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JUDGESEBOOK#1 diabetickoalapublishing thisisabook/internetperformanceartpiecedocumentedinwords andisdedicatedtoDaveHudsonandJameyStrathman

poetrybyWANwritteninapril/may2013onpostapocalypticearthcrust illustrationsby DUDESandMATTRESSGRAVEandWAN bangidollsweatfucklingcrewnecksweater

Itooloveeverythingthatflows:rivers,sewers,lava,semen,blood,bile,words,sentences.I lovetheamnioticfluidwhenitspillsoutofthebag.Ilovethekidneywithitspainfulgallstones, itsgravelandwhatnotIlovetheurinethatpoursoutscaldingandtheclapthatrunsendlesslyI lovethewordsofhystericsandthesentencesthatflowonlikedysenteryandmirrorallthesick imagesofthesoul... HenryMiller,TropicofCancer

Igethalfamillionjusttoshowupatparties.Mylifeis,like,really,reallyfun. ParisHilton

number1 idonthavesniperrifles wheniamsittingalonewithdr.shen: mymedicinemanwhoscreamsallthetime: GIMMEMYMONEY icantdothisrightnowbecauseifindittobeincapableofthenewcenturyswingcontestsitting rightherebeforeme ineedtoinvadeanalienbase

but mybrosarekindasleepy cool iamputtingupmyresignationrighthere onthispieceofpaper cantyousee icant


ireallyneededthat ineedtogetatleast20percentofmykillsoftheppliabduct iamfeelingfine ineedalvlup hmm ihearpotsandpans idontknowwhatthatwould do ineednewarticles toassemble:thisbomb oh icandothat classicalchemmusicplaysinthebackground olddeadpeoplesaiditwasangelssinging ineedmoneytogobuyasnickersbar notworthit barelyworthit

number3 let/sseewhatwegothere: ummmmlookslikeineedtosavebrazil oreurope anywherenearjapanorbrazil chinacanwait iguessthisisthebestwayforme ineedit iwanttokeeppickingmybestsniperstoeliminatetheteam hehasacute

jumpsuit thedrumsarebeatingnowandicanfeeltheshit outthere names: casino cash godfather smokes mysniperteam thatwillsavebrazil myarmyhasamillionsnipers soletsbringanewguyin onaspaceship steveicanhearyou icanhearyou yourdropshiphasarrived we/relookingforaliensinchina iwanttogetdownthereandeliminate allthehostiles thisistouchingdownasiamstreamlining fordeployment beep beep beep

number4 theyendupdoing6damagewhichislikeafullhealthbar itsaysthismissionwasburied wherearethespiders? welllltheyvegotsicklegs isthatallyagot? thisguyisreallygoodatdodgingspiders theyrebackinup advance useyourgrabbling

hook throwinthehook hahahaah thatskindafunny becauseihaventdonethat yet icantevenseethematall shiy targetstillup thisguycanfiretwice takincareofbusiness fallingback getsomefireoverhere!!! (coughing)

number5 andtheyaremorelikelytohitoneoftheseguys letsberisky

icanfeelhim something isoutthere orly? somethingisoutthere imthrowinthehook letsrock ifeelthebinarycodealmost inmyspine now manwehavetohide all this canigooverthere? ihearhissingandlike screaminginthecorner iambatman icangrabbleasecondtime i/mthrowinthehook

number6 whilecertainlytoconsider trill ohtheresalattershit theyretryingtoflankus

number7 anotheronedown hejustwoundedanadditionalperson overlook thekeystothecookies insidethepantrycookiejar monstertricks woundingmebad itmakesitsothepistolsareasgoodasthesniperriflesessentially thatsprettygood icouldprobablygetthisone beepbeepbeep wewillbeintouch commander (that/sallheeversays:wewillbeintouchcommander....lolicommandyourbuttcommander icanseeyourbutt)

number8 remembertoshave everyday hedesolatedanearbybridge

number9 nononohejustshootsaposiondart dodijustshotmyownbro sux likeyouactuallyshothim? there killedhim nowjustgottawaitforthatpoisontodissipate

number10 youfuckedup

thatshowppldie misclicks youdontsay

number11 justhadaconversationwiththisguyonmycellularflipphonefrom2004 icantaffordthe droid anywayheaskedmemyname

isaid: nathanagain nathanagain?.......yourenameisnathanagain? nononomynamesnate.youknowme.icomeinallthetime.....iknowyou.... oh..................wellwhatdoyouwant? ohshit.....whatdoialwaysget?//////........whatdoiwant/..............hmm......whatdoialways get.....ha....thechicken...thechicken....thekatsuchickenandwhiterice..... okay wannasalad?


number12 ineedtotakemyshoesoff soidid godamn thenitookmysocks off istillcantbreathewhenheborrowsmyjackettogobuypizza ialready

pickedupthetakeout shit he/sleavingnow wannagowithme no iwentwithyou shit

number13 Ihatebeinsick:(ButGodwillhealme!

number 14 the sirens cry

number 15 winston can you tell me what color this font is?

number 16 666 is the custom color

number 17 i feel like i am a gold club being sucked down a bathroom drain

number 18 1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL; ZXCVBNM,./

number 19 hold on a second i am not feeling right enough for this

number 20

no definately thinking about hell right now was just thinking about a long poem i wrote about a year ago i dont like it but ill just publish it right now on the internet brb ..............

number21 whoareallyou people ????????????? number22 justleftamessageonsomeonesphone thatihaveonlymet viaTHEINTERNET


number23 iamnotaprophet butidospeaktruths number24 thatpersonisreallynice

iimaginethatwheneasterrollsaround inmarchoraprilorwhatever youwilljustforgetaboutitlikeno bodies business whatthefuck isthatdamnnoisemyfuckingcellphonekeeps fucking doing ??!!>>>!! haveyoueverswamunderwaterwhenyouaresittinginthebathtubaskingforfriendforsome fuckingheroin yeahthat putsomeinthespoon nononothatstoomuch itsjustwho iam whatwasthat

number25 thissoundsfamiliar okay ............................ nvm iamfadinginandoutofliferightnow right/now right/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr

ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowvright/nowvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowr ight/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowvvright/nowright/nowrigh t/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/no wright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowvright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowvright/nowri ght/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowright/nowvright/nowright/nowright/nowright/ nowright/nowright/nowright/now KFKKKKKKKN,GVWFBDFJBIREALLYAMHAVINGAHARDTOMEUNDERSTANDING ESXXACTLYWHATYOUMEANWHENYOUTALKTOMEABOUTTHESECOLORSAND THESEFUCKINGNOISESINTOWNANDALLTHISHUBBABALOOBUSINESSABOUTHOW ANDWHYPRESEIDENTJOHNFLINCOLNTHETHIRDBECAMEASISTERINTHELEAVE

MYHOUSENPWPOOWWWBEFOREIKILMYSELFORHEDIESORSOMEHTING WELL BASICALLY JUSTrlyBADDHAPPENS hhhuuahuuahuha cantyouhearthesleighbellsringing hearprancer throwingup inthespaceshiparcadeflamesoftireoilspillageleakingintomyroom withdominospizzainmyhand wellfunnystoryuevenaskmethatiamtrippingintoouterspaceasthismaid.////waiteror something whipsoutthisknifethaisbluesticki\\\\\sszzitin??>>>myspineseerighthere://///// itlookslikethis:/ itsbentyousee myspiceislikethisalmosttoo:? actuallyyessthat^ itscrooked youseeihavelikea72degreelowerlubarcurvatue]re

andlikea32degreeinmytopback iamlegallyblindw/outglasses myrighteyeisblind youshouldlookthroughmyglasses again

number26 thatcanbeagoodthingright hmmmhhh number27 thisguiyzonsumfuckinNEWWAVESHIT number28 whyareyoudiscussingpoetry? trustme thereareFAR moreinterestingthings

number29 okayicanunderstand butyouhavetounderstandaswell: iamfeelingalilbadrightnow imchannelingthesemuses mostarepplinevermet charactersimetonline thenmymusesuckedontothem likefuckingspongebobsquarepantsonacid orsomething yeahyetagainkids: HESONTHATFUCKINNEWWAVESHIT psuseCRESTWHITINGSTRIPS number30 sheisalmosthomeicanfeelthescreaming sirens again when jesuschristifelbaffae gsrsg g sg g dtricklcklcktrickcingdowntricklingfwojpjof WHOADDDDDDDDAF WHOA

WHOA sssssssssssssss sssssssssssssss sssssssssssssss sssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssl dl

iamfallingonto a
parkinglotbench ofsure itssuper




ifeellikesomethingjuststabbedme iwasplayingpokemononMYgameboyandwhaddya know ifeelthis :

wheniwasyoungeriremembereyeplayedwithbeehives idkickemhitemwithsticks walkaround breakstuff ihavenoideahowiendedupthisway butibetyou do

number31 isheback ithinkimbleeding a gain mydadwatchednascaralotgrowingup ifuckinghatedthat NUMBER32


hugofuckingsux number35 sameplacesametimesamemonthsamemindsametimesamegamesameblame sameholesameplacesamesidesameplacesamesongsamewrongsamewansame bamsamelamesamecamesamebambisamejuggornautsametimesameaimsame gamesameaimsameplacesametimesamemealsamedealsamegamesamelame sameyouregonnadoeandiwilltoo number36 thisisasongbywan

number 37 you mean you just went balls out? no man balls out n ready ;)

number 38 i bet your balls are hot in the rain

i am writing the lyrics down for a wan song this poem is the lyrics right here oh shit eli and win started recording it i think its a wan commercial for little caesars i should select x for the next option in jesus name we pray: gay men number 39 it/s an endurance lay down some ground rules for being white first of all never let anyone know you are having sex with a women of color another one if you have any percings make sure theyre temporary and use them only for sexual pleasure never ride in a car unless it smells like money because you won a new car what fuck you lol :)

number 40 i wuz gunna have this being a solo work by me but now i dont care anymore and wanna make it be a ..... i think there is a ghost in my house rn anyway this is now an e-book and ill probably give it to win and eli to mashup and see what happens after we all shit on it basically fuck this poem number 41 maybe i will do that or not idk rn ^^^^^^ numero 42 ode to crime: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

$$$$$$$44 444$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

numero 43 i just ate

should i eat again? numero 44 demons hacking up half rotted lung looks like a magic card to me bro numero 45 this line i wrote i got 17 likes on fb LOL: haiku by me: 12345123456712345


authorbio:experimetalnovelmyass noslayer number47

babies crying across the street im scared for life ask jamey strathman about it number 48 these are all my lines for stand up comedy tour 2013: these are post apocalyptic times/how am i still alive shit

number 49 i can probably type more words than you and they will all be mis spelled lol number 50 its kind of like watching tv when the money starts falling out of your mouth like an atm with a limb in his jaw my papa used to work at the coal mine watch out for the frat mafia

numero 60 dont rly care about that drew carey show numero 51

im just trying to do nothing

numero 52 its green its yellow it shelter its a bike its a disaster asster easter time spring flowers jesus love me je$uS luvs mahhh numeo 53 mitt romney for president 2008 54 shell ya 55 weird how there are doors in houses..... -56i/m imagining u reading this we could spreecast it -57i mean nobody any harm institutions - yes ;;00000000000

-58how about we just not clean up let them suck our dicks as long as this hole in the wall is covered theres a bunch of string on this mirror just talked to arlo on the phone for like 20 mins -59what he needs to do is have a son and retire early.... i think he already has like 16 sons though he is a douche dictator warlord he likes elvis and justin seeber and stuff like that

-60i have to write a paper today for college that states whether i am or am not a criminal theyre just checking to see if i know what labelling theory is -61okay im gunna describe a ball: round blue (gettin there) describe more: you know like important differences one is big one is small it will fit in my hands easily in this paper i will apply theory to my own experience i will apply thinking skills college ode

-62am i falling down a well again? i think i was saying words to him today that he didnt like i could tell he looked to the flor he looked away from me he didnt like my words together in a row how they sounded so he looked away i couldnt stop saying them i was singing you see its all i do is sing this book is sing ing to you at least i can hear music

