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The Kumbha Mela Times

01/07/13 11:10

The Kumbha Mela Times

The offerings to the fire continue each morning at dawn, and again in late afternoon. In addition to the Rudra Yaga, we are using the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra to make offerings to the fire. The many uses and benefits of this mantra, one of the most famous and most beloved of the universal mantras, are expounded in the Netra Tantra. Unfortunately the Netra Tantra has not been translated into English, and is relatively unknown. Panditji's copy, published in 1926, had never been opened when he obtained about 10 years ago. Fortunately, we are hearing from Panditji tantalizing excerpts, and will learn a number of practices from this scripture. The text is in the form of a conversation between Lord Siva and his consort, Parviti. Parviti asks Shiva questions on the behalf of all humanity, and through his answers the teachings are imparted. This is a traditional form of teaching, which Panditji has demonstrated as he answers our questions each day before beginning his lecture. At the beginning of the Netra Tantra, Parviti asks Lord Shiva how is it that the fire of his third eye is both destructive and yet the source of divine energy, love and compassion. "Teach me what you have never unveiled, the secret of all secrets," she requests for the benefit of all of us. Lord Shiva answers, "The brilliance of billions of suns together is not equal to this fire. With that power I destroy the universe when the time comes. The fire of the third eye and Page 1 sur 3

The Kumbha Mela Times

01/07/13 11:10

the amrita, the immortal nectar, resides in all states, in all creatures. It is the strength of all strengths, the source of all. Yet it is hard to reach even with yoga. Those who have access to it are the conquerors of death. They can break the staff of death and toss it away. Such yogis walk in the universe at their will. The conversation goes on. It turns out that the Maha Mritunjaya mantra can connect us to this energy, so Parviti asks Shiva how to attain mastery of this mantra, how to practice it so that it becomes a source of health and happiness to all of mankind. "You have said it can prevent untimely death," she says, "but how do we receive this benefit? How can this body which is depleted be refilled and re-energized? How can one again become established in peace and in vitality?" Shiva says, "There are three-fold techniques: one is gross, another is subtle, and the third is subtler than subtle. You can practice Maha Mrtyunjaya mantra in a three-fold manner: gross, subtle, and the most subtle." The gross method consists of japa, recitation of certain prayers, homa (fire offerings), dhyana (meditation), visualizations and practice of mudras. All these practices are the external method of practice. When the practice of maha mrityunjaya mantra is accompanied by meditation on certain charkas in the human body, and when the practice on those different chakras are further accompanied by the rise and fall of the vital pranic energy traveling through certain nadis, that is the subtle method. It means you must understand how the pranic energy-the life force-travels through your nadi system, (your energy channels). You must also understand when a particular nadi is awakened, and which chakra to meditate on then. While observing all those rules when you practice Maha Mrityunjaya mantra, that is the subtle method, and it is more potent than the gross method. Param that which is the highest, the subtler than the subtle, practice is done while maintaining a state of samadhi, which occurs when you are fully absorbed in the mantra and the mantra is absorbed into you. When there is no difference between you and the mantra, when the mantra is being repeated by itself and you stand still, simply observing how it is vibrating by itself, that is the highest, and that is the giver of enlightenment, the giver of moksha. That form of practice of Maha Mrityunjaya is what makes you the conqueror of death. When you see that death is very close, and you need more time to understand the meaning and purpose of life a little better, and you need time to reach that state of realization where you attain freedom from all regrets in life, then meditate on the Lord of Immortality with Maha Mrityunjaya mantra. You can do this in any of the three manners. It depends Page 2 sur 3

The Kumbha Mela Times

01/07/13 11:10

on which you have practiced, and how accomplished you have become, or you can do them all. Panditji suggests the external practice for 5-10 minutes, and then you go inward, that's a little more subtle, and then finally you reach a state of oneness with the mantra where the japa is being done by itself. He then described a japa practice of Maha Mrityunjaya with a visualization to nourish and energize the entire being. There are many more applications of Maha Mrityunjaya, including its use in remote healing, which we will hear more about as the week progresses.

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