Exception MGMT in OM

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Oracle Order Management Exception Management

Oracle Order Management Exception Management

An Oracle White Paper August 2004

Oracle Order Management Exception Management

Oracle Order Management Exception Management


Oracle Order Management Exception Management

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................4 SCOPE .................................................................................................................4 FEATURES ..........................................................................................................4 Visibility of the WorkFlow errors to Functional Users.....................................4 Message Status to keep track of the actions....................................................4 Ability to Retry WF activity from the Window...................................................4 Enhanced WF notification ..................................................................................5 Automatic generation of the Diagnostics .........................................................5 SETUP REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................5 PROFILE OPTION................................................................................................5 EXCEPTION MANAGEMENT FLOW DIAGRAM.................................................6 SIMPLE BUSINESS SCENARIOS .......................................................................6 Flow #1: View Open Messages (Context based) for an Order .......................................6 Flow #2: Find Orders Using Message Status .....................................................................10 Flow #3: Retry the WF Activity in Error From Window ..............................................12 Flow #4: Retry WF activity in Error from Notification.........................................14 Flow #5: Review the Diagnostics: OM Order Information .................................20 Flow #6: Adding New Message Statuses .......................................................................23 Flow #7: Adding the OMERROR Flow to the Customized Activity ..................24 Flow #8: View Transaction Details from WF Notification ..................................25 TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................................27 Diagnostics: OM Order Information is not generated .........................................27 Not able to find Diagnostics: OM Order Information for Order .....................27 Not able to open the message window ........................................................................27 Not able to see the option for Retry Activities in Error.......................................28 Not able to access OMERROR WF for the Flow in Error......................................28 TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS......................................................................29

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Oracle Order Management Exception Management

Data Purge Issues .............................................................................................29 Performance Issues ..........................................................................................29 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................30 DEFINITIONS .....................................................................................................31 APPENDIX .........................................................................................................32 Appendix 1: ..................................................................................................................................32
Figure 1: Open Message check box is checked .......................................................................................................7 Figure 2: Right Click mouse and select View Open Messages....................................................................................8 Figure 3: Message Window with an open message ..................................................................................................9 Figure 3.1: Note to indicate no open message ......................................................................................................10 Figure 4: Select Open message status to query the orders with open messages ................................................................11 Figure 5: Orders with open messages .................................................................................................................12 Figure 6: Use right mouse button and select Retry Activities in Error........................................................................13 Figure 7: Select the Activity in Error to retry ......................................................................................................14 Figure 8: Select Workflow Administrator Web Applications Responsibility................................................................15 Figure 9: Select Find Notification....................................................................................................................16 Figure 10: Query on notification of type OM Error. You can use the Order Number in the subject with percent sign(%) as it is part of the subject.........................................................................................................................................17 Figure 11: The query shows the notification. .......................................................................................................18 Figure 12: View the transaction details in notification. Use the Retry button to retry the WF activity. ...............................19 Figure 13: OMERROR WF. .......................................................................................................................20 Figure 13: Note to display the Diagnostics reports request ID. ...............................................................................21 Figure 14: Notification contains the request ID for the Diagnostics report...................................................................22 Figure 15: Message for the Order line in Diagnostics report. ...................................................................................23 Figure 16: Adding new message Status. ............................................................................................................24 Figure 17: OM ERROR flow. ......................................................................................................................25 Figure 18: Assigning OMERROR flow to an activity. .........................................................................................25 Figure 19: Notification contains the request ID for the Diagnostics report...................................................................26 Figure 20: Order Information from notification ...................................................................................................27

Oracle Order Management Exception Management


Oracle Order Management Exception Management

Oracle Order Management Exception Management

With Exception Management feature, you can view and take action on the errors occurring in a particular workflow (WF) activity. You can use Sales Orders, Order Organizer, Quick Sales Orders and the Quick Order Organizer for this feature. You can view the errors related to the Order header or Order Line by using the new action View Open Messages, available from both the right mouse click and Action button. You can open the Message window and check the status of the Message for that order header/line. You can take action on these messages and close them. After taking the action for the messages, you can use the Retry Activities in Error function available in mentioned order windows (available via the right mouse click and the Action button) as well as workflow notifications to retry the activity.