-63but you dont like it but you dont like it you like but dont you like but its

like you dont i did notice that its not dank its like grass ya man i traded shrooms for it yaya i know i know its okay i know a lotta pl like that... oh ya its good.... no...nonono.... its fine man calm down calm down man hey: calm down wanna calm down lets just calllmmmm downnnnnnn okayy?? ?????????????? i/m going to california i looked outside and saw a bomb? a bomb? nononono man: a MOM marry locked eyes with me, he and his girlfriend were talking wearing a shirt and jeans and i said hey do u wanna come with me to the movie staring at it, its the only way to watch movies you see ;) other times when im not swimming underwater i feel as if i am frequently engaged in some sort of trivial pursuit in order to fulfill my life desires and ego in super mario world 2 attack of the seventh son pac man came to the party 2 these ideas arnt mind i done have time in my brain cells pouring out cold purple stickly blood flakes that fried up dried up too much blending in my mind to discern what you say from what the tree says. i built a birdhouse in 7th grade to scare away spiders birds eat thr spiders

i am in a prone position now as they say in germany and let me tell you something. these poems i am writing here, these ones youre staring at and when sugar ray comes on the radio youll know that oppenheimers ghost is looking at you aw ya gurl get it

-64i put effort into it its genius my posse is bigger than yours

i love ICP ibdlets hang out hit me up on facebook ;) screaming outside: the murmurs turn to screams and then the screaming comes through in a way that makes me feel so happy to be alive the images inside are that of a man i read about once gotta stop now

-65it was a pile of shit the WHOLE TIME it was a romance movie about life being a lot shorter that they were pretending to be in a restaur-kitchen playing splinter cell, final fantasy 7, super mario rpg legend of the same time and bathory music in the background ma really likes that satans lair i reign and pray signed george washington


who you thought you were you definately are not now blame nate blame nate right blame nate something wasnt straight who is nate youre nate im nate hi im nate 67 t me up anyti love friday the 13th eraserhead is my fav movie heres a film i made: hey man that video was fucking goowe/re friends now! maybe we'll meet some day and make an album together!where do you live again?ullman, washington the college town of washington state universuty and i donJanuary 23ever been to washington college towns are good for not going to college they guarantee there must be drugs, ladies, junk food and other youthful shenanigans aroundMarch 23AAUUGGGHH!!hgkjguh ooh! March 27oooooo dawg y whathole lot dude working at this faacking video store bored i wanna do that interview stoniteonna be kind of exhausted i bet by the time i get off....ive been worknce 9am but i def wanna do this wei will hit you ufect how do u wanna do the interview just typing like this? vid chhing does not send some of my messagees i think goddammit what a pain in ass cool we could vid chat or on the phonh that works!nice in t is too shitty right now uld...faacking internet is terrible at this video store even wiki takes like a minute and ay good! too busy

w/bullshit and not enough cool shit like writing and music but other than that cant complain!! cory and i are gonna go on tour next wee through some of northern cali and southern oregon smur but it will be fun!! we're going to humbolt and santa the bell tower in pullman, wa haha Marchng customer walked in m goddamn story my store then i tried to message and spreecast is all check yo email i wanted to da cant find the email i sud* hi March 30has some driosp got ricky martin on hahahahaha yes yes yeis yes do u do twitter \ nah ;( my main vein is facebes i started a little while ago before i started i was very against it hahah fackbook is a good main vein though it'll run your blood well ar to tur in that hway April 4 whats up Arlo missed a call from you. Arlo called you. my compp dieedddd Arlo missed a call from you. lol faaack i gottta go to faackinng sleep gots stoopids work tomorrow

h8lyfe see ya i got work at 7 am lol barghhhh that sux haha #gutted whats up April 12 because you are c BEING WATCHED by arlo brooks best album of 2013 actual release date on 4/20 nice downloading now Today i ike "experiment" A LOT i think that was one of the first tracks i made nice dust inhaler is perfect that was my fav transition of the album inhaler into speun in a circle dust inhaler is the perfect lengt thanks brahhhhh that was another of the earlier tracks i heard it a bunch of times and was like...does this need to be on here? then i was like... yeah yeah i love dynamic among song lengths on albums now im back

-68just read this book while writing it. idk y -69youre a cheap

hotel room -70i will attack you i will baptize you 71 i will breathe life into you only to kill you -72whats yo email ?????????????? -73i am terrified still nat 867-53 0h nine aumm -74i finally learned how to sing youll all hear it soon i can hear it now sounds like a vans serpentine belt expanding then leaving you homeless in normal, illinoise for 2 days this guy there said he liked boxes and smoked a joint with that girl who sings LANDSLIDE you can be my hero baby oh ya -75p/l/a/j/a/r/i/z/m/

-76filled w/ shit with mice with muck and urine with dirt with feces with piss with dead babies these horrible horrible images are only: images -77hell no when i see the shot of the baby my initial reacation is: that becomes that that becomes that you need to go hurry hurry hurry that will become that its part of that i wrote this whole fucking book sitting on the ground on a laptop with a partially broken monitor dont have children plz abortion is the right of a womans body destroy all media thats what im trying to do right here rightnow in this very sentence as well as some other stuff too -78i thought it was funny when everyone thought sinbad was dead cuz wikipedia said he was silly wikipedia

-79conversation between arlo brooks and I on this book: i feel the miller thing sets the whole feel up well oh totally oh fuck

i left my computer charger at home this is totally fucked oh shit two more hours of work...7% of battery left.... FUCK!! lol

-80i think dvd title menus are a largely ignored art form and the artists of those meticulous menus

are grossly underappreciated in the art world -81the dood is a buddhist -82thats the context of this movie like: ........................................................................................................ .......................... like this is: okay this is what people did as money DUBAI maybe an arsonist i know will write a book called: BURN THE WORLD AND START WITH DUBAI FIRST

-83this is a corrupted version of the last poem you just read try leaving a message and calling back goodbye -84-

slow breathing north korea china i am prolific at being dumb give art to a baby see what happens paranoia came back an hour later the word meat is still meet -85ode to gangsters: $$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

