Ultimate Betrayal

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Ultimate Betrayal Author: Sabia Disclaimer: (Laughs hysterically) I wouldn't claim ownership of these characters right now if you

paid me! Spoilers: Anything is fair game. Summary: What if Buffy had gotten her wish to go away to college? Rating: R mostly. Some parts will be NC-17 Distribution: I'm always flattered to have people use it. Just let me know where it went. Feedback: Am I going to have to beg? Author's Note: This is the first multi-part fic that I actually plan on finishing. But first, I want to know if there's interest so I know that I'm not wasting my time with writing this. Please let me know what you think! (Okay, I begged.) Prologue Angel opened the mansion door with a heavy heart. He knew who had knocked on the door, just as he knew what she had come for. He was sure that this was going to be the hardest night of his incredibly long existence. This was the night he had to say goodbye to the love of his life. He swung the door open and met Buffy's eyes. Buffy smiled sadly at the sorrow in Angel's eyes and drew him into her arms. They stood for when seemed like hours together, simply breathing each other in, memorizing the feel of being in each other's arms. Buffy pulled away first, closing the door behind her and leading Angel to the couch. Angel leaned back against the couch, pulling Buffy to his chest and wrapping his arms around her. No words were needed between the two. This was the last night they had together for an indeterminable amount of time, and they both wanted to enjoy simply being together for as long as they could. "What am I going to do without you?" Buffy sighed with a deep sadness at Angel's question. Gently, she sat up and turned to meet his eyes. Lifting one hand, she began caressing his face in loving strokes. "You'll get along just fine." Angel could not help the overwhelming sorrow that was washing over him. He could not help but feel that once Buffy walked out the door, she would be walking out of his life forever. "Stop it." Buffy's firm demand pulled Angel from his thoughts. "I know what you're thinking. You think that I'm going to go off to Northwestern and forget all about you. Meet some human boy who can do normal things like make love to me and take me into the sunlight. Right?" Buffy didn't need Angel to voice his answer. The sadness reflecting in his eyes was answer enough. Buffy took his face in both his hands and forced him to meet her eyes. "Listen to me very closely because I am not going to say this again. I. Love. You. Not because you can take me on picnics in the park, or because one day we'll be able to get married and live in a house with 2.5 kids, a dog, and a white picket fence. I love you. You're the only person that can completely understand what my life is like. The only one that I don't always have to be strong with. We lean on each other instead of you always leaning on me." Angel blinked back the tears in his eyes that sprung during Buffy's speech. "I'm sorry. I just can't help feeling like you're going to go away and find all the things you've been missing with me. I'm nothing without you Buffy, and I don't know what I'm going to do without you here with me." A single tear traced its way down Buffy's cheek at Angel's heartfelt confession. "Angel I truly believe that this is best for everybody. If I stay, how long will it be before we lose control? I know that you were thinking about leaving town. We both need space to grow." Angel, misreading her statement, looked away. Buffy renewed

her grip on his head and forced him to meet her eyes. "But I will be back Angel. Remember that this is temporary. I'll be back to visit, and we'll write and call." Buffy softened her voice and loosened her hold on his face. "And when it's all over I'm gonna be right back here. With you. Forever." For the first time that night, Angel's face broke out into a full-fledged, genuine smile. "Always." With that he bent his head to meet Buffy's lips in a tender, yet passionate kiss.

Part 1 A few months after Buffy left, Angel figured out what he was going to do with himself. In addition to helping the Scooby Gang with the big bads that popped up on a regular basis, he opened a detective agency to help people with other worldly problems. He happily hired Cordelia, who had returned to Sunnydale after realizing that LA wasn't what she thought it was going to be, and later Wesley, who returned from England after being fired by the Council. Over the next year, they built strong ties with each other. They befriended Gunn, a street-smart vampire hunter, and Fred, a young physicist they had rescued from another dimension. Adding in Lorne - or The Host as he liked to be called - an anagogic demon who occasionally helped Angel out in a bind, and the small group built themselves into a close-knit family. Buffy couldn't have been prouder of Angel. Every time she visited home she got to see him grow a little bit more, become a little bit more confident in himself. He had built a life for himself that didn't completely revolve around her. As much as Buffy liked being the center of Angel's world, she knew that it was not healthy for him to do that. He now had strong and healthy relationships with people who cared for him, people who gave him a reason to keep fighting the good fight. Then, something happened that made Buffy believe that life could never get more perfect.

Buffy was visiting Sunnydale for Homecoming of her sophomore year. She had been home from the airport not ten minutes when Willow called, insisting that she needed to speak with Buffy. "Can it wait Will? I was just about to go over and see Angel." "NO!" Willow screamed. "I need to talk to you before you see Angel. I'll be over in five minutes. Don't go anywhere!" Before Buffy could get another word in, Willow had hung up. Exactly six minutes later, Willow came barreling through the front door of Buffy's house, and wasted no time dragging Buffy up to her room. Buffy looked at Willow like she had gone crazy. "Willow, you're really starting to scare me. What's wrong?" "Wrong?" Willow shook her head vigorously. "Nothing's wrong. I just have something important to tell you. Something that involves both you and Angel." Buffy looked expectantly at Willow for a minute. "Well?" "Oh! Yeah." Willow looked down sheepishly. "I was cleaning out the hard drive on my computer the other day and I found this." She held out a few sheets of paper to her best friend. Buffy leafed through the papers, but couldn't make heads or tails of them. "Can you explain these to me Will?" Willow took a deep breath. "It's Angel's curse." Buffy drew in a sharp breath, but Willow pressed on. "When

Jenny translated the curse, she kept the original version of the curse saved to the disk. They're different." Buffy felt like the world stopped turning for a moment. "What do you mean?" "There was a part left out of the curse that I used on Angel. A whole segment actually." Willow met Buffy's eyes. "I gave Angel his soul with no repercussions, no loopholes." Buffy was almost afraid to hope. "No happiness clause?" Willow smiled. "No happiness clause." Buffy let out a jubilant squeal and threw her arms around her best friend. "Oh Will! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I gotta go tell Angel. Will you're the best!" Excitement coursing through her veins, Buffy ran out the door to find her lover.

Part 2 - NC-17 Buffy burst through the door of the mansion. "ANGEL!" Angel jumped up from his seat on the easy chair. He had been expecting Buffy soon, but he certainly had not expected her to be so urgent in finding him. "I'm here." Buffy lunged into his arms and kissed him with all the pent up passion and frustration both of them had been feeling since his return from hell. When they finally parted, Angel was panting harshly, though he had no need for breath. "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" Buffy placed all the love and longing she could muster into her eyes. Slowly, she traced Angel's handsome features with her fingertips. "I love you." Angel's eyes brightened considerably. "I love you." Buffy tilted her head back and met Angel's lips once again, this times raising her hands to unbutton his shirt. At the feel of Buffy's hands running down his bare chest, Angel pulled back suddenly. "Buffy, that feels really good, but don't you think that we're tempting fate a little too much?" Buffy gazed deeply into her vampire's eyes. "Angel do you trust me?" "You know I do." She smiled and pushed his shirt off his shoulders. "We can do this. I promise it'll be okay." Angel searched Buffy's eyes with his own. Gazing into her very soul, he saw the truth lying in her hazel depths. At that moment, he didn't care about the details. He didn't care how or why it was suddenly okay. All he cared about was that it was okay. That he and Buffy were finally getting the break they deserved. Letting himself go for the first time since his return from hell, Angel seized Buffy's lips with his own, lifting her into his arms and carrying her swiftly into the bedroom.

Once he reached the bedroom, Angel set Buffy softly on her feet. He ran his hands gently up and down her back, caressing her softly. Reaching the bottom of her shirt, he lifted it up, running his hands across the soft skin of her bare back. Breaking the kiss briefly, Buffy lifted her arms, allowing Angel to lift her shirt over her head, exposing her perfect breasts. He pulled her close once again and fused his lips to hers. Moving his head lower, he trailed open mouthed kisses down her neck and over the gentle swell of her breasts. Buffy let out a breathy moan as Angel laved her right breast. He worked her nipple into a tight bud with his tongue before kissing his way across the valley of her chest to the other one.

"Angel." The sound of his name coming out of his beloved's mouth in a ragged moan was Angel's undoing. Tearing his mouth away from her delectable breasts, Angel had Buffy's jeans unbuttoned and off before she even realized what was happening. Lifting her into his arms, he laid her lovingly on the bed, quickly divesting himself of his pants before joining her. He braced himself above her on his forearms and lowered his head to her neck, searching out his mark. Stars exploded across Buffy's vision as Angel worked the rough skin of her scar with his tongue and teeth. Angel allowed one hand to trail down the side of Buffy's body, setting the skin of everywhere he touched aflame. His fingers hesitated for just a moment at the edge of her panties before venturing under the material. Buffy nearly came off the bed at the feather-light touch to her clit. In one fluid moment, Angel pulled off her panties and moved down her body, not even giving Buffy time to bemoan the loss of his lips on her neck before he buried his face in her soft folds. He gave her nether lips one long lick from bottom to top, causing Buffy to twist and turn beneath him, longing for more contact. Angel investigated every crevice of his lover's most intimate region. It had been too long since he had been given the privilege of tasting Buffy's sweet honey. Much too long. Once he was sure he had licked and nipped at every inch of her inner lips, he seized her clit in his mouth, roughly sucking while he inserted two fingers in her. Buffy ground her hips into his hand and face, breathing raggedly and hissing in pleasure. As Angel felt her climax building, he brought a third finger to join his other two inside her and bit down on her clit. Buffy came with a scream, clenching her inner muscles around Angel's fingers and soaking his face in her juices. Before she had been given a chance to recover, Angel had brought his head back up level with hers and positioned his cock at her entrance. He met Buffy's eyes with an intense gaze that portrayed all the love and passion he felt for this one woman writhing beneath him. Buffy wrapped her arms around the back if his neck and pulled his lips to hers. As he slid into her depths, Angel could manage only one coherent thought. Home. That was the only thing he knew as Buffy's strong muscles clenched around his cock. This was the only time he felt like a whole person. When he was connected with Buffy so intimately that it was almost as if they were one person. Feeling Buffy nudge her pelvis against his, Angel slowly pulled out almost all the way before thrusting forward to, once again, bury himself to the hilt inside her. He set a slow and gentle pace, running one of his hands up her arms to entwine his fingers with hers. His other hand traced down her side to the place they were connected, brushing across her clit and plunging her into climax. Buffy's muscles clenched tighter around his cock, milking his orgasm, and Angel followed her into ecstasy. Angel collapsed atop Buffy's heaving body, burying his head in the crook of her neck, breathing harshly. Once he regained control, he rolled to his side, gathering Buffy in his arms, her back pressed against the hard muscle of his chest. Still breathing hard, Buffy closed her eyes with a contented smile. "I love you." Angel pressed his lips to the base of her neck. "I love you." Angel drifted off to sleep, knowing for the first time in years that everything was going to be okay.