This document provides you with details of the major features, the setup required and the dataflow diagram. Later sections provide troubleshooting steps.

FEATURES Visibility of the WorkFlow errors to Functional Users

You can use the order windows to query and view the errors that occurred in a particular workflow activity. These messages are contextual; meaning if you are on a particular order line View Open Messages will show the open messages for that line only. You can use the following windows to view open messages Sales Orders window Order Organizer Quick Sales Orders window Quick Order Organizer You can use the right mouse click or Action button to access View Open Messages function.

Message Status to keep track of the actions

You can change the message status to Closed from Open after resolving the issue. This way you can keep track of the issues pending to resolve. You can add new custom statuses. The Exception Management framework treats additional statuses same as an Open status message. You can use the message status to restrict the purging of the messages, while using the Message Purge concurrent program.

Ability to Retry WF activity from the Window

Oracle Order Management Exception Management


Oracle Order Management Exception Management

After correction of the issues recorded in the Message Framework, you can Retry the WF activity. Retry is also available in Sales Orders window/Organizer and Quick Sales Orders window/Organizer. Retry action closes all the previous open messages for the activity. This is a protected function, please contact you system administrator for access.

Enhanced WF notification
You can see the following functional information related to a sales order in WF notification.. Order Number Order Type Line Number Shipment Number Sales Rep Operating Unit Version Number Flow Status You can use this information to identify the order or line flow in error. You will also have the link to the Transaction Detail of the Order Information Portal.

Automatic generation of the Diagnostics

You can setup profile OM: Generate Diagnostics for Error Activities to automatically run the Diagnostics: OM Order Information concurrent program whenever there is an error in the workflow activity. Oracle Support/Development require this during the bug resolution process. You can find the request number for this report both in the Message window and in WF notification.

You should be on release 11.5.9 of the application or OM family Pack I. Apply Patch 3731146 to obtain Exception Management functionality. You should get the privilege to access Retry Activities in Error. Contact your system administrator for the privilege.

OM: Generate Diagnostics for Error Activities This new OM Profile Option OM: Generate Diagnostics for Error Activities is introduced to control the automatic generation of Diagnostics: OM Order Information concurrent request whenever the activity is in error. The system administrator should set it at the site level. It has two settings. 1. 2. No: Means, No Automatic generation of the Diagnostic report. Yes: Means, Automatic generation of the Diagnostic report.

Default value is No. OM: Show Process Messages Flag

Oracle Order Management Exception Management


Oracle Order Management Exception Management

This existing OM Profile Option OM: Show Process Messages Flag is used to indicate if the system should display the Open Message checkbox or not. Set the profile value to Yes, to use the indicator message_exists_flag . The checked value of this field indicates that at least one message exists for the order.

Exception Management Flow Diagram

Following diagram shows a simple flow using the Exception Management functionality to resolve WF issues. For an order or line with WF activity in error, use the Sales Orders window to view the messages. Resolve the issues reported in the messages. Retry the WF activity using the Sales Orders window or WF notification. Repeat this process until the activity in error completes successfully.

Is WF activity in Error?

View message from the Sales Orders window. YES

Correct Errors (Functional/System Errors)

NO Cool! Proceed Further. Retry Activity from Sales Orders window or WF notification.

SIMPLE BUSINESS SCENARIOS Flow #1: View Open Messages (Context based) for an Order
You can use the Sales Orders/Quick Sales Orders window to see the messages associated with that order header or line. 1. 2. 3. Query the Order for which you want to see the Open Messages. Click the right mouse button or Action button. Select View Open Messages. It will open the Messages window if there are open messages associated with that context e.g. if you are on the Line tab and your cursor is at Line# 1, it will show you messages associated with that line only. If there is no message, in that case a note is shown to indicate that there is no message associated instead of Message window
Query an Existing Order Go to Line Tab Mouse/Click Right Mouse or Action button Select View Open Messages Message window open Or No message associated info. should be displayed.

