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SAP FI/CO General Ledger Accounting: Basic Settings

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 2 3 4 II 1 2 III 1 2 3 4 IV 1 2 Enterprise Structure Creation of Company Creation of Company Code Assign Company Code to Company Creation of Business Areas Fiscal Year Creation of Fiscal Year Variant

Transaction Code

OX15 OX02 OX16 OX03


Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant OB37 Chart of Accounts Creation of Chart of Accounts Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts Define Account Groups Define Retained Earnings Account Posting Periods Define Posting Period Variant Assign Company Code to Posting Period Variant Open and Close Posting Periods OBBO OBBP OB13 OB62 OBD4 OB53


V 1 2 VI 1 2 3 VII 1 2

Document Types and Number Ranges Define Document Types Define Number Ranges Tolerances Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts Define Tolerance Groups for Employees Assign Users to Tolerance Groups Field Status Define Field Status Variants Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants Calculation Procedures Assign Country to Calculation Procedure Global Parameters Enter Global Parameters Foreign Currency Settings Check Exchange Rate Types Define Translation Ratios for Currency Translation Enter Exchange Rates Specify Default Exchange Rate Type in Document Type OB07 OBBS OBY6 OBBG OBC4 OBC5 OBA0 OBA4 OB57 OBA7 FBN1

VIII 1 IX 1 X 1 2

3 4


XI 1

Creation of G/L Accounts Creation of G/L Account at Chart of Accounts FSP0 Level Creation of G/L Account at Company Code Level Creation of G/L Account Centrally FSS0


Document Posting and Other Transactions

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 2 3 4 Document Posting G/L Document Posting Post Outgoing Payment for G/L Accounts G/L Account Posting - Enjoy Transaction Posting a Document with reference to another Document Display Document Change Document Display G/L Account Balances

Transaction Code

F-02 F-07 FB50 FBR2

5 6 7 8

FB03 FB02 FS10N

Display G/L Account Balances for Open Item FBL3N Managed A/cs


Activation of Line Item Display

Flag "Line Item Display" Checkbox in G/L Account Block GL Account Run Program "RFSEPA01" for activation of Line Items Unblock GL Account


2 3

FS00 SE38



Other Transactions Copy Company Code Settings from one Company Code to another Copy Number Ranges from one Company Code to another EC01


Copy Number Ranges from one Fiscal Year to OBH2 another To see the changes in the G/L Account Master Define Posting Keys Define Line Item Text Templates Define Countries - Define Group Currency Define Additional Local Currencies for Company Code Define Account Assignment Model Define Fast Entry Screens FS04

5 6 7 8

OB41 OB56 OY01 OB22

9 10


11 12

Accounting Editing Options


Reset Transaction Data - Delete Transaction OBR1 Data in a Company Code Deleting Master Data - Customers, Vendors & OBR2 G/L Accounts Transport Chart of Accounts OBY9


14 15

Copy G/L Accounts from One Company Code OBY2 to another Copy Chart of Accounts and Account Determinations Delete Chart of Accounts Maintain Validation Activate Validation Maintain Substitution Activate Substitution Display Intercompany Document Define Clearing Accounts for Intercompany Transactions OBY7


17 18 19 20 21 22 23


Sl.No Particulars . IV 1 Other Transactions - Technical To View Transport Request

Transaction Code

SE01; SE09; SE10

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

To Post Batch Input Session Table Maintenance View Screen To View Spool Requests To View Background Jobs ABAP Data Dictionary ABAP Data Browser ABAP Editor SAP Quick Viewer

SM35 SM30 SP01 SM37 SE11 SE16 SE38 SQVI

V 1 2 3

Document Parking Creation of Parked Document Send System Message Display Parked Documents F-65 SO00 FBV0

VI 1

Hold Documents Run Program "RFTMPBLU" for conversion of Held Documents Creation of Hold Document: From the Menu DocumentHold SE38