Part 3 "Angel Investigations, we help the helpless." Cordelia's cheerful voice echoed through the phone.

"Hey Cordy." "Oh, it's you." Cordelia's smile quickly melted into a deep scowl when she hard Buffy's voice. Buffy simply rolled her eyes. Some things would never change. "Oh, it's me. Is Angel around?" "No. I haven't seen him all day. You should try the mansion." "Yeah, I did. But you know Angel, 18th century upbringing and all, doesn't even have an answering machine. Would you tell him that I called please?" If Buffy had been able to see Cordelia, she would have noticed the mischievous glint in her eyes. But as it was all she heard was Cordy's sincere reply. "Yeah. I'm sure he's just out on a case or something. I'll tell him as soon as he gets in." "Thanks Cordy." Cordelia hung up the phone and smiled to herself. Not a minute later, Angel emerged from the lower level of the building where he had been working out. He had heard the phone ringing and was hoping it was Buffy. "Who was on the phone?" Cordelia shrugged innocently. "Wrong number." Angel hid his disappointment with a curt nod and retreated to the basement, narrowly missing Cordelia's triumphant grin.

Angel first had to admit that there was a problem one day after a training session with Cordelia. When Cordy had approached him about learning to fight, he was surprised, but proud that she was finally taking the initiative. Cordelia had changed a lot during the time she had worked for him, becoming a caring and selfless individual. Well, maybe not totally selfless, but she was a far cry from the girl she'd been back a Sunnydale high. It was after one such training session in early March that the first seeds of doubt about his relationship with Buffy planted themselves in Angel's mind. Together, Angel and Cordelia put the weapons away before Cordy gave him a quick peck on the cheek and flounced away. Fred, who had been watching the training session, could not keep quiet. "You know, when I see you and Cordelia together, I always think of kye-rumption." Angel gave her a confused look. "Kye- what?" Fred smiled. "Kye-rumption. It's when two great heroes meet on the field of battle and recognize their mutual fate." "Heroes?" "Well, yeah. What with Cordy being such a hero, with the fightin' and the courage, it's only natural for you two to be drawn to one another." Angel ran his hand through his hair. "Fred, listen to me. There's nothing but friendship between me and Cordy. I'm with Buffy. I love Buffy." Fred smiled sympathetically at Angel, believing that it was only a matter of time before he came to realize the truth. "You can't ignore your soulmate Angel. I've seen the chemistry between you and Cordy. You'll see it too. It's kye-rumption." "Stop saying that word! Buffy and I belong together. Just let it go!"

Angel was still agitated when he returned to the mansion that evening. Hearing Fred voice her opinion made him finally acknowledge that there was a problem in his relationship with Buffy. They had barely spoken in the last few months. When he actually managed to catch her at home when he called, everything seemed to be just the same as it always was. However, Buffy called less and less these days. It was getting to be a common occurrence for her to not even call him back when he called. What if she met someone else? Angel shook his head. There was no way he was going to let himself get caught up in those thoughts. He trusted Buffy. He believed in their love, and he knew that nothing could tear them apart.

Part 4 As the weeks went on it became harder and harder for Angel to believe that. He was spending more and more time at the office with Cordelia, and less time talking on the phone with Buffy. It certainly didn't help that it seemed like everyone knew believed that he and Cordelia belonged together. Lorne, it seemed, was the their number one cheerleader, and continually tried to convince Angel that he had read it in Angel's soul that he had feelings for Cordelia. Angel refused to believe it. "Well why not Angelcakes? We both know that you've got a thing for ex-cheerleaders." "No Lorne. I've got a thing for Buffy, who happens to be an ex-cheerleader." Lorne sighed. "Listen Angelcakes, you can't hide anything from me when I read your soul. You and Buffy are a thing of the past, and some part of you already knows that. You do have feelings for Cordelia, you just don't want to admit them. Sooner or later, you're going to have to."

It was when Buffy was unable to come home for her Spring Break, that was the breaking point for Angel. She was forced to stay in Illinois to take care of a demon that had just popped up, planning to bring about the end of the world. Angel understood that she didn't have a choice, but still opted to stay home and brood that night instead of being around people. He was staring blankly into a roaring fire when an unexpected knock came at the door. "Cordelia." He opened the door a little wider and stepped back to let his friend in. "What are you doing here?" Cordelia allowed Angel to close the door before turning to face him. "I needed to talk to you. Alone." Angel walked past her and into the great room. "What about." "About what's been going on between the two of us." She noticed Angel tense, but persisted on. "I know you feel it too, Angel. We can't ignore it forever." Angel turned to face her. "Cordy." "No." Cordy took a step toward him. "Don't say anything about Buffy. She's not here Angel. As much as you don't want it to be true, the two of you have grown apart over the past two years, and we've grown closer together. A lot closer. Can't you see what's right in front of you?" Cordelia knew exactly what to say, knew exactly what doubts to play on. "Buffy hasn't been there for you when you've needed her. If she had, she would be here right now. Allow yourself to feel Angel. It's okay." Finally accepting what everyone had been telling him, Angel grabbed Cordy roughly by the shoulders and sealed his lips to hers. He could no longer ignore the attraction he felt to her, nor the amount of times Buffy had not been there over the past couple of years. And so it was in late March when Angel finally gave into

temptation and slept with Cordelia for the first time. (Ducks and covers)

Part 5 Buffy had known something was off for a long time. She called Angel at least once a week, but she was barely ever able to get a hold of him, and he never seemed to return her calls. It got worse after the botched Spring Break. She was able to get in touch with Angel even less than before, and when she did he seemed distant. Detached. Almost cold. She thought that she was doing the right thing by leaving, by removing the temptation, but now that they were able to give into that temptation the distance seemed to be tearing them apart. And Buffy would be damned if she let that happen. So she did the only thing she could do. She put in a transfer from Northwestern University to UC Sunnydale, hoping that when she got home in May, she would be able to fix whatever had gone wrong.

Angel was faring no better. The guilt from what he had done with Cordelia was eating him alive. He could not deny his attraction to her, but he was also filled with all the memories he and Buffy had made together. The guilt was so overwhelming that when spoke to Buffy he kept her at a distance. And as much as he told himself that what happened with Cordelia would never happen again, it kept happening. By the time summer came around, Angel was ready to admit to himself that maybe he and Buffy were not meant to be forever, and that maybe it was time to truly move on.

Buffy entered her old house, thankful to finally be home where she belonged. She had had a lot of fun in Illinois, and made some terrific friends, but nothing could compare to the friends and the lover - that she had left behind here in Sunnydale. Buffy once again took out her letter of acceptance to UC Sunnydale and glanced over it before hugging it to her chest. She's had Willow arrange for Angel to be at the Bronze tonight for a "Scooby Gang Reunion" but she found that she couldn't wait until later to see him. Dropping her stuff in her room, she said goodbye to her mother and hurried out the door to the mansion of Crawford Street.

Angel had opted to stay home that day, there being no immediate cases at work. He was almost unsurprised when Cordelia strode through the front door. He didn't move from his seat as she dropped herself of the couch next to him and snuggled her face into his neck. "Cordy." "Come on Angel." She ran one hand down his chest. "It's not like you have anything better to do." Angel pulled her hand away from him. "You know Buffy's coming home next week." Cordelia's eyes flashed with anger. "Don't play me for a fool Angel. You fell out of love with her a long time ago. It's time to move on. To me." She gave him a soft, seductive smile, and Angel, once again, gave in.

Part 6 Buffy discreetly opened the door to the mansion and tip-toed toward the bedroom. She had stopped by Angel's office first, but it had been empty. It being the middle of the day, Buffy assumed that he was sleeping. She suddenly froze as she heard a low pitched groan coming from inside the bedroom. She knew that groan, and she knew under what circumstances she had heard it before. Unsure of whether or not she really wanted to go in, but needing to know for sure, Buffy crept to the slightly open door and peaked inside. She swore that she heard her heart break at the sight before her. Angel was in bed alright, but he was far from sleeping. Buffy felt the tears begin to slide down her cheeks at the sight of Angel writhing on the bed, above some unidentified blond. "Angel." Buffy nearly hurled when she heard the breathless moan come from the woman's mouth. She now knew who the woman was. Cordelia. Her heart broken, her stomach twisted into knots, Buffy did the only thing she could. She ran.

