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Written by admin Thursday, 05 May 2011 02:00 - Last Updated Thursday, 04 August 2011 12:48

Raahubaat Mutlubu, Greetings Students, // This week's lesson is on NUMBERS. It is extremely important that you take the time to MASTER the Cardinal Numbers (numbers from 0 to 9) as all numbers are merely combinations of Cardinal Numbers on top of one another. PART 1 Sifu = 0 Wahu = 1 Athu = 2 Thalu = 3 Rabu = 4 Khamu = 5 Satu = 6 Sabu = 7 Tamu = 8 Tasu = 9 Ashu = 10 The next set of numbers is the TEENS. These numbers are formulated by adding one of the Cardinal Numbers between Wahu = One and Tasu = Nine to the number Ashu = Ten. The form is a bit reversed though. For example, when you want to say ELEVEN, in nuwaupic you'll literally be saying ONE and TEN.

Wahu Ashu = 11 Athu Ashu = 12 Thalu Ashu =13 Rabu Ashu = 14 Khamu Ashu = 15 Satu Ashu = 16 Sabu Ashu = 17 Tamu Ashu = 18 Tasu Ashu = 19 The next set of numbers is the TENS. These include all numbers between twenty (20) and ninety-nine (99). To form a number in the TENS, you take a number in the Cardinal Set and add the suffix NU to it. This would be equivalent to the ending TY on the end of TENS set numbers in English (e.g. ninety). Athunu = 20 Thalunu = 30


Written by admin Thursday, 05 May 2011 02:00 - Last Updated Thursday, 04 August 2011 12:48

Rabunu = 40 Khamunu = 50 Satunu = 60 Sabunu = 70 Tamunu = 80 Tasunu = 90 For all numbers between sets of 10, simply tack on the remaining Cardinal Number at the end. Athunu Wahu = 21 Athunu Athu = 22 Athunu Thalu = 23 Etc The final set for this lesson part is the HUNDREDS. In order to convey numerals in the hundreds, we need to use the word MAYU in Nuwaupic, which means HUNDRED. Wahu Mayu = 100 Wah-HOO Mah-YOO One Hundred = 100 Athu Mayu = 200 Ah-THOO Mah-YOO Two Hundred = 200 Thalu Mayu = 300 Thah-LOO Mah-YOO Three Hundred = 300 Rabu Mayu = 400 Rah-BOO Mah-YOO Four Hundred = 400 Khamu Mayu = 500 Khah-MOO Mah-YOO Five Hundred = 500 Etc Finally, in order to convey numerals between Hundreds, simply use the formulas given in the preceding sets. Tack them on at the end of the Hundreds. Wahu Mayu, Khamu = 105 Thalu Mayu, Satu-Ashu = 316 Khamu Mayu, Athunu Rabu = 524 Tasu Mayu, Tasunu Tasu = 999 EXERCISE: Try to translate the following numbers into Nuwaupuyee on your own 123 =??? 876 =??? 439 =???

PART 2 OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS RELATED TO MONEY BELOW. Use these for a light exercise with your self. Pull out all the money in your pocket and count them (hopefully you have something in your pocket). For example, if you happen to have Athu Daluraat, Thalu Rabanaat, Wahu Khamush, and Wahu Belus; you'd have Athu Daluraat wu Tamunu-Wahu Fakka.

Dollar = Dalur Cents/ Change = Fakka


Written by admin Thursday, 05 May 2011 02:00 - Last Updated Thursday, 04 August 2011 12:48

Penny = Belus Nickle = Khamush Dime = Isru Quarter = Raban Fifty-cent piece = Nafath How much/ How many = Kam?


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