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Figure 1: Open Message check box is checked

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Figure 2: Right Click mouse and select View Open Messages

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Figure 3: Message Window with an open message

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Figure 3.1: Note to indicate no open message

Flow #2: Find Orders Using Message Status

You can use the Sales Order Organizer/Quick Order Organizer window to query the orders with specific message status (open or closed). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Navigate to the Organizers Find window. Select the message status for query. Specify other query criteria (not providing other conditions will cause the query to take a long time depending upon the data in your system). Click Find, this will bring all the orders with at least one message in the selected message status in step 2. You can review the messages and fix the issues.
Open Find window Select message status for query Provide other query criteria. Press Find. It will bring orders with the selected message status.

If you have added new codes for the message status, you can use them in query too. Please check the flow for Adding New Message Status for more details.

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Figure 4: Select Open message status to query the orders with open messages

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Figure 5: Orders with open messages

Flow #3: Retry the WF Activity in Error From Window

You can use the Sales Order/Quick Sales Order UI to Retry WF Activity in Error. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Navigate to the Sales Orders window. Select the Header or Line for which you want to retry the activity. Click the right mouse button or Action button. Select the Retry Activities in Error option. Select the Activity you want to try. If activity completes successfully you will get the message for the success otherwise, you will see the error messages. You should fix those errors and repeat all these steps.
Open Sale Order/Quick Sales Order UI Click Right Mouse/ Action button Select the Retry Activities in Error option Select the Activity to Retry

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Figure 6: Use right mouse button and select Retry Activities in Error

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Figure 7: Select the Activity in Error to retry

Flow #4: Retry WF activity in Error from Notification

You can use the WF notification to Retry Activity in Error. With this patch, notification will have order type, order number, line number and shipment number. 1. 2. 3. 4. Use the WF administrator responsibility to Find Notification. Query the Open Notification for the order. Retry the Activity. A successful retry will close the notification and complete the activity (Check the WF user guide for the default timeout information for notification).

Using Find notification, find the notification

Open the notification

Confirm the Order, Line and Shipment no.

Use the Retry to complete the activity.

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Figure 8: Select Workflow Administrator Web Applications Responsibility

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Figure 9: Select Find Notification

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Figure 10: Query on notification of type OM Error. You can use the Order Number in the subject with percent sign(%) as it is part of the subject.

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Figure 11: The query shows the notification.

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Figure 12: View the transaction details in notification. Use the Retry button to retry the WF activity.

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Figure 13: OMERROR WF.

Flow #5: Review the Diagnostics: OM Order Information

You can review the Diagnostics: OM Order Information report to view all the information for the order. 1. 2. Make sure that you have profile OM: Generate Diagnostics for Error Activities set to Yes otherwise this report will not be generated automatically. Using Flow #1 a. c. Navigate to the Message window. Use the request ID to query the request using View -> Request menu option.
Find the Concurrent Request ID Open the View -> Request window Query the report using the request ID

b. Find the message, which has information of the concurrent request ID.

Open the Message window

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Figure 13: Note to display the Diagnostics reports request ID.


Using Flow #4, you can obtain the request ID of the Diagnostics report.

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Figure 14: Notification contains the request ID for the Diagnostics report.

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Figure 15: Message for the Order line in Diagnostics report.

Flow #6: Adding New Message Statuses

You can add new message statuses depending on the requirement. For example to review open messages before closing them, you can add a new message status Reviewed for this purpose. The Exception Management framework treats additional statuses same as an Open status message. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Navigate to Setup-> QuickCodes -> Order Management Query ONT_MESSAGE_STATUS lookup type. You will see CLOSED and OPEN seeded message statuses. Add new message status (Reviewed in this example). Save the status.

Open Order Management QuickCodes


Add new message Status

Save and close.

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Figure 16: Adding new message Status.

Flow #7: Adding the OMERROR Flow to the Customized Activity

The Retry Activities in Error functionality will work for custom activities. However, you need to modify the custom activities to use OM Standard Error Process with Retry as the Error Process, to utilize the Order Management-specific error handling process comprising the notification and optional diagnostics generation. Details of each activity follow: 1. Initialize Error => This procedure checks to see if the error flow has the item attribute WF_ADMINISTRATOR and a value assigned to it. If it does, then it uses that value to send out a notification. If not then it uses the default value of SYSADMIN. Set Entity Descriptor => Sets the values for the message attributes needed for the default notification. Submit Concurrent Program => Submits Diagnostics: OM Order Information concurrent request Update Process Messages => Adds the concurrent request ID to the message stack. Check if Error Still Active => Check to see if Error is still active Retry Error Activity => If the activity is still in error, it retries the activity.


