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Headquarters building extension

The ALMA Correlator

Wolf-Rayet stars with VLTI
Galaxy mass assembly at z ~ 2
The Messenger
No. 135 – March 2009
The Organisation

An Extension for ESO Headquarters

Robert Fischer1 who also designed the neighbouring Institute for Plasma Physics in a building
Jeremy Walsh1 Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics. It located about four minutes walk away
had 120 offices, an auditorium, work- from the Headquarters. In 2007 more
shops, laboratories and storage rooms. offices were rented from the Max-Planck
ESO The generous curves and lack of Institute to house the ALMA staff, whose
90-degree corners are two of its defining numbers were increasing rapidly during
characteristics. The original building the construction phase. By the end of
The ESO Headquarters was completed had four floors and some basement area. 2008 the ESO “campus” consisted of the
in 1980, but is now too small to house By the end of the 1980s, however, with Headquarters building, two temporary
all the ESO staff and currently only about the gradual increase in numbers of ESO buildings and two locations of rented
50% reside in the original building. staff as the number of telescopes at offices with a staff complement of 444,
A decision was taken to seek an exten- the La Silla Observatory increased and only 230 of whom were actually located
sion to the Headquarters building in with the development of the Very Large in the original Headquarters building.
close proximity to the current one and Telescope (VLT) project, the addition of a
a competition was launched for archi­ fifth floor was necessary. When the VLT The difficulties of working closely on joint
tectural designs. Three designs were became operational in 1998 and as more projects with offices spread over an
shortlisted and the process of selection ESO member-state countries joined, ex­tended area were not just perceived. In
for the final design is described. Con- more staff were recruited; the need for 2007 a decision was made to try to im­­
struction will begin in 2010 and is due more offices had to be satisfied by a pre- prove the scientific atmosphere by bring-
for completion in 2012. fabricated office block (“portakabin”) in ing all faculty astronomers, fellows, stu-
the car park. As more VLT Unit Telescopes dents and science visitors together in the
came online, new instruments were main building. Logistically this proved
When ESO moved from temporary offices commissioned and the ALMA project en­­ possible only for a short while and new
at CERN, Geneva, in 1980 there were a tered its planning phases, staff numbers
total of 40 staff members. The Headquar- increased again and a second temporary Figure 1. Montage of the 20 entries for the Architec-
ters building was designed by the archi- building had to be erected. In addition, tural Competition for an extension to the ESO Head-
tects Hermann Fehling and Daniel Gogel, offices were rented from the Max-Planck quarters.

2 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

scientific staff, e.g., for ALMA, are increas- received and all are shown in Figure 1. The Figure 2. The three prize-winning architectural con-
cepts for the Headquarters extension building in
ingly located in offices in the ALMA jury assessed the designs, and awarded
their revised form. Left: Koch and Partner, Germany;
building. The situation is exacerbated by two first prizes (€25 000 each), a third Centre: RISCO, Portugal; Right: Auer + Weber,
the small number of meeting rooms and a fourth prize (€15 000 and 10 000 Germany.
and the limited size of the auditorium, respectively) in October 2007. One addi-
which can only seat about 100. The tional very innovative design, which did (see the aerial photograph on p. 26 of
instrument assembly hall and laboratories not however meet the local building regu- The Messenger 130) and the original
are also too small for the level of develop- lations, was recognised with a “purchase” com­petition had specified this position.
ment and the typical size of second prize (€5000). This land is owned by a consortium
generation VLT instruments. An important of local farmers. However negotiations
issue was the need for further expansion The top three prize-winning concepts, could not be concluded by the time of the
after the European Extremely Large shown in Figure 2, did not fulfill all the revised tender and it was decided to
Telescope (E-ELT) design study was ap­­ re­quirements and further technical clarifi- site the building to the southeast on land
proved in 2007 and a substantial increase cation was required, such as the link to owned by the Max Planck Society.
in scientific and engineering staff is re­­ the current Headquarters building and the The rent for this land will be paid by the
quired to develop Phase B (see Spyromilio realisation of the instrument assembly German Federal Ministry of Education
et al., 2008). In order to improve com­ hall/laboratory complex (whether as a and Research, just as is done for the land
munication and the proximity of the sci- separate building or integrated into the on which the current building is sited.
ence, operations, engineering, software extension). The baseline proposal would
and administration groups working only have been sufficient to provide
towards common goals, to raise the team 476 work places together with the current Final selection
focus and to provide ESO with a hallmark Headquarters building. Given the
building that embodies its profile, an expected increase to 520 by the time of In the final round of the selection process,
increase of office, conference and work- completion, an expansion of 1100 m2 was the three prize-winning architects could
shop space by an extension to the considered necessary. The new office revise their original concepts to take into
present Headquarters building was pro- and conference extension would then pro- account the decision to have two build-
posed. Provision of an extension to vide a total floor area of 9500 m2 and ings as part of the extension — separate
the existing building was confirmed by the the technical building 2900 m2. For com- office and workshop/integration build-
ESO Council. parison the existing building has a floor ings. The three concepts were assessed
area of 10 200 m2 and the storage hall a between June and October 2008. On
surface area of 770 m2. Thus the exten- 28 October the ESO Contract Award
Architectural designs sion almost doubles the existing area of Committee agreed that the design by
the current Headquartes building. By the Auer + Weber best met all the high level
The specifications for an extension to time the new building is completed, the requirements by providing, in particular,
the ESO Headquarters building were de­­ current one will be more than 30 years old the very important parameter of one
fined with careful consideration of future and is in need of major maintenance and signature ESO Headquarters building.
expansion and enhancement of the upgrading; it was decided to include this This recommendation of the committee
current facilities and a Call for Tender for upgrade in the revised concept. This con- was approved by the ESO Council on
architectural concepts was drawn up. cept was then submitted for revised ten- 2–3 December. The same architect’s
This was sent to 24 architectural offices der to the three prize-winning architectural office was also responsible for the award-
in the ESO member states on 11 July firms with a closing date of 13 June 2008 winning design of the Paranal Residencia.
2007 with a deadline for entries of 24 Sep- with the aim of achieving “one signature
tember. An international jury consisting headquarters”. A fixed fee of €75 000 was
of eminent architects, representatives of awarded for each submission. The new extension
the town of Garching and ESO was
constituted to judge the designs. Twenty Initially it was planned to build the exten- The first concept submitted by Auer +
responses to the Competition were sion to the south of the current building Weber was already marked out by its

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 3

The Organisation Fischer R., Walsh J., An Extension for ESO Headquarters

laboratory is a circular building and,

although separate, will be accessible by
a tunnel from the existing building. A
large cleanroom will be housed within the
workshop building.

As part of the process of approval for the

building plans, a presentation to the local
authorities took place at ESO Garching
in December 2008. The ESO Director
General Tim de Zeeuw outlined the rea-
sons for seeking a new building and
the proposed architectural solution was
presented by Professor Fritz Auer from
the office of Auer + Weber. The planned
extension received the full support of the
town of Garching and the District Office
of Munich.

The final aspects of the design are cur-

rently being agreed and construction work
is expected to begin in early 2010, with
the new extension ready for occupancy in
2012. With the ESO flag flying above its
signature Headquarters, the staff will be in
pole position to manage the current activi-
ties — La Silla Paranal Observatory,
ALMA, construction of the E-ELT — and
Figure 3. Ground plan of the Auer + Weber design for further in the dimensions of several to forge the next large astronomy project.
the ESO Headquarters. The single circular building to
aspects, such as internal light wells that
the north is the technical building.
are identical to those of the ESO tele-
scope mirrors (2.2, 3.6 and 8.2 metres). References
harmony with the existing building; the The two buildings will be connected Spyromilio, J. et al., The Messenger, 133, 2
revised concept further emphasises the by an enclosed bridge whose length is on
impression of community between the the natural axis of the current building
two parts. There is, in close reference to (see Figure 3). Figure 4 shows an artist’s Figure 4. Side view of the Auer + Weber design
the original design by Fehling and Gogel, impression of the new building from the for the ESO Headquarters extension from the
extensive use of circles and this is taken southwest. The workshop and integration southwest.

4 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Telescopes and Instrumentation
Credit: ESO/A. Wicenec

The highest (5000 m) and fastest (17 peta-

operations/second) computer ever used at an
astronomical site — the ALMA Correlator.
Here the first quadrant is shown in place at the
ALMA Operations Site (AOS) Technical Building.
Telescopes and Instrumentation

The ALMA Correlator: Performance and

Science Impact in the Millimetre/Submillimetre

Alain Baudry1 2 domain of the cross-correlation functions Specifications and architecture

(or the interferometer complex visibilities).
Moreover, time offsets or time lags are The hardware sub-systems, in which the
University of Bordeaux, LAB, France easily implemented in digital systems and digital filtering and correlation functions
European ALMA Project Office, ESO thus the spectral information contained have been implemented for the ALMA
in the observed sources is also available main array and the associated firmware,
from a digital correlator; the correlation lag form what is referred to as the ALMA
The basic properties of digital corre­ functions and the astronomical spectra baseline correlator system (see specifica-
lation are introduced and the main are related by a time/frequency Fourier tions in Table 1).
blocks that form the correlator system transform.
designed for the ALMA main array are The ALMA correlator designers have
described. Some technical challenges There are two main correlator architec- faced two major challenges, driven by
and the performance of this system tures: (a) the XF architecture where the main science goals in the millimetre
are presented, together with examples the X-part (cross- or auto-correlation part) and submillimetre: (a) process a broad
of observational modes, total band- is performed first and the Fourier trans- signal bandwidth of 16 GHz (8 GHz per
widths and spectral resolutions. The form (F-part) is applied at a later stage to polarisation) from each of 64 antennas
high flexibility of the ALMA correlator is analyse the source spectral properties; (each antenna provides 96 Gbits/s);
emphasised and its ability to bring (b) the FX architecture where the Fourier (b) extract from the input band various
new data in molecular line or continuum transform is performed first. In terms spectral windows and provide flexible
astrophysics projects is discussed. of signal processing the XF or FX spectral resolutions. Figure 1, adapted
ap­proaches are equivalent. ALMA has from Escoffier et al. (2005), presents
adopted two different types of correlator. the baseline correlator system schemati-
ALMA signal processing and correlation One FX correlator constructed by a cally. This includes “correlator station
Jap­anese team processes the signals col- electronics” boards processing the digi-
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillim- lected by 16 antennas of the ACA. The tised data streams from each antenna
eter Array (ALMA), under construction second correlator, constructed by an in the array and “correlator baseline elec-
at the 5000-metre high altiplano of north- NRAO/European “integrated team”, proc- tronics” boards providing the interfero-
ern Chile, will explore the Universe in esses up to 64 ALMA antennas. It is a metric cross-products from up to 2016
the millimetre/submillimetre wave range highly flexible “Digital hybrid XF” design independent antenna pair combinations
up to 1 THz (300 micrometres). With in which the 2 GHz input baseband (for 64 antennas).
an impressive collecting area of 50 + 16 is digitally split into several sub-bands to
large antennas moveable over an area enhance the spectral resolution, a con- We briefly describe below some of the
from about 150 m to more than 15 km in cept first proposed in the European Sec- main parts of the ALMA correlator and
diameter, ALMA offers an unprecedented ond Generation Correlator (2GC) study. refer to the main blocks in Figure 1:
angular resolution and imaging capability The Digital Hybrid XF correlator now
(see Haupt & Rykaczewski, 2007). The merges the main ideas from the initial Filtering: After digitisation and time
50+ (up to 64) 12-metre antennas form NRAO parallel array XF architecture with demultiplexing of the antenna signals for
the ALMA main array; four 12-metre and the frequency division scheme of the each baseband, frequency division is
twelve 7-metre antennas form the ALMA 2GC study. More generally, it is important accomplished in the Tunable Filter Bank
Compact Array (ACA). The radio waves, to stress that digital filtering/processing (TFB) boards placed in the station
once they have been captured with the offers great advantages with respect electronics racks. These boards divide
ALMA antennas, are converted into to analogue signal processing: reproduc­ the 2 GHz baseband into 32 frequency-
low frequency signals (while preserving ibility of performance, stability with mobile sub-bands of 62.5 MHz. Each
the phase information of the incoming respect to temperature drifts, easier cali- sub-band is independently processed,
waves), digitised in specific modules and bration and higher flexibilty. assigned to one of the 32 correlator
finally combined in a large digital ma­­
chine, named the correlator. The digital
correlator is the system combining the Item Specification
outputs of all antennas, as selected in the Antennas Up to 64 (up to 2 016 interferometric baselines)
array, to detect the astronomical source Baseband inputs per antenna 8 x 2 GHz
power by measuring the cross-correlation Input sample format 3-bit, 8-level at 4 Gsample/s
coefficients of all antenna pairs in addi- Output correlation sample format 2-bit, 4-level or 4-bit, 16-level
tion to the auto-correlation coefficients of Processing rate 125 MHz
each antenna. From these coefficients, Spectral points per baseband (Frequency Division Mode) Up to 8 192 per correlator quadrant
and by further processing of the data, Spectral points per baseband (Time Division Mode) 64, 128 or 256 per correlator quadrant
images of the astronomical sources are Polarisation products 1, 2 or 4
obtained. In mathematical terms the
source image is directly related to the Table 1. Main top level specifications of the ALMA
Fourier transform in the spatial frequency baseline correlator

6 The Messenger 135 – March 2009





















63 0


“planes” (see below) and the resulting signal is multiplied by its time- (or lag-) Figure 1. Block diagram of the ALMA 64-antenna
correlator showing the main components of the cor-
spectra are later stitched together to shifted version to derive the correlation
relator antenna and correlator baseline electronics
form a final spectrum with 32 times more coefficients. Each basic 256-lag circuit in (adapted from Escoffier et al., 2005). The digitiser
spectral channels across the original a single correlator chip is driven by the and data transmitter boards at the antennas are also
baseband. Distributing the correlator two polarisation signals sent from each shown. The digitised data flow is carried to the cor-
relator system by optical fibres.
plane resources to fewer than 32 digital receiver band and there is the further
filters narrows the input bandwidth ability to address fewer lag blocks in the
and increases the spectral resolution. The chip to support double polarisation digitiser also in­­cludes a time-demultiplexed
62.5 MHz sub-band is extracted from modes or a full Stokes parameter analy- stage consistent with the 250/125 MHz
2 GHz in a three-stage digital filter struc- sis of the incoming waves. clock rates. The correlator system is
ture implemented in a programmable a synchronous machine with a very large
logic device (or Field Programmable Gate Two other system aspects are critical: number of filter and correlator boards
Array, FPGA). The last stage determines signal digitisation and data transmission (1024) in many racks that makes data
the final filter sub-band characteristics from station electronics to correlator trans­mission a difficult problem. The
and enables the bandwidth to be further board electronics. Prior to digital correla- processing clock rate in all racks is at
narrowed to 31.25 MHz by downloading tion, the analogue baseband signals 125 MHz, but the station rack to correla-
a specific set of pre-calculated digital are converted to digital samples in a digi- tor rack communication system involves
weights. tiser module specifically designed for 16 384 cables working at 250 MHz. The
ALMA. These modules, plugged into the output phases of these cables are re­­
Correlation: All independent cross- antenna digital racks, are not part of motely controlled and adjusted at the link
products for all 64 antennas are derived the correlator system, but their reliability frequency for error-free data transmission.
from the 32 correlator planes of the and efficiency are essential in the signal
baseline electronics boards (see Correla- processing chain. The data encoding The correlator system is basically
tor Array in Figure 1, lower). A correlator is made on 3 bits and corresponds to a or­ganised by quadrants, each quadrant
plane is a 64 x 64 matrix formed by theoretical 96% cor­relation efficiency. processing one baseband pair, to
four printed circuit boards, each with sev- Because the ALMA correlator cannot accommodate four baseband pairs for
eral assembled specific integrated process the data at the 4 GHz sampling two polarisations per antenna. This
circuits (the correlator chips) in which the rate (for 2 GHz input baseband), the architecture makes it possible to enhance

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 7

Telescopes and Instrumentation Baudry A., The ALMA Correlator

Figure 2. Schematic layout of one quadrant of the

DIGITISED DATA STREAMS FROM ANTENNAS AND FIBRES correlator system. Station and correlator baseline
printed circuit boards are distributed in bins and
racks and the correlator outputs are passed to the
long-term accumulation boards and the real-time
correlator data processing computers.

Bin 1 Bin 1 250 MHz Bin 1 Bin 1 Bin 1 Bin 1 250 MHz Bin 1 Bin 1
Bin 2 Bin 2 rack-to-rack Bin 2 Bin 2 Bin 2 Bin 2 rack-to-rack Bin 2 Bin 2
Bin 3 Bin 3 and Bin 3 Bin 3 Bin 3 Bin 3 and Bin 3 Bin 3
Bin 4 Bin 4 self-test link Bin 4 Bin 4 Bin 4 Bin 4 self-test link Bin 4 Bin 4 20 bits of integration and secondary
storage for readout of the correlation
coefficients. The 32 768 chips required for
full operation of the four quadrants have
been industrially produced. Use of these
PROCESSING COMPUTERS chips in the correlator environment of
the integration centre and of the ALMA
high site has proved to be extremely reli-
the total bandwidth, if that were to the industrial production phase of the able. The correlator chip resources can
be required, by adding another quadrant. TFB cards. These included questions as also be combined to provide 4-bit x 4-bit
Figure 2 shows the schematic layout diverse as the Ni–Au finishing of the multi­plication so that the quantisation
of a single correlator quadrant. There are cards for long term protection or defini- efficiency is enhanced, thus improving
32 racks in total (8 racks per quadrant) tion of the optimum temperature profile ALMA’s interferometric sensitivity overall.
with, in addition, power supply racks and for reliable assembly of components
the Correlator Data Processor and Corre- free of lead (to meet the EC directive on The correlator system is a very large
lator Control computer racks. All racks Restriction Of Hazardous Substances). specific computing machine. With 4096
and computers are installed in the correla- Special test equipment and test proce- multipliers per chip performing 2-bit
tor room of the 5 000-metre altitude Array dures were developed to validate the correlation at a 125 MHz clock rate and
Operations Site (AOS) technical building digital filter functionality and check the for 64 chips per correlator board, the
(see photograph on p. 5). industrial production quality. This testing number of operations performed per sec-
was required because of the complexity ond in the full system is 1.7 x 1016. The
of the printed circuit board, the large computing power in a single TFB board
Technical challenges and performance number of ball grid array connections to is already impressive. With several hun-
each board for each large FPGA and the dreds of multi-bit (typically 8 to 16) adder
Novel hardware or firmware develop- large number of TFB boards to be pro- and multiplier stages implemented in
ments have been made to meet the ALMA duced (512 for 8 basebands per antenna one digital filter, around 1012 operations
baseline correlator specifications. Two x 64 antennas, see Figure 3). per second are performed in a board.
examples are given for illustration: The correlator output streams must reach
the digital filter subsystem conceived by The ALMA correlator chip is a specific, a reasonable rate for final processing
the European team; and the correlator highly integrated microcircuit providing and archiving. From the basic accumula-
chip designed by NRAO. Several original an unsurpassed number of multipliers in tion mode of the ALMA correlator chip,
aspects of the TFB design concern the a single custom-made chip. There are the Long Term Accummulator (LTA in
ability to move sub-bands and implemen- 4096 multipliers (also named “lags”) per Figure 1) transfers 16, or integer multiples
tation of the firmware required to meet chip providing 2-bit x 2-bit multiplication, of 16, milliseconds of integrated data to
the challenging filter specifications (e.g.,
high stop band rejection, low baseband
ripple and low power dissipation). All filter Figure 3. A small series of boards required
for digital filtering before correlation. 512
functions must be implemented without
boards have been produced and function-
exhausting the resources available in high ally tested for the full four-quadrant sys-
performance FPGAs purchased from tem.
industry. We have selected a large FPGA
with recent 90-nanometre technology to
implement two 62.5 MHz sub-band filters
in one FPGA. A matrix of 4 x 4 FPGAs
is required for frequency division of each
baseband and these 16 devices are
assembled on a multi-layer TFB board
together with other components (fine
interferometric delay tracking is imple-
mented in other small FPGAs). Several
difficulties were met and solved during

8 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

the “real-time computer system” to Figure 4. Front panel image of two
bins in a Station Electronics rack
process the correlation coefficients fur-
showing TFB cards, station cards and
ther. The maximum correlator output other system cards (see Correlator
capacity reaches 1 GByte/s (in 16 data Station Electronics in Figure 1). The
streams) or 256 MByte/s per correlator pairs of holes seen in front of each
TFB card allows cool air from the
quadrant (in four data streams). Lowering
correlator room to be blown into the
the output rate is equivalent to sacrificing rack.
interferometric baselines.

Because the ALMA baseline correlator is

such a large machine, power dissipation
is a difficult task at the high altitude AOS,
where the air density is roughly half that
at sea level. There was an initial concern
with the TFB boards because they im­­
plement several functions (and thus dissi-
pate much power) and are plugged in
racks where the air circulation is slowed
down for practical reasons. With 75 W
dissipated power per TFB board, the first
engineering goal of 100 W was well met.
The latest firmware optimisation and
the develoment of a newer filter design
have further reduced the dissipation
below 60 W. This new performance low-
ers the temperatures inside the FPGAs,
leading to a longer lifetime of these com-
ponents. Based on the power dissipation
measured at the high site with the first The first quadrant of the 64-antenna cor- specifications are similar (except that the
quadrant, we anticipate a total power dis- relator has been shipped to Chile, installed ACA correlator processes 16 instead
sipation of 150 kW for the four-quadrant in the AOS technical building and was of 64 antennas). In the Japanese FX-type
system including the real-time data proc- successfully commissioned in the summer correlator, spectral averaging is per-
essor and control computers. of 2008 (Figure 4). The air circulation formed after the F-part and the correlation
from the floor up to the top of the station is directly performed in 4 bits, but these
racks and temperature throughout the details should remain invisible to the
First operational results and installation bins and racks are remotely controlled. astronomers; only the effective spectral
at AOS The 64-antenna correlator room is next to resolution should differ slightly.
the antenna “patch panel” room, which
In parallel with the construction of the enables the fibre outputs of each antenna
large 64-antenna correlator, two scaled- pad to be physically connected to the Correlator modes for astronomical
down models of the large machine have correlator inputs. The patch panel sup- science
been made. One for the ALMA Test ports connections to about 200 antenna
Facility (ATF) consisting of two prototype pads for all moveable 50 + 16 antennas The ALMA baseline correlator supports
antennas at the NRAO VLA site (Very and allows the ACA antenna data to a broad variety of observing modes,
Large Array, New Mexico) and one for the be processed in the ALMA baseline cor- which may be classified into two main
3000-metre high ALMA Operations Sup- relator. When all 50 antennas of the main categories, the Time and Frequency
port Facility (OSF) site. The first scaled- array are combined in the 64-antenna Division Modes (TDM and FDM). In the
down model was moved to the ATF site correlator with 14 of the 16 ACA antennas TDM operation mode there are 32 parallel
in 2007 and used through to the end of we then reach the ultimate ALMA sensi- correlator planes, each processing, at
2008. First successful end-to-end interfer- tivity. For compact sources the sensitivity 125 MHz, one-millisecond signal time
ometric operation was demonstrated on may be improved by about 8% with slices from the digitised input baseband,
the sky in January 2008 in the direction of re­spect to the main array alone and all and the correlator behaves as a pure
the Orion Nebula (see Laing, 2008) where calibration sessions are performed more XF system. In the FDM operation mode
many spectral lines were observed at the quickly. The ACA 16-antenna correlator each of the 32 sub-bands in the 2 GHz
expected frequencies. The second two- has also been installed on the high site. input baseband is processed in one
antenna correlator was installed at the Processing the same data (up to 16 anten- of the 32 correlator planes, or fewer sub-
OSF in 2008. It is used to test the produc- nas) in two different correlators is of bands are processed by all planes to
tion antennas and the associated equip- great value for an advanced comparison enhance the spectral resolution. The TFB
ment before they are moved to the AOS. of these two large machines, whose filter boards are designed to support both

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 9

Telescopes and Instrumentation Baudry A., The ALMA Correlator

Total Bandwidth Resolution (Nyquist, kHz) Resolution (Double Nyquist, kHz) Table 2. Bandwidth and resolution for 2-bit correla-
2 GHz 244 488 tion with one 2 GHz baseband processed per corre-
lator quadrant in frequency division operation mode
1 122 244
500 MHz 61 122
250 30.5 61 § Available with specific digital weights downloaded
125 15.3 30.5 in last stage of the digital filter.
62.5 7.6 15.3
31.25§ 3.8§

TDM and FDM, the data being directly with the same spectral resolution, sensi- respectively. They have been arbitrarily
sent to the final requantisation stage tivity and polarisation options; (c) multi- selected to illustrate our discussion
of each TFB board in the TDM operation spectral resolution over different band- on required bandwidth. The total velocity
mode. Examples of the spectral resolution widths to zoom on specific spectral coverage corresponds to the expected
achieved in FDM observing modes, for features. All quadrants are independent velocity extent at the base of the line
the case of only one baseband processed and these different modes could also profile with some additional spectral noise
per quadrant, are given in Table 2 for be implemented simultaneously with over- channels on each side of the line fea­
different input bandwidths. Nyquist sam- lapping quadrants. ture(s) of interest to provide a reference
pling is the basic working model of the intensity level.
correlator, but double Nyquist sampling is
also available to im­­prove the correlation Spectral line and continuum astrophysics The maximum bandwidths that the base-
efficiency (7% better) at the expense line correlator can process match rather
of lower correlator resources and so lower The ALMA baseline correlator, with its well with the total bandwidths in Table 3.
spectral resolution. The maximum reso­ flexible resolution and ability to analyse These maximum bandwidths are: 2 or
lution achievable, 3.8 kHz, enables multi-spectral windows, is extremely 1 GHz, 500, 250, 125, 62.5 or 31.25 MHz,
extremely detailed spectral studies to be well adapted to any type of spectral work. with one quadrant; 4 GHz with two quad-
carried out. Two parameters are of interest, the total rants; or 8 GHz with four quadrants.
bandwidth and the spectral resolution:
If two basebands are processed per Spectral resolution: The various resolu-
quadrant, the resolutions shown in Table 2 Total bandwidth: Table 3 shows the typi- tions available with the baseline correlator
are twice as poor. There is another cal total velocity coverage required for are suited to a large variety of astro­
degradation by a factor of two with the line analysis in a number of Galactic and physical environments. Table 2 gives
additional polarisation cross-products extragalactic molecular sources, or examples, but there are more selectable
required for a full Stokes parameter anal- in planets, and the corresponding total modes with the 4-bit correlation and
ysis. In order to improve the correlation bandwidths at two widely separated fre- polarisation cross-products options. We
efficiency, 4-bit correlation is also sup- quencies (around 90 GHz where mo­­ give a few examples. About 1 MHz
ported, but the frequency resolution lecular transitions from HCO+ or HCN are resolution is convenient to provide many
is now four times poorer than that shown observed, and around 602 GHz where details in the CO J = 2–1 line of many
in Table 2. Double Nyquist sampling methanol is present). These frequencies nearby galaxies or in energetic galactic
is also available with 4-bit correlation; it fall in the ALMA receiver Bands 3 and 9, outflows. This can be achieved, for
does not improve the already high effi-
ciency much, but decreasing the spectral
resolution speeds up the data dump rate. Source Typical Total Velocity Coverage Total Bandwidth
About 70 different observing modes (km/s) 90 GHz, 602 GHz
are available with only a few TDM modes. Galactic Sources
TDM is to be preferred for fast dump Energetic Outflow in Young
Stellar Objects 600 180 MHz, 1.2 GHz
rates (16 ms minimum) and moderate
Spectral Line Survey 300 90 MHz, 600 MHz
resolution (31.25, 15.6 or 7.8 kHz) across
Orion, Galactic Centre 80–160 24–48 MHz, 161–321 MHz
2 GHz.
Compact H ii regions 40 12 MHz, 80 MHz
Molecular Cloud Spectra 10–40 3–12 MHz, 20–80 MHz
The 64-antenna correlator has the ability
Dark Clouds 5 1.5 MHz, 10 MHz
to move spectral sub-bands within the
Extragalactic Sources
input baseband and to split one correlator
Nearby Galaxies (≤ 200 Mpc) ≤ 2000 ≤ 0.6 GHz, ≤ 4 GHz
quadrant into independent sub-units
Highly Redshifted Sources As large as possible
so that several options are supported:
(a) high resolution in a given spectral region
Pressure Broadened Lines 1000–3000 0.3–0.9 GHz, 2–6 GHz
from 2 GHz to 62.5 MHz (or 31.25 MHz)
with 62.5 MHz sub-bands tunable any-
Table 3. Examples of total velocity coverage required
where within 2 GHz; (b) multiple disjoint for line observations of Galactic and extragalactic
spectral regions fitting within 2 GHz but sources.

