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The Arain are overwhelmingly, if not entirely, Muslim.

The only specific data found on the subject is from the Joshua Project, which shows them to be 97% Muslim a proportion much greater than the other agricultural castes of the Punjab (the Jats, Gujjars and Rajputs, which are 53%, 55%, and 31% Muslim, respectively)[7] [8]. There is also a collection of Hadith called Sahih Muslim A Muslim (Arabic: , Persian: Mosalman or Mosalmon Urdu: , Turkish: Mslman, Albanian: Mysliman, Bosnian: Musliman) is an adherent of the religion of Islam. ... This article is about the geographical region. ... Jats are now preeminently a farming community. ... It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with Gujar. ... A Rajput (possibly from Sanskrit rja-putra, son of a king) is a member of a prominent caste who live throughout northern and central India, primarily in the northwestern state of Rajasthan. ... Some believe that Arain are descendants of Arab invaders to the Indian subcontinent. They think Arain came from Areeha,(Palestine) with Muhammad Bin Qasim in 92 Hijri (711 AD). [9] Muhammad Hayaat Madni was a Commander in Muhammad Bin Qasim's Army - 711 AD as held in the family tree of famous Arain Mian Family Baghbanpura. Reference to their lineage is made by the famous Indian Historian of Islam, Akbar Shah Khan Najeebabadi, who declared that they entered India thru Debal, Sindh with Muhammad Bin Qasim. He declared them Areehai from Arreha (Jericho) which was Punjabized with a nasal sound to Arain.[10] These highly-specific claims are nevertheless viewed by some as a desire for claiming an unbroken practice of Islam through the ages, for the sake of current prestige.[11]. For other uses, see Arab (disambiguation). ... Map of South Asia (see note) This article deals with the geophysical region in Asia. ... Muhammad bin Qasim Al-Thaqafi (Arabic: ) (c. ... Mian family of Baghbanpura is a Pakistani noble family. ... Muhammad bin Qasim Al-Thaqafi (Arabic: ) (c. ... Muhammad Sharif, a UK based Indian historian, writes in "Destiny of the Tribe Raeen" that they started coming to Sindh (Iraq-i-Ajam) in 46 Hijri (666 AD) at the end of Orthodox Caliphate. They belonged to the Banu Sama (Saama or Samma) sub-tribe of Banu 'Amir (Aamir or Amer) tribe of the larger clan Aal-i-Adnan (The House of Adnan) through Hawazin. This Sama dynasty had a long list of Rulers in Sindh, Multan, Uch and Kach, 14 of whom became famous. It had three distinct off shoots and some historical tribes which are mistaken to be local Balochs or Dravidian Sindhis such as Zardari, and Hangaro also belonged to this sub-tribe. Raeen and not Arain are the people who took their name from famous Sama ruler Jam Raeena. Jam Raeena (Raeedun or Raideena) also known as Mulla Raeena was grandson of Sultan Awadh who was son of Jahankaran from Abreeha sub-caste of Sama. He ruled Kachh and then Sindh. There are 9 distinct sub-castes of Samma tribe which are specific only to Raeen till this date viz Nain, Sair, Qadria, Chachar, Chanan, Bahmani, Miana, Laman, and Khambrah. These are pure Sarsawal Raeen. Other Samma sub-castes are variably known as Multani Raeen or Baloch or Local Sindhi or even Abro viz Jhumrah, Zohabdari, Bali, Halpota, Phulpota, Sarangi and Hangaro. Sub-subcastes are however in hundreds and one can find from ones revenue record. [12] Adnan (Arabic: ) is the traditional ancestor of the Adnani (Arabized Arabs) of northern Arabia, as opposed to the Qahtani of Southern Arabia who descend from Qahtan. ... Adnan (Arabic: ) is the traditional ancestor of the Adnani (Arabized Arabs) of northern Arabia, as opposed to the Qahtani of Southern Arabia who descend from Qahtan. ... Many of the Arains of Punjab claim descent from Rai Jaj, the grandson of Lava, the founder of Lahore. Jaj was ruler of Sarsa territory and on that account was called a Rae; and his descendants became known as Rain, hence Arain [13] [14].......the Jalandhar Arains claim descent from Rai Bhuta, fifth in descent from Raja Karan (q.v.), and were settled in Uch (in Multan) [15]. Bhutta is one of the important clan of the Arains [16] which is also shared by Rajputs and the Jatts [17]. Bhutto is another variant of Bhutta. The Arains of Sahiwal point out that they

