y y y 175 MORDRED Mordred y y y 176 WILLIAM_THE_CONQUEROR2 Alexander Nevski y y y 197 JOAN_OF_ARC Joan of Arc y y y 629 FRANKISH_PALADIN Frankish Paladin y y y 632 SIEUR_DE_METZ Sieur de Metz y y y 634

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912 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914

Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Cavalry Units Siege Units -291 Siege Units -291 Siege Units -291 Siege Units -290 Siege Units -290 Siege Units -290 Siege Units Siege Units Siege Units Siege Units Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects Terrain Effects

SIEUR_BERTRAND Sieur Bertrand y 636 DUKE_D_ALENCONDuke D'Alen_on y 638 CONSTABLE_RICHEMONT Constable Richemont y 646 GUY_JOSSELYNE Guy Josselyne y 648 SIR_JOHN_FASTOLF Sir John Fastolf y 652 REYNALD_DE_CHATILLON Reynald de Chatillon y 678 MASTER_OF_THE_TEMPLAR Master of the Templar y 680 KUSHLUK Kushluk y 702 ATTILA_THE_HUN Attila the Hun y 777 BLEDA_THE_HUN Bleda the Hun y 779 EL_CID_CAMPEADOR El Cid Campeador y 824 HENRY_V Henry V y 847 WILLIAM_THE_CONQUEROR William the Conqueror y 849 SCYTHIAN_SCOUT Scythian Scout y 852 Battering Ram BATTERING_RAM Battering Ram y battering-ram-line 35Line battering-ram Battering Ram Line CAPPED_RAM Capped Ram y battering-ram-line 422 capped-ram Battering Ram Line Siege Ram y battering-ram-line 548 siege-ramSIEGE_RAM Mangonel Line Mangonel y mangonel-line 280 mangonelMANGONEL Mangonel Line Onager y mangonel-line 550 onager ONAGER Mangonel Line SIEGE_ONAGER Siege Onager y mangonel-line 588 siege-onager BOMBARD_CANNON Bombard Cannon y 36 bombard-cannon JEAN_DE_LORRAINJean de Lorrain y 644 JEAN_BUREAU Jean Bureau y 650 COBRA COBRA 748 RUBBLE_1_X_1 Building Rubble 1x1 143 RUBBLE_2_X_2 Building Rubble 2x2 144 RUBBLE_3_X_3 Building Rubble 3x3 145 RUBBLE_4_X_4 Building Rubble 4x4 146 RUBBLE_OF_PYRAMID Building Rubble 5x5 147 RUBBLE_5_X_5 Building Rubble 6x6 148 CRACKS Cracks y 241 MOUNTAIN1 Mountain 1 y 310 MOUNTAIN2 Mountain 2 y 311 FLOWERS_1 Flower 1 y 334 FLOWERS_2 Flower 2 y 335 FLOWERS_3 Flower 3 y 336 FLOWERS_4 Flower 4 y 337 PATH_4 Path 4 y 338 PATH_1 Path 1 y 339 PATH_2 Path 2 y 340 PATH_3 Path 3 y 341 RUINS Ruins y 345 SEA_ROCKS_1 Sea Rocks 1 y 389 SEA_ROCKS_2 Sea Rocks 2 y 396 STUMP Stump(Commom Tree) 415 TORCH Torch y 499 BRIDGE_A_TOP Bridge A--Top 605 BRIDGE_A_MIDDLE Bridge A--Middle 606 BRIDGE_A_BOTTOM Bridge A--Bottom 607 BRIDGE_B_TOP Bridge B--Top 608 BRIDGE_B_MIDDLE Bridge B--Middle 609 BRIDGE_B_BOTTOM Bridge B--Bottom 610 ROCK Rock y 623 CACTUS Cactus y 709 SKELETON Skelton y 710 RUGS Rugs y 711 BROWN THINGIES Stump(Bamboo Forest Tree) 737 BRIDGE_A_MIDDLE_BROKEN Bridge A--Middle Broken 738 BRIDGE_A_MIDDLE_BROKEN_VAR_2 Bridge A--Top Broken 739 BRIDGE_A_MIDDLE_BROKEN_VAR_3 Bridge A--Bottom Broken 740 BRIDGE_B_MIDDLE_BROKEN Bridge B--Middle Broken 741 BRIDGE_B_MIDDLE_BROKEN_VAR_2 Bridge B--Top Broken 742 BRIDGE_B_MIDDLE_BROKEN_VAR_3 Bridge B--Bottom Broken 743 MOUNTAIN_3 Mountain 3 y 744

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object

914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 914 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 918 918 918 918 918 918 919 919 919 920 921 922 922 922 922 922 922 922 922 922 922 922 922 922 922 922 923

