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.... IIM.(.,
for model engineers

Tubal Cain
_ .....
Nv'" H_
Boundowr w.,

H...rOldlNro HP27ST
@AtIlUl 800ks Lt<I 1984
Second ",,_lOtI 1985
R ___ ,,,tod 1987, 1988. 1m
All rig .... ,""n..:! No PM 01 ,1\.. I>Ubloc.."", bII
1'8\>fCIdUC*! .. Iny Iann. by IInnl. pIIotogrli>/>v, mlCfOtilm
... any ................ wnl>ou, Wri t! ... 1*'1'_ /toIn 1M

Chap, .. 1
Iron ' S' H'
Chllp'" 2 PrineOpl"" DIllie H .. den,,'9 "'_
ehoop, ... 3 HUling and Quenching in p"tct>c.
Ctwopt.,.4 Tempeting
Chap'" 5 He., i"ll EQuipmam
Clwop'I.6 C ... I1 ....... 'ng
Chap'''' 1 OIlier Hell Proc ... es
Chap'I.8 The Measurement 01 Hard_
Chlp'I.9 Hom. Cootl.uctiofl 01
Chap'''' 10 SalelY Pflclutlon.
APlMndiK 1 Th"mocoupl"11ld Py.om6le",
Carbon 5,,/1' Cunlng Tool.
ApIMndi.3 8';lllh S"nda.d S" el Spedlicat"'" Numbers
Append .... Hlfdn . .. ConVtl.aions
Iron & Steel

II Know you. Enemy" is pnKIero, COlI .... '
lot ,he .... Oe'- then lJQ"'lIy 10 mu$C be
"K_ yoo,o. M",,,aI, lor the eog ....... -
model or O,hrwlH. Importtn, enough
wh40n !he mll i,l, I .. to til Cu' or
formed, bu, ....., morl 10 when _
propDM 10 ,U" lhei. ch ectt.i".CI. And
' hefe cen til lew tIIeh 10
... ml I' when WI convlrt , .. 1"lvlly
10ft and duC1ile m"e';al in,o 0111 which i.
hlrd enough,o let II I CUII,ng tool . So. I
make no excuM lor ' hi' inlli., .. plot.,ion
01 thl n"u" 01 Iroo end '1"1. You eln
" lIklp " ,he chaPler if you wlll/l _ 11 mev be
, hal It 'III, you no,hing new. end could
weU Mem ro be , ... , .... am II .(1 you want
to Ocr i, 10 hl.den , ",.ibe. palntl BuIlD
begin ., thl beginning I, .twlr l IOUnd
paliC'( r'Id I hope you will bell wilh me; It
won' ll lkllongl
Pu .. 1. 011, l<nown II fe RRITE ro lhe
mellil Specieli". i, ..1.livlly IOtt
mll "I,I, witll I \lntlle '1"119,11 of ebout
24 100iVloqin er'ld qu,l, dUC111e It cen til
d" wn InlO line wi," .r'Id .olled InlO Ihin
pla tH _ .bout the only uMI lor il in
PflClice th_ a.Vf. It II chImOc.lty v .....
c:ombining .ead"" w"h m ......
Other ... b&tl..-.. 10 the, ...... Uk; Iton ..
MlOOon found In ""u .. deSPOI' ,he lecl
tha I It .. ,hoi motl lbun<Un, of ,,"h/y
(The e.oh', corti is almos,
wholly iron.! The common 0l'Il1 ... in !he
lorm 01 (>Aide,. some, no1lblv HHml .. II.
.Imo$, 90'16 I,.rio; m.iDI o'he .. fTIIY
conllin .s lillie IS 25". the .. maind,,,
being lime Ot s.iI;ca bned "one. OIhe.
"""" 01 ore contaon iron cefbonlt ... Ir'Id I
.... ry lbun<ianl .... rce II Iron J>yt1'es _
intiC&11y I, on ,ulphide ,nd Mldom uNd in
thl mlnufacture 01 iron di.lCt ly.
I.on i. P"ICltd It om 'h. 0 .. in . IUn'
fum' ce - fig. 1. Even in early 1Imll IhlH
we .. large stt .. Clures, bu, loday lI'ey ,.e
huge. The "' hea"h" al the bollom il 45
lee' ac,oss _ and Ihe 100 I", 0'
mo .. in heigh1. wllh Ir.o,he. 100 leet 01
",op hampe, ' 3bova. A medium lized
fu.nece will oo'" aln 50.000 cu. la,' 01
ma,a. ial anrl will "' make" 9000 tons!
wMlk: F;g 2. Tha largesl I .. ,,,,,ce In 'hi,
COUn,l'/ i. desiOned lor 10.000 tons per
d.-y. Inri keeping it f ed with tlw mlleri,,.
i, mljor 1>8" 01 lhe pI,n, 01>8'"0"
TheM "w ma,eo-ilIl, Ire ifon or . coke
It"" luelj ar'ld limeslDIIf! 10 ICI n I . lIu'-
10 ,hi, ,'''' &tony matter in ,'''' ore mey til
..,lfocien!ly firM! -. melted. n-
ml,..lalt. blanded and .;n,.red into
unifonn size end _ '-<I in II
lhe top. P.e!>e.,ed ,it is blown in II the
bonom. "'rough !he Ind this ,ir
forms by {he '"'IS D. mll"'"
'" ..... ' ...... oa
.. '
used. Though nomInally "11" ;, 1111'0 be
co"'I&1ISIId 10 from 30 to 45 Iblsq.ln. Ind
heated 10 .,o",nd 750 C ..... i"ll turbo-
comjll'SlOn of 10.000 H,. 01 l1'l<>I1. and
enormoul '-.,ov,,-' ,0 th'
CombulllOll 01 LIM cob ., lt1e h ... 1lI
....... ,ts In high llmpe'" ..... and .!>to
prodUClion of urbon dlOlO>de. nUl I,n"
reacl. willi ttle .....,. hot cot. .nd II
reduced 10 c.rbon mono.oode. Tho . In ,urn,
reacl. WOlh Itle "OIl 0 ..... in ,I\to or. 10
'._ !he o.ocvgen COIIlerll. When ,1M
S-'" ..,ach ,he toP 01 ,,.. fu",,- .hey
w'lI c:o,,,,m 'bout 2'" Clrbon mono.lde.
a I"do.,,_ .nd ,"" , .. , is urbon
die .... and nitlogen. it ;. .... ..., uMhlJ

Iu.' {ISS, By ,hi lime the "burden" ruche.
'M lowe, pin 01 'h. lurn"" .. and
"one will 10 combi"" 10 101m I oJ'\!
whicl'o mell nd runs down through the
coI<,. S19h11y 10_, 00wf'I ,he Won "10
melt.. Both slag and ifon c:oIlKt in tile
he,nh. with tile wag floating on ' op. At
pe<1odic jn,.",." ,he slag is lapped off
IhfOUliJh one ...... and !he iton hnm
.nothe., beinv c:oI"",8d in flilway '-<lin.
11M """' being UHd 10< road melal Of
cam"", mp'ng .nd ,"" iron ,ither c .. 1
inlOpigl- 10< the foundry 01 I,ken,
moI,en, '0 lhe .'HIwor1<s.
During the fin.1 1Jo''' of this process the
mol, ... iron Is in doN! contact WIth \/iIry
hoi coiL ... nd will .btorb up 10 4'11; 01
urbon. (TI", ....... not sound much until I
, .. , 'f"OU INt. mUM 01 iron 01 22 inch
cube will cootain ., much urban .. ,
uclt 01 .:ok") The ;mponanl Ihing to
8f11)tfl:i.II .t thiS IIa\18 i. ,ha, the iron
.nd carbon lorm I 30lulion, jus, lik .. th ..
.... g.r in 'f"OUr tet Aft", passing Ihrough.
","y .t8ge whilst cooling Ih .. iron
$Olldili ... II ,bou, I lJO'C, and we now
h,vI , lolid ",Iulion 01 iron IF .. "il .. 1 ,nd
clrbon, but with !lOme 01 the carbon now
combining 10 lorm an Iron Clrbid."
How_., It the "",,., cool. lUrlher h.
eapachy to dist.Olve carbon dimini&het,
.nd so"", -1, ... urbon appears " th ..
g .. ln bound."I ... graphi,a. The fin.'
III' .. dot, depend somewhal on how last
,. :J s ............. ____ .... ,
........ _--
m- ""III hll cooled, bul the "gr..," UII
IfOn which _ u .. will under the
",ie'O'COpe ... m.1I Igglom ... lion.
Igrllnl) 0' iron e"bld. ,nd Fa"i"
crvsl,lI, .... ,rounded bV 1'-1< .. 01 graphi tl.
(Fig_J) Illhe cooling I, -.p;d thin mora 01
,''' carbor> win ,..", .. n .. ufbida and lhe
""'aI..;t1 bo-. whil" and !Iarde . Hanca lhe
oo;:ep;onaI"Nn:I top01 It the corne< of,
thin u.ting lhe "'1'" ha, arcl.d 100 filL
Iron in lhis Iorm II \/iIry u .. ful ; It un bo-.
C-II 1n10 <;Ompla. &h.PH Ind is
wong In compreuion.. 8uI il II laM IUOOI/
in ten")I' and the! britt"; II c.t......" bo-."
benl or forged. It is uilil lor edged lools
and lot m..,., m&(:h .... pol'''' Vlry Ilrty in
1M Iuslory of "'I.AI w .... -..ghl
10 """",. "lron" "'Of" ductile. Thne led 10
IN ",anufacIUr .. of WROUGHT IRON,
uslng process which """oved of
lhe urban Irom tha Iron In the
blnl -furn&(: .. Pig-irort wM .... lted in ,
_I or eoI<e-fiNd fumac:e (Fig_.) IInad
with ",.' ..... , wntloining. IIfII8lmount of
iron olide. A Clrtain .mount of 0JUd,0 wM
.110 dl 1/ftd with tha pig-1rOn. Aboul 4
ewL w,. malted " ,,8(:1\ lINt and when
moI'ln wlS, 01 course. In InUrmiIl conl&(:1
wilh the ooidal. The .... It Wit thaI lhe
urborl in the iron combinad woth lhe
""ytIIHl in lhe 0'" to form urban
di<Iide - Ihi "'lIClion WlS qui ... vioIenl It
timel. with the mll" IIJI)Nmg 10 'bQif
Thl process was 1ICc.t1er,,"" by lhe
,..2>_ . _ ... "" .. "",fo ,So - "' __ _
__ .. ___ ..... _, .. _ .... ___ .. _.... .... .. ""'_ ...... F' .....
_no ___ r_c_,,_I_"-_
" _""..,
.... , _ <on ".'"
. "'_._ .. _ ...... ,,,....,
... _ ......... _ ... -...
Iyrn.."m,", .... ho 'r.bbIed" 0< stilTed rn.
balh WI\h In iron bat auspended Irom ,
Now. Ih. melring pOi,\! Of lrM depend.
upon i l ' cerbon eonlenl, wilh pig m'ltlng
II .bout 1130 C.nd pur. i,on .1 .boul
1500 'C. 1M Clrbon COfl,ent 'en.
tl'>er'for.. P"IV rn ....... ppe.NId in the
mIl! and ,he .. clurog to the end of IhfI
puddIe<'. r,bble, wt- lIIi' "ball" waf "
I ... II he could h ...... he exrrK,ed II
from the 1\1 .... 01 .rod immedi.,uely .." il
uJ\det !hoi !up 01 mecl\ilnial ham ..... '
IF;g 51' The llemmerlng d ....... out moil of
lhe 111I0Il In the ball .nd 1\ the same ,ime
IO<f"ed II ,nl0 1>.0., The p,OC-$11 ..... 11
_.,td ... ntil III the ;.on 1>..:1 been
UVKltod from lhe furn,ce. ,h" which
1M luma<:1 w.ll. w,r, 'rnled wilh f ... h
on lhe linIng ,nd then ,.ctu"ged.
About .1. hell. could be W<II'ked In
notm., 12-nou. ",1ft.

The 1>8 .. ,,"om the hammer WI .. CuI
In!" (o"v.nien! lengths ...:1 bol.In<!
'ogelhal' ffaogot..:!'" wilh ;'011 ........... no
'hue bundle. w", \he<1 ,at .IIed 10
welding Ulmpet" ..... nd r,1orged into
!)illata. This could 1M _.tea
...... ,,1 tim ... e..::h .xpelled mot. 01 the
.emelM'II tlag end wh.t wlS left wu If'
the form 01 thin ttrelh,
The (Wliity k_n n "Beof" wI' metl
h&d been tBQlIO, ed TWoee. "B",
Be,f" wn made Irom laggoted "Bnt'
bl ... and '" Be"" It om flgooted
' Be"". "Besf" bits would I
tan,ila ",angth along the gtllin of thl
01 .oou' 23 tonll'lQJn, whilSt '"Trebl<-
Bes' might .. ItCh 2B tOf\'IQ.1n. Tho
" ngth KfOSI\he fibtH would 1M .bou'
15'" IH' tlMo proCeSS c.twIOt completa", III ,he 51.-;1 and this fo<ml
fbou. Jlf\lCtU'1 within \he m" .. iIIl
Unde. the mlctOKOIM the main body 01
the .... ,.1 Ito limos' put .. F .. till, in,1t$PeI ,
Md with bIInd'oi 51.-;1,15 seen In Fig. 5
W.ought Iron WIS tOO soft lor use .. I
cullIng tool nd f<om ,he timn.
new m" .. i.I, cirbon content
mldwBV lM'ween w.ought iron ,tid cail
1.0n,. w.. m,de hom best quality
f.ggOted ba ... Thit wlS called STEEl, an<!
,nV taf".nee 10 110.. ,,1 01 Ih .. n.m.
previouS 'o.t>out 1855 mull be ..... med
10 toppIy \0 Ihis,.nd 1'10110 the "mild"
wi know tod,v, The selecled
- -
- -
-- - -

flt. I J_,_oI". 0"_ __ r ....... ,,_
....... 1""" .....
til .. 13 In. wide -fin. thidtl ....... helled
In' Dol< conl.ining cI\a.CQIIIIor periodt 01
8 \0 10 days II tempe ture of about
,000 "C. this time th. I.on
.al )Obad ClIfbon and al lhe bart w ....
.... INeIy Ihin Ihis abso<plion !*'4IU.'ed
righl through. Mel ... we ... ptovtded fOf
wlthd .. wlng IIISI-t... lrom ti .... 10 ', .... ,
!hul glwing I crude form of quality conbo!.
{VI' 10 15 Ions II lIme could be I".ted)
TIMI ClIfbon COOtln, be .oughlV
controlled by the length of the heet, but il
tOO Ihot! ,he pene"ilion would be
InCOmplete. Cafbon conlen! could "'vl'
be below aboul but could Illily be
.. !SId 10 1.5% IOf la.g.l lhe making of
Tha wu Ihe
P,oeess' ItId though 1\ w ..
,1tactIe lhe was Itwn the CIfbor1
conllnt w.ried "om 10 nd ......,
.Iong the length of lingla ber To
owrco ..... !hlto. Beni-min H .. nts .... n In
174' found ..... nl of the ba
h .. cem","tion. (It will be apptecilled
thll to crucible whoeh would lI.tId
\Ill to lhe .. ". needed WII ve'Y
difficult 1\ tna. lime). Furthet. he uoad
onlv plg-I.on smelted using chlfcoal .1
fUll. thuS elimlnaling th .. Imputili ..
iphoSPhotu5 '00 ,..lph ... 1 arising Itom
oob fuel. Ah .. "cementing" Ih. wrought
iron in the u,..., w'y he mel' ed boot,n UP
be ... _ .bout 50 Itt. " lime - In IpICIII
cI-v crucible .. Thi, tool< aboul 5 1Iou ...
The conl",U 01 the auclbItt weta lhen
tall Inlo pta-he"ed_ split.
to fo<m bars. Steel mlde trv this
PrOCesl wn _ .nc! is - tl'lOwn .,
"CrvObte 51ee1" 0.- "CH, Ste"'". BV
ClI .. fully selecting the inli till cemented
W .. _ and, II rule. using oIecel hom
different loa .. m_ in dlffennl h .. " -
VI", uniform o ... litv could be f,
JUPt<IOf 10 th .. old so-<:.lIed "bli""
" .. I"', The cast bl .. could be fot(led,
we-kIad (wI . h some ... ) 10 I.rv-r
P-' or, 10.- .... '" large objecU, _"I
e.-uciblft ClSI into""" (lind) mould, Tho
"HI could, 01 OOUfM. be hIItdanad lin the
fllhlon I" .. \0 be dea.cribed - lhe'-, whtol
Ihis book" about'l buIll w ............ ".,.
uMd .. mply as. 1000h. strong mll....t.
It m .... _m odd thaI we 11.. 1 rna""
m""I.1 h9h In cafbon. _ tamove mO$t
01 It, .nd IlnDII'(, add cafbon 10 ptoduce
m""I.1 of Ihe ,equlred .nllysi,. but .
linle .eflectlon will show that al .. ach .,ep
.110 relined t he i,on, 10 10m. , .tlm
removing Impurili .... DtId lhe Iln.1 '''1'
the cafbon in tlMo Ionn II w,.
tIIIOtd. the p.oens il nol II iliogic.1 II It
_ntl. The Hunllntln pfOCeu
WII in uN until quite rec:entty, .nd Ihera
may be law sm,l' pian" IIill _"ling,
Bu' !he "c.lI 1lee1-- (Of. 10 be more
def""tt. .1 ... 11 01 today I.
......0. malnl'( in eleclric fumaclS . nd the
Clfbon added diteClIy .. ,0 lhe ..... It. with
.... '" lOIlhiltic"tad methods of .nllyai
uted 10 conlfo!lhe fin.1 Q .... hly .
The MilO STEEL ..... u ... I_y wll
originally regardad ... torm 01 w.ought
i,on made by di.ect ... mo",1 01 clfbon, 10
.voidlng the I",ublesome "ag inclu,lonl.
.00 th" intl" p;1len'$ 01 H .. n'Y Busame.
WI" 101 , ..... w W8y 01 making w.ought
iron", Thil he did bv blowIng 81t Ihrough.
vessel ch .-oe<! wi,h mol1.n iron, Ind SO
buming ..... , lhe c.rbon. Ylt., lhe 0PtfI-
he",h ptOCftll. inlroduced trv TItontIl and
Gllchrl" .bout 187B, a!lactad the
eon_lion bv the 'eIC'_ betwean the
moll'" be,h.nd 1"- Iu,nece Tod.v,
how..,,,, .Imosl III mild 0.- low c.otb<>n
" ... 1 i, made by biowing Ih.ough
"Kt_ velsl con,.i<>ing 01""'111300
ton, of molt'" i,on. brought dlteCt hom
the bll" lum,ce. Alloving .lemenll .ra
Idded (including lhe essenlia! II
.equlted. but ditllClly ;"10 th .. mollen bllh.
fI'h ... thin 81 In 'he cementation 1"001".
SPECIAL STEELS - high .lIoV, 1'.;,,1 ....
and eo on . ,. mitdfl by meI'ing "mild"
51'" in.n .!ecuie .". lumac. 'nd. aeain.
adding ,he "Ioylng 0 !he to.,h.
Whe<e.1 ,he liosl m<>del engl.-os hed but
three f .. ..,... m.u,.laif; ..... M.bIoI _ ee.,
Iron. wrought iton end ... , ..... - 100..,. Ille
dK>ice bewlldefing nd ....... CUI iton
m.,. be hed in 00._ 01 1I,1de!I ,nd

For ..... pt_. pu,po: .... ho\ ....... _
... concemed only WIth 'hoM which I"
,.,kMl U "ee<bon 1001 .1 ....... In 11"'_"
,-Mild" II", wi. "",I,in lrom 0.05" up
to 0.2" c.<bon ,nd Medium" cllbon
It ... up .0 perhIpI O.n. The .. IHI cen
be 1001lhe ..... by he 1 ... 1 ...... ' . bul no,
""<de ..... suff\cief'l,ly fO< cu"'ng leola..
"CI<bon Tool S'Mi"' wi. con ;n "0'"
0.75" up .0 U "'uch II 15" c.<bon,
(NowadaY' "moI' .I! .1 .. ' will con'I'"
.,Ioying .1e",..,II. "'Ing_ .. 'SPeCi"Iy.
bUI It I. Ih. c"bo" coni.", which
, , ."'U:J''', ' j_
_ ...... --',:;, or -"0',

dete."'] ..... he .. n.'u'..) Abov-. -*"",1
1.7" arbon "",,1 ... 1 Ih' melal be
"eell i<On". A g.e ..... dl.II",,';"" mav.1too
be found betw .. n "plein" eerOOn .1'"
which """"int II , rule only eefboro end ,
1i11" m ....... II ,I!oying .lem..,,1. .nd
"e1Ioy" arbon .1 .. 1. which will include
nickel. Chromium. and <>tha, elemenu;
such a. vanadium and mo!ybdeoum as
_II II eefboro. Bu' .II"eels .... b" ... ajly
.liovI 01' eefbon and F ... it. (-purl iron"1
,nd ill m,ny UIIS !he '" L! onee of othe,
.'Ioyiong ,lements (_;'11y in "plain
.. .ell! doH no more I..... modily ,hi!
eIf"", 01' ,he eerbon. hen in !he eese 01
he '"h;gtl $pItId- .001 st .. ls - 'IIDVI ot
.. on . ungs,en, coba' rod Cilfboro - " I.
the "' ...-.c:. of carbon which ",o.ide.
manr of lhei, propertill.. 't is lIIu"""
"lIection ,h,. OU' enJoymen, of mode
'''I1'''''''nll d.pen-ds .nti"'r on Ihe
m""I,. found In the COAl 01 YOU' r .e
. -,<,
-'"' - ---'
Principles of the Hardening
H,<de";ng I,;gh-celtlon II'" Is .IIV -
people hevi been dooItIg II '0' thouMndI of
yN'" JUSI he the mill' to cheny<Id
end que""h in cold wa,. 'nd there it 1._
hetdl How ..... '. lik. the horM (which i,
", nobIto .niml' but doe. nol .lw.1'S
do 10 .. :'j ,hi, does not ,1w'1'S won.. .rod
linle 01 whet gc;>II on
Ihe me'" will bolh m,'" .,olu., '1 .. !ik'ly.
.nd "10 g've 10m, Ide. Of whll to do
when ,h. OCClllon.' IwkwI.d lob
lPI)e'fl. Tho .. who find ,hl' horses n '"
"'do 10" , ... Iw .,. IUfprised how .. IV i,
_ml w"'n tomtJOOe who know bout
hot.1I t.k., over! Th", I th.-, will NV.
fIOthlng difficult 'bout It- you JUII ... MI to
undersllnd the Inlmll. ,,,, ,h, .. me with
,, .. ,. Nothing difficult unlell you ,
"""u,'1y maklng the 111>11. lrod ,he, pin Is
done ' or ul. You m.v h_ ,'ight
problem with some 01 the "'roew WO<tbo'
,heM I will eXUl11n II we go .Iong. but
yOU wil "10 lind 'i., 1\ the end 01 the
bocoIt 10 which vou CIII "' .. if i'IHd be.
Whet! pure ifon .11". '0 lOIiditr 1he
111W'i'\a ,mo.. ' ............ 1 In , prec ...
IIH" ... tricaI ..... ,. ahown in FIg.6. I
....... .too .. n .... 110m. II little bill. lor
cIa'i"" _ we know lhet they oo.n IooIt Ii
thet ""Iy. but we Ire not concerned wilh
.tomjc tMorv. juSI willi herdenlng II ....
Thit it tYPicIl of newly
IOIidif\ed inIn nd I ..... will .Iw-rs be
nine atoms. one ., eld'l come. of cube
Ind """ in, ... centre. IIlhis l .......... tU ...
It it ca'ied "Sod'(-(:In'<Id ClOtHe .. ('VIllI.
Such c'VIIII. IP9'I" he,a ,rod t ...... In
,he malt, .nd as naw ones form Ih'r ",ow
on ,ho .. 1.,.Mly Ihe, . lhe Ii"" g'oupo
growing '''\11' u"tilth ..... mil' thai, ",Igh_
bou'ing group. Wh this melting occurs
lhe ... wjl( be I discon, 'nulty of ,ha growth.
10 that when ell is SQlid a look through the
mlc,05COp8 will show g.ev a,eu with /i",
linas ,ound them _ Fig.7. (The c,.,."al,
theP">nI\I" '" tOO ..... 11 10 be .. en
a .......
' . "'-.c ________ ..
____ 00 __ .. __ .

FIll . 7 So ..... ., ........ , ... , ...... " ... _ ._.
--",._ .. _._" ... --
Ih.ough .n ordinlry mk.oscope). The"
......... th. g.lin.. As rul . Ih.
........ 11 the (wll hin .... son) 1M
beller . ..-.d Pin of the job of heal tr t-
ment Ie 10 ,efI ... the m"I' 10 reduce
grain "r . P .... iron ( t.nd. 10 Io<m
tither IIofVI gr.1nI.



... _.-., __ "" ' ..... _
--_ .. _",." .. .,----
The "",,) now cool Iill funhe . Ind
when _ .. Ich 1392C .... odd thing
h.ppen . Th. Illl in t.mJ)e'"u" I,
.' .... ,ed lor I Ihort while. almosl il
lhe ... iI. IOUteI 01 he.t wilhin !hi mltll.
(fig.S.) Th .. il. In IKI. lhe Cllse. for 1hI<.
II ch.nge t.king piKe In the e<yIlll
struclure which ICtually "leases he.,.
(M'lllIurgi". eall this.n """'5t point"" in
Ihe cooling 01 lhe ml"'). II vou had
,.. . AF....c_C _____ .,_
---.. ",.-.,--., ..........
.. __ ._--_ ... _.
suilabl. equlpmenl VOU woukl ... Ihe
cry''''1 ... -I".nging 'hemselves. ICtu.nv
dilin'eg,"lng and ,afo,ming in I new
p.Utln. II I. 11111 but this dme
wi,h In 110m In 8ICh come, ,nd one In
lhe oem ... oI'Kh f. ce. I I in.1I -
Thl. iI e.lled "fACE"CIIfllled cubic"
e.yl"t. Ag,'n. Ihln cryl t." IG.m
aggr ...... " which "'"'" the \JI,1n boun-
.u ...... The, 1IUch. change ill pou.ibIe m ....
Ulm surpritlng. lor lhough !hi m'''' ill
pre'''' hot it ila IOlk:I.1<Id t.. ....
II' hll It l.ir1y """nly wi,h hamm ... 10
change ill ""pe. Th;.,g. would se.m very
diff., ... t il yOU wer. one of the .10 .... '
E .... n 11 wodshop tam""rature the"
would be I0<Il1 dilt.nce betwe ..... you and
thl ... '" one and.1 Ihl. high I.mpe,.tu"
VOU WGuld lind you had pl.n.., 1'1 room,
Whll eppa'" 10 UI III "lOIid" 15. In I,et.
emp.., SOK.. even within th.
c:rv-laI: It illhe lorCH .. hId, K t betWHn
till .Iom. wl>ich give us lhe ...... 1;0,., 01
.CY "If
NOt only that. The atoms themH"'"
dOf'-t 'lind 1\11. True, they cennot ch.H
fbOUt II Ihey do In a liquk:l or gal. bul
theY do vIb .. 11 about thli' "".n I)OllIon.
(In IKt. It Is IhI. vibration which ge ..... I ..
the coloured "ghl we wilh hot
..... 1.1). In weh cin:umSl3nces it I. nol 10
surprising th.1 some of the alom. c.n drill
,bout . IInl . They do Ihl. all 1M lima .1
IIlgh I.mperatures nd .hl, "criTIceI"'
l.rnpetlIU", lhey c ...... oul completa
... "eng.m .... l.
As the ",,", coobr funher w, rn." VII
_Iher "'''lil oo;nt"'. Ihis lime .t 91 0" C.
TlIiI """ldl I do'ngI back to lhe (lfig ..... ,
800:ty-centred cubic shepe 01 Fog.6. This iI
th. "brlght "d" .nd .boul th'
lemperatu .. _ Jhould ..... " .. 11y UN for
Iorg,ng. down Ililllurtlwl, the" II
Iound .n .tTI" peNnI 'gain, .1 710"C.
Thera iI no eh'ngI 1'1 eryorl.' 5lruClu'"
hili . but Ihi. Is lhe poinl al wt1ich Ihl
mat., ean beeom. magnelic, lit is I0<Il,>
11m .. c.lled the "Curi,," pOint l. Thi.
ch.nge In magnelic propenle, can b
uM1u1 Indle.lo. 1'1 temparalu" fo, some
"""P'1I ....
All of Ihese doaf'l\l!ls occur in r.V ....
order when thl ""Ull is heated, buIll lhe
'''"1 poonll Ihe mll.l SII ..... to "1>1"11
back and 1101 gIl""" hon,. lor Iihort
whil. . thl, can be ... selul
1Imperllull indieation. It .. ;"'POt!.nt.
'--. to Gb75 ..... tt..l _ ha .... been
IIoIking 01 f/,eduM temper" .... doange.
Though the IIoml ..... lan .... 1y mobil.
wilen hoi lhay "d,ift- or diffu .. " fllher
tllen II,Vlr. The doaf'l\l!ls l ime to
compl.I., Th. p.asenc. 01 Olher .Iam,nll
- ImpUtitin .... ellovlng m.llrial - eln
IIOm.tlmes mi ke the mal,morpho.l.
slowe .,111. finally . Ihl .. 'u,a
II wllich IhI '''''" POintl occur iI 'IIry
slightly dill" ..... 1 when hel1ing !rom that
found wilen cooling.
The ""M"'" 01 carbon ,....
alleel On The be/laYjour 01 the ml'"
Wh ... molt .... the carbon is di.IONed 1n
Ihe I,on. 15 we 5>lW In the , .. 1 ehapl.r -It
I. the nml fl" motlen tllIl Ii lor CISt
Iron. On. Immediala Illect i.,o lower Ihl
pOint I' which IOIi(lilicalion ""I nd. In
.<kIillon. to spread lhe solidification
proe ... Over' tempe.llu" ,.ng . The
magnitude 01 this depression .nd lhe
tlng. 01 ... lidific8lion lampI,IIurli
depencll on the ,mount of carbon ptUlnl
bul In the cese 01 \wy) 0 5'" , .. bon
.1,", Ih' ;";';"1 sotk:lifOClloon poinl /the
1IquKlu."'1 il lowered to .bout t SOO 'C -
.boul SO' C below mil 1'1 pure iron - and
thelOlidu .. . when all .. soIk:I. I, not
..KhId .. nlil 1430C. In betw .... the ..
TWO IImpe,"urn the m",,' I. pelly
mel.1 eryorlli. ar,d mollen mll.' being
prtsenltogelhe,. (Vou will h,ve found Iha
Am, thing wilh some gr,del 01 101d,,1.
Now. Ih' ca.bon ami "Gn all In aoluliOll
whln liquid . nd thilillall p"v.ill wh ...
IOlk:I .. _II. IlI,vI menlioned Ihi. In Ch.t
"in plSling' .nd it does need some
II ,he Iron and earbon _ ... a mhtlUI'I
w, should melsu,able ",nidH 01
lhe tWO ... bsttnC8S uniformly dislributed.
They might, how_. """,.1. out ...
when the pIgm ... t In pelnl ... tlles In the
botlom 01 lin. No mill ... how
ground. thestr ",nodes .. ch coo"in
IhOUlind. 01 million. of 1I0ml. A
"soIUlion" i. ""ill dif!B""t. H .... w.,.,. ....
lhe Individual forming thl dllPlf>
tiOll. The teale il quiTa dill ... nt. It is qUIla
IlI,ibll _ Ind&ed, quiT" no.m.' - to find
such an Ilomic di,p,,,",on r'lOlullon"1 in

' 111.
_ ... - ... _ .. _ .. -
--_ ..... --_ .. _-
..,lId _ w.lI-mad" ic,,-Iolty I. In
... mpl .
1M <:IrOOn alOms .,e found .clv.lly
wllhin t he F ... rill cryS"" (thty '" much
"".'fe, lhen tIM Flfrite Iloml) 81 Ihown
in Fig.IO. The number 01 ""'o'VId lIoml
whi<;h CIorI be accommodl led In 'hia w,V
doel depend on ,he ,.mpe .. lu" (.1 In lhe
UN 01 .nV liquid ...... ,""') bul il "10
on lhe IYPI 01 crysll . 100, ("This
""1 III ImpOll.n, bearing on the h.nHtI-
lflii prOCHI, 81 we ohall_ I.,er). Funh .. ,
.ltho""h Ihty ar" silu.ted wilhln Ihl
cryslIl I.nlc. 'h' carOOn . lomS c.n drift
0' diffu .. JUII as can thtl .Iom' 01 Iron,
bul rhll drlh <:In occu, " .ny rim<!. not
"'" ., lhe .,,"' lempe rUr", W, iOhIU
_ !.tlr rhll !hi iron lAd uroon .,oml
arn .Iso be PfIMtI' in the form of
"CompOUnd' Iron - bul lhol
M"MI not <;OfIUnl uS " the momenl.
To ,"urn to ou, newly lOIidmed m",1.
lhe fi .. , .tieet of Ih" ".<bon hll be"n to
dlPII,1 Ih. m.lllng painl .nd to u" ... "'9'1 during IOlldilie"lon. Onel
1011d. Ih. urbon i, found in IOlid 1011I1Ion.
In addilion, however. IhtI PI .... r>CI ot
e.<bon inhibits lhe fitsl erylill form found
In p"" Iron. The melill lOIidililtl d'''''u..,
into lhe Fie' ."'e cubic form of FIg 9 .
bul wrlh of lhe CrySll. "oml o;on-
IIIning urban ,,-. shown in Fig 10
n-e is NO ...... , j)OIIIl II l J92 C. This
"Sol;(1 Sol,, ' icn. w'lh ' .".-c.ntr ed
c'VItals. ill ",,11Id 'AUSTENITE" h" Ih.
mel" lurgill Si, William Austen. who Ii .. ,
Idenl ified il. G rn, 0' ClVtt.l. are found.
as in the caSl of pur" . on.
St ill following OIl, 0.6'16 carbon stMl II
il cool, _ fi nd .n ., .. 11 poinl II .boul
laO- C. where Ih' e ryllil SIr""IU"
changel 10 Body-nued C1.Ibic - 'I0Il wHI
_ lha, this oc:cu .. tboul 120 C fowl.
Ih'n in Ih. u .. of pu,e i,on. TIM
rmognetic "".nll'. Of "Curie Point"' ..
place. few dIg_slowe<.
Thul. lhe immed"t lIee. of no moll
'h8n 0.5" c.rbOfr has been. fino', to
dep'ISS Ih. melt"'l! polnl and 10 Introd"c.
pasty . t lll/l In the aoIldifociltion, 10
elimiNu, Iltogethtl, ani of lhe 'n"'
points Ind ;11 ,lIoc!lI.d c'V".,,pholil. .nd ' 0 ,edue. Ih,
,_peril"" It whidt !hi o, hI<s OOCUf.
This m.v not. II fI .. t. _m to be of 11""
bul II I, the 'mpl"tca.ions of
lhese chlngel which min,' . nd .h.., pn::Jlound etreet on Ih" heat tre. t
mInI. You c.nnOI h"dln OU'" i,on. bul
0"II8n 0.5'16 c.roon 11'" can be Iooghen&d
_ if not mad, h d enough 10 uM II I
cUIIIr>g tool .
.... 11 __ .. _. ;;.L:: __ '''_'''_
LeI u. now ' allow th'l 0.5'16 c.tbon steel
II I' cool . but with more an enlion ' 0
..hal i, happening '0 Ih' c.rtJon and Ih,
Fenite 'his t i ..... Al solldi' lr;.ollon Ih,
Au5lenl1l is homogeneoul IOlulion 01
bOlh lUbs' anceL How_. II IOOIl as lhe
filii pa_ lhe '"'" porn. I. aboul
780 ' C and cools "'nhlt. lhe composilion
of lhe AUSlen'te IIowtV d>I<lg . II
ibou' 135'C it o;onl.inS urtJon -
Ih. 't Cln hold II .hI.
,_"","Url. Ir eln only Kh>eve Ihl,
",richmefll of c.rbon by .fet:ting Fe,rill
Ilomi. and rhia it does Orogruslvely as
,'" I. mpe.alu" f,II,. IThe ""I only con-
!li!lld 0.5'16 c.roon 10 1. 811 with). TIlil
Fernll fornIs g inl Of bands .,,,,';r>g
the grlins of A"".";II. whICh now Iorm
onfy pan of tIM whole. The ovallil lnaly'"
of till stel! wti! "ill show 0.5" 01 r;.orban,
bul n ill I" concentr.ted in the AUJle-ni1l
1111" Fig. 1 '-
JUI' below Ih" temperature. lllJO C.
.... find anolh" --II"IU' point". Ihis time
due 10 a change!n .he Ielionshij:r 01 .he
Clrbon ,nd Ferrlt. In ,he Austenite. Above
lJ5 C !hi u.wn I, In soIulIon, bu, II
lJO"C il 1tC1".11y Com/;rIMl w,lh some of
tIII ,ron 10 ' orm I",,, Th"ls FE,C.
lAd o;onllins iboul 6.1'JIIr arrbon. It is .... ry
hen! ind d and is grven the IWIIT\e
'CEMENTITe--, beu" .. il wit fi. S!
identified in SIMI made by 11M Cemenl.-
lion 1IfOCr!$I - _ page 11.
This Cemenntl con,,;nl much leu
(lronl Ihan Ihe Austeni l' Irom
which It w ll formed. 10 Ihl' th ... w;1I be
-... F""ite -'h ave . In lhe O"IIenl. tile
Cemenlill (Of Iron o;IrbkII) c<yStaIJiJe,
Into very Ihin pI.llI. wilh ..... 11 thin
pia ... o f undwiehld belween
them. this H ' .. obIy 01 pili" formIng
CO<TIJI)Onding WII" the 01
'. 12 ' ...... " ...... ,,_........ ' . '" h
_""',_ , .. "'.... r_ .. _ ... r r ..
AUl1enrte ,.om wh,eh il, Undlr rhe
micro",,,,,, the .. lI"in' hlv,
bllulilul sheen. r"sembllnll Ihll o f
MOlhe,oI-PHI1. For 'his ... IOA It 'I
uilld If 1m IOrTY _bou,
end of lhe booIt
r",,_bet). ThoI
Pelfl," ill o,an 10 til" II
.he ""I cont.;", only we IhooJld
peel Ih' Pe .. !ill gl1linl to be ",,,oun-
doed by g,aln, of Ferritl. and thiS I,. in teci
Ihl u .. ' S ... Fig 12
Thl, recombina .ion of Au.,eni,. Inro
P"rI"t ace" .. in all urbon lleel when
"OJJf,d 1Iow1y. N,'u .. lhe .mounl of
p"riltl wi' dIpInod on .he clrbon COAlent
;n;tl.lIy. bill n is .twl." 1hI<I;n IIr,,'" 00
leu f)rOl)Of1ion. Being I combitl.don of
IoII.ncI duct iron (F'l"Ir1l1.nd very hard
ee .... ntill. il I. very 10001Ih.
II we _.e 10 look" 51 ... 1 wrth. di ll'flnl
u.bon conllnl we should lind aimit ..
chln,,11 " . ;r>g pl;M:t. bul " rIiIr_'
I.""..,'""". Foo C(WI'oo'IIl_ . ng;r.e ..
.nd ..... ' .. I" '"II'sts __ mbII the 11111 on I
chan. u .1ed the 'froo-Clrbon Equltibrio.rm


) ... "' ........






which .... OW. IIIe ,ffeels 01
bOllI I;lIroon and ',mpee,,'"'' 1\1".
&lmpl"ied ""'"'" of lhll in fog 13
","I deals only wilh '"1'101'" hlle 'ull
dia\Jf,m includes tUI oron II _II) ...cI I
"' .... no! bOtk.".., .... ,,11 In. 'Impe",,,res
lIP in the .... ThoM wffoc .. n,lV
;", .. H,ed will lind The com"" di'g,am
In mos. tIc>cIb on 'he MIU, of 5' ....
but I"'" i, .. .,I'y cl r On" in
9rn ..... ic . In Tile Melion
1>0..-.1 'I.on Ind SleeI Ttl .. can be
1Orh.ed ,I in moll PUbrlO; ,;1)1 ......
I ....... shown 1'- 0 5% ,'MI _ h.-ve
JUS! consodet! as II ..... 111;111 I .... " The
UPI*' ..... , pOInT. or er,Ilc:" ,empel.tu ...
"s/'IOWn by the ',ne ABE. end llIe
by DBE. You ... ,11 noue. IMI the ..
coiroc"'-" B' "'1"";11 lI,vI ,look" 'hi'
in mornlnl. buT belofe 00;"'11 110. let us
look ., .. Iypral tool-ltUI. Wllh "".bon
COOllnl 01 luv) 1.2"- I h,vI ahown
_Iical line hi 1'10. W, ,,," WII"
AusTon;" .. befot., OuT ,lIiI "ml il
eonu"nl lhln tha 0.83" which i.
lhe m,.lmum whIch Cln be held in
., Ih' lower crilleal lemperalu.e.
(Thl. I, about 120 C In Ih'l e.sel. At; lh.
, ' aal cooll below th' upper c.i,ical. wh'ch
i , aboul 900 C. Ih, Au",ni" lind,
il ... IIIOO .ieh in c.,bon lhi' urne. whe .. as
lhe pr,vioul w" ,reh in F""",
So ... Ih' IImper"ur, lalll Clrbon il
I!f09ruailf8ly "J",,'I<:I. bul "hi "llI"Cled ;"
lhe lo,m 01 i,on carbliH leementll,llor.
unlika lhe u" 01 U'I i,on. ,," ca,bon
_I ui" under Ih ... eondruo" . w.
nne!. the .. ,or,,_ th.t t'" grains 01 Aus'en,"
... now be,,,,, ... "ounded by Ii,". strnk,.
lhen g , .... 04 Cement'''' I ....... no
"ae farrill.vaiJabloo, By lhe " .... ''''' .... I
.... t-.ct>ad ,"" low,. err' ..... pa.-l1u ..
It ... line BEll"" AUllln"a h" lIP;"
.. med down w"h 0.83'111. dlilOlved
e.rbon ... bero .. , And. II blro .. _ thi'
'-..form, 10 P .. lli" .1 lhe .... ,.1 oooIs
f. ___ "'-"_"_
,"_/C, ''',
Ihrough Iha Ct,'rc.L Wa now find g'.,ns 01
P, lill surrounded by ..... 01
Cementite. IF", 141 in conu-nl '0 lhe
Pull,,, .-.:1 F",rite 01 tlMo low", carbon
Now Iool ., It"' wuh 0.83'111. Clrbon.
y .... w,1I nolOea Ihal Ihe Iwo linlf rap ..
Mnl,ng lIMo upper .-.:1 lower emo<:.1
tempe ,ules (Ih" "alt051 poini$') now
coincide_ It ... ah". a f."",on. a " EutIl"CIIC-
lOIuhon. $imil.r to lh", round in $CIders
,nd "Ioys. 80lh Ih, erystllUlnl'
/ormation lind the metamorphosis 0 1 the
Au,,,nit. OCCUr a' 'h" &arne 'ime. and 'ha
chan(lel 10 Pearl". tly.
Thi. -'all Purlit," s,,,,,1 i. ,h.
loughe" thaI can be hid wr,h pll,n
c.orbon st .... l, You no,e lhat;u con_
HQU'nc. of th" Eutecloid" HI 0.83"
c.orbon Iha upper enlal lemperlTures for
tl>l "eell v.ry cons.ider,bIy.'1oog
1"" hne ABE thIS has In Importln!
belf'ng on lhe tamperllures needed III
effect the .nfINl,ng of lhe "eel The
_'" cnllc.ollempentlure. 08E. does Vlry
'iltlt. bul '" rn ...., pUblishtd vanio ... of
the di'V'lm II is shown" a ." .. ghl line
The ditr,ra"ce ill only a few (legraH.
f h ..... shown on ''''' diagram. numbe,
01 1i111. sklle,," indic.llrng lhe gra'" 100--
.... ,101> - IClulf mrcrogrlphl would be

f 'I .,.. _, .. .-
h'" ,..... , ,,_
_ .... ., , ,-
rather eor1tusong and a.. d,lfoc .. 11 10
reproduce. How"" ... by .. am''''ng
sp&ei .... en IhfOlJOh 1"- mOClOlOOlM en
p.ri.need ..... , .II,,'g'" C.n ... lly
recog"';M _ consli' ... n,. of
P rli,., Fani ... Ind C ....... m . end by
lIO,ing lhe propof1ionl of each un ""Ik.,
leir lIS.i .... l1. of ,he oY".1I c.,bon con ......
of ,he --=I .... en
To sum .. p: we would "pIC' 10 find
"I'" lima Pearli .. and 10. of Fe.",. in
low taobon Imildl .... 1. wll h ' hi PfOPO<-
.ion of Paa,hlllne'et"ng ,. we aP\)foech
0.83% u.bon. Beyond lh,. the C,m.nllt.
wOllld begin 10 appal . Inc:,uJ.I"lI In
P<OPOI1ion ,he Cllbon CO<1,anl roM 10
,,,- mao,mum "'Oclllid with .... eel"
(1bOII . 1.7% uobonl Wa would "peCT
tM .. I""ghne .... and "tenglt! 10 inc .....
II lhe Pa.,bll PfOpO<loon incte.Md. up 10
0 .83% umon. Th .... " ... Iie "eel could
ba " ,,,a.:11d to 11"" 1Iatda,. w,.h _ 10M
01 lh,M;,ilily. Thil II. in lac" \he <;aMI. Fig
, 5 But I ........ mph ...... tlv. lheM con
siderahons an ontr '0 .... I whICh
hll been bo. h hlltld and cooled
SLOWLY. 10 .hlt .Iv lin,. aloms hi ...
titnI \0 frnd !heir ,0gII' piICIi. Ind .he
chemleal chIngou 11 _10'"" M'ical', ....
hi ... lima ' 0 """"""" I,,, 'YI"cal 01 I
D. 0 a
" " "
"' 110, rolled bar" .... h;.:h "'s (or oIIOUld
h_) be<tn norm.lised when you .eceive
" loom lhe """rnanT. Cold draw;ng Il.g
B''IIh. Drewn M,Id Sleei) will not ,I,er
the typa of $lfUCtUtl IP",lill_Fen'ne. o.
P rllIlCem.n.J1e) ' hough m.y liter
1"- mech.nical '1fefIgth. and eSpeC'ally
_ duclliity. beuuM lhe Iotmi"" p.t0Cl"
hll di orud Ihe g'ai .... The 51fUC'u'",
found when 1M lleel is cooIed.oo quickly
lor 'h, eh.nll" 10 oceu, ere Quite dill.
fin . So. I .. ul now have a lOok al ,he
.!feel of Olhe' .h8n slow cooli ... g.
la, ... Ig.,n con.;oo, 011' piece 01 1.2%
e.,bon .. eet II (ny) SOOC. which
"mpe,,, .. re hll been 'eeched ei,he, by
.'ow cooling 0' Itow healing. Th.
Au"en,'e will h ..... ",nly t.ansformed.
Io"Id 'hl'a will be Aus.enite ",linI ... ,.
rounded by __ Cemenli". Within ,he
Aus,ani" rroo.t of _ crys,,1s w,1I con"in
0lIl or more Cltbon l1om$ .he "aoIld
aoI .. OOo"I" o;ond,TIOtI.. Now let uS reduce the
'''"''''" .... vary QUidoIy'. n-. wi. be no
time fo< .he 110"" 10 <1,,'''''11' I ......
MtvaL no 'ime fo< crystlIU_4Iuomatoon.
and Intt'ad 01 fi nding IhlmM""al In ,
I, n ic. fo,ml . lon which I .. .. . hl ....
pkKlly of room lhe camon I ....... I"
I. apped intlda 'he C"'"." wi1/! Inade-
qUI" 'PIC, for lheM. In addi, lon . he
Aul""'" i. cornpa.fled '0 ,,,,in f .. _
u mon that It Cln nomllily hold I he
'-.. IImperl.U<l. The Au,,,nit, f;fVStlll
... put under ,normovl i." ..... , au .....
I nd thil is JUI' .he wtllCh is
l WOTh h .......... In addillon . he
Camenhre which is IN_n, III _. 10
gySlllijM norm.'Iy. but intllad III eon-
1I",n.d inlO I needl.likl struetu"
Iknown II an . Al;ocul,,' lorm,,,o ... ) wh;':h
is Vlry hlrd 1",",lId. In fac!. II il 'heM
"ntldln" whoch help 1 .... ,,- IO<m,,,o ... of I
good euning q.. Th,. ......... .,,, .. :lU<I _
highly luau..! cfYSllli lUOC,lled Wllh
adeul .. CfYSllll of Caman"'l il g" ... n
!he ... ,ma MARTENSITE. Ind It Ih' bui'
of III h,''''ned c.tbon .. eel.
I hi'" ,I<lady .. I'''ed 10 'he need 10
helll .h. m"ll 'lo .... ,V. Plnlv 10 ..... u ..
1""lhe u'nllo,ml1lon. h"'1 1Iml
.0 but.hlill ,Iso neelSllIV so .h.,
w. Cltn be ..", 11I11.h, mlllll, hot right
through. II doel 11k' time 10' .hl hell 10
1 ...... 1 ,h'ough 10 Ihl Inl"iat. A -'mllar
con-'dl'.llon IWI", when cooling When
cooI,ng .apidly I"qulnchlng") whll abo ...
lhe mll.,ln .hl .... oOdla 01 tilt wo.kj)iece1
The ",,"Id. hll cooled '811. II I, uua. bu.
" II cle., 'hll (wi.h '''111 opec;manl
I;e<:ilily) 'he oara mlV nol kepi up
wi.h lhe cooling of lhe a.llriot. What II
the ilfleel on the m,,,'1 W, un best
Inlwlt Ihl, IIU .. ,io ... with Inolh"
dilgram. fig 1 B Th,. -.ow. 'am""IIU'1
on .he vemc.' Kilt. Ind ''"'' on 'he
horizonlal. 8eeaull metillurg,," Ind
...... ,n .... ....., '0 I"""i ... cooling <II ..
.....nieh mly III. hou .. or d.VS .. well I.
1hote whic:h IIh only lhe odd 1I, .... 1d or
.., 1ht lima lelia is COfnIN .... d _ it il. in
flet 1og.arilhmlo;" The dIIg"m shown
,eI" .. 10 no Pln icul .. IIHI. but It II
t'(JJicIl 01 mos, ....... '" .,,,,1 opeciflca,lon
h .. ,IS own likl thll. I. is Impot_
IInl '0 ..,Iise Ih8' . so Ilf I. WI ". con
C<lfned. il mull be .. sed only .0 1IIus""1
lhe 'flee .. 01 ,i........,emPlflIUI'II WngtI. inlltlNII"1on of ,... diagl'am II I
milt" lot upens.
loolcing " Fig.. 16 .,.... will _ 'hll
Ihaoa I" two -S- sII".... CU ..... L On the
Ieh 0Im. Ii"., ABC ........... l ona whaol
'M $leell. Aus"nilic: (in '1;11. 01 IIOIId
.alullon) bu. il os "unstabl,'" _ i. hIS nol
rei ' <lnsfonned bul Is ready \0 do so. On
the .igh. 01 !he line OEF Wi! ....... the 51eel
in , IS fi ... al. 101811y ".nslor,"ed 11111. I ...
thIS ..... if Wi! we 1.1Iti..... .bout ,he
eltbon 51eel .he .. would be g .. l ....
01 Pearl;II ... , ..... ooed by Cemln. i,,; illl
we .. t"- 0.5% l1MI W8 looked 11 ... ro..
.he., would be g ins 01 Peatli1e '''''o<;n-
did by Fa .. il . In belWeen 1"- Iwo "S"
CU ..... lhe l1fUCl"rI Is undergoing 'he
Irln5fo<mD'ion PtQOllSS ,nd will cor'll, .. of
I m,.,u,. 01 Cemen"'IICltrtlldes). P, .. Ii"
,nd F,,,i,. and. 01 course. somi 01 th.
AUSlenile - c a ,bon In lolid
aojulion. T"" nea,e, '0 'he line ABC. 'hi
more Austeni". wlii!S! close to Ih. line
OEF lTlOfe of the olhe' consli.uen'L
A,."" bouom 01 ''''' "S"s IwO hofi,on
1.llinet a'i shown ooned. Alone. m., ked
M." Ih' hard ManenSHe SIa,,, 10 lor .....
.nd below 'he line' Mr Ihis chlnga II
cornp!e.e; 1M met.1 is .,1 In the h d con-
di.oon. Fo. ."v,. 51881" M. hll " about
150 C How_. ManeMlre ",mol lKiIi
.o.he right of ,,.,. lme It r
Now. COII51der piece 01
IleeI ,.,. pOint '-0" II Is It _.
790 C II [t cools .......... ,I ..... It follow ,he
lina QP liking PI"""" 2 ' """tI '0 cool
down '0 1 5 'c. T1'>e ... PM" ttwough
both of .he "S" eu....... IndicaTi"" th"
10111 ".nslo.mat ion .0 P".Ii" .nd
C._nllle two. .... plltClI. The mallrial it;