-86this guy escaped like 3 years ago and when i was at my grandmas i was like yeah i know i was born out there yeah its cold out

there im looking for a gun there might be some in there he left his compost check there the ants eat the dead flesh out of the hold where the eyeball was sulfur jesus mindless surfer making bombs okay yup thats why i made this technology oh go another scene from my mountains of hallucinations right there i better go into this molten pit to get this sulfur i want to sell you all as slaves use you to give me money i am a vampire its worse than it looks away in the manger give me your answer too who the fuck would buy a pizza shop idk man... a man in dubai? (87) you are a spaceship of delicatessan delight (88) had to find my headphones found em at the bottom of a suitcase in my room

(89) its one of those dumb tv shows where a family has to pick a house i was like shut the fuck up 89 ew religion *walks away*

-90thats genius writing metaphorical poetry filled with beautiful imagery that you steal from your brother playing skyrim i can see you just essentially narrate theres your robert frost shit turn my grind on plz -91nuthin like urine that hurts urine - i hardly noer done for today

-92i played starfox on n64 as a kid and i liked it

-93hey they had robots on them isnt that fascinating i am alive in this world i dont know how i can see a storm how is it possible *orchesta starts*

-94i came to make a wish in the well and all i got was a bunch of rusted reports yeah i know its poetry month its why i wrote this book godammet

-95guy i barelly know stops to shake my hand and just say hi i told him he should read house of leaves so he started to and like respects me know or something anyway i was reading some bukowski and he saw me doing that as i was wearing: a lil wan shirt i made by sewing pieces of denim over lil waynes face so it said lil wan and obstructed his face image i dunno if he saw that but:

he looked happy

-96a wandering exorcist in texas has a deviant art account its pretty kewl

-97i knew a person in college i loved her -98-

i can write love stories god i have had some this is my first poem ever saying stuff like this but its true i swear to ..... whatever i have loved i love i like to love i am supposed to love old journals talk about love now i just try to destroy language itself with this type of poetry but i am doing fine enough i guess i am alive i love her

-99when my younger brother played xbox 360 online in 2006 he would yell at the screen a lot and sometimes even break stuff in anger or even cry i didnt understand -100funny he would call me now ....................................... impressionable dumb youth

-101i am talking on facebook with one of my friends who grew up and lives in xenia, ohio. they were my friends irl a fish pinched up by the angry sea i gasped for air and you became me i will leave as soon as i see fit -102i cant even walk through my own house hashtag drank half a fith kill me -103where ya standing out bad guyyy go back topoem 1 it was about snper rifleds -104wnna no wut happened 2 mez??? just now: i took out my contacts b/c i was simply too: intoxicated to see sraight anyway ps : im practically blind -105i dont know how long mind control lasts but that guy is behind me oh shit im out -106you masturbated to porn didnt you i know whats goin on its the 21 st century im a new brain ever seen the movie shame? -107 i am drunk right now i am naked i am writing

this ou are reaing it it i dont feel good i ejaculated for you just now anyway imma take a shower please be receptive of this performace art which is my fucking life


when i grew up in ohio there were kids there that were very different than me idk why but anywa i started writing that year on physical pPER I DISCOVERED THE neeed for it the medium was practically my broither and i did talk to him tonite wheni was raising the bar for literaure in the 21st century dont worry if you dont like me i/ll die in probably like a most 40 years that not too long rite? well... better get to writing i am scared am being hon est 109i am sick i m scijcjkfssjnslvlnvl takin a shower bebrbrbrbrbrbrb -110some one said to me today: hey, you seen this shit on the tv? nah, what happened? bombs blew up in boston and injured like a hundred ppl hmm ya well have a good one -111i am talking to my mother on skype right now she is talking about the new lone ranger with johnny depp and terrorism she is showing me her dog and her cat we are discussing the weather and when we will see each other in florida

in 29 days she is watching the news and talking about how she doesnt like it she is smoking a cigarette and drinking coffee she has a cold she is asking about amanda and whistling a song my mom says hi to eli she is talking about her career and my little sister the dogs name is ruby she just said ruby get off dont hump the dog she wants to get a dragon tattoo or 3 balls and chains with my children in it she just said her favorite movie is dragonheart w/ sean connery as the dragon my ma just put her ipad down i am listening to her pissing now lol she is talking to me about tattoos again -112you know: theres another person named NATHAN STAPLETON he/s a really good rugby player in europe or something born like in 88 or 89 i talked to him on facebook once i said: hey... we/re both named nathan stapleton isnt that crazy he said: ya it is. what do you do i said: i make films. wanna watch one?

he said: sure i linked him my short film he watched it then i said: is it weird to watch that and see your name on it he said: yes -113he found ants on the ground today added a new photo. yeah im washin some dishes jesus is just alright for him i wrote some notes down for this book today. some poems ideas. i was feeling a little manic today. i have a bad diet. whistle while you piss. jesus is just okay with me. im hungry let me clear my throat sometimes when im writing i feel like im clearing my throat disregard laws i need a new garbage disposal -114in health class in high school in order to teach us how to socially handle situations of people with cancer they showed us a walk to remember with mandy moore in it im not joking you cant make this up -115person texted me: acid i said damn -116-

ok just be patient thats it shut up be patient i know relax cool down slow your roll

is your roll slowed? alright *clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick*

