Thesun 2009-05-08 Page11 Taxpayers Want Answers

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theSun | FRIDAY M AY 8 2009 TELLING IT AS IT IS 11

speak up!
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Taxpayers want answers

man to take his seat know- be downright criminal if
ing he had vested interests those who brought PKA to
in a company dealing with the brink of bankruptcy are
PKFZ? not brought to book.
» How does Backbenchers But then again, would we
Club chairman, Bintulu MP be surprised if at the end of all
Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing of these, the books are closed,
WHEN Citizen- billion – more due to political patronage tion of the board of the PKA? reconcile his role of being the taking advantage of the
Nades came to than four times more than what they could » Why were government voice of the people in Parlia- amnesia and short memory
the office one day what the BMF bring to the table. agencies not consulted and ment, having taken an oath endemic of Malaysians?
with information fiasco cost us! Thanks to them, the Port the views of the attorney to protect their interests, with After all, does anyone
on the impending Three years Klang Authority’s (PKA) general not heeded? the fact that his company is remember what happened
financial catastro- down the road RM500 million reserves » Why was there no due implicated in questionable after the BMF scandal report
phe which is the and after much have come down to naught diligence done for a project dealings to make millions became public?
Port Klang Free digging, building and the authority could go that cost over RM1 billion? from taxpayers’ money?
Zone (PKFZ), I alliances and bust as the price tag of PKFZ » Why did past transport It is only fair that an
must admit that even losing the is expected to balloon even ministers issue guarantees inquiry on the whole fiasco As a taxpayer Terence de-
I put it in the goodwill of some, further costing PKA more they were unauthorised to is convened to allow those mands that those involved in
back of my head Down2Earth in our dogged money that it doesn’t have. do so? implicated to give their side financial scandals be held ac-
to concentrate effort to get to The report is an unflatter- » Why weren’t open ten- of the story, as well as to flesh countable. He is deputy editor
on other issues by Terence Fernandez the bottom of the ing dossier of inflated costs, ders called? out the culprits. special reports & investigations
which needed story, there is a non-compliance with due » How could those in the Judging from what we and is reachable at terence@
our immediate sense of satisfac- process and a case of “you know allow the PKA chair- have learnt so far, it would
attention – such as the rape tion that auditors appointed scratch my back, I scratch
and plunder of Selangor to probe the deal came to the yours”.
by some individuals in the same conclusion as we did From businessmen and
administration then. in 2007 – that public money assemblymen to managers
Perhaps it is because was used to make those in and ministers, there not
we have seen too many the inner circle rich; and that only should be answers but
instances of public money more money may be thrown also punitive action on those
going down the drain that in to salvage the project. who committed taxpayers to
we had developed some sort It may be inevitable. a venture that was suspect to
of immunity towards such We have come to a point begin with.
news. where the government has » Why did former PKFZ
Anyway, Datuk Zakaria no choice but to keep doling general manager Datin
Md Deros was flavour of the out cash to save the venture Paduka O.C. Phang enter into
month then and I was not (a case of throwing good deals without the authorisa-
looking forward to mak- money after bad?)
ing more daily trips to Port But what re-
Klang to snoop around. The mains to be seen is
exceeding mileage was tak- if the Pricewater- Phang … report
ing a toll on both of us – mix- houseCoopers indicates she did
ing business with pleasure, report is worth not consult PKA
sometimes to the wee hours the paper it is on certain issues.
of the morning. printed on. This
The first report penned is because the
by Nades put the price tag audit, we have
at RM2.1 billion for the land been told, reveals
and the development, but a list of people who
when we came to know that behaved in a cava-
the price tag had escalated lier manner with Tiong … wears
and would cost taxpayers money which two hats as MP
a whopping RM4.6 billion was not theirs and majority
– money which we cannot – and these stakeholder
afford and perhaps don’t are supposed of firm which
even have – our priorities to be “experts” benefited from
changed. What is more who were put PKFZ project.
frightening is the prospect in powerful posi-
of the final cost being RM12 tions albeit many


Poor hill resident wants upgrade

WE refer to “Reconsider Pen- at least RM25 million using the I am sure that the planners
ang Hill railway upgrade” (May writer’s assumption of RM25 must have been given a brief
5). The project has been in the spent by each passenger. I am from the powers that be that
pipeline for a long time and is sure with the new capacity the interests of all the people
aimed to benefit the public. more shops and restaurants should be taken. As a poor
The funicular railway is in will open and generate more hill resident, I am prepared to
sore need of an upgrading not business and job opportunities wait 10 months to enjoy the
only to increase its capacity and for the hill residents. upgraded facilities for the rest
reduce waiting times but also Over 10 years, at least of my life notwithstanding
to provide a safer and comfort- RM250 million in business will the objections of some elite
able ride for passengers. be generated on the hill against residents who fear that the
In addition, the railway is the present RM12.5 million loss upgrading would threaten their
more than 80 years old and projected by the writer. Do we tranquillity and exclusivity of
regularly breaks down. Whether want to pay RM12.5 million to their grounds.
it is RM15 million or RM150 gain RM250 million or let the hill I am assured by the JKR and
million, the need to upgrade maintain its RM12.5 million a state government that they
the railway is still there and year? With the upgraded facili- will find ways to help residents
stimulate the economy it will, ties, there will be more oppor- cope with the temporary in-
regardless of the amount. tunities for tourist business and conveniences. I am prepared
Assuming we take the more jobs. We should not take to suffer 10 months to enjoy for
writer’s figure of RM25 a tour- a narrow view of the temporary the rest of my life.
ist spending against a net loss effect of the closure but look at Is the writer really looking
of RM9.4 million during the the long-term gains. at the best interests of the
construction period. What will If spending RM40 million to people or at his own interest?
be the gain to the economy for generate RM250 million is not If I were an owner of a bunga-
the next 30 years with the new an economic stimulus, then low on Penang Hill, of course
system which can take in 1,000 what is? For the last 20 years, I wouldn’t want the funicular
passengers an hour against the funicular railway has not to be upgraded as it will bring
the present 250 passengers an been upgraded and no new in crowds who will spoil the
hour on an annual basis? facility has been added to the tranquillity and exclusivity of
Assuming that the new summit of Penang Hill. The my house’s surroundings.
system will be able to carry shops are still the same and the I hope all parties will work
double the present number of annual number of visitors has together with the JKR and com-
passengers for the first year of never topped 600,000. What plete the project speedily and
operations which is equivalent would be the potential loss to safely and bring back the shine
to lets say 1,000,000 visitors the tourism trade of Penang in to a dilapidated facility.
against the 500,000 mentioned the next 20 years if we carry on
by the writer, the total economic bringing only 500,000 people A Poor Resident
benefit to the hill a year will be up the hill? Penang Hill

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