A. Format of B - S

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Final Accounts of a Company

The Performa of balance sheet in horizontal form according to the requirements of Schedule VI of the Companies Act 1956. Balance Sheet of---Co. Limited As at---Figures for the previous year Rs. Liabilities Rs. (1) Share Capital Authorised Capital: XXX Shares of Rs. each Issued Capital: XXX Equity Shares of Rs. each XXX Preference Share of Rs. each Subscribed Capital: Equity Shares of Rs. XXX XXX Figures Figures for the for the current previous year year Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. (1) FIXED ASSETS: 1. Goodwill Figures for the current year Rs.

2. Land

3. Building 4. Leaseholds


5. Railway Sidings

6. Plant and Machinery 7. Furniture and Fittings

each Rs. Called up XXX Preference Share of Rs. each Rs. Called up XXX Less Calls Unpaid XXX (i) By directors XXX (ii) By Others XXX XXX Add Forfeited shares XXX (2) RESERVES AND SURPLUS: XXX 1. Capital Reserve, not available for Dividend XXX 2. Capital Redemption Reserve XXX 3. Share Premium Account 4. Other XXX Reserves specifying the nature of reserve and the amount in XXX XXX 8. Development of Property

9. Patents, Trade Marks and Designs 10. Live Stocks

11. Vehicles etc.


(A) Current Assets:


1. Interest accrued on investments


2. Stores and Spare parts


3. Loose Tools

respect thereof. Less: Debit balance in Profit & Loss account (if any) 5. Surplus, XXX that is balance in Profit and Loss account after providing for proposed allocation namely: Dividend, Bonus or Reserves XXX 6. Proposed addition to reserves XXX 7. Sinking Funds XXX 5. Work in progress 6. Sundry Debtors: XXX a. Debts outstanding for a period exceeding 6 months b. Other Debts Less: Provision (3) SECURED LOANS: 7. (a) Cash balance in hand (b) Bank balance: i. With scheduled Banks With others XXX 4. Stock in trade

ii. XXX 1. Debentures XXX

(B) Loans and Advances:

XXX 2. Loans and Advances from Banks.


8. (a) Advances and loans to subsidiaries (b) advances and loans to partnership firms in which the Company or any of its subsidiaries is a partner

XXX 3. Loans and Advances from subsidiaries XXX 4. Other Loans and Advances


9. Bills of Exchange


10. Advances recoverable in cash or in kind (e.g. Rates, Taxes, Insurance, etc. prepaid) 11. Balances with customs, Port Trusts, and excise authorities etc. (4) MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURE:

XXX 5. Interest accrued and due on secured loans (4) UNSECURED LOANS: XXX 1. Fixed Deposits XXX 2. Loans and Advances from subsidiaries



1. Preliminary Expenses 2. Expenses, including commission or Brokerage on under writing of Shares or Debentures 3. Discount allowed on the issue of Shares or


3. Short Term XXX Loans and Advances


a. From Banks b. From Others 4. Other Loans XXX and Advances a. From Banks b. From Others (5) CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS: (A) Current Liabilities: XXX 1. Acceptances XXX XXX


4. Interest paid out of capital during construction period

5. Development expenditure not adjusted

6. Other sums (specifying nature) 5. PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT: (This is shown only when its debit balance count not be written off out of others reserves)

XXX 2. Sundry Creditors XXX 3. Subsidiary Companies XXX 4. Unclaimed Dividends XXX 5. Interest accrued but not due on loans XXX 6. Advance






payments and unexpired discounts for the portion for which value has still to be given, e.g. in the case of the following classes of companies: Newspaper, Fire Insurance, Theatres, Clubs, Banking, Steamship Companies etc. XXX 7. Other Liabilities (if any) (B) Provisions: XXX 8. Proposed Dividends XXX 9. Provision for Taxation XXX 10. Provision for Contingencies XXX 11. Provision for Provident Fund schemes XXX 12. Provision for insurance, pension and similar staff benefit schemes. XXX XXX





XXX 13. Other Provisions (6) CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (by way of foot- note only): 1.Uncalled liabilities on partly paid shares 2.Liabilities under Guarantee 3.Arrears of dividends on cumulative preference shares 4.Claim against the company now acknowledged as debts 5.Liabilities on Bills Receivable discounted but not matured. XXX





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