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Guidelines in Using STATISTICA Prof. Carlo Magno Correlation Coefficient Phi Coefficient Function: Correlating 2 sets of nominal data with 2 categories for each variable Procedure: 1. Click Statistics 2. Click Nonparametrics 3. Select 2X2 Tables (X2/V2/Phi2, McNemar/Fisher Exact) 4. Click OK 5. Enter the values in a 2X2 contingency table then click Summary.

6. Look for the value of in the label Phi-Square. 7. If hypothesis is one tailed compare the (.05 or .01) with the p value for Fisher exact p, one tailed. If the hypothesis in nondirectional look for the p value in the two-tailed. Spearman Rho Function: Correlating two sets of ranks (ordinal data) Procedure: 1. Enter the first set of ranks in column 1 and the next set on column 2. 2. Click Statistics 3. Click Nonparametrics 4. Select Correlations (Spearman, Kendalls Tau, gamma) 5. Click Variables: 6. Select 1 for the First variable list and select 2 for the Second variable list

7. Click OK 8. On the Advanced Pad click Spearman rank R 9. If the p value is less than the alpha (.05/.01) result is significant Pearson r Function: Correlating two variables that are interval or ratio scale Procedure: 1. Enter the data for the variable X on the first column and the data for variable Y on the second column. 2. Click Statistics 3. Click Basic Statistics/Tables 4. Select Correlation Matrices 5. Click OK 6. Click Options in the menu pad 7. Select Display detailed table of results

8. Click one variable list or two variable list a. For one variable list select both 1 and 2 then click OK

b. For two variable list select 1 for first variable list and select 2 for second variable list then click OK

9. Click summary, the relationship is significant if the p value is less than the alpha (.05/.01). The Pearson r value is r(X,Y), the variance is r2 One Sample Case Chi-square Goodness of Fit Function: Tests if the observed frequency of one sample is significantly different with the expected frequencies. Procedure: 1. Enter the observed frequencies on the first column, then the expected frequencies on the second column. 2. Click Statistics 3. Click Nonparametrics 4. Select Observed versus Expected X2 5. Click OK 6. Click Variables 7. Select 1 for Observed frequencies and select 2 for Expected frequencies 8. Click OK 9. Click Summary 10. The chi-square value, df, and p value is shown, result is significant if p value is less than the alpha (.05/.01)

Kolmogorov Smirnov Function: tests the difference between the observed and expected frequency of a set of ranks. Procedure: 1. Enter the data where in the first row of the spread sheet label the both observed and expected frequencies and on the next column indicate the frequencies

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Click Statistics Click Nonparametrics Select Comparing two independent samples (groups) Click OK Click Variables Select 2 for Dependent variable list and select 1 as the Indep (grouping) variable

8. Click OK 9. Click Kolmogorov Smirnov two sample test 10. Result is significant is p value is less than the alpha (.05/.01)

z-test/t-test for single means Function: Compare the sample mean and the population parameter (data is interval or ratio) Use z-test if standard error of the population is given Use t-test if the standard deviation of the sample is given Procedure: 1. Enter the data for the sample in a column. 2. Click Statistics 3. Click Basic Statistics/Tables 4. Select t-test, single sample 5. Click OK 6. Click Variables: 7. Select 1 8. Click OK 9. Select Test all means against: then enter the population parameter to be compared with the sample

10. Click Summary 11. Result is significant if p value is less than the alpha (.05/.01) Two Sample Repeated Measures McNemar Change Test Function: Assess the significance of before and after change Procedure: 1. Click Statistics 2. Click Nonparametrics 3. Select 2X2 Tables (X2/V2/Phi2, McNemar/Fisher Exact) 4. Click OK 5. Enter the values in a 2X2 contingency table then click Summary.

6. Look for the value on McNemar Chi-square (A/D) in column 1 and in column 2 the p value is indicated. 7. Result is significant if the p value is less than the alpha (.05/.01).

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Function: Asses the significant difference between two set of ranks that are repeated measures. Procedure: 1. Enter the first set of ranks on the first column and the next set of ranks on the second column 2. Click Statistics 3. Click Nonparametrics 4. Select Comparing two dependent samples (variables) 5. Click OK 6. Click Variables: 7. Select 1 in the first variable list, select 2 in the second variable list 8. Click OK 9. Click Wilcoxon Matched pairs test 10. Result is significant if the p value is less than the alpha (.05/.01)

t-test for Dependent Samples Function: Tests the difference of two set of scores (interval/ratio) from the same sample (repeated measures) Procedure: 1. Enter the first set of scores in the first column and the second set n the second column 2. Click Statistics 3. Click Basic statistics/Tables 4. Select t-test, dependent samples 5. Click OK 6. Click Variables: 7. Select 1 in the First variable list, select 2 in the Second variable list 8. Click OK 9. Click Summary 10. Result is significant if the p value is less than the alpha (.05/.01)

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