Terrain Effects MOUNTAIN_4 Mountain 4 745 Terrain Effects STUMP Stump 809 Terrain Effects STATUE Statue 817 Terrain Effects PLANTS Plant 818 Terrain Effects SIGN Sign 819 Terrain Effects GRAVE Grave 820 Terrain Effects HEAD Head 821 Terrain Effects TORCH_CONVERTING Torch(Converting) 854 Terrain Effects OLD_STONE_HEAD Old Stone Head 855 Terrain Effects ROMAN_RUINS Roman Ruins 856 Terrain Effects HAY_STACK Hay Stack 857 Terrain Effects BROKEN_CART Broken Cart 858 Terrain Effects FLOWER_BED Flower Bed 859 Terrain Effects RUBBLE_1_X_1 Rubble 1x1 863 Terrain Effects RUBBLE_2_X_2 Rubble 2x2 864 Terrain Effects RUBBLE_3_X_3 Rubble 3x3 865 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE_TD Tree TD 284 Gaia Effects/Tree group BAMBOO_TREE Bamboo Forest Tree 348 Gaia Effects/Tree group PINETREE Pine Forest Tree 350 Gaia Effects/Tree group PALMTREE Palm Forest Tree 351 Gaia Effects/Tree group ??? Oak Forest Tree 394 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE1 Tree A 399 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE2 Tree B 400 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE3 Tree C 401 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE4 Tree D 402 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE5 Tree E 403 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE_F Tree F 404 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE_G Tree G 405 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE_H Tree H 406 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE_I Tree I 407 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE_J Tree J 408 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE_K Tree K 409 Gaia Effects/Tree group TREE_L Tree L 410 Gaia Effects/Tree group FOREST_TREE Forest Tree 411 Gaia Effects/Tree group SNOWPINETREE Snow Pine Tree 413 Gaia Effects/Tree group JUNGLETREE Jungle Tree 414 Gaia Effects/Tree group CRATER Crater 723 Monk Units MONK Monk 125 monk Monk Units FRIAR_TUCK Friar Tuck 163 Monk Units ARCHBISHOP Archbishop 177 Monk Units MISSIONARY Missionary 775 missionary Monk Units POPE_LEO_I Pope Leo I 781 Monk Units IMAM Imam 842 Trade Carts Trade Cart(unpacked) 128 trade-cart TRADE_CART Trade Carts TRADE_CART Trade Cart(packed) 204 Trade Carts EMPEROR_IN_A_BARREL Emperor in a Barrel 733 Transport Ship TRANSPORT_SHIP Transport Ship 545 transport-ship Civilian Boat FISHING_SHIP Fishing Boat 13 fishing-ship Military Boats Demolition Ship DEMOLITION_SHIP Demolition Ship -294 demolition-ship-line 527 Line demolition-ship Military Boats Demolition Ship HEAVY_DEMOLITION_SHIP Heavy Demolition Ship -294 demolition-ship-line 528 Line heavy-demolition-ship Military Boats Fire Ship 529 fire-ship FIRE_SHIP Fire Ship -293 fire-ship-line Military Boats Fire Ship 532 fast-fire-ship FAST_FIRE_SHIP Fast Fire Ship -293 fire-ship-line Military Boats WAR_GALLEY War Galley -292 galley-line Galley Line 21 war-galley Military Boats Galleon -292 galley-line Galley Line 442 galleon GALLEON Military Boats GALLEY Galley -292 galley-line Galley Line 539 galley Military Boats Cannon Galleon CANNON_GALLEONCannon Galleon -285 cannon-galleon-line 420 Line cannon-galleon Military Boats Cannon Galleon ELITE_CANNON_GALLEON Elite Cannon Galleon -285 cannon-galleon-line 691 Line elite-cannon-galleon Military Boats Longboat Line Longboat -284 longboat-line 250 longboat LONGBOAT Military Boats Longboat Line ELITE_LONGBOAT Elite Longboat -284 longboat-line 533 elite-longboat Military Boats Turtle Ship Line Turtle Ship -283 turtle-ship-line 831 turtle-shipTURTLE_SHIP Military Boats Turtle Ship Line ELITE_TURTLE_SHIP Elite Turtle Ship -283 turtle-ship-line 832 elite-turtle-ship Military Boats SABOTEUR Saboteur 706 Military Boats ADMIRAL_YI_SUN_SHIN Admiral Yi Sun-shin 844 Conquistador Conquistador Line CONQUISTADOR Conquistador -264 conquistador-line 771 conquistador

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object

923 927 927 927 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 932 933 934 934 934 934 934 934 934 934 934 935 936 936 936 936 936 936 936 936 936 936 936 939 939 939 939 939 939 939 939 942 942 943 944 944 944 947 949 949 951 951 951 952 952 952 952 952 952

