What Happened On Day # 1

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Head Host: Jevine T.

Co-Host: Dawson M.

Last night The American Creative Team put on a spectacle of American culture on display. Each theme show presentation came equipped with its own story-line and introduction. Perhaps the biggest highlight of yesterday evenings Opening Ceremony was the theme show presentation Land of The Arts. According to competitors and audience members it was the most stunning and well organized them show of them all. There were three showings of The Opening Ceremony; all the same essentially only difference was the audience members and the showing time. Channeling A Nations Dreams Lory Ps Grade: 7.5/10 Jeraie Ks Grade: 8.0/10 Kiara H. delivered as narrator during a theme show segment designed to illustrate the dramatic history of America. The editing throughout the video was well polished and structured. The most impressive aspect of the presentation however was the backstory. The American Bold eagle which was often times shown flying over territory during transitions; symbolized the great American progression. Her symbolism throughout each segment was much deeper however; her long graceful wings flying over American soil depict hope. A concept the American Creative team captured beautifully. The instrumentals used could not have been a better suit for the presentation. This theme show could have been a solid ten, if they would have incorporated Americas important role during WWII and some other highlights of American History. Otherwise this theme presentation nailed it!

The American Chronicles

Grade: 7.5/10 Jeraie Ks Grade: 7.0/10 1

The theme for The American Chronicles was the evolving concepts of the American Dream. It was considerably genius on behalf of The American Creative Team. How could one display a cultural show on the United States and not touch on the American Dream? The opening segment channeled the dreams of the American children; a bitter sweet moment for any child brought up in America. A familiar notion to those immigrant families who migrate to America in search of giving their offsprings a better life. Mark Twains poetic rhymes were narrated delicately yet tastefully by head-host Jevine T.

One of the most mesmerizing moments of the theme-show; it was this moment where the most tension built up. At last migration west emerges as the show transitions into new concepts of the American Dream. Lee Ann RimesNothing BettaTo Do concludes the theme show. Catchy and upbeat the theme show took on a new twist. The American Chronicles would have scored higher if they would have depicted more concepts of the American Dream. In the amount of time they took to illustrate the concepts they did; they did so decently. forms and types of artistic forms of American origins. The segments marginalized on different American dances, concentrated on art, and focused on music. It was the last of the theme shows and for good reason. It was good way to end the ceremony on an upbeat scale; leaving audience members feeling good. This theme show had little to no flaws, editing and stylization was on key.

Land of The Arts

Grade: 9.0/10 Jeraie Ks Grade: 9.5/10 In Land of The Arts creative team members took us on a time travel tour across the decades in awe of American artistic expressions. The concept was brilliant and broad; it not just illustrated American music but all

Other hind-sights of The Opening Ceremonies:

The Opening segment poster was beautifully put together; showcasing all the past hosts of The MSN Challenges. The background music was sensational and perhaps the best prop of the entire ensemble. During the Parade of Nations segment each competitor took turns showcasing their introductory poster. These posters were created to illustrate their backgrounds and paint a picture of who they are. It was a clever idea and something different for once, rather than the usual introductions where everyone states their names and country of origin. The Closing segment was rather short but it cut straight to the point. The theme was unity and it was thoughtfully illustrated through the illustration of water bonds.

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