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Kurukshetra 13 Energy Harvesting Wireless Workshop

Green. Smart. Wireless. Andreas Schneider Chief Marketing Officer and Co-Founder EnOcean GmbH January 2013

Kurukshetra 13


Session 1: Introduction Energy Harvesting Session 2: EnOcean Energy Harvesting Wireless Session 3: Energy Scavenging Technologies Session 4: Workshop: ESK 300 Starter Kit Session 5: EnOcean based Applications for Building Automation

Session 6: Advanced Energy Harvesting Wireless

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Session 1: Introduction Energy Harvesting


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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Introduction to Energy Harvesting

There is an Ocean of Energy all around us This is where EnOcean got its name The Concept of energy harvesting is not new Michael Faraday discovered the operating principle of electromagnetic generators 1832. The principle, later called Faraday's law, is that an electromotive force is generated in an electrical conductor that encircles a varying magnetic flux. This principal can use water to drive a dynamo and generate power Windmills used wind to convert ambient energy to mechanical force

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Power Plant

Wind Engine: up to 6 MW

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De-Central Power Generation

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Energy Harvesting
Clock powered by

Temperature and
Airpressure differences

Wireless Sensors
Picture: AtmosReutter

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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De-central Powergeneration Photo-Voltaic Wind Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensors Wireless Actuators

Renewable Energy Power Plants Water Solar-Thermal Wind

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Application Areas Overview

Building Automation
Lighting, Heating, Cooling, Ventilation, Security, Metering

Industrial Automation
Condition Monitoring, Process Optimization, Control, Metering, Switching,

Automotive & Aviation

Condition Monitoring, Switching,

Temperature, Blood Pressure, Heart Beat, Monitoring,

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Energy Harvesting Radio SensorsKey Applications Today

1. You can Save 30% Energy with Building Automation Systems 2. Energy Harvesting Sensors are ideal for Status Monitoring

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Technology History
1995-2001: Energy harvesting research projects at Siemens Corporate Technology 1997: 1st patent for energy harvesting powered wireless sensors 2001: EnOcean Company Spin-off from Siemens by Management 2003: 1st Generation products shipped to customers 2006: 2nd Generation Energy Harvesters for Switches and Sensors. 2008: EnOcean Alliance founded to Internationalize & Standardize Technology & Educate Users 2010: >50 Patent families, >700 Products, >100 OEMs, >100.000 Buildings Deployed. Introduction of 3rd Generation Platform
EnOcean GmbH > Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology > Jan-13 Seite 11 Top-10 Product 2007

Best Innovation in Green Product or Service 2007 (M & E)

Start-up of the Year 2006

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Example highlights 40 % Energy Conservation

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EnOcean Inside as Unique Enabler

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EnOcean Alliance
100+ Customers have integrated EnOceans solution and created more than 1000 interoperable products!

Non for profit legal entity Owned by promoters

Standardization of radio interface

Global marketing of solution 300+ members globally Award Winning Green Technology

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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Session 2: Energy Harvesting Wireless

EnOcean Energy Harvesting Wireless

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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EnOcean enables Energy Harvesting Wireless

EnOcean solution combines

energy harvesting components

robust wireless communication

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Systematic approach

Solar Cell

RF module

Energy Harvester


Batteryless wireless Module Ultra Low Power Management

DC/DC Converter

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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EnOcean Green. Smart. Wireless.

Energy Harvesting

World-Class miniaturized Energy Harvesting Components

Intelligent Sensor Networks
Connectivity Programmable

Radio Standard Bi-directional Communication

the intelligent combination enables maintenance free wireless sensor solutions

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System Concept

IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission (formal standards body, global) EEP: EnOcean Equipment Profiles

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Energy Harvesters

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Wireless Requirements (1)

High Reliability License free band with 1% duty cycle Radio design for immunity against interference

Multiple telegram with checksum maximize reliability

Short telegrams generate low collision probability with high sensor density Coverage 10-30m in buildings (300m line of sight) Repeater available for simple coverage extension

Network structures

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Wireless Requirements (2)

Interoperability Products of different manufacturers can be combined

Co-existence with other radio systems No interference with Cellular Phones, Cordless, WLAN, PMR systems etc. Robust against rough industrial environment

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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EnOcean Approvability World Overview

868 MHz
315 / 902 MHz

315/868 MHz

315 / 868 MHz

868 / 315 MHz

868 MHz

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EnOcean International Standard

The standard offers physical layer, data link layer and network layer The EnOcean Alliance standardizes the application level (interoperability) Important addition to the wireless standards landscape (e.g. IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.1, IEEE 802.15.4)

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Comparison Wireless Standards

Structure of other wireless standards e.g.

IEEE 802.11 (basis for WiFi)

IEEE 802.15.1 (basis for Bluetooth) IEEE 802.15.4 (basis for RF4CE, ZigBee, Wireless HART etc.)

