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<div class="tres"> <big><center>Emmett Rosalie</big><center><center><br><pap></pap><br><blockquote> <center> <a href=""><img src=" edited2.jpg" border="0" alt=></a> <center></blockquote>

</center> </div>

<div class="dos"> <CENTER><big>TURN INTO</big><CENTER><br> After being mauled by a black bear in 1935, Emmett was rescued by Rosalie, and given a second chance at life after being turned into a vampire by Carlisle at Rosalie's request. Rosalie and Emmett were rarely separated after this, having fallen passionately in love. The pair were integral members of the Cullen family and participated eagerly in removing the numerous impediments it faced. <a href="/">Rosalie Hale </a> <br> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="200" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3= h_o_u_s_a_n_d__Y_e_a_r_s__P_a_r_t__2__m_p_3__1.mp3&autoplay=1" /> </object>


<div class="oe"> <CENTER><big>LIFE BEGINS</big><CENTER><br> Born in 1915 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee) is a member of the Olympic coven. He is the husband of Rosalie Hale, the adoptive son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, the adoptive brother of Alice, Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale as well as adoptive brother-in-law of Bella Cullen and the adoptive uncle of Renesmee Cullen. </div>

<div class="wee"> <img src=""></div>

<div class="shorty"> <b>NAME.</b> EMMETT MCCARTHY.<br> <b>BIRTH.</b> 1915 GATTLINBURGH.<br> <b>TRAITS.</b> DONT ASK ME CAUSE I PEEPED THE MICROWAVE ALOT. <br> <b>HEART BEATS.</b> ROSALIE. <br>


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