Research Proposal: Chapter 2

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In this chapter, the subtopics to be discussed are as follows: 1. English Literature Component Syllabus 2. Students Perception of English Literature Component 3. Cultural Diversity and Language Competent in ESL Classroom


English Literature Component Syllabus

English is essential for future purposes such as employment opportunities and for higher education. English also is necessity for Malaysian of various ethnics to rise up the socioeconomic purposes. English language has become the second most important language in the country (Asmah, 1982). In Malaysia, literature has been implemented in the education system. Literature is the art of English language. It allows people to enjoy the language in their own way of life. According to Chitravelu (2005), literature means using words to imaginatively record, explain, explore and shape experience and feelings. In Malaysia, literature component in English language was introduced by the Ministry of Education in 2000. The aim of it is to enhance students proficiency in English language through the study of a set of prescribed literary texts, contribute to personal development and character building, and broaden students reading about other cultures and world view (Huzaina, 2006).

In year 2010, the literature component in English language for KBSM has been updated by the Ministry of Education with a complete list of new reading materials. With the aims of enhancing students personal development, self-enrichment and level of English proficiency, various reading materials from various cultures have been adapted to the new literature text book in secondary school. The establishment new curriculum for literature in English is hoped to help the growth of literature in Malaysia.


Students Perceptions of English Literature Component

There are several things can be discussed about the students perspective. Lindsay and Norman (1977) described perception is the process by which organism interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. Perception involved more process of thinking as a result of the information received from the sensory systems regards certain things or events. It is the output process where the judgment of beliefs was produced by an individual and it influenced the way they think and feel (Jerry Anak Ahen, 2009). Most students didnt really know the purpose or need of learning literary component. Students need to know and understand this factor. When the students know and understand the purpose of learning literary component, they may feel keen to learn it, wanted to put their effort in learning literature, and wont neglect to understand and appreciate the literary component. Therefore, it is important to know the students perception because through perception, it will affect their attitudes towards certain matters or object of attitudes.

Some students considered literature as a medium for them to score better marks for English subject. Thus, they tend to put more effort in learning literature. However, others see literature as a component of an added burden because of the difficulties in understanding the language and meaning. Nevertheless, it is all depends on the

students effort in practicing the language. There are two reasons for the students to learn literature; because they really appreciate literature or for examination purposes. Either way, it has driven the students to learn literature and indirectly, it helps the teachers to deliver the lesson in a more understandable way. The reason is, when the teachers know what drives the learners to learn literature, it helps the teacher to prepare the lesson better according to the students levels, purposes, needs, and others. Nesamalar Chitravelu (1995) advocates that the teacher plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of literature in the language programme, and that any lack of interest on the part of the teacher can prevent the enjoyment of shared experience of literature. Students perceptions may be influenced by the environment such as the society, family, media, the personal development may others. Mainly, students rely on their teachers in understanding literature instead of working it on their own. Thus, its important for teachers to consider this factor as well in teaching Literature. When the students were able to relate the component with their life; culture, environment, society, etc., it will contribute in having positive perceptions towards literature.

Another factor that should be given attention to is students may need more time to focus and to understand the literary works, especially for those who are weak in English. When the students have the chance to explore the literary component not in a limited short of time, it might gain more enthusiasm in learning literature and this will help them to understand the component better. Some students may feel that the literature texts are not suitable for them. This contributes to negative perception; assuming they will not be able to cope with the lesson in class, and may cause them to refuse to give full attention and corporation in the class. For example, different culture may convey different meaning of actions. What the author meant in the literary works might not be the same with what the students were familiar with, students might misinterpret the meaning and making it harder for students to understand the component as it is confusing. Therefore, when the students were given more or at least enough time based on their proficiency to understand the literary component, they may able to relate it to their life thus appreciate it better. One explanation which may shed some light on this

matter can be seen in the statement by Sell (1995:6) that, it is the individual readers who make sense of the texts and evaluate them according to their own lights, rather than teachers setting up as arbiters of public taste. This statement appears to suggest that students appreciation of the texts is not necessarily affected by how much or well the teacher teaches, but has more to do on the part of the learners themselves.