Buffy ran blindly, not knowing where she was going, but knowing that she had to get away. As long as she lived, she would never forget the image of the love of her life making love to another woman. Taking a deep breath through her sobs, Buffy thought clearly enough to turn in the direction of the UC Sunnydale campus. She needed her best friend. Willow was pulled from her homework at the rapid pounding on her door. When she opened the door, the last thing she expected to see was Buffy with tears running unchecked down her face and gasping for breath through her heartbreaking sobs. "Buffy!" Willow immediately pulled her best friend into a tight embrace, allowing her to sob all of her pain and frustrations into her shoulder. "Oh Will. How could he? How could he do this to me? To us?" "It's okay Buffy." Willow began caressing her hair like a child. "Just calm down. Take deep breaths, and tell me what happened." Buffy followed Willow's instructions and allowed her friend to lead her to the bed. When she had enough control on her emotions to speak, she recounted the whole story to Willow. Willow sat in shock at Buffy finished her story. Angel and Cordelia? She knew they had become closer but this. She couldn't believe that Angel would do this to Buffy. She felt anger burning in her gut like nothing she had ever felt before. "Buffy I don't know what to say." Buffy wiped her eyes. "There's nothing to say. Angel obviously isn't the person I thought he was." Willow threw her arm around Buffy's shoulder, hugging her. "Tell you what. Tonight, we pig out on ice cream, watch old movies and have a `we-hate-men' bitch fest. It's just what you need." Buffy shook her head, now feeling the aftermath of Angel's betrayal. She felt pain and hate burning through her veins. "No, we're going to the Bronze tonight." "But Buffy don't you think." Willow trailed off at the fire in Buffy's emerald eyes. "Trust me Will. There's no place in the world I'd rather be than the Bronze tonight. Because Angel's finally going to get a taste of what he's putting me through. Revenge is so sweet." Buffy smiled evilly at Willow, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. The fire that had burned in her for so long seemed to have flickered out. Her

eyes were dead. Part 7 Angel felt a little uncomfortable by showing up at the Bronze with Cordy in tow, but he told himself that everyone knew they were good friends, and wouldn't suspect a thing. The two entered the club and immediately spotted the group sitting at a table, staring at something out on the dance floor. Oz was the first to notice their approach. "Hey." Angel nodded. "Oz. Hey everybody." Angel received the usual blatantly sexual stare from Anya and wisecrack from Xander, but was completely unprepared for the steely glare he received from Willow. Cordelia gave an indignant snort. "What's your problem?" Willow transferred her cold gaze to Cordelia for a moment before turning back to the dance floor. Cordelia followed her gaze. "And we're looking at wh.. Oh my God!" Angel was sure that his heart would have stopped beating had he not already been dead. "Buffy." Once he laid eyes on her again the world fell away. Wearing a pair of tight black leather pants and a blood red halter top that highly resembled a hanker chief, he didn't think he'd ever seen her look so sexy. The way she was dancing didn't help. He remembered once telling her that her dancing looked more along the lines of mating. Watching her rotate her hips to the sensual beat, he clearly remembered why. The one thing he couldn't remember was why he had been sleeping with Cordelia. Seeing Buffy right in front of him once again, he knew that she was the only one he loved. All the pain and confusion he had been feeling in months past just melted away by simply glancing at Buffy. He knew then that whatever he and Cordelia had been doing was over. From now on Buffy, there'll be no more confusion. No more lies. Buffy turned abruptly and met his eyes. Hypnotized by the green depths, Angel completely forgot anyone else was there as he left the table and made his way to the dance floor. Buffy met him at the edge and pressed herself against him, moving her hips seductively against his. "Hi baby. Miss me?" Unable to speak, Angel simply lowered his head and met her lips in a searing kiss.

Part 8 Cordelia rolled her eyes at the display, trying to tamper down on her searing jealousy. He's not supposed to be kissing her! He loves me. ME!!! "Will someone tell them to get a room?" "Shut the hell up Cordy. Nobody here wants your opinion." The group collectively gasped at Willow. They had never heard her speak so heatedly and. hatefully to another person. The group was still sitting there stunned when Buffy returned to the table with Angel in tow. Time to put the plan into action. Buffy met Willow's eyes and the two exchanged a meaningful glance as Buffy came closer to the table. Reaching it, Buffy made sure to position herself directly between Angel and Cordelia. Pretending to reach across the table for her drink, Buffy let her arm `accidentally' brush the cup next to her, spilling it all over the person directly in front of it. Cordelia. Buffy immediately put her hand to her mouth. "Oh, God." She looked at Cordelia's now soaking dress. "Is that designer Cordy? You really should be more careful with things like that."

Cordelia stood sputtering. "Me? Be more careful? You're the klutz that knocked the drink down brainless. God! Do you have any idea how much this dress cost?" Willow tried to hide her smile. If she knew Buffy - and she did - the worst was yet to come. Buffy simply smirked at her rival. "Well Cordy I'm surprised you're even worried about money." Cordy simply glared. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Buffy shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, aren't you still charging by the hour?" A total hush fell around the table at Buffy's comment. Angel stared at Buffy, wondering where this hatred was coming from. Wondering what would make her say such a thing. Cordelia let out a shriek of outrage. "Why you little." She raised a fist that was headed directly towards Buffy's nose, but never reached its mark. Buffy's right hand quickly came up, grabbing Cordelia by the fist and effectively immobilizing her. Buffy's voice was soft and deadly when she spoke. "Don't ever do that again." Shoving roughly, Buffy sent Cordelia sprawling to the floor. Willow could contain herself no longer. She started laughing hysterically. Buffy simply walked over to where Cordy was picking herself off the floor and smiled. "You've had that coming for six years Cordy." Buffy walked back to the table and picked up her purse. She grabbed Angel's hand and began pulling him to the door. "Let's go" Shocked and confused, Angel could do nothing but follow. Buffy stopped suddenly and turned back for a moment. "By the way, Cordy." Buffy smirked. "Nice hair."

Part 9 Angel followed Buffy out of the Bronze, still not exactly sure what had happened. "You wanna tell me what just happened in there?" Buffy shrugged dismissively. "Not really." Angel stopped walking and tugged Buffy's arm, turning her to face him. "Buffy, I know that you and Cordy haven't always seen eye to eye, but that was cold." Buffy felt the tears begin to build behind her eyes. He was defending Cordelia. To her. If Buffy had had any hope before that she and Angel could work things out, it had just disappeared. She quickly pulled her arm away from Angel and continued walking in order to hide her tears. Angel called out to her. "You provoked her for no reason, Buffy." Buffy kept walking slowly, making sure to keep her voice calm and collected when she spoke. "Well I'm sorry if I didn't feel like making nice with the whore that's fucking my boyfriend." At that moment, Angel's world fell apart. His blood ran cold, and an icy fist took hold of his heart. He opened his mouth to make himself deny her claim, but found that his voice had deserted him. At his lack of response, Buffy finally turned around to face him, drawing attention to the steady stream of tears racing down her cheeks. His heart broke at the pain etched across her features, and the only thing stopping him from reaching out to brush her tears away was the fury in her eyes. "What's wrong Angel?" Buffy spit sarcastically. "Not gonna take the moral high-ground with me anymore? Does the fact that I walked in on you fucking Cordelia kind of spoil the fun?" Angel took a tentative step forward and reached out a hand to her. "Buffy, I." "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" Buffy shoved Angel violently, knocking him back into the wall of the Bronze. "Don't

*ever* touch me again!" Angel remained pressed up against the wall, knowing better than to try and touch her again. Buffy took a couple heaving breaths to calm herself, but could not stop the flood of tears. "You know I." She let out a harsh laugh that in reality sounded more like a sob. "I actually started to think it was my fault that you had been so distant lately. You know that? It never even would've crossed my mind that you." She sobbed. "Buffy." "SHUT UP!!!" Angel winced at the resonance of her voice. "I never want to see you again. Do you understand me? NEVER!!! You make me SICK!" Choking on her sobs, Buffy took one last glance at Angel and ran off into the night. Heartbroken and guilt-ridden, Angel slid to the ground and watched her go. Part 10 Still sputtering over the scene in the Bronze, Cordelia let herself out the door, still wiping at her stained dress. Hearing a soft noise, she swiftly turned her head, finding a huddled figure crouched about ten feet away against the wall of the Bronze. "Angel?" Cordelia gasped at the sight of the tear tracks marring Angel's cheeks. His gaze was far away, not really seeing anything at all. "I ruined everything. How could I. It's all my fault." Cordelia crouched down eye-to-eye with Angel and grasped his shoulders, forcing him to meet her eyes. "Angel, you're talking crazy! What is wrong with you?" Angel finally realized who was speaking to him and quickly brushed her hands off him. "Buffy. She found out. She knows." "Knows what?" At the look in Angel's eyes, she suddenly got it. "Oh." Cordelia brought her hand up to caress Angel's cheek, narrowing her eyes slightly when he slapped her hand away. "Angel I know this is hard. But it's for the best. How fair would it have been to her to keep dragging her along when you don't really love her anymore? We can be together now." Angel met Cordy's eyes disbelievingly. "Don't love." He closed his eyes. "Cordy, is that really what you think? That the only thing standing in `our' way was the fact that I was still technically with Buffy?" He shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry Cordy. I care deeply for you, but I made a big mistake. I'm in love with Buffy. I always have been, and I know now that I always will be." Cordelia smiled sympathetically. "Angel I know that you feel guilty for cheating on her, and because of that you think that you should pretend you still love her, but you don't have to. It's better for everyone if they know the truth." Angel quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up. He waited for Cordy to join him before he took her hands gently in his own. "Cordy I admit that I've felt an attraction to you. I wouldn't have slept with you otherwise. And over the past couple of months I've actually started to believe that maybe Buffy and I weren't meant to be forever." Cordy began to smile and Angel quickly continued. "But I was wrong. As soon as I saw Buffy in person again, I knew that she is the only one I will ever love." Cordelia's sympathetic smile suddenly dissolved into an ugly scowl. "How can you say that Angel? After she abandoned you to go off to college, and ignored your phone calls for months on end?" Angel dropped Cordy's hands and moved away from her. "None of that matters. The fact is that I love Buffy. And I should have never listened to what other people were telling me. I should have followed my heart." Angel turned and started home, leaving Cordelia seething behind him.

