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Revolutionary Architecture for Autonomous Software

Mr. Gopal Sakarkar Dr. V. M. Thakare
S. G. B. Amravati University S. G. B. Amravati University
G.H.R.I.I.T., MCA Department, Amravati, India
Nagpur ,India

Abstract— The field of software agents is an expansive and generally focused on a specific subset of software agents. This
rapidly developing area of research, which encompasses a diverse paper builds upon these to develop ample software agents by
range of topics and interests. In order to study the various implementing the number of design issues regarding the
Autonomous Software Agent Architectures for agent design, a Autonomous agent.
comprehensive classification of architecture is required. This
paper identifies the key aspects of different architectures of The paper is organized as follows.
software agents and then provides an overview of design issues
regarding the Autonomous agent. Finally focus on different
Next sections focus on definitions. Section III describes
Modeling Norms for Autonomous Agents. These research results proposed classification. Section IV explains the various norms
are helpful to clarify which architecture will be suitable for for Modeling Autonomous Agents. Proposed technology a new
today’s growing information eras. approach for Autonomous Software Agent explains in the
section V. Section VI focus on Design Issues of Autonomous
Keywords-Software agent, Agent Classification, Autonomous Agent, finally section VII concludes and gives some future
software agent architectures, Modeling Norms, Agent design works.
issues, Agent Technology.
To understand the Autonomous software agent clearly, this
Agent technology is a rapidly expanding area that section focused on definitions of software agent. Some of them
encompasses many disparate areas of research and offers are as follows
several fundamentally different architecture design
approaches. The rapid growth of this field in the past decade Software agents are software entities that can act on behalf of
has occurred in parallel with the evolution of the World Wide user in an autonomous fashion, and perform their action in
Web as Autonomous software agent systems show great some level of proactivity and reactivity [2].
promise for exploiting massively distributed systems such as It is a persistent software entity dedicated to a specific purpose
the Internet. Despite the popularity of software agent systems, and also it is computer program that simulate a human
there is very little consensus about what exactly constitutes a relationship by doing something that another person could do
software agent. Research into agent-based systems has been for you [3].
quite diverse, which makes it difficult to form a
comprehensive definition for a software agent. It is software entities, which functions continuously and
automously in a particular environment, often inhabit by other
While a range of different approaches has been taken for agent agents and process [4].
design, several key features that are shared among all
approaches to agents. The fundamental feature of software With this, it is better to fix up the definition as given below by
agents is autonomy. Like their human counterparts, software considering the fact that ”Autonomous agents are not directed
agents must be able to act on behalf of some other party, be it by commands from a user. Instead, they are directed by a set of
a person or another agent. To do this effectively, some degree tendencies [5].”
of autonomy is required. Hence, agents must be able to take
action when necessary without human interaction. As societies “An Autonomic Software Agent means that the agent has its
are regulated by norms and, consequently, autonomous agents own behavior control mechanism and it can base on its
that want to be part of such societies must be able to reason internal status and working environment information to carry
about norms. However, no reasoning can be done if agents out its own tasks. Alone with the task changed, it can
lack a model of norms that enables them to know how, by automatically upgrade its own configuration to complete the
complying with norms, some of their goals might be affected, new tasks.”
this paper try to focuses on various modeling norms for
autonomous agents. A number of existing software
architectures survey and classifications of software agents
have been presented previously [1]. However, these are
III.PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION offers a sound mathematical foundation and (4) an architecture
that supports run time activities.
AGENT OWL-P may contribute to autonomous software agent Web
service interactions in the cross cutting area of interactions and
protocols. OWL-P can offer both a language and a framework
for defining and executing the agent-Web service interactions
Agent Design XML and RDF
Application Technology Behavior structure XML technologies are being used in the presented agent
architecture. The use of agent and XML technologies in
Air Traffic Control OWL-P Mobile Agent Three Level Arch. autonomous architecture can help secure the interoperability
Network Management XML and RDF Reactive Agent Component base and reusability factors.
E-Commerce JINI and UPnP Interface Agent Open Design Arch
Agent base Firewall etc. Hybrid Agent Bus base Arch. XML plays an important role in the success of a management
Entertainment, etc. Information Agent etc. model based on grids of autonomous agents in what it refers to
the representation and passing of management information
Figure.1 Classification of Autonomous Agent Architecture among the several components of the grid [10].