Display Held Documents



Sample Documents Creation of Number Range "X2" for Sample Documents Creation of Sample Document Display Sample Documents FBN1

2 3 4

F-01 FBM3

Posting of a Document with reference to FBR2 Sample Document (or) F-02 : From the Menu DocumentPost with Reference

VIII 1 2 3

Accrual/Deferral Documents Creation of Reversal Reason Creation of Accrual/Deferral Document Reversal of Accrual/Deferral Document FBS1 F.81

IX 1

Recurring Documents Creation of Number Range "X1" for Recurring FBN1 Documents Creation of Recurring Document Display of Recurring Document Posting of Transactions by using Recurring Document templates by way of Batch Input Session FBD1 F.15 F.14

2 3 4

5 6

Change Recurring Document Define Document Change Rules


Sl.No Particulars . X 1 2 3 4 Open Item Management Full Clearing Partial Clearing Balance Clearing Residual Clearing

Transaction Code

XI 1 2 3 4 5

Reversals Individual Reversal Mass Reversal Reversal of a Reversed Document Reversal of a Cleared Item Accrual/Deferral Reversal FB08 F.80 FBR2 FBRA F.81


Interest Calculations: Account Balance Interest Calculation Define Interest Calculation Types OB46

2 3 4 5 6 7

Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation OBAA Define Reference Interest Rates Define Time Dependent Terms Enter Interest Rates Creation of G/L Account Assignment of Accounts for Automatic Posting Posting of Term Loan Repayment of Term Loan Interest Calculations OBAC OB81 OB83 FS00 OBV2

8 9 10

F-02 F-02 F.52

XIII 1 2 3 4 5 6

Foreign Currencies Balances Revaluation Define Valuation Methods Creation of G/L Accounts Prepare Automatic Postings Term Loan Receipt in Foreign Currency Enter Exchange Rates Foreign Currency Balances Revaluation (Forex Run) OB59 FS00 OBA1 F-02 OB08 F.05


Tax on Sales/Purchases

1 2 3 4

Define Tax Procedures Assign Country to Calculation Procedures Define Tax Codes Assign Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions Creation of "VAT Pool A/c" G/L Account Define Tax Accounts Assign Tax Codes in G/L Accounts


5 6 7 8

FS00 OB40 FS00

Posting of Sale or Purchase Invoice to Check F-22 Input and Output Taxes F-43 Accounts Payable

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 2 Basic Settings Creation of Vendor Accounts Groups Creation of Number Ranges for Vendor Account Groups Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups

Transaction Code



4 5 6 7

Maintain Customer/Vendor Tolerance Groups OBA3 Creation of G/L Accounts - Reconciliation A/c FS00 Creation of Vendor Master Document Types and Number Ranges XK01 OBA7; FBN1

II 1 2 3 4 5 6

Transactions Posting of Vendor Invoice Posting Outgoing Payment Posting Vendor Invoice - Enjoy Transaction To View Vendor Account Vendor Credit Memo Vendor Credit Memo - Enjoy Transaction F-43 F-53 FB60 FBL1N F-41 FB65

III 1 2

House Banks Creation of "Bank A/c" G/L Account FS00

Creation of House Bank and Assign G/L A/c in FI12 House Bank Creation of Check Lots Manual Check Updates Display Check Register FCHI FCH5 FCHN

3 4 5 6

Change Check Issue Date/Check Encashment FCH6 Date Updating Creation of Void Reason Code FCHV

8 9 10

Void Check/Unissued Check Cancellation Remove Check Encashment Date Data Issued Check Cancellation


IV 1

Advance Payments or Down Payments Creation of "Advance to Vendors A/c" G/L Account FS00

Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for OBYR Vendor Down Payments Down Payment Request (Noted Item) Down Payment Made Purchase Invoice Posting Transfer of Advance from Special G/L to Normal by clearing Special G/L A/c Clearing of Normal Item - Account Clear F-47 F-48 F-43 F-54

