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Yoga Master, Mr.

A L V Kumar

Our Health in Our Hands

Useful Foods & Tips for Healthy Life

RYT 500 Advanced Teachers Training Course

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life .

RYT 500 Course


CHAPTER 1 - HEALTHY FOODS: ............................................................................. 3 CHAPTER 2: BATH SALTS, CLAY & CAMPHOR - MANY USES .................................. 14 CHAPTER 3: PROTOCOLS ON MANAGING / CURING FEW DISEASES ..................... 18 CHAPTER 4: SOME OTHER USEFUL TIPS: ............................................................... 23

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

RYT 500 Course


1. Amla (Indian Gooseberry): It is a wonderful food and precious Gift of the nature to man. It is a richest known source of Vitamin C. The best way to use is to take it raw with a little of salt in the form of Juice or vegetable or pickles or dried powder. Regular use of Amla in the morning promotes the vigor in the Body. It is anti-aging. It is especially valuable in the cure of T.B. of the Lungs, Asthma and Bronchitis. Equal Quantity of Amla juice or powder along with Jamun and Bitter gourd powder helps cure Diabetes- a teaspoonful of this mixture twice a day helps checking the progress of the disease. It is a good Hair Tonic. A drink made from Amla along with Lemon juice and Misri is effective in controlling acute diarrhea and dysentery. It is also helpful in Heart Disease, Eye Disorders, and Rheumatism. It is rich in Anti-oxidants which protect against the formation of free radicals and help prevent Cancer. 2. Aloe-vera: It contains all eight essential amino-acids required by the body. In addition, it has eleven of the fourteen secondary amino-acids beneficial for health in several ways. Essentially cooling in nature, Aloe-vera helps in digestion and is recommended in cases of constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. The soapy substance in the Aloe-vera Gel cleanses wounds of dirt and debris, treats all clogged pores and helps kill micro pores present. Aloe-vera contains Lignins, which soften hard skins and gently penetrate the tissues allowing the oxygen to infiltrate deep into the wounds. Aloe-vera helps in cases of Cancer as shown in various researches. It also helps in sheen for the hair, prevents the hair fall and itching the scalp. 3. Aswagandha: It is known as Indian Ginseng. It has APHRODISIAC, sedative with rejuvenating properties. It helps in reducing the stress and chronic fatigue. It helps to reduce cortisol, which is a stress hormone. High cortisol levels leads to insomnia, fatigue, digestive problems, low immunity and high mucus formation.

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life 4. Amaranth Leaves:

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It is a popular green leafy vegetable- six varieties. Regular use of Amaranth in our food items prevents the deficiency of Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and Calcium, Iron and Potassium. It protects against several disorders like defective vision, respiratory infections, recurrent colds, retarded growth. 5. Almonds: It contains Vitamin E and is set to reduce risk of Heart Attack and provide healthy Fats. It contains Riboflavin, Phosphorus thereby help building in Strong Bones and Teeth. Almonds are highly beneficial in preserving the vitality of the Brain, in strengthening the muscles. A Teaspoon full of Almond Oil mixed with Teaspoon full of Amla Juice, massaged over scalp, is valuable remedy for falling Hair, thinness of Hair and Dandruff and pre-mature graying of the Hair. 6. Berries: Berries are high in fiber and low in sugar. They have rich level of compounds called dietary flavonoids. The best way to eat berries is in their raw natural state.

i. Blue Berries: They are ranked one in anti oxidant activities when compared to forty other fresh fruits and vegetables. They contain powerful phyto-chemicals such as anthocyanin, which helps protect against Urinary Tract Infections, Cancer related health conditions and Brain Damage from Stroke. They also contain Vitamin A and C, Zinc, Potassium, Iron, Calcium and Magnesium and are high in Fibre and low in Calories. ii. Strawberries: They come second to Blueberries for being rich in Dietary Fibre and Manganese and contain more Vitamin C than any other Berries. Among Strawberries contains Antioxidants such as Anthocyanin and Ellagic Acid. They are also high in Folic Acid, Dietary Fibre and Potassium.

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life iii. Cranberries:

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They protect against Cancer, Stroke and Heart Disease and are rich in Polephenols- a potent Anti Oxidant. Researchers have found that they may inhibit the growth of Human Breast Cancer Cells and reduce the risk of Gum Disease and Stomach Ulcers. iv. Raspberries: They are rich in Anthocyanin and Cancer Fighting Phyto-chemicals such as Ellagic, Coumaric and Ferulic Acid. They also contain Calcium, Vitamins such as A, C, E and Fibre and Folic Acid. Some of the Fibre in Raspberries is Soluble in the form of Pectin, which lowers cholesterol. v. Cherries: Cherries Juice if taken regularly reduces muscle pains and damage inducted by gym work out related sourness and strength loss. Cherries juice is good for those suffering from Chronic Pains of Arthritis and Gout. Cherries Juice contains certain Compound Anthocyanin, which helps in reducing Inflammation and risk of Cancer. 25 Cherries provide 25mg of Anthocyanin that helps shut down the Enzymes that cause Tissue Inflammation. So Cherries can prevent and treat many kinds of pains. The Anthocyanin may also protect Artery walls from Damage that leads to Plaque Built up and heart diseases. Cherries can prove valuable in tackling free radicals. Cherries are also rich in Flavonoids Queritrin, regarded as one of the most potent anti cancer agent. While eating Cherries, Queritrin is set free to fight all the body Cancerous Cells. Cherries contain 17 different compounds with Anti Oxidant Properties. Cherries Juice being high in Potassium, it relieves severe headache, high Blood Pressure and slowing of ageing process. 7. Curd: It is a very nourishing food. It is a valuable source of Protein, vitamins and minerals, calcium and riboflavin. The Protein in the Curd is more easily digestible than the Protein in the Milk. During the process of making Curd, Bacteria convert milk into curd and predigest milk Protein. These Bacteria then inhibit the growth of hostile or illness-causing Bacteria inside the Intestinal tract and promote beneficial Bacteria needed for digestion. These friendly Bacteria facilitate the absorption of minerals and aid in the synthesis of vitamins of B group. The use of curd in the form of Butter Milk is still more beneficial. Avoid taking Curd during night. Curd is very good for a natural look. It helps in skin disorders. It is good for Gastrointestinal Disorders, Burning in Rectum, Hepatitis and Jaundice, Premature Ageing and Insomnia. Hence it acquires an important place in our daily food diet.

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life 8. Cabbage:

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Highly rated leafy-vegetable, eaten all over the world. It is excellent as a Muscle Builder and a Cleanser. It is Rich in Minerals, Vitamins and Alkaline Salts. Normally it should be used as a Salad rather than cooked one as it is easy to digest as Salad without losing its nutritious values. It is rich in Sulphur, Chlorine and Iodine. And hence helps in cleansing of the mucus membranes of stomach and intestinal tract provided the Cabbage is taken in Raw Form without adding even salt. However excessive of Cabbage may sometimes cause Goitre (Thyroid). Raw Cabbage also helps reduce the Constipation problem, Weight Reduction, Skin Disorders and Premature Ageing 9. Carrot: Carrot is highly nutritive, rich in Protein, Minerals and Vitamin. It is a powerful cleansing food and extremely rich source of Vitamin A, Sodium, Sulphur, Chlorine and Iodine. It helps maintain Acid Alkaline balance in the body. Carrot Juice helps strengthens the eyes and keeps the mucus membranes of all cavities of the body in healthy condition. It is also beneficial in the treatment of the dry and rough skin. It also helps in Tooth Decay. It is also helpful in Constipation, Digestive Disorders, Diarrhea, and Thread Worms. 10. Cucumber: It gives cooling and refreshing effect. It contains almost all the essential elements needed for the preservation of the health. It is a valuable source of potassium, Sodium, magnesium, sulphur, silicon, chlorine and fluorine. It is normally taken as raw salad, preferably to be taken without peeling off its skin as the cell salts and vitamins are in it or near the skin. It is helpful in maintaining the alkalinity of the blood. It is good for Constipation, Stomach Disorders, Rheumatic Ailments, Urinary Disorders, Skin Eruptions and is a good Beauty Aid (When grated cucumber applied over face or eyes or neck for 15 to 20 minutes daily- it serves as a best tonic for skin). 11. Figs: The dry figs have high nutritive value its most food element is sugar which forms 51 -74% of whole fruit. Figs are rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, iron and small amount of B complex. Figs are considered restorative food which helps in quick recovery after prolonged illness. Figs are regarded dependable laxative on account of its large cellulose content and its tough skin. The tiny seeds in the fruit possess and the property of stimulating peristaltic or wave like movements

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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of intestines which facilitates easy evacuation and keeps alimentary canal clean. They are beneficial for the treatment of asthma. 12. Fenugreek (Methi Leaves): It is a leafy vegetable. It has excellent medicinal qualities and also rich in nutrition. Along with Omega 3 fatty acids, Methi Leaves are also loaded with Folate, Vitamin A, B1 and C, Riboflavin, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium and Dietary fibres. As it is rich in Iron, It can be used for eliminating Anaemia. It also helps in preventing Osteoporosis, Menstrual Pains and Pre-Menstrual Tension. 13. Fibre: All food of plant origin contains fibre. Fibre is a complex carbohydrate found in the leaves, seeds and of vegetables, fruits, cereals and pulses. We tend to create a deficiency of dietary fibre in our bodies by consuming less fresh fruit and vegetables and lots more refined food. This unhealthy habit can lead to many health problems from constipation to Colon Cancer. A diet rich in fibre has many benefits. Indigestible, fibre combines with waste in our bodies and helps to throw it out. When eaten, it causes us to feel full for a longer period of time. Fibre also plays an important role in reducing blood cholesterol and sugar levels in our bodies. Use more of Carrots, Spinach, Green Salads and Sprouts, Eat lot of Fresh Fruits rather than taking their Juices, 14. Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds and Flaxseed oil contain substances that promote good health, particularly Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that is beneficial for Heart Disease, Arthritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and a variety of other health conditions. In addition to the ALA, Flaxseeds also contains a group of chemicals called Lignans which appear to play a role in the prevention of Cancer. Researchers have found that a diet supplemented with Flaxseeds may reduce the formation, growth or spread of the prostate, breast and skin cancers. Hence do give due importance of the regular use of Flaxseeds in your Daily Diet and get rid of several Chronic Diseases. 15. Garlic: It is described as a food, a herb and a medicinal plant. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, iodine, sulphur and chlorine. Since ancient times, it is used in ailments such as Asthma, Deafness, Leprosy, Bronchial Congestions, fevers, worms and liver and gall bladder troubles. It is good for the Heart, a food for the hair, a stimulant to appetite, a strengthening food, useful in leucoderma, Leprosy,