Buffy returned home and collapsed on her bed in sobs. She just couldn't believe that this was the way it ended. After everything that she and Angel had been through together. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the image of him and Cordelia. After facing off with Angelus for months, and watching Angel die right before her eyes at the hands of her sister Slayer. Buffy thought that there was nothing she couldn't face. She was wrong. She had never understood the meaning of pain until she found the love of her life, making love to another woman. Why Cordelia? Why the one person that she had always been jealous of; the one person she knew she could never measure up to? Buffy brought her hand to her neck and brushed her fingers against the scar that still lingered there. When Buffy had been bitten by the Master, the bite mark had faded within days. Angel bite had never faded. She knew now that it never would. She was marked. She belonged to him. She only wished that he belonged to her as well. Part 11 (Lyrics by Limp Bizkit) Buffy rose at sunrise, not having slept at all. She walked slowly over to the window, gazing out into the rising sun. She wiped the tears from her cheeks. It was a new day. A new life. Without Angel. She gazed blankly out the window, resigning herself to the empty life that lay before her. A life without love. She dressed quickly and made her way to the Magick Box. Once she had told Giles her plans to transfer to Sunnydale, he began setting up a training room in the back for her. He had also given her a key to the shop in case she ever needed to get in there in an emergency. She thought that this qualified. Entering the back room, she stood in awe for a moment of all the work Giles must have put into setting it up. Moving in an almost trance- like state, Buffy put a CD into the player and moved over the mat to warm up.

Angel waited impatiently at the mansion until sundown, and then began his search for Buffy. He needed to talk to her. He wasn't deluding himself into thinking she would forgive him, but he simply had to tell her how sorry he was. That no matter what had happened in the past, or what happened in the future, he would always love her. He stopped by everywhere he could think of. He stopped at her house before swinging through every cemetery in town, knowing that when Buffy was upset, she liked to pound things. He had no luck. Finally left with no other option, he went to the magick shop. When he walked through the door, Anya was counting the cash in the register and speaking quietly with Xander. Angel's enhanced hearing also picked up the heavy beat of rock music pulsing through the walls. Angel walked up to the counter. "Is Buffy here?" Xander regarded Angel carefully. He may have been accused of being insensitive from time to time, but even Xander could see the obvious strain Angel was under. He wasn't sure exactly what had gone down between Angel and Buffy, but he could tell that something wasn't right with them. "She's in the back, working out." "Working out?" Xander nodded. "The training room. Giles set it up as a present for Buffy when she told him she was transferring back to Sunnydale." Angel's head snapped up and he looked at Xander in disbelief. "She what?"

Xander closed his eyes. "She didn't tell you yet, did she?" At Angel's look, Xander gathered what a stupid question that was. "Look, it was supposed to be a surprise, okay? Buffy wanted to tell you herself, so when she does just act like you didn't know, okay?" Angel nodded absently, his thoughts a million miles away. She wasn't going back to Illinois. She transferred back home. And she did it for him. And how did he repay her? By cheating on her with her high school rival. The guilt that had been eating him alive for the past 24 hours now doubled in size. Taking a deep, unnecessary breath, he pushed open the door to the back room. The heavy rock music assaulted his ears as soon as he crept in. // It's just one of those days when you don't wanna wake up Everything is fucked. Everybody sux. You don't really know why but you wanna justify rippin' someone's head off No human contact and if you interact your life is on contract Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker It's just one of those days// Angel physically winced at the words of the rock song blasting from the speakers. Trying to block out the noise, he concentrated on the figure in the middle of the room, viciously attacked the punching bag. He knew that she knew he was there. As soon as she felt him, her blows began raining twice as hard and as fast as before. // It's all about the he says she says bullshit I think you better quit lettin' shit slip Or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip It's all about the he says she says bullshit I think you better quit talkin' that shit Punk, so come and get it// Bracing himself for the confrontation about to take place, Angel stepped over to the player and pressed the stop button. The music abruptly cut off, leaving the only sound left in the room as that of Buffy's heavy breathing and lethal blows to the punching bag. Her shoulders tensed just a bit more as the music cut off, but she did not cease in her attack of the bag. Angel walked cautiously in front of Buffy and grabbed the bag. "We need to talk." Ignoring Angel's presence, Buffy continued raining blows. "We really don't." Angel let go of the bag and dropped his hands uselessly to his sides. "Buffy, please. I know that I messed up beyond belief. And I don't expect you to forgive me." "You might wanna move." Buffy harshly cut him off, leaving Angel perplexed at her words. His question was answered a moment later as Buffy laid a direct hit to the bag, breaking it from its chain and causing it to fly right into Angel, knocking him off his feet. Buffy simply look down at him blankly. "Told you to move." Angel picked himself off the floor while Buffy moved across the room. He waited for a few minutes to see if she was going to speak. When it became clear she wasn't, he tried again. "Buffy, please just say something

to me." She snorted harshly. "Like what? What were you thinking? How long have you been lying to me? Cheating on me?" Angel's shoulders sagged just a little bit more. "I deserve that." "You're damn right you do!!!" Buffy turned around. Angel noticed with quickly growing panic that the fury pasted across her face didn't reach her eyes. Her eyes were blank. Dead. And it scared him to death. "Do you have any idea what it was like for me to watch the man I love getting his rocks off with another woman?! Do you?" Angel's eyes filled with tears at the pain he caused her. "You know what? Forget it. Go fuck your *whore* and leave me alone!" Buffy started toward the back door, and Angel quickly grabbed her arm. "Buffy, will you please just listen to me for a minute?" Buffy met his eyes with a steely glare. "Get your hand off of me." Angel flinched, but removed his hand. "Why should I listen to you? Give me *one* good reason why I should listen to one *word* you have to say." Angel simply hung his head. Buffy fought off the tears threatening. She kept her voice soft and controlled. "Stay out of my life." Summoning all the will she could muster, Buffy walked away from Angel for the last time.

Part 12 Xander, realizing that had left his jacket at the Magick Box, told Anya to continue home and doubled back. He moved quickly through the shop, knowing that Buffy and Angel were probably still there, to grab the jacket and get out of their way. He crept into the back hallway that lead to the training room, grabbed the forgotten article of clothing, and turned to leave when he heard Angel's plea. "Buffy, will you please just listen to me for a minute?" "Get your hand off of me." Xander reeled back in shock at the hatred in Buffy's voice. He had only heard that tone come from her when she was ready to kill something, and he had never heard that tone directed at Angel. "Why should I listen to you? Give me one good reason why I should listen to one word you have to say." Silence. "Stay out of my life." Xander heard the opening and slamming of the back door, and quickly made his way outside to head Buffy off.

He found Buffy stalking down the streets, her hands in her pockets and her head lowered. "Buffy." Buffy spun around and scowled at him. "What are you doing here?" The murderous look on Buffy's face was almost enough to make him forget trying to help her and go home. Almost. "Can I talk to you?" "Go home Xander." Buffy turned back around and made her way into a darkened alley. Xander jogged to catch up with her and found her against a fence at the end of the alley, her hands laced through its links. "Fine. I'll talk, you listen." He cautiously made his way toward her. "Something's been off with you since you got back."

"Nothing's wrong." He nodded. "Really? Great. So you and Angel aren't imploding?" Buffy whipped her head around and glared at him. "How did you. Who told you?" "Nobody told me anything Buffy. It was right in front of my Xander-face. What I can't understand is why. It's obvious to anyone with eyes that Angel adores you. The guy worships the ground you walk on." "The guy cheated on me! With Cordelia of all people!" She smirked at the surprise on Xander's face. "That's right Xander. My honey is currently fucking your ex honey." Buffy moved as if to brush past him. "You wanna tell me again how Angel `adores' me?" Xander grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving. "Buffy, I admit that's not something that I was expecting. And I'm definitely not saying that it's okay. But have you looked in his eyes in the last couple of days? He's killing himself over this." Buffy met his eyes with a dead gaze. "Good." Xander shook his head. "Buffy, I know you feel hurt, and betrayed, and a million other things that there aren't even words for. Angel screwed up big time. But did you ever think that that's all it was? Just a huge mistake?" Buffy shook Xander off and began back out of the alley. "Why should I care what it was? He cheated on me. And that's something that I can't forgive." "Do you love him?" Buffy stopped walking. "What? How can you even ask me that?" Xander laid his hand on her shoulder and gently turned her around. "My advice Buffy? Talk to him." Buffy shook her head incredulously. "Xander, you've always been the person that objected the most to Angel and I being together. I thought you'd be happy this happened. Why are you suddenly in Angel's corner?" Xander hung his head sheepishly. "I'm going to say something here, but I'm warning you not to get used to it, because it'll probably be the only time you'll ever hear this from my mouth. I was wrong. And I'm sorry." Xander looked back up to meet his friend's eyes. "I can't even imagine what it was like for you to find out that. But you can't leave things the way they are Buffy. You love Angel. You have since the moment you saw him, and you always will. You may be able to ignore it for a while, but you'll never forget. You'll always wonder what would have happened if you just let down the walls, and found out why." Buffy felt the tears building up behind her eyes and turned to leave. Xander held her firm. "Tonight, when Angel came into the shop looking for you, I looked in his eyes. He's tearing himself apart for hurting you. The look I saw in his eyes wasn't one of guilt for hurting a friend. It was the look of a person who just lost the most important person in his life. Do you really want to go through the rest of your life wondering, what if?" As Buffy listened to Xander's speech, she felt the walls around her heart begin to crumble. Her heart nearly exploded with feelings: hurt, betrayal, pain. and love. She knew she loved Angel, just as she knew she always would. And she wouldn't be able to survive the rest of her life never understanding what happened. Never knowing what might have been if she had just allowed herself to feel. A single tear ran down her cheek. "Xander." Xander wrapped his arms around her. "Go Buffy." Buffy released him and made her way to the street. Reaching it, she turned suddenly and gave him a sad smile. "Thank you."