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Standard suited for Energy Harvesting Wireless

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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Wireless Protocols in Detail

EnOcean IEEE 802.15.4 /ZigBee Z-wave Bluetooth (low energy) WLAN

Frequency (MHz)


868/915/ 2400


2400 (2400)


Battery-less & Maintenance Free


NO (few months to few years)

NO (few months to few years)

NO (rechargeable batteries (standard batteries))

NO (line power)

Minimum Telegram Length (ms)

Data Rate (kbps) Interference Risk Interoperable end products Successfully Field Proven Application Areas

125 Extremely Low > 1000

20/250 Medium < 250

9.6/40 Medium > 600

0.7 (~ 0.25)
2100 (1000) Low > 10000 (--)

-11000 - 54000 Low > 10000

Home & Building Automation, Industrial Control

Smart Metering Trials (Line Powered Nodes), RF4CE (point to point RC)

High-End Residential Aftermarket

Mobile Phones, Headsets, Laptops, Printers, PDAs

Computer (Web, E-Mail, Video etc)

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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EnOcean Wireless Sensor Network

System Architecture with uni- and bi-directional communication

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Self-powered Sensor TRANSMIT ONLY
Unidirectional Self-powered radio switch Self-powered room temp. sensor (with presence signals) etc.

Line powered Switching actuator Dimmer etc.



Line / battery powered Sensor measurement cycle times within ms range Sensor with routing/repeating capabilities (AMR, fire detector)

Line powered Central units and Gateways Actuator with repeating or routing capabilities etc.



Self-powered Sensor SMART ACK

Receive data time slot

Wireless Actuator SMART ACK

Harvester / Battery powered Heating valve actuator etc.

Room thermostat with display Remote control with signal reception acknowledge etc.
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> Jan-13

Communication Path
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Protocol overview

Wire Application


Remote Management Smart Acknowledge Security EnOcean Serial Protocol RS232 UART EnOcean Radio Protocol 868, 315, 902 MHz (Radio)

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EnOcean Radio Protocol

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EnOcean Radio and Serial Protocol

EnOcean Serial Protocol is transparent translation of EnOcean Radio Protocol

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Serial is translation of Radio

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Protocol Stack overview 2

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EnOcean Radio Protocol

EnOcean Radio Protocol

Telegram structure Addressing Repeaters

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Radio telegram structure







Maximum Length: 21 byte (14 bytes payload) Repeaters: 2 Level TX Rate: 125 kbit/sec > 11 bytes (typ. telegram) ~ 1,1 milisecond

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Radio Telegrams

Telegram RPS 1BS 4BS VLD

RORG F6 D5 A5 D2

ORG 05 06 07 =RORG

Definition Repeated Switch Communication 1 Byte Communication 4 Byte Communication Variable Length Data


A6 C6 C7

=RORG Manufacturer Specific Communication

=RORG Adressing Destination Telegram =RORG Smart Ack Learn Request =RORG Smart Ack Learn Answer



=RORG Smart Ack Reclaim

=RORG Remote Management

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1 Telegramm = 3 identical subtelegrams

Random Pauses between Subtelegrams for maximum transmission reliability (minimize interference)

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Range without repeaters

Range extension trough repeaters

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EnOcean Serial Protocol

EnOcean Serial Protocol

Telegram structure

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Telegram Structure
Data structure
Sync (1 byte) Field Byte ... Group Field Byte ... Field Byte ... CRC8 Header (1 byte) Field Byte ... Field Byte ... Group Field Byte ... Field Byte ... Field Byte ... Field Byte ... Group Field Byte ... Field Byte ... CRC8 Data (1 byte) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

ESP3 Packet
Sync Byte Data Length Header Optional Length Packet Type CRC8 Header Data

ESP3 Packet

Optional Data CRC8 Data

Every ESP3 packet consists of: Header Data Optional Data

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Packet types

Type No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Value hex 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07


Description Reserved Radio telegram Response to any packet Radio subtelegram Event message Common command Smart Ack command Remote management command

8 ... 127

0x08 ... 7F
0x80 ... FF


Reserved for EnOcean

Manufacturer specific commands and messages

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Radio telegram transparent gateway

Sync Byte Header

ESP3 Packet

Data Type Radio e.g. type VLD

User Data Sender ID Status Data Payload

Optional Data

Destination ID

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Radio Packet Structure

Group Offset
Header 0 1 3 4 Data 5 6 6+x 7+x Size 1 2 1 1 1 x 1 4 Field Sync. Byte Data Length Optional Length Packet Type CRC8H ... ... SubTelNum Destination ID Value hex 0x55 0xnnnn 0x07 0x01 0xnn ... ... 0xnn 0xnnnnnnnn Radio telegram x = variable length / size Number of subtelegram; Send: 3 / receive: 1 ... y Broadcast radio: FF FF FF FF ADT radio: Destination ID (= address) Send case: FF Receive case: best RSSI value of all received subtelegrams (value decimal without minus) 0 = telegram unencrypted n = type of encryption CRC8 Data byte; calculated checksum for whole byte groups: DATA and OPTIONAL_DATA
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Variable length of radio telegram 7 fields fixed Radio = 1

