Oral Patho Q Answer

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1.Which infection cant be ruled out by Acid Fast stain? A.Tubercolosis B.Tuberculoid Leprosy C.Lepromatous leprosy D.Candidiosis 2.

Which one is symptomless? A.thrush B.Acute erythematous candidosis C.Candida associated denture stomatitis D.Shingles 3.Which virus doesnt cause atypical peripheral lymphocyte in serology test? A.EBV B.Cytomegalovirus C.Meales 4.Which one is false A.filiform papilla-ant 2/3 of dorsum of tongue B.fungiform papilla-ant 2/3 of dorsum of tongue C. circumvallete papilla-Just anterior to the V-shaped sulcus between the body and the base of the tongue D. foliate papilla-Lateral posterior part of the tongue E.none of the above 5.Which one is false A.cytomegalovirus is one of herpes family B.paramyxovirus causes koplik spot as oral manifestation of its infection C.cytomegalovirus causes xerostamia D.HSV type 2 affect upper part of body 6. Snail-track ulcers is a characteristic of which infection? A. Primary Syphilis B. Secondary Syphilis C. Tertiary Syphilis D. Congenital Syphilis 7. Which of the following is not a factors predisposing to oral candidal infection? A. Broad-spectrum antibiotics B. Xerostomia C. Mucosal trauma D. Adolescent E. Diabetic patient

8. All of this are subepithelial vesiculobullous disease, except A. Erythema multiforme B. Epidermolysis bullosa C. Bullous Lichen Planus D. Pemphigus Vulgaris 9. Linear Gingival Erythema is related to A- poor oral hygiene B-inflammatory response to bacteria C-also called as necrotizing gingivitis D- vasoactive ingredients 10. Complication of ANUG is/are? i. Noma ii. Measles iii. Syphilis iv. Shingles A I,ii B I,ii,iii C All above I think it should be only Noma

11. HIV prefer to bind on certain cell, What is/are the cell(s)? i. Macrophage ii. Neural cell iii. CD4+ T cell iv. Neutrofil A I,ii B I,ii,iii C Ii,iii D All above 12. neural manifestation are due to direct effect HIV on neural system.Damage facial nerve will induce facial nerve palsy. A 1st statement are true,2nd statement false B All are true C 1st statement are false,2nd statement true D All are false 13. All of the followings are associated with Actinomycosis Israelli EXCEPT ? A Gram negative B usually live in healthy person C anaerobes D no answer

14. Which of the followings are related to the lesion shown above? i.may heal about 10 days without scarring ii.number of ulcers varies from one to ten iii. may occur in keratinized and nonkeratinized parts of oral mucosa iv-tends to recur at 1-4 month intervals A i,ii B i,iii C ii,iii D i,iv 15.Most distressing complication of Zoster is A Post herpatic paraesthesia B Post herpatic neuralgia C Post healing syndrome D Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 16.Lymph node is relatively enlarged in? A Recurrent Herpes Gingivostomatitis B Shingles C Herpangina D Infectious Mononucleosis 17.primary infection of EBV is infectious monolucleosis.What is secondary infection of EBV? A herpangina B Recurrent Herpes Gingivostomatitis C Hairy leukoplakia D recurrent apthous stomatitis
18.the elderly have the high risk to get angular chelitis.which of the following is true.

a.poor diet b.low vertical dimension c.immunodefficiency d.all of the above 19 .necrosis will occur in the patient suffer with ANUG especially in gingival margin and interdental papilla. there will be tissue loss and replacement of greyish membrane. which of the following not contained in this membrane? a.fussiform complexes b.neutrophils c.epithelial cells d.giant cell

