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Yoga is is
Improves Circulation Stimulates Organs Stimulates Sti l t Gl Glandular d l System

Meditation Breathing
Sleeping Habits Stress Levels Disciplines Mind Stress Level Focus

Myth: Yoga is not a religion but rather a technique to find ones spirituality. spirituality

Benefits of Yoga
y Physical y
y y y y y y y y y
Improve body flexibility and balance Improve cardiovascular endurance I Improved d digestion di ti Improved abdominal strength Enhanced overall muscular strength Relaxation of muscular strains Weight Control Increased energy levels Enhanced immune system

Benefits of Yoga
Mental Relief of stress Prevention Prevention from stress-related stress related disorders Intellectual enhancement

Benefits of Yoga
y Spiritual p
y Life with meaning, purpose, and direction y Inner peace and tranquility y Contentment

Y Yoga B Benefits fit

y Slow Dynamic and Static


V i Various E Exercise i
Rapid Forceful Movements Increased Muscle Tension Higher Risk of Injury Fatiguing Boredom Factor

y Low Risk of Injuring muscles

and ligaments

y Effort is minimized and relaxed y Energizing y Balanced Activity of Opposing

Muscle Groups

Y Yoga f for Specific S ifi H Health lth C Conditions diti

MEDICALLY PROVEN TO ALLEVIATE: *Stress= has been proven to contribute to many health problems such as high blood pressure, headaches, mental disorders (depression), sleep disorders disorders. -Yoga- promotes relaxation & physical activity that will decrease the stress related problems. g problems= p asthma and shallow breathing g *Breathing -Yoga- provides many breathing techniques & exercises improves respiratory function *Backaches *Diabetes *Multiple Sclerosis Rheumatoid Arthritis

Yoga for Specific Health C diti Conditions

y Precautions for people who have/are
y Pregnant- avoid supine position y High Blood Pressure- monitor blood pressure, avoid increasing y y y y
blood pressure with certain yoga positions Elderly- modify intensity and ROM Balance impairments- safe environment and simplify positions Muscular/Nerve/Joint problems- modify positions to avoid further injury or stress on injured body part/s. Other

y It is important to understand all medical conditions need to

be considered and yoga can be altered to the appropriate intensity and technique for each individual.

Yoga Positions
y Abdominal massage y Boat y Bow y Bridge y Camel y Cat y Child y Cobra y Corpse y Dog y Downward Dog y Half Cobra y Half Locust y Half Lotus y Half-Moon y Hand and thumb squeeze y Head to knee y Hero y Knee down twist

Yoga Equipment
y Mat - Keeps hands, elbows and feet from slipping y Blocks - Provides beginners the ability to perform more complicated poses

y Bolsters - Provide support when placing yourself in difficult positions y Straps - Enables you to reach, grasp and stretch your limbs y Ropes - Supports you in various bends (forward, backbends and shoulder

y Sandbags S db - Elevate El intensity i i of f stretches h and d adding ddi weight i h y

All equipment focuses on enhancing your ability to perform yoga. Most assist in the development p of flexibility y and stretch of the p participant. p

Where Shall We Yoga?

y Beyer y 301 - Fitness, , Wellness and Power Yoga g at
various times
y Monday - Sunday
y http://www recservices iastate edu/groupfitness/

y Ames Racquet and Fitness

y Restorative Yoga Yoga, Yoga Yoga, and Yogalates
y y y http://www thesecretsofyoga com/

y y y y y
Ames R & F. Group Fitness. Iowa State University Recreation. Group Fitness. B Benefits fi of f Yoga. Y Why Wh Yoga Y Exercise E i is i G Good df for You. Y

Medical Encyclopedia. Yoga eMedicineHealth, Practical Guide to Health. Yoga. =1

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