",nnllled" - 1l1li II"! l1li1 IIIId liml 10 go
through .11 1l1li Clll<IQII _,;! .boul
IIrlier. NoW look I1thel,ne OR n.. ml1.1
h., eoolld Ih.ough ,n hllntlell
l.mPlf.tuf' bul thi' t""1 ;" no
mo lhen ..... 11_. AI no pOint doM il
emu the -5" .0 1ht1 no I"nlllor'
m.l"", 10 Petrtill Is Il",,;ow,. But it HAS
UOSSId both 1ht M, tnd Mf lints. indictl.
i"lllh'l 101l1Ilanalo<m.t"", to M.rtWl';lI
h .. liken oltce. This samole il
h,fde<>fil. Th.... Ife e.ample. 01 the
lWO ,,"emll. oJow Ind f.ot cooIiov
You will '" on the line
'05 which JUST touche, the noa of
lhe I,tthand "5" curve. This is Ihe
lIow .. t .111 - !hoi "Cririo:lr flte - of
cooling wllich will ,chi,ve a fu lly
htrdlnMl M'"lnl''''' condition. (Thl
Ioghon 01 the pOinIS" will depend on
:'.-. s-c_ , .... _----A._._"_- __ -_,-
11 ---I-
, .. , .. ,


&. E'fEt-ir.n
ilL TE &
\,' j-
'\ , . t
- -+....,!::!! - - - - ::-i::-=-_______ _
\ '
.. --, _L '-
D-!! I 2 10 20 !!O 100200 !iOD,,. !/2 I
1l1li type 01 "e"; it might I\'fIIcIIIy be 2 o.
3 seconds) Th. QUinch IIhown by lhe line
"'QU" , how.we,- cmu the "5" curve
ABC. It 'V' ,nd '"W'. In Ind out ag,ln.
Between v .nd 'W" _ of tl>l
Aullanu. to Petrlill . but ,.
the cooIl"II only I, .. to the tight 01
the lint ABC moment"ily ,he , ..... i ..... ,
will ClNV on down au 10 form Mlfl",,,,".
n.. final ,tl" w,II. lherefore. be mIIinly
M.rten"" but w,th Ill tle Petrli" ..
...... It will 1101 be ., "'rd. BUT, Ihe
pre .. ne. 01 the Petri,,, ""k, it II ..
brinle Ind I bitloughe.
flIl, di""lm helpe .... \0 u""-rsllnd
..... t Cln tlll>Pfln in lhe 0In1" 01 """e
01 tI .... dUfing th, qUlnch. rill h .. , sm,lI
"'UI-lICllon, Ind Is cooled liong .0""
liM wc;h II 'OR-, lhen 11>1 c.ntre oIlhe
Melion m.y follow lone betw ..... '"OR
,nd "05 . nd will be fully tflnsform";!
,ight 11I,0ugh; It will b, "11I.ough
na,IIen<td". If. how''''" It wll ve,.,. thick
piecl Ih, "nl" mlglll Ifl,.,. Will be cooled
'Iong --aU" Ivln though Ih. outlide
followed "OR". Th, Clnltl of \he
Ij)I(;lm.n would nol be II ha.d II thl
outslde - Ihough il mlY well be lough .
an. 01 ,II. Pu.pUlI. 10' which .om. 01
the .1I0Ving el.m.nt, , .. Idded to
mod n "carbon" sleel. I, III, Improve_
mint 01 ha.eI.nlng'
cI!e'act";lIlcs; III. llloy modill .. ' hi "5"
c..rve. A oIlln. un.lloyed cerbon Iteel Is
1'IOt. II .. " I. I, "<)1 lOt ."'" but ....
_ "," nu'goIl 10 <Ie, .......... HOW MUCH
I' .. rti,. won be lor""".
,.. 11" ...... _
----- --_ .. -
.. _-_ ... -
... -....... ' "
not tOO gOOd in Ihis ... """"t. Bu, NO '"kt<
seclion 01 $I", cen be nardened ,igh,
Itw-ough. even when lilays 1 ... 1(irMd. Fo,
Silve. s'eer' , which co"' ...... imll
Chromium 10 help m.n .... 1ht limit Is
inch thidt.. though !hoi lois 01
nard".. 11 the OIntfl 01 JIieQI f Inch
Ihick ;s ... ,.,. sm.U 1,""ud. This "limi' 10
th,ough H"dlnin" upll,nl Ih,
difficullies IOmelimeo mil w,th when I
I."", section Clrbon II .... 1001 it ground
down II thl pOinl to bti"ll il 10 centre-
heigtll In I smlH ""he. II in fig. 11. n..
point 01 the tool is now located In the
0In1 ... of lhe 5e(:\ion Ind will nol be II
nard It !he origOnaL Th. loss of hard", ..
will be quill nolicubl. if I nail-inch 1001
is ground down to 5,-IB inch point-height.
n.. CUll " to INItIal and .ena.elen. See
.... w.1I a. we a f'oHlulnlly
with Ihl 'hap. of th'
especially wilen meklng
gauges 0< lorm '0011, A lil1le though' will
sugll'.! Ihll th .... is likely 10 be. dlm.n_
li"",1 changl with all III. "ansfo.mllion.
w.,hln th. m.,.1 .nd that, in Iddition. til,
hoghly st ... ssed crys'al5 will "elenecr"" lUll
IS ."., "'HIt'd member will under load.
NOl only Ihal - Ihe very I'a at cooling
caUII' I cont'lCllon and In ""ulnch"
tlli. contraclion is JUdden in 1M e'''aml.
if tM workpi..,. is not .... "Iy 1yI'I'I -
me"icel ther!O is rill< 01 una ... n sh'ink .

ThtIl>lgher 1M tooling III. 1M g,eal'" II>.
In C.sel ..... 1> -lIIape" II ;
we mUll u .. I .Iow ... cooling '1". even
tI>ougl> II> .. ml\' mean Ih" 1M Q..end!
Une lot II>. <;enl,. 0111>1 _k mly c .... ,
1M noM of llIe "S" e ........ rnom.t111riy
Fonu""leIy 11>.. II nol 10 'mpot1lnl in
'rticIH 1"101 in,ended lot .... "I-eul .. ng.nd
'" _ tuM C.n be an edvlnla.,..
expec:ielly lot 100II .,bj.el 10 II'IodI
The ,III< 01 Clicking II nol g ....
when !!PIing ..... '11> 1....,1. """",O-obil.
bul c.n be leu" in I'" 01 I m,lI.og-
tull"', "";11> 1II1'P cor ..... II "" '00'"
roots. I ... sucl> C.M il Is prudenl 10
lillie h.,dne .. In on!I. 10 be
sur. 01 gelling OU' tool in one piK . Ind I
$low ...... 11>od 01 mu.1 be
In Indullf'( II\COII .... tl\ot!a I" uMII.
nol nece ... rily beyOnd th. .. 01
1M mo<Iel eng, ........ bu, IMy do nHll
prope. "mpc.,alU'. conltol Th. "mplu,
metl>od lot u.'IIO quench in 01
..... '1 ... The .isk 01 c'ack'ng .nd distortion
i. conside'IDly ,educed yll IIIe 10M 01
h.rdne ... I, nol g ..... II. ho ...... dl"o<.
,ion is of II>. Ii .. , Impo .... r.c . al ..... h'n
mak,ng IIIP lhen IT II w, .. , 10
u .. 11>. .. I oil-hlrd.nlng 1001" .. 1 -
"G,ound G.uge (Thougl> It c.n
also be obl.IMII In III, .. w.lI). Thl,
m818rill il .IJoyed 10 ,II" oil,oUflr.chlng
........ ys mlu .. 1l1li k ...... 011l1li "S" curve.
.nd full ,ranllorm'lion " obtllned. II it
nol .S h.rd II WII ... -I>IrtM>ned SII.'Vhl
c.rbon "HI. bul I ..MQu," IOf ""
Ju" II "" "Good SI\epIIefd' , .... .,... lilt
wind 10 11>1 Morn 11mb. so "'" """,*,1
I .... .,.... IIis liard "HI
ahodc toadI A hl\lll-Urbon 1001 "HI.
prOPl'1y h ... lI.ated. will ""'1IfI """,hod
lilt m ;mum llardnel$. bul il
will be 1IfIf'( brinle. As I lried 10
... pt.ln. IIIe crystall I" under conside<-
IbIe InI ... nalw.1n and .... y thock loading.
0' '01,11111 handling. m.y e.u ..
1,lCIu". This m.y 'pply occUiOnal1y even
WIth oOI-Q"'rw;hed lleel. In lOddilion, the
g.ain .... may nol be U law> 10
c",n cutting actioo " w. would fiI< .
npecielly if lhot in<1 1 IImperllu" (poinl
--0 01 FIi;J. 16) ...... s no 1CI1y righl. II.
110_ .... _ ...... now .. hotll "" s .... 10
.eIa."""" lo'iii .""""' .. 1 ..... thea ayslal.
c. ... be. \0 I00'I' "''''I. '.uess .... ieved""
and ,f lilt IImperatu" ;" held lot linle
......... _ deg ... of 1I in ..
may be fS weU. Fat pl.",
.oots. will" Ihock loading is minim.1. ,
low IImparing IImperatura ..... ill SOl"'"
- Ih. ulull .. commanded il ,boul
230 'C. lhougl> .his did rafer to lumjng
loot. DIll 01" lWO IncIIes IQUi!" - I shall
l>av. mora '0 Sly .boYl th,s 1." .. 1 11 is. in
addit,on. p/u<I.nIIO IImpe, Ihe
"'''' mo ... 10 Ih.ll. does no. clad under
'M ellmping lorcn 01 .1>. looI-poSI.
T'mlM,ing Can .. fV1I ano.he. JI'I'JIOse.
.houllh. W. hev. 5Hn Ihal II>.
P.oduC.t M""n,i" - hillhly s"essed
AU'teni.. c'Y"als inlerspe.Sld wilh
n dl lik. C,m.ntite. Fo. some
PU'P( .... ... wa need h",h strangth
,nd ... ilience .Dlher .lIan ha,dn.S$
"",II _ tM clessic being the S!>ring.
TIle" i. no ,eason a1 ,II wily. spring
Ihould be HARO; lilt .ng, ...... , '>:pacts
t .... m 10 h."" , hli;Jl> yield slfeS$ and high
'nih,no;e Industrially it is JIOllible to
tc/I._ Ih" direclly bul Ih .. does ntItId
__ I lQuipmenL lAnd. In .ny
com .... rcial lP<ing' '" seldom
h'om 1I,.;gh1 c.rbon looI-ttleel). The only
wI\' _ \0 "1051 01 UI iliO 1I1rdM> righl
OUI Ipn,hI.1bIy In oil) Ind tItIn "lemlM'
bIck 10 \lie cllsi...:l corditiotL W, rehe
tao "' .... pe,. JOO'C - bh ... _ A. Ihi.
Ih. needle, of M ....
dUI"'" Inlo 1111" "nodule,' and. of
gOU .... 1111 CfYSlil .... oofl'll)lelely ",eu
f'T' ad TIlt 11 .. 1 will be . 1>... 1'- .. I ......
10 ",iId ft .... bul nowiMo ....... ' If h.rd ..
cull 'niI 1001.
To .... m up. ...... c.n modify 1111 "fUoCIU"
01 our IIIrdened "HI to fUit the PII'PllU
WI haW in mind bv a HOOnd'f'( lleat
.... I m.n. 11 low
..." ... "IU..... I 111.11 be c:ov.ring I'"
dellil II.ldtlot vlrious I" ....
bul I"'" should btl. In mind Ih.1
,.""", ..," __ Ih ... JI'I'l'un, 10
strIP ......... lhorliogllf' CfYIlIl nd 10
r1duce the ..... of c,ack,ng. 10 imprOlllthe
"' .......... 10 Ihil yOU c.n gel I k .. n
eluting edge: .nd, In tomI C_.'O .. In,..
form the M." ..... II 10 nodul" condi-
tion . 0 ImIl<OII. ,,,lIi.nee . sh.lI. in
It_ cl\ajl"', deal wllh Ihl.ln more Nt .. l.
nptCiIlly In "I,,/on to 'M IPICIII neads
a! lvOf'( "' ....... '. looI't. whkh mUll be
Drouwhl up 10' very fin. POlish Ind lII .. p
Si venly-odd y '1 .go, wll.n Ih,
'S" nd,rd P CIi .... -- 01 modtl .ngi ....... _
lnv w .... being 11lIbl;shed. c.rbon ,,"I
...... 1 JUII 11111 - .n III"" of c.rbon Ind
" " I t.u . II would tonll;n t ......
Impu,it.... 10' llIe cliVI 01
Im. !ted hon w ... .. (Ihougl>
HoIt<apfl.1 wn l1iU u"ng Huntsm.n
C<IoCibIe tooI'IIHI mtdt from imporled
DIfItIemomo dllfCOll lronl and typically
O,OJ'll, 01 IUIptIU' Ind pt ....... ,>O<u. WIS
fIOrrnaI Today. how ........ Imott III IIHI'
OOntein 01"" "' ...... 111 I. _I. W, II ....
''''Idy n 1I0w d'l1t,cllly 11>.
<hI<ac11llstlct 01 pure Iron .... IIIred by
u.. IdcIItIorl 01 "ulte ..... 11 _11 01
"" boo, ..-.d !lie ...... """,it, to t .....
alloying .1.m"'t1. TIle dilll m (Fli;Jl 3 on
page 18.l i. d,awn to< "pi .. ,,"' Clfbon
SlHI. bul .ach allov ..... 111 "- different
cll.,actlflst'" lQuilbrium dilgram. eome
compl"" indeed.
Al"1051 III c.rbon 1001 ltaalt ""'II de.,..
con ... n aboul O.JS'lt, 01 M'nganeM_ h
mlin pu.jX>H beklg to counl .. act ....
.,,"''' a! I"" Impurity Su1pt>u._ A, Ihll
......1 llIe eflect on fig. 1 3 tnd hence on lhe
1> , IfI"m.nt n"llligibl. WII ....
pr ..... 1 in IIigIIet amounl$- I'lt, or mora-
lhe 1IH1 needs S91cia1 ... lImen' A hlw
lool-steel. rSilve. S ..... It 0 ... - il
co""i,.. no sM._ bv lhe wI\': IIIe "" ....
.. I.". 10 lIS &PPI ......... IJ Include .boYl
O.S'lt, 01 Cl>romium. IYrtly 10 IIIIlp In
"foning lhe llrain size but also 10 imprOlll
througl> hardeni"ll' AIIl>is lwell"" ... is
-.. Iighl .lfect on III. sIIDpt 01 ,lie
di,gr,ml. ,ocludi"ll thor "S" curve_ 001 no
sp.cill 1I, 1. nud.d, Til.
"",r.cllinll lempert'Y" i. sligl>lly dilf.-
flnl. Ihl1 i. all. These st8lls If,
.... nli.lly "carbon" s.eel. wi.h 1dd,1Na'
'0 ;m",,,,,,, ptrlonn,f1C'.
As .1Ie .nay conllnt ....... ho ..... ev.'.
and. more up",ially ...... lIen' combinalion
of allay;ng ,"ts is used. Ihen Ih.
< dilll.ams 10 Figs. 13 .nd 15 very compliCated I ... d d
(CI>'omium. tOf e .. mpte. lOfm
l>ard Clrbide on ill ownl. When 'ICed wllh
!!HI COnll,f>ing mono .I>en aboYl 0.6'"
of .... y 011"" .. lII.menlS (.nd IlIIIy c.n be
Nickel. Chromium. CoIwIt.
Tung"ten. MoIybderwm.. ntanium Ind
olllt,.) IIIe answe. '0 lilt l1li11 t .,t"" ... 1
p.obl.m i . for .h. model .ng,n ... .
,. OON, I A nice P! C. 01 J'lIro nick.1 0.3'1'
carbon SI .. I w,Q rrl you ... lure It i.
EN2 I I make ._Ilenl connec1"'11 .od
boilS. bul unlest you "- the act heal
.... Imenl dati il ill best leh In lilt ",.
su!llllie<!'" .. ". E"", more SO if you com.
ICfOSI .... y 01 the 1I1i;J'- llloy..:I Stltls -
and lven more 10 il It II .. coma
Imm "Ev,nl !1Ie SC'lp. H .. I I'a"menl
of such. wilhoul PlOPtr dil l ' end equip.
mel'll, is Ilketv 10 be dl .. pPOIn"ng if nol
C.II"ropt,ic. (How ..... , I ,,,-II, In I I" ..
chapl"', dell willi Ille hili u .. lmenl 01
some 01 IhI medi"m c.rbon IIHlI. wlli<:11
Cln, willi CI ... til " .. lid qllil'
effeclivelv!. dorf! lorv-I 11111
tl<ar,ng. Ind 10 In ..... 1'1 grel'" ""I'll.
welding. 10 form of hili " .. !m..,I'
There ... m.ny a;I ... Iionl. bolll ,1'1 'ui",.
end model erog.i_lng. whl.. I 1I.1'd-
_ring suffac. i, n.ed-.:l but III, comPO'
.,.n, .110 1'11111 reNI t.hocI< load, 0'
poom'l)I ,epell-.:l ' ....... 1 of load. ,lmOlI
.. bed. C,oss'lIead Ind lIud(teon pin, .re
e .. mple .. The "SUI' IUQIIIlIhon mid, by
w,I",. of ."iell. in Mod.1 (ngirtH, .nd
"I..-wlle,. I, 10 lOll SIIve, SI"I, 11,,0..-..
,nd Illen temPI' back. Thi' is 1'101 wery
good solulion 10 Ih problem. FlfII. lhe
tempe,ino ,educes Ille IIlmn .. , of the
wea,inll su.l ae" Ind, HCGnd. tempered
Martensi!e i. nol Ih. bell m.te,I,1 ' 0
to.dbearlng component. Ho.... 10'
coo, .... 1 A type 37 doe. not m,k.
Ille besl 01 lown c",i.gll . nd YOU would
be lIa,d put to it 10 m.h .n "0-- ga"ge
loc:O on an 1 B-inclI lool -room lalhe, 110
mlttl, how 1CC"'81.11 w ...
The .nswer i. to USOI a mild or madi"",
,,<bon ., .... of $OICiGcalion .ppropr;lI.
to tile Ioadir>g cooditiorur, and I"'" I,
modify IIIe suffllC<l I-ve< 0' "'" m"I.l S(o
tll.t ;t can be III'den.d. Yo" w
remembe< 1"-. IhI ea"11 melhod Q'
""n"facl"r, of lIigll el!bon Sleel invot..""
.15 hilling In I'" pr_nr::. of carbon, Th"
tool< I iorio tim", bul if _ C.rry ..... 1 til
""" PI_A lor a shott lim hen ,h.
Cllbon will pene"", only I shon
di,I.nel. For modell WI only need III
t.y.r - perMPI as sm.11 .s OOOSin. wou
"''''1 - end \hi, i ..ttll bor
'CASEHAROENING- Thete .rs v.noul
WIV- In wllich 11 ,,1'1 be done. som"
.nvlhir>g mo<' lhion. tJIcr".
lamp and some spe-cial compound, bul a-
,.e QUU. PlKticil lor til" model "r>gin, ..
Onel lilts IUrillC<l layu, hios been u,
bU'iSld the p,r' Ciln be healed .no
qu"nched and. in mosl caus, does nil!
n .. d any lempering, The .. " .... 11 is a co'.
whicll I. Slronll .nd lOUllh, and 3 surf .:.
whfch II .lmoSl gl.5Shlrd, Further, ,I,.
proc:n. i, ", .. bI". and i, pass,b',
to lIam"n Alactively, and even 10 ""''''-
OUI m.chining oper,'ions on one!rt of I
component If!", anoillef pan has been
'UMac" ha,dened. t give more d""ils of
th" proced"re on p8g" 64
Heating and Quenching in
... tIIlo cIII\lll' I IhIH a' .. wulI lhe
prKlJC8l a_" 01 H,,, T, .. lm..,I. bu, I
em ...... ing detail dlllCUl""" 01 thl acl".1
"-11"11 d.,...;cl' !ill For 'hi JI'o'PQ It
of _ chaPI"r. ,""eforl, I sh.n .1IUm.
INI y01J' """u 01 Ileal . Ille .ngone
of your RolI.-Rovee .. adeQuate lor ill
JI'oLPOIl ". I 1m gG1ng 10 1"lve the
1iOIf1l5on of T,m/Hrlng '0 1111 nexl
chep ... , 100. U IhOl i. ,nlly quile
"",,,!,, issue.
The MII"i.!. The IirSl _ end Impe"Iiv._
""" ... ity II 10 decide whll m'IIII,1 you
." I\lI,denlng. II you ,r" 1'101 ,ur" aboul
til .. - II II I. JUST lpi.ce of good ' hllf
VOO have pkked up f. om Ev8n. Ih. SC"p
- Ullin my adwice II "OonT' 'llav. by me
.. , _ ire III .. lhe SAE Ii'l of II,,,lt whlcto
MIGHT be found in I ICIIO motor'CIL
theM dey .. 1I 1\'Ped ..... 1 on OIPI" 7 Inches
wide !he 1111 would be .. ... I 'HI long.
l.a In.n one filth ,r, "pl .. n-- e,.-bon
"1eII - .1I11le ,..1 .re mo<. or I" .. h'gllly
'110,,, -.nd _n y01J knew Illal y01J'
IHeOt was CIOrbor> II.... II lied PlobIbIv
bwn hili Ire.1ed ,!r.idy Ind would
'-1\> ... prope, ........ Iing before ,,"-rden-
!no. Tile chlncII 01 finding .ny .1 .... life
10 .... 11 I ... t on a ICrip-hliP IhIM d.V-
If. iii .... Fa. blI'" 10 t .. n willi .,.w
PoIq of stock: .h ... 11. If y01J ".lIDing 10
hell "".1 il ,I musl bI 'or ..... f."ty
irnpoo lin, "",'PC I".
HOWII'IeL. lhe,,, If" "" .... whe."
01 mo<. or Ie-I$ known pr_nane" "n be
and if'fO'J .'. in. lighl spol.nd
"nl'lOl gel new $feel. lhen the follow."!!
tlbl' m.y help in IIIe prob.bI"
carbon conlenl of old 'ools e l c. I
ImphaSlse ,11" wO<d "old", ' or lhew d.ys
....1'1 III. humble cold eIIi ... 1 m.y be medII
from, non-I"mpoo,jr>g
"Ca'bon Type 01 Tools
0.7 Crowba,s; Sc.ewdfivG'$
O,B targe Masonry chisels. Ouarry
roc:k-drills; Wood-opllu;ng Wedges
O,g Cold Clli",I,; Sh"a.-bllKlu;"",,,II's hot ""US;
1 ,0 Smalle. Cold Cllisels; Old wood-
worl<lnll macll'n. CIOn",.;
1 ' 1.2 Er>g'neer-twt""11 1001 . Drills.
R.""""" "Ie. Files
1.3_ '.4 Rlzors. Engrawer's I"""; Saw.Ii .. ,.
14 "p WIte--d<'wUIg r:r .... Cold
Many of IhIMI could be made from
1lig1l""P"d ....... bul lhis can easily be
dislinguoshed by using the "SOItlt T .. ,.._
_ IhI MorhI Eng_-s Handbtx1lt- In
I ..... case, how_, I .... """ ... 1 should

fi'$1 be .n ..... 11 (5" PIOg'e 11.1 and ,
,mall 'u' POece .hen Nwn oH .nd .u.-
h.,dened wid. .hl " .lm .. ed cafbo<!
"""lInl ... guide.
H."ing WI III ... "read"y _n .he need
lot slow hullng nd I unnol ,mph"i"
this need The q .... 'ioro iI
How sIowT" II pur ;"'0 cold "",Hie
I .. .....:e and hea.ed IJI) wIttr .he m .. lfIl.
IhiI wi" MJIfICl. Wi.h .he '-ave m .. ffI,.
in Iat;!, .he WO<k will heal up eIowIv
enoullh iI pur into lhe "',nee. wilen II iI
II .. acty 1\ .he hlfdaning r""lM''''ufI. Un
some book, you w.1 fond .hiI caUed lhe
Aullenos"", Tampatalu,,'. by the w.v).
If you ,., mollen Iud Of .. 11 barh
hen II Is MCI .......... 10 PI""" 'he work
illie anyw.,. " I ._pl"n 1e1l'. Bu. Wllh
the onI'n ...... blow-lamp Of some
u"" IS .... cIed. I. i. ," '00 ...... 10
o....rhIl1 'hin pans 1oc;.11y. I lind I 11k,
aboul Ir.. Of , .. mlnu, .. 10 btlng , "".11
,001 - abou, finch. 3 Inch long - up 10
'he a"est POInl, and II 1Ik.t , liW.lor>ger
'0 climb Ih. 1Imainong 60 C or IQ. Thi,
lIivn good """IS, .nd Cln be Tlkln".
Bener.o be 100 IIOW Ih.n 100 ,",.
Allhe a"e$1 pain' Ih, .. I" IImpl81lon 10
'um up ,hi gas. as ,hi ml,al _ml '0 ba
m,klng no pf'Qgr .... Th" I, )u" Ih. wrong
'hlng '0 dol Th, little ,.om. ,r.ln P,ocell
01 movinll 1>0<1 ... . nd worn w.lcome
be'ng hurried OV" 'h' jobl K"II helll""
ar. 5Iady,," Ir'ld when Ih. mellillar"
'0 coIou. up funher you '" ........ .... 'ilV II
Ihe 'ighl "mpe,"u,. 0...'111. lhe shOfl
.ntw.r I, ,h., you must .... YOU' judge_
menl. and ' ..... '0 gel .. much .qlI<iancI
II you can. If you flly on Iordl Of .nchen
fi .. hell,ng, For Tha odd D-bil lhal will be
.. Nd (NICe ,nd ,hen satopped 'N N.lIng
"" .... , nol be 11111 crollCal, biJl you
MUST pay 11.111'''''' .he ,001 iI .n
Impcwa," one. likely robe _too- vee'"
0...,. IJI) 10 IImpe,""" you mull hold
lhe hul fOl' -... to ..... - 'How
Iong . You hive bo,h \0 m, k, SUrl ,hi,
,he .... 111 Is hoI righl 10 lhe centre. ANQ
giva 'hoM 110m, ,ima .0 d.it1 '0 ,heir
_I. FOrIunlll1y in ,hi. ca"" lhe .nswe,
I. qui' . defini'e; .... ,.II,,'gis'5.nd ge""'.
Iiont 01 black""ilht av.. cenlu'Y 00-
morI hive ""blished lhe rule: hu,
THICKNESS. once m. 1001 is .. p 10 Ih.
hafdaning lempel'"u". This maans 1111,
t il\Ch lhide 1001 ohoukl be huled 10.
'boul 20 minul". Yes. , knowl You hal
... held The he" fof IS long .s ,his '
.m .......... bul !hI1 ..... ns ,III. you h' l
.-e, lCh .... ed ,he m .. jmum poSslb'
h.rd ....... . i,herl JUI' 10 I)IItSUadI you
have .. I up speocill., and l'II.cIo&.....:I fou,
P" e .. 01 cafbo<! stili from the sama bar
t>okIing ,he lampar.,u,. lor ontO. five. Ie,
.nd 1iI-.. minulH. ,he I." be"'9 '.igh,
fof ,he sl<JCk uslld. The hardne.,
ma .. ured on my vin,age Sho
Sclel'OlCOlMl cam. OUI 11,74.76,78. 1M
81. respeclIVely, ThosII woo know .he ..
h"dn.51 numbe" will '18liM ,1111 '"1St
ligur .. IIa all low - bu, .qulllly, 'hItV ...
... 11 .. ,h .. 'h. "Sho,.'" is not MJirabfl l<>r
.uch .m.11 apecimens. A ... tJse.quenl Ie ..
on ,he 1811 _timen, showed.
01 above 900 Vicke,s. Ind 'his Is abo"'
righl. The .educ,ion In hardnl5$ fof ' ''_
"""',., he.nng ,imas Is q"il. OWidenl
lhe .. <>IlI minute piec is sofTe, ..
h .. dened 'han ,he ' 001 ohould be
I, i, q .. ,re II ... Ih., our '001 '
rel.' ..... 1y ..... 11 compa,ed w,!h .110'
fonnertv ulld ,n 'nd ... , ..... - 01' ,od.y. I.'
Ihat mall.r, Thev don. <:OAII,n
ma,,' - bul their lU<face .... is sm.lI . 100
Ind ,he RATE 01 h II.n,milli o
10 gal ""en 1 inch 1001 '0 I,
tamperllu" at 1111 Cenlll in 1 S min .. ,es "
"''Y higIl. 0.""" 10< the odd Kribef-p<>l"
It i .-, .11 In., imporTanl. biJl fof cul1ir>ll
tool, It does ma" ... I shill. It . be lIIIir>ll
you abou' ,he u .. of moi'en sall-btlth
lot hilling, Ind one of 1111 "' , IdVln-
..ees of lhi. 'ype 01 lumlca is Ihll ,he
..,.ror.g tlma can be 'Id..-.:l: !h. tI 01
hH' nnll .... much be" .. SITling m.
""""' in. cold muffle lum_.nd lenlng It
hH' up wnh lhe !u,naee i. good prKlice,
100, fof ,he m .. ffIe lIIat'ng "" I, lbou.
the ...". II ,III, '01' lhe .... ,11. You can
/YIIto the helling Ii .... In Ihis way.
-or. RIeht T_ .. , ..... At ,;.1\ "9h' "
"'""", be .lIumed Ihi. WI need 10 lak.
rIM mat., up 10 ,bove .he .. ppa< critiC.]
..... .perIlU" - lhe line .... BC 01 F", 13.-
bu, ThiI is nol ,hi c ... _ Firs, (fof high
carbon tooI-.,ee!s.. lha. lsi w, do need
_ -- F." Cemantol. when w. q .. ench .
on<! !hi, ...... no' .ppeolt "",,1 m. m.,.1
hll 1.lIln below Ih. uppe' ero,ical
''''''PI''IIUII, Second patlence 1Ihow.
thll m. g .. ,n " .. I, """a ',vourable illhe
m.1I1 I, quenchld from I low.,
ttmpelfl' Ufi. A, I ge ..... , ,ull ,,,.It
I>avIng 1" urbon <:OAlInt or mo .... all
quenched from below Ih. c,ilic.1
Ind ,hoM below 0.9'lfi f. om abova II. This
lI. 'ge ...... ,.- rule _ Ih.,. mlY blspaci.1
.. .-.. 101' tlep"ling hom il - .nd 0 ...
conllquln" I. 'hI! 'he q ... nch
ltml)llrll' .... doet nol V'fV much ovar ,n.
whole ,ang. 01 carbon contenl. Note ,n,.
lor hUI "."Ing DTHER 'han fof pU" h.,-
dening Ihil m.v no"pply - _ ChVlI,
Tlra following lable I, d'lwn up from.
.... mbII of 'IU,hOfi,IM' lor "", 11 Of
which contained 'boul 0.35" m.""' ......
- Whal loday i, ''(larded II I --"fllgh"
Urban "HI. The 'IICIII'oon '- lhe Sihfe,
S'III", which <:OA1I"'1 ,I., .boul 0.'5"
Chr ..... ium.
C.rborl. "
Abc .. 1.25
'5""" S'ear
T .... peI .. ,,,". ' C
These lempa,"u'" .... fof q ... nching
in ware, 0' bri .... FOI' o;i-quanching lhe
.... '11 Is bell he."", I)IIfIIIPI lo-20<C
higtlef. bu' I do no' adv.. going * ..
800 C. f iLE STEEL. ulu.lly 1.25"
carbon w1lh 0.5" chromium. 11' ....
J1\IlCimum hard..... fmm BOO<. but It
mu" not be ..... ed much above ,hia
"'-- In all caSH it is much ba"..- 10 obllln
the COfTICI quenching ''''''patll'''' from
,he m.nufKl ....... or !hi IIocki111 if .111
bel, ..... It re 10 be obllined. You WIll
no. go far wrong with !hi """.as gi'vIft In
,he IIb11. bu, Os tlwl.,.. ,he c ...
'Perlecloon demands mora ca,.. II .1Ie
EN No.. 01' the new .. numbe" I ...... BS
970/ 1912 iwhich, Incid.ntally.
Ir>corpor." ,hi e,fbo<! <:OA1,n, in lhe
numberl Is known. lhen
.-.Ie .. ...,. 10 ,he arit'" S'eel Corpoo-arlon
mlV produce ' h, liquored 'nlot .... ,oon,
llooir in ,h. lalephone difItC'ory. Of ......
esc. Swinden HOUM. Ro,helh'm 560
JAR). II the SAE (Soc'.,y 01
Au'ornG';'" Engi .... " of Amlfic.1 i.
known. Ih"n da" is liven In 'heir
h,n(!book. which should be .v.l In
Ihe loc.1 ,.fere""" lib"' ..... , This givu
,Imos, Alllleebl made '0 U,S. Sj>ICilic.-
!>ons. and lhey lion-, di Her much I."", BS
910; .... ny hava 'he .. me number. In Iha
ca .. of Iha o;1-h.rdening stael"h.
PlOI)e' IImpe'""res ". 011 Ih.
As I fin.1 POin, 01 comlOrt. I"",,
,ampe<l1ures ara nol CtiliClol '0 few
dagrees: ,,-llIeelm,klltS g ..... I .ang.e. if
only becaUM ,hi,. is , .oI ... ance on lhe
ac, ... 1 CItbon """',nl. II you ..... wil"'n
10-- C vou will nOI b. I" wronll .
PROVIDED you hold Tha "'" ,heft fof
''''' pr_ length 01 lima.
J .... ging !he T.mpa<a"'''. Thi, .. whal
sepI.IIH the men fmm!hl boyal The..,_
'orna" could ... "m"e ",,-, 10 , da9<"
__________________________ ____________________________ ___
jus! by 100Im'Og'1! !he 51 ...... but !hey ""_
h,f'CIeNng c..t>on fleel .U dIy long. II you
h_ ga, 0' .Iectric "'...- wlveh i.
Wllh py,oml'lr you a.. In no
dlffitUI ,y _ lhal you tl\lci. th.
,,"urlcy 01 ,he inslt"m",1 no"" and
Ig,in. lit h hll no pyroml,er! give 110m,
hln!1 on one on 1011 With
fir. he'!ing wi h ..... to .. ty on !he
coIou, 01 ,hi .... 111. Now. mlkl no
mrltakl. tho, .. In EXACT ........... 01 thl
IImperllurl _ In lact , onl lo.m 01
pyromet .. m.k .. u'" 01 the coiou. The
freQuency of vii>fllion 01 the .tomic
"fIOClu" is direct f ... nction 01 lhe
abaolu" "mp.ltllu, . and Ihil IrtIQ ... encv
del"min .. thl colour 01 I'" Ilghl which il
emi\ll , Tha problem lill in how to
the colou" Th, blrdl In my
ptobably would nol 'IICOIj<IOse VO""
dll<rift al being red at ,II! .t.nd, lot Ih.!
man... _ readeta ....... h..... bIu'
Wot in lheir .... irvl 0",," pPOIr\enctI can
IIiYtr you a ........ ' judgemerll. For wtlil it
.. worth. genl"'!ioos 01 blac:kamhhs_.
, Ihou .. nd ye ... or 10 kI .... idopll the
foIlowrng 'n.mes- 10. Ih' <;0/0II'1 II seen
In a "I,,,vlly dim light . la ... 1 NOT. on any
ccount. ur>dn, light lrom I lI uO'llCent
tuM. which ma kes. plg'l .,. of .ny
coiout JtKlgemttnl).
700 C
a25 C
a50 'C
Oull RI
Blood RI
""'" , ..
Bnghl Che"" AI
'" Briuhl Red
The be., thing 10 do I, to lind someone
who kit a m ... fflelurnac. w,th py.o .... t ...
or .n.nge cI ... b villI to 1M local
TKhnN;a! CoIIIgtI . nd ........ the f ... nK.
brtJughl ... p to the varioul tempe.IIU ... .o
.hel you can see whel 11 ... !Iv Ioob .
IH ...... 01 eII,n .IMI H I in plKl
don' l rely on the l(IJ>IO.ranc. of t ho!
"'...- ch.mber!. Thefe it no .... bs.uull
lor It,," IYPI 01 1"IMI'\once. HllWilv ... 10
help you I h..... I.ken soml colou,
phologrlphs 01. chunk of Sleelin my OWn
muffle . nd Ihe prl", h .. doni hil '>:eel
Ie", beSt 10 'IP.odvc. lhen on I>"lI'" 33
A5 a lunhe. lJIIide. I find tl\;ol ,he IIrge'
oo;llng ring 10 .... of th. opt,,1 !ype) on OUr
Credo 90fI llactric cook.. reached . no
s'*>ililed II 780*C .t, .. running "'I on lor
15 ml .... with no pin .,...... it : ,nd t ile
lifebed 01. Coun .. ,Type BR closed 110'1.
buming "Phumac(,,- hhe 1IIIII .... ped
things) I.y between ,000 and ll00'C
after ,boUI 15 m,nu", d.awlng up
fire. Ihe I!rebed being aboul 7 inch ..
The .. If' fl"" Olhe. g ... ides. The lower
criticallempe.I1 ..... illn ' po/nl-"
which .he coIou< ""II MIm to
This is .., indica"on .mo. you ... wll tun
.boul 50 C of tile ..... _ed temperature
(In pnsing. you a .. Ih,s
..... , poinl you will (III IOtM hsrden'ng
.ff",1. bul f\Of\I if you ." below It) V.ry
near to Ihi, ".HI poinl - very
below - II.. Ih. "Curie Point" al whid,
I"" 51eel ca._ 10 be rnagntltiC, You can
kill! wllh magnel 0 IS I do.
u ... amall camP .... ae ca<Giul. lho<>gI'r
neither mag ...... nor 00fTI9I_ like Mil
and the it rill< thlt the magnll rn.v
p;cir; YO ..... ,11 worI<piece and "' .. 10 1.1
The<e ... _ 'Tempe.a", .. Indlc.,
ing C.eyon. ..... aabl . of two type .. One
chlnges colou' when lhe IIrnpetltu,e
on , he p.cke, i. reached: 1M
Olhe. Is "'lroked" 0\I1t Ihl woll< .nd If "
meltl wilhin !'NO .. CO<ldllha lempe.llu.'
is as lndicall; II longer it it ,00 tow. ,nd ,I
short ... 100 high. BOlh .... pretty lCCu .. 11
provided lhey 1\;0 ..... t been in ItOCk 10'
y ..... bul they do t>Hd. 11nle prlClOCl 'f
..... Mi... a.. mao. by the "M.rlurl!
CotJIPlI"'I" - In AmeriCln finn - but
ot/ftlra "" Beye. Chemic.l.
Ltd Rlchmond_ Su ...,.. 0' ' rom T.P.
HNd!.nd & Co. LId. ROM Kiln lane.
ANding, Berks, Fo ...... In muffle lurnecn
.. itho ... t"". Ihe wIIIknown
' .. Cones" (Wengefl Ltd. .
Stoke on Trem) can be \IUd. The .. cutl
ov" II th' !Op when Iha .ighl
.......... . IU .. iI reached, ....:I .... ItMd in
pollery klI .... where Clreful lem""'.t ....
_ltOI ls ""u.1Iy ;"'POUInI. They h ..... lhe
If 7 ""anlage tMI lhey Cln be ... sed on.ty
the onee. SO Ihll you need tMrn by lhe
do .....
A .... '" 01 p'GPOnton must be main.
!lined In all thl .... in III aopects of heal
,,"l/I'Ilnt. 1\ you me" lhe odd lorm 1001
01' punch one. or ,wice , VI". Ihln Ihl
ch,n on 36 ....., the healing
QOIours wih meelill yow ".'11 .t.nd. for
unlrnpon .nl Jobs. p.ovld.d th.
,.,,,,,,,111.1" liel lhe lWO critic.l
pOints 11.e. lor SiEve. S, .. 1. belW"""
730C end 830"CI you will (II' SOME
"'tdening ef!ecl. though nol 'IfIry good n
t'" II you h,rd,n 10011 fairly he-
t hen you will very soon deo;elop
tIwo coIou. sense which will en.bli you .0
by eye. In afly c .... you kI .... 10
)uo:Ige me coIou, unde, YOU' worUhop
conditions. nol thMe 01 an Indust.ial heet
_men, 1hoII. Bul. It you .R yotI.
loois and glUOft. ,nd I .. I\;ordening
machinery IHOtll .. _II. lhen you would
be well ad\rised 10 look OUI lor
"'nd muffle fumace lor ..... n a new on.11
or look II lOme of I'" Olhl' . .. anglmen"
I de"illn e IBla, ch.p,,"
Sc.ling. TII i, iI of Iln \o irnportlnce in
tat ... 1001. II II "'u" be ground in Iny
cese. bo.rl It it is lorm!ooI. whtch hIS a
Ptolile which cannot be formed on the
lIOind'ong wIIe,llt un be I no.rllance. 1t nol
a difficulty. II uling muffle the telling
eln be 'Iur;ed by selling. lew pi, c. of
dry cIl"COII II the mouth 01 lhe "",fill
just 'g,lnll the door This will _m.
'fly O' YlI'tI in the muffle - or molt 01 It
.nd .educ, thet ,,,,ilable to oxld, .. 1M
melil . 100n' l use eok . Or co'I ),
AhlmJllveoly lhere 8re .om. "AnII_.11
P.ln,," Iv,lIabie. Thtne ... used by
CIf.mic "" .... IIe ... bu, Ire eQu.lly tiflC-
I;"" In pro' IC'ing steel. It Is lH'mted on Ih.
wotI< .nd is .tlac:li .... up 10 ..,.,nd 800 ' C.
I 1.1" it .... ry _.;, sd ... lty. but 11110 .... ,
... blt,IU", Thi. it on:FInMy whrten'ng
lpe,,"ied eIlalk) ml,ed with WII'" or
methvllled and lHOinled on. Soml-
time. I bind Iron Wll. "..., Ihe lOP. ,nd
clan Ihlt up wilh ,he peste II well. nne
wi .. mUll. 01 ecru .... be pulled of! belo"
Qu,nch,ngl Thi, .. effecl lve .1110, Both
h_ the dialdol.mage tl\irl the J>IInl 0.
c:hIlk !endi to ',ncande_" ,nd .o
p_n" ptopl' CQIoort ju<Fgfinenl. No
mallit In I muffle. but le,,1 il UIing a
lorch. The anSWtlr 10 Ihit. 11 10 h ...... n
kFentiell piecl of $COIl' 11 .. 1 Iii t>Hd nol
be c.rbon 11 .. 1) .ioogslde and provKIed
you enlufl the! both Ihe wor1<pieca ,nd
Ihl "" _cimen a equally ""ated ,he
!II\le, can be used to judgl .hl colour .
HoroIogIII' COl. their .... ,11 patll wilh IIOh
I0Il> wt.en hell'ng Thilli .. Id 10 .void
bu. I must confess I h_ nol
used it mysell
The,. If' Ih ... QUlnching mediuml In
cornmon u .. : plein WBte . brine. ,nd oU.
Wet., II eM. p and ""- to oIlllln . nd
will """e aimoot all thl model .ngi ..... -.
I\ftd .. Brine g ..... a _wklt ben e. h,,_
dertifog ,ffect .nd can Qivl mort .vln
cooling - 1M ,"",Its .. ,..-. unilo<m_
is _ntl'l WMrl Q .... nching comple'
.... pe& _ 1M eFighl loA 01 I\;ord .... it
&CCOIlled II I d1 ... 101 lhe
,ed""ed risk of dillOlllon ,nd
The ..,lu,1 cooling proce .. wilh Ihi
Ihr .. Qu-"antl I. diH"ent - il II nol
;"st , ca.. at dilleranee In dig,... 01
QUe<ICII. With pI,in wa,er tN Innill ,1Ieo:1
io I"" {Ie"""ion 01 ,"Im ,II _ lhe
wortoie<:e. Thi. ca ..... an inlanN and
IIUdo:I<tn coo6ng .111<=1 . .. lhe '''Inl ..... of
... ,po,jlllion of WII" II Yflry h,gh.
How_,. lhis ,""III in IN wor1<plec;e
being bllnkaled In s'eem ,nd
$Ieam io , Yflry poor COI'l!Iuo:IOI 01 Nil
The cooling ,lIe would drop d ..
if Ihi. Inlur .. ing coaling w ... nol
rernovtId. So. I"" worlc m"'1 agillll
In lhe bioth; if Ihio .. dona. Ihln cooling
,')Cl2'" II, IlifIy ,apid ,nd "II
"nbllN spproacl\ 10 leX)'C. (As WI shall
_ I" ... onca IN lampe"lure h .. f,'I,n
10 aboul Joo"C lhe .... 01 cooling Is no,
In Ina ca .. 01 B'ine. Ilmil .. proc!u,e
IIkH place. bulth. presence oIt"" .. 11 In
lhe wate, _milO .. llId the form .. ion of
I"" .Ium blankel. Fo, 10_ ,ealOn the
cooling appea" 10 ba mo" IYfln bul 111.
IUle, - ,bouL Iwic Iu l I. wI .. ' do .... n
10 300 C 0' Ih.,uboull. Bdn. I.
Inv.fI.bly UIId 101 "wall'" Q"lnchlng
lleel. in Ind"'Iry, .nd Iha l!go, QUOted
for h.,dna" in commerciallplCillc.lionl
all ",um' Lhel Ih. worl< WII Quanched in
1001IIVwall' bfin.
Oil b.h,..... quill dlll,,,ntly.
!Assum,ng I PIQIII' Ou.nchlng Oil"
is uSld. Mo.OI Oil"' will hlv, quill
unprediclable ,",,1111. It Is slow .. in I""
inili" cooling. beea"se oil hll I muCh
lowe, ""nl "" .. lhan w,,, . 0.- lhe
"vapour bf,nket" ...... to Io<m. 1Iowav ...
I"" cooling 'I.' Iw,'" \hi lima degree 01
agi"rionl io -.... lillM, nom ,he,
of Wit ... Balow 400 C. hcAe'_. IN oil
COOl. lhe wort -., mud! Using,
tH' rig. n wa. found Iwi'" 'liII ....-gilll..:!
n"idsl Iha' WII .. would .ah 8boul 3,
second. 10 reduc. th. .empa"""'1 01
IlInd,rd p,obe from 8OO' C 10 420' C
and oil ,boul 5 sa.:onds - no g,uL
diff'fence. BUI wt.o"al the w" ... -cooled
probe only "8,,'ed, 100al 015 u:OIids 10
f.1t 10 200 'C. oil look 25 5econd$. This
....- "'" bolh IhJid$ bring II, .."
lIwoug/l lhe tow., cnliclll ,empa,atu .. al
.boul the sama , _ 011 "'0"1 slow ...
both _ ,ap;d .nough to prevent l he
Uansform.eloon to Pearlil8, Ho ..... ,. t he
much w-. "I' 01 cooling in I"" lowe,
AI..,"". - be_ 4OO' C _ wilh oil ma'ns
"'" the ",n,lorml1ion 10 M'''en$IIe
IlhI pll<=e in I much more leisu,."
fashion. and this redUCH lha risk of d"tOl
lion .nd c,adr;;"g co' ........ bIy. The M"
18",,\1 will form anyway. _ if WI ."
cooled f,om Isayl2oo
C. This 'e51 was. of
CDU'H. unOe, qui" IfIilicial condilioM
lhe m.,,' would nol be p'operIy "",dened
' .... n with the wale. _ we need cooLi ng
'1.8' of lhou .. nds 01 d"'ll'sulminute
thf\)UlIh lhe cril ical ,ange 10< Iha, _ bul 'I
doe. givi In Indic"ion 01 Ihe dilla .. n!
behlvlou,oI Ihe Iwo lIuids. Agitation will
,educa Ihe I,m. 18ken, bul Ihe Chefacle'
Ollhe cooling cu .... e will be s;mila,.
FOI mod,' engin ... Thereto, . we Cln
lay thll in gane"L wllaf will.., .... , fo, ou'
f'IHdI, bul brine Is pre!eflbia wh.n I
ulbm,,, h,";ne,.l. nllded. Oil should be
used !()f milling CUll,,, .nd 10' gaLJ081 or
h.rdened ligs - .,....!.'ably ulir1g
proper oil.harda-ning II .. L fo< the 1811e, . , .
i, I, form"lated 10 .voId distortion. Tha
brine ia made I,om V.wum.(ltred SI'!"
The coarM 1<1 used by f.rmerl 10< bun ... .
cl'la1jMH Ihln dor"dl1ic .. It. and wilhou.
lhe adr:Iitive -... 01 which may nol be
dalirablelo< a quenr;h-.balh. Arr 810 1O'W-
.... urion It {lene,,' - 12-16or/gallDn 01
8O-100gmllil" . In u .. , some 01 the W,.8'
willlYlpar"l and this muso be rnao:Ia UIl
Arr old 'H' WII thlt I fresh polalD would