117 justreadallthesefuckingnewsarticlesthatishouldnthaveread theywereawful horrible whywouldyoureadthenews? itsbadforyou canto118: XXXXXXXXXTHERESXXXAXXXXXLABELXXXXXONXXXX AXXXKOREANXXXXXXXKNIFEXXXTHATXXXSAYSXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CANTO119: setratadeunespritumaligno iamwonderingabouthim iamwonderingabouther watbetekenditallesbeteken canto120: audivieamincameraproximatussis sonaretquasimors Audivisimiliserat mors quidagisWinston? nil.....iustusauae normalis cette peinture semble bon

moi kannstdumichhrensingennoch? IchbinwieeinVogel IchbineinSingvogel IhreAugen 121 Ichkannihnhrenpissing Ichmussjetztpissen Osjeamsekaosmrttrebalapreuzetimojetijelo dood ovjek Neelimgledatitajfilmkadsampijan trebamspavatijasamse "normalno"upravosadalol Didyoumean:ifeellikedeathshouldtakeovermybodydoodmanidon'twanttowatchthat filmwheniamdrunkineedtosleepiambeing"normal"rightnowlol Osjeamsekaosmrttrebalapreuzetimojetijelo dood ovjek Neelimgledatitajfilmkadsampijan trebamspavatijasamse "normalno"upravosadalol 122 therecomesatimeinone/slifewhere thedialogueisntnecessaryanymore itceasesto matter

123: wheniwaswalkinghomeiwantedtogeticecreambutididntbecausewithoutmymotherin townithoughtiwasgoingtogetcoldbutididntgetcoldandeverythingwasfineanddandyihad mymagiccardsandeverythinglikethatandihadstarwarsonvhstapesandhansoloshotfirst andjabamademesmile.iwouldturnontheteletubbiesandthenwhenonewhoithoughthad saidsomethingstartedeatingthispudding/cluetypeshitiwentintoahystericcoughingfit.ifelti waslikechoking/dying.writingscreenplaysseemsliketorturetome.givemesomenotecards andabudgetandicanmakeyouafilm.wheresmyorangesodadammit. 124

wakeup gotowork takeashit wipeyourasswithpaper throwthepaperaway

stareatyoursefinthemirror turnthefaucetonwithyourlefthand touchthecoldwater cupyourhands throwthewateronyourface feelthewaterseepintotheporesonyourface openyoureyesafteryouclosedthemsothatwaterwouldnotgetintoyoureyesand makethehurt walkout 125 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. e 6. f 7. g 8. h 9. i 10. j 11. k 12. l 13. m 14. n 15. o 16. p 17. q 18. r 19. s 20. t 21. u 22. v 23. w 24. x 25. y 26. z 126 127

nickolasgoofinfoleymadethisformeonfb he/sagoodperson. 128 chair=rust 129 wallowinginmyownsemen shehastanlinesonyourassandbreasts sheisyoung iknowwhosheis shewenttovirginatechimetherin englishclass ya,istillremembertakinglitclassesincollege ifelt insulted 130 :aguyonchatrouetteisexplainingtomewhatartis itisawaytomake"noise"andhavepeople"enjoy"it heiswatchingmewritethisasWANplaysloudlyinmybathroom withmypantsoffandabout togetintheshower fifithofwhiskeyrightbythesekeysrightnow iinspireanarchy heloves bathory althoughimnotananarchist ijustcopypastedthispoemtohim

heisinthenetherlands hesaid: isaluteyou andissmokingacigstillwatchingme istarteddoingdrugsinfrontofhim maybehesawmydickidk henextedme ( 131 myonlinepresence isnotevenclosetowhoirlyam lol 132 callingrandompplonmycellphonerightnow inmybathroomnakedsinginglimpbizkittomyselfinamirrorlaughingmanically mostpplarntanswering noisemusicison iamleavingthemmessages ofthisnoise astrailersforthenewwanalbum 133 someonejusttextedme breakonthroughtotheotherside itextedback: iamrightnow 134 iaminlove 135 shewantstotakeabath iampissing soiliterallyjustpissedandranoverherenakedtowritethissentence iwasinsuchahurry thatimightapissedontheflooralittlebit anyway: doesthatmakesthisperformanceartwriting idklol

136 timeisticking damnwhataclicheline^^^ 137 iturntheshoweroff isighdeeply italkedtohimearlier saidiwouldliketofilmhisface hesaidmaybe wheniwasoverthere istarteddrinkingliquor andthenthelandlordcameover andiwasdrunkhestartedshoutingatmeabouthowiwasa DIRTYSMOKERANDYOUCANTSMOKEINHEREANDWHOAREYOUANDWHYARE

YOUHEREANDWHYAREYOUSMOKINGGETOUTYOUDONTLIVEHEREGETOUTIAM BEINGSERIOUSIWILLCALLTHECOPSIFYOUDONTLISTENGETTHEHELLOUTWHO AREYOULEAVENOWTHANKYOU andthen: hestartedshowingthehousetosomepersonwhomightrentitwhentheleaseisup 138 didimentiontoyouthatihaveavirginatechteeshirt hungupinmykitchenwithfakebloodandabloodhandprintonit? itsthewanalbumcoverforwansmostcontroversialandlongestrecord: WANSWEETESTDAYLOVEALBUM:SCHOOLSHOOTINGEDITION orsomethinglikethat wearejustexpressingconcernforoursociety itsokaydontgetthewrongidea wanisnotaharmtoitself orothers peoplejustwanttostopthat 1stammendmentthingisall) fuck,idsayhalfmyartisjusttestingthe1stammendmentreally 139 ilookedatpicturesofwhatcelebritiesdidatcoachellathis year thearticlesaid: FINDOUTHOWCELEBSPARTIEDATCOACHELLA whencelebsparty theydie 140 ishouldreadthatbookby johnkennedytoole hedprobablybegoodforwritingthesingingvoiceofthegeneration raisedbytheinternet internetcyberagepoeticsgotmehardonmahdick