3 4 5 6


Sl.No Particulars . V Terms of Payment

Transaction Code

1 2

Creation of Terms of Payment Creation of G/L Accounts


Discount Received A/c Discount Given A/c | FS00 | 3 Assign G/L Account for Automatic Posting of Discount Received Assign G/L Account for Automatic Posting of Discount Given OBXU


VI 1 2 3

Party Statement of Account Assign Programs for Correspondence Types Request for Correspondence Maintain Correspondence OB78 FB12 F.64

VII Automatic Payment Program 1 Setup Payment Method per Country for Payment Transactions Setup Payment Method Per Company Code for Payment


Transactions 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setup All Company Codes for Payment Transactions Setup Paying Company Code for Payment Transactions Setup Bank Determination Assign Payment Method in Vendor Master Creation of Check Lots Payment Run XK02 FCHI F110

VIII Cash Journal 1 2 3 Create G/L Account for Cash Journal Define Document Types for Cash Journal Documents Define Number Range Intervals for Cash Journal Documents Set Up Cash Journal Create, Change, Delete Business Transactions Set Up Print Parameters for Cash Journal FS00 OBA7 FBCJC1

4 5 6


Extended Withholding Tax

Sl.No Particulars . 1 2 3 4 Check Withholding Tax Countries Define Official Withholding Tax Keys Define Business Places Creation of Factory Calendar: a) Creation of Holiday Calendar b) Assign Holiday Calendar in Factory Calendar Assign Factory Calendar to Business Places Define Withholding Tax Types for Invoice Posting Define Withholding Tax Types for Payment Posting Define Withholding Tax Codes Check Recipient Types Maintain Tax Due Dates Maintain Surcharge Calculation Methods Maintain Surcharge Tax Codes Maintain Surcharge Rates Assign Withholding Tax Types to Company Codes Activate Extended Withholding Tax

Transaction Code


5 6


8 9 10 11 12 13 14


16 17 18

Creation of G/L Accounts Assignment of Accounts Maintain Company Code Settings [Logistics General] Specify Document Type for Remittance Challan Posting Maintain Number Groups for Remittance Challans Assign Number Ranges to Number Groups Maintain Number Ranges Maintain Number Group and SAP Script Forms Assign Number Ranges to Number Groups Maintain Number Ranges Assign PAN & TAN Numbers Assign Extended Withholding Tax Codes in Vendor Master Purchase Invoice Posting Create Remittance Challan Enter Bank Challan Creation of TDS Certificate Creation of Annual Return




21 22 23 24 25 26 27


28 29 30 31 32


Accounts Receivable

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 2 Basic Settings Creation of Customer Account Groups Creation of Number Ranges for Customer Account Groups Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups Creation of G/L Account - Reconciliation Account Creation of Customer Master Document Types and Number Ranges

Transaction Code




5 6


II 1 2 3 4

Transactions Posting of Customer Invoice Posting Incoming Payment Posting Customer Invoice - Enjoy Transaction To View Customer Account F-22 F-28 FB70 FBL5N

5 6

Customer Credit Memo Customer Credit Memo - Enjoy Transaction

F-27 FB75


Advance Payments or Down Payments Creation of "Advance from Customers A/c" G/L FS00 Account Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Customer Down Payments Down Payment Request (Noted Item) Down Payment Received Sale Invoice Posting Transfer of Advance from Special G/L to Normal by clearing Special G/L A/c Clearing of Normal Item - Account Clear OBXR

3 4 5 6

F-37 F-29 F-22 F-39


IV 1

Bill Discounting Creation of G/L Accounts

Sundry Debtors - BOE : Alternative Recon A/c Bills Discounting A/c | FS00 | 2 Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Bills of OBYN

Exchange Receivable 3 Define Bank Sub Accounts 4 Sale Invoice Posting 5 Bills of Exchange Payment 6 Bank Bill Discounting 7 Report to view Customer wise, Due Date wise, Bank wise Outstanding 8 Reverse Contingent Liability OBYK F-22 F-36 F-33 S_ALR_8701221 3 F-20