' 00"
__ oI_i ' ; " ... _01. "", _ ....... . 0' .. " ......
... --._-
______________________ __________________________ __
A ___ " ... -, .... ... ---. __ Iifh';
_ .... "'_.' ' 70.,...
, ... ":r"_", . ___
_. ___ 09 ....... ,w: ... __ .
____________________________ __________________________ __
I'''' flol' In h. bu. you Un ... 11y mike up
"Knoll 1<111 jf you w,n, 10 be
A I)I .. l ube it _gh'.-:I to 1111' II
fIIWIl . witt. the lOP -'!out J j!\Cl'l above'.hoI
aurfKe ;., w" .. , II ilthen CIIIib<.1ed
by" .. ning I. In btine of dillllflng II111ng,h .
If you II.., wil" !1Ie q ... nd! beth . 1
,nd Ie. i, down wt..rl il IOPt 1 en.; you w,A
til' within!hoo no ......, itnpOfllnl liml!$.
Occ .. ionaUv on. rond,
e .001 ,hi. hal bHn IHoperty tf .. ,ed.
.. ;,Ihoukl bto, but somellow it
ODe. no1 ... m 10 be liard. A file CIOn
"!OUCh" i I, H_'f. lnor .1IemptlO U"";1
in two 'lIul,. in. uwbladto wj.h no 'H,II
on lit The <:11..... iI .... rf_ dllCll,bu,iHhon
,,, .. OUll.II<'" oI,he melll hIollosllOml
of;1$ arbon contenl, MId 1,1, not Norden-
..... ,.eI any mote_ Thi. is !tIe Ofigln 01
,hoi old bllcksmi,II', rule "Iorgl 11'9'1 end
grind tmall", The 1001 ""IS .!w ...... forVe'd
oversl , 10 lhat Iny declrbu.jpd wri'e'
would heve to be ground off. The problem
ill no. Hull IOf 111<1 mode' 1"II,,,e ..... he
II no! hutlng tool' wllh ernonlts UP 10 I
couple of Ir.ct... IqUlre, bUI I, can
It I, ciuMd by lhoo 'Cllon of o,ygen on
lhe ",e,.l. Ind ,h .. I. One reI""" for
","oidlng ,he UN of helilng
lIe"'e . h cen 1110 be Clulled bV Klle; YOU
.... ill ..:all f.orn Ch.1. Ih" WtOUQht Iron
.... 11 mlKM by Ihe '1":1100 01 >Ion 0.><1.
with lhe c,tbon in ,he C .. , Iron. The
...... e<:tv i . 01 eou'li. 10 avoid K.llng in
the Ilrs, pI":I,.' WQlje.,ed ebove, I h ....
....... lIllie .... ilh 1001, ,.ound SlI6
10 3{8 Inch 1qU1'., bu, ,he I ..... hili-inch
_ ..... re all m.a. ,"'ibe,"ety .wx.1
1132 indl 0\1 .... :. II ,he PO"" ,0 1>1"",1
... rrlC;"" gtindi"ll down.
O".rhudng. This c:.n ..... "om "_II
c:.u...... The lirsl _ '"- forgel"'""",
wi>tn 'he worII. I, leh in ,he ",um. ,00
long - ..... tin Ignorl; ,he CUr. i. up 10
youl Local i, "moto, i ...... il-
able if o'y-Icetylene is used, .nd I QO InlO
Ihi' in more ," laler. This 'VPI c:.n be, .... illl o_ide Jnc:lulIIooa """';"11
1n the IIr'in bounda.iu. rendenng lhe
steel useless lor anything bul ... m ..... ,
The commones, difflctJ1ty. though,,, wull
worII.pieces which _ eilher VI<V thin or
whio;lI "'-ve ..... ..,. U ..... .1fl aoq -.<:.ion.
The Ktiber-poinl is ju$l such , il iI
impossible to he .. ,he I_.ed seclion
......!y. The remedy hefe is to lonn the
,_. and !he poinl by grinding he ..
Ve, ' '''enl. for other ca.'- _ ... "., wIIere
thele iI e ""'III prolruloion on lartt-.
.... '" ,he rImeIty is 10 fil ......... link .
A pttICI of SCntp steel wilh I holtl in II (nol
'00 large. piece: something in JIO"OPOf.jon
10 lhe ",.in mass of iI III over ,he
dehc;al. pal1,.nd ,he whole heeled up ..
on., The slender p.atlis p,OleCted from.he
direcl ..... , ollhe Hame. Ind will reech Ih.
proper IImptrnt l u.e Just 1M same. bolll by
condUClion from lhe main body end by
.edl.,ion lro", lhe 5hieid. The protecling
.hield must, of COU'II be 'emOlled before
quench,ng. No problem arises. of o;ourse.
wilh furnace heating.
Metal which i. overhealed will al",o"
cerl"nly crack on the 'IuMeh. TIl, bell
procedu,e I, 10 8100 work, In""al Ihe
pieca nd sl." a;ain. It Mw8VRr, ,h
.,"". has ba.n brOllgh, up badly Over
lemper.,ura ...... 11owy'IId. f<>l" example_
,hen II .... ill nelld "'orgln; balore it will be
any Uq fglin. II i, h81 QOI holle. Ihen
Ihis. ,hrow il .way; II won', 1M! ,ny ull
nol .. ,001"",,1. anyway.
Whelher wiler. br;n", or oil ;s ulled.
-", _ .. win collec, it> ,he bol1orn of
,he I.nk. In lhe C.II 01 oil Ihil "'IV
Include some sludge. which "'igh,
Inlerter. wi,h !he 'IuenctI. In IndUStry
eIaborlle methom ... used 10 kelp ,he
bllhs dolan. bul !of .... simpler melhodl
Irl sui,.bll_ For wale<, just pout It _.y

.nd uN If ..... , a "ne m .,. be kePI Ionge.
Un f;QfI,.i"" .. , no, .... ,.1) .nd ,hen
Ilulh&d down tile sink with plen,.,. of
wa'e,. It should , .. , long ume .nywllY
,. """" pfeciou. and COl".,.. bu,
limple .... i"". can be used'o "mQ\I.'M
din. Keep. bd on ,he oiI-ba, h ... hen nolln
use , rlfld ,he, ........ ft .. 'wo ... m.,.
own oiI-balh NidonI nlld. de'nII,!!. Ind'
use o;t ....... ,h.n moe' model engon
The p<0peI oil Ihould be used if " ",
P<lp'H. ThIN ... v.,iou. ",Ide . ,nd
eech oil comPlnv h .. III own. I UN B.P
HQuendill All' ,hough 1M "OUand,',
19-' ;. limo.' .. good .nd u..,pel. I, it
unfo<tUtllll the, 'h .... 0111 ... no longer
$Upplied In , .... old 0ntI g'U"" un .. bul ,
15 lilt. l.bout 5 gIIllon) drum be
", .. ed be,we,n "iends - ,nd , 400 Ii",
drum could be eh .. "... .,111 lor club
pu,ch, ... feiling , epeei" 011, , good
HSpoind!e Oil' of ,bou, SAE10 '0 20
yil.cosilV will H ....... Bu, NOT mo'or oil,
which is blended /0, qUill diff n, HrvM::I
and d,lfac'erl.,lc.. .nd mo!1
_ph.lic.1!v NOT "used"' mOIOf oil. Thi'
.. down"lIht dang,'oul: II can COIII.ln UP
to 25% 01 Ihe huvl .. 01
and can fl ash 0 11 inlo a tu,iou, fire If Ulltd
fo< Quenching nol melll
Tile slle 01 lh' Qu,nch belh mutt
lICCOtt! WIth I ........ I.nd C!u,n,iwl of lhe
wO<k puling ,h'OUlih " env one lime,
Whether wile'. b<tne, or oil. lhe ,moun,
should be 1 1I"1on "... lb 01 not metal (10
It''e ..... 1I1 ,o.void und ... ,.m"...I1u,e ri ...
A h.II-;n<:h ,oot 5 Inchef; long w,ill'"
aboul O.JSlb. For I .... odd c.""e pun<:h
,nd 'imit" $ITt.1I ca .... , joW' I ..
'"Golden S.,.."p" lin, I. IheM h, ... good
!lib. bUI fo, ... ioul wO<l! , plillic
"bu;!der. bucke'" doH "...." _n rr ......
an be hid WI,h lids) Tht. will hold up '0
two gIIllort$ and II ......,. robI.I .. - I, will
_ wilhtt.nd ,,,- otC,lioIIII 1CO<!en'
wfrh hot met.1 on , .... ","tlel I Nve ,
,In fo< oH. which O<'ICe held emulsioo
I>IIinl 'hi. h ... lid. bu, I ,m sony,o lind
.hll po-esenl day p,in, lins """" very poor
'Ope. M,,,,, hokfs aboul ! sallon, which is
QUllaldeQu .. a for.lI ,he wort I do.
n.. inilial lempe.-.,,,,, of the l"I1h
should nol be 100 cold. True, \'OU get
bette. Quendl !he coIdel it Is 41 I>Ive In
ICCOUn, of tooll quenched in col<!
but \'OU do "' .... '0 """"""", ...
Ihtt risk of cracl<$. Somelhing
bel ........ n 20C end JOoC Is .. boul righl
Howe .... In lhe $Umm .. I juSI use t.P
wiler which hn slood in ,he worUltor
l or. while; in w;nt .. I d,_ 'M
hO, tip. Oil should be in ,bou.
The .. ligu, ..... no' c,itical 'no need 10
110 round wilh p<ec;s;on ,,,,,,marne ..... '0
.......... I"-ml A u ... lul pa;nl to nole ..
Ihll, or wl1 .. at 70C will lI,ve a
similar e llecl 10 Ihal ob1llned fTom cold Oil
and if yOu h,ve p,oblems with I
workpiece consllntly in lhe ha"
denlng ,nd have no oil you coukl I",
he.,ing Iha wall,.'b.ine '0 SOC. A
Quench !n wall, ., 90C will no, "',(len
., ,II. but il cln loughen the sle,,1 3 illlie
Thl cooling In Ihis USe 1$ almost co,'ain
10 c.oss the -'S" C"NII. wilh some
10,m .. l-on.
Qu.nching TechniQu, . Thi. dou ,equi'I!
IOmI ,""ntion. FBr 100 many people H'
Ihe WOfk in lhe water and swirl il aboul
viol""ly. The recommendalion seen in
toma Ihl1 I .... wa,e, in ,Ite bucket
be H. In roll", mOlion ,nd lhe ,oot ,.k""
down ... nicelly " ..... side i. even mor"
"",fO<lune". Look " F"IQ. I 8. The w3,er
PlUing ' M wO<I< tOf ' '''' wor1< is 1>11";"11
through !he wII ... - same elleet) wi,h Ihe
resu" .hl! .here '- ""u<::Ii(In ;n wllel
JI(USU'" "" the downIt .... m Th,
me,,,, ttt., IIelm win lorm more ... ed,"
on Ihll .ide and i, w ill be unde'
Quenched. The is """'" 01 molion w
dispI.ce Il1lm " the fron,. ,nd pam..,.
"",11 - ",, __ ,, __
... -.. -. " .. ,-_ ..
"'- , _ .... ' " .-
-_ .. " .....
11 1"- side . bu, .... lillie 81 Ihe back.
Oillonion 1.1"",,' lbII: 1""-"". ""11",, 1iI._
hlft;le n". un Ihi, ph,nomenon 10
.u,;ghl en lile which hIS benl In lhe
h .,'ng l Th, pref,"ed me, hod i. a
"".,W.'y SLOW tlleul mo. lon 01 Ihe
WDr'k. comb,ned wl,h In ftlu,lIy I"rly
IIow v, n ic.' up ,nd down motion. to Ihi1
th4t wort " ..... 11 on, helicel I>II lh Ih,augh
the QU' n<: h.n1. All 1kIe. gel .elu.' " .. t-
"""L The mol ion should be JUII enough
10 .. move "um bubble ... 'M-\< fOfm -
<to more. Any,hing mor, VIOI.n, Ih,n Ihl!
dotH more h"m .".n good.
Fo< , long ,<><I oIende' oo,.c;, IIY'
bouech - ...... IhIe ",nIle ro'"" mo,i(In
mev be ' 00 much. In which e,se you muSI
be flOnl"" wi,h , IImpla up-.nd-OOWn
mo ...... nt: 19I;n, fll' eroough .0 fe_
1'41111 bubbl .. bu, no mor . You ""''' I ....
u,.;, lor you,..1f _ Un .. e.<pe,im"" is
"'" .. INtn ..... ", lIagll 01 mi"". The
Obtt II '0 .. mo'" 'M .te.m bubbl .. In
lhe middle Pil1 of ,he Quench or Ihe
"'POU' blanket in Ihe case 01 oil Wilh a
very ,,,11" objecl you may Nt"" to move il
more. bul .,ill gently. 10 avoid ho, coolant.
bu. clearly. la'ge piece needs. "'11"
Quench link. end you should nol Iry 10 lie'
aWIV wi . h In inadequalft volume of
coolanl. In indu$tty. 01 COU'H. elaboral"
syllem. 0 1 p.oe>ellers. undefWBlel ielS.
and so on. are u....t 10 lie, a controlled but
random movement of Ihe cool,nl. In
which ,he work can simply be lowered.
Even so. it does need a 101 01 "'penm",,-
.nd i , is in' eres"ng to know thll lhe beSI
filfl- ... "" lhough by ,he lhOullnd
- ... "111 h.nd Quenched in t.ine.
The,e is IuSI ..... poin, abou' ,he oil
QueocI> wltic:h rmoy be helpful. I find the, ,
d,,,PI'" ba,h is ben" ' han ..... 01 , ....
II .... volume bul "Ian ... " Thi$ me.ns
Ihl! I .... tV!>' 01 wt.ictI needs an
oil quench can be moved mort In ,
vl<1JCll d"f!ClOOn ttt.n olhe<w>se. In m .......
c .... I find ""I 1'10 rollry mollon I.
nee<led., .11.
SI'giI au"""hlng TIM cmltel I)'" 01 .he
quench i. 10 Qel the WOtk ,..:!uud in
lemllftfllu,. Pl5llh. k,.,.. oft'" S cu .....
(Fig IS. iuS! 10 .. mind YOUI1 Onel pUI
!hill pOinl "'I cooling ten be qui" I bil
...... '" - M.-1 ....... will .,ill lorm Thill
being SO the'l would .. em 10 be no
.. non why _ nol fIfTIOYe the
work lrom lhe bltth once it hll 1101 do .. n
10 . ...,. 300 10 3SO"C . nd cooIlhe fill of
lhe way in , NCOn<I bltlh Thill i. done in
comme,cial planl. "..-, unive,.ally II
has _,al ldY,nl",". Tha !)timary bltlh
doe1t nol hell UI) so muer. - il
you hIVe' numiMl< of PII'I"O qutlnch. II
u .. ng bt ..... ,''' sacond bIt,h ten be de.n
Wile, which will "n\O\1..-, 01 the &all
.nd lhe,e will be .... from
lhe bti ... tH,h 111I1f Th.r, I, no naed lor
agilation in Ihil MCOnd ba.h the me'"
can 18k. III own time. Tha only C'f' you
muS! 18k' i, to avoid d'Opp'ng Ihe
workpiec . 'SIIe<:i,ltv II 11 I. I"gile. " Will
be p,etty b,;I1le" ,hi. Slage.
P,rti.1 aUlnehlng T ..... I, no naed to
quenCh the whol. af 18'Y'
(nor noHd to hlat lhe whole of h fp. that
malterl ilonly IWI" ""Bd. h d<lning Afte.
.. forging lhe end of my piek .... for
eumple .n ICI whiCh w,1I
. n .... 1ed il . 1 lhe Io<ging tempe'8ture ;.
lboul 9SO' C - I firsl heal up to tN!rween
'Blood .nd Cherry...:I.nd quench lust
lhe end 6 inches. the point is then briskly
rubbed w,th broken grindsl""". w"h ,he
hoI Ilid on my "".11 a""" to act II I
"'"-sink. Than. when the poinl i. dean.
hold " to lhe lighl ""tillhe colours 'un uo
10 lemPe< lhe pOinl. Thu"he poinl iI h,m
Ind Il!rI'Ipe<ed. bul lhe -,. of the
... ..:! i .... " .... tv toll. I shall be
on TIn'Ipe''''II in the ""., chaple . bul
..., _ ","" "", procedure it Quil ,
Ieg"''''''e. lhough nowadays ...... would
IMo h,ppito, (10< ImporI8nl 1001$) if the
tlmper he., could be held I<>r Ionget.
To sum up. We musl heal the mel d!
sIowlV. bolh 10 .nsure 1"-' " is hoI 'ight
!hlOUQlt 811(1 so lha! tIM! transformation'
n .. <Ied h .... lU!foe"n, ,im. 10 take plac,
W, mull "so.aI<" lhe mll" 11 lhe ""<den
inll lempe,atu,e. choosing th ,
tempe,.,ure ,ppr(lpli.t. 10 tM mate,,
bei"ll uMd. The "quench' should 100Iow
Immediately . nd Ihis mUSI be done in
m.n .... which "mo"". OIearn bubble'
Without causing viOIMI edd,es in the
cooling m..:lium. Arn:! the QuenCh
mult be ptOj>Onioned to Ih<l size e rn:!
Quentityof the wo in hand II this it in
order I'OU should gel opllmum hord"".
every lim" It onlV ,em.ins 10 lemper it
.nd Ihi. we clQl "';11\ in the next chaptGr
Till need 10. tempering 1111 been
dltcussed In ClUJ. Irld 10 10m, .. "nllhe
dig'" 01 lemPe< 1110. BUI whilst ,'''
qvench lempe'ltu .. it f.iffy elsilV Ollie.
mlnld. depending m .. ntv on lhe tlrbon
conlBnl of Ih, " .. I. the
lemper'ture dependt "moot .ntirelV on
the ull to which Ihe 1001 will be I)YI. II is
nol "",n SUllie"nl 10 ..., "lathe Tools"
10< the tlmpe. nHded (Sly) fo< 'urn'ng
EN1" will be very d,lIer'nl f,om Ihet
IPl)fopo let. 10 I 1001 to cut chill.d cell
Iron. Th, ,fliCI ... we have elre,dv Ie.n.
I. to Imp,ov, th. ,oughn .....
,",",nce 10 Shock - " lhe .. pense of
toml of the h.'dn .... A 1001 nOI subje<:1
10 1hocI< uch ... llIe. may nol IMo
1 .... IIft.ed II III. whil, IIPrinll will be
tempe,..:! IlmOll 10 toll It follow. '''"
oonaIderable pe'IOn.lludg,rntnl mUlt be
uled. H only 10 like IICOOUnl of Ih, wen
normaltv done in lhe aJtop a ... fI,lOft for
Uling c.rbon III1l 1001. Inl1e..:! of HSS
from the f.clth., 11'Iey _ h"de1lls
that 11 I. very ealy 10 IImllft' to suil the
--The ch.nge In lougto ...... and h .. d .....
.... ,I .. ady been ....."IonMI. bul I ,how.
fUflh,r d l.gram in Fig 19 1 musl
thlt lhe aclual of lhe
__ wi" vary lrom llee1 10 It",. w"Il
..".. lor e mple. Ihowing ""11ft"' af
loughnest .1 ,ei:alMoIy low tempe' II
mull IMo Slid. 100, I"-t ,''' loss of
"a.d ... ss m..., be mor. Ipp.oflnl than ... ,.
'nd i, dilf>cu11 10 JlUI' numbe, 10. Indead.
the pOint of , lethe ,001 on.y weO Ihow.
varial;on 01 lWO potnts on Ihe Rockwell
1(1" ovw, Ihe surl3Ce (H'rt:I ... u tesling
numbe" .nd lheir determinallon ,re con-
tklered in Ch.B.1
Thtmo It. funher point. Ind """ which I
belle\oe it oh", over1ookll(!. JuSI II QUOled
CUllIng speeds in P,oduc.ion Eng,nee,ing
I",tbooh 8f' ge8fed to Indu5"i". no!
model engine .. ';ng. condillon . 10 Ire Ihe
rlCOmm<lnded t<lmllft,.tu,es In
looImak<l" c811IOgues Dnd metallurgy
".tbooks. Th, tempe. ther suggel1 !o,
ca,bon 51"1 I.,he tOOl. !or e mpte.
.ssum .. t hlt il w!ll be In use for !ull
serie' of "",ihs oyer 44 hout week.
(Aclu.IIy, 56 hour week., lhe
time the book WDS w,;",nl) Some o! my
form loois had no mora thin h.If_In_
hou,s work in tw.n,., y .... 1 So _ UII YOU'
judgement. be" in mirld the dil(u""", in
CIl.r . nd. ,bov. all. ",perimanl. The
premier modet engirle ... ing club. Is aft ..
"1. lhe .'Sor;;",., of Model .nd
menlel I
Tamper.tu,a, Having .aid all tl\&l. I will
Iry 10 gWe some http In lhe form 01
guide" ..... In ,''' table below I h ..... run




Into Quill' difllculrv 0IIe' ,hi., 115 cliffe .... "1
a"thort!I". dlff.,.m and
different uN .. QUOI" v.ryi"1I1I1mpers fo,
'h" .... m. 1(>0/1. In pertie"I". Amer/ean
'''I'' .... n.c. book' ... m 10 give figures 10
_o .. tU

. ,



, l
10 1SoC 1l11I1Ie. ,hi" do EUropean one.,
Til l, mty be dUll 10 1hll diflerem Slul
speCific'IIoII. bul I ..... Sf)fI<:\ II is probably
bee," .. , "' tIM end of the lSIII un!"I)'.
when much of 1he work wlS lirl1


,., 2!>5-21&" C
","", CL" ...... n. OtIIlV ..........
... -.......... -
notOO ',,-, 230-20()

EI9_"_ 22$0

ZII().ZIIO (l .. ;:.
s...". "
COo , ... b. no-Z4Q
11_ ... _
5' ,-
c ..... I"*"'"'
$; .....

DIooISu",k91 21. ZU
"'-.u Con...
NOns lll s.. _", .... , ... r .... " ......... tooIo
III __ 51 ..... "' ....... ' If"" .r .. .,.,' .. _ ""'," ...... "' .... coobon .-.
Amerieln firms woriIed their
mId1inH thin "" did. In the
IIiM , I>aw lried to iron 0Ul lheM
diH .. ences. bul WM<e in doubt I _
1000rOs thlt lowe< fig" .. s. 10 t.h
ICQIMInl 0( lhe lighlef duty cycle 0' model
1fISIi ....... tooll.
TheM e. tr.clition.ltv.
nlO(:l".cI with ' .,. empering colours" . rld
public"ions simply .ele' I" """",'-
0< "bl ue" instead 01 quoting Ihl aClu.'
Ilgu .. In "C. Thl lollo",ing can be u$ell"
guide, bUI Ihe'l . .. Ilighl
cliffl rences betweln cliffe.enl publiCl<-
lion'. Thl" i. "SO , p'obl,m In
inl lfP',tllion: whal son 01 .,"'" fo<

t.mpet. "" heve been advised to 11111 In
lhe PlSI I.. I" too high wr..n t""
p'K1ice "'IS tim ,,,..,..1hId
Cl<rbon I l eeI loois ....... univoorwtllv uMd.
both bv model e<>gi ....... ,rld In inc:lu.tlV
Tool 5eClionII werl I,roe - 31 inch
8n"""i, was aslgr>ed "" h.H_inch tools
_ .rld "'I uM<! irldustri,l p.actice whe .
at I hive 'heady poonled oul. lhe CUlling
lOge. ",e .. $ubjltC'l 10 ,n 8 or 10 hou'
It II obvlou. that w. mull tempe'
down Ihe shanl<.. olhlrwise thl cllmplng
Io<c" will Cluse Iractu". but the .cl u,1
culling edge I, seldom subjKI 10 .ny
ahock load - on I.the tool. " ,,,.1. the
ClM 01 pI,ne' or shape. loots diff,.,n, .
,_ ..
215C Ughl Purpl, 275'C
Pale Straw 225"C O,rk Pu,pIe 285 C
511.", 235"C 0 ...... BI", 29SC
,.." ,
, .
.. S".w 245C 81u, 305
__ N
Rlddi,h d k .,.aw 255C P.'18Iu. 315
8.own,ed 285"C G'IV
Th ... colou,s I.e., v;ewl!<! In d'Vllght
0< Ilfong lung"en lamp electric light
They will be quite II ' lull if jud\l8d unde.,
fI.-..c.nt tube. W. "".IIIooI<.t the u ..
01 coIou.-tempering in more clllla I.". In
the chip" '.
Specl" CI< .. 01 toola. Firsi. Ie' ul
tN .. lII,;n Iboul wnal we If. doing. The
oIlJ1t1 01 tampering is to Inc ..... lhe
tough..... _ to shock ....,
chipping - even though Ihi. mnn
slight lou 01 hardness. Cie.rly. In ,
tentre-punch lhe risk 01 from
blows considerable. But in Ihe case 01
ENGINEERS, I would '''ggell that ,n.
Above aboul 330"C
Now, the cutting edge I. ,",bjtel 10
n.lling. We can use higher CUllIng
speed wuh ""Hogh Speed St .. r 11m,*,
bee.u.. It I 'empe"ng IImpe,"ute II ..
between &00 .rld 1ClO-C, som. U,it<M1
witl Ctlt when ,"'-hot. W ..... lower
'fluells wilh c.roon ".., beclu .. llihe
i0oi poitIt does 11" II .11 hot II
'''''"- down-' end toften Oe.rly Ihtr
tow" In. initi" IIMpenng IImperllu ..
thtr leIS ri .... 01 daml{lll to thtr 1001 paint
lrom we". Arld the hardl' 'htr 1001 po;nl is
10 beg,n "'i'h. Ihe IooQer II ",in to
h .. t It up to dllnger poln' when !In
It tempe .... Itself" ,rld Iosel h dne .. ,
FOf these relSOflS my ""elie. fo. 10m,
Hme has been 10 IImpe. lithe 10011 ve..,.
- jU11 ... fficienl 10 .tiKI, li,lI,
g,,,ln refI""men' ,nd '0 10m. 1,_
.elio.1 '0 Ih. '''velur, . ""'. IllIiII
some m bd Incnr,,,,, In 'ough"" .. Iii,..,
t_, the whQlfr tool., between 180"C
end 200C. end ,he ... "Ie, dow ... the
shank ,mly 1\ "O!Jnd 280C whil.t
keeping the tool POint oooI..,he, ill. bath
of wl18< Of by uaing the Incilnl dev;c. 01
$helting lhe buli"... end intO I "" .... dug
pO,.,O. This glV" ...... 11. ooth
..,;th "Si ..... 51"''' end "';Ih It.a'Vhl
1.1 5':16 ItHI. I u" a" ...... mot,
retitled ... .,hod "" my 1"OfY'lu.ning tool.
and !hoM 101 .1dl ... 1 wOtt. whe ... "Of"'-
me,,,ally luming" ill wood. end II\;.
....... 11 with on """ 74.
T.mpering P.oc.-lu ... To be
lhe temperlng po-oc, .. mUll be
given time '0 wo<k and we 'f' .110 IK.-I ,
.. in Ih. eu. 01 hUting belO"
Quenching. wilh Ihe n .-I to be It'" th.t
the tool I. hot .ight through. II w.
tempered surfk<l with. b<lnl, I;Ore we
have not rully reduced tha .i5k 01
eredting und Io.d .,.11 Th ule I, th,
THICKNESS. though thiS I .... 01 QU.II 10
Imponent I" Ihe ea"" of , 1001 ,h.nk.
where ttmpe. between 260 and
290"C will """"1. For .hl tool JI(llnl. of
cou .... , Ih. rul. Ippll to the thleltne ...
th, nollhll ol .he Ih.nk. Now. orrl of
lhe "'nu .. of the .. d .... IClI"' I'""PI"ng
method - ,!lowing the hll' 10 e'HP UP
,he oIIJrnk 10 the pOi ... l " IIlhll thll IIeI1
1r ..... I .. i ... the mai"'. th.O\Igh the core of
tile 1001; Ind provided \hi "',nk II hilled
gently enough. 1111 .. toaIung '.me' ..,;11
look Iftlf ltst11 Even 10, t""', 11 a f.
ma. , .... '_PI< may no. be complett: yes:
I know It worts. bul It Is 10 IIIV '0 melt. 11
"wort b.mlf" .nd we should .Iw.ys try
for J)8fIecticHt. W. look 11 lhl. --... y
mell\o(f' ill momtnL Ihould ,ake piKe u JOOfI
as Is PlKt;catH. aft .. Q""nehing. The 1001
should. 01 COOf"". cooled '0 nQ1 moo-e
than 50C. Ind cooling 10 ,oom
t,""pelltu .. ill ..,Ier, The tll$Of1 101 this
eJQ)ldilioul ttmpeting ill thlt lhe milial it
undIH lntern.1 ." .... from \hi QUeno;h and
II ... il InO$t u .... 1 the WOtt.piecI hel I
"II'IIpOI" II 0-""",' 1"1 to being just, block
tt.e.. Is ritk 01 """"lIneous ClICking
.rislng "om ditle.."I.l contraction as
well. The .. it .Iso , Iislt olcr .... ing _
tim, cradti: theM Cln .ppear II tool is
left 100 long in lhe as--QU&tW;:hed condition.
ThiI need "" "hlste" is ........ son
why horoIogil'- and gunltTlilt.. lilee the
"bIIllng ofr' JI<OCaduf, - the Tllmpering
tH" plac ... I0OI1 as Tile won. comes
out from the Quenching oil. II for any
,"ason must be dellyed then It
m.y h.,p W Ihll worlt i. N t i ... bOling wa'e<
fOl QUI"e. 01 an hoot 0< so belOle
""ttlng II ,Iide to Iwail the nnal "e,,
Hllat ing 10. Fitsl. the "easill'
>N'v" m.nlloned above. Go and look II
,h' cooI< ... in Ihe kilohen. You will see Ih.t
It has I Ihermostat on Ihll oven If o.
.I..::ulc fI.ed. o. " builtin the,mom'le. in
II II Ii.ed by solid luel You w;U. Ilhink. lind
th'l tha th."mOllal \lOllS up 10
3ooC - C,,"inlv to 2SO'C - o. to "Ga.
M'rk g' (Deg' .... Cenlig.aOe 140 -
11 tim .. \he 91" mart .pp.ox.mllllly) 50.
you Wood con
troll..:!. 01 II "".1 ",emPII,.'u.e indic.t
ing" tempering lurnace on the p',""ises'
The cookery book will 11'.... you tM
l.mpeIlIUIQ. ,nd If you timll thOng, .ighl
you can .. t YOU' tooll in tile """" llong
lOde !hi joinL The table below giv&$ lhe
\/IU,I temPI''''''" u...:I i... Ilti. SOfI 01
hIIIl t ... "".,t shop. though the time m..,
v'<Y , bit depending 0fI !he judgemenl 01
!he 0Vtt<>-Sh0p lo<e",'Oman.
llIO C
Iii'" .I.W 2h ''''empering Oils" whlch Can be used to
a"iftl(! pigeon 45m: Ctl_ol.. I,mpefllufll as high as 11 norm.11y
2ih: lasl Itage'oI fOll.t duck ItC. 3h . .-Ied. (Quenching oit is not "'itlbla),
220 C
ROllI! ehlden20m!1b'I,lIllall" How"",lf. you do ... eed .... bsllnll.1 I;0Il'
01 '0111 beef I laine, - thin .... m.., OIIe",,11 the oil pie. \ l" Mince P"'. 25m locally - .nd il uling gas . gentle
CheeNstr.w . 15m. ftame. no1 'M 10ft you _Id UN ""
YorUnire pudding. 25m moel pin brazing.
25m: .. ,..1 SlI9I 01 tOIl! duck or The Sail 8 1th is !he nonn,! method 01
lurtly.20-3Om I.mpering used in indu.Uy T.mpe<l.-'II
Scan ... 10m 8reld,30-1Om ""It. , .. QUill innocuou .. being a mixture
Flrllltage 01 10111 beef 01 Sodium Nilritl ant Potassium Nil"tt.
0/1 potk. 20m. (N;tr{I nd Nitt.'II) which mehl al
In yOU probably ....... , dee9-
trying ch;p..Pln. Chips al
19o"C for 5 minut .. or 1(>, end then
-"'o .. "ed- ., 195C. but Ihe 011 ...
"fely boo Ilk.n "" to aboul 200-210C
on .n .lectric: cook... (On. h.. 10 be
careful orr gil. II unl ... the oil i. fresh
there wilt and som. v'pOU,t.
II '/OtI comPl.e the aoo .... wilft lhe
ttbIe on PIli" 42 you ... ill ... thlt thiS
<Iom .. llc wo.ltlhop Cln lemper m.ny of
YOU' tool. fo< you while perfOfming III
normal offic . and II 11 orrly ",",U"", to
neoo,ll1e mUlually aCClPllble terml with
!hi prop.IIIO.j The .. I . 01 eou.te. no
11._ (so laf II I 1m conce.ned, InYWIV)
wII'( oven or chip-p.n should nol be
...., "out 01 cooI<lng houri" .nd In Ih.,
<:ontI&C,ion it II wonh that. toot
"'IhIch oughl to be tempe,td II 200C tl
oft'n booll" trealed il 'tlt "cooked" lor III
"'" lime 11 lSO"C th.n II m ....... '"hI.t..:!
till the coIoufl run up' The Irying oil,
I ;u:blly, It useful. II t .... heat 1 ...... 1 .. il
exc.nenL The only uveal I would ent .. il
"'-t It would be p.udenl to u"" .... _" or
t ..... momett, . 1 the t ..... ""'"al
on dor'",\ic cooI< ... un lilt OUI 01
.... lIon In ,ill'ltt.
y"" can. 01 e:ou, . ltM "Irying oil" II a
1Io ........ 1ng oil ill the worksftop" ,nd you
"'-Y Ilill be .bIa to obtain thl q>l!Cill
160C. Again. you need I SUbstanlil!
coni ........ nd I use lhe oute< vewel "om
.n oIdf,shN:Ined gh .... pol. 1"19 20 Ihows
Tht "",""; thl! old bOUng rlngl pick..:! up
II llie "" a few penctI finally UP,
.nd you "" the 1101 hlf. on eplaca-
ment. O.dinary me.cury IM'motnlte.s.
usually ... itrogen filled. all .v,il,bIe which
go up to 400C. end .. a not uPllllliII, .
they C.II be had from labo,"OfY equiP'"
ment ... o. orde ..:! Ihrough 1'0'"
local ph"m.,;isr. Alte.natively the well-
Rotothe.m dial th ... motn.,e,.
can be u ...... But fo< mos. 01 OUt worl< an
oven Ihe.momete. a IC'IPped
cooke. will go up high enough _ though it
m.y be m'fked in Fah nheit.
Thtr ulll a,. m ..... eted Ihrough Edger
V,ughen & Co.. legge SU,et. Bi.-
mingham .nd il may be that 0.,. IhIIlim.
Iht. book I. published .he u .... 1 model
.nginee" .... PI)!i ... wi!( martet lhem In
'.Ihll. ItTIllier qUint", ... (0;'''::1 .... JIIlIy
ItOm V.ugh."" may InvoIv. "Out>
purcha",,"), Thtrll a",. 01 coo.te. a "'umbe.
0 1 tr.-Indi. but 1 .... orrly IOt1 I h_ used ill
lhe OEGUSSA I'I't)II TSI5/l-ASl40 It
comes 16 I pO..v.r 01 , .... eonsislency 01
domaslie lilt. but mu$1 be kep' d<y. M il
can .beorb mooslull lairfy QUickly. II is
....... _ \he only- N.ious hazard is
Ihil. lib IOmI w ...... "lel'$, If "'*>tbId
into woodwo.1t 10' you. ave III) .1
--supports combulllon' I dul w'llI
""58Ierv" in he,l tr .. on page 102.
.nd 0I1lv menlion Ihls now 10 "8nu" I'0Il
til" we e not talking .bout ml1ltf1l!
whlch il pOIsonous.
The 1I, .. t advantage 01 tlli. mllhod
(tIka tllli ullingill. ovenl ;1 Ih,t vou
complet. control 01 till tempe.atu .. to
w1111in a dill'" o. so, Th ... I. no p.Otllem
wltll " tlma" -)'011 con Iuve the work in as
fong a. like_ And Ilia IClual tim. un
be I bit .horter." til, h .. t II very
good lndnd, The one tlll"O do hive to
w.tell il tll.t til". I, na oil 01" wile.
trapped in little hoIel, II Ih;1 would be
. The p.oc.dufl 11 IIrat to bring
ilia bltll UP 10 lhe worki"O tempe"IUrl.
The workpiece eln be N' 'lonOIide lhe
pol 11> dry if you ."'" doubll .boul;1
being dry, /Wl11I oIl.quendled work I
u .... 1ly wIsllln c.<bon 1.lrachlo.ide or
s1mila' dag ..... ntl, You need lOme
me"'" of holding lhe wook _ IT i, no lun
groping lbout In 1101 moIlen HII 10 lind IT
A piece of w .... wound .ound M ....
ImmliM IIIe JJowtv: you nallQr
n..1 tile lempe"Iu" fll/5. but will slow",
_ . 20 .. _". " __ , .. _ .... "'.
........ ,..._I.- ____ ......... N_ ...
__ ,_ .. h.,... _"" ..... " ......
.. ,.-.--_ .... _ ........ .
_ ... """4 ......
ri .. "II8,n - 11Ie i, nol ... . rul" . n.
netd to inc'e .... tile Ilel1ing 1 . le .....
the ..0<1< in lor ilia Ii ...... hlv"
.n..,.. on t"" l"mper.IU'.; you ha,
10 Idlusl ilia eont"" switch from t""" .
I ..... , bul ill! st8\1 "';ll1ion few
tll;1 wi" be sufficient. The pio-ce urn
.11ow1d 10 lit-oool ,h,. 111ft "'me is Up
tMoe is no nee<! to "quench". quench ..
is only n.c ..... ry wllftn I. in ft .....
lIe.tong. siored """I in one PIOn 01 ,lie ,e.
mrglll ovlfhwar 1"" PIOn being lempere ,
Any .. II whkh ad""," can u,.'" IN
Wished off in w m wale, aherw",ds,
Once 'fOIl t.ave tempered 1M 10
ov".U in Ihil wllV t"" sh.nk un be I. ,
down" I g" lorch, .s I have P"
With milling cu,,"rs 0-
bil,_ "pI. d .... 0' otlle. comllhea'"'II
'001. 1111, il nal nKessary. In ' he ea,., d
long Ilk' .ume 'fOIl h,ve I
use I de'll wlle.balll wi,1I some muno
of hoIdlnll Ihe tool UII.illht in ord .. 10 I.,
down Ih. d.iving JIIUB.e on lhe end.
Th" It Dalh is the anSwer 10 almos!.
lhe p.obl.m. me' with in lempe.ing_ F",
comol" sh."e1 - especially
cutt". - it I. almosllhe onlV Ih".no
1001 e,n be ,empe.ed P<OIl"rlV, and .i'I"
no problem Ill htI . provided lila p(li "
to TIle $1re o! the work - r<
""'" .boullOib 01 Hll for one Ib o! II< '
but il ls,'-t aillcal, You mUlt. of COUto
m .... be< TIl" lt1e lidll rise when ,n
wotIr. goes in; don' l fill , he po. 100 lu
FIn,lIy . del.w POint on he.ting Wh'"
cold. I crust wm Iotm on IIIe rop of ,hi'
.. It. Indlal hNi lng mull be slow I<Id ,',
ldviHble 10 IfIPIy ;U.t little he.t 10 lh1
outside .lll1e lOP of tile polIO get ' tillW
..... 1 ...... nd The e.ust. A lid should .,..,.,-S
be 1n 1>1_ wilen ,,,"ning ... It pot
COIO'" T.mpe,lng. Th .. is till mel hod
....,.t modftl ... gl ....... re accUSlomed 10 .
()bVIoUsly. "' ... If you h'''' a .. 1t lurn.ace
k ""I isn't wonh It UII iI .11 th.1
, trlltlng .. I rell"dened Krewd.ive.
..,d tl>llrl "II .... ny join In IIIe _age
"o.ksll oP 10. whlcll .ophll1;ut.d
...... tlloOl .re not wonll while. Of 00.. .... if
yOU """" no "'I-bl III. and ,lie u .. of
,*"",.tic __ chip PIOn .. e deniad
'fOIl. llIen you mull u .. "Iemper colours
00 Indictt. rhe I.mpefllu ... It ClNIOI in
.., "'" be .. """ba<:I p.ecrlee
d'II ..... thod 1\10. beetI uMel 101 Cenl unes.
kif" .,.. OIds .nd pllr.e1Ie1ds in the
bIfoI. 1IIa'1 wa .. I.t""-rools.
ThI coIou ..... Iotma<! by Iilm 01
0lf'dI whicll .. vliY IlIln II>deId .nd which
OIlllhick" II ,1Ia lempe"lure inc .. llses.
It would seem Il1,t ,"" coIou. chi"!!. iI, m
1"'1, dua to lhe Irgllt .. !lKt..! !tom IIIe
"""&Ce o! Ihl mllllltMlf PIO"'ng III ..... Oh
6f'feriog th.ek" ...... of the e .. -
\.Iinly Ilia I . ,et coIou. dol. d.pend on
bGlh t"" IY1H of ml1.1 Ind l he suflaca
finltt>. The diff'rene, belw .. n Ih" colou.
of ,te.1 .nd higllctrtlon 11811 is
..... It. bul II Ihar .... il rhl dillarenc.
betw' en Ihal ot QUlnchlld Ind
unquenched ea.bon lleei. Tha elleClll 10
r... In tampe"tufl fo, III.
...... shede. bUI Ihll I, onlv (lie odd
<leg ... eanl.grld nd il nat
The ... If_ fini-'> should nol be too
P01iIhed:. dull but amoolh m'l\ Iufllceil
lint unllu )'011 blueing 1M " ... 11",
I:OImI1Ie ,fflets. The coiou.. will. of
G:IU<II. I\In inlO .acll 0''''' if the is
""lid tn>m on. end,.nd lhey shoukl be
...;.wad in diffuMI l;glll 10 avoid spICula,
The mosl u ... ,1 .. in
6aocidlng when 10 I(op; 1111 ,traw m.v
'Ale to be 100 pall. and I""". before
_ hive tl ..... to think. beo;ome. too d,r!<.
Tt.ia .. peo\"IIPS I ",onge, gUM .... t I",
IIow and g.endl """lnglh.n ."'" th.1 has
gon. belo.-"I II doe. help 10 I>&ve a J)iece
of cold l1eel .Iongside to< comp.lldson II
the very palesl sUlIw is tile 8im. As IOOf"I
II tile cobJ, i. "right"' tile piece mUll be
quenched _ In oil '" wIlli. _ 10 pr ........ t
.ny "".1 I I000ed in the wnk of ilia tool
fn>m tHing il fun"'" The quendi"'ll
........ no P"'PCl" to f IS tile
IImpering il COtICfI<ned.
The work can be "".tad in. bIow/.mp.
using VERY soil fla .... bu. whe .........
.- ..... I UM II sp;,1! lamp. It i, qU'I
.delluell \(If most lizes of 10(11, and
though il rllkes ,aThe< Ior>get than I gil
bu,,,,. lhis iI 10 I"" good. We ... nal in
hurryl II provides."..., cle.n ft.",e, and
0l"Il wllich does not Intelfer. "';TII coIou.
Iotmel ion. Even 10. it is neceSl&ry 10
.. m...... the work tile flllm" to
obsenre tile colour. IS it will no. develop
properly in rhe presence 01 burning fuel.
Indeed. 11 il po)$$ible 10 remove
the coIou. with' .educlng Iype 01 lI,m
N,tufl.lly. you mU$1 k ... p the wo.1< moving
,boul in Ihe lIa .... in order to ge' even
healing II are lempe.inllih. whol"
Objects whicll a of irregula, snaPII
C.n be difficul l. Th. heal should be
IIpplleli 10 tile heavy part 01 Ihe
Ind you muSI keep a very carefUl ...,,11 !)II
Ihing . Fine COme.S ""ke off"' In,o
lhe blul betare ''''' main hIS
",ehed Itrlw. For such work I ,lw'VI use
1M .. It balh 01 dornastlc oven. BUI il you
mySt uMl , " ...... 90 very slowly ind .. d.
TIle difflCUltV willi the di'KI he'l i"1l
method il Ihlll Wi!! If. applyi"O tile h"lt llIe outslde. ,nd ,lIere Cln be no
p"n'" th.1 ,lie internal structu.e is up
10 tile lempe"lu", ir cettl'nIy won'l be
you "".ttoo quickly-.
If n ..... lleating is m. only ...... '"
","illobl.. tllen you Cln try on" of IIIe
.. ml-diract methods. 0.. wh;,:11 iI
011", 'ecOfIlInended is to bf;ng I ..ty-
Ihick .teotl pllte till 10 just below dull ...t
.nd 10 e'ql(lll l he workpiece 10 lhe
..:ti.nt he.1. lu.ning it .bout the whil.
Thto hlghe. tempe.ln; lempe.-"u," m,y
need the pI.IfI IO be .,!OHIOI. VO<! can do.
llimil" thing with ...... n; JUIT
''''ngII f_ flrlJb<ldtf; 10 fo<m In 0PeI'\
""'Ilhem with. 10fd'I, Ind IMn hold
1M work with long. _
lurning '1 .boul .11 1M I'me. M,ny lIM I
.. ndbelh A I ..... of ....... nd I. "'"ed
!tom below .nd ,he work .il"'" 1.1d up on
It 0< buriId. lhe .. nd being tu.ned Midoo 10
;"-",1 lhe coIou .. from ti .... 10 tim . (It
""Ipe 10 h..... Ihin piece of IImW ..
.... ten., laid on 1M .urf_ of the bed in
mil C'M. 10 Kt .. ,n irldic.IO<'. ThlII-I"I<f
mus'. of course, be wall.t".".. whn"
""'Iing. 10 mlk. IIU" thl l i, iii I I ,n .........". I _Id nol .lICommllfld
und fo< t'rnpliIlU". in tM "P,I. Str.w"
region, but fo< dleper colou .. ,I works
_II; III lOOn III rou .... 1>*1. colour rou
know thlt tM olher,.re not f., behind.
T" .. ion Tlmperin" Thos i. the
Hcl.IISi-e,r way fo< tool" but it c. n
be .xtendlld. Th, tool I. hilled II Ihe
.h,nk end, .nd II Ihi. lurn, blu . so Ih,
pU1!lI, - .:1&'* ".ow '",w ,!r,w
coIou,s .un tow dl the pOint. AI lOOn
Ihe pale .trlW 'I,ehe. Ihl "glon of lhe
cunlng edge th' 1001 I, Quenched. poInl
down. in wlte. Th' vl"uI of Ihl. mllhod
il. as I h ...... Iready IlUggested, th'l lhe
Mil 1" .... 1. down i,..;ctl Ih. mll,l, .nd
we Cln be 'u .. Ih.t thl lempefing
h ... "Kited the Clnt ... Thl difficulty I,