20. infection in ANUG may spread only to para-oral tissue. noma is caused by viral and bacterial infection. a.only 1st statement is true b.only 2nd statement is true c.both statement is true d.both statement is false 21. In AIDS, hairy Leukoplakia is found in which location a. Hard palate b. Buccal mucosa c. Lateral border of tongue d. Soft palate 22. Target lesion are seen in a. Pemphigoid b. Lichen planus c. Erythema multiforme d. All of the above 23.Most frequent infected areas in verruciform xanthoma and recurrent intraoral herpes are : a. buccal and labial mucosa b. hard palate and gingiva c. hard and soft palate d. tongue and lips 25 All of the statements below are true except; a. Angular cheilitis may be associated with denture stomatitis or candidal luekoplakia b. Oral manifestation of leprosy and TB includes ulcer and granulating gingival lesion c. chronic pseudomambranous candidosis should be include in diagnosis if we encounter white lesion that leave a raw bleading base with scraping d.diagnosis of red patches on oral mucosa include erythematous candidosis and denture stomatitis 26 Which is true regarding Erythema multiform A. it is a abrupt onset disease involve skin and oral mucosa that common in middle age male b. the milder form of the disease involve visual impairment and the severe form cause blindness c. the diagnosis based on histological finding because the clinical appearance of this disease is not specific d. the pathology of this disease is due to hypersensitivity reaction type II

28. The difference between denture stomatitis and other fungal infection include a. Appear as red lesion b. Hyphae invade parakeratined layer of denture stomatitis c. No neutrophil and microabcess formed on parakratinized layer of denture stomatitis d. two of the above 29. Traumatic Granuloma ulcer: a. has the histiocytes component of inflammatory infiltrate b. most common in keratinized layer of oral mucosa like tongue and gingival c. appear as soggy white area of plaque d. is cause by anesthesia of hard palate
30. All answers are true except.. A.hyphae invade epithelium through middle prickle cell layer. B.Candida mostly at dorsum of the tongue. C.in late onset chronic mucocutaneous candidosis(cmc) genetically sporadic in patient with thymoma. D.candidal leukoplakia happen often bilaterally E. A and C 31. 1.acute erythematous candidosis (atrophic) is also called antibiotic sore tongue. 2.chronic atropic candidosis have symptom and maximum colonization of fungi on denture. A. both are true B. 1 is true,2 is false C. 1 is false,2 is true D. both are false

32. which of the virus rarely causes disease in immunocompetent patient? a- HSV b- VZV c- EBV d- Paramyxivrius e- CMV 33. what is the similarity among herpangina, hand, foot & mouth disease and measles? a- lesion including gingival b- lesion commonly affect buccal mucosa c-children is the most affected group d- caused by the same virus 34. All these are false about Koplik's spot, except: a-the worst manifestation of paramyxovirus in oral cavity b-range from hundred to thousand c-can be removed by scraping d- buccal mucosa opposite to molar is the common site

35. A patient has an ulcer developed for 4 weeks, appear as deep crater-like lesions with rolled edges and indurated on palpation> What are DD for that? A- chronic traumatic ulcer B- neoplastic ulcer C- minor Aphthous Stomatitis D- A+B E- all the above 36- Which is/are false: A- RAS can be divided into minor, intermediate and major B- Caustic agent of Aspirin is dose-time related C- Factitious ulcer is self-inflicted ulcers D- There should be signs of healing within 10 hours after smoothening the sharp cusps E- A+D 37. Which one cannot be the cause of ulcers? A- RAS B- lichen planus C- OSCC D- factitious injury E- all the answers can cause ulceration 38. which one is the most frequent oral manifestation of HIV infxn? A. karposi's sarcoma B.oral candidiosis C. Hairy leukoplakia D. Atypical ulcer 39. those are true about hairy leukoplakia EXCEPT A. absence of inflammatory cell B. it's a malignant lesion C. marked by reduction of Langerhan cell D. it's a secondary lesion 40. those are the characteristic of Lepramatous leprosy EXCEPT A. localized infxn B. wide spread infxn C. attack low immune patient D. heal with scar 41. which are caused by RNA viruses? A. median rhomboid glossitis B. herpangina C. glandular fever D. chicken pox E. actinomycosis