Sl.No Particulars . V 1 2 3 4 5 Dunning Define Dunning Areas Define Dunning Procedures Assign Dunning Procedure in Customer Master Sale Invoice Postings Dunning

Transaction Code

OB61 FBMP XD02 F-22 F150

VI 1

Credit Management Maintain Credit Control Area OB45

2 3 4 5

Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area Define Credit Risk Categories

OB38 OB01

Define Accounting Clerk Groups [Credit Representative Groups] OB02 Define Credit Representatives [Assign Employee to Credit Representative Groups] Define Intervals for Days in Arrears for Credit management OB51


Note: Sales Order Type and Delivery Type and Risk Category and order or Delivery Type is used to define the Warning or Error Messages. Path: Sales & Distribution Basic Functions Credit Processing Asset Accounting

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 Basic Settings Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas Assign Tax Codes for non-taxable transactions

Transaction Code


2 3 4 5 6 7


Assign Company Code to Chart of Depreciation OAOB Maintain Account Determinations Maintain Screen Layout Rules -

Maintain Number Ranges for Asset Master Data AS08 Maintain Asset Classes OAOA

Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Classes Creation of G/L Accounts Assignment of G/L Accounts for Automatic Postings Specify Document type for posting of Depreciation Specify Intervals and Posting Rules Specify Rounding of Net Book Value and/or Depreciation Define Screen Layout Rules for Asset Master Data Define Screen Layout Rules for Asset Depreciation Areas Depreciation Keys a) Define Base Methods b) Define Declining Balances Methods c) Define Multilevel Methods d) Define Period Control Methods e) Maintain Depreciation Keys Creation of Asset Master Creation of Sub-Asset Master Main Asset Purchase Posting Sub-Asset Purchase Posting Asset Explorer


9 10

FS00 AO90


12 13








17 18 19 20 21

AS01 AS11 F-90 F-90 AW01N


Asset History Sheet

S_ALR_8701196 5 AFAB


Depreciation Run

II 1 2 3

Settlement of Capital Work-in-Progress Define Settlement Profile Define Number Ranges for Settlement Creation of Capital Work-in-Progress Asset Master Posting of Transactions OKO7 SNUM AS01

Purchase Commissioning charges, etc., | F-90 | 5 Creation of Main Asset Master to which Asset Under Construction is AS01 to be settled 6 Settlement of Capital Work-in-Progress AIAB

Sl.No Particulars .

Transaction Code

III 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Other Transactions Transfer of APC Asset Values - Periodic Asset Postings Reconciliation of Assets with General Ledger Sale of Asset Sale of Asset Without Customer Transfer of Asset Transfer of Asset - Inter company Scrapping of Asset Post Capitalization of Asset Manual Depreciation Unplanned Depreciation Depreciation Forecast ASKB ABST2 F-92 ABAON ABUMN ABT1N ABAVN ABNAN ABMA ABAA S_ALR_8701293 6 AR02


Fixation of the Schedule as per the Indian Company's Act (or) Asset History Sheet

Closing Procedures Sl.No Particulars . I Financial Statement Version Transaction Code

1 2

Creation of Financial Statement Version To view Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account

OB58 F.01 S_ALR_8701228 4

II 1

Closing Procedures Carry Forward of Vendors and Customers Closing Balances Carry Forward of Asset Balances F.07

To check which year is closed for Assets Closing of Assets for the Year To Open Next Year AJAB AJRW | 3 4 | OAAQ

Carry Forward of G/L Account Balances Copy Number Range Intervals to the Next Year Open/Close Previous Period

