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Pioneering Dzongkha Text To Speech Synthesis

Department Of Information and Technology, Bhutan. NECTEC, Thailand.


Introduction Development

Phoneme Design for Dzongkha TTS TTS Design and development

Evaluation and discussion Future prospects Conclusion


It consisted of

designing a phoneme set building a text processor designing and collecting speech database training HMM under HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS) toolkit integrating all components in an application.


The key features of the TTS

Text analysis Speech synthesis Figure 1 below shows these two features Text analysis finds intermediate forms (Syllables in case of Dzongkha TTS) Synthesizing generates speech signals from that intermediate form.


Figure 1: The common form model of TTS (P. Taylor. 2008)




text decoding

speech encoding

written signal

spoken signal


Dzongkha TTS

Uses accostics paramaters to generate speech These are synthesized from context dependent HMMmodels

HTS version 2.0 MCEP (mel-cepstral coefficients) Log F0 Duration parameters

Dzongkha sound system

Figure 4(a): Dzongkha IPA table(consonants)

Dzongkha sound system

Figure 4(b): IPA table for Dzongkha (vowels)

Dzongkha sound system

Representation of spoken Dzongkha

Initial consonants Consonant clusters with single consonants Vowels Diphthongs An inherent vowel 'a' is always present with single consonants Some vowels are modified when root letter combines with certain suffices Clusters in Dzongkha is represented by stacking root letter over the subjoined letter

Dzongkha sound system

Dzongkha tone system

Two tone system The low tone normally used The high which is the modification of the low tone Modification depends on combination of certain prefixes ('' '' '' ''), head letter ('' '') and subjoined ('') with root letter.

Dzongkha sound system

Figure 5: Normalized F0 contour of the syllable 'lam' showing high tone (meaning monk) and low tone (meaning road or way)

Phoneme design for Dzongkha TTS

Observations during transcription

30 initial consonants, 5 initial consonant clusters, 10 vowels and 10 dipthongs defined single phonemes from figure 4 were employed Four more vowels were observed and defined separately ('aa','ii','uu','oo'). Consonant clusters mostly formed by combination with 'r' sound Some suffices are not pronounced ('d' 's' 'hh') Certain suffices modifies the vowel

Phoneme design for TTS

Table 1: Dzongkha phoneme inventory for TTS

Phoneme design for TTS

Vowel modification with suffices.

Table 2: Modification of vowel.

Phoneme design for TTS

Tonal representation

Digit symbol '0' for low Digit symbol '1' for high

TTS design and development

The system consists of two main modules, text analysis and speech synthesis.
Figure 6: The proposed system structure.

TTS design and development

Text analysis

Implemented using a dictionary based G2P Presence of a syllable marker makes it easier to implement G2P using a look up dictionary A Dzongkha text corpus of 40,000 sentences were collected Top 4000 distinct syllables occurring were included in the dictionary


TTS design and development

Speech synthesis

A corpus of 509 sentence included These had to cover all 53 phonemes including two tones shown above in Table 1. Iteratively select a sentence with most distinctive tonal di-phones Stop when all tonal di-phones in text corpus are included

The sentence selection

TTS design and development

Table 3: Dzongkha speech corpus statistics.

TTS design and development

Building synthesizer

Mel-Cestrum (MCEP), duration and Log fundamental frequency (Log F0) were extracted from each utterance in the speech corpus By using HTS with HTK and SPTK HMMs can trained in a flat start manner It doesn't require any phoneme boundary tag but only phoneme transcription of each utterances

TTS design and development

A clustering tree designed for Dzongkha phoneme is used in HMM state tying.

Figure 7: A part of clustering tree used for HMM state tying.

TTS design and development

Building the synthesizer

Using the training script in the HTS, the HMMs are trained to construct the synthesizer Given trained HMMs, the hts-engine command with the toolkit could be evoked to synthesize speech.

TTS design and development

Figure 8: HTS toolkit usage.

Evaluation and discussion


based on mean opinion score Fifteen Bhutanese were asked to evaluate 1 to 5 1 for worst 5 for best human speech rated 3.93 synthesized rated 3.19

Score system


Future prospects

Enlarging speech corpus with larger di-phone coverage More distinct syllables required by the G2P module Important prosody generation modules

pausing between words and phrases duration and F0 modeling


Building the first Dzongkha TTS

designing a phoneme inventory building a text processor designing and creating the speech database training HMMs under HTS frame work integrating all these into an application

Yet more work needs to be done to improve speech quality as mentioned in future prospects

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