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What do we mean by the Spiritual Dimension?

Definition The spiritual dimension is that which is beyond the seen world and cannot be experienced by our five senses, mind or intellect. It includes the world of heaven, hell, angels, auras, spirits and ghosts.


What is spiritual research?

What are ancestral problems? Who are our ancestors Why do they trouble us? Do they ever help us? Protecting ourselves against ancestral problems

How can we help our ancestors in the afterlife

What is Spiritual Research?

Spiritual research simply means researching the spiritual dimension and its effect on us

Salient features
Cannot use conventional measurement and analysis tools
Conducted through the sixth sense or extrasensory perception (ESP) Spiritual dimension is just as systematic and logical as that of the physical world Knowledge obtained in a ready-made format from the Universal Mind and Intellect

Needs to be under the guidance of a spiritually evolved guide

Various types of spiritual problems

Various types of spiritual problems Destiny

A block in the spiritual energy system (Kundalini) within our bodies

A reduction of vital energy within us Black Magic / Voodoo

Being affected or possessed by ghosts

Distress due to our ancestors who have passed away. Distressing vibrations in the premise that we live and work in

What are ancestral problems?

Inability to get married Marital disharmony Difficulty in conceiving a child Addictions ( approximately 70 % of addictions are due to ancestors who pass away) Going blank in examinations despite being well prepared for it Loss of job Miscarriages Bearing mentally challenged children or children with special needs Death during childhood

What are ancestral problems?

There are two rules of thumb


All remedies to solve the problem have failed This is especially so when the problem should be easily treatable by modern sciences such as a skin rash, chest pain etc.


Many family members suffering A number of family members (e.g. 4 out of 5) are suffering with any of the previously mentioned issues simultaneously. (The reason that all the family members get affected is that they all have the same ancestors.)

Example of ancestral problems

Eczema for 23 years very stubborn and would not respond to any treatment

11 Jul 2006 Spiritual healing mechanism

17 Jul 2006

Who all are included in our ancestors? What are we comprised of?

Who all are included in our ancestors? Our state after death

Who all are included in our ancestors?

1. All subtle bodies of our known and unknown departed relatives from all the previous generations
2. For women it includes even the husbands side 3. Subtle bodies of departed relatives from previous births are also included in ancestors. 4. Descendents if they die before one

Effect by generations of ancestors

Why would my ancestors want to trouble me?

Two main reasons:

1. Unfulfilled desires and 2. The other is due to the inability to move on in the afterlife and attain a higher positive region or sub-region.

Why would my ancestors want to trouble me?

1. Unfulfilled desires Anger directed at descendants who do not use their inheritance in accordance with the ancestors' wishes Have an attachment to the family and still want things to be done their way Addicted to some physical desire such as cigarettes, drugs, sex, food etc.

Why would my ancestors want to trouble me?

2. Inability to move on in the afterlife - Factors that decide where we go after death

Spiritual level Our ego State of mind at the time of death Extent and type of spiritual practice Type of deeds Our destiny The type of death Desires The type of funeral The type of rituals done by descendents to help ancestors

Why would my ancestors want to trouble me?

2.Inability to move on in the afterlife to a better region

Satyaloka Tapaloka Janaloka Mahaloka Heaven Nether region

7 positive regions

Earth 1st
2nd 3rd 4th

7 negative regions

5th 6th

Why would my ancestors want to trouble me?

2.Inability to move on in the afterlife Heaviness of the subtle body due to desires, attachments and demerits

Why would my ancestors want to trouble me? 2.Inability to move on in the afterlife Spiritual level

Why would my ancestors want to trouble me?

2. Inability to move on in the afterlife Intention behind the trouble

An ancestor wanting to fulfill his desires will trouble a descendant with similar desires, whereas An ancestor desirous of moving on to a higher subtle region would target a descendant doing spiritual practice.

Why would my ancestors want to trouble me?