Ihll l he I,mpe' is uneven. from POi ....
DIckw.rd .. In IhII ca"" of I knife-tOOl
Ih". will be m,.ked diff ... nc.
h.rd ....... Iong 1M culling edge. 'nd I
Pining tool will ge, IOhe. 1$ il 1$
reground. This is !hi ml;n ',.I0Il wII, .
chlrnged 10 1M Htwo-.lIge' lempe,,"11
_", .I .. itdv described NlY8I1he1e.
1111 .... Ihod is .ound. Ind if ea., is ....
(YIf"j' genlle he,1. wilh !hi flame 1I"l0\0 ...
bKlcw.rdI. ,wII'f !Tom !he poinl . .. th
wor\ gell holl .. ) .... tlsf""1."., results CIt
be ..... rld.
n.. ide. can be utended. Fig 21
....",... ITMtlhod of tempe.-ing I sm.
millinU cull". of thl Iype (IiSed 1ft
tto.oI<>g,') whdl is III:rswed on 10 ,n 8",,,,
collI! .rbor. n.. COppe' rod is Ihrua a
.nd Krewed into Ih. cuner iIe."
with. n.. heat runs dOwn t"
rod. through tr-.. melal of the ellner, 10 I"
t""'h. Not' \h'1 Ihe culle. is sel on
rod .. ilhown. so the, Ih. tefl,h are fTI<I.t
or I ... of unl!o.m aislanc& from Ihe "'"
rod Fig 22 ilhows , simila. device in Ii
lemperlng die, In ,hi. ease Ihe eireu'"
die I, wedged in,o Ihe end 01 , piK' ot
<:oppe. l ube, which has four slits in ,he
eod. There I lNrll of stefll wOQl ln.ide tn.
tube just below lbul nOl tOUChing) , he 0',
10 P'_OI 1>01 .Ir tII".nl. from heal,"g
'he cantr. P.rt. Tha tube I.ensmi
hUI 10 lhe di' hom Ihe Outer "",im'''''1
,nd whole Is Quenched when t'"
CUlling edges "Kh .h, r>gh' Tempe''' u'.
Aglin. lhe 111l1i"ll mus' be genlll, The
fi . _ "
_. '--
....22: 11 I ....... ""'_ ........... __
_ "._::.:::-'.: __ ... _ .... , I 'aI',
he" Is Ih.1 ,hi oulside of the
dio (which IC'IS ....,.. 0< "". IS IIPflng In
.. ,,'ice) is hon .. thin ,he CII'Ung edge
..,d .0 ....,.. deIpIy tempered - " 11
I doIIbt II mllly paopte m.h ,heir own
llilling AWS lhese day&. bul .,m" ..
oti:clI e:rn be tempe'ed by l/IiWMru
bI_ lWO w ........ on , boil held by a
""to The hoell Is applied by MetIng ,hoe
bOlt. M.ny ...... r .... mpl" wilt come 10
mind. ThI object Is ,he ...... in .N cases .
Int. to hell lrom 1M PI of the 1001
which naed no, be h.rd. IfJWMd.
f;Ulling edge ,nd "rond, 10 'fT'''''''
IhinUS MI Ihl! whe<e posarbl. 1111 hel!
",veil through the Int,,1Of 01 1111 1001,
rnd>Ing th. CUttIng Id!Ie I,om w.,h,n.
,lui"" Off. This i. IP\lIic.bI. mainly 10
whic:h h.1 been 011 Q". nched. AI
_ .. I! I ... m ..... ed trom ,I\.e Qu,nching
bI,h lhe ,001 or COmponlnt I. h.Id ........
1ItrI1!1 hm. until ,h. "sldll" ail ignnea
.nd bu,n, ,w'y. The he'110 "I"sed hhe
worIc 1. t.k,n Ihe ,orch o. lamp
"-m.) I,mpers lhe Fo. I, 'ge, p),cn
'till bookI"" '''g(le'' binding some i,on
.. ire round, 10 hold mo.e 011 The "theory'
Idv.nt;ed I. Ihl1 lhe ,empe' tempeflt ....
" ... oclellld WIth Ih. poin, 01 1M
oil, This is nonAnll The fll",paInt I,
_etv.n indiealion of 1111 tempe luf 1
whldl (under .... IV .ndicill condi,ion') Oil
WIll ,,'" '0 ignite. Th. KtU'! teml>l<"uII
".clted w'lI depend on lhe m ... of ,he
.nd lhe ,mount of oil .etlined.
"_" .. on the Ml1lng of 1111 0;1.
For the ."""IInoad ptKlilione . nd for
....., "",II docIt pa". lik. dicltpohru'
Ind ".1,-" lhe fyltem -U w.l, but
!hay will IvYI . xpe.-Iml<llid , g'llI dlel
-. MOItI imoort,nt. will "know !hII, oil"'
Inatru.:tion. In old bookI we.e the "IIUI!
of tIec.II<Ie. il not cenlll,i" of In., wllh
_ oil - from lhe Sl)lrm wh,ll - but WITh
!hi v illy .vall.bI nd u!Wl(l lodly I
would not ca to g ..... ,ny in."uction ,I
all .xcepl 10 'Experimenl fi t' II work,
very eIIee'ively. but ""'". need experience.
To .um up; the ideal
medium i. Ihe salt o. oil ba,h with the
domestic oven or chip pan, p.acticable
,It .. native. Wilh lhe ... methods Ihe exac'
,empe"I"" of the work i. known . 11<1
COnditions can be .ePlaled exactlv The
UII 01 colou .. 10 ju6ge the l,mpe"III" I,
.. fe , but need IiI1I,,,i,1 ,nd expe.imen,
to j"dg. ,he "nil 'ceu,"elv; Ihe
t,mpetl' will thlln be wilhln Ih'
"'101",.-"' for tr-.. IVOI of worit wi dO.
n.. Klu.1 dig,,", 01 ten'\il IIItMIed
should be considered. be.ring ill mind Ih.1
most of !hi recommend. liOn. In H.nd-
bookIlIC I .. lor industri.1 condillons. not
those of the modi! engi.....-. The tempe.-
MI! should be held fo< pe,....t - ide.,1y
fo< _ ""'" pe.- inch of SKlion - .nd
....... Id be .pplied slowly.
should be c ... ied oul IS lOOn IS oossibla
1ft .. 1M inilial quench. I wi" _ ", .. one
Rn.1 poinl ; In ." .... <;JIM, wi do w.n, I
wrf_ to be 01 m .. imum 1I .on .... nd It
m. u ml tlml '0 " ,vI fine g"ln -
wlt.lng .nd rubbing PII01' If. CNIS, II
thi' I, so, thin II '- wortll tIVlng. tempe<
It l 00C - ju51 boil til. PII" in wil e. I",
h.II-.n-hou. or"'. This will no! .educe l he
II. ",,,, .. " III, bul will . cII;e.... lIDme
g"in " Iinl""nt. Fo< ' 'lin. g.'in CIIU'"!I
tool, 1 'OJ9III1" po-ocedu an P"9" 74
Heating Equipment
TIlt Oplf\ Fl'l. Tht<,,.,..V be . 1_ modi!
engInteos who own bI..,kamith ..... "".
tnd p&maPi morl who h_ inlll.iled
thIm from .n l"li" ge ..... hon: 11 .. em,
\D I\tIII beIn .n .. ...,,1.1 poilKl 01 equip-
men! it> thl lI<lll<,lmli. I do h ........... 11
_ wllh hand-d.iven lin .nd though It
u_ m.lnlv for ,ml, hv WOtk, Ind 11'11"
only IIV, I IIIVI IIl!dIned 1.,11' objlClI
in it. TIlt II" tab wi plch. , painl, .r'ld
I muSI canlll' 111.1 wind,ng Ille lI.ndle
got I bit wII,itom.1 The 10'1/1 wit ,II,
n"u,.1 , hing 10 un - IPlrt living
penllvl gil - u. 01 COU'H, Ihe paint
n&eded "fo,glng II w.1I
Coh I, 1M u.uII l Ull p'ope, coke.
1101 m. soil 'luff ..,Id 10' c!omillic fi ....
A, In ./".n"ive Ihe IlIg shlped
m.nuIIClu"d l Ull r Phu,n.cltl'1 is
htndv, " IhI t{lgi "1 more Or Ie .. of
un!totm lize. HoulIICoal I, uHle .. , .1Id
__ lei nol be u ..... n 10 ,,,,, 11'11 Ii ,
tncI IINm 0011 111111 be" l<. for h.rdening
\'DU ntId. I'irly detsl fire. hoi .lIlhrough.
To tc111ev. IhI, 11'11 lUll mull be .""ed
Iboul ln !/II ,,<Iii, 11I1JU< Onel you h ......
<lice glowing flrebed thl ' .n mutl be
"Hod with dItc"tIon _ you n&ed dr'ugh!
lithe< IMon I 'bI,"f ThI worlc I, 1.1d on
lOp 0111'11 R" " fittI - In l act.1t ctn belli!
Ihtrt, pOllII.ling, wtlHII you bring"" Ii"
lip. The '- t ..... H I In tl'll .... " 01 t'"
Ii.tbtd, bul w ...... rou CIII SIt It .nd
observe lhe c:oIo<! It musl be l uNlld
tboul " Intl<V-" ." 'Mo' no 0<11 IIde I.
UIl\llfmOlI for ..,.,. lenglh 01 toml. T. k.
ct" thl! il it not .""".ed to ,lie dirKl
draught from lhe Ian. Slow. even. he.ling
i, the order 01 tile d.V, .voM:tlng ,lie
impingemenl ei ther 01 di"CI, cool.
dr.ughl or d,aught wllich lin p.!I$$Id
tllrough .nv l ' lft IIot pa" 01 Ihe flft.
Overnefllng mu.1 be gua"'ed again" II kl
lhe ph.guI, end you musl bear In mind
,1111 ,lie me lll will look cooler th.n il i,
umil Vou 11'" used to ob ... fVing l he cok)u.
In contrast 10 Ihe 1101 You ,"lin bfing
, lorge lI.e '0 lSOOoC and mel81 81
780C wllllooIc dead cold in comp illOn.
A uSlfuI I ' Pldient Is 10 un 1he semi
indl,ecl m"hod. Set " poi""" of ("vf 2
inell STili piPi in ,lie midst of Ihe fifl . Gil
Illis 1101 - linle lbove the lemPl,aIU"
you - .nd hut ,lIa wort< inSIde il
You e I h.n able to judgl 1111
temperl!ure more dil'1lCl .... Ind, '''"I1e'.
will be prolecling till wor\PiIo:I bolh l rom
cold d"UQlIls.nd .. om IoctI OIIarllealing
It it 11c ..... but. .s WI h,,,. _, 1 .. ,
t>N, 'ng i, NOT till J>rime 'lKIIIlflmenL
Domestic Fl .... Tlli, i, p,.ctictl
.lternative '0 ,he 1II>im', ""nto 10<
sm.' ''' pisces. All .. -'I, Nalon'>ylh mtde
the <;JIlting. for his firsl IIlIm engi". in
________________ __________________ __
grl' . will get I'IOt
small bo.It any 110111 with a
poroper .i, control cln be uHd 10< anYthing
ttla, will P'" ItlfOUgh ,h' l.on1 fireba, ..
(Fig 23) M with 'h' 10<(18. 001<, Of
"P'humaci,." can be used. I hotd no
,.pe,rl,,...,. "sino ,",Ilfael, .
The gr mull firS! be dl,.1td 01 HII
and clinker end 'ha ,i,. 1M" buill up b'i
lidding Imall qUI".;.I .. of lue' II lim.
until 'h' Ii bed i. " o;Ieep II taO be
'e<:<>mmodl,lId. The .Im mull be 10 get I
uniform .. ,. 01 burning right ,h,ough
0,...,. .hl. ;e .ch,.....:! ,h' IrOl'1' doo lor
Or\e 01 them) mull be 0PeI't'<! and the ,i,
VI"-' In ,he ItdjUlled 10 gl11hllire
1>bQv1. but not 100 mUCh tha
'Impe<alu" needed. The .0001 _lei be
I8t In .he u_ oI.he !i and ... in
me ca .. 01 the ...",h', helrd . Ihould be
tumed about It Im ...... I$, Vou Med h .....
no lea", ,h.t il won"' hol...ough 1M
.,_ In Fig. 23 c.n be brough. uo \0
1000C very quic:kly 1Meed . .-.d if you
find ""y dionker in '/"OUr 11.11 . ,II .. It ...
Indit:8tion tn. 1 1M Qflll ""'pe<lllH11 hilI.
1\ __ ,Iml. been 01 ,he orde< of
. 23A . '_", ..
-_ .. -.. _-,
1300 CI The main problem I find is tlla
unlin the arnith', hearth you tt.a"" M
poe!tw. tllto ,efot)OnSe to .cIjuR
.... nt. 01 tllto Ii. v.1ve i, alDw end \lOY
h_ to anticipa te Chlf>ge"$ in tllto rate 01
bu,ning, you must take Iccount of
YOU' IUlfounding. - It IS you' heanh,ug
.fte, ,UI But the mlin objection I haw 10
tM uM 01 the domest ic stove fo, harden
Ing I. tl,.t the I,ont g,ate-bero p,event th'
UN 01 . pi""e ol pipe. How",""" w,th th'
cIoIed .tove tllere i. li!!)e p.oiIlem
on-ce thi! fire has .eached it!
tempe"t u., 11 tends 10 "stay pur fe"
IIuit' long enough 101 the sile ol wor'
f'OO<m.11y done. II i. very u..,tullOl anne.
Ing ... lhe can be Illowed 10 coot
with tllto lint overnight. v..., ' if the r ...
not "our' In the morning thi$ i$ nol ,m"",
tlnl. It will hl\fl cooled ltuough th.
<;fiticll nge ve.-y slowly and can be
the .... p.n 10 1Ini ... oil.
Some books SUV{jll$t thlt th .. 1 to<
tOWlnk bolh $(:Ir."" In
dacarburiHtion wn.n USIng tllto arnl1h'
he.rth. bu. lhia naed not cause US h
much concern. It i, "' .. Ihal I he.nh w"
,...2,. __ ,._"" r--
"',,; " ,..,. s"" ....... ...
_ ... _ .. _ ... -
_ ... _ ... _-
fin btlll can decarburi ...
daall"" with lhe ,i:e of won. f'OO<mllly
doni by the old blachmilh You may naed
10 lib II the IItolli"" lima Is hllf In
hou. Of more, but it Is only a caM ol
...aidl"" di'ecl Implngem,nt of tllto blut.
Some selle will be;;. 01 rou .... but
.ather Ie .. wIt h the doled Itova Ihln you
mlghl lm&glne The .,mos.phe,. within tile
ArIbed I. mainly carbon monox,de and
nitrogen _ the" I. much Ie .. oxygen
t han In I f.n-driv.n lire It I, good
pr.ctlce, ol .:oU'N, to 'emove any se.le
wtlich m.y be p'nent pr .... lou. wOrk.
Including th. "mill seall" on black be.
Mono se.l. will be In.IIto long Ilell
'MQCi'Uld with li.e-.""IIII"9, Ind II
IVOidlnce of ":lla i. Impgn.nt the woo-!<
Ihould be Prolected For overnlghl .nne.!'
ing good way II 10 I. In lireciay
(NOT 1I._ .... nll w,th Iron
wino, 0. put il ;" ron pseked with
.... wi.h I Unll m'_ed with 11
IlowflmPl Ind 101"..... Most model
lng,nUII will kIV'I -"a loom 01 p ltin
or gIIlo.-dI for uN wt.", brlLlng.nd it is
nltu,,1 1"'1 theM ahould be lhe filii
'I t wherl he.11ng for h ....... ,ng. I will
lurn. mosl
you NEVER.
'><CIp1 I t most dire' nece-ullV. u ..
O>ry-AaiIV'-M 101 O>ry ...... rhlng .Ise) 100
'ny IQfm 01 h denlng OPe,alion unl.1IS
the u .. of equill"nenl i. pa" of you.
cleiry work. then il i, risky FI .. I. if IIIto
Aim" gets 100 c\o$e to Ihe WOfk. aven for
...:gnd, that point will be o .... m.eted.
d&carburlSld. an(! almost certainly sull
from o_ide pen.uatioo II the g.ain boun-
daries. Second. II Is very to g.n
eyln heating IS the 11110 con-
centrated. II the flam. is adjusted 10
se.'ing ,h..-. Is then risk ol Clf
bu.JsaIIon wtlich would resul l in Cfl'Cki""
on IIuenchlng. Finally, 11 i Yttrt I _pen-
Ii"8 method 01 heati"". Few peop/lI .... m
to Ihat tI"oough ,lito fI.m. is Yttrt
hot indeed the I'Clull he.t output is
eotr.rm:Iy low. In fact. ,he I II'S! nollie In
lhe ouilli I uwd 10 u .. 11oo welding l indo
. , .... pI.I.) II ..... oul "lhIt !eM he., than
did ""I' ..... I\a$t paraffin bIowIamp It is
caM of hOfwIloo courses; 100 ill purpOM
O"Vacft't(.e". ton:h doe$ its work Yttrt
well indeed. but tMI work is not "'at
Ueltmt-nl 01 $Ieel unlHl you own I
__________________________ __________________________ _

'0 .. """.'" ' .. " ,
---_ ....

"Short"'iIi",,!"" wrfaca"ing
and 1M' ;. unlikelv' So. let uS lu.n
,n.."Oon \0 the \psti. 1ype.
Th. TQI1:h Fl ...... Though I "''''I De
ring 10 'gu" the $8m marltl c,n b<,
1IPoJ".d 10 IIIe "",.ff", bIowIiImp ft.m<
The diH ... _ in the fuel is fIOl
_ ,he healing per pound mass 01 fu
(llQ-uid Of \psi i. ve ......... rt.,. .he pme .
,h. parlll,n (k"oJe'" in USA)
v'PQfised befo<. bu.n'ng. $0 Ihll tt I. In ,II ,"""ials a gas lI"m,.
fI.mes will appear II shown ;n Fig. 24
w,llI',,1 con. su.rounded bv. mOIO
Of \es, di Hu .. outer curtain, IhotIgh il!
aclu.1 ahape will de""nd On lh. fuel used
the ",pe 01 ai. supply. and the
tlo. P,im ...... combustion occurs with,
,h. Inne. cone and Ih. heal ,el.,.e
UuMlI decomposition of lhe .es' of th.
fuel Ilas. These fuel conSlituents bu.n I,
th. out nvetope, using e..,;:." a; '
pr en, within lh. lIam nd ai. d.awn ,
I'om outside " w811. The inoe. con.
tempe t".e will .. !dom ,xcae<! 1100' C
bul jut! beyond lh, ',p 01,,,, inner con.
lhe r",,, .. will be in UCMS of 1600
!The th_etic,' ml. imum is hig ..... n
but Is nol ached becltuse no burne' .$
perlect .nd In any use th ..... is conIide'
able 01 hell from I"" flam'
;\1,11). B,yond Ih;, point th. lI,m'
lam"","u .. diminish .. again. " show'
In the sketch.. II i. nol always .pp'eci"""
"'"' lim .... lempe,IIu.e Illl.dietlt oa:u"
.. __ .... \ . ' w'
_01_" . " It_p ,,, ...
,,,, 2" __ 01 _,_
,.. -, ... _---
.. ,-_ ... -
--, .... _"' , , '.
,-1_01 __ " _
< .... _''''1
ACROSS Ihe fl.mI. bu, th., i. ''''' If
!:her. ill long inne' cone " mlY be that
.... ting will be more ,lfiei ... , ,I .he fI.m.
iI erong.fdl lhe wort< ",'''', Ih.n be
directed ",.igh'"1t
The gena,el Iorm 01 Ih' w,1I be
lit, Urn. '0' ,II fuell, pemapa _
d,ffer,nc, in coIou nd ""m. lu.l, will
g ...... sharpe." con. Ih.n olh .... but
th'" I, conlider,bl. diff",nct in
CHARACTER of hm. be1W1If'I lho ..
which come hom "MIf-bIown" bu'nt"
.... ch II IhoM f'IOIm.lly uled on P,op,ne
or SUllne. and lhoM which hi'"
Mpa.elelv conlrolled .i. supplV de,ived
Imm I f.n 0. The" il some
reasonably wid, cont,oI 01 Ih 01 the
ftlme wi,h , h, ulfblown lyP'. bUI any
ch.!tnoe In eh.flCl" 1'\1. "'bulhy" '0
""needl,") .equires in bu,,,,.
head. With Ih' '''-11'' tooch lhe'e i,
ODrnpIete conlrol 01 the H,ma, bo,h .. to
liz, (wit hin ........ ) .nd ch.racII' solely
by m.nipul.ting ,"" ,,, .nd g ..
v.""" Th, il flO doubt Ih" the bu.", ..
Wi.h 1Ipe"" ei. ,nd 11" wppty Ind
COtIlrOI e .. by fir ,he mo- ftkienl .nd
COllYanl.n, '0 UIII The IIblown
Propane brll'''II toreh iI. 01 coursa, q1J'"
c"' ..... 01 ,he -" end II you ,he
lui '1Inge of b<.o ...... 1 ,ackl. all lobs
"om the l.rllUl to lhe "",ellnl. BUI they
do need careful attention both 10 gas
PI_" .nd '0 bu ..... , "".-I sele<:lion..
And ,My do need ciear Ii, fOUnd ,he
burne. he.-l Ucepl lot I"" special on ..
which ...... extension t ubes beyond 1""
,i. entr.inment holes. When used in a
H,.brick "cave" Ih.lI,m. muSt he",. fOOM
to _lop oulside I"" entrance 0< ; , win
'1IIow ;1$111 OUl" The pa.affin (ke.osene)
blcw!amp Is ralhe. mo .. flexibl .
be<:.use lh. fu.1 V&PQI.t. is p'ehea'ed. bu.
al"" because the innamm.bilily limil 01
P<I'aHin is much wide. than that of
6ulln . P,opane end Me.hane IN.5ea
Gas) "" Ihat 'he ai,/luel ,io is much leu
All Ihe .. I!ames will. il ,h. bu.ner si.e
II .ighl. ""cetld the temperature needed
lor heat treatm,nl of sleel. There il no
p.obl.m her . Hown .. , w. If. conce.ned
wllh even healing Ind. in most cnes. with
ltCOOOmy . I, I. desi,abl. lhat 1"" fl._
be short .nd broad ther,""n on, which.
thoug/l equ.11y - paw,""I" (in "'ml of
heat .. lea ... ) i.long.nd need\e-lik. Wi.h
''''' ''''Il's 1VIM .his 'equi," only I""
mlnipul.non oIlhe cort,rQis bu. w,th 1""
MII-bIown lon:II !lie burner IIeI<I m ... l be
MIec.ed ICCOOdingly. ThoM due,ibed ..
",......, bIowIIImp" , .. uw.11y the .no ..
.., ........... ;.11
Apply;ng the fl.m . He" III".f .. from
",me 10 I, very poo< Ind .. d.
On le., . piece 01 "eel.boullh. ,ill oil
5/16 Inch 1(1. I.,,,, 1001, 1,Id flal on
fi,ebfick. Look !ive mlnUI" 10 !lfing UP LO
th. hl'denlng u,mpe.ILu" - someLhl"1l
Ilke 1500 unl" 01 heal hom '''' bv.n"
trlnsle"ing only 10 heal unlll 10 the
"eel. NOL. good ":0'.1 By selling up
simple like ,h" In Fig. 27 th.
hearing Lim. wu reduced 10 105
1II<::OniN; .bouL sao h ... unl, .. NOI good.
bvl bell" Lh.n befGfl. You will. 01 Cou'se.
qUOte my own words .nd MV Lhll the five
minUL" 01 LhI fi"t .... mple il ,lIh.,. TOO
fUI fo< thl Mlling-0J9 lime. end you
would be qui" right. But w. hive 10
HOLD Lhe ""'I*I1U" for ebouT 'l'I01her
QUine< 01 en hour end If thi, is to be done
on !hi open llietwlck !hi bvrner mu .. be
kepL 11 full throttl. !hi whole """ . Uling
the "cave" It cen be throll!ed do .. n.
Morw." . .. the worII will be he.,ed
l.rgeIv by ,1d!,,1on tn>m hot lirebrlclt II
r . u .......... ____ " .. .. , _
, ... _--_ ...... " .. _-... -... ......
.. _ ..... _ ... 1". ___
will be hilled more .... enly, And. linally. ,I
w. h.eve _aI piecelTO hamen Lhen we
un live amount 01 IIU
The is , .. lIy. lilll.Iu'rnM: .
The ;nt.lligent u ... 01 lirebricl< wi. b(l!'
..... IllS .nd .......... more ..... en "". ling
.... three !ypeS. First. ",din.ry fi.e!>ri Ck
"om 1 LO 3 Inchel In thickness. Thae a',
fI"lCtorv .. th .. tluin he"
ThlY will with $l I nd "",y hlgll
IImp,retu.n. S.cond. "gll,w. ' gl"
"insulll;ng B,ic"'" 01 which Fos ... fci l
I<Id "Folsein" .. , LYPiC.,. These i0oi< and
/HI lik. cork Ind .. , intomded for hUI
i ..... , .. ion bellind win, of li,ebrick in
lumac .... They Un be al looo C 11 on.
Ind end dead cold It ''''' oth .... and 'It
...... lIab1e In the ... me sires IS firebrick
BOlh firebrick ,nd insuilling !>ticks Un be
had ' rom most builder. merchan' s.
.hlrd .ype a .. "Hot Flc,""" - mo,e
" " 'Ct".". I",n .". insuilling rype (which
I" tri,bl. and melt al a,ound 125OC'
1Id wi.h much better hut insole'1on tha n
the ordinary fl.ebrick. These &eem 10
Iv,lI.bIt onlv 'rom sped,lisI sypplie"
jeg. Meu.<s Flameln, L'd. Pelldlebury
T.adlng Estale. M27 lFJ. 0'
MPK In,ul.,lng LId, Hythe Wo,ks
Colche51 ... C02 BJUI. They can be Cy'
w;t" $Iw and drilled. alld will stanc1
...son.b\e loads. An .CCflSO<V which I
find most u",",ul both upon open li,e\l<id
,nd In lu""""" ;" lhe linle ceramic
II used by _me!le,s _ Fig. 28 I
UII these to support WO<t; so tluit flame
un get be .... th and. in Iu .....,. worI<. ",
"'SUfi lluit the "n::r.1Iide 01 the ce
.adittlon he,,'" and not by C(Induc. iOfI
from thl muffle.
Furnec . The obYiouI ..... $lap "om I ....
_ II: proper lum&ee n.ose wt:o do
.. _ .. ' .' .... _ ...... , dJ,._
.-... ""-"" .-""'-
lOt of !>tiling may well one 0/ the old
""lit,"'" g ... fI.ed forvn wl>ich (;n 'hi dlYl
,.."." 1 hid IICCiIII'O lown ,ed me
" !w.ring h .. nh. hell ',,"m ... ' sholl.
end meI,ing IumKI. They ...
.. , modtrild IQI u .. on North S .. Ill'
from Akose lId !t.adlng .. W.m,m Allday
8: Co Ltd, Stouf'1X!i'l on Sevem. OY13
9API but .lther COIlly. 1m '''lid. But for
the M:iou. ptICLitiQn,fr. wt:o nllds hell
for all the PtI'PO'" menlioned Ibcwe,
!hey .... I believe. LhI best I man geneta'
purpcll he.tlng unit ...... n-br. The only
dr-'>llck .. thl lICk 01 tempetltu ..
;ndicllion. but if you use hll' '0
"'lilly the COli of. Ulile '(OU will be poet,.,.
upen II coIou'l enyway
There ... LWO ..... 11 lu,neen on Ihe
ma"' which I know 01 which mly be
worth looking " The fi .. t II , implicity
In::Ieed - the Alcosa " ExpOn" Ponabl,
FDfge. Fig. 29 Inllnded fo, u.. by
Itlnel'll'e f,,,I.,, abroad. It can .each Ul> to
1 lSOC alld i ..... ry ,.j)\d in heating up.
One- Ul> to .Il. supply can be
,ed\Jcld - ,'', lull h,.t OUlpUI i. equiva-
lent to about 18kw Th.e" II no P"f'Om,,,..,
'nd .emperat .. ,e myi! be judged by
coIou. V.ry l impl. .'mOlt crud, - bu!
che.p alld .ffective. The NCOnd il LhI
r . u , .. _ _ In .. "'_ ,," 'co''''
00 , io "" _ . 1 .. ... : "1" __ _
_'IIODl __ N:_ ... ,d _ ...
..... n g .... fired kiln IS used by .... m.ll"'.
m .. !.eled by the FlamelUI Co. IS ,hei.
kiln LypI LNlooo. This is .,.0:110 eeh
B5O"C in 10 minu! ... 01 so. snd Will run
yp 10 looo C. It IS fitted with. pyromete.
and controlled "". '''''
m lmu'" being equiv.lent to 3tkw. The
ch.mbe. ia about 7 in . 5 In x 7i in alld it
c.n be on N.Su P'O\l,n o
BYIl"". Fig. 30
Th." lie Olhers. of COlI' .... In v.rylng
:;legree, 01llOPhillit811on .1Id size. Ai1yone
who practl_ Lhe an o. ,nam,'ling lor
1OtTII1'fPII of POtt.ry. lOt .hs' will
h ..... such ' "rnsc, which Can usually be
' :MI .... 'lMff", .... u ... 'oo_r ... "'. "' ....
........ __ .... ; ....... _
_ "'''' __ '" _ .. _
__ ......... __ ... IC' , ... ,_,

th.n ;nll,,,,I,,,,, .lllm ... 1 8 ... t _ Ch.lll
Tube fUmIIC* Most 01 my '""'" worio; is
done ,lthe, In an old II'Ie<:lric muffle 0<
salt bath, but I do ..... ke Irefl"'''''1 ..... of
'igged "II glS"lillC! tube fumacl, shown in
Fig. 3 I The lUbe ilself il p;ee. of Ii
lno;h ."" ..... 1 pOope. ,eIic of th_ d.ys when I
used Cle. "lIinllllJ'l"1 molorcars.
,bou16 indlBltong. The tube ilsuppmed
In 1 Inc:h Ihick Falwin bricks wilh hole
",I uSing tM Otdin.ry t ... hole !;Un .. ,
0 .... of the cor.l from lhe is used
10 plug the back .nd IS il has , hale Irom
uloid quit. " well lor .... t , .. alment, the pilol drill Ihi. ",abl". m. 10 sel
Theno !. el> the Implle"Oon tkilt for hom ... mtOe thermocouple inside jj need
model .. 'gin..... being Ih. 10'1 01 be. The OIlier cor. is used " --"on!
ingenious peopIl they .... IT would not be ttoor" , I givi mOIl det,iI. of the construe ..
difficult 10 "mlkl your own". Thi, is not.. lOon on PIlI" 90, bul il tS Vlry useful lor
uS'( II it telm .. Th, beln mor. thalli odd jobl which crop up which .r ..
fori ....... 10lt I.nd eyebrowl 100 II over the .... ithe. I g" "l1O<>gh 10 warranl firing uP
combultlon of ga. Ih.n In mall br,nch.. Ihe muffle, nor I.ivi., .nough 10 tru.t to
of 'ngi,,", 'ng _ It I, nol lUll , CIIli ot (lI.act ""11,ng.
PI"OIIldlng III and lighl i"ll the gul It Elecuic Muffl ... Th"re arl many $mali
doe, need .101 of "p.lllm.nt .nd I would Ilaeltle muftla fu.nK ... on Ihe marht
luggesl Ihal It be dona outdoor. ,,1I1lt1; tom. I.... 1100"to..,. wOfk. OIh .... lor
d.I,yad Igni tion ... oclltld whh' en,m.lling. ,nd Ih .... 11\1 mOSI
chlmbe. of I cubic foot Of.a e.n be mle.1 ""lli"ll devlCO'l wl\l,,, any
fill, 3'" ___ .....
" ... __ , t .. _ .....
,_c: It .. ___ ........... _"t _
... ,,' , _ .. -, , .... .
"_king"' I, nuded. Th.., do "k I,,,
I' ...... to .... 1 UP. bul once llihe _flUng
1""p' .. tU" uM very liltl. pOW" ,,,,, d.
All aN tined with pyro ...... t ... I""'" deys,
.. Ih'l _.1. tempe"lu" connol il
jl1lp'Ht ... an If , ..... is no lhermost.t.
HHtong rld"nl IntO the wo.-k ,'''' it os
...... 10 ...aod aceli"ll Last but not IIlSt
I"'" un be lilt 10 look lit" lhemu"' ..
wilh nofelV, m.-;ng no noilll and. If nol
\hoIfmoll.t>ClO1lv controlled the is ....... tty
"'lhe,mllluM"' whoch br .. kllhe Ci,eu,1
If lhe IIIfe rT\IJC,mum is .acll tied, My own
CFig. 321 ...... Obll'ned 0:0.--..:1 he"" 10<
the proverbo,l lOng ....... tl .... -00, bul
"'''' new """" I.. nol prolubol,
.,.pensiv. -Ibout the no ...... CO$I IS I gu ..
n.1C! 0 ..... Mi .... hll. chlmbe. 5 in wide.
4 in 8in deep Ind I, "IIC! ,I lOOO'C
ma-im"m. lhough most lodly go ... p to
U .. hk, Ihe gas,lired IVP', it is ffl,,;veiy
..IY 10 mlk, YOU' own .Iacu;c furnlClIO
long II 'fOU tlke th' n.orm.1 PflClulOonI
whe n dealing wllh 1.lhal main. voltages.
A dy ...... o ... r>d mulll .. , .. ,vail,bll from
.... ch Il rm. " Gnllin 8-
Georgi . nd oth" l,botltQfV equipm"nt
lOJf>pitefi IIII.V , SII"a P'''' lor Illeor
... . " , .. __ Ow. "'_ ... ".,
T... . , ........ _<, Of , _
-.... ,-_ ....... _---
-_ ...... , . ' ._ .. _ ..
-_.1(' ... ",,-_ ...
IlIndard ranges of m ... fflea! ,nd tIteM
need no mOfI than In 1!\IU1'ling
mllerials Ind I melll Of "SyOO""l'o-- 1 .... 1'"
equ ..... Cl .... Heating .Iem.n", Ir,
.Iso ..... ilabl . Ili lll" in thlt lorm 01 -- HOI
RodI"' or " Hea1tng - 'If,,eIQfV
btlw with II,m!)ltt. embedded In Ih.
IKe - or I. ro(f!raClOry lube. wilh In
".ment wouoo <0"00. Hom" co".tr"Ct iOtt
II dull wilh In Chapter IX and Ih" only
pOi"t I would make i. thll you
Ih" advicI of th. el"m.nt suppliers
urly In lhe p.ojecl. Fig. 33 shows ,
homa .. mlde I"",.ce which is supplied in
"klt" 'o.m by I(.nlh., Ele<:1rohul.
Inv .... lmond. P.nh PH I 3EE. though n
ohown It doH r>eed OU ... d, fll!ing ow.
ItIKtric., connK1iona.
SIlt . to.ev. .I .. edy "1.,,Mllo the
selt-bath kM tempe.lng. N.ut 1 .nd non-
,Ol<ic SI!" .. e .Iso ev.ilable kM the hIg ....
1en14lI1""'" "" C'e<I betor. QUenChing.
They m .. ., no. be confuMd wilh lhe
ACTIVE u" ....., in eyenlo:le hIordetUng -
the COt>$tilue"" of ,he "'Ulf.'UIt. If' no
more u.." <;Ommon ,.It ,socIi .. m
mixed wilh. <:en.l" .moun. of potMII .....
dtIorIde lO oW- the _wed I""""'''
et.' .." ..... IIcs. The I"fPII whICh 1 u ..
,, .. GSS60/WS120, m.I1, "
670. C .rod CI1l be used up 10 Iboul
'OOO.C: II I. ob"in.bI. from ,he .. "'"
1OII1m. IS lhe le!Tlpl1ing Sl11' (p.45].
The SI't iI ""'lied In welded I1HI
"poI". I" indu,1rt' lhese m.v be
by g.1 0' .Iec:Hleity - usu.!ly Ih'
101m" _ bul lor 'he mod,1 ,nginH' lhe
,I.."ric., lube , .. rnee' healing
pot "'.cIIlrom .",eI 'ube i. lhe most COI>-
... nlenl. GIS h"'''ng prestml. <
p,obl,m, (olher Ih.n ,ho"" .I'eldy
....."ioned) .nd In "eo;:tric he" .. is e.sie<
10 f;OtItmI. The sill oIlhe pol de ... "dt on
Ih' wotk Y<MI w.nt 10 do_ 01 course. bul
Ihll -'>own In Fig. 3 4 is Q .. ile adeQ ... te
The .etu.1 PO' il .boul 3 if>. int ...... 1
dl.",.IIr ,nd iI lOin. deep, wilh the .. It
balh it,.H .bout 1J In deep. !You mu51
11ow '01 ,he 'I\de 10...., .. when the wort<
I, PUI in " It 1$, In Iact.. sm.U home-mlde!"o<v lu.nece . nd I gi ... deI,ils 01
lite consltu<:lion I"... 11 iI. pem_. l.rger
lhan .. ",II'( neede-d lor mode-! wort. bul
you ntHId room lor the e_nli.1 pyrometer
.. weI! .. the wori<.
For lhe Inll i.1 melt the .. h. whi;;h
com .... I fine powde is pul in 10 aboul
4 Inche. below lhe lOP ollhe POI and, D5
lhll m,hs. mo .. is very Clrefull'( edded IS
Ih. , ..... , oink . When .. -melting 'I-tlbse-
QUln,l'(' Ilifly ""V'( i.",., lid should be ... ,
OVIf Ih. mouth. IS. h"d, may kMm
when Ihe ult sels on cooling and there;5
lull' flalc of Wiuing. Howeve._ so K>rig as
lhe lop end 01 the heetlng elemen, lies
boY4I lhe .. It level the cruSI should melt
from Ihe OIIl1i<ho with no such
ltuubl .
The w"";'pie<:e should be preheated
lilli, If It i.likelv 10 have water 0' oil In .nv
hoi.,. Ind II Iny holes arB deep 01 "'ge
lOMe o;onslde.l1ion sho .. 1d be given 10
lhese. II there is. risk 01 S(lUning 01 ho'
.. h II lhe .i, '01, wo<se_ vapou<!lreppe<!
in the hole pends. The piece coon lhen be
HI In lhe belh. WI,II wi .. if
..... be. (A job lik lile or scr_ Cln. 01
cou .... "- lhe tang prolNdlng from !he
Ill"""'. The immersion 01 ,,,. work wUI
f ... .. _. t' ._' ._._
"" .. " Cd ...... d 1 .. _____ _
""- -_ ..... " -_.<
.... -
.. ".;o<.,il'( ,edllCl ,he lempol'.I .. ,e.
"'" 11>11. il no need to edjut! lhe o;onl!oI,
_ 11 e/lOUld 'ecover v.ry Qu<c.kl'(" Iher' i,
flbl' 1100e 01 he.1 In lhe lurnec:
()nC01 thenr th. wori<p,ece Cln be !elt 101
11'08 praor;.1bed Ii"", wflicll. fOl. uti bllh_
MUFf LE FURNACe ... 30 m.nulet peo-
01 IIIic'-nea This '- one 01 lhe g ... 1
..,...n111111 01 the .. It balh - lhe 01""
Deino thel lhe helling i, bound 10 be
..,;form.rod 10 lhe f;Ot,ec:llImpetllu .. ,
The wo<k <:1<1 be QUIf\d\ed In waler .
01 oiL Moil 011'" edheflng .. II wift
' .... 0 off' on quenching. In lhe IIttl1WO,
.-.d the rill will d' .. "."., Thi, w.1I do no
""'" S.1t w;11. howev .. collecl In lhe
bottom 01 In ott balll lrod Ih .. must be
'-v.ed 0111 .llnt ..... ta. As I h.v, uld,
.It IiHH I. lIuill hltml." Iwhen cold.
NI II; mol"n ult mu" be I,,"ed wilh
1111 "me .ItPICI 11 Ihal IoCcorded 10
molten m.,,' - '" CII. 10J.nd r:leb,1t (.n
be cIIS(IOSed of down Ih' alnk wO[h I 000d
IIuth 01 .",,,'e,. In wllk:h connKIion. the
"",tari.1 DOES .bllOrb w.,,' .. sily nd
the .. 11 powd.r lhould be kePI in plastic
btge In.n .Inlghl conlline., FOI Ih, tIIm.
_ n, lid .hould be kept on Ihe pot
wt.n nol In use .
Nl1utllly!Wet.. pot .hould nol be used
lor r.'ge 10011. The ull lav,' shuuld .',>1 be
.... 'han 11I1<!1-qu.n". full flO[ mould It
riM ",.,.. 'han In Inch .boY4I Ihe lOP 01
!he healing elemen, .nd e .. ,linly
IIIouId not 'PP'Okh lhe top oIlh, pol. In
_ "tIM a I.rger di.m"., .nd -'>orll'
1 ",It would help in lhi' .. 1ptC:1. bul the
COol! 01 lha lube Ind hilling ",m"", ,,,..,
he"", .. hiQh SllelV II"_Ul_
.. deall w.lh .., Ct., 10 .. bul I WlU
.......... 11 .. 01>1 poinl now The l>Quid iI
f\OT ... hoi " molten briU . nd \"011
""uld be w",'ng prope' goggln_
..... 10 ..... _ U.1lId I ap OON'T Iry 10
-rig up- ... It pol; II flIIJ5I be properly
conSlructed end be solid enough .nd
heaV'( enough nol to tip 00II . for the hoI
.. It will ""I the floor on fi,e JUII IS would
hoi "","1.
furnace Control. Tha .. is no ""'Ihod of
conlrol 01 gn !ifed fumace which iI
"ISO<'O.bIe In cost othe< th,n .. m ........ ' . h
I, pouible 10 ot>,.in mcdul ... ng nl"'"
bu"", .. with 1M, ,,_lel1l bul lhe cost .nd
oamp/iCJoloon would be d1fficu" ' 0 jusli",
lor lhe modttI "'IIi ...... , Electnc: lumeces
Cln_ 100 ........ ', be a>nuoR,d IUtomalicrolly.
in two w..,. The a.siftl .rod CMepai it
I'" -Energy Controller" - .5 is .. sed on
,h. I\o'p!alet 01 most 'leclri<: cooIo. .....
This '-. ,,, effect. simple bma-5wildl.
W;,h ,''' di.I sel ., "0" tile Currenl is off
.11 ,''' HI a, '10- il i. on ,II the
lime In belW",", the cu" .. nl .. swilcl>ed
01' .nd off in ptOPOrlioo - ego .. "'6"' lhe
currenl flows kM 01 t'" 1''''e. 11 "4"
lot ,nd so on. This ..... ry .ff&CIi ....
.nd IIfNOre cooIo.e. conlrols tOl one
lrom , scrap cooker) Ire usu,)1'( '8'ed ..
oboul 3kw. whiCh is Quil' ao:iel/U811 in
moll C8Sf1 . The ona essenl 1 Is 8 pik>,
lamp. for il i. ,II 100 env 10 "forget"" and
I .... e il lWrtched OIl all night Agoin _
cook" o; have sel of
lIPICi.,1y kM such. lamp_
The prope, '''ThetmOlllal '' i. la. bene .
01 eou'''.'s lhe tampe ,ure ClIn Ihen be
COfllrotled within close limill. The COil i,
11"""'.01 coo"'"', ItS so"""OIm of 'el.y
or "lIOlid stile" switch i, needed as well
IS I'" Ihermocoupl . This l.lllf CAN be
the indlcaling 'hermocouple, bul is .. sually
__ .. II "e"",nl, TIle 00$1 arod com
plk:l1ion doet depend_ 01 course, on lhe 01 f;OtIUoI rnr:le<l FOI t'" son 01
hell ""unen' w, Ir, concerned w;,h
one which will hold the IIIT .... '.,U .. 10
wilhin .. f- SoC would serve.nd +1- SoC
iI .. c:IoMr .. is ...... ",ry: ,II Steelmalt",
qUO" tempeo-ature range for I,,",
p.oduclI. u .... lly 20 C wide_ QU'le
ff,nkly. I found ,h., ,he only problem
... i,h my ene'gy conltoll Iyp. II
"to<lI4'tlulnns'f t know ",.ny ..... 11 where
lhe di.1 has 10 be sel fOl' . ny
.. bu,l h'"e. on mo,.,h,n on.
occ .. lon. been uHed ,w'y lrom ,1>8 lI>op
Ind fOl'lI"n .... '0 chedc the ,"
befof. lelVlng
5pi,i' lampI, F,om ,he subUme 10 lhe
ricHculoull By no meanll The humble
spinl I'mp is Qu"e'" .001. I would
sr, . .... mi.1 when ",.Iing wilh vet'\'
sm.1I .001 delic." h I, che.p. II
provid" lIery clean hme, .na II neitds
no h .. vy g boUI .. 01' Ir.iling wi,e. '0
feed ,'. My own it one of ,he I,nle gl_
.ff.;" wI,h ...... nd wicl< iboul i inet.
diamete bu, I do u"" on. from a "IIiri'
fi,ed model which hu. la'ger. "". wick
from ,imto '0 'Ime, .... _ wlU bnng
f .. HA _ _
., .... - , .. . _.
fill"'" , ,-.
---... _ ..
eoo of 3132 In.,e, rod It
Quenching tempe.-I!utfl Qui.. happi.... .
h ...... t.e.dy f.rred 10 ,he u" of Sp.,. 101' lempe'ing. For scriber POIni. a .....
Iven !ony boring ,ools 'he whole proc.,:
e.n be cell"ie(I OU, wllh Ihillinl. 'eliow
H.ndllng. N.tu ....,.. you h ..... 10 be
,0 hold The hoI mel,l. I h ..... 'Ireedy mb
paNIng ,.fere"". 10 Ihis from lim. I;
lime, In m.".,. anicln I hlvI 'eed ,t-,
.ulhor 1\10, mentioned holding the "
wilh .. 1>1....... TIl .. doe. NOT ,-'It ,,, "
norm.1 !T\fthanic', tool which. being
reasonable Quality) "ardened will
lose temPI< II $0 "lI,ed
reflf'1lnC' should be to ,
pilei.' - tile Iaym,n would cell
''Tong.". pernap,l FIg 35 ._ ueh
p,i . 'nd you will tee ,hal Ih' I\ON
limos, deoorllivft cu"'eI. Thl, I. 10 g."
IIOme .hghl in lhe holding A ri ....
hke lhe link of I ct..if> ce" be slipped 010 .
the handlellO hold ,he nose cioM<l on IP>-
work. Such pli.,s or 'ongs COm' In mo',
sh.pes. bul th.t shown;1 thoe moS! u",,!
lor he.llre.lmen,.
For Im.lI" wo,k Ihe ' I,bo .,.,...
'ongs" snown in Fig 36 """'e ,ho sa""
purpOse. m .,. of SI,lnloss slef:'
they cen be used to grip "ilher "",/'I ,,.,.
ends (It ""min !he ".ing" It is. ho'A''''''
Tmpo"'n, to OOllin only Ihe belt Qua "
even Ih ... do occulon,lIy to ..
Ihei. legs" and Ihe cheapet
told for h.ndling ;',",';;":;; ,
.." uMIeu. Tl>ey
IJ/f1 tIjlUilblo lhough Ih.V a."
.oIikwtv 10 be held in s,ock. In.1I 0:. ... 1""
... 01 thoe longs .nould be Wltmed
.. we l\Iond!ing tile meili . nd on no
tcO"'nt Ihould be w"h ellhe,
pt. 0, oil.
In $/tu'llon, whe,. lhe u"" of "J)lier,"
no1 pouible 1'- Iron wire un be
flOUr><! .ound 10 m,k" h.ndl, o.
..... 3doo through. hole If Ih .. e il one.
IS. F''II, 28,) Remembe. Iha' when ,he
;,on getll hoI it both .o:pends which m.y
"" lEn ttl. hold. ,nd IoMs sl.ength T.k,
,h.1 It Is .. cure. and proportioned 10
... we of 'he Job. AI 'hs urn. "ma. UN
";re thl! i.,he thinnoel! geull" Ihl1 will be
....... 1., .a 1"-' i , wUl nol in,,,, ...
1M QUenching ealon. The." .em.inl the
\:ll1ICI 01 'he which I, 00 sm,lI that
..... Ihin wl.e would c.u .. trouble, The
__ is 10 hll' ,he work In
-ju$l' pi.oe of tube uwn In
Ind 10 u ... Quench """ 01 such decllh
no 11I"I"gl. needeG; the Pirl wiliiall
10 the bonom II lit. which .nlPl' it of
_m 01' vapou., The he,t ton' ,,"1 of
__ tiny ill .a small Ihat tile
il 'Imost Insl,nllneous .nyw.y.
They can be '1P!led from the boHr '0 the
tInI< wlttl no fe ... Iha, Ih' c:ooling will be
c.mclul lon. OOmUI'C .nd the
IIOrmIII braZIng torch equlpmem will co .....
_t of Ihe hea'ing .... ng.m.nlS "",ded
lor the model enginee' whose her.,.ning
programme II "occasional" The Hme
"-" IOU.ClI Ihould cove, ,"" field, of
,nne. ling. .nd b,ning ,oreh" .ra
IOtQuIlI lor 'Ope<> hunh" o:.oehe""",
Ing "'erred '0 In ChaPlt, 6. ThoM who
mah a lot of we<;,al tooll. who .. work
inYoIvn ttle hardening of JigI'oo
0< who m.k. , prae,1C* of h!l<dening
w.lting panl on ,hei, models (II we ,II
oughl 10 dol will find lhet limple
elec:lrio; or g .... fi'ed muffl. will Mlp ,
IItIIi de'l. end lhe saIH,.ttI ........ more
10 For tempering In bul the tim"".1
the IowEtOmlMl"'lu,. HhEb"h i . II
I h,ve .I.eldy Indicfled. I .. eni Ind
mor, reI;,bie ,h." .ny 0'''', melhod.
In using bruing ,orclMs. too"'!!'o". 'I II
_tl,,1 ' 0 MI brlling prae, icI .nd
brll,ng lSiOe. You must
01 thl .'oms" II i, W.,O, III the lime. The
,.mPl',"ure il hlghe, ,"'n is needed for
sive.1OIder1ng I<Id it more import,n,
FUrlh... you h,vI 10 hold .n ''n
temPlt1!11ure /0. Quite, long tim. JUI!
' he OppoIJII '0 brallng 'lQui.ements.
_re long hilling ceu" probIam.
end """"'" w, 91' .",.
hol'" Ihln ,he rnt $0 Ihl! lhe Illoy will
"' 10110'" Ih" hll ' '". Na'u.al1y. il i. imPOH'
ibl. 10 OOVI' every ev.n'u.lily 0' eVlry
'''1)1(1 .... , In, chIP'''' likl Ih ... bul if yOU
keep '''''PI"incipiet'' OUllined .. riOt,
.1 ........ In mioo you Ihould hlv. no
difficulty in devising II H lt"'CIO,.,. Uheme
to< .nylhing out of ,he OI'd'n.,.,..
So f.t _ haw! bHn corw:emed with-"
which needlI to boo herdotned tight thorouGh
- tools. punche. chiN ... nd t"- liII. - but
the.. .t. mlny IppliC'tion. whet.
the classic C'M booing. ctossheMi pin
Sud! , COn1j1OMnt could. 01 COUtM, boo
mlde It om "Si"',,- " .. I, hltde"lld and
then tempeted to tfiluca the btI1U_,L
Howev't. the tempetfnv would ,educe the
.urlac. hardn... ,nd so the ......
_i,tlnc. _ 'nd .... have had to uM an
e . petlllive m" ",. In 'Caseh.m.n,ng'
we low or medium c.,bon Sleel Un
Indust,..,. In ,IIoV .tHI) ,nd
modify the Itructu,e 0 1 t he out" OII<ln 10
that thi, c.n boo h'tdeneo;l w.thout undulV
IIffKting the coo-e. Th. m,in bOd., of ou,
pin will then h ..... all the cha.,cte.ilhc. 0 1
the "mild" "eel originally uwd but the
""tfltCtl II u ha,d I I In untemllll'ed
I\e,dened high-c .. bon .t .. l.
To bring thiS ebout w ..:Iopt prot, ..
known II "ClrbunlOng ' You w,1I .ee.1I
the Cl>tpte< I th .. 10 "Cesl Steel"
from wroughl i,on ,he .... 111 Wit he.ted
for Ion'iJ period In the pr_, 01
carbon. 10 thl! the carbon COfllent of lhe
whole ml .. wit inct .. SId. For caMh.m
eninQ the ptoce.. il .. md.. bul lhe
heltinv Ii .... II much .... , with lhe <HUll
Ihil the OII<in only of lhe .... "1 tek .. ""
the Clrbon Indu'''''Ity the ,ime i .... "
Ihll Clsong 01
1/ 16 inch or more - will Illow for ""b. __
q ..... nl gtfnding. For modeImakiog SUe
dlpl'" ... unnecessary we se\do".
,GlOOI IO lI'inding we "' ..,
lip lhe wtf.c, to impt"",e lhe finish.
thick caMI lhere Cln he D dime-n5''''''''
change. but lhere is no need 10 wo,,,
tbout t hi' lor the dep,h of c. rbu.isaliOl'
norm.11or IT\OdeI.m,king.
On<:e lhe Plfl has !>eftn SUtfl Cl ca'
buriMd II is hea'ao:! allain UP to the ha.
denlnll temperltu,e and Quenched. W.
CAN tempe, II il we wiSh, bul Ihis is rw
nee.",,,, Ind it it is 'hough, d05 ,.
Ible 10 t"'ine the g,.ln a li!lt8, 100-1 40 C
wilt suffic . However. we can modify th.
process Ind 10 t1e, 'va one 0 1 the g'f",
,dvlnlllll, 01 caseh8tdening o "e'
through ha'daning W, c,n mlchi"" It'.
piece ."., c,.burising bUI befo"
q .... nching Thil will 1en10'0"e the ""se lro"
,he m.tchined pin . Quenching will "",
no effect on the mlchineG sur/aces, .'
, ...... will boo toft This is quile nor ""
prKl icI, tnd many engine end mlCh.'"
pi'" .. a designed '0 he !1U,ed in "
"shion. Fill- 37 i" CIS<! in pOint - , r
with. Mrdened belting ""tflCAl and ,.,
__ t"'-ads. II mIde fsom si/Yer "
t ...... tht-eads _Id boo dead h.1d "nlest
,.rnpII. e<I, 'fit II they w'" tempe .... to
till' sal. hl<d ..... the w," ,"i$flnao 01
tIoI pin wi. be 'educed. pe.hapt untep-
,1ObIV. Tl>e pin in leel, mlde 01
e."",rOened mild I1MI. At "," lhe pin Is
t<JUgh m-.:hlned " the ends. Ibout 1. H5
inch ...... ,"':.. bu, the bearing ",tfeee I.
AI "' b" II h been c.,bu,i$8d ,II
<MI' ,nil thin thl ClM lu,ned ,WIV lrom
tIoI ends. down to finish ,ile One thtaad
"" t.e.n K.,WCUL AI "c"' the pin i .... n
,her 'Iheat'ng ,nd q .... nching Inl i-Klle
peinl was used Fin.lty, II '"d"' VO<I'" the
!htetd CU! on the othe. end laha,
_Ch,nll) Ind the whole clunao:! up an<!
potls/Nld. 80TH th,.ao:! SOlt. deSpite
the I'Ct that one wll Cut belore and the
othe, 'h" qU' n<:hing, yat the boo"lng
IUff.ce I, dal'd ha,d. 'nd tOOk the teet h
off th,li l,. The ha,d .kln wu .ublGQUon.
tty m ...... ,ed Ind lound to boo belween
0.003 ,nd 0.005 Inch thic k
TIl". ... oth.. .itUllions whe ..
tlIlIh.tdenlng can be ulld to adYantllge
FOf .... mplt . I eomple. loomtool can boo
mlde from mild lleel ,nd ClrbutlMd
All" h'rOening it will hi'" w,hlCe
hatdef thin ,empetao:! Clrbon stMl It will
not Sllnd 'l9'indlnv. but the tool til. woll
be lIigh.ty longer .nd il tI I. to boo used
only the once We hi", lived , 101 of
ma.en.! Mao. from carbon
IleeI , pivol pin or , lithe CIfI"e wilt need
10 be ICtITI9Ifed' ClIIh.tdened _ then! is
no need. and the _ .. ,esi.llnce will boo
'Ie, n.-. .. .. ,s .... w11w ___ l> . _
... _"' .. ____ "'" ___ l.'
TI .. ____ ,, 14_.. " ... t .. ....
_ ... _--"",,---... -....... ...
.... _. __ .. , __ d __ _
- ---