F.16 OBH2



GL Reports Chart of Accounts List S_ALR_8701232 6

Trial Balance

S_ALR_8701231 0 S_ALR_8710020 5


IV 1

Vendor Reports Vendor List S_ALR_8701208 6 S_ALR_8701209 3 S_ALR_8701208 3 S_ALR_8701208 5 S_ALR_8701210 5 S_ALR_8701210 3

Vendor wise Purchases

Vendor Outstanding List

Age wise Analysis of Vendors

Advances Report

Vendor's Ledger

V 1

Customer Reports Customer List S_ALR_8701217 9 S_ALR_8701218 6

Customer wise Sales

Customer Outstanding List

S_ALR_8701217 3 S_ALR_8701217 6 S_ALR_8701219 9 S_ALR_8701219 7

Age wise Analysis of Customers

Advances Report

Customer's Ledger

MM to FI Integration

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Basic Settings from MM Side Define Plant Define Location Maintain Storage Location Maintain Purchasing Organization Assign Plant to Company Code Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code Assign Purchasing Organization to Plant Define Attributes of Material Types

Transaction Code

OX10 OIAS OX09 OX08 OX18 OX01

7 8


Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variances Define Plant Parameters Set Tolerance Limits for Goods Receipts


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Define Default Values for Physical Inventory OMBH Maintain Default Values for Tax Codes Define Tax Jurisdiction Configure Vendor Specific Tolerances Define Automatic Status Change Define Tolerance Limits for Invoice Verification Define Number Ranges - 50 & 51 OMR2 OMRX OMRV -



II 1

Integration Creation of G/L Accounts

Inventory RM A/c Inventory FG A/c GR/IR Clearing A/c Price Differences A/c | FS00 | 2 Creation of Material Master MM01

3 Creation of Vendor Master 4 Group Together Valuation Areas 5 Define Valuation Classes


6 Define Account Grouping for Movement OMWN Types 7 Configure Automatic Postings OBYC

III Flow 1 Creation of Purchase Order ME21N

2 Goods Receipt Against Purchase Order MIGO 3 Invoice Verification/Invoice Receipt 4 Payment to Vendor - Outgoing Payment MIRO F-53

SD to FI Integration

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 Basic Settings from SD Side Define Divisions

Transaction Code


2 3 4 5

Define Sales Organization Define Distribution Channels Define Shipping Points Assign Business Area to Plant/Valuation Area & Division Assign Sales Organization to Company Code Assign Distribution Channel to Sales Organization Assign Division to Sales Organization Set up Sales Area Assign Sales Organization - Distribution Channel - Plant Assign Business Area to Plant & Division Assign Shipping Point to Plant Define and Assign Pricing Procedures Define Tax Determination Rules


6 7


8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16 17


Assign Delivering Plants for Tax Determination OX10 Define Number Ranges - 48 & 49 Assign Shipping Point FBN1 OVL2

II 1

Integration Creation of G/L Accounts

Raw Material Consumption A/c Sales A/c | FS00 | 2 3 4 5 6 Creation of Finished Goods Material Master Creation of Customer Master Assign Material to Pricing Procedure - PR00 & MWST Assign General Ledger Accounts Setup Partner Determination MM01 XD01 VK11 VKOA -

III 1 2 3 4 5 6

Flow Goods Receipt for Initial Start Creation of Sales Order Outbound Delivery Billing Document Issue Billing Document Incoming Payment from Customers MB1C VA01 VL01N VF01 VF31 F-28

Controllin g

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 2 Basic Settings Maintain Controlling Area Activate Components/Control Indicators And Assignment of Company Codes to Controlling Area Maintain Number Ranges Maintain Versions

Transaction Code


3 4


II 1 2

Other Transactions Set Controlling Area Period Lock OKKS OKP1


Cost Element Accounting

1 2 3

Creation of Primary Cost Element at FI Area Creation of Primary Cost Element at CO Area Automatic Creation of Primary Cost Elements