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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Piles, and Cough. It is highly effective in Chest Diseases, T.B., Digestive Disorders, High Blood Pressures Problems, Heart Attacks, Cancer, Skin Disorders, Wounds, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough. 16. Guggulu Resin: It is the resinous exudation of a woody shrub or tree called Commiphora mukul. In Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine, Guggulu is used to treat Obesity, Arthritis and certain Skin Diseases. It also helps in lowering the Cholesterol and possesses Thyroid-regulating properties. Guggulu prevents formation of blood clots and hence is said to be cardio-protective. It also stimulates the activity of the white blood cells thus improving the cellmediated immune response of the body. It also helps in reducing the inflammation in the joints. 17. Honey: It is one of the finest sources of heat and energy. Energy is generated mainly by the Carbohydrate Foods and Honey is one of the most easily digested form of Carbohydrates. It enters directly into the Blood Stream and hence provides instantaneous energy. One spoon of fresh Honey, mixed with juice of one Lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and taken first thing in the morning helps in control of Constipation, Hyperacidity and also control of Obesity. Honey is also good in Cardiac Pain and Palpitation of the Heart, Anemia, Pulmonary Diseases, Skin Disorders, Irritating Cough, Insomnia, Stomach Diseases, Old age, Teeth and Eye Problems. 18. Lemon: Citrus Fruits are one of the best sources of Vitamin C and the Lemon is no Different. Vitamin C is most powerful disease fighter, the anti-oxidant. Studies indicates that anti-oxidant may be new frontier in the fight against all kinds of infections and diseases including Cancer, Heart disease, Cataract and several aging related diseases like degeneration of Retina. The Human Body does not produce enough Vitamin C, hence it should be supplemented daily since this vitamin cannot be stored in the Body. Lemon happens to be one of the richest source of Vitamin C. 19. Moong Dal (Full Green Grams): It is vital source of B Vitamins which are vital for several important functions like helping the body, conversion of carbohydrate into Energy and to metabolize Proteins etc. They also play very important role in preventing and managing, both Heart Disease and Diabetes, making them Big Bs of the Healthy

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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Heart. For Example one of the critical function of the Vitamin B is to produce a Neuron-Transmitter or the cable that relay messages between the nerves and muscles, which includes the Heart, The largest and most powerful muscle of the body. Just one cup of Cooked Moong Dal has 20% of your Daily Requirements. It is rich in Dietary Fiber. Components of Moong Dal: Vitamin B-6: It is often known as Happy Vitamin as it helps in the production of serotonin, the Hormone which not only keep you awake but also wards off depression and keep you in good mood. Vitamin B-3(Niacin): It is another Heart Happy Vitamin as it controls the level of blood sugar and cholesterol in our body. Also without Niacin, the other two Big Bs Thiamin and Vitamin B 2 are of no use, because they cannot function. Folate: It reduces the risk of Heart Disease and is vital of production of the Red Blood Cells. One cup of cooked Moong Dal has over 60% of your daily requirements. Vitamin B-2: Though not directly related to Healthy Heart, it is useful and vital for healthy Eyes and Skin. Iron: Moong Dal has good amount of Iron in it, which is the key to hemoglobin production and health blood and copper. Zinc: Moong Dal has Zinc in it, without which the bodys Insulin response decreases, thereby making the blood sugar level erratic. Incidentally, without Zinc, one cannot properly smell or taste also. Magnesium: Moong Dal has Magnesium in it which calms the nerves and relaxes muscles which also mean that it helps in preventing the heart from beating too fast or irregularly. Vitamin C: The sprout Moong Dal multiplies the wealth of minerals and vitamins in it and also generates Vitamin C, available only in sprouted Moong Dal. 20. Methi Seeds: Apart from spicing up the Sambar in our Kitchen, Methi Seeds are used to control Diabetes. Soak a few Methi Seeds in water for few hours. We find that the soaked seeds have become covered with a thin layer of a jelly-like, gummy gooey substance. It is this Gooey-gum-known as mucilage and constitute as much as 30% of a Methi Seeds-that basically acts as a sponge, absorbing blood sugar and thus lowering it. Studies have shown that just 5-6 grams or approximately one-tea spoon of seeds can significantly lower fasting and

