Emt 0013

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EMT 010713 Attendees: Jenny Collins - CEO Peter Kelly - Manager Water Narelle Beattie - Manager Land Karen

aren Nalder - A/Manager Biodiversity Linda Pratt - Manager Corporate Services Lauren Murphy - PA to CEO (note taker) The CEO opened the meeting at 2.10pm and: Distributed Loddon Mallee Region Investment Prospectus June 2013; noted agriculture funds for Mallee CMA were included and noted it would support funding bids etc. Discussed changes to Federal cabinet - new environment Ministers is Mark Butler; new Agriculture Minister is Joel Fitzgibbon. Discussed Opposition's statement on Environment noted intended cut to Biodiversity Fund but will honour contracts; efforts are underway to learn more about environmental policy of Opposition Distributed "Information for CMAs - requirements for BP3 reporting" and "Sustainable Water and Environments Division Bi-monthly report July 2013" Discussed key issue/items from CMA CEO's meeting on 280613: Development of flood overlays at local government level. MER progress report - Darren W attending a workshop tomorrow; Daren taking two case studies of MCMA work; will need to take good notes to inform further preparation for Minister's report. New DEPI model is not clear on future for CMAs; CEO group working on where CMAs fit key functions and role of regional operating agreements, which will start to role out across the regions in the near future. Landcare money sitting with Minister, imminent approval expected Letters expected this week regarding corporate funding. Discussed role of DEPI regional services; jobs and investment in regions; responding to emergencies via a flexible workforce; role of regional director (DEPI). Reforms to Victoria's native vegetation permitted clearing regulations; distributed a presentation from DEPI presented at the meeting; noted similar information needs to start getting out to community, especially Landcare groups; need to make sure we have input into this reform once information has been analysed. $16 mil for CMAs (threatened specie and native vege) - guidelines expected this week; emphasis is on effectively, efficiently and innovatively doing work; focus on MBIs delivered; projects have to be ready to go; focus is on adding value and leveraging other programs; emphasis on value for money, need to investigate environmental accounts. Discussed approach to operations within current climate: will need to meet weekly and plan progress; appropriate to project plan and prepare for works; need to keep Board informed; can't discuss structures too much at this point

until funding for positions is confirmed; permanent staff have to be kept occupied/on annual leave. Manager Corporate Services discussed the following: Shed cleaning session to start on Wednesday IT - clean up of hard drives and personal IT drives; email will confirm actions required; Grant will be speaking to managers re: contractors/consultants for annual report Darren will be speaking to managers/units re: catchment condition report for annual report Annual Reviews nearly complete; pleased with completion rates. Feedback regarding values and behaviours was that there were too many questions and made the average lower; Brenda and Linda will look at this; environmental management difficult to mark; still some confusion around marking definitions; overall the response was good. No other risks - staff morale during time of funding uncertainty (risk of losing staff); risk of mismatch between staff skills and skills required to delivered newly funded programs; Compliance - Risk and Insurance attestations were signed off at the Board meeting. Summary of actions: ACTION: LM to send out Caretaker Conventions to managers ACTION: PK to follow up flood overlays with MRCC and discuss with JC ACTION: LM to send out EMT invites to weekly EMT meeting (2pm Monday)

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