42. linear erythema is due to? A. poor oral hygiene B. inflam due to bac C. it's called necrotizing gingivitis D. present as gingival hyperaemia 43. the followings are white patches and can't be removed by scraping EXCEPT: a)keratosis b)acanthosis c)hyperplasia d)pseudomembranous 44. the followings are associated with desquamative gingivitis EXCEPT: a)erethyma multiforme b)pemphigus c)pemphigoid d)lichen planus 45. bullous pemphigoid means: a)those involving skin alone b)those involving oral mucosa alone c) those involving skin alone with minimal mucosal involvement d)those involving mucosa alone with minimal skin involvement
1-all false about ulcer xcept= a-slough off surface epithelium (epi) b-not associated with SCC at all c-behcet syndrome is idiopathic causes d-chemical ulcer by aspirin can be slough off 2-RAS in elderly is most commonly is herpetiform RAS True or false 3-behcet syndrome is: a-rapid inflammation and vasculities can lead to necrosis b-genetic predisposed by HLA-B51 c-vasculities by PMN(polymononucleur) d-all the above 4-pemphigus can be treated by steroid (acetenoid) True or false 5-pemphigus is except: a-fragile bullae b-associated with NUG c-desmoglein 3 involve in oral ulcer d-not sudden onset condition

6-erythema multiform is: a-attack anterior part of oral mucosa b-multiform coz appear clinically in differ shape c-due to hypersentivity ag ab type 3 d-can be treated by topical corticosteroid e-all the above 7-bullous pemphigoid commonly occur in oral mucosa True or false 9-dermatitis herpetifom will have ve result in indirect imunoflouresence test; True or false 10-epidermalysisi bullosa and erythema multiform can be detected in intra-epi or sub epi True or false 11-D/D of desqumative gingivitis xcept a-pemphigus b-bullos pemphigoid c-lichen planus d-allergy and drug induced. 12-koloicyte like cell associated with a-kaposi sarcoma b-candida infection c-hairy leukoplakia d-HSV 13- difference between AID ptn and non AID ptn a-in Aid respons to medication of antiviral b-AIDS ptn wide spread ulcer while non AIDS pinpointed ulcer c-AIDS ptn no feel pain but non AIDS ptn have severe pain d-AIDS ptn normally localized while non AIDS multifocal. 14-hairy leukoplakia all true except a-due to EBV b-as secondary infection c-high inflammation and langerhans cell d-attack lateral border of tongue and bilaterally 15-linear gingival erythema occur due to allergy True or false 17-disease that perforated palate xceptat cell lymphoma b-tertiary syphilis c-zygocomyosis d-herpangia

18-not correctly matched a-PAS candida b-acid fast stain TB and leprosy c-HMB45-behcet syndrome d-HLA-B51 melanoma e-s-100 neural cell f- C+D 19-all of these cant be scrapped off except a-thrush b-candida leukoplakia c-candida mucotenous candidosis d-scc e-hairy leukoplakia 20-leprosy not well differentiated histopatology than TB. Both can used acid fast stain a-both T b-both F c-1 F , 2 T d- 1T n 2 F 21- in TB these are oral manisfestation except a-lymph node enlargement b-gingiva overgrowth c-indurated ulcer d-scattered rbc and bilirubin 22-in tertiary syphilis if not treated can lead to except a-scc b-gumma c-atropic glossitis d-syphilic leukoplakia e-chronic atropic candidosis 23-tertiary syphilis the most common to occur True or false 24-true about actinomycosis except a-due to actinomycosis israelli (endogenous bacteria) b-leakage through skin more common than oral c-multi sinus occur and spread by macrophage d involve gram +ve aerobic bacteria 25-infectious mononucleosis is non granulomatous and can lead to hairy leukplakia while measles is due to paramyxovirus and can lead to otitis media a-both true b- both F c-1 T n 2 F d-1F n 2 T

26- d/d if patient have posterior oral disease these can be include xcept a-herpangia b-erythema multiform c-hairy leukoplakia d-primary herpatic gingivitis e-hand foot mouth 27-acute lymphanodular pharyngitis is due to coxsackie virus True or false 28-true bout VZV xcept a- Primary is shingle and secondary is chicken pox b- Hispatology same as in HSV c- Spread by macrophage d- Associated with post-herpetic neurolagia 29-herpes labialis common occur a-extra oral and unilateral b-intra oral and bilateral c-everywhere d-extraoral and bilateral 30-virally infected cell in HSV is presented by a-slit like cell b-tzank cell c-koloicyte cell d-macrophage 31-herpetic whitlow is severe pain and spread to finger. This is recurrence infection a-both T b-both F c-1T n 2 F d-1 F and 2 T 32-which one is entero-viraede group? a-EBV b-HHV5 c-COXAckie-virus d-HSV-1

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