A. Agent Application Resource Description Framework (RDF), it provides
Network Management interoperability between applications that exchange machine
understandable information on the Web. RDF emphasizes
Security enhancement software system using software agents
facilities to enable automated processing of Web resources.
are developed for preventing unauthorised access to corporate
RDF metadata can be used in a variety of application areas,
information systems is essential for many organisations. In
digital library by intelligent software agents to facilitate
which a core software agent resides on a server and user end
knowledge sharing and exchange etc [11].
software agents reside at each use workstation. By
downloading a pattern of typical user behavior and rules JINI
governing invalid behavior from a core agent to each user end
agent, all decisions and actions about a typical or invalid user Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a
behavior can be taken by a user agent. This permits security programming model which both exploits and extends Java
detection to continue even when the core agent fails to operate technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed
[6]. systems consisting of federations of well-behaved network
services and clients. Jini technology can be used to build
Air traffic-flow management adaptive network systems that are scalable, evolvable and
flexible as typically required in dynamic computing
Air traffic controllers and airline personnel are limited
resources in air traffic management. To compensate for their
scarcity, Autonomous agents can be employed both in UPnP
simulations (i.e. human operators) and in actual operations
(assisting their human counterparts)[7]. Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) technology is a
distributed, open networking architecture that employs
Agent Base Firewall TCP/IP and other Internet technologies to enable seamless
Distributed firewall uses the autonomous agents to proximity networking, in addition to control and data
coordinately control the traffic on the network. Agents to transfer among networked devices in the home, office, and
implement a distributed firewall to improve the performance of public spaces.
classic firewalls [8].
C. Agent Behavior
B. Agent Technology a) Mobile agent: It has the ability to move around some
WOL-P network.
b) Reactive agent: It shows a reaction or response to the user,
Web Ontology Language for Protocols (WOL-P) has been which should not wait to be told what to do next.
recommended as a technology that will contribute to software c) Interface agent :It is a personal assistant who is collaborating
agents’ interaction with Web services and standard Web with the user in the same work environment.
service technologies. It provides a framework in which to (1) d) Hybrid agent: It refers to those whose foundation is a
develop, (2) specify and combine and (3) enact Commitment-
grouping of two or more agent philosophies within a singular
based protocols.
OWL-P components include (1) an OWL ontology to support e) Information agent: It performs the role of managing,
the specification of protocols elements, (2) a rule-based manipulating or collating information from many distributed
representation of protocols using for rule expression, (3) an sources; essentially, they help manage the vast amount of
algorithm for combining protocols that is based on algebra and information in wide area networks like the internet [12].
D. Design Structure categories, first is Reactive agents that follow the “sense-act”
cycle and exhibit functionality that arises out of sequential and
For constructing the advance architecture for Autonomous
concurrent execution of behaviors. They design the behavior
agent, first figureout some past developed Autonomous Agent
architecture. Regarding that the paper review such type of base robotic system that provide the robot to navigate in an
architecture from 1997 to 2008. In this review first study the uncertain and unpredictable world by encoding thee robot with
an “Architecture for Autonomous Agents Integrating behaviors and coordinating them independently.
Symbolic and Behavioral Processing”, then “The Behavior- Second is the Reactive agents augmented with deliberative
Based Architectures of Autonomous Agency”, thirdly find out control to prohibit undesired functionality. Deliberative
some key point of “The goal autonomous agent architecture”, capability is generally provided in the form of a planner that
then we study the “Service-Oriented Architecture”, after that monitors and controls the execution of reactive behaviors.
try to understand the” Model-driven Architecture” with Finally, third one is the Deliberative agent that use internal
“Component Based Architecture” and “Open Design world models and make the closed-world assumption.
Architecture”, finally study the recently develop “Software c) The goal autonomous agent architecture
Bus based Autonomic Agent Architecture”. Z.SHEN et al [15] modeled the goal autonomous agent
a) An Architecture for Autonomous Agents Integrating architecture that act as an “anytime” autonomous agent.
Symbolic and Behavioral Processing The goal autonomous agent model and architecture have been
presented to describe the goal autonomous agent from the
Chella, Gaglio, Sajeva, Torterola [13] investigate the logical view and the structural view respectively. The model
autonomous agent which links together in a principled way of support both behavior autonomy and goal autonomy that was
the two different research traditions i.e. functional and base on Goal Net.
behavioral approaches of robot architectures. d) Service-Oriented Architecture
In this they make use of the three levels of representation of Tsai et al [16] provides the service-oriented architectures, in
new architecture for autonomous. The architecture integrates which the applications are regarded as services accessible on
the symbolic and the behavioral processing of data coming network.
