Meditation - DVD Introduction (IMPORTANT, READ IT)

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What do we got here? Well,

21 Videoclips (9 hours and 34 minutes) 14 Audiobooks (299 audiofiles with a total duration of 65 hours and 53 minutes) 1 Album and 1 E-book There are many perspectives on meditation, and also people have different ideas about it; Meditation for some is a purely medical treatment founded on evidence based research. Sometimes it is connected with an interest to investigate neurological activity in relation to the study of consciousness. For other people it is just something related to a sense of a healthy lifestyle and personal well-being. And for yet others it is a part of developing, or deepening their spiritual or religious life. I did put a lot of effort into making a DVD that appeals to any of these three perspectives or categories that might be in your particularly, taste, interest or need, without compromising on either quantity/quality of material. Use what you find helpful for yourself, discard what you dont find any value in. Almost every person on this DVD with very few exceptions has either a M.D or a PhD in something, that is related to what they offer to teach. It just turned out that way, and it gives a small guarantee that those persons didnt get into the field 2 months ago just to make a bit of quick and easy cash.I didnt put any of the typical new-age people or so on this DVD just because that was not the kind of compilation i had in mind this time. But there are both scientist and people representing different spiritual traditions on the DVD. I want to say two important things more; First, the sound and video quality/bitrate vary a lot. Please understand that if the material has good or bad bitrate is not going to determine if it will be helpful or not for developmenting or transforming your life. I put it on the DVD because of the informational content is so very good, not for making it a hifi or plasma widescreen experience. Anyhow i have used the best quality i have been able to find. The second thing and the most important message of all is this: IT IS NOT THE AMOUNT OF COLLECTED DIGITAL MATERIAL ON MEDITATION OR MINDTRAINING THAT IN ITSELF WILL DETERMINE THE PROGRESS YOUR OWN DEVELOPEMENT! Trust someone who knows... Its when this stuff is actually absorbed its beneficial, not when collected, stuffed around, and piled into more and more hard-drives. Many people i know including myself spent way to much time just downloading stuff. And that is why this will be the last torrent i upload for a very long time. Quite honestly, its should be enough material on this DVD to last for a very, very long time. If you are into doing the practices that is. Consider also the hundreds of videos and audiobooks that me and many people that i know, found out to be low-quality-complete-waste-of-life material that you will not find on this DVD.

The DVD has been compiled from 5 different viewpoints concerning different kind of peoples ideas of meditation and spiritual/mental development:

Why bother about meditation at all? How stable reliant, and detailed are the scientific data that claim to show the measurable benefits of meditation? Well extremely impressive. (But hold on, i find 100 things on google every day that is total mumbo-jumbo-bullshit that makes this claim...) It seems to be scientific consensus when it comes to measurable evidence concerning the objective effects of meditation. Meditation was a controversial topic once but thats history. That is the great thing with modern science; it tells us stuff that is hard to believe but in a way that makes it even harder to ignore or deny what it says. The documentaries, audiobooks and lectures in folder (1) (6) and (8) deals with this Western scientific approach to meditation. Everybody do not find science, rationality or logic to be the very best source to understand their life. If we for example are thinking about having a baby we might not make complex multi-variable equations about it or study evolutionary genetics to understand our motives and so on. Some people like to get a feel about things in another way. I included some videoclips and audiomaterial from some wonderful meditation masters and gurus for you. Some of them are Buddhists, others are Christian monks, yet others are from the Hindu traditions and so on. Sometimes it is inspiring to see what kind of person that a certain individual has become because of having applied a certain kind of spiritual developmental habit in their life. Its the same in sport and music, pioneers are worth ones attention, and in some cases also healthy admiration. All the clips do not deal with meditation specifically, but with long time meditators and their spiritual worldview from which the practice came from. Check out folder (2) and (7) Ok, if (A) and (B) was evidence-based and inspirational, then how to start training your own mind? Well i added meditation tools that are created from the western medical point of view, dealing with stress-reduction and mindfulness meditation, but also traditional, contemplative, or spiritual instructions, so that you, yourself, can choose what is in you particular taste or interest. The instructual audiomaterial in folder (3) and (7) is the best i have found during the 5 years i have been collecting this kind of material.

The meditation material mentioned above do as well help a human being to get a better relation towards emotions (And scientist as Mark Williams has also proved it rigorously). But sometimes there are things that has to be addressed not only by focusing on the breath or on the present moment and so on. I added both western and eastern audiobooks for this reason. Very helpful material for many people. I also Added a brilliant audiobook on conflicts and relation that is a beautiful and intelligent masterpiece. Check out the folders (4) (6) but also some stuff in folder (3) This stuff might be a bit speculative or philosophical for some but highly rewarding for someone else. Schinzen Young tries to see how the world of spirituality and eastern philosophy fits with modern science. Ken Wilber a controversial but very respected philosopher can be heard in the audiobook/ dialog with the in my opinion really terrible title The 1-2-3 of God. Dont worry about the G-word, it is not even about ordinary Christianity or something like that, but investigations about different theories/perspectives on consciousness and Absolute reality. Theses authors can be found in folder (8) Also material on the history and future of science and the connection between eastern and western thought, or the connection between contemplation and rationality is examined in folder (5)__________________________