10 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

example, with 1 GHz total bandwidth in to astrobiology and the roots of prebiotic confusion may become essential. Despite
the Nyquist sampling TFD mode and chemistry in the interstellar gas, the these difficulties we believe that the
with the high sensitivity 4-bit option; the range of different environments in our Gal- ALMA correlator will greatly contribute to
resolution for the CO J = 2–1 line is axy and distant galaxies, etc. Extremely mo­lecular astronomy in the mm/submm
then 1.3 km/s. At the higher frequencies rich spectra and complex molecules, domains because of the following ad­­
of CO, one may either bin the spectral prebiotic or not, have been observed with vantages: (a) in a broad bandwidth many
channels or use the coarser resolution of several existing millimetre-wave tele- lines are detectable at once and this
the TDM mode (7.8–31 MHz). On the scopes in a broad range of objects (very allows the observer to identify the regions
other hand, there are a number of inter- young stellar objects, pre-stellar cores, in crowded line spectra with less confu-
esting astrophysical cases where velocity nearby or starburst galaxies, etc.). In the sion; (b) multi-spectral resolution and very
resolutions as high as 0.02–0.05 km/s Orion Nebula or in the Galactic Centre, high spectral resolution help to resolve
are required: study of protostellar discs, crowded line spectra and “forests” of lines line blends; (c) multi-spectral windows
dark molecular clouds, wind velocities in have been observed, so that identifica­- offer the ability to compare properties of
planets or thermal line widths in comets. tion of the molecular carrier of a given line various molecules in the same source;
In ALMA Band 3 for instance, around becomes difficult. An example of the (d) resolution can be traded for sensitivity
6 kHz resolution is needed to reach 0.02 crowded spectra obtained with the IRAM options or polarisation modes. Of course,
km/s and the observing modes providing interferometer is given for Orion-KL, in complex molecular sources, and with
3.8 or 7.6 kHz are thus well suited. Analy- a massive star-forming region, around adequate sensitivity, interferometric maps
sis of Zeeman splitting or cosmic maser 223 GHz (see upper panel of Figure 5, showing different spatial distributions
lines also requires high resolutions. adapted from Favre et al., 2008). An even may also help in the spectral confusion
more extreme case is that of Sgr B2(N) problem (see lower panel in Figure 5
The ALMA baseband correlator will be where Belloche et al. (2008) detected showing good spatial separation of mod-
configured for a number of broadband about 100 lines every 1 GHz around erately blended lines).
continuum projects in Galactic or extraga- 100 GHz. From 88 transitions free of any
lactic sources. The TDM mode is ideal spectral contamination, and from line
for processing 2 GHz bandwidths with maps in a subset of these lines, Belloche Figure 5. Upper panel: Cross-correlation spectrum
low spectral resolution in single, double or et al. have identified the complex amino of the Orion Nebula showing spectral features of
full polarisation observing modes. In all acetonitrile molecule — a potential pre- complex molecules observed with the IRAM interfer-
modes, combining independent quad- cursor of glycine. Crowded line spectra ometer around 223 GHz. Lower panel: Spatial distri-
bution of the ethylene glycol and formamide mole-
rants broadens the total bandwidth if that are expected in several ALMA submillimet- cules obtained with the IRAM interferometer; the red
were necessary. Moderately broad band- ric bands and spectroscopic databases circle corresponds to the spatial extent of the
width will be sufficient in projects such or new techniques to predict spectral 30-metre telescope beam.
as the thermal dust temperature study of
Galactic young stellar objects and polari-
PdB spectrum
sation imaging of dust in young objects 8 At position marked
by * on the maps

or molecular clouds in order to investigate

Ethylene glycol
Methyl formate

the role of the magnetic field. FDM modes
T (K)

with 0.5–1 GHz bandwiths may often

be appropriate depending on the selected
receiver band. There is always the option 2
to perform continuum and spectral line
observations simultaneously with overlap- 0
ping quadrants. For example 2 GHz 2.2348 2.2347 2.2346 2.2345 2.2344 2.2343
continuum with low spectral resolution in Rest Frequency (MHz x 10 5)
TDM mode can be combined with higher
FDM frequency resolution mode in 2 GHz – 5°22´25˝ Ethylene glycol – 5°22´25˝ Formamide
or lower bandwidth.
– 5°22´30˝ IRc2 – 5°22´30˝ IRc2
30m beam 30m beam
An outstanding tool for molecular * *
complexity – 5°22´35˝ – 5°22´35˝

The ALMA correlator will offer new oppor- – 5°22´40˝ – 5°22´40˝

tunities to help understand the complexity
observed in the molecular Universe.
Complexity refers to aspects as different – 5°22´45˝ – 5º22´45˝
as the identification or discovery of new
molecules in the interstellar medium or in 5 h 35 m 15.s 0 14.s 5 14.s 0 13.s 5 5 h 35 m 15.s 0 14.s 5 14.s 0 13.s 5
circumstellar envelopes, the relationship

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 11

Telescopes and Instrumentation Baudry A., The ALMA Correlator

Future possibilities — near and longer one sub-array will track a source while the the ACA and baseline correlator perform-
term second one will perform antenna commi- ance becomes easier. ALMA science will
sioning tasks. Each correlator quadrant benefit from these future possibilities.
The first quadrant of the baseline cor­ may support more than two sub-arrays.
relator system installed in the AOS techni-
cal building (see p. 5) supports up to The summed output signals from two or Acknowledgements
16 antennas. It is available for interfero- more antennas in the array will also The ALMA 64-antenna correlator has been con-
metric commissioning tasks and it be available in the correlator to form a big structed by a large group of people within the ALMA
meets the conditions for early science single antenna which can be combined Correlator Integrated Product Team with support from
requiring 16 antennas and a basic set of with other antennas located on other the American and European ALMA Executives and
from the various institutes involved in the design, pro-
spectral line modes. The first call for continents to provide extremely high spa- duction and testing: in the USA, NRAO, Charlottesville
ALMA proposals is ex­­pected around 2011. tial resolution. This observing mode, where the correlator quadrants are first assembled; in
One may anticipate that several FDM named Very Long Baseline Interferometry Europe, LAB at Université de Bordeaux, Osservatorio
and TDM operational modes including (VLBI), will require some additional equip- di Arcetri, Florence and Astron, Dwingeloo. It is a
great pleasure to acknowledge the great spirit of co­­
double or full polarisation modes with dif- ment at the AOS, but will certainly be operation which always prevailed between NRAO,
ferent total bandwidths will be scheduled used in the future. Pulsar observations Charlottesville and Université de Bordeaux from the
for early science. The second correlator may be supported as well, provided that design reviews to the ultimate construction/testing
quadrant will be installed in 2009 and pulsar period models can be implemented phases. The ALMA correlator software group played
a key role in all the integrated tests of the correlator
the third and fourth quadrants, required and that the ALMA receiver bands are of system. Highly stimulating exchanges developed
to support up to 64 antennas, could be interest in pulsar astrophysics. between the European and Japanese correlator
assembled by the end of 2010. teams at the time when the European Second Gener-
Finally, thanks to the ACA patch panel and ation Correlator concept was emerging.
Other correlator configuration modes will the 16-antenna correlator being installed
become available in the future. Sub- next to the 64-antenna baseline correlator, References
arraying, namely the ability to process the following can be achieved: (a) the over-
independent subsets of antennas oper- all ALMA sensitivity can be enhanced Belloche, A. et al. 2008, A&A, 492, 769
Escoffier, R., Webber, J. & Baudry, A. 2005, ALMA
ated in different modes, is an important by combining all data from a maximum of System document, ALMA-
ALMA feature. Initial implementation 64 antennas; (b) calibration of the twelve SPE
of two sub-arrays is a high priority. For smaller 7-metre antennas can be efficiently Favre, C. et al. 2008, The Molecular Universe
instance, one group of antennas will map accomplished when they are cross-corre- International Meeting, Arcachon, 5–8 May 2008
Haupt, C. & Rykaczewski H. 2007, The Messenger,
a source, while just one other antenna lated with all other 12-metre antennas; 128, 25
will perform single dish observations, or (c) comparison and cross-calibration of Laing, R. 2008, The Messenger, 132, 28

The ALMA Optical Fibre Network Patch

Panel, shown left, was successfully
installed in the AOS technical building
at 5000 m altitude on the Chajnantor
Plateau in December 2008. The Patch
Panel, an ESO deliverable to ALMA, is
used to send the Central Local Oscilla-
tor signal to all the ALMA antennas on
Chajnantor, to receive the astronomical
signals and redirect them to the Ampli-
fier and Demultiplexer, before the real
correlation takes place in the ALMA

12 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Telescopes and Instrumentation

Improving the Multiplexing of VIMOS MOS

Observations for Future Spectroscopic Surveys

Marco Scodeggio1 VIMOS spectrograph (Le Fèvre et al., separate shorter exposures, and the tele-
Paolo Franzetti1 2002) is its high degree of multiplexing, scope is offset by a small amount after
Bianca Garilli1 conceived specifically to speed up each exposure (typically 1 or 2 arcsec-
Olivier Le Fèvre 2 the execution of spectroscopic surveys onds), making sure that the objects are
Luigi Guzzo 3 significantly. Unfortunately, the VIMOS kept inside the MOS mask slits. As a
CCDs installed when the instrument was result of the offsets, the object spectra
commissioned are thinned E2V detectors fall on different pixels on the CCD in
INAF IASF-Milano, Italy from early 2000 technology, and they are different exposures, and it is possible to
LAM, Marseille, France affected by significant fringing redwards obtain a relatively accurate and complete
INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di of approximately 800 nm, as shown in reconstruction of the fringing pattern by
Brera, Merate, Italy Figure 1. Without proper corrections the median-combining all the available expo-
spectra obtained with VIMOS red grisms sures.
(including the LR_red, MR, HR_orange
The need to reduce the negative effects and HR_red grisms) for faint extragalactic The cost of implementing this observing
of fringing on VIMOS spectra has sources are very difficult to use above technique is a reduced multiplexing
led astronomers to use observing tech- this wavelength. The effects of fringing for MOS observations. To make sure the
niques that significantly limit the need to be counteracted to obtain spec- target objects remain visible inside
multiplexing of VIMOS observations in tra that can take full advantage of the the slits after the offsets, the slits must be
multi-object spectroscopy mode. In wavelength coverage provided by these designed and cut longer than they would
this paper we propose a new observing grisms (reaching approximately 950 nm), otherwise need to be (in practice, one
strategy which, coupled with a new data and in order to extend the wavelength has to specify a larger sky region inside
reduction technique, has the potential and the redshift coverage of the redshift the VIMOS mask preparation software
to double VIMOS multiplexing while pro- surveys as much as possible. This is [VMMPS]). In stare mode, with a typical
ducing spectra of a quality comparable why the data for the two main surveys faint object size of 2 arcseconds (the
to that obtained in the major surveys carried out so far with this instrument in average apparent diameter of a high red-
performed so far. MOS mode, the VLT VIMOS Deep Survey shift galaxy in ground seeing conditions),
(VVDS; Le Fèvre et al., 2005), and the and a minimum sky region on each side
zCOSMOS survey (Lilly, 2008), and the of the object of 2 arcseconds to allow
Modern spectroscopic surveys are gener- data for many other smaller VIMOS pro- for an accurate sky subtraction, slits
ally based on multi-object observations, grammes, have all been obtained starting would typically be 6 arcseconds long (i.e.,
where many tens to hundreds of objects from observations carried out in jitter 30 VIMOS CCD pixels). In jitter mode,
are observed simultaneously during each mode. The total exposure time for each to accommodate a pattern with five jitter
telescope pointing, to speed up the com- instrument pointing is subdivided into positions (like those used for VVDS
pletion of projects that collect the spectra and zCOSMOS observations), we must
of many thousands of objects. As it is add another 2 to 3 arcseconds on
often the case with astronomical instru- each side of the object, for a total slit
mentation, the practical requirements length of 10 to 12 arcseconds (i.e., 50 to
to achieve this high degree of multiplexing 60 VIMOS CCD pixels). This approximate
are quite at odds with those necessary doubling of the typical slit length directly
to obtain high quality spectra for each of translates into a reduction of 50% of
the surveyed objects. In this paper we the VIMOS multiplexing, which is precisely
describe an observing strategy and a what has happened for both the VVDS
specific data reduction procedure for the and zCOSMOS projects.
ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) VIsible
Multi-Object Spectrograph (VIMOS),
designed to increase the multiplexing of Searching for alternatives
MOS observations, without significantly
affecting the quality of the spectra thus In preparation for future spectroscopic
produced. In the optimal case of a deep surveys, we have recently studied the
survey with a large set of potential targets possibility of adopting a different observ-
for the spectroscopic observations, it ing strategy to increase the multiplexing
will be possible to double the multiplexing of VIMOS observations in MOS mode,
of the MOS observations with VIMOS without significantly affecting the data
using this new strategy. quality and the measurement reliability
of redshifts. As a first step we started
Figure 1. Fringing pattern in VIMOS MOS red data. using real VIMOS MOS data, originally
A small portion of a flat-field exposure obtained with
VIMOS fringing problems obtained in jitter mode with long slits
the LR_red grism is shown, including spectra from
six different MOS slits. The red end of the spectra is as part of the VVDS and zCOSMOS sur-
The most important characteristic of the towards the top. veys, to simulate a number of different

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 13

Telescopes and Instrumentation Scodeggio M. et al., Improving the Multiplexing of VIMOS MOS

observing strategies, and to evaluate their of the fringing pattern on the CCD pixels Technically, we normalise the flat-field
capability of providing a reliable sky sub- which, because of flexure inside the instru- row counts to have the same median
traction and an accurate fringing pattern ment, can shift by a few pixels between counts as in the science exposure row
removal. The main indication of this work any two exposures. We have seen that it data, and then we compute a very simple
is that a data quality comparable to that is possible to compensate for these c2 statistic adding together, pixel by pixel,
of VVDS and zCOSMOS data can be offsets by allowing a search for the best- the squared values of the difference
obtained with observations carried out in matching fringing pattern between the between normalised flat-field and science
stare mode, with relatively small slits. The flat-field and the scientific exposure over exposure. The flat-field row that mini-
necessary fringing corrections for the a range of a few pixels (comparable to mises the total c2 value is considered the
red spectra can be derived from a flat-field the known extent of the image shift best-matching one. Once such a row
exposure, provided that such an expo- resulting from the flexure). This technique has been identified, we scale the total
sure is obtained as part of the night-time is schematically described in Figure 2: counts in this row to match those meas-
calibrations, immediately before or after for each row of pixels in the image of a ured in the science exposure, and we
the wavelength calibration lamp observa- two-dimensional spectrum produced by subtract the scaled flat-field row values
tion that is normally executed at the end a MOS slit during a science exposure, from the science exposure row values,
of each set of exposures in an Observing we search in the corresponding image effectively producing both a sky subtrac-
Block. produced by a flat-field exposure for the tion and a fringing pattern removal in a
row that best reproduces the count single step. Any region of the CCD where
This flat-field exposure is affected by variations created by the fringing pattern, a significant contribution from the spec-
fringing, much like the scientific expo- extending this search over a few rows trum of an object is present on top of
sures, except for the precise positioning (typically five) of the flat-field image. the general sky background in the science

1700 Figure 2. Schematic representation of the sky sub-

traction and fringing pattern removal technique.
In the centre we show the two-dimensional spectrum
1500 for one MOS slit in a flat-field exposure (left) and in
484 a science exposure (right), obtained with the LR_red
grism. To the right a cut through the science expo-
1300 sure image, at a given row on the CCD (row 482 in
this example) is shown. To the left five cuts through
0 20 40 60 80 the flat-field exposure image, for five adjacent rows
1700 around the position of the cut in the science expo-
sure are shown. The flat-field row providing the best
fitting pattern to the science exposure data is identi-
1500 fied in red (row 484 in this example).


0 20 40 60 80

1700 1700

1600 1600

Line 482 1500

482 1400

1300 1300

1200 1200
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80






0 20 40 60 80






0 20 40 60 80

14 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Figure 3. A comparison of results obtained using the
traditional jitter sequence observation and the stand-
ard VIMOS data reduction pipeline v. the new stare
mode observation and fringing removal technique.
The same two-dimensional sky-subtracted spectrum
of a galaxy observed with the LR_red grism as part
of the VVDS is shown: the result of the traditional data
reduction method (upper); the result of the simulated
stare mode observation coupled with the newly pro-
posed reduction technique (lower). In this example the
new reduction method produces better removal of the
fringing pattern than the traditional one.

exposure image is excluded from the observation with VIMOS using short- the residual background level (after sky
matching pattern search and from the slit masks and stare mode exposures. subtraction) of the two-dimensional spec-
rescaling computation. This was approved as programme tra between the red spectral region
281.A-5044 (A), and executed on 26 Sep- (affected by fringing) and the blue region
An example of a sky- and fringing- tember 2008. Figures 4 and 5 show (free of fringing). For the data shown in
subtracted spectrum is shown in Figure 3, the results obtained by reducing these Figure 4, which effectively still contain the
where we compare the results of the data with both the traditional data reduc- whole fringing pattern, the rms variations
traditional jitter sequence data reduction tion technique (Figure 4) and the newly in the red part of the background are
with the results of the new technique proposed method (Figure 5). It is quite six to eight times as large as those in the
proposed here, applied to a simulated clear from a comparison of the two blue part. For the data shown in Figure 5,
short slit stare mode observation derived images that the new fringing subtraction reduced with the new fringing removal
from a VVDS observation obtained with technique is quite efficient. In order to technique, the rms variations in the red
the VIMOS LR_red grism. quantify the impact of the technique bet- part of the background are only two to
ter, we have systematically compared four times as large as those in the blue. To
the root mean square (rms) variations in visualise the impact that these residuals
Validation of new method
Figure 4. Two-dimensional
The simulation results briefly discussed sky-subtracted spectra for
above indicate that it should be possible a number of slits, produced
to obtain good quality spectra for faint using a mask with short
astronomical targets from VIMOS spectro­ slits and stare mode obser-
vations as part of our DDT
scopic observations in MOS mode programme. The blue
carried out using a stare mode observing end of the spectra is to the
technique. The main advantage of using left. The data have been
stare mode observations would be the reduced with the traditional
method, appropriate for
possibility of using MOS slits that have, on jitter mode observations.
average, half the length of the slits used The fringing pattern residu-
in traditional jitter mode observations. als are clearly visible in the
Using short slits in this way would imme- right half of the image.

diately translate into an approximate

doubling either of the efficiency or of the
total yield for a spectroscopic survey
carried out with VIMOS, in comparison
Figure 5. Same data as in
with the efficiency or yield obtained so far Figure 4, but this time
with the VVDS and zCOSMOS surveys. the newly proposed data
This result would of course be achievable reduction method has been
only for a deep survey, where the number used. The image colour
cuts are identical to those in
of potential targets is at least twice the previous figure. The
as large as the number of slits that could significant removal of the
potentially be placed on a MOS mask. fringing pattern, although
Given the very significant impact that this not perfect, can be easily
appreciated by comparing
result could have on future spectroscopic the two images.
surveys, we decided to propose a direct
on-sky verification of our results.

We therefore submitted a small Director’s

Discretionary Time (DDT) proposal to ESO
to perform one spectroscopic survey-like

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 15

Telescopes and Instrumentation Scodeggio M. et al., Improving the Multiplexing of VIMOS MOS

Figure 6. Comparison of one-dimensional spectra

for one galaxy observed during our DDT run. The
top spectrum is extracted from the data shown in
Figure 4, and clearly shows the noise introduced by
the strong fringing residuals. The bottom spectrum
is extracted from the data shown in Figure 5, and
shows a more uniform noise pattern in the blue and
red half of the wavelength range.
Flux (Arbitrary units)

can have on the final one-dimensional

spectra extracted from these data,
we show in Figure 6 a comparison of the
extracted one-dimensional spectra
for the same object, obtained by starting
from the data shown in Figures 4 and 5.
It is quite clear from this figure that
the noise in the red part of the final spec-
tra is significantly reduced by our new
data reduction technique. The new data
reduction technique is implemented
as part of the VIMOS Interactive Pipeline
Graphical Interface (VIPGI) data reduction 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000
pipeline1 (Scodeggio et al., 2005), Wavelength (Angstrom)
and will be available to the whole astro-
nomical community with VIPGI public extragalactic spectroscopic surveys: will receive a further boost by the planned
release 1.4. both the VVDS and zCOSMOS, in their substitution of the VIMOS CCDs, which
Wide and Deep samples, have a density should produce spectra with much
of potential targets which is two to three reduced fringing residuals in the red part
Future prospects times as large as the potential maximum of the spectrum with respect to the
number of short slits one could accom- currently installed CCDs. Using the data
The results discussed here show that it is modate on VIMOS masks. produced by these new CCDs as input,
possible to obtain spectroscopic data our new reduction technique is expected
with a quality comparable to that of VVDS The first project to take advantage of this to produce final one-dimensional spectra
and zCOSMOS data, which in turn new observing strategy and data reduc- that have uniform noise levels over the
translates into a success rate for redshift tion method is already under way: the whole wavelength range covered by the
measurement of approximately 90% VIPERS survey (ESO Large Programme VIMOS grisms. This result, coupled
for the targeted galaxies, using MOS 182.A-0886 with PI L. Guzzo). From the with the higher quantum efficiency in the
masks with short slits coupled with stare set of MOS masks that were designed red part of the spectrum provided by
mode observations, irrespective of the for the first semester of observations, we the new CCDs, is expected to increase
wavelength range covered by the spectra. can estimate that this survey should be the overall efficiency of a VIMOS-based
Using MOS slits that are on average able to observe spectroscopically 60% redshift survey for faint astronomical tar-
only half as long as those used for jittered of the parent galaxy sample defined from gets by a factor of two to three.
observations would translate into the the complete photometric catalogue.
option to place twice as many slits on any In contrast, with a mask design typical of
VIMOS MOS mask. To take full advan- jittered observations, and with the same References
tage of this option it is necessary to have allocation of telescope time, it would have Le Fèvre, O. et al. 2002, The Messenger, 109, 21
a relatively densely populated starting been possible to sample only some 32% Le Fèvre, O. et al. 2005, The Messenger, 119, 30
sample for the spectroscopic observa- of the galaxies. This increase in efficiency Lilly, S. 2008, The Messenger, 134, 35
tions: our experience with VVDS and has a very significant impact not only Scodeggio, M. et al. 2005, PASP, 117, 1284
zCOSMOS indicates that MOS masks are on the final survey sample, but also on
populated with their maximum slit ca­­ the science results expected from this Notes
pacity only when the starting sample of project.
potential targets includes at least twice 1
as many objects per VIMOS quadrant Finally, the general capability of the ESO
as this maximum number of slits. This is community to carry out very large spec-
generally the case in relatively deep troscopic surveys in an efficient manner

16 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Telescopes and Instrumentation

Report on the ESO Workshop

Six Years of FLAMES Operations

held at ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany 1–3 December 2008

Claudio Melo1 gurated with UVES almost six years ago, allows the actual mass and radius of
Francesca Primas1 the FLAMES community was invited to extrasolar planets to be derived. Transit
Luca Pasquini1 participate in an informal workshop held candidates yielded by surveys like OGLE
Ferdinando Patat1 at ESO Headquarters from 1–3 Decem- or CoRoT are full of impostors (i.e., dif­
Jonathan Smoker1 ber, 2008. ferent configurations can produce a light
curve similar to the one observed in
It was a great pleasure to see that almost a genuine planetary transit). Dominique
ESO all of the teams who had so far made Naef and Francois Bouchy showed how
use of FLAMES attended the workshop. FLAMES contributed to cleaning up
The participants were asked to present the list of impostors for transit candidates
A significant fraction of the community their scientific results and to add one and to deriving radial velocity curves
of users of the VLT multi-fibre spectro­ slide describing the pros and cons of for the very faint OGLE transit planets.
graph facility, FLAMES, gathered at ESO using FLAMES to carry out their science. Richard Jackson described a search for
Headquarters in December 2008 to These points were collected and used planets and/or binary companions in very
present scientific highlights, after in the final open discussion (see below). low mass stars and brown dwarfs in
six years of FLAMES operations. This In addition, a few more technical talks which he concluded that the binarity frac-
proved to be a great opportunity to were presented by members of the com- tion appears to be lower in these objects
review the scientific impact that FLAMES munity and the FLAMES Instrument and than for higher mass stars.
has had on different fields of astro­ Oper­ations Team (IOT) presented some
physical research and for ESO to assess statistics concerning the use of FLAMES. Age is one of the fundamental parame-
the current and future needs of FLAMES During these six years of operations, ters in astrophysics. The Lithium Deple-
users. We report on the two and a half about 9000 science frames have been tion Boundary (LDB), i.e., the position
day meeting, during which all partici­ taken (with an average of 100 objects in the colour-magnitude diagram that
pants openly discussed their experience per image!), the equivalent of 400 nights separates low mass stars with and with-
with FLAMES and shared their expertise. of VLT time in total. This corresponds out detected lithium, is a function of
to about 25% of the time available on age and is thought to be almost model-
Kueyen and is close to the fraction of UT2 independent. Rob Jeffries showed an
The Fibre Large Array Multi Element time requested at proposal submission example of how FLAMES can be used to
Spectrograph — or simply FLAMES (roughly one third per UT2 instrument). determine the LDB of the faint members
— recently completed six years of suc­ of NGC 2547 based on the observations
cessful operations attached to the of the Li 670.8-nm line. His approach
Very Large Telescope (VLT) Nasmyth A Science highlights could be extended to a handful of clus-
focus of Kueyen, at the La Silla Paranal ters that would then constitute bench-
Observatory. All participants were invited to give a marks for gauging theoretical isochrones.
talk in one of the five different sessions,
The combination of an extended field namely, star formation and planets, The study of the Milky Way (MW) Bulge
of view with many and varied fibres (a total chemical evolution of the Milky Way and was reviewed by Alvio Renzini, who
length of 1.6 km if stretched from end streams, external galaxies, kinematics presented evidence for the very rapid for-
to end!) and set-ups has made FLAMES and dark matter, and stellar evolution. mation of the Bulge. Moreover, Bulge
a unique facility in ground-based astron- Each session began with an introductory stars seem to be chemically different
omy. Thanks to its versatility, FLAMES review talk. All presentations are available from the stars in dwarf spheroidal galax-
can be used in many different astronomi- online1. Many of the talks described ies. Although the origin of the Bulge
cal applications. Extrasolar planet- samples of stars in the hundreds to thou- has not been fully understood, Renzini
hunting, chemical abundances of stellar sands, emphasising the huge multiplex qualified the FLAMES contribution as a
groups (globular, open clusters, Galactic gain obtained in using FLAMES over “quantum jump” in this direction. Simone
streams, Local Group galaxies, etc.), single-slit instruments. Zaggia presented results of FLAMES
kinematics and dark matter, planetary observations in the direction of the Chan-
nebulae, the interstellar medium and stel- A few subjectively selected highlights dra Deep Field South where they found
lar evolution are only some examples demonstrate the range of scientific ideas more stars than expected beyond 20 kpc
of the science cases that have been tar- and prospects presented during the and even one star at 165 kpc. Vanessa
geted with FLAMES. workshop; the high quality of the science Hill reviewed the state of our knowledge
presentations is of course not limited to of chemical evolution in dwarf spheroidal
We thought it was time to celebrate and those cited in this article. (dSph) galaxies and the LMC. Each of
to review the performance of FLAMES the LMC, Sagittarius, Fornax, Sculptor
during these six years of operations. Fol- The combination of a photometric transit and Carina galaxies shows a distinct
lowing the successful experience inau­ with the measurement of radial velocity chemical evolu­tionary track. There is

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 17

Telescopes and Instrumentation Melo C. et al., Report on the ESO Workshop Six Years of FLAMES Operations

some evidence that the abundance pat- wave background and Big Bang nucleo- tigatory study is ongoing. If validated, this
tern in metal-poor stars is indistinguisha- synthesis predictions. type of observation could help to improve
ble everywhere, although dSph galaxies mass and radius determination of extra-
appear to lack the most metal-poor stars Finally, on the extragalatic front, Francois solar planets. It may also provide spin-
(Fe/H < – 3) found in the MW halo. Hammer reviewed the results on the orbit inclination and indications of addi-
morphological and kinematical study of tional (unseen) low-mass companions by
Chris Evans and Christophe Martayan galaxies at z ~ 0.6 using the deployable studying variations of the transit time.
presented observations of early-type stars Integral Field Units (IFUs). The preliminary
in the Magellanic Clouds. In the large conclusions suggest that spiral galaxies Closing the technical session, Francoise
programme (LP) described by Evans it are more frequent by a factor of two at Roques proposed a future upgrade of
was found that rotational mixing is not as the present day than at z ~ 0.6 (70% ver- FLAMES, aimed at using its large field of
dominant as previously thought, with sus 33%). In contrast, the rate of peculiar, view to carry out fast photometry of a
both Martayan and Evans finding that low compact or mergers drops from 44% large area of the sky. A dedicated work-
metallicity stars spin faster. However, at z ~ 0.6 to about 3% at z = 0, whereas shop on ESO Spectroscopic Surveys2 will
a remaining open question is whether the the fraction of luminous infrared galaxies take place in March 2009 at ESO Head-
birthplace of a star (in a bound cluster drops from 20% at z ~ 0.6 to 0.5% at quarters in Garching to discuss the future
for example) is as important as its initial z = 0. This work is ongoing, with the final of survey instruments such as FLAMES.
metallicity in determining the rotational aim being to understand the origin of the
parameters. Jonathan Smoker used present-day spirals.
archive data from this LP to investigate Open discussion
the small-scale structure of high velocity
clouds towards the Magellanic system Technical talks The open discussion was moderated by
and found variations in Ca ii equivalent Luca Pasquini, who made the initial
width of a factor of 10 over a few arc- The morning of the last day was filled with point that, in such a complex instrument,
minutes. In another study concerning the more technically-driven talks on data with many different modes and used in
gas, Yiannis Tsamis and Alena Zwansig reduction, analysis tools, possible (new) many different applications, the users are
de­­scribed the use of ARGUS to map applications and upgrades for FLAMES. quite often the experts. Therefore, the
planetary nebulae and protoplanetary exchange of experience, tools, etc. with
discs in emission lines at high spatial and In his talk on IFU data reduction, Christer ESO staff and within the community itself
spectral resolution to determine the phys- Sandin presented his open software, is desirable, and indeed necessary, to
ical properties and chemical abundances used to reduce IFU and ARGUS data, and improve the data quality provided to the
of these objects. drew attention to the need to properly users by ESO.
account for differential atmospheric
Katrin Jordi and colleagues used FLAMES refraction correctly when analysing IFU During the workshop, it became clear
to look into the velocity dispersion images. Giuseppina Battaglia described that most FLAMES users do not reduce
of Palomar 14. They concluded that their the sky subtraction method developed their data with the ESO pipeline software.
results tend to favour more classical by Mike Irwin and applied by her team in Rather, a large fraction still uses the
Newtonian mechanics rather than the the chemical study of the dSph galaxies. Geneva Baseline Data Reduction Soft-
MOND predictions. In an invited review, ware (BLDRS) that was the only data
Gerry Gilmore described the use of The MATISSE package has been devel- reduction software available at the very
FLAMES to observe the dynamics of oped by the Nice Observatory team beginning of FLAMES operations. During
dwarf spheroidals (supporting flat inner- to analyse stellar spectra to be collected the open discussion, ESO representa-
mass profiles) and how FLAMES has by the GAIA mission. A demonstration tives reported that the ESO GIRAFFE
been used to resolve the spatial scales of of the enormous potential of the use of pipeline software is now mature, robust,
the first enrichment and reionisation. MATISSE to treat FLAMES data was given and produces science-ready data, espe-
Thousands of stars have already been by Alejandra Recio-Blanco. Fredric Royer cially when used interactively. Users are
observed, although many targets still exist showed a web-based tool designed therefore encouraged to download the
for study. to query the FLAMES GTO science-ready package3 and to use it for their own data
data obtained by the Observatoire de reduction. Workshop participants men-
Andreas Korn put forward evidence for Paris. tioned that the Geneva BLDRS offers
the need to include atmospheric diffusion some automated tools to extract further
to correctly explain lithium depletion in Luca Pasquini showed the potential of a information from the GIRAFFE spectra
metal-poor stars. Indeed, if atmospheric very interesting FLAMES IFU application (e.g., radial velocities, for all science and
diffusion is taken into account, the to observe simultaneously the photom­ simultaneous calibration fibres). Repre-
observed Li abundances in NGC 6397 etric and spectroscopic transit of a giant sentatives of the ESO FLAMES IOT took
can be reconciled with the cosmic micro- planet in front of its host star. An inves­ note of these remarks and will investigate

18 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

solutions, for example improvement of – the accuracy of sky subtraction should Acknowledgment
relevant algorithms or adaption of the be quantified and reported in the User
We would like to thank all participants for their will-
products of the ESO pipeline to interface Manual; ingness and good spirit in sharing results and expe-
to relevant data analysis packages. riences during the three days of the workshop. For
– the need for a new set of solar spectra us, the ESO staff present, it was a wonderful experi-
ence to share the room with a large fraction of the
A number of other technical issues were taken with the new CCD at all settings.
community of FLAMES users. Finally, we would like
brought to the attention of the ESO staff to thank the Director General Discretionary Fund
attending the Workshop, including: These and other points that were raised programme for funding this informal workshop.
during the Workshop will be discussed
– differences in equivalent widths between within the FLAMES IOT for further follow-
FLAMES/UVES and FLAMES/GIRAFFE up. The results of these investigations will
spectra of the same objects; be disseminated by means of the FLAMES 1
webpages4 and related documents. ments/flames/doc/FLAMES_6th_Anniversary/
– t ypical shifts in the cross-dispersion 2
direction between the science and html
morning flats should be quantified and 3
reported in the User Manual; 4

The FLAMES facility mounted at

the Nasmyth A platform of VLT UT2,

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 19

Astronomical Science

Colour composite image of a region of the Carina

Nebula (NGC 3372) formed from exposures in six
filters (U, B, V, Rc, Hα and [S ii]) taken with the
ESO/MPG 2.2 m telescope on La Silla and the
Wide Field Imager. See 05/09 Photo Release for
more details.