g,.al.,. In ANY "1, .. 11on wn.r. 1M PI" Is
IlIbjlel 10 lo.dlng Or wh.r.
l""IIhneu I, nil ded for olhaf rUIlOM. bul
" lhe ""m. lime ... illlnc:. 10 we .. Is
'DC/llirad. c.",hardening I, 1M ._ ... :
you N ... 1M load be.ring tof. in ,."
10 IDka the .c,--. ...cI ,.,. surface con-
djl ionad 10 <l1li1 _ ...
C"bu,i.i ng. Th... ar. Ih,u
methods In u"'. one of wtrich. 1M Kto ....
""hbllh. i, nol .... ;"01. for mod.1
_ .. il .... 0/ ... moIlen
eYlnide .. hi. which I .. Ilth.nV
poi$O\"lOUiI. In Indlll1lY I'" ne' l moat
common ""'Ihod \I; BOX CARBURISING
Thi. in-ooI." the "'''ing of the wort. In ,
MlyY welded " .. I box filled with. ea.
bu.nslng ml,eri.l. The IkIa ..... 111d or
"lulad" fired.V The compound uNd
II spacill", formullted, 1"1II1y chllCOII
b UI with .dditivu t o incr.... il'
effllCl iYltnnI. Hilling 11""'1 It. of 'he
order of six hou .. or so. Fo. OUr smlll
perlS nolhing SO ,llbo<l1e II n_ad I
have used "oul lin box .. _ IhlV 1 .. 1 lor
two or Ihree heell _ Or I piKI a r ""1
pipe lnot gBlvanisedj with end fillad
with a plllg.nd , he o' her ",.Ied
wilh flrecl.v, INole. fI,.CLAY. no, II. ecl
men'. which win "" h.,,!; ob'alnlble
mOtl build ... mlrchlnlli . Th, earburll
ing el.ment I, dlltco.1. bu"hil. by 1,,,11.
i. tIow K ' ing. An mull be
.dded and Sodium Cerbon ... (nol Bic ...
bonlTelis 'hI mos, easi", oo,.;mtbltt. And
sboul 1" by weighl to "'1 . ""
m ... 1, tho<oullhlv. Ahern.tivelv you c..,
Idd lome of 'he "Open
compound " k _nit No. , " , whid> I "'_"
be men' ioning I., ... Abou, 5"wiU
Other m.' .... I. Cln be used - I !v..
IUcelssfulfy e.seh denet! using 01(1
Ie"..... bootl__ wrapped round "
m"ll. for 1 molll Presllmablv
,enning _ pm,ide<! an K,iIIB' or '
The wort. mu" be complete", SUrrOUn
lied by 'M compound. whid> should bt
oecke<:l down h.m. The IW:! muSI be sea!O(!
.inst ingless of Ii< I, is ,hen heated '0
between 8BO C Ind 920 C for lenglh
Of 'i"'l which is de'e<m;ned by lhe dep."
01 use .lIQui ..... The titSl hour w
poI"..,r." .bou, 0.008 inch .nd ca$<!
dep,h of 1.- 1 8 Inch m.v be 'lIDChed Iher
IDYIn hou .... IThis ISSU"'es Willi CDSi r>g
mild s'eel). For model eng,""""s won. a
deplh of 0008 Inc:h should be
and lone-hour hell will be long enough
InV greater deplh of case mav Inforce ,
wbsequent grinding ope,alion. No" ,ha.
th,,,, tlmn I,e limes AT lhe c8,buriSing
""'p,r' lIIr, . nd vou mus. allow some
for bringing up Ih. ,.mpe,al u.e
The i. 'liowed to COOl. end , his can
be outsidl 'hI lumltC. if no subsequent
mtchining is .equl.ed The pailS can Ihan
be " k,n OUt - ,nd her , is war,"
WllQll1ing 'M Inc:lusion 01 I btank leSI
flI U _w, .. , ,
-_ .... _-_ ..
-----.- ....... ,-
... This Cln be rlMlled and qUlnc:hed
10 dIeCIt 'h8\ wlflci.." h.rd".. .. hu bien
"edIId 1 u ... plecl of rO\ir'ld be nd
grind off ' hI "de 10 lorm Ilat .h,r
This Is etched wi,h 25'l6 n.i,ric
.ad in ..... 1 .. 'nd, .. Men in Fig 38 'he
dll)th of CDII II qu,te Yil-lble, Thi. is. 01
magnified by ,he 'clrelll,."V" of
;.. -oec:im .... , .... KIU.I ,hicltneeI CAN
III celcuilled if yOU lilte. but I .m . s I
... Ie. tont ... 1 if thl 'III II\ows the cese ' 0
be edotquller' Any "J)IIrl-mechitting, CDn
_ beOOne.
WI ne h_ la he,den I .... e,se, bul
I """ ..... _ilIOn mlV be
6.s.abll WI h ..... held 'M me'" _ If
115 tllllt. f lemPl<IIu" lot qull
whil, - longer 'Nn WI "''llhl lot hQ.
''''''ng Clrbon .,.at. Thi. "'IV h.vI
CItUIId som, COirsening al 'he grain This
will not be ",ious if.M lime w., In hour
01 \eq. bu. II Ionge. 11 Cln be worlh all ...
ding 10. If lhe bo>. wlS l>elled lot 3 hou ..
01 ..-. 1 WOIJId .'wI'fl refln. lhe grain
tllIe before h,rdening ThiS refining II
dor1tI by h.,lIng 10 I temJ)ll'''Uf' which
depends on thl c.rbon Conlin' of 1M
otlgln"""' II und,,
TemPl<III1f1 C
o ,
" '60
H"I for II>e 'egula. 'one hour 01' inc:h
01 ,nd 'hen qllench In oil"
.bou. 30 C Thi. I, NOT I h"denlr"rg
Pn>tff' i:kI, soI,'V directed ,0 reducing
1he go.;n II .. of 'h' tof. , In wilh VIr'Y
mild .cHl (below a I" c.rbonl .i.- cooling
""il aufflcl Ind ,he.. I. no need 10
The companen, \I; then btO\igh' up 10
16G-180 C. The Mlling time ill short . ..
.... . " conce"'ld only wit h d>e Clse, I
1_ m""'tll II -.gil. end ,hi work ..
!hen w .... .quenched. I h..... " ' Iedy
...... rIIed on lhe need for lempering
F,.nkly. this ;s 'otal", unfl8Ctt .... 'V for
ClSII or 'hI Ihd<ness we need Ind
sekIom for !hk:l<er <>nM bu. il islOUnd
oomttlimes Ihal suif_ cru'ng ._.
during lhe IIfinding _alion, .nd normal
lJ'DC,ice is '0 temper" aboul lSO C
expatilflCl shows IN, this is I'kely
OpenhHrth C.rburillng. CIou1 00.
ca,bu'ising is sel:lom .....:led lot model
wort.. and ........ lisa otten uad. 'f only
becluse ;, .aqui'H ,he use or I muffll.
Though I, can be 00ne by sening lhe bo>.
'" en open fite. t _ done 'hiS. 'nd;' ie
quila efflCliYe, IS ,he lempeta'lIfH a"hie
Slage .re nol all ,hel cn.ical. H_o ... ,
SUrflce haman;ng on the sm"h's htt .. ,h
NI bee<> used lot well over I cen,,,...,, Ind
is more 'han adequate for Ihin c ..... In
this proceu lhe mell! \I; brough. up la
about eoo' C Ibe,W<!'IfI 180 and 8501
u!-U111y relerred 10 as tlfigh! .ed"' The
pit" is ' Mn COIIered wi,h Sf)ICi.'
compound . ill>e. bv dipping or by <{)fling
;1 about. until ' h' SUrf.CI .equiring ha.
denlng I. campl.tely ca", .. d. The
COfTll)OlJnd in Conlact wilh ,hI ml,,1
mIllS, ,nd c,rbon IS .bsod,ed. The
pr<>ce ... cen be repeated lOVe. ,1 "mlS II I
.hlck" cas, is needed. IA ',ngl, "dip"
provide5 perhaps 0.002 10 0,003 inchl.
The comPO\ind I h .... used for 50-0dd
yll .. Is"it No. I. and il is readHy
obtainable ftom model lupplio .. and IYtIn
Irom good i. onmoogerl.
SOml praclI, ionors qllench
immedillelv if no int,.medi", mlcl>Jn'ng
i. needed, but I Prell' '0 reheat 10
bet ..... " 160 .nd BOO'C, I Itwl\'l u ..
plain w ..... lhough brine II OI.mislible
Na grain .efIning is n I E :led. The """'IIng
cue wilt be ........ hlrd - some would MY It
.. h,n:Ier Ih.n WI,h box cefburiling, bu, II
II VIfY lhin. I ",Idarn u .. less lhan 'wo
.ppiice'ionI end often _ or lou . bu, I
hIVI VII ta find ClSI which wll not
IhicIc enough lot 1M puo-poM in,anded .
N.,ureUv. II Int.rmedl m.Chlnlng i.
'MjU"ed i, i. nece ... ", '0 ,I\oW the WO<1<
10 cool, Thr. c.., be .llowed in lif. bu. I
usu,lly clap. piece 01 lir.mOck on 'OP to
.educe .he "" lIIigh'IV I, i. no, criuc.1 II
,", iNle.d. the .. is li1l" ,hII, " Cl'lliCllI
.botn ,h. whoII PlOCU. tl>ouOh "..'u,.'1y
the tnOI" ClI .. fully the tempe"'u, .....
obllrvrtd the be"., ,h. , .. ult._ An
occasion.1 p!'ObIem is .c.Iing How ..... ,
_ ... do'ling willi MILD 101 " most.
medium Clrbonl ."eI .nd .1>1 .... no
need In III .. aM 10 ... " slowly, When
cert>urising il is only the ,I"n thll i,
.fflel..:! anvw-v It;. no{ _1IibIe 10 UM
pein!. no.- ... It-blth, but 101-
IU ... llIy the compound 11.. 11 doH h_
,n,i-selle It" 0( cou .... only
pruOarr' to rlmao nV .. istlng scale lrom
bilCk be, (il _ need. 10 h ..o.n suchl
bIIfote ".fling The" I" 01 _' .. , no
'"1IOIl why you ahould not h .. I.he melll
in liul. boo lufto .. nd.d bV ,h,
compound, I ha"e done ' hll ocnlion.llv,
whetll h,,,,,. numbe, 01 Vlry 1m.1I peru
10 deal with" OI1ee, It ""et tim, You do
hIIve to be IUrI thll ,h, tom,nl ' Ir. up to
tempa,.tutl, of toU,,, . nd 'IOU .hould
use. '"thin'" (shallow) boo lor thll , .. IOtt_
But such. p,ocedu,e doel 'It"" WOlI the
innate slmplicltv 01 .. rth clrou,I.-
ing. Ind YOU IUt unlikely to !Jel /Mn",
resultl by ullng a 1>00. It II, oce",on,lIy,
mot. conv,nient, Ihll 11.11
Now .rod ,hen the .. mly be d,tlCuI"tI
In .pp!ying ItIl compound - on ,"chll
wheel, lot , .. mpl, - 10 be SUrl Ihll It
wo,h On the d i.ed t.eel, The
compound CIIn be _111 with Wiler .nd
lPjIIil as pel"_ It i, then 1>1 1 ..... '"
(I8"11y to dry OUt, 1ft .. wIIlch 'Ill procl-
du.. " .. dnc,lbIId Ibli ... n.... Ife
.. t .... ionI wt>e<e MCOndIrry mlChintng
might be n .. dod WIth boo cerburlsing but
an be I-.oided wtlh the open he .. ,h
",,!holt. A 1Ct_ ,,,,.Id. to< can
be prO'ICtl f'om lIIe action 01 "
compound by w'apping wi,,, Of ohim .",
round il Tipped hoie'S can be
with.sclew ,rod pllin 1'10111$ by insen,
plug .. And. of course, if .11 you rreea
IIItden i. t ... tace 01 a tappet 01 the end
00111 i. IISV enough to devise millIS
... tric! the .ppiication of compound Of' ,
,0 thl1 penlcul" SPOt.
51 .... 10' aHhflrdening. Any "51.-'9'"
CIIrbon .,"1 c.n be c.tbu.;sed - yOtI ColI'
if circumst&nCes require it. cetbu.ise II>t,
" .. II At "'Ie. """ ... e', the PlOC.55
no.-.... I .... IPIllild 10 till Iow-c.rbon "m,' .
.11 III .. _ 1\ mosl. to lhose with carb<",
conl.nll below 0.3'!f. F ... -cuttlng $''''
can 0CCHi0nI11y PI"""" problems - "
incl .... ion. which provide the lt1!t!-Cutti,.
qu.lltr ... m., CII .... s-urface c""ng I
would not ..:!vise boo catburising ''''' ..
ml1e<ilr.. bu, hive suc<:esslully wrl,e.
hl,d"ned thlm by the open-hea,-'
method, Steel, r:lesignl I,,
Ibo.1 casehltdening Btl ."ail.ble. TIteso
uSU.lly contain .bout '" of Ni(:kel,
object being 10 Ihe grain g'o,",,"
during the p'olonge<! heating. 5tr3111"t
CI.bon SI"II intended !lptlCifie,lIv for
clsehattlening by .i,hB' p,ocess ... Er
32C 1080101 15 in B5970/19721 wh"'h
0.15" cltbon, 0 ,89(, manganese. end Eo
21 1130'-415) whi(:h is 0,15" ca,bo
1,3'lIIi m.nll.nese: somewhat ,"
'0 ton/ .. ""ile luength.
Alloy . ,HI. aItould not be c,seharde-no<!
without """ill ..... t'ellm.", SPeCili.
.tOnI Irom the m,ke<s. All such 5111115 J"
'""".t ""'table" .nd you may well ""
1dvI ... condi.ions III" cerb,,,,s,
PlOCrH. II vou <10 not 9"1 ,he remPl'tlh
nghl. N...., try 10 asehlrden ICt'P
Of otICUll lrom ,he mtchine-shop "*'
1l1Iy m-v be ..,ything, from low IIr;><" '
"HI 101 m.kinv decorat;"" hlrdl-eil. ",
c h rom,,-nic"l-molybdenum-ti.,niufl'
elloyl On the 0,111< hand . ,ought ... ,"
jelroil'f' ld.ntll l.bIe by 'Ill SPlrk tnt)
'den. be,ulliully. arod CAN
,*"", ..o.n CIItt!fonl Ob\Iio<ItIy yOtI mutt
""'" teIJIrd 10 lhe .... pe of, IlI Cllting-
..,.npI'" OU,;;"" m.y c.1dt In the quench,
but h ..o.ning till end of. pi .. """, Of """
.... Iverock .. pr ..... " no problem .
fpmp\n. Fig. 39 ohow. a lew ... mpl ....
Top lett I t..aJo,,,, rnacM '0 tlPlace
the albuflllOl COf1uol on .., arc_'
,,0010<-(:1, Brigh, dr.wn hexagon bI< was
UMd end fin"" mteluned or:rrnpIetaly
bllore h.,denlnll, Th. th, .. d wu
protlClld with thin iron Wlr nd wlut""-
n;. and onlV the INII .nd WIS dipped ;"
K...rul NO.1, It WI. quenched dirlet
.ft .. the second .ppt;t;lItron, Cent .. lOP Is
the cr.lII<shlh 101 mode' .... m engl'"
Il h. Willi.mson"l wl l h ha,d"ned
r:nnkpin . n thiS CIM ,he belling surlte,
_ finished to dlman"""" bu, the ""m
whlctl fill into lhe wal I,ft 1/32 Inch
0III<IIn The workpiece wll nol PItied
011 l rom the "ock " thl. "l1li Th.
belring wll the K ... n" t"!
1Wice. being dipped into ttle compound
only sufficiently '0 cove, I" Af,.r coo4i"ll
oIow .... thl! r ... 01 the ... achinlng wlS co ...
.... H Cl .. "' ..
... _---- -_._,_ .... -

:r )"

platl Ind P'tled off. ah", which ,he
fl .f'rijed "nd was finished. It wa. tltln
rehetled .nd l)Uenched. 1'I1I<e w.. no
diffICulty 11 all in rive.i"ll till aptgOI on
Top right is I differ..,t situation Thilis
tIp needed 10< finishing 1111 1f11em.e1
threlds of the cl>ucks uHod on
my HoIUaplfel Illhe. The cost 01 length
01 ......... IlHi this size would be p!OhlM _
tive lao- the .mor.M1l of wortt il hi, to dO.
Fu"l1I<. thetl would hav<o been some fiJI<
01 e,ldting even il Wei' ce,e wa tlken,
If the thr"ads h ........... '11 roots .nd fine
.ngl" of SOo, It was mlde 01 bI.d mild
.. NI Ii". ""t rolled. nol twigtn drawn) 10
11'111 t!>ere was no need to nonnsli .. it
r. .. t. It w gIven. single It.llment WIth
K ..... it No.. 1 .nd que nched (l;reclly, Th'
QJlting ldijel we" ve", 1i{Ih'1y Itoned
Ifterwards.. It has setvfld its p!.IlJ)<lse wll h
no ditliculties.
BOl1om left is a d,illlng jig fot some
cy(ind", cov.,s and the aS$OCi81e<1 cylrn_
de.-s. the numbel- gOing th,oullh the lhop
IUl1ilying 'he usa of jigs. It was ml. ITom
B'ight O,awn steel which wn littt no,
mllind b,fo', ma chining. It WBI
::"'- .............................................. J
carburised lot 30 minUII' In I lIn
using a mixtu.a 0' dll'COIII .nd K .. enil
No. I compound, Thi' wi. done,o .ntO ..
mal lhe Inn .. sulf_ 01 lhe hole. w"
hardened. BOil,,", I, rhe g.OOYed
jaw 10< a d.illing vie-. wll
caseh'rdened "open h .. "h' lhe I'In
being ,,;d, lacl down. in I tray 01
compound. Th." dow, _I appll<ld
Thera wn a lillie ICIIlitIQ on the back . ..,.;I
iult I \/IfY Iill'" distattion It _Id hive
been W1S1r 10 normllise il beiOlI machin
ing (BDMS w" usedl bul lhe I,ull "'"
nol sulfieien, 10 WI"",I the makong 01
8011""' righl I. In ... mple oIa
fotm 1001 This wn mlde 'rom mild .....
lot no Olhe< .. allOfl th.., II,,, , hed no
higtH:arbotl 0' ,he .;gIl1 end only I
limjlltd .Iodr 01 a sill wll;eh could be
machined down. Thi. WIS !I,vln dose, 01
Kasenil No. I . 1I0wed ,0 cool . nd Ihen
'ehealed and quench"'" Thor comPOUnd
wat applied only 10 the 1001 lip. The "SUit
was oulsllnding. Th. caM wfl Ih,ck
enough 10 IIghl lIonlng oIlhe IQP
',ce 10 give. sha'll edge, and Ihe ".rlo.
maf\Cft Imnamenllllv lu,ning gnlly hlld
woOO.! As no lemperlng Waf
needltd Ihe cUlling edge wll h,.d,. Ihln
could ha". been obl.lned with con
""nllonll 1001 sleel. And 10
suppa.Won . uch 1001, have a harde.
turning lheM nOlic woods thin when
h,mlng most mel II . lot lhe only .Otue 'Ot
lhe ucape of lhe heal is lh-tough lhe 1001
- Ind, 0' course, no cooIlnl can be used
Conelu,lon. Cueharde-ning is no. a oub
' l ilUle lor through hl<dening with a hig>
camon "eel, bul' process which eams ,"
1)1_ lrom ill \/IfY nllu.e We can design
component in malerial whOd> ,,"0.;0,.
the ,!lenglh, fabgu, <esiSlance. at Oltwo.
Ph',""V needed and lhe-n surface harden
;1 10 g.ive Ih' .eqUi.ed
natu .. 0' lhe I"ocess is sucI'Ilhll selecl;",
hlfdening e.n fflIIIily be applied. a..:!
risk 01 is very rnueh <educed. Use
01 Il'Ie 0PIfI he,<1h melhod gives 0'1;'-
.0equ. l. Ih!ckn.n 01 CU. 10' 0'"
pu,pOse. Ind is much , h. n
Ihrouoll IIItdening. with the Me<! 'or sub
MqUenl lempering adding 10 Ihe ,ime
IIkln. AI lhe IlIme lime, casehafll<!ning
Un be used fo.- Ihings U 1.11'1, looi s
"C. II cl.cums'.nces dernand. 0 ... fino'
point i ..... onh making. There i$ oft.n no
.eal naltd 10 ha.den a tubb<ng SlJrfac ... bu'
lIlt IS h"dened Ind pojisl'le<! I .... ',ic,ion
lOll .... ill be ,e<!uced. The almO$l IIla'-$
ha.d surf,ce p.oduced b\' casehafdenlng
Is ... ulldv.n,-1l"I in Dlisucll applicalions
Other Heat Treatment
(11 Ann .. l1no. NOfrn"illng.'1'Id Sit ....
Relieving. Th_ lhiee ptocetM-l a often
confused Th ....... carried oot ,n llimil
bul lhe Ih'ee PU'PC'H , dlNlfenl
AIl""e/illQ II lhe to'tan,ng 0' "eel ptl'
viously h 1IIM<!, whl lhe' by h.1I l'Iat
menlo, bv <:Old wori<ing NOI'mlli,lr>g is ..
prOC.II wh.relhelmernllllfucIU" ollhe
lleel I, 11.'01111 10 'IIOIm.1' Ihlf some
p!' .... OPe'"ion aav forging Slfl',
Relit" I., as III n'm .. imph" Ihe .. IUH
of Itr""". which m.v h8'" been locked
up In Ihe ste.l. "'Ih ... bv healll,,,menl o.
by coid fo.ming 'Tempering" II I !ll)eCi,1
' orm of stress fllievin-g. W, will dUI wi l h
IheM p.oceUeiln
An .... lin\l. Th, lIeel will be Martansllic
in .1f\fClU'. ,nO il i. nee""", 10
lhi, 10 Ofle cOnt'inlng pelr!ill Ind .nhe,
le<!-ite 01 eementi .. , es II would hive ,,"n
had.he s'eel been COClI,d.wwlv from Ih.
Inllill auslenllic "'" Thl, mnn.lh.l _
must fil'$l liIi", II 10 a ,.mt>\l lure high
enough 10 en ..... 11111 lhe .teel " above
!he ",rwform,,1on IImpe,"u" . nd lhen
eooI I. " ..... \till W111 .bow lhe IIIn,
""""It Ion loptedill.
In lhe case 01 low carbon Ind med,um
carbon Sleeis lbelow 0.85'IQ .hi, wiW be
abou, 30C above lhe upper cntIC.1. bul
101 higher cMbon conlin, ,
lIOIIl_h" .00-. ... he lowe, e"l;,:al will
suffice. The _ommended Ife
given in lhe table lil!low. ISee also Fig 41l
In eull lhe highe. lemt>\l"",,e
",lalH 10 Ihe lowe, carbon con!l nl. Non.
The rnulal musl be healed .Iowly and
I hen "'soJked" al Ihe ann.allng
"mpetllu.e lor one hour per inch ot
Ihick""", - In Itle CDse or reClangu/a,
lectlon, Iha smalle. dimen!ion Is Itkan. It
should Ihen be cooled n .Iowlv n can be
contriVed. II healed in muNle wilh a
good he" insulaTion '0 t he ch.mlil!. II
m,y iii! lilowed 10 cool down in lhe
lum""". Olherwise il mu", be ",I in hOI
,.he, Of -"e ,imila. mlle.i.l wh;ell will
retain l he he" Thin. !I., seclions can be
COIl led lil!tween IWO pt .... h."ed in",laung
1iI;ekJ,. Thor highe. ,he c:arbon conI...,' lhe
more impOl'lln. is lhe slow .. II 01 cooI'ng
FOI '"rniltf" SlHt lhe "',y be (OCI,d
In .i, ...- il has dropped 10 llOUnd
lIfIlowO 1
01-03 03-0,5 0. 5-07 0.7-09 AlxiYeO.9 s ...
870-830 850-800 820-780 800-780 790760 710 C
00 11>< ...... _ ... __ ..
, .... ." :
400C. bul It ia lNdviJabie 10 Quench II
wet> hom low I_ n" . NOle 11111
IILtDfk must be fully pret ... ttd beloo.
immetsing In. uh,balll fo< ....... Iing.
Annelling "ig" _d Sf", 11; I dIInc;y
business IOf the Imltlu,. _i'lly II
''''' aublleQu..,t lIeto;lening m.y will be
beyond thl c,p'billtiel 01 tile e<luipmem
.... How.vI . II luch ,n ope"tion
muSI be ca"ied out Ihe pi,cI "'ould be
h..ateC VERY slowly to SSOC, heidth,
10. one hoof per HALF-Inch 01 MCtlon, Ind
cooled veoy Ilowlv Indeed; mulli'
fumac. i. .lrr>QI.\ .1"nti,l. and the
cooling Cln bl b .. t ,U.ctld bV
prOg.e .. .educing tile POwe, Inpul
until it h f,llen to .round 5&OC beforl
tumir.g it oil completely
NOfmlli li"ll . Afte. 100g,"(I or .olling
metal lINt nlluIII "'.pe oIt'" "g'linl' w,1I
be o:IiStoned ..,. Fig '0. n.. S.tUliion
may 1M .... n WOfIl II some of the lorging
Of leg,. bend;ng hit. been done It below
the proper IOfg"19 tlmper,tll'" Of when
tile It HI is b"ghl-dtlwn, To .eform and
",fine the gra;n Itl'llCtu'e II i. again
._ 'Iry to ,ehUt to .bove the c",ical
temper.tu.. but to , t.... hoghet
de9rH th.n is nu:led 10< .n .... t'ng,
Hj)8Cillly 10< the hogh CI<bon "Hla,
The" mu.t be liken right up into th' lUll
au ..... itic: '''IIion. Fortunately tool Steel.
HIdom raqui", "",mlliling, which i.
needed chi,flv to imp,ove the
mtchineabilily 01 medium end low c.<bon
I,nd .11oy) lu.ets, The following t_
showl recommended tempe.8tU'H,
. ,
. ,

, .
U 12
900 925
10C up o. ::Iown Irom thne
temoe<"u'" wil _, n.. temperatu",
mu.t be maintained, 3S in tile u ... 01
aNIIlling, to. ...... hoo. pe. inch 01
MClIOn, ,nd the cooling m"$I. again, be
-Fig. 4 1 Ihow'1; the annelling .nd no,
m.lising nge on lhelron-c.omon
Str... Reli.f, Ce.t!in manulKturing
p<oce .... _ induce stfesse$
wltl>in Ihe mlt81, in p,. t icul,,, cold
o:I<.wlr.g and wekling, The form!!. Hillhe
surface II<ln under comp.e$s,on and t he,e
m. v be a lensile st.ess in Iho
cor., Th, "1U1t i$ Ih!1 when anv pan of
the lurface Is .emoved symmeTry is losl
.nd tINt Ihape will ::Ilstort. In welding. plrt
01 the mat.1 il b.oughl UP TO veoy lIigh
tempe t"",. Indeed Ind dille.enTial con
IJlCtion between Illis .nd the cold or
",llIi". cold Pltrtl eln 5Uesses
oIt.., aulf\cient to d'5Tort ::luring the IClual
Wfllding TIle deg"'" of slfe$S 'elief
LW!ltIed 11 dill..,,,,,, in .1Ie TWO Uws, Cold
dr.wn Of ooId fOIled IUHlI mlV be .eliltVed
aull;c;..,UV '0 Pf .... ent during
machining by he",ng to belW""" 4QOC
.nd SOOOC ,ncI lilowing lhe part to cool
In .i . It it ;"'PO"lnl 'hltt you ensu.e even
!wating. OtllefWi .. ,lie I'St 5181e may be
WOO'H Ih,n the fiL$l.::I .... to l!>ermal _n'
lion dilletlncH. For wekler:l COMPOfIfIt'IIS
f19, .t ,",........ '._" .. " ., . ... __ ...... _., "".,.""" ... _""_." n, ........ , ...
..... _ ......... __ '" " .... _ ......... "..b
(I am ,eferring 10 'he sm,1I pert. used In
modell. not 10 home-m,dl btldgll or
.ed;g mUll II it II beSl 10 give t 1"lIlnn881
a. the condition In the vlClnl,y 01 thl WIld
is Quite unknown,
P.rtS which h_ been he.t "e.ted
wl"- of cou ... , be unde, c:ontid8'r.bIe
in' '''COYlllllin. ,I. ,in _ Ihil il part of the
hl,dening p,oce" The .ubseq"lnt
lempering __ it a form of '1"'"
relief. ..... n lhough in Ihi. ce" w '-0
aim It _ con"oIled u_fOfm,hon II
... ,
(1 ) Scooll"fl . In III tile above 1W0CfI1MI
LIOme aurfaca .c.oling 11; to be PIMC'ed
Inr:I this un be I .... isance II cen be.,....
vented by lhe UII of .nIL-ICI" paint
binding with wi ,nd onenir.g in whi ling,
or by 'he ull of cl> .:o,1 in Ihe muffll II
'hI laue. I, used, However. 10' om.1I perT,
an ingeniou. melhod i, desc.ibed in soml
larty books, The pens to be !>ealed ere ... 1
in a bolL filled with slaked liml ('build.,,'.
hml"l mixed w,th up 10 5" 01 ch,.cOlI
TIle I.tle. absorbs!ny OIfYQfIL1 !)fetenl, bul
11; not ""lficient '0 CluM ,ny Cltbu,ls:ng.
Anat"" fUch T1Icipe suggest. the uM of
fi ... USI.fron lurnings 1$ tile pecking
medium, n.. form.., method doel wortc.
but the llell insul"'r.g poope't;K of the
Ii .... ,nlorce.1ong heating " ....
121 R ...... clening. In the course 01 tome
loois may 1M I'1I\IfOUncI so II. WI the I", ;.
broughl b,ck into the more d.eplv
tllmpe. lid rlolllon. This .ppliel e$pfiCially to
tool., b<.ot cold chisels .nd
_11M" autl" In the um. way .nd ' t can
to sIide ... t tooll .1 _M When Il>is
h.ppen. tM" I. nO option btU to
...... den. It might .haugh, tha, i,
would b. nsc ry only to ,.helt.
quench. and ,empe, .g"n, This is well
enough w.,h ,0011 m ..... 'rom
"'lIively low c.rbon IlIel; I trU' my
p.ek.x., tHlr. end slmil., '0015 in
thB' way. 8u,II YOu try to feh,,,jen a high_
elrbon 11111 ' 001 In Ihl. ' ashlon thl reoul,s
wHi . a, bell. be- disappoin,ing you
m.y lind Ih" ,he ,001 cricks.. We mus,
res,or. 1M m.,.1 '0 ,,,. condi'lon It w8.
bI'Io<e 1M Initial harderolng p"otHlI was
carried OUI . nd this ..... ns that i, should
be- fulty .nne.1Io;I firl'. I h .... tiff'..,., dealt
with u.. PfOCIU .nd , ..... is no n&Id to
.-a, iL How_. , can add a 'eli",,-
...... , . II the .001 01 ....... imllOIUI1C4I is '0
be , .... rdttnld It to ,.-Iemper .0
.bout 3OOC before commencing the
annealing proc:-. Thi. will ' If9Ct ,n
almosl ."... ,elief to ,h.
s.ruC' ur. ,nd I heve n .... " 11M!, tool cud.
whftn thl. p,ocedure hea been Iallowed, I
re<:ommend I. I'fongly 10' 'hOse '0011
whell ther' I. CQIIlide,abl, d;Herel1C4l
betw .. n ,he tempef In Ih' 'hank end in
th' pain . It II onty necuury '0 heat up
... ry gen.1y 10 bI",--, allow I. to cool juSI a
lillie. and thin to PfOU,d wi,h the lull
.nne.ling he,L
C31 Ha.dlning Omlimlnl.1 Tools. The
Om.mant.'-- 'u''''' hal , poolliem not
mat wllh in most OTher Iypes 01 turning
The an COI"nf)riMI I'" cUlling 01 I.irfy
deep IMet ..... on .he aurlace 01 woA. or--
Yioully ",mid by norm,l melhod. 10 .n
ecc:eplable ""pe, The fin,1 etleGI depeOOs
enlirely on lhe reflecllon 01 lighl fmm Ihe
multiludl ol l.cI" 10 formed - and wi,h
w.ll executed worlo almost dUlling ,eflec-
tlo". c.n be seen on wood like EbOny
His prOblem Is .wolold.. Fil"$t . here is NO
m ......... hereby u.. Incised decor'tion
c.n be poIilhecl. The aurlJCI musl be
"fIee"", wltll H.ooI f",ish, This ""rlace
fini", can ........ be be"" ,h .... ,'''
on .he .001. and for lhis r .... son the
... arpanlng of , .... 001 is .0
"''Ill'll 10\">1" 10 be trem. limn . Aft",
IMming wilh normal grinding method$
and fiM Indi, 1I0000e ,he IS
.-ough pOlIslled ullng hafd Atklnsa,
one. ,he 1001 be-Ing held (n a special jig
hh' HGOnioll.n which .. noures 'hat bolh
the cutting .ngl. and , h. Plllle", angl.'
a" accuralety formed. It is Ihen lappe-d
u""" ,he flnell oil"OfICO dust on brass
lap. and IinlAy poIilhed (llill u$ing the
goniolllt! on .n Iron lip wilh jewellefs
rouoe Thoo jlfoblam Is Ihal modem loot
st ....... 11 nol Vi"" the refined g.lin siu
wNch ..... norm.1 ,..;.h the .,eeI IISed
when ,he an wi. ba;,.g o:IeYeioped. and
the common i. tha. I'" stee'
won', ,.k"he poll"''.
The IIII<Id difficulty is 5uch. 1001
mlY to mike Ih",e 00" lou. hund.ed
CUtl" IKh .t I ditllfe ... setting of 'lie
Ipp.iI'UI. II iSQui,.lmpOssible '0) remOve
It 10, ,harpenlng once ,lie p,<>ceM
lI.rled. A, previously mln.ioned. ,he only
.oute by which 'he he .. 01 cutTing Un
escape Is the '001; 'he wotkl)iacel
.... very good hell 1 ........ tOO" Th" "'lin,
lhal the .001 mutt "main sha.-o ,nd
henca. ha<d _ I long f*lOd - and 1m'
...... 01 .... ",.,... un fila' ' 0 .he
t'fIlICTiv."1I of ,he work. lhasa twO
IIqui"m.nll linlll grain size .nd
maximum M'd ..... cennol be ItChIaed
"';'h tl>il norm.' c.rbon loot " .... (end
..... n leIS .a wilh hlgh-.pud "eel). II IS
PQ&,ible .0 achi .... ,he haidoes,; ,eqUlred
by uling a iii, lleel. Aft" anneeling "
abou. 770C (and on no account above
790Cl 'M 1001 un be haldened lrom
760C!180C and Quenclled in b,ine. Th,
wbfeQuen. tempering should be as mild
II possible al 1!Itt pOinl - I do no mQl"l
than boil ito w ..... for ... " an hau, for
CUI"ng .... me 1001 . but illidat"' 1001.
mull be tlmpe,lId " 1 ... 1 10 stf,W in ,I'll
... ank.
AIt.rnativ ...... with Silv" SlIeI'
g.,ln .. flnirog jIf<>cess can be ca<ried out.
,nd ,hi' will g\wt qui! .. saliSItK:tOry faaulll
_ ,v.n it ,he pulis,. will Slty '5,,11 no, II
good a genuine Holnapller 1
Al,e, machining 'he piece .0 th'
.-qulred section and .ough fo.ming the
neda<l end Cil anyl hut 10 between
820C Ind 850C for on. hau, pe' ineh
01 section. In .he ca ... 01 1001. wi.h 1!Itt
9/,8 inch I<IU8.-. u..',uling
I8Clion' Is the;nch .... SO behind lhe painl
Ouenc:h in oil " aboul 20-25C The end may now be g.ound
e.elutty _ llmost to finish sin. bul In the
CHI 011'" he ....... illide<"' .oot. , ,32 Inch
should be left 01'1.. Reheat slowly ag"n. bul
10 160-770C onIv, and q ..... nch in brine
1\ I S-20C. Tempe. ;mmlldla ... ty TO nol
more .han lSOC for al leell 30 minu,,,,
.nd .1I.n Iet dowfl ' he sh,nk of.'ide""
loois wi,h the ae.ual CUlling pain. kep,
coo! in wll .. , Al ,his lamper \IllY hllie. it
any. 01 ,lie will be 105 . bul Ihl
hlidlning S!fUS'" will h&v. baen
,,'leved, Th. mlt,l wllt h.v, vlIfY ' i", .nd be as hard as possibl .
(4) H ... T,eaTm"nl of Medium Carbon
SI .. ,. So , .. Wt Iut ... be", conlide<lng
u.. lutrdotning-- 0' Steel 10 make CUltlng
tools Ind u.. lib. bul t""'l ... m,ny
01"" .... ... e SO<lIfI Iorm 01 .....
","men' will impoo'" the QU,lity 01 the
materi.1 In o'lIe, direclions. Indeed. by far
tha g,lIl"' amount 01 Mil treatm",t in
Indullry I, di'tK:IIId.o ,hi, end.
" you relef back 10 f ig. 13 (and,
pameps. "I"uh you. memory Ifom ,h,
l uoeilll<i ' ''XI I) you will .... that lsavl
0.4 u,bon ..... 1 under no.m.1 lito. 1\oWly
cool,d) condilianl consist. 01 grainl 01
pe.rlite au.rounded by tanill : loo.ogIt
materl., se. iro a malrilt 01 ...... ma"oiIl
The ..... lting lleel 101 fairfy lough and
"rong _ ""bell ... ,..... _ "".",,, .. ,
t .... n mild .. eel SUPP1lIl, now ma, _
_II '0 q .... nch this lleel f.-o.m , hig/1
.. mplfllure? n..." Is Insuffocie", carbon
pt'$If\t for total If .......... mallon in.a thft
larm 01 iron carbide we know as Merlen-
'i .... SO ,h., the StruCIU'" will, In eflec,- be
.hlt of hprd Martensi .. dilu.I<i with
f,,,'te. It will pO'''''' sa"''' 01 ,he
ch,rat'er ot a high-c.rbon a"el Chardn"s
.nd toughn,,"1 and sam .. 01 'ho
luoei"ed wilh mlld" or _-carbon
.1 .. 1. ductmty and ""ftness. Fun""', wi
tin tempe' the steel. Thilllas. con..o.r
,bli 'fleet. " in ,he ca ... 01 h.gll c.rbon
Ileal and in .his eIIst l!Itt Nlecllon oIlhe
batl ,emperalu", " u.. most
part 01 the trU'men, The miXTurl 01
tampered Manensite and lem ., QYSI.1tI
can ediu$led to give higl>il' ",.ng-th,
high yield paint. better ImlNOct .esll"ne..
and so on. Fig. 41 shows l!Itt elilet on
.ypie.1 0.49/0 c.rbon steel. ,nd you will
no,lce 'hal Iher8 i. a dip ;n .he Imp.c.
,nlllanci (I:od Impact Test' in tile mtddl'
tempering ""9". This ne"d nol WOi"ry you
.00 much. a. it is slill consid".bly higher
than 'hll of Ih. unhut-treatl<i IIHI .
To give an lumple let 111 conlide. ou,
old Irlend EN8 (08OM40 In ,he liS 910
1912 nomenclature) In the no<m"iIed
condil;"n typical would be 38
T/"'l,ln. UTS 21 T/"'lin Yield. ElOngIIlion
(ductlli 'yl 28" and .n 'rod Imp.CI
.... slanc:t figure of IS- 17 h Ib Thoo mall'
I. Au.' ..... by hftl1ing .0 830-860C
' or 1 hau.ronch, and 'lien quenched In pi,
The tempe.1ng temperllur, mull .hen be
selec, ed ICcoiding 10 Ihe propoortill we
need. fOf maximum loughn ... s ,nd .he
most arduous '''Igue end ShOCk loading
conditions Ihis would be betw .. n 550
and 650"C.nd a',cooled. (No" !I." malised .,eeI.
.. It will no, 09"'" ., ,hi. Fo' Ihe no,malising
,nd woric mU$1 be don. in. tampe".u,a is B40-860"C. bu, if YOU
AI 6ClO"C ,lie UTS would be h ..... ENS whidl is brigh, drawn from ' he
around 42 T/ Yield PQin, ,bout 28 T/ Oil H"o.ned and Tempe,ed condilion
SQ."'. ElonIIatlon pernePl' 2"' _ no, I (O.H& T. in llIe .,ockt.olde.-' s lisll II is. in
II"u, changa, Bu, lhe impac, , ....... _ flC'!, in ,boul i,s .oughesl condi, Oor>, wilh
has gone up '0 90 ftJb _ .fOUnd 10\1, ''(iaId POin, of around 4ST and In
lImes .1 grail II bafo<a. n.a 111"",1 Ilocl of lboul 80. You _ nol ,
,esistanal "lO will be If WI 10 be"ar Ihis. "_ .... , mosl ENS is
tempered II 400"C .... would fllM,he ..,ppliad '0 mcxIeI -..g'naers in 1M brighl
lJTS 10 RIou' SO Tloq.ln. bul bolh drawn '"" wilh no lIIal "e.'m",,', and
and shodr. "sis'lnca would be IeM norml"sin.g mly be p.udem belo
,hough .IIn boo",,, ,h.n ,ha, 01 ,he nor- worI<ln.g on iL
f" . 42 ..... 7