Option 11+x al Data



12+x 13+x

1 1

SecurityLevel CRC8D

0x0n 0xnn

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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EnOcean Serial Protocol

EnOcean Equipment Profiles

Telegram structure

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Introducing the EnOcean world EEP, the concept

EnOcean Equipment Profile


defines the radio communication between EnOcean-enabled devices

Reflects the properties of EnOcean-enabled device NO information about application logic Devices with same EEP can work Push n Play

.. is described by RORG + FUNC + TYPE (= EEP#)

RORG = Protocol type (RPS, 1BS, 4BS, VLD) FUNC = Device function (e.g. Room Thermostat) TYPE = Properties set (e.g. Temperature and Humidity)

Version 2.1 of the EEP specification was released Jan 20, 2011

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Introducing the EnOcean world Interoperability enabled by EEP

EnOcean Equipment Profiles (EEP) are a major part of the conventions agreed by the members of the EnOcean Alliance V2.1 covering 20 classes of applications with about 100 different profiles is a living and growing specification

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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Example - Room Operating Panel

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EEP 2.1 Data Base XML



Telegram Interpretation

Data (XML) are THE source of information

content is edited (= data) on XML-level with appropriate XML-editor Viewing of XML-data via HTML-browser, printing via .pdf XML-data can be transferred directly to code developed by partners
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Telegram Interpretation via DolphinView

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EnOcean Equipment Profiles Learn Telegram from a 4BS sensor

The EEP (EnOcean Equipment Profile) is an agreed telegram profile number that points to an interpretation table needed in the receiver. To keep the radio telegram as short as possible the sensor will inform the receiver during the teach-in procedure about its characteristics. For interoperability a standard for this teach-in procedure and for the later exchange of data has been defined.

1. Press LRN pushbutton Sensor 2. LRN telegramm will be send

8 Bit ORG Value

32 Bit



Sensor ID

EnOcean Equipment Profile (EEP)

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General receiver task with USB or TCM transparent gateway

6. Provides as output decoded values

Data ->

Temperature = 25 C Humidity = 80 % Illumination = 200 lx etc.

Action ->

5. Decodes raw data into real values

Data ->

4. Extracts raw Sensor Data 3. Handels all Security relevant tasks

Action ->

Data -> Data ->

0x21, 0x25, 0xAA, 0x48, 0x44 ...

2. Recognizes Messages 1. Gets as input UART Datastream

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Scalable Business through Module Platforms

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Session 3 Energy Scavenging Technologies

Energy Scavenging


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Energy Harvesting Wireless


Kinetic Energy Solar Energy

STM 310

STM 311

Thermo Energy:
Bilder aller Varianten
STM 312

ECT 310

Cooling of a drop of water by 1 C releases energy for about 20.000 EnOcean radio telegrams!

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Typical Feasibility Study Optimization

high efficiency conversion low loss energy storage components energy optimized radio protocol energy optimized sensors specialized energy management energy aware software design



Easy Use

maintenance free function worst case scenario ability High Radio Range High Radio reliability Real Time data transmission

Interoperability Flexibility


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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Market Driven Optimization for a Competitive Product

high efficiency conversion low loss energy storage components energy optimized radio protocol energy optimized sensors specialized energy management energy aware software design

Low Innovation barrier for the product developer Low level of tooling and knowledge for installation Easy integration with existing technologies standard sensor interfaces Easy debugging in case of failure

10 8 6 4 2 0

Easy Use


worst case scenario ability maintenance free function High Radio Range High Radio reliability Real Time data transmission

Really interoperable Radio Standard Many Vendoors ensure availability Technology evolution driven by many

Standard Components Low Cost Materials compete vs. battery solutions and wired solutions

Suited for different applications High temperature Range High interference Protection Software Platform Small Form Factor
> Jan-13

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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Energy Converters in Detail

Kinetic: Energy from Movement Electrodynamic Energy Generator Energy conversion from a button press Maintenance free 50,000 operations Allows small and flat rocker designs ECO 200

Solar: natural and indoor light

Small solar cell 13x35mm with energy storage Energy harvesting with quick start and continuous operation ECS 200

Thermal: Peltier
Standard peltier element in combination with EnOcean ultra low power DC/DC converter Maintenance free, full integration possible Allows energy harvesting actuators

ECT 310
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Mechanical Energy (1):Linear Movement

EnOcean ECO 100 converter module

FEM-Simulation magnetic flux density within iron core

EnOcean ECO 100 voltage response

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FEM-Simulation of external magnetical field

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Mechanical Energy (2): Modules Again

Technical Data Button Push Converter Operating Force (N) 5 Displacement (mm) 1,5 Mechanical Input Energy (Ws) 7500 Electrical Output Energy (Ws) 350 Efficiency 4,67% Radio Frequency (MHz) RF Power (dBm) Modulation Data Transmission Number of Repetitions Single Telegram Duration (ms) Information Content (Bits)

315 or 868MHz 6 FASK

3...5 0,6 60

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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Mechanical Energy (1): Linear Movement and Button Push