20 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Astronomical Science

Studying the Magnetic Properties of

Upper Main-sequence Stars with FORS1

Swetlana Hubrig1 2 twin NARVAL at the 2-metre Telescope New magnetic chemically peculiar stars
Markus Schöller1 Bernard Lyot on Pic du Midi. ESPaDOnS
Maryline Briquet 3 and NARVAL can obtain linear and The magnetic chemically peculiar stars
Peter De Cat4 cir­cular polarisation spectra at a resolu- with spectral classes A and B (Ap and
Thierry Morel 5 tion of about 65 000. In the southern Bp stars) are presently the best-studied
Donald Kurtz6 hemisphere, the visual and near UV FOcal stars in terms of magnetic field strength
Vladimir Elkin 6 Reducer and low dispersion Spectro­ and magnetic field geometry. Contrary
Beate Stelzer 7 graph, FORS1, at UT2/Kueyen of the VLT to the case of solar-like stars, their mag-
Roald Schnerr8 offers a spectropolarimetric mode with netic fields are dominated by large spatial
Carol Grady9 a resolution of up to 4000. The two scales and remain unchanged on yearly
Mikhail Pogodin10 11 smaller telescopes, in particular the Tele- timescales. Braithwaite & Spruit (2004)
Oliver Schütz1 scope Bernard Lyot, dedicate significant confirmed, through simulations using 3D
Michel Curé12 amounts of observing time to magnetic numerical hydrodynamics, the existence
Ruslan Yudin10 11 studies by the French and Canadian com- of stable magneto-hydrodynamic config-
Gautier Mathys1 munities, making long-term magnetic urations that might account for long-lived,
monitoring and magnetic surveys of cer- ordered magnetic fields in these types of
tain types of stars possible. However only stars.
ESO a few programmes have been devoted
Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, to the study of stellar magnetic fields with During 2002–2004, our first survey of a
Germany FORS1 in recent years, on account of sample of more than 150 Ap and Bp
Instituut voor Sterrenkunde, Katholieke the high demand for observing time with stars, including rapidly oscillating Ap stars
Universiteit Leuven, Belgium all instruments installed on Kueyen. (Hubrig et al., 2006a) confirmed that low
Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België, resolution spectropolarimetry of hydrogen
Brussel, Belgium One of the biggest advantages of using Balmer lines obtained with FORS1 rep­
Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophy- FORS1 at an 8-metre telescope is resents a powerful diagnostic tool for the
sique, Université de Liège, Belgium the large collecting area, giving high S/N detection of stellar magnetic fields. We
Centre for Astrophysics, University of polarimetric spectra of relatively faint first discovered magnetic fields in 63 Ap
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK stars, down to magnitudes 12–13. Further, and Bp stars in this survey. Some of
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di due to the use of Balmer series lines these stars were used for a re-discussion
Palermo, Italy for the measurements of stellar magnetic of the evolutionary state of upper main-
Institute for Solar Physics, Royal fields in the blue spectral region, ob­­ sequence magnetic stars with accurate
Swedish Academy of Sciences, served with grisms 600B or 1200B, fast Hipparcos parallaxes. These new obser-
Stockholm, Sweden rotators with v sin i up to 300 km/s can vations confirmed our previous finding
Eureka Scientific, Oakland, USA be studied. The technique for measuring that magnetic stars of mass M < 3 M0
Pulkovo Observatory, Saint- stellar magnetic fields with FORS1 are concentrated towards the centre of
Petersburg, Russia in polarimetric mode was discussed by the main-sequence band, whereas stars
Isaac Newton Institute of Chile, Saint- Bagnulo et al. (2001) eight years ago, with masses M > 3 M0 seem to be con-
Petersburg Branch, Russia when the first measurement of the well centrated closer to the zero-age main-
Departamento de Física y Astronomía, known strongly magnetic chemically sequence (Hubrig et al., 2000; 2007a).
Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile peculiar A-type star HD 94660 was dis-
cussed in detail. In the course of this study we discovered
an extreme magnetic Ap star, HD 154708
We summarise the results of our recent The measurement of magnetic fields (= CD – 57°6753), which has the strong-
magnetic field studies in upper main- makes use of the presence of circular est longitudinal magnetic field ever
sequence stars, which have exploited polarisation in spectral lines, allowing lon- detected in a rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp)
the spectropolarimetric capability of gitudinal magnetic field, which is the star, with a mean magnetic field modulus
FORS1 at the VLT extensively. component of the magnetic field along < B > = 24.5 ± 1.0 kG (Hubrig et al.,
the line of sight, averaged over the 2005). This magnetic field is about a fac-
stellar disc, to be determined. Since no tor of three stronger than that of
Introduction ESO pipeline for the FORS1 spectro­ HD 166473, < B > ≈ 5.5–9.0 kG, the roAp
polarimetric mode exists, the spectrum star with the second strongest magnetic
Currently, most stellar magnetic field extraction is performed using a pipeline field. In Figure 1 we present recent FORS1
observations are carried out using three written by Thomas Szeifert. The software measurements of the former star over
spectropolarimeters. In the northern for measuring the magnetic field strength three months in 2008 used to determine
hemisphere, the high resolution spectro­ was developed by us. In the following the rotation period of Prot = 5.367 ± 0.020
polarimeter ESPaDOnS is installed at we describe our magnetic field discover- days. HD 154708 is the first star observed
the 3.6-metre Canada France Hawaii Tel- ies achieved with FORS1 in recent years. with FORS1 with a sufficiently uniform
escope (CFHT) on Mauna Kea and its phase coverage to establish its magnetic

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 21

Astronomical Science Hubrig S. et al., Magnetic Properties of Upper Main-sequence Stars

8.5 Figure 1. Phase diagram for gap between 0.60 and 0.88, but with
the magnetic field measure-
somewhat dif­ferent values of the mag-
ments of the strongly magnetic
star HD 154708; using hydro- netic field strength compared to previous
8 gen and metal lines the measurements obtained with Musicos,
best frequency is 0.1863 d-1, ESPaDOnS and NARVAL (Hubrig et al.,
Prot = 5.367 days.
2008). Unlike FORS1 measurements,
the high resolution spectropolarimeters
<B z > (kG)

usually do not employ measurements

on hydrogen lines and thus different val-
ues of the magnetic field strength may
be expected.
Recently we acquired 38 new spectro­
polarimetric observations of 13 O-type
6 stars with FORS1, which led to magnetic
0 0.5 1
field detections in an additional four
Phase massive O-type stars. As the lower
number hydrogen lines in massive stars
generally show variable emission, the
period (Hubrig et al., 2009, submitted). polarimetry to determine the Zeeman measurements of magnetic fields are
Note that the size of the error bars is splitting of the spectral lines are difficult, usually performed in two ways: using only
compa­rable to the size of the dots repre- since only a few spectral lines are avail­ the absorption hydrogen Balmer lines
senting the individual measurements. able for these measurements and these or using the entire spectrum including all
The measu­rement with the largest sigma are usually strongly broadened by rapid available absorption lines of hydrogen,
(< Bz > = 6.326 ± 0.059 kG) was obtained rotation. He i, He ii, C iii, C iv, N ii, N iii and O iii. As an
in weather conditions classified as “thick important step, before the assessment
clouds”, where the guide star was fre- For a couple of years, the O6Vpe star of the longitudinal magnetic field, we
quently lost and thus was repeated by θ1 Ori C remained the only massive exclude all spectral features not belong-
the service observer a couple of nights O-type star with a detected magnetic field ing to the stellar photospheres of the
later. (Donati et al., 2002). To examine the studied stars: telluric and interstellar fea-
potential of FORS1 for the measurements tures, CCD defects, emission lines and
of magnetic fields in massive stars, lines with strong P Cygni profiles. This was
O stars, pulsating B-type stars and early- in 2007 we obtained 12 observations of the first time that magnetic field strengths
type emission line stars θ1 Ori C distributed over the rotational were determined for such a large sample
period of 15.4 days and compared them of O-type stars, with an accuracy of a
Massive stars usually end their evolution with previous measurements obtained few tens of Gauss, comparable to the
with a final supernova explosion, pro­ with high resolution spectropolarimeters. errors obtained with high resolution spec-
ducing neutron stars or black holes. The The FORS1 measurements were tropolarimeters. No magnetic fields
initial masses of these stars range from suf­ficiently accurate to show a smooth stronger than 300 G were detected in the
9–100 M0 or more, which correspond sinusoidal curve in spite of a phase studied sample, suggesting that large-
to spectral types earlier than about
B2. The presence of magnetic fields in
massive stars has been suspected for a 1.2
long time. The discovery of these mag-
Normalized Flux

Normalized Flux

0.9 1.0 Hδ Hγ
netic fields would explain a wide range of
well-documented enigmatic phenomena, 0.8
0.7 0.8
in particular cyclical wind variability,
Hα emission variations, chemical peculi- 0.6
arity, narrow X-ray emission lines and 0.5
non-thermal radio/X-ray emission. Direct 0.2 0.4
meas­urements of the magnetic field 0.10
Stokes V/I (%)

Stokes V/I (%)

strength in massive stars using spectro­ 0.05
0.0 0.00
– 0.05
Figure 2. Left: Stokes I and V spectra of the β – 0.1
Cephei star ξ1 CMa in the blue spectral region – 0.10
around high number Balmer lines. Right: Stokes I – 0.2
and V spectra of the Be star ο Aqr in the region 3800 3850 3900 3950 4100 4150 4200 4250 4300 4350
including Hδ and Hγ lines. Wavelength (Å) Wavelength (Å)

22 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

scale, dipole-like magnetic fields with of the 34 SPB stars stud­­ied have been field in the evolutionary process of mass
polar magnetic field strengths higher than found to be weakly mag­netic with field ex­­change in a binary system.
1 kG are not widespread among O-type strengths of the order of 100–200 G.
stars. Our studies of massive stars revealed
In classical Be stars, a number of physi- that the presence of a magnetic field can
Two other groups of massive stars, early cal processes (e.g., angular momentum be expected in stars of different classifi-
B-type pulsating stars, such as β Cephei transfer to a circumstellar disc, chan- cation categories and at different evolu-
and slowly pulsating B (SPB) stars, neling stellar wind matter, accumulation tionary stages. Since magnetic fields can
and Be stars, that are defined as rapidly of material in an equatorial disc, etc.) are potentially have a strong impact on the
rotating main-sequence stars showing more easily explained if magnetic fields physics and evolution of these stars, it
normal B-type spectra with superposed are invoked (e.g., Brown et al., 2004). is critical to answer the principal question
Balmer emission, had been a puzzle The magnetic fields of Be stars appear to of the possible origin of such magnetic
for a long time with respect to the pres- be very weak, generally of the order of fields. One important step towards
ence of magnetic fields in their atmos- 100 G and less. Furthermore, our time- answering this question would be to con-
pheres. Only a very few stars of this type resolved magnetic field measurements of duct observations of members of open
with very weak magnetic fields had been a few classical Be stars indicate that clusters and associations of different
detected before we started our surveys some of them may display a magnetic ages. To date, we have studied the pres-
of magnetic fields in B-type stars in 2004. cyclic variability on timescales of tens of ence of magnetic fields only in members
Out of the 13 β Cephei stars studied minutes. In Figure 2 (right) we present of the young open cluster NGC 3766 in
to date with FORS1, four stars, δ Cet, Stokes I and V spectra of the typical the Carina spiral arm, known for its high
ξ1 CMa, 15 CMa and V1449 Aql, possess Be star ο Aqr in the region including Hδ content of early-B type stars, with very
weak magnetic fields of the order of a and Hγ lines with a measured longitudinal surprising results. Along with a strong
few hundred Gauss. The star ξ1 CMa is magnetic field < Bz > = +104 ± 33 G. magnetic field detected in a He-peculiar
the record holder with the largest mean star, weak magnetic fields have been
longitudinal magnetic field of the order of Another emission line star, υ Sgr, is a detected in a few normal B-type stars
300–400 G (Hubrig et al., 2006b; 2009). magnetic variable star, probably on a few and in a few Be stars (Hubrig et al., in
In Figure 2 (left) we present Stokes I and months timescale with a maximum longi- preparation). In Figure 4 we present
V spectra of ξ1 CMa in the blue spectral tudinal magnetic field < Bz > = +38 ± 10 G the observed Stokes I and V profiles of
region around the high Balmer series (see Figure 3). The evolutionary status for the He-peculiar member of this cluster
lines. Distinct Zeeman features, which are this star is not obvious as it is a single-line and of another cluster member that
indicators of the presence of a magnetic spectroscopic binary system currently was classified as a potential Be star by
field in this star, are easily detected at the observed in the initial rapid phase of mass Shobbrook (1985) with longitudinal mag-
wavelengths corresponding to the posi- exchange between the two components netic fields of < Bz > = +1559 ± 38 G
tions of strong spectral lines in the Stokes (Koubský et al., 2006). The star is hydro- and < Bz > = –194 ± 62 G, respectively.
I spectrum. Figure 2 demonstrates the gen-poor and the observed spectrum
great advantage of using the blue- is extremely line-rich (see Figure 3). Future Obviously, to understand the role of mag-
optimised EEV2 CCD of FORS1 for mag- monitoring of its magnetic field over a few netic fields in massive stars, future obser-
netic field measurements in the blue months with a high resolution spectro­ vations are urgently needed to determine
spectral region to cover all H Balmer lines polarimeter would be of extreme interest the fraction of magnetic massive stars
from Hβ to the Balmer jump. Roughly half to understand the role of the magnetic and the distribution of their typical field

MJD 54361.08

MJD 54343.10
Normalized flux
Stokes V/I (%)

MJD 54333.02
MJD 53519.91

0.0 0.4
Figure 3. Left: Observed Stokes V spectra of the
emission line star υ Sgr over two years in the vicinity
4460 4470 4480 4490 4500 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 of Mg ii 4481. Right: Normalised FORS1 Stokes I
Wavelength (Å) Wavelength (Å) spectrum of υ Sgr.

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 23

Astronomical Science Hubrig S. et al., Magnetic Properties of Upper Main-sequence Stars

strengths. Further, we note that no physi- with age and X-ray emission as expected reported in our earlier studies (Hubrig
cal properties are known that define from the decay of a remnant dynamo et al., 2004, 2007b) these lines are very
these particular classes of stars as non- (Hubrig et al., 2009, A&A submitted). Dur- likely formed at the base of the stellar
magnetic. It seems to be appropriate ing our two-night observing run in May wind, as well as in the accretion gaseous
to admit that the inability to detect mag- 2008 we were able to obtain circular flow and frequently display multi-
netic fields in massive stars in previous polarisation data for 23 Herbig Ae/Be component complex structures in both
studies could be related to the weakness stars and six debris disc stars. No defi- the Stokes V and the Stokes I spectra.
of these fields, which can, in some stars, nite detection was achieved for stars with
be as little as only a few tens of Gauss debris discs, whereas for Herbig Observations of the disc properties of
(e.g., Bouret et al., 2008). Ae/Be stars 12 magnetic field detections intermediate mass Herbig Ae stars
were achieved. One of the Herbig Ae suggest a close parallel to T Tauri stars,
stars, HD 101412, showed the largest revealing the same size range of the
Herbig Ae/Be stars — resolving an magnetic field strength ever measured in discs, similar optical surface brightness
enigma intermediate mass pre-main-sequence and structure. It is quite possible that
stars with < Bz > = –454 ± 42 G, confirm- magnetic fields play a crucial role in con-
In our recent studies of Herbig Ae/Be ing the previous FORS1 detection by trolling accretion onto, and winds from,
stars we sought to expand the sample of Wade et al. (2007). The Stokes I and V Herbig Ae stars, similar to the magnet-
stars with measured magnetic fields to spectra of this star are shown in Figure 5. ospheric accretion observed in T Tauri
determine whether magnetic field proper- stars. Using our sample of Herbig Ae
ties in these stars are correlated with Strong distinct Zeeman features at the stars with masses of 3 M0 or less, we
other observed properties such as mass- position of the Ca ii H and K lines searched for a link with other stellar
accretion rate, disc inclination, compan- detected in four other Herbig Ae/Be stars parameters to put preliminary constraints
ions, silicates, PAHs, or show a correlation are presented in Figure 6. As we already on the mechanism responsible for

1.0 1.0
Normalized Flux

Normalized Flux

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
Stokes V/I (%)

Stokes V/I (%)

0.2 0.1

0.0 0.0
– 0.1 Figure 4. Left: Stokes I and V spectra in the blue
– 0.2 spectral region around high number Balmer lines
– 0.2
for an He-peculiar member of the young open clus-
– 0.4 – 0.3 ter NGC 3766. Right: Stokes I and V spectra around
3800 3850 3900 3950 3800 3850 3900 3950 high number Balmer lines for a candidate Be star
Wavelength (Å) Wavelength (Å) belonging to the young open cluster NGC 3766.

1.0 1.0
Normalized Flux

Normalized Flux

Stokes V/I (%)

Stokes V/I (%)

0.0 0.0
Figure 5. Stokes I and V spectra of the Herbig Ae/Be
– 0.2 – 0.2 star HD 101412 with the largest detected magnetic
field. Left: Zeeman features in H9, H8, Ca ii H and K
3850 3900 3950 4000 4300 4320 4340 4360 4380 and Hε profiles. Right: Stokes I and V spectra in the
Wavelength (Å) Wavelength (Å) vicinity of the Hγ line.

24 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

5 Figure 6. Stokes V spectra in the vicinity of the Ca ii of their pre-main-sequence life (see the
H and K lines of the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD 139614,
right of Figure 7). These results are
HD 190073p HD 144668, HD 152404 and HD 190073. At the top is
the previous observation of HD 190073, obtained in in line with the conclusions of Hubrig et
May 2005. The amplitude of the Zeeman features in al. (2000, 2007a) that magnetic fields
HD 190073 the Ca ii H and K lines observed in our recent meas- in stars with masses less than 3 M0 are
urement for this star has decreased by ~0.5% com-
Stokes V/I (%)

3 rarely found close to the zero-age main-

pared to the previous observations.
HD 152404 sequence.

HD 144668 Closing remarks

HD 139614 In summary, using FORS1 spectro­
0 polarimetric observations, considerable
progress has been made over the last
3920 3940 3960 3980 4000 eight years in studies of the presence of
Wavelength (Å) magnetic fields in upper main-se­­quence
stars. These results are providing sev-
eral new clues, but are also posing a
number of new open questions requiring
500 500 future spectropolarimetric studies.
Currently FORS1 in spectropolarimetric
400 400 mode is the only facility regularly used
for observations of circular and linear
polarisation by the ESO community. Since
|<Bz>| (G)

|<Bz>| (G)

300 300
FORS1 was decommisioned in P83, the
200 200
polarimetric capability has been moved
to FORS2 with the blue optimised EEV2
CCD available exclusively in visitor mode.
100 100
We hope that the spectroscopic capa­
bilities of FORS2 will be used in the future
0 0 as intensively and successfully as they
31 30 29 28 27 26 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 were used on FORS1 in the past.
log L x (erg/s) Age (Myr)

Figure 7. Left: The strength of the longitudinal mag-

netic field plotted against the X-ray luminosity.
Right: The strength of the longitudinal magnetic field
Bagnulo, S. et al. 2001, The Messenger, 104, 32
as a function of age. Filled circles denote Herbig Ae
Bouret, J.-C. et al. 2008, MNRAS, 389, 75
stars with a 3-σ magnetic field detection, while open
Braithwaite, J. & Spruit, H. C. 2004, Nature, 431, 819
circles denote Herbig Ae stars with a lower σ.
Brown, J. C. et al. 2004, MNRAS, 352, 1061
Squares denote stars with debris discs, of which
Donati, J.-F. et al. 2002, MNRAS, 333, 55
none has a 3-σ magnetic field detection.
Hubrig, S., North, P. & Mathys, G. 2000, ApJ, 539,
Hubrig, S., Schöller, M. & Yudin, R. V. 2004, A&A,
magnetospheric activity. For the first decays with age. In Figure 7 (left), we 428, L1
Hubrig, S. et al. 2005, A&A, 440, L37
time we established preliminary trends present the strength of the magnetic field Hubrig, S. et al. 2006a, AN, 327, 289
between magnetic field strength, mass- plotted versus log LX. It is noteworthy that Hubrig, S. et al. 2006b, MNRAS, 369, L61
accretion rate, X-ray emission and age. we find a hint of an increase in the mag- Hubrig, S., North, P. & Schöller, M. 2007a, AN, 328,
We find that the range of observed mag- netic field strength with the level of the 475
Hubrig, S. et al. 2007b, A&A, 463, 1039
netic field values is in agreement with the X-ray emission, which suggests that a Hubrig, S. et al. 2008, A&A, 490, 793
expectations from magnetospheric accre- dynamo mechanism may be responsible Hubrig, S. et al. 2009, AN, in press
tion models giving support for dipole- for the coronal activity in Herbig Ae stars. Koubský, P. et al. 2006, A&A, 459, 849
like field geometries. Both the magnetic Shobbrook, R. R. 1985, MNRAS, 212, 591
Wade, G. A. et al. 2007, MNRAS, 376, 1145
field strength and the X-ray emission There is obviously a trend showing that
show hints of a decline with age in the stronger magnetic fields tend to be found
range of 2–14 Myrs probed by our sample, in younger Herbig Ae stars and that mag-
supporting a dynamo mechanism that netic fields become very weak at the end

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 25

Astronomical Science

Wolf-Rayet Stars at the Highest Angular Resolution

Florentin Millour1 provide spatially resolved observations leading to these extraordinary events,

Olivier Chesneau2 of massive stars and their immediate vicin- although this is not yet firmly established.
Thomas Driebe1 ity. However, the number of Wolf-Rayet Only ~ 1% of core-collapse SNe are able
Alexis Matter2 stars in the solar vicinity is very low (Van to produce a highly relativistic collimated
Werner Schmutz 3 der Hucht, 2001; Crowther, 2007). There- outflow and, hence, a GRB.
Bruno Lopez 2 fore, all Wolf-Rayet stars are too remote
Romain G. Petrov2 to be spatially resolved by adaptive optics. WR stars are characterised by an extra­
José H. Groh1 However, for a handful of objects, the ordinary hydrogen-deficient spectrum,
Daniel Bonneau2 geometry of the innermost circumstellar dominated by broad emission lines of
Luc Dessart4 structures (discs, jets, latitude-dependent highly ionised elements (such as He ii, C iv,
Karl-Heinz Hofmann1 winds, or even more complex features) N v or O vi). The dense stellar winds com-
Gerd Weigelt1 can be directly probed with the highest pletely veil the underlying atmosphere
spatial resolution available, through the so that an atmospheric analysis can only
use of stellar interferometry. be done with dynamical, spherically
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, extended model atmospheres, such as
Bonn, Germany those developed by Schmutz et al. (1989),
Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Nice, A closer look at Wolf-Rayet stars Hillier & Miller (1998), or Gräfener et al.
France (2002). In the two last decades, significant
Physikalisches-Meteorologisches Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars begin their life as progress has been achieved in this
Observatorium Davos, World Radiation massive objects (usually O-type super- respect, so that WR stars can be placed
Center, Switzerland giant stars) with at least 20 times the on the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Observatoire de Paris, France mass of the Sun. Their life is brief, and (HRD) with some confidence (see e.g.,
they die hard, exploding as supernovae Crowther, 2007).
and blasting vast amounts of heavy
Interferometric observations of high- elements into space, which are recycled Classification of WR stars is based upon
mass evolved stars provide new and in later generations of stars and planets. the appearance of optical emission
very valuable information of their By the time these massive stars are near lines of different ions of helium, carbon,
nature. With the unique capabilities of the end of their short life, during the nitrogen and oxygen. The nitrogen-rich,
the VLTI, direct images of their closest characteristic “Wolf-Rayet” phase, they or WN-type, is defined by a spectrum
environment where mass loss and develop a fierce stellar wind — a stream in which helium and nitrogen lines (He i – ii
dust formation occur, can be obtained. of particles ejected from the stellar sur- and N iii –v) dominate. In the carbon-rich,
The breakthrough of the VLTI in terms face by the radiative pressure — expel­- or WC-type, helium, carbon, and oxygen
of angular resolution as well as spectral ling mass at a tremendous rate (up to lines (C ii – iv, He i – ii and O iii –vi) dominate
resolution allows competing theoretical 10 –3 M0/yr) while they are synthesising the emission-line spectrum. Castor,
models, based on indirect constraints, elements heavier than hydrogen in their Abbott & Klein (1975) demonstrated that
to be tested. The high angular resolu- cores. One of the characteristics of WR hot-star winds could be explained by
tion made available by the VLTI shows stars is the low hydrogen content of the considering radiation pressure alone. In
that there is still a lot to discover about atmosphere due to the stripping-off of this early model, each photon is scattered
these massive stars. the outer layers as a result of the strong once at most, and this is sufficient to
mass loss. Before and during the WR drive OB-star winds, while more difficulties
phase, such stars eject a large amount were encountered for WR stars. Model
Massive stars strongly influence their sur- of matter, more than 10 M0, and with atmosphere studies have advanced suffi-
roundings due to their extreme tem­ velocities up to 3 000 km/s, which then ciently to enable the determination of
perature, luminosity, and mass-loss rate. surrounds the central star in the form of stellar temperatures, luminosities, abun-
In addition, they are short-lived, and gas and dust. dances, ionising fluxes and wind proper-
their fate is to explode as core-collapse ties of WR stars. What remains uncertain
supernovae. Among the extensive zool- Theoretically, the evolution of a WR star are the kinematics of the wind and the
ogy of massive stars, Wolf-Rayet stars ends with the collapse of its core and, wind acceleration law. Furthermore, rota-
probably represent the last stage of stellar as a rule, the formation of a black hole or tion is very difficult to measure in WR
evolution, just before the explosion as a a neutron star occurs. Energetic Type Ib stars, since photospheric features are
supernova. So far, Wolf-Rayet stars have and Ic supernovae (SNe) are thought absent. This parameter is crucial when
been mainly studied by means of spec- to be direct descendants of massive WR considering GRBs.
troscopy and spectropolarimetry, based stars (see, for instance, Crowther, 2007).
on spatially unresolved observations. It is now recognised that long-duration Atmospheric models of WR stars are
Nonetheless, there is extensive evidence gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are linked to parameterised by the inner boundary
of binarity and geometrical complexity the collapse of massive stars. The merg- radius R∗, at high Rosseland optical
of the nearby wind in many Wolf-Rayet ing of the components in a binary sys- depth (typically above 10), but only the
stars. In this context, high angular resolu- tem, including a rapidly rotating WR, is optically thin part of the atmosphere
tion techniques fill the gap, since they can considered to be one of the channels is seen by the observer. Therefore, the

26 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

determination of R∗ depends on the can be resolved by an interferometer, Probing the wind of the closest WR star:
assumptions made on the velocity law of provided that a minimum spectral resolu- γ2 Vel
the wind, considering that typical WN tion of 500 is available. Therefore, observ-
and WC winds have reached a significant ing the LFR of WR stars with long-baseline Among all WR stars, γ2 Vel is by far the
fraction of their terminal velocity before optical interferometry offers the opportu- closest, with a well-known distance today
they become optically thin in the continu­ nity to probe their winds in the following of 336 ± 8 pc (North et al., 2007), whilst
­um (especially in the near- and mid-IR). ways: all others are beyond 1 kpc. Owing to its
Typical scales for R∗ are 3–6 R0, depend- relative proximity, γ2 Vel is relatively bright
ing on the spectral sub-type (Crowther, – By measuring the extension of the LFR and has been studied in great detail,
2007). In the near-IR, the main opacity compared to the continuum. The spatial mainly using spectroscopy. Through
comes from free–free interactions, and and kinematical characteristics of the spectro­scopic eyes, γ2 Vel is shown to be
the continuum-forming region is more wind can be better inferred and the wind a binary WR + O system (WC8 + O7.5III,
extended at longer wavelengths, reach- velocity law (especially with access to P = 78.53 days), thus offering access to
ing 2–6 R∗. The core radius of WN stars is shorter wavelength data) possibly con- the fundamental parameters of the WR
larger than of WC stars, but the wind strained. star, usually obtained only indirectly
of WC stars is denser, and the continuum through the study of its dense and fast
forms farther away from the core radius. – By examining any deviation from wind. The presence of X‑ray emission in
As a consequence, the continuum diam- sphericity of these objects. If WR stars the system (Skinner et al., 2001) could be
eter is about the same, of the order of were rapid rotators, one would expect explained by an X-ray-emitting bow-shock
10–20 R0, corresponding to a diameter strong wavelength-dependent devia- between the O-star wind and the WR-star
of about 0.1–0.2 mas for sources at tions from spherical symmetry, as was wind (the so-called wind–wind collision
1 kpc. This implies that the continuum of detected for the luminous blue variable zone, [WWCZ]). γ2 Vel was observed by
both WN- and WC-type WR stars remains star η Car with AMBER/VLTI (Weigelt et the Narrabri intensity interferometer, oper-
unresolved for the VLTI in the near-IR, al., 2007) for example. ating at around 0.45 μm, as early as 1968
even with the longest (130 m-scale) base- (Hanbury Brown et al., 1970), but since
lines. Yet, this conclusion does not hold –B
 y examining the deviations and per­ the observations lacked spectral resolu-
for the line-forming regions (LFR) that can turbations of the WR wind from purely tion, they could not resolve the WWCZ.
be located at typically 5–50 R∗ and that radial motion. Such deviations may
originate from dust formation very close Our team observed γ2 Vel in December
to some of these hot stars. 2004 using the AMBER/VLTI instrument
Figure 1. Left: Simulation of the spatial extent of a with the aim of constraining various
WC8 star wind in the continuum at 2.10 µm (solid
line) and in three different emission lines (C iii 2.11 µm
The first, and still most common, method parameters of the system, such as the
– dash-dotted line; C iv 2.07 µm – dotted line; C iv of measuring the angular extent of an brightness ratio of the two components,
2.08 µm – dashed line). The apparent size of the WR astrophysical object with a stellar interfer- the spectral and spatial extent of the
star in the emission lines can be as much as twice ometer is to use an idealised uniform disc WWCZ, and the angular size associated
the continuum size. Right: Simulated images of the
same star in the continuum region around 2.10 µm
to model the stellar photosphere. In real- with both the continuum and the lines
(centre) and in the C iv 2.07 µm line (right). The ity, WR stars are not “hard-edged” in emitted by the WR star. AMBER delivered
continuum can be described by a Gaussian intensity the continuum, which forms directly in the spectrally dispersed visibilities as well
distribution, while the superposition of continuum wind (see Figure 1). as differential and closure phases and, of
and line flux leads to an intensity distribution that can
be described by a limb-darkened disc.

p (R� )
0 10 20 30

Normalized flux unit




0 2 4 6 8 10 12
p (R ∗)

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 27

Astronomical Science Millour F. et al., Wolf-Rayet Stars at the Highest Angular Resolution

course, also a spectrum of the object. since we observed a separation of independent spectrum of the WR com-
During these observations, AMBER 3.62 +–00.1.310 mas, implying a distance of ponent of γ2 Vel in the K-band. This
worked with a resolution of R = 1500 in 368 +–31 83 pc, which is in agreement with allowed us to compare the WR spectrum
the spectral band 1.95–2.17 μm. We inter- recent spectrophotometric estimates. with line-blanketed radiative transfer
preted the AMBER data in the context An independent observation by the models of WR stars (Dessart et al., 2000).
of a binary system with unresolved com- Sydney University Stellar Interferometer The match between the inferred WR
ponents, neglecting, to a first approxi­ (SUSI) confirmed and refined the distance spectrum and the modelled spectrum is
mation, the wind–wind collision zone flux estimate of γ2 Vel at 336 +−87 pc (North et
contri­bution and the extension of the al., 2007).
WR wind (Millour et al., 2007). Based on Figure 2. γ2 Vel as seen by AMBER in 2004 (Millour
the accurate spectroscopic orbit and In contrast to SUSI, which uses broad- et al., 2007): the observations (lower plots) are fitted
successfully by a model involving a WR star and an
the Hipparcos distance (258 +–4311 pc), the band filters, AMBER allowed us to dis- O star (grey lines). One can extract the spectrum of
expected separation at the time of the perse the K-band light with a resolution of the Wolf-Rayet star alone from this model-fitting
observations was 5.1 ± 0.9 mas. How- 1500. Therefore, we were able to sepa- (top-right panel, blue curve) and compare it with a
ever, our observations showed that rate the spectra of the two components; radiatively-driven WR wind model spectrum (red
curve). The general view of the system (top-left) also
the Hipparcos distance was incorrect i.e., we obtained, for the first time, an involves a wind–wind collision zone.