141 shejustcameinhere inthebathroomwhereallthisnoiseisplaying sheispissingnow iamwatchingherpiss istartdrinkingmywhiskey shepullsthetoiletpaper tearsoffapiece startsblowinghernose shetearsanotherpiece repeats thenshestartswiping throwsthepaperinthemarblesculpturewherewaterisandthengetsupandturnsaround flushesitetc shesaysshewantstotakeabath

iamgoingtotakeabathwithher she/snakedrightbyme ifeltlikeimightgetanerection iamtryingnotto sheiswarmingthewater iamgettingmoreexcited iamtryingtowriteagoodromancepoemrightnow yeahiamdefinatlygettingexcited sheaccidentlytouchedmethensaidimsorry eventhoughhertouchisthegreatestfeelingintheworldtome thisisasgoodofalovepoemasany ireallyneedtowritemorepoemsabout love butusuallythatsjustnotwhatcomesoutfirst iamtryingtogetalotofbadstuffoutofmysoulrightnow bywritingthisbook somanically ifeelthatiwillfeelbetterwhenitsover eventhoughihavenoideawhenthatwillbe 142 awomantodayatworkaskedmeifiwasanartist isaidyes,astarvingone shegotreallyexcited likeveryexcited istayedmonotone shesaid: idonthavemybusinesscard isaidhere iamnathanstaplegunonfb youcanfindmethere isaid: youbetterlookatmyartfirst youmightnotlikeit shewantedtosetmeupwithagallery toshowALLmyart inoregonbecauseherfamilyownsavineyard imwaitingforherfriendrequest becauseilldoit givemeagallery giveonetome 143

wordofthehumanlanguagethathascausedmoreharmanddeath: nigger 144 thelastpoemiwrote iwasnakedinmybathroom andshewaspissing wellthispoemisabout howshetookthebathandwehadpassionatelovelysexinthetublisteningto thestrokes,phoenix,andtheblackkeyslol imthatguy shejustcameinagainasiwaswritinglaughingathowiamnakedinatubofmyownsperm becauseipulledout andwritingthiswithonlymyrighthand iamgoingtocallsomeoneandreadthistothem youllknowifitwas you

145 youguysijustdroppedmyfifthofwhiskeyinthetub ipulleditoutquickbutwatergotinit imightbedrinkingmyownspermandsextubwaterwithwhiskeyrightnow lol 146 iamtalkingtotony onthephone iampacingmanicallyinmyroomnakeddarkalone drinkingspermwhiskey scrapingdriedspermoffmywrist wearetalkingaboutfreejazz

147 justpacedbackandforthinadarkroomtalkingmanicallyonaphonefortwohoursimstillnaked exhibitionism? you tell me 148 iamcoveredinjissom pickingatitiamtearingmyhairsoffofmyleg ithurts lol 149 everyson/daughtershouldrecordtheirmom whenhavingacandidconversation thenreleaseitontheinternet forfree 150 listeningtoofwgkta withsmoothjazzplayinginanothertabatthesametime iputonsomeunderwear thesmoothjazzdoesfeelsmoothicanseewhytheycallit: smooth nicewordtodescribesomething thatsnota word 151 justpulledanoteoutofmypocket itsaid: yeah,ijustsawthatmocie...withtomcruiseinit...ineversawitbefore....RISKYBUSINESS.... 152 justpulledanoteoutofmywallet itsaid: moscowmallincident lookingsquirrellineyes squirelllooksmeineyes eatmcdonaldsfry fromTrash

153 pulledapieceofpaperoutofmypocket willmybloodonit ipickeditup andflipperitover tookoutapen andwrote: mybloodbynjs042013 154 consumingthisproductmaycausejoy 155 climbinglevel

ofpianostrings togettothemountainofwan iammixingtherecipeupnow haha ijusttoldsomeonetokillsomelol viatext yummyigotlovelysometimesinmyeatingbrainineedtodothis andiamscreamingdoingittoo hesaidback: murdereverybody wediscusshouseofleavesandstuff iloveicecreamitsjustwhoiam ishouldnttalksomuch ishouldntwritesomuch ilove you wellanyway: heresanothernotefrommy pocket: girlsaystome: can/twearbackpacksanymoreb/cilikewearingskirtsandwheniwearthemtheyhikeup.well sureenoughiwaswalkingtomyofficeandtherewasapoorgirlinfrontofmeandyoucould seeherpinkunderwear.therewere3guysbehindherandibettheywereenjoyingthat....stares atground,laughswalksaway goodbyemerr 156 everytimeilistentothefuckingbeatles igetmadashell 157 justgotthistextfrommymom: thenewsjustsaidanotherbombntexasatafootballfield 158 anothervoyagetomyspacechamber willpeoplewanttomurdermeoneday iponder 159 ihavescoliosis


160 iwenttoapersonshousetoday ismokedmarijuanawiththem wealllaughed andlistenedtotheflaminglips italkedaboutwanandshit weisaniceperson imissbeingthere imallalone inmycoldspacechamber allaloneandnakednow 161

juststoodintheshowerfor45minsstraight drinkingafifthofspermwhiskey iam21yrsold 162 ijustlaughed 164 iamclosetodeath inhighschool aparentfoundmeinabedwithhergirlandthreatenedmewithapistol thenitoldmymaaboutit lol 165 sawasquirrelonthestreettoday lookedlikeapancakewithfurandwhitethingsstickingoutofit 166 xdoesnotequal x 167 longstory butthefirststepontheroadtorecovery andfuckinhospitalsaretediwasstuckin aroomwithabunchofsad,hurtingpeopleonstretchers itwaslike myworstnightmare iveneverbeenmoreunhappy

but then it into me and i fell asSynContestaWTF!(P

relativelycommonandsimplethingimdealingwith butintensehospitalprocedurenonetheless ithinkthhere whatsgoingon thisisntwhereimsupposedtobe GotthatrawuncutKafka,yo,10ialcockroacullofkarmicdread.Alsogotthod,man,walkon water,thisshitistheshityo." http:/.someturntostone

felnkgsklnsglnknklsnklnklklnfs 168 in2012ibeatalloffable3inasinglesittingin17hours ineverplayeditbefore ihatevideogames 169 youshouldwritemeapoem aboutlookingforarlo okonesec 4:43pm oranythingelse igotoffat345mygfgavemeacigshewantsmetota weowe$534indamgesatourapartmentbcwerecordedwanthere anywayguys coryislookingforarloheisamuthuafuckinrapper onthedrumkt 170 wokeupat8am walkedtomcdonaldswithamanda itwasrainingsowehuggedeachotheraswewalkedthere me holdinganumbrella atmcdonaldswewatchedthetv itwastalkingabout howthefbihaslockeddownbostonbecausetherussianbombersuspectisontherun somepplontwittersaidheneedstoturnhimselfin andfriendshehadinhighschoolsaidhewasareallyniceguyandaleader wewalkedhometogether andisawausedtampon inthemuddystreet thewaterpusheditinto the sewer 171 thefbi/cia

