Note 4 Engleza MQ

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MANAGEMENTUL CALITATII AN 4 Engleza grupa Nr. Nume crt.


PROIECT Ex. 1 Ex. 2


Nota Finala

1 Apetri George Ctin 2 Axinte Robert Alexandru 3 Babii Alexandra Elena 4 Blaj Marian Gabriel 5 Bobocea Marius Gabriel 6 Bordianu Silviu Adrian 7 Cananau Razvan Mihai 8 Ciocan Crina Stefana 9 Ciocan Radu Vasile 10 Cochior Iulian 11 Codreanu Vlad Gabriel 12 Constantin Catalin Dumitru 13 Darie Bogdan Alexandru 14 Dutca Silviu 15 Gradinaru Alexandru Ctin. 16 Hamza Iulian Constantin 17 Iftimie Tiberiu 18 Lache Matei 19 Moldovicean Ioan Bogdan 20 Mosica Bogdan Marius 21 Nohai Alexandru 22 Panaite Vlad 23 Polcovnicu Razvan Andrei 24 Rata Andreea 25 Strajeru Andrei Rares 26 Zaharia Victor Iulian

9 9 10 10

4 5 7 -10 A A A A

7 9 10

10 9 9 9 10

-9 6 5 A 4 A 7 A A -10 -10 A -8 -7 -8 7 -7 4 -8 5 7 7 7 A 7

10 8 7 8 9

10 10 10 10 10 9

10 10 9 9 9 8


1 Alexa Andrei 2 3 4 5 Amariei Iustin Ancuta Elena Simona Ancuta Ioana Andreea Astefanoaie Giorgiana

7 8

6 Azamfire Alexandru Cristian

7 Bursuc Sergiu Emanuel 8 Buzduga Ruxandra 9 Cojocea Cristina 10 Condrea Cosmin Ionut 11 Corlatan Tudor 12 Costescu Daniel 13 Dumitrescu Andrei Simon 14 Ene Ionut Daniel 15 Filipiuc Bogdan Andrei 16 Florea Andrei 17 Giosan Cosmin Ctin. 18 Grigore Adrian 19 Largu George Daniel 20 Lazar Alexandru Alin 21 Lazar Mihnea Diodor 22 Lupu Stefanut Raducu 23 Sofitchi Dumitru Cristian 24 Timu Alexandru 25 Tirnauca Alexandru 26 Zahariuc George Cristian

9 10 9 10 9 8 9 10 9 9 9 10 10

-8 9 8 -10 8 8 10 4 -10 7 -10 7 -10 4 A 7 5 9 A 4 6 -10 4 A -8 8 A A 7 -10 A 10 -10 4 -8 10 -9 -5 6 7

9 9 10 9 9 9 8 10 8 10 8 10 8

10 10 8 10 9

8 10 6 8 10 8


1 Antalut Rares Victor 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Apreutesei Mircea Bogdan Balaceanu Madalin Ionut Blanariu Dragos Stefan Bosca Marius Bulichi Ana-Maria Alexandra Burghelea Alexandra Ioana Chiriac Teodor Stefan

9 Cojocariu Claudiu 10 Hrib Daniel Petru 11 Jescu Ionut Constantin 12 13 14 15 16 Lazar Gheorghe Let Cristian Mitrea Gavril Marian Morosan Andrei Dragos Munteanu Adrian Florin

9 10 9 9 9 10 9 10

8 10 10 10 9 9 10 10

17 Murariu Florin

18 Nastrut Ovidiu Sergiu 19 Nica Sergiu Adrian 20 Paduraru Florentina 21 Popovici Alexandra Iuliana 22 Puscasu Ionut

23 Raicu Octavian Constantin

24 Salca Robert 25 Stefan Alexandru Marius 26 Ursache Alexandra 3410 1 Argeanu Andrei 2 Bodaicu Andrei 3 Chalkiadaki Stylian 4 Cosmin Alexandru Razvan 5 Cotofana Daniela 6 Cucu Radu 7 Dumitrascu Alin Costel 8 Mazur Alexandru 9 Nanou Marianna 10 Nanou Lamprini 11 Pandele Alexandru 12 Pascariu Radu Florian 13 Raileanu Andrei 14 Rusu Stefanita Codrin 15 Savin Iulian 16 Seserman Diana Maria 17 Stefanesi Andrei Florin 18 Strachina Constantin Ciprian 19 Tanase Alexandru 20 Tudorache Mihaita 21 Ungureanu Dragos 22 Ungureanu Paul 23 Untu Andrei 24 Ursu Victoria Andreea 25 Varovit Iulian Claudiu 26 Vasiliu Luana Madalina

10 -10 10 10 10 10 10 10

10 4 -7 4 9 -9 -10 -9 9 -8 -6 -8 A -10 9 -10 9 7 7 A A -6 1 9 10 9 4 7 7 -10 A -9 10 4 10

10 9 10 10 10 10 10

9 7 10 10 10 10 7 7

8 8 10 10 10 10 7 7


10 9 10 9 10 9

10 9 9 8 10 9


Compatibility Report for 4 Eng EC S1 2010-2011 NOTE manag. calitatii.xls Run on 1/16/2011 11:55 The following features in this workbook are not supported by earlier versions of Excel. These features may be lost or degraded when opening this workbook in an earlier version of Excel or if you save this workbook in an earlier file format.

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# of occurrences 17

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