"Plug & Play" Light Switch Module
Contact nipples for switch rocker identification Rotation axis for push buttons or switch rockers Power converter, Processor, HF radio and antenna

Energy bow on both device sides

Electrodynamic Energy Converter

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Module Based Switch Product Examples

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Light Energy (1) Power Levels



Thin Film Solar Cell: 1cm2 active Area Quick Start

Power, attainable from Low Cost Thin Film Solar Cells

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Light Energy (2) Typical Illumination

Solar Cell Size

School Blackboard General class room

Office Building PC workplace Conference room Corridor Hotel Reception Restaurant Staircase Industry Assembly Lines Machinery Storage Halls
EnOcean GmbH > Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology


500 - 1000 lx 300 - 500 lx 200 - 500 lx 300 - 700 lx 50 - 100 lx


STM 110:
27 19

one radio telegram per second

300 - 700 lx 150 - 300 lx 50 - 150 lx

8,5 6,5 4,4

15 22 36 54 62


Light Intensity

50 - 500 lx 30 - 300 lx 200 - 1000 lx

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STM 300 Charge control output

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Energy Need Optimization


Current Consumption 1mA


Very short working Periods of all components

Extreme optimization of Timers and other permanent working components

1A average 1nA
Sleep timer Threshold detector

EnOcean: < 1 ms Operation for sensing, signal evaluation and transmission Timer 20 nA Theshold detection ca. 4 nA (STM 110)




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STM 330 energy consumption

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Modular Approach for Market Optimization

Outdoor Temp. Sensor

Duct Temp. Sensor

Room control panels

Solar Powered Sensor Module STM 110

Industrial Temp. Sensor

gas sensor (CO, CO2) Industrial Fridge Sensor Sensor Light Sensor

Window Contact
Industrial Temp. Sensor PIR Presence Detection
> Jan-13 Seite 69

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

Kurukshetra 13

Thermal Energy (1)

Cooling down one drop of water by 1 degree frees enough energy for
25.000 EnOcean Radio telegrams! Attainable power from thermoelectric converters depending on size and temperature difference

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Harvesting Heat

PELTIER / SEEBECK effect Heat A thermoelectric device creates a voltage when there is a different temperature on 2 junctions of 2 metals, a property discovered by Seebeck in 1821.
Conversely when a voltage is applied, it creates a temperature difference (known as the Peltier effect).


Cold ( heat sink)

A heat source will drive electrons in the n-type element toward the cooler region, creating a current through the circuit. Holes in the p-type element will then flow in the direction of the current. The current can then be used to power a load.
EnOcean GmbH

There are a number of low cost Peltier elements available and these can be used in reverse as generators for small wireless monitors.

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Using a Peltier Element for power The voltage generated from Peltier elements are very low requiring innovative DC-DC conversion
20 mV
n ~ 100

ECT 310


ECT 310 DC/DC Converter

The ECT310, is a low-cost ultra low voltage DC/DC converter that uses a highly innovative blocking oscillator design.

2+ Kelvin temperature difference on the Peltier device gives around 20 mV to 50 mV corresponding to an output voltage range between 3V to 4 V from the ECT 310.
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ECT310 Working Principle

New converter concept Highly optimized blocking oscillator for very low voltages
Output of ECT310 versus Input
1000 5


Iout [A]



0 0 100 200 300 400 Unloaded Input Voltage [mV]

0 500

Input voltage larger than 20 mV is converted to an output voltage > 3 Volt

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Uout [V]


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Thermal Energy Application Example

Human body heat operated radio sensor working already at 2 K dT

Concept: Low cost available components, Ultra Low Voltage Conversion

Thermal powered heating valve

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Thermo-powered Wireless Actuator

~100 W energy available at 7 Kelvin temperature difference

Actuator Application
STM 300: ~5 W (Wake-up every 2 min.)
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Enough energy is available to power some intermittently powered actuators !

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Energy Sources Ranking

Solar Kinetic Thermal Rotation & Flow Vibrations Radio waves Air pressure changes Muscle contraction Blood sugar fuel cells Organic material

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> Jan-13

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System Approach Key to Market

10 8 6 4 2 0

Easy Use





Generic Development Platform using Standardized Radio Construction Kit, Containing all innovative Parts Software API for maximum flexibility Low Cost reliable energy converters Developer tools and product design support Installers: planning tools, debugging tools, teaching
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The EnOcean Dolphin EO3000I (SOC)

Specific System-on-chip that integrates EnOcean wireless standard
868 MHz (R&TEE) and 315 MHz (FCC)

Processor & control functions

Comprehensive peripherals Application programmable API

Energy & sensor management

Ultra-low-power WDT, Voltage Limiter, Threshold Detector and RAM0

Energy Management Deep Sleep Timer Mode Flywheel Sleep Mode Short Term Sleep Mode Standby Mode CPU Mode TX (868MHz, 6dBm) RX (868MHz)
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~220nA ~720nA ~10A ~1.4mA ~4mA ~24mA ~33mA

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Dolphin API Application Programmable Interface