lovesmyonlineart/poerty 172 peoplethatwritepoetrysometimesandarealsopoor pplseemtolikethatlineiwrote idky 173 amigunnadie badhumans husbands toes yayourenotgunnadie fashow neway fuck mylumbarfucked lol 175 peoplelikesongswithdirtywords allchangessavedindrive saving.... youseemtohavearealpassionforrocknroll whenyourveggiesaremoldy 176 justwatchedgozuwitheli prettygood heisinthelivingroomnow youwannasmokeweed yup 177 ithinkwhatthosegroupsare arejustchoosingtopicsofdiscussion andgoingwithit andtheycrowddoeswhattheysay done 178 iaminterestedinjoiningthefamily.iwantnetlabelstoprovidesomethingmostotherlabels

wouldnt.avantgardealbumsmadeoncellphones. thisismymusicihavemadelike30albumsin9months

179 yofuckthat i/mdrinkinnow wheresmahdaughter hah 180 (remember..3,6,9,12...): iamson iamtheburningsun

iwanttohaveyourbabiesinside mewheniamtryingtostopdyinginside 181 imightbedead winstonsaysheisimmortAL ELISAYSHE/SPLAYEDPORTAL 182 wordsfadeinandoutbeforemenow hesaysthatshewantstotakemeoutonadate imhungry ihearthemiceintheotherroom themiceintheotherroom themiceintheroomrightthere themiceinmymindkeepsstarin ihearthemiceintheotherroom thestyleisonfireinthedungeon/shall ireadthatvineinmypreschoolblindlefteye shadow 183 ithoughtitwasabondingmomentwhenwewereallplayingmusictogetheronvideochat andwhenallthisstuffstartedhappening likebirthdaypartiesandreadingsandstufflikethatimnotrealsure onandoffihavetopiss miceintheroomagain imback 184 mywholedaytodaywaslisteningtoeminemandshoppingfordressshoes mybloodismostlyrice cerealkillertime planescrash 185 wherever ugotherewillbelovewhenueat it ithasmushroomsonit whenigettoknowthis igetnakedonmyknees imakeyouwanttostopforthisisnoway

andihaveloveformyheartsandideastrippingthroughreallybeautifulfornow iwascaughtinarug iamasageofthisworld youshallfindmeandpreachmyword mycultwanabides :) 186 runandsee itsallamysterytomebeeninthisgameyears now imnotacannibal themusicsoaksthroughslowlyandihearvoices im embaraasedabouttheirchoices pickingmeapartlikeapotofgold summary ofmyselfaseason 187 ilistenedtothesoundofrockandrollforthefirsttime inaseriesofbinaryfiles compressed intoafile thenstreamedfromanipod 188 policeandmediatrytohide icanpracticedestruction andarson andlifeisworthlesswithoutagun takeatripthroughmyimagination shootcopsandwhores nakedtvstaryoucanbemyvalentinewithotherpartsthatbleedtogether. theydontcallanymoreijustthinktheyredonefornow

189 wheniwasalittleweekid growingupinruralohio iwasprobably 5 andiwouldgoovertomyneighborshouse thekidstherewere5too andwewouldlookatthepigs andhorses andchickens andhay andplayinthebarnjumpinginthehay iclimbedupbigtallskyscrapers andbuildings itwasdangerous iwasindianajones andleodicapriointitanic iplayedpokemonsnap ontheirtv andothermariogames later on wewentthroughpuberty anddidntdothosetypeofthings anymore 190 postthisonyourtwitter 191 iburnedthechocolatecookies mama 192 thecancerbizisbigbb intheairwiththirteenmoons hungoutwith3differentdrugdealerstoday sellinonthisdrugsandshit andallthat canttellifthereisabeginningorendtothingsanymore iwillstealyourstyle

myegoisdead iamair intheshire 193 fastdownkindofshittystreetsinwasactuallykindofscary ididexhaustiveresearchyesterday icangetsomenicepowerblades fortwofifty iamnotlimberenoughforsuchbehavior. 194 notesiwroteonphysicalpaperthenfoundtwodayslater: yeah,ijustsawthatmoview/TomCruiseIneversawitbefore....RiskyBusiness.yeahitsa classic) whatthefuckromancecoverstumblr lol ideasoffamilybrokencreatedabeatnikartcollectiveknownasWAN TetrisVHSTapesofDr.Gigglesscaredtheshow/stepbrothers idon/tapproveofwhatIdoandIdoitwell.Thenovelgotreviewedbeforeitevencameout.I guessi/mgoingtomeetyourmother.YourfathertriedtoarrestmeinSanDiego.Fuckthe Police2013.Anaheimtwentytwelve. IcancognitivelyrecognizethevoiceIhearw/theimageoftheface.Theymatchup/syncup loudoverheadretailstorepagesdisruptmysightandmannerinwhichIhandletheuniverse. AgirlIknowtalkedtomeaboutkerouacandjosephcampbell.infantilenarcisists youaresofullofyourself/iwanttolivebymyself/cool/sometimesyoujustdontmakeanycents atall/theyhaventlockedmeupyet/ihadchocmilktoday/forbreakfast/computersmadeusall stopticking/sothisisthelityouget

195 notesiwroteonphysicalpaperandfound3dayslater: pokemonsaturdaymornings/macncheesefarmhousefantasies/cornfieldoflostandfound memories/1990samerica/wolfenstein3d/aboveroundpoolw/adeckwheretheyarenowon facebook/wickerbasketpartiesbydivorceesinthemidwestcollectbernsteinbearswheniwalk intothethriftshopsbreathinginallthismustyairthisdustystair. WhenIwasveryyoung,IwouldvisitmygrandmaonmyfatherssideinFL.Iwasprobably5.I watchedthesevhstapesonrepeatfordays: lonerangertvshows anyconservativewesternfromthe50s deepbluesea andgonein60secsw/niccage. goneinsixtysecondswasanewrelease.iwatchedinupstairsintheloft.Icouldsee

downstairswhereeverybodywas.myfatherwasdrunkandaskedmetobrushmyteethw/my fingerb/cilostmytoothbrush. 196 withthefirecame disparity fromlife camefromthefire deathcamefromthedarkness 197 ijustwatchedafilmcalled: nostalghiabytarkovsky ithinkitisprobablythegreatestfilm ever made iamdrinkingalewisandcoke nakedonmy bathroom floor w/thecoldwaterrunningasatype this ijustcoughedabit andthestrongtasteof6montholdstaletobaccoand6dollarwhiskey cursedmybreath astheimagesofagenius muchdifferentthanmyself staintheimagespacesof mymind