3. 4. 5. 6.

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Figure 17: OM ERROR flow.

To modify the activity to use this error flow, then open the activity in the WF builder and put OMERROR as the Error Item Type. Save the workflow. The workflow that started after the changed WF is loaded will use this error flow.

Figure 18: Assigning OMERROR flow to an activity.

Flow #8: View Transaction Details from WF Notification

You can use the WF notification to open OIP. 1. 2. 3. Query the Open Notification for the order (use Flow#4 to find the notification). Click on Transaction Detail URL It will open the OIP for the order.

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Open WF notification

Click on Transaction Detail URL

OIP opens for the Order.

Figure 19: Notification contains the request ID for the Diagnostics report.

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Figure 20: Order Information from notification

TROUBLESHOOTING Diagnostics: OM Order Information is not generated

Check the value of the Profile OM: Generate Diagnostics for Error Activities it should be set to Yes.

Not able to find Diagnostics: OM Order Information for Order

Using the Sales Orders window Navigate to the order using Sales Orders window; use Flow #1 to query the messages. Find the message that provides the reports request ID. Using WF notification Query the Notification for the order Notification contains the information of the request ID.

Not able to open the message window

Clicking View Open Message comes up when there is no message for the context. This means the order line does have any associated message, makes sure that you are on the right line.

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Change the context to open the message window.

Not able to see the option for Retry Activities in Error

Please contact you system administrator to get the access to the function. It comes disabled with the patch. The system administrator should enable this function, which is part of the ONT_SALES_ORDER menu.

Not able to access OMERROR WF for the Flow in Error

Make sure that the flow is using the OMERROR as Error Item Type. The seeded order header and line flows started before this patch will not use OMERROR flow in case activity goes into error. However, you will still be able to use View Open Messages and Retry Activities in Error function for the flows started before this patch. All the seeded flows started after the patch will use OMERROR flow, but for custom flow, you need to complete the step mentioned in Flow#7 to enable this.

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Message Purge concurrent program has a new parameter Message Status to restrict the purge based on the status of the message. If you do not provide any value for message status parameter, it will purge all the message statuses.

Performance Issues

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The Oracle Order Management Exception Management feature provides context based message handling and WF retry capability. Using this feature, you can query, review and take action to resolve the error associated with the order header and line. You can retry the error activity from window and notification after the correction of the errors. The ability to automatically launch the Diagnostics: OM Order Information report; gives you the flexibility to get order information as soon as an error happens. You can later review this report and send it to support if requested during a TAR resolution.

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WF Flow Workflow Process Workflow SubProcess Retry Activities v/s Progress Order Workflow A Flow is what the application starts for an order or line. A flow starts using a specific workflow process. A workflow process is made of workflow activities and/or workflow sub-processes. A workflow process should be runnable as defined in the workflow builder. A Workflow sub-process is made of workflow activities and/or more workflow subprocesses. A workflow sub-process is not runnable, which means that you cannot start a flow using it. The Retry Activities in Error action is different from the existing Progress Order action. The existing Order Management workflow processes contain eligible states for most activities (e.g. Schedule Eligible, Invoice Interface Eligible). If such an activity fails due to an expected error, the workflow goes to the eligible state and the user can manually select the Progress Order action after taking corrective steps. However, the new Retry Activities in Error allows the user to retry a particular activity when the workflow itself is in an error state due to an unexpected error. In other words, Progress Order applies to activities in the eligible state whereas Retry Activities in Error refers to activities that are in an error state.

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APPENDIX Appendix 1:

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Oracle Order Managment Exception Management August 2004 Author: Alok K Singh Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A. Worldwide Inquiries: Phone: +1.650.506.7000 Fax: +1.650.506.7200 Web: www.oracle.com This document is provided for informational purposes only and the information herein is subject to change without notice. Please report any errors herein to Oracle Corporation. Oracle Corporation does not provide any warranties covering and specifically disclaims any liability in connection with this document. Oracle is a registered trademark, and Oracle Order Management (are) a trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of Oracle corporation. All other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright Oracle Corporation 2000 All Rights Reserved

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