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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postprandial blood glucose levels. Methi Seeds are also used to lower high cholesterol. Methi Seeds are also used to soothe and clean out inflamed and irate stomachs and intestines, especially effective for peptic ulcers, flatulence, dysentery and diarrhea. It also helps in flushing out the sore and clogged up Respiratory Tracks as a result of infections like Bronchitis, Influenza etc. It also helps in promoting the Mothers Breast Milk. 21. Onion: It is a food of exceptional value for flavoring and seasoning. It is rich in Calcium and Riboflavin. It has lot of Therapeutic properties. It helps cure Respiratory Disease like Cold, Cough and Bronchitis and Influenza. Equal amount of onion juice with Honey be taken in three to four teaspoon daily as a safest preventive medicine. If a raw onion is chewed for three minutes, it helps kill all the germs in mouth and in Teeth. Toothache is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum. To get rid of coronary heart or blood pressure disorders, one must take at least 100 grams of Onion per day. It helps reduce blood cholesterol. Other benefits include uses in Skin Disorders, Ear Disorders and Urinary System Disorders. 22. Pomegranate: This fruit has been held in high esteem from time immemorial as a food and a medicine. The Medical Authorities of Ancient India have described it a Light food and tonic for the heart. The Sweet Varieties of fruit are considered good laxatives, while those which are inter-mediative between sweet and sour are regarded as valuable in the stomach inflammation. It supplies the required minerals and help the livers to preserve Vitamin A from the food. Its Juice is good for digestive disorders and a good appetizer. It is an excellent cooling beverage for alleviating Thrust in cases of Fever and Sickness. It is good for Diarrhea and Dysentery. The Skin of the Pomegranate fruit is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of Anal Itching. The skin of the fruit is roasted till it is brittle and black. Then it is powdered and mixed with little vegetable oil and applied on the affected part of the body. The seeds of sweet and sour Pomegranate are useful as a medicine. A tablespoonful of seeds, grinded into a fine paste can be given along with a cupful of horse-gram soup to dissolve gravel in kidneys and bladder. 23. Pine apple Juice contains bromelein, which is digestive enzyme, cures chronic acidity and flatulence, if taken a glass daily.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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24. Pistachios: They contain anti oxidants and are cardio protective.

25. Raisins: They are dry grapes and are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and small amount of vitamin B complex. The high food value of Raisins arises mainly from their sugar content. They contain 8 times more sugar than grapes, the Sugar in raisins is of superior quality . The raisins with their excess of alkalinity are helpful in maintaining the acid balance of the body. For constipation Raisins must be soaked in glass full of drinking water for 24 hours and should be taken in the morning and evening . The water in which Raisins are soaked should also be drunk. As a rich source of assimiliable iron raisins in rich blood, Raisins are also good for those who wish to gain weight. 26. Sweet Lime Juice: It contains potassium, which helps as diuretic and controls BP.

27. Sunflower Seeds: They are well above average in Protein, Phosphorus and Iron concentration. They are rich sources of B-Complex vitamins. Being rich in Potassium, the seeds help balance the sodium in our diets, thereby protecting the body from the dangers of too much salt in our tissues. Magnesium being plentiful in Sun Flower, it helps the heart and other muscles as well as nervous tissues in the maintenance of proper balance between Magnesium and calcium. The seeds contain substantial quantity of Linoleic Acid which is the Fat helpful in reducing cholesterol deposits on the walls of the arteries. As a rich source of thiamin and niacin, the seeds help to protect the health of nerves and brain as well as skin and digestive tract. It helps protect Beriberi Disease. The flour made from sunflower seeds is one of the richest sources of iron in any food. It is therefore highly beneficial in the prevention and treatment of Anemia. Powder of the dry seeds or the decoction of the pounded seeds is used as a remedy for Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Tonsillitis, Influenza and Cough and Cold 28. Safflower Seeds: It is one of the most polyunsaturated oil. It contains Linoleic Acid which promotes and improves the availability of calcium to the bodys cells. It proved to be lowering the blood cholesterol