Flambda (arbitrary unit)

1 mas

WR star

He II 2.037

He II 2.165
He I 2.059

C IV 2.079
C IV 2.010

C IV 2.071

C IV 2.139
He I 2.114
C III 2.108

O star Wind-wind
collision zone 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15
Wavelength (µm)
Wind blown cavity
Background image: DSS2 Orbital Phase 0.32

1 0
Differential Phase (rad)

Closure Phase (rad)

Differential Visibility

0 –2


−1 –4

2.04 2.06 2.08 2.10 2.12 2.04 2.06 2.08 2.10 2.12 2.04 2.06 2.08 2.10 2.12
Wavelength (µm) Wavelength (µm) Wavelength (µm)

28 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

relatively good, except for some regions this additional light source in the system law with a steep inner region and a flat
where the match is worse (especially in a between the two main stars. If this outer region. Leaving aside the technical
few emission lines and in some parts source is confirmed, it would be located details, this basically implies that different
of the continuum, see Figure 2). This sug- closer to the O star than to the WR velocity laws predict a different extent
gests that as a second order perturba- star and would contribute approximately of the LFR. Therefore, we are currently
tion, an additional light source in the sys- 5% of the total flux of the system (i.e., continuing our investigations on γ2 Vel
tem may affect our fit. We checked that additional free–free emission). This is in with the VLTI to disentangle better the
this marginal mismatch cannot come from agreement with the expectations from different light contributions in this fasci-
a flat continuum emission, and therefore, Millour et al. (2007) and, possibly, we nating system.
we favoured the presence of an addi- have detected the wind–wind collision
tional compact light source in the system. zone (WWCZ) between the two stars.
The dust formation puzzle
After that first study, we carried out follow- However, other effects, such as the LFR
up observations of γ2 Vel in 2006 and extent, can also affect our interferometric One challenging problem related to WR
2007. In addition to a refinement of the signal. Indeed, in the past, different veloc- stars is understanding how dust can form
orbital solution of North et al., (2007), ity laws were used for models of γ2 Vel, in the hostile environment of these hot
Millour et al. (2008) were able to locate e.g., a steep velocity law or a combined stars. It turns out that several of the dusty
WR stars harbour a so-called pinwheel
nebula, as shown recently by the obser-
Figure 3. What kind of visibility sig-
nature can we expect from a pin- vations of Tuthill et al. (see, for example,
60 wheel nebula? This example using their article in 2008). From an interfero-
a pinwheel “toy model” (top-left) metric point of view, pinwheel nebulae
40 illustrates the whirlpool shape of
appear in the visibilities as typical whirl-
the 2D visibility map (bottom-left)
as well as the plateau-like shape pool modulations that can be detected
20 of the visibilities towards longer with the current performance of the VLTI
baselines, as seen from the radial (see Figure 3). When the number of data-
δ (mas)

cuts in the bottom-right panel. A

0 sets is very limited, clues to the presence
two-component Gaussian is also
shown for comparison. These two of a pinwheel can also come from a pla-
characteristic visibility signatures teau-like shape in the visibilities towards
− 20 provide clues to the presence of longer baselines. Of course the detection
a pinwheel around a dusty WR
of new pinwheel nebulae would provide
− 40 a more direct evidence of the binarity of
the observed stars, but a clear detection
− 60 of the underlying binary in known pin-
wheels is also one of the goals of study-
ing these dusty WR stars. Up to now, we
− 60 − 40 − 20 0 20 40 60 have successfully observed a few dusty
α (mas)


100 0.8

V (m)

− 50

−100 0.2


0 50 100 150
−150 −100 − 50 0 50 100 150 Baseline length (m)
U (m)

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 29

Astronomical Science Millour F. et al., Wolf-Rayet Stars at the Highest Angular Resolution






0.0 0.0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100
Base length (m) Spatial frequency (as –1)

Figure 4. Examples where pinwheel signatures in
WR stars may have been detected by the VLTI.
Top-left: WR48a-b, together with the same pinwheel
“toy model” as in Figure 3. The observed data are
0.10 marginally matched by a Gaussian shape (full line)
and may be better explained by the pinwheel model

(dashed lines). Top-right: WR118, where a two-

Gaussian model (red line) does not match the AMBER
data (black lines) at longer baselines. In particular,
the squared visibility bump and the non-zero closure
0.05 phase (not shown) are strong hints that a pinwheel
also resides in this system. Lower panel: The MIDI
measurements of WR104 show the typical visibility
modulation from the already known pinwheel. The
different curves represent different VLTI baseline
0.00 lengths and orientations.
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Spatial frequency (as –1)

Wolf-Rayet stars with the VLTI, which AMBER/VLTI instrument. Both objects remarkable changes in the dust emission
illustrates the potential of optical/IR inter- have angular diameters of about 4–6 mas have been observed in the past two dec-
ferometry to contribute to the fascinating in the K-band and mid-IR sizes of the ades, WR 118 is classified as a permanent
question of the binarity of these stars. order of 10–15 mas. The sizes measured dust producer. The extended dust enve-
are quite large, compared to the ex­pected lope of WR 118 was successfully resolved
WR 48a is a WC star producing dust size of single WR stars (0.1–0.5 mas), for the first time by Yudin et al. (2001)
in the form of eruptions, which suggests and these two objects are probably two using bispectrum speckle interferometry
the presence of a companion. It is found good candidates to harbour pinwheel with the 6-metre BTA (Large Altazimuth
to be within 1 arcsecond of the two nebulae, even though no clear signature Telescope). Yudin et al. concluded that the
heavily reddened, optically visible clusters has been formally detected yet (Figure 4). apparent diameter of WR 118’s inner dust
Danks 1 and 2, which are themselves These two targets are definitely inter­ shell boundary is 17 ± 1 mas. We recently
separated by only 2 arcseconds. Another esting because they produce dust and, measured WR 118 with AMBER in low-
object that also seems to be a dusty hence, are likely binary candidates, spectral resolution mode (see Figure 4).
WR star (MSX6C G305.4013 + 00.0170) belonging to a young star-forming region At first glance, the AMBER visibilities sug-
was found close to WR48a, which we whose distance is more accurately known gest that there is an unresolved compo-
hereafter denote as WR48a-b. No optical than is usual for WR distances. nent contributing approximately 15% to
counterpart is reported in the literature the total K-band flux. In addition, one can
and the JHK photometry for this source WR 118 is a highly evolved, carbon-rich see that the K‑band visibility is not spheri-
from the Two Micron All Sky Survey Wolf-Rayet star of spectral type WC10. cally symmetric, and we detected non-
(2MASS) shows a spectral shape indica- It is the third brightest Wolf-Rayet star zero closure phases. These clues illustrate
tive of an object with high extinction in the K-band (K = 3.65), and its large IR- that the overall shape of the measured
(A V ~ 10 mag). WR48a and WR 48a-b excess is attributed to an envelope com- visibility of WR 118 is in qualitative agree-
were successfully observed with the posed of carbonaceous dust. Since no ment with the visibility signature expected

30 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

from a spiral-like dust distribution. Cur- geometry and the ephemeris of this lines. Observing with shorter wavelengths
rently, the interpretation of the recently source were not accurately known. These (H or J bands, or even visible), would
obtained AMBER data is being subjected observations promise to evaluate pre- boost this research field, as both the inter-
to a more detailed analysis. cisely the size of the dust-forming region ferometer resolution and the LFR extent
and the dust production of the system, as increase towards shorter wavelengths.
The most recent dusty WR star observed viewed at high spatial resolution. This would open the possibility to directly
with the VLTI so far was WR 104 with validate the competing models for WR
the MIDI instrument. WR104 is the arche- winds or, maybe, could even lead to new
type of the colliding-wind binary creating Prospects and unexpected results.
a beautiful pinwheel system, which
was first detected by the technique of The studies described correspond
aperture masking with the Keck tele- to work in progress with the VLTI for References
scope (Tuthill et al., 2008). We observed observing WR stars. No imaging of these Crowther, P. A. 2007, ARA&A, 45, 177
it with MIDI using two of the auxiliary sources has been done up to now, but Castor, J. I. et al. 1975, ApJ, 195, 157
telescopes. The visibilities show the sig- the AMBER instrument, with three tele- Dessart, L. et al. 2000, MNRAS, 315, 407
nature of two flux distributions on the scopes combined, has some imaging Gräfener, G. et al. 2002, A&A, 2002, 387, 244
Hanbury Brown, R. et al. 1970, MNRAS, 148, 103
source: a Gaussian-shaped dusty enve- capabilities. A first image of a pinwheel, Hillier, D. J. & Miller, D. L. 1998, ApJ, 496, 407
lope surrounding the binary system with resolutions much higher than single Millour, F. et al. 2007, A&A, 464, 107
and producing 80–90% of the flux in the pupil telescopes, would be a milestone in Millour, F. et al. 2008, SPIE, 7013
mid-infrared, and the dust pinwheel. IR long-baseline interferometric research North, J. R. et al. 2007, MNRAS, 377, 415
Schmutz, W. et al. 1989, A&A, 210, 236
The characteristic pinwheel signal is seen on dusty WR stars and would probably Skinner S.L. et al. 2001, ApJL, 558, 113
by MIDI as a cosine modulation, evolving trigger more VLTI observing programmes Tuthill, P. G. et al. 2008, ApJ, 675, 698
with time as the pinwheel rotates and in this field. On the other hand, reaching van der Hucht, K. A. 2001, New Astronomy Review,
the interferometer baseline length and ori- sufficient dynamic range with AMBER/ 45, 135
Weigelt, G. et al. 2007, A&A, 464, 87
entation change (see Figure 4). Such VLTI in medium spectral resolution mode, Yudin, B. et al. 2001, A&A, 379, 229
a limited amount of data would be ex­­ would allow one to directly constrain the
tremely difficult to interpret if the global WR wind velocity field in the emission

Image of Jupiter taken in near-infrared light with the

VLT Multi-conjugate Adaptive optics Demonstrator
(MAD) prototype instrument on 17 August 2008.
This colour composite is formed from a series of
images taken over a time span of about 20 minutes,
through three filters at 2.2 µm (Ks-band), 2.14 µm
(Brackett-γ continuum) and 2.17 µm (Brackett-γ).
The filters select hydrogen and methane absorption
bands. The spatial resolution is about 90 milliarcsec-
onds across the whole disc, corresponding to
300 km on the planet surface. See ESO PR 33/08
for more details

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 31

Astronomical Science

The Beauty of Speed

Andrea Richichi1 the highest spectral resolution or the re­­quests for fast observations are starting
Cesare Barbieri2 utmost sensitivity, and these demand in to be implemented on a best-effort
Octavi Fors 3 4 turn long integrations. basis. Today, several instruments at the
Elena Mason1 La Silla Paranal Observatory offer high
Giampiero Naletto 5 Yet there is a wealth of knowledge to be time resolution, as summarised in Table 2.
gained by going to the other extreme, We have not included here subsystems
and observing with high time resolution that by necessity have to include fast
ESO Garching (see Table 1). Pulsars, stellar pulsations operation, such as adaptive optics and
Dipartimento di Astronomia, Università and oscillations, flares and bursts, tran- fringe trackers.
di Padova, Italy sits and occultations, and more, are phe-
Departament d’Astronomia i Meteoro­ nomena that are best studied by record- Modern panoramic detectors have quite
logia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain ing data at rates much faster than those large formats, and as a consequence
Observatori Fabra, Barcelona, Spain usually employed by astronomers. The typical readout times are, at minimum,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria extragalactic community need not feel of the order of seconds. In order to beat
dell’Informazione, Università di Padova, left out either: for example, the variability this limit by up to three orders of magni-
Italy of active galactic nuclei (AGN) holds a tudes, as required by some applications,
crucial key to the size and structure of the it is gen­­erally necessary to sacrifice the
central engine, and, if it is studied on number of pixels, by reading out only a
The burst mode of ISAAC has been used timescales of minutes today, it is natural small sub-window (used for example by
systematically to record lunar occulta- to expect that in the era of Extremely the ESO infrared [IR] instruments ISAAC,
tions with high time resolution, produc- Large Telescopes (ELTs) these timescales SOFI and NACO). Other approaches are
ing several unique new results that could be down to seconds. Last but not to shift the charge in CCDs, as in FORS2.
remain unattainable by any other tech- least, if we really observe very fast, then Other detectors are intrinsically quite
nique. This is not the only possible we can also beat atmospheric turbulence, fast by design and have a relatively small
choice of instrument for high time reso- to the point that, at least for some ap­­ format, such as the mid-IR detectors of
lution, and fast time modes of one kind plications, we no longer need expensive VISIR and MIDI that have to avoid satura-
or another have been implemented and complex correction systems. tion by the high background signal.
on several other ESO instruments. We
provide a brief overview of the present To be sure, there are many problems in In the following we will focus on recent
capabilities and summarise some sci- going very fast: we collect far fewer pho- results in two areas: the near-IR detection
entific results. We speculate about the tons; we have to fight harder against of lunar occultations with ISAAC in the
future of high temporal resolution appli- detector noise and other unpleasant fea- millisecond range; and the “blazingly fast”
cations, presenting the trail-blazing tures; there may not be sufficient time detection enabled by a unique instrument
instrument Iqueye that recently com- to read the whole area of our large-format that recently had its first technical run in
pleted its first technical run at La Silla. detectors for which we have paid so La Silla.
dearly. But first and foremost, what do we
mean by “fast”? Examining Table 1, it
The quest for high time resolution will be noticed that the wish-list spans a At Paranal: the Moon in slow motion
range of six orders of magnitudes or
Encoded somewhere in the human more, from seconds down to microsec- Lunar occultations (LO) are a phenome-
ge­­nome, there must be a love for speed. onds or less. At ESO, most of the in­­ non in which the lunar limb acts as a
Filippo Marinetti, founder of the artistic struments currently in operation were straight diffracting edge. As the Moon
movement known as Futurism, stated it originally designed without an explicit moves over a distant background source,
best in his Manifesto of 1909: “We affirm requirement for high time resolution. But a fringe pattern is generated that moves
that the world’s magnificence has been as the standard modes have become over the observer. Typical speeds of
enriched by a new beauty: the beauty more and more routine, a number of this pattern are about 0.5–1 m/ms (or
of speed... Time and Space died yester-
day. We already live in the absolute, Phenomenon Timescale (current) Timescale (ELT era)
because we have created eternal, omni- Stellar flares and pulsations seconds, minutes 10–100 ms
present speed.” Young or old, many peo- Stellar surface oscillations 1–1000 μs 1–1000 μs
e.g., white dwarfs, neutron stars 0.1 μs
ple are infatuated with the concept of
Tomography, eclipses, flickering 10–100 ms 1–10 ms
speed: in technology, in sport, or on the
e.g., close binary systems
highway. But what about astronomers?
Pulsars 1 μs–100 ms 1 ms–1 ns?
It is gen­erally considered that, in spite of
Variability in AGN minutes seconds?
some peculiarities, they are people too,
Stellar occultations 1 ms 1 ms
and therefore they should not be immune
Planetary occultations and transits 100 ms–10 s 100 ms–10 s
to the fascination with speed. However,
almost all the instruments that astrono- Table 1. Fast time applications in astronomy (partly
mers design and build are geared to based on an E-ELT study by Redfern & Ryan, 2006).

32 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Instrument Modes Detector Time Rate (Window) Configuration and Mode
VISIR Burst DRS 12.5 ms SF imaging, visitor
SOFI Burst, FastPhot Hawaii 4 ms (8 x 8), 15 ms (32 x 32) imaging, visitor
ISAAC Burst, FastPhot Hawaii-1, Aladdin 3 ms (32 x 32), 6 ms (64 x 64) imaging, visitor, service
ISAAC Burst Hawaii-1, Aladdin 9 ms (1024 x16) spectro, under commisioning
NACO Cube Aladdin 7.2 ms (64 x 64), 350 ms (1024 x 1024) imaging, visitor
HAWK-I Fast Hawaii-2RG 6.3 ms (16 x 16) imaging
FORS2 HIT CCD (charge shift) up to 2.3 ms image/spec, visitor, service
VLTI Fast Various up to 1 ms image/spec, not foreseen

500–1000 m/s). The fringe spacing is an angular resolution as good as 0.5 mil- Table 2. A summary of instruments available at ESO
for fast time resolution with their main characteristics.
determined by the distance to the Moon liarcseconds (mas), or about 100 times
and the wavelength of observation: in better than the diffraction limit of the tele-
the near-IR it is a few metres, so that time scope and comparable with that of the maser source, we could derive a clear
sampling of about one millisecond is much larger and complex VLTI; a limiting detection of the circumstellar shell and an
required to measure the fringe pattern. sensitivity close to K ≈ 12.5, or several estimate of its angular size and distance.
From this measurement, a wealth of infor- magnitudes fainter than the VLTI; and a As a result of these first observations,
mation on the background source can dynamic range of 8 magnitudes even the so-called burst mode of ISAAC has
be recovered, including the angular diam- within one Airy disc from the central star. subsequently been offered on a regular
eter of stars, the projected separation All this in the blink of an eye, or, to basis since Period 80, and is now a
and brightness ratio of binaries. It is also be realistic, in a few minutes, taking into routine technique for LO observations at
possible to reconstruct the brightness account telescope pointing and data the VLT. Since LO observations require
profiles of complex sources by a model- storage: sounds too good to be true? a minimum amount of time, they represent
independent analysis. A typical concern There are indeed some major limitations an ideal filler programme: every interval of
of those who learn about LO for the first to LO: they are fixed time events, and at least five minutes during which no other
time is the effect of mountains and irregu- we cannot choose the targets at will. service mode programmes are available
larities of the lunar limb. Luckily, this can
generally be safely neglected, since we We report a summary of the results
Table 3. Statistics of the results obtained from the
are dealing with diffraction and not with obtained in those first two runs in Table 3. first burst-mode runs with ISAAC for lunar occulta-
geometrical optics. A number of peculiar- Figure 1 provides an illustration: for the tions. R and D events are reappearances and disap-
ities characterise LO, in particular the AGB star 2MASS 17453224-2833429, a pearances, respectively.
fact that the angular resolution achieved
is not dependent on the size of the tele- March 06 August 06 Total
scope used for the observation. In fact, Total hours 4.2 8.5 12.7
the Moon itself can be considered as our Type of event R D
telescope in this case. Attempted events 51 78 129
Successful events 30 72 102
We have already reported in a previous Diameters 3 1 4
Messenger article (Richichi et al., 2006) Binaries/triples 2/0 6/1 9
on the first successful observations of Shells/complex 0 2 2
LO at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) Planetary nebula, central stars 0 1 1
with ISAAC at Unit Telescope 1. Using Masers 2 1 3
the Aladdin detector, an area of 32 x 32
pixels were read out every 3.2 ms. We 250
announced this ground-breaking per-
formance at the time, and this has now
Norm. Brightness Profile

been confirmed by the detailed analysis 150

carried out in two recently published 0.05
papers (Richichi et al., 2008a; 2008b):

Figure 1. Left: Upper panel, data (dots) and best fit

(solid line) for 2MASS 17453224-2833429. The lower
Residuals x4

panel shows, on a scale enlarged by four and dis- 10

placed by arbitrary offsets for clarity, the residuals of
three different fits. The upper two are for an unre-
solved and a resolved stellar disc (reduced χ2 = 6.3), –10
the lower one is with a model-independent analysis 0
– 20
(reduced χ2 = 1.6). Right: Brightness profile recon-
structed by the model-independent analysis. The 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 – 20 0 20
inner shell radius is estimated to be about 40 AU. Relative Time (ms) Milliarcseconds

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 33

Astronomical Science Richichi A. et al., The Beauty of Speed

Figure 2. Same as Figure 1, for a source observed in

Period 81 (K = 7.1, no known bibliographical entries).
The fit residuals are for a point source (upper) and a
binary source with a separation of 9.4 mas and a
brightness ratio of 1:11 (lower). The right panel shows
the reconstruction by a model-independent method.

or for which the atmospheric conditions 1250

are not met, an LO observation can be
attempted if the Moon is above the hori- A

Norm. Brightness Profile

zon. In fact, we note that LO observations 1200

are almost insensitive to seeing and other B 0.05
adverse atmospheric conditions. With 1100
this strategy in mind, we submitted a filler
proposal for Period 80, which unfortu-
nately did not produce many results due
Residuals x4
to the unavailability of ISAAC during
much of the period. However we submit-
ted again for Period 81 and we waited 0
during Period 82 so we could see the first
–10 0
results. These were very encouraging,
and the programme was resubmitted for 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 – 20 0 20
Period 83, and accepted. We provide Relative Time (ms) Milliarcseconds
here a first account of the observations
carried out in Period 81. (viz. sky image with time). The masks iso- faint magnitudes, make this a valuable list
late the signal from the star, which, at of calibrators for long-baseline interferom-
For Period 81, we computed LO predic- these data rates, often has a variable and etry, starting with the VLTI.
tions to a limiting magnitude of K = 9.3 aberrated image, using twin criteria of
— a compromise between the number of contiguity and continuity. The background
computations and the volume of potential is then computed from the remaining At La Silla: zooming in on pulsars
events. This choice resulted in 28 682 pixels and subtracted. The pipeline proc-
events observable within good observa- esses the resulting light curve further The observations presented so far may
tional constraints. Note that we discard using a multi-resolution wavelet transform seem fast by the standards of most
full and waning Moon phases, the first analysis to produce first guesses of astronomers, but they pale in comparison
because of the brightness and the latter parameters such as the time of occulta- with some observations recently carried
because they are more challenging, and tion, the intensity of the star, etc. From out in La Silla. In January 2009, a new
not well suited to service mode. We these parameters an initial fit is produced, instrument emerged from its packing
developed a prioritisation rule based on and we are then presented with prelimi- cases, and was quickly assembled at the
the K magnitude and J–K colour, prefer- nary results and quality estimates that Nasmyth B focus of the New Technology
ring stars with very red colours indicative allow us to carry out an interactive analy- Telescope (NTT) by a team of Italian
of possible circumstellar extinction. We sis more efficiently and to focus on the astronomers and engineers. Iqueye (Fig-
further refined the priorities for sources interesting cases. First indications are that ure 3) is the NTT version of Aqueye, a
with known counterparts or that had about six stars observed in Period 81 prototype already previously deployed at
been studied previously. Then we applied appear to be binary, with projected sepa- the Asiago Observatory. The “queye” part
a selection rule such that for every five rations as small as 5 mas. One of them of their names indicates the close rela-
minute interval only one star would be is illustrated in Figure 2. A few stars also tionship to QuantumEye, an instrument
selected, with the highest priority among appear to be resolved, although a more concept proposed initially for OWL, and
the other events close in time. As a result, detailed analysis is still needed. now for the E-ELT (Dravins et al., 2005;
1629 Observing Blocks (OBs) were gener- Barbieri et al., 2008). The driver for this
ated — a significant load for the User Most of these results, as well as those class of instruments is to reach ultimately
Support Department and our colleagues obtained previously, pertain to stars that the regime of time resolution in which
at Paranal to handle, whom we thank for are absent from the literature or have photons are subject to quantum limits.
their support. Equipped with this reservoir little information available. For some of From Figure 4, it can be seen that the
of OBs, our programmes lay dormant until them, not even an optical counterpart Heisenberg uncertainty principle plays a
summoned by an ISAAC night astrono- is known. Clearly, further investigations dominant role in the visible range when
mer… an exciting wait for us in Garching! are needed in order to collect direct the time resolution approaches a few
By the end of the period, a total of 125 LO imaging by adaptive optics and optical picoseconds (1 ps = 10 –12 s). But how is it
events had been attempted in service and near-infrared photometry, and to possible to reach such time resolutions?
mode. Of these, 116 resulted in positive provide spectral classification. We are
detections of well-recorded light curves, a waiting to prepare a corresponding pro- The solution selected for Iqueye is to com-
very satisfactory outcome indeed. posal when a significant number of such bine astronomy with the state of the art
stars are available. At the same time, we offered by detector and nuclear physics.
In order to cope with such a volume note that a large number of unresolved Iqueye and its siblings are equipped with
of data, we developed our own data pipe- sources have been measured with upper single photon counting avalanche photo­
line (Fors et al., 2008), which generates limits on their angular diameters of order diodes (SPADs) which attain 50 ps time
extraction masks for each data cube 1 mas. These limits, and the relatively resolution with count rates as high as

34 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Figure 3. Iqueye at the NTT, with some members of
the team and of the supporting staff from La Silla.
Two of the four SPADs are clearly seen, protruding Figure 4. Astronomy in time and frequency. Pushing
from above and below the middle of the instrument. the time resolution towards the limits imposed
The rack includes the control electronics and the by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle might be
rubidium clock. compared with the opening of a new window.

Log electromagnetic frequency (Hz)

22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8
Gamma X-rays UV Visible Infrared Radio
Photon counting No photon counting


Log timescale (s)

5 Crab Nebula
Giant Pulses
0 T = 10 37 K
1 ms

–10 1 ns
1 ps s
–15 p hysic
1/ν n ow n
m li m it ∆t = ti o n fro m k
– 20 Q u a ntu io n al info rm
d it
No ad

–14 –12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0

Log electromagnetic wavelength (m)

10 MHz. SPADs are very robust to high board originally designed for CERN and a The basic scheme of Iqueye is shown in
light levels, use standard voltages and do reliable and accurate time base. For this Figure 5 and a more detailed account will
not require external cooling; their quantum latter task, both a Global Positioning Sys- be presented in the near future. For the
efficiency reaches 60% in the visible. One tem (GPS) signal and a rubidium clock moment, we show some impressive light
shortcoming of these detectors is their are employed. This clock has the required curves of pulsars (Figures 6–8). The first
deadtime, which at 70 ns limits the count resolution, but it is not sufficiently stable, was obtained with Aqueye at the Asiago
rates to 14 MHz. Such devices are in a and so it is aligned occasionally with 1.8-metre telescope in October 2008
constant state of evolution, and improve- the GPS signal. By combining these two (average signal over 30 minutes), and is
ments are foreseen in the near future. systems, the time-tagging achieved in compared with that taken at a much larger
Both to avoid saturation in case of bright Iqueye is reliable to about 30 ns over long telescope. At the NTT, Iqueye was able
sources, and to provide independent periods of time, and to much less over to detect the Crab pulsar in a single cycle,
detection statistics, Iqueye splits the tele- shorter periods. The capabilities of Iqueye showing its individual pulses clearly. The
scope pupil into four, and each quadrant are impressive, especially if one considers quality is unprecedented, and theoreti-
is observed with one SPAD. However that the whole is achieved in a highly com- cians will be able to zoom in on small
this is only one part of the problem: the pact and portable instrument, installed details and refine their models. One can
other gigantic hurdle is how to tag the and successfully operated at the NTT by a thus study pulse amplitude variations,
arrival time of each photon. This has been small group of people, most of whom had noise in the arrival times, precession of
achieved with two aids: an event-tagging never visited the site before! the rotation axis, correlations with the
giant radio pulses and much more. But
the Crab pulsar is not the limit: at the NTT,
Global filters Centering
Iqueye has been able to study another
wheel Camera
pulsar, B0540-69, with a V magnitude of
Mirror Sliding probe only 23! This pulsar had previously been
pin-hole mirror measured with good quality only by the
focus Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and com-
parison of the NTT and HST data will

Pyramid provide an accurate deceleration rate for

mirror the pulsar. Note that these results are
still preliminary, and the quantities in the
figures need to be corrected for a number
Focal Variable
Removable of effects.
reducer pin-hole
neutral filter
single arm

Single arm Figure 5. Schematic representation of Iqueye. Both


the centering camera and the individual filters in

filters wheel
Field Camera each of the four arms are planned, but could not be
included in the version for the first run at La Silla.
With these additions the efficiency is increased and
can provide the capability for simultaneous multi­
SPAD colour observations.

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 35

Astronomical Science Richichi A. et al., The Beauty of Speed

Figure 6. The light curve also offers a new approach to the tech-
250 000 of the Crab pulsar (peri­
nique known as intensity interferometry,
­o d 33 ms) observed with
Aqueye in 2008 (blue, originally devised and applied by
200 000 1.8-metre telescope in Hanbury-Brown and colleagues. The
Asiago) and with the Kitt method revolutionised interferometry in
Peak 4-metre telescope
the 1960s through the study of the
Count rate

150 000 (red). Note the almost

perfect reproducibility, second order flux correlations between
and the performance of two telescopes. It was shown that this
100 000 Aqueye consistent with method allowed the coherence function
that of a larger tele-
of the emitting source to be measured,
scope at a better site.
50 000 with the advantage that the required
tolerances on the wavefronts were centi-
metres and millimetres, not microns
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 and nanometres as in Michelson interfer-
Phase ometers. The disadvantage with intensity
interferometry is that it requires very large
The power of instruments such as Iqueye light curves of fast variables such as pul- photon fluxes, and thus has limited sensi-
is only starting to become evident. The sars, but also to compare, on a precise tivity. This limitation can be significantly
ability to measure events at nanosecond timescale, light curves taken at different overcome by the better detection efficien-
timescales with accurate time-tagging times and at different locations. For cies and larger telescopes than were
has already opened the door to a number pulsars, this enables the study of phase available in the 1960s; many in the com-
of unique applications. It becomes possi- changes, derivatives, and comparison munity are debating the revival of inten-
ble not only to measure the individual with radio observations, for example. It sity interferometry. In this context,
plans to bring two Iqueyes to the VLT are
IQuEYE−20090115−030304−CRAB2− already being proposed.
0.66 Autocor. Total (coeff), ΔT = 0.0001s
0.64 In the future, with improved hardware and
the immense photon collecting power of
the European ELT, it should become

possible to truly attain the quantum limit,
attempting detections at the picosecond
level. This will open an entirely new win-
0.54 dow on the Universe, and push our knowl-
0.52 edge into the regime where even the con-
0.5 cept of photon and wavelength come
0.48 to lose their accustomed meaning: a truly
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 quantum eye will be born. Marinetti would
(s) have loved it!

Figure 7. (Top) A zoom

x 105 psrb0540−69 Light Curve − Bin time: 0.0025325 s
4.19 of the autocorrelation References
function of single pulses
from the Crab pulsar, Barbieri, C. et al. 2008, in Instrumentation for the
4.18 obtained by Iqueye at VLT in the ELT Era, ed. A. Moorwood,
the NTT in January (Berlin: Springer), 249
2009. The structure in Dravins, D. et al. 2005, QuantEYE. Quantum Optics
4.17 the secondary peak is Instrumentation for Astronomy, OWL Instrument
due to the double-pulse Concept Study, OWL-CSR-ESO-00000-0162
shape of the light curve. Fors O. et al. 2008, A&A, 480, 297
Total counts

4.16 Redfern, M. & Ryan, O. 2006, presentation at the

meeting Towards the European ELT, Marseille
Richichi A. et al. 2006, The Messenger, 126, 24
4.15 Richichi A. et al. 2008a, A&A, 489, 1399
Richichi A., Fors O. & Mason E. 2008b, A&A, 489,
Figure 8. (Left) The light curve of the pulsar
4.13 PSR 0540-69, with magnitude V = 23. The period
can be well established from these data (preliminary
value 50.7 ms), as well as features in the curve that
4.12 reproduce well previous observations by HST. The
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 data timing needs to be corrected for Earth’s rota-
Time (s) tion, orbit and other effects.

36 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Astronomical Science

VISIR Observations of Local Seyfert Nuclei

and the Mid-infrared — Hard X-ray Correlation

Hannes Horst1 separated into two classes: Sy 1 galaxies the dynamical stability of the torus
Poshak Gandhi2 with an unobscured view onto the hot, (Krolik & Begelman, 1988).
Alain Smette 3 optically bright accretion disc and the sur-
Wolfgang Duschl1 4 rounding broad line region (BLR); and – Panel c illustrates the idea of the “reced-
Sy 2 galaxies that are observed through a ing” torus, first proposed by Lawrence
veil of gas and dust. This has led astrono- (1991). The consequence of this model is
Institut für Theoretische Physik und mers (see, for example, Rowan-Robinson, that AGN of high luminosity will appear
Astrophysik, Universität Kiel, Germany 1977; Antonucci, 1982) to develop the as obscured less frequently than AGN of
RIKEN Cosmic Radiation Laboratory, unified scenario for AGN. The cornerstone low luminosity, since, when the luminos-
Wako City, Saitama, Japan of this scenario is the existence of a torus- ity increases, the sublimation radius and
ESO shaped supply of molecular gas and thus the inner edge of the torus move
Steward Observatory, University of dust that obscures the central parts of the outwards. This, in turn, means that the
Arizona, USA AGN when viewed close to the equatorial solid angle covered by the torus as seen
plane (see Figure 1 for an illustration). from the centre of the AGN decreases.
Thus, Sy 1 and Sy 2 galaxies are the same There are some observational indica-
High angular resolution mid-infrared beasts, just seen from different directions. tions for this effect, but the question of
observations with the VISIR instrument the geometry of the torus in this case is
at the Very Large Telescope have While the unified scenario has proved to far from settled.
allowed the distribution of dust around be very successful and has passed many
local active galactic nuclei (AGN) to observational tests, little is known about There are many approaches to the study
be studied. The observational results the physical state of the torus itself. Some of the physical state of the torus. The
support the unified scenario for AGN possible geometries for the dust distribu- one that seemed most promising to us
and bring constraints on the properties tion are shown in Figure 2: was to combine mid-infrared (MIR) and
of its key component, a dusty torus hard X-ray observations. The intrinsic
obscuring the view onto the AGN when – Panel a displays a classical smooth dis- X-ray luminosity is a good proxy for the
viewed close to the equatorial plane. tribution with a constant ratio of height/ total luminosity of the accretion disc. The
radius. Such a torus has essentially MIR emission of an AGN, on the other
the same geometry as the accretion disc hand, is dominated by thermal emission
Active galactic nuclei have been a prime in the centre of the AGN, but with much of the dust within the torus. As the torus
target of extragalactic astronomy for lower temperatures and a much larger is heated by the accretion disc, one
many years. These fascinating objects extent. The border between the torus on would expect a correlation between MIR
comprise a supermassive black hole, a one side and the accretion disc and and hard X-ray luminosities. Since, in
hot accretion disc feeding the black hole broad line region on the other side is Sy 1 galaxies, we can see the hot dust in
and an additional supply of cold gas determined by the sublimation tempera- the inner part of the torus, while in Sy 2
and dust. They have many manifestations: ture of the dust. When the gas becomes galaxies — according to the unified sce-
quasars, radio galaxies, Seyfert galaxies too hot, the dust particles are destroyed, nario — we can only see the cooler dust
— all of which are governed by the same the gas is ionised and a hot BLR or in the outer part of the torus, one would
physical mechanisms. accretion disc is observed instead of a expect to find a difference in the MIR and
dusty torus. intrinsic hard X-ray luminosities.