(1) [VIDEO] Meditation - Western Scientific Perspectives Contains 10 Videos [Documentary] Tibetan Buddhist Monks being bio-scanned(3min).avi (Extraordinary physiological facts concerning meditation) [Documentary] Tibetan Monks in the Lab, with Dalai Lama (26min).avi (Very,very interesting facts about meditation/neurology) Jon Kabat-Zinn - Mindfulness(72min).avi (Information and also practice in meditation with professor Kabat-zinn) Jon Kabat-Zinn - Mindfulness Stress Reduction & Healing(74min).avi (Lecture - multiple science reports concerning meditation) Ken Wilber Stops His Brain Waves(9min).avi (Contemplative perspectives on brain-states ) Andrew Newberg, M.D -Neurology of Saints & Gurus(11min).avi (Deals with meditative states and how to determine what is real in reality) Matthieu Ricard - Change your Mind Change your Brain(59min).avi (Lecture - Molecular biologist and Buddhist monk Mathieu Ricard) Mark Williams - Meditation, Clinical treatment for depression & anxiety (11min) (Great Interview with one of the leading psychiatrists in this field) Michael Spezio - Mindfulness in the Brain(71min).avi (Professor talks about neurobiology of Christian/Buddhist contemplatives) Philippe Goldin - Cognitive Neuroscience of Meditation(48min).avi (Very good lecture about meditation and the brain.) Prof. David Chalmers - Science of Consciousness(11min).avi (Professor in philosophy with interest in cognitive science and consciousness talks about the enigma of consciousness and the importance of advanced meditators in this field) (2) [VIDEO] - 6 Great clips with different Gurus or Masters Contains 6 Videos Dalai Lama in Swedish Television in the 90s (12min).avi (A visit into the home of H.H the Dalai Lama - Swedish subtitles) Father Bede Griffiths - The Nondual Mind (3min).avi Benedictan monk that lived in India and was very interested in eastern religions) Father Thomas Keating - Contemplative Meditation Master (3min).avi (He has written extensively about meditation, and centering prayer) Ram Das & Maharaj Ji DVDrip 2001 (12min).avi (Ram Das after his stroke, A Harvard professors meeting with an enlightened master) Words of my Perfect Teacher - Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche(21Min).avi (Wonderful interview with the Bhutanese monk and filmmaker) Zen Buddhism Chop Wood, Carry Water(23min).avi (The Art of Meditation in Japanese style) (3) [TOOLS FOR PRACTICE] Meditation- Technique, Excercise, Teachings Contains 6 Audiobooks and 1 E-book Jack Kornfield - Meditation for Beginners (Meditation teacher Jack Kornfield, former Buddhist Monk, that also holds a P.hD in Psychology) Matthieu Ricard - Happiness (Sounds True - 2007) (Molecular biologist/buddhist monk, with 50 000 hours of meditation training. The scientists who examinied him and his brain claimed him to be The happiest man in the world) Pema Chodron - Getting Unstuck - Breaking Your Habitual Patterns (Buddhist nun and long time meditator, that is very appreciated) Pema_Chodron_-_Noble_Heart__12_Session_Retreat_12cds (Extensive 12 CD meditation program for the one with huge ambitions.) Pema Chodron - Pure Meditation - (Introduction into meditation) Prof,_Jon_Kabat-Zinn_-_Mindfulness_Meditation_For_Beginners (30 years of scientific understanding of meditation.Secular absolutely non-religious meditation instructions) Sounds True Productions - Insight Meditation (Six different Eastern meditation practices) Ven. Pende_theHealingPowerOfMind.pdf The only pdf file on this DVD. Buddhist material. Recommended to print out.

(4) [VIDEO and AUDIO] Working With Emotions, Worries and Problems Contains 3 Audiobooks and 1 Video Dekyi-Lee Oldershaw - Transforming Problems - Self-healing Visualisations (Visualisations to overcome problems , pain or inner obstacles) Susan Jeffers, PhD. - Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (If it can be overlooked that she sounds like if she talks to a 6 year old, this is very good) Tara Brach - Radical Self-Acceptance (Bad soundquality but VERY good material about stuff like self-worth, guilt, and pain. Wonderful) Metta Meditation Documentary, Guided Meditation, With Kornfield and Boorstein(23min).avi (Great video that is very beautiful and heartwarming) (5) [VIDEO] Modern Physics and Buddhist Philosophy Contains 3 Videos B. Alan Wallace PhD - Toward the 1st Revolution in the Mind Sciences(62min).avi (Lecture. B. Alan Wallace is very skilled in this matters) Where Science and Buddhism Meet PART1 (10min).avi (Very nice work. How the universe works according to modern physics and eastern thought) Where Science and Buddhism Meet PART2 (10min).avi (Part 2) (6) [AUDIOBOOK] Psychology of Conflict Management - (Very Good) Contains 1 Audiobook Marshall Rosenberg Ph.D - Nonviolent Communication (M. Rosenberg, psychiatrist developed NVC. The best word to describe this is; *Brilliant*) (7) [AUDIOBOOK, LECTURE] Absolutely Wonderful Teaching Storytelling Contains 1 Audiobook Jack Kornfield - Roots of Buddhist Psychology (I have never met anybody that after completed the 12 hours havent been totally overwhelmed with joy. Maybe it takes two or three episodes to really get stuck but after that you are sold.) (8) [AUDIOBOOKS] West and East Crossover Integration Contains 2 Audiobooks Ken Wilber - The 1-2-3 of God (As mentioned above. Totally useless title for a very good audiobook. Its not about Christianity and not about God, in the way you think. A highly intelligent theorist/philosopher and meditator gives you something to think hard about for a very long time.) Shinzen Young - The Science of Enlightenment (Both theory and practice. About spirituality and science) (9) [MUSIC] (A little bonus) Taize Monastery - Laudate Omnes Gentes 2002 Contains 1 Album Taize Monastery - Laudate Omnes Gentes 2002 (A few empty megabytes on the DVD so i added this beautiful music that Christians use as a focus for meditation in between long periods of silence and candle-lights in the dark) The DVD also includes a videoplayback program for Windows, and also a folder with around 20 photos of the teachers and authors from this DVD.


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