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Projects in motion | Seven Rocks Mining



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Projects in motion
CEEC Complex Extraction of Energy from 100 milliards (billions) ton of Coal
CEEC Complex extraction of thermal and chemical energy from disqualified deposits of bituminous and brown coals. Production of the highest quality synthesis gas as gaseous fuel for combustion motors (0,01 E/m3). Synthesis gas is a feedstock for production of hydrogen and liquid fuels as well as for inexpensive chemical processing of iron ores by de-oxidation. Production of high temperature, steam carrier of thermal energy for generation of inexpensive electrical energy (0,02 E/kWh). Synergetic, coherent association of the streams of our own gas and steam for highly efficient (60%) gas-steam operated turbine. Self produced inexpensive hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Co-production of combustion coal together with biomasses and with products for backfilling of the pirolytic chambers. Production of high-value of CO2 on the level of 100 kg/MWh, as well as use of CO2 for mobilisation and extraction of heavy hydrocarbons (1,2 $/bbl). CapEx for mining power production: 1,700,000 E/MWh. The production cost of electrical energy 0,01 E/kWh. ROI: 2,5 year with dividends equal to 50%.

CEEG Complex Extraction of Gigantic Energy from Geothermal and Geo-Plutonic renewable resources of 5-9 PetaJouls/km2. 1 PJ = 23,000 barrels of oil/km2


2011/11/7 09:33

Projects in motion | Seven Rocks Mining

Complex extraction of thermal energy for production of inexpensive electrical energy from the resources of warm Geothermal water pools with use of the heat exchangers (BZ-6) (what means without recycling end exchanging of the pumped mineral water), and major extraction of the dry high temperature geo-plutonic heat, with use of the thermal heat exchangers (BZ-7). Acceleration of the pressure required for the turbine is accomplished with use of binary system and pumping of recycling liquid with impeller free pumps. Both energy systems are cooperating with the community heating systems and/or desalinization of the sea waters (important for the arid zones of the countries closed to the sea shore). Desalinization is performed based on the waste heat coming out of turbines. The newest technology for drilling inclined or semi horizontal deep highly efficient of exchangers BZ-6 in geothermal aquifer. The newest technology for drilling production boreholes to the depths of 10,000 within 30 days. Highly efficient enhancement of the heat transmission from the rocky massif to the Geo-Plutonic heat exchangers BZ-7. CapEx of the mining energy production plant 1,900,000 E/MWh. Energy production cost 0,02 E/kWh. ROI 2,5 year with a dividend of 50%.

A brief excerpt from the record of further energy projects based on our radical technologies:
CEES Complex Energy Extraction, Recovery and processing of crystalline Sulphur deposits with Geo-Plutonic Thermofluid Technology and production of sulphur derivatives
The geothermic energy (CEES) for sulphur extraction from crystalline sulphur deposit is inheritably and coherently incorporated in the Synergy Downhole System operated with use of proprietary Super Daisy Shaft Bore-Hole Mining Installation, through which the heat from the dry, geo-plutonic geologic formation with high temperature is harvested for almost no-cost. The entire plant system is self-sufficient with energy consumption by operational equipment due to the electric energy generated by by-passing of the geo-plutonic stream of heat carrying medium. The stream of heating medium is on its way passing through heat exchanger, which supports the electric turbo generator. The CEES method is emitting no gases to the atmosphere neither any waste which is a major problem for previous sulphur mining. The sulphur is converted into durable, low cost, almost universal material for construction of roads, bridges and chemically resistant products as well as highly valuable component of modern bio-humine-sulphur fertilizers.

CEET Complex Energy Extraction and processing of hydrocarbons with Geo-Plutonic Thermofluid Technology & Derivatives, from non-conventional hydrocarbon deposits, such as: gasses, heavy crude & bituminous shale


2011/11/7 09:33

Projects in motion | Seven Rocks Mining

CEET Thermofluid technology is powerful method of mobilization, extraction and processing of heavy crude, bituminous shale and some other minerals with use of a Super Daisy Shaft equipped with multitude of Jet Stinger`s and utilizing geo-plutonic heat. The CEET has incorporated the most effective enhancement of the recovery of the hydrocarbons from difficult and non-conventional deposits. Subsequently the method is upgrading extracted heavy crude at the surface processing plant which is on-field upgrading. This system is allowing to revitalize old oil fields and reenter into production which is often higher than original virgin production. Complex Energy Extraction is producing light crude, methane and aromatic fraction from field fractionation.

CEEA Complex Energy Extraction Humine Acid & Methane with use of microbes colonies and subsequent extraction of Energy with use of CEEC technology from brown coal/lignite
Humid Acid is a component o humus soil and should be rated as number one bio-fertilizer for every type of plantation and forestry. Complex Extraction of humine acid is combined with production of methane. Is invented by American laboratory and produced in commercial scale for golf fields and other lucrative purposes, because of high price of the production technology. This traditional technology rely on the mined lignite and brown coal. The feedstock is micronized and reaction with microbes are performed in the surface tank reactors. CEEA technology is inducing the microbes into the large field developed by the system of Super Daisy Shaft equipped with multitude of Jet Stinger`s through which microbes are delivered to the ore body. The ore body is pre-prepared with use of the pyrotechnical matters and special slurry. The microbes are proliferated and breed in special vertical tanks which are sunk into subsurface. Utilization of fairly small amount of the humine acid are generating harvesting of rape seed in 4-5 times rate compare to traditional plantations. The world can be greatly benefited producing larger amount of agricultural products which means larger amounts of inexpensive food.

CEEB Complex Energy Extraction from underground processing of Biological Matters CEER Complex Energy Extraction & Recovery of salts, uranium, lit & other minerals with Geo-Plutonic Thermofluid Technology CEEM Complex Energy Extraction and metals recovery from iron ore-body based on chemical products from CEEC process

Accredited as Stakeholder of the EU Registration number 10128044204-63

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2011/11/7 09:33

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