Part 13 Buffy steeled her nerves when she reached the massive building, took a deep breath and pushed the door open. She crept into the great room of the mansion, glancing around nervously. "Angel?" Angel had returned back to the mansion after his botched attempt at speaking with Buffy. He now sat on his bare bed having torn the sheets off the night before - his attention riveted on the picture Buffy had given him before she had left for college. Tears ran unchecked down his cheeks. She was so beautiful. Her senior year in high school, her mother had insisted that she go to a professional photographer. Buffy had agreed, on the condition that she got to take one picture outside, in the sunlight. That way, even if he couldn't go out in the sun with her, he would always be able to see her in direct sunlight. She looked so happy. Her eyes sparkling, her skin glowing, and the sun shining in her hair. She looked like an angel. His angel. Only she wasn't his anymore. He was so immersed in the picture that he thought he imagined the soft calling of his name. "Angel?" Letting useless hope take him over, Angel left the picture on the corner of the mattress and ventured into the great room. Seeing the source of the sound, Angel nearly collapsed. "Buffy." Soulful chocolate eyes met teary hazel. "You're here." "I'm here. Suddenly I'm not really sure why though." Buffy planned a perfect, businesslike speech on her way over, preparing herself to say what she needed to say and get out. Looking in his eyes, her mind suddenly went blank. Angel continued gazing at her, keeping his distance, allowing her to say what she came to say. "Do you love me?" Angel's head snapped up and his eyes filled with tears for what felt like the millionth time in the last two days. "My whole life. I've never loved anything else." Buffy let her tears loose, allowing them to stream down her face. "I need to know why. If you say you love me so much. How could you ever sleep with someone else?" Angel tentatively grasped Buffy's hand in his own and led her over to the couch. They sat on opposite ends, their hands being the only parts of them holding any contact. "I honestly don't know how it happened." Seeing Buffy's face return to her mask of anger, ready to protest, he quickly continued. "Please, you wanted to know." At her sharp nod, he started again. "I think I was scared. My life started the day I met you. Before that, I was nothing. Nobody. I lived on the streets on New York City, feeding on rats." Embarrassed and scared that she would reject him, Angel kept his eyes trained on the floor. "I was so afraid of becoming that again. Of having nobody. I told you once that loneliness is the scariest thing there is, and it's true. For while after you left, everything was fine. But then we hardly talked anymore, and you stopped coming home on your breaks. I was scared that you were going to decide to stay there. And then everyone started talking about how Cordy and I were so perfect for each other. I stopped believing in us." Angel finally summoned his courage and looked at Buffy. Tears were spilling out of her eyes and down her cheeks. Knowing that it was probably a mistake, but not being able to stop himself, he reached out a cautious hand and brushed them away. "If I could take it all back I would in a second. As soon as I saw you again I knew that you're the only woman I'll ever love. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." He knew there was nothing else he could say. The ball was in Buffy's court now, and he wouldn't blame her if she walked out his door and never spoke to him again. He just wished with all his heart that she didn't. Buffy took a deep breath, and searched his eyes. Could she really do it? Put herself in the position to go

through all that again. He cheated on her once, there was no guarantee he wouldn't do it again. "Here's the thing. When I saw you and Cordelia. I felt like you had just ripped my heart out. I thought I was going to die. It's going to be a long time before I can erase that image from my mind. If I can. And I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust you again. I'm not promising anything. I'm not saying that things will ever be okay between us again." She closed her eyes and turned her cheek slightly into Angel's hand, before meeting his gaze once again. "I'm just saying that I'm gonna try." Angel raised his shame-filled eyes incredulously. "You're." Buffy squeezed his hand gently. "One day at a time. And we'll see." She rose to her feet and gazed down at him. "I love you Angel. I always have and I always will. It's up to you what to do with that." Angel quickly jumped to his feet, raising his hand once more to brush her cheek. "I love you. And I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to prove it to you." He smiled slightly. "One day at a time." Buffy matched his facial expression with a sad smile of her own. "I'll talk to you soon." Squeezing his hand once more, she left. Angel returned to his bedroom and picture, now holding with all his might onto the hope that he just might be able to make this up to Buffy.

Part 14 "Angel Investigations, we help the helpless." Buffy audibly groaned at Cordelia's cheerful voice coming through the line. It had been nearly a week since Angel and Buffy's heart-to-heart at the mansion, and Buffy had decided that it was time to see him again. But, true to form, he wasn't answering the phone at the mansion, and Cordelia was the last person in the world that she wanted to speak to. "Put Angel on." Cordelia sneered. So little miss Buffy thought that she was still relevant here. Well she had another thing coming. "He's not here." Buffy snorted. "I'm sure he isn't. Tell him I called." With that, Buffy hung up, not giving Cordelia a chance to retort. Cordy huffed irritably and hung up her end. She listened for a minute to make sure Angel hadnt heard the phone ring. When she was sure he wasn't coming up from his training room, she sat back in her chair. Angel had barely spoken to her since Buffy had come home. It wasn't that he was being hostile to her, he was just distant. He sat down with her two days after their showdown outside the Bronze and apologized at length for hurting her. Cordelia didn't buy it for a second. He loved her, she knew he did. He was just feeling guilty that Buffy had caught them making love. If she could just keep him away from Buffy long enough, he would forget all about the skinny blond and come crawling back to her. And she would take him back, after a long night of groveling. It was only a matter of time.

Angel was beginning to lose hope. Even though Buffy had told him that she was going to try and get past his betrayal, he was becoming more afraid every day that it was going to be impossible for her. It had been over a week since he had spoken to her. He refused to call her, trying to give her the time she needed to work through her pain and anger, but he was beyond tempted to pick up the phone - or better yet, find her out on

patrol - and beg her back. So when Buffy suddenly showed up at his front door just before sunset, he was, to say the least, surprised. He smiled tentatively at her and opened the door a little wider to let her in. He turned and began to lead her into the main hall, but stopped when he realized that she wasn't following him. His heart fell when he turned around and he noticed the stoic mask on her face. Somehow he got the feeling that she didn't come bearing good news. He swallowed harshly and braced himself for whatever she came to say. Buffy finally got sick of sitting home and waiting for Angel to get back to her. She had a gut instinct that she knew what was going on, but she kept her face unreadable, in case she was wrong. Maybe Angel really was just feeling guilty about being caught with Cordelia, and after a few days of thinking it over, he had realized that he didn't love her after all. So she kept her feelings completely hidden until she pieced it together. "I called." She kept her voice empty of emotion. "Three times in the last four days." Angel's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had been trying to keep track as much as he could of the phone calls that had been coming in at the office, because he didn't have an answering machine here at the mansion. Buffy's suspicions were confirmed at Angel's obvious confusion. There was no way he could have faked that reaction. Everything that had been happening in the past couple of months suddenly fell into place. "I'm guessing you never got my messages." Angel softly shook his head, and Buffy nodded in understanding. "Then I wouldn't be totally off the mark in assuming that you never knew that I called from Illinois, every day, for a month." Angel was speechless. He had thought that she was simply too busy while at school to return his phone calls. Before she came back, he had even begun to think that she had met somebody else. How could he have not known that she had been calling him regularly? Buffy smiled humorlessly and began walking slowly toward him. "I never put it together. When I was at school, I knew there was something off, but I thought it was something that I could fix once I got home." "So you transferred to UC Sunnydale." Buffy's head snapped up. "Xander accidentally let it slip." Buffy nodded in understanding, and in agreement with his previous statement. "I thought that once I got home everything would just fall back into place. Then when I saw you." She couldn't even bring herself to say it. "I figured that was why you had never returned my calls. You were too busy with. other things. But it wasn't, was it? You never even knew that I called." Angel shook his head, and Buffy finally let go of the burning rage she felt building. "I'm gonna fucking kill her." She spun on her heel and proceeded to stomp back out the door, stopped only by Angel when he quickly grabbed her arm. "Where are you going? Kill who?" His voice was desperate, wanting to know where the two of them stood. "Who do you think took the messages, Angel?" Understanding dawned on him, and he shook his head vigorously, trying to deny that someone so close to him could do such a thing. "I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count." Angel swallowed harshly. "It wasn't." "Cordelia."

Part 15 Cordelia was scheming. It had been over a week since Angel had broken things off with her. She had continued keeping Buffy's messages from him, knowing that as soon as Angel got through his guilt over cheating on Buffy that he'd come crawling back. It was only a matter of time. When a soft knock sounded at her apartment door, she knew she had won. She didn't have many people dropping by to see her lately, so she knew that it had to be Angel. He had finally gotten it through his head that he was meant to be with her. Not little miss Buffy. Smiling prettily into a mirror on her way to the door, she nodded in approval and seductively turned up the corners of her mouth before opening the door. The smile melted as soon as she saw who was there. It was Angel alright, and he wasn't alone. The look on Buffy's face could have had the power alone to freeze over hell, and Cordelia took an involuntary step back. Buffy smirked slightly and cocked her head. "What's wrong Cordy? You look a little nervous." Cordelia quickly shrugged and put on a brave front, showing no fear. "What would I have to be nervous about?" Buffy tapped her finger to her chin thoughtfully. "I'm not sure. Lemme think." She suddenly snapped her fingers as a metaphoric light went on over her head. "I know. How about because you've been playing both me and Angel for months? You never gave him the messages that I called. You let him believe that I moved on and used that to your advantage to get him into bed." As Buffy had started talking, she moved slowly forward, forcing Cordelia back deeper into her apartment until her back came in contact with the opposite wall, giving her no escape route. "Did I miss anything?" Cordelia raised her chin defiantly against the little Slayer. "So what? He would have eventually come to me anyways. The only reason he's still with you right now is because he feels guilty for cheating on you. Eventually, he'll realize that and come crawling back." Cordelia saw the flicker of doubt in Buffy's eyes and played on it. "Deep down, you know it too. You're a freak Buffy. Angel could never love someone like you. He may be with you right now out of some whacked out sense of duty, but don't kid yourself. You were never the better woman." Buffy couldn't hold back any longer. Without blinking, she hauled back and punched Cordelia full strength. Cordy's head smacked the wall behind her before she slid to the ground, holding her bleeding mouth. She looked down at the blood on her hand, and then began screaming. "I can't believe you just did that! Angel!" Now her voice was more of a whine. She new that after witnessing his precious Buffy hit her for no reason, he would never speak to her again. "Do something." Buffy looked at Angel, unsure of what he would do, but knowing that this moment would decide their future. She put on a brave face. "Yeah Angel. Do something." Angel looked back and forth between the woman he loved and the woman who had been his best friend for the last two years, knowing that he had to choose. He didn't want to lose her, but there was really no choice to make. Nobody could ever measure up to Buffy, and Cordelia had proved that she was much too jealous and selfish to accept that he didn't love her. He stepped up behind Buffy placed a reassuring hand on her arm before looking into Cordy's eyes. "Cordy, you've been there for me over the past couple of years. You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself, and I will always be grateful to you for that." Cordelia began to smile. "But what you did. I'm beginning to think that I never knew you at all. How could you pretend to care about me, while scheming to tear me away from the love of my life? You are a spoiled, ruthless, selfish child, who is not capable of caring about anybody but yourself. From this point on, we are co-workers. We will never be anything more." Cordelia was

