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Embracing Wisdom

Explore Play Love

Venerable Amaranatho is a wandering Buddhist monk meeting the needs of the modern world, while offering the timeless teaching of the Buddha in culturally appropriate ways. Whether you encounter him in a workshop, retreat or personally, his approach is to respond to the situation as it unfolds. He facilitates a safe space enabling you to recognize your own wisdom, through co-exploration, playfulness, and love. He is interested in finding ways of being authentic while recognizing that everything is already okay. By exploring the dynamics of the way we relate to each other, we can start to recognize the limitations we impose on ourselves and access more energy, abundance, peace and wisdom. He has had a traditional Theravada training as an alms mendicant and lived at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England for 10 years, before going back to the roots of the forest tradition to wander. You can find more about him and what he does at

Responses to Amaranathos last visit

I would tell others that this was a unique and transformative experience, and that it offers a fresh and really valuable perspective on meditation practice and life and on being. It was very challenging. Go, explore, be open and you will grow and learn... I learned to stay open to the moment and feel ok with that - not just as a concept or a good idea but how to actually do this in practice. How I listen to myself and to others and how I block it.

The beginning of a journey of self-discovery.

Public Talks: Courses & Retreats

16th August, 20th September, 18th October at Dhammaloka, 20 Nanson Way , NollamaraNollamara
From Stress to Freedom
From 8th August, every Thursday for 8 weeks 7-9pm. One day workshop on 31st August. 2nd course starting 25th September. This course is a great introduction to mindfulness and allows you to develop it with a group over a number of weeks.

The Heart of Community

Starts 8th September, every sunday for 6 weeks 4-6pm. One day workshop on 28th September. During this course we will continue to explore the art of staying present to life's challenges and joys.

Nanga Bush Camp The Creative Fire

1-3 November The weekend will include periods of meditation and creative exercises, shared around a real camp fire.

Living Buddhism
5-part fortnightly course from August 9 This course will explore one of the five precepts every fortnight, enquiring into how they can impact on our lives.

Nine Day Retreat Radical Self Inquiry

15th -24th November Bring an attitude of curiosity, playfulness, inquisitiveness and honesty to encourage trust, openness and the inherent freedom of the heart.

You and Your Shadow
Sunday 13th October Your psychological shadow contains some wonderful medicine to allow you to be who you really are. Shadow in this context means aspects of ourselves we have hidden, be they positive or negative.

My Body is Safe
Saturday 24th August During this one-day session Amaranatho will explore in a practical way what it means to be safe at a cellular/physical level.

Shame, Betrayal and Abandonment

Saturday 7th September In this workshop we will explore these areas, transforming them into friends to support understanding who we really are.

Health, Diet and Energy Medicine

Saturday 21st September In this workshop will have a look at how food, diet and our energy system in our bodies work and how we can best look after it, allowing our natural wisdom to flourish.

Your Love is Received

Sunday 27th October During our time together we will explore both sexuality and intimacy and what that feels like as an embodied experience. This workshop is open to any sexual orientation please be aware of this.

Opening to Vulnerability
Sunday 10th November Rather than allowing change to restrict us we can open up to it and see it for what it is: a way of recognising freedom. We will focus on, what it takes to be vulnerable and what it means to be authentic.

Amaranatho is also available to run workshops, retreats or give talks to your charity, institution, business
For further information, enquiries and bookings:

Supported by:

Buddhist Society
of Western Australia

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Cambodian Buddhist Society of WA Inc


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