Thesun 2009-05-08 Page04 Court To Decide Whos Is Rightful MB On Monday

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4 theSun | FRIDAY MAY 8 2009

news without borders

Court to decide who is rightful MB on Monday

by S. Tamarai Chelvi
In his affidavit, Nizar said he
requested the Sultan of Perak to dis-
Sulaiman said it is not abnormal
people have no say or role. Who then
has the role? People elected by the
of confidence, he would state the
specific provision – article 16 (6),”
solve the state legislative assembly for Nizar to ask for a dissolution. people have a say,” said Sulaiman, Sulaiman said.
KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court on the basis of a “deadlock” whereas “If a prime minister can go to the referring to elected representatives. “But this specific provision was
will decide on Monday who is the Kamal said Nizar informed the Sul- ruler and say ‘dissolve the Parlia- “A chief minister cannot be re- not used, instead a “general provi-
rightful mentri besar of Perak. tan that he had lost the confidence of ment because now it is the best time moved or deemed to have vacated.” sion” under article 36(2), which
Justice Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul the majority. for me’, why can’t Nizar go to the Sulaiman also spoke about the states that the ruler has the pregoga-
Rahim fixed the date yesterday Earlier, Nizar’s lawyer, Sulaiman Sultan and say ‘now we have got a press statement issued by the Sultan tive to resolve (was cited).”
after hearing submissions from Abdullah, said Malaysia practises a problem, dissolve the Parliament.” of Perak on Feb 5. He said that is the reason they set
both former mentri besar Datuk constitutional monarchy based on a He said Nizar is asking for fresh He said the ruler’s press statement out to interpret article 16 (6).
Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin parliamentary system and the bal- elections. said he acted under Article 16 (6) of He said the press statement stated
and current mentri besar Datuk Dr ance of the constitution is the king “Let the people decide.” the state constitution and that is the that the Sultan titah (ordered) Nizar
Zambry Abdul Kadir on the former’s or ruler and the function of the court He said the ruler can take into reason and the executive council to resign
application for judicial review on the is to strengthen the constitution at its account the political stability which Nizar is asking the court to inter- immediately. If they did not, they
appointment of the latter. balance. will be determined by allowing a pret the provision. are deemed to be vacated.
Nizar and Perak legal adviser He said the ruler chooses a per- election to take place. “Look at the draft Proclamation of “Only the constitution can remove
Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid had son who, in his judgment, is likely to “The removal of a leader does Dissolution, which Nizar took along Nizar but it was not the constitution
given evidence as there were disputed command the majority support and not rest with the ruler; neither does to ask for dissolution. If he was go- which removed him. This was not
facts in their respective affidavits. the “initial selection” is the ruler’s it rest with the people. At this stage, ing to see the Sultan because of loss the situation here,” Sulaiman said.