shaking her head in denial. "I'm in love with Buffy. I always have been, and I always will be. I made my share of mistakes over the past couple of months, but I would have never been put in that position if it weren't for you. And I will never forgive you for that." Listening to Angel cut Cordelia out of his life was a balm to Buffy's tattered heart. By the time he finished what he needed to say, both women had tears running down their faces, but for very different reasons. Buffy, because she was finally beginning to truly believe, deep in her soul, that Angel loved her. Cordelia, because she was beginning to realize that she had lost. And she was not going to take it. Angel tugged slightly on Buffy's arm and the two of them turned to go. Cordelia took a step forward and yelled after them. "What you have with her can never compare to what we shared, Angel. Maybe I was a little manipulative, but I only did it to make you realize what I knew all along. That you love me. I did it because I love you so much, Angel! I thought you would understand." Angel hesitated for a moment and turned back to face Cordy. "You don't know what love is." Taking Buffy's hand, he led her into the night, and away from the woman who nearly destroyed them both.

Part 16 Buffy and Angel walked halfway to the mansion in silence before the tension became too much for Buffy. She stopped walking. Angel stopped when he noticed her hesitation and faced her. His face reflected his surprise when Buffy reached up and place her hand gently on his cheek, smiling softly. "Thank you." Angel smiled in return and ran his fingers through her golden hair. "You don't need to thank me. There was never any choice to be made. I know I haven't been acting like it lately, but I do love you. More than anything. Cutting off my friendship with Cordy was the easiest thing I've ever done, if it meant keeping you in my life." A single tear trailed down Buffy's cheek. Knowing there were no words to express what she was feeling at that moment, Buffy tipped her head up and raised her lips to Angel's. Angel responded immediately, thanking every god that he knew of for bringing her back to him.

Instead of returning to that mansion, as was their original intention, Buffy and Angel decided to swing through a few cemeteries for a quick patrol. As they entered Restfield, Buffy couldn't help but remember her high school days of `patrolling' with Angel, which had quickly turned into their nightly make-out sessions. Glancing up at Angel quickly, she knew that he was thinking the same thing. She looked at the ground for a few minutes, basking in the memories, and wondering if things could ever be that way between them again. She was pulled from her thoughts when they passed by a particular grave that set her nerves on edge. She yanked on Angel's hand, signaling him to stop, and looked at the grave. It was fresh. She pulled a stake from the inside of her jacket and plunged it into the ground, while Angel watched the hand that had just punched its way through the earth turn to dust. Angel's jaw practically hit the ground. "Wow. You're senses have gotten a lot stronger." Buffy put the stake back in her jacket and nodded slightly. "Yeah. Giles is setting up a training program for me. You know, to find out more about what exactly a Slayer is." Angel tentatively laced his fingers through hers and continued walking. "What do you mean?"

"I've gotten a lot stronger over the past year. And I get these feelings sometimes. All the time, really. About six months ago I realized that I couldn't get to sleep if I hadn't gone out that night." "Patrolling?" Buffy looked down, ashamed. "Hunting. I mean, that's what I really do. There's this darkness inside of me that I don't understan d. Maybe I never will. And it scares me. That maybe all I am is a killer." Angel stopped and grasped her shoulders, forcing her to meet his eyes. "You are not a killer." Buffy trained her eyes on the ground, and Angel released her shoulders, instead placing two fingers under her chin to meet her eyes. "You are the kindest, most giving person I have ever met. You put your life on the line every night to save others, and never ask for the slightest thing in return." Buffy smiled, her eyes bright with unshed tears. She leaned into him slowly, allowing him to wrap her in his comforting embrace while she laid her head on his chest. "Thank you."

Part 17 Angel stood silently in the corner of the training room. He and Buffy had been working hard over the past couple of weeks to rebuild the trust that he had destroyed by sleeping with Cordelia. Buffy still kept him at a distance, but he was hoping with a little extra effort, he could prove himself to her. At present, she was allowing him to sit in on her training session with Giles. She thought (she had said with a smile) that maybe he could offer his opinion, or some advice on how she might improve. Angel knew that Buffy had far surpassed him in the fighting regiment, but wanted to come simply to lend his support, and satisfy his curiosity about what her capabilities really were. He stood in the corner, hidden from the sunlight streaming through the window and bathing his golden goddess in its rays. She stood in the center of the room, her hands laid upon a wooden block that stood about two feet in height, her legs straddled. Giles walked behind her, speaking in a soothing tone. "There is nothing but you. You are the center. And within you, there is the core of your being. of what you are. Find it. Breathe into it. Focus inward. Let the world fall away. fall away. fall away." Angel saw Buffy's eyes snap open, before she steadily pushed up with her legs, and brought herself into a handstand on the pedestal, which was no larger than four inches wide. He met Giles's eyes in wonderment for a moment, before focusing back on Buffy, who was completely still. Ever so slowly, Angel saw her shift her weight to the left side, and begin to lift her right hand off the pedestal, bringing it up parallel with the floor. Once again, Angel marveled at her strength and balance, as she stood posed, not moving a muscle, on one hand. Cordelia was livid. Angel hardly came into the office anymore, opting instead to sit at home and wait for someone to call if a case came up. She knew that it was because he wasn't comfortable around her. Not because he didn't love her - because there was no possible way that could ever happen - but because of his stupid obligation to Buffy. Well, if Angel wouldn't come to her, she would go to Angel. She had a pretty good idea of where he would be, since he was there practically every day now. If Angel thought she was going to give up without a fight,

he had another thing coming. She would get him back. There was simply no other option. She let herself into the Magick Box and silently slipped past Anya, who was too busy counting money to really care anyways, and headed toward the back. She crept into the room unnoticed, taking note of the face that Buffy was upside-down on one hand, and that for some reason Angel and Giles both seemed riveted by that fact. While waiting for Buffy to finish her stupid acrobatics so that Angel would notice her, Cordelia picked up a crystal from the table next to her and studied it for a second. Growing quickly bored, she tossed the crystal onto the table, knocking down the other three just like it, which were positioned together. Buffy eyes snapped open, and in losing her concentration she crashed ungracefully to the floor. Giles tore off his glasses in annoyance, and glared at the intruder, while Angel stood in shock that Cordelia actually had the nerve to come there. He snapped out of it at Buffy's mild groan of pain, and hurried over to where she was gripping her shoulder. Cordelia huffed impatiently. "Angel, I need to talk to you." Buffy growled audibly and threw daggers at the bleach blond with her eyes. "Get her out of here." Cordelia rolled her eyes. "Not until I talk to Angel." Angel rubbed his hands gently across Buffy's shoulder trying to alleviate her pain, and glare at his once best friend. "Get out Cordelia. I'll speak to you later." "But Angel." "OUT!" For once, Cordelia did the smart thing, and left. Buffy smiled and allowed Angel to help her off the floor. "Are you okay?" Buffy rolled her shoulder a couple times and nodded. "Fine. Just a little bruise no biggie." Angel nodded in relief and began to back up, but was halted by Buffy's tight grip on his arm. "But I'm a little upset about seeing her again." She smiled coyly. "I may need some cheering up." Angel could barely speak. "Why Ms. Summers. Are you flirting with me?" Buffy looked up at him innocently. "Is it working?" Angel simply smiled and brought his lips down to hers. Finally, things were getting back on track. But he knew that he would have to find some way to deal with Cordy. It was obvious that she wasn't just going to let it be, and he couldn't have her ruining his last chance of being with Buffy. He simply wouldn't allow it. Part 18 Angel used the sewer tunnels to make his way to the office after confirming that Buffy was okay. He used a variety of breathing exercises as he made the trip to try and put a leash on his anger. Cordelia was beginning to irritate him more and more every day. How in the world could he have ever thought that he was attracted to her? When Buffy had left, Cordelia transformed into a caring and loyal friend. But now her true colors were beginning to show once again. She was still as self-involved as always. Manipulating people to get her way. Angel wouldn't have doubted that she had asked him to train her specifically to get closer to him. He reached the access to his building and stealthily climbed out of the sewer, entering into the training room of his office. Cordelia was there waiting for him. "Finally. What took you so long?" Angel took another deep breath, and barely refrained from growling at her. "What took me so long, is that I was making sure that Buffy was okay after your little performance this afternoon."