The dusty torus in AGN – Panel b shows the same geometry, but Two studies on the mid-infrared–hard
with the dust and gas arranged in dis- X-ray correlation by Krabbe et al. (2001)
The local incarnations of AGN — also tinct clouds. There are theoretical argu- and Lutz et al. (2004) found the expected
known as Seyfert (Sy) galaxies — can be ments for such clumpiness, based on correlation between MIR and hard X-ray

broad line region obscuring torus a) z b) z

θ θ h
r r

black hole accretion disc c) z

Figure 1. Sketch of the inner part of an AGN as pre- Figure 2. Vertical cuts showing three possible
dicted by the unified scenario. Depicted are the geometrical configurations for the torus: a) shows
black hole, the accretion disc, the clumpy broad line θ a “classical” torus; b) a clumpy torus; and c) a
region and the obscuring torus. The narrow line h receding torus. r is the radius, h the height above
region and a possible jet are omitted for clarity. r the equatorial plane and θ the half opening angle.

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 37

Astronomical Science Horst H. et al., VISIR Observations of Local Seyfert Nuclei

Figure 3. The central part of NGC 5135 in an overlay

of optical Hubble Space Telescope data and our
VISIR observations. The optical data is shown as a
false colour image and the VISIR data as a contour
plot. This figure is reproduced from Horst et al. (2009).

luminosities, but not the expected differ- With this setup, we reached a typical reso-
ence in luminosity ratio between Sy 1 and lution of 0.3 arcseconds, thereby signifi-
Sy 2 galaxies. cantly improving the resolution compared
to previous studies. Most of the observed
Ramifications of assessing the MIR and objects appear point-like — only in three
X-ray properties of AGN cases did we detect extended emission

Dec Offset
around the AGN. One example of a target
One limitation of earlier studies on the with extended emission — NGC 5135
mid-IR–hard X-ray correlation was the low — is displayed in Figure 3. In this overlay
angular resolution of the MIR observa- of VISIR and Hubble Space Telescope
tions. Unfortunately, Seyfert galaxies fre- data, we see that some sources of optical
quently host regions of active star forma- and MIR emission coincide, while others
tion close to the AGN which also emit in do not. Where MIR sources do not have 1.0”
the MIR regime. If it is not possible to spa- an optical counterpart, we probably see
tially resolve these star-forming regions, the early stages of star formation when
a separation, e.g., by spectral decomposi- young stars are heating their environment, RA Offset
tion methods, is very difficult. We decided but are not yet powerful enough to blow
to base our study on observations with away the dusty veil that is hiding them. contamination in our own data, but at
the VSIR instrument (Lagage et al., 2004) least it will be far less than for larger
at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), which aperture observations. We discuss the
offers the best combination of spatial res- Extended emission and comparison to important point of contamination in our
olution and sensitivity in the mid-infrared Spitzer data data in more detail in the next section.
currently available in the world.
For NGC 5135 and a second object,
Besides the angular resolution of the MIR NGC 7469, we can estimate that within the The mid-infrared–hard X-ray correlation
observations, another issue was the innermost 3.0 arcseconds around the
reliability of our X-ray data. As mentioned AGN, at least roughly 45% of the MIR flux The primary goal of our observing cam-
above, we need the intrinsic X-ray lumi- does not originate from the AGN. For paigns was to study the mid-infrared–
nosity in order to have a proxy for the total NGC 7469, this result is in good agreement hard X-ray correlation. First of all, like our
luminosity of the accretion disc. Unfor­ with an actual comparison of our VISIR predecessors, we found a strong and
tunately, X-rays are also absorbed within data to archival spectra recorded with the significant correlation between these two
the torus. However, high quality X-ray IRS instrument aboard the Spitzer Space quantities. The correlation is shown in
spectra allow us to correct for this effect, Telescope; the latter provides an angular Figure 5. In this figure, we plot hard X-ray
since absorption alters the X-ray spectral resolution of ~ 3.0 arcseconds. We per- v. MIR luminosity on a log–log scale. Blue
ap­pearance of an AGN in a characteristic formed this comparison for all objects that squares represent Sy 1 nuclei, red dia-
way. Therefore, we decided to observe we had observed in at least two MIR filters monds are for Sy 2 nuclei and green tri-
a sample of Sy 1 and Sy 2 galaxies with and for which archival IRS data were avail- angles for low ionisation emission line
VISIR for which high quality X-ray data able. Interestingly, we found some cases regions (LINERS), a class of AGN with
were available. of significant deviation of the IRS and less pronounced nuclei and — relative to
VISIR fluxes where no ex­tended emission the AGN power — more star formation
In order to make the best use of VISIR’s was visible in the VISIR images (Horst et than Seyfert galaxies. Arrows mark either
high angular resolution capabilities, we al., 2009). One example for this is shown the upper limits of the MIR luminosity
decided to only observe relatively nearby in Figure 4. We interpret this discrepancy of non-detected sources or the lower lim-
AGN. We set the limit for our sample as caused by smooth, extended emission its of sources with equivocal X-ray spec-
selection at a redshift of 0.1. that is not observed with VISIR due to its tra. The dotted line depicts the best-fit
limited sensitivity to this kind of emission. power-law to our first sample, observed
In a few cases, flux changes due to time in 2005 (see Horst et al., 2006); the
VISIR observing campaigns variability between the two observing dashed line then shows the best fit to the
epochs, while unlikely to be the origin of two samples combined.
Between April 2005 and September 2006, this effect, cannot be completely ruled out.
we observed 29 Seyfert galaxies with The correlation has some important fea-
VISIR and detected 25 of them. We used The extra-nuclear emission — either tures. One of these is the slope, which is
a standard chop/nod-procedure to directly observed with VISIR or visible close to unity. On a log–log scale, a slope
remove the very bright atmospheric back- through the comparison to the Spitzer of one indicates a linear dependency
ground in the MIR. In order to achieve the data — underlines that giving priority to between the two plotted quantities. Thus,
highest possible angular resolution, we high angular resolution, instead of the we find that MIR and X-ray luminosities
chose VISIR’s small field objective, which higher sensitivity of space telescopes, show a linear relationship. Secondly, Sy 1
provides a pixel scale of 0.075 arcseconds was the right approach for our purpose. and Sy 2 galaxies exhibit the same MIR/
and a field of view of 19 x 19 arcseconds. Of course, we cannot rule out significant X-ray luminosity ratio. Again, this is in

38 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Figure 5. The mid-infrared–hard X-ray correlation as
determined in this study. Blue squares are Sy 1
nuclei, red diamonds are Sy 2 nuclei and green trian-
gles are LINERS. Arrows either depict upper limits
Figure 4. Comparison of VISIR photometry (black to the MIR luminosity, in the case of MIR non-detec-
circles) with IRS spectrophotometry (black line) for tion, or lower limits to the X-ray luminosity, in case of
Mrk 590. The horizontal error bars depict the pass- equivocal X-ray data. The dotted line is the best-fit
band of the VISIR filters; dashed vertical lines indi- power-law to our first sample, the dashed line the
cate the wavelength position of emission lines com- best-fit power-law to the combined sample. This fig-
mon in AGN spectra. ure is reproduced from Horst et al. (2008).

250 Mrk 590 45

NGC 7674
PKS 2048–57

log L 2–10 kev (erg s –1)

43 IRAS 13197–1627
Flux (mJy)

42 MCG–01–01–043

100 41 NGC 4579

50 Sy 1–1.5
NGC 4303 Sy 1.8–2
NGC 4698
8 9 10 11 12 13 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Rest frame wavelength (µm) logλL λ (12.3 µm) (erg s –1)

good agreement with the results of previ- Implications for the dusty torus torus-shaped distribution of molecular
ous studies. At our high angular resolu- gas and dust, if the dust is arranged
tion, it is unlikely that the similarity is Our results allow us to constrain the prop- in distinct clouds (panel b in Figure 2). In
caused by contamination of the observed erties of the dusty torus — at least for addition, these clouds need to have a low
MIR luminosity with non-AGN emission. the AGN within the luminosity range we volume filling factor within the torus. In
Therefore, we assume that it is intrinsic to probed. Since we aimed for high angular such a configuration, we have a relatively
AGN. resolution, we restricted ourselves to unobstructed view through the torus onto
observing local AGN that are less lumi- the hot dust in its inner region.
On account of the emphasis that we nous than more distant objects, e.g., qua-
placed on the issue of angular resolution, sars. Thus, it has to be kept in mind that These interesting results have motivated
we have to discuss the influence of con- the properties of the torus in AGN may us to continue research along these lines.
tamination in our own data. In order to change toward higher luminosities (and in One important study was carried out
obtain robust results, we split our sample fact there is some evidence that this is so). by Gandhi et al. (2009) who — thanks to
into two sub samples: especially well- the arrival of the Suzaku, INTEGRAL and
resolved objects and less well-resolved Interestingly, however, we find no indica- Swift spacecraft — managed to obtain
objects. The term “well-resolved” has tion for a luminosity dependence of the reliable X-ray data for especially heavily
to be understood in terms of the dust appearance of the torus within our sam- obscured Sy 2 galaxies. VISIR observa-
sublimation radius that defines the inner ple. Since the slope of the correlation is tions of these targets showed that also
edge of the torus. This radius can be esti- unity within the errors, the X-ray/MIR lumi- they follow the correlation found in our
mated from the X-ray luminosity and is nosity ratio does not change at all. Since earlier studies. The implication is that our
a natural scale for the dusty torus. Inter- the MIR luminosity is determined by the approach has indeed allowed us to con-
estingly, we find a significant change in amount of accretion disc emission that is strain the geometry and physics of the
the MIR/X-ray luminosity ratio at an angu- absorbed by the torus, it is directly pro- dusty torus in AGN. An interesting next
lar resolution of 560 times the dust subli- portional to the hard X-ray luminosity and step would be to widen the luminosity
mation radius (see Gandhi et al., 2009 for the solid angle it covers when seen from range covered by this study and try to
details). Therefore, we used this resolution the accretion disc. Thus, a constant lumi- assess the properties of the tori in the
as the separator for our two sub samples. nosity ratio implies that the opening angle least, as well as the most powerful, AGN.
The well resolved AGN are marked by θ of the torus is constant as well. This
black circles in Figure 5. We then checked rules out the receding torus model (panel
whether the correlation would change c) in Figure 2 in its purest form. If the torus References
if we used only the well-resolved objects; shows receding behaviour, it only does so Antonucci, R. 1982, Nature, 299, 605
reassuringly, the result of this exercise beyond X-ray luminosities of 1038 W. Gandhi, P. et al. 2009, A&A accepted
showed that this is not the case. Within Horst, et al. 2006, A&A, 457, L17
errors, the slopes of the two correlations The fact that Sy 1 and Sy 2 nuclei follow Horst, H. et al. 2008, A&A, 479, 389
Horst, H. et al. 2009, A&A, accepted
are identical (the details of the statistical the same correlation also has an impor- Krabbe, A. et al. 2001, ApJ, 557, 626
analysis are presented in Horst et al., tant implication: it implies that the as­­ Krolik, J.H. & Begelman, C. 1988, ApJ, 329, 702
2008). Thus, we can be confident that the sumption that in Sy 1 nuclei we see hot Lagage, P.O. et al. 2004, The Messenger, 177, 12
correlation we have determined is physi- dust, while in Sy 2 galaxies we do not, Lawrence, A. 1991, MNRAS, 252, 586
Lutz, D. et al. 2004, A&A, 418, 465
cally meaningful and can now discuss its is probably incorrect. This result can only Rowan-Robinson, M. 1977, ApJ, 213, 635
implications. be reconciled with the existence of a

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 39

Astronomical Science

A VLT Large Programme to Study Galaxies at z ~ 2:

GMASS — the Galaxy Mass Assembly Ultra-deep
Spectroscopic Survey
Jaron Kurk1 200 spectra produced by GMASS con- which the most massive systems form
Andrea Cimatti2 stitute a lasting legacy, populating the relatively late through a slow process of
Emanuele Daddi 3 “redshift desert” in GOODS-S. merging of smaller galaxies. Together
Marco Mignoli4 with the small and slow evolution in the
Micol Bolzonella4 K-selected galaxy population up to z of
Lucia Pozzetti4 Motivation 1−1.5, it became clear that most (mas-
Paolo Cassata 5 sive) galaxy assembly occurred at z > 1.5.
Claire Halliday6 In 2002, the K20 survey provided the In order to study the physical and evolu-
Gianni Zamorani4 spectroscopic redshift distribution of a tionary status of typical Milky Way mass
Stefano Berta7 complete sample of 480 galaxies with (M*) galaxies in this redshift range, we
Marcella Brusa7 K < 20. One of the main scientific results proposed to obtain ultra-deep spectros-
Mark Dickinson 8 from this survey was the discovery of a copy with FORS2 at the VLT. As emission
Alberto Franceschini 9 significant population of massive lines move out of the optical window
Giulia Rodighiero 9 K-selected galaxies at high redshift and the redshift measurement, especially
Piero Rosati10 (Cimatti et al., 2002). Their spectra for the passive galaxies, depends on
Alvio Renzini11 (Cimatti et al., 2004) showed that some of absorption features in the continuum,
these objects were indeed very massive there are few galaxies known in the
(1011 M0) and already old (1–2 Gyr). redshift range of interest, 1.3 < z < 2.5,
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Around this time, deep near-infrared (NIR) which has traditionally been known as
Heidelberg, Germany imaging surveys were also beginning the redshift desert.
Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy to provide evidence of a new population
CEA/Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, of candidate massive galaxies at photo- The location chosen for the survey (Fig-
France metric redshifts z > 2 (Labbé et al., 2002), ure 1) was GOODS-S in the Chandra
INAF/Osservatorio Astrofisico di barely detectable even in the deepest Deep Field South, because of the avail­able
Bologna, Italy optical images. The strong clustering of deep optical Advanced Camera for Sur-
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, these red galaxies (Daddi et al., 2003) veys (ACS) imaging and near-infrared
USA suggested that these were progenitors imaging with the Very Large Telescope
INAF/OAA, Florence, Italy of local, massive early-type galaxies. The (VLT) ISAAC instrument. This field would
Max-Planck Institut für extraterres- existence of a significant population of also contain the planned Hubble Space
trische Physik, Garching, Germany massive galaxies in the early Universe Telescope (HST) Ultra Deep Field (UDF)
National Optical Astronomy was not predicted by semi-analytic mod- and contained part of the K20 survey.
Observatory, Tucson, USA els of hierarchical galaxy formation, in The proposed deep spectroscopy would
Università di Padova, Padova, Italy be complementary to the VIMOS and
ESO FORS2 public spectroscopy surveys car-
INAF/Osservatorio Astrofisico di ried out by ESO in the GOODS-S field,
Padova, Italy which had shorter integration times and
therefore targeted more luminous objects.
Including overheads and pre-imaging,
We report on the motivation, sample the total time requested for the programme
selection and first results of our VLT was 145 hours in two semesters.
FORS2 Large Programme (173.A-0687),
which has obtained the longest targeted
spectra of distant galaxies obtained so UDF
Sample selection and mask design
far with the VLT. These long exposures,
up to 77 hours for objects included For the target selection, we took advan-
in three masks, were required to detect tage of the very recent Spitzer/IRAC
spectral features of extremely faint gal- coverage of GOODS-S. The IRAC 4.5 μm
axies, such as absorption lines of photometry, which samples the 1–2 μm
passive galaxies at z > 1.4, a population rest-frame for the targeted redshift range,
that had previously escaped attention enabled us to select on mass more relia-
due to its faintness in the optical wave- bly than possible with the K-band. We
length regime, but which represents combined all available photometry from
a critical phase in the evolution of mas- GOODS-South U-band to 8.0 μm to obtain photometric
HST + ACS (F850LP)
sive galaxies. The ultra-deep spectros- redshifts for the 1277 unblended sources
copy allowed us to estimate the stellar detected at 4.5 μm (to m AB = 23.0). These
metallicity of star-forming galaxies at Figure 1. The location of the 6.8 x 6.8 arcminute field 1277 sources constitute the GMASS sam-
of GMASS (red), relative to the ACS coverage of
z ~ 2, to trace colour bimodality up to GOODS-S (black background), the field of the K20
ple. Of this sample, we selected objects
z = 2 and to characterise a galaxy cluster survey (yellow) and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field for spectroscopy according to the follow-
progenitor at z = 1.6. The approximately (green). ing constraints: zphot > 1.4 and BAB < 26

40 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

and IAB < 26, excluding all objects for Redshifts obtained 1.8, and is 100% for most bins in the
which spectroscopy was already availa- range 1.8 < z < 2.9.
ble or planned. This spectroscopic sample After extracting the one-dimensional
contains 221 galaxies. Subsequently, spectra and fitting the absorption and
we identified two subsamples: selecting emission line features, 130 new redshifts Superdense passive galaxies at z > 1.4
so-called blue galaxies that were ex­­ at z > 1.4 were obtained. In addition,
pected to have strong absorption lines 37 new redshifts at z < 1.4 were obtained One of the main purposes of GMASS
below 6000 Å for the masks to be and more than twenty formerly known was to discover (spectroscopically) and
observed with the 300V grism (the blue redshifts were confirmed and, in most study passive galaxies in the redshift
masks); and red galaxies to be observed cases, determined with higher accuracy. desert. Although this desert is no longer
with the 300I grism (the red masks). For The fraction of redshifts successfully as empty as before, the galaxies known
the first two pilot masks, we selected the determined for the targets observed is in this redshift range are mostly UV-
brightest targets from both subsamples. about 85%. The same number applies to selected (Steidel et al., 2000) and there-
Subsequently, we filled two blue and two the fraction of targets with photometric fore actively star-forming galaxies. Using
red masks with fainter targets, allocating redshifts z > 1.4 that were confirmed by IRAC selection, we were able, instead,
open spaces to targets already included in spectroscopy to have z > 1.4 (a few of to uncover 13 passive galaxies in the
other masks, or otherwise to targets from the galaxies from the spectroscopic sam- range 1.39 < z < 1.99. Their spectra (see
the GMASS sample without spectroscopic ple were included erroneously and are Figure 3) are similar to those of other old
redshifts. In total, 211 (174) objects from not considered in this fraction). Figure 2 passive galaxies at z > 1, such as that of
the GMASS (spectroscopic) sample were shows a histogram of the photometric 53w091 at z = 1.55 (Dunlop et al., 1996).
included in one or more masks (38 objects and known spectroscopic redshifts in the
were included in two masks and five GMASS field. Also shown is the fraction We obtained a high signal-to-noise
in three). The total exposure times for the of known spectroscopic redshifts pro- stacked spectrum (shown in Figure 4) by
masks were 12 h, 14 h and 15 h for the vided by GMASS, which increases from averaging all 13 individual spectra, as­­
blue and 15 h, 32 h and 30 h for the red 30% to 85% between redshifts 1.4 and signing the same weight to each spectrum

Our observational strategy for the blue

masks followed the conventional optical /DQBDMS@FDQDRTKSHMFEQNL&, 22
one of having two offset positions so 2ODBSQNRBNOHBQDCRGHES
as to be able to correct for bad pixels, with 2ODBSQNRBNOHBQDCRGHESEQNL&, 22
each offset position exposed for half an 
hour. For the red masks, for which many
variable sky emission lines make back-
ground subtraction difficult, we used four
offset positions, each exposed for
15 minutes. During reduction, we com- 
puted the median value of the four posi-

tions for each pixel, which provided a reli-

able representation of the background.
After subtraction of this background, the
two-dimensional spectra were rectified 
and combined (taking into account the
respective offsets). The remaining sky-line
residuals were fitted along the columns
and subtracted from the combined
image. The resulting spectra have very 
low sky-line contamination, even above
8500 Å. We also took care to interpolate
only once during the entire reduction
process, to minimise any noise introduced
by this process. 

Figure 2. Histogram of photometric (grey), previously

known spectroscopic redhsifts (blue) and spectro-
scopic redshifts resulting from GMASS (red) in 
the GMASS field. Also shown is the percentage of
known spectroscopic redshifts determined by     

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 41

Astronomical Science Kurk J. et al., VLT Programme to Study Galaxies at z ~ 2: GMASS

 Figure 3. Individual spectra of six of the thirteen pas-

H ! 

,F ((
,F (

 sive galaxies with GMASS spectra (blue). The spec-

 tra are very similar to the overlayed spectrum (red) of
the old galaxy LBDS 53w091 at z = 1.55 (Dunlop et

. ((
al., 1996). Shown on the right are 3.7 x 3.7 arcsec-
 ond BVI stamp images, constructed from HST/ACS
 H !  images.

after normalisation in the 2600–3100 Å
%h lDQFR lBL lÄ l

 wavelength range. The stacked spectrum

H ! 

 was compared with various libraries of
synthetic spectra to estimate the age of
 the stellar population. In practice, using
 the observed rest-frame UV spectrum
 H ! 
only, provides an estimate of the time
 elapsed since the last major episode of
star formation. Since a degeneracy exists
 between the effects of age and metallicity,
H ! 
we calculated ages for a range of metal­
 licities, finding best-fit ages between 0.7
 and 2.8 Gyr for metallicities Z = 1.5 to
 0.2 Z0. We also fitted synthetic spectra
 H ! 
 to the available photometry (11 bands,

and Spitzer/IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8 μm) and
 derived a mean age, mass, and upper limit
       to the star formation rate (SFR) of 1.1 Gyr,
hQDRSÄ 5 x 1010 M0, and 0.2 M0 /yr respectively.
Owing to the depth of the spectroscopy, it
was possible to study galaxies that span
,F ((

a wide range in stellar mass: from very

%D (
%D ((
"Q (

massive 1011 M0 galaxies to systems of

,F (

,M ((

only 1010 M0 . Our analysis of the ages


%D ((
%D ((


indicate that the bulk of the stars in these

passively evolving galaxies must have
formed at 2 < z < 3, which is in excellent

agreement with the evidence found for

  early-types observed at 0 < z < 1, as well
as for recent observations of early-types
at z > 1.4.

A visual classification by eye of the ACS


  images shows that the majority of passive

galaxies have a spheroidal morphology
typical of early-type galaxies (Figure 3).
For data acquired with the reddest availa-
ble ACS filter, we modelled the surface
  brightness distribution by fitting a Sersíc
profile, after the point spread function
(PSF) was determined from ten stars in the
field. Most of the passive galaxies have
a Sersíc index n > 2, indicating that the
  bulk of the light from the galaxy comes
from a bulge component. The galaxy radii
are in the range 0.6–3.2 kpc with a mean
, &XQ22/ 599
Figure 4. The stacked average spectrum of the thir-
  teen passive GMASS galaxies (black) overlayed with
     the best-fit synthetic spectrum (red) from the models
1DRSEQ@LDV@UDKDMFSGÄ of Maraston (2005).

42 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

        Figure 5. Density maps of galaxies at z = 1.6 in the
GOODS-S field. Filled contours are based on
GOODS/MUSIC (Grazian et al., 2006) photometric
t redshifts (indicated by filled circles) and solid and
dashed contours are based on spectroscopic red-
$KKHOSHB@K shifts from GMASS and ESO/GOODS (indicated by
2OHQ@K crosses). Small dots indicate galaxies in the GMASS
catalogue outside the redshift spike. Additional sym-
t (QQDFTK@Q bols are plotted according to morphology: elliptical
-NSHM&, 22R@LOKD galaxies (circles), spiral galaxies (squares) or irregu-
lars (triangles). Diamonds indicate those galaxies in
the overdensity at z = 1.6 not in the GMASS sample.
leads to an estimated sub-mm/mm gal-
axy duty cycle of ~ 0.15 Gyr. SMGs may
therefore represent rapid and highly
dissipative major mergers at z > 2, which
become compact, superdense remnants

that evolve almost passively at z < 2.

The other question is how superdense
&, 2
2%.1 galaxies at z ~ 2 migrated to the size-
mass relation at z ~ 0. One possibility is
t dissipationless (or dry) merging: accord-
ing to some models, this process can
increase the size and mass of a system
t without altering the stellar population
content. The increase in size is expected
to depend on the orbital properties and
the mass of the merging system, with the
t most massive galaxies increasing their
size more strongly than their less massive
counterparts. If the mass-dependent size
evolution is applicable, most GMASS
t - passive galaxies would be the progeni-
tors of early-types that today have stellar
6 masses 1011 M0 < M < 1012 M0 , i.e. the
 Œt most massive E/S0 systems at z = 0.
An overdensity of galaxies at z = 1.6

of 1.4 kpc. These values are much smaller This significant difference in size raises Several spikes in the histogram of galaxy
than those observed in early-type galaxies two questions: firstly, how did these small redshifts in the GOODS-S field are known.
of the same stellar mass in the local systems form, and what mechanisms The overdensity of one of the highest
Universe. The small sizes that we measure can explain their growth in size in the redshift spikes, at z = 1.6, was described
are neither due to an unresolved central past 10 Gyr? The derived constraints on in Castellano et al. (2007). Within the
source, nor due to our imaging being the age, star formation history, and stellar large-scale overdensity, a peak was dis-
in the rest-frame mid-UV (several authors masses indicate that intense star for­ cerned that would evolve into a cluster
have demonstrated that the sizes of sphe- mation (SFR > 100 M0/yr) must have of galaxies, although from the evidence
roidal galaxies do not vary substantially as taken place at z > 2. Among the possible at z = 1.6 the structure is unlikely to be
a function of wavelength). The measured precursor candidates, only sub-mm/mm- virialised. Since the peak is located in our
galaxy sizes are smaller by a factor of selected galaxies (SMGs) have sizes field, GMASS added 32 galaxies with
two to three compared with z ~ 0 galaxies, and mass surface densities comparable confirmed z = 1.6 redshifts to the ten pre-
implying that the stellar mass surface den- to those of the passive galaxies at viously known (from ESO/GOODS spec-
sity of passive galaxies at < z > ~ 1.6 is 1.4 < z < 2. In addition, the correlation troscopy). We confirm that there is a
five to ten times higher. Such superdense lengths and estimated masses of these significant, narrow spike in the distribution
early-type galaxies with radii > 1 kpc are two populations are similar. SMGs are, of spectroscopic redshifts at z = 1.610,
extremely rare in the local Universe (Shen however, an order of magnitude rarer which forms an overdensity in redshift
et al., 2003). than these passive descendants, which space by a factor of six. The velocity

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 43

Astronomical Science Kurk J. et al., VLT Programme to Study Galaxies at z ~ 2: GMASS

Figure 6. The average combined spectrum of 75

" (5hh   


star-forming GMASS galaxy spectra. Lines indicate
interstellar rest-frame mid-UV absorption features
(dotted), photospheric absorption features (dot–
short dash), and C iii 1909 Å emission (dot–long
2H (5h 
2H (5h 

%D (( 
" ((h 

2H (( 
. (h 

9M (( 
,F ( 

-H (( 

-H (( 
-H (( 

" ((( 

-H (5 
2H (( 

2H (( 

2H (( 
2H ((( 

2 5 

published. In Halliday et al. (2008), we

W l study the stellar metallicity of galaxies at
z ~ 2, using a stacked spectrum of 75
star-forming galaxies (see Figure 6), cor-
responding to a total integration time
W l

1HWDS@K of 1653 hours. With this spectrum, it was

possible for the first time to measure
the iron abundance and thus the stellar
W l metallicity at a median redshift of
z = 1.88. We constrain the metallicity to
log(Z/Z0 ) = – 0.57 ± 0.16. Cassata et al.
W l (2008) describe the colour bimodality
in the galaxy population up to very high
redshifts. We find that the red sequence
W l of passive galaxies is recognisable up
         to z ~ 2, but then disappears. In addition,
1DRS EQ@LDV@UDKDMFSGÄ Daddi et al. (2007a,b) used GMASS spec-
tra, in combination with other spectra
of distant galaxies, to study star forma-
dispersion of these 42 galaxies is 450 redshifts to be compiled using the J-K tion and obscured active galactic nuclei
km/s, which should increase with redshift colour, which brackets the 4000 Å break (AGN). Several more papers are in prepa-
to become comparable with that of a at this redshift. We detect a red sequence, ration, describing the survey strategy
cluster of galaxies. The redshift distribu- which is consistent with a theoretical and resulting redshifts (Kurk et al.), the
tion is not Gaussian, but rather bimodal sequence of galaxies that formed their morphological analysis (Cassata et al.)
with a primary peak at z = 1.610 and a stars in a short burst at z = 3. and dust properties of galaxies up to
secondary at z = 1.602. Although we do z ~ 2.5. The published GMASS spectra
not detect significant spatial separation This is the first and only structure of this will be publicly available through the ESO
between the primary and secondary nature known: its redshift is higher than GOODS website, forming a lasting legacy
peaks, this may be additional evidence that of any known galaxy cluster and for studies of high redshift galaxies.
that the structure is not yet virialised. the structure contains spectroscopically
Towards the northern part of the GMASS confirmed, red, early-type galaxies. Its
field, the surface density of spike galaxies irregularity in angular and redshift space, References
is five times higher than in the remainder including at least two localised higher Cassata, P. et al. 2008, A&A, 483, L39
of the field. The properties of spike gal­ density peaks, suggests that the struc- Castellano, M. et al. 2007, ApJ, 671, 1497
axies in this high density region are differ- ture is still relaxing, which is consistent Cimatti, A. et al. 2002, A&A, 391, L1
ent from those outside: the mean age with its low X-ray emission. Since this Cimatti, A. et al. 2004, Messenger, 118, 51
Cimatti, A. et al. 2008, A&A, 482, 21
and mass are higher, while the mean star structure exhibits some of the properties Daddi, E. et al. 2003, ApJ, 588, 50
formation rate (SFR) and specific SFR typical of clusters, it may be the progeni- Daddi, E. et al. 2007a, ApJ, 670, 156
(SFR per unit mass) are lower. Six out of tor of a cluster of galaxies, observed at Daddi, E. et al. 2007b, ApJ, 670, 173
the eight passive galaxies in the spike are its assembly. Dunlop, J. et al. 1996, Nature, 381, 581
Grazian, A. et al. 2006, A&A, 449, 951
in this region, three of which appear to Halliday, C. et al. 2008, A&A, 479, 417
form a sub-group of size smaller than Labbé, I. et al. 2002, The Messenger, 110, 38
90 kpc. This group of passive galaxies is Other results from GMASS Maraston, C. 2005, MNRAS, 362, 799
not located at the peak of the surface Shen, S. et al. 2003, MNRAS, 343, 978
Steidel, C. C. et al. 2000, ApJ, 604, 534
density of spike galaxies (Figure 5), but Apart from the two projects described
about 800 kpc away. The available above, published in Cimatti et al. (2008)
NIR imaging allows a colour-magnitude and Kurk et al. (submitted), two other
diagram of the galaxies with confirmed papers based on GMASS spectra are

44 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Astronomical News
Credit: IAU/Jose Francisco Salgado

Two views of the official opening of

the International Year of Astronomy
2009 held at the UNESCO headquar-
ters in Paris. Upper: Jean-Michel
Jarre, master of ceremonies, is seen
with the distinguished panel of
speakers. Lower: the Kronos Quartet
playing to delegates.
Credit: IAU/Lee Pullen
Astronomical News

VirGO: A Visual Browser for the ESO Science

Archive Facility

Evanthia Hatziminaoglou1 VirGO2 offers an alternative to this “tradi- 2007, 2008), whose target audience is
Fabien Chéreau1 tional” querying form, by providing a the general public, and it therefore bene-
visual impression of the available data, fits from many standard features such
their overlaps and the instrument foot- as the display of star and planet posi-
ESO prints, while allowing the resulting frames tions, landscape rendering, intuitive real-
to be filtered in real-time, before launch- time navigation, a variety of projection
ing the query to the ESO archive. This modes, etc. To this set of standard fea-
VirGO is the next generation Visual solution presents many challenges in the tures, VirGO adds the necessary tools for
Browser for the ESO Science Archive field of user interface design, such as browsing through the ESO data archive.
Facility (SAF) developed in the Virtual displaying and navigating through many Figure 1 gives an overview of the general
Observatory Project Office. VirGO observations simultaneously without con- look-and-feel of VirGO. The main features
enables astronomers to discover and fusing the observer, or filtering out and of VirGO are:
select data easily from millions of selecting relevant observations in an intu-
observations in a visual and intuitive itive way. An important aspect of VirGO 1) The main Graphical Window contains
way. It allows real-time access and the is its capacity to access and handle large the dynamical view of the observations
graphical display of a large number data collections on both the client and in the current field of view. Images
of observations by showing instrumen- server sides, as well as to exchange data with footprints and previews (Rite et al.,
tal footprints and image previews, as with other VO tools. These two features 2008) as well as superimposed spectra
well as their selection and filtering are achieved thanks to VO standards: the can be visualised simultaneously, all
for subsequent download from the ESO Simple Image Access/Simple Spectral on a multi-resolution Digitized Sky Sur-
SAF web interface. It also permits the Access (SIA/SSA) protocols for retrieving vey (DSS) background, if the user so
loading of external FITS files or VOTa- images and spectra, respectively, from desires (see below).
bles, as well as the superposition of a variety of astronomical repositories
Digitized Sky Survey images to be used through a uniform interface; and the 2) The List Browser displays a single sum-
as background. All data interfaces are PLASTIC (Platform for Astronomy Tool mary line for each frame selected in
based on Virtual Observatory (VO) InterConnection) protocol for communi- the Graphical Window. The displayed
standards that allow access to images cation with other VO tools. information includes observation date,
and spectra from external data centres, exposure time, filter and instrument.
and interaction with the ESO SAF web The existence of a preview is also indi-
interface or any other VO applications. Overview of main features cated by the presence of a tick-box.