FS00 KA01

Make Default Settings Create Batch Input Session Execute Batch Input Session | OKB2 OKB3 SM35 | 4 Creation of Secondary Cost Element 5 Creation of Cost Element Groups - Cost Element Categories: 1 : Costs 11 : Revenues 21 : Internal Settlement 41 : Overhead Costs 42 : Assessment 43 : Internal Activity Allocation | --| KA06


IV Reconciliation Ledger 1 Activate Reconciliation Ledger KALA

2 Deactivate Reconciliation Ledger 3 Maintain Number Ranges for Reconciliation Ledger Documents 4 Define Adjustment Accounts for Reconciliation Posting 5 Execute Reconciliation Posting




Cost Center Accounting

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Basic Settings Creation of Cost Center Creation of Cost Center Group Posting of Transactions in FI To View Cost Center Wise Report Repost CO Line Items Repost Costs Planning Cost Center Wise

Transaction Code

KS01 KSH1 F-02 KSB1 KB61 KB11N KP06

To View Cost Center Wise Variance S_ALR_8701361

Report 9 Display Cost Center Standard Hierarchy Change Cost Center Standard Hierarchy Display Cost Center Accounting Document






II 1 2 3

Activity Types Creation of Activity Types Creation of Activity Type Groups Enter Activity Allocation KL01 KLH1 KB21N

III 1 2

Statistical Key Figures Creation of Statistical Key Figures Creation of Statistical Key Figures Groups Enter Statistical Key Figures KK01 KBH1


IV 1

Overhead Assessment Creation of Secondary Cost Element KA06 - 42 Creation of Assessment Cycle Overhead Assessment KSU1 KSU5

2 3

V 1 2

Overhead Distribution Creation of Distribution Cycle Overhead Distribution KSV1 KSV5

Internal Order Management

Sl.No Particulars . I Basic Settings

Transaction Code

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Creation of Internal Order Types Creation of Internal Orders Creation of Internal Order Groups Posting of Transactions in FI To View Internal Order Wise Report Repost CO Line Items Repost Costs Planning Internal Order Wise To View Variance Report

KOT2 KO01 KOH1 F-02 KOB1 KB61 KB11N KPF6` S_ALR_8701299 3


Internal Order Settlement - Only Real Orders can be settled. Creation of Settlement Cost Elements - 21 Maintain Allocation Structure Maintain Settlement Profile Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents Creation of Number Ranges in CO Area - KOAO Internal Order Settlement KA06 OKO6 OKO7 KO8N

1 2 3 4

5 6


Profit Center Accounting

Sl.No Particulars . I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Basic Settings Maintain Controlling Area Settings Creation of Dummy Profit Center Set Control Parameters for Actual Data Maintain Plan Versions Maintain Number Ranges for Local Documents Change Profit Center Standard Hierarchy Display Profit Center Standard Hierarchy Display Settings for Profit Center Accounting Creation of Profit Center Creation of Profit Center Group

Transaction Code


Maintain Automatic Account Assignment of Revenue Elements OKB9 Choose Additional Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Accounts 3KEH

Default Assignment to a Profit Center - Profit Center Derivation 3KEI Rules

14 15 16

Planning Profit Center Wise for Profit & Loss Account Items Planning Profit Center Wise for Balance Sheet Account Items To View Profit Center Wise Variance Report for Profit and Loss Account Items To View Profit Center Wise Variance Report for Balance Sheet Account Items Transfer from one Profit Center to Another Profit Center Display Profit Center Accounting Document Transfer Payables/Receivables in Profit Center Accounting Display Profit Center Actual Line Items Balance Carry Forward in EC-PCA

7KE1 7KE3 S_ALR_8701332 6 S_ALR_8701333 6 9KE0 9KE9 1KEK KE5Z 2KES


18 19 20 21 22

II 1 2 3

Assessment - EC-PCA Maintain Assessment Cost Element Define Actual Assessment Cycle for EC-PCA Actual Assessment KA06 3KE1 3KE5


Distribution - EC-PCA

Define Distribution Cycle


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