Doctor: Police
asked for briefs
post-mortem Court throws out Hindraf
legal adviser’s appeal
on actress KUALA LUMPUR: The sessions court has
KUALA LUMPUR: The forensics consult- dismissed the appeal by Hindraf legal adviser
ant of Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital P. Uthayakumar to be freed from his sedition
(HTAR) in Klang yesterday told the inquest charge. Judge Sabariah Othman yesterday re-
tained the charge after ruling that the defence
into actress K. Sujatha’s death that police
had failed to show that the consent to prosecute
had asked for a post-mortem to be done
from the attorney-general was based on suspi-
in her case.
cion or prejudice. She then fixed five days starting
Dr Khairul Azman Ibrahim told the
Aug 3 for trial. On Dec 11, 2007, Uthayakumar,
coroner’s court that it is compulsory for a 46, pleaded not guilty in the sessions court here
post-mortem to be done when police made to publishing on a
an official request for it. letter from Hindraf addressed to British Prime
“In Sujatha’s case, police issued the Minister Gordon Brown at 10 Downing Street,
necessary documents and the medical which was said to have seditious contents. The
officer on duty at the hospital’s mortuary charge under section 4(1)(c) of the Sedition Act
on the day in question (June 25, 2007), Dr K. 1948 carries a maximum RM5,000 fine or three
Saravanan, should have made sure it was years jail, or both, on conviction. – Bernama
done,” he said.
Asked by deputy public prosecutor
Geethan Ram Vincent whether the proce- Cops step up anti-Mat Rempit
dure should be followed even if the family ops with new bikes
of the deceased did not wish for a post- SHAH ALAM: Selangor police will step up
mortem, he replied in the affirmative. enforcement and operations against the Mat
Khairul said as head of department, he Rempit (illegal racers) and other road offenders
had asked Saravanan why the post-mortem with the addition of 248 high-powered mo-
was not carried out and was told it was un- torcyles to the force. The activities of the Mat
necessary because the cause of death was Rempit are being monitored and the traffic
stated in the burial permit. police and other units simultaneously set up
He agreed to a suggestion by Geethan that special squads three months ago to carry out
if the post-mortem had been carried out, the blitzes on them from midnight until morning,
hospital would have been able to arrive at state police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar told
conclusive findings on the cause of death. reporters after the handing over of the 1,300cc
Khairul was testifying at the inquest into and 750cc bikes to traffic squads throughout
the death of Sujatha, 28, on June 25, 2007, Selangor. He said enforcement on snatch thefts
four days after being admitted to HTAR as a would also be stepped up with the deployment
result of accidental ingestion of paraquat. of more policemen in commercial areas where
Questioned by counsel Datuk K. Kuma- such crimes were rampant. – Bernama
raendran, who is holding a watching brief for
Maika Holdings Bhd chief executive officer S. Malaysia on the lookout
Vell Paari, whether under section 330 of the
Criminal Procedure Code if an investigating for leader of Tamil Tigers
officer is satisfied with the cause of death, KUALA LUMPUR: Authorities are on the look-
he could instruct for a post-mortem not out for Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
to be done, Khairul agreed that the officer founder Velupillai Prabhakaran, who was
could do this. reported to have slipped either to this country
Khairul also agreed that in criminal or India. Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad
cases, the final decision as to whether a Zahid Hamidi said Malaysia would deal with the
post-mortem should be conducted lay with problem in the best interest of the diplomatic
the police. relations with Sri Lanka. LTTE, more commonly
To a question from coroner Mohd Faizi known as the Tamil Tigers, is a group fighting for
Che Abu on whether he knew if the police an independent homeland in Sri Lanka. Ahmad
had retracted the post-mortem request,
Khairul said he did not know anything about
Trio cleared of H1N1 infection Zahid said should Prabhakaran slip into Malay-
sia, the ministry would inform the Sri Lanka High
this. by Hemananthani Sivanandam flights have been screened at the KL Interna- Commission in Malaysia about it. – Bernama
Another witness, Mahaletchumy tional Airport.
Kaveri, 42, a medical assistant at HTAR’s Health Ministry director-general Tan Sri Assemblyman, wife and 8 PKR
emergency ward, said Dr S. P. Sakthiveloo KUALA LUMPUR: Three people who were Dr Ismail Merican said two thermal scanners members held in Kuching
(the first doctor to treat Sujata when she admitted to the isolation ward because of sus- have been installed at the Penang International
was admitted to the emergency ward) had pected H1N1 flu infection on Wednesday have Airport and another two at Kota Kinabalu KUCHING: Padungan assemblyman Dominique
asked her assistance to change Sujatha’s been cleared. Airport. Ng, his wife and eight Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)
clothes when the actress was being ad- The three patients were declared free of The Crisis Preparedness and Response members were detained last night for holding an
ministered emergency treatment on June infection by the Institute of Medical Research Centre has received 34 calls from the public illegal gathering at the waterfront here.
as their test results came back negative. inquiring about international travel, vaccina- Dressed in all black, they were believed to
19, 2007.
In a statement yesterday, the Health Minis- have assembled there to protest the arrest of
Mahaletchumy said she did not see any tion and treatments.
Bersih activisit Wong Chin Huiat under the Sedi-
sign of injury or bruises on Sujatha’s body try said the institute is still conducting medical The ministry is urging the public to
tion Act on Tuesday and what happened at the
when she was changing her clothes. laboratory tests on the fourth patient who was postpone travel to countries with confirmed Perak State Assembly sitting yesterday.
To another question from Geethan, admitted to the isolation ward the same day. H1N1 cases. Ismail advised those who develop Kuching police chief ACP Wong Wai Loong
Mahaletchumy said she had also helped to Meanwhile, the ministry will continue symptoms such as fever, cough, cold and sore told Bernama when contacted last night that
bathe Sujatha’s body and also did not notice health screenings at all international entry throat to seek medical attention. they were detained for refusing to heed police
any injury then. points. advice to disperse. – Bernama
The inquest continues today. – Bernama As of Wednesday, 6,379 passengers and 43 » See also Page 8

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