Plug&Play firmware for TCM and STM modules (pre-programmed modules)

Comprehensive functions library: BASIC API (RF communication, ID management, Power management, etc.) + ADVANCED API (Remote Mgmt., Smart Ack, etc.)
Very easy programming of user applications in C-language, based on sample programs Tools for simple start-up, easy programming and system integration
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Systematic approach

Solar Cell

RF module

Energy Harvester


Batteryless wireless Module Ultra Low Power Management

DC/DC Converter

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EnOcean devices: some important design hints

Energy management considerations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Energy Energy Energy Energy harvesting sources / availability: solar, thermal, movement: devices, limits storage elements: requirements, specifications, limitations, alternatives balance: importance of the application specific wake-up settings management recommendations, approaches, technological limitations

Designing external sensors / electronic circuits, key requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ideally passive sensor types (e.g. thermistor, photo-resistor, not always possible!) Device operating voltages (IF APL.) as low as possible, e.g. 1.8 V or lower Totally operating current as low as possible, e.g. <1 mA or less (nAA) Short measurement time (default sensor settling time e.g. <2 ms after power-up)

Radio propagation range considerations, key element antenna: 1. Indoor propagation, energy requirements, frequencies, compliance, link budget, 2. Environment analyze, installation, antenna choice, design, verification, tools 3. Interference effects: e.g. power supply importance, rules for clean layout
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EnOcean devices: some important design hints

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Session 4 EnOcean Starter Kit

Workshop: ESK 300 Starter Kit

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ESK 300 - the ideal entry to EnOcean technology EnOcean Starter Kit is the entry level product to demonstrate EnOceans energy harvesting and ultra low power radio technology. ESK 300 contains a USB 300 gateway and the DolphinView Basic license to visualize EnOcean telegrams

PTM 200 push-button switch and STM 330 temperature sensor will show preintegrated products. ECO 200, PTM 330 housing example to demonstrate how the devices can be used.

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USB 300 - Key Product Features

Visualizing EnOcean telegrams and EnOcean Equipment Profiles

PTM 200 STM 330 PTM 330

Demonstrate solutions for building automation Show energy harvesting solutions for other applications areas, e.g. industrial switch Light switch Remote control Dimming Temperature sensor

USB 300

PC Software DolphinView Basic

Industrial switch

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Software & Firmware for Self-powered Devices

Software API
Operating system with API

Easily programmed using "C"

Source code samples (switching, dimming, etc.) Comprehensive software libraries (wireless communication, energy management, etc)

Windows application which supports the whole firmware development process (Chip configuration, programming, tracing,)

EnOcean DolphinView visualizes the working of wireless nodes
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DolphinView Basic visualizes wireless communication for starters in EnOcean technology. The software shows the content of EnOcean telegrams and interprets them in relation to EnOcean equipment profiles (EEPs). Also displayed are the reception quality of telegrams plus transmission statistics. DolphinView Advanced is a software for developers and especially for recording and debugging. Extra to the functionality of the Basic version it can record telegrams and analyze subtelegrams, network payload, remote management and smart acknowledge functions.

EnOcean GmbH

> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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DolphinView Basic
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 04 05 06

License with EDK 300 License with EnOcean USB 300 or radio module EnOcean Serial Protocol 3 (ESP3) Display statistic with RSSI value Telegram count (wait maturity time) Sub-Telegramm Analyzer Basic telegram logging and filtering Advanced telegram logging Node list with activity and properties EnOcean Equipment profile (EEP) view Scripting engine for send & receive

DolphinView Basic
X X X X X X X X -

DolphinView Advanced

08 09 10 11 12

Smart Acknowledge debugger

Remote management debugger Sniffer firmware download Load/Save XML & workshpace USB 300 warning, not all features supported Mandatory update after time span (31.12.2012)
> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology > Jan-13

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EnOcean GmbH

Kurukshetra 13

STM 330

Measures temperature with internal temperature sensor:

- inputs for external setpoint dial and occupancy button - connector for humidity sensor module HSM 100 - default configuration: wake-up every 100s, transmit every 7-14th wake-up - default EEP: temperature sensor 0-40C
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STM 330 hardware configuration

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Energy Harvesting Wireless Switch Modules

PTM 200 ideal for energy harvesting wireless switches

ECO 200 and PTM 330 the perfect combination for unique switch applications

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Mini switch PTM 330 / ECO 200 PTM 330 ECO 200

Key applications: key card switches window handles industrial switches handheld remote controls Telegram content configurable to match required EEP

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Configuration of I/Os, UART, SPI, radio, timers,

Integrated online monitor for test of basic chip functionality

Dolphin programming, verify, retrieving chip information
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STM 330 software configuration

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STM 330 energy consumption

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STM 330 set point control / occupancy button

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> Jan-13

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Humidity Sensor Module HSM 100

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Transceiver Module - TCM 320 / 320C

Target Applications
Repeaters Actuators

Operating Modes
Unidirectional serial communication mode Bidirectional serial communication mode 1-channel relay mode