VirGO is a plug-in for the open source 3) The Info Window contains detailed
VirGO as an alternative to the traditional (GPL) software Stellarium (Chéreau et al., information about the observation
ESO archive query

The main ESO archive query form1, a

web interface, allows the user to search
the ESO archive based on Target Name 1
or Coordinates, Observing Date or Pro- 2
gramme ID, request the type of observa-
tions (Imaging, Spectroscopy, Interfer­
ometry etc.) and the Category (Science
or Calibration frames). The query may
take anything from a few seconds to sev-
eral tens of minutes, depending on the
volume of the requested data required by
the user. The information is returned in
the form of a table, listing the frames, as
well as the position, programme ID, expo- 4
sure time, filter and other quantities and
is followed by two tables summarising
the total number of frames and exposure
times, broken down by the various instru-
ments or exposure time/instrument/filter.

Figure 1. Overview of the main Virgo window. For an 7 6
explanation of the numbered items, see text.

46 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

currently selected in the List Browser. 7) Finally, the Menu Bar gives quick Figure 2. An example of the multi-resolution DSS
background implemented in VirGO.
It also provides a direct link to access access to functionalities such as the
the datasets, the preview images or download of observations from the
transmission curves if available. ESO SIA/SSA servers; the activation of visualisation of images, superimposition
the DSS background, grid display, etc. of catalogues, or access of related data
4) The View Selector allows the user and information from e.g., Simbad or
to choose which observations to show/ In the current release of VirGO (1.4), VizieR), SPLAT-VO5 (a spectral analysis
hide by defining a set of constraints observational data are accessed from tool) or TOPCAT6 (an interactive graphical
such as observation type (images ESO Science Archive Facility servers viewer and editor for tabular data). For
or spectra), processing type (raw data, using VO SIA/SSA services. The VOTables example, FITS images can be sent to Ala-
highly processed data etc.), date or provided by these services are loaded din for quick visualisation before being
exposure time. The second part of this by VirGO in streaming mode to allow a requested from the archive. Similarly, all
window is the Tree Browser, which fluid interaction even when downloading reduced spectra available as Advanced
contains a telescope/instrument/filter large datasets. The background is a multi- Data Products (comprising most UVES
tree reflecting which observations are resolution false-colour JPEG version and HARPS spectra as well as FORS2
currently loaded in VirGO. It gives of the DSS originally created at STScI3 by and VIMOS GOODS spectra) can be visu-
refined control over what to show/hide processing and combining the original alised using SPLAT-VO. VirGO’s commu-
from the Graphical Window. blue, red and near-IR DSS images, allow- nication with the VO world is a two-way
ing for more flexibility, e.g., at the time communication. For instance, it can
5) The Target Selection uses either the of defining an archive query. The special receive and display catalogues retrieved
Simbad name resolver or the exact version hosted at ESO was post-proc- using Aladin or TOPCAT.
coordinates. essed and indexed for use in VirGO (see
Figure 2 for an example).
6) Additional functionalities in form of Use cases
Tabs allow the user to see the servers
being queried, select grouping options Interaction with VO tools and services We illustrate two examples of where using
(e.g., footprint blending) and frame VirGO has advantages over the archive
blending (depending on the number of VirGO is able to communicate through query form.
superposed frames), or to send a the PLASTIC protocol with a variety of
direct query for the selected frames to other VO-compliant tools and services, – A user preparing an observing proposal
the ESO Archive. such as Aladin4 (a sky atlas allowing for in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S)

Figure 3. Example out-

put of the Advanced
Data Products query
form for ESO spectros-
copy in the Chandra
Deep Field – South

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 47

Astronomical News Hatziminaoglou E., Chéreau F., VirGO: A Visual Browser for the ESO Archive

Figure 4. Output of VirGO from a

search for spectroscopy in the
CDF-S. Each object within a box
has a spectrum, and zoom-in and
visualisation of a selected spec-
trum using SPLAT-VO is shown.

GDS J033226.84-274818.9 (10—16 erg/cm2/s/Å)

GDS J033226.84-274818.9 versus Wavelength







6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500

Wavelength (Å)

wants to know about all the available or even visualising individual spectra – on the technical side, the immediate
ESO observations within one square using other VO tools (here SPLAT-VO) objectives include the improvement of
degree in this field. Using the main ESO before requesting them from the server scalability, the optimisation
archive query form, the user will have to archive. of image and catalogue access and the
wait about 28 minutes for all the frames use of improved caching, as well as
(more than 31 000) to be returned in a deeper integration with the ESO web-
the form of an HTML table. The same Future developments site.
query using VirGO will require only four
minutes and will return the list in a Although fully functional, VirGO is a recent
visual form, like that shown in Figure 1, application, and several major capabilities References
allowing the user to see the overlaps as well as technical features still have to Chéreau et al. 2007, Stellarium 0.10.0,
between observations immediately, be implemented. The next objectives are
to get a feeling for the depth of the the following: Chéreau F. 2008, in ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 394,
exposures (using the footprint blending ADASS XVII, ed. Argyle R. W., Bunclark P. S. & Lewis
J. R., 221
option) or to look selectively at the –a
 dd access to more ESO data, espe- Kapadia et al. 2007, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias,
reduced data. cially science-ready data such as Large M. (eds.) Communicating Astronomy with the
Programmes and Surveys, large sets Public, 2007
– A user wants to know which targets of pipeline-processed data, and Press Rité, C. et al. 2008, in ASP Conf. Series, Vol.394,
ADASS XVII, ed. Argyle R. W., Bunclark P. S. &
have been followed up spectroscopically Release images; Lewis J. R., 605
by ESO/GOODS in the CDF-S. The
Advanced Data Products query form7 – dissemination: some features of VirGO
will again return an HTML list of files will be included in the standard version Notes
with the relevant information, like that of Stellarium, e.g., the display of Press 1
shown in Figure 3. The same query Release images (Kapadia et al., 2007). 2
using VirGO will return a visualisation VirGO/Stellarium, along with other VO 3
of the available reduced spectra, shown tools, is also brought to schools in DataCopyrights.htm
in Figure 4. The user can then select organised practical sessions in class- 5
an image to use as a background to rooms with teachers and students, as vo.html
identify the sources or, by zooming in, part of a dedicated outreach effort within 6
see the orientation of the slit (whenever AIDA8 (Astronomical Infrastructure for 8
available) or the number of spectra Data Access) and this effort will continue EuroVOAIDA/WebHome
composing the final product per object, in the future;

48 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Astronomical News

News from the ESO Science Archive Facility

Nausicaa Delmotte1 Figure 1. A view of part

of the ESO Data Centre
(for the ESO archive team)
where the ESO Science
Archive is stored and

The latest developments from the ESO

archive are presented. Information is
provided to the astronomical commu-
nity on new data releases and services.

Blu-ray discs for data distribution

The new Blu-ray disc technology will be

introduced mid-2009 in the Science
Archive Facility. Besides FTP transfer for
small volumes of data, the archive is cur-
rently offering its users the following
media for data distribution: CD, DVD-R,
and USB discs for data requests larger on a free-standing 6-metre high tower introduction of the automatic data trans-
than 60 GB. The reasons for the change located about 50 m west of the APEX fer through the network from Paranal
are the adoption of the most economical telescope and data are recorded every to Garching (Zampieri et al., 2008) has
technologies and the adaption to larger minute. APEX weather data, beginning led to significantly improved data delivery
data volumes. A Blu-ray disc has about 1 January 2007, are available from the services. PIs, can now access their own
ten times the capacity of a single-layer archive2 and can be searched by date raw data, in most cases only a few hours
DVD. With the introduction of the Blu-ray interval, or any meteorological parameter after the observations have completed.
discs, the archive will stop offering CDs such as temperature, humidity, wind
as an archive data distribution medium. speed/direction or precipitable water
Therefore, archive users anticipating large vapour. Contact
data requests and Principal Investigators
(PIs) expecting significant data deliveries For more information about the ESO
from their observing programmes are New data releases archive, or to subscribe to the archive
advised to make sure that they have Blu- RSS feed to be informed about the latest
ray disc readers available. Several major scientific data releases archive developments, see the archive
have taken place through the ESO web page3.
archive over the last months and are
New query forms summarised here. The 30 Doradus raw For any questions or comments on the
data taken during the HAWK-I commis- ESO archive, contact us at archive@eso.
Besides the general archive query form sioning phase were released in Decem- org.
that gives unified access to the com­plete ber 2008 and the raw data from the
ESO collection of raw data, the Science AMBER/FINITO/UTs science verification
Archive Facility also offers several instru- were released in October 2008. The References
ment specific and technically oriented second release (DR2) of advanced data Lilly, S. et al. 2008, The Messenger, 134, 35
access points for astronomers who are products from the zCOSMOS redshift Zampieri, S. et al. 2008, to appear in ASP Conf.
already familiar with ESO instrument set- survey (Lilly et al., 2008) took place in Proc. ADASS XVIII
ups and observing strategies. Two new October 2008. It contains the results of
instrument specific query forms1 have the zCOSMOS-bright spectroscopic Notes
been released: one for AMBER (near- observations that were carried out with
infrared instrument of the VLT Interfer­ VIMOS in service mode during the period 1
ometer) raw data and one for HAWK-I April 2005 to June 2006. specific-query-forms
(near-infrared wide field imager) raw data. form
The database of ambient conditions for Faster access to raw proprietary data
the Paranal and La Silla observatory sites
has been extended to include weather The modification of the archive systems
information from the APEX observatory and interfaces to allow PIs to request
site. The APEX weather station is located their own raw proprietary data and the

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 49

Astronomical News

New Infrastructures Require New Training: The Example

of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer Schools

Paulo Garcia1 utmost importance as new facilities come European training in optical interferometry.
(on behalf of the European Interferometry online. This article shares the very suc- One goal of the schools was to educate
Initiative) cessful experiences of the VLTI training a new generation of young astronomers,
schools project ONTHEFRINGE that equipping them with the ability to carry
took place between January 2006 and out scientific programmes at the VLTI
Universidade do Porto, Portugal December 2008. (from preparation to data reduction and
analysis). Another important goal was to
place optical interferometry in context
The discovery space for astronomy is The birth of the project with other techniques in key astronomical
dramatically widening with the opera- areas of European leadership such as
tion, construction and planning of At the start of the training schools project, adaptive optics and radio/sub-mm inter-
ambitious new infrastructures. A key the VLTI was operational, but had yet to ferometry. In contrast with the NEON
aspect of the scientific return from these ramp up and become the top optical observing schools that took place at
facilities is the training of its users. We interferometric facility in the world. Exper- observatories, the VLTI schools were held
report on a series of summer schools tise in optical interferometry was concen- in relatively geographically isolated loca-
designed to train a new generation of trated in a few institutes involved in instru- tions, but with sufficient computing
young astronomers in optical interfer- ment building and was not widespread capacity for hands-on training. The very
ometry with the Very Large Telescope across Europe and the ESO user commu- nature of the VLTI made it unreasonable
Interferometer. nity. If this uneven distribution of expertise to carry out the training at the La Silla
continued it would clearly inhibit the sci- Paranal observatory. Since VLTI observa-
entific maximisation of the investment in tions are normally carried out in service
Eleven years have passed since first light the new interferometric infrastructure. mode, its location in Chile and the full-time
on the Very Large Telescope (VLT). science use of the facility meant that the
The last decade has been a vibrant one A few schools had been organised previ- schools obviously could not take place
for astronomy. Common key words in ously with FP5 funding (for example, on-site.
contemporary astronomy such as “dark the Les Houches school in 2002) and
energy” or “exoplanets” appeared for institute funding (for example, the Leiden The project consisted of four schools:
the first time in the title of a refereed jour- schools in 2000 and 2004), but any wider
nal article only about ten years ago. The coordination was lacking. In contrast, – Observation and Data Reduction with
thrust of astronomical discovery is driven a very successful annual programme of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer,
by carefully planned new facilities and optical interferometry summer schools Les Houches, June 2006
infrastructure. The last decade has wit- (the Michelson/Sagan Summer Schools)
nessed the deployment of the VLT and the has been running in the US since 1999. – Circumstellar Disks and Planets at Very
VLT Interferometer (VLTI), the planning and The creation of the European Interferom- High Angular Resolution, Porto, May–
initial construction of the Atacama Large etry Initiative (EII) network signalled the June 2007
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and beginning of a European-wide coopera-
the planning of the European Extremely tion between countries with and without – Active Galactic Nuclei at the Highest
Large Telescope (E-ELT). These new expertise in optical interferometry. Under Angular Resolution: Theory and Obser-
facilities will come online in the next dec- the auspices of EII, the ONTHEFRINGE vations, Torún, August – September
ade. The E-ELT will enable tremendous project was submitted to the European 2007
gains in sensitivity, making it possible, for Commission for FP6 and awarded fund-
example, to probe the acceleration of ing. The project was coordinated by – Astrometry and Imaging with the
the Universe. The profound gain of the Universidade do Porto/CAUP, with ESO, Very Large Telescope Interferometer,
ALMA interferometer in both resolving Observatoire de Paris/LESIA, Max- Keszthely, June 2008.
power and sensitivity is driven by three Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidel-
key science goals, one of them being the berg and INAF/ Osservatorio Astrofisico The first and fourth schools were data
study of the physics and chemistry of di Arcetri as partners and, as third reduction schools, aimed at hands-on
planet-forming discs around young stars. parties, the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique observation preparation and data reduc-
de Grenoble, the Nicolaus Copernicus tion, the first focusing on AMBER/MIDI
New opportunities come with new chal- University in Torun, Poland and the and the fourth on PRIMA and image re­­
lenges and these were clearly identified Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian construction. The second and third
by the ASTRONET Infrastructure Road- Academy of Sciences. schools were science schools aimed
map (Bode et al., 2008): “Recruiting and at placing optical interferometry in a
training the future generation of Europe- wider context, in two fields where it has
ans with advanced scientific and techno- The goals of the schools a major impact.
logical skills is therefore a key aspect
of any realistic Roadmap for the future.” The ONTHEFRINGE project aimed to Although the schools were open to all
Training new generations of astronomers overcome the training gap by providing an researchers, EU requirements only
on new observational techniques is of the integrated and structured approach to allowed funding to particular categories

50 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

of participants, essentially PhD students used to constrain models of the astro- Highlights and results of the schools
and young postdocs. nomical object(s) to be observed. Then,
more complex and realistic aspects of The total number of participants in the
the observations were included, such as four schools, including lecturers, was
The design of the schools UV coverage, closure phases, noise in around 280. A lecturer attending four
the observables and model-fitting. In the schools counted as four participants.
Previous experience with the one week data reduction schools, the participants The number of participants who did not
school at Les Houches in 2002 showed went through the steps in the reduction lecture was around 200, composed
that it was difficult to combine both the pipelines. At the end of the schools, essentially of PhD students and young
teaching of new information and the groups of students worked on a VLTI postdocs. The selection procedure kept
necessary contact-building time among observation proposal and presented it multiple attendance to below 10%. Dur-
participants successfully, in such a short to their colleagues, facing scrutiny and ing the three years of the project there
time. Although, in theory, optical interfer- advice from seasoned observers. These were about 1500 PhD students in astron-
ometry is not very difficult to understand sessions helped to mature a student’s omy, about half of whom were in Europe
(the practice, however, requiring a signifi- understanding of the technique and cer- (Gibson, 2002). The total number of ESO
cantly steeper learning curve), most of tainly helped to make them more able to member country participants was around
the students had not been in contact with design scientific programmes at the VLTI 105. If we assume that half of the total
the discipline before, in contrast with opti- – the main goal of the schools. PhDs are awarded in ESO member coun-
cal/infrared spectroscopy or photometry, tries, then this project reached around
for example. Therefore they had to be As a requirement of an EU funded train- 14% of the total PhD student population
immersed in a Fourier space environment ing programme, we designed a series in Europe. This number would increase
for some time to become acquainted with of lectures on complementary skills — by a small factor if specific areas were
optical interferometry methods. The from presentation skills, to paper and tel- considered, such as ground-based
schools lasted for two weeks, a couple escope proposal writing, career devel­ observational astrophysics. The gender
of days more than the ideal. We found opment and ethics. We were surprised at balance of the non-lecturing participants
that including a free afternoon as early the interest of the students. Many were was around 60% male: 40% female and
as the second day of the school greatly not aware of what an impact factor was, increasing to 70% male: 30% female if
improved the contact-building among or what the refereeing process was all we included the lecturing participants.
participants. The right balance of fun and about, or even that job hunting should Figure 1 presents the distribution of non-
work was found important to keep pro- start well in advance of the end of a PhD. lecturing students by country. Interest-
ductivity high in the unfamiliar environ- Many of them were discussing ethical ingly, countries that have recently become
ment of optical interferometry. It should aspects in the practice of astronomy members of ESO or intend to join soon
be stressed that during fun time, students research for the first time, or learning that had a high attendance at these schools.
were building contacts among themselves a PhD is not enough (c.f. Feibelman,
and the senior lecturers that not only were 1993) for a successful career in science. These schools were very important for
the basis for group work at the school, software developers (at ESO and the
but could, in the future, be important for The number of students attending each Jean-Marie Mariotti Center) and they pro-
collaborations or the sharing of informa- school was around 55, with PhD students vided a unique opportunity for immediate
tion about relevant institutes and supervi- accounting for well over two thirds of and massive feedback from a pool of
sors for a future postdoctoral position. the total. Such a number was a compro- interested new users.
mise between a school environment and
The school’s time was essentially divided reaching a larger audience. The logistics The ambiance of the schools was uni-
between lectures/seminars and practical required to keep 30 computers up and formly excellent, providing a perfect bal-
sessions. The lectures addressed the running (including updating and installing ance between hard-working and brain-
basic aspects of interferometry and the software and data) with internet access cooling moments. The best experts and
seminars the typical astronomical results in isolated regions of Europe was not triv- seasoned lecturers taught not only all
obtained. In the astrophysical schools a ial. Even with so many participants, many about optical interferometry, adaptive
set of review lectures focused on the more had applied and could not be optics, radio/sub-mm interferometry, but
astrophysics of the target objects and selected to attend. The selection of partic- also the physics of young stellar discs or
complementary techniques, such as ipants was based on a motivation letter, active galactic nuclei. The participants,
adaptive optics or radio/sub-mm interfer- institute and national balance, with prefer- from all around the globe, had a taste of
ometry. In the practical sessions the stu- ence given to PhD students. In order to the best of Europe! Sampling red wine
dents went through the observation prep- reach a wider audience, all the materials and French cuisine at the Chateau de
aration software, in groups of two sharing at the schools (presentations, software, Goutelas, or enjoying the sun and the
a computer. This experience was found data, lecture notes) were made available beach at the Portuguese seaside (and of
to be very useful in learning the basics of on the project website1. In retrospect course a glass of Port), visiting the stun-
interferometry. Exercises focused initially some of the lectures should have been ning town where Copernicus was born
on the observables measured by the videotaped and streamed through the site. and becoming an expert in wódka, or
interferometer and how they could be finally watching the views from the hills

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 51

Astronomical News Garcia P., Example of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer Schools

Students not lecturing
This project was supported by EC contract No.
MSCF-CT-2005-029954. We warmly thank the
Italy consortium institutions and staff (Universidade do
Porto/CAUP, ESO, Observatoire de Paris, MPIA,
INAF-Arcetri, Jean-Marie Mariotti Center, Torun
Spain University and Hungarian Academy of Sciences) for
France their full support. Special thanks go to the lecturers
Finland + Czech Republic + Austria and students; kudos too to Júlio Carreira, Gilles
Belgium Duvert, Manuel Monteiro and Elsa Silva.
Remaining ESO members
Poland References
Hungary Bode, M. F., Cruz, M. J., Molster, F. J. (eds) 2008,
Remaining European countries The ASTRONET Infrastructure Roadmap,
ISBN: 978-3-923524-63-1
Latin America
Feibelman, P.J. 1993, A PhD Is Not Enough: A Guide
USA + Canada To Survival In Science, (Basic Books: New York),
Other countries ISBN: 978-0201626636
Gibson, B.K. 2002, Astr. Soc. of Australia
Newsletter, 26, 4

Figure 1. Pie chart showing the distribution of stu- room full of students working hard on
dents (non-lecturing participants) by host country
their telescope proposals. At the end of Notes
attending the four VLTI Summer Schools.
the telescope proposal presentations, 1
the students would rush to Françoise
Delplanke and proudly collect ESO stick-
near Lake Balaton while discovering the ers, posters, hats or calendars. This new
Figure 2. A selection of group photographs from the
bouquet of an old Tokay. I will not forget generation of young astronomers surely four VLTI summer schools at (clockwise): Les
the awed face of lecturers as, when deserves the great new infrastructure we Houches, France, 2006; Porto, Portugal, 2007;
arriving late, they witnessed the computer are now planning and building. Torun, Poland, 2007; and Keszthaly, Hungary, 2008.

52 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Astronomical News

Report on the ESO Workshop

Large Programmes
held at ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany, 13–15 October 2008

Gautier Mathys1 The first two days were devoted to the enough observing time to approach a
Bruno Leibundgut1 presentation of 20 LPs with topics ranging major astrophysical problem over four
from the distant Universe and the deter- semesters was generally appreciated.
ESO mination of cosmological parameters
to the characterisation of the population The bibliometric analysis of LPs com-
of nearby galaxies and the search for pared to other programmes shows
A report is presented of the workshop habitable exoplanets. Most fields in astro- a good publication record. While 15% of
on the progress of ESO Large Pro- physics were represented by an LP. The the observing time was devoted to LPs
grammes completed between the last morning of the third day was dedicated they returned 18% of the refereed publi-
workshop in May 2003 and September to a discussion of the special scheduling cations. This may be partly due to the
2007. constraints and challenges presented fact that LPs do receive a high priority for
by LPs, a bibliometric assessment of the observations. Papers based on LPs
scientific impact of LPs and a presenta- appear to have a slightly higher impact —
Five years after the first workshop on ESO tion on how to submit the reduced data as measured by the number of citations
Large Programmes (see the summary products to the ESO archive. After a bril- per paper — than all other types of pro-
by Wagner & Leibundgut, 2004), about liant summary by Willy Benz on the scien- grammes (Normal, Target of Opportunity,
50 participants, including the PIs of the tific value of LPs and how they can suc- Guaranteed Time Observations and
second round of Large Programmes ceed (or fail), a discussion, led by the Director Discretionary Time). The effect
(LPs), as well as several members of the STC chair, Linda Tacconi, on the various is significant, but not dramatic. It is
Observing Programmes Committee aspects of LPs took place. The workshop remarkable that LPs have requested time
(OPC) and the Science and Technical programme and the presentations can be on all instruments, with ISAAC, FORS2,
Committee (STC) together with some found online1. VIMOS and WFI being the most used.
Council members, gathered in Garching The distribution over the different scien-
from 13–15 October 2008. The VLT has A number of the projects presented actu- tific categories further reveals a predomi-
been in operation for nearly ten years ally encompassed more than one LP, nance of cosmological projects (OPC
and a large fraction (15%) of the observ- among them the public surveys (the ESO category A), requesting and being allo-
ing time has been devoted to the execu- Imaging Survey [EIS] and the Great cated about half the time. The other three
tion of Large Programmes. At the request Observatory Origins Deep Survey categories share the remaining fraction
of the OPC, ESO organised this second [GOODS]). There were projects requiring equally. With the extension of LPs on
workshop to obtain a new overview of large data samples or deep searches for La Silla to four years (compared to the
the scientific results achieved through the extremely rare objects and, in some two years so far on all ESO telescopes) a
Large Programmes conducted at the cases, a long time span was essential for marked increase in the time requests for
La Silla Paranal Observatory. The work- the observations to record a light curve or HARPS for Period 83 can be noted. The
shop featured scientific presentations to measure proper motions or radial veloc- demand for LPs remains high and the
of all LPs that were completed between ities. Several LPs complemented other OPC has seen a significant increase in
the May 2003 LP workshop and end of large efforts by space- or ground-based the number of LP proposals in the past
ESO Period 79 (30 September 2007). The consortia. Very few LPs could be consid- two semesters.
teams of investigators leading these LPs ered failures: most of these cases had to
were invited to present their scientific cope with instrumental problems, with According to the summary by Willy Benz,
results and the impact of their project on the result that the final data quality was LPs need to be bottom-up, i.e., tailored
its field. The presentations were followed not sufficiently high to achieve their goals. to the user’s needs. This is guaranteed
by a discussion session on the general first through the selection by the OPC,
scientific impact of ESO facilities. It was stated several times that LPs have and then by the regular status reports
changed some of the culture of astro- provided to the OPC, that enable a judge-
One of the outcomes of the May 2003 nomical observations. The need for large ment whether the continued investment
workshop was a suggestion that ESO data samples and complex data analyses in telescope resources is still warranted.
should archive the legacy data products requires teams with a wide range of Also, LPs should not be regarded in isola-
of Large Programmes. This suggestion expertise. This leads to large collabora- tion, but should be seen as a complement
was implemented with the requirement tions. Consequently, most LPs were to other types of observing programmes.
that Large Programmes that started after granted to large collaborations. Neverthe- They should enable projects, which other-
1 April 2005 deliver Advanced Data Prod- less, there are specific experiments, wise would not be possible at a public
ucts (ADPs) to the ESO science archive which can be run by a dedicated small observatory. The results from this work-
by the time of publication of their results team concentrating on a specific prob- shop as well as the first workshop in 2003
in a refereed journal. The workshop fea- lem. In most cases the scientific returns show that LPs have enabled European
tured a presentation of the ADP submis- of the LPs have been very good, some astronomers to compete on a par with
sion process and a discussion of its value even spectacular. The chance to obtain some of the private large facilities in the
for the ESO scientific community. US. At the same time, it has to be realised

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 53

Astronomical News

that LPs make use of an expensive The workshop overall was very success- complement the current arsenal of pro-
resource and that they have to provide ful and clarified the need for, and the gramme types undertaken with ESO
additional benefits for the community. competitive edge of, Large Programmes facilities at the upper end. It is planned to
This has led to the requirement that at ESO facilities. The increased demand monitor their success in another work-
reduced data from LPs, once published, for the 3.6-metre telescope after the shop in a few years time.
should be returned to the ESO Archive time limit for LPs was raised to four years
so that they can be used by other astron- speaks for itself. There are some very
omers, possibly for different purposes. substantial programmes in progress, References
The large investment by the community which will keep this telescope busy for Wagner, S. & Leibundgut, B. 2004, The Messenger,
into LPs should justify this modest return. years to come. 115, 41
There was a lively discussion on how
this return should be achieved and Beyond the Large Programmes, the Pub-
whether it would put astronomers using lic Surveys with VISTA and VST will
ESO facilities at a disadvantage com- start during this year and next year. These 1
pared to users of private observatories. will be truly massive projects, which html

ESO and the International Year of Astronomy 2009

Opening Ceremony

Pedro Russo1 2 Figure 1. Catherine Cesarky, IAU President,

Credit: IAU/Jose Francisco Salgado

addressing the audience during the IYA2009

Lars Lindberg Christensen1
Opening Ceremony
Douglas Pierce-Price1

Yours to Discover”. The IYA2009 marks

ESO the 400th anniversary of the first astro-
International Astronomical Union nomical observation through a telescope
by Galileo Galilei. Proclaimed by the
United Nations (UN) and endorsed by the
The ESO contributions to the Interna- International Council for Science, the
tional Year of Astronomy 2009 and IYA2009 has already captured the imagi-
the Opening Ceremony, held in Paris in nation of countless individuals. The aim
January 2009, are summarised. of the IYA2009 is to stimulate worldwide
interest, especially among young people,
“The International Year of Astronomy in astronomy and science. Events and
2009 is an important step in furthering the activities will promote a greater apprecia-
interest of the public in what is arguably tion of the inspirational aspects of astron-
the oldest of all sciences: astronomy.” omy that ESO is keen to foster.
ESO Director General, Tim de Zeeuw, on
the United Nations proclaiming 2009 as The opening ceremony of IYA2009 was
the International Year of Astronomy. held in Paris, on 15–16 January, 2009,
under the aegis of the UN, UNESCO and
Few areas of science touch on as many the IAU. The ceremony itself featured key-
topics of interest for the general public interest means that many organisations, note speeches, research findings, an
as astronomy. For countless thousands such as ESO, invest in outreach initiatives. exhibition and also social aspects. About
of years, eyes have gazed up at the 900 people attended, among them
heavens and wondered; it could be The year 2009 has been launched by the eminent scientists, including Nobel Laure-
argued that everyone is born an astrono- International Astronomical Union (IAU) and ates, and also around 100 young students
mer. Modern astronomy is a highly pro- the United Nations Educational, Scientific from individual countries. The ceremony
fessional field, but is not exclusively the and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as was very well received, and the quality of
domain of specialised scientists. The sky the International Year of Astronomy 2009 talks highly praised. The enthusiasm of all
is a shared resource and intense public (IYA2009) under the theme “The Universe, involved shone through, and proved that

54 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Credit: ESO/D. Pierce-Price
Credit: IAU/Lee Pullen

Figure 4. The Interna-

tional Year of Astronomy
2009 logo.

Figure 3. The ESO exhibition took prominent posi- coordinate a 24-hour webcast from
tion in the display room. research observatories; the Cosmic Diary,
a blog that gives the public insight into the
Paranal in Chile. This was a rare opportu- lives of professional astronomers; and the
nity for the audience to join astronomers Portal to the Universe, a global one-stop
Figure 2. A video link with Paranal made a big impres- at work in the VLT control room, towards website for online astronomy content.
sion on the audience. Here, ESO Director General Tim
the end of the Chilean night. Christophe
de Zeeuw is seen talking to Christophe Dumas on the
big screen, live from the VLT Control Room. Dumas, head of the Science Operations The IYA2009 Secretariat at ESO HQ is the
Department at the VLT, discussed the central hub of the IAU’s implementation
the IYA2009 has already gained plenty of night’s observations and shared a recent of the IYA2009, and was established to
momentum to help popularise astronomy image from the telescope. You can watch coordinate activities during the planning,
throughout 2009, and beyond. this on the IYA2009 Opening Ceremony execution and evaluation of IYA2009. The
video archive1. IYA2009 science writer, secretariat liaises continuously with the
Lee Pullen, kept a “Cosmic Diary Live- — currently 137 — national nodes, task
ESO’s contribution to the ceremony Blog” during the ceremony. This diary of groups, partners and organisational asso-
events was regularly updated, and fol- ciates, the media and the general public
ESO held an exhibition at the UNESCO lowed by people in over 130 countries. to ensure the progress of IYA2009 at all
headquarters in Paris as part of the open- levels. The secretariat is staffed by Pedro
ing ceremony. The exhibition presented Russo, the IYA2009 coordinator, IYA2009
information about ESO’s role in astronomy ESO’s commitment to public outreach assistant Mariana Barrosa and is man-
and the Very Large Telescope (VLT), the and to IYA2009 aged by Lars Lindberg Christensen, head
European Extremely Large Telescope of ESO’s education and Public Outreach
(E-ELT) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/ Since plans for IYA2009 were first laid in Department. ESO’s own organisational
submillimeter Array (ALMA) projects. A 2003, ESO has played a major role in IYA2009 contact is Douglas Pierce-Price.
scale model of the E-ELT complemented the project. ESO is hosting the IYA2009
the exhibition. The official IYA2009 bro- Secretariat for the International Astronom- Astronomy is one of the oldest fundamen-
chure, an E-ELT brochure, and “Eyes on ical Union, which coordinates the activi- tal sciences, yet continues to make a
the Skies” DVDs were available for visitors. ties globally. ESO is one of the Organisa- profound impact on our culture and is a
tional Associates of IYA2009, and was powerful expression of the human intel-
The afternoon session on Thursday, 15 also closely involved in the resolution sub- lect. 2009 is the year in which individuals
January, was chaired by the ESO Director mitted to the UN by Italy, which led to the and organisations can make a difference
General Tim de Zeeuw. The session saw 62nd General Assembly of the UN pro- by popularising astronomy as never before
two fascinating talks: “The New Frontier: claiming 2009 as the International Year of and really “bring the Universe down to
The Exploration of the Solar System” Astronomy. Earth”. ESO’s presence at the opening
by André Brahic; and “Echoes of Creation: ceremony shows our commitment to this
Discovery of the Big Bang Fossil Radia- In addition to a wide array of activities grand aim.
tion”, by Nobel Laureate Robert Wilson. planned both at the local and international
A highlight on Friday, 16 January, was Tim level, ESO is leading three of the eleven
de Zeeuw’s overview of ESO activities global Cornerstone projects. These are Notes
and the live video conference from the 100 Hours of Astronomy, a worldwide 1
auditorium in Paris to ESO’s VLT on Cerro observing marathon during which ESO will

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 55

Astronomical News

Announcement of the ESO Workshop

MAD and Beyond: Science with Multi-Conjugate

Adaptive Optics Instruments
8–10 June 2009, ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany

ESO has pioneered the use of adaptive The study phase for the European have been published and many others
optics assisted instruments for research Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) pro- are in preparation, showing that the
in astronomy. Come-On+ and its heir, vided the opportunity to actually demon- community is keen to apply MCAO
Adonis, were the first common-user adap- strate that atmospheric tomography, as techniques to ambitious astronomical
tive optics instruments. Nowadays adap- implemented in its best known version of problems.
tive optics (AO) instruments are standard Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO),
at all major observatories. AO adapters can provide AO performance over fields The success of MAD also demonstrated
are routinely used to feed spectrographs of view significantly larger than the isopla- that the technology is mature, and the
that require very small entrance windows natic patch. This led to the construction community prepared for the next genera-
to achieve very high spectral resolution, of the Multi-conjugate Adaptive-optics tion of MCAO instruments. The aims of
such as CRIRES, or to increase the spa- Demonstrator, MAD, for the VLT. Thus, the workshop, therefore, will be twofold:
tial resolution of spectro-imagers, such about 20 years after the deployment of to celebrate the achievements of MAD
as SINFONI on the Very Large Telescope the AO demonstrator Come-On at the through a dedicated discussion of its
(VLT). In addition AO adapters are indis- 3.6-metre telescope at La Silla, ESO is design constraints and scientific achieve-
pensable for the Very Large Telescope again pioneering the field by commission- ments, and, with the strong foundation
Interferometer (VLTI). The biggest short- ing MAD on Unit Telescope 3 at the VLT. provided by the scientific results, to outline
coming of AO instruments is their small The commissioning was so successful, the high level requirements for the next
corrected field of view, which is limited that strong demand from the community generation of MCAO instruments. Thus,
by the size of the isoplanatic patch that led MAD to be offered for scientific the spirit of the conference will be both
even in the infrared and at the best sites observations, initially for 14 nights in the festive, because we are celebrating MAD,
rarely exceeds 15 arcseconds. The ESO Chilean summer of 2007/2008 and then, and visionary, because we are dreaming
Workshop on AO in Venice in 2001 paved again at the request of the community, about the future.
the way, on the basis of theory and simu- for an additional nine nights in August
lations by researchers in Europe and the 2008 to cover the winter period. One year Further details can be found at www.eso.
USA, to overcoming the isoplanatic barrier after the first science demonstration run, org/sci/meetings/mad2009/index.html.
and thus atmospheric tomography was close to ten papers based on MAD data The deadline for registration is 10 May
born. 2009.

