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Christian-Muslim Relations Peace Ecology and Justice Mission Studies

The Golden Rule Poster Launched in NSW Parliament 19th June 2013

There is one light, but many lanterns, said the Hon Mr Victor Dominello, Minister for Citizenship and Aboriginal Affairs, as he launched The Golden Rule Poster at NSW Parliament on 19th June 2013. Leading representatives from various religious groups, members of the public and Members of Parliament joined the Minister in launching a poster that recognises the value that unites us all the Golden Rule.

The Golden Rule treat others as you would like to be treated is at the heart of all religious traditions. The Golden Rule Poster shows this principle of reciprocity in the sacred texts of thirteen different religions, including Aboriginal spirituality.

Dr Tom Calma AO, who has dedicated his life to improving the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, gave the keynote address. He spoke about the importance of the Golden Rule in achieving reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Calma highlighted the inequality that still exists within Australia, particularly in the area of Indigenous health. Respect and recognition, he emphasised, are key to achieving equality and justice for all Australians.

Guests had the privilege of listening to a panel discussion led by author and broadcaster, Rachael Kohn. The panel, comprised of representatives from eight different religions, explored the reality of living the Golden Rule in the 21st Century.

Mrs Venus Khalessi, Director of Public Information for the Australian Bahai community, spoke about the plight of Bahais in Iran and the heroes of justice who have stood up for their

Columban Mission Institute Locked Bag 2002 (167 Albert Road) Strathfield NSW 2135
ABN 17 686 524 625

Phone: + 61 2 9352 8000 Fax: + 61 2 9746 8033 Email: Website:

Christian-Muslim Relations Peace Ecology and Justice Mission Studies

Bahai brothers and sisters. Khalessi described these heroes of justice as non-Bahais, just ordinary Iranians who treated others how they want to be treated.

Venerable Dr Juewei, an active member of the Buddhist community said, The Golden Rule translates into what we see as karma. We all want a better world and there are three ways to achieve this: through good deeds, good words and good thoughts.

Panelists used anecdotes and personal experiences to highlight the reality of living the Golden Rule, and the importance of passing on this value to future generations. Rabbi Mendel Kastel, CEO of the Jewish House Crisis Centre, has spent time with teenagers on the street. It can get ugly at times, Rabbi Kastel said. The idea of encouraging kids to respect each other and acknowledge that were all the same is vital.

The panelists were open and honest. After being asked to describe a time when the Golden Rule was not upheld, Christian representative Rev David Gill recalled a conference he attended on the mission of the Church in Asia. We had just finished a session and everyone began making their way to the dining hall. There was a participant in a wheelchair and the dining hall could only be reached by steps After being stuck for some time, a Buddhist and a Muslim helped the Christian in the wheelchair. Rev Gill posed the question, Why are we so preoccupied with theology that we cant see the person in need?

Mr Bawa Singh Jagdev OAM, secretary of the Sikh Council of Australia, concluded the panel discussion by challenging everyone to incorporate the Golden Rule into their everyday actions, If every persons actions reflected the Golden Rule, the world would become a paradise on earth.

After hearing the stories, anecdotes, and words of inspiration from Tom Calma and the eight panelists, The Golden Rule Poster came to life. More than simply words and symbols on a page, the poster reflected the mission and purpose of all who attended the launch and the communities they represented.
Columban Mission Institute Locked Bag 2002 (167 Albert Road) Strathfield NSW 2135
ABN 17 686 524 625

Phone: + 61 2 9352 8000 Fax: + 61 2 9746 8033 Email: Website:

Christian-Muslim Relations Peace Ecology and Justice Mission Studies

The Golden Rule Poster can be used in schools, homes, congregations, universities, workplaces, hospitals and prisons for teaching compassion, multi-religious cooperation and human solidarity.

The Golden Rule Poster is published by the Columban Mission Institutes Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations.

Purchase directly online at

For more information contact Fr Brian Vale on +61 2 9352 8013

Columban Mission Institute Locked Bag 2002 (167 Albert Road) Strathfield NSW 2135
ABN 17 686 524 625

Phone: + 61 2 9352 8000 Fax: + 61 2 9746 8033 Email: Website:

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