Conquistador Conquistador Line ELITE_CONQUISTADOR Elite Conquistador y y y -264 conquistador-line 773 elite-conquistador Walls Stone Wall Line Stone Wall y y y -399 stone-wall-line 117 stone-wallW ALL Walls Stone Wall Line FORTIFIED_WALL Fortified Wall y y y -399 stone-wall-line 155 fortified-wall Walls PALISADE_WALL Palisade Wall y y y 72 palisade-wall Map Revealers/ Land Markers ??? Map Revealer when enemy ranged y unit fires at player's unit / building 112 Map Revealers/ Land Markers FLAG_A Flag A y y y 600 Map Revealers/ Land Markers FLAG_B Flag B y y y 601 Map Revealers/ Land Markers FLAG_C Flag C y y y 602 Map Revealers/ Land Markers FLAG_D Flag D y y y 603 Map Revealers/ Land Markers FLAG_E Flag E y y y 604 Map Revealers/ Land Markers NINE_BANDS Nine Bands y y y 720 Map Revealers/ Land Markers SHIPWRECK Shipwreck(Upward-Sloping) y y y 721 Map Revealers/ Land Markers SHIPWRECK2 Shipwreck(Downward-Sloping) y y y 722 Map Revealers/ Land Markers MAP_REVEALER Map Revealer y y y 837 Map Revealers/ Land Markers ES_FLAG ES Flag y y y 851 Gold GOLD Gold Mine y y y 66 Shore Fish SHORE_FISH Shore Fish y y y 69 Cliff Effects ??? Cliff y 264 Cliff Effects BROWN_SPOTS Cliff y y 265 Cliff Effects BROWN_SPOTS Cliff y y 266 Cliff Effects ??? Cliff y 267 Cliff Effects ??? Cliff y 268 Cliff Effects ??? Cliff y 269 Cliff Effects PART_OF_CLIF Cliff y y 270 Cliff Effects BROWN_SPOTS Cliff y y 271 Cliff Effects BROWN_SPOTS Cliff y y 272 Petard PETARD Petard y y y 440 petard Cavalry Archer Cavalry Archer CAVALRY_ARCHERCavalry Archer y y y -298 Units cavalry-archer-line 39 Line cavalry-archer Cavalry Archer Cavalry Archer HEAVY_CAVALRY_ARCHER Heavy Cavalry Archer y y y -298 Units cavalry-archer-line 474Line heavy-cavalry-archer Cavalry Archer Mangudai Line Mangudai y y y -275 Units mangudai-line 11 mangudaiMANGUDAI Cavalry Archer Mangudai Line ELITE_MANGUDAI Elite Mangudai y y y -275 Units mangudai-line 561 elite-mangudai Cavalry Archer War Wagon827 Line war-wagon W AR_WAGON War Wagon y y y -270 Units war-wagon-line Cavalry Archer War Wagon829 Line elite-war-wagon ELITE_WAR_WAGON Elite War Wagon y y y -270 Units war-wagon-line Cavalry Archer Units TAMERLANE Tamerlane y y y 172 Cavalry Archer Units GENITOUR Genitour y y y 583 Cavalry Archer Units ELITE_GENITOUR Elite Genitour y y y 596 Cavalry Archer Units SUBOTAI Subotai y y y 698 Cavalry Archer Units GENGHIS_KHAN Genghis Khan y y y 731 Gates Gate(Upward-Sloping) GATE Closed Gate(Upward-Sloping) y y 81 64 Gates Gate(Upward-Sloping) GATE Opened Gate(Upward-Sloping) y y 81 78 Gates Gate(Downward-Sloping) GATE Closed Gate(Downward-Sloping)y y 95 88 Gates Gate(Downward-Sloping) GATE Opened Gate(Downward-Sloping) y y 95 91 Gates Gate(Horizontal) GATE Closed Gate(Horizontal) y y 663 659 Gates Gate(Horizontal) GATE Opened Gate(Horizontal) y y 663 661 Gates Gate(Vertical) GATE Closed Gate(Vertical) y y 671 667 Gates Gate(Vertical) GATE Opened Gate(Vertical) y y 671 669 Relics RELIC Relic y y y 285 Relics PIECE_OF_THE_TRUE_CROSS Piece of the True Cross y y y 688 Monk with Relic MONK_WITH_RELICMonk with Relic y y 286 Gunpowder Unitsjanissary-line Janissary Line Janissary y y y -278 46 janissary JANISSARY Gunpowder Unitsjanissary-line Janissary Line ELITE_JANISSARY Elite Janissary y y y -278 557 elite-janissary Gunpowder Units HAND_CANNONEER Hand Cannoneer y y y 5 hand-cannoneer Scouting Cavalry Units Scout Cavalry Line SCOUT Scout Cavalry y y y -286 scout-cavalry-line 448 scout-cavalry Farming Objects FARM Farm y y y 50 farm Farming Objects Fish Trap y y y 199 fish-trap FISH_TRAP Trebuchets - Packed Trebuchet(Packed) y y y 331 trebuchet TREBUCHET_PACKED Trebuchets - Packed GODS_OWN_SLING_PACKED God's own Sling(Packed) y y y 729 Trebuchets - Packed BAD_NEIGHBOR_PACKED Bad Neighbor(Packed) y y y 730 Towers -398 watch-tower-line Watch Tower Linewatch-tower WATCH_TOWER Watch Tower y y y 79 Invalid -398 GUARD_TOWER Guard Tower y y 234 guard-tower Invalid -398 KEEP Keep y y 235 keep Towers BOMBARD_TOWER Bombard Tower y y y 236 bombard-tower Towers THE_ACCURSED_TOWER The Accursed Tower y y y 684 Towers THE_TOWER_OF_FLIES The Tower of Files y y y 685

Object 954 Object 954 Object 954 Object 955 Object 955 Object 958 Object 958 Object 959 Object 959 Object 959 Object 959 Object 961 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999

Trebuchets - Unpacked TREBUCHET Trebuchet(Unpacked) y 42 Trebuchets - Unpacked BAD_NEIGHBOR Bad Neighbor(Unpacked) y 682 Trebuchets - Unpacked GODS_OWN_SLINGGod's own Sling(Unpacked) y 683 Scorpion Line Scorpion Line Scorpion y -289 scorpion-line 279 scorpion SCORPION Scorpion Line Scorpion Line HEAVY_SCORPION Heavy Scorpion y -289 scorpion-line 542 heavy-scorpion Domestic Animals SHEEP Sheep y 594 Domestic Animals TURKEY Turkey y 833 King Units KING King y 434 King Units SHAH Shah y 704 King Units KING_SANCHO King Sancho y 838 King Units KING_ALFONSO King Alfonso y 840 Horse HORSE Horse y 814 Invalid GRASS y 0 Invalid WATER y 1 Invalid ??? 1 Invalid BEACH y 2 Invalid Crashes Game 2 Invalid DIRT3 y 3 Invalid SHALLOW y 4 Invalid LEAVES y 5 Invalid DIRT y 6 Invalid FARMS_PLANTED 7 Invalid FARMS_EXPIRED 8 Invalid ARABIA y 9 Invalid GRASS3 y 9 Invalid ??? 9 Invalid ARCHIPELAGO y 10 Invalid FOREST y 10 Invalid ARCHERY_RANGE 10 Invalid BALTIC y 11 Invalid DIRT2 y 11 Invalid BLACK_FOREST y 12 Invalid GRASS2 y 12 Invalid COASTAL y 13 Invalid PALM_DESERT y 13 Invalid CONTINENTAL y 14 Invalid DESERT y 14 Invalid ARCHERY_RANGE 14 Invalid CRATER_LAKE y 15 Invalid WATER 15 Invalid JUNK 15 Invalid FORTRESS y 16 Invalid GRASS 16 Invalid GOLD_RUSH y 17 Invalid JUNGLE y 17 Invalid HIGHLAND y 18 Invalid BAMBOO y 18 Invalid BLACKSMITH 18 Invalid ISLANDS y 19 Invalid PINE_FOREST y 19 Invalid BLACKSMITH 19 Invalid MEDITERRANEAN y 20 Invalid OAK_FOREST 20 Invalid BARRACKS 20 Invalid MIGRATION y 21 Invalid SNOW_FOREST y 21 Invalid RIVERS y 22 Invalid DEEP_WATER y 22 Invalid DEAD PEOPLE WITH HAMMER 22 Invalid TEAM_ISLANDS y 23 Invalid MED_WATER y 23 Invalid ROAD y 24 Invalid SCANDANAVIA y 25 Invalid ROAD2 y 25

y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Map 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Map 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Terrain 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999 Object 999

Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid

26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 40 44 47 51 52 55 61 63 67 71 76 80 81 83 85 86 90 92 94 95 97 99 105 106 108 114 116 119 127 129 130 131 132 133 137 138


y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y

Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object

999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999

Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid

141 142 150 153 158 159 162 179 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 201 203 206 207 208 210 223 230 231 240 242 243 245 246 247 248 249 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 260 261 262 263 273 275 277 287 288 289 290 292 294 295 296 297 298 299 300


y y y y y y y

y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object

999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999

Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid

301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 332 333 342 343 344 346 347 349 352 360 361 362 370 379 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 390 391 392 393 395 397 398 412 416 417 418 419 421 425 427 429 436


y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y

Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object

999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999

Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid

437 438 439 443 444 445 446 447 452 453 454 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 467 472 479 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 493 494 497 498 503 508 513 514 516 520 525 526 535 536 537 538 544 551 552 563 564 565 566 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 580


y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object

999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999

Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid

582 585 586 587 597 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 621 622 635 637 639 641 643 645 647 649 651 653 654 657 660 662 663 664 665 666 668 670 671 672 673 674 677 679 681 697 699 701 703 705 708 724 727 728 732 734 749 753 758 760 762 766 768 769 770 774 778 780


y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y

y y

Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object Object

999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999

Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid

782 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 811 823 825 830 836 839 841 843 846 848 850 853 866

??? DEAD SCYTHIAN_WILD_WOMAN y SEA_TOWER y ARROWS4 y ARROWS4 y ??? SEA_GATE 380 HP --> closed, direction : / y SEA_GATE 380 HP --> opened, direction : / y SEA_GATE game thinks it's a sea gate, but it's a huge y sea wall SEA_GATE 380 HP --> closed, direction : / y SEA_GATE 380 HP --> closed, direction : \ y SEA_GATE 380 HP --> opened, direction : \ y SEA_GATE game thinks it's a sea gate, but it's a huge y sea wall SEA_GATE 380 HP --> closed, direction : \ y SEA_GATE 380 HP --> closed, direction : -y SEA_GATE 380 HP --> opened, direction : -y SEA_GATE game thinks it's a sea gate, but it's a huge y sea wall SEA_GATE 380 HP --> closed, direction: -y SEA_GATE 380 HP --> closed, direction: | y SEA_GATE 380 HP --> opened, direction: | y SEA_GATE game thinks it's a sea gate, but it's a huge y sea wall SEA_GATE 380 HP --> closed, direction: | y DOCK (dark) y DOCK (dark) y DOCK (dark) y DOCK (dark) y DEAD IRON_BOAR y DEAD JAVELINA y DEAD EL_CID_CAMPEADOR y ??? ??? DEAD KING_SANCHO y DEAD KING_ALFONSO y DEAD IMAM y ??? ??? ??? DEAD SCYTHIAN_SCOUT y 866 -> Crashes Game


(dark) (dark) (castle or imperial age) (dark) (dark) (castle age) (feudal age) (feudal age) (castle age) (feudal age) (castle or imperial age) (dark age) --> this is used in the game. Countable normally (?? age) (castle age) (dark) (dark)

(dark age) Uncountable with any count commands (dark age) Uncountable with any count commands (dark age) Uncountable with any count commands

(farmer) female

(farmer) male





(unpacked) (packed) female (idle) female (builder)

female (stone miner) male (stone miner) male (shepherd) male (farmer)

(onager/trebuchet) Alt + F even on land. After Chemistry researched

(of onager/trebuchet) this looks very odd.

After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched

After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched

After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched After Chemistry researched

After Chemistry researched

After Chemistry researched

After Chemistry researched


Not in Scout Cav Group ! Not in Scout Cav Group !

car with picture of a mangonel. 500 HP, 10 attack, 10/10 armor, 10 range


if placed on land, still some water underneath them

if placed on land, still some water underneath them.

undereath these always is water, even on land




Don't change to 204 Different to 128

STONE_WALL (all ages)

GOLD_MINE Cliff(The interior is high. ) Cliff(This side of is high. ) Cliff(/this side is high. ) Cliff(The left side is high. ) Cliff Cliff Cliff(The right side is high. ) Cliff(This side of is high. ) Cliff(This side of is high. )

2750 HP --> closed, direction: / 2750 HP --> opened, direction: / 2750 HP --> closed, direction: \ 2750 HP --> opened, direction: \ 2750 HP--> closed, direction : -2750 HP --> opened, direction : -2750 HP --> closed, direction : | 2750 HP --> opened, direction : |

SCOUT_CAVALRY (+2/-2) amounts of food; cool: random food :-)

(feudal age) (castle/imperial age) Uncountable with any count commands (imperial age) Uncountable with any count commands (imperial age)

No food, only a terrain type. No food, only a terrain type.

(imperial age)

(imperial age) looks strange (no shores) Place correctly. Can be used to sail across water.

(imperial age)

(imperial age)

There is an object (oak_forest_tree; oaktree), but not a terraintype. If you use it as a terrain type, the terrain becomes GRASS2 (at least on my system) and looks V (castle or imperial age)

same as 11 same as 15

(castle or imperial age)

see 30.

see 30.