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

RYT 500 Course

and hence can be used liberally by persons suffering from Cardio Vascular Disorders. It is also good in Constipation. 29. Spinach: It is a Leafy Vegetable, with broad green leaves, ranks high in all green vegetables. It is rich in Essential Amino-Acids, Vitamin A & C, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron and Folic Acid and rich of Proteins. Its juice together with Lemon cleans the digestive tract by removing the accumulated waste and nourishes the intestines and tones of their movements. It is excellent food remedy for Constipation. It is good for Anaemia. It helps maintaining the Alkalinity of the blood and therefore prevent from chronic diseases which thrive on the formation of the too much acid in the body. It is good for those suffering from night blindness or tooth disorders, Urinary or Respiratory Disorders. 30. Tulsi Leaves: The Tulasi Plant is Mother Natures General Physician. It can treat Cough, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Influenza, Headaches, Skin Diseases, Ring Worms, Bad Breath, Digestive System Problems, Heart Diseases and Insect Bites etc. It can sharpen the memory. It is a nerve Tonic and is anti Malarial Drug and a Pain Killer and should be used regularly. Tulasi is rich in Anti Oxidant particularly Beta-Caratone, which is the source material from which the Human Body produces Vitamin A. And it is the presence of this, which makes Tulasi so effective in the treatment of Heart Disease, lower cholesterol. Tulasi is rich source of Iron, Calcium and Vitamin C. Regular use of Tulasi helps improving the Immune System of Body. It is a good stress Buster. 31. Turmeric: Turmeric Gingers brightly colored relative acts as a disease preventive agent due to its anti-inflammatory action. Dr Davidan American Ayurvedic Practitioner once quoted : If I had only a single herb to depend on for all the possible health and dietary needs, I would without hesitation choose the Indian Spice Turmeric. Turmeric contains more than two dozen anti-inflammatory compounds including blockers for cox-2 Enzyme that promotes pain, swelling and inflammation. 250 to 300 mg of Turmeric per day helps in relieving joint pains. It can be taken with Milk or Honey (if you are not a Diabetic). Turmeric also protects the Liver, increases the Intestinal Flora, and eases abdominal cramps and decreases gases. It is a great Anti-Oxidant and protects the lungs also. Turmeric also helps in preventing Alzheimers Diseases. Its extract contains the natural agent that blocks the formation of Bita-amyloid, responsible for the plaques that slowly obstruct Cerebral Function. It also has incredible properties in fighting Cancer. This is because curcumin, the main bio-active ingredient in Turmeric has ability to inhibit the enzyme


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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topoisomerase which is required for replication of the cancer cell. Turmeric is also anti-septic. 32. Walnuts: They are excellent source of Omega 3 fats and for non-fish eater, this is a boon . Omega 3 fatty acids help lower the risk of blood pressure, coronary artery disease and some cancers apart from boosting memory. Walnuts contains many phyto chemical substances and their anti oxidant activity helps prevent ageing plus other neurological diseases. it also has high amount of alpha lenonelic acid which is a type of omega 3 fatty acids and has lot of good effect on both heart and brain the best time to have it is breakfast when u have the least amount of fatty acids . 33. Water: Water is a very essential nutrient without which the Human Life cannot survive. More than 70% of the Human Body is made up of water. Loss of Water through Sweat, excretion etc needs to be replaced with what we eat and more importantly drink. Water deprivation can cause far more harm to the Body than the lack of any other Nutrient. Water transports all the important Nutrients to and from different parts of our body. It aids the processes of chewing, absorbing and digesting. It also acts as a Lubricant. It is present in and around our Tissues and hence defends our body against any shock. The brain, eyes and spinal cord are among the bodys sensitive organs cushioned by a protective water layer. It regulates body temperature. It helps purify the system by stimulating the elimination of waste substances and toxins. Preliminary research has indicated that 8-10 glasses of water a day can significantly ease the joint and back pain in up to 80% of the Patients. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger short term memory loss. Lack of water also causes day time fatigue. Even Mild Dehydration can slow down a persons Metabolism by as much as 3%. Hence water is so important for our life. One must take a minimum of three to four liters of water daily.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

RYT 500 Course


BATH SALTS Bath salts are not only ideal for improving the skins appearance and texture, they help diminish tension and promote overall well-being. Bath Salt Therapy has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. It is a popular choice in SPAS and homes to soothe painful skin irritations and sore muscles and joints. Joints and Muscles: Bath Salts are effective in relieving problems associated with joints and muscles particularly for Athletes. It helps in getting rid of other problems like sore muscles, joint pains, back aches, stiff shoulders etc. Stimulates circulations: Bath Salts helps in improved blood circulation particularly for persons having diabetes, hypertensions or heart disease. Foot Therapy: Common Ailments like corns, calluses and bunions can be treated with periodic soaks in healing bath salts. Even the entire body can be immersed or only the feet. Exfoliation: Bath Salts promote natural exfoliation of the skin with an effective scrub. It helps in removing the dead skin layers. Soothing: The aroma of the Bath Salts creates a calming effect on the body and provides relaxation. It aids in opening the pores and thus purify and cleanse the skin, help in getting rid of the dirt, sweat and even harmful toxins.

Types of Salts: 1. Dead Sea Salt: Procured from Dead Sea, this Off-White, minerals rich salt is used for a variety of spa therapies. Dead Sea Salts are rich in calcium chloride, potassium, bromides and magnesium. It contains the highest amount of mineral content of any salt. 2. Himalayan Salt: This clean crystal salt range from pink to dark red color and is rich in Iron mineral. 3. Mediterranean Sea Salt: This is a moisture, highly mineralized pure white salt.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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4. Organic Sea Salt: It comes from various locales and is light grey in color- an unprocessed salt normally maintains its vital elements.