from the robot sensors. The integration is based on the Architecture of SOA application is dynamic, what means
introduction of a conceptual space representation that links the (except other consequences), that application can by
subconceptual level, which is a repository of behavioral composed in time of program execution using existing
modules, with the symbolic level, in which rich symbolic services. SOA thus provided new way of creating software
descriptions of the Autonomous Agent environment take architectures, where architecture is determined in time of
place. application execution and can be dynamically changed for
b) The Behavior-Based Architectures of Autonomous Agency fulfillment of new software requirements.
e) Model-Driven Architecture
Sheng and Benatallah [17] design the Model-Driven
E Architecture, that is based on OMG (Object Management
Group) standards and it isolates business and application logic
B B, G from technological platform. Core idea of MDA is using of
G, B UML language for specification of static interfaces and also
dynamic behavior of components in platform-independent
models. One of the principal goals of MDA is support for
Reactive Reactive – Deliberative platform independent application development.
Agent Deliberative Agent
Agent CM (Computation
independent module)

Emergent Functionality Hybrid Functionality Useful Functionality transformation

(may be undeliverable ) (may be useful) but closed world PM (platform
Operation transformation independent module)
Figure 2. Three dominate types of architectures of autonomous
agency. [Source paper 14]
Where B= Behavior, G=Goals and E=Environments
PSM (Platform PSM (Platform
Specification Model) Specification Model)
Amol Mali [14] presented the three dominant classes of
architectures for autonomous agency and describes key transformation transformation
features of several architectures from these classes by
reactive/behavior-based component in their architectures;
interact with their environments continuously. The author Code Code
classified the autonomous agent architectures in to three
This Autonomic Agent Architecture is decompose an into
some related Module like Message Process Module, Business
Figure 3. The Principle of Model-driven Architecture Task Module and Data Process Module, etc.
[Source paper 17]
f) Component-Based Architecture In which the Message Process Module combine software
component used to help Automatic Software Agent dealing
Sriraman and Radhakrishnan [18] suggested the Component- with message communication. As in different applications or
Based Architecture that is base on distributed component at different period, the message number and message types
architectures and includes mechanisms and techniques for will be different or changeable, then in order to improve the
development of coarse reusable business/technical Automatic Software Agent mobility and flexibility, during the
implementation units by considering environment/container design of this module, it used software bus technology.
and decomposing service to more SBBs (Service Building
Block), which are connectable distributed parts associated The second module is Data Process Module that also a
with: presentation logic, business logic, resource management combination of software component to help agent working in
logic, integration logic, logic of net events, security logic and Public Blackboard Mode. In agent application system, different
other logics. business task using different data model, even in the same
application, with different period, the data model of an agent
g) Open Design Architecture uses will be different also. Therefore to improve the agent
Miroslav Beličák [19] design the Open Design Architecture adapts to business changes, software bus technology to design
for simplifying IS design and maintenance. In this architecture this component.
the author separating application functionality from Last is the Business Task Module for a combination
presentation logic such as graphics user interface and it component. It is the kernel module in the Autonomic Software
coupling IS design together with IS. Agent. The main responsibility is to complete the business task
Open design architecture should provide better facility for controlling and processing of Autonomic Software Agent.
modification of Information System, because it prescribes IV. NORMS FOR MODELING AUTONOMOUS
tight coupling of IS design with executable binary elements of AGENTS
IS. Thus, user can easily change the structure of IS without
necessity of IS execution suspension or disconnection of Norms represent the means to achieve coordination among
users. To achieve these goals the author, they utilize software agents (for MAS), which are assumed to be able to comply
autonomous agent s and artificial intelligence agents. with norms, to adopt new norms, and to obey the authorities of
the system as an end. Norms prescribe what is permitted and
h) Software Bus Based Autonomic Agent Architecture what is forbidden in an agent society. Thus, norms might be
created by the agent designer as built-in norms, they can be the
System Environment result of agreements between agents, or can be elaborated by a
Other Agent (Public Blackboard, etc. ) complex legal system. A classification of norms into four main
categories: obligations, prohibitions, social commitments and
social codes [21].
Obligations and prohibitions are norms whose purpose is to
Message Business Data ensure the coordination of individuals in a society, and which
Process Task Process agents adopt once they become members of the society.
Module Module Module To represent it, imposing a constraint on punishments as
follows uses the schema of a norm.
Bus Whereas obligations represent goals that addressees must
Controlle bring about, prohibitions represent goals that should be
r avoided.