(imperial age)

same as 33 looks more like a camel to me

same as 24 (castle age) (imperial age)

(or something) looks pretty cool. It's somekind of eyecandy. Can be in water or on land 4000 HP --> closed, direction: / (see above) 4000 HP --> opened, direction: / (dark age) 75 HP, 7 attack, 0 armor. When facing northwest, it disappears :-( 4000 HP --> It looks a FORTIFIED_WALL, but the game thinks it's a FF gate. No direction 2750 HP --> It looks like a WALL, but the game thinks it's a gate. No direction. (idle) male 4000 HP --> closed, direction: \ (dark age) 4000 HP --> opened, direction: \ 4001 HP --> It looks a FORTIFIED_WALL, but the game thinks it's a FF gate. No direction see "94 BERSERK.gif" 2750 HP --> It looks like a WALL, but the game thinks it's a gate. No direction. shadow is turned 90 degrees counter clockwise some are almost skeletons (feudal age)

(castle age)

(feudal age) (castle age) (imperial age) (castle or imperial age) (feudal age) (imperial age) only works with "set_gaia_object_only"

(dark) (little messed up graphics) (castle or imperial age) (castle age) 15 HP, picture looks like a berrybush. 75 HP, picture looks like a gold mine. (?? age), picture is black (empty)

(looks like villager, but without a skin, can run very fast, besides that, it can't do anything. When killed, it blows. I think it means Villager MoDeL (male), not visible o They are like statues. If you build something on them, they disappear. only works with "set gaia object only" (imperial age) female (repairer) male (builder)

(onager/trebuchet) shadow is turned 90 degrees counter clockwise no shadow it disppears very fast..... picture is black, amount of stone: 1, no graphic on map-screen. Can build on top of them. see PILE_OF_STONE, but then it is a gold pile. see PILE_OF_STONE, amount of gold: 1 see 249, but then it's wood, looks like treestumps. Amount of wood: 1

see PILE_OF_STONE, looks like berrybush. very light brown also known as CARAVAN, don't use this! if one of these relics has been garissoned, then it'll be converted to a regular one.

75HP, 10 attack, 0/0 armor. I can't see any relic, looks like normal monk. When you're

mayan/aztec, it looks very wierd (see screenshots)

(onager/trebuchet), even on water. see 313 same as 315 same as 315 same as 315 same as 315 same as 315 same as 315 same as 315 see 313 see 313 see 313 see 313 cannot hunt them...

OAK_FOREST_TREE gold mine, no picture; amount of gold: 400, cannot be mined.

with shadow

with shadow

can't move with it :-(.

can move, it looks a bit strange, though. (or something) looks pretty cool. It's somekind of eyecandy. Can be in water or on land (see the other one) (SS007). Also a Stable unit !!!!!! trebuchet w picture of tc. Can't do anything with them. I think it means Packed ToWnCenter. cathedral that looks wierd. a dock with another name. green spots on map screen in the water again green spots and again, green spots guess what? Again, some green spots

(feudal age) (castle or imperial age) (castle or imperial age)

Trebuchet w picture of mangonel, if you want to unpack then the game CAN crash (high speed), or you get a mangonel. Missing something. Can't build anything with them again it misses something. ah, there are the roofs ;-). (dark)

2750 HP--> closed, direction: / 4000 HP --> closed, direction: / 2750 HP --> closed, direction: \ 2750 HP --> closed, direction: \ 35 HP, 0/8 armor, 5 range (?) (feudal age) can't train soldiers with them.

see 328 see 328 same as ABGAL You can move with it. Can't attack

(feudal age) (castle age) (imperial age) 35 HP, 0 attack, 0+1000/1000 armor, 4 range 45 HP, 0 attack, 0+1000/1000 armor 75 HP, 0 attack, 0+1000/1000 armor 55 HP, o attack, 0+1000/1000 armor, 4 range male (gold miner)

female (gold miner) (castle or imperial age) (castle or imperial age) (castle or imperial age) (dark) (but then in imperial age) (but then in imperial age) (but then in imperial age) (but then in feudal age) (but then in feudal age) (but then in feudal age) (dark) (dark)

4000 HP --> closed, direction : -4000 HP --> opened, direction : -2750 HP --> It looks like a WALL, but the game thinks it's a gate. No direction. 4002 HP --> It looks a FORTIFIED_WALL, but the game thinks it's a FF gate. No direction 2750 HP --> closed, direction : -2750 HP --> closed, direction : -4000 HP --> closed, direction : | 4000 HP --> opened, direction : | 2750 HP --> It looks like a WALL, but the game thinks it's a gate. No direction. 4003 HP --> It looks a FORTIFIED_WALL, but the game thinks it's a FF gate. No direction 2750 HP --> closed, direction : | 2750 HP --> closed, direction : | these dispappear very fast.

(SS013, SS014)

Can't be selected.

rain becomes GRASS2 (at least on my system) and looks VERY strange on the map screen.

blows. I think it means Villager MoDeL (male), not visible on map screen.

ne) (SS007). Also a Stable unit !!!!!!

Symbol Game Type





Parameter <age> <building> <civ> <commodity> <difficulty>

Std AI uses y y y y y


<diplomatic-stance> <event-id> <event-type> <game-type>

<goal-id> <map-size> <map-type>

y y



<rel-op> <research-item> <resource-type> <score> <shared-goal-id> <signal-id> <starting-resources> <strategic-number> <string> <string-id> <string-id-range> <string-id-start> <taunt-id> <taunt-range> <taunt-start> <timer-id> <unit> <value> <victory-condition> <wall>

y y y

y y y y y y y

y y y y

any-human any-human-ally any-human-enemy any-human-neutral any-neutral every-ally every-computer every-enemy every-human every-neutral Usage of <player-number> wildcard parameters: 1. Wildcard parameters of the form "any-..." used in facts The fact is true if it is true for at least one player that satisfies the given criteria. Example: (defrule (players-current-age any-enemy == imperial-age) => (chat-to-allies "At least one enemy in imperial") 2. Wildcard parameters of the form "every-..." used in facts The fact is true if it is true for every player that satisfies the given criteria. Example: (defrule (players-current-age every-enemy == imperial-age) => (chat-to-allies "All enemies are in imperial") ) 3. Wildcard parameters of the form "any-..." used in actions The action executes for the first player that satisfies the given criteria. Example: (defrule (gold-amount > 10000) => (tribute-to-player any-ally gold 1000) ) 4. Wildcard parameters of the form "every-..." used in actions The action executes for every player that satisfies the given criteria. Example: (defrule (true) => (set-stance every-human enemy) (set-stance every-computer ally) (chat-to-all "All computer players are my allies, all humans are my enemies") (disable-self) )

Note: Wildcard parameters applying to allies do not apply to self. <building> wildcard parameters: watch-tower-line Note - this has a bug, use watch-tower instead of watch-tower-line, it also covers guard tower and keep !