2. Inability to move on in the afterlife - Requirement of help

Dont my ancestors help me?

Help if at all is mainly at a worldly level The extent and quality of help depends on their attitude in their life on Earth and their spiritual level. Below 30% spiritual level it is very difficult. Ancestors by helping their descendants are in effect enhancing the attachment of their descendants to worldly pleasures and simultaneously get further attached themselves. Real help departed ancestors can give their descendants is to make them aware of the necessity of spiritual practice.


What is spiritual research?

What are ancestral problems? Who are our ancestors Why do they trouble us? Do they ever help us? Protecting ourselves against ancestral problems

How can we help our ancestors in the afterlife

Protection against ancestral problems Protective chant of Sree Gurudev Datta Name of Lord Datta an aspect of God. Analogy of Vitamin C versus a multi-vitamin What does the protective chant of Sree Gurudev Datta sound like?
What happens?

A subtle protective sheath envelops us, protecting us from obstacles caused by our ancestors. This is regardless of culture of belief.
It helps to nullify the give-and-take account that we have with our ancestors thus reducing their influence on us. It gives our ancestors the assistance they require to make their onward journey in the subtle world.

How much should we chant?

Number of chants 108 X 3 = 324 108 X 6 = 648 108 X 9 = 972

Type Mild Moderate Severe

Example Skin problems, marital conflicts Divorce, mentally challenged child Miscarriage, death in childhood

Malas 3 6 9

How does it help my ancestors

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Dead body Emission of excretory gases Field charged by distressing energies Polluted atmosphere Distressing subtle body Black smoke emitted by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) 7. Ghosts take control of the 5 vital and sub-vital energies in the dead body and try to gain control over it

How does it help my ancestors

How does it help my ancestors

1. Chant of Sree Gurudev Datta 2. Effulgent striking frequencies 3. Generation of particles of divine consciousness in the environment (purification of the environment) 4. Formation of a protective sheath around the dead body 5. Subtle basic raja-tama particles in the body 6. Subtle body 7. Destruction of subtle basic raja-tama due to reduction in function of frequencies of desire 8. Protective sheath around the subtle body 9. Momentum attained by subtle body

Principle behind helping ancestors

1. Spiritual practice and rituals Protective chant of Sree Gurudev Datta 2. Helping them sever their attachments with their worldly life and continue their onward spiritual journey.

Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites

The main aim is to accomplish the following: 1. Minimise the attack by ghosts 2. Help the subtle body shake off its bond to the physical body 3. To give momentum and protection to the subtle body in its

onward journey in the afterlife.

Principle behind an attack by ghosts


Maximum damage, least effort


Creation of a centre in the body to transmit their black energy

Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors

Effectiveness of cremation

The main aim is to accomplish the following: 1. Minimise the attack by ghosts

2. Help the subtle body shake off its bond to the physical body
3. To give momentum and protection to the subtle body in its onward journey in the afterlife.

Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors funeral rites


Some points on helping ancestors

Effectiveness of burial

The main aim is to accomplish the following: 1. Minimise the attack by ghosts

2. Help the subtle body shake off its bond to the physical body
3. To give momentum and protection to the subtle body in its onward journey in the afterlife.

Some points on helping ancestors Wearing of black is detrimental

Black has the ability to attract 70% negative energy and all negative vibrations in the environment People are depressed at a funeral When black is worn : depression + attracting more negative frequencies double negative.

Ghosts take advantage of this increased negative vibrations

Increased negativity impedes the onward journey of the subtle body

Best to wear white or light shades

Some points on helping ancestors move on

1. Ashes only to be immersed in water never buried 2. Refrain from going to mediums or Ouija boards 3. If you have to bury, dont keep things in coffin 4. Negative effect of kissing a dead body 5. Not keeping photographs of dead relatives on display increases attachment and makes them Earthbound 6. Going to graves and putting flowers etc. increases the attachment of the subtle body

7. Putting up monuments in their name increases attachment

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