Iota Delta Spring 2013 Newsletter

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UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE To Whom It May Concern, We, the brothers of the Iota Delta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, at the University of New Hampshire are writing this newsletter to you all in order to inform you of our activities over the past year. 2012-13 saw great achievement and advancement in the chapter as a whole. is an organization for mentally disabled children and young adults. puppet shows, and much more. It is a We continued our yearly In cooperation with their community service program with Durham's Wildcat Friends, every Friday afternoon. Wildcat Friends leadership, our brothers do many activities with the children, including basketball, arts and crafts, fantastic experience to work with these children and to bring joy to their faces as well as ours. We look forward to our continued work with Wildcat Friends for many years to come. Another major advancement for us as a Chapter was putting on a fundraiser for our philanthropy, Push America, which supports children with disabilities. In a joint effort
Brothers at Greek Week Opening Day

with our campus own Chapter of Tau Kappa

Epsilon, we hosted a talent show to gain awareness for both Push America and Tau Kappa Epsilons philanthropy, St. Jude Childrens Hospital. It was our very first greek society cooperative event and was a great success. Members from various Greek and campus organizations attend to watch several individuals perform their talents. At the end of the show, we spoke to the attendees about what both Push America and St. Jude Childrens Hospital do. It was a great experience to educate those people about why we support the organizations and how they can help. In addition to hosting the talent show,

a senior brother of ours, Gordon Pan, volunteered to spend the entire day in a wheelchair in order to gain awareness and raise money for Push America. Gordons idea and efforts brought great reactions from the University of New Hampshire community with many people becoming interested in what Gordon was doing and why. Through the efforts of Gordon alone, we raised over five hundred dollars additionally for Push America. We all want to personally thank Brother Pan for his exceptional service, and wish him the best of luck moving forward after college. We also continued our yearly Manchester Monarchs game event, in which tickets were sold to a professional hockey game by the local Manchester Monarchs. The profit from the tickets which we sold went to support Push America. It was a huge success and a great brotherhood event, with so many people supporting our cause. We would like to thank Brother Nathan Downer for all of his help in spearheading the event. Through his efforts we were able to raise a substantial amount of money for Push America. This year was a great building block for many hopeful future things to come. With nine Brothers graduating this past
Graduating Brother Gordon Pan giving his Senior Shout-Out

year, we became even more closely knit than before. The rest of

the chapter looks forward to continuing the legacy that the Founding Fathers of our chapter are leaving behind. On behalf of the rest of the chapter we want to personally thank all of the graduating seniors for their exceptional service and brotherhood over these past years together. We wish them all the best of luck continuing on to the next stage of their lives and look forward to seeing them around soon. Good luck brothers! Fraternally, BR. MARK D. GODIN
On behalf of

The Brothers of the Iota Delta Chapter, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

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