) <unit> wildcard parameters: Grouped by building: archery range units: archer-line cavalry-archer-line skirmisher-line barracks units: eagle-warrior-line militiaman-line spearman-line castle units: berserk-line cataphract-line chu-ko-nu-line conquistador-line huskarl-line jaguar-warrior-line janissary-line longbowman-line mameluke-line mangudai-line plumed-archer-line samurai-line tarkan-line teutonic-knight-line throwing-axeman-line war-elephant-line war-wagon-line woad-raider-line dock units: cannon-galleon-line demolition-ship-line fire-ship-line galley-line longboat-line turtle-ship-line siege-workshop units: battering-ram-line mangonel-line scorpion-line stable units: camel-line knight-line scout-cavalry-line These parameters are sometimes referred to as unit line or line parameters. For the use of <unit> wildcard parameters, see the "Usage of line parameters" section below. <wall> wildcard parameters: stone-wall-line Usage of line parameters:

Line parameters are interpreted by facts/actions in two ways: a) They are translated into a currently available unit/building from a given line. For example, action (train knight-line) will train a unit from knight-line that is currently available. Which unit is trained (Knight, Cavalier, or Paladin) is determined by the current state of research upgrades. The following facts use line parameters in this fashion: building-available can-afford-building can-afford-unit can-build canbuild-wall can-build-wall-with-escrow can-build-with-escrow can-train can-train-with-escrow unit-available The same is true for the following actions: build build-forward build-wall train b) They cause iteration on all buildings/units in the given line. All unit/building count facts use this interpretation of line parameters. For example (unit-type-count militiaman-line > 5) will take into account all units in the militia line: Militia, Man-at-Arms, etc. It is rare to see more than one type of unit from a line at the same time. Exceptions are scenarios where any combination of units can be placed in the editor, and cases when units are converted. The following facts use line parameters in an iterative fashion: building-type-count building-type-count-total cc-players-building-type-count cc-players-unit-type-count players-building-type-count players-unit-type-count unit-type-count unit-type-count-total The implementation of line parameters is very fast so use it whenever needed. All line parameters are named after the first unit/building in the line. Difficulty Parameters Difficulty parameters are tactical parameters that should be adjusted according to the games difficulty setting. ability-to-dodge-missiles Chance of a computer players unit dodging a missile. Valid range 0-100. Default value is 100.


Chance that computer players ranged unit will maintain the distance. Valid range 0-100. Default value is 100.

Description one of the following: dark-age feudal-age castle-age imperial-age starting age facts also use: post-imperial-age see separate table for details. > is one of the following: gaia aztec briton byzantine celtic chinese frankish gothic hun japanese korean mayan mongol persian saracen spanish teutonic turkish viking is one of the following: food stone wood one of the following: easiest easy moderate hard hardest The ordering of difficulty settings is the opposite of what one would expect! Make sure that this is taken in account when using facts to compare difficulties. easiest > easy > moderate > hard > hardest one of the following: ability-to-dodge-missiles ability-to-maintain-distance Description: ability-to-dodge-missiles Chance of a computer players unit dodging a missile. Valid range 0-100. Default value is 100. ability-to-maintain-distance Chance that a computer players ranged unit will maintain the distance. Valid range 0-100. Default value is 100. Note that 100 =ability fully off, 0 = ability fully on. one of the following: ally neutral enemy a valid event id. Event ids have a range that depends on the event type. For trigger events the id is in the range from 0 to 255. one of the following: trigger Undocumented. No system defined names exist for it, but their number values do work. 0 = random, 1 = regicide, 2 = death match, 3 = scenario, 5 = king of the hill, 6 = wonder race, 7 = defend the wonder, 8 = turbo random (no system symbols exists for this - this is the only way to detect this new game type). Note that custom will be from 0 to 8 depending on what the source of the map / game was. is a valid goal id. Goal ids have a range from 1 to 40. one of the following: tiny small medium normal large giant one of the following: arabia archipelago baltic black-forest coastal continental crater-lake fortress gold-rush highland islands mediterranean migration rivers team-islands scandanavia mongolia salt-marsh yucatan arena oasis ghost-lake nomad real-world-spain real-world-england realworld-midEast real-world-texas real-world-italy real-world-caribbean real-world-france real-world-jutland real-world-nippon real-worldbyzantium custom_map scenario-map a valid wall perimeter. Allowed values are 1 and 2, with 1 being closer to the Town Center than 2. Perimeter 1 is usually between 10 and 20 tiles from the starting Town Center. Perimeter 2 is usually between 18 and 30 tiles from the starting Town Center. a valid player number or one of the wildcard parameters (if explicitly allowed by the fact/action): any-ally any-computer any-computer-ally any-computer-enemy any-computer-neutral any-enemy any-human any-human-ally any-human-enemy any-human-neutral any-neutral everyally every-computer every-enemy every-human every-neutral For a detailed description of wildcard parameters, see the "Wildcard Parameters" section later in this document. Note: Wildcard parameters applying to allies do not apply to self. is one of the following (two versions, either can be used): full: less-than less-or-equal greater-than greater-or-equal equal not-equal short: < <= > >= == != see separate table for details. is one of the following: food gold stone wood a signed 16-bit integer. a valid shared goal id. Shared goal ids have a range from 0 to 255. a valid signal id. Signal ids have a range from 0 to 255. one of the following: low-resources medium-resources high-resources see separate table for details. a sequence of characters in double quotes. a valid string id from a localized string table. the size of a string id range. is a valid string id (from a localized string table) that defined beginning of a string id range. a valid taunt id. the size of a taunt range. is a taunt that defines a beginning of a taunt range. a valid timer id (range 1-10). see separate table for details. a signed 16-bit integer. one of the following: standard conquest time-limit score custom one of the following: fortified-wall palisade-wall stone-wall or the following wildcard character: stone-wall-line