198 latelyihavebeenlazy whenidowanttodosomething.... iput it off for later iknowwhyidothis: itisbecausedonotenjoy/donotthinkdoingthingsisbeneficialtome iamsittinghere now doing: this

andmaybeyouare reading this butanyhow letgoalittlebit putthisfuckingpoetrybookdown walkoutside evenifits2amorwhatever whocares gooutsidefromyour home seewhatitsmellslike tasteslike seewhatit feels like gointothewoods themountains eveninto: your mind ormine DO something do ANYTHING walk eat shit justkeep dongit i/mheretotalkaboutthis with you 199 irememberplayingavideogamew/mybrotherinlike2004orsomethingcalled tigerwoods04onxbox weplayeditinmygrandfathersbasement

itsmelledlikecatpiss nooffencetoyou ifyoureadthisgrandpa iloveyou butitdid andyouknowwhat? hadagoodfuckingyear in2004 itwasalright 4yearsuntil that greatrecession hitorwhatever ifeltgood differentfrom now 200 mostoftheshit inmyhouse eithercamefrom: nearadumpsterheap orathriftshop itsjusttrue myfuckingbathroomtrashcan stillhasthe: $1.79 stickeronit writteninsharpie onmaskingtape iknowbecauseimlookingatit now

201 exroommatecameovertomyhouse bout15minsago heaskedaboutacheck a54dollarcheck ididntknowwhereitwas iwasthepersonthatcalledhimabout it 202 iwasjustreadingsampinksnewbook rontel inthiscafetypeplace iwassweating anddrinkingbeerat2pm alone itisasadbook butalsoverydarklyfunnysofar ireqyoucheckit afterthatiwalkedhome tooktwoshotsofwhiskey jumpedintheshower andwrote this 203 ifeltlikerightnowwouldbeagoodtimetowritebuttheimagesarehonestlycomingalotfaster thanicantype iwasjuststaringatthefloor thenthewall thenidecidedtojuststart

typing andnow youhavethisbig fucking rusted mess 204 pplareactuallyverynicetome ifeeliamrespectfulandnicetothemtoo wearejustbreathinghumansafterall together hegavemeacigarette heaskedmeaboutabook wetalkedaboutthebook thenanotherbook webothsmiled ilikedseeinghimsmile i/llbuyhimadrinknexttimeiseehim ismiledtoo ifeltgood itsnowedoutsidetodayinmay inwashingtonstate welookedoutsidetoseethesnow fall intothewashingtonstateuniversity footballfield thatisee everyday iheardmyfeetshufflingonthefloor iwasdragging myfeet badposture makingthescufflenoise itriedtohideitafewtimes butitjustkepthappeningagain

ihadconversationsonthephone thatwereonesyllableanswers theyknowmelike that iwashappy believeitornot atleast ifelthappy

205 ithoughtinmyheadtoday: maybeapersoninarelationship wouldleavetheir love

ifahandsomeperson cameuptothemandsaid: heylisten.ithinkyouregorgeous.iwantyou.ihavemoney.iamrich.youcanhaveanything ithinkthey would 206 thefeelingofabowlingballbeingtossedintoyourmouth youreyes yourmind onrepeat thisiswhyiwrite dontwrite itslikealastemergencyditcheffort tosaveyourself ifyougettothatlevel thenwrite but igottatellyou: itshardtofuckingbreathelike this 207 pplonthefuckinginternetaretalkingabout: ohio withme why?

208 mylegsarefallingasleep mystomachisempty ihaveabaddiet idonotlikeeating iwishicouldeatfoodpills tonotfeellikethis theyprobablyhavethose dontthey buttheyreprobablyexpensive andimpoor

itskindanicebeingpoor idonthaveproblems really....mostarejustinmymind icansitherenaked crosslegged typingthis becauseimpoor andnotmaking money youcanreadthisandknowhowifeel becauseiamdoingthis andnotmakingmoney andmaybeitwillmakeyou acceptpplmoreorsomething idk buti/drathertypethisonthefloor andbehonestwithyou literallystarving thanbe richanddothingsallday like: makephonecalls havemeetings drivecars etc tomake paper giveupyourshit andvomityoursoul intomybed sothatwecantruly understand eachother whathonestlycanone lose any way? 209

ireallyshouldeatsomething ihavebeenusingmymoney very unwisely ifidosaysomyself iboughtasignedbookbygarysnyder whcihidontregret but imfuckinghungry. imlikeanakedbabybird withthemouthopen youknow: ineverreallywantedtolive butmymouthstuckopenlikethatonlybecauseof mystomach 210 myleaseatthisaptgetupinlikeidk 3monthsmaybe idontknowwheretolive iknowitwillbethistown i/llfindsomewhere... 211 mygfissleepingnexttome iamtypingmeaningless sentenc ess sleep 212 ilistenedtofrogs ribitting onaporchstaringatasoccerfieldatnight thecloudswereoverthemoon assyllables ofstressingsocialmediaspilledbetweenonegenerationtothenext

overtofuquesadillas inthebeginningofsummer wateronmyface iwalkhome togotobed 213 thebirdsfollowmehome sometimesthemostbeautifulwomenintheworldarethewomen yousee everyday 214 noicantdothisanymore iwasgunnamakethislike1000poems buthey maybeyoucandothatpart ) 215 gbye

216 isawatwilightfleshlightaftersearching fleshlightingoogle therewerefangsinthemouthpart ofthefleshlight someoneisscreamingoutsidemywindow


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