5. Bali Reef Salts: Salts from Bali Sea are usually sheer grey and porous. The natural dual-drying process used to obtain these salts makes them a good base for absorbing scents and oils. 6. Pacific Sea Salt: White color, rich in minerals

7. Epsom Salts: It is economical choice-derived from salt rich pools of water and is actually the distilled crystal form of the mineral magnesium sulphate. 8. Clay and mud: Clay and mud have been used for beauty and medicinal therapies for centuries Mud baths were and are used for several skin diseases, arthritis, and rheumatism or just as beauty baths. Mud and clay poultice are used to bring down fever and soothe skin infections like burns and even insects and bee stings. In fact that is why bear rolls in the mud when stung by the bees 9. Red clay: Very helpful for broken capillaries and bag under the eyes. 10. Green clay Cleans exfoliates, smoothens and softens the skin.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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11. White clay A thin and liquid preparation can be used as excellent pack prior to shampoo in elevating itchy scalp condition. 12. Black clay: Considered apt for arthritis patient. hair

13. Yellow clay Appropriate for sun damage and may also be helpful for eczema. 14. Multani Mitti: It has excellent cleaning properties, it basically consists of very fine particles of minerals so when these fine particles are washed off from skin they gently scrub it sloughing of dead cells which dulls and darkens the skin and activating the skins blood circulation 15. Mix & Match for different desired results: a. For normal skin: Combine one table spoon of curd + one table spoon on Multani Mitti acts as skin softener and removes excess oil, tightens pours, lightens blemishes one table spoon of sandal wood paste and one table spoon of Multani mitti acts as anti inflammatory coolant soothes prickly heat one table spoon of honey + one table spoon of multani mitti acts as moisturizer anti septic and anti oxidant. b. For dry skin: Add one table spoon of milk cream to one table spoon of Multani Mitti.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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16. Camphor oil: There are two main kinds of camphors: Natural and Synthetic. Natural Camphor is edible. Natural camphor is derived from wood of camphor laurin. Synthetic camphor is derived from distillate of turpentine, this camphor is not edible. The camphored oil is extremely effective for joint and muscles since oil by its very nature, subdues vaayu, the aggrevation of which dosha causes pain. Camphor has anti inflammatory and analgesic properties. The oil of camphor is available as an essential oil and is used in aroma therapy. It is also used to calm nervous depression and cleaning lung congestion.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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A. Cancer:-Dos and Donts:

1. Cancers of Stomach, bowels and lungs, prostates and uterus are more likely to develop if the diet is high in fats and low in fruit, vegetables and fibre. 2. Mushrooms contain compounds that can help the body fight cancer. Shitake, Maitake and Reishi and even the inexpensive Button Mushrooms all have the immunity-boosting properties that help prevent Cancer. Reishi Mushrooms have been shown to inhibit the growth of malignant tumors. Maitake mushrooms help reduce blood sugar levels and thereby reduce cancer risk. 3. Citrus Fruits like orange and grapes etc contain monoterpenes that help prevent cancer by sweeping carcinogens out of the body. They also contain vitamin C, Beta-Carotene and Folic Acid helps in prevention of the cancer. 4. Garlic contains a powerful plant phytonutrient called allicin that protects the body against cancer. Studies show that Allicin has the power to kill tumor cells. Garlic also releases a powerful antioxidant effect that helps protect against free radicals, which can cause cancer. 5. Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower contain a chemical component called Indole-3 carbinol that can combat breast cancer by converting a cancer-promoting oestrogen into a more protective variety. 6. Turmeric possesses medicinal properties because it hampers production of the inflammation-related enzyme cyclo-oxygenase 2, whose levels are abnormally high in certain inflammatory cancers, especially bowel and colon cancer. 7. The Antioxidant Lycopene, which gives it the red color, plays an important role in reducing risk of many cancers. They are also vital source of Vitamin C antioxidant that can prevent cellular damage leading to cancer. 8. Organic Green Tea: This is one of the most well studies foods and has been on the health charts for many years because of its cancer fighting properties. It contains antioxidants that help prevent damage to cells and help in cases of Bladder Cancer, and even Skin Cancer. Green Tea also modulates blood sugar levels. 9. Excessive use of Pickled Foods may increase the risk of cancer of the stomach particularly if they are very salty.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

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10. Anything that is white is unhealthy because white means processed one. White Bread comes from bleached flour and even the unbleached white flour is processed and contains a high level of saturated fats, which are closely linked to breast cancer. White Rice has high sugar content compared to brown rice and hence unhealthier for our health. 11. Sodas and soft drinks contain chemical additives, sugar and Caffeine. Having just two soft drinks a Week appears to nearly double the risk of getting Pancreatic Cancer. 12. Doughnuts increase risk of cancer in more than one way. First they are made with white flour, sugar and hydrogenated oils. Then they are deep-fried at high temperatures. The high sugar content influences the production of insulin, encouraging growth and division of cancerous cells, especially in the pancreas. 13. Red Meat is more tempting than white meat but various studies suggest that it increases the risk of cancer death by 10%. It also increases risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers. To be on the safe side, limit intake to 300 gm a week.