Wildcard Parameters <player-number> wildcard parameters:

any-ally any-computer any-computer-ally any-computer-enemy any-computer-neutral any-enemy any-human any-human-ally any-human-enemy any-human-neutral any-neutral every-ally every-computer every-enemy every-human every-neutral Usage of <player-number> wildcard parameters: 1. Wildcard parameters of the form "any-..." used in facts The fact is true if it is true for at least one player that satisfies the given criteria. Example: (defrule (players-current-age any-enemy == imperial-age) => (chat-to-allies "At least one enemy in imperial") 2. Wildcard parameters of the form "every-..." used in facts The fact is true if it is true for every player that satisfies the given criteria. Example: (defrule (players-current-age every-enemy == imperial-age) => (chat-to-allies "All enemies are in imperial") ) 3. Wildcard parameters of the form "any-..." used in actions The action executes for the first player that satisfies the given criteria. Example: (defrule (gold-amount > 10000) => (tribute-to-player any-ally gold 1000) ) 4. Wildcard parameters of the form "every-..." used in actions The action executes for every player that satisfies the given criteria. Example: (defrule (true) => (set-stance every-human enemy) (set-stance every-computer ally) (chat-to-all "All computer players are my allies, all humans are my enemies") (disable-self) )

Note: Wildcard parameters applying to allies do not apply to self. <building> wildcard parameters: watch-tower-line Note - this has a bug, use watch-tower instead of watch-tower-line, it also covers guard tower and keep !

) <unit> wildcard parameters: Grouped by building: archery range units: archer-line cavalry-archer-line skirmisher-line barracks units: eagle-warrior-line militiaman-line spearman-line castle units: berserk-line cataphract-line chu-ko-nu-line conquistador-line huskarl-line jaguar-warrior-line janissary-line longbowman-line mameluke-line mangudai-line plumed-archer-line samurai-line tarkan-line teutonic-knight-line throwing-axeman-line war-elephant-line war-wagon-line woad-raider-line dock units: cannon-galleon-line demolition-ship-line fire-ship-line galley-line longboat-line turtle-ship-line siege-workshop units: battering-ram-line mangonel-line scorpion-line stable units: camel-line knight-line scout-cavalry-line These parameters are sometimes referred to as unit line or line parameters. For the use of <unit> wildcard parameters, see the "Usage of line parameters" section below. <wall> wildcard parameters: stone-wall-line Usage of line parameters:

Line parameters are interpreted by facts/actions in two ways: a) They are translated into a currently available unit/building from a given line. For example, action (train knight-line) will train a unit from knight-line that is currently available. Which unit is trained (Knight, Cavalier, or Paladin) is determined by the current state of research upgrades. The following facts use line parameters in this fashion: building-available can-afford-building can-afford-unit can-build canbuild-wall can-build-wall-with-escrow can-build-with-escrow can-train can-train-with-escrow unit-available The same is true for the following actions: build build-forward build-wall train b) They cause iteration on all buildings/units in the given line. All unit/building count facts use this interpretation of line parameters. For example (unit-type-count militiaman-line > 5) will take into account all units in the militia line: Militia, Man-at-Arms, etc. It is rare to see more than one type of unit from a line at the same time. Exceptions are scenarios where any combination of units can be placed in the editor, and cases when units are converted. The following facts use line parameters in an iterative fashion: building-type-count building-type-count-total cc-players-building-type-count cc-players-unit-type-count players-building-type-count players-unit-type-count unit-type-count unit-type-count-total The implementation of line parameters is very fast so use it whenever needed. All line parameters are named after the first unit/building in the line. Difficulty Parameters Difficulty parameters are tactical parameters that should be adjusted according to the games difficulty setting. ability-to-dodge-missiles Chance of a computer players unit dodging a missile. Valid range 0-100. Default value is 100. For example, if an opponent shoots at your units with a cannon, this is the percentage chance that your units will try to avoid the area where the cannon ball will hit. Dodging makes the computer player harder to kill; when set to 0 the computer player will try to dodge every incoming shot. ability-to-maintain-distance

Chance that computer players ranged unit will maintain the distance. Valid range 0-100. Default value is 100. If a computer player is using an archer to attack an enemy knight, this is the percent chance that the archer will back up and fire if the knight advances toward it. If 0, the archer will always back up.

Variable this-any-ally this-any-computer this-any-computer-ally this-any-computer-enemy this-any-computer-neutral this-any-human this-any-human-ally this-any-human-neutral this-any-neutral

Std AI uses y y y y y y y y y

In Par ser y y y y y y y y y y y

In AoK y y y y y y y y y y y

The variables have to be used as <player-number> argument in one of the following actions: chat-to-player chat-to-player-using-id clear-tribute-memory set-stance tribute-to-player The variables are set by the associated wildcard parameters used in facts. For example: any-enemy wildcard that is successful will store its result in this-any-enemy Here is an example of how variables can be used in rules: (defrule (players-civ any-enemy gothic) => (chat-to-player this-any-enemy "I know you are a Goth") (disable-self) )

For example, if the following rule followed the one above, the message "Hi, my Goth enemy" would not be sent. (defrule (true) => (chat-to-player this-any-enemy "Hi, my Goth enemy") ; this is never sent (disable-self) )