........ r
" ...... _ ........ _ .. 0,., ___ 011, '. __

DUCnLlTY). (
500 600.
Simll" u .. , men, CIOn boo ... ied ou, on
1IIr'"O"' ,II steel wi.h Clrbon con.en'
0.2"- BUI I, it MOST Imp(Ir,.n,
.. ' 'p'OIJ know ,x'Cltv wha' m."ri.1 rou
.... "uling lind wh .. ,,,"man,,o g_ i , .
unfortun ... '" most flo-ml now ...,.. II\aj.
-" OUI '0 S!lICi,Jists Ind pUbli ... ed tAli
is hard 10 _ trv II ,lie s,eal un be
lllenllfild ...;,h In ' SAE number" [Society
01 Aulomolive Engi ...... , USA.I 'hen
,l!hlf Ihe SAt '"Handbook' o.
jnary'l H.nrlhooIt-- Cln give some
nee The pr-oblem fOI I.... model
.r9..... iI in Hlecling IIIe ,equited
..... partng 'amperllu.e. " ilon Ihll, fllhat
tile ini"11 quench, lha' ,lie linal
... .-.d 'MIfII 01
' ng ... u ... II ott"ed Illi.
I .,...;.. Is , pUll" PerhlPI 'fOIl mighl
I _;;;,'1\ .. fe 10 1\ the midpoint of .he
. bu, In the ,blllflCl 01 d."
rou CIOnnol boo IU'e 01 whl! propenl .. rou
,, 'mPlOVlng. So, I<)f '''r hUI " .. ,m.n.
01 medium carbon 00 .'Ioy 11.el II II baSi
either '0 do no,hlng, 00 10 go 10 ,lie
Iounlaln he.d. Th, m.h,. 01 ,he Ileel ean
goiYe you chap", and verN. and If 'IOU give
lh Boi,i.h S1" , CO'PO,"ion 'he
lpeC:iflcBlion numbe. ar\d Ih.
'tOO hlv' in mind ,h.V ' hould ba able 10
JIfl>vide VO<l wi.h del8iled fogu, bot h 100
IfIltlal lie" .nd 10' tempe,ing It I, 100'
,h" mOl, of our w(IIk rk>et no,
high "",ile Of high ImpKI valu"
InC! I hope 'hi' ,he d't . , g ..... n 1(11
011, old Irltrnd ENB will help wile _-
tiling bene. ,h,n "aOMS" is .....:led
t Ihor.rld. perh-. add lin" no" The
old BS970{1955. w"" h, "EN"
flllmberi. wn "ptKed In 1972 w,'h
_. Ind 'If moo. logical. _iflc.l,_
"-'ee ....... en.. numba< "NK. in mosl
lelll us, .... carbon co." ... d. D,"il,
, giv.n in " Mod,' Engin .....
"l.,N I bvo 1"11 ..... $ J
H,ndbook"' and in Aw.l. Ind , would
Itrongly .-..commend that you ."n using
these new numbers - nol baca ....
I1MI II just not booing made 10 aoma 01 lIMo
old EN tllJmbeol Iny mora. {ThIs IncIur:IH
, lavourite 01 m .... - 3'11'0 Nickel I''''
EN21U n.a ' ......... Briti ...
hIS been in .... now fOI _ 10 ........
,fter ,II.
151 Coi' Springl. We mike IIIe mljorityol
OU. coil Spings I,om wi .. which illI.eady
hardened ,nd lempered, The IC'! 01 coiling
them round the mand,eI $It_ lhese
beyond the III1Ilic timil (the IIJringmakar'.
If' .... fOI ,h" Is ,nd this
K,ullly imprtWlIS 'lie stoeng, h 01 lhe
malari.l How_. lhe,e I ..
wilen lhil is jusl nol ",,5$lble ,he gauge
01 wi" is 100 thick 101 1M diameler of ,lie
mlnd,el. In ,hese il II
nace'S''Y '0 to""" .. O lIMo wi, .
wind the sprin.g. and lhen h.rden ,nd
"Impe' again. we seldom
have o.lIils of 'he "eal 01 Ih. wi,.
Is mlde. I, may lie belween 1.00ti ca,bon.
0. 49t. mlnganeM. and 0.7% carbon, OB9t.
mlnglnese. It should be annealed
.bou, 7BOC; 'hi$ is no, critical. bu, Ihe
Imali mns 01 ,he wi,. lIoe. mean thl'
lOme CIO.. must be ,aken h. cooling.
Thi. w;,e can ,I,--coot liSl enough .0 ,e-
harden. The Sp,ing Can Ihen be woond.
.nd I s.ugge51 tha, VOU allow eillle' for-
!lUbnquenl ",.,ching or- compreSI;"" 10
""I(:f-sl " , ... SPring liter hUI
CIoH-coil, ... end. and ei' .... na"an llIem
on t ... grinde. 01 loom .M loop, II " .his olage
Di'K' wi,h I Is mosl
..nwI ... Thefe iI ri .. 01 getting soma pert
100 hoI Ind It is ImP05$ibie '0 boo III .. of
......, .... ting. Set IIIe Spring Of SPrings
,...;0" , "eel 01 copper lube and heal this
.0 from lIMo ou.side 11 ..... nly II
VOl< CIOn. The Spings can lhen boo trpped
InlO thtr oil-bath - I ..... is ... Med 10

:-'...--- EMPER
, .... , '01"" _____ ',.... .... ".0 " ... ,_""
. _.
, .. _,
......... ,-... ..,..-_ ..
-vi"le kw 10 _II I mil. of Ind
me IPring fil ling 101M bottom will be sui
licienl. You muSl now be very c ... .tul, for
" Ihi. 1M "",,"'9 be very brittl,
indl.d _ I hive known fine ones even
break und .. IMi' _weight,
Th' lempe'ing does present diff>aJllies.
It;" IlmotllmPOnible 10 use ,he "colour"
Indiclllon. II Iny Inempl to polish the
sprinll mly 'IlUit In break3ge The
'e<lui,ed lempe't!U" I, Quire high - 300-
31 O'C - _" ,he limit eithe, 10, the
OornHl ic Oven 0' fo, boiling in on.
"813. ing off' rele"ed 10 eatiier. is f,e-
Quenrly ,_ted 10. With e xpe,ience (or
prior ,.perimenl) ;. I. ,ffKl;"". bul Ie. me
lhel 1M f1aIh-pOlm lor even the II ..
POind 0 1 the oil hIS nothing 10 do w,lh lhe
lernpeor\no;J lernpe<lIu,,; Ihis t\epend.
,nli .. 1y on how muc;l'1 0/1 is ret lined on the
1Pri"il. " the .. is not enough 10 bring 1M
wi.e up 10 3OO'C IIMrn the prOCeSS must
be repelled, end rscnled Immediltely.
Only I tril' Cln tell whe,h,r " I.
'-""ry, H_ ... 1t don work. end th'
ptoctdurels 10 1'!r.Cllhe spring from Ihe
quenching oil , nd Ihen hold It in the flame
01 ,he lIPi,1t limp until lhe 011 illnl, .. ; IS
-. nit don 10 mOlle It further f,om 1M
,. ", .. _-
spitil ftl .... end allow Ihe ";1 10 bum ...... a.
Quench In oil w'- , 10<1 ftame goeS Oul
and thin repe,' if necessary. IS;' .1""""
",rt,;n/y wiI be for he,,,,, D'uge wi ..... , '
Ilf'O'Ia.l _,,,I '0 miD. trial spring I
lhil ... oced.lrl lIlo beldo!lted.
The Nit to.lh I. lhe ideel melhod, of
CO<!' .. , Th11lliv8Ilbsolu" conltol and il.
lillie wlr, "lIPrlV" _ like an umb,en.
upside down which 1'1.. Iolt ill cover '"
mede numbe, of ,p,lngs eRn be
"mperld " once. Th", is no need In
qu,nch I,om ,h' .. II balh. but once th.
..... ing I'l,. cooled somewhlt i, c.n
lmmelMd in nol w" .. 10 ,emOV<lthe ull
adheting 10 It
An .1t ..... I've I. the
proc ... wftictt cen bo ""IV effeclive 1<
leal Spring., The bid 5/tou1d bel.irly deep
end k,p' lurned .bout IS It i. toelled. "
t .. 1 piece of timn ... brigh ,eeI it set on
lhe lind (I pjecII 0 1 ,he lime ..... r>5I
me, .. i" 10 boll) Ind as 1I0OI1 IS I""
lempet' eoIO\Ir awe ... on thi. the ..... inQS
cen bo .... nged in lhe bod .nd not lind
he'ped Oller. lh, heeling lamp 01 101<;/1
bolng removed II Ihe Il8ma lima. Send 'S
nol I Vlry good conduclOI. 10 Ihal ,mpl.
time mull bo .lIowed.
AU''''''pering and Man'rnpe,lng.
.",... 'ri fll<tv m,thodI of hell
lI4I,men . much ulfld in inOllllry. Mar-
is 01 ronle use 10 the """,-I
.,og_, bul ""srempering ,an helP.
:;;;;":11y with lhe _ hive JUII been
cMlCUMing - 1M hell trealmen' of ...,.11
..... 1"" .. The process cen bolt bo unde<-
trOd t.v ,aflllf>' 10 I few di"l!reml. Fill
13 .hows th' no,m.1 proc ... o f
QUenchlnlland IImpering. displeyed on In
"S" CION . The tempering period I. nol, of
COI,I .... In any way connected wi,h the
tome 1C.le of the " 5", because Ihe tr.ns-
formations which OCCur 8re nol ,he ume
.. lhou wothln Ihe " 5" The dlagr.m
IIIOWS I high tempe,"ure IImpe'. II
""""t bo used for sori"{l. end the
<NI .... , wWI end up.s .empeted Mln..,-
silfl .uong. 10Ugh. but no, II h'rd .. i.
r 1ed kw euni"{lloois.
In fig. 44 ,he Sleet it quenched from
....... .. high temperaIU ... but in a hot
uh /nth, eomewhe,e belw .. n 280C
e nd 330'C, nOI cold WII,r The
IfOIAncttlng tempe,alur. is h;gna' ,h,n thll
II whicl'r ,ha Manensill lormi. ,nd Ihe
n.n, ' ormation OCcurs alonll I lintl of
Con.lanl temperatull. .. It P .....
Ihrough lhe two I>ot<Ier1r 01 the'S Aft ..
I.m, wl>lch depends on 1M pet'iod A 8
end lhe sile of the work it "remolld lrom
lhe ho' "mpeting end "'-<1 10
cool l\I' Url1ly in lir. For Ii ..... II .. the
lIme 101 lemper" would be 16
mlnu'etll .round 320C end 25 m, .... t"
1\ lOO'C. The lIme incte_ mlrltedlV I I
lower I. mpe,alu,es 45 minut .. 'II
275C and 2 hoUI'I 8\ 250"C. No hltm
will be caused Dy slillhllv longe. periodl,
The end 'flull is not tempered Manen,ite.
but , new structu,e (called 8elnite. bUI
don'llat 'hill worry you - il doe ... ' ml1l1'
11 ,III which hIS ""ry similar .... Openl ...
The IIrI,l _anlage of thil method I.,hll
the<, it 1'10 lhe<mll &hock during "'Mfor-
mation 10 Mill ..... " (or 8,;";11 In ,1m
ca .. l Ih, .. i. conven,ion.'
QUencht"ll- AlrtIO$t III commerd"1y mlde
..... ,ng. - end such things II toll"';'" .nd
Ihe like - ,re AuSlemperOlod in ,hi, wlI'f
The MIff,m_ing process it snown in
fig IS, iU11 for explanation, .. lIS m,ln
.... i. when he.t very 0<
ml .. lva components. Th. pl,c, I.
quenched f,om ,he high tempe'ltu,e in I
' ...... .... " .' ' ........ ___ ,,"' ... " __ " ' , __ .,. __ "" ...... _,.n" ...
MS _____ , ___
- - - - -i ___
Ull !>e lh .. t>elotl. bul lnaleed 01 rem"n.
ing lhe .. fo< Irlnsrorm"lOn II II le ken OUI
I . IOOfI U It hll reached the !>elh
,empe ... '"" .nd .11ow1id 10 CCIOI in ,Ir. I!
illWblequefrlly The IdYlnl.
O\/ef lhe convenllon.1 method II , rlld\lC'-
l ion in lhe rW: 01 dillorllon. The<e ... no
dY.nllge, 10 be g.i ... d for model
en(IineIt'I. '" even m. hellViesl of OUr
wortp;_ ..ould t>e rltg,rded "'Iiddly
bll, " in indun.y. ,nd would bl
The procedut. (IIY IS .pploild 10
"",iolgt! lot to ,,"I 10 ,
_" .... h.1 h'tlher flgul1l inlti,lly. Hy
9OO C. lhe .,I! !>elh it! pt_,1Id .nd
bfGuOh. up 10 lhe Hme lempelllu" ..
would be needed lot notm,l -
lot "",Ing. .... IOOfI I. lhe
WOt1<piece hn bHn ' _ ked lot lhe
neees .. " lengl h 01 l ime It I, v",.,.
_ wllh the .bwlul. mlnlm .. m of delay
Ir.nsfelfed 10 lhe hoi .. II !>elh. II I. 1,1'1
lhell fo< lenglh of lime wh>ch dependl
bolh on ,he IVt"t of II"I.nd It. Ihkkfleu;
20 minute. will 1IIffic1 for Iven lhe
hnvl." spring. ,nd 30 mlnUI" i. III Ihlt
would be needed 01 he" ".IIlng I ven
lirue<Qin in EN8. In Ihi. I. ",,, e,,,.
how .... r. do member Ih'l lhe m,ximu..,
wortlng templ lure lot , lempering .... 11
b,th it SOO C. ,nd unlQrlunaiety yo..
cannol quench lhe piece by Belting it in I
muffle fum,cII Ho_e<. ITSI steels ...
give good he" tr,,,ed condil lons " .hi.
A 1_ ptacli<:.1 nol . FiI$l. this is
HI" T,,"ing p.oc" . nol 1001
h"dlning on", AI AuSt"mpe rin
lemper., u ... IMlow aboul 2SO" C "
Ilml lor t he t rensforma,
inc.-lise, (Ill'" ouidlv. and moghl be
long as an hour II 250" C. For Auslempe'
ing piec:1I .equiring I\ighe< ..... h
Ih.n GIn be achieved wilh lhe sal! Itoan
belh m.y be used Iitoad mell$ 8t abo"1
330' C), The high lempl.llure sal! batt
GIn be .. sed "" ini, i.1 healing il deli.,""
end no h.rm will .e",,1! f,om Ihl car ...
OIl,... 01 Ihil .. II inlO Iha ' empering b,II'
HOW"",'. II il mosf ;mp orrlm Ihat fI(
lOW I"mpera! .. r, ""I eve, get5 inlo It
high I"mper.lure b"h; ,,5 detailed
SalelY P,,,,,"u!lons' a r"he. $erOouo
reac, 1on Cln occu'. NJlu, . lIy. Ihe h'llh.
tempe.alure .al l ", ill $Oli difv at Ih'
f ... . 8 ...... " .' ;"'. ,"" .... _ .. _ .... _ .... _. __ "" .. _ ..... I;' __ , ..

IIIfIpI<ing IImperalUfi ,nd will coIlecl in
... bouom of the bllh This should be
hom lima 10 liml. bul lor lhe
.,novn, wa UM II iI. bell 10
..... "" lhe lempering belh .ltooe,1\e<
10 much H T seU loa, H I in rhe be, h
bOuom to inltrfar. woth helling
.... I flmarkMl II lhe beginning lhese
... PO_Ilea. Ind do need
hoi Q ... ..ching 1>111'1 Model engo.-s
m,neged W;,houl lhem lor IIITSI
100 .,. .... 10 IhI, I'0Il nead nol WDrfV
IIbouI deciding 1O; them! HOWfiver .
If I'0Il HAVE 001 the ", .. ,pm..,t .nd lhe
IHd or Hit. lhen It II worth , '- l"I*i-
...... 11. _i.1Iy il I'0Il mike "",;ng. H.,f
Of coil) In ...... " ."lIllY n.. ptOCOSI is
1de.1 lor .m.lI. pe"" made /rom
rMdium carbon stili, which mighl dislor1
if de.1t wi l h In lhe convennon.1 m'fI",r.
171 COlmldc Hilt Trlltmln1. NOI .11 "Ilirmon, I, doni lor 51'en{llh.
IIIIneU. Or Olher mt<:hlnicll prOj)f!rliU
II cafl be Ippl,ed bolh 10 h"lp .. 1111 Corro-
ilion. end _ especially in Inll.umenll Ind
docks - lor "'"' decorliion. In model
worlc WI m.y .... d 10 ,imul"a Ihe "n
forged" condi tion. especially when the
protOlype is In .. rlv one.
HNt Blueing of $Ieel (or '8rownlng '"
lite I/U"lmil h. call III il re illively lOllY - It
is only nt<:u .. " to hell Ihe
10 J"" cw" 300 C Ihl ,esull s
.. at be I.u ,h'n ,,'isfaclory unl" .. lhe
prepa.ltory wort< is WIll doni. !n Iha ea"
.. he.. Ihe part I, 10 "m .. la" "fi",
forge',," orlc
on lhe prOlOlype II Itt
"""' kl 10 for , POh&hed finish The
IUrf_ should be Ii .... mill. II produced
bv rotllf'l molion 01 In ,brill"'. lhe
!lfade depending on !he 01 rhl part
The Import."1 pOinl it 10 ..,.., .. lhal ,he
_ ace. once PI"_,ed II/r" from oil and
!If'"" .nd IIpgi,lIy fingl<i>rinls. The
lin... will Ihow up dislf_ngty cle 1y
.ft" Ii'll hell 1'"lment. Chemical
deg .. asing should be followed by wishing
with 1101 dele'""nl and we,,,,. end lhen aI.
dfMtd. 11'1", which il should t>e t..ndled
only wllh Cle,n Ii.,.... paper; m. "acid
!,..' . grade used by tewef\IIs is bqt A
opiril lamp is best for sm,lI o-rU 11'111<
m.., be helliid in sand bed Of in 0111 01
IhI imptOllised muffles .1......, referred 10 .
DifICl he"ing with , lorch fl,me is
.. nwill. II it it diffiwh 10 gel even
More decorI,iV1 t)Is. IS lor sc. ews in
clocks .nd parts of instruments. or ""en
clock h.nds. mus' be highly POlished Ii",\.
fine e .... " foIIooV<Id by POIishlllQ pape'.
.. the finish i. w tisfac'ory. In Ihi' Case
lhefl "1 dille<eoces 01 Opinion. lOme
hold Ihll lhe final strokes 01 , he POlisher
should be in lor. lor strewheMlI.
dort, in the lathel others hold 11'111
,andom efft<:1 is mora pltoaslng. You mus,
ltV bolh ,nd "" which suitS you besl It IS
mltler of l a.le,
In ,II cues l iter he8t'ng 10 blue ,he
pl" S Ire quenched In oil: nol !o. anv
metaliurglc.1 reason. bul """,u" Ihi'
provides qui le '" Iffecli", 'USI-prO<tling.
Th" combination of lhe o. ida laye. and
Ihe 011 seems 10 repel fumes, As
'0 tolour. 'hil has to be w8tchad 1.lrtv
Clre!ully, IS Ihe llnt" of biua follow V,"
closetv. How"" ... I fi nd Ih8' for ...
Ilctle (wh,ch I biue' lor pr ... rvllion
ralM' Ihan appear.ncel sh.d" of deep
!Mown is no. unpleasing. whilst rnanv 01
mv very "'Iy 19 1h COInIUry lools I .. ''''w
coIou,M!. Thsv e not carbon """
lempe<ed. bul look .. if lhey h.", been 10
Billdsmil"s OitkM is wry d;!f\cI.>It to
....... 1" .. Th,. hard. 00It"0S>0n , .. sllnt
..,rf..,. is lhe flSUl! {in full .... "1 01 lOme
t..... 'I forOIng hell 11 OOO CI couplM!
wolh forge worIcing II. p;ece 01 mIld ,,""
II held " ,hi. tempenol .... "" Iny lenglh
01 tirmo some g..;n gtOWIh is ;""";111111. h
",,",,', min", il, ... p;.c, Is being forged,
.. Ih" will cor ..:, miners. bul it is
diffICUlt 10 do u.;s with model pana. II i. is
PllCtlclble ..... following PfOCId ... , will
glv. tol lbl .... ulll. A"lng' Ihl PlGgf,mml 10 .hat Iny
parts which mil'" (ag, 1M journal, Ind
crlnkplns Of I crlnk,hllt) un b.
machined -"., I'" Mit biding i, doni.
Bring the "forged" part ,0 Sil. I nd heat to
br;ghl "td. giving I lew lighl taps with a
"at hamm .. to "dlstress" t he surface O'l'
in oil Idon'l quench .ight out! and again
IIheal. JUII lor , I.w momentl, Repeat
,h' proces . go"", up to bright ..:1 nch
Ii",., Once Ntl,fIed with th. "finialC nor-
m,li .. t .... IIlel II 0e1C.1be<! on p.erge 12
Ind tI>en u"V on with 1M machining
tplng Uri not to dam"ll" thft finish
Nllu .. lly If yOU cln ..tIacl ..,.,. acl ... 1
forgIng. 10 much the beU",
(81 FCM'ging. It " pe<hirp$. apPOSite to
deal WIth t!>il now. hlvUlg just ,"rnarted
on 1M difficulty of forgIng model f;Omp&
"", .. I Mosl bookt on "Tem""ing & H,,_
deft;",," publi""", In I .... paSI lav g.eal
lUI .. on I .... lorgi"ll 01 lathe and shaper
tOOl . This il very .. ldam done - o.
- now.d,y,. Carbon 5teel tools
are used onlv whln High Spe..:llools Ire
nallYlilabll. Fu.ther, I .... &/11 of tool WI
now uM II much "",II,r .han Otllalned
owtrn 50 when .... J!-inch IqUlre
shanks Wi" common. Ey.., I :I in_ squ,re
p ..... of lIock WIU hold ..... hell
long enough 10 giv, more Ih.n couple of
hammer bIowI;. ,lid wilh 5i16 in.. lhe
more u..,allin lheM daY' 1>I'0OI< 10000i"ll
... Imotl imPOSlibIe Ho .... _, lherl is
lhe odd occ ... on when I .001 mVlI be
lI;ghlly crlnked. or I ftv-ctJltftr nM<II
High c.mon 100111"1 mult be hlld 10
Illrly clOM "mpe.alure limits whllsl
forging. AI 0,7'11. Clrbon, lS might be used
for ap<K:i.1 acr.wdriv ... Ihl mulmum il
IOSOoC. tlld IOflIlng must Slop when "
1,11110 .boul 900C. The ... empe'"u ...
CIfI be used .Ighl up 10 .boul 1.000c. F",
1 '" urbon Ind lboIre, includ,"II .....
IIHI, , .... IImpelllure should be .......
sooC low" . bu. the higl>ftr lhe u rbo.,
conllnl 1M mort c muSt be IIk'n 10
avoid 1Ne .... ,,!ng. My nperillnce is th"
WITh fin. IqUlr. tOOlS I can lust gel III>-<:
blow. in wilh the hlmmer beforl .. hen
1"11 !I need..:l. I Ilweys giv. 8 lull an"...1
belo.e hl.denlng l iter any bu. the very
l!ghllll lorglng DPilf8tlon. Ordinary m,l<I
... el c.n be forg..:l much !>oner - up to
1 2 sooC Iccordl"ll to same 8ull>orlliu
,nd is I.u ..,bj":1 10 d.mag. it lorlll
cool. though I would prel 10 normal;5\! ,I
much "bid forgi"ll '" hfl; been done In
e'''1 OIm..aling un ruin the .... ",1. Ir
urban 1001 '1"1 is especiany al r,,'
There II "., WIV in whi<;h piear of ove.
MII..:I "HI un be ledUmed .xcel'lI boo-
.... 111"11 il down.
For delliltd instruclions in 1M use 0'
blachmITh. 1001, tM ,ead ... is referred 10
one of Ih' m.ny book. on 'Wrought
Ironwork" "iron" 15 ... fdam u$e<l
lhe" day,) - It ;, specialist in II>
own .Ight Aboul thl only use I make or
forgi"ll tOOl Sllel Is 10 reduce lQu
tlclion down 10 'IClIngylar - I"
than machini"ll il - and Ihls doo-t
nol call lor 'ny'llIing mor. than keeping 3'
eye on \hIlemperllure, Forging down tl
lIId 01 picktxe or e<oI/IIb., (about 0 8'
urbOnl is ...... , I 5 lb. h&m..-
lhough my Invil , II 58 Ib, is t81her
I.,. ouch work.
(91 High Speed S", .. The h dening 01
higtl. J4)IId \001' 11",,1 I. r.ady beyood
t.p.clty of .he mljO'ily 01 mode'
.ngl ....... To begin wilh. Ihere ... cor
sidtrrable ... ialion. in .11oy conte"'
.. nging lrom 0.5'11. 10 1.0"11. carbon. 0 5'
10 40"11. Chlomlum, 0 to 1 Tungstc"
and IOml wllh 5'11. Cobalt - and t hey m'Y
Second, thelempel1llures Ire high, wilh
IioW lnili.1 lwIali"ll .0 Ihe .. nge 180-
880"C lollowed by I fairly Quick hell]""
lIP 10 1200 or 13OOC depending on 1M
, ,,,lytil, MOIl c.n thIn be cool..:l in . ir.
bul .ome require a partial oil' Quench
doWn 10 500 C IoIlowad by ai. coohng
Temper;ng muSI immediallly. In<!
19Iin th ... If, wide va.i .. "",. in ItIt!
requireme"" - In some caMS IImperi"ll
it don. before the 1001 hal coc;rl,d rlghl
do .... - lrom perhaps 150 C. The typic ..
lempering IImpeliture Ia ,boul 5SO"C.
bul In .arne CftI'S. I$pec,tlty for loot:.
.-.quiring !\of
roughing wort on ullings etc) I uC'+ld
lempe<ing i, Clrried out " (typiclilyl
Th. DCCIsion, when I 1001
'equire. r"h,rdening ,rl r .... . n<! unlen
Ih UCI .n.lysis is known, .nd 1M
worbhOP has precise temper8lu" control
01 IMlutnlce. Ihls work i. busllIl1 101h.
speclali ... Ev, n he wit! plobably dachnl
Ih. work Ihe source. Iype . nd
g'M of mel.lla known
The Measurement of
It II u"like/V 11\81 m."y model ...
will b. co"cI'''ld woth Ih ctu.1
",. ........... '" 01 h.frlrIess, but ills hllpiul
10 know HOW 11 11 done when lked wllh
one or 01111< 01 m. ....... 1 .... IIf'dr>ess
.... used. n.. m.,n difficulty II i"
."'Ing "ICily whal 10 lor
'H.llln ..... I. nol .ny to P,I( on $C.I .
It II III nough 10 ... y IhIIl sleel which
tweaQ ul'l(le. so 1DfV'IQ.ln. is "iwici 15
mong" II Ih., which lell. II 2 5 lDfV'sq.iI'..
but w. c.nnol b .... deli"lIe WII"
hardl'lell numbefl,
M)"""llogilll define hlrd"" .. as ",h.
.bili ty to sc,"ch" _"" UN I ""lied
"Moh', sc.le- on which OO.rnond. the
I\8<dII.1. I, No. 1 0 .I'd Tile r"F"r>eh
Chalk"l i. 1Dfl ... 1 It No.1 On ,h;,; sc.l,
Mild 5, .. 1 would II No.6 . nd
n.rdel'old tool .... 1 II No 7 _ nol ..... ry
b;g dlfferencel A bIe '''''' lor
mel u_. 1l1oI'Id d "_I'chlt<" made
of dilfTlOAd c..rying definite load wtwo;h
II dr-.. KrOll lhe sulf.cI 01 ,he me, .
load II -'lUlled 10 mlkl "STlndard
widlh" otsc'"ch . 1'd ,hi.loed is lak.n I.
melsu" 01 the herdness. This ,est II
now 00101.", bul .Impl. PO.tlble $C lch
lilt ouTfit TllI uHd 10' casu,l "on
11," hltdn ... ,.lIlng.
The m.jority of h:irrdl'\eSS lesting dor1.
tod.y on lhe ,.siSflf:. to
Pll"llrr.!JOn of lhe m.lI!. In lhe Brinell l"1
!Fill. 461 hIIrd ., ... 1 ball. lOmm
"' ..... , .. , II irnpt.,"d on lhe Specimen of
....... t ufldl< load of 3000 kilog,am
IIbou, 3 lonal. n.. di,mele. of II>
;mpre .. ron 10 forrneclll measu.ed USIng .
mic.OIC09<! with ,1' ;nle..,,1 $C.I.,
thll Ihl SUr1.CI ,fli of Ih. Impreso.ion ...
c.lculilid nd 'he .urllCe .lIen
obliined by dividing 3000kg bV I" .. I'U
Th. ,.,ull I, Ih, "Brlnell Numbe .... whi ch
is. 01 cou ..... "'".ess" indicaled
kilog,.mll'lq . ..,..,. This 'HI il Iimil.1I IQ
.boul 500,1I numbe,. U abov .. Ihi
frgour. lhe ball IIHII diSlons. for "-ode
m ...... I IUng1I .... c.rbide bell is us.. 1
while lor 10ft m" .... I. ,he SI.I'da.-d ball
used ""I lhe 10-' II owduced - usu.!Iv ,,,
500 kll -.I'd. wrflSl)Of>Cfong a.-:!jUSUT .. W'
mlde to lhe form"ll. The IlrineU num"""
OOllil'old "iii'" wilhi" the slll'dlfd
The Rockw.11 h .. do ..... lesle< (Fig 4
1110 uHl 1 IPheric.1 impr,...".. bul mad'
Itom 1".,.. ... 1.1 di.mond. HowllV1l'. ,I,.
melhod .I'd pW'Icople 01 Dpefll'on
Quit. diff"enl, n.. Indenter. with.
01 O.2mm. I. 11111 Imp.essed into IhP
""",imen und .... lold oi l 04<g .
This ensu 'hilt il il fi.mIy H"ed In
!hi IfMI(:lmen II'd Ihal lhe specimfln is
HCU'. on Ih. supporting 'nYli. The di,l
Ir'odiciling Ih. dlplh 01 lhe Impression is
then <OId. Th, 'm.jor" load, 0' l50kg
lor Ih. moal u .... '1 18SIS. Is lhen applled.1
1 "eldy "'e COfltmll.d bV B mechanism
wilhin Ih. machine. Aft, H I 'ime -
IbouL 5 HCDndI -Ih .. major Ioltd II Wilh,
drawn, The di.1 'hen ,ecords lhe DEPTH
01 the Impreulon caused by Ih' major
load .I'd I:ry this alone, lhere is no .. ror
due 10 . lprtng" in ,he mlchine fr.m. or
due to "Hilling down" 01 lhe _i .... "
Unliktr lhe Brlnell. lhe RockweN hIIrd", ...
II ..... mt.r", nol sur1_ STress .
!hough lhe m"iilni'udI oIlhis .... mbe. c.n
be r;offll"ed with IUd> a stress.
The Rockweh mechine <:In be uHd
wllh .. ver.! IV\>tII 01 indonll' .nd wllh
....... 1 mlllniludes ot m.ior" kNtd, For
hl<d IlelL Ind unhardened high carbon or
_11oy ".,Is. Ih, "' Rockwell C" sc.l. I,
uHd, "'RockwIIi 8", wilh I 1/16 In.
11111 bill. i. used 'or "mild" lIe.l, .I'd
lOMe nont .. "ous .11oys. Th, "" $Cal'i'
UHd for "I.eMlIy hao-d _imenl.1'd lor
thin . ... 'd ...... 1 mal ..... 1.
n.. MNlnlfrOe 01 lhe RockweN Inl
OWl< lhe B,I""II is Ihallhere is no nel10
..... SUll 'he Impression - lhe hltdneu
ell" be flld di<eclly: il is, '''''"!ore. pte.
len"" for "P,oduction" lUling Funhlt<,
m. Inden, .. c.n peneltlle "If,., h"dIIl'oId
It'" II c.n be used lor mtlt' beyond
' ... 4711_ ............ ____ '"
_oI",,-.._,,_ ... ""_t.I,' o.
.. 0 ,..,
the range of Ihe S,lneR Th. d,Udvanlage
I. thai It II nol "A.blKllute" - It II, ,..IIV
hatdnUI complfl1O' and mu'l ba
recalibrlted Irom 11m. to lim"
SOlh the .bove m,h a vl1.lble Imj)<".
$Ion In the m""rial, The Viek,,. Olamond
Pyfamid NOPI II.tinll machine Fill. 48
use squlle baoed diamond py .. II
the Ind,nll'. with an Included angll ot
138". Til<! aJ>9lled Io.Id '- ul uallv 501r;1I.
bUI can boo all"ed to .... il speci,) condi
110<1. leg. thin specimtln' or IX'" ham
ml lerialt. It Ihis I. doni In. mllgnilude 01
the IG..:I mull boo I , "ed. TIM --ac,OII
00I'fIIf." diment.ioM 01 the Imp .... ion ,
mtI .... red .nd ",Ivel of '"YOP
H'tdneu" In. kI/I-amm.) deriwd "om lhe
me." of the twO. In tn. VIo;l.,.. mlCl>inl
!he miao_ II ''bullt 1ft ' Ind 1"-
_elmen .utoml1le.lI., r'g,III'. tor
ot IIrtillon of ,,,- Imp .. ,. 0.., TIM t .. 11I
rllllfdild II we,., 'CC"'I" .nd, 10'
Fit . .. ""' .... __ .. _,.. ''''' " .. .. , .
_,",mL._ , __ .. , ....... _ ......
__ ... _11:_ ......... 0. " ..
tunellly. ,he VOP .... mboors lie ......., close
10 lhe Br;nelt hamnea numbe<. so Ih;lt
"vlluahHIIon is ea"", Ih,n wilh ' he
ROCkwell seal .... The main
of the VId ... mach .... il Ih'llhoe imj)<es-
II .... ,., .,.,e1I, 10 Ihal speci,l ... 11_
preparel"'" i. ,equired tor ,.ally 1tCOJ'.'e
wort. TIM Rockwell machi .... 'equ"" onlV
"1JOOd mKtrine finish-- On the oth
hand. the VickI " doel A01 d .... Iigu lhe
... 11_ so much - the indentations are
hamly A01jce.bIe. All th, ee le5lS , "!uire
the I9Icimen 10 be broughl to Ihe
mac:hl..... H.m,,", ngu," QV01ed in
specllictrlior>s ,nd le",booi<s wal ,II have
been m/Mla on lalrly robust specimens. ' 0
avoid fnY ,rfO( due to s.pecimen dislo(!>on
undef !oed. aod III .re subjlCt 10 a sm.1I
tolerance - gene,,11y a rang<! 01 1 or 2
digits on the Rockwell scale.
Th. IFig. 491 relies
on diMe"nt j)<lncipl . It is lou"" Ihat If
8\lICim.n8 01 reasonable ,I.e Bre used a
balf-endad hammer wllt bounce '0
deg'ee which be"s an , Imosl line
"I.lion.hlp 10 the The
SclerolCOpe i, poMable herdneu leSta'
in whiCh smell di'mondraced Sleet
plunger i. d,awn up to lleight 01 10
inch ... within. glISS tube. II is held ,here
by. Cl1ch Ind. when tall$ on the
8\lIClm.., aod rebound, UP the IUboo. Tl>e
amount of 'hoe tIbouod un boo read from .
seele. TIM succession of _rations
... tornlltally <:onl.oIlId by- ,i,.pr.sw.e
ge...,,,ed from II fUbber ban This is .......
UMful Wt.lfUm..,l. and especially whir
, .. ,. mull boo mede In ttl. works - il
.",errtively uoed In steelworb !of me .... '
1"9 1M h.omnellS 01 roIll in !he It
"avil ,Imost no imllfISMIn a' all, bl. r
.. doel h ..... to boo IIk, n 10 ,void
bOuncing rhe hammer on , he ume pI_
more thin one.. lor lhe Ilf'Vioui '"l will
hive wor\cha,dened the .... 11_
The co-rell1ion boo,_n ScIIrOlCOpe
numboo,. aod VDP or Rockwall.nd Bri .... 11
is lilriv 1JOOd. , he SclerolCOpe
speciman wI. ,.asonlbly m, .. ...,; Ihe
"" tan<:Urm," Pfcwided with the lnstrume",
. " lbout OM rnch lqU .. e 2+ 1nc:h long
On -v "",all P'Ic:ft thoe 8\lICimen 11,,11
rnav bounce a lillie on ,he suppc)fl .rwil
end thil will cau .. a fal .. reeding. I ""'e
OM 01 the .. (II '"" In f ig 49) plcked ""
a, an auCtIOn ule lor reelIV tilIV pnce.
and find t hl! II gi"" uceUen l
campar,rr.. rogu ... wh.., 8!lIC1m_ .. ,
, II the Hme ,i". but unfa lhoe fool II 01/11
+ in. lQua" lhe rllUlll lend 10 boo low
when comlHlred wilh til" done on the
u me piece wi,h I VICk .... ,nstrument.
ComlHl,l,...n of Hltdn". Numb.r . The
choice 01 which 1111 to uH II ollln mede
Irom conlldll"lonl other thin
comp biliIV TIM Brinell machine i.
moll oft en ulld lot th, solll' g .. r:Ie. of
" eel. aod has the edvanlfge tha, there i,
Uor use on Slee!) e clOII relatlon' hip wit h
the .enoi le , " enoth; a B.lnel l tn. mly
oIl en save Ihl trOUble 01 ma king I "n,ile
te" _<lmen. A. al ... dv rem.rked the
Rockwell 1111 I, Quick. 'lid muCh ullld in
pr oduct ion wor k.hops, Th, Vlck, ..
machine I .. ves ve,.,. lillie ewklence of ill
UM. lod bIoc8UH " il v.,., accu.ate II
I\igh hamlllllll, It I. nllu .. 11V cholen lor
1001 "eell IIC, Bo, h the Vlch od the
Btlnell give 1M anrw ... In 01
impr-ession. .nd r;Iosely 11 low
ha rdn"l - below 220. Wilh h"d
_ ,.,;.1-1 the flC'! Ihtl the Bfi"", ball m..,
f . . ... ... _._,' _ ,.. ... __
___ .. ___ .. L_
diJlo(! aod tke Vi<:kef$ diamond will 1'10'
,e.ults In d;o..ergence 01 the result .. TIM
"Shore" h.rdnelS reedings If. comIM"
able with otller te5t$ ""'" when lhe tllr
opecim." h" _sa 01 II lrIall _
pouod to.5kgl. bu, ill ind;cetionl '"
reliable when mmng compari-'I - III
.n incre'lII from Shore 56 to 60 will
imply a rill 01 appro.cimllely 100 pOinll
on th. Vocke,s scale.
The table 01 comparisons gi ...... It lhe
and 01 lhe booi< is do,,,,,, from III
pr-lpMed joinlly by the Ameran SociaIV
for Testing MlIleriall, Th. Amlticln
Me"l, SocielV. 'lid Ih' Societ., 01
Automotiv. Engine!!l$. bUI 6. i'ilh
S,andard No.860 - ob'ain.bIe !tom MOl'
libraries _ allO lIivu ,abl ...
and ,he .. go down to somewh.,
hardnna. G, .. , ca .. mulJl be IIhn in
comparing 'hi hardn ... 01 d,lIe"n,
classes 01 m.,.fials, ,he lacl thll (eg.)
11l1li .nd ..... , ,rll'ed aluminium alloy
....... thl .. me ha<dne.. number wi.
,,1Iect I'" different dlll"Kllrilhc. 0I1h1
two malll ... nd 0I"III m .... will be much
hIrdtrf IMn , ... 0,1>1<
Thl h"dnl.lI. whi c h may be
eI<peC,ed II"Ilm v .. ious .;._ 01 .,l1li
depend ..... ry much on ,he precilion 01
lempe"wfI control . thl elfKt"'-A 01
the q""""h ,nd. In..:>me c_. ,hi mau
01 tha tU' SfIICimen. The figu," gw.n In
.... nulaclu' ... $IMIClficatlon 11 .lwayl
obt.inttd lrom .,and&rd IISI SfIICim.ns.
nol IlIhI tool.. How....... thl
following m.y lIive lIui!le 10 thl ""as
quenchld" l1all.
'0 ' 3 Rockw.1I CO<IId be machined '1
abou, SO ft/mln . nd Nick.I-Chro ......
Molybdenum .11oy sleeI. h.,dened ' 11<1
tempe,ed 10 .boul 4S RocltWftIl W<>Utd
fill(! IhI _eel reduced 10 &fOUnd 55 60
ftfmin IOf reasonable looIlif .
The file Till. I lell litiS 0fMI liM lasl
II it.. 01 _'H. tlMo 111' 01 t'" fi,,,
reaort""; ,II .. quench;ng "'" pjaao
""Ihown 10 a file. and if ''''''11''' sI;p. 011
wilhoul cutting we know IMI il ha.
.... dIned wecessfully. If, howeve<. ,1M! fi ,
on ... '0 cuI the m,'MiIi. bY, doe", I
quill m.n-oa il. then somllh<ng II ... gone
-ong, the hndneu is nol ... high ... .
.t>ould be - for high cafbon "eel. ,hal '5
Fiol liIes wiD cut blue. Of aven puf!)le .
tempered c.fbon "HI, bul should nol
m.kl .n imptHSion on .,..w--coIotl,1&(!
tool POint ... II IhI WOtkpiece I.k" 1M
Idgtl off lhe tH,h 01 the fil. "f'<>U have
dooI very Wftllindeed.
1 1_1.2C. 0.35Mn. 045Cr .. St.el)
Cllrome Manganlilfl non_"I"ink di.II '
Non-tempering chillfli "HI
66_67 Rocltwell C
22'Hi Tungsten 12%cobal, hlllll _eds,.,1
18'Hi Tungs,en High speed I1H'
fil. S"" . I ,25% Carbon
The .bove ligures will. 01 _ .... be con-
sida,ably moder.ted by t.mpering; lor
c.rbon .t 1 I.tlle tool .. t.mPlfing to
150 will d,OII ,he hlrdn ... by no mora
thin 0I"III POint on IIIe .... Ie nd 200 C by
!W1c much. C,mon "HI temPl<ed to
"""biu. 1310C) II jusl machlne.bI . ,
Roclt_1I C fogull In 'hl 'egion of 56-
58. A. the 01"" If'Od 01 ........ , . frH-
CUlling mild slllll. machineable" 200h1
min. will "' ...... h dna" eqUIV.lent.O I 1
on the ""C ICIII (wI"Ilch Is not
to "","I II .oh ... hls; ,hi Srln" figure
_Id be 180-185). A In Nidi" I 1%
Chl"llm II,eI. oil quMlChad and l.mPlfed
COO(:lu,ion. Thor difficulty with IIBrdMSS
numbe.s I, ,h., ,I>o<lllll w. know. wI:>'
jecli"'Iy. whl' h.rdness il. and wl"lit i,
does. II i. v.,y difficult to devi .... muns
01 me.aufing .his qu.,ity. Sy convention
,h, aurf_ SttlSl .-tied to cau ... n
Indenlltlon undaf , known load is usad
bu hil cru..., has limi tions; . mlll .... i.1
which was ""'Y brittle would nol accep'
.n Indent" withoul tplintering. HoWlW'
by CUllom the Srinell. RocI<welL . nd
VldIllS laU .nd. within "' ..,..,illl
lIIlI)Iicallon. !hi Shofa . re """"'ted. and
c.n be u .... lor comparing diff"'''"tll""ls
or ...... diff....,t m"erial, it due Utltiof'
.. uMld. Thor modal .ngl""". Ihould not.
/>oW ....... be too conc..-ned 'bout ,n odd
deiI' ditl.,.nee on thl Rockwall or
Srlnell te.IH. or , ... equival.nt on the
VIck .... lor It Is qll'" norm.1 '0 find
diff enc. of 0I"III poin. on .. C".
0< 30 diviliOM on the Vic;k, .. between
diff ",1 'HU """ thl CUlling surl_ of
!he I0Il""',001.. n.. .. diffe nees .. e panly
due to _ '. in ading thl
microscope or di 10 dilltP" ... ", In
.....-f_ I\n;sh " the POin. 01 m .. ......
manl. ,nd 10 KtU" h .. dnest
ditllfIfICII So, if "f'<>U ... off. red ... III
which hardens .0 67, .nd t'" 110ft you
n<>nT>a11y ullonly g;"" 66. don. worry
too much l
Home Construction of
G .. Firil\'ll . II ..... "",ady ,ellf<ld boO-fly
10 ,he diffi<:ultin "I .. willi
li.inll. Thl dl1illn 01 e combul.lon
do I.qui,. op.eI,li ..
end of e bu' .... ev.n mOll.
."d 10. 01 . xpelim ..... The orchnalV
"totell" _ .i, Of IIlfbIown _ I, inltnded 10
prodllC.' 11.11'1' which e.n be d"ec,ed.t
..... WOI'k. wh ..... foo hll.lng I m ... lIl,
yOU need on. which d lltrfl)utU .he hu.
m eways flth ... hen 0' ".t ,
pOin .... The "O"sh,ped muffle ,eferted .o
0fI page 57 i, no'mlliv und 0fI .h. Uti le
brazing h,"nh. which h .. 0 fl . ed ,lcII
burne, n well at Ihl .wo blowtorch ...
The fi,ebflckl ,upplled w,tt! .he hllnh I ..
siled so thai they cen be " .. n!l&d "ound
.he mulile 1 . .. 11 .0 dirK! . he 111m.
prOPe,IV_ It ., tnWI .flect'v . nd when I
was "on Town g .... I mid. conllidar.ble
U511 oil . If yOU e .. I m ... m. 01
",I .on. built In.o .... "h.
then e len_ '0 Willoam AlkUry &. Co"
Wo,k S.ourPOrt on S.v.rn.
WorCI. DYIl SAP Ihould bnng yOU
de .. il. of lhe "" .... m ... t ullli, logethe<
wi.h e quotl1i<>1\ for ..... muflle.
A 1 .... 11 .. . ... ' m.nlionId on PI9I'
58 and in Fig 31 e 11m," , ube IufJ\lel
which , no 1>0 from ti .... 10 lime_ Fig. 50
give, the dll.iI .. Th. lube is. piece oil!
in.bore .... 1 ukaus. pipe. &bou, 16901,19'/
FOI ..... ing wilh. single PfOI)8ne bume.- i,
a/Iould 1'>01 be moo-I Ihln 6 in. long
ol hafWl", Ihl halting not be uniform
The Ind'Wpponl ... piecas 01 1 in. .hick
FOIukll bricks, w,th a hole bored Ihrough
wilh. I.nkcutler '0 Wil.he .ube You will , h" Ihil hole's "'I'e, the ,op of the
brl(:k Ih.n .he bonom, 10 give space 10, Ihe
fllme ' 0 develop p<OPeriV below . he .ube
One ol .he COfes Irom the holes is used as a
pe,mlnen' Olug I he , ,,,,,nd and. home
millie .he,mocouple (or !Wen a commercial
onel c.n be InU,led Ihrough 8 hoi. in .he
cent .. 01 i . The o.h. , co,. i. slighttv
I_,ed .nd "Jed '0 clo$, lhe fron, end
hoIdi"llit wi, h 'OfIgs. 01 cou,se.
The bu,ne' "Jed is Si,V{I" No.2952
which II ,.,h.,.oo le'ge. but can be tl><OI
lied once .he tube I. UP 10
lempe<l'u". II II of .ha type which uled
.0 be known as bum ..
Wll h the eir ,nt"inman' hoIl$" .he on
flld end 01 the .ube. e""lI<1t types ".
known II "Cydone" bum", .. The nem. is .0 ...... up the firlbrids (Of
bricbl.nd NOT dlt8C1ed" I ....
.ube Itself. which II "'" ed by tId ... ;on
from the hot brickwork.