"Me? What did I do?" Angel clenched his fists. Breathing exercises were quickly becoming a waste of time when dealing with Cordelia Chase. "Buffy's training sessions are extremely important Cordelia. She could have been seriously hurt by you disrupting her concentration like that." His words flew right over Cordy's head. "Speaking of training sessions." She said coyly, running a hand down his arm. "When are we going to start up ours again?" Angel backed out of her reach. "What part of this are you not understanding Cordelia? I don't want to be around you." She smiled. "You don't have to feel guilty for the way you feel Angel. It's better to tell Buffy the truth now, before things get so far that you can't get back out." The roar that split through the air following her words was almost deafening. Cordelia backed up fearfully from Angel, who has switched into game face, and was currently growling. At her. "Listen to me very carefully. I love Buffy. I always have and I always will. In my long life, she's the only one I have ever loved. I. Don't. Love. You. I don't even like you anymore. I would like nothing more than to have you out of my life. The only reason I haven't fired you already is because I know that you have no place else to go." He growled again and took a step toward her. "But mark my words Cordelia. If you ever come within 50 feet of Buffy again, or attempt to come between us in any way. I won't think twice about putting you out on your ass." With a wave of his coat, Angel disappeared back down into the sewers.

Angel shifted nervously on his feet as he rang the doorbell. In 240 some odd years, he couldn't remember ever actually asking a woman out on a date. When he was human well he didn't date so much as just happen to sleep with whoever had crossed his drunken path. As Angelus, he simply took whomever he wanted. And after he got his soul back, he never even contemplated dating until Buffy came along. And they never actually went on a `date.' They had patrols and late night make-out sessions. After that afternoon, Angel felt that it was time to really start to pursue Buffy. She had seemed receptive lately, and he needed to show he how much he needed her. He took a deep, calming breath as the door began to open. Buffy's eyes widen in surprise and amusement at the sight of Angel standing on her doorstep, clutching a single red rose tightly in his hand. The amusement stemmed from his obvious anxiety. A nervous centuries old vampire was quite a sight to see. "Angel." "Buffy." Buffy grinned and gestured to the rose. "Is that for me?" Angel shook himself out of his stupor and grinned sheepishly, holding the flower out to her. "A rose for the lady." As she stepped forward to take it from his and, he bent down and brushed his lips lightly against her cheek. Buffy held it up to her nose and breathed in the sweet scent. "It's beautiful." Angel raised one hand and caressed her cheek with his fingers softly. "Not half as beautiful as you." Buffy giggled, feeling like a schoolgirl. "Aren't you the little sweet-talker. What's with you?" Angel stood up fully and took a cleansing breath. "I was wondering if you would give me the pleasure of your company tonight."Blushing at his eloquence, Buffy's smile got wider. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

Sensing her teasing tone, Angel simply held out his hand. Buffy stepped out into the balmy night air and placed her hand in his. Part 19 (Lyrics by Michelle Branch) Buffy followed Angel down the stairs and stopped suddenly, tugging lightly on his hand. "Angel," she said once he had faced her, "what are we doing at a demon bar?" Angel smiled lightly. "We're not here to fight. This bar is protected so that no demon can attack while inside. There's someone I want you to meet." Buffy nodded and allowed Angel to lead her through the crowd. He stopped at the bar next to a tall, green demon who was talking heatedly to the bartender until Angel tapped him on the shoulder. "Angelcakes! How ya doing? Wanna drink? Sandro here can make you a Bloody Mary that to die for!" Angel chuckled slightly and shook his head. "No thanks." Pulling Buffy flush to his side, he tentatively wrapped his arm around her waist. "Lorne, I'd like you to meet Buffy. Buffy, this is Lorne. He owns this bar." Buffy smiled shyly and reached out her hand to shake his. As soon as his hand touched hers, Lorne's eyes widened. He could feelthe power coming off this girl. The power. and the love. Seeing Buffy standing hand in hand with Angel made Lorne realize something he never had before. These two completed each other. He had never even noticed that something about Angel was missing until he saw what he looked like completed. Whole. In the year that he'd known Angel - though the vampire had been acting lighter - Lorne had never seen him so at peace. Lorne quickly grabbed her hand in his and raised the back of it to his lips. "How are ya, Sunshine?" Buffy blushed prettily at the nickname. "It's nice to meet you finally." Lorne smiled and winked at her. "I assure you, the pleasure's all mine." Buffy blushed harder and Lorne's smile widened. "So how about it Sunshine?" Buffy raised an eyebrow. "How about what?" "Gracing us with a tune. I imagine reading you will be quite the experience!" Buffy looked to Angel for help. "Lorne reads souls, but he can only do it while you're singing." Her eyes widen in anxiety. "You want me to sing? No way, nuh uh, NEVER!" Lorne grasped her arm gently and led her toward the stage. "Come on honey. Just one song." He placed the song selections in front of her. Buffy's eyes scanned the sheets, still trying to come up with an excuse, when she saw it. It was the perfect song. But was she ready? Lorne continued pestering her, and reluctantly she pointed out the song. He quickly programmed the song into the machine and led her up the stairs to the stage. She heard the opening strums of the guitar and braced herself. Taking a deep breath, she began to softly sing. // One less call to answer Feeling full of despair Don't think I can get through it Just one last prayer // The entire bar stilled when Buffy's melodious voice filled the air. Angel was riveted to his spot, unable to take his eyes off the vision in front of him.

// And it's a leap of faith When you believe there's someone out there It's a leap of faith, when you believe that someone cares, oh And when I call out to you Will you be right there Right there Searching for the answer Nobody seems to care Oh how I wish that you were here Beside me To wipe away my tears // As Buffy continued to sing, her eyes met Angel's. She was singing to him. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she put her heart on her sleeve. Through her eyes, Angel saw the war she was fighting within herself. Could she ever trust him again? // And it's a leap of faith When you believe there's someone out there It's a leap of faith, when you believe that someone cares, oh And when I call out to you Will you be right there Right there // Angel swallowed harshly. He would always be there. He never wanted her to doubt that he would be there for her until the end of time. // Waiting for the answer Remembering times we would share Somehow I feel you here beside me Even though you're not there And it's a leap of faith When you believe there's someone out there It's a leap of faith, when you believe that someone cares, oh And when I call out to you Will you be right there // Buffy closed her eyes and allowed her emotions to seep through her words. She was ready. // Right there

And I'll be waiting by the window for your smile to come through And I'll be waiting in the darkness when I call out to you And I'll be remember when you told me I could trust in you // She opened her eyes once more and held Angel's gaze, placing all the love she could muster into her eyes. // It's a leap of faith And I believe that you are out there It's a leap of faith, and I believe you truly care, oh And when I out call to you I know you'll be right there Right there // Angel stood stunned. She forgave him. As much as he dared to hope. part of him could never believe before this moment that things would ever be okay between them again. But here she was, offering him her heart once again. // And it's a leap of faith // The applause was thunderous as Buffy descended the stairs. She walked slowly over to where Angel was still grounded and stood in front of him. They stood like that for what could have been minutes or hours, just gazing at each other, neither one really sure of what to do. Finally Buffy took a step toward him. Both of their eyes filled with tears as she rose up on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. She tipped her head back just enough so Angel could feel her warm breath on his ear, and whispered so softly that if he hadn't been a vampire he might have missed it. "I love you." Angel wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and buried his head in the crook of her neck, finally letting the tears fall.

Part 20 After releasing Buffy, Angel quickly realized that he didn't want to have his reunion with the love of his life quite so public. He grasped her hand in his and made for the door when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he met Lorne's apologetic face. He stopped briefly, not releasing his grip on Buffy's hand. "What is it?" For once, Lorne didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry Angel. I was wrong." "Wrong about what?" Instead of answering him directly, Lorne met the still teary eyes of Buffy. "You know I'm the one that

originally put it in his head that he was attracted to Cordelia." Seeing Angel about to protest he put a hand up. "No, don't." He met Buffy's eyes once more. "I read him one day and felt the undercurrents of a strong, unbreakable bond between he and a fellow warrior of the light. Seeing Cordelia training to become a better fighter, and knowing that she gave up any chance of a normal life to fight with Angel, I naturally assumed it was her." Lorne hung his head shamefully. "I was wrong. And I owe both of you a huge apology." He looked up to meet Buffy's eyes once more, which were once again filling with tears. "He loves you. I don't need to read him to figure it out. Seeing the two of you together. Seeing onto your souls. You two have something that is so rare and precious. The bond of soulmates." Buffy looked up and met Angel's eyes, knowing that she was finally ready. Not to forget - no, she'd never forget - but forgive. she could do that. She wasn't sure how to live without him anymore. Turning her head, she rose up on her toes and brushed her lips against Lorne's cheek. She met his eyes as she whispered softly, "Thank you." Giving Lorne one final smile, she let Angel lead her out of the bar. Once the two of them were out of sight, Fred - who had entered the club with Gunn shortly after Angel and Buffy arrived - approached Lorne. "Was that Buffy?" Lorne nodded. "That'd be the Slayer." Fred looked rather hurt. "I don't understand. Angel loves Cordelia. They were happy together until Buffy came back." Lorne shook his head sadly and met Fred's eyes. "Let it go, sugar muffin. Angel was never meant to be with Cordy. It was his little Slayer all along." "B.but. Kye-rumption! Moira!" Lorne stared up the stairs in the direction Buffy and Angel had disappeared to. "Cupcake, I don't think kyerumption even existed until those to came along." Fred stared at his back, wondering if maybe she had made a mistake about Angel and Cordy. and wondering if maybe she had misjudged the blond Slayer. Buffy and Angel walked silently through the streets of Sunnydale, their fingers entwined. As Angel moved to turn in the direction of Buffy's house, she stopped, tugging on his hand gently. Without words, Buffy turned Angel around and placed a soft kiss upon his lips. Shocked, Angel could do nothing but follow as Buffy led him in the direction of the mansion. He opened the door for her, allowing her in before him, not really sure what to expect. Gently shutting the door, and followed Buffy into the main hall where she pulled him beside her onto the couch. Meeting her eyes, he saw that her eyes had once again filled with tears. She raised her hand to softly caress his cheek before speaking. "I love you, Angel. We've both made mistakes in the past. both hurt each other. I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but I do know one thing." "What's that?" He heart filled with fear and apprehension as he waited for her answer. "I don't know how to live without you." Angel let out an unnecessary gasp of relief, as he allowed the tears he'd been holding in to fall down his cheeks. Buffy gently wiped away his tears. "Will you promise me something, Angel?" "Anything, Love." A single tear ran down Buffy's sculpted cheek, wiped away by the pad of Angel's thumb. "Promise me forever?"