14.French Fries and Chips-the process in making these French fries and potato
wafers creates Acryl amide, which has been linked to cancer.


Knee Pain:

1. Chonditron & Glucosamine supplements tablets, eat an apple or drink spinach juice half hour before taking this medicine. 2. Hayluronic acid tablets - 3 times a day, eat an apple half hour before taking the tablet. 3. Vitamin D3 (Altra D3), Shelcal M 4. Arjun Chal, Vatti Veru, Moduga Poovu (boil in water at night, take the pulp and keep it in a cloth and tie like a bandage around the knee, leave it overnight and remove in the morning). 5. Knee massage

from above knee to below knee left knee anticlockwise and right knee clockwise massage squeeze the knee massage with knuckles from below knee to above knee.

Lemon Therapy (Dr. Linus pauling protocol)

Daily 3* build immunity Daily 7* cure arthritis Daily 17* reduce body weight

* Mix in warm water and drink.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

RYT 500 Course


Recipe to grow tall (Children in age group < 16 years)

1. Cabbage (Contains L-Glutamine) - kg 2. Kidney beans (Contains L-Dopa) kg 3. Tomato (Contains Gaba) - 2 pieces Make a curry of the following three ingredients and let child eat it during the evening hours. It helps in producing the growth hormones during the deep sleep. During 2 4 AM, the growth hormones are secreted. Therefore it is essential that a child is made to go to bed by 10 PM and at least sleeps till 4:00 / 4:30 AM. Tadasan, Toe-walk, skipping, cycling and side stretch will act as a wonder tool in improving the height.


1. Raw apples are good for Constipation. For Chronic Constipation, use of 6-8 apricots will give desired results. 2. Ripe Bael Fruit is regarded as best of all the laxatives. It cleans and tones up the intestines. Its regular use for two to three months helps evacuate even the old accumulated fecal matter from the bowels. The ripe Papaya if eaten regularly also corrects habitual Constipation. The Decoction of Beat Root is highly beneficial in Chronic Constipation. Cabbage, Carrot combined with Spinach juice and lemon is also good for Constipation. One or two Orange taken at bed time and again on getting up in the morning is also good to stimulate the Bowel movement.

3. 4. 5. 6.


Heart Problems:
1. Indian Gooseberry is considered an effective fruit for heart problems. 2. Grapes are highly beneficial in the treatment of Heart Disease. They tone up the heart and are effective in Cardiac Pain and Palpitations of the heart. 3. As Apples are rich in Potassium and Low in Sodium, Apple with Honey is effective remedy for functional disorder of the Heart. 4. Garlic helps break up Cholesterol in Blood Vessels, thus helping in the prevention of hardening of the Arteries, which leads to High BP and Heart Attack. 5. Onion is also very valuable in Heart Diseases. As it corrects the Thrombosis and reduce blood Cholesterol. 6. Safflower Oil helps in lowering Blood Cholesterol.


Cold & Cough:

1. A Lemon a day keeps the cold away. For Bad Cold, take the juice of two lemons in half a cup of hot water along with Honey and Ginger juice three to four times a day will help cure the Cold. 20

Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

RYT 500 Course

2. Orange juice is also good to keep away frequent attack of Common Cold. 3. Equal amount of Onion Juice and Honey mix can also be taken to keep the cold and cough away.



1. The Lemon juice is excellent for Weight Reduction take minimum three to four and increase depending upon the Weight. 2. One must take only Low Calorie Diet. 3. Cabbage Salad and Kheera is the simplest way to be Slim. 4. Similarly Ripe Tomatoes taken in the Breakfast on regular basis also helps reduce the Weight. 5. Burning of Fats by regular exercise is a Must for Weight Reduction.



1. Equal Quantity of Amla Powder, Jamun Powder and Bitter gourd Powder make a very useful Food Remedy for the Diabetic Persons. 2. Soya bean contains fairly large amount of Carbohydrates but very little of Starch and hence very good for Diabetic Persons. 3. Lettuce can be freely used by Diabetic Persons as it contains very less Carbohydrates. 4. Fenugreek Seeds helps lowering the Glucose Levels, Serum Cholesterol and Triglycerides and hence good for Diabetic Persons. 5. Tomatoes contains very less Carbohydrates and effectively controls the sugar levels in the urine of the Diabetic Persons and hence useful. 6. Jamun, taken in any form-the pulp, juice or seeds are all useful in effective treatment of the Diabetes.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

RYT 500 Course

7. Mango Leaves can be dried in shade, powdered and preserved. Half a teaspoon of this powder can be taken twice a day in the morning and evening. 8. Bitter gourd should be taken in the form of Juice in an empty stomach. The seeds of the Bitter gourd can be added in the food in the form of powder. 9. A combination of nuts such as peanuts , walnuts , almonds , cinnamon, garlic, flax seeds and food high in soluble fiber such as oat meal, barley, lentils and apples.


