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Project Guideline/P.

Guidelines for the Physics Project.
Marks allocation:
The motion film (30%) Schedule:
The written report (40%) (10% mark for every school day will be deduced if student failed to
The presentation (30%) hand in after deadline)
TOTAL MARKS (*5 marks) 28/2 : Project plan and draft video (Suggested Steps 1 - 3)
*5 marks out of 30 term marks 10/3 : Written report and information files(the video file, the
filename.mva file and the filename_setting.txt file
20/3 : Presentation + hand in PowerPoint

Suggested steps for the Project:

1) Decide the problem you want to do with your group members.
e.g. Find out the air resistance on different falling objects;
Find out the acceleration of different vehicles;
Find out if the total momentum is conserved during collision between objects;
Find out the maximum speed of different balls thrown………

2) Division of work
e.g. member B & C – data collection [30 min]
member A,B,C,D,E – Discussion of project topic and theme + project plan [30min]
member B & C – Capture motion of objects by digital camera [30min]
member D & E – Use MOV program to analysis the data from video [30 min]
member A & D – Prepare written report [1hr]
member E – Prepare PowerPoint [30 min]
member B – Organize Presentation/upload product/IT support… [30 min]

3) Use digital camera or video camera to capture the motion of objects.

*Remember the motion film that can be analysis must be in avi or mpg forms!
** You may use story box to show your proposed movie when you hand in the project plan, eg:
t = 0 sec t = 10 sec t = 15 sec t = 20 sec

4) Use the MOV program to find out the acceleration or velocity of the objects.

5) Hand in the written report and information files (which include the video file, the filename.mva
file and the filename_setting.txt file (do the work and save all in the same directory)
Student may upload to the Moodle for handing in the final work.

6) The written report should include the followings:

Project Guideline/P.2
Physics Project written report.
A) Aims of the experiment:
1) Find out the acceleration due to gravity on earth
2) .........
B) Films taken
1)A free falling tennis ball.
2) ............
C) Result of the experiment
The acceleration of the ball under gravity is
D) Assumption:
1) Air resistance is neglected.
2) .........
Project Guideline/P.3
E) Graphs
a) Displacement-time graph

b) velocity-time graph c) acceleration-time graph

d) KE,PE and total energy time graph

Project Guideline/P.4
F) Discussion:
1) What we have learn….
2) From the graphs, the acceleration of the freefalling ball is….
3) We find out that the ….energy of….is converted to …..
4) The experiment of what we have done is related to the physics law – eg. Newton’s Law of

G) Improvements:
1) Use a heavy ball to take the video.
2) The meter ruler placed perpendicular to the ground can be used for marking the reference

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