4-channel relay mode

1-channel dimming mode

1 / 2 level repeater function Plug&Play with pin connector and pre-installed antenna Size: 36.5 x 18 mm FCC and R&TTE radio approval Antenna: pre-installed 9cm(TCM 320)/ 15cm (TCM 320C) whip antenna Power supply: 2.6 V 3.3 V

TCM 320

TX (868MHz, 6dBm): ~24mA

RX (868MHz): ~33mA
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TCM 300 / 320 pin out

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> Jan-13

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TCM 300 / 320 mode selection

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TCM 300 / 320 repeater configuration

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TCM 300 / 320 teach-in procedure

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TCM 300 / 320 whip antenna

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TCM 300 / 320 50 Ohm antenna

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> Jan-13

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TCM 300 / 320 Power supply

Keep ripple below 10mV! Recommendation: C1: 22F ceramic capacitor, L1: 470nH coil Handling of voltage dips
Upon voltage dip TCM320 / 300 will go to sleep mode (standby / short term) for 200ms

Continue operation if supply available again

Reset if supply still not available 200ms can be bridged with 20F (TCM300) or 1028F (TCM320)

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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General receiver task with USB or TCM transparent gateway

6. Provides as output decoded values

Data ->

Temperature = 25 C Humidity = 80 % Illumination = 200 lx etc.

Action ->

5. Decodes raw data into real values

Data ->

4. Extracts raw Sensor Data 3. Handels all Security relevant tasks

Action ->

Data -> Data ->

0x21, 0x25, 0xAA, 0x48, 0x44 ...

2. Recognizes Messages 1. Gets as input UART Datastream

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EnOcean Developer Kits & Extensions

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> Jan-13

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EDK 300: Line-powered applications with EVA 300 and TCM 3x0
EOP 300 Programmer LED: Power EOP VCCUSB LED: Power EVA VCCIO LED: Programmer PROGACTIVE TCM 300 on Adapter Board TCM 3x0 Repeater config. TCM 3x0 RSSI LEDs Learn Mode Indicator (LMI) & Channel LEDs EVA 300 Board

Power ON/OFF switch

TCM 3x0 Mode config.

Optional / not equipped Clear button Learn button

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> Jan-13

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Session 5 Building Automation

EnOcean based Applications for Building Automation

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> Jan-13

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First building equipped in India

FirstRand Bank India, Mumbai 6.000 square meters, 3 floors in TCG building

Wireless building automation system easysens from Thermokon

Wireless Switches (kinetic) Wireless Temperature Sensors (solar) Wireless Displays and gateways

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> Jan-13

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> Jan-13

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Design and energy savings

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> Jan-13

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Energy Conservation Requirement

"Buildings" are the key application for energy harvesting wireless sensors Problem at hand Buildings use 38% of our total energy requirements Millions of Existing Energy Inefficient Buildings Green Buildings require
Energy efficiency
Flexibility Cost efficiency over their lifespan

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Wiring: Expensive & Invasive

Conventional Wired Solutions Time-Consuming Building Mess Environmentally Unfriendly Inflexible & Expensive over Lifespan

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Conventional Wireless Requires Batteries

Batteries Require Tracking Monitoring Stocking Access & Replacement Disposal

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Wireless: Cost-effective & Flexible

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> Jan-13

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The Role of Sensors

Building Automation Systems Require Sensors Switches

Occupancy / Motion
Light Temperature CO / Gas

Door / Window

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Sustainable Buildings "Enabled by EnOcean"

EnOcean wireless standard for sustainable buildings provides Energy-efficiency



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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Sensors are essential for Building Automation


Energy Flow


Heat? Cold?

Central heating
Central cooling Main distribution


Radiator Air vent

Air duct

Sensors deliver inputs for decisions!

Facility automation
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Room automation

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Standard Actuators



230 V
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Gateway Solution with EnOcean

HVAC Gateway

BUS system KNX, LON, etc. Shading

e.g. via SMI


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e.g. via DALI
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Room Controller with EnOcean

Room controller


e.g. via SMI


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e.g. via DALI
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Over 300 Energy-saving Multi-Vendor Interoperable Products Products in Production

Lighting Controls Light Switches / Dimmers

Occupancy Sensors
Light Intensity Key Card Timers

HVAC&R Sensors Occupancy / Motion Humidity Door / Window Temperature

Automation Systems Gateways LON, BacNet, TCP/IP, KNX, serial

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> Jan-13

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EnOcean is the Key to Sustainable Buildings

Building Automation Top energy savings Reduction of operating costs (refurbishing, tenant change) Wireless Radio Technology Key to the general success of Building Automation Key to flexibility in building usage "No Battery" Requirement Mandatory for larger installations

SAP headquarters, Walldorf > 2,500 radio sensors

Building Automation provides a huge potential in energy savings: 10% of total energy (in transportation + industrial + building)

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Traditionally Wired, No Automation = 100% Energy Consumption & No Flexibility

Luminaires Switch Temperature monitoring Valve control Motion detector Window contact Heating Blinds