Announcement of the IAU Special Session 1

IR and Sub-mm Spectroscopy:

A New Tool for Studying Stellar Evolution
3–6 August 2009, IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

and observational astrophysics, instru- early results (Herschel) or making ad­­

mentation and laboratory spectroscopy. vanced preparations for launch (SOFIA,
In combination, these fields hold the key JWST). New ground-based facilities
for the scientific success of current and (VLT, Gemini, Keck) have matured to the
planned facilities. New observations will point of presenting results of unprece-
foster new approaches to old problems dented quality. In the near future ALMA
and will no doubt lead to transformational will open up the study of sub-millimetre
thinking on stellar evolution. sources to unprecedented sensitivity.
The next generation of extremely large
The conference occurs at a particularly telescopes (ELTs) will allow the study of
advantageous time for the transfer of individual stars in other galaxies. In this
knowledge in IR and sub-millimetre spec- field, IR spectros­copy will be particularly
troscopy from mission to mission. Certain important, as only the combination of
space missions have produced a wealth ELTs with active optics will allow indi­vidual
of data — Spitzer will have completed stars to be singled out in crowded regions.
its cryogenic mission and entered the
This IAU Special Session aims at fostering “warm” phase, while AKARI has ended For details please visit the website at:
collaboration between various fields and operations after completing an all-sky
will bring together experts from theoretical survey. Others will either be presenting index.html

56 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Astronomical News

Announcement of the ESO Workshop

Detectors for Astronomy 2009

12–16 October 2009, ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany

Astronomical observations are critically Figure 1. The 8 x 4

mosaic of e2v
dependent on focal-plane array technol-
CCD82-44 2K x 4K
ogy, and detectors continue to play a key CCDs (16K x 16K pixels
role in continuing to extend the scope in total) for OmegaCAM,
of astronomical observations. Higher sen- which will capture the
full 1 degree x 1 degree
sitivity, reduced noise, larger formats,
field of view of the VLT
better cosmetic quality, higher quantum Survey Telescope (VST).
efficiency, smaller point-spread functions,
lower dark current, higher bandwidth, and
many more, constantly set new mile­-
stones on the roadmap towards the goal
of artefact-free photon shot noise limited
images of reality. One of the fastest
growing applications is signal sensing,
especially wavefront sensing for adaptive
optics and fringe tracking for interfer­
ometry, which have become vital enabling The 2009 Workshop Detectors for or novel requirements on detectors
technologies for both interferometry and Astronomy aims at providing an up-to- – Scientific applications and results that
extremely large telescopes. Topics of date platform for such exchanges and depend on high performance detectors
active research are large format Comple- continues a series of similar meetings – Test methodology and quality control
mentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor in 1991, 1993, 1996, 1999 (all at ESO- – Calibration of performance
(CMOS) and Charge Coupled Devices Garching), 2002 (Waimea), and 2005
(CDD) array mosaics, orthogonal transfer (Taormina). The 2009 meeting will spe­ Contributions are invited irrespective of
CCDs, electron multiplication CCDs, elec- cifically address the following topics: wavelength and deployment on the
tron avalanche photodiode arrays, quan- ground or in space. The main focus will
tum-well infrared photon detectors, – Detector technologies and design be on the optical and infrared domains.
Application Specific Integrated Circuits – Detector manufacturing Depending on interest, splinter meetings
(ASICs), blocked-impurity band arrays, – Detector evaluation and calibration dealing with topics of special interest
novel readout technologies, to name a few. – Control electronics can be organised. Contributions with
In a field with such rapid and complex – ASICs demonstrations of hard- or software are
developments, it is essential that design- – Control software welcome (subject to technical feasibility).
ers, manufacturers and users gather – Detector systems
regularly in order to exchange information – Mosaic focal-plane arrays For registration and more information
about requirements, technical possibilities – Cryo-vacuum technologies please visit
and achievements on a worldwide scale. – Instruments with very demanding and/ dfa2009/.

ESO’s Studentship Programmes:

Training Tomorrow’s Astronomers Today

Michael West1 facing declining student enrollments, ESO is a leader in shaping the future
Marina Rejkuba1 the ASTRONET strategic plan for of astronomy, and one important way
Bruno Leibundgut1 European Astronomy notes “young stu- to achieve this goal is by offering short-
Eric Emsellem1 dents have continued to enter the term and long-term studentships that
field at a steady level”. Indeed, with provide excellent opportunities for stu-
Very Large Telescope (VLT), Atacama dents to pursue research under the
ESO Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array supervision of ESO staff astronomers.
(ALMA) the European Extremely Large Since its inception two decades ago,
Telescope (E-ELT) and other exciting hundreds of young astronomers have
Students are the lifeblood of astronomy, new facilities on the horizon, it is spent some time during their PhD pro-
the next generation of astronomers. hard to imagine a better time to be an gramme at ESO in Garching or Santiago.
While other scientific disciplines are astronomy student. Many have gone on to leading positions

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 57

Astronomical News

Figure 1. (Left) Group portrait of students at ESO


Figure 2. (Right) Students at ESO Chile enjoy an

excursion to Paranal.

by the Director General Discretionary

Fund, which supports a broad range of
needs related to scientific projects by
ESO staff astronomers.

There is no formal application procedure

for short-term studentships at ESO.
Students interested in the possibility of
working on a short-term research project
at ESO should explore the science staff
web pages to identify one or more ESO
staff astronomers with whom they might
wish to work and then contact those
astronomers directly, or contact the Head
of the Office for Science in Garching or
Santiago for more information.
at universities, observatories and other
organisations in Europe and beyond. Students in Santiago
Students in Garching
PhD Studentships Surrounded by the splendour of the
Currently 22 students from 15 countries Andes Mountains, seven students are
Through its PhD studentship programme, are working on their PhD research at currently pursuing their PhD research at
ESO offers training to future users of ESO Garching (see Figure 1). Fifteen of ESO offices in Santiago, together with
its state-of-the-art observational facilities. them are enrolled in the ESO studentship a constant stream of short-term students
Students that come to ESO through the programme and will spend one or two (Figure 2). During the past year alone, stu-
PhD studentship programme are already years at ESO during their PhD and will dents from universities in Belgium, Chile,
enrolled in doctoral programmes in receive the degree from their home uni- Denmark, England, France, Germany,
astronomy, physics or related fields at versity. One student is participating in an Iceland, Italy, Portugal and the United
universities in ESO member states or non- exchange programme with Chinese uni- States have participated in ESO Chile’s
member state institutes. versities, and six students are enrolled in short-term and long-term studentship
the International Max-Planck Research programmes. ESO offices in Chile provide
ESO PhD students typically spend one School (IMPRS) on Astrophysics. a stimulating scientific environment for
or two years pursuing their doctoral students, with a science team of nearly 80
research under the co-supervision of an ESO’s Garching Headquarters forms staff astronomers, fellows, students
ESO faculty astronomer, in close contact part of one of the world’s largest centres and visitors, plus close connections with
with activities and people at one of the for astronomy and physics, with other ALMA and the astronomy departments
world’s foremost observatories. After leading institutes such as the Max-Planck at top Chilean universities in Santiago and
returning to their home universities, these Institute for Astrophysics, the Max-Planck beyond.
students are often expert users of ESO Institute for Extraterrestrial physics,
observing facilities. Upon the completion MPE, the Institute for Plasma Physics, the In addition to engaging in scientific
of their PhD a large majority of these stu- Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics re­search under the supervision of an
dents pursue a career as a professional and the campus of the Munich Technical ESO staff astronomer, students at ESO
astronomer, and some have become University nearby. The strength of this Chile have a unique opportunity to get
postdoctoral fellows or staff astronomers concentration of scientific expertise was hands-on experience with the technical
at ESO. recently recognised by the German aspects of ob­­servatory operations at
authorities, and led to the creation of the Paranal, La Silla, ALMA or the Atacama
Excellence Cluster on the “Origin and Pathfinder Experiment (APEX), a millime-
Short-term studentships Structure of the Universe”. In such a tre/submillimetre telescope. This month,
vibrant environment students have an for example, ESO Chile PhD student
Opportunities also exist for a limited abundance of choice for seminars and Pedro Almeida will travel to La Silla to
number of students to come to ESO for lectures with unique opportunities to spend two weeks working on polarimetry
periods of one to three months to work learn about the hottest topics and most data from EFOSC2 and participating in
on research projects with ESO astrono- important open questions in physics and observations using HARPS, all under the
mers. Such positions are usually funded astronomy. guidance of ESO astronomers.

58 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Astronomical News


European Organisation
for Astronomical
Research in the
Southern Hemisphere

ESO Studentship Programme

The European Southern Observatory research student programme The closing date for applications is 15 June 2009.
aims to provide opportunities to enhance the PhD programmes of Late applications will be accepted until all the positions are filled.
ESO member-state universities. Its goal is to bring young scientists
into close contact with the activities and people at one of the world’s Please attach to your application the following documents:
foremost observatories. For more information about ESO’s astro­
nomical research activities please consult – a Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications, if any), with a
copy of the transcript of university certificate(s)/diploma(s);
The ESO studentship programme is shared between the ESO Head-
quarters in Garching (Germany) and the ESO offices in Santiago – a summary of the Masters thesis project (if applicable) and ongo-
(Chile). These positions are open to students enrolled in a PhD pro- ing projects, indicating the title and the supervisor (maximum half
gramme in astronomy or related fields. In addition, ESO will provide a page), as well as an outline of the PhD project, highlighting the
up to two studentship positions per year in Santiago for students advantages of coming to ESO (recommended 1 page, max. 2);
enrolled in South American universities.
– t wo letters of reference, one from the supervisor/advisor at the
Students in the programme work on their doctoral project under home institute and one from the ESO local supervisor;
the formal supervision of their home university. They come to either
Garching or Santiago for a stay of normally between one and two – a letter from the home institution that: i) guarantees financial sup-
years to conduct part of their studies under the co-supervision of an port for the remaining PhD period after the completion of the ESO
ESO staff astronomer. Candidates and their supervisors at the home studentship; and ii) indicates whether the requirements to obtain
institute should agree on a research project together with the ESO the PhD degree at the home institute have already been fulfilled.
local supervisor. A list of potential ESO supervisors and their research
interests can be found at All documents should be submitted in English (but no translation is
A list of current PhD projects offered by ESO staff is available at required for the certificates and diplomas). It is highly recommended
that the applicants start their PhD studies at their home institute Review of the received material, including the recommendation let-
before continuing their PhD work and developing observational ters, will start on June 15. Applications arriving after this deadline
expertise at ESO. will be considered until all the positions are filled. Incomplete appli-
cations will not be considered. All reference letters should be sent
ESO Chile students will have an opportunity to visit the observato- electronically to
ries and get involved in small projects aimed at providing an insight
into operations at the observatory. Such visits and projects, which Candidates will be notified of the results of the selection process in
are voluntary, will be scheduled to ensure that they do not interfere July 2009. Studentships typically begin between August and
with the research project of the student in Santiago. December of the year in which they are awarded. In well-justified
cases, starting dates in the year following the application can be
In Garching, students can benefit from the series of lectures given to negotiated.
the PhD students enrolled in the IMPRS (International Max-Planck
Research School on Astrophysics) PhD programme; attendance is For further information please contact Christina Stoffer (cstoffer@
voluntary. Students who are already enrolled in a PhD programme in
the Munich area (e.g., the IMPRS or at a Munich University) and wish
to apply for an ESO studentship in Garching, should provide com- The post is open equally to suitably qualified male and female appli-
pelling justification for their application. cants.

The Outline of the Terms of Service for Students (

public/employment/student.html) provides some more details on
employment conditions and benefits.

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 59

Astronomical News

New Staff at ESO

Jonathan Smoker

Although born in Chicago, I was brought

up on a smallholding in rural England.
Amongst the chickens, sheep, goats,
windmill and methane digester could be
found a 6-inch Newtonian telescope that
my Dad had made out of a plastic tube
and a mirror that someone had given us.
So, that’s how I became an astronomer!
Although I can’t quite remember the
Moon landings, one thing that I do recall
clearly came later, in the 1970s, when
Viking touched down on Mars and “dis-
covered” life there, and later on the first
shuttle launch.

I went to university in Manchester for my Jonathan Smoker

undergraduate degree, then did my PhD
in radio astronomy at Jodrell Bank, study-
ing the neutral hydrogen content of low Although working on Paranal can be tir- for quite some years, I am enjoying the
surface brightness and blue compact gal­ ing, it is balanced by the satisfaction new challenges presented by the Atacama
axies, but also doing a bit of imaging of being part of a team that has contrib- Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
and spectroscopy. After a six-month spell uted so much to astronomy over the last (ALMA) project and this large international
living in a tent at Jodrell, I switched to 10-plus years. There is nearly always collaboration.
system administration at the Institute of something new happening on the moun-
Astronomy in Cambridge, before moving tain (APE is testing on Melipal and a Working and living in the Munich area
to Queen’s University, Belfast, working GRB Target of Opportunity has arrived again is a pleasure after 18 years of “ven-
on the Magellanic Bridge and high velocity as I write these words)... may that stay turing” through the world at different
clouds. I went on 22 observing trips in the same for years to come! institutes and observatories. After study-
four years, giving me enough experience ing physics in Munich and obtaining a
to be able to apply for a staff position PhD on submillimetre instrumentation and
at ESO in 2002. After a year or so I was Wolfgang Wild astronomy in 1990, I moved to Chile to
lucky enough to be involved in the science work at SEST (Swedish–ESO Submillime-
verification of FLAMES, for which I later In November 2008 I took up the position tre Telescope) as an ESO fellow on La
became instrument scientist. It still of Head of the ALMA Division and Euro- Silla. These were interesting times both at
amazes me how the robot can place so pean ALProject Manager. Having worked the telescope and in Chile — the country
many fibres with an accuracy of a fraction in the field of sub-/millimetre and far- had just made the transition to a democ-
of an arcsecond! After a spell back in infrared instrumentation and astronomy racy. I much enjoyed the variety of tasks
Belfast and travelling in South America
whilst working on my laptop, I returned to
ESO in 2008, again initially working on
FLAMES-UVES, but who knows what the
future will hold? One of the great things
about ESO is that there are always oppor-
tunities to work on new projects, although
balancing observatory work, science
and the odd trip to the Andes is always a

My research is concerned with probing

the tiny-scale (astronomical unit) structure
of the interstellar medium, using UVES to
observe early type stars at high resolu-
tion and twin epochs. I have also dabbled
as a collaborator in high latitude stars
and typing the precursors of supernovae.

Wolfgang Wild

60 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

in the small SEST team, ranging from was still called “MMA–LSA” (Millimeter these early ALMA days, from 1999 to
helping visiting astronomers and doing Array/Large Southern Array), which was 2002, I was also the European Receiver
my own astronomical research to im­­ a merger between two similar, but differ- Team Leader working closely with col-
proving the system and solving technical ent, interferometer projects in the US and leagues from North America and Japan
problems (I remember once crawling Europe. Following various meetings and on the design of the ALMA receivers. It
inside the antenna structure at night trying discussions, the MMA–LSA evolved into looked like I would stay with ALMA for
to find a short circuit). The good working the ALMA project, and with the participa- quite a while, but then in 2002 there was
atmosphere at La SiIla and the friendly tion of East Asia (Japan and Taiwan) and the opportunity to contribute to a space
people and natural beauty of Chile also Canada, ALMA developed into what it is instrument in the same institute, and I
contributed to memorable years. today — a large international collaboration worked on HIFI (Heterodyne Instrument
to build a new interferometer at a high site for the Far-Infrared), one of the three
When the ESO fellowship came to an end in Chile. Wanting to contribute to ALMA instruments onboard ESA’s Herschel
I had the opportunity to become Site Man- on the instrumentation side, I heard of a Space Observatory, foreseen for launch
ager of the Pico Veleta Observatory near new group being built up in the Nether- on an Ariane 5 rocket in April this year.
Granada in southern Spain. The observa- lands for the development of the ALMA In 2004 I was appointed Head of SRON’s
tory belongs to the French–German– Band 9 receivers, one of the challenging Low Energy Astrophysics Division (with
Spanish Institute IRAM (Institut de Radio- high frequency bands. I applied for the HIFI being the major project), and from
astronomie Millimetrique) with its head- position of Project Manager and group 2007 onward I became responsible for
quarters in Grenoble (France). During my leader and was hired as the first person in SRON’s infrared and submillimetre pro-
years at the IRAM 30-metre telescope, this new undertaking between NOVA, the gramme as Programme Scientist. During
I was responsible for the operations and SRON Netherlands Institute for Space my time at SRON I also held a position
improvements of the observatory together Research and the University of Groningen. at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of
with a group of scientific and technical the University of Groningen, and in 2005
experts — an interesting job that taught Those early ALMA days were quite excit- I was appointed Professor for Techniques
me a lot. I also enjoyed life in Granada and ing — I started by hiring another person, of Far-Infrared and (Sub-)Millimetre
married a “Granadina”. so we began with two people, many Astronomy.
ideas, an empty lab, a budget (never
However, after nine years of working at enough of course) and a lot of enthusi- I am very happy to be part of ESO again,
telescopes, by around 1999 it was time for asm. Today, almost ten years later, the and with such exciting projects like ALMA
a change and I wanted to go back to group in Groningen comprises twelve and the European Extremely Large Tele-
instrumentation development. At that time, people and has built nine state-of-the-art scope I am looking forward to these great
ALMA was just about to become a joint receivers for ALMA with another 60+ to new observatories and the science they
project between Europe and the US. It be built over the next few years. During will enable.
Credit: ESO/L. Testi

Sunset over the ALMA Test Facility

(ATF) in Socorro, New Mexico. The
prototype US and European antennas,
shown here, were used for testing
and development of hardware and
software and were interferometrically
linked (see ESO PR 10/07). The ATF
closed in December 2008, having suc-
cessfully fulfilled its purpose.

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 61

Astronomical News

Fellows at ESO

managing technical challenges, we be trained on two UTs, Antu and Kueyen,

have succeeded in getting unprecedented performing over 1500 OBs for a cumula-
astrophysical results. I am now in the tive open shutter time of 587 hours. Given
fourth year of my ESO fellowship and the ratio of the instrument aperture sizes,
thinking about future projects and the next it would have taken 17 290 years for Gali-
generation of VLTI instrumentation that leo to collect as many photons as I did.
will use the four giant telescopes together.
But the most impressive part is not about
My wife and I have enjoyed Chile numbers, sizes or advanced technology
immensely — the people, nature, food, (although they are very impressive), it
and all the new friends we now have. is about the people, working around the
Moreover, we will leave Chile with two clock, away from family, often tired
everlasting souvenirs: our son Tobie and because of the workload, stress and lack
our daughter Anaelle. of sleep. It is about their problem-solving
attitude, their constant mood and their
incredible motivation. My ESO fellowship
Hugues Sana has certainly been a wonderful challenge
Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin and one of the most intense life experi-
11 961 km... That’s the distance between ences. If I had to summarise what I
Liège and Santiago. 11 961 km... it is diffi- learned in a single word, it would be “bal-
Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin cult to get further away. It is further than ance”. Balance between observatory
the US West coast, Hong Kong or Beijing, duties, science time, private life and per-
I started astronomy in quite an unusual and even further than Tokyo. The only sonal development, and what it takes,
way. I first studied heat engines and other way to go further would be to head for as a juggler, to keep that many balls flying
sorts of machinery using thermal energy. Australia, to some small Pacific island or in the air.
Having been lured into an increasing to Antarctica.
passion for physics, I continued studying About me — I obtained my PhD at Liège
fundamental physics for several more 11 961 km... it is not the other side of the University in 2005, working on optical
years. world, but it is getting close and that is and X-ray spectroscopy of massive stars.
the adventure I had the chance to take up After an additional year in Liège, I moved
There came a time when I had to choose about three years ago when I was offered to ESO/Chile in May 2006. In Paranal,
between particle physics and astrophys- a fellowship position at ESO. It was on I first joined the CRIRES instrument team
ics. My wife found the best strategy a Wednesday morning, two days before before taking over the enjoyable task
to make this dramatic choice: look at the Christmas, 1145 days ago and 11 961 km of UVES instrument scientist, where I am
potential colleagues in both areas and away from where I am sitting right now. learning what it takes to have an instru-
assess how they were set up in life (prop- ment working to the best of its perform-
erly dressed or not, with family or not, Since then, I have enjoyed 54 Lan Chile ance. In Santiago, I pursue my own
etc.). The “vote” definitely went to astro- snack boxes, delighted in 233 wonderful research projects on massive stars, tak-
physics! sunsets in Paranal and survived 671 rides ing advantage of the active collaboration
from my house in Santiago to the Vitacura of a dozen colleagues working in the
I completed my PhD thesis in the city of office. In Paranal, I had the opportunity to nearby field of stellar clusters.
Grenoble, in the French Alps, conveniently
located near numerous ski resorts. I
visited Paranal once during my graduate
studies, where I worked on the VLTI
and was definitely impressed by this huge
machine. Press a button and you have
two giant telescopes pointing together
and unveiling the mysteries of some
unknown stars. I decided to be part of
this adventure.

I arrived at ESO in April 2006. I devoted a

significant part of my duties and research
time to improving the abilities of the VLTI.
I greatly appreciated sharing the work with
engineers, technicians and astronomers.
I am proud of what has been achieved
within these last three years. As well as Hugues Sana

62 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Personnel Movements

Arrivals (1 January– 31 March 2009) Departures (1 January– 31 March 2009)

Europe Europe
Zinsmeyer, William (US) Software Engineer Puech, Florence (FR) VLTI System Engineer
Micol, Alberto (IT) VO and Astronomical Data Specialist da Rocha, Cristiano (BR) Fellow
Chasiotis, Stella-Maria (DE) Secretary Mazzoleni, Ruben (IT) Paid Associate
Vraux, Jean Pierre (FR) Contract Office Lorch, Henning (DE) Software Engineer
Verzichelli, Gianluca (IT) System Engineer Stöckl, Josef (AT) Student
Baginksi, Isabelle (DE) Administrative Assistant Lopez Silva, Joao (CL) Student
Fourie, Petrus Gerhardus (ZA) System Engineer
Sharkey, Colleen (US) Hubble Outreach Coordinator
Hekman, Peter (NL) Electronic Engineer
Paolo Ghiretti (IT) Civil Engineer
Emsellem, Eric (FR) Head of the Office for Science - Garching
Ferguson, Neil (GB) Software Engineer
Singh, Paul (IT) Junior Optical Engineer
Argomedo, Javier (CL) Software Engineer
Ruiz Velasco, Alma (MX) Student
Guidetti, Daria (IT) Student
Lopez Silva, Joao (CL) Student
Hoffstadt Urrutia, Arturo (CL) Student
McNeil, Emily Kate (US) Student
Mueller, Eric (DE) Student
Daemgen, Sebastian (DE) Student
Zheng, Zheng (CN) Student
Müller, André (DE) Student

Chile Chile
Kneissl, Ruediger (DE) Operations Astronomer Hubrig, Swetlana (DE) Operations Astronomer
Vila Vilaro, Baltasar (ES) Systems Astronomer Mirabel, Igor-Feliz (FR) Representative of ESO - Chile
Poupar, Sébastien (FR) Mechanical Engineer Gallardo, Javier (CL) Software Engineer
Rawlings, Mark (GB) Operations Astronomer Sanzana, Lilian Software Engineer
Rengaswamy, Sridharan (IN) VLTI Astronomer Naef, Dominique (CH) Fellow
Evatt, Matthew (US) Mechanical Engineer Sahlman, Johannes (DE) Student
Oestreich, Martin (DE) Electrical Engineer
Ramírez, Christian (CL) Mechanical Engineer
Díaz, Alvaro (CL) Instrument Technician
Montagnier, Guillaume (FR) Fellow
Alvarez Candal, Alvaro (AR) Fellow
Asmus, Daniel (DE) Student

The Garching science campus, home to the Munich

Technical University, four Max Planck Institutes,
computing and research institutes, and ESO, shown
in an aerial photograph taken in July 2007. The
tracks of the U-Bahn (underground city railway) are
seen to the bottom left (west) and the River Isar
to the upper right (east). The dome just above image
centre is the old research reactor, with the new
reactor housed in the large grey building to its right.
The ESO Headquarters building is towards the lower
left of the photograph with the storage hall to the
east. The ESO extension building will occupy parts
of the field to the south (see Figure 3 of Fischer &
Walsh, p. 4).

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 63

Annual Index 2008 (Nos. 131–134)

Subject Index E-ELT and the Cosmic Expansion History – A Far Behind the Scenes of the Discovery of Two
Stretch?; D’Odorico, V.; Levshakov, S.; Bonifacio, Extrasolar Planets: ESO Large Programme 666;
P.; Bouchy, F.; Wiklind, T.; Queloz, D.; Udry, S.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Soszynski, I.; Szewczyk, O.;
The Organisation Moscardini, L.; Molaro, P.; Murphy, M.; Lovis, C.; Szymanski, M.; Ulaczyk, K.; Kubiak, M.; Shporer,
D’Odorico, S.; Zucker, S.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; A.; Tamuz, O.; Diaz, R.; Zoccali, M.; Ruiz, M. T.;
The Perfect Machine; de Zeeuw, T.; 132, 2 Cristiani, S.; Viel, M.; Haehnelt, M.; Pasquini, L.; Gieren, W.; Pietrzynski, G.; Ramirez, S.; Hoyer, S.;
10th Anniversary of First Light of the VLT; 132, 4 Dessauges, M.; Vanzella, E.; Liske, J.; Grazian, A.; Udry, S.; Mayor, M.; Mazeh, T.; Gillon, M.; Queloz,
133, 10 D.; Santos, N.; Moutou, C.; Naef, D.; Udalski, A.;
Austria Declares Intent to Join ESO; 132, 5
The Quest for Near-infrared Calibration Sources for Minniti, D.; Pont, F.; Melo, C.; 133, 21
The ASTRONET Infrastructure Roadmap: A Twenty
E-ELT Instruments; J. Sansonetti, C.; Ralchenko, Probing Sagittarius A* and its Environment at the
Year Strategy for European Astronomy; Bode, M.;
Y.; Kerber, F.; Nave, G.; Bristow, P.; Aldenius, M.; Galactic Centre: VLT and APEX Working in
Monnet, G.; ASTRONET Roadmap Working
133, 14 Synergy; Wiesemeyer, H.; Zamaninasab, M.;
Group; 134, 2
Detector Upgrade for FLAMES: GIRAFFE Gets Red Zensus, A.; Vogel, S.; Thum, C.; Straubmeier, C.;
Eyes; Gieles, M.; Palsa, R.; Bendek, E.; Peña, E.; Sjouwerman, L.; Schuster, K.; Moultaka, J.; Mužić,
Castillo, R.; Hanuschik, R.; Naef, D.; Deiries, S.; K.; Najarro, F.; Pott, J.; Meyer, L.; Mauerhan, J.;
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Melo, C.; Pasquini, L.; Downing, M.; 133, 17 Markoff, S.; Lu, R.; Kunneriath, D.; Krips, M.;
König, S.; Krichbaum, T.; Karas, V.; Duschl, W.;
Advanced Calibration Techniques for Astronomical The VLTI PRIMA Facility; van Belle, G. T.; Sahlmann,
Downes, D.; Dovčiak, M.; Morris, M. R.; Weiss, A.;
Spectrographs; Bristow, P.; Kerber, F.; Rosa, M. J.; Abuter, R.; Accardo, M.; Andolfato, L.; Brillant,
Baganoff, F.; Witzel, G.; Bertram, T.; García-Marín,
R.; 131, 2 S.; de Jong, J.; Derie, F.; Delplancke, F.; Duc, T.
M.; Schödel, R.; Eckart, A.; 133, 26
Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics without Tip-tilt; P.; Dupuy, C.; Gilli, B.; Gitton, P.; Haguenauer, P.;
Jocou, L.; Jost, A.; Di Lieto, N.; Frahm, R.; Stellar Populations of Bulges of Disc Galaxies in
Davies, R.; Rabien, S.; Lidman, C.; Le Louarn, M.;
Ménardi, S.; Morel, S.; Moresmau, J.; Palsa, R.; Clusters; Bertola, F.; Sarzi, M.; Pizzella, A.;
Kasper, M.; Schreiber, N. M. F.; Roccatagliata, V.;
Popovic, D.; Pozna, E.; Puech, F.; Lévêque, S.; Méndez-Abreu, J.; Maria Corsini, E.; Coccato, L.;
Ageorges, N.; Amico, P.; Dumas, C.; Mannucci, F.;
Ramirez, A.; Schuhler, N.; Somboli, F.; Wehner, S.; Morelli, L.; Saglia, R.; Pompei, E.; 133, 31
131, 7
ESPRI Consortium, T.; 134, 6 Mid-infrared Interferometry of Active Galactic Nuclei:
DAZLE on the VLT; McMahon, R.; Parry, I.;
News on the Commissioning of X-shooter; an Outstanding Scientific Success of the VLTI;
Venemans, B.; King, D.; Ryan-Weber, E.; Bland-
D’Odorico, S.; 134, 12 Jaffe, W.; Röttgering, H.; Burtscher, L.; Tristram,
Hawthorn, J.; Horton, A.; 131, 11
K.; Schartmann, M.; Raban, D.; Meisenheimer, K.;
Phase Correction for ALMA: Adaptive Optics in the Report on the JENAM 2008 Meeting Symposium
133, 36
Submillimetre; Nikolic, B.; Richer, J.; Hills, R.; Stir- Science with the E-ELT; Monnet, G.; 134, 14
The Supernova Legacy Survey; Balland, C.; Sullivan,
ling, A.; 131, 14
M.; 133, 42
Hawk-I – First Results from Science Verification;
Astronomical Science From the Dynamics of Cepheids to the Milky Way
Doherty, M.; Wehner, E.; Willis, J.; Seifahrt, A.;
Rotation and the Calibration of the Distance
Preibisch, T.; McCaughrean, M.; Mora Fernandes,
A Multi-Wavelength Study of the 2003–2006 Scale; Nardetto, N.; Kervella, P.; Barnes, T.;
A.; Gieles, M.; Norris, M.; Larsen, S.; Kuntschner,
Outburst of V1647 Orionis; van den Ancker, M.; Bersier, D.; Fokin, A.; Fouqué, P.; Gillet, D.; Groh,
H.; Kneib, J.; Venemans, B.; Lidman, C.; Kissler-
Fedele, D.; Petr-Gotzens, M.; Rafanelli, P.; 131, 20 J.; Kraus, S.; Mathias, P.; Mérand, A.; Millour, F.;
Patig, M.; Fontana, A.; 132, 7
The VLT-FLAMES Survey of Massive Stars; Evans, Mourard, D.; Stoekl, A.; 134, 20
Seeing is Believing: New Facts about the Evolution
C.; Hunter, I.; Smartt, S.; Lennon, D.; de Koter, STRESS Counting Supernovae; Botticella, M. T.;
of Seeing on Paranal; Lombardi, G.; Sarazin, M.;
A.; Mokiem, R.; Trundle, C.; Dufton, P.; Ryans, R.; Cappellaro, E.; Riello, M.; Greggio, L.; Benetti, S.;
Melnick, J.; Navarrete, J.; 132, 11
Puls, J.; Vink, J.; Herrero, A.; Simón-Díaz, S.; Patat, F.; Turatto, M.; Altavilla, G.; Pastorello, A.;
EFOSC2 Episode IV: A New Hope; Snodgrass, C.; Langer, N.; Brott, I.; 131, 25 Valenti, S.; Zampieri, L.; Harutyunyan, A.; Pignata,
Saviane, I.; Monaco, L.; Sinclaire, P.; 132, 18 G.; Taubenberger, S.; 134, 25
Seeking for the Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae;
Two Volume-phased Holographic Grisms Now Patat, F.; Chandra, P.; Chevalier, R.; Justham, S.; Swift, VLT and Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Richness
Available for EFOSC2; Monaco, L.; Saviane, I.; Podsiadlowski, P.; Wolf, C.; Gal-Yam, A.; Pasquini, and Beauty of the Global View; Chincarini, G.;
132, 20 L.; Crawford, I.; Mazzali, P.; Pauldrach, A.; Margutti, R.; Covino, S.; D’Avanzo, P.; Fugazza,
The ALMA Antenna Transporter; Kraus, M.; Nomoto, K.; Benetti, S.; Cappellaro, E.; Elias- D.; Guidorzi, C.; Mao, J.; Moretti, A.; Capalbi, M.;
Stanghellini, S.; Martinez, P.; Koch, F.; Dimmler, Rosa, N.; Hillebrandt, W.; Leonard, D.; Pastorello, Cusumano, G.; D’Elia, V.; Della Valle, M.; Fiore, F.;
M.; Moresmau, J. M.; Rykaczewski, H.; 132, 23 A.; Renzini, A.; Sabbadin, F.; Simon, J.; Turatto, Mangano, V.; Molinari, E.; Perri, M.; Romano, P.;
Recent Progress at the ALMA Test Facility; Laing, M.; 131, 30 Salvaterra, R.; Zerbi, F.; Campana, S.; Giommi, P.;
R.; 132, 28 The Antares Emission Nebula and Mass Loss of Guarneri, A.; Stella, L.; Tagliaferri, G.; Pian, E.;
alpha Sco A; Reimers, D.; Hagen, H.; Baade, R.; Palazzi, E.; Piranomonte, S.; Antonelli, A.; Salotti,
Cute-SCIDAR at Paranal for E-ELT Site
Braun, K.; 132, 33 L.; Soto, A. F.; 134, 30
Characterisation; Ramió, H. V.; Reyes, M.;
Delgado, J. M.; Hernández, E.; Cagigal, M. N.; SINFONI Observations of Comet-shaped Knots in The zCOSMOS Data Release 2: the “zCOSMOS-
Fuensalida, J. J.; Lombardi, G.; Derie, F.; the Planetary Nebula NGC 7293 (the Helix Neb- bright 10k-sample” and structure in the Universe
Navarrete, J.; Sarazin, M.; 132, 29 ula); Matsuura, M.; Speck, A.; Smith, M.; Zijlstra, out to redshifts of order unity; Lilly, S.; The
A.; Lowe, K.; Viti, S.; Redman, M.; Wareing, C.; zCOSMOS team; 134, 35
Progress on the European Extremely Large
Telescope; Comerón, F.; D’Odorico, S.; Kissler- Lagadec, E.; 132, 37
Patig, M.; Gilmozzi, R.; Spyromilio, J.; 133, 2 Hunting for the Building Blocks of Galaxies like our
own Milky Way with FORS; Haehnelt, M. G.;
Rauch, M.; Bunker, A.; Becker, G.; Marleau, F.;
Graham, J.; Cristiani, S.; Jarvis, M. J.; Lacey, C.;
Morris, S.; Peroux, C.; Röttgering, H.; Theuns, T.;
132, 41

