D&D Encounters Pre-Gen For Search For The Diamond Staff: Half-Orc Scout (Levels 4-6)

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Kronk Axefist




Medium 6'4"

WEIGHT Mod Score

Also add 1/2 your level to d20 rolls






Common, Draconic

NOTE: Numbers separated by slashes indicate character levels. x/y/z are levels 4/5/6, while x/y are 4/6 (1/2 level bonus).

You have +2 speed when charging. turn.


10 16 18 10 14 14

+0 +3 +4 +0 +2 +2

HP 43/48/53 Bloodied 21/24/26 Surge Value 10/12/13 You can potentially attack twice or more each

Melee Basic Attack (MBA) (Battleaxe) Standard Action Target: One creature. Melee Weapon. Attack: +10/11 vs AC. Hit: 1d10+10 damage. Dual Weapon Attack (Handaxe) Free Action (Only once per round) You must be wielding two weapons. Trigger: You hit with an MBA on your turn. Effect: You attack a creature in range with your off-hand weapon. +10/11 vs AC. Hit: 1d6+10 damage. Ranged Basic Attack (RBA) (Handaxe) Standard Action Target: One creature. Ranged 10/20. Attack: +10/11 vs AC. Hit: 1d6+7 damage. Furious Assault Free Action Trigger: You hit with an enemy with an attack. Target: The attack deals 1[W] extra damage. Power Strike Free Action: (Twice per encounter at level 3, but only once per round) Trigger: You hit an enemy with an MBA. Effect: The attacks deals 1[W] extra damage.

AC 21/22 FORTITUDE 17/18 REFLEX 19/20 15/16 WILL Skills (Class, Trained)
3 0 4 2 2 2 4 2 0 2 9 7 7 0 8 2 3
Add 1/2 your level to all skill rolls

*Acrobatics (Dex) Arcana (Int) *Athletics (Str) Bluff (Cha) Diplomacy (Cha) Dungeoneering (Wis) *Endurance (Con)R Heal (Wis) History (Int) Insight (Wis) Intimidate (Cha)R Nature (Wis) Perception (Wis) Religion (Int) *Stealth (Dex)I Streetwise (Cha) *Thievery (Dex)

Aspect of the Charging Ram Minor Action (Primal, Stance) While in this stance: Your movement during a charge doesn't provoke OAs. If you hit with a charge you also knock the target prone. You gain a +2 power bonus to the damage rolls of charge attacks. Aspect of the Cunning Fox Minor Action (Primal, Stance) While in this stance: You talk only half damage from attacks made against you during your turn. Whenever you hit with a melee or ranged attack on your turn you can shift 2 squares. Invigorating Stride Move Action (Healing, Martial) Shift a number of squares up to your Wisdom modifier (2) to a square not adjacent to an enemy. You can use your Second Wind. L5 Reactive Shift Immediate Reaction (Martial) Trigger: An enemy you can see ends its turn next to you. Effect: Shift a number of squares up to your Wisdom modifier (2). L6 Healing Lore Minor (Healing, Primal) You or one ally in 5 can spend a healing surge.

* Subject to -1 armor penalty +1 Hide in shadows

66 lbs (100 max) 5 gold, 5 silver


Rending Battleaxe +1 (+2/1d10; +1 attack and damage. Crit: +1d6 and MBA same target with this Backpack (2 lbs) weapon.) 50' Silk rope (5 lbs) Distance Handaxe +1 (+2/1d6, 10/20; +1 attack and damage. Adds +5 to normal range and +10 to long Climber's kit (11 lbs) range. No bonus crit damage.) 3 days trail rations (3 lbs) Battle Harness Hide Armor +1 (+3+1 AC. Adds enhancement as item bonus to Initiative. Can draw sheathed weapon or retrieve stowed item as free action.) (15 lbs) 4 Belt pouches (2 lbs) Amulet of Protection +1 (Neck. +1 Non-AC Defenses.) 2 Sunrods (2 lbs) Bracers of Mighty Striking (Arms. +2 item bonus to MBA damage rolls.) Waterskin (4 lbs) 2x Potion of Healing (Spend a healing surge to regain 10 HP.) Camouflaged Clothing (5 lbs; +1 Stealth to hide in shadows)