Typical office room, 4 luminaires, 4 windows, 2 radiators

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Wired Automation* System = 30% less Energy Consumption & No Flexibility

Luminaires Switch Temperature monitoring Valve control Motion detector Window contact Heating Blinds

Area controller

*Automation: Control of light, blinds and climate depending on presence, time, temperature, brightness etc.
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Automation System with Smart Energy Wireless Sensors: Reduction of Cabling by about 70%
EnOcean Luminaires modules enable the Switch system
Temperature monitoring Valve control Motion detector Window contact Heating Blinds Radio

Flexible and maintenanc e free

Area controller

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> Jan-13

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Flexible Room Structures with EnOcean

Building axis



EnOcean Wireless Standard = Maximum Flexibility

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Installation of Room Controller along Building Axis

Building axis


BUS supply Mains supply Floor Empfnger


1 Room controller for 8 building axis

Receiver, radius ca. 15m

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Range Planning (1)

Take a Building Floor Plan and a Drawing Circle Mark relevant Radio Shadings into the Floor Plan
Fire Protection Walls Lavatories, Staircases, Elevator Shafts, Supply Areas.

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Range Planning (2)

Draw circles area wide The circle centre points are the ideal positions of the radio gateways By that the gateways should be positioned in such a way that no screens block the connection to any corner inside the fire safety section (potential sensor positions) = 20m

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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EnOcean vs. Cable & Battery in Building Automation

Cost for installation Cost for operation (e.g. battery change) Interoperability Sustainability Flexibility Renovation ++ ++ +
(>300 products )

0 ++ +
(e.g. KNX,LON)

++ 0
(only few products)

++ ++ ++

(copper, PVC)

(bat. change)

0 0

++ ++

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Energy Harvesting Building Automation Products

Self-Powered Sensors & Switches 30% Reduction in Cables 10% Cost Savings in Initial Building Automation 80% Savings in Renovation Costs

Building Automation Systems 60% Savings in Lighting Energy 45% Savings in Climate Technology = Massive Reduction in Carbon Footprint!

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> Jan-13

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Energy Saving Potential - up to 40%

Example: German office building
Warm water Lighting Cooling Heating

60% Electrical energy savings in lighting

45% Electrical energy savings in climate technology

Office building without automation

Office building with automation

25% Energy savings in heating

* Source: reference model of the LonMark survey according to DIN V 18599 ** Saving potentials according to LonMark survey 2007 of the technical college Biberach

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Cost Savings Example - New Office Building

Real Cost Case Study
Installation costs (lighting + blinds + HVAC) Initial installation Partition alteration Room controller with wired sensors 100% 23% Room controller with EnOcean radio sensors 90% 5%

Building section: 30 x 15m 26 Light switches 14 Blinds switches 12 Temp. sensors 30 Window contacts 1 Room controller 26 Lamp circuits 14 Blinds circuits 30 Heating outlets

10% Cost reduction at initial installation 80% Cost savings during alterations
Source: Cost comparison calculation Wago and Schmidt Reuter & Partner

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> Jan-13

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Buildings "Enabled by Enocean"

Offices Hospitality Hospital & Assisted living Residential Retail building

Industrial building
Schools Historical Buildings Other: ships, industrial applications etc.

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Lighting Applications "Enabled by Enocean"

Battery-less wireless switches (1) control lighting and shading Battery-less outdoor light sensors (3) automatically match lighting to daylight
EnOcean GmbH > Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology > Jan-13

Occupancy sensors (2) automatically turn off the lights in unused rooms Remote monitoring and control by a cellphone (9) or on the Internet (8)
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HVAC Applications "Enabled by Enocean"

Room temperature sensor (4) for minimal energy consumption and maximum comfort Position sensors (6+7) cut out heating and air-conditioning when windows are open Occupancy sensors (2) shut down the heating, air-conditioning and ventilation in unoccupied rooms
EnOcean GmbH > Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology > Jan-13

Central control on a touch panel (8) Remote monitoring and control by a cellphone (9) or on the Internet (8) Climatic sensors (humidity and CO2; 5) meter air quality and control ventilation as thresholds are exceeded or underrun.

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Over 200,000 Buildings "enabled by Enocean"

Hospitals Offices Industrial

Schools, Colleges & Nurseries Historical Buildings

EnOcean GmbH


> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13


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Installation Examples: Office Towers

4200 Wireless & Battery-less Light Switches Occupancy Sensors Daylight Sensors

Savings 40% Lighting Energy Costs

31 Kilometers of Cable
80% cost of retrofitting

Torre Espacio, Madrid, Spain

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> Jan-13

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Office Buildings

2.000 Light Switches per Wing Savings Building Costs, Time, Flexibility Kilometres of Cable 80% cost of retrofitting

SAP Headquarters, Walldorf, Germany

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> Jan-13

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Individual Room Temperature Control

30% HVAC Energy Costs

St. Josephs School, Lacoll, Quebec, Canada

EnOcean Alliance | Graham Martin | 13-01-23 EnOcean GmbH > Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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University Installations:

University of Canterbury (NZ) Retrofitting window contacts + receivers Open window = shut off HVAC ROI: < 12 month Saving: 40% of HVAC energy

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> Jan-13

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Window Sensors & Handles (window open = heating / cooling off)

Savings 22% HVAC Energy Costs

Mueritz-Hospital, Waren/ Germany

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Reference: Forum Hohenwart

3 identical hotel buildings

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> Jan-13

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Forum Hohenwart With Automation

Building 3

(identical to 1 & 2)

EnOcean / LONWorks based Building Automation System

Single Room Control
Window Contacts Occupancy Sensors In-/Outdoor Temperature Measurement

Connected to Reception Computer

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> Jan-13

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Forum Hohenwart - Results

Sep 06 Average Energy use kWh per Building (no automation) Average Energy use kWh per Building (with automation) Energy Savings




Jan 07






































Annual Energy Savings Measured: 60%

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Session 6: Advanced Energy Harvesting Wireless

Advanced Energy Harvesting Wireless

Other Application Fields Advanced Wireless Functionalities

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Application Areas Overview

Building Automation
Lighting, Heating, Cooling, Ventilation, Security, Metering

Industrial Automation
Condition Monitoring, Process Optimization, Control, Metering, Switching,

Automotive & Aviation

Condition Monitoring, Switching,

Temperature, Blood Pressure, Heart Beat, Monitoring,

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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EnOcean in the Smart Home

Joonior Portal

radio cable


Connections Internal / external

W-(LAN) Customer devices Actors / Sensors Manager etc. Appliance Interface
EnOcean GmbH


Joonior central unit



motion controller

thermostatic radiator valve

third party components

smart meter



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Self-powered wireless sensors and switches for smart homes

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Platform technology for Smart Home / Smart Grid

User Benefits Sustainable energy efficiency Comfort, convenience & security Maximum flexibility Cost-savings Benefits to Utilities Automated metering User-specific rates Advantages for OEMs Fast development of smart home solutions Whole home wireless connectivity Established EnOcean standard

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Platform technology for Logistics & Transportaion

EnOcean in London City Bus Pilot

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Industrial Applications 1
Automotive Engine Production (D) Status: Product
Process Monitoring & Control Material Flow Control

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

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Industrial Applications 2

Status: Products EnOcean GmbH > Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Industrial Applications 3

Cable Tree Radio Sensors for Automotive

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Food Production - Pest Control Systems

After the mouse has been trapped a radio telegram is sent to the central controller Partner: BSC Software

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> Jan-13

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Commercial Aircraft

Wireless passenger service system

Light Call button Window dimmer

Wireless Corrosion Sensors

Self-powered wireless sensors from EnOcean have the potential to provide enhanced functionality and reduce weight by alleviating power and data transfer wires Brad Mitchell Boeing Commercial Airlines

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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BI-DIRECTIONAL Self-powered Sensors


Solar-powered HVAC sensor

1:00pm 22C
Window open!

1st sub-telegram: Measurement Value (e.g. temperature, humidity)


- +

2nd sub-telegram: Sensor Parameter Update (e.g. set-point zero, clock sync, window status)

EnOcean SMART ACK enables: Self-powered radio sensors with display and data backwards channel (receive-data in dedicated timeslot after transmission of measurement data)
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Thermo Harvester Window Contact

Room Temperature Sensor

Valve Actuator
1. Wake-up = Request for command 2. ACK = Control Command

Line Power (always on)

Central HVAC Unit

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> Jan-13

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Smart ACK Principle

Sensor, e.g. Temperature sensor with display


Repeater incl. postmaster capability

Radio Connection Logic Connection

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> Jan-13

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Why security? Eavesdropping

Smart Metering

Home & Building Automation Security Systems

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Why security? Replay attack

Switch Sending

Hearing and Reprocessing



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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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Current security - ID Authentication

Principle ID concept

Every telegram sent contains a 32bit ID identifying the sender

Security measures to protect against

Unique Module ID

ID management and burning at manufacturing site EnOcean firmware ensures you cannot replicate the unique Chip ID

Special Purpose ID

pre-programmed BaseID up to 128 IDs from BaseID+0 .. BaseID+127 BaseID can be modified up to 10 times

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> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology

> Jan-13

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SECURITY Enhancement

Rolling Code Fraud Resistant

against reply attack

Purpose: avoiding an eavesdropper recording the transmission and unlocking the receiver Strategy: changing a rolling code included in the telegram
Encryption Tap Proof against

Purpose: obscuring the information being sent in the air Strategy: encrypted data unreadable for eavesdropper

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Algorithms are public

The secret of security is the used key Profiles will be defined for interpreting secure messages Compatible with existing Dolphin hardware

Different encryption algorithms selectable Rolling code does not need to be transmitted in telegram MAC algorithm can be selected and added Strategies are combinable

Future proof

New algorithms can be added without breaking the concept for

Encryption Rolling code Message Authentication code

Strategies against new attack types can be added

> Energy Harvesting Wireless Technology > Jan-13 Page 168

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SECURITY LEVELS Concept Overview

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