,J "
r.r 0



" Lb i!!0C! FOU ..... ' 911 0001 r .. C['
.. 4 '11'.1
8 9' . 4 SE D(t ..
C t' 'Jr . " c ... , , ...... IF
o ,' ... J' ' .. ,eK ,F NHOE!)


' 'Ir

6' M,t..)(

, .
In ,he photOgraph, Fill. 51. YOU can see F(g 5. r .............. .., ........
thl .hl bu,n" I, di,ec.ed between IWO
broken hellb,l(:h On the I,ft_h,nd aide,
bu . ... ,ule I 1,1" full b,ick wi.h
"mouse', hole' CuI In .he bollom HOI
gasel from. II'P be,wlln , he top
br-ick.nd Ihi' front one - SIllce 01 .bou,
i- In. I, ",lIieien,. Th .. 1,"le furn.ce hllU
up In .bou. 5 minu,." .nd i, no' a,
e.pensi-/I in 1111 II the bu,ner I<ze mighl
ouggest. Once ,he bric'" I" ted ho, ,he
1111 c.n be lurnld down conaide<.bly
The" II no ... 1OtI why wch l"rnlCe
II10uId no. be mao. pertnll ... nt. wi.h tha
br;ck. ",mlnled 'Oge.hef WI.h litOKemen.
bu I ... I bi. II>0n 01 JOICe in Ih"
menl, -0 JitnDlv keep .he 'wo .... 11"
Ind ...... ube end build up.he , .. I wh ... it


is needed. I NV. uHd I I -pinl paraffin
blowl,mp in ,he Nm, w,y, bul Ihi.
.-!ed twice '1 long 10 1181 UP 10
'emperllu". II would bH<1 1M" ...
'00. h8d all tile brickt been 01 lhe FOIMld
ty!>e. 8uI it did the WOfk .equi.ed 11
a.ound 780C.
Nllu,.IIv. I sm,lle, dlameler lube can
be r.osed. bul H It is " ,II longer th.n lhe 8
In. laboul ,+ in.. "hol length'" you .......
need two sm.1Ier bu ....... or tMp ...-ing
!he large< or.. lrom .... 10 I "-
bIttn meanillg 10< , Iorog lime 10 drtvisa ,
flIn-sh'!I8d M8d lor 1M bu, ... " .. ther lik.
those used on pain'_'tripping looene . bul
I\aIIe noillad th. ti .... , , he8d would
dislribule !he hell si!Iew.VS much 1M" ...
Fumact control would 1M tl ... 100. In
Ihis connection. you mUll no' be [emPlt(!
10 hurry thingt up by "e'''ng 1M [uIM
dl'K1Iv. for II will onlv grow cold 'lJIIin.
Onee [lie IIrebtk:k i, hoi " it only a c,se of
minor .djuslm.nls 10 Ih. bu,,,., 10 kll(>'
steady u .... nd onee Ihe brickl
Ife hoi .11 0.,.' the muffle lube kHps
preHy 51Udy.
Elecl,lc He.l lng. Thit i. ",he ... ,Ie. lor
(I,e home constructo, . but 'he futnatil will
be marhdly ,lowe. In r.aching , he
oper.,In; Iemp, .. Iu, . You will
.pprecl,ll thll bu, ... , ,ueh " Ih.1 lUll
menlioned hilt a O<lIOUI 01
tOfnlthing like 18 kW . nd .n .Iectric of Ihal c'l)I(:lty would " .. In YOU'
pOWe' tuptlliu tomlWhail On lhe Olh ..
h,nd. aleclric helting i, cl"n. ,il,nl. ,nd
lasy la conlroi - ,uloml1ically It net 1M.
n..... is linl. ,isk lrom n ... The one Ihlng
thaI mU$1 1M bomt In mind. how ...... It
thl! you , .. dialing w"h "Ih., 'IOIIages
1.-.1 muat prf .ully .triel IIlention 10
Nf,ty ",,,- as _" II 10 lhe I.E.E. ,,,,,,,1,-
tioos. All mel" paru """" be .. <tiled,
........... in5Ulation mil"';. IppI!td Ind -
rule No. 1 - !he t.uppIy should AlWAYS 1M
swilched off wherl chargin; or dischlf;ing
lhe work. The m.I .. i.1 from which wlr,...
wound muHln or ""al ing lubes ,.e made
It nol. ptrfecllnlUl"or .
Wound MuffI". Furnace muffles ready
wound '" ,v,il.bll f,am Messrs
Gallenk,mpt., Grillin lit Geo<ge ltd . .-.1
Ot"". I.borllorv equipmlfll suppliers.
They ,. in ftel .. $pe ..... fo< furnaces
lirnil .. la Ihll _ in Fi;, 32, SptCi81
inluliling m,,,.i,1 will b" needed
adjlCOlnl 10 the muHle itstlf. ,nd this. too.
can be h8d from lhe sam, fIQU",e. Oul"
Insuillion can 1M the ;1_ or slag-wool
Insulll;"" utad in 1 . gJ AGA cookert
lrou.-.l tile Ii .. A minimum of 3 in. of
good hell in5Ulluon is .equ"ad. otMrwise
lhe he,t loa 10 lhe Clst will prevent lhe
fu.nlc" from , chin; II. P'O" ..
lempttllur, - lhe .i-I-menl ,"ing i, only
aboul 2 KW The ouler il .... H i$ - or
W" - ",uIII'( Synd.nyo sileel.. .bou, + in.
Ihick. join8d wilh self_l,pping scrlWS. bul
,I thl. contain. ub,!Io. 11 is now
fII)Iacad by limil" m,,,.i,1 based on
Calcium Silic,". This "",y be available
from build"" supply me,chants but if in
difficulty M..... C'PI Insulalion Lid.
Wathlnglon, Tyn, lit Wea' NE3S 8JL. 1o.
" Ihel' local offiCII) Cln give Ihe .dd'ess
of Ihl nII .... I ,et,lle .
TIl, ,cl u,1 arrange men, of ,he Iurnaces
It man .. lor you. own laste and
IlIIJIInuilyl Oon', lorIII'I Ihal Ihe door
needl in5Ullllng (. piece 01 hol-flce brld.
wil, .. ",.) and. if II has I melal handle.
Ihl$ ... ed, .. <thing. You c.n add ,
pyoom<!'" - Indetd. I would moll Sirongly
advi.. Ihll. as !"" virtue. 01 mullit
hUling Ir, conlid ably diminished
OIhtrwise. These can. of courst. 1M
obllined from Iht Nm. !IOUrce II 1M
".,.fIII, COMple" wilh IIlnga fo< screwing
10 the U.. ,.-.I , brackel 10 hold lhe
indicalor. Commerciel furnaces 're finad
wilh, '"therm.1 fusa-; Ihis is than
0-;' 01 rodt ",OjiCling into ,,,- chambe<.
. un/ltd wilh , wire 01
Itl"'l< fo< l000C.
wi,t(! In Mrlu wilh I""
[hi lumace ov"-'Ultl.nd 11811
th' IUM mill, .nd CUlt off I""
home con-
liken. by 'h'

nl l., ,.flhld guard

t he IlImin,l,l. II Cln
I. ,n 8 KW unit ",ed II
00 wi,h , KW loading Io!
,. ". The Iina. i, probab1V Idl<lu,"
model engin_'ng ""'IIOMS. TM
I_nll in Ihi' C.M Irl Silicon
rods. lhe and. of whoch c.n be
phota. ,nd !hue ar, HI In the
c"'mber H,"ing is en",,1y
I would Idvrsrt uM ... la bring
UP 10 lemPl'"ur" before
in ."" WOfk. alllerw'M ,he UPOl'
is liable 10 be heelad IISI., lhen
low .. The furnace bodV It mada
of HOI Fact Insuilling 8.IeU
, .. sawn and drilled 10 The dlilil
drlwlng supplied by Kant"". bul \h,
chamber IMM is , $pf!Ci.1 "''''CI<><v pl ...
which willll.nd more wea. end Ie .. th.n
will thl surface 01 Ih. brick'- fig 53
show. sectional of Ih. furn.c, -Ihe
.... I,. of COU'S<!. dele.mined by !he
numbe. of ,Iemenl' used, The,molla,
conlfol I, available. bu, .atlle' expensive,
.nd almple en,,11'( conlfoUer it ,"Ily
Quill ,deQuale. A Ihermocouple'
PV<Ometer is In assenlial il l ha basi is 10
1M Ij/OI OUt 01 ,lie equipment. Thil. onCI
built UP. i., professionsl furnace Wilhoul
Ihe norm.1 casing and hinged or .Iilting
door. Ind the chsmbe, size is mOre Ihan
tdtqU.1I for MOSI rnod&Ilngineers.
Eitri<; TuIM Fum&ee. ()yeo th' yeart'
numbe. a f hom,-made .Iectric lub
furnaces M"" been described. using
ardin.", eleclric ,; .. elements ,.-.I home
fIrtd cerami<; IUbas. The'e Ife SIYer,I
hiddtn ptob!emt- The fll'Sl it 1M' ...,;,
.... ment no ralad '0 In fret lir - t,
losing Mil II fnl IS \hey can. Qnc:. lhay
... encased In insula\lng m.l.ri" lhay
wm .apIdIy bum out. Thty must be
derll8d fo< furnace wO<1<. Second. It is nol
...... 10 m ..... I Ilre-camenl lube without
I" '.

. ... -.,00"(;
.... '



- o wen t





U" ..... L
n __ T'OI: """JKTIQOI
F;g " __ "' ___ "'151 , .. _ .,_ ....... _" ' ' __
bli., ... end Spalli"", Third, such a TUbe ,s
"""IIV very Iraoile. and i, C8on"! be
IUPIl9rhnned by moulding il ",und ,,,,,,
lube .. 110m' mekers sU99esled - tn.
OlljNInalon 01 rho lube will bu ! tile clav
HOWever. for those willin9 10 pel'
",.n!. ,nd lite "". or Iwo failures wi,"
equanimity. Fig. 54 shows tile ST'g<lS
mBking Ilia tube. The "mould" i POec
of It .. , lUbe 01 Ihe desired ;n'8,na
(lI,mete, fu,nis!>lld w.l11 two lh>cll"".
wnh ... , W .. ed paper is wound
,h, Tube - IlIrn IIV"" _ .nd
endpYl 0< _ ... '" 9,eued, Th
'i,.e_, hh'l ......, IS 'Kos"1 is
inl O "_ms" of th;,;t.neu JUS! oveI II 2
,he desi,od tllidnHs 01 11><1 lube !Th
r .... , ... ____ .. ", '
-- ',.---.. --
-----.... "",-' '.-.,
_ ....... "" ---
Ihould 1">01 be mo<e ,,,-" i in . nd 3, 16 Is
bollle.l. TIMII8 worms ... III.., wound
f'OUnd Oller Ihe pI.,.r liner ,nd
" .. old logllher Thl li .. 1 I.y" Is

,ir dry, ,nd then, .secorod tlid

, Ihi. one b&,"11 Imoollltld .nd
thl t"'o'nd w"he ..
'ir-driOld lor sev.r,1
.It" 'h'
, ,
down Ille inlldl 10 flrelhe
. bul on no mull th' flrK"
,ub& b& mlde rully hot 'I Ihi'
Wilh Ih. " 1 tube ... ".ctOld the
be I r r 'ir-drled. ,nd the
t i up 10 "'
" .nd thi. p.rOC.,1
.,. (The problem I,

.. Inl"ior m.y form

You need twO eItImenls. /tom lhe
local eleclne: shop, 01 t KW rll,"9-
Carefully unwind one by ,""'.di"ll
!enol h 01316 in. ,od lhrtlUglI and pulling
off Ih. wi" Avoid kinks, Musu" Ille
.nglh, and Ihen ",ind on to I bobbin.
Unwind plrt of the second .leme"I . nd
cut oM one lilth 01 ils lenglh, Double Ihis
.nd [wi.t to twin wir._ Thi' wll!
then be cui in t",o 10 form 1m. COMKlitlg
wirn, and ,Iso serves to r.duc. th.
applied voltage to Ihe eeluel 1!e"lng
,Iemenl_ You will need two sman con-
necto,", mad. by drilling tin, st.el rod t
in_ ,nd tipping lor twO small sel-SCrews:

the\ tube. one I
it. Wind iron wi .. '0I'nc! end
tube. lbo,n i in. from tile end. Ind twill
tlgllt .... : these Ir' Ih. In<;hot polncs lOf t ile
ends Df 1h' alltmenl. Th" will be WOUnd
on using III, lathe,
From Ihe kf\OWn length O'f \he ,Iem"nt
and Ih" dieml'''' of tile lube you tin
CIIlcula Ihe numbe. of tu ...... SellCT In
easy scraw-cunlng pitch whi<:l' will permIT
Ihis number of lurns on 1M IIobbin _
$O/l'Ilt hing beIWI ... 12 ,nd 14 tp; will
probably "f\I1I. Sec 01 wood in the
toolhold .. willi. notch 10 Ih' wi
IFIg. 551 Ind Iliad! ".,. end ot IhcI
element 10 ,.il.,ock ...d 1.-.;hoI .
"' ..... ;"11 ,h," i<Iche, 1,"_ liMP'
fair tensiOn on lhe wi Ind wllh tIIIIlell ..
,I abou. 50 ","" WInd on the
wir AI lhe DIM< ...... Inchor , .... wor.
I>g&in. NOlI: it you 1>10... mono li'Ian tool
1m -. but,"" m.n. va<d. don" WOfry .
bul if ttwr. .. fTIOfl !hen ,h" you ....,.,Id
' .... wind wilh finer prien.. If the wiM,,,!!
dO'.. "01 lh' end, use YO"
judgment II 10 whelhef 10 tole,,,,. 11>0.,
ul\helled pa<t 01 ,,,,, lube or 10 coars."
11M pitch. Thi, p." of the job 'ake$ ......
Ii ...... F"'II_ 56$ the wound t ub<>
TM windin9 mu" now be C>DYef1Id w,,,
....... Illin 01 umenl - tile w
Ihoo.tId .... 1 show This, once 1Ie1. will ,,,,<,
binding to ,,,evenl .dj.cent Co;
touching when tile eJlpands .. . ,
he.l. 8elo,e going any fu.!het, 'eSt
'''engemen,. IUllch the TWO tw,n fee<k;.
voltage droppt'r !engt .... one et ear:tt '"'"
.nd pieoe. 01 m.ins cable '0 these
the norm.1 twin jo,me, . Mike
..... mil there is no risk 01 any 11"<1 01 ' he
ba,e w"e ,oudting .nytll ing" nd sel all on
IIi".;, of firebrick. Use a P"lug with 13
.mll fuse .nd switch on. DONT TOUCH
ANYTHING. Alte" .ho<t while lhe lube
ahould 111m '0 ge' hoI. and you must note
the fi nal "mper.tur . If this i. no bette.
thin p,,11 Out the plug. cut abo."
one liflh olf each of the twisted end
lengthl and Ity ' II il gets 10 dull .ea
.nd II'YI th're . 11 should be well : o neo
In,,,ltlad il ahould ,nch the desi' ed .... II. how"""r. It bu,n. (1<11
.It" h." In hour. YOU nead more on t h
twilled end lengtll'l
Onc:e Ntilfied II Is worth ooong tile ,esl
01 The WO<k. Insulate lhe feeder wires wi.h
_.mic baeds . nd lhen make up c"sinq
01 In ... I' ling brief<s carved our. leeding , he
wi," outw ..... belween TWO bricks.
lermln.1 bIoct. from t In. and
Ii. 11I;s 10 one of lhe bricks, (II yOU "se
bolts. then lhese mull be eI<1hf!d.'$ muS1
the O)IICIMt COYer OWl. lhe 'ermin,l$ I
of metal). How you 'fT'" this is up 10
.,.,.,. bul you roeed ., wesl IN .... iroches "I
x THieM..
..,....., ........
l/4'mnAll ROUND
Insuliling brick .11 to<Ind Any g .,. can boI
fil led with g'ound-up l'lgments. CIoM the
bKII oI t t.. lube wllh. brick plug. Ind (10<
wII" it it WOf1h) "'51 I'ln I fj,ebriclc
ag.lnsllhe Olhe, Itf'Id 10 acl ... "door"
I lhese Ir,.:UUCIM>nl wlthoul
1 ...... made sud! fu......:e
' .... 111. bul ....... 110
bum oul on .... aft" _
21/2).w 2<IOvoII
KANTHAL 'A' .... l)SO'
SAY 14
-'- TO FIT
montlll of se.vicl . l<ld _erl'lgMl WIlY al
onc.. 01..... h_ buill .hem and hed
lhem In servM;' for ""ars. A g'Ut de.1
depeh" on (.) .he l\omogoII<Iei .... 01 !'he
cemenl: il minI be well kne.oed boIforw
end during .pPlicalion. Ind fb) !'he QUl'li ....
of It.. .......... 1. You can. of OOU<M. buy
the proper ,Hi51"""" wif, from Klnlll.l.
.-:llled for tllj. $eMce. Ind this will not
need deming ,nd be lei. likelv to "blow"
th, <)pe ting tampe ture. (The wire
mey gel UP 10 12ooC wnh the lUbe al
900C). You cen. of course. buy D IUboo,
100. from Morgln A,f"ClorieS Ltd: bul if
you I.e going 10 do tll.' you mighl el well
buy , ldy-wound tube . i,h ... from
Eleclrohtll or "om Morgans Ind
have dono! wi,1I ill
HIgh T.mpe.II .... S.h f ...... c . F"'11 57
shows my 21 In, x 10 In ...... "aI sa!1
fumec:e lor Itmpe",'uffll uP 10 tbo\ol
9SOC. flltd II jU11 und .. 2.8 KW. Th"
i5. perttaps. ,"he, '''041' III.n m,glll be
needed. ,nd I 2 t in. x 8 in. would do for
mosl .Wlie.1io .... bul It w ori-ginllily
mad. lnOI bv mel as a Im811 labo,alory
lum.e.. f ig. 58 I, III. d.awlng, The 'ube i.
f' .... " '."., , _____ ,. . (
3. in. bore MOIg.n 90E H'IIh Alum.,
wound with, K,ntlltl .,lemenl for 240
voIl1 II buying I wound tube it i. imPl><
Itnl 10 _,tv lilt POWfI' Inpul - 2 J 10 2i
KW In Ihi. elle - IIIe ,pplied VOIIIg., In
Ih. <)pefliing temp ... 1U of 1M
lube. This will be lIigher th"n til., in
"II POI IIMII, 00 Ihll a oI<elcll 01 Ih.
... ,ngam,nl, or. copy of Fig, 58. sllould
be Nnl with the enquiry. Th. OUt.r c i"'oJ
is of tin. Synd,nVO, Ihougll lodav one of
the C.leium Silicate SUbstilutes fro ...
C,pe In.ul.tlon L'd would be used.
knmedl.1I insul.non mltft",1 .ound
elem,nt I. ','ilon-- Kao .. 001 ""'nlm,
filKa. '0JPIl1' I by MO/Oln Ge ... mi<: Fibre
ltd. Bromborouglt. W .... I l62 3PH Th
standard go-tde It good for 12SOC. but.
""'!lOtI! the "H,gh Outy- " ,ed., 140(PC
Thil i. inlO tM $I)3Ce betwee,
tile ilHlI and 1M Ileal insul.Mg
brick, - which '" CUt 'oughly '0
about 1 Inch II'P betw .. n thei, surfa<
,nd 11111 oll h. , The bonom 01 the
lube II pIcked wil h th ..... ooliiso. bUllh'5
mUSI nol Ii, the Ilral coil 01
Fill 59 11'10 ..... file aelual POt. This
m..t. d"wn 5t .. 1 ,ube. the
bo1lom ..... Ided on wilh fun
",,",Uat...,. The 0.0. of the POt must b<>
.bout hlea Il>IIn lhe bore of llIe
,ube. 10 Ihll II m.V be I<
mlehin' III, lIe.' lube 10 I sm,lIlr
lhicl.neu. Thi. is I10t diffic .. II ,n(! ,
flnilh will do. n.. wppon flange
..ceutd n shown. Th., pre"entl I " V
splllIheI of "It from \jelling between ,he
POt .n(! tl>ll hUI" !hi handle sl'lo .... n
nol intended for clrryi"ll Ihe pOI aroun<!
.... h'n 1101. bul ,implv to make it easier I<
li ll . A lid of som. SOrt Is needed. bolh ra
.. .' , .....
, : ::::, aul dirt wilen no! ;n usa, .nd 10
l ' the POI wtoIn "he""'11 Thent il-
I slight 'i$le 11111 1M lowe. live .. of
m .... melt and .. pand boofore IIIe Crull
109 m.llI, end if tile 1.IIIr Wlill open
under IIIe pressu'e the,e could be
witting out of IIot liquid. 60 lhowl
t he furnace wilh the lOp CO>Ie. .
Thl, IU"'lc. hn ",lief leS5 inlUlBlron
IIIln I. desi.,ble,
None Ollhl dimen$ions is uil'CIII - you
CIIn melle tile .i .. of tile he.". lube or
melting POt to lUil YOU' needs and IdjuS!
,II to lU't. However. ;t ;, imPOt\.nt to
"Iow 10< plenty 01 In ... lat"'" - !IIe mort
N belle' II this wO,Il S4II Ie "p mell"'ll
lime "'" ,eduo::e c""enl COfIlUmplion
once UP 10 I Reducing the
01 POt nol ,educt lhe
CIIH ve", m""h, As 10
,you 10.110 .... sulf'ocien' for Ihe
10 rise a. you immerse the WO<Ir.piac.,
tile I ..... el of molten sell mull
be Ihe top 01 tha w,nding,
I huting elament
,he vol"me of
\joinll below
.. I Ileal ,r.
no me .... negligibltt.
NOli thll IIIe .ttet POI and tile lerm,n,'
OO_lolof mtl.1I MUST botll be earthed. IS
,..,>Stance of the cer.mi<:
nol perlec\.!Tht C<I"ent should, 01
. be swild>ld off wfMn m,nipulal'
.... 01\1. TIlt" i. no "'II need '0 IIIe
I. bullh. lillie cerem,C belds "Nd

Ind elecu;c lifo 'f'

Th. letual IIIds ....
I Ihe lleale' .... i<>dlng. bill
twisted. 50 thai III ........ ill nol
... ,.. Tile le,minal blcx:k I. 01
Svnd,nyo Of Calcium Sille'l l . lhoo.o9h le.min,' biocq .It somet,m ..
,vlileblt on tM - su.-plut m.r!<el. !hi
.egultlion 0I111e !umece i. besl doni w;lh
.n 'Er'MI<g COfllrolt .... - tlle"nOSllt;c
conUoi would be .... ry _ ...... ThoM on
.leclric cooke .. will htndle 3 KW. I do I10t
IdYl .. building it intO tile !urnae. c"i"'ll.
theM controllers inco.port'" Ih .. m,1
..... ,tCh 10 efll!CI the 'imein' e .... als . nd the
hilt from ,lie .... ould UP'" Ihem
" HI"e, Br lcka". A ,elal,velv new
de ... l(lpmanl i. in Ihe fo,m 01 heat
Insul.ting brick with I M81.' elem.nt
e mbedded in th. face, AI firsl .ighl tile ..
would setm 10 be lhe Ideel modul, 100Ihe
conll.uetoon of I small fu.neee. Th , I,
1110 , wilh 1"- 'brick' in the
form of, Il0l''- tube, making th' biN of
, lube fumlCe, There If" lwo .
tilt IInI Is Ihat the unit .... wound for 110
more Ihan 60 IIOIIS, 50 IlIIt ."he,. hefty
t"nllonn .. I. n .. decI. Of one mull \III
lou. units.. The second is thlt tile hoI IICI
of lhe bncu .... ill not e.,fY any load you
would need , supponing and "Mil lI,n
spI .... !' floor, or a melll tube II using tile
'ubul" typ . Bolh 1100' ,nd tuboo would
h,v. to be 01 hUI ,esi.,lng " .. I Of 01
con.ld ... ble if any ".sonable
1,1. WII 10 upect..:!. Howevm. 1IInt!
.. , nol ffiffll;uh 10 9"1 over and
... de.. who ... In"'Uled in Ihi.
de ',-nt Ihould writ. 10 MestfS W.J
Fu ... & Co. lId. Ro..:!. NOI-
tlnghlm NG2 , ea The bndI I .. known
.s 'Willow Cer.mlc Fibr. HUlfIn"
R ..... "'_ Wi . Thi' i. Obtlioabl. from
Ih. K.nm,1 flnn ,1"tdV .ef.,,,.d 10, from
london EI,el'te WI.e & Smilh, Co.
(lEWCOSl Chu,ch ROId, london eIO,
well .s DIlle' m,nuf,cI""fII. end in sm,1I
Qu.n1ili .. from K.R. WIIi$lOn, New Mills,
SIOCkport C .... shir. Such "" wire
..... ilable ",1\1, IS I .... "",m.1 "",nil w
or .. lulp. I .... fll". for the highe, K ....
filings. The mll .. i.1 mull be selllCled Ie
the Operl"ng l_perIlU.. 01 ,,,. ...".
which wi" be higher lI\8n ml! oIlhe wor.
by quill I bil. Ind Illia doe$ mUn Ihll II><
MMo;e 01 I .... m.nufactu.e,s. wllh Ihe,'
""I ",pe.i_l, it; .,....:!..:!. To "pI.y ... 1.
Ind iliacI the "tad wi ,.
un be .. ,h xpens .....
The p'Oblam i, to ,lfect , compromls.
betw .. n th." veriel>lu. The OVe'all
flg . A C __ .,,,,, ... _ .. F,. .,
..... nel<led to limil lhe CUrrent 10
the desi.-.d pO"" - ego lot , KW II 210V
the .Hist....,. 11 the working t_per"""
mull be such IS 10 lim,l the cur.enl 10
,Q(l(lI210 .. 4.17 ..... P. NY 58 ohm ...
N",!. the ",rlaceltU 01 the w"l mull btl
tuCh Ihl it eln dissipa" Ihi. POW'" A nol
unlVPlcl1 'Iling i. 6.5 wllls1lQ. Inch of
",rI.e. "". So long IS the lenglh 01 wi,a
n""ed fo< ,hi. eliledon II Ihen Ihll
naedad 10 p.ovlde the ohmic
le,llIenea lhe elemen. will be s,fl. but II
Ihl oppollte condition holds, ,hen It will
probably bum OU' . Finally, Ihe .. mull be
I'I"IO<>IIh room to wind Ihil Cllcul'le<l
\englh of on the ce.amic lube. 11 I,
nol pl. to wind II cIo6e. pilch Ih.., .boul
14 T.P.! .. ".hlte is Ihen 'i .... of adjlcenl
tums louching each Olhe,.
The following c.1culation t&bltt shows
'- lou. OI'uges of witt been
IllIned 10 ..-1 lhe requio-e<l e"",i. 10<
1 KW 240 volt heal'" &lemenl. Note
thell figure., lhough tYPie.l, shol.tld
nol be ulld In.n aclu.1 lhe IIbie
Iti lust In ... ,ei" 10 show how 10 !lO
aboullh. job
Requi.e<! tu"enl 1000/240 4.17
Imp, ReQuired rnlS1&nee allhe OI>I ,lng
tempe.e""eol 1200C, 240/4 17 57,8
ohm. Pow., c.pacity 01 Ih. wi" 6.67
.... ttallQ,ln. ",rlace ea, hene. A 150
1Q.1r\8, Ou.side diamet .. 01 hea'" lube it;
4 In. 1.05 h eifcumla.ence.
length Reqd FI
OUlput If wound to ...... "nee 01 51 6
ohm, The 19 glUge elemen, will Med ,
winding lenglh of about 7 Inch . nd!hi, iI
,"-.bIe fo< " Inches di ..... I... or it
could be wound et 12 TPI ....... In 8-inch
length if desi.ed.
The <Hi .. ,nee per i0oi _ ....-t1Cl
..... per fool (or in m.tric uniltl" ouoliMI
by Ihe SUppltetJ, as is the ... 11 disslpat'on
In wetta PI' unil et 01 wire In some
CalM il may be necessa ..... 10 change to
11., Sl,lp hea .... , in order 10 milch lhe
.. siStine' Plr 100110 the flQui'ed ",rfaee
.... The ... ire manufactu .... will btl .bl.
10 ",ppiv lables which help conslde.ably.
bul do not e"pe<:1 thlHT1 to act It "Con-
",IIIn"" fo< lhe pricl 01 , lew pounds
wonh of wi .. , (The 19 gauge ",",,,,I
1.t>IId would need .bou. (9 wonhl.
Conclul-ion. This dlapl_ h' nec .... iI'(
been brief for lumace-m.kinu is not
.... ry eommOn oceuPilion 10. model
englne"5, .nd Iher. i. nOI much
publi.hed inlormaljon. I hoot
11'111 whll I h_ w,illen wilt help \'011 10
.voId some oIlhe more difficult problem ..
I would, how8'li!'. suggest lhl1 btllore
Imba.king on Ihe m.nufaclu .. of ,ny bul
the .,mple., muffle you explo.e .h.
MCondh,d m.rket. " hehange & Mart"
may brill{! torlh something, and IVen III ....
lum.&ee requi,es 8 MW muffle, or perhaps
Ih'""," of Ih. I>TtOm"", Ihe
COSt 01 m.v well btl leu Ih.n lhe
Turns on Wondong Lenglh
"'" G .....
For Pow.. FOt ResiSl8l>Ol 4 if1. dia inct-.
622 259
829 146
99.3 ,04
246 17
139 10
95 68
20 ,'0.3 824
78 56
This "ble sn.ow. Ihl1 lhe 20 g,ug.e
requ"l. I g.e"e. lenglh to disslp.te
thl POWe' Ih.n ;5 needed to off" lhe
'''lulre<! .lIltl.nce: il is, Ihl,.lor . un,ull-
blt . All the olhe,s will h.dle lhe pOw"
COSI 01 mlt"i,l, 10 hom . made ,l1ai,.
The lilli. gufI.ed tube It, 01, I very simple maller, II yoy mUll
htve fite-b<lcka a,ound eny hllH'
he.nh Inyw.y .
Safety Precautions
Selery in lhe worUhop II. mo5l 01 .he
lime. no "..,.e "'"'" common
end I IH. INn me..., 01 ,''' Parli .
ment'ry Enaclments on , ... aub,lel_m
to .u.ume II .. !! mosl people WOfk,ng in
industry e .. h.,I ... ill. Ho ... ""e., common
sense I. lhe more easily .ppI,ed II some
Ih'ng il known of lhe II .. ,.dl, ,nd my
oblect In thiS ch,p,,' "'0 preMm Ihese 10
VOU. no mo., To lhooM .ead' ..... 1>0
been SlIcking Ihl .on of 0lt\KI 'Hlh'ir Ii" ..
I can only MY Ihn many ol h". not
end if YOU Uied 10 uM (Mit YOU
migh, .... 11 do you ... 1f en InlulY .,.,igh.
Fi , This is. pernl,... ,h. mOil oIwiou.
dlnge" A. 780 C the ... orkpiece ... ill . if
!efl . bu.n , hole in ,h. noor or Ih'ough
'f'Oll' boot. Worse. il c,n burn Ihrough 'fOu'
glS'nose In second . Ind .hough the hoM
1.lIu" v,,,,- Id'" I ,uum. Ih" 'f'Oll'
"'Iuipmelli has onen ... 111 lIIut olf the
SUpj)/y. lhe ini,;,' bu ... of ",ml C.n HI
fi 10 Olhe hing. The second h",rd it
In>m!he he.tlng ft, .... IIMti. ThI or,cuce
of moving lhe lorch .side 10 ... Itle
mll,l i. no,m,l . bUI ho ... m,ny
practitionets Ihink on II 10 where ,'''
"_ ia now POInCing/ I haw mYMti HI
""'10. ca II"Iy pll(lId pilei of tonon
ThI ,n_ 10 .heM .. lwofold. Fils.
.he he.H<1Ie, .... nt S!>OI sIIoukf be . ,
r,,,,ll'oof II WOtking on
'hen the tOIl lhould be cove,1'd
wllh two l,yet. 01 bticks. with 1l"ll9" 1'd
joints,1O thai Ilam. c,nnot pass ,h,ough", use I pu,pose-buill steel Iram,
... ilh ,h. tHicks se. in. 1 kno ... Iha' SpIC.
often compel. th. u'" 01 wooden top
beneh. bu. II ,nv great .mounl of heal
U .. lmenl is done 'hen the bench should
be ml'de ,ccordingly The waling spol
thOuld be 80 equipped, and Ihis is, w'.'v
Iha IIgM place '0 do olh ""hot won( I.
.... 11
have fi.a-tl>lingoishing gur,ble. Fir" can \II' oul of hand VBnI
Indeed. ,nd prompt Be,lon nil ...
'f'Oll' 10, 01 misery - ,nd The
QU.rlCh buck.l i. ,he of
cou,se lbul nol. 111., the on,."ll
balhs) und i. the second. and a proper
Ii 1M 'h"d. I uN ,he Dry
Po ... d ,ypa. ,nd CO,
",flnguisher IS becIr ..... p. WoIe , .. , 2
mllel tIM Ii .. Sillion). These IVP'"
II. bo'h sate lor oM on eIo<:tricaI riles
and my worUhop. like yours. tlI$ 10' of
,"Ing in II. A.....,. semlbltt '"'nge'''''"' ''
lor tha whole of tha bench Ib<arlng 01' heat
"lIlmenl) 10 IlInd in. sh.11ow "ay COfI-
III .... ng .n Inch Of 10 of DRY und. Thi.
will calch .ny d'OIlPh.g1 HI.Iy . nd
II quick Ihowolful of und Cln conl,in
.m.1I Iha whit'l r"chlng 10' .h.
The ol h ... h .. "d lrom hoi .... \11 i.
bu.ning """"III. The Ii<ll poin' 10 noll i.
Illal cold wit" won', hun bum. end to
PU"ny 101'1 01 d ..... ng _. dirty paw io;
""inglo< IfOUble. So uicl on cold ... l1e.
,nd 1/81 IOn'IIOnI ceretully '0 w .... 'he
, .. , .round lhe bum. ThIn If II I bad
one - .ed-ho. Mflill on the beck of ,he
hand. lor .,.,mpl. _ Or of "",y .,1., do NOT
,pply .lI'f'1hing l1ic:11.y. A dry bum d ..... ng
do li"ltt h m. bul ""en , cla,n pad
m.rte ',om, cr .. n IlandketChre' (NOT
Ind 100 .. bandl9l WlR keep the l ... ion
crean on the W'Y .0 Cllu,lry' " ,he
local hospoili. DOin negllC' thrl - . bum
8'landed '0 promptly by a"lllf1' will g,vI
hnl. bu, I .. ", i, liII "'x. day a nd
you mlY w.1I be in 'roubll. miflO<
burn . then tile 'CI!II.v.", based bum
d'"'i"ll' Cln be used. bul ""en tre-r .
the advice 01 your doc'Gr if in doub" Keep
. h". drn"ngs In 'he wo.hhOP or
nurby. but !k>n" fO<l/8t _ II I, .he dirt
'ound the bum wh,Ch will UU" InflCl lon.
SO _ 'hl1 yOu. pi ....... cltt.n.
Clo,hing. Wh., i, up m,," come down.
.nd YOU' f .. , ,r, vuln,.,bl.. C,.pel
slippe,. , 1'101 ,h. best l hlngl to wea,
wilh m",1 .t 8OO"C coupl, of , 1
higher UP WII' !elthe. 1IhoII. Col1on
twill ........ 11. '" IIf. - 0< " ul. " can
be bu, lhose 01 m,n-m.rte "bfe Cln
lil ... lly .... 11 if ovet .... teO. SpI.""" from
quench-link, be hoI. ,nd IhoM from
1111 balh. ARE hot. P'O'IC. you. ,h'08'
,nd nec:I<. On the ""'work. WI uoed 10
h ............ 1 'f9Il .... N;h could be held in
011< , ... to. !Though nowad ..... I no
doubl ,hal hol-m,," cIolhing it de
rrgu .... I). Bul In old tea" I, ....,uI -
""'hl"" II .h.n I hoi prace 01 teal.
jumpi"" off , in t'" qu.nch end
Iodgi"ll down .he open neck of sh,n I
ThI use 01 gl",,1S .. t:ieb81l.bIe. II ,he ..
,end '0 m,ke you crumsy and Increa .. tha
riP. 01 droppi"" .hen parh_
belt" 10 do wilhooul.hem. 8U1 II you haw
pal. of a ..... 8b'y auppltt chmma IN,I>
0fIII. thaM """'Id be worn when woorio'''''
with hoI higl ..... """'".' .... llli 10< moIlen
lead if VOU UN Ih,,). Thete .r. 110m. so-
called ....... 1 proof"" gloves on thoe m.rtel.
bul lhey .re not suilable lor .his ct ... of
WO<1< _ maybe., "mpen"" ''"'PI'"u ... .
bul they won', stand red-ho, m".I. ThI
oIl;lct of tha glov' 0$. 01 COUr$l '0 pratle.
you. hind from ac:cide1l1. no, .0 anabItt
'f'Ollto piclt up W'lHkpiecn' 0 ..... imPOlllnl
pOinl - the gIovn should be such 11111 you
can whip ,hem olf omen",: they w.1I k_
Ih. hell lhe hoi m"al 'f'Oll'
paw bu, lhe 1Ji"". it then hot Ind 'illS
hoe,1 wilt ,,"vel th.,>lJgh soon altelWalds.
Fin,IIy. wear a Cifp. Oueoch , pilei 01
11".1 willi. hole in ." and the odds Ire
Ih'I"ump 01 superheated wate' will leap
up. 10 I,nd on 'fOUl !)aId ",'ch. (So you
have hai,? Good. bul i, would go th,ough
Ihll. 1001)_ The,e 'I , no need '0
d,ess up 85 if you were melling 100 Ion'
of 11 .. 1 when you a abOl>l to harden a i
in. form loot b1Jt thlltoo/IS 1"10,. In(! yOu
should. u I Mid II the beginning. u" your
common sense.
S""Uh ... You may well have dUnlped
few jobs Into the pickle-bllh In lhe P'''.
SO vou know wh., heppen . eon, lean
OVer ,he qU""";';';;';;"';'; ' lithe work is of
$ile" ,u.

il nol
w;'. They have lilli.
things "om coming 'hll Wl'f'. end
worn _ spectacl .... They "10 h ......
hili. " 1Op sh"'- whicl> Pf1!vtInll "u""om
1,'li"" ;'110 , ... SP .... beM' .. n Ind
me eyes. II vou do get Inythlng In yO'"
eve. w,ah _II wi,h cool wit ... arod go to
t"" docto<' II is j"&1 nol worth I.king Iny
risk h .....
SpUshn from ,"" oIlQIHneh M
be no mar. .... kMJ h,n from Wit ...
- 1"".,. Ihould not be .00 hoi - bu. II II ,II
painful I", .. II for. bum: w.aII round tt..
_, ,nd aop/y , dry bum dr.lsing ..
yOU Un i'Ol medicli '",n,ion. The brine
bath ct;1I ... only from It.. wiler in
UwI' .he HI. is ,n lnilln,_ 8 .. 1 don I
neglecl .".,. ... u .... from hoI spl .. tLft hom
w,te<, bo-inl, 0< oil. The peont is not 10
mud'l .h.t .hey ... hoI .. mil .My ...
DIRTY. ,nd Ills ltom IhiSlh .. subMQuent
infection c.n .. is..
Sooft Bit"': G.ner,L ALL hot IIQ"id bat'"'ou. If thIV can ""."um_ TIle
firs. ",II. thereforl, is tM' the furn.c., 0<
if uHd. the hotpl.te 10< tlmpe,ing .. It .
should be Meu'I in ,h" respect A hea".,.
1>0' on too 01 , "im'y .t"". is JUl' fIOt
_tabl nd II vou ... un,b4e '0
'nange for lOIid '''pport. don-t Ule
,h, ....... m II ,II Second, . h, .. 111
oodium nj,ri' e .rod PO.n.lum nhra 10'
tempering .nd oodlum .ntl POlu.ium
chloride for AUSlenlsing, ara, Ihough
" non toxle, i.., ,iny: lUll Ilk.
kilchen sel. Th. cold N" lhould no! be
h,ndled wi t h ba,e hands, and any POWda,
spilled .hould be de.l, w"h u"ng b,uall
.rod ",-,I,
All 111 can ,b5otb. lillie w"e,. ,rod
,II con.ain "WI, ... 01 eryo l1iuloon" "ntil
mailed, A. fi",! mel I .... ,he" will
be ClUi" a bi' 01 fro.hing IS 'hll wit .. Is
e. pel..." 5 rt the m." WI.h the pO' only
hell-lull, .nd hell ViI .... IIowIy ht
the Inilial I.--olh die drJwn _ don. Inctfllse
the .lmperll .... - and tlMn 8CId lill"
..-.. sal!. U ... mel.1 _ to fXt. it In:
don't "lip It OUI of the bIg- Let lhe
moisl ..... ev...,.".11 .nd add more
Nil. in sm ....... ime. un 1 the
, ..
rect""eo amount I. In lhe po', Allow plenty
of space for ."" lide 10 rise when wo<k is
pUt .... In ,he cao, 01 lhe elec.rical ....
heI.ed hightempe,lIu,," f .. ",ac1 'he It
levellhoukl be below''''' upper end 01.""
Thet. will be no frothing on
10 long II VOU hlViI toed, lid on so ttlll it
cannol Itboort> .ny moistu,," . rod even
then Ie wi. be ..... tv.Iy lIigh . However. i,
is worth aga ... ,epelling thl1lM SIIIt may
form C"'"' and when re-melled 11K!
pan ...... of .he 'iQuid below may cause
Ih,. to creek and send out a spurt. 01 hot
Nit. So, keep ..... n ... 1 lid on the pO,
.. ntil'he whole 10 melted
N_ lIick yOu' ove, ,he.OO 01 a
.. It pOI in M<Vi<: . ,Iw.ys obse<v. 11 .n
angle alw.ys wea, 852092 gtade 2
'Impact" gogolll and a cap . nd glove. il
VOU Cln possibly man8ge will! t"em
All work IX" In.o ,h. ba.h muSt be
Will' Ind oillr .. , .nd should be
Imm.rsed .Iowly. Particula, car<! mUSt be
,.ken when oil-quenehed wo<k is 10 be
tempe,ed 11 .bov. _bout 220C. ill .nv
'lIidu,1 oil m,y "lint> off" Prfo, dell,e.s-
Ing i, ,ecommended Il lhe , ba,h
I, 8bov<! 24 5C, Slighl sutiB oi l con-
IImlnlllon should C'uH no . rouble in the
AuStenising bath, 00, if .he.e are any
hoi .. In .h. workpiece these ahoukl be
cl ... ed 01 oil befor. Immersion. No
f1X1U'1I 0< Olhe, devices for use in SIIIt
l>I.h hould be mlKle Irom tube. Great
Clr, Ihoukl be t.ken to ensure thaI no
for'lgn ml"., f,n, in.o Ihe ba.h. whe.h&r
cold Of hot It is imperfliYe Ihat no water
should I,ll Inlo ult bath_ Ind wlte,
should no. be uMKI .0 "tinguist! eny fj",
lIdjac,n, ,0 one.
.... oid any ... It bath, TMy
should ItOI be left - on hea .. when .. ""ing
,he "Ofbtrop for mote .han t .... odd
mlnul. 01' rwo. "...., il thennost .. ic
"""1101 i, filled, Ovemell"'ll can be
" This Is m,. tu" 01
.nd POllsslum N.If"e.
n- un imllle the .in, bul '" d.ssed
II 'non lO>.ic
. So.P .nd w"e. can be
used to wlall 011 Ih Iun, .nd ... "",
.... aII D"tion if ."" pO""" (jell In 11M
The ... 1. IoclQ 6k. eoIou ..:I OUO-' 10
bul if .ny I. 'eken by MOU.h