Social Commitments
Figure 4. Software Bus based Autonomic Agent Architecture
These are norms derived from agreements or negotiations
[Source paper 20]
between two or more agents . They are part of a deal between
two sets of agents and, consequently, addressees participate
Zhou Chuan-Sheng [20] proposed the new and practical
actively in their creation.
software technology for software development and
It was based on software component and software reuse Social Codes
technology, through certain standards and specifications, by Third category of norms is social codes. These are norms,
creating generic bus interface, communication protocol and which are accepted as general principles by the members of a
corresponding software components, to implement the society or a particular agent group. Rather than being forced
software components plug and play in the software bus.
through punishments or rewards, social codes are complied same meaning to the symbols used in the message. Using
with as ends in themselves. ontology not only allows communication between agents but
also gives the possibility for agents to reason about the
d) Localization
Localization means ensuring that your software "speaks" the
language of your customers. In a world of globalization,
V. PROPOSED TECHNOLOGY NEW APPROACH FOR localization can make the web pages will be language
The autonomous software agent should be compatible with Autonomous Software agent will be compatible with most of
various recent technologies in the new era of information the languages and on the basis of that it can be communicate
technology. Everyday new technologies are launched and to with most of web pages and will keep the track on it.
survive to this neck-cutting environment, autonomous agent
should be getting compatible with these all emerging VI. DESIGN ISSUES OF AUTONOMOUS AGENT
technology. Following are the some design issues regarding the
Some of these technologies are as follows functionality of autonomous agent [22].
 Autonomous agents are decision maker: the agent would
a) Semantic Web review the context and make a decision about what to do,
b) SOA when to do them and what kind of information to
c) Ontology communicate to whom.
d) Localization  Autonomous agents are reactive to contextual element of
a) Semantic Web Agent may need to monitor contextual element (like location,
Semantic Web technologies appear to be the right means to delivery time, user’s role etc) to provide the information and
provide the semantic integration between data and processes service to users. For this agent need the mechanism to perceive,
across systems that can be owned by different enterprises. recognize disseminate different type of context information.
Autonomous Software agents will play a fundamental role in  Autonomous agents should communicated with each other
building the Semantic Web. Software agents will be
or directly to user and service:
responsible for coordinating searches, comparing and
For this agent should need the platform of communication that
negotiating on the Web, and greatly reducing user effort .An
enable them to convey information to other agent, user and
important distinction is that agents on the Semantic Web will
information resource by using some protocol of
not act in a completely autonomous way, but rather they will
take care of the “heavier load” for their users. They will be
responsible for conducting the investigation, with the  Autonomous agents act as proxies to devices: Agent
obligation to present the results to the user, so that he or she represent the device such as public display can be aware of
can make his or her own decisions. presence of other agent and user available in the
b) SOA environment. These agents enable allowed users and other
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a paradigm for agent to use the devices.
organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be  Autonomous agents need a mechanism for authentication:
under the control of different ownership domains and It needs a mechanism for authenticating users and agent that
implemented using various technology stacks. want to access them.
Software agent technology is more and more considered one  Autonomous agents need to communicate different types of
of the most interesting technologies to successfully support message:
SOA. In fact, besides being an ideal mechanism for
Agent needs the communication language that enables them
implementing complex systems, agent technology is well-
to convey message for requesting the information from devices
suited to applications that are communication-centric, based
or services and responding to such request notifying the
on distributed computational and information systems, and
information to user and devices and requesting from other
requiring autonomous components readily adaptable to
agent the execution of an action.
changes. The central role that agents should play in a SOA
scenario is to efficiently support distributed computing and to  Autonomous agents may have a reasoning algorithm as
allow the dynamically composition of Web services. complex as the logic of its functionality:
c) Ontology Autonomous agents needs to aware of information regarding
Ontology is description of problem domain, where entities of the environment in order to generate its actions.
the domain, its properties and its relations are described.
Ontology defines the meaning of the terms in used content VII. CONCLUSION
language and the relation among these terms. The model of
This paper describes a proposed classification for Autonomous
agent communication is based on the assumption that two
agent architecture. It draws upon several existing ontologies,
agents, who wish to converse, share a common ontology for
but provides an all-inclusive classification that takes into
the domain of discourse. It ensures that the agents ascribe the
account the various aspects of agent research. Due to the wide [14] Amol Dattatraya Mali, Member, IEEE” On the Behavior-Based
variety of approaches toward software agents, a simple Architectures of Autonomous Agency ”,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
classification method that assigns each agent to a single REVIEWS, VOL. 32, NO. 3, AUGUST 2002
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systems become more widespread across the Internet. This [16] Tsai W. T., Fan Ch., Chen Y., Paul R., Chung J.-Y.: Architecture
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