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Patriotic Jingo

Government 12th Article of Faith

A land which Is choice above All other lands

and wise VOLUNTEER For Your Community


Patriotic Jingo
VOLUNTEER For Your Community

A land which Is choice above All other lands

Patriotic jingo

A land which Is choice above All other lands

12th Article of Faith

VOLUNTEER For Your Community

Patriotic jingo
12th Article of Faith

VOLUNTEER For Your Community

Patriotic jingo

A land which Is choice above All other lands

12th Article of Faith VOLUNTEER For Your Community

Patriotic jingo
A land which Is choice above All other lands

12th Article of Faith

Patriotic jingo

VOLUNTEER For Your Community

A land which Is choice above All other lands

Patriotic jingo
A land which Is choice above All other lands

VOLUNTEER For Your Community

Far West Missouri

Patriotic jingo
Article of Faith
A land which Is choice above All other lands

VOLUNTEER For Your Community

Patriotic Bingo
VOLUNTEER For Your Community

12th Article of Faith

A land which Is choice above All other lands

JINGO CLUE CARDS * Tells the image the clue is about/Answer

We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. *12 Article of Faith On January 29, 1844, this prophet of God formally decided to run for the office of president of the United States. * Joseph Smith

In D&C 134 it says, We believe that ? were instituted of God for the benefit of man. *Governments

This Amendment says we have the right to worship in our country as we please. Hooray For religious freedom!! *First Amendment/ Bill of Rights

The Church does not endorse political parties or candidates, nor does it permit the use of its buildings for political purposes. The Church does not participate in politics unless there is a moral question at issue, in which case the Church will often speak out. See True to the Faith (2004), 38-39 * Image of Elephant and Donkey

When we choose leaders for our government, D&C 98:10 says, Wherefore, ____________ men and ___________ men should be sought for diligently * Honest Men and Wise Men

JINGO CLUE CARDS * Tells the image the clue is about/Answer

Singing Clue: My flag, My flag, My countrys flag I love to see you wave. What comes next?? *My flag, My flag My countrys flag, the banner of the brave (CS 225)
2 Nephi 1:6 says, Wherefore, I, Lehi, prophesy according to the workings of the Spirit which is in me, that there shall none come into this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord. This scripture talks about what type of land? * A land which is choice above all other lands

Singing Clue: This is my country! I sing it with pride! Whether its desert sand duned and wide. What comes next?? *Mountains with pine trees, land iceberg bound Its home where my people and loved ones are found! (CS 224)

This ship (in 1846) carried Mormon Saints all the way from New York to California. Thats sea to shining sea!! It took almost 6 months and they even sailed by Cape Horn. *The ship Brooklyn

Singing Clue: Oh beautiful, for spacious skies, for.. What comes next? *Amber waves of grain (America the Beautiful Hymns 338)

2 Nephi 1:7 says, Wherefore, this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring. And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given, it shall be a land of ___________ unto them * Flag with word Liberty

JINGO CLUE CARDS * Tells the image the clue is about/Answer

Who is our divine King? Singing clue: (hum the missing phrase) ____________ the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thru the night that our flag was still there. Oh say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? * And the rockets' red glare
Alma 5: 50 Yea, thus saith the Spirit: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, for the kingdom of heaven is soon at hand; yea, the Son of God cometh in his glory, in his might, majesty, power, and dominion. Yea, my beloved brethren, I say unto you, that the Spirit saith: Behold the glory of the King of all the earth; and also the King of heaven shall very soon shine forth among all the children of men. * Heavenly Father and Our Savior, Jesus Christ

George Washington was perhaps the first to use (this) word in describing the drafting of the U.S. Constitution. Elder Dallin H. Oaks (Ensign Feb. 1992) *Miracle
_____?____freely-given service to othersis a powerful aid in our struggle to forge and maintain strong communities. The Brethren urge a deepened and strengthened commitment to voluntary service to our communities. As people work together in a common cause, for the common good, we find that whatever our background, convictions, or experience, there is much more which unites us than which draws us apart. Elder Alexander B. Morrison Ensign Feb. 1999 * Volunteerism/ Volunteer for your community

The corner stones for this temple were laid on July 4th, 1838. * Far West, Missouri Temple
It was never completed because of Terrible persecutions

Soldiers must do the fighting, but __________will give the victory. Joan of Arc (The Friend July 1974) * God (Saluting soldier image with flag)

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