Rule variables are variables with a rule scope. This means that the variables are set within a rule and can be used only within the same rule. Only implicit variables are supported - the variables set by the system. The variables have to be used as <player-number> argument in one of the following actions: chat-to-player chat-to-player-using-id clear-tribute-memory set-stance tribute-to-player The variables are set by the associated wildcard parameters used in facts. For example: any-enemy wildcard that is successful will store its result in this-any-enemy Here is an example of how variables can be used in rules: (defrule (players-civ any-enemy gothic) => (chat-to-player this-any-enemy "I know you are a Goth") (disable-self) ) In this example the fact players-civ looks for an enemy player that is a Goth. If the enemy with that civilization is found, the fact is true causing the rule to trigger. At the same time, the result of the wildcard search is stored in this-any-enemy. The action chat-to-player is executed and uses this-any-enemy variable to send a message to the appropriate enemy that has chosen to be a Goth. It is important to remember that the variables have a rule scope. This means that once the rule has executed the value in the variable becomes invalid. For example, if the following rule followed the one above, the message "Hi, my Goth enemy" would not be sent. (defrule (true) => (chat-to-player this-any-enemy "Hi, my Goth enemy") ; this is never sent (disable-self) )

Unique Unique Tech Detail Unique Unit Team Bonus Tech Jaguar Relics +33% gold AZT Garland wars +4 infantry attack warrior BRI Yeomen +1 foot archer range +2 tower attack Cataphracts cause trample damage Longbowman Archery ranges 20% faster Cataphract Monks +50% heal speed


BYZ Logistica

CEL Furor Celtica +50% HP siege workshop units CHI Rocketry +2 ChuKoNu pierce attack, +4 scorpions

Woad raider Siege workshops 20% faster ChuKoNu Farms +45 food

FRA Bearded Axe +1 Throwing axeman range Huskarl at Barracks GOT Anarchy Perfusion Barracks units created 50% faster +100 years Wonder/ HUN Atheism Relic victory time, -50 % spies/treason cost JAP Kataraputo

Throwing Axeman Huskarl

Knights +2 LOS Barracks 20% faster


Stable 20% faster

Trebuchets fire, pack, Samurai unpack faster

Galleys +50% LOS

KOR Shinkichon

+2 range, mangonels, War Wagon, Mangonels, onagers onagers Turtle Ship +1 range

MAY El Dorado

+40 Eagle warrior HP Plumed Archer

Walls cost -50%

MON Drill PER Mahouts SAR Zealotry

Siege workshop units Mangudai move 50% faster +30% War elephant speed +30 HP Camel, Mameluke

Scout Cav,light cav, hussar +2 LOS

War elephant Knights + 2 attack vs. archers Mameluke Foot archers +1 attack vs. buildings

SPA Supremacy

Villager combat skills Conquistador Trade cart, trade increased Missionary cog return +33% gold Teutonic Units more resistant TEU Crenellations +3 Castle range, garrisoned infantry fire Knight to conversion arrows TUR Artillery +2 range Bombard towers, Bombard cannons, Cannon galleons Janissary Gunpowder units train 20% faster



Berserks regenerate faster

Berserk Longboat

Docks cost -25%

Civ Bonus * Start with Eagle warrior, not scout cav * Villagers carry +5 * All military units created 15% faster * Monks +5 HP for each Monastery technology * Town Centers cost -50% wood in Castle, Imp. * Foot archers +1 range Castle, +1 range Imp. (for +2 total) * Shepherds work 25% faster * Buildings +10% HP Dark, +20% HP Feudal, +30% HP Castle, +40% Imp. * Camels, skirmishers, pikemen, halberdiers cost -25% * Fire ships +20% attack * Advance to Imp. costs -33% * Infantry moves 15% faster * Lumberjacks work 15% faster * Siege weapons fire 20% faster * Sheep not converted if in 1 Celt unit's LOS * Start +3 villagers but -150 food, -50 wood * Tech costs 10% Feudal, -15% Castle, -20% Imp. * Town centers support 10 pop * Demolition ships +50% HP * Castles cost -25% * Knights +20% HP * Farm upgrades free (require Mill) * Infantry cost -10% Feudal, -15% Castle, -25% Imp. * Infantry +1 attack vs. buildings * Villagers +5 attack vs. wild boar, Hunters carry +15 meat * +10 pop Imp. * Don't need houses, but start -100 wood * Cav archers cost -25% Castle, -30% Imp. * Trebuchets +30% accuracy * Fishing ships 2x HP; +2 PA; work rate +5% Dark, +10% Feudal, +15% Castle, +20% Imp. * Mill, lumber camp, mining camp cost -50% * Infantry attack 10% faster Feudal, 15% Castle, 25% Imp. * Villagers +2 LOS * Stone miners work 20% faster * Tower upgrades free (Bombard tower req's Chemistry) * Tower range +1 Castle, +1 Imp. (for +2 total) * Start with +1 Villager, Eagle warrior (not Scout Cav), 50 food * resources last 20% longer * Archery range units cost -10% Feudal, -20% Castle, -30% Imp. * Cavalry archers fire 20% faster * Light cav, Hussar +30% HP * Hunters work 50% faster * Start +50 wood, food * Town center, Dock 2 x HP; work rate +10% Feudal, +15% Castle, +20% Imp. * Market trade cost only 5% * Transport ships 2 x HP, 2 x carry capacity * Galleys attack 20% faster * Cavalry archers +3 attack vs. buildings * Builders work 30% faster (except on wonders) * Blacksmith upgrades cost no gold * Cannon galleons benefit from Ballistics (fire faster, more accurately) * Monks heal from 2x as far * Towers garrison 2x units, fire 2x normal garrison arrows * Murder holes free * Farms cost -33% * Town center +2 attack, +5 LOS * Gunpowder units +25% HP, researching gunpowder technologies costs -50% * Gold miners work 15% faster * Chemistry free * Light cavalry, Hussar upgrade free

* Warships cost -20% * Infantry +10% HP Feudal, +15% Castle, +20% Imp. * Wheelbarrow, handcart free

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