1181 w,lh
iOIulJon <bl
wI.h lQain k l
II. t .... m.1 bu,n: lI)I)Iy. medic_led
1 bu.n dr'ning and .... he 00c10< 0<.
like the pltlent 10 the
Nit I, I" ilsell. but
'''''''11 suppo"" 01 combu.hon wood
clo.h conllmlnlled with , h' sail will
vigoroully Som. Ofg.nic com
c.n .eact vigo,ously wi.h .he Hit
helled. Cafe IhO<lld be lak.n Ihet
0, 01 POWde, on wood
s" cleaned UP promptly.
should be wlalled, NOT dry
, II the,. I, I ""lion wi.h dry
I , i
, above 5SO C. 0.1dM of
mlY fOfm, .nd ,h ... Cln be
by . he .in, and ,I Inh.led can be
5y!Tt9tom"re bI ........ " Of the
and f_ and short .... 11 01
The condition '11<1";'" medical

is auoplOed in plntOc .. cks, and
ladled hom t ..... lnlO tt.. POI
a ""1It1 spoon 01' ledIe. SI01'l{Ie con
should be mois""e-prool I keep
in "" .. Ie IntIde 1,,11" Nesc,'-
UMKI salt un be o'lIlJlsed 01 by
waalling down ."" sink wi.h good flood
01 w, .. ',
Wi,hin the lemperal u", ,rod
quanTi.ies uMKI by model .ngi.-.. m ..
Sill cen be ,..-ded IS non-haz ........
ptoW;led reasonable call is liken.
Hill h temJ)llfllu.. <Auneni.,ng) S.h.
This I. I miltlu.e 01 Sodium
tcommon ... It) Ind Po,l$Iium ChIoRde "
is virt. ... 1Iy non harmful and can be t .... ed
II if It WI<I ttou .. hoId ... It if i. gets in .he
ayes. In. CUI, 0< is ....... by """'Ih In .he
event 01 bums Irom moIU." lilt .heM
Ihould be tr .... ted "" for .he tempering
...It. bul 1he bum may be _'" .rod
,eson 10 tM ca_lty depln.
menl 01 the hospital is recommended
So!Ua\18 of the cold sah powder is
"",import.nt. 'hough i. will .bsorb wat ...
ar'" may dllmage trus,) m.1I1. Spililtglof
hoI lilt c.on be con,ained wi.h dry Nnd
<Isms. er'" .he fir" il .ny, IIckled wi.h CO,
.'tinguishe.s. water ohould no1 be uMKI in
,he ", .... nel of molten Hit,
Mlle"al Immersed in the bath m<J5/ be
dry, Ind the work ""ould lie set in slowiv
to Bilow any ai, If.pped in holu 10 .SelDe
mwly - it rapid immersion may cause
.pu,ting, Ca,. must be !<en when
,.meltinll. wi,h it subslanti.llid, 'n ca .. ,
c"''' forms on the top of Ihe balh, end
initl.1 melting m"$1 be slow' th,. III.
mellS It aboul 670C_ so tha, frolhing ..
this ... g. ohoulo be "duced .0 I
minimum with ,he depth 01.", b31h be'ng
Irrcre.MKI only slowly
Thil ... It is inhe'ently sale, bu1 .he
hazlf(! from ViI .... hot liQ"id i. pt .... n, !f
IIlI,ed IS. molten, wi,h the ... me
pteclulion.. denge<Ol.ll .ltultions .'
unlikely 10 Ifise. hhough I ,_at my
ptevloutt warning: on no ICCOUnl lliow
.ny tempering SItIT, Of met'l conllm .... ' ed
.h ..... I.h. to gel in.o .he hillh.
lem""lIu" SIIIt. cold 0< hoI_I Carelul
Ittention .o pro'ective clolhing" ,n timn
Is tn. Older of tn. dlV S.orage .00
dlspoHl condi. lo"" I ... n. um for

EIIC1nc.1. h"lIrd. In tn. n.1I.'
Ullt",..,. IhcI\I .r. llIac.1y tn. M"'I II
thoM 11-",<., bu .... hI< more c ...
mu" be IIk.n OWIt "'iling ... d . M,1lI1 II
qutnd1ing tempef ur, will bum through
lttsuI.tIon and c.t ...... I Ihort-corcu,. YIf"I'
quicldy tld wiN 1.IIff.t lilt ...... 1 1on on
fire. Wi ... WlIhIfI fu.-nac. Clslngs Ihould
be ........ ted witto __ mle beida. ob ... n_
itbII from .n. local Electricity 51"';':'
depor.. GI ... irosu"ting ...... ing ..
... Iil.bli. bu. this is fIO/m.11y ... ed only
for !he ternptt.,u ... !Qutld in
cooI< .... All me 1 par .. of IumIoI
mUI' be properIv "IlhId. ,n. Utlh worl
being no. list In thin .n. mlin
IIedI .tId "",le .. bIy mote. Tn.M COfIfIIoC-
tIono, ''P'Ki.nV wh.n utlhing. hot poln.
(._g. me PO' in MI. fumacel mull be
inspec.ed ItId cl"ne-d rl{jUlrly. II oxide
IOIm"lon mlV Ht up In
.. tlh IlIkl{je ....... nc .
C-'>I '0 the supplv tQCkll mu" be
routed IW.y lrom risk 01 con"c. wi.h
fllme. hot m."I, 01 H" Ir>d. 1/ perm.nlnt,
covered by m .. 11 ...... Id or cor>duh _
which mu be ell'lwMI. Fusing is beSt
>n. II In. pug-IOO. bu. if
..HWhere (01 if cirt:ui. .,. r.11e<1
.0 t .... con.roI booJ I .... M must be .... 1l{Ied
,0 In. "U"," c;rt:ui. 0Il1y; OIl NO
_nt mult IffY fuH bot sel in U ...
N ..... " ... conduc.or. 01 a luse her.
let ..... 1M """tlUtI live to "rth..
Fin ....... t..c.tUN no fumac. muffle i$
perlec. Insuillor. It is common
10 swilch off .M Clrcui. wherl hendllng the
wort<.. ThItt lPPIin "...set" to mufl',
fumec .. ; I HII PO' willi In .. nlled 1>01
should be QUitl ult 10 long " lhe e'tlh
con!>lCllon is IOUtId.
Conclullon. The elreful ptlCl,lione< .... '
meel few d.nge ... in 'rei,mlnl bu,
no lmoun, 01 "",eelu, ,,,,,"," will save
CI....... lrom inju"" HII' 1'''lme,'
IIfICII<:I I. prob.bIV 1," dange.ous
I. lhough tie
high" the .mount 01 hut Pfesen, Is Ie ..
If. in thi. ch'pl". I have betn "aching
my blne .. how II, ouck egg," I conlH)l
mVNIf wi.h ,h, thought thlt 8 hot egg ;,
hardboiled. and such eonno' be blown at
.11. Any ma",i.1 mueh 70'C """d.
10 be ,r""d wl' h .eopec.1
Thermocouples and
I. Is pCl .. 10 obllin meteury-;n"1!ll ..
,hltrnomellt1t which will .. Illy regill.r
up to 360'C qu,,, chllply . nd nil .. n
filled mertu", t ...... mo .......... In
gllS. Cln be hed whleh ... d to eooc.
They," tllhe. tr'gi',. bu. eln be uM<llor
!Impaling _ though I mlkl ""
1I'0teel'ng ann, h 10< mine. Th, well-
known RotOlh"m temp".tuff
ind!el ,orl. baNd on. bi-metallk: Coil. Cln
be bo"Ohtl0 reed up 10 300"C (.IIey ""
used I. 0\11" .hermom" .... ).r>d "1 mOfe
,obu" Th' m .. eu",ln.",,1 dill .he.-
mom",., will opera" .. r,IV UP 10
6SO"C. bu. th'V , both 'M
bolky. None ollh .... how ....... will NNe
lor tempera.ure IndlClllon when hllHn!!
(Austenl"fIg) 10< quench h.rden"\Q. Th"
'h,.rno-Ile<;lfie pyram"" I. lhe onlv
Pf.clie.ble .nsw, .
Fill. 61 showl Ih. prlnc,pIe. If Ih.
junClion belwHn lhe tWO wir .. II Is
hll.ed . tld thl!" "B'" i. k891 cool . IIen
the ml1,r "M" will show thll. volt'"'" It
d,veloped whiCh d.p,nd. On Ihe
lempe"tu" differ""'l 11 1M twO junc-
lion .. Note Ihll It it; the tempefllUfI
DifFERENCE wIIich mllte .. If .n. meIer
ahows volCage eot"tPQnding 10 700C .
tId It 11 80 . "'" In. lImpetIlU" . ,
"" It will be .bou. 760C, funMr. me
EMF gene"led does nol v.", DK'1v w;lh
the IImperllu,,: pIoning EMF agains,
'emperalure diffMIfICfI shows slight
cunre 10 Ihe This m ..... th .. In.
tlUl lemperature m.y ""t be e XlCtly 11>1,
four>d by edding tile hot ,nd cold juncuon
IImpefl1u .... W, will d,al wi.h ,h,.
Pfobl,m I"". bot il is not_Iou. lor heat
""Imen, purposeS.
The normal rangement is lh shown
In Fig 62 "A" i. 'h' hoI junction .nd BB
the within tile imm"oed length -
th' m,".I,ls being !he "Ihe,moeleclfic"
.1I0V CC ... connecting wi.e. leading 10
the meter "M" aM " R"" I N.ies
,,"ill,nc,. II CC a., plain copper cOn
duetOfl. ,hen Ih, ,ffee.ive cold junction
will be 00. This mav bot ciOM 10 ' h'
IU''''<:I. lind DO could be quite hoI. The
. fl eclMt cold junctiof> Cln be moved .0
Ih. mller .lther by using opeci.l .11oy
CDnn.cting clIbillcalled I cornpenw.,ng
leed") 01 motl simply by conl,nuing the
,hef'fl'lOCOU\llfl elem..,1 wi,. ITom A righ'
through to M .nd R. This lIlhe method 1
u .. ; me meIer need not be .11 lhal fll
lway trom I .... fum_. ,nd on. hal 10
buy Ylld or 10 01 Ihem"oocoupIe wire
Inyw..,. The functiof> of t ... resistlnctr
" R" .. 10 reduce me ,ffects 01 changes 01
.esiS'1nctr In , ... circui' wi'lictt mIV DCC""
as I"" couple ,lemenl gets hoI. If ,''''
...siI'I_ of BS and CC ...... . N 05
ohm and lhal of I"" ...." .. 1 5 ot>m. lIMn
any ct>ange In I"" fotmar WCXIId be
&pp<KiabIe, 8 inM<1ing lhO, '-balllS!
........ NY l00onm, IMn ,"" e1UU'Ige
in . " .,a nc. of AA 11'1<1 CC wit h
tlmpatllUl' will t.av. I'\Igligibie .flecl. It
se ....... a lu""". P\M'poSI too. It ;;en be
used 10 mltct> 1M lndlellOl' to lhe pa<-
lieular the. mocoupl, used. W, sh," mlk.
u ... 01 Ihis wilen "ad'PlOng I" . ,rum"".
lot homtI-mada 1 .. <Iiulo<.,
A number 01 difl.r.n,
'" ,
1006 Cr vi 4006
CuI Can be ... otIced intermil1ently up to
850 C, or 700 C conll .. uoully. I nd h ..
th. merltth., it deHve The highest EMf
C 01 ,nv, hon-Con'tlnlln il Ihe n'"
besl in Ihis respecl . nd un wotlc <;On'
tin.uous/y 1\ 7SO C Ind" .. u.,. UP
10 lOOO C, It I, CMlp. and well ... """ ' 0
OUt ptOYided 'o'OU teellibo.,. If It i.
u&lld !of long period, (d.. 1 lbove aboul
800 C Th. c ommo .. ,,' 10. hlgh_
TemPII'll.... wort< i, Ch.omei-Alume/
(9O!Ii HI lO'IIIi C. lIS 94'" Ni, 2"- AI .. 51
Ind Mn) wflidl ;;e .. wort. III ".., 11
1200 C. II doeI ".,1 qUII' such a
high EMF IS ,"" 1\'Pn. """ ... 1.
ficient fOl' OUt P!<'PlIII , Ther .... othe.
flt,' .... 1
' ..........

.1Ioyt. ".,lIb1y thote ba&lld on Plalinum.
""" ....... liII, e ly 10 be 01 in,.,tfl, 10 UI. A;
thHe 1""'moo;oupIe now mad<
10 B.i,iIh Slindard Speclfo<:al00n, a mi
lhe taIIowing table. "ke .. f. om ', ,,",
Model Eng"'"" Handbook" shows 1110>
EMF in millivoll' when the COld
;"' nction "Ind. 1\ O C. This .""umes thll
The wire is 10 lhe .elevenl 8.5 .. """ Ih.
dill",nce belween Ihis end others (eg. 10
DIN lid) I, ""IIligible_
TIM EMF In MiHiwJIls dellf!1opMI bv
COUpiH is gr.", in The"
A .CQPIa.-Con.lant ... to B51828
10 B5 I 829
C-, NOA!umin;um B51827

, , ,
2-02 258 202
.. ,
' "
." 6-63 801 6- 1 3
' 0'
1078 .n
"'5'(" 11 86 1356 10 16

, 2 -2 I
350 'lCoo 17 -58 1909 1429
400 '7U. 20 59 2185 1640
500 , .. , 26 10
2739 2065
tIOO t tl" 3311 2491
700 ,10' "
3915 29 14
800 ' ''f$- 45 53 33.30
900 ICJ' 374
1000 I to' 4 1.3
fit, Il2 '"
. ... _"'
Now. Itot UI"'pj)Jl1I Ihl1 wI ... using
a .. Iron,Con.I,,,"n _"'" ... ,th I"" hof
JUI'OC'lOon 11100C Ind the cold" IOO e..
The indk:,ted volt. will be 39-15 -
527 3388 mil ThIt COtI'I1P"fl1h 10'
""IjH IU" of 613 C. Add on lhe cold
;"'I'OC'I>on tlfTll)ll'I1U" and w, lind 1M SUm
to be 713 C - 13 C hioghe< lh1n it
Ktu,11y I" So. 1M cold Junction muSI.
littl, be kepi II cool II POssibI, Cin ... ,,,,
KCU .. I, work II II Nt in Ice in I 1"".matI
"I.'d .nd second. w. thould kHP th ..
mom,,,, n".by 10 theck Ihe
tlmpe'81Utl, II th' cold Junction I, kepi
Wllhln . /- 2 C 01 15C, lhe '''0< will nol
,.ceed lWO O. Ih." "eg<"' II 1M cold
Juncl ion IImpe.,t u., I, .Imply added \0
\hl' on Ihi ml'l, If tIM met ..
Ind ,hermocoupl ... e CALIBRATED ... i\h
Ihl cold Junclkln " 15 C Ihl 1 .. 0. will be
Th, o;<)<lSlrutllon o! Ih' t hermocoupl,
il simpllclw 1",11. It un. Indeed, worlt
quill 1.I111!.CIO.lI il Ihe wi . .. I" lighll-f
twlSlad . Thi. will read cor,ectly,
".." lhe .. will be , lm,_I.g belW"n
fit. Il 'L.. I . _ .
_ " , " ''' ,\d
.... -.. _--
_c ___ .. _
__ , n L_._
_, n ..... __ .. _
M .
"Iching 'h' IImpe<&IU" Ind Ihl1
indicalad. The ends an .asiIy be _Ided
1Ogethe< II you ........ Mk:roft ....,
o-y-bull .. ,ord! 0<. ird, z lf1y _Iding
aqu;pm..,L The of wI,,1t ....,ltnj)Of.
ZIn' '>111>1 IS .egen:ts 00$1. Ind 26 g."",
;. quill l.It1sfaclory, thou-gh, would pr""
10 _ ,m in prOteclive thellh. ThaI
_n In Fig. 63 is 18 and this u ..
be uMd ion I IUfflItC. 01' _n Sill poz
with no sheath, though O<MI Is PNI .. 1bIe
In Th' I.ll .. ;;ese. Twin zhermocoupie
pairs, aboul 30 gauge. ;"""llled wi,h Ii""
1'Mz""";"lnt ,'''''''Ing. It. a .. ,ilable. Fo<
t"" knockaboul wort. of heat "111m",, I
WCXIId lend 10 favour the 18 gluge wi .. ,
".." iT 15 only I question of !'.gility; ,here
ill no d'fI .. ,ne, i .. lhe ,l1eeli"",esl.
Th. couple wi'l$ must, of course, be
ifISYlated behind the ec:,u.' Junellon, end
,ilher single O. twl .. bote ce.amic o. ,iliU
insull10tt can be had for This pu.PQ$I
hom scientific in,"ument .uppll".,
(G.ifli .. & George. Gillenkamp etc) 0< Mo.gln R,hacl0,iu, 11.,ady
m''''lioned In connection wilh mulll ...
Some of .hese arl _n In Fig. 63 Thoe ..
mly. In ,urn. be pro .. ",d by $fIlting th'
wnol, Inlide i s te,1 ,healh. The end (In
be ootid ,i.he, by folDing ove, Ind hem
m.rif>g. Of by welding in , plug The
shellh thould be I I,i,.,.,. dose fil on .he
inwlllOfS. This will p!"(Ilacl Ih' COUf)Ie
I,om knoc;ks. lita (In .hl C'$fI of llIe
"I. po. ) I,om I g,edual eroding aWlY of
.he wi, ... On the othoer h.rId. , he shelth
will ceu" i timeI,g in ,he ,...,;ullOM
you, indic:I'Of WI. 'end 10 reed lhoe
temlM .. lu" .. 11 wit 3 Of 4 minu, ..
.. d_ndinu on how heevy Ihe lube
i .. Th'" i, no need. for our Purpo$fll. ,0
u ..... lnl," s .. el. Onc, cle.r of Ihl
aclu,l fu,nace ,he w" .. mlY be In ... lI1ed
with ordinary sleevlng. Of you eIIn u .. the
gleM-fibrto il liMy ... lilLeIy 10 ge1 hoi.
SUCh II .. ving can be obllined (0'
ordefed) ,hrough ,lIdlo .. rvice ,hoplL
Th. Indlcelo,. Th. me.imum ,eading
using lron-lfllllnlen w,1I be ,boUI 50
milllvolll. ,rid for BS1821 Nte,. NIA!.
lboul 35 mY. II you "-. 'multim.,er
wllh I millivoll scale. w,,1 end good. vou
cen u .. \/h1L O,herwi .. you mus , ,i,h ..
buy 0<>1 Of m.h Ontl, Th", was I "1TI1I
when ... 'plus mlc,o amme.... we"
r.edlly ,v,II.bI end .he .. 're 01 e. cel
lenl Qu,li'y. ThoM , .. d,ng up 10 50 Of
100 ,.A would be !he "-' ... ,,-'" Bu'
$UCh mil'" '" nol Illj)IfIIive new ,rid.
'II"n. c.n be ord"ed Ihrough rl(l;o
servlcI lhop .. A 0-50 me .. , will do nitaly.
bu, you mull know III coli "si".nc'. Ind
if thl' I, notll.led in ,he c".Jogu . oblt;n
It-. in/otmllion "om ,he .... ken befoN
buying il.
Now, leI US "'PP" II ,Ile, we h,"'e the
met". Ind lis resisllnc. is
" ICIly 1000 ohm. WI If. home and dry.
fOf one mlniYolI will gl\ll I daflaclion 01 1
micro-imp, ,rid the llcele cen be uMd
dirK,ly. (The ..... mel tuitrllnce 01 lhe
""""" won1 m,n,,). S .. """se. how_.
Ihal II II olherwise. ,nd ..... .. 01
around 150 ohm .re c;ommon. Ult us
"'WOM It II shown IS 135 oIlm. Thil Is
wh8f1llhe .. sil"nee R of Fig. 62 comes
in. If we mekl lhis 1000 _ 135 _ 265
ohm. llIen w, t.a... I '0111 ,HiIl&r'lCtr 01
1000 . ...., the m,II, will , .., dl'K!. Such
,esi.llnea W(lUId be "" buill up wilh one
al 200. on, a. 50. and on. II 15 ohm'
radio service shOl>. Hlgh
the mil" hIS ,
.. .. 51Inee I 1000 ohm, wluu
Ih .... 11 h,ve _ lIe,e. 0-100 IIA. 1250
ohm. Apply Ohm, law CElli. Of. mo ..
convenienlly. E = C II. l00JlA 1250
o _ \25.000 mlcrovol ... o. 125
millivoillL So. for. mil" w,'h I ,,$,
'R PCIIding 1000 ohm ,he corwe,SOon
is AClu,1 My .. Sell, Mv R/l000'
whit. R I, Ih. melo, .. Illllnce. II is IS
usy II 'hIli Fig. 64 shOWI Ihree mele ...
one orcul" 'Eo Governmenl one. which
il $till II good BI new' , ,"her smlll
Jlpanese m,,,,, ,ully ,00 smell a scale
lIng'h: end ,larva O-HIO ",,'" which is
in facl , 'he one I W(lUId use despite II.
",sistlnee 01 1250 ohm.
Calib, "lon. Th1, 15 simplv, chack on Ihe
lable. Ind 00111>1 to be dOne ju" in case
!lie mall' ""SlInee ill not " '"Ied hhey
IU ... made 10 I ,oIerencej Irld .flll< I
In cese there has been, chenoa in
'h' ch.,acl .. islics of lhe couple ,1"""nlS.
The low .. ,rid i,done" 100C. The Ih,r
mocouple I, sel In Ih tllm abovI
boiling wll.., - NOT in ,he wII ... llsell
See fill. 65. though It CIIl be dOne in ,n
"ect,ic: kellle jusl IS ... ily M .... sure
Ihll lhe cold iunel;on H . . lhe ITI1IIII. if
used II In Fig. 62) if " 15"C. leI Ih.
junc, ion talk 10' ten minutes and
observe It.. , .. ding. let II cool I lillie. end
,_". Do 'hll Ih ..... timn Ind like lhe
me .... For In ;nt..,madill" "mparltu ..
you cen. If you hlv, IIr.mparlng "II ba,h
. "' .. __ "
.... " D_IO ....... ... .
., ....... 0-'-' _'1 ..
0-, ....... __ .....
end , m.rcury therrnometl'. use ,hil.
SIIIP lhe Ind 01 lhe couple '0 lhe ,her
mom"" bulb wi,h ea" Ind , bIOI tl"l,n
wi .. ,rid !lise 11>0 temper.,ute '0 .am,
r.gure .bout Ihe limi, Of ,he Ihe ..... omll ..
Mike lure 'he hilla, I, stable. and lake
reedingl. Ih".e. w,,1"1 ,Ile .,mtllfll"re
f.lling ,bout 30'C Ind lhen "ised .,n
belW ...... KII. Ind noll Il"Ie mean 01 lhe
Ihr ..
For higher 'em"""ures Ihe following
can be uQd. lead. mellinll 81 327' C. Zinc
II 4 19 C (bu, be CI'.'ul of !he fum .. l
Ind pure .Iuminlum (I,om ,n old
658' C In ,he ease 01 ,he leed
you will need , lIver 01 ,Hin on ,he
surlace 10 Pfa"enl and ""y
need 10 ,kim off o_Ode II wen. Th. d,HI In
lhil CIU II dilfe,ent. You b.inglhe melll
up .In", melting POin, end immerse IIIe
couple. T,k w.y ' hI hell, .rId Illn
,,,,,,ng,hoe l.mpeflIU" indic:elor a"e<Y 30
second, or so. As 11 cooIl you will find In
,rr.11 pain" _loping Ifill. 66) Ind
'hen II lhe melal I. tali<!. ,he tempe'ttu,.
f,U, Iglln, Now IIhell. and .gain nol,
,h. ... - Of lhe millivolts. Aglin
,. ..... _.,_ .... , ....
--.. _.
, .. -
, ...
the.1 will be In .nut In til, INCREASE in
tempe.ature. Repeat Illis coupl. 01
tim .... alwlYS removing .,., lI;um whk:h
forms on the surf_ of the melli. The
mean 01 the .... " pDiml .. the ..,tull
melting point 01 the m,,,1. You c.n do
.nome, " 601C. willi pure Nlit. Note,
NOT the houuhold VlrteIV. "-II at tile
dwtmists 10< "5oo;um Ctltoride e PC' -
ttl .. is common NI't. but
Once all tllis II .. been done yOU un
ei"- .... k. up tlble or .... a new
,..,.Ie ou' of "..,... to Itlek on the di., I
ule a table ... III .... othe' u .... for miero-
amm" .... Ind don't w .... t to tilt 'nv 01
them up on ..... Job.
The fi ... 1 Ilt",netiv, il ._n ...... but
deflnhl' Y '1n th' mood'", You tin buy (or
-". 01 you mav be Ib!e 10 . lor III I
.oI1d Sl.te dlgi1I' indic..or. which
will fled OUt th. temperltur, on lighl '
emitting diodes. If you ........ al til.,.
n'IOCOUpIQ. high tempe."ur", ,nd low
yOU cen build in to th" I correcting ei<cui.
whic:t! win .. low for the .,se 01 COpper
con"ent ... 11 ..... end 01 the temperature
.MIOfI end Plllinum Rhodio-p!atinum "
the other; 1 u .......... , pymmet8f Indicator
TIl" is not a book on "Iectronics. so IIIlt I
mult leavl the de"il lor yOU to 1011 OUt
Sufficient lor I'IIOIt 01 the electronically
minded 10 know Ihl1 it gon be done I
Carbon Steel Cutting Tools
Me.,., " ...... mlV never lI,ve made
CUtting 1001 in theif !loin, lperl lrom the
odd D-bit. Ind would 'ega..:! anything
eo:cept It", lor .".n tungt",n
carbodel .. being I ".ry inl,rio< tool
TIIil ila miltake. The ONLY , .. son lor
using HSS I, thll 1\ can aperatl It I
highe, temper u ... Ind Cln. therefor
Cut FASTER. HSS II much more l.pen
sive; it II rIOt II h'rd II ptOpll,ly tre,ted
c.rbon tool .",1. ,I th, P'ape, cUl1lng
_ad urbon steel hn I long", tOOl hi".
Ind fOf finishing CU1$ Dotlow 80ft/min.
11111 much longer And (.g.ln. wh"n
p,aperlV I,,,,utdl ca,oon .t .. t wilt lI,vI I
Dottt" Iinill!, Nor i. It tru. 'hll " YOU "n't
t.k" hllVV CUll" , TIIi. il nonsense, I lIavl
m, 1Ibie Ind for
c.rbon ." .. 1111"- ,001, which iiI" eutl up
10 one In<:h deeIl .. feed. 01 one eoghth 01
,n inch pe. , ..... Fin.lly. gorbon "eel will
t..,kte ",,,- ,,,11y h ..:! "uK'. Until quite
'ece<lt/y it WI. used lor mlOChi'-"ng the
chilled Cllt Iron roll' used In ",eIworks
(m. ..,rl_ deliber"ely made hI..:!es
the 11)011 yOU cen't mechine on yOU'
ClllingsU,nd .... hlbitu.Uy Cut
herdened Ind IImperll1Mi pivots willi
carbon 11", gr.v ..
The onI'! dilldvant'91 wllich efflic;ll
{/Ie m."riel is lllat it - tempers"" Quit
low fogu ... HSS is. initi.lly. soh., th.n
carbon It",. (Fig. 66) but whe'UI th.
Illte' would S"rl to lose some of ill
euning hard""ss II about 270 C " ,lie
tool pOint 'he lorme. eln boo ape,ated so
hot thll the cutting oil will smokl Ind,
Indnd. I h,ve seen $!)eeillll,.des run lor
demonstration purpOsorl cutting .. I dull
I1Id hill. TIle same i5 l'Oe of Tungslln
its ViMUe i. O\Ot its ha,dneSl _ it i.
II th,ee times 'hI Speed of HSS,
TIl,. il th. Crux 01 the m8ttlr, You eln
buy coupl. of feet of tool .tel'
10' the p, ice of on. short HSS too/bit; vou
Can IiII it. bend It. forge It. and he,d,n it to
cuI tough .11oy Iteel. even ha,d elst iron;
end you elln II"t $Operb tooliinish on the
worf<. But yOU MUST klHl(l the Clmlng
down .nd Ihe tool pornt CDDI.
For roughing cuts the .. d should Dot
aboul one third lllat used lor HSS (though
lhe oooI.nt supply is good yOU COIn Iry
'111 .. 1 Ind lor norm.1 finW.;ng e.,11 lhe
m.chine should be run " ebout rwo Ihi ....
the, used lor HSS. In flOCl . lor br," or
Irll'-Ctltting mild s,eeI. IlIk;ng model
.ngi"""' finishing cu ... there may Dot no

need to ...due, Speed II .11. (I,m, 01
COU,,,. ,,,uming th.t vou u.. In.,
HSS cuUi"9 If>eeds: mlllV
model eng;" <s run ., c.rboo "eel
lid. an thoo li .... 1) CIIrbon .' .... 1 will Cut
.. ,'(thing 'ha' can be cuI by H55 11'1<1
many thl! we of tan UM te.bide for land
doetn"' chip ,I Ih' edgH ,ilh,,) but il
doH lake 8Ul whll is the hurry,
On 1M ",,"lOOn 01 !luail ly of finiS'''' il
I. rIOl .lw"VI IPlJfeei,red In" Ihe wrf'ee
of the workpl"". i . when liking vary flne
eutl, .... fIotclion of the surface of the 1001
If The 1001 point hal 11<00 "as 'rom tile
llrindlf il mu" I g'oov," or ribs on
tha work. Calboro 5t .... 1 h ... finer \I.aln
th,n MOSt H5S, and if 11"1,, refined,_"
mo., 10. Properly h,.d.ned . nd
01'1.., 110 fa, II I, _Ii.!. 11
Ilk .. up NU" finish from Ih .. oilllon .
Ihul gi .. lng In a.e., ben", finioh 10 the
-'<. In "OIn,man\81 Turning" WI h,ve
10 go furthef 11111: Wi! ...., en,I,.", on ,he
'1001 finish- for tn. decot.tlv.
SUrfltll .... hich ere so much Idmi.ed. Ind
""en go to the 'e.-.gth of "ppi.-.g the
CUlt/ng edge .... ith 'ouge on .n iron I.p I
Wilh the _-lncnoMing COSI 01 .11
,'Ioy It HIs r.nd HSS in PlrtOcula,) it cIoes
make some senN to .econslcle. the
01 Ih, "01<1 III"ion""" c bon steel, We
.re tIOt ,II Ih.t conc ned with optimum
I\oo<_to-floot t ...... , Ind ,...... 01 us would
ever cons;o". worlti.-.g OU' tool 1 hard II
they do in indul1ry, (Th. "economic 1001
IiI," m.y be 00 mo Ihan 42 minUleS on
cent .... ,.th, _I). I would OOt. of
COU ... , ""119'111 th., ..... HSS
who'"".; Ih.t would be foolish But for
wIllI II Is wo"h I .... 111 conclude Ihis I'\()te
by observing Ihll ALL the <:r.nksh.fll I
".". mitde, .nd Ihll i. quite. 101. 1liiie
bHn flrnsl>ed,.nd mosl oIlhem ..... ghed.
using clrbon ""',ooIs on Ihe
and most been tu,ned On Ihe
jou ..... ,. tllII way .. _II. Why ootll .... 11
British Standard Steel
Specification Numbers
The Old Brilish SIIndam 97011955,
""'_' .. ;11d by ,he 'EN" n,,,,,be<Io wI'Iich
many 01 us stm UN, w., reu/lced by Ihe
new BS970 in 1972. It rn.'fv I. time Ihlt
we . , ted to use il l II hll one g,e.I
adv.ntl9'l, In ,,,., the BS number ilself
giv" ul ,he urbon coruen, lor many
The numbe r comp<lses Ih, .. digiti,
followld bV', followed by IWO more
dig,ts. n.. r.<$t Ih,ee digil' ....... IWO
IIU'P<I'''' They II''''' , brDl indic.hon of
tile TYPE of Sleel Ih", -
000 '0 199 Ire .11 "pl,in" clrbon steel
wim tom. Contenl
200 10 240." . F, ..... auting ve,""'" of
.he aboYe
300 10 499 ar, ,II Stainl .... " or 'HUt
Reslsllng" lIeel.
500 10 999 If n "'Alloy"' lleel .,><1
wiThin Ille number lhe m.'" 'lloying
lI ..... enll Un be idenliroed.
W. Ire 110' hili trealmen,)
only wllh ,he pilin carbon 11 .. " Ind,
pem'lM, IheI, I ... WIling equlv,lenl. The
li,st digit cen be ig.-ad; 0 end 1 mean
"pllin" .<>d 2 m ..... ",,"-cunong' The
second two dilliTl. (p'aced"" bv 0 0' 1)
g;"" Ille mlr>g1tn ... eonlenl mul , ip/led bv
100; ,hu. 145 m ..... 0.45" .... ng""'SCI.
If preceded by 2. tIM .. digits Indicel. ,he
sulphu. eonltnt. ag.ln, 100. 224 will be
.0.24" sulpttu, 51ee1
Th, second group of two digits
l<>dice,,, ,h. carbon oontent mul,iplild by
100. Thu. 4S indlcl'" 0.45" carbon
"HI. The len ..... 110 ..... the t...l. of the
lpeCificllion. 'M mil'" mil lhe sleel
mUSt ...... Ille mech.nicel P'DIlI"'" 01
Ihe mlle,I.,; ' A ' m .. n, Ihat il mull be 10
the IPIClfil'd chemic., analv,i,. othe,
P<OPIrtIn being .. "H'" mea ...
that il mUll mee, the """;'lImenll of Hat_
den'bil,'V. MOSt of lhe "eel we UM j. to
th. "M" _ciflcalion,
There i . 01 COu ...... loleren<:e on the
" fIIIu'" tor cerbon end 01hl< mll ...... ,.:
,"us 0.2% cerbon mlV lie belween 0.16
.nd 0.24" - though Ihe use' Cln
("'ovidi'd he pays) _cifv close' limits.
As , gene,.' .ule, th."fo ,
lleet trlltmenl procld ......
an be dedvcId from ,he Ij>ICiflarlion
numbe,. Thill 080M30 I O.J'Ii C'rbon
0,8% mal\9-llnl$l1 .",1. which mlV be
Ile,' '''''to by Qlltndoing from aboul
87SC end "",o.ri.-'11 to lUil !he .pp/ice_
lion W, Cln also deduc, from Ille I,on-
c.rbon diagram on 1 B Ih., It sllollid
be normllised 81 8S0C.
n.. """iflcal"'" doel 00' cove, ';001
StHlf;". wllh rnorelhln ' " carbon,
Approximate Conversion of
Hardness Scales
(ASTM Conversion Tables)
(For SI .. Is)
No. VDe
"C- 1000 lbf/Sqjn.
"'" "
'" "
" '"
80. 653
82. 647
160 625
,II<> 592 ".
" ''''
... 552
, ..
, ..
51. 1
491 1<.
.. ow 477
'''' 82 .W 461 11.
'" '00
'" 418
27 1
13.4193 46)
60(87 16)
o (8176)
(78 76)
Thne converaions mUll be ulOId will,
dite'ltion. "pecillir " '1iI dl thl
Ulliml11 T_ill $lfenglh column. They
.elell ontr 10 Clrbon Ind low lilar lleel.
end UduM Ii .. , ..
IFor St.,111
1000 lb(/
" 82
Rockwell "C- i. no!
applicable below Inl.
rnnge. Rockwell '"6"
in bo&cl<111
Glossary of Terms
A.S.M E.
AmI'S! ooinl
8liote, Stili
CHt Steel
Am .. ieIon ',on Ind lMI"ut .
Americf,n Seder.,. of Mechanical Enginee<s
Ame.;':"' .. lot TestOl'l!,l Mal ..... '
C'Y1'-hI Iotming nHdI.'iIt, flrvctu,. in pI.ce of the
mot. usual 9,.;nl-
$'"' containing .lel'llenll OIhe. Iklm iron ,nd carl>on
though UD 100.3&" M.,. ...... is lound in .,, steels.
A hell " \1' .. '" whictl 1Oft_ an ,'ready h.<dened
Poonl. I' wl>idlll\e tt<Tll)CflWr. ce.,,"IO .iSl> lot._,
pe<iod wilen lhe .,e.! I. healed slowly and s;milarly
when Q)OIing.
A 'Imperii"" ".nslotmalion prO$S mainlv
10M<! lot ..... 11 Spri"Of. ,'c.- Fig 44
A $010<1 IOlulion 01 carl:>on In Iron.
B"trsh S"nd"d.lnl1I1ut'on
A 'truClur' obi' I .. .., when AUS11n1l1 I, transformed "
const,nt lOw 'Impe''''' .... ' ... s hard, bu. lougher ,h'n
Mana""". Tvpicallf Ihe ,ewlt 01 ' Auslempe,ing".
A squlrl or ntCII"llul" t .. ". uwally ,he raW male.ia' for
I.,,, 1>01 lormin9 p.oe .... .
n" nama gIven 10 ,he $, ... 1 aile, the completion of
Clm.nt.tion, Th. lui1ace of Ihe melll is It this
IIOmt covered In scll, bliSter .
Applred to crySt,t . one wilh en alom.t each CQ<ner and
one In tl\e geometric centre 01 tl\e lanice.
Concentrated 101\llion of commoo n"INaCt! in water,
Any proce.1 whd! <;aUH. abIor!IlIOO of e.mon.
A ... i1.c. h,rdening proce .. whCh r.llins tl\e noo-mal
"ruetur. 01 tM Steel in tM <;Ore 01 the D'.
achi .... ed by surf.c. e.rb,,,, .. ng. hllling . nd quench'f\9
Th. ,,-me given to hiOhc"bori "eel which klOS been
melled .1", tM Ull'Mtntition Pfoc.M ;1 complet . AI ON
ume tynOnVmoul w;th loo1-llee! it is now liable 10 r,.
confused vWil't UI"ngI mlde "om "mild" It"" The
, ...... "CrucIbIe S,MI- 0< c.rbon Slee1" .... to be
.. red.
Curie Point
Equilib!ium O;.g tn
Face Centred
G in A.Ii ....... nl
Th.e proc ... by which W""'ght Iron is tl\und 10.bsorb
c.rbon thtough 1M full thickness 01 tM melal. to produu
. BI1" .. 0< " High carbon" Sleo:l,
M,"lIu'g,e.1 n,me lor Iroo carbide. F,.C. So ... med
beetu .. it Wit lirs, ident,fied in IleeI mede by .:ernenll
'"'" Tile II which Ilrue ..... 1 changM OCCur in the
",.111, U .... lly. bul nol coi!>Ciderll WIth "'"
' AAH I Poin,,"
An orderfy ''''ngemenl 01 1100'1$, at..-! .1w.1'I in
PfICiM QoeO",etric lton cryst,lS If. IIw.VI of
cubic: form,
Th.e t .... ""'"ut. abo., which steel loses its magnel >C
PfOpe" .... .
An I.onwork. on Sweden. which wlI$ reputed to produu
,n iron rem"k.bIv ,_ I,om imw .. n ...
TIle ,eduenon of e.,bon con nl. uW,lty on the ... i1<tee of
lhe mile!, C""..., '" rul. by the Khon 01 oxygen 0<
iron O.ode,., high temper.tures,
TIle Engi,,"'ing Numb.r", the i<rmrlCalion numOe< of
tned in 85970(1955. now Ml""'seded.
A Ch," oIon,,,,, tl\e c.itic,1 of steel .gainst
the ca,bon !;Onlln., Fig. 13.
Th, comPO"'t,on 01 lleel which the upper crUiCal
tetnp.eratU!8 coincides with ,he lowel, 'EUt8Cloi<:! " Slul
II enhrely
Appited to crys" I . one wuh an atom 8t each COin" and
on. In lhe Centre oIneh 01 the laces ol lhe lallice.
The .CI 0 1 Wilding together Wroughilron to mah
bill" .
M,"lIu.gical name lor the almost pu,e iron ob"""'ed in
,l\e microstructure 01 steel (Not to b. conlused wilh tn.
"",mere<! ,.,,,,,' used 10< coil cores ale in eleclton>c
An O;I,n.,denJng c.fbon-ch,omium ,11oy 5U.,,( compaun-
(led 10 reduce distO<tion on quenc/ting 10 minimum
Som",..- known H --g'ound nat
AwegltH of crysllts. TheM Io.-m when the metal
toIic:hfies. but m.y ch.""" the .. and dtSpOslnon.1
,,,., ....
An., pr-oceu which .tther ,.(!uces 0.- makes mof" "niform
thtt .... of the g"lIIS.
High C.fbon S, .. I
1200 numba.
OH. &- T.
Pearfl ..
Steel with I cafbon con,,,,,t above 0.85"'- More
accu.a,""' . " ... which "-s tr ..';' e in the
U_ltv a high-Chromium high. Tungsten alloy with
"""anced hot-n.rdnHI. bu1 mlY fIOl ba a SI",,1 at all .
is.n .11oy of eot..h. Chromium .nd TUng$1en
wi'" no Iran co.nent.
The energy In IooH)o.,,1<I1 .equired 10 break a siindanj
s.pecimllfl unOe' a pteKribed Impacl load A tUt 10.
shock ruiSllnce.
A I.ameworlr. of Imlglna", liMI jolning Ihe locllion of
l'om5ln a cry .. al .
The tempe.alUre which lhe mel,lll enti.ely liquid.
Heal trealmenl procen dHigl'll'd 10 .educe diSlO<1ion on
lerge Of complex CC>MQOf>enlS, Fig. 45
The Siructure Io<med wI>en a gombln.lion of ..... stenile
and Cern""lite il OD<lh d 100 QUickly 10 allow 11>00 norm,l
ttinslormllion 10 Pearl.te.
The .ange 01 1'mpeI',IUII bat .... n 11>00 Solidus .nd the
Liquidus. wherl the .. I II in I pasty sllle. with both
solid .. 1<1 liquid ptl .... l.
A furn_ in which lhe work is prOlecled f.orn t .... di'''''1
Impingement ollhe hlltlng lI,me. II i. now apelled lisa
to most electric r ...... nce furn_1.
A sail which i. used II h .. llng medium but whleh
n.eirhe. carbu.ises nor, Ih. mela!.
A condilion where Ih. I,on C,.b,de g inl a in Ihe lorm
01 nodules .Ithe< Ih.n ,he norm.1 needl.-likl shape.
Heal ue.lm",,1 inlended to '.lIore distorted gr.lns to
their normal shipe. A Io<m of pin rer"'.menl.
h.<denltd ,nd T.mpe,ed.
The .......... 1 ..... lo<mlllon product when Au$tenhe is
slowly .. ...-Ied Ihrougtt the low .. crilicaltempetllufl. 11
con&ists 01 s.ub-mif;fosogp;c -pll'"' or lam", ... 01
and Cemenli ...
The process 01 convening call i,on intO wroughl iron.
Rockwell Hardn,nt,,1 number. on lhe "' c" SCIII . ,he one
normally used lor hard milirilil.
The naml sometimes used 10' Ihe e,ltlclllempe'8!Utel.
Solid SoIUlion
S ...
Silve' SI .... I
Yield Poinl
Socletyfor ...... omolive Engi_ IUSA) .
c.. ..... Mowing Ir_form"ion "Ues ...
and.ime. lF'og, 161.
bon Chide forming on the s.url...,. 01 hot sleel
The ODndillon wheta lhe "oms 01 ...... solid suba,anca Ire
dilpc .. ed wilhin I'" c ....... , lana of anolher Anltlagoul
10 lhe mote us.ual liquid solution.
Tempe'ltu" baiow wf'Iich lhe me'll is ""b'e/y.olid
Iton..c:llbon alloy wllh . cafbon conlenl belw&1n 0.01 9(
Ind 1.7"- Before .boUI lB5S ,he lerm w3. "nlv,rUlly
applied only 10 "' High Cofbon S18al "' at we know il
High Clfbon SIG.I 10 BS. 1407 bee,un il I,
1lll/IliV g'our\d Ind 110 p .. nnlS, "'.ilve","' 'PI>"lfince. in
con"lS, '1'1 Ihe normal "'btaclc
'001 51 .... 1 of ea,lie, d,y .
TI'!>lc,IIy ,. 1 -12" Ca'bon. 03-O.49( M.nag.n . ... 0.-
0.5" Ch,ornium. 0. 1-0.25% Silicon. and maxim. of
0.35" Sulphu. & I'tIo$phorus.
A ...... 'Iing _ .. which modifin the SI'''''IU'' 01
"'"-'flaled ,,"L INottl Ihlt in 01'"" boob I'"
',. ..",.... 01 I Ileal ofT ...... I .... ed 10 its Clfbon conl""t!.
T .... -T.mpetllu T.ansf"",,"ion C,,"" - t'" "5'
Cu_ 01 Fig 1 II A chan which shows IIIe "me IIk,n lor
const.nlle fn9ltllure translormal;,;,., .. f steel .
Any change 01 11>00 mlc,OICOpic SItu<:lu.e or Ch,mical
gomPQSiHon 0111"1 brought.boul by heal "<talman'.
Ultim.le Ten'il, SI'lnglh. The S1l'OI$ at Ihe breaking
poInT. mlnu'ed unde, p,ese.ibOO conditlonl on ,
.. 1""I.d "II p;.CI.
Vkkalll OiltnO<ld f'ytlmid. The VOP number I,. meuure
of Ih' hl ,dM" of lhe mllatial
The po-edecellor 10 ' Ieel Made by decatbu.ising cast Iron
in lhe puddI'ng fu,rn>Ce.
The " .... whictt _1.1 w>ll 1101 relum 10 ill
original langtfl w,-" ,he load is .emoved.
'. __ 111_
""' ... _d."
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