were Surajbansi Rajputs, originally settled around Delhi [18]. Arains of Ghaggar valley are also said to have been formerly Rajputs living on the Panjnad near Multan [19]. The Arains of Hissar also claim Rajput descent [20]. (Urdu: , Punjabi: , pronounced ) is the capital of the Punjab and is the second largest city in Pakistan after Karachi. ... Sirsa is one of the districts of Haryana state, India, and Sirsa town is the district headquarters. ... small alley in Jalandhar, close to the fish-market rikshaws with bananas in Jalandhar, close to the fish-market // Jalandhar is a city in the state of Punjab, India. ... Multan shown on a 1669 world map (Urdu: ) is a city in the Punjab Province of Pakistan and capital of Multan District. ... A Rajput (possibly from Sanskrit rja-putra, son of a king) is a member of a prominent caste who live throughout northern and central India, primarily in the northwestern state of Rajasthan. ... Jatt is a caste of Sikhs who live in Punjab. ... Bhutto may refer to: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Also spelled Bhuto) was former Pakistani Prime Minister, deposed by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in 1970s. ... Bhutta and its variant Bhutto (Urdu: ) is a Rajput / Jat tribe in Sindh and Punjab provinces of Pakistan. ... This article does not cite any references or sources. ... Rajput constitute one of the major Hindu Kshatriya groups from India. ... The Ghaggar is a seasonal river in India, flowing when water is available from monsoon rains. ... Hissar (also spelled Hisar or Hissarya) is a small resort town in Bulgaria, in Plovdiv Region. ... Some Arains also claim Aryan descent from the ancient Iranians [21]. A large section of people in Saraswati river basin, in both India and Pakistan, still call themselves Aryans. Some say that the Arain are the descendants of the nomadic Aryans who had invaded North India around 1500 BCE. Some people of Pakistan like to believe that the Arain were the Iranian tribal people with agriculture and sheep rearing profession who came to and settled in North India. They derive term Arain from Arya => Aryan => Arayan = Arain. Numerous Punjabis, both in India and Pakistan, claim descent from the Indo-Iranian Aryans. Ex-President of Pakistan Zia-ul-Haq was Arain. Aryan (/erjn/ or / rjn/, Sanskrit: ) is a Sanskrit and Avestan word meaning noble/spiritual one. ... Indo-Iranian can refer to: The Indo-Iranian languages The prehistoric IndoIranian people, see Aryan This is a disambiguation page a navigational aid which lists other pages that might otherwise share the same title. ... Some writers like Ahmed Abdulla of Pakistan and Syed Abdul Quddus of India etc have distorted Rai Jaj of Mr Purser to Rai Chajju and, have also connected him erroneously to Ujjain in Malwa, rather than the Sarsa of the Arain traditions [22]. Further, both these writers have also erroneously related Rai Chajju (Rai Jaj of Mr Purser) to Raja Karan, the supposed ancestor of the Kambohs/Kambojs of Jalandhar (Punjab) [23] [24], but curiously enough, they have not furnished any evidence to prove the relationship between Raja Karan and Rae Jaj ( or Rai Chajju?) , Ujjain (Hindi: ) (also known as Ujain, Ujjayini, Avanti, Avantikapuri) is an ancient city of central India, in the Malwa region of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, on the eastern bank of the Kshipra River. ... Malwa (Malvi:) is a region in western India occupying a plateau of volcanic origin in the western part of Madhya Pradesh state and the southeastern part of Rajasthan. ... Sirsa is one of the districts of Haryana state, India, and Sirsa town is the district headquarters. ... Look up Kamboj in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. ... Look up Kamboj in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. ... There are four or five main rankings (not sub-castes) which refer to the wealth held by the Arain namely Mian, Malik,Chaudery and Mehar or Mahar. The rankings among Arain are not birthrights (such as those among other castes) and one can freely ascend/descend according to changes in personal wealth. [25] Arain have multitudes of gotras, or sub-clans, many of them bear names that indicate soldiering as a profession. For example: Ghalar, Gahgeer and Goheer (ferocious horse of armoured corps), Gatku (fencer), Kavali (soldier patrolling while others rest), Basroo (observation post), Bahman (brave, uncontrollable or insurmountable), Bhaila (alms-keeper who walks with the commander when he is giving away alms after a victory), Daulay (those who got