Swiftly - so swiftly she never even saw him move Angel wrapped his arms around her and buried his head in the crook of her neck. "Forever. Always. I'll never give you any reason to doubt me again."

Part 21 NC17! Angel raised his head from Buffys shoulder and met her shimmering eyes. Slowly, Buffy tipped her head up and pressed her lips softly to his. Angel lovingly returned her kiss, gently sweeping his tongue across her lips, begging for entrance. She opened her mouth wider, allowing her lovers tongue access to her own mouth, searching out its mate. Both becoming swept up in the intensity of the kiss, their tongues danced together, each softly caressing the other. Breaking apart, Buffy met Angels eyes once again, then gently grasped him by the arm, leading him to the bedroom. Once they reached it, Buffy turned back to face him before lifting her shirt up over her head. Angel felt tears once again fill his eyes at her offering. He reached out hesitantly and ran his fingers down her cheek. Buffy are you sure? Buffy reached out to him and began slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Im sure Angel. Its time to put the past away, and look toward the future. Together. She pressed her lips again to his, pushing his shirt off his broad shoulders and onto the floor. I love you. Angel smiled. I love you so much. Angel wrapped his arms around her back, running his hands down the soft skin to the zipper of her skirt. The material fell to the floor, leaving Buffy standing before him in matching black lace bra and panties. Youre so beautiful. He pulled her to him, gripping her tightly as his mouth covered hers. He then moved his mouth down her neck to where his mark still stood, whispering to her between kisses. My goddess. Buffy was lost in the feelings he was waking within her. Oh God, Angel. She pressed herself more insistently against his obvious arousal, attempting to alleviate the growing ache between her legs. Ever so gently, Angel lifted her into his arms, laying her softly on the bed before shedding his pants. He then joined her, bracing himself on his knees above her and lifting her tenderly into a sitting position. His hands brushed up her arms, across her chest, and back down her flat stomach, setting her skin dangerously aflame. Lowering his lips to hers once again, he wrapped his arms around her back and unclasped her bra, releasing her perfect breasts. He lowered her back down to the bed, his head following closely as his mouth took hold of one already hardened nipple. Buffy moaned and arched into his mouth, gripping his head to hold him in place. She bent one leg up, running her smooth calf along the inside of his thigh to lightly brush on his straining erection. Angel groaned loudly, and let one hand brush down her body to the center of her womanhood. He pulled her panties swiftly down and off her legs before pressing his fingers urgently into her sensitive mound. Buffy pushed her hips up into his hand and pulled his head to hers to mold their lips together. Changing the position of his hand, Angel brushed his thumb across her swollen clitoris and entered two long fingers into her tight heat. Buffy moaned once again. Now Angel. Please. I need you inside me. Angel heeded her request, pulling his fingers from her and positioning his aching member at her entrance. Buffy lowered one hand and grasped his shaft while wrapping the other arm around to his lowering back,

urging him on. Angel lowered his lips to hers at the same moment that he entered her fully, bringing them back together as one at long last. Angel withdrew to the dip of his cock before fully thrusting back in to the hilt, causing them both to moan in ecstasy. They began to move together at an urgent pace, not only proving their love to one another, but also reclaiming the other at their own. Angel gripped Buffys shoulders, pulling her into a sitting position in his lap. Buffy continued to rock against him at a frenzied pace, while Angel used a free hand to press against her swollen bundle of nerves. He felt her muscles begin to quiver around him just before she reached her peak. Angel lifted his hips upward once again before following her into orgasm. Buffy rested her head in the crook of Angels shoulder, panting heavily as she came back down. Gathering her lovingly in his arms, Angel rolled onto his back, bringing Buffy to laid atop of him. Buffy closed her eyes, completely sated. Angel smiled at utter peace shown in her expression. He pressed his lips to her forehead before rested his cheek atop her head. I love you Buffy. Ill never doubt that again. Buffy simply sighed happily in response before drifting off to sleep.

Fred rapped lightly on the front door of the mansion before peeking inside. Hhello? She kept her voice low. She wasnt sure if she really wanted to see Angel and Buffy or not, but she knew she had to try. Is anyone here? Buffy groaned softly in her sleep at the voice drifting in from the Great Room of the mansion. A fast glance down at her lover showed that Angel was still fast asleep. Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, Buffy rolled out of bed and pulled on Angels deposited shirt before going out into the main hall. She was rapidly met by a skinny brunette who had what seemed to be a nervous expression on her face. Hi. Youre Fred right? Fred nodded. Thats me. Its nice to finally meet you Buffy. Buffy shook hands with Fred and smiled before glancing back into the bedroom. Angels sleeping right now. Did you want me to give him a message for you. Fred looked down at her feet shyly. Actually its you I wanted to talk to. Buffy raised her eyebrows in surprise. Really? What about? Fred looked up and took a deep breath. I wanted to apologize. I mean, I now you dont know me or anything, and I dont really know you, but I always believed everything Cordelia said about you. For some reason I always thought that Cordelia and Angel belonged together, and that you were just the person in the way. But after talking with Lorne tonight well, I think that I may have misjudged you, and I wanted to tell you that Im sorry. And that I would like to get to know you better. I would like us to be friends. Buffy stood stunned at the speed in which Fred spoke. Then she smiled. Theres no need to apologize. After all, Cordelia helped save you from Pylea, and then became one of your closest friends. Of course you would listen to her. She met Freds eyes with complete sincerity. And I would really like that. The us being friends I mean. The smile that graced Freds face was nearly blinding as she threw her arms around Buffy in an enthusiastic hug. Then, realizing what she had just done, she stepped back, a deep blush spreading across her face. Sorry. Buffy shook her head and smiled. Dont be. A pair of hands suddenly slid around Buffys waist, pulling her back into a hard chest. Angel gently kissed the top of his lovers head before smiling genuinely at Fred. Thank you.

Looking at them, Fred noticed for the first time how perfect they looked together. Ill leave you too alone now. Smiling one last time, she let herself out the front door. Buffy leaned against Angel peacefully, knowing for the first time in months that things would be okay. Part 22 The End Buffy walked through the door on a mission. Coming to a halt in front of the desk, she crossed her arms and cleared her throat, smiling coldly at the woman sitting behind the desk. Cordelia paused in filing her nails. Welcome to Angel Investi Her welcoming, if fake, smile melted into a vicious scowl as she raised her head and realized whom she was speaking to. What are you *doing * here? Havent you figured out that youre not wanted?!? Buffy placed her hands palm down on the desk and leaned into Cordelia threateningly. The only thing that I have finally figured out is that Angel and I are meant to be together. You may have manipulated him into thinking that he had feelings for you for a while, but you just remember that you had to cheat and lie in order to do that. He *never * loved you. And if you dont want to see what its like on the unemployment line, you stay away from Angel. Cordelia narrowed her eyes at the challenge. Who do you think you are? You think that just because youre the Slayer, the world should bow down to you and kiss your feet? She laughed cruelly, while Buffy simply continued smiling calmly. Cordelia rose out of her seat and met Buffy eye to eye. I know that Angel loves *me *. You can threaten me all you want, but hell never fire me over a freak like you. Thats ENOUGH! Angels voice bellowed through the room. He approached Buffy and placed his hands on her shoulders, calming her. He massaged them gently as he looked coldly at his secretary. Cordelia, you will *never * speak to Buffy that way again. I have explained to you over and over that I love her, not you. I dont want to have to fire you, but the sad fact is that you can be replaced. Buffy cant. Cordelia shrieked in frustration and anger. Then, schooling her features back into a cold, unfeeling faade, began collecting her things. Fine. If I can be so easily replaced then I want to see it. As she finished throwing the last of her belongings into a bag, she turned back to Angel, shaking a finger at him. But you remember this. Youre going to get sick of her again Angel, mark my words. Youre going to regret choosing a freak like her over me, because I will *never * She trailed off as the front door opened once again, revealing Fred and Gunn. Fred smiled timidly, sensing the tension that was filling the room. Are we interrupting? Cordelia smirked and moved toward the door. No. I was just leaving. Buffy has clouded Angels mind into thinking that he doesnt want me around anymore. She approached Fred and gave her a warm, friendly hug. Come with me. You and Gunn. You guys are the only true friends I have now. Fred bit her lip nervously, looking to Gunn for support. Cordelia, please stop this. Angel loves Buffy, and tryin to come between them is only causin problems for yourself. Cordelias eyes narrowed hatefully. I thought you were supposed to be my friend! You were there Fred! You were the first one that said Angel and I were meant for each other. How can you be doing this to me. Cordelia looked up pleadingly at Gunn. Gunn, you believe me right? Gunn simply put his arm around Fred. Sorry girl, but youre crossing the line. Cordelia lifted her chin defiantly. Fine! If youre all going to turn your backs on me for that that THING she pointed at Buffy then go ahead! Youre all going to regret this some day, and Im not going to be there

when you come crawling back! Pushing her way through Fred and Gunn, Cordelia stormed out the door, slamming it so hard behind her that the building shock on its foundation. Buffy bit her lip and hesitantly looked up at Angel. Angel, I Dont. Angel gently turned her to face him and cupped her face in his hands. I meant every word I said Buffy. She can be replaced. Youre the only thing that matters to me. Angel released her face and took her hands in his. I love you Buffy Summers. I doubted that love once, but never again. I promise you this. I will spend the rest of my existence loving only you. Forever. Buffys eyes shimmered with tears as she answered him. Always. Buffy tipped her head up to meet Angels lips with her, and with the mingling of tears fallen and love shared, they sealed a bond that could never be broken.

The end

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