Motivation is a construct made up of certain attitude and the most important of these is group specific, the attitude learners have towards the members of the cultural group whose language are learning (Brown, 1994). Students performance in the second language will be determine by their motivation in learning which is result from their perception and attitudes towards the language and their native speaker (Jerry Anak Ahen, 2009). The perception in this study is referring to students perceptions towards English Literature Component in English syllabus. However, perception and attitudes somehow is related: perception is the base of thinking which raise certain judgment or belief that may influence a persons attitude.


Cultural Diversity and Language Competent in ESL Classroom

The different background of the author with the students raises the issues of understanding the culture between two. Literature is able to raise the awareness of other culture and enhance cultural competence (Sell, 2005). Understanding culture is made even more difficult as the values which shape and influence characters and their point of views are not explicitly portrayed in literary texts. Students misunderstanding is due to the teachers lack of cultural awareness, the lack of support material that address cultural issues and introductory classes that pay minimal attention to the cultural elements of the texts (Gurnam Kaur,2002 & Ganakumaran et al, 2003). Students encountered comprehension difficulties because of the differences in the cultural backgrounds (Jayakaran, 1993 p.18). Referring to the cultural context in the literary

component, its mainly depending on the teachers role. Students misunderstanding is due to the teachers lack of culture awareness, support materials in teaching it in class and only include minimal attention to the cultural elements of the text (Gurnam Kaur, 2002 & Ganakumaran et al, 2003).

Other than that, many students especially in the rural areas are facing difficulties in learning literature due to the language and cultural barrier (Hill, 1986). Due to their inability to comprehend the texts, they are not able to proceed to more cognitively challenging activities. They become passive listeners as they expect teachers to be the active provider of input during the learning process. One of the most important things to be taken into consideration about the students is the students level of proficiency, especially regarding their fluency of English language. Abdullah Bin Mohd Nawi and Andrew Lim Ming Yew (2008) mentioned that the lack of proficiency among students in Malaysia was already a worrying issue to the Ministry of Education because even before the literature component was introduced, students in Malaysia were facing difficulty in their effort to master the English language.

Level of proficiency may determine students' perceptions towards the literature component. Selectors need to take it seriously as the students are the one who will explore, get the enjoyment, having difficulty and to appreciate the chosen literary component. For students who were excel in English, learning literature wouldnt be much of a burden compared to those who are low in English language proficiency. They might enjoy reading literature and some might personally like to learn literature as it may enhance their language skills (Abdullah Bin Mohd Nawi and Andrew Lim Ming Yew, 2008). Yet, students who are low in English language proficiency, they feel learning literature; especially poetry, is just an added burden to what they are facing with in school. They may study literature just to pass the examination. One of the reason here is because theyve never been exposed to any foreign literary works. Therefore, they cannot visualized things and lead them not to appreciate the literary works as it may

involve the cultural norms of the author, different background and many more. The students level of proficiency does affect their perceptions in learning Literature.

Besides that, students perceptions may come from the challenges and situations that they are facing in their life. Somehow, this factor affects the students style of learning. Havighurst (1972) and Stover and Tway (1992) indicate the concerns of young adults and these concerns can be used as criteria for selecting literary texts for our young adult learners. For the students with low proficiency levels of English, they are lack of motivation in appreciating literary works. Even the advanced students sometimes are struggling with it. When they are lack of motivation in learning literature such as the reading materials, the elements involved, and others, they wont have much interest in appreciating the literary works. This leads the students to have some negative perception in learning the component as that already set their mind that literature is tough and they wont be able to understand it. Most students prefer reading text that are closely related to their environment such as the text that address the issue of youth, social values, relationship and many more. Students prefer these types of text because the can relate themselves to it and allow them to act to the text. Because of this, if these elements are to be taken into consideration in selecting literary component, it will be beneficial to the students. In selecting literature component for young adults, we need to consider their psychological and physiological aspect and their development in growing up.

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