land in return for military services), Khatora (spy), Ramay (archers), Rattay (bloody, red, ferocious fighters), Ramday (red -eyed soldiers), Labanay (an army column equipped with batons), Jatalay (victors), Qutub Shahi: (soldiers or their offspring who accompanied Qutubuddin Aibak), Sappal (marksmen), Bahalwan (driver of a chariot), Mudh and Mundh logisticians supplying logistics and reinforcement to the army), Teerandaz (archers), Katarband (users of katar, a weapon used by ancient armies, Wagi (Owner of large herds of animals especially buls/cows), Spal or Aspal (possessing horses from Persian Asp meaning horse) and Bhutta/Bhutto (dwellers of high places). A study by the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences on blood types of the major ethnicities in the Punjab showed that O is the most common blood group (among all ethnicities), except among the Arain where B is most common[26], the difference being statistically significant[27]. Whilst not proof of non-local ancestry, it does illustrate a difference between the Arain and the other castes inhabiting the Punjab. More research would be needed to determine in greater detail the caste's migratory provenance[28]. Languages They tend to speak different languages, including but not limited to Urdu, Punjabi, Pothohari, Seraiki, Sindhi, Hindko,Pushto and Pahari depending on their place of residence. The Arain during the British Raj The Arain land holders should not be confused with the more gentrified zamindars such as the feudal Rajput landlords of vast holdings. Polo, partridge shoots and tea parties were therefore not associated attributes. Neither were the more negative and profligate practises such as "...dancing girls, drunken evenings listening to poetry, or numerous marriages..."[29]. When the British wanted land developed in the Punjab after its annexation, Arain were brought in to cultivate lands around the cities, forming irrigated colonies[30]. The Arain were so favoured for their "hard work, frugality and sense of discipline"[31]. Subsequent development of towns and cities and increasing urbanisation resulted in the value of the land settled by Arain to rise significantly, and Arain families thus flourished[32]. Education was prioritised with the new found wealth[33] and the Arain came to dominate the legal profession amongst urban Punjabi Muslims. Many used law to enter politics[34]. Rajput constitute one of the major Hindu Kshatriya groups from India. ... The Arain were classified as a "non-martial race" by the British[35], a classification deemed arbitrary and based on prejudices prevalent at the time (see martial race). Actually Arain was a much better martial race as is evident from their history. For example Shah Abdul Qadir Ludhianvi, a great freedom fighter, was able to drive out the British from Ludhiana, during the 1857 War of Independence which the British Colonialist prefer to call mutiny. Interestingly he was one of the few Muslim fighters to have taken up arms against the Colonialists. He took his forces to Panipat and from there to Chandni Chowk in Delhi, but was defeated and martyred fighting. Maulana Sani's theory was that because Shah Abdul Qadir was an Arain the British later put a ban on that tribe from being employed in their Indian army.[36] Martial Race or Martial races theory is an ideology based on the assumption that certain ethnic races were more martially inclined as opposed to the general populace or other races. ... Martial Race or Martial races theory is an ideology based on the assumption that certain ethnic races were more martially inclined as opposed to the general populace or other races. ... Either Tughlaq or Mahmood Ghaznavi sent a horse-mounted army comprising of Awan and Arain from Jalandhar and Anbala under the command of Imam Ali-ul-Haq, an Arain,to capture the

rioting town of Sakala near Jammu. Imam captured the town and converted many people to Islam. The town was named Aspalkot which changed to Spalkot and later Sialkot. Imam was martyred in a skirmish and buried in the city. The people who came with him were called Aspal or Spal arain. This sub-tribe also settled in Gujrat and Wazirabad.[37]<a>arain in boloch in daddar in bolochistan This article is about the city in India. ...