High blood cholesterol

Fenugreek seeds, walnuts, wheat germs, oats, soya, garlic, olive oil and foods high in soluble fibre such as apples, berries and brussel sprouts


Blood pressure
Foods rich in potassium such as fruits with combination of pulses , ragi and whole grains can reduce blood pressure and a moderate cardio workout once in daily routine increases the pumping capacity of the heart and thus strengthening the heart muscle


Stewed Apple and Pomegranate juice controls diarrhea. One tablespoon of curd beaten in a glass of water with salt and mashed Jeera water with two tablespoons of Isabgol is best remedy for acute diarrhea.


Drink a glass of water in seven gulps. It resolves the problem in almost all cases. Else, eat a spoon of Peanut Butter or consume a spoon full of Sugar and then gulp about half a glass of water, while holding your breath or drink water with crushed ice and some yoghurt with salt.

M. Bad breath
Chew Pudina and Tulasi or have Yoghurt with meals or chew a small piece of Cinnamon


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

RYT 500 Course


1. Half tea spoon of ginger juice taken in the morning works as anti inflammatory, also helps in constipation and gastric mobility. 2. One table spoon of Methi and Jeera soaked in cup of water taken in empty stomach in the morning helps get rid of water detention. 3. Intake of Thime leaf, Oregano and Rosemary leaf will improve resistance against bacterial infection and help cure inflammation in stomach. 4. Sprouted Barley and Methi seeds improve immune system and rheumatoid arthritis 5. Raw Amba Haldi grated and garnished with green coriander leaves helps detoxify the liver 6. Coriander is anti oxidant and has cholesterol reducing properties, is anti bacterial. 7. Cumin is useful in treating flatulence and is good digestive aid. 8. Walnut and olive oil help in increasing HDL level and prevents heart attacks. 9. Curry leaves are rich in iron and is anti diabetic and also an anti oxidant. It prevents growing of hairs. 10. Neem flowers helps to improve eye sight and also treatment of digestive disorder especially relating to liver, it is traditionally used for expelling intestines worms. 11. Eating salads everyday offers numerous health benefits, it is one of the simplest and healthiest food habit, it not only increases the fiber intake but at the same time lowers the cholesterol of the body maintaining the equilibrium of energy and proteins. 12. Daily intake of vitamin C significantly reduces risk of dying of cancer and heart diseases; it is also critical for immunity and reduces the length of severity of colds and viruses. 13. The raw fruits and vegetables contains powerful anti oxidants like Vitamin A and C. Dark green leafy vegetables such as cabbage and spinach contain certain carotenoids that protects, delays and may prevent the onset of degenerative age related eye diseases. 14. Fennel seeds are considered carminative which helps relieve Gas. Chew and Swallow about half a Teaspoon after meal daily.


Useful Foods and Tips for Healthy Life

RYT 500 Course

15. The Volatile oils in Ginger are a useful remedy for nasal and chest congestion. Pour 2 cups of boiling water and add one peeled and grated ginger steep for 10 minutes strain and add cayenne pepper powder and drink twice a day. 16. Green Tea is rich in Anti-Oxidants which helps reduce the risk of cancer, helps prevent Heart Disease and Stroke by lowering cholesterol and helps to reduce body weight. 17. To seek relief from Mouth Ulcers, gargle with a mixture of water and amla juice. 18. Women who take garlic are less prone to hip osteoarthritis. 19. For those with Dry Skin, indulge in a warm coconut oil and massage once in a week. This helps cell renewal hydration and blood supply and help renewal of the dead skin. 20. Regularly consume Omega_3 Fatty Acids, Flax Seed Oil and Cod Liver Capsules to aid internal hydration. 21. Garlic Strengthens the immune system thereby protecting against infections. It also has antibacterial antifungal and antiviral properties. 22. Honey is an instant energy booster as it gets directly absorbed in the blood stream. Due to its anti microbial properties, it is beneficial in sore throat. 23. Green Leafy Vegetables contain minerals like potassium, iron and calcium, magnesium and are a rich source of vitamins like K, E, B, C and Folic Acid. 24. Sesame seeds are loaded with magnesium, copper, calcium, Vitamin B and E. They provide heat to the body after digestion which is helpful in winters. 25. Citrus Fruits like Oranges and sweet limes are rich sources of vitamin C, help boost immunity and prevent Flu and Cold. 26. Peanuts are known to boost energy levels and are a powerhouse of protein. They are rich in Coenzyme Q10 which decreases the risk of Heart Diseases, Head Aches and Migraine. 27. Red, Orange and Yellow colored fruits and vegetables such as Melons, Tomatoes contains Vitamin A, C and D which are helpful in fighting against certain kinds of cancer and act by neutralizing free radicals in the body to have complete nutritious meal and increases the absorption of anti oxidants in other super foods, these super salads are low in saturated fats and high in omega 3 to maintain fat loss and be healthy we need to add more sources of omega 3 to our diet , salad dressings with natural herbs , spices , tomato juice , vinegar and mango juice are extremely fat free.


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