Sms R Assign List

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Soil Mechanics Spreadsheets and Reference Assignments and study exercises

List of Assignments and Study Exercises

Assign-ment No. A1

Subject title Origins and composition

Filename SMSRA1

Included assignments




A.1.1 Soil origins from crustal rocks A.1.2 Composition of soil A.1.3 Clay minerals: nature , structure and properties A.1.4 Specific surface A.1.5 Surface charge, adsorption and flocculation Soil classification and description SMSRA2 A.2.1 Size and shape characteristics of soil particles A.2.2 Particle size and grading A.2.3 Consistency limits: classification of fine soils A.2.4 Current state and liquidity index A.2.5 Linear shrinkage and plasticity index Basic physical properties of soils SMSRA3a A.3a.1 The soil model and constituent volumes A.3a.2 Grain specific gravity and particle density A.3a.3 Water content A.3a.4 Soil densities and unit weights A.3a.5 Laboratory determination of basic properties A.3a.6 Specific gravity and density index Compaction of soil SMSRA3b A.3b.1 Compaction objectives and processes A.3b.2 Dry density / water content relationships A.3b.3 Laboratory compaction tests A.3b.4 Specification and quality control A.3b.5 Moisture condition value Groundwater, pore pressure and SMSRA4 A.4.1 Groundwater, water table and soil suction

Basic Soil Mechanics Section Ref. 1.1-2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 2.1-3 2.3-4 2.6-6 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.2-3 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.8 4.1-2, 4.4

Spreadsheet Workbooks #### .xls OrigComp

SoilClas BSGrading LL&PL Bprops SG&Dens

Bprops Compact



SMSR Assignments

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effective stress A5 Soil permeability and seepage


Stresses and strains in soils


Compression and volume change

A.4.2 Pore pressure A.4.3 Total and effective stresses in the ground A.4.4 Equilibrium water content SMSRA5 A.5.1 Water flow: total head and pressure head A.5.2 Coefficient of permeability and Darcys law A.5.3 Seepage pressure and the quick condition A.5.4 Permeability tests in the laboratory A.5.5 Field pumping tests for permeability A.5.6 Two-dimensional flow and flow nets A.5.7 Seepage in anisotropic soils SMSRA6a A.6a.1 Stress and strain principles and definitions A.6a.2 Definitions of stress-strain parameters A.6a.3 Mohr circles, strength and failure A.6a.4 Analysis using stress paths A.6a.5 Plasticity and yielding in soils SMSRA6b A.6b.1 Compression and volume change A.6b.2 Isotropic compression and swelling A.6b.3 One-dimensional compression and swelling A.6b.4 Critical state theory SMSRA6c A.6c.1 Stresses due to a vertical point load A.6c.2 Stresses due to a uniform line load A.6c.3 Stresses due to a uniform strip load A.6c.4 Stresses due to a uniformly loaded circular area A.6c.5 Stresses due to a uniformly loaded rectangular area SMSRA7 A.7.1 Shear strength definitions and parameters A.7.2 Critical strength and peak strength A.7.3 The shear box test A.7.4 The triaxial compression test

4.3, 4.5 4.10 4.9 5.1 5.1-2 5.3-4 5.5-8 5.9-10 5.11-13 5.14 6.1-2 6.1-2 6.4-5 6.6 6.7 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 7.1 7.2 7.4 7.6-8

SoilSuct StrinGrd PorePres Ktests Kaniso

MohrCirc Compress StrsPath Compress CritStat Csparams CamClay Vstress


Stresses due to applied loading


Measurement of shear strength

SoilFail SboxTest Triaxial Normlsg


Earth pressure and retaining walls

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A.8.1 Types of retaining wall A.8.2 Earth pressure in cohesionless soils


8.1 8.2-4

EarthPs RetWGrav

SMSR Assignments

A.8.3 Calculating pressures and forces in cohesionless soils A.8.4 Calculating pressures and forces in cohesive soils A.8.5 Coulombs theory and rough walls A.8.6 Stability conditions for gravity walls A.8.7 Reinforced earth walls A.8.8 Embedded walls: analysis and basic design A9 Stability of slopes SMSRA9 A.9.1 Types of slope movement and design parameters A.9.2 Translational slides A.9.3 Undrained slope stability in cohesive soils A.9.4 Location of most critical circle & stability numbers A.9.5 Drained stability - effective stress analyses SMSRA10 A.10.1 Settlement types and definitions A.10.2 Settlement criteria for foundation design A.10.3 Undrained or immediate settlement A.10.4 Consolidation settlement A.10.5 Rate of consolidation and settlement time A.10.6 Determination cv from the oedometer test A.10.7 Calculation of consolidation settlement times SMSRA11 A.11.1 Types of foundation and principle design factors A.11.2 Ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations A.11.3 Allowable bearing capacity using SPT results A.11.4 Load bearing capacity of pile foundations A.11.5 Settlement of piles and piles groups SMSRA12 A.12.1 Scope and methods of site investigation A.12.2 In situ testing methods A.12.3 Interpretation of pile loading tests

8.2-4 8.2-4 8.2-4 8.12 8.13 8.14 9.1-2 9.3 9.4-7 9.8-9 9.10-11 10.1 11.6 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.5 11.1-3 11.4-5 11.8 11.9-12 11.12 12.1-4 11.8, 12.5 12.5

RefEarth RetWEmb

TransSlip SlopeTot SlopeES OedTest Set&Con


Settlement and consolidation


Bearing capacity of foundations

Found1 PiledFd


Site investigations and in situ testing


SMSR Assignments

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