Prominent Arain * Muhammad Hayaat Madni (Commander in Muhammad bin Qasim's army - 711 AD) [38] * Nawab Mian Muhammad Fazil (Received royal title of Nawab from Emperor Aurangzeb) * Mian Qadir Buksh Nadir, (Artillery Commander, wrote "Muftah-ul-Qila" Persian text book on science of gunnery in 18th century) * Justice Mian Shah Din Humayon (1868-1918) - First Muslim Judge in British India. * Sir Mian Muhammad Shafi (1869-1932) - Member of Viceroy's Executive Council. * Justice Sir Mian Abdur Rasheed - First Chief Justice of Pakistan (1947). * Jam Raeena, Banu Sama(from Banu Aamir branch of Al-i-Adnan) ruler of Sindh and father of the raeen tribe in India. [39] * General Adina Beg Zafar Jang Bahadar, General and Ruler of Doaba and Punjab. [40] * Mian Sher Muhammad Sharaqpuri, great sufi and spiritual leader of India [41] * Shah Inayat Qadri - a famous Sufi of the Qadiri order, who was also the spiritual master of famour saint and poet Baba Bulleh Shah.[42] * KAWANWALI SARKAR, a famous saint from punjab * Mian sahib of Nankana Sahib, great sufi and spiritual healer having followers around the world * Shah Abdul Qadir Ludhianvi - Shah Abdul Qadir Ludhianvi, was the first person to issue a fatwa against the British in 1857, for which he had to pay dearly.[43] One of the few Punjabis to have led and participated against the British in the War of Independence of 1857. His army drove the British out of Ludhiana and Panipat, but he was defeated and killed in Delhi.[44] * Mian Muhammad Yusaf (Received royal title of Mian from emperor Shah Jahan)[45] * Chaudhry Mohammad Ali, a Civil Servant from Jalandhar, became Pakistan's second Finance Minister (1951-1956) and Pakistan's fourth Prime Minister (1956-1957)[46]. * Professor Maqsood Iqbal Arain, Author of two books "History of Arains" and "Prominent Arains" He is also founder of ARAIN ONLINE TV CHANNEL "WWW.ARAIN.TV" * Maulana Jafar Thanesari one of the few real freedom fighters to have challenged the British Colonial Rule in India. [47][48] * Admiral Haji Muhammad Siddiq (HMS) Chaudhri, the first Pakistani Navy Commander in Chief. [49] * General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the sixth President of Pakistan (and Chief of Staff of the Pakistani Army) was an Arain from Jalandhar[50]. [51] * Mian Mohammed Sharif, Surveyor General of Pakistan. [52] * Chauhdary Muhammad Ashraf, Ex.Mayor of Kunri & owner of Shahzad Group of Agriculture Farms & Transports. * Mian Muhammad Imtiaz,Ex.Member of national Assembly from Rahim Yaar Khan. * Mian Muhammad Latif, a businessmen from , Toba Tek Singh, in Top Ten of Pakistan, Chen One and Chenab Group fame * * Lt Col Basharat Ahmad Sultan, Sitara-i-Jurrat and Bar * Admiral Muhammad Afzal Tahir, Pakistan's Chief of Naval Staff. * Dr. Hfiz Muhammad Shoaib , Multan * Vice Admiral Ahmed Tasnim (SJ & Bar). The only naval officer to have been awarded Sitarae-Jurat twice.After World War II, one out of two naval officer around the globe, under whose command, a submarine destroy a frigate in the battle. He was the commanding officer of PNS/M Hangor in 1971 Indo-Pak War. [53]