64 The Messenger 135 – March 2009

Astronomical News Announcement of the ESO Workshop on Large Award of the Ioannes Marcus Marci Medal to Tom
Programmes, 13–15 October 2008, Garching, Wilson, Associate Director for ALMA; Wilson, T.;
The 2007 Users Feedback Campaign; Primas, F.; Germany; 132, 50 134, 52
Marteau, S.; Hainaut, O.; Mathys, G.; Romaniello, Announcement of the Topical Symposium “Science Report on the Conference Optical Turbulence
M.; Sterzik, M.; 131, 36 with the E-ELT” at JENAM 2008, 8–12 September — Astronomy meets Meteorology; Masciadri, E.;
ESO Reflex: A Graphical Workflow Engine for Astro 2008, Vienna, Austria; 132, 51 134, 53
nomical Data Reduction; Hook, R.; Romaniello, Fellows at ESO; 132, 51 Report on the Conference Future Ground-based
M.; Ullgrén, M.; Maisala, S.; Solin, O.; Oittinen, T.; Solar System Research: Synergies with Space
ESO Fellowship Programme 2008/2009; 132, 52
Savolainen, V.; Järveläinen, P.; Tyynelä, J.; Péron, Probes and Space Telescopes; Käufl, H. U.; Tozzi,
M.; Izzo, C.; Ballester, P.; Gabasch, A.; 131, 42 New Staff at ESO; 132, 53
G. P.; 134, 56
News from the ESO Science Archive Facility; Exploring the Cold Universe – A Planetarium Show
Report on the ALMA Workshop Simulations for
Delmotte, N.; 131, 45 for the IYA 2009; Boffin, H.; Acker, A.; 132, 54
ALMA; Nikolic, B.; Richer, J.; Gueth, F.; Laing, R.;
ALMA Science: the ESO–Garching Astronomer’s Personnel Movements; 132, 55 134, 57
View; Testi, L.; 131, 46 Scientific Approach for Optimising Performance, Report on the Conference 400 Years of Astronomi-
News from the ALMA Test Facility; Hunter, T.; Laing, Health and Safety in High-Altitude Observatories; cal Telescopes; Brandl, B.; Stuik, R.; 134, 59
R.; 131, 47 Vogt, J.; Nolle-Gösser, T.; Böcker, M.; 133, 49
Announcement of the ESO–Porto Conference
Report on the 2007 ESO Fellowship Symposium Report on the ESO and Radionet Workshop on Gas Towards Other Earths: Perspectives and Limita-
held at ESO, Vitacura, Chile, 12–14 November and Stars in Galaxies – A Multi-Wavelength 3D tions in the ELT Era; 134, 61
2007; West, M.; Leibundgut, B.; 131, 48 Perspective; De Breuck, C.; Kuntschner, H.;
Announcement of the EIROforum School of Instru-
Zwaan, M.; Lehnert, M.; 133, 52
Report on the ESO Chile Science Days held at ESO, mentation (ESI); 134, 61
Vitacura, Chile, 20 November and 5 December ESO at SPIE – Astronomical Telescopes and Instru-
ments in Marseille; Moorwood, A.; 133, 57 ESO ALMA Fellowship Programme; 134, 62
2007; West, M.; 131, 48
In Memoriam Bengt Westerlund; Breysacher, J.; Daniel Enard 1939–2008; Cullum, M.; 134, 63
Astronomical Observatories and the Republic of
Chile Pave the Way for Future Projects; Argan- Danziger, J.; 133, 58 New Staff at ESO; 134, 64
doña, G.; Mirabel, F.; 131, 49 Do you know your Solar System? Children in Fellows at ESO; 134, 65
Report on the ELSA School on the Science of Gaia Garching do!; Kerber, F.; Kuntschner, H.; ESO at the European City of Science; Boffin, H.;
held at the Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Nether- Hanuschik, R.; 133, 58 Heyer, H.; Janssen, E.; 134, 66
lands, 19–28 November 2007; Brown, A.; Lights, Camera, Astronomers! Media training at ESO ESO and the International Year of Astronomy 2009;
Lindegren, L.; Kontizas, M.; Turon, C.; Muinonen, Chile; Argandoña, G.; West, M.; 133, 60 Pierce-Price, D.; Russo and Lars Lindberg
K.; 131, 50 Social Engagement at ESO; Böcker, M.; 133, 61 Christensen, P.; Lindberg Christensen, L.; 134, 66
Fellows at ESO; 131, 51 New Staff at ESO; 133, 61 Personnel Movements; 134, 67
New Staff at ESO; 131, 52 Fellows at ESO; 133, 63
Announcement of ESO Large Programmes on the Announcement of the Joint ESO, CTIO, ALMA/NRAO
Gran Telescopio Canarias; 131, 53 Conference Supplement
and Universidad Valparaíso Workshop The Inter-
Announcement of the ASTRONET Infrastructure ferometric View on Hot Stars; 133, 64
Special Report on the MPA/ESO/MPE/USM 2008
Roadmap Symposium: An Opportunity to Con- Announcement of the ESO Workshop on ALMA and Joint Astronomy Conference Chemical Evolution
tribute to the European Astrophysical Strategy for ELTs: A Deeper, Finer View of the Universe; of Dwarf Galaxies and Stellar Clusters; Primas, F.;
the Next 20 Years, 16–19 June 2008, Liverpool, 133, 65 Weiss, A.; 134supp, 2
United Kingdom; 131, 53
Announcement of the Report by the ESA–ESO The Complex Evolution of Simple Systems; Mateo,
Announcement of the MPA/ESO/MPE/USM 2008 Working Group on Galactic Populations, M.; 134supp, 3
Joint Astronomy Conference on Chemical Chemistry and Dynamics; 133, 66
Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies and Stellar Clusters; Abundances in Globular Cluster Stars: What is the
Personnel Movements; 133, 66 Relation with Dwarf Galaxies?; Gratton, R.;
131, 54
Preparing for the ESO Public Surveys with VISTA and 134supp, 9
Announcement of the Joint ESO/INAF-Arcetri
VST: New Tools for Phase 2 and a Workshop with Evidence for Sub-Populations in Globular Clusters:
Workshop on Future Ground-based Solar System
the Survey PIs; Arnaboldi, M.; Dietrich, J.; Their Properties and Relationship with Cluster
Research: Synergies with Space Probes and
Hatziminaoglou, E.; Hummel, W.; Hussain, G.; Properties; Renzini, A.; Milone, A.; Gratton, R.;
Space Telescopes; 131, 55
Neeser, M.; Rejkuba, M.; Bierwirth, T.; Comeron, Cassisi, S.; Bragaglia, A.; Piotto, G.; 134supp, 13
Personnel Movements; 131, 55 F.; Dorigo, D.; Emerson, J.; Nunes, P.; Primas, F.;
Linking Chemical Signatures of Globular Clusters to
News from the ESO Science Archive Facility; 134, 42
Chemical Evolution; D’Antona, F.; Ventura, P.;
Delmotte, N.; 132, 47 Announcement of the Workshop The E-ELT Design 134supp, 18
FP7 E-ELT Preparation – Grant Agreement Funded Reference Mission and Science Plan; 134, 45
Chemical Signatures in Dwarf Galaxies; Hill, V. M.;
by the European Commission is Underway; The ESA–ESO Working Group on Galactic Popula- Venn, K. A.; 134supp, 23
Monnet, G.; Gilmozzi, R.; Robinson, M.; 132, 48 tions, Chemistry and Dynamics; Turon, C.;
Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies and Stellar
Report on the International Workshop on Star Primas, F.; Binney, J.; Chiappini, C.; Drew, J.;
Clusters: Conference Summary; Freeman, K. C.;
Formation Across the Milky Way Galaxy; Melo, C.; Helmi, A.; Robin, A.; G. Ryan, S.; 134, 46
134supp, 28
Melnick, J.; Sterzik, M.; 132, 49 Report on the Workshop Interstellar Medium and
Star Formation with ALMA: Looking to the Future.
A Workshop to Honour Tom Wilson; Martin-
Pintado, J.; 134, 50

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 65

Author Index C F

Cassisi, S.; Bragaglia, A.; Gratton, R.; Milone, A.; Freeman, K. C.; Chemical Evolution of Dwarf
A Piotto, G.; Renzini, A.; Evidence for Sub-Popula- Galaxies and Stellar Clusters: Conference Sum-
tions in Globular Clusters: Their Properties and mary; 134supp, 28
Aldenius, M.; Kerber, F.; Bristow, P.; Nave, G.; Relationship with Cluster Properties; 134supp, 13
Ralchenko, Y.; J. Sansonetti, C.; The Quest for Chincarini, G.; Margutti, R.; Covino, S.; D’Avanzo, P.;
Near-infrared Calibration Sources for E-ELT Fugazza, D.; Guidorzi, C.; Mao, J.; Moretti, A.; G
Instruments; 133, 14 Capalbi, M.; Cusumano, G.; D’Elia, V.; Della Valle,
Argandoña, G.; Mirabel, F.; Astronomical Observato- M.; Fiore, F.; Mangano, V.; Molinari, E.; Perri, M.; Gilmozzi, R.; Monnet, G.; Robinson, M.; FP7 E-ELT
ries and the Republic of Chile Pave the Way for Romano, P.; Salvaterra, R.; Zerbi, F.; Campana, Preparation – Grant Agreement Funded by the
Future Projects; 131, 49 S.; Giommi, P.; Guarneri, A.; Stella, L.; Tagliaferri, European Commission is Underway; 132, 48
Argandoña, G.; West, M.; Lights, Camera, Astrono- G.; Pian, E.; Palazzi, E.; Piranomonte, S.; Antonelli, Gratton, R.; Abundances in Globular Cluster Stars:
mers! Media training at ESO Chile; 133, 60 A.; Salotti, L.; Soto, A. F.; Swift, VLT and Gamma– What is the Relation with Dwarf Galaxies?;
Ray Bursts: The Richness and Beauty of the Glo- 134supp, 9
Arnaboldi, M.; Dietrich, J.; Hatziminaoglou, E.;
bal View; 134, 30
Hummel, W.; Hussain, G.; Neeser, M.; Rejkuba,
M.; Bierwirth, T.; Comeron, F.; Dorigo, D.; Cullum, M.; Daniel Enard 1939–2008; 134, 63
Emerson, J.; Nunes, P.; Primas, F.; Preparing for
the ESO Public Surveys with VISTA and VST:
D Haehnelt, M. G.; Rauch, M.; Bunker, A.; Becker, G.;
New Tools for Phase 2 and a Workshop with the
Marleau, F.; Graham, J.; Cristiani, S.; Jarvis, M.
Survey PIs; 134, 42
D’Antona, F.; Ventura, P.; Linking Chemical Signa- J.; Lacey, C.; Morris, S.; Peroux, C.; Röttgering,
tures of Globular Clusters to Chemical Evolution; H.; Theuns, T.; Hunting for the Building Blocks
134supp, 18 of Galaxies like our own Milky Way with FORS;
132, 41
D’Odorico, S.; News on the Commissioning of
Böcker, M.; Vogt, J.; Nolle-Gösser, T.; Scientific X-shooter; 134, 12 Hook, R.; Romaniello, M.; Ullgrén, M.; Maisala, S.;
Approach for Optimising Performance, Health and Solin, O.; Oittinen, T.; Savolainen, V.; Järveläinen,
Danziger, J.; Breysacher, J.; In Memoriam Bengt
Safety in High-Altitude Observatories; 133, 49 P.; Tyynelä, J.; Péron, M.; Izzo, C.; Ballester, P.;
Westerlund; 133, 58
Gabasch, A.; ESO Reflex: A Graphical Workflow
Böcker, M.; Social Engagement at ESO; 133, 61 Davies, R.; Rabien, S.; Lidman, C.; Le Louarn, M.; Engine for Astronomical Data Reduction; 131, 42
Bode, M.; Monnet, G.; ASTRONET Roadmap Work- Kasper, M.; Schreiber, N. M. F.; Roccatagliata, V.;
Hunter, T.; Laing, R.; News from the ALMA Test
ing Group; The ASTRONET Infrastructure Ageorges, N.; Amico, P.; Dumas, C.; Mannucci, F.;
Facility; 131, 47
Roadmap: A Twenty Year Strategy for European Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics without Tip-tilt;
Astronomy; 134, 2 131, 7
Boffin, H.; Acker, A.; Exploring the Cold Universe de Zeeuw, T.; The Perfect Machine; 132, 2 K
– A Planetarium Show for the IYA 2009; 132, 54 Delmotte, N.; News from the ESO Science Archive
Boffin, H.; Janssen, E.; Heyer, H.; ESO at the Facility; 131, 45 Kerber, F.; Hanuschik, R.; Kuntschner, H.; Do you
European City of Science; 134, 66 Delmotte, N.; News from the ESO Science Archive know your Solar System? Children in Garching
Botticella, M. T.; Cappellaro, E.; Riello, M.; Greggio, Facility; 132, 47 do!; 133, 58
L.; Benetti, S.; Patat, F.; Turatto, M.; Altavilla, G.; Kissler-Patig, M.; Fontana, A.; Venemans, B.; Kneib,
Pastorello, A.; Valenti, S.; Zampieri, L.; J.; Doherty, M.; Lidman, C.; Kuntschner, H.;
Harutyunyan, A.; Pignata, G.; Taubenberger, S.; E Norris, M.; Larsen, S.; Gieles, M.; Mora Fern-
STRESS Counting Supernovae; 134, 25 andes, A.; McCaughrean, M.; Preibisch, T.;
Brandl, B.; Stuik, R.; Report on the Conference Eckart, A.; Schödel, R.; García-Marín, M.; Witzel, G.; Seifahrt, A.; Willis, J.; Wehner, E.; Hawk-I – First
400 Years of Astronomical Telescopes; 134, 59 Weiss, A.; Baganoff, F.; Morris, M. R.; Bertram, Results from Science Verification; 132, 7
T.; Dovčiak, M.; Downes, D.; Duschl, W.; Karas, V.; Kraus, M.; Stanghellini, S.; Martinez, P.; Koch, F.;
Bristow, P.; Kerber, F.; Rosa, M. R.; Advanced
König, S.; Krichbaum, T.; Krips, M.; Kunneriath, Dimmler, M.; Moresmau, J. M.; Rykaczewski, H.;
Calibration Techniques for Astronomical Spec-
D.; Lu, R.; Markoff, S.; Mauerhan, J.; Meyer, L.; The ALMA Antenna Transporter; 132, 23
trographs; 131, 2
Moultaka, J.; Mužić, K.; Najarro, F.; Pott, J.;
Brown, A.; Lindegren, L.; Kontizas, M.; Turon, C.; Schuster, K.; Sjouwerman, L.; Straubmeier, C.; L
Muinonen, K.; Report on the ELSA School on the Thum, C.; Vogel, S.; Wiesemeyer, H.;
Science of Gaia held at the Lorentz Center, Zamaninasab, M.; Zensus, A.; Probing Sagittarius Laing, R.; Recent Progress at the ALMA Test Facility;
Leiden, the Netherlands, 19-28 November 2007; A* and its Environment at the Galactic Centre: 132, 28
131, 50 VLT and APEX Working in Synergy; 133, 26
Lehnert, M.; De Breuck, C.; Kuntschner, H.; Zwaan,
Evans, C.; Hunter, I.; Smartt, S.; Lennon, D.; de M.; Report on the ESO and Radionet Workshop
Koter, A.; Mokiem, R.; Trundle, C.; Dufton, P.; on Gas and Stars in Galaxies – A Multi-
Ryans, R.; Puls, J.; Vink, J.; Herrero, A.; Wavelength 3D Perspective; 133, 52
Simón-Díaz, S.; Langer, N.; Brott, I.; The VLT-
Lilly, S.; The zCOSMOS team; The zCOSMOS Data
FLAMES Survey of Massive Stars; 131, 25
Release 2: the “zCOSMOS-bright 10k-sample”
and structure in the Universe out to redshifts of
order unity; 134, 35
Liske, J.; Grazian, A.; Vanzella, E.; Dessauges, M.;
Viel, M.; Pasquini, L.; Haehnelt, M.; Cristiani, S.;
Pepe, F.; Bonifacio, P.; Bouchy, F.; D’Odorico, S.;
D’Odorico, V.; Levshakov, S.; Lovis, C.; Mayor,
M.; Molaro, P.; Moscardini, L.; Murphy, M.;
Queloz, D.; Udry, S.; Wiklind, T.; Zucker, S.;
E-ELT and the Cosmic Expansion History – A Far
Stretch?; 133, 10

66 The Messenger 135 – March 2009


Martin-Pintado, J.; Report on the Workshop Patat, F.; Chandra, P.; Chevalier, R.; Justham, S.; Testi, L.; ALMA Science: the ESO–Garching
Interstellar Medium and Star Formation with Podsiadlowski, P.; Wolf, C.; Gal-Yam, A.; Pasquini, Astronomers View; 131, 46
ALMA: Looking to the Future A Workshop to Hon- L.; Crawford, I.; Mazzali, P.; Pauldrach, A.; Turon, C.; Primas, F.; Binney, J.; Chiappini, C.; Drew,
our Tom Wilson; 134, 50 Nomoto, K.; Benetti, S.; Cappellaro, E.; Elias- J.; Helmi, A.; Robin, A.; G. Ryan, S.; The ESA–
Masciadri, E.; Report on the Conference Optical Rosa, N.; Hillebrandt, W.; Leonard, D.; Pastorello, ESO Working Group on Galactic Populations,
Turbulence — Astronomy meets Meteorology; A.; Renzini, A.; Sabbadin, F.; Simon, J.; Turatto, Chemistry and Dynamics; 134, 46
134, 53 M.; Seeking for the Progenitors of Type Ia Super-
novae; 131, 30
Mateo, M.; The Complex Evolution of Simple
Systems; 134supp, 3 Pierce-Price, D.; Russo and Lars Lindberg U
Christensen, P.; Lindberg Christensen, L.; ESO
Matsuura, M.; Speck, A.; Smith, M.; Zijlstra, A.;
and the International Year of Astronomy 2009; Käufl, H. U.; Tozzi, G. P.; Report on the Conference
Lowe, K.; Viti, S.; Redman, M.; Wareing, C.;
134, 66 Future Ground-based Solar System Research:
Lagadec, E.; SINFONI Observations of Comet-
Primas, F.; Marteau, S.; Hainaut, O.; Mathys, G.; Synergies with Space Probes and Space Tele-
shaped Knots in the Planetary Nebula NGC 7293
Romaniello, M.; Sterzik, M.; The 2007 Users scopes; 134, 56
(the Helix Nebula); 132, 37
Feedback Campaign; 131, 36
McMahon, R.; Parry, I.; Venemans, B.; King, D.;
Ryan-Weber, E.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Horton, A.; Primas, F.; Weiss, A.; Special Report on the MPA/
DAZLE on the VLT; 131, 11 ESO/MPE/USM 2008 Joint Astronomy Confer-
ence Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies and
Meisenheimer, K.; Raban, D.; Tristram, K.; van Belle, G. T.; Sahlmann, J.; Abuter, R.; Accardo,
Stellar Clusters; 134supp, 2
Schartmann, M.; Jaffe, W.; Röttgering, H.; M.; Andolfato, L.; Brillant, S.; de Jong, J.; Derie, F.;
Burtscher, L.; Mid-infrared Interferometry of Delplancke, F.; Duc, T. P.; Dupuy, C.; Gilli, B.;
Active Galactic Nuclei: an Outstanding Scientific Gitton, P.; Haguenauer, P.; Jocou, L.; Jost, A.; Di
Success of the VLTI; 133, 36 Lieto, N.; Frahm, R.; Ménardi, S.; Morel, S.;
Melo, C.; Pasquini, L.; Downing, M.; Deiries, S.; Moresmau, J.; Palsa, R.; Popovic, D.; Pozna, E.;
Ramió, H. V.; Reyes, M.; Delgado, J. M.; Hernández,
Naef, D.; Hanuschik, R.; Palsa, R.; Castillo, R.; Puech, F.; Lévêque, S.; Ramirez, A.; Schuhler, N.;
E.; Cagigal, M. N.; Fuensalida, J. J.; Lombardi, G.;
Peña, E.; Bendek, E.; Gieles, M.; Detector Somboli, F.; Wehner, S.; ESPRI Consortium, T.;
Derie, F.; Navarrete, J.; Sarazin, M.; Cute-SCIDAR
Upgrade for FLAMES: GIRAFFE Gets Red Eyes; The VLTI PRIMA Facility; 134, 6
at Paranal for E-ELT Site Characterisation; 132, 29
133, 17 van den Ancker, M.; Fedele, D.; Petr-Gotzens, M.;
Reimers, D.; Hagen, H.; Baade, R.; Braun, K.; The
Minniti, D.; Melo, C.; Naef, D.; Udalski, A.; Pont, F.; Rafanelli, P.; A Multi-Wavelength Study of the
Antares Emission Nebula and Mass Loss of alpha
Moutou, C.; Santos, N.; Queloz, D.; Mazeh, T.; 2003–2006 Outburst of V1647 Orionis; 131, 20
Sco A; 132, 33
Gillon, M.; Mayor, M.; Udry, S.; Diaz, R.; Hoyer, S.; Venn, K. A.; Hill, V. M.; Chemical Signatures in
Ramirez, S.; Pietrzynski, G.; Gieren, W.; Ruiz, M. Dwarf Galaxies; 134supp, 23
T.; Zoccali, M.; Tamuz, O.; Shporer, A.; Kubiak, S
M.; Soszynski, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Szymanski, M.;
Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Behind the Scenes Sarazin, M.; Melnick, J.; Navarrete, J.; Lombardi, G.; W
of the Discovery of Two Extrasolar Planets: ESO Seeing is Believing: New Facts about the Evolu-
Large Programme 666; 133, 21 tion of Seeing on Paranal; 132, 11 West, M.; Leibundgut, B.; Report on the 2007 ESO
Monnet, G.; Report on the JENAM 2008 Meeting Fellowship Symposium held at ESO, Vitacura,
Saviane, I.; Monaco, L.; Two Volume-phased
Symposium Science with the E-ELT; 134, 14 Chile, 12–14 November 2007; 131, 48
Holographic Grisms Now Available for EFOSC2;
Moorwood, A.; ESO at SPIE – Astronomical 132, 20 West, M.; Report on the ESO Chile Science Days
Telescopes and Instruments in Marseille; 133, 57 held at ESO, Vitacura, Chile, 20 November and 5
Snodgrass, C.; Saviane, I.; Monaco, L.; Sinclaire, P.;
December 2007; 131, 48
Morelli, L.; Pompei, E.; Pizzella, A.; Méndez-Abreu, EFOSC2 Episode IV: A New Hope; 132, 18
J.; Maria Corsini, E.; Coccato, L.; Saglia, R.; Sarzi, Spyromilio, J.; Comerón, F.; D’Odorico, S.; Kissler-
M.; Bertola, F.; Stellar Populations of Bulges of Patig, M.; Gilmozzi, R.; Progress on the European
Disc Galaxies in Clusters; 133, 31 Extremely Large Telescope; 133, 2
Sterzik, M.; Melnick, J.; Melo, C.; Report on the
International Workshop on Star Formation Across
the Milky Way Galaxy; 132, 49
Nardetto, N.; Kervella, P.; Barnes, T.; Bersier, D.; Sullivan, M.; Balland, C.; The Supernova Legacy
Fokin, A.; Fouqué, P.; Gillet, D.; Groh, J.; Kraus, Survey; 133, 42
S.; Mathias, P.; Mérand, A.; Millour, F.; Mourard,
D.; Stoekl, A.; From the Dynamics of Cepheids to
the Milky Way Rotation and the Calibration of the
Distance Scale; 134, 20
Nikolic, B.; Richer, J.; Hills, R.; Stirling, A.; Phase
Correction for ALMA: Adaptive Optics in the
Submillimetre; 131, 14
Nikolic, B.; Richer, J.; Gueth, F.; Laing, R.; Report
on the ALMA Workshop Simulations for ALMA;
134, 57

The Messenger 135 – March 2009 67

ESO is the European Organisation for Contents
Astronomical Research in the Southern
Hemisphere. Whilst the Headquarters The Organisation
(comprising the scientific, technical and R. Fischer, J. Walsh — An Extension for ESO Headquarters 2
administrative centre of the organisa-
tion) are located in Garching near Telescopes and Instrumentation
­Munich, Germany, ESO operates three A. Baudry — The ALMA Correlator: Performance and
observational sites in the Chilean Ata­- Science Impact in the Millimetre/Submillimetre 6
cama desert. The Very Large Telescope M. Scodeggio et al. — Improving the Multiplexing of VIMOS MOS
(VLT), is located on Paranal, a 2 600 m Observations for Future Spectroscopic Surveys 13
high mountain south of Antofagasta. At C. Melo et al. — Six Years of FLAMES Operations 17
La Silla, 600 km north of Santiago de
Chile at 2 400 m altitude, ESO operates Astronomical Science
several medium-sized optical tele­ S. Hubrig et al. — Studying the Magnetic Properties of
scopes. The third site is the 5 000 m Upper Main-sequence Stars with FORS1 21
high Llano de Chajnantor, near San F. Millour et al. — Wolf-Rayet Stars at the Highest Angular Resolution 26
Pedro de Atacama. Here a new submil- A. Richichi et al. — The Beauty of Speed 32
limetre telescope (APEX) is in opera- H. Horst et al. — VISIR Observations of Local Seyfert Nuclei and
tion, and a giant array of submillimetre the Mid-infrared — Hard X-ray Correlation 37
antennas (ALMA) is under development. J. Kurk et al. — A VLT Large Programme to Study Galaxies at z ~ 2:
Over 2 000 proposals are made each GMASS — the Galaxy Mass Assembly Ultra-deep Spectroscopic Survey 40
year for the use of the ESO telescopes.
Astronomical News
The ESO Messenger is published four E. Hatziminaoglou, F. Chéreau — VirGO: A Visual Browser for the ESO
times a year: normally in March, June, Science Archive Facility 46
September and December. ESO also N. Delmotte — News from the ESO Science Archive Facility 49
publishes Conference Proceedings and P. Garcia — New Infrastructures Require New Training:
other material connected to its activi- The Example of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer Schools 50
ties. Press Releases inform the media G. Mathys, B. Leibundgut — Large Programmes 53
about particular events. For further P. Russo et al. — ESO and the International Year of Astronomy 2009
in­formation, contact the ESO Education Opening Ceremony 54
and Public Outreach Department at the MAD and Beyond: Science with Multi-Conjugate Adaptive
following address: Optics Instruments 56
IR and Sub-mm Spectroscopy: A New Tool for Studying Stellar Evolution 56
ESO Headquarters Detectors for Astronomy 2009 57
Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2 M. West et al. — ESO’s Studentship Programmes:
85748 Garching bei München Training Tomorrow’s Astronomers Today 57
Germany ESO Studentship Programme 59
Phone +49 89 320 06-0 New Staff at ESO 60
Fax +49 89 320 23 62 Fellows at ESO 62 Personnel Movements 63 Annual Index 2008 (Nos. 131–134) 64

The ESO Messenger:

Editor: Jeremy R. Walsh
Layout/typesetting: Mafalda Martins
Design: Jutta Boxheimer

Printed by
Peschke Druck Front Cover: Colour composite of the centre of
Schatzbogen 35 NGC 5128 containing the radio source Centaurus A.
81805 München Three separate image sets are combined: APEX
Germany LABOCA 870 μm image in orange; Chandra X-ray
Observatory combined 0.5–2 keV image in blue;
© ESO 2009 visible light (B, V and I band) WFI images from the
ISSN 0722-6691 MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope. See ESO 03/09 for details.

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