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Difficulty * *

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Actions Each turn you get three actions, one each Standard, Move, and Minor. Each power tells you which is needed to activate it. Standard: Most attacks, and any other action that takes up most of your turn. Move: Move your speed, shift one square, or other movement-based powers. Minor: Draw or stow a weapon, get something out of a pocket, drink a potion, etc. You can choose to downgrade any of your actions (turning your move into a minor, for instance), but can never upgrade them. Opportunity Attacks/Actions OAs are generally provoked by two things: moving out of a square adjacent to an enemy, or making a ranged or area attack while adjacent to an enemy. You can avoid provoking an OA by carefully and slowly moving away from your opponent. This is called a "Shift", and lets you move 1 square, but not through difficult terrain. The difference between attack and action in this case, is that an opportunity attack is simply a Melee Basic Attack (check your powers) with whatever weapon you are currently wielding, while opportunity actions are powers. Immediate Actions Similar to OAs, Immediates trigger in response to other characters' actions. There are two types. Immediate Interrupts, as their name implies, interrupt the triggering action. Immediate Reactions, on the other hand, don't resolve until the triggering action is complete. Combat Advantage When you face attackers on both sides it is much harder to defend from both of them. This is called flanking and causes you to grant combat advantage, giving the flankers a +2 attack bonus. Charge With a single standard action you can move up to your speed then make an MBA, gaining a +1 bonus to the attack roll. The drawbacks are that for the next turn you grant combat advantage to every enemy except the target of your charge, and after charging your turn immediately ends. Readied Actions Readying an action requires a standard action, regardless of the kind of action you prepare. To ready an action you simply specify a trigger and your response. For instance, "If an enemy steps through that door, I'll attack it with Tide of Iron." Second Wind Once per encounter, you can use a standard action to spend a healing surge (regaining a surge worth of HP) and gain a +2 power bonus to your defenses until the start of your next turn. Stance Powers with the stance keyword remain in effect until you enter a different stance, fall unconscious, or use a minor action to end it. Non-at will stances also end at the end of the encounter.


Background: Past career as a highway bandit makes Intimidate a class At Level 3: skill. You gain one more use of Power Strike each encounter, but can still only Half-Orc Resilience: When first bloodied each encounter, gain 5 use it once per round. temporary HP. At level 4: Swift Charge: +2 speed when charging. Spinning Axe Mastery: +2 to weapon damage rolls while you wield an axe Gain one additional Wilderness Knack: Mountain Guide. Feat Two-Weapon Defense: While wielding a melee weapon in each in your off-hand. hand, gain a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex. Attack Finesse: You use Dexterity instead of Strength for MBAs. Feat Axe Expertise: +1 feat bonus to attack. Can reroll one damage die At level 5: that comes up as a 1. Gain the Reactive Shift power. At Level 2: At level 6: Choose a 2nd level utility power: Invigorating Stride. Choose a utility power of 6th or lower level: Healing Lore. Feat Two-Weapon Fighting: While wielding a melee weapon in each Feat Thirst for Battle: +3 feat bonus to Initiative. +1 healing surges. hand, deal +1 damage with melee weapon attacks.

Ambush Expertise: When you make a Stealth check, allies within 10 get +2 to their next Stealth checks before the end of your next turn. Wilderness Tracker: During a short rest, you can make a Perception check (DC determined by DM) to inspect an area as large as 10 squares to a side. If you succeed you know the number and nature of the creatures that passed through the area in the last 24 hours, and where and when each entered and left the area. L4: Mountain Guide: When you succeed on a climb check, you reduce the DC of the climb by 2 until the end of the encounter for any of your allies that saw you make the climb.


Attack (Battleaxe) = Weapon Proficiency (2) + Attribute (Dex; 4) + 1/2 your level (2; 3 at level 6) + Enhancement (1) + Feat (1) = 10/11 Damage (Battleaxe) = Weapon Damage (1d10) + Attribute (Dex; 4) + Enhancement (1) + Item (2) + Class feature (2) + Feat (1) = 1d10+10 Initiative = Dexterity (4) + 1/2 your level (2; 3 at level 6) + Feat (3; not until level 6) = 9/10 Skills = Associated attribute - 1 (armor) + Feats, items, class features, race, etc. (Add 1/2 your level (2; 3 at level 6) when rolling since it is a d20 roll.) AC = 10 + Armor (hide; 3) + Better of Dex/Int (4) + 1/2 your level (2; 3 at level 6) + Enhancement (1) + Shield (1; TWD) = 21/22 Fortitude = 10 + Better of Str/Con (3) + Class feature (1) + 1/2 your level (2; 3 at level 6) + Enhancement (1) = 17/18 Reflex = 10 + Better of Dex/Int (4) + Class feature (1) + 1/2 your level (2; 3 at level 6) + Enhancement (1) + Shield (1; TWD) = 19/20 Will = 10 + Better of Wis/Cha (2) + 1/2 your level (2; 3 at level 6) + Enhancement (1) = 15/16
2013 CC-BY Frank Wilcox, Jr (fewilcox) D&D 4e is 2008 Wizards of the Coast

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