* Mian Abdul Bari Arain. A freedom fighter and President of All India Muslim League District Paghwara during the struggle for independence of India and the creation of Pakistan; then President of Pakistan Muslim League, Lyallpur district, making it a stronghold of the Muslim League until 1970, when the Pakistan Peoples Party became popular. [54] * Sir Muhammad Shafi President of All India Muslim League and a great statesman. [55] * Mian Sir Muhammad Shah Nawaz, an influential politician of the Punjab in the 1920s[56]. * Mian Iftikharuddin[57], a politician[58], landlord and founder of the Imroze and Pakistan Times newspapers[citation needed] (later to be nationalized by the Ayub government). He was to play an important role in turning the Muslim community of urban Punjab towards favouring an independent Pakistan[59]. * Mian Azhar - Former Governor of Punjab, Pakistan.[60] * Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali, former Foreign Minister[61]. * Anwar Ali, Chairman, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. * Qudratullah Shahab, ICS, Secretary General, Pakistan, Well know Civil Servant, Writer and Saint [62] * Aziz Ahmed, ICS, Chief Secretary East Pakistan and Foreign Minister * Nasim Hijazi, writer of Islamic history novels. * Chauhdary Hameed Naz,secretery general of Democratic party,Maryland U.S.A. * Muhammad Aslam Saleemi, Naib Amir Jamat Islami[63]. * Mian Tufail Muhammad, former Amir Jamat Islami[64]. * Hafeezullah Ishaq, CSP, former Federal Secretary Interior of Pakistan, now a leader of Pakistan Peoples Party.[65] * Lt Gen Ghulam Mustafa, ex-Corps Commander and Incharge Strategic Command of Pakistan * Lt Gen Naseer Akhtar ex-Corps Commander * Mian Ataullah, famous politician, spiritual leader and ex-Federal Minister * Sultan Rahi, Film Star * Habib Film Star * Sana Nawaz, Lollywood star, actress * Tariq Aziz, Film and TV Star and x-MNA * Chauhdary Tahir Hameed,President PML(N) sahiwal,member of excutive cabinet of PML(N) Punjab,and a land lord. * Chauhdary Shahzad Ashraf,Managing Director of Shahzad Constructers PVT. LTD.,Umerkot. * Mahmood Aslam famous TV and Theater comedian * Chauhdary Aslam Shehzad, Managing Director, BrainSelect Consulting, Berne, Switzerland. * Chaudhry Shah Muhammad, advocate and chairman Municipal Committee Toba Tek Singh, great champion of the cause of Arain in Pakistan * Chaudhary Mohammad Siddique, Industrialist, Chairman of SABRO GROUP OF INDUSTRIES Islamabad. * Mian Amer Mahmood, Nazim of Lahore Pakistan.[66] [67] * M. Hamzah, great statesman, freedom fighter, ex-MNA, Toba Tek Singh * Benazir Bhutto, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan[68]. * Justice Khalil-ur-Rehman Ramday, Supreme Court of Pakistan * Dr Muhammad Shahzad Aslam, First Pakistani national to conduct Animal research in Space, in collaboration with NASA. * Dr. Umar Burque, he did First Animal Cloning and received UN's GGFA Award. * WASIM AKRAM ex-Captain Pakistan's Cricket Team * Abdul Hafeez Kardar, ex Captain Pakistan Cricket Team * Sarfraz Nawaz, fast bowler Pakistan Cricket Team * Shafiq Arain Minister and Member of parliament in Uganda and UN ambassador for East Africa * Choudary Abdul Majeed Lahoria (Sarpanch of Punchait in Punjab) * Choudary Sarwar Akhtar Advocate Ex Chairman of Municipal Committee Rahim Yar Khan [69] * Muhammad Sarwar, first Muslim Pakistani born Member of British Parliament, Toba Tek

Singh * Muhammad Hanif Ramay, Former Chief Minister of Punjab * Mian Muhammad Shafi [Meem Sheen] {late} (Pakistan movement student activist, Prominent journalist and Politician) * Dr Muhammad Sarwar Chaudhry, country president Pakistan Medical Association, Pakistan * Muhammad Ishaq Choudary is session and ahtasab courts judge and persedent of Arain Welfare Counsel Kotli Azad Kashmir. * Mohammad Akram Arain, CEO, Lahore Electric Supply Company. * Dr Mohammad Afzal Arain Dermatologist Sukkur Sindh * Dr Chaudry Muhammad Mansoor Majeeed Arain' .Dental Surgeon Karachi.[1]

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